HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWP271812 (2)I I N T E R O F F I C E TO: Co FROM: �t,,� l Y `0/ -1 fi-6b�vl SUBJECT: m E b 0 T116 v &NTEROFFICE --LO-L2 ECT: DATE; CL a �Z 2z 2v qqqq' HINGTON,SURFACE OVA DESIGN 1IANUAL K I N G C O U N T Y, Chapter 7 Section 7.3 Section o Hydraulic Analysis Conveyance System Design &Analysis Pi System FIGURE 7.3.4J PIPE ANCHOR DETAIL O / Ilse r-✓ L v ps 6e.�d'r� �+- L'� Nl/;► �f�� J ', ��` i' .�,�, EGA. �I It9ti��freP1 � afGr�{e 6�C`1 �n�►� in{� Ua�t�r62r� Soli'/ Af S%1ewiL . S'EC-,7-125 ' W -,4 Airs a 6rAIRX. R • ���� � I�� Z x P,;-e D,a. Min — as shy err 7-20 4%R �u Earl Clymer, Mayor Mr. Ted Lubke Seattle Water Department Exchange Building Seattle WA 98104 CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Subject: New Blow Off for Cider River Pipeline #4 Victoria Hills Development Dear Ted: Design/Utility Engineering May 17, 1988 Our Public Works Department has been approached by Seattle Water Dept., Engineering about a new blow off in the Victoria Hills Plat. Our staff review is generally in agreement with your approach, however, we have these comments. 1. A plan for restricting discharges during rain storms must be developed by SWD and presented to Renton Public Works. Washington Natural Gas Co. should be contacted in preparation of this plan. 2. A Public Works Right —of —Way Construction Permit must be obtained. 3. You may be subject to the Washington State Dept. of Fisheries Hydraulic Permit process. Thank you for the submittal. Very truly yours, Robert E. ergstrom, P.E. Engineering Supervisor 2D.9.18/REB:ckd cc: Don Monaghan shuck Price 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2631 f 4 4 �' Earl Clymer, Mayor CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: April 19, 1988 Design/Utility Engineering TO: Bob Bergstrom FROM: Don Monaghan SUBJECT: City of Seattle Blow —off on Cedar River Pipeline #4 I have reviewed the plans submitted by the City of Seattle for the above referenced blow —off. The plans appear to be technically adequate to provide for discharging the water and dissipating the energy in it, prior to discharge into the creek. The discharge will be at the rate of approximately 3.5 cfs, which is approximately 10% of the flow of a twenty—five year storm. There are however, two items of concern that are not addressed by the plans, and that is: the ability of the Seattle Water Department to control the time of discharge; and the overall volume to be discharged from the blow —off. The total volume of discharge from the blow —off, when activated, will be approxi— mately 158,000 gallons. This volume by itself, does not create any great problem, however, if it were to be discharged at the peak of a storm event greater than twenty—five years, it could cause serious downstream flooding and damage within the City. We should require that the Seattle Water Department provide us with additional information regarding their ability to control the time and duration of discharge. If they fail to provide us with assurances of their ability to control the discharge, we should insist upon a Hold Harmless from any damage caused by discharge from the blow —off during a storm which is greater than a ten year storm event. Finally, the designer regards to a discharge would need in order to discharge permit that however, that a D.O.E. 1E.6.02.REB:mf from the Seattle Water Department was inquiring with permit which someone from the City informed him he construct this installation. I am unaware of any would be issued by the City. It may be required discharge permit be secured. 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2631 IN i u i i r i f I i, j March 28, 198B Dear Mayor Clymer, Council, and Staff: On Friday March 25, 1.988 :several people from the Renton building department had to assist Victoria Hills reside-nts on 2.2nd Court sandbag the hillside from the apartment complex that was flooding their yards with water and mud. Also, the city was involved with sandbagging a water catch basin near Benson Rd. and the Seattle water pipeline. They can easily validate the damage and tremendous amounts of water at each location. On Saturday March 2.6 the water basin near Benson Rd. and they Seattle water pipeline again broke which lead to successive dikes breaking down the hillside. The flood retention pond is now totally full of mud leaving residents below subject to immediate flooding.This is the 3rd time major failure have occurred on this site resulting in damage to neighboring homas.Check December 9th, January 14th, March 26th that the city can verify with the attached video tape. -Z'Equally disturbing is finding out the builder graded the site illegally to a non approved city plan. They must now r.eexcavate the site to comply with the approved FPUD. We have also learned that the builder only plans to try and finish the two started units on the southend and is uncertain when he will finish with the project. It should be pointed out that he is only using 2 to 3-people to do present construction and they are not making much progress. This would leave residents exposed to continued damage and flooding. We will no longer tolerate the flooding and damage being done residential property. The builder must. be required per city ordinances to make the site safe by meeting required plans of the FPUD. The builder must be required by the city to immediately implement the following plan in keeping with the FPUD and the supposed desire of the builder to build the FPUD. C:E�grade the illegal steep slopes(Ron Nelson) put in the FPUD perimeter drains between the homes and steep slopes. Properly vegetate the slopes and 16 acres per FPUD. Put in permanent storm drains to stop all erosion from leaving the construction site per FPUD.Install. sewer lines, water lines, fire hydrants and other utilities per FPUD. Put in permanent, roads on the site with sale construction access off Puget Dr. as agreed to by the builder and riot use residertial streets. Remove all the mud from the retention pond. Make off street improvements FPUD. Then they would be a 1 awQ +_c, h,u; ld their buildin s. "^ e have extensive documentation from the city and their staff establishing this as a high risk of erosion and flooding as well as, their eye witness accounts of 3 massive floods on this site. Finally, I have supplied a summarized video copied from a chronological account of the flooding indicating a lack of enforcement by the city and builder of known failures of basins that caused the flooding. As shown by the video, several of the failures went unrepaired and some are still not repaired. Thus, continued flooding will occur. We expect a response promptly to our legal request as you & are well. aware of -the facLo stated and contained in the video' After viewing the video and your own eyewitueaa accounts we want to know the actions you plan 'to 'take as you are liable for failing to execute your legal duties for the site. Alao,membero of your staff could be Subject to lea9al penalties for repeated failure to remedy known pzoblema. It is unfortunate that the city and the builders neglect has lead to this action bot we will. not allow these floodingo to continue. Si l G6-orge Post 1122 S.27t6 PI, Denton, Wn, 98055 D Tuq Suite 205 10220 N.E. Points Drive Kirkland, Washington 98033 (206) 828-6410 Facsimile: (2W) 827-3432 CITY OF RENTON Enainec-Ang DEPuL RMIC1y Residential A Division of First City Washington, Inc. February 13, 1990 Kim D. Scattarella City of Renton Storm Water & Utility Engineer 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 Re: Victoria Hills Retention Pond Repair Dear Kim: As you are aware, the soil conditions at the subject retention pond are extremely water sensitive. Therefore, it is our inten- tion to perform corrective repairs of the pond at a drier time of the year. We now anticipate that this will more than likely take place in June or July of this year. If you foresee any problems with this timing, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerel , ,, Kit Klinker Development Manager KK/kw cc: Pat Garrity, Sr. �- Sk DESCRIPTION ADDRESS DATE RECEIVED I !W,rAM DATE - CHUCK'S DATE TO DUE DATE TO .REVIEW BERGSTROM BUILDING DEPT. aj BUI'.DING DATE RCVD. DATE TO PLAN NO. PERMIT BILLING I I I ;j PI .N REVIEWS No. 6 