HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWP271853 (5)Michael D. Dotson From: Thomas G. Boyns To: Michael D. Dotson Subject: RE: Miscellaneous property questions Date: Tuesday, June 09, 1998 7:56AM 1. No, and I have asked Carol Thompson to research why the County shows this as our property, to correct this situation, and to provide me with a copy of the excise tax affidavit she used to record the dedication. 2. We are still negotiating with Seattle Public Utilities for the surface rights. Our target is to have an agreement by the first of August. Last night Council approved three agreements out of the four agreement package. The only item left is our lease of this land and use by Dally Homes for its project. 3. 1 have followed up with Mr. Thompson, and have no response. Our permit has expired. They will renew if we send the money. I was trying to get the fees waived. Do you want to send King County a notice that the facility is now theirs to maintain, or do you want to pay the fees? 4. 1 do not recall this issue. Please remind me. From: Michael D. Dotson To: Thomas G. Boyns Subject: Miscellaneous property questions Date: Monday, June 08, 1998 5:23PM Tom, The following are a number of questions that have been hanging around. 1. The Renton District Court; did we accept this as city property? The 2. Seattle Wate- and the Daly/Piazza property; Did this issue ever get 3. Our License agreement for the storm outfall on the K.C. property; yi the county. 4. Final ownership and acquisition of the automall property? Let me know where you are in regard to the above questions. Thanks Mike D. Page 1 county tax assessor thinks we did. resolved? )u were checking with Bernard at Michael D. Dotson From: Thomas G. Boyns To: Michael D. Dotson Subject: RE: Miscellaneous property questions Date: Tuesday, June 09, 1998 7:56AM 1.No, and I have asked Carol Thompson to research why the County shows this as our property, to correct this situation, and to provide me with a copy of the excise tax affidavit she used to record the dedication. 2.We are still negotiating with Seattle Public Utilities for the surface rights. Our target is to have an agreement by the first of August. Last night Council approved three agreements out of the four agreement package. The only item left is our lease of this land and use by Dally Homes for its project. 3.1 have followed up with Mr. Thompson, and have no response. Our permit has expired. They will renew if we send the money. I was trying to get the fees waived. Do you want to send King County a notice that the facility is now theirs to maintain, or do you want to pay the fees? 4.1 do not recall this issue. Please remind me. From: Michael D. Dotson To: Thomas G. Boyns Subject: Miscellaneous property questions Date: Monday, June 08, 1998 5:23PM Torn, The following are a number of questions that have been hanging around. 1. The Renton District Court; did we accept this as city property? The county tax assessor thinks we did. 2. Seattle Water and the Daly/Piazza property; Did this issue ever get resolved? 3. Our License agreement for the storm outfall on the K.C. property; you were checking with Bernard at the county. 4. Final ownership and acquisition of the automall property? Let me know where you are in regard to the above questions. Thanks Mike D. Page 1 City of Seattle Norman B. Rice, Mayor Seattle Public Utilities Diana Gale, Director March 12, 1998 Mr. Jim Paxton, CIP Coordinator Community Services Administration City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 �jQ( J S� Svlf Re: Demolition Permit 233 Burnett Ave. So. LUA-97-185 ECF / Mazda Partial Demolition Seattle Public Utilities Right of Entry / Temporary Occupancy Dear Mr. Paxton, 0'41� /� Fe -) 10 Enclosed herewith is your fully executed Right of Entry/Temporary Occupancy document for the City of Renton's demolition of a portion of the Mazda Showroom facility and the approval of the scope of work as outlined and delineated in your letter dated February 12, 1998. This document and approval is subject to conditions and requirements as specified by Seattle Public Utilities Engineering and Real Property Services Departments. In conjunction with a significant work load activity and scheduling constraints and so that Seattle Public Utilities can efficiently accommodate your requests, your early notification to Seattle Public Utilities Operations Personnel will be greatly appreciated. (Minimum 48 Hours Notice) It has been an enjoyable experience working with you on this project Jim. Should you have any further questions or concerns regarding this project, please give me a call. Thank you for your consideration and cooperation in this matter. Ve truly yours, William P. Cluckey, SR/WA Senior Property Agent Real Property Services Dexter Horton Building, 1 Oth floor, 710 Second Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104 Tel: (206) 6845851, TTY/TDD: (206) 233-7241, FAX: (206) 684-4631 An equal -employment opportunity, affirmative action employer. Accommodations for people with disabilities provided on request. C� Right of Entry/Temporary Occupancy Cedar River Pipeline The City of Seattle (Seattle Public Utilities) as fee owner of that certain parcel of land in the City of Renton, King County Washington, described as follows: That portion of Seattle Public Utilities 66 foot wide Cedar River Pipeline 1 & 2 Right of Way lying between the West line of Burnett Ave. South and a line approximately 100 West of the East line of Logan Ave. South and lying North of South 3rd Street and South of the City of Renton's property known as 233 Burnett Ave. South "the old Mazda Showroom' located in the Southeast % of Section 18, Township 23 North, Range 5 East of W.M. Hereby grants and issues this "Right of Entry" and "Temporary Right of Occupancy" to the City of Renton for the purposes as requested and further outlined and delineated in the attached letter from Jim Paxton, CIP Coordinator, Community Services Administration, City of Renton, dated 1/7/1998 , Exhibit "A", and further stipulated essential requirements as designated in the following conditions and requirements as itemized and defined as follows: The City of Renton Shall: 1. Show on City of Renton Engineering Plans (both sheets all the way through the SPU R/W) both of SPU's Pipelines. 2. All exposed SPU pipeline MH's shall be and will remain uncovered during and after construction. (DO NOT COVER WITH GRASS!!) Should existing MH be discovered during the construction process Renton shall notify SPU and shall make arrangements to have the(se) MH('s) brought to the new grade. 3. Since Catch Basin #2, within Site 1 demolition area, will not be used due to the area being grassed, this catch basin and associate drainage pipe shall be totally removed and/or relocated outside of the SPU Right of Way. The pipe that is not removed (if any) which lies outside of the right of way must be plugged at the right of way line. 4. Site Pole Lights which appear to be over the existing pipelines shall be removed with extreme care and caution, making absolutely certain that the pipelines do not get disturbed during the construction process. 5. Before removing any Water Valves within SPU's Right of Way, Renton and/or its contractor shall contact Mr. Sandy Gray 48 hours in advance of any work commencing to remove water valves with the Right of Way. (425) 430-0965 / (425) 255-2242 6. If contaminated soils are encountered within SPU's Right of Way, all work within said Right of way shall be immediately terminated and all activities shall immediately cease and desist and thereupon the City of Renton shall promptly notify SPU. 7. All castings shall be adjusted to grade by the City of Renton and/or its contractor and such adjustments shall meet with SPU's standards and specifications. Renton and/or its contractor shall notify Mr. Sandy Gray 48 hours prior to adjusting or modifying castings. 8. In general, Seattle Public Utilities recommends extreme caution be exercised within SPU's Cedar River Pipeline Right of Way corridor during all demolition activities and improvement installations as described and proposed in Mr. Paxton's January 7, 1998, written communication. 9. Inasmuch as this is not Renton's final construction activity planned within SPU's Cedar River Pipeline Right of Way corridor it is required, essential and absolutely imperative that the City of Renton provide Seattle Public Utilities with 90 percent, or better, completion design plans, specifications and profiles prior to any subsequent activities with SPU's Cedar River Pipeline Right of Way corridor. Such plans, specifications and profiles shall be submitted to SPU no less than 90 working days prior to the City of Renton's proposed construction dates) 11 Page 2 of 2 10. The rights herein granted are only for those rights as requested and delineated within Mr. Paxton's letter dated January 7, 1998, and any subsequent use, development and/or improvements planned by the City of Renton within and/or to SPU's Cedar River Pipeline Right of Way shall require formal review and approved by Seattle Public Utilities. 11. As a practicable matter, advance notification and point of information SPU's Water Engineering, Corrosion Control Team is in the process of upgrading the existing current cathodic protection system in the immediate area. The extent of the upgrade and construction window is unknown at this time. This construction item by SPU could possibly affect your construction schedule and proposed improvements upon SPU's property. Any existing or proposed City of Renton improvements within SPU's right-of-way may be directly affected by this protections installation. If any City of Renton's improvements require moving and/or relocation during SPU's construction project it will be at the City of Renton's sole expense to remove and/or relocate such improvements and the City of Renton's sole expense for the replacement of such improvements 12. The "Term" of this Right of Entry/Temporary Occupancy shall be for One year (1) from the last execution date of this agreement and shall terminate upon reaching that one year anniversary date. It is hereby understood and acknowledged by the City of Renton that the above referenced land is the Fee Simple Ownership of the City of Seattle (SPU) and that this land is under full control and possession of the City of Seattle (SPU). The City of Seattle's (SPU's) primary and paramount use of this land is that of Seattle Public Utilities Operating Right of Way for the Cedar River Pipelines. It is further understood and acknowledged by the City of Renton that any such use of SPU's lands by the City of Renton is an entirely subordinate and temporarily permitted use of SPU's fee ownership. Renton's subordinate and temporarily permitted use may at any time be disturbed, temporarily disrupted and/or permanently discontinued. The City of Renton understands and acknowledges this fact and does by its own actions and accord, agrees that any and all installations and temporarily permitted use by the City of Renton within this SPU fee owned corridor are entirely subordinate uses and are subject to removal, relocation and/or demolition by SPU in conjunction with SPU's operation and/or maintenance of its Cedar River Pipeline operations. It shall be at the City of Renton's sole cost, expense and contractual obligation and responsibility to re-establish its own temporarily permitted use improvements within the Cedar River Pipeline Right of Way upon completion of any and all Seattle Public Utilities construction, reconstruction and/or maintenance projects. By the City of Renton accepting this document, the City of Renton agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Seattle Public Utilities from any and all claims for injuries and/or damages suffered by any person which may be caused by the City of Renton and/or its contractor(s) exercise of the rights herein granted; provided that Renton shall not be responsible to Seattle Public Utilities for any injuries and or/ damages to any person caused by ads or omissions of Seattle Public Utilities. This Right of Entry is further conditioned upon Renton's inclusion into its construction plans, specifications and profiles the above stipulated requirements and further by the City of Renton acceptance of the conditions, stipulations and requirements herein. Seattle Public Utilities By: 1 i Sharon King, Man ger Real Property Services City of Renton By. Tile: p— Dept.: Dated: .3 / /2 �GI Dated: �, — L� — % 9 13-792 500 SHEETS. FILLER 5 SQUARE 42-100 SHEETS EYEZ 351 50 SHEETS EYE-E5 SQUARE 42 09 200 SHEETS EYE-EA9p S S 42-392 700 RECYCLED WHITE 55OUARE 42.399 2M RECYCLED WHITE 5 SQUARE ��I w St Q r o 0 NE 2nd St 60 81.24 3 0.00 403.33 t 1623059003 1623059123 i i i I I i i I i i Kt' n g C UrN u- n t y B e d t* c a t 0 -rl NICc NVV `- 3u T .O 3 SE_` rawI W� SECTION l6, 'CWP 23 N., R 5F, W A. N.BW 05,38' w Lk:GPAL OF R/W ts�RKSFtfZ f of soot FEB, -18' 98 (WED ) 12 : 0 i KING CTY FAC I L NINGT TEL:206 296 0186 P. 001 1. King County Department of Construction and Facility Management Pearl McKheran, Director King County Admtnletrallon Building 500 Fourth Avenue, Room 320 Seattle, Washington 08104 (206) 208-054B Fax (206) 208-0180 (200) 296-0100 TOD FAX TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET DATE: TIME: 1 FIRM: 1 U -% I- v L I ^V- SENT TO TELECOPIE TELEPHONE: �1'E-Moil: deborah.newsom@metrokc.gov TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES, INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET: Thanks for returning my phone call. I have finally received an "updated Segregation" for the surface water accounts in question; 61.046. 