HomeMy WebLinkAbout23-7634 ITFF' "POLCERA II I !�� I III I III I IIII III II I . 5 27c COLLISION REP FIT 1591971 CASE 23-7634 z INTERSTATE ❑ CITY STREET ❑ FIRE ❑ RESULTED 1 STOLEN STATE ROUTE ❑ OTHER ❑ HIT F ❑ LOCAL AOENC 4200 3 HIT&RUN CODING COUNTY RD PRIVATE WAY INVOLVED 2 TOTAL#OF OBJECT 1 28 TRIBAL UNITS 02 STRUCK' BUILDING RESERVATION z 3❑ DATE OF M M D D Y Y Y Y TIME(2400) COUNTY# MILES N E IN CITY# ❑ CowsloN 07 - 1-- 2023 2344 17 ❑.= S 8 IN e 1070 3 4❑ ON (PRIMARY TRAFFIC WAY) INTERSECTION ❑ NON INTERSECTION ❑✓ BLOCK 16924 116TH AVE S ST e✓ MILEPOST 16924 4a❑ DISTANCE OF(REFERENCE OR CROSS STREET) 5❑ ❑ FEET e S ❑ W e 1 5 29 MOTOR PEDAL- DAMAGE THRESHOLD MET PHONE UNIT 01 VEHICLE ❑ CYCLE El ,/No D:4253369518 30 6❑ LAST NAME HASAN FIRSTNAME ABDULLAH MIDDLE K 1 1 2 31 INITIAL STREET 01 15650 42ND AVE S CITY TUKWILA ST WA 21p 98188 z NEW ADDRESS 7❑ CDL IGNITION REQUIRED IGNITION PRESENT MEDICAL TRANSPORTED 3 INTERLOCK YES[:]NO 1/ INTERLOCKYEs NO�/ YES R No�/ 8❑ LDRIVER # STATE WA SEX'M MID -O B 12 — 13 — 2002 32 9 ON DUTY❑ STATUS AIRBAG 2 RESTR 4 EJECT 1 HELMET 2 CLASS 1 NATURE OF INJURIES z❑ 3 10❑ P1 aT�S� CFY6041 sTArr WAVIN# 1 HGCY2F74PA014186 TRAILER STATE TRAILER STATE 11 0 0 PLATE# PLATE# FROM TO TRLR. TRLR. O 0 33 12❑ VIN#' VIN#' FROM 34 13A VEH.YEARN MAKE HOND MODEL ACCOR STYLE 4C VEHICLE TOWED NOOpLSABLIN TSIYYEp9vMEYERS v�s❑ENo� DAMAGE IILLJJII (��IV6 REGISTERED OWNER INFO PVHOLDING CORP 15820 INTERNATIONAL BLVD TUKWILA WA 98188 VEHICLE NO. 1 ❑ SHADE IN DAMAGED AREA 35 14❑ UABILI INSURANCE❑ INSURANCE CO 2 3 IN EFFECT &POLICY# 9TOP veH'Cl.e CHARGE 36 LEGALLY YFS❑NO❑ CITATION# 10 BOTTOM 15❑ NDING 8 MOTOR PEDAL- PEDESTRIAN PROPERTY DAM THR OLD MET PHONE UNIT 02 VEHICLE ❑ CYCLE ❑ ❑ OWNER ❑ YES NO ,/ D:2069798702 16❑ LAST NAME ANDERSON FIRST NAME TODD MIDDLE INITIAL STREET CITY' ST ZIP 37 17� NEW ADDRES7 18� CDL IGNITION REQUIRED IGNITION PtR—E—S1ENT MEDICAL TRANSPORTED 38 INTERLOCKYES�NOR INTERLOCK YEs I I NOF YEs t l NO❑ 19 LLIICENS # STATE SEX U MMDDYY —�_ 39 HELMET INJURY NATURE OF INJURIES 40 20❑ ON DUTY STATUS' AIRBAG RESTR EJECT USE CLASS ❑ ❑21❑ TArE 41 IN#LICENSE V 1 PLATE# 42 22❑ PLATE# STATE PLATE# STATE 23❑ 43 TRLR RLR VIN#. IN#. VEH YEAR MAKE MODEL STYLE VEHICLE TOWED TO BLIN TOWED BY Gov HI 44 L4❑ DAMAGE YES NO YES NO REGISTERED OWNER INFO VEHICLE NO.2 SHADE IN DAMAGED AREA 2 3 4 LIABILITY INSURANCE❑ INSURANCE #E CO IN EFFECT &PO I 9TOP 5 VE""LE ❑ ,J� CITATION# CHARGE i o BOTTOM LEGALLY YES N J 25 s e OFFICER'S NAME(PRINT) OFFICER PHONE BADGE OR ID# AGENCY 26 N AAH GIRELLO 12607 WA0171300 PAGE 01 OF PART A 3000-345-159 fR 11/181 STATE OF POLICETRAFFICN CORRECTION REPORT NO. ED80074 COLLISION REPORT III III III III III 111 1591972 CASE# 23-7634 ADDITIONAL PERSONS INVOLVED PASSENGERS AND/OR WITNESSES ONLY) NAME MIDDLE INITIAL) PANTEL JOSHUA D (/AST FIRST, ADDRESS&PHONE# D O.B. ' 17228 139TH PL SE RENTON WA 98055 4257653266 SEX M MMDOYyry 05 - 08 - 1978 PASSENGER WITNESS UNIT# SEAT AIRBAG RESTR. EJECT ' HELMET INJURY NATURE OF INJURIES ❑ ❑✓ POS. USE CLASS NAME (LAST,FIRST,MIDDLE INITIAL) ADDRESS&PHONE# DOB SEX' MMDDYYYY PASSENGER ❑WITNESS❑ UNIT# SEAT I AIRBAG RESTR. EJECT HELMET NJURY NATURE OF INJURIES POS. USE CLASS NAME (LAST FIR57 MIDDLE INITIAL) AppRESS R PHONE# SEX D.O.B.MMDD -❑ YYYY. PASSENGER WITNESS UNIT# SEAT AIRBAG RESTR. EJECT HELMET NJURY NATURE OF INJURIES ❑ ❑ POS. USE CLASS ----� NARRATIVE' Please see subsequent