HomeMy WebLinkAbout7-26-2023 - City's email 1 - RE_ Appeal of CED Deferrals (DEF 23001823; DEF 23001824) [IWOV-PDX.FID4777904]From:Patrice Kent To:Calvert, Maren L.; Phil Olbrechts Cc:Katzaroff, Kenneth; Blythe Phillips; McKee, Lisa D.; Schunk, Andrea K.; Wilson-McNerney, Julie; dzoldak@larsandersen.com; Alex Morganroth; Andrew Van Gordon; Angelea Weihs; Brianne Bannwarth; Clark Close; Cynthia Moya; Jason Seth; Jennifer Cisneros; Jill Ding; Judith Subia; Margarette Bravo; Matthew Herrera; Nathan Janders; Robert Shuey; Shane Moloney; Vanessa Dolbee Subject:RE: Appeal of CED Deferrals (DEF 23001823; DEF 23001824) [IWOV-PDX.FID4777904] Date:Wednesday, July 26, 2023 4:03:42 PM Attachments:image003.png image004.png image005.png Good afternoon Mr. Hearing Examiner – The City appreciates the opportunity to respond to the draft scheduling order. With respect to the draft order, the City respectfully requests five rather than the two business days to Reply to the Response to the Motion to Dismiss. The Home Depot (THD) will have had the Motion to Dismiss for nearly a full month by the time their Response is due, and in the interest of equity the City requests additional time to reply. With respect to THD request to accommodate an anticipated modification request and related appeal in the instant Schedule, the City objects to its inclusion to the extent it requires an extremely expedited response from the City. THD has had nearly a full year ago to apply for a modification and has delayed doing so. Despite this, THD now requests accommodating a possible modification (“Deadline to file a Modification Request (if any)”), with a requirement that the City then provide a decision within 21 calendar days of receipt of whatever THD submits. The modified schedule requested by THD will not accommodate a reasonable opportunity to review and reach a decision on any modification request submitted by THD. The City has not seen a proposed modification request. The City cannot predict whether a possible submittal on the proposed date will be complete for review. Given the complexities of nexus and proportionality analyses, the City anticipates a need for communication with THD to verify and clarify the grounds for modification. RCW 36.70B.070(1) provides the City up to 28 days to determine whether an application is complete, and RCW 36.70B.080(1) allows up to 120 days to issue a decision. While the City does not anticipate needing the full time permitted by statute to review any modification application and supporting information, without seeing that application it is impossible to determine what a reasonable review period may be. With respect to THD public records responses, the City will continue to respond in a timely and comprehensive manner in compliance with the law. The City’s proposed amendment to THD response is as follows: 8/4/23 – Deadline to File Modification Request (if any) 8/4/23 - Response to City Motion to Dismiss. 8/8/23 -08/11/2023 Reply to Motion to Dismiss 8/18/23 – Deadline to file other prehearing motions 8/25/23 – Deadline to publish staff report regarding Modification Request CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. 9/1/23 - Response to other prehearing motions 9/5/23 - Replies to other prehearing motions 9/8/23 – Deadline to appeal Modification Request (if any) 9/19/23 Witness and Exhibit Lists due, along with exchange of exhibits. 9/22/23 Rebuttal Witness/Exhibit List along with rebuttal exhibits 9/26/23 Virtual Appeal hearing, 9 am, (Deferral Decisions) (Outlot 1, Outlot 2, Modification Decision (if any)) Thank you for your consideration – Patrice M. Patrice Kent | Senior assistant city attorney city of renton | 1055 S. Grady Way | renton Wa 98057 pkent@rentonwa.gov | (425) 430-6482 cOnFiDentiaLitY nOtice: this e-mail, including any attachments, is confidential and may include privileged information. if you are not the intended recipient, or believe you have received this e-mail in error, please do not copy, print, forward, re-transmit, or otherwise disseminate this e-mail, its contents, or any of its attachments. Please delete this e-mail. also, please notify the sender that you