HomeMy WebLinkAboutCM_Day Short Plat_Construction Mitigation_220401_v1.pdf4648 Shantel St, Mount Vernon, WA 98274 Cell Phone: 206 714-7161 email: cliff@sitedme.com Development Management Engineers, LLC The Developer’s Engineering Advocate Day Short Plat 7-Lot Development - SFR 18600 116th Ave SE, Renton, WA CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION Proposed Construction Dates (begin and end dates): Start of construction is proposed for the Spring of 2023. Completion of construction improvements is proposed for Fall of 2023. Hours and days of operation: 8:00 am to 5:30 pm, Monday through Friday or as otherwise allowed by City of Renton. Proposed Hauling/ Transportation routes: Materials and labor will be brought to the site from 116th Ave SE and 120th Ave SE. On-site parking and material storage will be within the proposed SE 186th St extension and Tract A at the SE 160th Ave entrance to the short plat. Access to the east end of the project site will be via 120th Ave SE. Measures to minimize construction activities: The construction activity in and adjacent to the existing ROWs will be necessary to provide the required public and private improvements for this project. City requires 9.5’ of ROW dedication (10’ is being proposed) and frontage improvements along 116th Ave SE, per PRE19-000033 including providing a bike lane and installing new curb, gutter, planter strip, sidewalk and storm drain where a paved shoulder, road ditch and driveway culverts presently exist. It is planned to minimize public disturbance and as much as is feasible, provide adequate pedestrian access during the new construction. Measures will be implemented per the required DOE Construction Storm Water General Permit to minimize dust, traffic and transportation impacts, erosion, mud, noise, and other noxious characteristics. Special hours: No special hours are necessary to complete construction. Weekend work may be necessary to complete the project on schedule; this will be determined by owner, contractor, and City of Renton. Preliminary Traffic Control Plan: Coordination with the City of Renton staff will be necessary to minimize disruption to vehicle and pedestrian traffic on 116th and 120th Ave SE. Once a contractor is selected, a traffic control plan will be submitted and approved prior to the pre-construction meeting with the City of Renton. This plan will be implemented prior to any construction activities.