HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed, QC 3727523L 3727523 VL QUITCLAIM DEED THIS INDENTURE, made this e7 day of September, 1947, between the UNITED STATES OF AYM- ICA and the RECONSTRUCTION FINANCE CORPORATION, a corporation created under the laws of the United States, which corporation has succeeded pursuant to the provisions of Public Law 109p 79th Congress, approved June 30; 1945, to all of the rights and assets of Defense Plant Corporation, acting by and through War .Assets Administrator, under and pursuant to Executive Order 9689, dated January 31, 1946, and the powers and authority contained in the prov sions,,of the Surplus Property Act of 1944, as amended, and applicable rules, regulations and orders, party of the first part and the City of Renton, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Washington, acting by and through its Mayor, party of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the assumption by the party of the second part of all the obligations and its taking subject to certain reservations, restrictions, and conditions and its covenant to abide by and agreement to certain other reservations, restrictions and conditions, all as set out hereinafter, conveys and quitclaims to the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, under and subject to the reservations, restrict- ions, conditions and exceptions hereinafter set out, all its right, title and in- terest in the following-described property, situated in the County of King, State of Washington, to-grit: Portions of sections seven (7) and eighteen (18) township twenty-three (23) north, range five (5) east, 'ff#M., and certain shorelands, mere particularly described as follows:- Beginning at a point on the inner harbor line of Lake 'ashington as shown upon sheet No. 26 of the plat of Lake Washington Shore Lands Survey 1921, as said plat was filed with the auditor of King County, Washington, Sept. 19, 1921, under auditor's file No. 1552504, which point bears north 350 00' west 92.62 feet from the angle point in said inner harbor line designated "862" on said plat, and run- ning thence south 350 001 00" east, along said inner harbor line, 92.62 feet to said angle point; thence east, along said inner harbor line, 403,x70 feet; thence south 130 01 28" east 924.67 feet; thence .south 760 061 321' 'west 50.00 feet; thence south 130 531 28" east 318.15 feet; thence south 140 08' 28" east 3239.00 feet; thence south 150 12t 50" east 99.52 feet; thence south 180 16' 2511 . east 100.01 feet; thence south 210 39t 4511 east 100.45 feet; thence south 240 31' 35" east 104.68 feet; thence south 280 131 20" egst'100.79 feet;. thence south 310 11' 401' east 100.27 feet; thence r. south '340 181 3011 east 100.02 feet; thence south 370 141 05t1 east 100.05 feet; thence south 400 031 1011 east 100.33 feet; thence south 420 53' 3011 east 100.87 feet; thence south 450 391 2011 east 101.62 feet to a point on a line which is a pro- duction northerly of the east line of lot twenty- three (23), block four (4), Renton Real Estate Cots 1st addition to Renton; thence south 00 311 47f1 west, along said produced line and the east line of lots twenty-three 123) and eighteen 118), block four (4) of said plat, 254.62 feet to the inter- section of the north line of Dixie Avenue as now located and established with the east line of lot eighteen (18), block Four (4) of the said addition; thence along the north line of said Dixie avenue, north 880 341 43" west 1486.84 feet to the west line of Lake Street; thence north 00 311 47" east, along said west line, 10.00 feet; thence north 880 341 43" west, along the north line of said Dixie Avenue, 225.49 feet to an angle point in said line; thence north 710 291 1211 west, along said north line, 152.58 feet, more or less, to the easterly right- of-way line of Primary State Hiway No. 5 as now fixed and established; thence northerly, along said right- of-way line, following the tangent and curving courses thereof, to ad intersection with a line which is 5 feet south of and parallel to the line between lots seven (7) and eight (8), block eighteen (18), of the plat of Bryn Mawr., King County, Wash... produced east- erly, according to plat thereof recor0ed in volume 5 of plats, page 58, records of said county; thence south 880 271 28" east, along said parallel Line, 89.23 feet to a point which is 540.00 feet west, mea- sured along said parallel line, from the west line of Black River 4"Vaterway as shown upon sheet No. 5 pre- pared by Udo Hesse, Court Commissioner, and filed in King County Superior Court Cause No. 156371; thence north 50 161 51" east 438.90 feet to an intersection with a line which is 2 feet south of and parallel to the line between lots one (1) and two (2), block seven- teen (17), of said plat of Bryn Mawr, produced easterly, said point of intersection being 520.00 feet west, mea- sured along said parallel line, of the west line of said waterway; thence north 400 091 4711 east 188.55 feet; thence north 60.00 feet; thence north 290 001 4011 west 197.07 feet to a point on a line which is 300 feet north, measured at right angles thereto, of and parallel to the north line of Bowling Street (formerly Emerson Avenue) produced easterly; thence south 880 271 2811 east, along said parallel line, 355.00 feet to the place of begin- ning, containing 161.83 acres, more or less; together