have received this e-mail in error. PUBLic DiScLOSUre: Please be advised the city of renton is required to comply with the Public Disclosure act chapter 42.56 rcW. this act establishes a strong state mandate in favor of disclosure of public records. as such, the information you submit to the city via email, including personal information, may ultimately be subject to disclosure as a public record. From: calvert, Maren L. <Mcalvert@schwabe.com> Sent: tuesday, July 25, 2023 2:15 PM To: Phil Olbrechts <olbrechtslaw@gmail.com> Cc: Katzaroff, Kenneth <KKatzaroff@ScHWaBe.com>; Blythe Phillips <BPhillips@rentonwa.gov>; McKee, Lisa D. <LMcKee@schwabe.com>; Schunk, andrea K. <aSchunk@ScHWaBe.com>; Wilson- Mcnerney, Julie <JWilson-Mcnerney@schwabe.com>; dzoldak@larsandersen.com; alex Morganroth <aMorganroth@rentonwa.gov>; andrew Van Gordon <aVanGordon@rentonwa.gov>; angelea Weihs <aWeihs@rentonwa.gov>; Brianne Bannwarth <BBannwarth@rentonwa.gov>; clark close <cclose@rentonwa.gov>; cynthia Moya <cMoya@rentonwa.gov>; Jason Seth <JSeth@rentonwa.gov>; Jennifer cisneros <Jcisneros@rentonwa.gov>; Jill Ding <JDing@rentonwa.gov>; Judith Subia <JSubia@rentonwa.gov>; Margarette Bravo <MBravo@rentonwa.gov>; Matthew Herrera <MHerrera@rentonwa.gov>; nathan Janders <nJanders@rentonwa.gov>; robert Shuey <rShuey@rentonwa.gov>; Shane Moloney <SMoloney@rentonwa.gov>; Vanessa Dolbee <VDolbee@rentonwa.gov>; Patrice Kent <PKent@rentonwa.gov> Subject: re: appeal of ceD Deferrals (DeF 23001823; DeF 23001824) [iWOV-PDX.FiD4777904] Mr. Examiner, Thank you for the opportunity to review and respond to your draft scheduling order. The Home Depot appreciates the haste with which the Examiner is proceeding. As previously mentioned, The Home Depot is planning to submit a modification request to the City in accordance with condition of approval 34 (“COA 34”) of the Hearing Examiner’s previous Final Decision, approving The Home Depot’s site plan. COA 34 states: “The undergrounding of power lines pursuant to RMC 4-6-090 has not yet been addressed in the staff recommended conditions of approval or the staff report. At hearing, the parties have agreed to defer resolution of the issue pending further assessment of the applicability of RMC 4-6-090. Applicant’s legal counsel has also raised the issue of Dolan proportionality, which staff may also have to further assess. At hearing the parties also agreed to subject any disagreement on the underground issue to hearing examiner appeal. As recommended by staff, if the parties cannot mutually agree on whether power lines should be undergrounded, the Applicant shall put its position in the form of a modification request and the resulting staff decision shall be subject to hearing examiner appeal.” Final Decision at pages 21 line 23 to page 22 line 3 (21:23-22:3). Given that the essence of The Home Depot’s appeal related to Grady Way (Outlot 1) is based upon the ongoing dispute a to the Nollan and Dolan constitutional requirement for proportionality and nexus, the modification request and the appeal regarding Outlot 1 are intimately, and inextricably, related. The questions presented in each are the same. Accordingly, in the interests of judicial economy and efficiency, The Home Depot respectfully requests that the Pre-hearing Order accommodate the inevitable appeal on The Home Depot’s modification request. We do not think adding an appeal of the modification request to the pre- hearing schedule will introduce any new issues or argument, and thus, it should not delay the schedule or prejudice any party. The modification request (and its appeal) will simply tee-up the question presented in the Outlot 1 appeal, in a succinct format. The Home Depot has also submitted public records requests related to the instant appeals. If the responses to those requests are timely produced, The Home Depot is unlikely to need to conduct discovery during the appeal proceedings. If timely productions are not forthcoming, The Home Depot may file a motion to compel production of public records/approval to conduct discovery at or before the time indicated in the draft scheduling order for “other motions.” Given the issues discussed above, The Home Depot proposes the pre-hearing schedule could be adjusted as follows: 8/4/23 – Deadline to File Modification Request (if any) 8/4/23 - Response to City Motion to Dismiss. 