Project Name:��� Building Permit Number. Date to Utility Billing: Business or Use: s7zz- � Site Address: / �/ /)`� Oxvnar/P;11;ne AAAi acc- Tax Lot Number(s) Sauare Footage Assessment -637 CITY OF RENTON "LL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Design/Utility Engineering February 2, 1990 Mr. Kit Clinker First City Development 800 5th Ave., Suite 4170 Seattle, WA 98104 Subject: VICTORIA HILLS DETENTION POND REPAIR SCHEDULE Dear Mr. Clinker: You have already addressed the repairs for the Victoria Hills Detention Pond. We would also like to request a time schedule as to when the repairs will be made. It is realized that this schedule will be tentative at this time, but it will serve as a guide, if and when questions arise concerning this project. Thank you for your assistance. If you have any further questions, please call me at 235-2631. Very Truly Yours, f W.Am AN 7 Kim D. Scattarella Stormwater Utility Engineer VICTORIA/KDS:If cc: Dick Anderson, Utility Systems Manager Gary Young, Construction Services Manager Elmer Shaver, Construction Inspector 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2631 Facsimile 1206) 235-2513 "'R CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Design/Utility Engineering January 11, 1990 Mr. Kyle Anderson, P.E. Eastside Consultants 415 Rainier Blvd. N. Issaquah, WA 98027 Subject: Victoria Hills Detention Pond Dear Kyle: During the heavy rains on January 9, the excessively high flows apparently caused larger tree limbs to wash downstream and tear a hole through the fence at the entrance to the Victoria Hills Detention Pond. In addition, there was some overflow of the Victoria Hills detention pond that caused some minor flooding downstream. This was because of the large amount of silt that has accumulated in the pond. The pond is in serious need of cleaning out (i.e. dredging). Would you and the contractor who did this construction take action to repair these two items. Please contact Kim Scattarella or John Hobson at 235-2631 if you have any questions regarding this. Very truly yours, ��' P9-4��"d& Kim D. Scattarella Sr. Engineering Specialist Storm Water Utility Engineering ANDERSON/KDS:It cc: Kit Clinker - First City Development Dick Anderson, Utility Systems Manager Paul Lumbert, Office Engineer 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2631 Facsimile (206) 235-2513 14 --' -- 77 7-1 X17 1 PiR Earl Clymer, Mayor October 27, 1990 The Garrity Co. 1600 Bothell Hwy. S.E. Suite 120 Mill Creek, WA 98012 Subject: Victoria Hills F.P.U.D.-042-85, ECF-064-85 Gentlemen: CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Design/Utility Engineering The purpose of this letter is to inform you of deficiencies in the temporary erosion control system in the above -referenced project. City of Renton Storm Water Utility Engineering has reviewed the project and has directed that you hydroseed the exposed slopes immediately, with jute matting in the steeper areas, i.e. steeper than 2:1. Your attention is directed primarily to the west slopes of the project, north of the Benson Road access. Your early attention to this situation will be appreciated. Very truly yours, Elmer Shaver Construction Services VIC-HILL/EESM cc: Kim Scattarella, Storm Water Utility Engr. 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2631 Facsimile (206) 235-2513 9F UG- t- ?•A W ELF 1 0 : 2 _ EH S TS I DE C IDF4 LTi-7t4T P _ 0 1 ER BLVD,N tSSAOUAH,WASHMTON 99027 FACSDULE TLANSMISSION INFORMATION TO: ( ' � }- Q 7-- / C -- } &? '-'� OUR JOB I Company Name ATTENTION." 1, Time: M i -5351 This transmission consists of 2, page(s), including this one. If you experience problems, or have any questions, please contact us at: FROM: Eas PAX: 392-4676 PHONE: 392-5351 e Consultants, Inc. 2- 8 -D + W E D 1 0= 2 3 E A S T S I D E C O N S U L T A N T S I P _ 02 / "2 0 r• fli AS13 Li I LT R c�- DAILY INSPECTION DIARY _ DAY: —IL; L), /� DATE: /31 / $ WORK PERIOD: a.m /p.m. to REPORT # a.m. . WEATHER: ` $ 5 01N TEMP. MAX 35 OF MIN 25 OF PRECIPITATION: le- s;3 r31 C'•5 ,�(L �h.^f� WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: I hert Lwzi-e n c II GAzxii4t5 cri ffv- Dz-k„-tun P° nJ . drr d tAt S"ll ey l% r 1 d 1 n (J6 6j CY Ivjflr hgS beeAl C!,j lGyLL ,�1�rnQlir ✓ 1?n0�'G%r�L+MG+Cf ba f7-0 drvu a S Lln jr'rcl iv�L � 1tSrrr ! �iow by'IuA-t f vt,4S dl� ri'f 1"4I Gc o I r '� "C Gt by ✓ , riuwziliu, 1�,+'1 s`���) �'X'iS'��f� 1S �r-�w . 7�h�s i5 .lae�'' ��a., ��"��/' '�, --� _ CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSP,E,CTOR SIGNATURE 4 DATE: - T Ch,Nck 1 TO r 1 A DAILY INSPECTION DIARY _ REPORT # DAY: TueSt 4 DATE: / tf / WORK PERIOD: a.m /P.m. to a.m. p m jy WEATHER: �r ��^ TEMP. MAX S z OF MIN L °F PRECIPITATION: 04 Itv&s f#(iCJ WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: t�1� riv / i c, 't ND �i Th z �� v 1 fll� 1� /� `s r]vf vr' �- r.v �z l ind . f Al- in/H I c'r' it t cll i h. �r o1YL I Uyr�,� jG'�eaI 1 �i/LL _�rr� °%nvr L bll r c is rA e �elS ro �` K �U r''iSI� ���2c..f—! iDrn �%� �yl �-ra►�tr G'1'l 13�t-ISE�.� r�. I IA ei 1/, ✓1 v c 1, I� �C C r �Cf� cry y rY It 1'li 1✓�' �) ��! 1 � �Y►(�t-Y�h�Q I is CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTOR SIGNATURE DATE: D — 13 NrJ -.:2 o b ........... -7p VIC (? iH )41(-C1 f MA6IJ�-- DAILY INSPECTION DIARY REPORT 4i DAY: DATE: Z/ 1l / gq WORK PERIOD: Q/p.m. to s a.m.1 t WEATHER: G TEMP. MAX �f 2. OF MIN OF PRECIPITATION: IC+S f Z c�wys WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: Dry L' 10, 4 he we_-_t bxj4 v) . a- foAda2 Sit lo w tt/l✓ , Ap a re Svwa (In ArdiCC141 C,Bs (Al he,.' P- CrV.3 li c, d r t�tt�t r'scy tj�- h -f Q�i,y1 ha s 1 .3 � Nd .s ns<<cd dov/vA t7 1,9 s e fqrcasI .Sol� is f'�fNVG��i- mae-Gtis/Os CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE fi Cv;6,v� INS PE TOR SIGNATURE DATE: 2�Lu/e J ►J a CITY OF RENTON 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WA 98055 206-235-2501 FAX# 235-2513 DATE APR. z 6 i i 9 8 9 PAGES (EXCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET) ATTENTION: K i L_ C- /4 &1D E7P 5 0/V, EI -5 7S /D � GoAJS (/L 71jtii1 FROM: C17-% OF /&A/TONi So Ws p57Pi . OF P�)13Ll c �✓D�'�S p4 ti )WA WA O Seo m I gzws;v4 IZC $J. a Fs F- TE--J T, P0440 OR#F,(-E -- To SETrL6 HT SILT P A R--r I e. (.ES to o"Icaa ID 1-4) Fftoen ---P I 4. TARCE 0 V �F 4L P Ace - )fa -A c - o Q C �s - 18 61f L Sec -S T, Z-9 -7- c /,4 r, qn --zo--- LI OF- I r-lr_c H 13= Z)l A *1 use bi 4;. ii ►�#Z=_::7..z1_�.us.-E...7/e 03 9. 39Z-y676 J UJI re--v(sc,di S-r-4- o--V . PLAN REVIEW ROUTING SLIP DATE: y - I ' APPLICANT:— V R-P��t"t'C�-�,nn JOB ADDRESS: 115-i3 )+. NATURE OF WORK: ( I i t( SI p n q TO: Comments Due Comments Due ENGINEERING DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU TRAFFIC ENG.DIVISION ( BUILDING CODE REVIEW UTILITIES ENG.DIVISION ZONING & PARKING OTHERS-�r-,r,� �r-ate ( ENERGY CODE Comments or suggestions regarding this application should be provided in writing. Please provide comments to the -Building Division by 5:00 p.m. on above date. REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION APPROVED 1 APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS Signature of'--irector or Authorize, epresentative #183 NOT APPROVED DATE g 3 .:,PLAN REVIEW ROUTING SLIP DATE: �q ...APPLICANT:,- /'. %: /TV '- J...O5 ADDRESS:,, ::';-NATURE OF WORK" rQ'�� )1,5 in"JS Comments Due Comments Due .ENGINEERING DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU TRAFFIC ENG.DIVISION BUILDING CODE REVIEW UTILITIES ENG.DIVISION ZONING & PARKING OSHERS ENERGY CODE Comments or suggestions regarding this application should be provided in ;;.writing. Please provide comments to the Building Division by 5:00 p.m. on above date. REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION .APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS Signature o #183 S� � L �irn��c�,'1 T' `� O � � I�l ✓� rector or Authorize Representative F�j NOT APPROVED DATE 1 / NI c 70 %N i cis P H'�SE ir, DAILY INSPECTION DIARY REPORT # DAY: DATE: 7-1 Q / 89 WORK PERIOD: <�/p.m. to S a.m.( WEATHER: G TEMP. MAX 4?