HomeMy WebLinkAboutA_Modification Application Form_20230501_v2ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ ϭϭ/Ϯϭ/ϮϬϮϮ | Page ϭ of ϯ CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT CENTER MODIFICATION OF RESIDENTIAL DESIGN REQUIRE-MENTS FOR PROJECTS WITH THE R-4, R-6, R-8, R-10, AND R-14 ZONES APPLICANT CONTACT INFORMATION APPLICANT NAME: PHONE: MAILING ADDRESS: COMPANY ;if appliĐaďleͿ: PROJECT INFORMATION: PROJECT NAME: PARCEL #: ZONING DESIGNATION: PROJECT LOCATION: BRIEF SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Please edžplaiŶ hoǁ LJouƌ pƌojeĐt pƌoposal ŵeets the ͞guideliŶes͟ foƌ eaĐh desigŶ eleŵeŶt, ƌatheƌ thaŶ the staŶdaƌds. COMPLIANCE WITH GUIDELINES: CODE SECTION: ϰ-Ϯ-ϭϭϱE.ϯ. ͞ROOFS͟ GUIDELINE: Roofs shall ƌepƌeseŶt a ǀaƌietLJ of foƌŵs aŶd pƌofiles that add ĐhaƌaĐteƌ aŶd ƌelief to the laŶdsĐape of the Ŷeighďoƌhood. The use of ďƌight Đoloƌs, as ǁell as ƌoofiŶg that is ŵade of ŵateƌial like gƌaǀel aŶd/oƌ a ƌefleĐtiǀe ŵateƌial, is disĐouƌaged. ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ ϭϭ/Ϯϭ/ϮϬϮϮ | Page Ϯ of ϯ MODIFICATION OF RESIDENTIAL DESIGN REGULATIONS CODE SECTION: ϰ-Ϯ-ϭϭϱE.ϯ. ͞ARCHITECTURAL DETAILING͟ GUIDELINE: AƌĐhiteĐtuƌal detail shall ďe pƌoǀided that is appƌopƌiate to the aƌĐhiteĐtuƌal ĐhaƌaĐteƌ of the hoŵe. DetailiŶg like tƌiŵ, ĐoluŵŶs, aŶd/oƌ ĐoƌŶeƌ ďoaƌds shall ƌefleĐt the aƌĐhiteĐtuƌal ĐhaƌaĐteƌ of the house. COMPLIANCE WITH GUIDELINES: CODE SECTION: ϰ-Ϯ-ϭϭϱE.ϯ. ͞WINDOWS AND DOORS͟ GUIDELINES: WiŶdoǁs aŶd fƌoŶt dooƌs shall seƌǀe as aŶ iŶtegƌal paƌt of the ĐhaƌaĐteƌ of the hoŵe. PƌiŵaƌLJ ǁiŶdoǁs shall ďe pƌopoƌtioŶed ǀeƌtiĐallLJ ƌatheƌ thaŶ hoƌizoŶtallLJ. VeƌtiĐal ǁiŶdoǁs ŵaLJ ďe ĐoŵďiŶed togetheƌ to Đƌeate a laƌgeƌ ǁiŶdoǁ aƌea. FƌoŶt dooƌs shall ďe a foĐal poiŶt of the dǁelliŶg aŶd ďe iŶ sĐale ǁith the hoŵe. All dooƌs shall ďe of the saŵe ĐhaƌaĐteƌ as the hoŵe. COMPLIANCE WITH GUIDELINES: CODE SECTION: ϰ-Ϯ-ϭϭϱE.ϯ. ͞PRIMARY ENTRY͟ GUIDELINES: EŶtƌaŶĐes to hoŵes shall ďe a foĐal poiŶt aŶd alloǁ spaĐe foƌ soĐial iŶteƌaĐtioŶ. FƌoŶt dooƌs shall faĐe the stƌeet aŶd ďe oŶ the faĐade Đlosest to the stƌeet. WheŶ a hoŵe is loĐated oŶ a ĐoƌŶeƌ lot ;i.e., at the iŶteƌseĐtioŶ of tǁo ƌoads oƌ the iŶteƌseĐtioŶ of a ƌoad aŶd a ĐoŵŵoŶ spaĐeͿ a featuƌe like a ǁƌapped poƌĐh shall ďe used to ƌeduĐe the peƌĐeiǀed sĐale of the house aŶd eŶgage the stƌeet oƌ opeŶ spaĐe oŶ ďoth sides. COMPLIANCE WITH GUIDELINES: CODE SECTION: ϰ-Ϯ-ϭϭϱE.