61-152 and 61.153. I hope with the updated Information you are able to separate the current tax parcel's and reduce our overall billing. Please forward any changes/updates to my office. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Thanks Ir you no not receive all of the pagea, pleaoe call: FAX 2/98 APPROVED FOR YOU INFORMATION RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS FOR YOUR SIGNATURE c r on s o . • AS REQUESTED FOR YOUR FILE FOR APPROVAL OTHER u M TEST rLEGENIpDLATION PIT ENT IN CASE 9EMf@I LINE • —IIEHpa *Aran SUiNEY CAP O — sm-m K4NHDLli, f—Z.Z HUBS Wff'"TACKS NO - E: SEE K1I�COUNTY FIELD EsWK 14T_ � G PGA 47-44B FEB. -18' 98 (WEM 12 : 0 i KING CTY FAC I L MNGT TEL : 206 296 0186 RPCI •162305913400 DOC: 08/01/91 REVALUE STsCUANT ACTIVE J CITY OF RGNTON 719800 N 301.24 FT OF E 403.33 FT 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH 01/28/99 OF W 683.33 FT OF SW 1/4 RENTON WA 98055 OF NE 1/4 LESS S 220 FT TGW N 60 FT OF W 693.33 FT LOIN 16-23-05 HLOCK;9134 LAST LEGAL LESS E 403.33 FT OF SW 1/4 IS 7 OF NE 1/4 TGW N 60 FT OF RY OY ST SC NC LEVY OM—LV LAND IMPS BILLED PAID P A 99 x 2100 35,000 .00 .00 99 X 2100 35,000 .00 .00 97 x 2100 35.000 .00 .00 TOTAL DUE: L 30 FT OF SE 114 OF NW 1/4 RPCI 162305913400 JUMP CODE: P. 00) Toad Rs�gh� of Wa.el C) FEB.-18'98(WED) 12:07 KING CTY FACIL MNGT TEL:206 296 0186 P,00- KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS PH21 REAL PROPERTY HISTORY ACCOUNT NUMBER; 1623C5-9134-0 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 0 T&XPAYER NAME; CITY OF RENTON QTR: NE SECT: 16 TWN: 23 RNG: 5 FOLIO: C22858- - SUDARE SHORT LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BLOCK PLAT: 0 ******* I A S S E S S E D V A L U E H I 9 T O R Y "*--**.'* S A L E S H I S T 0 R YEAR LAND IMPS TOTAL L/C DATE CHANGE# REASON I DATE EXCISEi SALES PRICE 96 35,000 35,000 X 2100 08/07/97 REVALUE 1 10/23/96 1515404 98 35,000 35,000 X 2100 02/171/97 I000410 SEGREGATION 1 97 35,000 35,000 X 2100 02/11/97 1000410 SLGRLGATION I I I I I I I I I I I I END OF VALUE HISTORY * I END OF SALES HISTORY { NEXT ACCOUNT: 162305 9134 0 JLb1P COD E+ITER-PFI--PF2--PF3--PF4--PF5--PF6--PF7--PP8--PF9--PF10-PF11-PF12-PF13-PF14-PF15-PF16-PF17-PF18-PF19-PF20-PF21-PF22-27 IIC'LP VND MENU CIIAR HIST LEGL BROW PF FEB, -18' UWE0) 12:08 PM11 ACCOUNT NUMBER: 162305-9134-0 TAXPAYER NAME: CITY OF RENTON LEGAL DESCRIPTION - PAGE 1 LOT BLOCK N 301.24 FT OF E 403.33 FT TGW N 60 FT of W 663.33 FT E 3D FT OF SE 114 OI? NW 1/4 KING CTY FaCIL MNGT TEL:206 296 0186 P,004 3 KING COUNTY DEPARTKENT OF ASSESSKENTS REAL PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION PROPERTY ADDRESS: 0 QTR: NE SECT: 16 TWN: 23 RNG: 05 FOLIO: C22B56- - SUBAREA NOTE—. READ LEGAL LINES LEFT TO RIGHT ACROSS SCREEN. PLAT; Or• W 693.33 FT Or SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 LESS S 220 rT LESS E 403.33 FT OF SW 1/4 OF NE 114 TGW N 60 FT OF END OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION t NEXT ACCOUNT; 162305 9134 0 JUMP COD PNTLR-Prl--Pr2--Pr•3--PF4--rF5--PF6--PF7--PF@--PF9--PF10-PFil-PF12-Pf13-PFL4-PF15-Pr•16-erii-Prl0-Pr19-PF20-PF21-Pr22-PE' H_LP END MNU CHAP. HIST LLGL BROW PF FEB. -1.8' 98(WED) 12:08 KING GTY FACIL MNGT TEL:206 296 0186 P. 005 NO »LiILDINGs rOuxD FOR THIS ACCOUNT. PH21 CJTH KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS 01/26/ AN07 COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS 09:35; ACCOUNT NUMBER; 1.62305-9134-0 EXEMPT PJ20PERTY ADDRESS: 0 TAXPAYER NAME: CITY OF RENTON QTR: NE SEC: 16 TWAT: 23 RNG; Ob FOLIO: C2285B- - ARE PROPERTY NAME: SEG FROM 16230590030 LAND USE: (912) VACANT LAND -MULTI FAM 1 TO 5 ACRES LEV + L A N D D A T A - I+--******-*-- - I M P R O V E M E N T S 9 U M M A R Y '' ** T*** '" ' 'k JURISDICTION:-F5ittVblr I DESCRIPTION: NUMBER OF BLDGS: GROSS AREA ZONE ACTUAL: MFH I YEAR -BUILT; CLASS: NET AREA: ZONE CODE: HD MULTI I EFF YEAR: QUALITY: SQ FEE'T; 51,366 1 LOT COVERAGE: NUMBER OF UNITS: CORNER LOT: NO I * * * r - * * * * * * * * * * * * - * * B U I L D I N G . . * * . * * * * - + * * * WATERFRONT: I DESCRIPTION; NUMBER OF STORIES: GROSS AREA PERCENT USABLE: 100 1 YEAR BUILT; CLASS: NET AREA: TOPOGRAPHY: I EFF YEAR: QUALITY HEATING: SHAPE; REGULAR I % COMPLETE: SPRINKLERS ACCESS: STANDARD I++`++ *+ I N T E R I 0 R SECTIONS ** 'k' ++ + A C C E 9 S 0 R Y S U VISUAL EXP: STANDARD I SECTION USE CODE 6 DESCRIPTION STORY HEIGHT NET AREA I OPEN SPACE; NO I RESTRICTIVE COND; NO I I CO3'4TAMINATED PROP; NO I I I 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEXT ACCOUNT: 162305 9134 0 NEXT BLDG: _ JUMP Co ENTER-PFI.--PF2--PF3--PF4--PF5--PF6--PF7--PF9--PF9--PF10-?F11-PF12-PF13-PF14-PF15-PF16-PF17-PF1B-PF19-PF20-PF2,1-;F22-PF HELP END MENU CHAR HIST LEGL BROW PF FEB. -18'98(WE0) 12:08 KING GTY FAGIL MNGT TEL:206 296 0186 P,006 WHEN RECORDER RETURN To: Offlee of ilia city clerk L�' RenionMunlcipalRull&ng I •� 300 Mill nvenua Sayth ,•; RenWn, WA veins QUIT CLAIM DEED II nIt � The Grantor herein, KING COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Washingtoa, for and in consideration of MUTUAL BENEFITS, and also of benelita to accrue to It by reason of laying oily and establishing a public road through its is hereinafter property, and which doaeribed, pursuant to King County Ordinance No, 11969, conveys, releases, and quit claims to the CITY OF RENTON, a 8 municipal corporation of the State of Washington, for use of the Public forever, as a public road and highway, all interest in the following described real estate, including any after acquired title. The North 301,24 feet of the East 403.33 feet of the West 683.33 feet of the SW 1/4 of the Nr 114, LESS the South 220 foot thorect, TOGETHER WITH the North 60 feat of the West 683.33 feet, LESS the East 403.33 foot of the SW 1/4 of ilia NE 114, TOGETI-M, R WITH the North 60 feet of East 30 foot of the SE 1/4 of tho NW 114, ALL in Section 16, Township 23 North. Range b East, W.M. SUBJECT TO: Easements, restrictions, reservations, covenants, conditions and V agreemenra. Dated this '%+- day m KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Ql O BY TITLE2ru11?r�tj SEiVI[{S l�fvrary CAD STA7M, OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF K) SSING ) II I certify thaLDoVJO {�Y?ttc?St`1C1 i' signed thle instrument, on oath eratod that ha was audio ' ed y the Icing C�oppntySxecudve to cxccuto the inetrument, and acknowledged it as the _r ervic es /vlgnr cry r of King County, Washington to bo the free and voluntary act o said County for tho uses and purposos mentioned in the instrument. Dale(LSepfe!-nbee IG, 19 % NOTARY P LIiiB C in and fo the State of Washington, residing atSf-E1- - My appointment axplres_ //-I.5-` (. APPROVED AiM- ACCRITEr BY: CITY OF RENTON BY syor Jesse Tanner DATE ( BY .)n4� , City Clerk IdArilYn J. Perersen DATE Ot,474V-J, 22 199 (1 FEB, -18' 98 MEM 12 : 08 KING CTY FAC I L NINGT TEL : 206 296 0186 P. 007 RPCI t62305900302 DOC:I-004431 11/19/91 SEGREGATIONME ST:CURNT ACTIVE KPNG COUNTY 149800 SW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 LESS BEG SW COR Shop 500A K C ADMIN BLDG 01/26/98 Tli S 89-01-16 E 683.33 FT TO POB 1 500 FOURTH TN N 01.-04-13 E 363.53 FT SEATTLE WA 90104 TH S 69-03-38 E 30 FT LO'T;3.6-23-05 BLOCK:9003 LAST LEGAL, TH N 01-04-13 E 960 FT IS 42 TO N LINE OF SW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 RY OY ST SC NC LEVY OM-LV LAND IMP5 BILLED PAID P A 99 x 2100 4,017,000 7,055,000 .00 .00 90 x 2100 41017,000 7,055,000 a0 .00 97 x 2100 4,017,000 1,055,000 a0 .00 96 x C 2100 411,39,000 7,511,000 .00 .00 95 x 2100 4,139,000 1,381,000 .00 .00 RY OY ST SC NC LEVY OM-LV LAND IMPS BILLED PAID P A 94 x 2100 4,118,600 1,155,100 .00 .00 93 x 21.00 4,119,800 7,755,100 .00 .00 92 x 2100 2,195,000 8,129,100 .00 .00 91 x 2100 2,195,000 8,129,100 .00 .00 TOTAL DUE: RPCI 162305900309 JUMP CODE: ADDITIONAL DATA P/N FEB, -1.8' 98 MEM 12:09 KING CTY FACIL MNGT TEL:206 296 0186 P. 008 PM21 ACCOUNT NUMBER; 162305-9003-0 TAXPAYER NAME; KING COUNTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION — PAGE 1 LOT BLOCK KING COUNTY DEPARTHENT OF ASSESSMENTS REAL PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3407 NE 2ND ST QTR: NE SECT: 16 TWN: 23 RNG: 05 £OLIO: C2295B— — SUBAREA NOTE: READ LEGAL LINTS LEFT TO RIGHT ACROSS SCREEN. PLAT; SW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 LE55 6GG SW COR TH S 89-03-38 E 30 FT TId S 89-03-36 E 612.05 FT To SE COR or SW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 E 403.33 FT OF W 683.33 FT W 683.33 FT EXCEPT TGW E 112 Or NW 1/4 LESS W Or W LINE OF E 1/2 OF W 1/2 OF NE 1/4 Or NW 1/4 OF SOLLOWING LINE — BEGIN I'll NLLY TO N LINE OF SF 1/4 TI-T ALONG PROLONGATION OF SAID AND TERMINUS OF SAID LINE SUBJECT TO TRANSMISSION TH S 89-01-16 E 683.33 FT TO POB TH N 01-04-13 E 960 FT TO NE COR OF SW 1/4 OF NE 114 TI'I N 89-01-16 W 643.36 FT OF SW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 F. 403.33 FT OF SW .1/4 OF E 112 OF NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 NE 1/4 OF NW 1/d LESS AND Or N 970 FT OF W 6d5 FT 648.74 FT S OF NW CORNER OF NW 1/4 422.48 FT E OF LINE TO N LINE OF SAID S 90 FT LESS N 60 FT OF E 30 EP LINE EASEMENTS LESS C S M TH N 01-04-13 E 363.53 FT TO N LINE OF SW 1/4 OF Nt 1/4 TH 5 01-00-49 W 1323.96 FT TO POB LESS N 301.24 FT OF LESS NORTH 60 FEET OF NE 1/d TGW NW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 LESS N 593.13 FT LY 60 FT PORTIONS OF S 90 FT OF OF SE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 LY SELY OF SE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 NW CORNER OF SE 1/4 OF NW 1./4 OF W 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF Nil 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 RIGHTS • t CONTINUED + + + NEXT ACCOUNT: 162305 9003 0 JUMP COD k;NTER—PFI--PF2--PF3--PF4--PF5--PF6--PF7--PFB--PF9--PF10—PF11-PF12—PI'13—PF14—PF15—PF16—Pr17—PF18—PF19—PF20—PF21—PF22—PF HELP END MENU CHWa HIST LEGL PF FEB. -18' 981WED) 12:09 KING GTY FAGIL MNGT TEL:206 296 0186 P. 009 MORE L;UILDINGS TO DISPLAY. -.