with buildings, structures, improvements, and personal property de- scribed as follows: 1 Flight Service Building; 1 Guard House 11 3 6 Tool Shed Buildings; 2 Storage Shacks; 1 Storage Building; 1 Office and Inspection Building; 2 Ammunition Storage Revetments; 1 Gun Target Revetment Structure; (all permanently installed fixtures and equipment located in the above buildings); 2 Gasoline underground storage tanks and pump house and all attachments; 1 'daind Tee; 2- All of the Electrical Distribution System and Air- port Lighting System; all of the Sewage Disposal System; all of the 'eater Service and Distribution System; and all of the Compressed Air Distribution System located on the property conveyed above; All of the boundary fence consisting of approximately 12,966 linear feet located on the property conveyed above; iunway and all Taxiways, Parking Areas, Roadways, Walks, Field harking and Drainage located on the property conveyed above; 1 Ceiling Projector Light; q_ 1 Crash Truck, serial No. 51837, and all attached equip- ee rr Wo--rVh ment; Ma-t-c -r * a.L1- 1.3'7 1 International Pickup Half-Ton Truck, serial No. K3-13532; 1 International Diesel Tractor, TD-9, and attachments in- cluding a Carco °`inch, Model "E", Serial No. TDCBM 3374T7RH, Motor No. TDCBM 3270; 1 Tri-Ton Tandem Roller; 1 Radio Transmitter, Model 388-C; 3 4 Radio Receivers, Model SX-25; r- 2 Radio Receivers, Model S-22; 1 Interference Filter Miller Type 7845; 2 Console Tables; 1 Transmitter Cabinet Stand; 30 Ground Rods; 30 Ground Rod Clamps; 1500 It. No. 10 Copper Iffire; 1 Air Traffic Light- 0- 1 Portable Electric Plant; ' 8 CO2 Fire Extinguishers; `—30 Soda Acid Extinguishers; ---- 1 Receiver; 1 Transmitter; 1 Antenna; 1 Microphone; 1 Control Unit; 1 Speaker; 1 Turntable - welded steel; - being a part of the same property acquired by the United States of America, the Defense Plant Corporation and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, under pur- chase and Pondemnation, all of record in the files of the Auditor of King County, y'washington, and the United States District Court for the 7iestern District of Washington, Northern Division. The above-described premises are transferred, subject to exist- ing easements for roads, highways, public utilities, railways and pipe lines. EXCEPTING, HOs"EVEZ, from this conveyance, all right, title and interest in and to all property in the nature of equipment, furnishings and other personal property which can be removed from the land without material injury to the land or structures located thereon other than property of such nature located on the premises conveyed hereby which is required for the efficient operation for airport purposes of the structures and improvements specifically listed herein- above as being transferred hereby; and further excepting from this conveyance all structures on the above-described premises other than structures specifically described or enumerated above as being conveyed hereunder, and reserving to the party of the first part the right of removal from the premises of the property 3- 11 and stri&tur`es exdepted hereby, within a reasonable period of time after the date hereof, which shall not be construed to mean any period less than one 1) year after the date of this instrument. Said property transferred hereby was duly declared surplus and was assigned to the War Assets Administrator for disposal, acting pursuant to the provisions of the above-mentioned A.ct, as amended, Executive Order 9689, and applicable rules, regulations and orders. As used herein, the terms hereinafter set forth are defined as follows: "Landing Area" means any land, or combination of water and land, together with improvements thereon and necessary operational equip- ment used in connection therewith, which is used for landing, take-offs, and parking of aircraft. The term includes, but it is not limited to, runways, strips, taxiways and parking aprons, Building Area" means any land, other than a landing area, used or necessary for or in connection with the operation or maintenance of an air- port. Non-aviation facilities" means any buildings, structures, im- provements, and equipment located in a building area and used in connection with but not required for the efficient operation and maintenance of the land- ing area or the airport facilities* Airport facilities" means any buildings, structures, improve- ments, and operational equipment, other than non-aviation facilities, which are used and necessary for or in connection with the operation and maintenance of an airport, Air navigation facility" means any facility used in, available for use in, or designed for use in, aid of air navigation, including landing areas, lights, any apparatus or equipment for disseminating weather information, for signaling, for radio-directional finding, or for radio or other electrical communication, and any other structure or mechanism having a similar purpose for guiding or controlling flight in the air or the landing and take-off of aircraft, By the acceptance of this deed or any rights hereunder, the said party of the second part, for itself, its successors and assigns agrees that transfer of the property transferred by this instrument, is accepted subject to the following restrictions set forth in subparagraphs (1) and (2) of this paragraph, which shall run with the land., imposed pursuant