- OF MIN 3q°F PRECIPITATION: �cf s fi Z c� j ,, ` WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: Dry CD Id 4-he wzetb rn N d d!q )I yl A(ow.s do wvL �'G� r p V`a e s i -e , -i, Az- l Dines -f- e-►� r c ce, . l o o ICE be 1 40 u/24/41f , 41 PAlfl re 4) rwe I/ n 09V-0 I GUI�G( G B S IV A-45511- Grv.3 h c, r al rst r O X-k, `a s be&41 la i' a a o win Ar Pb hg W019 kei 4PWA S4y r rn 1-ti cr P !2 d i� i s � fNv r iic. CG ti S i� n v r y� Pr a r , LI 1 S ,' ✓1 4 At- Jiff V rt Al# I T/ G'd o t�A✓'S 7 AA 4` CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE A INSPE TORTOR SIGNATURE DATE: I December 30, 1988 To; KYLE ANDERSON, P.E., EASTSIDE CONSULTANT'. Fr. om3- CITY OF RENTON, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, STORM WATER UTILITY, AND DESIGN ENGINEERING DIVISIONS. Based on a site visit: by Kam Scattarella, Construction Inspeotor/Engineer on Friday, December :30, 19881, the following improvements are asked t:o lxt 11iade for the Victoria Hills Phase II Temporary Erosion/ Sedimentation Cont:.r.ol Plan currently in effect. 1) Repair of the Silt.-. Fence in the Detention/ Erosion Control Pond where the fence has separated from the 1.:Ast:ic- The bot.t.cm of the pcmicl nppFam:3 tc, not be protected by the sill: fence. This has occurred near the outlet. 2) The water ponding on the lowest terrace just; above the bottom slope continues to pond water. We request. that: the water be removed from this area, and the bottom relined with plastic, or, have a soils engineer look at: this, and provide his assessment of this situation. 3) The gully, which is next to the bottom slope, leading to the podded area, has a small berm as p.rot-.ecti.on from overtopping by runoff that. would cause significant- erosion and impact the property below. The Jow 5q,)crt:s in this berm should be re-- inforced with sand bags as soon as possible. 4) The orifice needs to made sriialler to comply with the approved `I'ESCP, as soon as possible. For GHucK PAP CE1 P. E . 3'�2-fit, 76 November 28, 1988 TO; KYLE ANDERSON, P.E., EASTSIDE CONSULTANTS FROM; CITY OF RENTON , DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS, STORM WATER UTILITY SUBJECT; STATUS OF VICTORIA HILLS PHASE II, TEMPORARY EROSION SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN. Based on a site visit by Kim Scattarella, on Monday, November 28, the following improvements are requested to be made for the Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (in addition to the approved T.E.S.C.Plans); 1)Several Catch Basins in the center of depression surrounded by a berm(for ponding during rainstorms are well above the base of the depression created by scooping out mud, and water. Suggested action is to fill in the depressions created to near the rim of the Catch Basins. 2)The lowest terrace just above the bottom slope still has a some ponding of water. Stability below is uncertain, and saturation could lead to eventual landslides impacting property below. Suggested action; To dig a deeper channel (by at least a few inches) leading to the emergency standpipe. Also covering the downslope edge of this area with.plastic or jute mat to increase slope stability. 3)One Catch Basin is unprotected near proposed building B-5 ( about 150 feet downhill from the Puget Drive entrance). A silt fence enclosure needs to be built around this CB, to prevent a significant amount of mud from entering the system. Other recommendations; _Place plastic around the berms constructed to ensure stability and prevent eventual failure of these berms. PLAN REVIEW ROUTING SLIP DATE: //- APPLICANT: JOB ADDRESS: NATURE OF WORK:r'- TO: Comments Due Comments Due ENGINEERING DIVISION I FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU TRAFFIC ENG.DIVISION I BUILDING CODE REVIEW UTILITIES ENG.DIVISION I I ZONING & PARKING I OTHERS �> i' i : i='� - r] I I ENERGY CODE Comments or suggestions regarding this application should be provided in writing. Please provide comments to the Building Division by 5:00 p.m. on above date. REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION APPROVED I I APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED r DATE Signature of Director or Authorized Representative #183 B 5 a Y\ FAQ VP i,12A '716 TO; KYLE ANDERSON, P.E., EASTSIDE CONSULTANTS FROM; CITY OF RENTON , DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS, STORM WATER UTILITY SUBJECT; STATUS OF VICTORIA HILLS PHASE II, TEMPORARY EROSION SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN. Based on recent site visits by Kim Scattarella,Bob Bray, and Chuck Price to Victoria Hills, the following improvements to the T.E.S.C.P have been discussed with you or Roger Alston and are recommended to be made at Victoria Hills; 1)Installation of Silt Fence with wire support in the TESC Pond at the two inlets and surrounding the outlet. 2)Covering of all exposed fill slopes with preferably Jute or Straw Mat. 3)Widening and extension of the Emergency Overflow for the TESC Pond, elimination of the wire fence in that area. 4)Installation of a multiple orifice control structure, with 6.25 to 8.25 inch diameter orifices, to replace the single orifice- 11 inch+ in diameter. 5)Also continual monitoring of water ponding on the above the lower slope where a CMP standpipe is being used to convey runoff to the TESC Pond below, and overall monitoring of the on -site and downstream drainage during construction.. DRAWING PLAT WATER Ee INDEX SEWER STREET PLAT v i c,_ i- I A- H LL5 pHA36.L— DAILY INSPECTION DIARY a REPORT 4� DAY: 110AD!j DATE: �� /�-� /99 WORK PERIOD: D a.m./p.m. to S a.m./p.m. 1 _ -0p. WEATHER: (11 Rain TEMP. MAX 5O °F MIN L 1' °F PRECIPITATION: N Yy Ii (2Kh0vn) WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: cber,k o ✓er e�ro/S �.�,e.,fiAtl oh on-51fe , wh ('le- klo Ont was WorKin e, I c f n L �t r nr ►-A r.P, a 0 u'�' �o r,✓ 2�5 fi S �v►OC m n �e WA s D Act c o ✓4 Gi rn a i 0 v yo Q 1 r = )2!' �w�e.�( c a D,V pt dS12r�s D!� Wl<ro!^ fwIAD,4acre L,^Prviole K nr,(C- r� I o r Y A r vin e e— i n t 1 Ite'd A I n "- � i�-c.G.p s �� s p� s+„ �. as �� `rr-SG� � ���ti s hog id ✓ b.� co�.r +emu c-Fed Pi[-tr"1 10 0 of � Jo AfeT h?ir t " f d /n 0, I t� w)Gl (pi- iyl I cl GQ�ao J, l'�'/ 'TLj"� 0471 r,L In,(f ..Ir)WYl21 \M,,+w h%( i C owI&-a ✓nac.^ S,Ytp CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE L. ju" INSPECTOR SIGNATURE DATE: ( ley 2-1 24 /ON Ls -rE5cP OPiF'Cc- 9&fZSkr,94 F-TE--J T, 0 -4 ?004&) TO Z F_ T 'rL6 StLT' PA i e. (. ES rn 4.- --CID -4 IT ...... ?AoCT, ce�s I 4.. Tqj?I-E 4L... .... FOX A z c or rl __. LEA - -- ---.........._._ CAS.- f - 3-� 8 . bAL j09JIz - ��, . ............. Soo 0'F''c - ­ ___ 0c,774z.7r, polige- I DFICC, 97�03 P----- --- H 13 Z) I A F- 142. H3 0 Lf SE i .,1A 4(LS 1 L T �o mil '= U v 4.-c f rvvc _ 6 P TJ` ©4 TLE T l �I VC R, T .-- -Z O l�I: N_ ovERF��w = 212 76 A2f-: ,k of E REV z 6ro = 8 7e 9' a' ( z o7 = g 8�77 Cl Z i z = ( 6) 33So c"7- Zc3 �j 84;- J = AREA oF- ELEU Zo6 s� = 678� 4- (-56) (1977-�261) C� _ 40 �_ s » ELEv ziz?` _<o, 7so + (.76) (��,s� �`►,�� A = 1 -7.) h = TD E{-TH of LiuE ST-OPA(7E = ZIZ2� - Z66 VIOL. �/3 94-o9-S + 41 LCc p big SF. a S ICE fog. Yj<<PLE oQ-(F(CC D4Z`C.E-* H = Z 1 Z . 7 - Z. off. 5 H/3 = Z o� ©Gz ( PACE �3 = Z. o� ' D cf� ? = g . 3 Z` uSE 8�4 1 U )C 77-0 77 , ��r ©4TLE /,4 VE R.T i A2,r-,h of ELEV z<:Dro = 878 9 ar t z o7 = �I7 cl Z I = (6� 3So -of , -Z �84Zd AREA oELEV Zo6 s� = 978� 4- (-56) (1997-8261) A = AREA o� F-cEv ziz?` = Igo, Aso + (.76) (��,s¢�- 1c.►��� r �'1 = T) Et-TH of LtvE SToAE = Z(Z2E VoL� _ '/3 C h (� t t Aa ) Vow- 'f3 ��.Zo> ��� 4-�3.�j �4-Oq.S + �17�4-83.gj� Q4d9.5� VOL 0 zE OKl �lC� �oGZ T1Z. PLC UQ l ptcc W= / Z pr H l3 Qiz-(i2«E I N= G-20' OQI FIC-E ©GZIPICE 4�� --- — l� G)11 - Ga rt,h �. gob gray DAILY INSPECTION DIARY q- Hl LO ' !f}Sr-- -I-- REPORT # DAY: �h� DATE: IZ. / 3U/ 99 WORK PERIOD: rajm/p.m. to 15 a.m. p.m 7_ WEATHER: Cly TEMP. MAX q8 OF MIN q)L OF PRECIPITATION: ) iNtN lin k-$'t Z D�yf WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: as 61,s o i f h, le s C o a' I d b e e u vi 4-ck i h- -Py- I-i r-,y o f "Ti-t L T-7- _ �� 7 �� � ° � I � n �✓ j,�Gt•% �0 Da 5S `�h rUV4ti , s � h�;e �� �,� ,`S IAJvAf 14 +00 f 0C AA 1 1-K S� � �w�f % 71104 Anky wa4-e4- liv Pgss -fl, ,,o✓9L. ►0�►t l-� �D A 3U X g I Zov �f3) s�,�..