•PM21 CJTI-I AND7 KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS COMMERCTAL/T.N111ISTRTAL PROPERTY CHARACTFRTSTICS 01/2B/ 09:31: ACCOUNT NUMBER: 162305-9003-0 EXEMPT PROPERTY APDRESS:'3407 NE 2ND ST TAXPAYER NAME: KING COUNTY QTR. NE SEC: 16 TWN; 23 F-NG: 05 FOLIO: C22656- - ARE PROPERTY NAME; KING CO DISTRICT COURT LAND USE: (622) UTILITIES, PUBLIC - GARBAGE, ELECTRIC, LEV ' L A N D D A T A * I************** I M P R O V E M E N T S S U M M A R Y 'k '**** _ ** JURISDICTION: RENTON I DESCRIPTION: NUMBER OF BLDGS: 5 GROSS AREA ZONB ACTUAL: T I YEAR -BUILT: 83 CLASS: WOOD FRAME NET AREA: ZONE CODE: LD MULTI I EFF YEAR: 63 QUALITY: AVERAGE ACRES: 101.17 1 LOT COVERAGE: 9,9dB NUMBER OF UNITS: CORNER LOT NO I * * ' ' ' • • ' * * ' * ' * ' ' ' ' + + B U I L D I N G 01 * * * . * * * * * * * * * a W WATERFRONT: I DESCRIPTION: XING CO DIST COURT NUMBER OF STORIES; 1. GROSS AREA PERCENT USABLE: 100 : YEAR BUILT: 83 CLASS: WOOD FRAME NET AREA: TOPOGRAPIin ; EFF YEAR-. 83 QUALITY AVERAGE HEATING: SHADS: IRREGULAR 18 COMPLETE: 100 SPRINKLERS ACCESS: STANDARD I I ' ** I N T E R 1 0 R 5 E C T I 0 N S r a a -e ` r l* A C C E S S 0 R Y S U VISUAL EX.P: STANDARD I SECTION USE CODE. s DESCRIPTION STORY HEIGHT NET AREA I OPEN SPACE: NO I I 8000 S£ STG BLDG ADD RESTRICTIVE COND: NO I I CONTW4INATED PROP; NO I I I I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N'EXT ACCOUNT: 162305 9003 0 NEXT BLDG: JUMP CO LNTER-P11--PF2--PF3--PFd--PF5--PF6--PF7--PFB--PF9--PF7.0-PF11-PF12-PF13-PF14-PF15-PF16-PF17-PF1B-PF19-PF20-PE21-PF22-PF _ HELP END MENU CHAR HIST LEGL PF FEB. -1,8' 98(WED 1 12:09 KING CTY FACIL MNGT TEL:206 296 0186 P. 010 - KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS PM21 REAL PROPERTY HISTORY ACCOUNT NUtMER; 162305-9003-0 PROPZRTY ADDRESS: 3407 NE 2ND ST TAXPAYER NAME: KING COUNTY QTR.- NE SECT; 16 TWN; 23 RNG; 5 £OLIO; C22858- - SU3ARE SHORT LEGAL DI SC}9IPTION; LOT BLOCK PLAT: 0 *•******** A S S E S S E D V A L U E Il I S T 0 R Y'*•*••'* ''I' • '` S A L E S H I S T O R YEAR LAND IMPS TOTAL L/C DATE CHANGE$ REASON I DATE EXCISEi SALES PRICE 99 4,017,000 7,055,000 11,072,000 X 2100 11/19/97 I004431 SEGREGATION 1 96 4,017,000 7,055,000 11,072,000 X 2100 11/19/97 I004431 SEGREGATION I 90 4,104,000 7,571,000 11,675,000 X 2100 09/12/97 REVALUE 98 4,1.04,000 7,571,000 11,675,000 X 2100 02/11/97 I000410 SEGREGATION I 97 4,017,000 7,055,000 11,072,000 X 2100 11/19/97 I004431 SEGREGATION I 97 4,104,000 7,571,000 11,615,000 X 2100 02/21/97 1000410 SEGREGATION I 97 4,139,000 7,511,000 11,710,000 X 2100 10/04/96 REVALUE 96 1,139,000 7,571,000 11,710,000 X 2100 09/18/95 MAINTENANCE 95 4,139,000 7,381,000 11,520,000 X 2100 11/10/94 REVAj41JE I 95 4,1.16,600 7,755,100 11,873,900 X 2100 04/29/94 REVALUE I 95 4,11.0,600 7,755,100 11,873,900 X 2100 12/09/93 D004434 SEGREGATION I 91 4,118,800 7,755,100 11,673,900 X 2100 12/09/93 D004434 SEGREGATION 93 4,118r800 7,155,100 11,873,900 X 2100 12/09/93 D004434 SEGREGATION I 93 4,524,000 0,129,100 12,653,100 X 2100 04/11/92 REVALUE * * * CONTINUED * * I END OF SALES HISTORY + NEXT ACCOUNT; 162305 9003 0 JUMP COD ENTER-PFI--PF2--PF3--PF4--PF5--PF6--PF7--PFB--PF9--PF10-PF11-PF12-PF13-PF14-PF15-PF16-PF17-PF18-PF19-PF20-PF21-PF22-PF HELP END MENU CHAR HIST LEGL PF SURFACE WATER UTILITY BILLING ASSESSMENT Project Name: Building Permit Number: 14-1119 Date to Utility Billing: S_ 15 Business or Use: ss Owner/Billing Address: / �la C e Account No. Tax Lot Nos. Square Footage Assessment Site Address: Ah? e- m2� Account No. Tax Lot Nos. Square Footage Assessment Site Address: Account No. Tax Lot Nos. Square Footage Assessment Site Address: Account No. Tax Lot Nos. Square Footage Assessment Site Address: C:FORMS: STORMWTR:92-252:JDH:ps 1; i� ij ter` ------ S-a �37-7 AV17 -,�;1-------- -�s --- �- --- -------- ii G. Kiiig Comit' Property Serxzces Division Department of Executive Administration King County Administration Building 500 Fourth Avenue Room 500 Seattle, Washington 98104 (206)296-7470 FAX 296-0196 December 22, 1992 Mr. Ron Straka City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 :1 G r� �, 3 1992IN; Cl TY OF RENTOAI Engineering Dept. RE: Special Use Permit U-33-92 - To Operate and Maintain an 18-Inch Storm Water Drainage System with an Energy Dissipater - May Creek Park Dear Mr. Straka: Enclosed is the above referenced special use permit. Please have an authorized person for the city sign the permit and return them to this office for further processing. Also please send us a check for two hundred twenty seven dollars ($227.00), made payable to the King County Office of Finance, for permit administrative and land use fees. This permit is not valid without the signatures of the Managers of the Property Services Division and the King County Department Public Works, Surface Water Management Division, Facilities Maintenance Section. Sincerely, Caroline L. Thompson, Supervisor Property Inventory and Control Section CLT:TCS Special Use Permits U-33-92 KING COUNTY Department of Executive Administration Property Services Division 500 King County Administration Building 500 Fourth Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 (206) 296-7456 SPECIAL USE PERMIT Use of County Owned Property PERMIT NUMBER: U-33 -1992 FILE NO. DATE: 11/23/1992 PERMITTEE: CITY OF RENTON - MR. RON STRAKA 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WA 98055- DAY PHONE:206-277-5548 OTHER PHONE: PURPOSE: TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN AN 18-INCH STORM WATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM WITH AN ENERGY DISSIPATER (SEE PLANS DATED 11/23/92) (RENEWAL OF FS-59-87) LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1/4 Sec Twp Rge Account No. Kroll Page SE 32 24 05 475E MAY CREEK PARK NORTH OF ITS INTERSECTION WITH N E 30TH STREET AND JONES AVENUE N E IF EXTENDED EXPIRATION: This permit shall not be valid for more than 5 YEARS and expires on the day of 1998. PERMIT FEE: $ 50.00 INSPECTION FEE: $ 0.00 ADMINISTRATIVE FEE: $ 50.00 PLAN REVIEW FEE: $ 0.00 LAND USE FEE: $ 127.00 OTHER FEE: $ 0.00 BOND AMOUNT: $ 1,000.00 INSURANCE AMOUNT: $ 0.00 $ 1,000.00 Blanket Bond on File. Permittee MUST notify MR. JOE WILSON AT: 206-296-4438 AT LEAST 72 HOURS PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK AND IMMEDIATELY UPON COMPLETION. By this permit King County authorizes the use of the above described property: Custodial Approval Date Property Services Approval Date The Permittee agrees to comply with the terms and conditions contained herein. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR TEA AN -.CO I �INS. Signature of Permittee Date J NOTE: Permit not valid without all necessary ignatures and expiration date. Ordinance 4099, King County Code 14.46 TERMS AND CONDITIONS PERMIT REVOCATION: This Permit is revocable at any time by King County. The right to revoke is expressly reserved to King County. INDEMNITY AND HOLD HARMLESS. The Permittee agrees to indemnity and hold harmless King County as provided herein to the naximum extent possible under law. Accordingly, the Permittee.agrees for itself, its successors and assigns to defend, Indemnify, aid hold iarmless King County, its appointed and elected officials, and employees from and against liability for all claims, demands, suits, and judgments acluding costs of defense ;hereof for injury to persons, death, or,property damage which is caused by, arises out of, or is incidental to Permittee's rxercise of rights and privileges granted by this Permit. The Permittee's obligation under this section shall include: a) Indemnification for such :laims whether or not they arise from the sole negligence of either the County or the Permittee, the concurrent negligence of both parties, or he negligence of one or more third parties. b) The duty to promptly accept tender of defense and provide defense to the County at the 'ermittee's own expense. c) Indemnification of claims made by the Permittee's own -employees or agents. d) Waiver of the Permittee's mmunity under the industrial insurance provisions of Title 51 RCW, which waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. in the event i, Is ns assary for the County to incur attorney's fees, legal expenses, or other costs to enforce the provisions of this section, ill such fees, expenses, and costs shall be recoverable from the Permittee. In the event it is determined that RCW 4.24.115 applies to this agreement, the Permittee agrees to defend, hold harmless, and indemnify <ing County to the maximum extent permitted thereunder, and specifically for its negligence concurrent with that of King County to the full extent rf Permitlee's negligence. Permittee agrees to defend, Indemnity, and hold harmless the County for claims by Permittoe's employees and agrees o waiver of its immunity under Title 5i RCW, which waiver has been r.wtually negotiated by the parties. 3. ANTI -DISCRIMINATION: In all hiring or employment made possible or resulting from this Permit, there shall be no discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment because of.race, color, creed, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, x the presence of any sensory, rn ..aal or physical handicap in an otherwise qualified handicapped person unless based upon a bona fide )ccupational qualification, and this requirement shall apply to but not be limited to the followIng: employment, advertising, layoff or termination, -ates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training including apprenticeship. No person shall be denied, or subjected to fiscrimination in receipt of the benefit of any services or activities made possible by or resulting from this Permit on the grounds of race, color, .reed, religion, national origin, age (except minimum age and retirement provisions), sex, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, the xesence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap, or the use of a trained guide -dog by a blind or deaf person. Any violation of this provision ;hall be considered a violation of a material provision of this Permit and shall be grounds for cancellation, termination or suspension in whole x in part of the Permit by the County, and may result in ineligibility for further County permits. 4. NON-EXCLUSIVE RIGHT: This Permit shall not be deemed or construed to be an exclusive right. It does not prohibit the County from granting any other permits to other public or private ent:,,ios, nor shall it prevent the County from using any public place for any and all public use or affect its jurisdiction over any part of them. i. ASSESSMENTS: Purmittee shall be required to pay any general or special assessments incurred by King Ccunty which.are directly attributable to or arising from any actions, occupancy, or usage authorized herein. S. TERMINATION: The Permittee may terminate the Permit by written notice to the Manager of Property Services Division. Upon revocation, termination, or abandonment, the Permittee shall remove at his expense all facilities placed on said property by the Permittee, and restore the premises to a condition which is equivalent in all respects to the condition existing prior to installation of the facilities, or to a condition Nhich is satisfactory to ;.',e Cour.iy. It the i ermitiao ..as r,oi occor,HG.>h S ,ercaval and raslcration at the and of a ninoty day poriod following :he effective date of revocation, termination, expiration, or abandonment, the County may accomplish all of the necessary work and cnarge all A the costs to the Permittee. 7. RESTORATION: After completion of work authorized by this Permit, the Permittee shall restore Ilia property to a condition which is equivalent in all respects to the condition of the properly prior to starting work, or a condition satisfactory to King County. If the Permittee delays :he restoration beyond expiration of the Permit, the County may accomplish all the necessary work and charge all the costs to the Permittee. 3. REPAIRING DAMAGE BY PEFIMITTEE: In the event that damage of any kind is caused by the Permittee in the course of performing Nork authorizod by this Permit, Permittoe will repair said damage at its sole cost and expense. Repair work shall begin without delay and mntiriue'without interrupt ion'untiI compieted. If damage is oxtencive, the time allowed for repair will be'prescribed by the County'agent. If the County determines It is necessary, the County may accomplish tho work and charge all the costs to the Permittee. 