HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommittee of the Whole - 12 Jun 2023 - Agenda - Pdf CITY OF RENTON AGENDA - Committee of the Whole Meeting 4:30 PM - Monday, June 12, 2023 7th Floor Council Chambers/Videoconference 1. KING COUNTY REGIONAL HOMELESSNESS AUTHORITY UPDATE a) Presentation If you would like to attend this week's meeting remotely, you can do so by going to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86753290028?pwd=M2pOc09HWWNrY05uVnlIWnpGS1E4UT09 Zoom Meeting ID: 867 5329 0028, Passcode: 881839 You can call through Zoom at (253) 215-8782 and use the Meeting ID. Renton, June 2023AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Theory of Change If we create a homeless response system that centers the voices of people with lived experience, Then we will be able to meet needs and eliminate inequities, In order to end homelessness for all. 2AGENDA ITEM #1. a) AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Background 4AGENDA ITEM #1. a) AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 6AGENDA ITEM #1. a) ●More Than 5,600 individuals, couples, and families moved to Permanent Housing in 2022 ●Over 1,000 people engaged throughout 2022: UUHP and Five-Year Plan ●Emergency Housing Vouchers: 100% utilization rate and nearly twice the utilization rate of peer communities (over 1,400 households) ●Launching Re-procurement using our equitable procurement manual ●Ensured encampment resolutions are focused on housing ●Improved coordination and effectiveness of severe weather response Progress to Date 7AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 8 Five-Year Plan Process ●Summer -Fall 2022:Community Engagement Across King County ○Workshops with sub-regions, systems, and sub-populations ●Fall -Winter 2022:Content Development with Community Review ○South King City Staff weighed-in throughout process ●January 2023: First Release & Public Comment Period ○City Staff Feedback ○Provider Leadership Lunch and Learn & Feedback Sessions ●February -March 2023: Restructure ●May –June 2023: Plan unanimously approved by Implementation Board and Governing Committee AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Scope & Scale of the Issue -How Many People are Experiencing Homelessness? -Who is Experiencing Homelessness? -Racial Disproportionality -Sub-populations and identities -Limitations on Data -Our Work in Memoriam AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 10 Ways to Count Homelessness Administrative DatasetsStatistical Projections Annually versus a moment in time Regardless of method, all numbers indicate that we do not have enough temporary housing/sheltering options for people.AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 11 Who is Experiencing Homelessness? South King County has 10 Service Providers Offering Emergency Shelter 2 Emergency Shelters welcome drop -in guests Emergency Shelter King County Sub-Region Beds % of Countywide East 715 15.5% North 143 3.1% Seattle 3,009 65.3% South 568 12.3% Southeast 89 1.9% Snoqualmie Valley 44 1.0% Urban Unincorporated 41 0.9% Total 4,609 100%AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 12 Who is Experiencing Homelessness?AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 13 Our Work in Memoriam (Source: King County Medical Examiner’s Office) Number of Deaths of People Experiencing Homelessness AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Current & Future State -How the current homelessness system is functioning -Our ideal system state AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Current State Service Provider Organizations ●Staffing ●Wages ●Data/Reporting ●Funding ●Training ●Increased Acuity ●Overdose Deaths AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Current State Network of Homeless Services ●Data Sharing Between Providers ●Referral pathways ●Sub-regional gaps ●Sub-population gaps ●How our programs are fairing ●How the system operates AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Current State System -to -System Connections ●Lack of collaboration and alignment ●Limited connective tissue between systems ●Data sharing and transparency ●Accountability and Role Clarity ●Coordination on funding sources AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Ideal System State Every service provider is able to adequately hire and retain trained staff that can carry out best practices when serving clients. All service providers are coordinated through data, every sub-region has services, and all disproportionately impacted sub- populations are served. No missed opportunities to intercept someone before becoming homeless. Supportive transitions.AGENDA ITEM #1. a) How We Get There -One, Overall Goal -Metrics of Success -Activities Sequenced & Within Budget -Funding Strategy Shift AGENDA ITEM #1. a) One, Overall Goal: “Bring Unsheltered People Inside as Quickly as Possible to Prevent Death and Further Harm”AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Metrics of Success ●Number of households accessing the homelessness response system ●Number of households entering the homelessness response system ●Number of