HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddendum - 2AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO AGREEMENT FOR BURNETT AVE S AND WILLIAMS AVE S WATER QUALITY RETROFIT PROJECT SWP-27-4088 THIS AMENDMENT, dated for reference purposes only as April 20, 2023, is by and between the City of Renton (the “City”), a Washington municipal corporation, and BHC Consultants, LLC (“Consultant”), Washington corporation. The City and the Consultant are referred to collectively in this Amendment as the “Parties.” Once fully executed by the Parties, this Amendment is effective as of the last date signed by both parties. Whereas, the City engaged the services of the Consultant under Agreement CAG-20-399, dated October 19, 2020, to provide necessary services for the Burnett Ave S and Williams Ave S Water Quality Retrofit Project (referred to herein as the “Agreement”); Whereas, the Parties wish to amend the Agreement to change the scope of work, change the time for performance, and change the compensation in order to provide an additional design submittal and provide technical support to the City during bidding and construction of the project. NOW THEREFORE, It is mutually agreed upon that CAG-20-399 is amended as follows: 1. Scope of Work: Section 1, Scope of Work, is amended to add work as specified in Exhibit A-2, which is attached and incorporated herein. 2.Time of Performance:Section 3, Time of Performance, is amended pursuant to the schedule(s) set forth in Exhibit A-2. All Work shall be performed by no later than September 30 2024. 3. Compensation: Section 4, Compensation, is amended so that the maximum amount of compensation payable to Consultant is increasedby $49,876 from $493,533to $543,409, plus any applicable state and local sales taxes. The additional compensation shall be paid based upon Work actually performed according to the rate(s) or amounts specified in Exhibit B-2 which is attached and incorporated herein. 4.All terms of the Agreement not explicitly modified herein shall remain in full force and effect and such terms shall apply to Work performed according to this Amendment as if fully set forth herein.       CAG-20-399, Adden #2-23          Approved by Cheryl Beyer via 4/26/2023 email City of Renton 1 Burnett Ave S & Williams Ave S Water Quality Retrofit Scope of Services – Amendment 2 Exhibit A-2 SCOPE OF SERVICES – Amendment 2 City of Renton Burnett Ave S & Williams Ave S Water Quality Retrofit April 21, 2023 Statement of Understanding This scope of services presents additional scope under Amendment 2, including a 95% submittal package and Services During Construction, for the City of Renton (City) Burnett Ave S & Williams Ave S Water Quality Retrofit project (project). All other scope elements and assumptions from the original scope of services and Amendment 1 remain in place. The City has received funding from the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) through a Stormwater Financial Assistance Program (SFAP) grant for this project, specifically for the retrofit design of water quality treatment devices. The City of Renton, in conjunction with the Ecology grant, plans to complete the design for retrofitting water quality treatment facilities to the urbanized Burnett Ave South and Williams Ave South drainage area and upgrade the existing storm water conveyance infrastructure. The project is located in downtown Renton, along Burnett Ave S and Williams Ave S, north of S 2nd Street, and south of the Cedar River. The project area is zoned for residential and light commercial properties. The project area has experienced flooding of an apartment building along Burnett Ave S. Hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of the project system, conducted in 2018 as part of the City’s Downtown Utility Improvements Project, indicated insufficient stormwater conveyance capacity and surface flooding within the project area. This analysis also indicated that the existing stormwater outfall to the Cedar River is undersized. There are currently no water quality treatment facilities along the project corridor. Due to undersized stormwater pipes and capacity limitations, the existing stormwater system is inadequate and does not meet the City’s current surface water design standards. The scope identifies the engineering services to be performed by BHC Consultants, LLC (BHC) and the following subconsultants: Transportation Engineering NorthWest (TENW), traffic control plans and right-of-way improvements. Scope of Services BHC proposes the following task elements for this Scope of Services: Task 100 – Project Management This task includes coordination and management of engineering work from project initiation through completion of design and services during construction. Subtasks include the following: 100.1Data Review and Project Development No additional scope under Amendment 2. 100.2Correspondence and Coordination with City Maintain regular telephone, email, and other communications with the City Project Manager and operations staff, as necessary to execute the work. Maintain an electronic record of project decisions rendered through these communications.       