to the authority of 4— VOL Article 4,, "Section 3; Clause 2 of the Constitution of the United States of. America, the Surplus Property Act of 1944, as amended, Executive Order 9689 and applicable rules, regulations and orders: 1) That all of the property transferred hereby, hereafter in this in- strument called the "airport", shall be used for public airport purposes, and only for such purposes, on reasonable terms and without unjust discrimination and with- out grant or exercise of any exclusive right for use of the airport within the meaning of Section 303 of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938. As used herein, t'Pab- lic airport purposes" shall be deemed to exclude use of the structures conveyed hereby, or any portion thereof, for manufacturing or industrial purposes. However, until, in the opinion of Civil Aeronautics Administration or its successor Gov- ernment agency, it is needed for public airport purposes, any particular structure transferred hereby may be utilized for non-manufacturing or nonindustrial purposes in such manner as the party of the second part deems advisable, provided that such use does not interfere with operation of the remainder of the airport as a public airport. 2) That the entire landing area of the airport and all structures, im- provements, facilities and equipment of the airport shall be maintained at all time in good and serviceable condition to assure its efficient operation, provided, how- ever, that such maintenance shall be required as to structures, improvements, facilities and equipment only during the remainder of their estimated life, as de- termined by the Civil Aeronautics Administration or its successor Government agency. In the event materials are required to rehabilitate or repair certain of the afore- mentioned structures, improvements, facilities or equipment they may be procured by demolition of other structures, improvements, facilities or equipment transferred hereby and located on the above-described premises, which have outlived their use as airport property in the opinion of the Civil Aeronautics Administration or its successor Government agency. By the acceptance of this deed or any rights hereunder, the said party of the second part for itself, its successors and assigns, also assumes the obli- gations of, covenants to abide by and agrees to, and this transfer is made sub- ject to, the following reservations and restrictions set forth in subparagraphs 1) to (6) of this paragraph, which shall run with the land, imposed pursuant to the authority of Article 1E., Section 3, Clause 2 of the Constitution of the United States of America, the Surplus Property Act of 1944, as amended, Executive Order 9689 and applicable rules, regulations and orders: 5- ll i. 1) That insofar as it is within its power and reasonably possible, the party of the second part and all subsequent transferees shall prevent any use of land either within or outside the boundaries of the airport, including the con- struction, erection, alteration, or growth of any structure or other object there- on., which use would be a hazard to the landing, taking-offs or maneuvering of air- craft at the airport, or otherwise limit its usefulness as an airport, 2) That the building areas and non-aviation facilities of or on the airport shall be used, altered, modified, or improved only in a manner which does not interfere with the efficient operation of the landing area and of the airport facilities. 3) That itinerant aircraft owned by the United States of America hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Government") or operated by any of its employees or agents on Government business shall at all times have the right to use the airport in common with others; Provided, however, that such use may be limited as may be determined at any time by the Civil Aeronautics Administration or the successor Government agency to be necessary to prevent interference with use by other authorized aircraft, so long as such limitation does not restrict Government use to less than twenty-five (25) per centum of capacity of the land- ing area of the airport„ Government use of the airport by virtue of the provisions of this subparagraph shall be without charge of any nature other than payment for damage caused by such itinerant aircraft. 4) That during the existence of any emergency declared by the Pres- ident of the United States of America or the Congress thereof, the Government shall have the right without charge, except as indicated below, to the full, unrestricted possession, control and use of the landing area, building areas, and airport fa- cilities, or any part thereof, including any additions or improvements thereto made subsequent to the declaration of any part of the airport as surplus; Provided, however, that the Government shall be responsible during the period of such use- for the entire cost of maintaining all such areas, facilities and improvements, or the portions used, and shall pay a fair rental for the use of any installations or structures w0ich have been added thereto without Federal aid. 5) That no exclusive right for the use of any landing area or air nav- igation facilities, included in or on the airport shall be granted or exercised., 6- Q6). That the property transferred hereby may be successively trans- ferred only with the approval of the Civil Aeronautics