9. ABATEMENT OF UNSAFE CONDITICNS: The County representative may at any time, do, order, or have done all work considordf necessary to restore to a safe condition any arar: described in Permit left by the, Permittee In a condition dangerous to life or property. The Permittee shall pay, upon demand, to the County all costs of such work, materials, etc. Nothing in this section shall relieve the Permittee of duties under Terms and Conditions No. 2 above. 10. RIGHTS RESERVED TO,COUNTY - CONFORMANCE AND PAYMENT OF COST REQUIRED: The County reserves the right to use, Dccupy, and enjoy its property for such purposes as it shall desire including, but not limited to, constructing or in structures and facilities m the property, or developing, improving, repairing or altering the property. The Permittee, upon written notice, will at his own cost and expense remove, repair, rolocate, change or reconstruct such installations to conform with the plans of work contemplated or ordered by the County according to a time schedule contained in the written notice. it. NOTICE: Permittee agrws to obtain information from other utility operators regarding the location and current status of their installations Before starting work. Properly owners adjoining, or in proximity to, the project as described herein shall be notified by Permittee when such Droperty is exposed to the possibility of injury or damage through performance of work on the project authorized by this Permit. Permittee shall make all advance arrangements necessary to protect such property or utility from Injury or damage. 12. OTHER APPLICABLE LAWS: Issuance of this Permit does not in any way relieve the Permittee from complying with any other applicable laws in performing the work subject to this Permit. 13. RE-ENTRY: After completion of work aulhorizad by this Perm!!, if the Permittee desires,to re-enter upon the property described herein I any reconstruction, notice shall be provided in advance to King County together with the plans and specifications for the work propir.;eii, and shall not be permitted without the County's consent. 14. TITLE: This Permit grants only the right to use King County's Interest in the herein described property, and the granting of this Permit . :s not a warranty that good title to any specific property Is vested In King County. 15. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: (SEE ATTACHED SHEET(S) CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: December 30, 1992 TO: Mayor Clymer FROM: L4�Gett ann SUBJECT: Special i1se Permit for signature b Ma P 9 Y or Y RECEIVED .a0 0 4 Ii Manors The attached permit is a renewable 5 year special use permit allowing the City to operate and maintain an 18-inch storm water drainage system with an energy dissipater within unincorporated King County, in May Creek Park. Please sign the permit at the bottom, under "signature of Permittee" and then return to me for further processing. If you have any questions, please give Gregg Zimmerman a call at x-621 1. Thank you, MEMO.DOT/GZ 4%R _g Earl Clymer, Mayor January 6, 1993 CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Lynn Guttmann, Administrator Ms. Caroline L. Thompson, Supervisor Property Inventory and Control Section King County Property Services Division Department of Executive Administration 500 Fourth Avenue - Room 500, King County Administration Building Seattle, WA 98104 SUBJECT: SPECIAL USE PERMIT U-33-92 - TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN AN 1 8-INCH STORM WATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM WITH AN ENERGY DISSIPATER MAY CREEK PARK Dear Ms. Thompson: Enclosed is the above -referenced Special Use Permit which has been signed by the Mayor of the City of Renton. Included along with the signed permit is the $227 check for the permit fee. Please process the permit renewal for final approval by the appropriate King County Departments. Please return a copy of the permit for our files once it has been approved. If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact me at (206) 277-5548. Very truly yours, Ronald J. Straka, Supervisor Surface Water Utility C:Docs:s3-0T. saps CC: Gregg Zimmermen Enclosure 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 KING COUNTY Department of Executive Administration Property Services Division 500 King County Administration Building 500 Fourth Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 (206) 296-7456 SPECIAL USE PERMIT Use of County Owned Property PERMIT NUMBER: U-33 -1992 FILE NO. DATE: 11/23/1992 PERMITTER: CITY OF RENTON - MR. RON STRAKA 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WA 98055- DAY PHONE:206-277-5548 OTHER PHONE: PURPOSE: TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN AN 18-INCH STORM WATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM WITH AN ENERGY DISSIPATER (SEE PLANS DATED 11/23/92) (RENEWAL OF FS-59-87) LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1/4 Sec Twp Rge Account No. Kroll Page SE 32 24 05 475E MAY CREEK PARK NORTH OF ITS INTERSECTION WITH N E 30TH STREET AND JONES AVENUE N E IF EXTENDED , , , , , EXPIRATION: This permit shall not be valid for more than 5 YEARS and expires on the day of 1998. PERMIT FEE: $ 50.00 INSPECTION FEE: $ 0.00 ADMINISTRATIVE FEE: $ 50.00 PLAN REVIEW FEE: , $ 0.00 LAND USE FEE: $ 127.00 OTHER FEE: $ 0.00 BOND AMOUNT: $ 1,000.00 INSURANCE AMOUNT: $ 0.00 $ 1,000.00 Blanket Bond on File. Permittee MUST notify MR. JOE WILSON AT: 206-296-4438 AT LEAST 72 HOURS PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK AND IMMEDIATELY UPON COMPLETION. By this permit King County authorizes the use of the above described property: i Custodial Approval Date Property Services Approval Date The Permittee agrees to comply with the terms and conditions contained herein. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR TER AN -.CO I NS. Signature of Permittee Date I- S' NOTE: Permit not valid without all necessary__'�ignatures and expiration date. Ordinance 4099, King County Code 14.46 i K' C OFFICE ,OF FINANCE ROOM 653, `K C ADMIN BLDG s;� c �'. \ 500'�4TH <AVENUE' I SEATTLE' WA" 9`8104. r '`• II'09683'811' �:;L 25000 L'0• 42359 1 K C OFFICE OF FINANCE INVOICE gMOUNT U-33-92.._ I.>. 227.00 I t l DATE O1/11/93,: AMOUNTIr'k****.**22% ,•lf ;ir y 1 i ` r �0 VOID A. FTER' 6 MONTHS \ li j I \l - . 1� 1 01/11/93 1 227.00 1 96838 IINVOICE I AMOUNT CITY OF RENTON ■ 200 MILL AVE S. ■ RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ■ PHONE (206) 235-2617 ■ FAX (206) 235-2513 DP31 I IS 7191 Earl Clymer, Mayor January 6, 1993 CITY - OF �RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Lynn Guttmann, Administrator Ms. Caroline L. Thompson, Supervisor Property Inventory and Control Section King County Property Services Division Department of Executive Administration 500 Fourth Avenue - Room 500, King County Administration Building Seattle, WA 98104 SUBJECT: SPECIAL USE PERMIT U-33-92 - TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN AN 1 8-INCH STORM WATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM WITH AN ENERGY DISSIPATER MAY CREEK PARK Dear Ms. Thompson: Enclosed is the above -referenced Special Use Permit which has been signed by the Mayor of the City of Renton. Included along with the signed permit is the $227 check for the permit fee. Please process the permit renewal for final approval by the appropriate King County Departments. Please return a copy of the permit for our files once it has been approved. If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact me at (206) 277-5548. Very truly yours, X'0-W g fia)— Ronald J. Straka, Supervisor Surface Water Utility C:DOCS:93-01 1.:RJS:ps CC: Gregg Zimmermen Enclosure 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 KING COUNTY Department of Executive Administration Property Services Division 500 King County Administration Building 500 Fourth Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 (206) 296-7456 SPECIAL USE PERMIT Use of County Owned Property r na,rili rvUlvtsnm: U-33 —IUy)Z FILE NO. DATE: 11/23/1992 PERMITTEE: CITY OF RENTON - MR. RON STRAKA 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WA 98055- DAY PHONE:206-277-5548 OTHER PHONE: PURPOSE: TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN AN 18-INCH STORM WATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM WITH AN ENERGY DISSIPATER (SEE PLANS DATED 11/23/92) (RENEWAL OF FS-59-87) LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1/4 Sec, Twp Rge Account No. Kroll Page SE 32 24 05 475E MAY CREEK PARK NORTH OF ITS INTERSECTION WITH N E 30TH STREET AND JONES AVENUE N E IF EXTENDED EXPIRATION: This permit shall not be valid for more than 5 YEARS and expires on the day of 1998. PERMIT FEE: $ 50.00 INSPECTION FEE: $ 0.00 ADMINISTRATIVE FEE: $ 50.00 PLAN REVIEW FEE: $ 0.00 LAND USE FEE: $ 127.00 OTHER FEE: $ 0.00 BOND AMOUNT: $ 1,000.00 INSURANCE AMOUNT: $ 0.00 $ 1,000.00 Blanket Bond on File. Permittee MUST notify MR. JOE WILSON AT: 206-296-4438 AT LEAST 72 HOURS PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK AND IMMEDIATELY UPON COMPLETION. By this permit King County authorizes the use of the above described property: Custodial Approval Date Property Services Approval Date The Permittee agrees to comply with the terms and conditions contained herein. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR TER AN -.CO I I NS. Signature of Permittee Date r NOTE: Permit not valid without all necessar ignatures and expiration date. Ordinance 4099, King County Code 14.46 HI09E 17 05:584711' StDORNO VENDOR NAME CHECK DATE CHECK AMOUNT CHECK NO 42359 K C OFFICE OF FINANCE 101/11/93 I 227.01 96838 INVOICE AMOUNT I I INVOICE I "AMOUNT U-33-92 227.01 I ry93 •.rw _:p_- y-yl A sav a�� V CITY OF RENTON ■ 200 MILL AVE S. ■ RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • PHONE (206) 235-2617 • FAX (206) 235-2513 DP31 I IS 719' CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: December 30, 1992 TO: Mayor Clymer FROM: LQrji Guttrpann / i SUBJECT: Special' sPermit for signature by Mayor 1 The attached permit is a renewable 5 year special use permit allowing the City to operate and maintain an 18-inch storm water drainage system with an energy dissipater within unincorporated King County, in May Creek Park. Please sign the permit at the bottom, under "signature of Permittee" and then return to me for further processing. If you have any questions, please give Gregg Zimmerman a call at x-6211 . Thank you. MEMO. DOT/GZ King County Property Serrices Dig-ision Department of' Executive Administration Kin-, Counn, Administration BUildin1 500 Fourth Avenue Room 500 Seattle. Washin'lton 9H104 (206) 296-7,170 FAX 296d196 December 22, 1992 Mr. Ron Straka City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 RE: Special Use Permit U-33-92 - To Operate and Maintain an 18-Inch Storm Water Drainage System with an Energy Dissipater - May Creek Park Dear Mr. Straka: Enclosed is the above referenced special use permit. Please have an authorized person for the city sign the permit and return them to this office for further processing. Also please send us a check for two hundred twenty seven dollars ($227.00), made payable to the King County Office of Finance, for permit administrative and land use fees. This permit is not valid without the signatures of the Managers of the Property Services Division and the King County Department Public Works, Surface Water Management Division, Facilities Maintenance Section. Sincerely, Caroline L. Thompson, Supervisor Property Inventory and Control Section CLT:TCS Special Use Permits U-33-92 �i Earl Clymer, Mayor November 4, 1992 Mr. Bernard Thompson, Franchise Supervisor King County Real Property Division Department of Executive Administration 500A King County Administration Building 500 Fourth Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Lynn Guttmann, Administrator SUBJECT: RENEWAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT FS-59-87 - 18" STORM WATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM - MAY CREEK PARK Dear Mr. Thompson: The City of Renton requests that the above -referenced special use permit be renewed. This permit is for the City of Renton Canyon Oakes/May Creek, 18-inch, storm system which crosses the King County May Creek Park property. A copy of the expired permit is attached for your reference. Please transmit a copy of the necessary permit application which needs to be filled out and returned to your office for review. The application should be sent to the City of Renton address to the attention of Ron Straka, 4th floor. Also, please include instructions for payment of the fee associated with the permit. If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Ron Straka at (206) 277-5548. Sincerely, Gregg Zimmerman, P.E. Utility Systems Division Director C:DOCS:92-892:GAZ:RJS:ps Attachment 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 n,viPrPllly ofExecuUveAdminl !Ion Rent Property Dlvblon `•�' 500A"T Candy Nlmin�slrilion 0inj,joq 500 rnuah A- v, $rollle. Washurglon 90101 (206):344 39..56 Utility Use Permit Utilities On County Property Extended lerrn PERMIT NO. FS-59-87 FILE N0. 