HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdden 01 r,Wr �AG-16-063 Adden #1-17 i� Washington State �,,� Department of Transportation Supplemental Agreement Organization and Address Number 1 . Parametrix,Inc. Original Agreement Number 1019 39th Ave SE,Suite t00,Puyallup,�VA 48374 CAG-16-063 Phone: 253-604-6739 Project Number Execution Date Completion Date � TIB-8-1-102(037) 6/21/2016 December 31,2018 Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable Duvall Avenue NE $423,710(this supplement increased by$32,862) Descripfion af Work � � Engineering services for design improvements on Duvall Avenue NE to restore the paved surface,and fill in missing , ❑on-motorized facilities such as sidewalks and bicycle lanes,illumination,and channelization. As outline in attached Exhibit A-1,this Supplemental Agreement Number t will provide potholing services to verify utility conflicts for the design. The Local Agency of C�ty ot'xenton desires to supplement the agreement entered in to with Parametrix.Inc. ___i__ ___ and executed on 6l21/2016 and identified asAgreement No. CAG-16-o63 � All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: I Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read: The Scope of Work described in Section II of the Agreement is amended to add the Scope of Services described in the attached Exhibit A-1. 11 Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change the number of calendar days fot'COrilpl@ti0n Of the WOfk to �e8d: Completion date is extended from Apri130 2018 to December 31 2018 111 Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows: Additional services added by this Supplemental Agreement Number 1 increase the ma�cimum amount payable by$32,862 making a new maximum amount payable$423,710. See attached Exhibits A thru A-2. as set forth in the attached Exhibit A, and by this reference made a part of this supplement. If yau concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the Appropriate spaces below and return to this office for final action. By; Parametrix Inc. gy; Gre g Zimmerman,PW Adminiatrator � 'l�.. Y( ----� Consultant ture Appro A t i ignature ___ �Q C, e,,� ( Q, , � I �— � DOT Form 140-063 Revised 09/2005 Exhibit "A" Summary of Payments Basic Supplement#1 Total Agreement Direct Salary Cost $116,682 $2,527 $119,209 Overhead $219 361 $4,751 $224,112 (Including Payroll Additives) ' Direct Non-Salary Costs $16,300 $24,750 $41,050 Fixed Fee $38,505 $834 $39,339 Total $390,848 $32,862 $423,710 DOT Form 140-063 Revised 09/2005 Exhibit A-1 Scope of Work - Supplement 1 City of Renton Duvall Avenue NE, NE 10th Street to Sunset Boulevard PROJECT OVERVIEW The City of Renton Transportation Systems Division (AGENCY), as part of its Capital Improvement Program,has identified improvements on Duvall Avenue NE,NE l Oth Street to Sunset Boulevard to restore the paved surface, and fill in missing non-motorized facilities, such as sidewalks and bicycle lanes, illumination, and channelization. The AGENCY has hired Parametrix (CONSULTANT) to provide design services. This supplement was created to provide potholing services, which was not included in the original scope of work. PHASE 1 — PRELIMINARY AND FINAL DESIGN WORK Task 2 —Surveying and Base Mapping (NTP through December 201� Work will include conducting a field survey and preparation of an electronic base map of the project area as defined below,to be used in engineering design. Approach The CONSULTANT shall arranQe for up to 30 potholes to verify utilitv con icts usin�Applied Pro essional Services. Potholin�will take place prior to the 90%submittal. One engineer and survevor will be present duringpotholing e�'forts to document the results o the potholing. Assumption(s) • The CONSULTANT will identify potential utility conflicts and prepare a pothole plan for APS. • The AGENCY will waive permit fees for the potholing effort. Deliverable(s) • Potholing data, including location,type of utility and depth. City of Renton 214-1�79-878 Duvall Avenue NElmprovements: l October 20l7 NE IOth Street to Sunset Boulevard Scope of Work—Supplement 1 Client:City of Renton ExhibitA-2 Project: Duvall Avenue NE,10th to 12th Street Prime Consultant Cost Computations BUDGET ESTIMATE y � � � r d � � -oT�e i�o o a c�i � o� m rn c c o"E « a`�i E �' � � �v w m � t�� �t c ip . c c � o � m m c� c - n c m t c� @ m E �- � o m � °� c� n a a� E � m m t o o " m GU U�n �Y c� �3 �3 �m �Y �n�n Qm Q� ❑u� Ua � �� City of Renton Duvall Avenue, 10th to Sunset ;,^ � �' °' m � �' a � � C C N N N N � N C N �O O � C t0 41 "0 U Of OI U OI � N C C �i N t0 T� T � YI N C U� � � � J � � � � � � c �rn �rn � c � d � d d a � �� d u� d