HomeMy WebLinkAboutFwd Petroleum Impacted Soil Notification from Marriott to DOE - City of Renton ROW Near 1200 Lake Washington Blvd NorthHere is the email from John Bhend to Bob Warren at DOE. Note that your inspector Brad Stocco was included in the email to Bob Warren so there is an original notification email you can obtain from Brad as well. Hope this helps, Regards, Mike Quinn ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: John Bhend <johnbhend@adaptengr.com> Date: Fri, Sep 7, 2018, 5:39 PM Subject: Petroleum Impacted Soil Notification - City of Renton ROW Near 1200 Lake Washington Blvd North To: bob.warren@ecy.wa.gov <bob.warren@ecy.wa.gov> Cc: Brad Stocco <BStocco@rentonwa.gov>, Cary Fisher <CFisher@wirlp.com>, Chris Egger <chris.egger@ebcogc.com>, Mike Hollibaugh <mike.hollibaugh@ebcogc.com>, Mike Quinn <mikequinndevelopment@gmail.com >, Mike Heaston <mike.heaston@ebcogc.com>, Cindy Eller <cindy.eller@ebcogc.com> Hello Mr. Warren, The purpose of this email is to provide notification to the State of Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) of the encounter of petroleum impacted subsurface soils. Adapt was recently informed that petroleum impacted soils had been encountered in the City of Renton right-of-way (ROW) during excavation activities associated with underground utility connections for a proposed hotel construction project located at 1200 Lake Washington Boulevard North in Renton, Washington. Adapt personnel mobilized to the site and collected soil samples along the sidewalls and bottom of a trench that was excavated for the purposes of installing a new storm water sewer line. The attached sampling plan document presents a summary of the excavation activities, soil sampling / analytical testing, and stockpiling of petroleum impacted soils completed to date. The stockpiled soils were sampled and tested and were transported today from the site to Cadman’s thermal treatment facility located in Everett, Washington for disposal / treatment. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need any additional information. Sincerely, John T. Bhend, L.G. Senior Project Manager Adapt Engineering Phone: (206) 654-7045, Ext. 105 Fax: (206) 654-7048 Email: JohnBhend@adaptengr.com