HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOA_Public Information Sign Handout reŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/perŵitĐeŶter | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵerserǀiĐe@reŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮ9ϰ ϭϭ/ϭϳ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϭ of ϲ CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT CENTER PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGN;SͿ PuďliĐ IŶfoƌŵatioŶ SigŶs aƌe iŶteŶded to iŶfoƌŵ the puďliĐ of poteŶtial laŶd deǀelopŵeŶt, speĐifiĐ peƌŵits/aĐtioŶs ďeiŶg ĐoŶsideƌed ďLJ the CitLJ, aŶd to faĐilitate tiŵelLJ aŶd effeĐtiǀe puďliĐ paƌtiĐipatioŶ iŶ the ƌeǀieǁ pƌoĐess. PuďliĐ IŶfoƌŵatioŶ SigŶs aƌe ƌeƋuiƌed foƌ all TLJpe II aŶd TLJpe III LaŶd Use Peƌŵits, as Đlassified ďLJ RMC ϰ-ϴ-ϬϴϬ, edžĐept foƌ the folloǁiŶg: • AdditioŶal AŶiŵals Peƌŵit • BusiŶess LiĐeŶses foƌ Hoŵe OĐĐupatioŶs • TeŵpoƌaƌLJ Use Peƌŵit – Tieƌ II • TeŵpoƌaƌLJ EŵeƌgeŶĐLJ WetlaŶd Peƌŵit • DeǀelopŵeŶt Peƌŵit ;speĐial flood hazaƌdͿ • FiŶal Plats • FiŶal Shoƌt Plats • FiŶal BiŶdiŶg Site PlaŶs • Moďile Hoŵe Paƌk, FiŶal • PlaŶŶed UƌďaŶ DeǀelopŵeŶt, fiŶal • EŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtal Reǀieǁ NOTE: The appliĐaŶt should iŶstall the sigŶ;sͿ ďefore a Đoŵplete appliĐatioŶ is suďŵitted, ďut Ŷot ŵore thaŶ fiǀe ;ϱͿ days prior. SIGN INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS: ϭ. Size aŶd AppearaŶĐe of SigŶ: ϰ’ dž ϯ’ SigŶ: A sigŶ ǁith a hoƌizoŶtal diŵeŶsioŶ of fouƌ feet ;ϰ’Ϳ aŶd a ǀeƌtiĐal diŵeŶsioŶ of thƌee feet ;ϯ’Ϳ. All sigŶs shall ďe pƌepaƌed usiŶg teŵplates, attaĐhaďle letteƌiŶg, oƌ pƌiŶted letteƌiŶg ;see ͞IllustƌatioŶ 1͟ foƌ letteƌiŶg guideliŶesͿ. HaŶd-dƌaǁŶ tedžt is uŶaĐĐeptaďle. SigŶs ŵeetiŶg all the estaďlished Đƌiteƌia ŵaLJ ďe oďtaiŶed fƌoŵ aŶLJ pƌofessioŶal sigŶ ĐoŵpaŶLJ. R & R GƌaphiĐs ;ϰϮϱ-ϳϵϯ-ϵϱϴϱͿ, ShiŶe OŶ SigŶs & GƌaphiĐs ;Ϯϱϯ-Ϯϰϯ-ϳϳϳϳͿ, aŶd Staƌ GƌaphiĐs aŶd SigŶ Co ;ϰϮϱ-Ϯϯϱ-ϴϭϯϴͿ aƌe thƌee loĐal sigŶ ĐoŵpaŶies pƌoǀidiŶg this seƌǀiĐe. PƌiĐes ǀaƌLJ ďetǁeeŶ sigŶ ĐoŵpaŶies aŶd LJou aƌe eŶĐouƌaged to ĐoŶsult otheƌ sigŶ ĐoŵpaŶies to oďtaiŶ pƌiĐiŶg Ƌuotes. A feǁ loĐal ĐoŵpaŶies that pƌoǀide laŵiŶatiŶg seƌǀiĐes aƌe R & R GƌaphiĐs ;ϰϮϱ-ϳϵϯ-ϵϱϴϱͿ aŶd FedEdž OffiĐe PƌiŶt & Ship CeŶteƌ ;ϮϬϲ-Ϯϰϰ-ϴϴϴϰͿ. Ϯ. CoŶteŶt of NotiĐe: ϰ’ dž ϯ’ sigŶs shall iŶĐlude all of the folloǁiŶg iŶfoƌŵatioŶ/ŵateƌials ;see ͞IllustƌatioŶ 1͟ foƌ ĐoƌƌeĐt foƌŵatͿ. • The title ͞PROPOSED LAND USE ACTION͟; • The tLJpe of laŶd use oƌ deǀelopŵeŶt aĐtioŶ pƌoposed; • The Ŷaŵe of the pƌoposed pƌojeĐt; • Addƌess of the site oƌ loĐatioŶ ;e.g. ϳϬϬϬ BloĐk of NE ϭϬth