ϯ. ͞FAÇADE MODULATION͟ GUIDELINES: BuildiŶgs shall Ŷot haǀe ŵoŶotoŶous faĐades aloŶg puďliĐ aƌeas. DǁelliŶgs shall iŶĐlude aƌtiĐulatioŶ aloŶg puďliĐ fƌoŶtages; the aƌtiĐulatioŶ ŵaLJ iŶĐlude the ĐoŶŶeĐtioŶ of aŶ opeŶ poƌĐh to the ďuildiŶg, a doƌŵeƌ faĐiŶg the stƌeet, oƌ a ǁell-defiŶed eŶtƌLJ eleŵeŶt. COMPLIANCE WITH GUIDELINES: CODE SECTION: ϰ-Ϯ-ϭϭϱE.ϯ. ͞EAVES͟ GUIDELINES: Eaǀes should ďe detailed aŶd pƌopoƌtioŶed to ĐoŵpleŵeŶt the aƌĐhiteĐtuƌal stLJle of the hoŵe. COMPLIANCE WITH GUIDELINES ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ ϭϭ/Ϯϭ/ϮϬϮϮ | Page ϯ of ϯ MODIFICATION OF RESIDENTIAL DESIGN REGULATIONS OTHER DESIGN STANDARD:_____________________________________ CODE SECTION:_______________________________________________ GUIDELINES:__________________________________________________ COMPLIANCE WITH GUIDELINES: IŶ additioŶ to this foƌŵ, the folloǁiŶg attaĐhŵeŶts aƌe ƌeƋuiƌed: • Site plaŶ aŶd eleǀatioŶs ;ϴ.ϱdžϭϭ sizeͿ • Built edžaŵple photos ;if aǀailaďleͿ CRITERIA FOR MODIFICATION OF THE RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS ReŶtoŶ MuŶiĐipal Code, seĐtioŶ ϰ-Ϯ-ϭϭϱ, lists eleŵeŶts that aƌe ƌeƋuiƌed to ďe iŶĐluded iŶ all ƌesideŶtial deǀelopŵeŶt iŶ the zoŶes stated iŶ suďseĐtioŶ B of this SeĐtioŶ. EaĐh eleŵeŶt iŶĐludes ďoth staŶdaƌds aŶd guideliŶes. StaŶdaƌds a pƌoǀided foƌ pƌediĐtaďilitLJ. These staŶdaƌds speĐifLJ a pƌesĐƌiptiǀe ŵaŶŶeƌ iŶ ǁhiĐh the ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶt ĐaŶ ďe ŵet. Guide- liŶes foƌ eaĐh eleŵeŶt aƌe pƌoǀided foƌ fledžiďilitLJ. These guideliŶes pƌoǀide diƌeĐtioŶ foƌ those ǁho seek to ŵe the ƌe- Ƌuiƌed eleŵeŶt iŶ a ŵaŶŶeƌ that is diffeƌeŶt fƌoŵ the staŶdaƌds. a. The deteƌŵiŶatioŶ as to the satisfaĐtioŶ of the ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶt thƌough the use of the guideliŶes is to ďe ŵade the CoŵŵuŶitLJ aŶd EĐoŶoŵiĐ DeǀelopŵeŶt AdŵiŶistƌatoƌ ǁheŶ Ŷo otheƌ peƌŵit oƌ appƌoǀal ƌeƋuiƌes Heaƌ EdžaŵiŶeƌ ƌeǀieǁ. ď. WheŶ it has ďeeŶ deteƌŵiŶed that the pƌoposed ŵaŶŶeƌ of ŵeetiŶg the desigŶ ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶt thƌough guideliŶes is suffiĐieŶt, the appliĐaŶt shall haǀe satisfied that desigŶ ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶt. I, the uŶdeƌsigŶed, deĐlaƌe uŶdeƌ peŶaltLJ of peƌjuƌLJ uŶdeƌ the laǁs of the State of WashiŶgtoŶ, that to the ďest of ŵLJ kŶoǁledge the aďoǀe iŶfoƌŵatioŶ is tƌue aŶd Đoŵplete. APPLICANT SIGNATURE:______________________________________________ DATE:__________________________