Administration or the successor Government agency and with the proviso that any such subsequent trans- feree assumes all the obligations imposed upon the party of the second part by the provisions of this instrument. By acceptance of this instrument or any rights hereunder, the party of the second part further agrees with the party of the first part as follows: 1) That upon a breach of any of the aforesaid reservations or res- trictions by the party of the second part or any subsequent transferee, whether caused by the legal inability of said party of the second part or subsequent transferee to perform any of the obligations herein set out, or otherwise, the title, right of possession and all other rights transferred to the party of the second part, or any portion thereof, shall at the option of the party of the first part revert to the party of the first part upon demand made in writing by the vrar Assets Administration or its successor Government agency at least sixty 60) days prior to the date fixed for the revesting of such title, right of pos- session and other rights transferred, or any portion thereof; Provided, them , as to installations or structures which have been added to the premises without Federal aid, the Government shall have the option to acquire title to or use of the same at the then fair market value of the rights therein to be acquired by the Government, 2) That if the construction as covenants of any of the foregoing reservations and restrictions recited herein as covenants or the application of the same as covenants in any particular instance is held invalid, the par- ticular reservations or restrictions in question shall be construed instead merely as conditions upon the breach of which the Government may exercise its option to cause the title, right of possession and all other rights transferred to the party of the second part by this instrument or any portion thereof, to revert to it, end the application of such reservations or restrictions as covenants in any other instance and the construction of the remainder of such reservations and re- strictions as covenants shall not be affected thereby, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises, with appurtenances and under and subject to the aforesaid reservations, restrictions, and conditions, unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever. 7- i. w/ • 1lC L WE IN NITiESS TZ1EREGF, the party of the first part has caused these pre— sents to be executed as of the day and year first above written, UNITED STATINS OF AMERICA AND RT CCNSTIMLMIGN FINA CE WiPORATION Acting by and through Tar Assets Administrator WITNESSES: 1_By 6 L.S.) C. R. .c+.GELITING Deputy Regional Direc Real Property Dispos 71aar Assets Administr for STAYS OF 1`ASHINGTGN ) SS COUNTY GF KING On this 2s? day of Scptember, 1947, before me a Notary Public in and for the Stere of ,aFashingtons personally appeared C. R.Fl.eming, Deputy Regional Director, Real Property Dis— posal, '5ar Assets Administration, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and who under oath stated that he was duly authorized, empowered and delegated by the rar Assets Administrator pursuant to Delegation of Authority dated June 6, 1947, to execute the said instrument, and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his free and voluntary act and deed, acting for and on behalf of the °dar Assets Administrator, acting for and oil behalf of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, and acting for and on behalf of the United States of America for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, IN i°iITN'ESS MM12E 1F, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written* aaasra otary i''u'olic in and for the State of ":ashington, rc.:siaing at Seattle 1 8- t i VOL668 ?nac395 NOTICE) DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY NO, 17 DELEGATION OF .AUTHORITY INCIDENT TO THE CARE, HANDLING, ,AND CONVEMCING OF SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY AND PERSONAL PROPERTY ASSIGNED FOR DISPOSAL THEREKTH The Deputy Administrator, Office of Real Property Disposal, and each Associate Deputy Administrator, Office of Real Property Disposal, Liar Assets Admini- stration; the Zone Administrator, the Deputy Zone Administrator for Real Property Disposal, the Associate Deputy Zone Administrator for Real Property Disposal, and the Assistant Deputy Zone Administrator for Real Property Disposal, in each and every War Assets Administration Zone Office; the Regional Director and the Deputy Regional Director for Real Property Disposal, in each and every War Assets Admini- stration Regional Office; the District Director and the Deputy District Director for Real Property Disposal, Mar Assets Administration District Office, Columbia, South Carolina; and any person or persons designated to act, and acting, in any of the foregoing capacities, are hereby authorized, individually (1) to execute, acknow- ledge and deliver any deed, lease, permit, contract, receipt, bill of sale, or other instruments in writing in connection with the care, handling and disposal of sur- plus real property, or personal property assigned for disposition with real property, located within the United States, its territories and possessions' (2) to accept any notes, bonds, mortgages, deeds of trust or other security instruments taken as consideration in