HomeMy WebLinkAboutL_State_Farm_Justification for the Modification Request_230404_v1Project Narrative: Modification Request concerning the City of Renton’s Refuse & Recycling Standards Project Name: State Farm Tenant Improvement Project Address: 3418 SE 6th St, Renton, WA 98058 Assessor’s Tax Number: 512690-0326 Project Description: The above listed project is requesting a modification from the standards outlined in the Renton Municipal Code RMC 4-4-090 and 4-3-100E1 due to the constraints of the existing site and existing buildings configuration on the site. Per the RMC 4-4-090 the “Refuse and Recycling deposit areas and collections points shall not be located within 50 feet of a lot zoned residential”. The scope of the proposed project mentioned above is an interior tenant improvement of the existing building from a small market to a State Farm Insurance branch. The attached site plan outlines the existing site, existing building location and the three existing adjacent residential properties. As can be seen on the site plan the existing site configuration does not allow for the refuse and recycling areas to be located 50 feet from the adjacent residential properties since the existing lot’s width in the rear of the property is less than 50 feet wide. The Owner and Design Team is proposing to locate the refuse and recycling storage areas as far from the residential properties as the existing site and structure allow. Please refer to the site plan for proposed location of the refuse and recycling storage area. The Design Team also consulted with the sites refuse and recycling collection company Republic Services. Due to the site’s configuration and narrow rear yard access Republic Services agreed a collection truck would not be able to access the rear of the site. Please refer to the email from Republic Services noting that a dumpster would not be used for this site, but instead rolling collection bins would be provided. The refuse and recycling rolling bins will be the same make and model as the bins provided to Republic’s residential customers. These bins would be stored in the rear of the property as mentioned above and wheeled to the street on collection day for service. Please note: The previous owner of the property operating the grocery store did not have a dumpster and operated with bins as well for refuse and recycling collection. The Owners and Design Team is also requesting a modification from the requirements outlined RMC 4- 3-100E and RMC 4-4-090.C10 outlining the design standards for the refuse and recycling storage structure. Since Republic Services isn’t requiring a dumpster and will be providing six collection rolling bins, the Owner and the Design Team is proposing building a three walled enclosure with concrete pad for storage of the bins. The enclosure is designed to adequately house up to 7 bins for the State Farm and two existing residential rental units. Please refer to the provide design drawing for more information on the proposed refuse and recycling structure. Modification Items: a. The intent and purpose of the governing land use designation of the Comprehensive Plan is met; The modification request does not request a change in the existing land use designation. b. The modification is in conformity with the intent and purpose of the Renton Municipal Code; The modification request to modify the type of refuse and recycling enclosure is consistent with the historical and existing operational use of the site. The refuse and recycling company treats the site collection as a residential type with bins and will not utilize a commercial collection method requiring a large front-loading dumpster. The neighborhood properties utilize bin collection which is the same as our proposal and consistent with Renton Municipal Code. c. The modification substantially implements the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element; The modification request to modify the type of refuse and recycling enclosure is residential in natural and is consistent with the local design guidelines or a community residential neighborhood. d. The modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives; The proposed refuse and recycling enclosure has a 3’x19’ footprint with 48” tall screen wall and is small in natural. Refer to site plan and enclosure elevations for additional information. e. The modification will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; The proposed refuse and recycling enclosure is a stand-alone structure and has no moving parts that can create safety concerns. The function and appearance is consistent with local residential design and construction system with no environmental impact. f. The modification will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity; The proposed refuse and recycling enclosure will be constructed and located on the subject property and will have no impact to adjacent properties in the vicinity. g. The modification conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code; The proposed refuse and recycling enclosure construction is consistent with IRC building code and the location of the enclosure will maintain the required setbacks pre land use code. Refer to enclosure elevation, plan, and site plan drawing. h. The modification can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; The proposed design refuse and recycling enclosure is typical of similar enclosures used for screening of bins and are common to residential properties requiring screening enclosures. i. The modification will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity; The proposed refuse and recycling enclosure will be constructed and located on the subject property and will not create adverse impact to adjacent properties in the vicinity. Refer to site plan for information. j. The project as a whole meets the intent of the minimum standards and guidelines in subsections E, F, G, H, I, J, and K of the design regulations; The proposed refuse and recycling enclosure will be constructed to meet the intent of minimum standards of the design regulations. The enclosure footprint is design to minimize the size to accommodate the requirement of the building spaces served. The height of the enclosure has been reduced to 48” versus 60” to minimize the scale and appropriate natural on the bins being used. Refer to enclosure elevation, plan, and site plan drawing. k. The requested modification meets the intent of the applicable design standard; The proposed design refuse and recycling enclosure is typical of similar enclosures used for screening of bins and are common to residential properties requiring screening enclosures. l. The modification will not have a detrimental effect on nearby properties and the City as a whole; The proposed refuse and recycling enclosure will be constructed and located within the subject property and will not create detrimental effect to adjacent properties and the City as a whole. Refer to site plan location of enclosure. m. The deviation manifests high quality design; and The proposed refuse and recycling enclosure is typical and common to refuse, and recycling enclosure used for this type of bin storage. n. The modification will enhance the pedestrian environment on the abutting and/or adjacent streets and/or pathways. The proposed refuse and recycling enclosure will be constructed and located within the subject property and will not be seen on the abutting and/or adjacent streets.