87-6-41 DATE June 24, 1987 PERMITTEE City of Renton - Mr. Robert L B - rav _ ___P[ION E206-235-p631 ADDRESS 200 Mill Avenue South Renton Washington 98055 PURPOSE To install an ::8" storm water drainage system with energy dissipater. LEGAL DESCRIPTION 31av 1/4 1 -)ec 1 (wp Rge Account No. SE 32 1 24 5 MAY CREEK PARK See Attached Exhibit "A" roll Page 457E EXPIRATION: This permit expires on the 14th day of August_ , 19'92 Permits may be granted for a private utility,"public utility and storm drainage for time periods up to a maximum of five years and upon written request, within the time period alloted and upon good cause shown, the Real Property Division may grant a renewal. FEES REQUIRED BOND REQUIRED [_]Yes No Permit Fee $ 50_00 _ Bo-,td Posted [ Yes u� Inspection Fee $ N/A — Bond Amount $ XXXXXXXXX Permittee MUST notify at 48 hours..bei•'ore starting perr.)itted work -- By this permit Kiny COL ty author zes�tile use of the above described prnperty: Custodial Approval— �'�,t��¢Qpc_J��(� \ Uate 7 Real Property Approval C l Ire. -- - -_� Date_�'�l� The Permittee agrees to comply with the terms and conditions contained herein. SEE REVERSE SIDE .FOR TER ZC+ONDIJ-WNS. Sicnature of Permittee Da te_."_� NOTE: Permit not valid without signatures and expiration date Ordinance 4099, King County Code 14.46 ;,..:. S1,41s7 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. PERMIT REVOCATION: This permlt- ; revocable at any time by King County. „r.'right to revoke is expressly `.`• ;g; reserved Fo-RTng ,oun y, 2. INDEMNITY AND HOLD HARMLESS: The Permitee agrees to Indemnify and hold harmless King County as provided herein to the max mum ex rn—t possih a under law. Accordingly, the Permltre, agrees for itself, its successors, and assigns, to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless King County, Its appointed and elected officials, and employees from and against liability for all claims, demands, snits, and ,Judgments, Includinq costs of defense thereof, for injury to persons, death, or property damage which 1s caused by, arises out of, or. is incidental to Permitee's exercise of rights and privi- 7s leges granted by this permit. The Permltee.'s obligation under this section shall include: (a) indemnification for such claims whether or not they arise from the sole negligence of either the County or the Permitee, the concurrent negligence of both parties, or the negligence of one or more third parties, (b) The duty to promptly accept tender of defense and provide defense to the County at the Permitee's own expense. (c) indemnification of claims made by the Permitee's own employees or agents. (d) waiver of the Permitee's immunity under the industrial insurance provisions of Title 51 RCH, which waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. In the event it is necessary for the County to incur attorney 'S fees, legal expenses, or other costs to enforce the provisions of this section, all such fees, expenses, and costs shall be recoverable from the Permitee. in the event It is determined that RCw 4.24.115 applies to this agreement, the. Permitee agrees to defend, hold harmless, and indemnify King County to the maximum extent permitted thereunder, and specifically for its negligence con- _ current with that of King County to the full -,extent of Permltee. 's negligence. Permitee agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the County for claims by Permitccs employees and agrees to waiver of its immunity under Title 51 RCw, which waiver has been mutually negotiated by the. parties. 3. ANTI -DISCRIMINATION: In all hlring or employment made possible or resultinq from this permlt, there shall be no discrimination against any employee or appltcent for employment because of race, color, religion, national origin, _ age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical ban- dlcap, or the use of a trained dog guide by a blind or deaf person unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualifica- __ tion, and this requirement shall apply to but riot be IImlted to the following: employment, advertising, lay-off or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. No per son shall. be dented, or subjected to discrimination in receipt of the benefit of any services or activities made possible by or resulting from this permlt on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, age (except minimum age and retirement. provisions), sex, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap, or the use of a trained dog guide by a blind or deaf person. Any violation of this provi- sion shall he considered a violation of a material prov!sIon of this perm lt And shall be grounds for cancellation, ter- -- minatlon or suspension, in whole or In part, of trip 'permi t'hy the County and may result in Inellgibfllty for further County permits. 4, NON EXCLUSIVE RIGHT: This permft shal1,not be deemod or construed to he an exclusive right. it does not prohibit a ounty mom granting any other permits to other public or private entitles, nor shall It prevent the County from using any public place for any and all public use or affect Its Jurisdiction over any part of them. S. ASSESSMENTS: Permittee shall be required to pay any general or special assessments incurred by King County which are rec ,y attributable to or arising from any actions, occupancy, or usage authorized herein, 6., TERMINATION: The Permittee may,,Acr•minate, he permit by written notice to the Manager of the Real Property Division, pon.;revocdtiori, termination or ahandonm nt, the. Permittee shall remove at his expense all facilities placed on said property'•by the Permittee and restore the p"remises to a condition which Is equivalent in all respects to the condition existing prior to installatlnn of the factll,tiGs or to a condition which 15 satisfactory to the County. If the permittedr•n5s-not accomplished removal and restor`aEE1"9h at the end of a ninety day period following the effective .. date of revocation, termination, expiration or ahnndo8men t, the. C.-.un'y may aceom;, 11 sh ail of the necessary work and charge all of the costs to the Permlttee, g}'.�+ 1p�� gn1 {,,/���aa�pppr���,sssc 1. RESTORATION: After completion of work authorized by this ner`It, the reltl Tub �.efy to a condition wwN eTTis equivalent In all respects to the condition of the ,roper[ prior to startT�n we rag/ebn on satisfactory to King County. if the Permittee delays the restoration beyond expiration of the permit, the County may accomplish all the necessary work and charge all the costs to the Permlttee. 8. REPAIRING DAMAGE BY PERMITTEE: In the event that damage of any kind Is caused by the Permlttee In the course of perform ng woe auTForizedTi liF ncrmlt, permltte.e will repair said damage at its sole cost and expense. Repair work shall begin without delay and continue without interruption until completed, If damage Is extens Ive, the time allowed for repair will he prescribed by the Coartty agent, if the County determines it Is necessary, the County may accomplish the work and charge all the costs Lo the Permittee. 9. ABATEMENT OF UNSAFE CONDITIONS: The County representative may nt any time, tin, order, or have done all work eonsidere near to resEorea safe condition any area described In permlt left by the. Permittee In a condition dangerous to life or property. the Permlttee, shall pay upon dr.mand to the County all costs of such work, materials, `• etc. Nothing in this section shall relieve the Permittee of duties under terms and conditions No, 2 above. 10. RiGHTS RESERVED TO COUNTY - CONFORMANCE AND PAYMENT OF COST REOUIREII: The. County reserves the right to use, occupy an en.oy -Tla property for sot nnrpnse.s as Tt sFa1T-derlre Inc a 1ng�ut not limited to, constructing or Installing structures and faeilltles on the property, or develoninq, improving, repairing or altering the property, The Permittee upon written notice will at his own cost and expense, remove, repair, relocate., change or reconstruct such installations to conform with the plans of work contemplated or ordered by the County according to a time schedule contained in the written notice. 11. NOTICE: Permittee agrees to obbfln information from other utility operators regarding the location and current status of -Me -TT installations before starting work. Property owners adjoining or in proximity to the project as described herein, shall be notified by Permittee when such nrnperty is exposed to the possibility of injury or damage through performance of work on the project authorized by this permit. Permittee shall make all advance arrangements necessary to protect such property or utility from injury or damage. 12. OTHER APPLICABLE LAN': Issuance of this permlt does not In any way relieve the Permittee of complying with any other appTTca61e a^T ws in periorminq the work subject to this permit. IJ. RE-ENTRY: After completion of work authorized by thls permlt, if the Permittee desires to re-enter upon the property escr ed herein for any reconstruction, notice shall be provided In advance to King County together with the plans and specifications for the work proposed and shall not he permltted wlthouth the County's consent, ; 14. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: SEE ATTACHED S;IEET. City of Renton Special Use Permit FS-59-87 EXHIBIT "A" land 15 feet in width lying 7.5 feet on each side of the following described c n?-= line: That portion of Tract 57, C. D. Hillman Lake Washington Garden of Eden # 1, as recorded in Volume 11, Page 63, Records of King County, Washington , situate in the S E } of Section 32, Township 24 North, Range 5 East, W.M., more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of Tract 57, C. D. Hillman Lake Washington Garden of Eden # 1 as recorded in Volume 11 of Plats_, Page 63, Records of King County, Washington; Thence south 8V,04'09" East along the south line of said Tract 57, a distance of 105.14 feet to the True Point of Begi:ning; Thence north 20020'09" East a distance of 130.59 feet; Thence North 05014'37" East to the thread of May Creek a distance of 209 feet more or lEss and the terminusof this line. City of Renton Special Use Permit FS-59-87 14. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1, T,. c;_te ch^?_]. be' inspected by the BALD Geologist to assess the extent of the situation and confirm that the proposal is the only feasible alternative. 