whole or in part for the disposition of such surplus real or personal property, and to do all acts necessary or proper to release and discharge any such instrument or any lien created by such instrument or otherwise created, and (3) to do or perform any other act necessary to effect the transfer of title to any such ,surplus real or personal property located as above provided; all pursuant to the provisions of the Surplus Property Act of 1944, 53 Stat. 765, as amended (50 U.S.C. App. Supp. 1611); Public Law 131, 79th Congress, 59 Stat. 533; Executive Order 9659 (11 F.R. 1265); War Assets Administration Regulation No. 1 12 F.R. 2249); and Surplus Property Administration General Amendment of January 5, 1946 (11 F.R. 403). The Zone Administrator in each and every War Assets Acministration Zone Office is hereby authorized to redelegate to such person or persons as he may designate the authority delegated to him by this instrument. L. S. Wright, the. Secretary of the Real Property Review Board, A. 71. Manley, Associate Deputy Administrator, Office of Real Property Disposal, and Jo T. Daly, Associate Deputy Administrator, Office of Real Property Disposal, War Assets Administration, are hereby authorized, individually, to certify true copies of this Delegation and provide such further certification as may be necessary to effectuate the intent of this Delegation in form for recording in any jurisdiction, as may be required. This Delegation shall be effective as of the opening of business on June 9 , 19470 This authority is in addition to, but shall not in any manner supersede delegations of authority previously granted under dates of May 17, 1946; May 292 1946; July 30, 1946; September 16, 1946; October 31, 1946; November 22, 1946; and January 13, 1947; as do not conflict with the provisions of this Delegation. 0 TThEJOHN Administrator ay-aeas FiteA tor,Hwo//o''rO-- r-- Z Request of IRT A. MORRIS. county Auditor i tPAW I C E R T I F I C A T E I , the undersigned L. S. Wright Secretary, Real ProR@rty Revigq Board War Assets Administration, in my official capacity as such Secretary and duly authorized in the DELEGATION OF AUTHORIyY IYCIDEN's TO THE CARE, HAMING AID CONVEYANCING dated June 6, 1947, to make the following certi- fication, do hereby certify: 1. That C. R. Fleming is the DeputZ Regional Director Real Property Disposal War Assets Administration, duly appointed, authorized and acting in such capacity at the time of the execution of the attached instrument. 2. That the attached DELEGATION OF AU HORI1'Y II;CIDENT TO Em CARE, HAIIDLIF-a AIM COI'VEYr;I,CrLiG is a true and correct copy of the original of said DELEGATION OF ATI HORITY, dated June 6, 1947, Given under my hand this 25th day of Septenber 1947 Title Prnrn rt yR^Yd aw Board Office) Velar Assets Administration FINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE No. B-303957 WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 803 Second Avenue Seattle, Washington Docket No. Parcel No. TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: The Washington Title Insurance Company, a Corporation, organised and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, with its principal office in the City of Seattle, State of Washington, hereby certifies that it has made a thorough search of the title to the property described in SCHEDULE "A" hereof, beginning with the inception of title and that the title to said property was indefeasibly vested in fee simple of record tux as follows: That portion of the premises described in Schedule A condemned in Cause No. 704 in the United States District Court for Western District of Washington, Northern Division, in UNITED STATES OF AMERICAs and the remainder of said premises in RECONSTRUCTION FINANCE CORPORATION, a corporation, as of the 5th day of August, 1947, at 8 oaclock A. N*, free and clear of all encumbrances, defects, interests and all other matters whatsoever, either of record or otherwise known to the Corporation, impairing or adversely affecting the title to said property, except as shown in SCHEDULE B" hereof. The maximum liability of the undersigned under this certificate is limited to the sum of - - - - THREE HUNDRED TWENTY-EIGHT THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY-NINE and 82/100 DOLLARS 0328,189.82) In consideration of the premium paid, this certificate issued for the use and benefit of the United States of America• IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Corporation has caused these presents to be signed in its name and behalf, sealed with its corporate seal, and delivered by its proper officers thereunto duly authorized as of the date last above mentioned„ WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SEAL) By: /s/ George B. Garber Vice President Attest: s/ Robert D. Allen Assistant Secretary This certificate consists of 7 pages which are numbered at end of each page, Page 1 of Certificate No. B-303957 e WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SCHEDULE "A" The property covered by this certificate is accurately and fullydescribedasfollowss IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON Portions of sections seven (7) and eighteen (18), t6wnship twenty- three (23) north, range five (5) east, W. N., and certain shore lands, more particularly described as follows& Beginning at a point on the inner harbor line of Lake Washington