HomeMy WebLinkAboutSR_ERC_Report_Day_Short_Plat_230621_v3_FINALDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Project Location Map SR_ERC Report_Day SP_v3_FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT ERC Meeting Date: June 26, 2023 Project File Number: PR21-000435 Project Name: Day Short Plat Land Use File Number: LUA23-000160, ECF, SHPL-A, VAR, VAR, MOD Project Manager: Alex Morganroth, Senior Planner Owner/Applicant: Bob Wenzl, Tuscany Construction / PO Box 2170, Renton, WA 98056 Contact: Cliff Williams, DME LLC / Mount Vernon, WA 98274 Project Location: 18600 116th Ave SE, Renton, WA 98058 (APN 6197800080, 6197800263, 6197800265) Project Summary: The applicant is requesting approval of a preliminary short plat subdivision, a setback variance, a lot size variance, and a street modification to subdivide three (3) existing parcels into seven (7) lots for the development of new single-family homes. Per RMC 4-9-070.H.3, the short plat is not exempt from Environmental (SEPA) Review due to the presence of a stream on the site. Streams are classified as a designated critical area pursuant to RMC 4-9-070H.2 and therefore the SEPA exemption for short plats is not applicable. Pursuant to WAC 197-11-908, the scope of SEPA review for actions within a designated critical area is limited to documenting whether the proposal is consistent with the requirements of the City’s Critical Areas Regulations and whether any additional mitigation measures are needed to protect the critical area(s). In addition to the individual lots, the applicant has also proposed five (5) tracts for trees, critical areas, open space, and a storm water facility. The properties proposed for subdivision are located at 18600 116th Ave SE near the intersection of 116th Ave SE and SE 186th St (APN 6197800080, 197800263 and 6197800265). The site totals 125,903 sq. ft. (2.88 acres) in size. The proposed net density of the subdivision of approximately 3.48 dwelling units per acre (du/ac). An existing manufactured home is located on the project site and is proposed for removal as a part of the project. The site has a Comprehensive Plan Land Use of Designation of Residential Lower Density (RLD) and a zoning designation of Residential-4 (R-4) dwelling units per net acre (du/ac). The size of the proposed lots range from 9,001 sq. ft. to 10,216 sq. ft. Access to the new lots is proposed via a new half public street off of 116th Ave SE. The width of the ROW ranges from 35 feet to 53 feet in order to align the new street with an existing intersection. According to the applicant, a Type Ns stream is located on the project site. The applicant has proposed retaining 22 trees out of 224 total trees on the site. Exist. Bldg. Area: N/A Proposed New Bldg. Area (footprint): Proposed New Bldg. Area (gross): N/A N/A Site Area: 125,903 SF Total Building Area GSF: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS). SITE DocuSign Envelope ID: 8349A775-7CD5-48E8-9101-6CAB65879B26 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Day Short Plat Staff Report to the Environmental Review Committee LUA23-000160, ECF, SHPL-A, VAR, VAR, MOD Report of June 26, 2023 Page 2 of 3 SR_ERC Report_Day Short Plat_v3_FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In compliance with RCW 43.21C.240, the following environmental (SEPA) review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. A. Environmental Threshold Recommendation Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials: Issue a DNS with a 14-day appeal period B. Mitigation Measures None C. Exhibits Exhibit 1: Environmental Review Committee (ERC) Report Exhibit 2: SEPA Checklist Exhibit 3: Preliminary Plans (Site, Grading, Drainage, Utilities, Landscape, Tree Retention) Exhibit 4: Technical Information Report, prepared by CORE Design, dated February 24, 2023 Exhibit 5: Geotechnical Evaluation, prepared by Cobalt Geosciences, PLLC, dated February 4, 2022 Exhibit 6: Wetland and Stream Reconnaissance Study, prepared by Altmann Oliver Associates, dated April 9, 2021 Exhibit 7: Arborist Report, prepared by Greenforest Incorporated, dated December 10, 2021 Exhibit 8: Advisory Notes D. Environmental Impacts The Proposal was circulated and reviewed by various City Departments and Divisions to determine whether the applicant has adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to occur in conjunction with the proposed development. Staff reviewers have identified that the proposal is likely to have the following probable impacts: Nexus: N/A 1. Water Wetland, Streams, Lakes Impacts: According to COR Maps, a stream is mapped on the eastern portion of the site on APN 6197800265. The stream enters the property from a culvert installed on an undeveloped parcel to the north (APN 6197800242) and flows east off of the site and onto another adjacent parcel to the east (APN 6197800264). The stream then flows east under 