�1 s r 1► d , hu f' /I UC, tV/' I hL 'l,4-tll )P4d,►A4 - v Tkg- c9Avwr4ep," CYAhdiiiDe . CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE ,e mm "ff �/) J, /INSPE7CTORQ SIGNATURE DATE: W.M. l• iff-B N-w immr ■ 7 N a / Z E N v I CTo.e► 6- )41 u j DAILY INSPECTION DIARY AisE3 REPORT # DAY: -0/VQ DATE: II /lq /98 WORK PERIOD: a_m./p.m. to a.m. WEATHER: S TEMP. MAX OF MIN 3S OF PRECIPITATION: AIL WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: SPECTOR SIGNATURE DATE: 11 /10 8 a I.00A[1nN IINCIIEWNTAt RUN - OFF AREA COEFFIC. AC C I1IOIAA TO ACRES 61— zm- _ zg CIL- -- z.P I 't,� I -- -- Jl LIT ��— -tea— -------- - 9. - •,:3 3.7 0- Q;xr QCAP AC TIME OF CON- CENTRATION TC RAINFALL INTENSITY 1 RUN-OFF O (I AC 11 PIPE WA CITES SLOPE I PIPLE CAPMJI i. _cz 11 MIWTES INCHES/HR, C F S 40 or— 0.8� . --- __J_o2. 1 g - 1 .zs — {�•� 213 •ems? Z O. s . - �_l�2_I �4 12.4 / , s ENGTII FEET— FIOW TIME IN SYSTEM UPPER ELEVATION GROUND INVERT MIN So T l ON'L ri L I L r Mild GiiOuhp UIa:ERT 4 �� _ 2.2 _ !S 3T.o— 30� oK — r3 o. s9 S7Z /8 i• 8 s, ok I t - -- — . — o,<,S - --- �uSWli CIu1Ni NO:-LZGkTW�/: REMARK$: __------�---- -_--_-- I lifORM FREO+rENC('-- COEFFICIENT. 0_ o?_4 NAME OF PROJECT - — — - --------- ---- --- 1111•E r CA( CM '/ Al IONS QY.___ (� �«_ /�JaG`RSO�/ J011 NO. OATS SHEET_: nF _—S++EET:i \. C A 7Vf V I C �'c� }2. A $ c. (,s IZ -T E Sc P OP, i Ficc geV7-5 ko24 _. �E ETE--►T,a 4 pa -.a O2IFIc.E To SETrLE ©_fit? SILT PhPt. TfGL!D *t'cao.,kS pig) - - - - -- - -----FRc^', _ �-L��, _ C.o�,�tz�.��o_a��,r��._L�e�•�tz�__��c.T<<e_ _ - O_tl 1ZFLe�.� -IZ4Te- --ro L.ES to"ort_CRo^c FOR ,q 40040 SLjQr-*6 -- - ZE-A o1C Zhu' s� rr, olb.G� Q C FS i 8 6A 1OH� �f *z 1� . 5� f- - 86, 4bb sec N H 17 Sdo . f�L V IC.701Z./ A 1+i c Ls -T'ES(zP 01-, rr6C RZOS�z94 S E T TI.E S.tLT PAR--r!c CES 10 .r•icae4S-- p'l4) -- -- - -- ----'FRO rh ._ F r �, �.cx„Cz-� _ _ _ Sraa wit �i2. 9n�A4M�^rT � i,ci - FL r°a A Po"r0 ScgarME fit usE I S/IL TIA Ui c 7-0 R/AAUG 2 21986 z� BUILDING/ZONING D€PT, �-,yi D� rFi�i7o�v �o�v � LG�¢S O%6di�ALi p�s/6�vED 5 9 004 � T3 Sa � E s�� r.� 7io -v ,9ti � v�G� r.9T�'o mac/ o•� -176VAL Or- T�`/S S iL 7- %NE RE STOz Fa i I/4 2F,4 No l %a A S `,E co•�s.sTi-•t, 6 a.� S. 99.4c w•9s j 7`0 r--iA SS6 ALN> 0vE2 5/-2�a Tn ca�PE-�SATF /�O,z TNF igf-J>igsSsDFCOC�j. D�S/G.v ; Ha r /5 cv/z/zc.c.TcY �,�oPo�isD Z�oES . tiiD ?-- . /4 c to w s lL �GOGIis w/CL 8F Daze C7 as 7n Tye be Tack ri0 1 a 2 E X LESS ST 0 A 6f C� �AciT Y 711,alv S f PA « 4. _.. F0 2 _... /yi4 A _ D.�......OFFSi, c= -t 2,2eo = �r'o• .7. r,..v -� z.r= c �0,(07) GO AC o.z v. s9���Ne>= /• 3 ices. rrt/s 1-10w coosses SAD lv1r4 ,Eti g' 9 If I`,U G 2 2 1986 �7 f3Ul� DiiJu L'v `�Ii.0 LjU / r -r�/.= ��,� r ����� �;/cis p. v. �. T�f,e ,�..�7[rtE ?�v� cs•�s/srS a A c e -98 AG1s a rt �1 )AINEIJ wp5 �rl% r�:ZST �O Rc co...Sl'2UCTEL�• ��;� ST47z�'-� 0-o rilC/L/Tf'DES/(5 vASt�, fIP/�',-nV,E1.> 141"vt� Cov�.Sti2vGT E7 TO SEla- r/1E FvCL S� EVE[OA� l� �'(/1� ; orA�/N6 /. G /A/ Vl >io�v r �ura�c� rp.i�/5?F^ o•= Z./� c PcS��T�,�, T v ,a L s / V. -�-,, E _�.�D E yr/S75 [ D L /^� rx/E OT/(o%v,OL �,� S�G� Csi /�•� rz S >''�# D , T�,c •TZv,�OF� C c c Ff�ciFti T FOr 7L W A ,A�,c fa c 1Z / ?- c. � ; s E l >n /Z,� c 7- Z:) e-E� 7'E/F ACTUAL /ZV /l/OFC/.ANT W 14 z--o As7" 700 %�7` C = O- S CGANDsCAP/IV& - COn,S --I- T►�/E) — -77, goo 14���=`,•,Z>/x A&Ains� pA6-- 7ol-/Z l (/JG- Glii[ C O /�A)ZSTAD JL-� %'�G AC' V AL CCN DiTip.v 5 T�� 2 D [Y IS G Q= co ZJ� z. Z�/f� ����. 6 S' i /NZ) = g,d �/ c s ��,,,� �. fr• AN Ev)sT ��. 7 2� c= O q pry 2z = i6. 40 @ G = O-6s ;AIt o.z-7q �S = � ��D (G z• S� - 7. 3` Y ro � • S- d cr7,/c -"tea �. • 00 .2- 7 9) 174SFr�A c 1"7P vT �. C- I of onAck-- Cal ri (VIc-(0914 HILL. ) N= 712 •76 -Z 06 s6= 6.2—/ � �-? - Z• 07 1 � o 7Q t-1 / "Illy PIA 7 Noo 03 00 , If Z t4 2212 ts Ss o Iq L QS Z -1-E Sc P OP, I FIC C- 9ZW5;v4 tF-TE--JTf0-4 0 C) a TO SETrL6 t4 T StLT PA i r. (. ES C !a Mica'AJ. TOM- ort ) L 4-bb 4 C) - ------ I nL He.S) H 13 y,= - Z a Z) I A �= G. s z� use. �, N z 4.13' Ji -7 2 - z 7- H3 L� OF R4V � a O C� �- z 9,0 �• ON;TtD SEPSES'?i BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DESIGN/UTILITY ENGINEERING 0 235-2631 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 MEMORANDUM DATE: June 24, 1987 TO: FILE (_c-n / /A- 6-` FROM: Chuck Price, Storm Utility Engineer SUBJECT: Victoria Hills Phase II - Plan Review Comments Storm Drainage Plan and Profile Sheet No. 13: 1. Sheet shows down sizing of pipe from 18" to 15" at CB #9. 2. Adequate vehicular access is not provided to the catch basins. The run from CB #3 to the existing detention pond is shown to be installed as part of the T.E.S.C.P., however, the design as shown provides no access and needs revision. 3. Calcs for hydraulic grade line and velocity heads should be provided where a steep grade enters a flat run to insure that water does not flow out of CB during the 25 year flood event. 4. Pipe anchors should be provided on steep pipe runs. Storm Drainage Plan and Profile Sheet No. 14: 1. CB #19 stationing is not consistant on sheets 14 and 15. 2. Calculate swale velocities. Design should provide measures to minimize errosion such as check dams or other measures. Storm Drainage Plan and Profile Sheet 15: 1. CB #19 stationing is not consistent. 2. Check velocity head where step grades meet. 3. Provide access. Benson Road Improvement Sheets Nos. 22 and 23: 1. As -Built existing drainage system. 2. Concur with the 1 to 20 scale requirement. GG . 730' ai', /�C�N6i�j Oi Y 2J1.01.09.cp:j% ck Price ilm VICTORIA HILLS SITE VISIT NOVEMBER 7, 1988 On a site visit to Victoria Hills on Nov. 7, 1988 by Bob Bray, Chuck Price, and Kim Scattarella, the following observations were noted; 1) Some banks were beginning to slide or show signs of eventual sliding. These need to be covered with visquine. 2) The fill slopes above the road to the TESC Pond are still exposed with sliding likely. There is signifi -cant erosion where the mat slipped of the hill at the head of the road to the Pond. 3) In general, the Catch Basin protection appeared to be adequate. However, one CB on the upper tier was completely exposed. 4) Surface runoff was not yet confined to the upper tier, and a berm is needed, and a straw mat to pro tect the exposed slopes. 5) The lowest tier above the lowest bank cannot have ponding, due to landslide potential in this material and some sort of mat is preferred. 6) A huge gully was created where ther was a washout on the lower bank stopped by the silt fence. This kind of protection appears to be inadequate, as the sandbags will not hold. The bank is still unstable as is with the clover cover. A large erosion potential exists in this soil. 7) The newer Catch Basins are protected with silt fence material, but are above the surface causing most of the water to miss them and overland flow to be the main means of transport. 8) There is general lack of interceptor ditches now. In the Erosion/ Detention Pond; 1) Erosion along side of the riprap channel leading in to the pond, caused by water being dammed behind the the fence around the pond. The pressure of the water caused this to occur. The blocking of water behind the fence needs to be removed. Water flows under the rocks and should be directed higher and closer to the top of the rocks. 2) Straw bales should be installed around the outlet, against the trash rack to help filter the silt, most of which is transported by the riprap channel. 3) The bank on the sides of the pond needs to be better .protected from erosion. Possible remedial action; Put in asphalt as soon as possible, and no further construction until adequate erosion control is provided under some kind of supervision. IN � STREET PLAT PLAT DRAWING WATER m .INDEX SEWER STREET I N T E R O F F I C E M E M O TO: DATE: ��IS TSB •� �" Co/U�-L7`�/i �� vim' FROM: SUBJ= t REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION I I APPROVED I ( APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS bZj NOT APPROVED 1 (�v►'�o�'� �) p/b✓ "dam YC ✓iS<</ / `SCI� ��� �r� y� :5� r-c�S� es �tr►� a��c r,cccc�ss�.ri - - -a -- Signature of Director or Author'iz�ed Representative DATE 1-2 7 - F� PLAN REVIEW ROUTING SLIP r DATE: Lj APPLICANT: JOB ADDRESS: NATURE OF WORK: TO: Comments Due Comments Due I I ENGINEERING DIVISION I I FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU I I TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION I I BUILDING CODE REVIEW I I UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION I I ZONING & PARKING I I OTHERS I I ENERGY CODE Comments or suggestions regarding this application should be provided in writing. Please provide comments to the Building Division by 5:00 p.m. on above date. REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION I I APPROVED I I APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS I I NOT APPROVED ' DATE ignature of Director or Authorized Representative REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION 11 APPROVED I I APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS I I NOT APPROVED O F R,6, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DESIGN/UTILITY ENGINEERING 0 235-2631 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 9.0 �• SEPjE�O�P BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR MEMORANDUM DATE: June 24, 1987 TO: FROM: Chuck Price, Storm Utility Engineer SUBJECT: Victoria Hills Phase II - Plan Review Comments Storm Drainage Plan and Profile Sheet No. 13: I. Sheet shows down sizing of pipe from 18" to 15" at CB #9. 