8/8/23 - Reply to Motion to Dismiss 8/18/23 – Deadline to file other prehearing motions 8/25/23 – Deadline to publish staff report regarding Modification Request 9/1/23 - Response to other prehearing motions 9/5/23 - Replies to other prehearing motions 9/8/23 – Deadline to appeal Modification Request (if any) 9/19/23 Witness and Exhibit Lists due, along with exchange of exhibits. 9/22/23 Rebuttal Witness/Exhibit List along with rebuttal exhibits 9/26/23 Virtual Appeal hearing, 9 am, (Outlot 1, Outlot 2, Modification Decision (if any)). In addition, it appears there is some extraneous language in the draft order on page 2 lines 15 and 16 regarding a motion for reconsideration, which the Examiner may want to remove or modify. Thank you for your time and attention, Maren Maren Calvert Shareholder Pronouns: she, her, hers (360) 597-0804 mcalvert@schwabe.com From: Phil Olbrechts <olbrechtslaw@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, July 21, 2023 9:55 aM To: Patrice Kent <PKent@rentonwa.gov> Cc: Katzaroff, Kenneth <KKatzaroff@ScHWaBe.com>; Blythe Phillips <BPhillips@rentonwa.gov>; McKee, Lisa D. <LMcKee@schwabe.com>; calvert, Maren L. <Mcalvert@schwabe.com>; Schunk, andrea K. <aSchunk@ScHWaBe.com>; Wilson-Mcnerney, Julie <JWilson- Mcnerney@schwabe.com>; dzoldak@larsandersen.com; alex Morganroth <aMorganroth@rentonwa.gov>; andrew Van Gordon <aVanGordon@rentonwa.gov>; angelea Weihs <aWeihs@rentonwa.gov>; Brianne Bannwarth <BBannwarth@rentonwa.gov>; clark close <cclose@rentonwa.gov>; cynthia Moya <cMoya@rentonwa.gov>; Jason Seth <JSeth@rentonwa.gov>; Jennifer cisneros <Jcisneros@rentonwa.gov>; Jill Ding <JDing@rentonwa.gov>; Judith Subia <JSubia@rentonwa.gov>; Margarette Bravo <MBravo@rentonwa.gov>; Matthew Herrera <MHerrera@rentonwa.gov>; nathan Janders <nJanders@rentonwa.gov>; robert Shuey <rShuey@rentonwa.gov>; Shane Moloney <SMoloney@rentonwa.gov>; Vanessa Dolbee <VDolbee@rentonwa.gov> Subject: re: appeal of ceD Deferrals (DeF 23001823; DeF 23001824) [iWOV-PDX.FiD4777904] Draft prehearing order attached. Please let me know if you agree with dates (and waive any rights to speedier appeal date) and also any additional email addresses you'd like added to the distribution list. Please respond by 5 pm, 7/26/23. On Wed, Jul 12, 2023 at 10:47 AM Patrice Kent <PKent@rentonwa.gov> wrote: Good morning – CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. Hearing examiner Olbrechts – thank you for the reminder regarding filing procedures. i will not make that error again. Ken – thank you for sending the update. regards, Patrice M. Patrice Kent | Senior assistant city attorney city of renton | 1055 S. Grady Way | renton Wa 98057 pkent@rentonwa.gov | (425) 430-6482 cOnFiDentiaLitY nOtice: this e-mail, including any attachments, is confidential and may include privileged information. if you are not the intended recipient, or believe you have received this e-mail in error, please do not copy, print, forward, re-transmit, or otherwise disseminate this e-mail, its contents, or any of its attachments. Please delete this e-mail. also, please notify the sender that you have received this e-mail in error. PUBLic DiScLOSUre: Please be advised the city of renton is required to comply with the Public Disclosure act chapter 42.56 rcW. this act establishes a strong state mandate in favor of disclosure of public records. as such, the information you submit to the city via email, including personal information, may ultimately be subject to disclosure as a public record. From: Katzaroff, Kenneth <KKatzaroff@ScHWaBe.com> Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2023 10:44 aM To: Phil Olbrechts <olbrechtslaw@gmail.com>; Blythe Phillips <BPhillips@rentonwa.gov> Cc: McKee, Lisa D. <LMcKee@schwabe.com>; calvert, Maren L. <Mcalvert@schwabe.com>; Schunk, andrea K. <aSchunk@ScHWaBe.com>; Wilson-Mcnerney, Julie <JWilson- Mcnerney@schwabe.com>; dzoldak@larsandersen.com; alex Morganroth <aMorganroth@rentonwa.gov>; andrew