120th Ave SE within a culvert. Due to the presence of the stream on the site and potential for wetlands, the applicant submitted a Wetland Reconnaissance and Stream Study, prepared by Altmann Oliver Associates, LLC, dated April 9, 2021 (Exhibit 6). Per the report, the stream was likely historically ditched and is no longer maintained. During a site visit to delineate the stream, no water was found and the stream bed was dry. According to the report, l ack of maintenance has created capacity issues for the culvert, which was found completely submerged during a secondary site visit on March 9, 2021. No hydrophytic plants, or those typically found near streams or wetlands, were found on the property. Based on the results of the site visit, the stream was found to meet the criteria of DocuSign Envelope ID: 8349A775-7CD5-48E8-9101-6CAB65879B26 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Day Short Plat Staff Report to the Environmental Review Committee LUA23-000160, ECF, SHPL-A, VAR, VAR, MOD Report of June 26, 2023 Page 3 of 3 SR_ERC Report_Day Short Plat_v3_FINAL a Type Ns, non-fish bearing stream. The consultant did not find any wetlands on or immediately adjacent to the project site. As a result of the Type Ns stream rating, the development would be subject to a 50-foot stream buffer and 15-foot structure setback from the edge of the buffer per the critical area development standards in RMC 4-3-050.G. The applicant has proposed locating the stream and required stream buffer within a separate critical areas tract (Tract B), as required by RMC 4-3-050G.3 with a total area of 9,628 sq. ft. All construction related to the short plat would occur outside of the required stream buffer and structure setback area. The proposed stormwater vault in the adjacent storm tract (Tract D) to the west would be the closest structure to the buffer, but would still maintain the required 15-foot structure setback. In addition, all existing improvements on the site are located outside of the buffer and structure setback area. Pursuant to RMC 4-3-050G.3, the location of the outer extent of the stream buffer will be required to be marked and fenced prior to the start of construction of the short plat. The lack of disturbance in the critical area and buffer results in no net loss of ecological function for the Type Ns stream and will not cause any temporary or permanent impacts to the on-site wetland. Standards related to construction and long-term stream and buffer protection are provided in the City’s Critical Areas Regulations and therefore, no further mitigation is recommended. Nexus: N/A E. Departments The proposal has been circulated to City Department and Division Reviewers. Where applicable, their comments have been incorporated into the text of this report and/or “Advisory Notes to Applicant.” ✓ Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official F ile and may be attached to this report. The Environmental Determination decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within the 14 -day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680). Environmental Determination Appeal Process: Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on July 10, 2023. Appeals must be submitted electronically to the City Clerk at cityclerk@rentonwa.gov or delivered to City Hall 1st floor Lobby Hub Monday through Friday. The appeal fee, normally due at the time an appeal is submitted, will be collected at a future date if your appeal is submitted electronically. The appeal submitted in person may be paid on the first floor in our Finance Department. Appeals to the Hearing Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office, cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. DocuSign Envelope ID: 8349A775-7CD5-48E8-9101-6CAB65879B26 CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE EXHIBITS Project Name: Day Short Plat Land Use File Number: LUA23-000160, ECF, SHPL-A, VAR, VAR, MOD Date of Meeting June 26, 2023 Staff Contact Alex Morganroth Senior Planner Project Contact Cliff Williams, DME LLC / Mount Vernon, WA 98274 cliff@sitedme.com Project Location 18600 116th Ave SE, Renton, WA 98058 (APN 6197800080, 6197800263, 6197800265) The following exhibits are included with the ERC Report: Exhibit 1: Environmental Review Committee (ERC) Report Exhibit 2: SEPA Checklist Exhibit 3: Preliminary Plans (Site, Grading, Drainage, Utilities, Landscape, Tree Retention) Exhibit 4: Technical Information Report, prepared by CORE Design, dated February 24, 2023 Exhibit 5: Geotechnical Evaluation, prepared by Cobalt Geosciences, PLLC, dated February 4, 2022 Exhibit 6: Wetland and Stream Reconnaissance Study, prepared by Altmann Oliver Associates, dated April 9, 2021 Exhibit 7: Arborist Report, prepared by Greenforest Incorporated, dated December 10, 2021 Exhibit 8: Advisory Notes DocuSign Envelope ID: 8349A775-7CD5-48E8-9101-6CAB65879B26