HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdden 1 CAG-15-208, Adden #1-16 � � Washington State Department of Transportation Suppfemental Agreement OrganizationandAddress Number 1 DGK,tnc_(dba Widener&Associates) Original Agreement Number 101�S 32nd Avenae W STE D EvercEt,WA 48204 CAG-15-208 Phone: 425-4l8-7162 Project Mumber F�cecution Date Completian Date F3R4S-107Q{009} l O13012�t 5 12/31/2017 Project Ti#le New Maximum Amount Paya�le NE 31 st St Bricige Replacement Yi64,660.40 Description of Wot(t The Scope of Wark to be performed by the consulcant has not chanDed from the 5cape of Work in the Origina(A�reement.The purpose af lhis Supptementai Agreement is to change the completion date fr�m 12l31120t6 Co 1213U2017. The Locai Agency of Cicv of Rencon desires to supplement the agreement entered in to with �GK,Inc.(dha Widener&Associates) and executed on �Q�30/ZOlS and identified as Agreemer�t No. ��G-►5-2t�g Ail provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as foflows: { Sectian 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereb�r changed to read: The Scope of Wurk to be performeel by the consultant has not changed frc�m!he Scopr of Work in khe(?riginal Agrecment. �� Section !V,TiME FOR BEGINNING AND CfJMPLETION, is amended to change the number of calendar days far eompletion of the work ta read: 'i'�e compleaon da�e is chan�ed from 12l'31/2olb to i2�3112017. III Sectian V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as foflows: '£he Maximurn Amount Payable has not changed from the M�uciinum Amvuni Payabte in the Origina[�greement. as set forth in the attached Exhibit A, and by this reference made a part of this supplement. 1f you cancur urith this supplerrtent and ag�ee to the changes as stated abave, please sign in the Appropriate spaces belaw and return to this affice for final action. Q,y; K Ine. db� Widcner&Associates By_Grc Zimmerman Public Wprks Administrator � � onsu tan ogna#ure - p n nty ignature � ate DOT Form 140-063 Qo�a�a.�n4��nn