as shown upon Sheet No. 26 of the plat of Lake Washington Shore Lands Survey 1921, as said plat was filed with the Auditor of King County, Washington, September 19, 1921, under auditor's file No. 1552504, which point bears north 350001 west 92.62 feet from the angle point in said inner harbor line designated "862" on said plat, and running thence south 35000' east, along said inner harbor line, 92.62 feet to said angle point; thence east, along said inner harbor line, 40 .70 feet; thence south 13053128" east 924.67 feet; thence south 76'06t32e most 50.00 feet; thence south 13053128" east 318.15 feet; thence south 1008128" east 3239.00 feet; thence south 15012150" east 99,52 feet; thence south 18016125" east 100.01 feet; thence south 21039145" east 100.45 feet; thence south 24031135" east 104.68 feet; thence south 28013120" east 100.79 feet; thence south 310111`40" east 100.27 feet; thence south 340181308 east 100.02 feet; thence south 37014105" east 100.05 feet; thence south 400031108 east 100.33 feet; thence south 42053130" east 100.87 feet; thence south 45039120" east 101.62 feet to an intersection with the east line of lot twenty«thres (23), block four (4) of the plat of Renton Real Estate Cols. let Addition to Renton, according to plat thereof recorded in volume 21 of plats, page 50, records of said county, produced northerly; thence south 0'13111+710 west, along the east line of said lot and the same produced, and the east line of lot eighteen (18), in said block, 254.62 feet to the north line of Dixie Avenue as heretofore acquired and established by the State of Washington for highway purposes; thence along said north line, north 88034043" west 1486.84 feet to the west line of Lake Street; thence north 0031147" east along said west line 10,00 feet; thence north 880341438 west along the north line of said Dixie Avenue, 225.49 feet to an angle point in said line; thence north 71029112" west along said north line 152.58 feet, more or leas, to the easterly right of way line of Primary State Highway No. 5 as now fixed and established; thence northerly along said right of way line, following the tangent and curving courses thereof, to an intersection with a line which is 5 feet south of and parallel to the line between lots seven (7) and eight (8), block eighteen (18), of the plat of Bryn Mawr, according to plat thereof recorded in volume 5 of plata, page 58, records of said county, produced easterly; thence south 88027128" east along said parallel line, 89.23 feet to a point which is 540.00 feet west measured along said parallel line, from the west line of Black River Waterway as shown upon Sheet No. 5 prepared by Udo Hesse, Court Commissioner, and filed in King County Superior Court Cause No. 156371; thence north 5016151" east 438.90 feet to an intersection with a line which is 2 feet south of and parallel to the line between lots one (1) and two (2), block seventeen (17), of said plat of Bryn Mawr, produced easterly, said point of intersection being 520.00 feet west, measured along said parallel line of the west line of said waterway; thence north 40009147" east 188.55 feet; thence north Page 2 of Certificate No. B-303957 Continued on the sheet following) SCHEDULE A --«-• Second Sheet 60.00 feet; thence north 290001400 west 197.07 feet to a point on a line which is 300 feet north, measured at right angles thereto, of and parallel to the north line of Bowling Street (formerly Emerson Avenue) produced easterly; thence south 88027128" east along said parallel line 355.00 feet to the place of beginning. Page 3 of Certificate No. B-303957 err' ; WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SCHE MS °Bp The property described in SCHEDLU "A" hereof is free and clear from all interest., encumbrances and defects of title and all other matters whatsoever, of record, or which, though not of record, are known to this Corporation to exist impairing or adversely affecting the title to said property, except the followings 1. All taxes assessed against the foregoing land, up to and including the year 1947, have been paid, except as follows: NIL. 2. Levies by Commercial Waterway District No. 2 as follows: For thears 1941, 1942 and 1943, delinquent in the original amount of $39.62 each year ons Lots 24 to 37, block 4, Renton Real Estate Co's lot Addition to Renton; For the years 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 19303, 1931, 1932, 1933s 1934s, 1935s 1936, 1937, 19389 1940, 1941, 1942, and 1943 delinquent in the respective original amounts of 2.16, $9.24, in.83, $8.70, $9.019 $7.33, $2.11, $5.640 $4.230 1+41, $1.41, $2.800 $2.82, $2.82, $2.821 $2.83, $2.831 $2.83, 2.83 and $2.83 on: Lot 38, Block 4, Renton Real Estate Cots. lot Addition to Renton; For the years 1942 and 1943, delinquent in the original amount of $36.52 each year ons Portion of said premises described as follows That portion of Henry H. Tobin Donation Claim No. 37, in section 18, township 23 north, range 5 east, W. M., described as follows$ Beginning at intersection of northerly line of Dixie Avenue as conveyed to State of Washington by deeds recorded under auditor's file Nos. 3262529 and 3262530, records of said, county, with west line of Lake Avenue as platted in Renton Real Estate Cols. let Addition to Renton, according to plat thereof recorded in volume 21 of plats, page 50, records of said county; thence north 0031147" east