2. Adequate vehicular access is not provided to the catch basins. The run from CB #3 to the existing detention pond is shown to be installed as part of the T.E.S.C.P., however, the design as shown provides no access and needs revision. " 3. Calcs for hydraulic grade line and velocity heads should be provided where a steep grade enters a flat run to insure that water does not flow out of CB during the 25 year flood event. 4. Pipe anchors should be provided on steep pipe runs. Storm Drainage Plan and Profile Sheet No. 14: I. CB #19 stationing is not consistant on sheets 14 and 15. 2. Calculate swale velocities. Design should provide measures to minimize errosion such as check dams or other measures. Storm Drainage Plan and Profile Sheet 15: 1. CB #19 stationing is not consistent. 2. Check velocity mead where step grades meet. 3. Provide access. Benson Road Improvement Sheets Nos. 22 and 23: 1. As -Built existing drainage system. 2. Concur with the 1 to 20 scale requirement. Chuck Price 2J1.01.09.cp:,i lm /� cc� - PLAN REVIEW ROUTING SLIP DATE • 2J APPLICANT: _��,%�,�/ft /�lG/_S •� T1 JOB ADDRESS: NATURE OF WORK: k[i] Comments Due Comments Due I ENGINEERING DIVISION I I FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU I I TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION I I BUILDING CODE REVIEW I I UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION I I ZONING & PARKING I I OTHERS I I ENERGY CODE Comments or suggestions regarding this application should be provided in writing. Please provide comments to the Building Division by 5:00 p.m. on above date. REVIEWING DEP RiMENT/DIVISION J �/7% �lz%Z [�L/ � k/ I I APPROVED I I APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS I I NOT APPROVED Signature of Director or Authorized Representative REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION 11 APPROVED I I APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS Signature of Director or Authorized Representative TE I NOT APPROVED DATE v �GTvR r q �l LC.S S,�p�cc�►e�Y,�c- C )rLCW L4'T4o,16 C-NEck VEndCITi 14CA-L � N"%L F2o✓7 C3 S To C8(a 1.70 Cfs A.5 Ei:Yorz6 C OEFF►LtE�T O EXP.)-js 0,4 - . S --L— � = .,So Z b z- .z> cc trt A,4 18 C.MP PIPE WI-rM /,4LCT I< t 67 t^ a, S. W i✓1. C y A rt-t �" t VE S CHELk ,JELoci -r TG S",4L_F j,0LET *�7 I Q = , Sd C Es AS BEFJa,E ry s 0/0 Tom GIRgSS Lit4iEo APP 12 ox� n�/P 1' c (- S F-L -r o.) y ^ L ► S f6'S 7 o K � � Z HILLS CG H EV E Loci -rA -t o S wAL[- r t4 c. E'r � Z Q= 6Z CEs A $EFozC N z 3 0/a h 63)ZASS L i,JED APP'�o X �r+ATF Y - SEC.rro� r n= .o4.5 2 1zoC,� y uS E 'R. OC K / T • W ILITIEs 11 E A S E M IN T THIS INSTRUMENT, made this Gthday of August g� . by and between 19 , y Developments (orP and and and and hereinafter called "Grantor(s)" County, Washington , and the CITY OF RENTON, a Municipal Corporation of King , hereinafter called "Grantee". . WI TNESSETII: That said Grantor(s), for and In consideration of the sum of $ aId by Grantee, and other valuable -cons ideratoo, do -by, these presents, grant, bargain, sell, convey, and warrant unto the said Grantee, Its successors and assigns, an casement for public utilities (Including water and sewer) with through, across and upon the following described property necessary appurtenances over, in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: See attached Exhibit 'C' 9 UEII-1 Said heretofore mentioned grantee, its successors or assigns, shall have the right, without prior notice or proceeding at law, at such times as may be necessary to enter upon said above described property for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, repairing, altering or reconstructing said utility. or making any connections therewith, without incurring any legal obligations or liability therefore, provided, that such construction, main- taining, repairing, altering or reconstruction of such utility shall be accomplished in such a manner that the prtvate improvements existing in tine right rights) -of -way shall not be disturbed or damaged, or in the event they are disturbed or damaged, they will be replaced in as good a condition as they were immediately before the property was entered upon by the Grantee. The Grantor shall fully use and enjoy the aforedescribed premises, including the right to retain the right to use the surface of said right-of-way if such use does not interfere with installation and maintenance of the uti 1 i ty line. However, the grantor shall not erect buildings or structures over, under or across the right -of -wady during tine existence of such utility. This easement, shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be bind- ing on the Grantor, his successors, heirs and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. �e and and and CORPORATE FOPJ4: STATE OF 61y,6-' / J SS COUNTY OF �//' / / On this fO day of // ��l��i, ?n Xbefore me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in an for, the at6" o (//;-'. / duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared to me known to be the v/'e: a+ad of the corporation that executed the fore- (joing ns rument, and acknowledged the saTJ instrum!-lit to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation. for tine uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that /-e- s authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. otary Public in an or the Stdto f residing all UENI-2b -^ ' EXHIBIT 'C' Is EASEMENT DESCRIPTION FOR STORM DRAIN VICTORIA HILLS DIVISION II An easement for ingress, egress and utilities over under across or upon the following 60 foot wide strip of land having 30 feet of said width on each side of the following described centerline, all in the southwest quarter of Section 20, and the northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington; Commencing at the intersection of the westerly right of way margin of Benson Road So. with the northerly right of way margin of So. 26th Street; Thence N76"09'27"W along the northerly right of way margin of So. 26th Street 37.69 feet to a point on a curve to the left; Thence westerly along said curve to the left having a radius of 230.00 feet through a central angle of 34°26'33" and an arc length of 138.26 feet; Thence S69°24'00"W 61.67' to a point on a curve to the right; Thence westerly along said curve to the right having a radius of 295.00 feet through a central angle of 52°36'00" and an arc length of 270.82 feet to the point of beginning; Thence N32°E 143.24 feet to a point hereafter to be known as Point 'A'; Thence easterly along acurve to the left whose radius point bears N30°12'14"E from Point 'A' having a radius of 100.00 feet through a central angle of 83°47'18" and an arc length of 146.24 feet; Thence N36°24'56"E 193.88 feet to a point on a curve to the left hereafter to be known as Point 'L'; Thence northerly along said curve to the left having a radius of 120.00 feet through a central angle of 50°52'20" and an arc length of 106.55 feet; Thence N14°27'24W 207.30 feet to a point hereafter to be known as Point 'B'; Thence N13°46'54"E 24.67 feet to a point hereafter to be known as Point W . Thence continuing N13°46'54"E 98.60 feet to a point hereafter to be known as point 'N'; Thence continuing N13°46'54"E 2.59 feet to a point on a curve to the left; Thence northerly along said curve to the left having a radius of 160.00 feet through a central angle of 60°01'37" and an arc length