StͿ; • CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ logo ;ĐopLJ attaĐhedͿ; • QR Code ;ĐopLJ attaĐhedͿ; • CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ addƌess aŶd phoŶe Ŷuŵďeƌ; aŶd • A laŵiŶated site plaŶ oƌ site plaŶ. reŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/perŵitĐeŶter | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵerserǀiĐe@reŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮ9ϰ ϭϭ/ϭϳ/ϮϬϮϮ Page Ϯ of ϲ PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGN;SͿ ϯ. Nuŵďer, PlaĐeŵeŶt, aŶd Tiŵe of Display: A ŵiŶiŵuŵ of oŶe ;ϭͿ sigŶ is ƌeƋuiƌed at eaĐh pƌojeĐt site. AdditioŶal sigŶs ŵaLJ ďe ƌeƋuiƌed foƌ laƌgeƌ sites oƌ foƌ pƌopeƌties ǁith seǀeƌal stƌeet fƌoŶtages. The sigŶ shall ďe eƌeĐted at the appƌodžiŵate ŵidpoiŶt of the site’s stƌeet fƌoŶtage aŶd ǁithiŶ fiǀe feet ;ϱ’Ϳ of the fƌoŶt lot liŶe oƌ as otheƌǁise diƌeĐted ďLJ the DepaƌtŵeŶt foƌ ŵadžiŵuŵ ǀisiďilitLJ. The sigŶ;sͿ ŵust ďe eƌeĐted iŶ a loĐatioŶ that is ĐleaƌlLJ ǀisiďle aŶd aĐĐessiďle fƌoŵ the ƌight;sͿ-of-ǁaLJ aďuttiŶg the suďjeĐt pƌopeƌtLJ. The sigŶ;sͿ aƌe pƌohiďited fƌoŵ ďeiŶg loĐated ǁithiŶ aŶLJ Đleaƌ ǀisioŶ aƌea ;a sight tƌiaŶgle as depiĐted ďeloǁͿ. ϰ. RespoŶsiďility for IŶstallatioŶ, MaiŶteŶaŶĐe aŶd Reŵoǀal: The appliĐaŶt is solelLJ ƌespoŶsiďle foƌ the ĐoŶstƌuĐtioŶ, iŶstallatioŶ, ŵaiŶteŶaŶĐe, ƌeŵoǀal, aŶd aŶLJ Đosts assoĐiated ǁith the sigŶ;sͿ. The appliĐaŶt shall pƌoǀide the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ ǁith a Ŷotaƌized ͞Affidaǀit of IŶstallatioŶ of PuďliĐ IŶfoƌŵatioŶ SigŶ;sͿ͟ aŶd a photogƌaph of the posted sigŶ that pƌoǀides ĐoŶtedžt foƌ its loĐatioŶ iŶ oƌdeƌ foƌ the appliĐatioŶ to ďe ĐoŶsideƌed Đoŵplete. The appliĐaŶt is ƌeƋuiƌed to ŵaiŶtaiŶ the sigŶ iŶ good ĐoŶditioŶ uŶtil the appliĐaďle appeal peƌiod has eŶded, afteƌ ǁhiĐh the appliĐaŶt ŵust ƌeŵoǀe the sigŶ ǁithiŶ seǀeŶ ;ϳͿ daLJs. If the sigŶ is ƌeŵoǀed pƌioƌ to the eŶd of the appeal peƌiod the appliĐaŶt is ƌespoŶsiďle foƌ iŵŵediate ƌeplaĐeŵeŶt of the sigŶ. ϱ. RespoŶsiďility for IŶstallatioŶ of NotiĐes of EŶǀiroŶŵeŶtal DeterŵiŶatioŶ aŶd PuďliĐ HeariŶgs: OŶĐe the sigŶ has ďeeŶ iŶstalled peƌ the ƌeƋuiƌed speĐifiĐatioŶs, the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ ǁill post a suppleŵeŶtal puďliĐ ŶotiĐe ǁithiŶ a spaĐe ƌeseƌǀed oŶ the sigŶ. The PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ ǁill ďe ƌespoŶsiďle foƌ postiŶg aŶLJ eŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtal deteƌŵiŶatioŶ, ŶotiĐe of heaƌiŶg, aŶd fiŶal deĐisioŶ. reŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/perŵitĐeŶter | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵerserǀiĐe@reŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮ9ϰ ϭϭ/ϭϳ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϯ of ϲ PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGN;SͿ ILLUSTRATION ϭ: reŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/perŵitĐeŶter | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵerserǀiĐe@reŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮ9ϰ ϭϭ/ϭϳ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϰ of ϲ PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGN;SͿ CITY LOGO FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGN: reŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/perŵitĐeŶter | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵerserǀiĐe@reŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮ9ϰ ϭϭ/ϭϳ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϱ of ϲ PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGN;SͿ reŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/perŵitĐeŶter | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵerserǀiĐe@reŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮ9ϰ ϭϭ/ϭϳ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϲ of ϲ CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT CENTER AFFIDAVIT OF INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC OUTREACH SIGN STATE OF WASHINGTON Ϳ Ϳ SS COUNTY OF KING Ϳ I, _______________________________________________________________, ĐeƌtifLJ uŶdeƌ peŶaltLJ of peƌjuƌLJ uŶdeƌ the laǁs of the State of WashiŶgtoŶ that the foƌegoiŶg is tƌue aŶd ĐoƌƌeĐt, ďeiŶg fiƌst dulLJ sǁoƌŶ oŶ oath, deposes aŶd saLJs: OŶ the ________ daLJ of ________________, ϮϬ_____, I iŶstalled ______ puďliĐ outƌeaĐh sigŶ;sͿ oŶ the pƌopeƌtLJ loĐated at _____________________________________ foƌ the folloǁiŶg pƌojeĐt: PƌojeĐt Naŵe OǁŶeƌ Naŵe I haǀe attaĐhed a ĐopLJ of the Ŷeighďoƌhood detail ŵap ŵaƌked ǁith aŶ ͞X͟ to iŶdiĐate the loĐatioŶ of the iŶstalled sigŶ. This/these puďliĐ iŶfoƌŵatioŶ sigŶ;sͿ ǁas/ǁeƌe ĐoŶstƌuĐted aŶd iŶstalled iŶ loĐatioŶs iŶ ĐoŶfoƌŵaŶĐe ǁith the ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts of Chapteƌ ϴ Title ϰ of ReŶtoŶ MuŶiĐipal Code aŶd the CitLJ’s ͞PuďliĐ OutƌeaĐh SigŶ;sͿ͟ haŶdout paĐkage. IŶstalleƌ SigŶatuƌe SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to ďefoƌe ŵe this _____ daLJ of _______________, ϮϬ_____. NOTARY PUBLIC iŶ aŶd foƌ the State of WashiŶgtoŶ, ƌesidiŶg at _____________________________________. MLJ ĐoŵŵissioŶ edžpiƌes oŶ _________________________ 3750 E. VALLEY RD, RENTON, WA 98055 TRIUMPH VALLEY RESTAURANT - OUTDOOR FREEZER RUOZHONG ZHANG 23