2. The preliminary construction drawings shall be revised by a BALD drsinage review engineer. Review shall include: a. Adequecy of pipe capacity for a 100—year storm b. Method used to anchor pipe on the steep slope c.. Design of energy dissipater d. Best construction practices employed during construction to minimize erosion. 3. The permittee will be required to permanently stabilize the damaged ravine to halt any further erosion of the slope and subsequent contribution of sediments to the creek. 4. The schedule of ;nainLanance of the energy dissipater and method of access shall be reviewed by BALD. Any repair or reconstruction word: deemed necessary after construction will be subject to review -by BALD engineers and surface water managers. 5. The City of Renton will obtain all applicable permits necessary for work. 0 King County Real Property Division Department of Executive Administration 500A King County Administration Building 500 Fourth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98104 (206)296-7470 FAX 296-0196 October 27, 1992 Mr. Robert L. Bray City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 3 i99? En1Y DF RENTON gineering Dept. RE: Renewal of Special Use Permit FS-59-87 - 18" Storm Water Drainage System - May Creek Park Dear Mr. Bray: Enclosed is a copy of the above referenced special use permit. This permit expired on August 14, 1992. If you wish to have this permit renewed, you need to apply for a renewal of your permit within fifteen (15) days of receiving this notice. Your request will be reviewed by the custodial agency to determine if they will allow the present use of their property to continue. Should you have any questions, please contact me at 206-296-7456. Sincerely, Bernard T mps n Franchise Supervisor BT:TS Facsimile Cover Sheet To: Company: Phone: Fax: Bernard Thompson King County Property Services 206 296-7456 From: Tom Boyns Company: City of Renton, Planning/Building/Public Works Phone: (425) 277-6209 Fax: (425) 235-2541 Date: December 1811997 Pages including this cover page: 1 RE: Special Use Permit U-33-97 - Renewal of U-33-92 - To operate and maintain an 18-Inch Storm water Drainage System with an energy dissipater - May Creek Park Thank you for the information you forwarded with the draft permit for signatures. This is a permit to operate and maintain public facilities to benefit the public. We request waiver of the fees associated with this permit which are listed as Permit Fee $50.00 and Land Use Fee $127.00. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Wng Count Property Serkices IIixision Department of Construction and Facilities Management King County Administration Building 500 Fourth Avenue Room 500 Seattle, Washin:,*ton 98104 (206)296-7470 TDD (206) 296-0100 FAX (206) 296-0196 October 21, 1997 Ron Straka, PE, Supervisor City of Renton Surface Water Utility 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 :. OCT 2 7, 97 b' c1 ry of REtVTO Engineering Di" ' RE: Special Use Permit U-33-97 - Renewal of U-33-92 - To Operate and Maintain an 18-Inch Storm Water Drainage System with an Energy Dissipater - May Creek Park Dear Ron: Enclosed is the above referenced special use permit. Please have an authorized person for the city sign the permit and return it to this office for further processing. Also please send us a check for one hundred seventy seven dollars ($ 177.00), made payable to the King County Treasury, for permit and land use fees. This permit is not valid without the signatures of the Managers of the Property Services Division and the Department of Parks and Recreation.. Sincerely, Rernard Thompson Permit and Franchise Supervisor Property Inventory and Control Section BT:TCS Enclosures: Special Use Permit L-33-97 oVe �s KING COUNTY Department of Construction and Facilities Management Property Services Division 500 King County Administration Building 500 Fourth Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 (206) 296-7456 FAX 296-0196 UTILITY USE PERMIT Use of County Owned Property PERMIT NUMBER: LJ-33 -97 FILE NO. PERMITTEE: DATE: 10/13/1997 CITY OF RENTON SURFACE WATER UTILITY - RON STRAKA, P.E., SUPERVISOR 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WA 98055- DAY PHONE:253-277-6192 OTHER/FAX PHONE: PURPOSE: TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN AN 18-INCH STORM WATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM WITH AN ENERGY DISSIPATER (SEE PLANS DATED 11/23/92) RENEWAL OF U-33-92 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1/4 Sec Twp Rge Account No. Kroll Page SE 32 24 05 475E MAY CREEK PARK NORTH OF ITS INTERSECTION WITH N E 30TH STREET AND JONES AVENUE N E IF EXTENDED EXPIRATION: This permit shall not be valid for more than 5 YEARS and expires on the 28TH day of January 1903. PERMIT FEE: $ 50.00 ADMINISTRATIVE FEE: $ 0.00 LAND USE FEE: $ 127.00 INSPECTION FEE: $ 0.00 PLAN REVIEW FEE: $ 0.00 OTHER FEE: $ 0.00 BOND AMOUNT: $ 0.00 INSURANCE AMOUNT: $ 0.00 Permittee MUST notify MR. JOE WILSON AT: 206-296-4438 1 AT LEAST 72 HOURS PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY MAINTENANCE WORK AND IMMEDIATELY UPON COMPLETION AND AS SOOS AS POSSIBLE AFTER AN EMERGENCY REPAIR. By this permit King County authorizes the use of the above described property: Custodial Approval Date Property Services Approval _ Date I I I The Permittee agrees to comply with the terms and conditions contained herein. I SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Signature of Permittee Date NOTE: Permit not valid without all necessary signatures and expiration date. Ordinance 4099, King County Code 14.46 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. PERMIT REVOCATION: This Permit is revocable at any time by King County. The right to revoke is expressly reserved to King County. 2. INDEMNITY AND HOLD HARMLESS. The Permittee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless King County as provided herein to the maximum extent possible under law. Accordingly, the Permittee agrees for itself, its successors and assigns to defend, indemnity, and hold ` harmless King County, its appointed and elected officials, and employees from and against liability for all claims, demands, suits, and judgments including costs of defense thereof for injury to persons, death, or property damage which is caused by, arises out of, or is incidental to Permittee's exercise of rights and privileges granted by this Permit. The Permittee's obligation under this section shall include: a) Indemnification for such claims whether or not they arise from the sole negligence of either the County or the Permittee, the concurrent negligence of both parties, or the negligence of one or more third parties. b) The duty to promptly accept tender of defense and provide defense to the County at the Permittee's own expense. c) Indemnification of claims made by the Permittee's own employees or agents. d) Waiver of the Permittee's immunity under the industrial insurance provisions of Title 51 RCW, which waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. In the event it is necessary for the County to incur attorney's fees, legal expenses, or other costs to enforce the provisions of this. section, all such fees, expenses, and costs shall be recoverable from the Permittee. In the event it is determined that RCW 4.24.115 applies to this agreement, the Permittee agrees to defend, hold harmless, and. indemnify King County to the maximum extent permitted thereunder, and specifically for its negligence concurrent with that of King County to the full extent of Permittee's negligence. Permittee agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the County for claims by Permittee's. . employees and agrees to waiver of its immunity under Title 51 RCW, which waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. 3. ANTI -DISCRIMINATION: In all hiring or employment made possible or resulting from this Permit, there shall be no discrimination ' against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, ancestry, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, tnariiai Status, or the pr-_soriice of aiiy Scil:i,:ry, mental or phy"miCal handicap i,*, aii uthei',Nise yualifieu handicapFcd parsoi1 unlebs based upon a bona fide occupational qualification, and this requirement shall apply to but not be limited to the following: employment, advertising, lay off or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training including apprenticeship. No person shall .be denied, or subjected to discrimination in receipt of the benefit of any services or activities made possible by or resulting from this Permit on the grounds of race, color, ancestry, religion, national origin, age (except minimum age and retirement provisions), sex, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap, or the use of a trained guide -dog by a blind or deaf person. Any violation of this provision shall be considered a violation of a material provision of this Permit and shall be grounds for cancellation, termination or suspension in whole or in part of the Permit by the County, and may result in ineligibility for further County permits. 4. NON-EXCLUSIVE RIGHT: This Permit shall not be deemed or construed to be an exclusive right. It does not prohibit the County from granting any other permits to other public or private entities, nor shall it prevent the County from using any public place for any and all public use or affect its jurisdiction over any part of them. 5. ASSESSMENTS: Permittee shall be required to pay any general or special assessments incurred by King County which are directly attributable to or arising from any actions, occupancy, or usage authorized herein. 6. TERMINATION: The Permittee may terminate the Permit by written notice to the Manager of Property Services Division. Upon revocation, termination, or abandonment, the Permittee shall remove at his expense all facilities placed on said property by the Permittee, and restore the premises to a condition which is equivalent in all respects to the condition existing prior to installation of the facilities, or to a condition which is satisfactory to the County. If the Permittee has not accomplished removal and restoration at the end of a ninety day. period following the effective date of revocation, termination, expiration, or abandonment, the County may accomplish all of the necessary work and charge all of the costs to the Permittee. 7. RESTORATION: After completion of work authorized by this Permit, the Permittee shall restore the property to a condition which is. equivalent in all respects to the condition of the property prior to starting work, or a condition satisfactory to King County. If the Permittee delays the restoration beyond expiration of the Permit, the County may accomplish all the necessary work and charge all the costs to the Permittee. 8. REPAIRING DAMAGE BY PERMITTEE: In the event that damage of any kind is caused by the Permittee in the course of performing work authorized by tnis Permit, Permittee will repair said damage at its sole cost and expense. Repair work shall begin -without delay and continue without interruption until completed. If damage is extensive, the time allowed for repair will be prescribed by the County agent. If the County determines it is necessary, the County may accomplish the work and charge all the costs to the Permittee. 9. ABATEMENT OF UNSAFE CONDITIONS: The County representative may at any time, do, order, or have done all work considered necessary to restore to a safe condition any area described in Permit left by the Permittee in a condition dangerous to life or property. The Permittee shall pay, upon demand, to the County all costs of such work, materials. etc. Nothing in this section shall relieve the Permittee of duties under Terms and Conditions No. 2 above. 