of 167.63 feet to a point of reverse curvature; Thence northerly along a curve to the right having a radius of 157.21 feet through a central angle of 26*58143" and an arc length of 74.02 feet; Thence N19°16'W 36.76 feet to a point hereafter to be known as Point '0'; Thence continuing N19°16'W 7.50 feet to a point hereafter to be known as Point 'C'; Thence continuing N19° 16'W 286.50 feet to a point hereafter to be known as Point 'D'; Thence continuing N19-16W 208.00 feet to a point here after to be known as Point 'P'; Thence continuing N19°16'W 23.53 feet; Thence N21420'40"W 174.16 feet to a point on a curve to the right; Thence northerly on said curve to the right having a radius of 75.33 feet through a central angle of 39°12'08" and an arc length of 51.54 feet; Thence N17°51'28"E 20.16 feet more or less to the southwesterly right of way margin of Puget Drive South and the terminus of said centerline description. Beginning at Point 'B' thence S27"19142"W 290.51 feet to a point hereafter to be known as Point 'Q'; Thence continuing S27°19'42"W 231.22 feet to the terminus of said centerline description. Beginning at Point 'C' thence S70°44'00"W 84.10 feet to the terminus of said centerline description. Beginning at Point 'D' thence S70°44'00"W 84.00 feet to the terminus of said centerline description. Beginning at Point 'A' thence northwesterly along a curve to the right whose radius point bears N30°12'14"E from Point 'A' having a radius of 100.00 feet through a central angle of 45"00'51" and an arc length of 78.57 feet; Thence N14"46'55"W 145.03 feet to a point on a curve to the left; Thence northerly along said curve to the left having a radius of 160.00 feet through a central angle of 44°52'18" and an arc length of 125.31 feet; Thence N30°05'23"E 91.09 feet to a point hereafter to be known as Point 'R'; Thence continuing N30005'23"E 56.50 feet to a point on a curve to the left; Thence northeasterly on said curve to the left having a radius of 300.00 feet through a central angle of 12048'30" and an arc length of 67.06; Thence N17°16'53"E 124.45 feet to a point on a curve to the left; Thence northerly along said curve to the left having a radius of 200 feet through a central angle of 17°16'53" and an arc length of 60.32 feet; Thence north 55.32 feet to a point on a curve to the left; Thence northerly along said curve to the left having a radius of 300.00 feet through a central angle of 19°16'00" and an arc length of 100.88 feet to a point hereafter to be known as Point 'E'; Thence N19*16'W 77.47 feet to a point hereafter to be known as Point 'S'; Thence continuing N19°-16'W 278.00 feet to a point hereafter to be known as Point 'F', and the terminus of said centerline description. Except the easterly 10 feet from Point 'E' to point 'F'. Easement Description for Storm Drain Victoria Hills Division II Page Two That portion of land being a 15 foot wide strip having 7.5 feet of said width on each .side of the following described centerline. Beginning at Point 'L' thence S43°40'E 35.50 feet; Thence S43°30'E 94 feet to the terminus of said centerline description. Beginning; at Point 'M' thence S63°38'E 69 feet to the terminus of said centerline description. Beginning; at Point 'N' thence S82°58'48"E 45.30 feet; Thence S84°05'03"E 99.61 feet more or less to the westerly right-of-way margin of Benson Road South and the terminus of said centerline description. Beginning; at Point '0' thence N74°00'25"E 130.46 feet more or less to the westerly right-of-way margin of Benson Road South and the terminus of said centerline description. Beginning; at Point 'P' thence N56°12'20"E 28.45 feet; Thence N78°15'51"E 72.46 feet more or less to the westerly right-of-way margin of Benson Road South and the terminus of said centerline description. Beginning at Point 'P' thence S15027'W 170 feet to the terminus of said centerline description. Beginning at Point 'Q' thence N63039'W 72.00 feet; Thence N64°47'W 102.5 feet; Thence N67°45'W 15 feet to the terminus of said centerline description. Beginning at Point 'R' thence N59054'40"W 160.88 feet more or less to the southeast line of Tract C, Plat of Victoria Hills, recorded in Volume 113 of Plats, Pages 79 through 83, records of King County, Washington and the terminus of said centerline description. Beginning at Point 'S' thence N67°32'15"W 49.58 feet to a point hereafter to be known as Point 'T'; Thence N6029'E 100 feet to the terminus of said centerline description. Beginning at Point 'T' thence S32030'19"W 213.90 feet more or less to the north line of said Tract C, Plat of Victoria Hills and the terminus of said centerline description. UTILITIES NI EASEMENT THIS INSTRUMENT, made this 6thday of August I 87 by and between 9 ' ments Corp. nd and and and hereinafter called "Grantor(s)" ' and the CITY Of RENTON, a Municipal Corporation of King County, Washington, hereinafter called "Grantee". WITNESSETN: That said Grantor(s), for and in consideration of the sum of $ these presents, grant, bargain, sell, bconvey, andy Grantee, awarnd rantruntoutheesaidsGrantee,I s by successors and assigns, an easement for Grantee, its necessarya public utilities (including water and sewer) with appurtenances over, through, across and upon the following described property - i-n King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows. See attached Exhibit 'C' UEiI-1 Said heretofore mentioned grantee, its successors or assigns, shall have the right, without prior notice or proceeding at law, at such times as may be necessary to enter upon said above described property for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, repairing, altering or reconstructing said utility, or making any connections therewith, without incurring any legal obligations or liability therefore, provided, that such construction, main- taining, repairing, altering or reconstruction of such utility shall be accomplished in such a manner that the artvate improvements existing in the right rights) -of -way shall not be disturbed or damaged, or in the event they are disturbed or damaged, they will be replaced in as good a condition as they were immediately before the property was entered upon by the Grantee. The Grantor shall fully use and enjoy the aforedescribed *premises, including the right to retain the right to use the surface of said right-of-way if such use does not interfere with installation and maintenance of the utility line. However, the grantor shall not erect buildings or structures over, under or across the right-of-way during the existence of such utility. This easement, shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be bind- ing on the Grantor, his successors, heirs and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. i CORPORATE FOR14: STATE OF COUNTY OF and and and SS On this day of GGA In before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and r tie at o �, duly conmissioned and sworn personally appeared y�G�h ' r an to me known to be. the l//°G i"�!'%8�7 and respectively, of Gr --7" 7"/ b IA-r- ram, _; ____ the corporation that executed the fore- going —ins rument, and acknowledged the said instruiir.lit to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that is authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is th corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. otary Pu c in an or the! StaL� 9 f W 14-S re s i d i n g at UENI-2b EXHIBIT 'C' EASEMENT DESCRIPTION FOR STORM DRAIN VICTORIA HILLS DIVISION II An easement for ingress, egress and utilities over under across or upon the following 60 foot wide strip of land having 30 feet of said width on each side of the following described centerline, all in the southwest quarter of Section 20, and the northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington; Commencing at the intersection of the westerly right of way margin of Benson Road So. with the northerly right of way margin of So. 26th Street; Thence N76°09'27"W along the northerly right of way margin of So. 26th Street 37.69 feet to a point on a curve to the left; Thence westerly along said curve to the left having a radius of 230.00 feet through a central angle of 34'26'33" and an arc length of 138.26 feet; Thence S69°24'00"W 61.67' to a point on a curve to the right; Thence westerly along ,said curve to the right having a