HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 4497Page 1 of 5 Rev. 3/14/2023 City of Renton Parks Commission Bylaws The City of Renton Parks Commission (the “Commission”) has adopted the following as its Bylaws setting forth the rules and procedures deemed necessary to carry out its duties established in chapter 2-9 of the Renton Municipal Code (“RMC”). The Commission will file a copy of these Bylaws with the City Clerk of the City of Renton. I.Membership A.Membership on the Commission will be as established in RMC 2-9-4. B.Procedures for filling Commission vacancies, including term expirations. 1.Pursuant to RMC 2-9-5, upon the expiration of a Commissioner’s term, the Mayor will reappoint the incumbent or appoint a successor, subject to City Council confirmation. The following provisions establish the Commission’s process in making recommendations to the Mayor’s Office regarding such reappointments or appointments. The following also applies to Commission vacancies for reasons other than expiration of a Commissioner’s term. 2.Identification of candidates to fill a vacancy. a.Upon a vacancy or pending vacancy, the Commission chairperson or a City staff member will check with the Mayor’s Office to obtain any existing applications on file for membership to the Commission. b.The Commission may advertise to fill a vacancy. c.In the case of a pending term expiration, the Commission chairperson will contact a Commission member whose term is about to expire to inquire whether he or she would like to be considered for reappointment. 3.Any person interested in being interviewed for Commission membership must complete the City’s application for boards/commissions/committees (available online or by request). Applications are retained by the City as required by law per the State Retention Schedule. Applications are available for review for vacancies by the Commission for one year from the date submitted. The Commission maintains an objective of having a broad and inclusive membership (e.g., age, gender, ethnicity), and candidates should have a passion for parks. Candidates are invited to attend one or more Commission meetings to hear subject matters discussed. 4.The Commission chairperson will appoint a nominating committee that may consist of Commission members and others to review applications and set up interviews to fill vacancies. The nominating committee will interview candidates and formulate recommendations to bring to the full board to approve recommendations to forward to the PARKS COMMISSION BYLAWS RESOLUTION ________ - EXHIBIT “A”4497 Bylaws Parks Commission Page 2 of 5 Rev. 3/14/2023 Mayor. The full list of candidates, with Commission recommendations, will be referred to the Mayor for action. II.Attendance A.Any member may attend a meeting remotely if 1.by telephonic access, or by other electronic, internet or other means of remote access acceptable to and arranged with City staff, and 2.if all persons attending the meeting can hear and be heard by the member attending remotely. This paragraph will be interpreted to comply with Washington State requirements for the OPMA and may be subject to change to comply with those requirements. B.There is no limit to the number of board meetings that Commissioners may attend virtually. C.The Chairperson may call special meetings, work sessions and Commission meetings when proper and as necessary with notice to Commission members and the public. Work sessions shall be noticed as public meetings and all Commission members may participate III.Term A.The length of term of Commissioners is set forth in RMC 2-9-5.A. The expiration date of Commissioners’ terms will be staggered so that not more than four (4) positions expire in the same year. B.Any newly appointed Commissioner will attend an orientation with the Commission chairperson and the Parks and Recreation Administrator or his/her designee. C.Persons appointed to Commission membership during the pendency of the term for that position will serve until the end of the term unless circumstances warrant otherwise. D.The Commission shall comply with the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) and the Public Records Act (collectively the “Acts”). In accordance with RCW 42.30.205, RCW 42.56.150, and RCW 42.56.152, members are required to complete OPMA and Public Records Act training within 90 days of their appointment. These trainings will be conducted during the Commission’s inaugural meeting. Each board member will receive Open Public Meetings Act Training from the City Clerk’s office within Ninety (90) of appointment and then every four years per the Open Public Meetings Act. IV.Chairperson and Officers A.Chairperson Bylaws Parks Commission Page 3 of 5 Rev. 3/14/2023 1.Biennially, the Commission will elect a chairperson, by a majority vote, and such officers, as the Commission deems necessary. 