narrative pages I CERTIFY(DECLARE)UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON THAT THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. NOAH GIRELLO 07-05-23 05:02 AM INVESTIGATING OFFICER'S SIGNATURE UNIT OR DIST DET DATED PLACE SIGNED APPROVED BY DATE DESIRES SCOTT 10272 1 711612023 2:33:22 PM BADGE OR ID# 12607 ORI# WA0171300 TIME POLICE DISPATCHED 11:46 PM TIME POLICE ARRIVED',11:52 PM PART Ei PAGE IT]OF 4] REPORT NO. ED80074 CASE# 23-7634 OF COLLISION 07/04/23 23:44 OF CbLLI510N NARRATIVE 23-7634 At about 2346 hours on 07/04/2023 1 was dispatched to an accident at, 16924 116th Ave SE, in the city of Renton, King County, Washington. Dispatch advised me that there was one vehicle into a building and injuries were unknown. Vehicle information: 2023 Silver Honda Accord (WALIC/CFY6041) (VIN/1 HGCY2F74PA014186) Driver: Abdullah K Hasan (DOB 12/13/2002) Witness: Joshua D Pantel (DOB 05/08/1978) Upon my arrival I observed several subjects and vehicles in the parking lot to the west of the building. There was no vehicle in the building and everyone on scene advised they were ok, and no one required medical assistance. The driver of the vehicle was then contacted. The vehicle had extensive damage to the rear of the vehicle, specificity the rear driver's side. The driver of the vehicle advised that he was the sole occupant of the vehicle at the time of the accident and there was no airbag deployment. The following as a summary of what the driver said happened. The driver of the vehicle said that he was in the parking lot with friend, and they were lighting off fireworks because it was the 4th of July. The driver had his vehicle facing west bound in the parking lot, with the back of the vehicle facing the building. The driver stated that someone in the group that was lighting off fireworks threw a lit firework underneath the driver's car while he was inside the car. Because of this the driver reversed too quickly and ran through the pillars and into the building. The pillars holding the awning had severe damage while the building had little to no damage. I do not believe there was substantial structural damage. The following is a summary of what the witness said happened. I contacted Joshua and he explained that he owns the neighboring business, and his alarm went off due to the fireworks. Joshua said when he arrived in the parking lot, he observed the large group lighting fireworks. Joshua said he also saw someone throw the firework underneath the vehicle which caused the driver to reverse quickly into the building. The vehicle was inoperable an required a tow. I called for a owner requested tow and the vehicle was towed by Gene Meyers. I was unable to reach the building owner likely due to the time of night and because it was a holiday. Joshua said he knows the building owner well and would fill him in on what happened in the morning, so I provided Joshua a case number to give to the building owner. Pictures of the vehicle and building were taken and uploaded via Axon capture. The driver did not have access to his insurance at this time. This concludes my involvement with this case. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. Electronically signed by N. GIRELLO #12607 on 07/04/2023 at 0000 Renton, WA PAGE 3 OF 4 REPORT NO. ED80074 CASE# 23-7634 DATE AND TIME 07/04/23 23:44 OF COLLISION 16924 116th ave se e vehicle 1 PAGE 4 OF 4