10. RIGHTS RESERVED TO COUNTY - CONFORMANCE AND PAYMENT OF COST REQUIRED: The County reserves the right to use, occupy, and enjoy its property for such purposes as it shall desire including, but not limited to, constructing or installing structures and facilities on the property, or developing, improving, repairing or altering the property. The Permittee, upon written notice, will at his own cost and expense remove, repair, relocate, change or reconstruct such installations to conform with the plans of work contemplated or ordered by the County according to a time schedule contained in the written notice. 11. NOTICE: Permittee agrees to obtain information from other utility operators regarding the location and current status of their installations before starting work. Property owners adjoining, or in proximity to, the project as described herein shall be notified by Permittee when such property is exposed to the possibility of injury or damage through performance of work on the project authorized by this Permit. Permittee shall make all advance arrangements necessary to protect such property or utility from injury or damage. 12. OTHER APPLICABLE LAWS: Issuance of this Permit does not in any way relieve the Permittee from complying with any other applicable laws in performing the work subject to this Permit. 13. RE-ENTRY: After completion of work authorized by this Permit, if the Permittee desires to re-enter upon the property described herein for any reconstruction, notice shall be provided in advance to King CcLnity together with the pans and suecifications for the work proposed, and shall not be permitted without the County's consent 14. TITLE: This Permit grants only the right to use King County's interest in the ^.erpin ccscriEea property, and the granting 61 ,Pis Permit is not a warranty that good title to any specific property is vested in King County. 15. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: (SEE ATTACHED SHEET(S) terms&con.frm 05/94 September 26, 1997 Mr. Bernard Thompson King County Property Services Division Department of Construction and Facilities Management King County Admin. Bldg. 500 4th Avenue Room 500 Seattle, Wa 98104 SUBJECT: SPECIAL USE PERMIT U-33-92 - RENTON SURFACE WATER UTILITY Dear Mr. Thompson: This letter is in response to your letter regarding the subject Special Use Permit. We wish to renew this permit. Our facilities are in continuous operation therefore, regular maintenance will continue to be necessary. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact Mr. Mike Dotson at (206) 277-6192. Sincerely, Ron Straka, P.E., Engineering Supervisor Surface Water Utility t- •�; _ 1 Alanmrig/Bu Tding/Public Works Department • Jesse Tanner, Mayor 4 Gregg Zimmerman P E ;Administrator Sdpten ber•2.6; .1997 Mr. Bernard Thompson. King County, Property Services Division-: . Department:of:Construction and Facilities Management King County.. dmin. Bldg. 500 4th AVe.nue=Room 500 - 'Seattle; V1/6 98104 ` SUBJECT SPECIAL USE PERMIT U-33-92 _ RENTON SURFACE WATER UTILITY Dear Mr Thompson: f r; .{ v; This'letter is in response to your,letter� regarding the•.sublect .Special Use Permit. We'wish to renew.:this>perrriit: Our facilities are m continuous`ope�ation.therefore, regular'maintenance.will . co ntinue to.be necessary If you have any questions'or need any additional information,Fplease contact Mr. Mike Dofson at Sincerely Ron Straka,:P.E.;'Engineering Supervisor:Surface Water Utility CAWTNWQR )46n K\KIFMoswc, Doc - ' . .. 200'Mi1TAvenue South -Renton,' Washington 98055 PERMIT NUMBER: KING COUNTY Department of Executive Administration Property Services Division 500 King County Administration Building 500 Fourth Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 (206) 296-7456 SPECIAL USE PERMIT Use of County Owned Property U-33 -1992 FILE NO. DATE: 11/23/1992 PERMITTEE: CITY OF RENTON - MR. RON STRAKA 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WA 98055- DAY PHONE:206-277-5548 OTHER PHONE: PURPOSE: TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN AN 18-INCH STORM WATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM WITH AN ENERGY DISSIPATER (SEE PLANS DATED 11/23/92) (RENEWAL OF FS-59-87) LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1/4 Sec Twp Rge Account No. Kroll Page SE 32 24 05 475E MAY CREEK PARK NORTH OF ITS INTERSECTION WITH N E 30TH STREET AND JONES AVENUE N E IF EXTENDED EXPIRATION: This permit shall not be valid for more than 5 YEARS and expires on the 28TH day of JANUARY 1998. Cry 16-II&A--L i �v g b"A - II - oL2� 1 PERMIT FEE: $ 50.00 INSPECTION FEE: $ 0.00 ADMINISTRATIVE FEE: $ 50.00 PLAN REVIEW FEE: $ 0.00 LAND USE FEE: $ 127.00 OTHER FEE: $ 0.00 BOND AMOUNT: $ 1,000.00 INSURANCE AMOUNT: $ 0.00 $ 1,000.00 Blanket Bond on File. Permittee MUST notify MR. JOE WILSON AT: 206-296-4438 AT LEAST 72 HOURS PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK AND IMMEDIATELY UPON COMPLETION. By this permit King County authorizes the se of the above described property: Custodial Approval IIA/ Date o"'" �✓ Property Services Approval Date The Permittee agrees to co ly with the terms and conditions contained herein. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR TER AN CO I NS. Signature of Permittee Date1 NOTE: Permit not valid without all necessar ignatures and expiration date. Ordinance 4099, King County Code 14.46 T s- KING COUNTY Department of Executive Administration Property Services Division 500 King County Administration Building 500 Fourth Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 (206) 296-7456 SPECIAL USE PERMIT Use of County Owned Property PERMIT NUMBER: U-33 -1992 FILE NO. PERMITTEE: CITY OF RENTON - MR. RON STRAKA 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WA 98055- DAY PHONE:206-277-5548 OTHER PHONE: DATE: 11/23/1992 PURPOSE: TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN AN 18-INCH STORM WATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM WITH AN ENERGY DISSIPATER (SEE PLANS DATED 11/23/92) (RENEWAL OF FS-59-87) LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1/4 Sec Twp Rge Account No. Kroll Page SE 32 24 05 475E MAY CREEK PARK NORTH OF ITS INTERSECTION WITH N E 30TH STREET AND JONES AVENUE N E IF EXTENDED EXPIRATION: This permit shall not be valid for more than and expires on the 28TH day of JANUARY 5 YEARS 1998. PERMIT FEE: $ 50.00 INSPECTION FEE: $ 0.00 ADMINISTRATIVE FEE: $ 50.00 PLAN REVIEW FEE: $ 0.00 LAND USE FEE: $ 127.00 OTHER FEE: $ 0.00 ' BOND AMOUNT: $ 1,000.00 INSURANCE AMOUNT: $ 0.00 $ 1,000.00 Blanket Bond on File. Permittee MUST notify MR. JOE WILSON AT: 206-296-4438 AT LEAST 72 HOURS PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK AND IMMEDIATELY UPON COMPLETION. By this permit King County authorizes the se of the above described property: Custodial Approval Date Property Services Approval Date The Permittee agrees to comply with the terms and conditions contained herein. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR TER AN C!7 2S. Signature of Permittee Date I-S NOTE: Permit not valid without all necessary '�ignatures and expiration date. Ordinance 4099, King County Code 14.46 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. PERMIT REVOCATION: This Permit is revocable at any time by King County. The right to revoke is expressly reserved to King County. 2. INDEMNITY AND HOLD HARMLESS. The Permittee agrees to indemnify, and. hofd.ha�mless King,County as provided herein to the maximum extent possible under law. Accordingly, the Perm ittee.agrees for itself, its successors and assigns to defend, indemnify, a.id hold harmless King County, its appointed and electedJofficials,'and employees from and against liability for all claims, demands, suits, and judgments including costs of defense thereof for injury to persons, death, or,property damage which is caused'liy; arises out of, or is incidental to Permittee's axe rcise.of-rights and privileges granted by this Perm ft. `The Parmitt66Yobligati6-'n under this section' shall include: a) Indemnification for such claims whether or not they arise from the sole negligence or either the County or the Permittee, the concurrent negligence of both parties, or the negligence of one or more third parties. b) The duty iorpro'rnptly accept tender oFdefense and provide defense to the County at the Permittee's own expense. c) Indemnification of claims rmade by the `Permittee's own, employees oragents. d) Waiver of the Permittee's immunity under the industrial insurance provisions of Title 51 RCW, which waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. In the event ft is necessaryfor the County to incur attorney's fees, legal expenses, or other costs to enforce the provisions of this section, all such fees, expenses, and c*sts shall be recoverable from the Permittee. In the event ft is determined that RCW 4.24.115 applies to this agreement, the Permittee agrees to defend, hold harmless, and indemnify King County to the maximum extent permitted, thereunder, and specifically for its negligence concurrent with that of King County to the full extent of Permittee's negligence. Permittee agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the County for claims by Permittee's employees and agrees to waiver of its immunity under Title 51 RCW, which waiver has been awtually negotiated by the partics.- 3. ANTI -DISCRIMINATION: In all hiring or employment made possible or'resufting from this Permit, there shall be no discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment because of race,. color, creed, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, or the presence of any sensory, mb,aai or physical handicap in an otherwise qualified handicapped person unless based upon.a bona fide occupational qualification, and this requirement shall apply to but not be limited to the employment, advertising, lay-off or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training including apprenticeship. No person shall be denied, or subjected to discrimination in receipt of the benefit of any services or activities made possible by or resulting from this Permit on the grounds of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, age (except minimum age and retirement provisions), sex, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap, or the use of a trained guide -dog by a blind or deaf person. Any violation of this provision shall be considered a violation of a material provision of this Permit and shall be grounds for cancellation, termination or suspension in whole or in partof the Permit by -the County, and may result in ineligibility for further County'permits. ` 4. NON-EXCLUSIVE RIGHT: This Permit shall not be deemed or construed to be an exclusive right. ft does not prohibit the County from granting any other permits to other public or private entNes, nor shall it prevent the County from using any public place for any and all public use or affect its jurisdiction over any part of them. 5. ASSESSMENTS: Purenittee shall be required to pay any general or special assessments incurred by King County which,are directly attributable to or arising from any act;tms, occupancy, or usage authorized herein. 6. TERMINATION: The Permittee may terminate the Permit by written notice to the Manager of Property Services Division. Upon revocation, termination, or abandonment, the Permittee shall remove at his expense all facilities placed on said property by the Permittee, and restore the premises to a condition which is equivalent H all respects to the condition existing prior to installation of the facilities, or to a condition .1' h. P c_ � d � ...fit-. a! ! f a i day n ic-d 0 � n which is :i uii;iaCtgf�l to `i;'tZ COUi'sj'. it it icy i ol'(7itii dc: ii65 ir:ii aQir:i:i t'�j:a i.�ii%i is ibii,GVc`a� .;�^.. rc:3.u.c...:,;i c. h3 :int,! O niri Et) U$) F.,r..... f..,.Q�;iny the effective date of revocation, termination, expiration, or abandonment, the County may accomplish. all of the. necessary work and charge all 'of the costs to the Permittee. 