HomeMy WebLinkAbout30% review comments_Bob MahnDwg LA1 Abbreviations BM Recommend adding “BVC” (Begin Vertical Curve), “EVC” (End Vertical Curve), and “VC” (Vertical Curve)   Dwg RS2 Section D, Schedule A BM Should Sta 121+04 be Sta 121+24 to agree with “END” Station on Dwg RD5?   Dwg RS2 Section Detail in lower left of drawing BM Question whether a fence can be mounted in the permeable sidewalk even with a thickened edge. Suggest the fence be mounted in the ground behind the sidewalk similar to what was done on the NE 4th ST improvement project   Dwg RS3 Section E, Detail for Sta 97+15 to Sta 97+92 BM Fence not shown. Callout and Note 15 on Dwg RD1 specifies fence at back of sidewalk.   Dwg SP1 Plan in upper half of drawing BM Suggest “Traffic Control Box” called out on plan and located at approx..Sta 99+67 be note to “Preserve and Protect” on this drawing or on Dwg CH1.   Dwg SP1 Plan in lower half of drawing BM Is “3 foot Wire Fence” called out at Sta 104+50 to be removed? If so, not called out on plan.   Dwg SP2 Plan in lower half of drawing, left side BM The two “No Parking” signs (Sta 111+80, Sta 112+50) have not been callrd out for Removal and Salvage on this drawing or on Dwg CH2.   Dwg SP2 Plan in lower half of drawing, left side BM Should “Stop Sign” be “Street Name Sign” (Sta 112+80) and “Stop Sign” be added at SWW corner of intersection opposite the “Stop Bar”?   Dwg SP2 Plan in lower half of drawing, left side BM Is the “Stop Here on Red” sign (Sta 112+50) to be removed and replaced?    Dwg SP2 Plan in lower half of drawing, left side BM Is the “Stop Here on Red” sign (Sta 112+50) to be removed and replaced?   Dwg SP3 Schedule C Plan BM Adjust leader for Note 11 so that it points to end of curb removal (Sta 52+22).   Dwg RD4 Plan, at NW corner of intersection BM Suggest three existing trees at this corner be called out for Preserve and Protect. There is considerable construction work at this location.   Dwg RD4 Plan, in the vicinity of the NW corner of intersection BM Is permanent easement needed for installation of new hydrant?   Dwg RD5 Plan at Sta 117+50 BM Is permanent easement needed for resetting existing hydrant?   Dwg CH2 Plan, lower half at SW corner of intersection BM Suggest adding callout for “Relocate Existing Sign to New Post” for stop sign opposite stop bar. See comment for Dwg SP2 above.