HomeMy WebLinkAboutExh5_D_ERC Decision_230407_v1.pdfCAPITAL PLANNINGentonANDCONSTRUCTION SERVICE |EXCELLENCE |EQUITY SEPA DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE (DNS) Hazen High School Portables Proponent and Lead Agency:Renton School District (RSD) The official project file containing the SEPA checklist and related plans and documentsis available for public review during normal business hoursat the following location: Contact:Matthew Feldmeyer Executive Director of Capital Planning and Construction Renton School District 7812 South 124th Street Seattle,WA 98178 capitalprojects2@rentonschools.us Phone:(425)204-4403 Description of Proposal:The Renton School District Hazen High School is proposing to add four (4)new portable classroom buildings to the existing Hazen High School grounds located at 1101 Hoquiam Avenue NE,Renton,WA.The portables are needed as a result of growth in the area and increased enrollment,as well as class size reduction.The portables are proposed to be located within the school parking lot to the north of the existing school buildings and sited to comply with applicable Renton municipal code such as off-street parking minimums,allowable setbacks,landscaping,and tree retention requirements.The proposed portable buildings will occupy a total area of 7,168 square feet and provide eight (8)additional classrooms. Location of Proposal:1101 Hoquiam Ave NE,Renton,WA;King Co.Parcel No.1023059278 Public and Agency Comments:This SEPA Threshold Determination is based on the public record,including comments from agencies,tribes,property owners,and other interested parties via mailings,publications and postings conducted by RSD.RSD issued notice of the SEPA Checklist for comment on March 16 requesting the submittal of comments by March 20,2023. No commentletters were received. FINDINGS OF FACT: 1.Earth -The site is relatively flat.There will be no fill for the installation of the portables. They will be placed on top of existing pavement.There will not be a change/increase to impervious surface as a result of the proposal.Excavation will be minor for the SERVICE |EXCELLENCE |EQUITY 7812 S 124St.,Seattle,Washington 98178-4830 |p.425.204.4403 |£.425.204.4476 CAPITAL PLANNINGeCAtonANDCONSTRUCTION SERVICE |EXCELLENCE |EQUITY 10. installation of power,communications,and fire alarm services.Minor asphalt raising/overlay may be needed for ADA access. Air —Best ManagementPractices will be employed to minimize dust-related emissions during construction. .Water —There are no surface water bodies on the site.Stormwater design is based on the requirements of the 2022 City of Renton Water Design Manual.Best Management practices will be implemented. Plants —No vegetation will be removed or added for the proposal. Environmental Health —There is no known contamination on the site,howeverit is possible that spills could occur during construction.Any soils contaminated by spills would be excavated and disposed of in a mannerconsistent with the level of contamination and in accordance with federal,state,and local requirements. Noise —Temporary,short term noise impacts will occur typical of construction activity. Construction is anticipated to occur during the summer months of 2023 and between the hours of 7:00 am and 5:00 pm.Otherwise,school-related noise will be similar as existing. Land and Shoreline Use —The current use of the site is the existing Hazen High School. Adjacentuses are largely residential;there is a church to the south and playfields to the west.The use will not change as a result of the proposal,nor will the proposal increase impacts to nearby or adjacent properties.The portables will be located within the existing parking lot to minimize disturbance.The site is not within a critical area or the vicinity of a shoreline of the state.With the added classrooms,the school capacity will increase from 1,462 to 1,694 students.No increase in staffing is anticipated. Recreation —There will be no impacts to recreation. Historic and cultural preservation —No disturbance to cultural or historical resources is expected.The soil disturbance is occurring on pavement in an area previously impacted by grading.If any cultural or archaeological objects are found during work on the site, work will stop,and the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation will be notified. Transportation —The proposal will result in a net increase of 100 trips per day (50 in,50 out).Peak volumes would continue to occurin the morning and afternoon aroundbell times.No change to the number of bus trips is anticipated.The increased trips are not likely to result in a significant impact to transportation. THRESHOLD DETERMINATION:In reaching the Threshold Determination,the Responsible Official reviewed the completed environmental checklist,environmental information on file with RSD,City of Renton,and public/agency comments,relying on the information therein to exercise substantive authority under the Washington State Environmental Policy Act,pursuant to RCW 43.21C.060.This Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS)is issued under the Washington Administrative Code (WAC)197-11-340 and pursuant to the criteria and procedures of WAC 197-11-300 through 197-11-340 and 197-11-390.The Responsible Official has determined that the proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact with adherence to local,state,and federal regulations. SERVICE |EXCELLENCE |EQUITY 7812 S 124'h St.,Seattle,Washington 98178-4830 |p.425.204.4403 |£.425.204.4476 CAPITAL PLANNINGentonANDCONSTRUCTION SERVICE |EXCELLENCE |EQUITY The lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from issue date (issue date:April 7, 2023).Comments must be submitted by 5:00 pm on April 21,2023.Comments can be mailed or emailed to the address listed above.There is no agency appeal of this DNS;appeals are governed by RCW 43.21C.075. Responsible Official: Dak2AtL S/S 23 Matthew Feldmeyer,Exeetftive Director of Date Capital Planning &Construction Renton School District Published in the Seattle Times:April 7,2023 SERVICE |EXCELLENCE |EQUITY 7812 S 124'h St.,Seattle,Washington 98178-4830 |p.425.204.4403 |£425.204.4476