HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-3907150 0 0 U� Ln �r\iNv-)ur\r iiNLA ni i uvi�_ vi r �r\i P�V�LOPWN1' KWIC& 1 RETAIN TREE #45 JMV 2.01.16 SURVEYED: SURVEYED 2 REVISED SITE PLAN; REVISED TREES JMV 5.03.16 DESIGNED: 3 REVISED PER COMMENTS JMV 11.5.16 4 REVISED PER COMMENTS JMV 6.15.17 DRAWN: 5 STREET LIGHT LOCATIONS JMV 8.13.17 CHECKED: I\ S REVISION BY I DATE I APPR I APPROVED: SCALE: PLANT 5CHFP1F 60iANICAI. NAME COMMON NAME I\MACF MF NT V2� 5 Acer rubrum ' 13owhall:�Y, Maple filis americana� Redmond Linden Acer circinatum*- Vine Maple 13etula jacquemontii4`, Multi -trunk Himalayan Birch Amelanchier grand iflora Autumn Brilliance'* 5erviceberry 5tyrax japonica Ulmu5 americana�* Japanese 5nowbel Princeton Nm QTy 5 3 5 51z� P\WAF&5 -1/ 2" cal Full and Matchinq 3" cal Full and Matchinq -1 / 2" cal Full and Matchinq -1/ 2" cal Full and Matchinq -1/ 2" cal Full and Matchinq -1 / 2" cal Full and Matchinq �)" cal Full and Matchinq Cecidiphylum japonicum* U%ra 5 3" cal Full and Matchinq 16 3" CALIPER PVLACFMFNT R�Q' b, 16 PROVIP�P In5tall 6ator bags ( or approved equal) per manufacturer's specifications. Replacemerr, tree, See this set 5HP\05 and GPOUNP cov�F Q Nandina dome5tica 'Moon Bay'* ® Mi5canthu5 51nen515* Bp 13erberi5 thunbergii* ® bavandula anqu5tifol is ' H dcote' �uonymu5 fortunei ' emerald n Gold' \ 3 7- Arcto5taphyllo5 uva-ur5i* 33% ' Med, Pink' erica*- 33% 'Bre55ingham Ruby' Bergenia* Plant in groups of 15 or more � Q STATE OF WASHINGTON G D LAND A A H ECT JEFF M. VARLEY CERTIFICATE No. 774 Handina 19 2 gallon Full and Matchinq Maiden Grass 34 2 gallon Full and Matchinq Redleaf Barberry 8 2 gallon Full and Matchinq �rgli5h Lavender 24 2 gallon Full and Matchinq �uonymu5 24 2 gallon Full and Matchinq Kinnikinnik A5 req'd I gallon Full and Matching/ Plant 30'' o,c, Heather A5 req'd I gallon Full and Matching/ Plant 30" o,c. elephant far A5 req'd I gallon Full and Matching/ Plant 30'' o,c. 0 Lawn vvvvvvv 2" -3" depth arbori5t wood chips. Install within dripzone of exi5tinq tree proposed to be retained, Taper vvvvvv� mulch down to base of tree. Po not cover trunk of tree *Con5idered drought tolerant in Pacific Northwest once e5tab1i5hed TP\ACf A, 5fORMWAIFR ANn TP\�F PROT�C110N TP\ACf C PRIVAV IN5fALL ANn 5TF\�� '5CAP� LANb5CAPIN6 AT 11W OF PLAT P�V�LOPWW, TYPICAL LANn5CAPIN6 IN 5fORM VAULT TP\ACf fO B� IN5fALL�P AT THN 11W OF PLAT P�V�V�LOPWNT NOp11� SCALE ONE INCH AT FULL SCALE IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY 0 20 40 80 5CA�F 1 I I - 20' -0' I 221 104I 15H�Ff VERTICAL: NAVD 1988 HORIZONTAL: NAD 1983/1991 DATU M CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. R-390715 IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS EURRNT lose 83 0 2pNING DATE: MEAD SHORT PLAT 08/05/2017 TU SCAN Y CONSTRUCTION, LLC FIELDBOOK: PAGE: TREE RETENTION and LANDSCAPE PLAN DRAWING NO: 522 HOQUTAM AVENUE NE RENTON, WASHINGTON SHEET:1 OF:20 IN U w 0 0 Q w