along said west line, 298.59 feet to southwesterly line of Southeast 129th Street (formerly Mitchell Road); thence north 61000143" west along said southwesterly line 120 feet, more or less, to the shore line of Black River; thence south 34008t47" west along said shore line 246 feet; thence south 0031t47" west along said shore line 67.74 feet; thence south 18030148" west along said shore line, 70.66 feet to said northerly line of Dixie Avenue; thence south 71029112" east along said northerly line, 40 feet; thence south 88034143" east along said northerly line 225.49 feet to beginning; ALSO That portion of Henry H. Tobin Donation Claim No. 37 is section 18, township 23 north, range 5 east, W. M., described as follows: Beginning at interseetion' of produced west line of Lake Avenue as platted in Renton Real Estate Cols. let Addition to Renton, according to plat thereof recorded in volume 21 of plats, page 50, records of said county, with northeasterly line of Southeast 129th Street (formerly Mitchell Road); thence north 0031147" east along said produced west line, 43.94 feet Page 4 of Certificate No. B-303957 Continued on the sheet following) G 5 SCHEDULE B ------•» Second Sheet to old shore line of Cedar`River; thence South 88053' 36" west along said old shore line 77.04 feet to said northeasterly line of Southeast 3,?9th Street; thence south 61000143" east along said northeasterly line 87.59 feet to beginning. For the years 1932s 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936s 1937s 1938s 1940s 1941, 191+2 and 1943, delinquent in the respective original amountsof $2.81s $2.81, $5.60, $5.63, $5.63, $5.63, $5.63, 5.64, $5.641 $5.64 and $5.64, out Portion of said premises described as followss That portion of block 52, N. H. Latimerts Lake Washington Plat, according to plat thereof recorded in volume 6 of plates page 70, records of said county, lying easterly of Primary State Highway No. 5; TOGETHER with southerly half of vacated South 130th Street formerly Judson Street) adjoining; also TOGETHER with that portion of vacated 101st Avenue South formerly New York Avenue) lying east of said block 52; and That portions if any, of unnumbered tract east of block 52s said N. H. Latimer's Lake Washington Plato which lies south- westerly of Southeast 129th Street (formerly Mitchell Road); TOGETHER with that portion of the southerly half of vacated South 130th Street (formerly Judson Streets if anys adjoining and lying southwesterly of said Southeast 129th Street; For the years 1931s 1932, 1934s 1935, 1940, 1941, 1942 and 1943, delinquent in the respective original amounts of $2.92, $.779 2.040 $1.95, $5.179 $5.17, $5.17 and $5.17, cess Portion of said premises described as follows Beginning at southwest corner of C. H. Adsitts Lake Washington Plats according to plat thereof recorded in volume 8 of platap page 79, records of said county; thence south 890441 west 217.43 feet to true point of beginning; thence north 260421 west 509,29 feet to Goverment meander line; thence south 43012t54" west 27.20 feet along said meander line; thence south 24014136P east 477.51 feet to south line of Government lot 3; thence north 89044' east 51.37 feet along said south line of Goverment lot 3 to true point of beginning. NOTES All of the property against which said Commercial waterway levies appear as a lien on the tax rolls in the office of Treasurer of Ding County, was acquired by condemnation in said District Court Cause No. 704 and said Commercial Waterway District No. 2 received such amounts as were awarded as compensation in full for its claims or its was stipulated that amounts still on deposit in the registry of the court constituted full compensation.. therefore. Nevertheless., said levies do not show paid on the tax rolls. 3. Easement for overhead telephone line and underground conduit V and cable line over lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, block 23, Latimers Lake Park Additions Black River Waterway Tracts 13 and 141, Lake Washington Shorelands and Government lot 3, all in section 7, township 23 north# range 5 east., W, M.# as granted by Page 5 of Certificate No. B-303957 WO r; SCHEDULE BThird Sheet Defense Plant Corporation,/ corporation, to the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, a California corporation, by instrument dated August 19 19430 recorded September 28, 1943, in volume 2169 of deeds, page 208, under auditor's file No. 3337990, records of said county. 4. Easement, to construct and maintain a drainage pipe line over and across lots 27 and 28, block 23, N. H. Latimer's Lake Washington Addition, as granted by Frank B. Bonnell and Dorothy Margaret Bonnell, his wife, to State of Washington, by instrument dated January 25, 19411 recorded February 17, 1941; in volume 1947 of deeds, page 348, under auditor's file No. 3146397, records of said county, 5. Easement to construct and maintain a drainage pipe from Primary State Highway No. 5, Seattle, to Renton Sections over and across lot 1, block 28, Bryn Mawr, as granted by F. M. Roberts and Edith S. Roberts, his wife, to State of Washington, by instrument dated April 25, 1940, recorded May 93, 1940, in volume 1899 of deeds, page 41, under auditor's file No. 3100479, records of said county. 