2.The duties of the chairperson are as follows: a.Preside over the Commission and exercise all powers incidental to the office and may propose motions or second motions. b.Establish special committees and appoint a committee lead to carry out assigned tasks. c.Call special Commission meetings as needed. d.Determine the agenda. e.Coordinate Commission appointments for vacant positions. f.In the absence of the chairperson from any meeting, the chairperson will designate a member to perform all the duties incumbent upon the chairperson, and, while performing the chairperson’s duties, may propose motions or second motions. 3.Chairperson appointments will follow in sequence of term seniority so that every member has the opportunity to serve. The Chairperson is elected to a two (2)-year term to begin serving at the June meeting. There is no limit to the number of terms to which a Chairperson may serve. Vacancies occurring for reasons other than the expiration of a term will be filled, by majority vote, for the remainder of the unexpired portion of the term. B.Officers 1.The Commission may appoint officers, if any, to begin serving at the June meeting. Officers hold office for a two (2)-year term. There is no limit on the number of terms to which officers may be approved. All officers will be elected biennially. Vacancies occurring for reasons other than the expiration of a term will be filled, by majority vote, for the remainder of the unexpired portion of the term. V.Rules of Procedure A.Quorum 1.The Commission has 7 voting members. More than 50% of the seated voting members shall constitute a quorum at any given meeting. 2.If less than a quorum is present at any meeting, the meeting may continue, however no action can be taken, only informational items may be presented. Current items will be carried over to the next regular meeting. Bylaws Parks Commission Page 4 of 5 Rev. 3/14/2023 3.A meeting may be canceled if needed (e.g., weather, local, state, or national emergency). Current items will be carried over to the next meeting. B.Voting When a quorum is present, a simple majority vote suffices for all action unless otherwise expressly provided by law or these Bylaws. No vote may be made by proxy. C.Meetings 1.The Commission meets on the second Tuesday of each month from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. To continue past this time of adjournment, a majority vote is required. Additional meetings may be held upon the call of the chairperson or at the written request of at least three (3) Commissioners. All members will be given notice of additional meetings. No less than twenty-four (24) hours’ notice will be given for the posting, publication, or cancellation of any meeting of the Commission. 2.A physical meeting location is required where members of the commission can hear and be heard by those attending the meeting at the physical location. The Parks and Recreation department will have a staff person present at all meetings held at a physical location. 3.Public/Oral/Audience Comment a.Public comment may be received in person during a board meeting either in-person, virtually, or by telephone or may be submitted in writing to parksandrec@rentonwa.gov before noon of the day of the meeting. Comments received via email will be noted on the record and read into the record for up to three (3) minutes per comment email during the appropriate section of the agenda. b.Live public comment will be limited to three (3) minutes per speaker unless an exception is granted by the Chair. 4.In compliance with the OPMA, serial meetings, emails, or conversations between 50% or more of the Commission members, that stimulate dialogue, and /or discussion of pending action items are prohibited; such interaction should be made during the next Commission meeting during which a quorum is present.” VI.Agendas and Minutes Minutes of Commission meetings may be kept. A copy of the next meeting’s agenda, prior meeting draft minutes, if any, and handouts for each Commission meeting may be sent to each Commission member in advance of the next meeting. VII.Code of Ethics Bylaws Parks Commission All members of the Commission must abide by the City of Renton Code of Ethics established in Renton Municipal Code Chapter 1-6 and the City Code of Ethics Policy 100-07. VIII.Amendment Proposed amendments to these Bylaws must be presented in writing and distributed to the membership at least three (3) days before the meeting at which the amendments are to be considered. These Bylaws may be amended by majority vote at any Commission meeting when a quorum is in attendance. IX.Adoption The undersigned chairperson of the City of Renton Parks Commission does hereby attest that the foregoing Bylaws have been duly adopted by a majority vote of the members of the Commission. These Bylaws supersede any previously passed bylaws of the Commission. :�EST , Ar 12,�J(h--oe- AI Dieckman, Chairperson, Parks Commission Date Page 5 of 5 Rev. 3/14/2023