households exiting the homelessness response system to permanent housing ●Number of households returning to homelessness after 6, 12, and 24 months from a permanent housing exit ●Number of temporary and permanent housing units in the system ●Throughput through temporary and permanent housing units in the system Where possible, these measures will be broken down by: ●Household type: Single Adults, Families with Children and Youth and Young Adults ●Race & Ethnicity ●Program Type AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Snapshot: Year One Priorities Year 1 -Year 2 Key Actions Topic Areas Impact Status Develop a real-time bed availability tool inclusive of all types of shelter and emergency housing Data Resource Availability Insight into real -time shelter vacancies will allow for greater enrollments into the shelter system at any given time which will improve our understanding of how many single adults, families and youth may be accessing the system. In -Motion Partner with the behavioral health organizations to support connections to behavioral health services. Behavioral Health Health Care High-Acuity System Connection Enhanced Care Establishing connections and providing smooth transitions for individuals to behavioral health supports enhances the quality of care, mitigates future needs for support, and increases the chances of success in permanent housing; ultimately reducing rates of return into homelessness and increasing throughput in homelessness programs. Partner with King County Behavioral Health and Recovery Division and Public Health and Healthcare for the Homeless Network to improve communication, coordination, education, and information sharing across our homelessness response system for high acuity individuals. Behavioral Health Health Care High-Acuity System Connection Partnerships across systems allows for efficient use of resources, better understanding of system processes, and increased ability to care for people quickly which can increase the chances of success in permanent housing, increase throughput in our system, and reduce returns to homelessness. In -Motion AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Prioritization of Activities Within Current Budget: Table 1: Activities for Years 1-2 of plan Table 2: Activities for Years 3 -5 of plan Go First Strategies for New Funding: Table 3: Activities that would require new funding AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Five Year Plan The strategic roadmap to transform the homelessness response system What does it mean to implement and act on these goals in South King County? South King County Sub-Regional Implementation Plan AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Key Components of Sub-Regional Plans Rooted in equity & social justice principles, there are six key components: I.Overview/Introduction of Five -Year Plan II.Engagement & Development Process III.Sub-Regional Analytics IV.Comprehensive Plan Alignment V.Resources + Investments VI.Key Actions & Timeline (30+ Activities to be tailored)AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Sub-Regional Implementation Plan: Approach ●From the Five-Year Plan, 30 activities will be tailored to each sub-region ○Identified in collaboration with service providers, community partners, and city human services staff ○Some activities require either region-wide standardization or are KCRHA administrative tasks ●Action steps and timelines developed in partnership with SKC community AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Subject Matter Working Groups (Examples: Cities/Jurisdictions; Service Providers; LGBTQIA2S+; Native & Indigenous; Families w/Children) 230+ Individuals Identified Already Will work on targeted initiative areas to develop action steps and timelines. AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 28 Sub-Regional Implementation Plan: Example Activity: Deploy an effective communications strategy to ensure the Ombuds Office is well - known and easily accessible, including the creation of centralized contact mechanisms (e.g., a hotline). This activity will be developed to include action steps and timeline appropriate for South King County. Example Action Steps for South King County could look like: 1.Educate South King community on Ombuds office; identify stakeholders to convene; develop strategy. 2.Deploy -January 2025 3.Review & enhance -January 2026 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 29 Sub-Regional Implementation Plan: Feedback -What do you want to see in the Sub -Regional Implementation Plan? -What should be built into the South King County Homelessness Response? -What is missing from the South King County Homelessness Response? -What level of guidance would you like to see in the plan? -How would you as a council like to stay informed or involved? -Which key stakeholders should we engage in the plan development process? Any other suggestions?AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 30 Thank You www.KCRHA.org info@kcrha.org abigale.anderson@kcrha.org Find us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter @KingCoRHAAGENDA ITEM #1. a)