radius of 295.00 feet through a central angle of 52'36'00" and an arc length of 270.82 feet to the point of beginning; Thence N32°E 143.24 feet to a point hereafter to be known as Point 'A'; Thence easterly along acurveto the left whose radius point bears N30012'14"E from Point 'A' having a radius of 100.00 feet through a central angle of 83'47Y8" and an arc length of 146.24 feet; Thence N36024'56"E 193.88 feet to a point on a curve to the left hereafter to be known as Point 'L'; Thence northerly along said curve to the left having a radius of 120.00 feet through a central angle of 50052'20" and an arc length of 106.55 feet; Thence N14027'24W 207.30 feet to a point hereafter to be known as Point 'B'; Thence N13046'54"E 24.67 feet to a point hereafter to be known as Point 'M'. Thence continuing N13°46'54"E 98.60 feet to a point hereafter to be known as point,'N'; Thence continuing N13°46'54"E 2.59 feet to a point on a curve to the left; Thence northerly along said curve to the left having a radius of 160.00 feet through a central angle of 60*01'37" and an arc length of 167.63 feet to a point of reverse curvature; Thence northerly along a curve to the right having a radius of 157.21 feet through a central angle of 26°58'43" and an arc length of 74.02 feet; Thence N19°16'W 36.76 feet to a point hereafter to be known as Point '0'; Thence continuing N19°16'W 7.50 feet to a point hereafter to be known as Point 'C'; Thence continuing N19° 16'W 286.50 feet to a point hereafter to be known as Point 'D'; Thence continuing N19-16W 208.00 feet to a point here after to be known as Point 'P'; Thence continuing N19'16'W 23.53 feet; Thence N21420'40"W 174.16 feet to a point on a curve to the right; Thence northerly on said curve to the right having a radius of 75.33 feet through a central angle of 39°12'08" and an arc length of 51.54 feet; Thence N17,51'28"E 20.16 feet more or less to the southwesterly right of way margin of Puget Drive South and the terminus of said centerline description. Beginning at Point 'B' thence S27°19'42"W 290.51 feet to a point hereafter to be known as Point 'Q'; Thence continuing S27'19'42"W 231.22 feet to the terminus of said centerline description. Beginning at Point 'C' thence S70°44'00"W 84.10 feet to the terminus of said centerline description. Beginning at Point 'D' thence S70°44'00"W 84.00 feet to the terminus of said centerline description. Beginning at Point 'A' thence northwesterly along a curve to the right whose radius point bears N30°12'14"E from Point 'A' having a radius of 100.00 feet through a central angle of 45°00'51" and an arc length of 78.57 feet; Thence N14°46'55"W 145.03 feet to a point on a curve to the left; Thence northerly along said curve to the left having a radius of 160.00 feet through a central angle of 44'52'18" and an arc length of 125.31 feet; Thence N30°05'23"E 91.09 feet to a point hereafter to be known as Point 'R'; Thence continuing N30005'23"E 56.50 feet to a point on a curve to the left; Thence northeasterly on said curve to the left having a radius of 300.00 feet through a central angle of 12°48'30" and an arc length of 67.06; Thence N17'16'53"E 124.45 feet to a point on a curve to the left; Thence northerly along said curve to the left having a radius of 200 feet through a.central angle of 17°16'53" and an arc length of 60.32 feet; Thence north 55.32 feet to a point on a curve to the left; Thence northerly along said curve to the left having a radius of 300.00 feet through a central angle of 19°16'00" and an arc length of 100.88 feet to a point hereafter to be known as Point 'E'; Thence N19°16'W 77.47 feet to a point hereafter to be known as Point 'S'; Thence continuing N19°-16'W 278.00 feet to a point hereafter to be known as Point 'F', and the terminus of said centerline description. Except the easterly 10 feet from Point 'E' to point 'F'. Easement Description for Storm Drain Victoria Hills Division II Page Two That portion of land being a 15 foot wide strip having 7.5 feet of said width on each side of the following described centerline. Beginning at Point 'L' thence S43°40'E 35.50 feet; Thence S43°30'E 94 feet to the terminus of said centerline description. Beginning at Point 'M' thence S63°38'E 69 feet to the terminus of said centerline description. Beginning at Point 'N' thence S82°58'48"E 45.30 feet; Thence S84°05'03"E 99.61 feet more or less to the westerly right-of-way margin of Benson Road South and the terminus of said centerline description. Beginning at Point '0' thence N74°00'25"E 130.46 feet more or less to the westerly right-of-way margin of Benson Road South and the terminus of said centerline description. Beginning at Point 'P' thence N56°12'20"E 28.45 feet; Thence N78°1551"E 72.46 feet more or less to the westerly right-of-way margin of Benson Road South and the terminus of said centerline description. Beginning at Point 'P' thence S15°27'W 170 feet to the terminus of said centerline description. Beginning at Point 'Q' thence N63°39'W 72.00 feet; Thence N64°47'W 102.5 feet; Thence N67°45'W 15 feet to the terminus of said centerline description. Beginning at Point 'R' thence N59°54'40"W 160.88 feet more or less to the southeast line of Tract C, Plat of Victoria Hills, recorded in Volume 113 of Plats, Pages 79 through 83, records of King County, Washington and the terminus of said centerline description. Beginning at Point 'S' thence N67°32'15"W 49.58 feet to a point hereafter to be known as Point 'T'; Thence N6°29'E 100 feet to the terminus of said centerline description. Beginning at Point 'T' thence S32°30'19"W 213.90 feet more or less to the north line of said Tract C, Plat of Victoria Hills and the terminus of said centerline description. .Or PLAN REVIEW ROUTING SLIP APPLICANT• - ALL --- DATE:-- /Z 715 . S JOB ADDRESS: //5c SD. 26'A4 5t' NATURE of WORK: �el- 41, , TO: Comments Due ._ I ENGINEERING DIVISION I I FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU I TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION I ( BUILDING CODE REVIEW I UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION I I ZONING & PARKING 1'V I OTI IERS ENERGY CODE Comments or suggestions regarding this application should be Please provide comnienLs to the Building Division b 5:00 Provided in writing. Y p.m, on above date. REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION I I APPROVED I ( APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS IZZI NOT APPROVED (co Cy J-N ��. Z, iature of Director or /lutiorized Representative TE_/'2?-g� VIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION I I APPROVED ( I APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ( I NOT APPROVED PLAN REVIEW ROUTING SLIP DATE: APPLICANT: L/P,%M-111 /7//6/_S JOB ADDRESS: NATURE OF WORK: TO: Comments Due Comments Due I_ I ENGINEERING DIVISION I I FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU I I TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION I I BUILDING CODE REVIEW I UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION I ( ZONING & PARKING I ( OTHERS I I ENERGY CODE Comments or suggestions regarding this application should be provided in writing. Please provide comments to the Building Division by 5:00 p.m. on above date. REVIEWING DEPA?iMENT/DIVISION �%�%��/%% � T�%Z —aF& 1 V APPROVED I I APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ( I NOT APPROVED ignature of Director or Authorized Representa REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ve TE I I APPROVED 1 I APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS I I NOT APPROVED V. OF 1?E �- z z o °' 90 CO. TtD SEPjE0111�P BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DESIGN/UTILITY ENGINEERING 0 235-2631 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 MEMORANDUM DATE: June 24, 1987 TO. FILE((,.:-�,;fl,(lr. FROM: Chuck Price, Storm Utility Engineer SUBJECT: Victoria Hills Phase II — Plan Review Comments Storm Drainage Plan and Profile Sheet No. 13: I. Sheet shows down sizing of pipe from 18" to 15" at CB #9. 2. Adequate vehicular access is not provided to the catch basins. The run from CB #3 to the existing detention pond is shown to be installed as part of the T.E.S.C.P., however, the design as shown provides no access and needs revision. 