6, Easement for electric transmission line over lots 2 to 8, inclusive, block 27, and lots 1 to 8, inclusive, block 28s Vacated Hawthorne Avenue adjoining, Bryn Mawr, as granted by F. M. Roberts and Edith S. Roberts, his wife, to Puget Sound Power & Light Ca mpany, a Massachusetts corporation# by instrument dated July 18, 1941, recorded August 28, 1941, in volume 1992 of deeds, page 193, under auditor's file No. 3187088, records of said county* 7. Easement for electric transmission line over the following described propertys Beginning at a point on the east right of way of the Seattle Rainier Valley Railroad line 9 feet north of the south line of Garry Street (formerly Johnson Avenue) of the Bryn Mawr Plat, as shown of record in the auditor's office of ging County, Washington, said street being now vacated by order of the ging County Court; thence due east to Black River, about 680 feet, more or less; as granted by George W. Saulsberry, a single man, to Puget Sound Power & Light Company, a Massachusetts corporations by instrument dated August 19, 1927, recorded September is 1927, in volume 3.358 of deeds, page 594, under auditor's file No. 24001029, records of said county. S. Easement for the right to go upon the following described portion of said premises for the purpose of maintenance of waterway without the right to obstruct such land, or in any way deposit any material thereon, granted to Commercial Dater- way District No. 2 by order entered May 19, 1947, in said United States District Court Cause No. 704; Beginning at the intersection of the north line of Dixie Avenue as now located and established with the east line of lot 18, block 4, Renton Real Estate Cols. lot Addition to Renton, which point is marked by a concrete monument and running thence Page 6 of Certificate No. B-303957 (Continued on the sheet following) i SCHEDULE B ---------- FOURTH SHUT north 0*311470 east along the east line of said lot 18 and theeastlineoflot23, said block 4 and the same producednortherly322.93 feet to an intersection with a curve to therighthavinga.radius of 1980.00 feet the center of whichcurvebearsnorth "00913611 east from this point of inter_section; thence northwesterlyoal said curve to the rightthroughacentralangleof31560adistanceof1104.07feet; thence along a line tangent to said curve north 13o53e28nwest, 3488.48 feet to the true point of beginningdescription; thence continuingnorth g of this feet to the inner harbor line LskeWashinggton; thence st 67 west along said inner harbor ,no 51,51 feet; thence south13053128" east 937,03 feet to a point from which the true pointofbeginningbearsnorth76006,3211 east a distance of 50.00feet; thence north 760061320 east 50,00 feet to the truepointofbeginning 9. Exceptions and reservations contained in various deedsfromtheStateofWashington.. under which title to portionsofshorelandsisclaimed, whereby the grantor saves,excepts and reserves all oils, gases, coat, ores, minerals,fossils, etc.., together with the right to easter upon saidlandsforthepurposeofopening, developing and workingmines, etc., provided that no rights shall be exercisedunderthisreservationuntilprovisionhasbeenmadeby thestate, its successors or assigns, for full payment of alldamagessustainedbyownerbyreasonofsuchartering, 10. Right of State of Washington to remove and/or place earthmaterialsfrom'and/or u portionsP of said promisesadjoiningPrimary, State Highway No. 5, granted by instrumentsrecordedunderauditorsfileNos. 3100467, 3100480, 3101235,3103925, 3101,477, 32502311 32502328 3250234, 3250235, 325023603250237, 32502380 3256693, and 3256694, records of said county. 11. Any unpaid charges for installation of water service and forwater, electric light, power or sewer service furnished tosaidpremisesbyacity, town or district, 12. Questions of survey, boundary lines and encroachments. 13. Liens for labor and material of which no notice is of record, 14. Rights of persons in possession, End of Schedule B) Page 7 of Certificate No. B-303957 CITY OF RENTON Arthur L. Haugan, Attorney Councilmen Dr. C. L. Dixon, Health Officer Steve Tamborini, Pres. Vincent Stewart, Chief of Police KING COUNTY, WASH. Joe R. Baxter J. E. McFarland, Police Judge Perry H. Mitchell, Mayor Ben Richardson J. E. Morrison, Mgr. Utilities Dorothea S. Gossett, Treasurer Walter Reid B. M. McHugh, Engineer George D. Swift F. E. Lawrence, Fire Chief Wiley Crook, Clerk g Charles Delaurenti Andrew Gigli October 10, 1947 Mr. Wiley Crook City Clerk Renton, Washington Dear Wiley: I hand you herewith, for your records, the original deed from U.S. Government and R. F. C. to City of Renton conveying to the city the Renton Airport and certain pro- perties therewith. This deed was accepted by City Council 1-3°9 > Resolution No. 688. As you will note it was duly recordedinCountyAuditor' s office on September 25th, 1947, under o._ Auditor' s Receiving No. 3727523. Also, at our request, the War Assets Administration have by letter dated September 26th, 1947 notified the King County Assessor and the King County Treasurer that the title of this property has passed of record to the City of Renton. This was done so that the property would not be included on the tax roll for 1948 taxes. Very truly yours, ALH:lf AiTHUR L., GAN Encl. City Attorney P.S. I also hand you herewith Certificate of Title No. B-343957, issued by Washington Title Insurance Company dated August 5th, 1947. This is in lieu of the usual form Title Insurance Policy. 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