o Supplement No. 1 - Potholing �w w o� a m rn m m �+ o rn Z a Z 2 o o c o o ` rn o u a�in Cr in �w` �o �0 in w` U in in <'n r'n 3 a �o a U in w` a a Salaried Rates: $75.24 $67.81 $47.03 $36.00 $44.28 $55.91 $58.92 $54.47 $35.34 $26.64 $30.87 $59.81 $36.44 $66.97 $33.17 Project Rates: $241.52 $217.67 $150.97 $115.56 $142.14 $179.47 $189.13 $174.85 $113.44 $85.51 $99.09 $191.99 $116.97 $214.97 $106.48 Phase Task Descri tion �abor pollars Labor Hours 2 0 24 0 0 0 0 6 24 0 0 0 2 0 0 07 DESIGN E9,111.86 U4 Ot "PROJECT MANA�EMENT $0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , A � - 0 0 Contract Set U $0.00 0 Subconsultant Coordination $0.00 0 Conference Calls $0.00 0 Pro ress Meetin s 6 4 additional) $0.00 0 Schedule Pre aration&U dates $0.00 0 Ea4ension Ana/sis&Re uests $0.00 0 Misc.Cornes ondence $0.00 0 KickoffiWalkthou h $0.00 0 Roll Plot re aration $0.00 0 DraR Cost Estimate $0.00 0 Pro ress Re ort 15,6 additional $0.00 0 01 02 , SURVEY/4ND MAPPINC> '$8�71].86 58 2 0 24 0 0 0 Q 6 24 0 0 U 2 0 . 0 Records Research $0.00 0 Fie/d Work $0.00 0 Basema Pre aration $0.00 0 APS Coordination&Potholin $8,111.86 58 2 24 6 24 2 O7 03 CsEOTEGHNICALANALYSIS $0.00 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 - 0 0 0 Q 0 Q 0 0 See Subconsultant Cost(Be/ow) $0.00 0 Ot 44 OUTREACH 3E?.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 r,0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 One-on-One Meetin s 5 $0.00 0 Ac uisition Su ort $0.00 0 Meetin notes $0.00 0 01 DS ;DESIGN R€POR7 $�.QO 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 U Draft Memo $0.00 0 Final Memo $0.00 0 01 O6 STORM4VATER ANALYSIS $0.0� 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 Gather Info $0.00 0 Offsite Analt sis $0.00 0 Downsheam Anal sis $0.00 0 Meetin with Cit $0.00 0 Pre are DraR TIR $0.00 0 Meetin with Cit $0.00 0 Pre are Final TIR $0.00 0 01 07 PREUMlNARY UESIGN 3t?.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Preliminar P/an 6 Profile $0.00 0 Worsksho Meetin w/Cit $0.00 0 Cover Sheet $0.00 0 Le end $0.00 0 T ica/Sections $0.00 0 Demo $0.00 0 Plan 8 Profi/e Sheets $0.00 0 Storm Draina e Plans $0.00 0 Storm Draina e Details $0.00 0 Wal/Plan $0.00 0 Wall Profiles $0.00 0 Channelization,Si nin 8111umination $0.00 0 Traffic Si nal $0.00 Utili Conflict Plans $0.00 0 Plantin Plans 6 Details $0.00 0 DraR S ecifications $0.00 0 Preliminar O inion of Cost $0.00 0 Utili Coordination Meetin $0.00 0 Assemble and Su6mit Prelim PS&E $0.00 0 Review Meetin with Cit $0.00 0 $0.00 0 Ot U8 ENVIRONMENTACASSISTAMCE ' SO.QO U 0 U 4 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 6 4 0 0 0 Coordinafe with Widener 8 Assoc. $0.00 0 $0.00 0 ot os em pocu�a�ts .� o : o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a a o 0 o a o Incor orate Prelim Comments $0.00 0 U date Plan Sheets $0.00 0 U date S ecs $0.00 0 U date Estimate $0.00 0 Submit 90%PSBE $0.00 0 Review Meetin with Cit $0.00 0 U date PS&E $0.00 0 Submit Final PS&E $0.00 0 Post to Builders Exchan e � $0.00 0 $0.00 41 14" BIC1E)ING ASSISTANCE .� 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 "0 0 , 0 Q Q ' U � 0 4 RFIs,2 Addenda $0.00 0 Bid Tabs $0.00 0 LaborTotais: 58,111.86 58 5483.04 50.00 E3,623.19 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 51,049.09 E2,722.59 50.00 E0.00 50.00 5z33.94 E0.00 50.00 Page 1 of 2 10/16/2017 Client:City of Renton ExhibifA-2 Project: Duvall Avenue NE,10th to 12th Street Prime Consu/tant Cost Computations BUDGET ESTIMATE � � � L �� y a � C � N � N 'O� �L � C U J �.p y OI C C � � "' N E 7 � � d"O N � t Oi i�c� vin �Y c� E �3 �� �m �Y v�u�-i Dm ¢� oin va � E� Cit of Renton Duvall Avenue 10th to Sunset � �' �' - - �' °' ° � Y 1 p`� C C N N 01 N � N C y p � N A C � ry � j� Of Of U Of ❑ N C C 3 UI l6 T� T � N C V�- � N U J � t0 C � C � C � OI � O] E C � N � N N � N 01 � C Supplement No. 1 -Potholing o�W a w ,� �, ,� �, ,� o �, z a � Z o o = - o o � m o� a`.�in din �w �o �o v�w` c�.� �'nr'n in r'n 3a �o dc°� inw a " Salaried Rates: $75.24 $67.81 $47.03 $36.00 $44.28 $55.91 $58.92 $54.47 $35.34 $26.64 $30.87 $59.81 $36.44 $66.97 $33.17 Project Rates: $241.52 $217.67 $150.97 $115.56 $142.14 $179.47 $189.13 $174.85 $113.44 $85.51 $99.09 $191.99 $116.97 $214.97 $106.48 Phase Task Descri tion Labor pollars Labor Hours 2 0 24 0 0 0 0 6 24 0 0 0 2 0 0 TOTAL LABOR Labor Total E8,112 SUBCONSULTANTS Subconsultant Name Applied Professional Services,Inc. $24,450 . HWA $0 Subconsultant Total: E24,450 DIRECT EXPENSES: Descriotion Amount Plotter Bond Mileage $200 WA Survey Equipment $100 Wa Survey Vehicle Expenses(non-survey) Title Reports Expense Total: 5300 Project Total: $32,862 Page 2 of 2 10/16/2017