3. Calcs for hydraulic grade line and velocity heads should be provided where a steep grade enters a flat run to insure that water does not flow out of CB during the 25 year flood event. 4. Pipe anchors should be provided on steep pipe runs. Storm Drainage Plan and Profile Sheet No. 14: 1. CB #19 stationing is not consistant on sheets 14 and 15. 2. Calculate swale velocities. Design should provide measures to minimize errosion such as check dams or other measures. Storm Drainage Plan and Profile Sheet 15: 1. CB #19 stationing is not consistent. 2. Check velocity head where step grades meet. 3. Provide access. Benson Road Improvement Sheets Nos. 22 and 23: 1. As —Built existing drainage system. 2. Concur with the 1 to 20 scale requirement. ck Price 2J1.01.09.cp:jlm 1' • U o� CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Design/Utility Engineering �7, MEMORANDUM DATE: March 25, 1988 TO: Bob Bergstrom Don Monaghan Chuck Price FROM: Elmer Shaver SUBJECT: Victoria Hills Phase II TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL SYSTEM Routine inspection of the above referenced site at 9:45 a.m. this date, revealed the following: 1. The west berm of the primary collection pond adjacent to Benson Hwy. S. and south of Seattle Water Dept. R/W had failed. 2. The long detention pond immediately west and south of the primary collection pond was nearly full and was draining very slowly. 3. The most westerly end of the detention ponds on the southerly portion of the project appeared to be functioning normally. At 10:05 a.m. I called the Garrity Co. in Mill Creek, Washington and advised the secretary of the above conditions, and suggested that immediate attention was necessary as a heavy rainstorm or prolonged rain would cause flooding to the property directly to the west of the project. I was assured that the project Superintendent, Kurt, would be contacted and would call me and meet me on site as soon as possible. At 10:45 my office informed me that Kurt was en route to the site. I arrived on site at 10:55 a.m. and inspected the housing area on the west side of the project (So. 22nd Court), while I awaited the arrival of Kurt. A small deposit of silt was noted at house number 1108 So. 22nd Ct. This address is directly west of the northerly detention pond on the project. The silt deposit was not alarming as this condition has existed since October of 1987. The City storm drain maintenance foreman had advised me of a complaint from the resident at the above address. At 11:35 a.m. I was informed by a framer who was working on a building in the project that Kurt had seen the project and would have a crew repair the damaged collection pond berm this afternoon or tomorrow morning. I requested that the framer advise Kurt that remedial action was necessary today due to a strong possibility of flooding if more rain was to fall today. 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2631 r� Bergstrom/Monaghan/Price March 25, 1988 Page Two The City Street Maintenance Superintendent, Jack Crumley, and the Engineering Supervisor, Bob Bergstrom, were advised of the situation about 10:30 a.m. At approximately 3:10 p.m. I was informed by Rick Kokko that one of the berms on the project had burst on the project and was flooding yards on So. 22nd Ct. I immediately drove to the site, after notifying Bob Bergstrom of Rick Kokko's report. I met Bob Bray and Chuck Price at the site as well as two residents from So. 22nd Ct., one of whom was quite irate. The other gentleman was polite, but inquisitive about what action the City was going to take in this matter. I told him we would investigate and contact the contractor, The Garrity Co. to make repairs. Investigation of the north detention pond revealed a great deal of silt in the pond, the outfall collector pipe plugged on the outside with silt, and a failure in the west bank of the pond in a location which had shown cracking in October. The bank and slope west of the pond was still covered with plastic sheeting and grass. The failure of the pond bank had allowed a small amount of silt and storm water to collect in the back yard of house number 1114 So. 22nd Ct., between house number 1108 So. 22nd Ct. the house to the south, and the house north of 1108 So. 22nd Ct. By 3:30 p.m., The Garrity Co. was placing sand bags in the breached bank of the north detention pond and a breached drain swale to the east of the pond which was at this time draining into the pond rather than to the catch basin to the south as it was intended to. By 4:30 p.m. temporary repairs in the way of plastic sheeting held in place by sand bags had sealed the north detention pond and the drainage swale to the east. The easterly collection pond on the south portion of the project had been temporarily repaired in a like manner and was nearly sealed. It was operating in a normal manner. I completed shooting 36 pictures of the site and delivered the film to Foto Chalet on So. 3rd St. for processing. The Garrity Co. was in the process of contacting their sub -contractor to bring in equipment and make more permanent repairs to the drainage system tomorrow. Unless there is unusually heavy rain tonight, it appears to me that the repairs which have been affected, will be sufficient to hold the pond banks until tomorrow. At 4:50 p.m., I reported the situation as I saw it to Bob Bergstrom and was requested to check the project tomorrow morning for progress on repair work. Bergstrom/Monaghan/Price March 25, 1988 Page Three March 26, 1988 I arrived on site at 10:00 a.m. Observed that banks of 3 detention and collection ponds had failed causing minor flooding in the area of the existing fenced detention pond. Considerable silt was deposited in the existing detention pond. The west bank of the primary collection pond and the west bank of the two detention ponds to the west had failed and drained all stored water into the existing fenced detention pond. 10:40 a.m. SeaPort Bulldozing crew arrived with UH007 Hitachi backhoe and went to work rebuilding the banks of the on -site ponds which had failed. There appeared to be no additional siltation in the back yards of the houses on So. 22nd Ct. SeaPort Bulldozing proceeded to remove silt from northern detention pond. This pond appeared to be functioning normally, but there is still a chance that the west bank will fail again. March 28, 1988 Monday a.m. - SeaPort Bulldozing advised they will be placing oversize crushed rock to reinforce the banks of the detention ponds and to filter water around collection pipes. Shot 36 pictures of site. Departed at 2:00 p.m. 1H.02.ES:mf AtT7L' ' G Z117 /i'Oit�I ft�P.i I lT I I i V�-- ,eo VPus !C%'SAe- O TRH' e�Vte�=Wow %,fit'->Lctj- OW yzI . /mod ,000, �fl� • r12 t�7 � (9"/c�t2 ��" /�I/�� . CtJL1 �/I Ul �ZTi��T�17 �QLI.SC� ', oe zf� ew- � -� S � •' J �Elr ft ;�;� � /�Gr j/ is /�_' t c �.t ! '% r.'/i_ �•' % t� r:'.�%c'�/ �!!_�T` �StJ ��iZC�C�{'J< <I J'/ rC ;'I:I F-- �� r clrn i /I /< < ZYI/ �t 47 tz Ye�o -5 ev le e 1, 'c ; s A!f' � f •' { •! f'G' 7 �r�LC/ CL�c.� ��e'LG>.� /7 c•C. Q/�761-"+E' S-�. / � `/ I �i rytQetl'e /tee / � 1 � • iG'lJ�yrl�%! r• / p4 c tele /,00 ,0 ,/ 1".,:a Q lr-Z,P�t,/ � ill / �, 7` xz� ,,mac 155 veu-:r? �7el-e 5l�"�'Gcht.J e V4 /1XeI6 , ."l`57 CITY OF RENTON ENGINEERING DIVISION PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 235-2631 CORRECTION NOTICE JOB LOCATED AT YG- Q, Ni//S F. P. The following work does not comply with City codes and ordinances and must be CORRECTED and INSPECTED before this work can proceed any further. I 2 al, DO NOT PROCEED WITH THIS WORK UNTIL ABOVE CORRECTIONS HAVE BEEN MADE AND APPROVED Inspector j Date /O17- 1 DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE 6RCITY OF RENT00 PROJECT No. CHECKED OUT TO: SHEETS NAME: x DATE: COMPANY: .�-1 S ?'S�A� C) Tq PHONE: V� �Qvo , � �— NOTES: �) LOG No: PROCESSED BY: ."M S 12:E i � CE —r FIFE -r o C_ !9 #� 30 A'2EA = r• � � l}G C�EE i4%71�CI`IE1� t1i4 �� C. 4) �. 5� — �. 8 4 cis aa lz" CMP lm-ET f 1PC CL,,4 HA,4 LE 'fitS �T T y 14,. IQ 0_ g s . AN Ol STORM WATER UTILITY RECEIVED JUL 18 1988 1 SCATTERED Q \\� (, 1►Jfn I n n- 7 � l ` [ BOW L AK PIE — Y �- \\ SE 11 E 11'! KV r N LAKE IF t-f ,1 11 K j 05 �E)A1T< vl \ _ o C � rc7F r�fI.SON 1R HIGN (A ALA \ 'PRm •�, El (:M C Ulri n �1 1 .�Y ll fI E 64 Tf1 g �n s cy l x 449 7 \ S E dd tit 1 ou r r % 4 _ In A S 66 1►1 11 $ I I I 1