Van Gordon <aVanGordon@rentonwa.gov>; angelea Weihs <aWeihs@rentonwa.gov>; Brianne Bannwarth <BBannwarth@rentonwa.gov>; clark close <cclose@rentonwa.gov>; cynthia Moya <cMoya@rentonwa.gov>; Jason Seth <JSeth@rentonwa.gov>; Jennifer cisneros <Jcisneros@rentonwa.gov>; Jill Ding <JDing@rentonwa.gov>; Judith Subia <JSubia@rentonwa.gov>; Margarette Bravo <MBravo@rentonwa.gov>; Matthew Herrera <MHerrera@rentonwa.gov>; nathan Janders <nJanders@rentonwa.gov>; Patrice Kent <PKent@rentonwa.gov>; robert Shuey <rShuey@rentonwa.gov>; Shane Moloney <SMoloney@rentonwa.gov>; Vanessa Dolbee <VDolbee@rentonwa.gov> Subject: re: appeal of ceD Deferrals (DeF 23001823; DeF 23001824) [iWOV-PDX.FiD4777904] Hearing examiner Olbrechts – We continue to attempt to resolve the dispute and have identified a potential path forward. to that end, we are anticipating filing a motion to stay, or other similar motion, for both appeals in the next few days. it may be or may not be joined by the city pending additional discussion later this afternoon. Best, Ken Kenneth Katzaroff Shareholder D: (206) 405-1985 kkatzaroff@schwabe.com From: Phil Olbrechts <olbrechtslaw@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2023 10:15 aM To: Blythe Phillips <BPhillips@rentonwa.gov> Cc: Katzaroff, Kenneth <KKatzaroff@ScHWaBe.com>; McKee, Lisa D. <LMcKee@schwabe.com>; calvert, Maren L. <Mcalvert@schwabe.com>; Schunk, andrea K. <aSchunk@ScHWaBe.com>; Wilson-Mcnerney, Julie <JWilson-Mcnerney@schwabe.com>; dzoldak@larsandersen.com; alex Morganroth <aMorganroth@rentonwa.gov>; andrew Van Gordon <aVanGordon@rentonwa.gov>; angelea Weihs <aWeihs@rentonwa.gov>; Brianne Bannwarth <BBannwarth@rentonwa.gov>; clark close <cclose@rentonwa.gov>; cynthia Moya <cMoya@rentonwa.gov>; Jason Seth <JSeth@rentonwa.gov>; Jennifer cisneros <Jcisneros@rentonwa.gov>; Jill Ding <JDing@rentonwa.gov>; Judith Subia <JSubia@rentonwa.gov>; Margarette Bravo <MBravo@rentonwa.gov>; Matthew Herrera <MHerrera@rentonwa.gov>; nathan Janders <nJanders@rentonwa.gov>; Patrice Kent <PKent@rentonwa.gov>; robert Shuey <rShuey@rentonwa.gov>; Shane Moloney <SMoloney@rentonwa.gov>; Vanessa Dolbee <VDolbee@rentonwa.gov> Subject: re: appeal of ceD Deferrals (DeF 23001823; DeF 23001824) Good morning. As far as I can tell it appears that the parties are out of settlement negotiations and we need a scheduling order. I also found out today that embedded in the City's "response" is a motion to dismiss. For future reference I ask the city to make its motions separate from its prehearing briefing so that I'm made aware of the need to set response and reply dates. I will distribute a draft prehearing order later today. On Thu, Jul 6, 2023 at 4:25 PM Blythe Phillips <BPhillips@rentonwa.gov> wrote: Good afternoon, On behalf of Sr. City Attorney M. Patrice Kent representing the City in the above-titled action, attached is the City’s response to the Home Depot Appeals of Deferral for Outlots 1 and 2 under LUA 21-000542. Hard copies have been placed in the mail to Kenneth Katzaroff, counsel for the Appellant, The Home Depot. Declarations of Service are also attached. Please let me know if you have any difficulty opening the attachments. Thank you, Blythe PhilliPs Senior Paralegal Renton City Attorney 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 98057 Direct Line: (425) 430-6493 | Fax: (425) 430-6498 __________________________________________________________ NOTICE: This email may contain material that is confidential, privilegedand/or attorney work product for the sole ‎use of the intended recipient.Any review, reliance or distribution by others or forwarding without express‎permission is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient,please contact the sender and ‎delete all copies.‎ __________________________________________________________ NOTICE: This email may contain material that is confidential, privilegedand/or attorney work product for the sole ‎use of the intended recipient. Anyreview, reliance or distribution by others or forwarding without express‎permission is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient,please contact the sender and ‎delete all copies.‎