City of Renton 2 Burnett Ave S & Williams Ave S Water Quality Retrofit Scope of Services – Amendment 2 Prepare monthly invoicing and project status summaries, including schedule status. Bi-weekly or monthly progress calls, as necessary with the City Project Manager 100.3Staff, Subconsultant, and Budget Management Manage project staff and subconsultants to verify compliance with project schedule and budget as well as scheduled deliverables. 100.4QA/QC Program A senior level engineer will review all documents before they are submitted to the City as part of BHC’s QA/QC Program. The review will be both a constructability review and quality assurance review to verify the documents meet industry standards of care. This will occur at the 95% complete stage of design. Task 100 Assumptions: Project duration is assumed to be extended for 19 additional active months of design and construction (February 2023 – September 2024). Task 100 Deliverables: Monthly invoices with project status summaries (PDF format). Task 200 – Site Investigations No additional scope under Amendment 2. Task 300 – Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analyses No additional scope under Amendment 2. Task 400 – Design There will be one additional 95% submittal to confirm incorporation of changes near the downstream end of the system, due to avoidance of a complicated system of Lumen ducts. It is estimated that the drawing set will be comprised of the following sheets by BHC: Cover Sheet – 1 sheet General Notes – 1 sheet Legend and Abbreviations – 1 sheet Site Map with plan/profile key, survey control and notes – 1 sheet Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control (TESC) Notes – 1 sheet Stormwater Plan and Profile sheets, showing TESC and limited Demo at 1” = 20’ – 10 sheets Stormwater Lateral Sheets – 2 sheets Project Specific Details – 2 sheets Water Quality Treatment BMP Details – 2 sheets Outfall Plan, Sections, and Details – 3 sheets Surface Restoration Plans (near the outfall) – 2 sheets Surface Restoration Detail sheets – 2 sheets BHC proposed sheet count: 28 sheets       City of Renton 3 Burnett Ave S & Williams Ave S Water Quality Retrofit Scope of Services – Amendment 2 The following sheets will be prepared by TENW: Right-of-Way Demolition and Restoration Plans – 4 sheets Right-of-Way Detail Sheets including ADA curb ramps – 2 sheets Traffic Control Plans – 2 sheets Total proposed sheet count: 36 sheets 400.130% Design Plans, Specifications, and Opinion of Probable Construction Costs No additional scope under Amendment 2. 400.260% Design Plans, Specifications, and Opinion of Probable Construction Costs No additional scope under Amendment 2. 400.390% Design Plans, Specifications, and Opinion of Probable Construction Costs No additional scope under Amendment 2. 400.4100% Design Plans, Specifications, and Opinion of Probable Construction Costs No additional scope under Amendment 2. 400.595% Design Plans, Specifications, and Opinion of Probable Construction Costs Permit review comments from the 90% design submittal documents will be addressed during the development of the 95% documents. Anticipated subtask deliverables include: Plan Set – revised from 90% submittal. Specifications – draft front-end bidding and contract documents (City-lead), proposed revisions to Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) standard specifications/City supplemental conditions, and City’s special provisions will be provided in MS Word format and evaluated for this project. Project bid items will follow the WSDOT format. Preapproved plans (City and/or WSDOT) will be included in the specifications. OPCC – opinion will be based on quantity takeoffs from developed plans and specifications and unit costs for each bid item. Industry standard contingency for the 95% design completion level will be included in the opinion. BHC will attend a 95% comment review meeting with the City. BHC will provide agenda and meeting minutes for the meeting. Task 400 Assumptions: Design Plans will be in accordance with the City of Renton Survey and Drafting Standards and 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual. American Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance assumed to be required where sidewalks and/or crosswalks are disturbed. Design will incorporate City Pre-Approved Plans (standard details) to the greatest extent possible. Pre-approved plans will be provided by the City in CADD format or inserted into the plan set/contract documents as pdfs. When appropriate, pre-approved plans will be referenced on the drawings.       City of Renton 4 Burnett Ave S & Williams Ave S Water Quality Retrofit Scope of Services – Amendment 2 WSDOT 2023 Standard Specifications will be used. City standard front-end bidding and contract forms will be used. The City uses Special Provisions to change the requirements of the WSDOT Standard Specifications following the WSDOT PS&E program. APWA/WSDOT General Special Provisions (GSPs) will be considered for appropriate Division 1 General Requirements if directed to do so by the City. OPCC will include contingencies and levels of accuracy consistent with the level of design development and standards published by the American Association of Cost Engineers (AACE). Existing utilities (e.g., sewer, communications, etc.) will not require replacement unless specifically indicated in the drawings. Structures needed for water quality facilities are anticipated to be pre-cast/pre-fabricated units. Structural engineering for these facilities is assumed to be provided by the Contractor or Vendor. BHC will prepare a performance specification outlining the applicable design codes and requirements for the facilities. BHC will review the Contractor’s submittal prior to installation of the facilities. The methods of in-water work for the outfall replacement, and the methods of in-water work area exclusion zones, will be the responsibility of the Contractor. BHC will prepare a performance specification outlining the applicable environmental permit conditions for in-water work and in-water exclusion. The performance specifications will require the Contractor to prepare an In-Water Work Plan and a Groundwater and Surface Water Control Plan, for review by BHC. Estimated budget is based, in part, on the estimated sheet count and as such, may require revision should the total number of sheets required for the bidding documents increase. City will pay fees for permits and advertisements in publications, as needed. Task 400 Deliverables: 95% plans (11”x17”) and OPCC in PDF format. 95% specifications in MS Word document and PDF format. Task 500 – Permit Support No additional scope under Amendment 2. Task 600 – Grant Application Support No additional scope under Amendment 2. Task 700 – Management Reserve It is difficult to accurately predict issues that may arise during the design. Task 700 is included to provide a contingency fund for unanticipated and unidentified work. It is specifically included so that the City may quickly authorize BHC to perform additional work under this contract for scope changes that the City determines to be necessary. Funds under this task shall not be used without prior written approval from the City. Task 800 – Bid Period Support and Services During Construction BHC will assist the City with the bidding and award process, and provide technical Services During Construction. 800.1 Bid Period Support Services to be provided during the bidding and award process include: Respond to prospective Contractor’s questions through the City Project Manager and issue addenda (if required) to clarify the bid documents.       City of Renton 5 Burnett Ave S & Williams Ave S Water Quality Retrofit Scope of Services – Amendment 2 Prepare Conformed for Construction Plans and Specifications that include all changes made by addenda (if any) for the selected Contractor and City. 800.2 Services During Construction Services to be provided during construction include: Respond to Contractor’s Requests for Information (RFIs) through the City Project Manager and issue responses to clarify the construction documents. Review Contractor’s Technical Submittals for alignment with the construction documents through the City Project Manager and issue comments. Attend a Pre-Construction Meeting, construction progress meetings, on-site construction site visits, and a project closeout meeting. Task 800 Assumptions: City will prepare the bid solicitation, advertise project, and will pay for all costs associated with advertising the project. City will be main point of contact for Contractors during bidding, and City will send any technical questions on to BHC as necessary. BHC will address up to ten (10) bidding Contractor technical questions. BHC will prepare up to two (2) addenda, each consisting of no more than two (2) drawings or a one (1) page memo. BHC attendance at the bid opening is optional. The City will prepare the bid tabulation and call references of the lowest responsive bidder. BHC will address up to twenty (20) RFIs from the Contractor. BHC will attend one (1) virtual Pre-Construction meeting (assumed to be 2 hours). BHC will attend up to five (5) virtual construction progress meetings (assumed to be 1 hour each). BHC will attend up to two (2) on-site construction site visits (assumed to be 3 hours each). BHC will attend one (1) virtual project closeout meeting (assumed to be 1 hour). Task 800 Deliverables: Answers to technical questions from bidding Contractors by email to City Project Manager. Up to two (2) addenda. Conformed for Construction Plans and Specifications (PDF format). Two hard copies of Conformed for Construction Plans (22-inch by 34-inch). Two hard copies of Conformed for Construction Specifications. RFI responses for up to twenty (20) technical questions from Contractor by email to City Project Manager. Submittal review and comments for technical submittals and resubmittals. Two BHC staff will attend all meetings. Schedule We understand the importance and need for working closely with City staff to perform our work efficiently and complete our efforts in a timely manner. With the City’s authorization, we will begin our work and proceed in a timely manner on the 95% submittal. Construction is anticipated to start in late summer 2023 through the summer of 2024.       City of Renton 6 Burnett Ave S & Williams Ave S Water Quality Retrofit Scope of Services – Amendment 2 This schedule is based on timely input and information from City staff and others including the collection of requisite information and documentation, staff input, and feedback regarding draft documents or other project matters. Fee Estimate The budget for this Scope of Services is attached as Exhibit B-2 and stated to be $49,876.00.       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