7. RESTORATION: After,completion of work authorized by this Permit, the Permittee shall restore the property to a condition which is equivalent in all respects to the condition of the property prior to starting work, or a condition satisfactory to King County. H the Permittee delays the restoration beyond expiration of the Permit, the County may accomplish all the necessary work and charge all the costs to the Permittee. 8. REPAIRING DAMAGE BY PERMITTEE: In the event that'damage of any kind is caused by the Permittee in the course of performing work authorized by this Permit, Permittee will repair said damage at its sole cost and. expense. Repair work shall begin without delay and continue without interruption until compieteii. If damage is exter;cive, the time allowed for repair will be -prescribed by the County agent: - If the County determines ft is necessary, the County may accomplish.the work and charge all the costs to the Permittee. y `�.4trt 9. ABATEMENT OF UNSAFE 3ONDITIONS: The County representative may at any time, do, order, or have done all work consi_'ord•j 'necessary to restore to a safe condition'any'arau described',in Pdr-mit left by thetPermittee in a condition dangerous to life orlproperty.: The Permittee shall pay, upon demand, to the County all costs of such work, materials, etc. Nothing in this section shall relieve the Permittee of duties under Terms and Conditions No. 2 above. 10. RIGHTS RESERVED TO,COUNTY - CONFORMANCE AND, PAYMENT OF COST REQUIRED: The Countyireserves thesight to use, occupy, and enjoy its property for such purposes as it shall desire including, but not limited to, constructing or installing structures and facilities on the property, or developing, improving, repairing or altering the property. The Permittee, upon written notice, will at his own cost and expense remove, repair, rolocate, change or reconstruct such installations to conform with the plans of work contemplated or ordered by the County according to a time schedule contained in the written notice. 11. NOTICE: Permittee agr ios to obtain information from other utility operators regarding the location and current status of their installations before starting work. Property owners adjoining, or in proximity to, the project as described herein shall be notified by Permittee when such property is exposed to the possibility of injury or damage through performance of work on the project authorized by. this Permit. Permittee shall make all advance arrangements necessary to protect such property or utility from injury or damage. 12. OTHER APPLICABLE LAWS: Issuance of this Permit does not in any way relieve the Permittee from complying with any other applicable laws in performing the work subject to this Permit. 13. RE-ENTRY: After completion of work authorized by this Permit, if the Permittee desiresrto re-enter upon the property described herein for any reconstruction, notice shall ba provided in advance to King Countytogetherwith the'plan"s and specifications forthe�viroiicpropo:aeii;'and shall not be permitted without the County's consent. 14. TITLE: This Permit grants only the right to use King County's interest in the herein described property, and the granting of this Permit: is not a warranty that good title•to any specific property is vested' in King County. 15. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: (SEE ATTACHED`SHEE'r(S) PLN/BLDG/PUBLIC WORKS DEPT REQUEST TO OPEN NEW FILE -S Ps3 TO: TECHNICAL SERVICES DATE: Y'Z 6/1 FROM: 74�. DIVISION/SECTION: ?�, 7�-7-� ,- ######################################### TITLE OR NAME OF FILE: ,S��d, -'/ [/[C'e fP�+, ' 7z C/ 317'l�2 (70 Characters Mawnum) OTHER NAMES, KEYWORDS, OR ALIAS: (70 Characters Max. Each) DESCRIPTION OF FILE CONTENT: i t77` �Cr {poi Location of File: (code # on file drawer) / 206'D SUGGESTED FILE CODE: S74✓A 1,9012 c7 f Narrative: (include disposition strategy and retention schedule) KING Cot'N 11 SUBMITTING DIVISION'S SUPERVISOR APPROVAL: Enclosed is your validated permit for your records. Real Property Division 500 King County Administration Building 500 4th Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 (206)296-7456 forms/new file/ckd APPROVED BY TSS: uA i n,: 5-31-91 (J King Count Property Serxices Dixision Department of Construction and Facilities Management King Counh_ , Administration Building 500 Fourth Avenue Room 500 Seattle, Washington 98104 (206) 296-7470 TDD (206) 296-0100 FAX (206) 296-0196 July 31, 1997 Mr. Ron Straka City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 RITo AU - 6 1997 CITY vF RENTON Engineering Dept. RE: Special Use Permit U-33-92 - To Operate and Maintain an 18-Inch Storm Water Drainage System with an Energy Dissipater - May Creek Park Dear Mr. Straka: Enclosed is a copy of the above referenced special use permit. This permit will expire on January 28, 1998. If you wish to have this permit renewed, please send me a copy of the permit and a letter asking that this permit be renewed. Your request will be reviewed by the custodial agency to determine if they will allow the present use of their property to continue. If you decide not to continue this use, let me know so that the file can be closed. If you have any questions, please contact me at 206-296-0887. Sincerely, Bernard Thompson Permit and Franchise Supervisor BT:TCS RENEWABLE' KING COUNTY Department of Executive Administration Property Services Division 500 King County Administration Building 500 Fourth Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 (206) 296-7456 SPECIAL USE PERMIT Use of County Owned Property PERMIT NUMBER: U-33 -1992 FILE NO. DATE: 11/20/1992 PERMITTEE: CITY OF RENTON - MR. RON STRAKA 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WA 98055- DAY PHONE:206-277-5548 OTHER PHONE: PURPOSE: TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN AN 18-INCH STORM WATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM WITH AN ENERGY DISSIPATER (SEE PLANS DATED 11/23/92) (RENEWAL OF FS-59-87) LEGAL`DESCRIPTION 1/4 Sec Twp Rge Account No. Kroll Page SE 32 24 05 475E MAY CREEK PARK NORTH OF ITS INTERSECTION WITH N E 30TH STREET AND JONES AVENUE N E IF EXTENDED EXPIRATION: This permit shall not be valid for more than and expires on the 28TH r, day of JANUARY 5 YEARS 1998. „ PERMIT FEE: $ 50.00 INSPECTION FEE: $ 0.00 ADMINISTRATIVE FEE: $ .50.00 PLAN REVIEW FEE: $ 0.00 LAND USE FEE: $ 127.00 OTHER FEE: $ 0.00 BOND AMOUNT: $ 1,000.00 INSURANCE AMOUNT: $ 0.00 $ 1,000.00 Blanket Bond on.File. ' Permittee MUST notify MR. JOE WILSON AT: 206-296-4438 AT LEAST 72 HOURS PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK AND IMMEDIATELY UPON COMPLETION. ' By this permit King County authorizes the se of the above described I property: r c L 2 Date Custodial Approval , Property Services Approval r lll�_ Date -� The Permittee agrees to comply with the terms and conditions contained herein. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR TER AN --CO T I NS. Signature of Permittee ,,Date NOTE: Permit not valid without all necessar ignatures and expiration date. Ordinance 4099, King County Code'14.46 r 3JSAW3 03H TERMS A14D CONDITIONS - 1. PERMIT REVOCATION: This Permit is revocable at any time by King County. The right to revoke is expressly reserved to King County. 2. INDEMNITY AND HOLD HARMLESS. The Permittee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless King County as provided herein to"the maximum extent possible under law. Accordingly, the Permittee agrees for itself, its successors and assigns to defend, Indemnity, aid hold harmless King County, its appointed and elected officials, and employees from and against liability for all claims, demands, suits, and judgments Including costs of defense thereof for injury to poi sons, death, or property damage which is caused by, arises out of, or is Incidental to Permittee's exercise of rights and privileges granted by this Permit. The Permittee's obligation under this section shall include: a) Indemnification for such claims whether or not they arise from the sole n ; 3licgence of either the County or the Permittee, the concurrent negligence of both parties, or the negligence of one or more third parties. bj The duty topromptly accept tender of defense and provide defense to the County at the Permittee's own expense. c) Indemnification of claims made by the Permittee's own employees or agents. d) Waiver of the Permittee's immunity under the industrial insurance provisions of Title 51 RCW, which waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. In the event it is necessary for the County to incur attorney's tees, legal expenses, or other costs to enforce the provisions of this section, all such fees, expenses, and costs shall be recoverable from the Permittee. In the event it is determined that RCW 4.24.115 applies to this agreement, the Permittee agrees to defend, hold harmless, and indemnify King County to the maximum extent permitted thereunder, and specifically for its negligence concurrent with that of King County to the full extent of Permittee's negiioonce. Permittee agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless tha Couj-;'iy for claims by Parmittco's employees and agrees to waiver of its immunity under Title 51 RCW, which waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. 3. ANTI -DISCRIMINATION: In all hiring or employment made possible or resulting from this Permit, there shall be no discrimination against any employee or applicant for emplc;yment because of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, or the presence of any sensory, me.stal or physical handicap in an otherwise qualified handicapped person unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification, and this requirement shall apply to but not be limited to the following: employment, advertising, lay-off or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training including apprenticeship. No person shall be denied, or subjected to discrimination In receipt of the benefit of any services or activities made possible by or resulting from this Permit on the grounds of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, age (except minimum age and retirement provisions), sex, sexual orlentation, marital status, parental status, the presence of any sdnsory, mental or physical handicap, or the use of a trained guido-dog by a blind or deaf person. Any violation of this provision shall be considered a violation of a material provision of this Permit and shall be grounds for cancellation, termination or suspension in whole or in part of the Permit by the County, and may result In ineligibility for further County permits. 4. NON-EXCLUSIVE RIGHT: This Permit shall not be deemed or construed to bean exclusive right. It does not prohibit the County from granting any other permits to other public or private ent:tios, nor shall it prevent the County from using any public place for any and all public use or affect its jurisdiction over any part of them. 5. ASSESSMENTS: Purrnittee shall be required to pay any general or special assessments incurred by King County which are directly attributable to or arising from any actions, occupancy, or usage authori. ed herein. 6. TERMINATION: The Permittee may terminate the Permit by written notice to the Manager of Property Services Division. Upon revocation, termination, or abandonment, the Permittee shall remove at his expense all facilities placed on said property by the Permittee, and restore the: premises to a condition which is egl.!valert iq 311 respects to the condition existir3 prior to installation of the facilities, or to a condition which is satisfactory to t`ie Cour,:y. if th:. ^drnitao :-.as r:;; accvn;pl;.;;,hu reiro,val and ra: ;oration at the oral of a ninety day pored following the effective date of revocation, termination, expiration, or abandonment, the County may accomplish all of the necessary work and crtarge all of the costs to the Permittee. 7. RESTORATION: After completion of work authorized by this Permit, the Permittee shall restore the property to a condition which is equivalent In all respects to the condition of the property prior to starting work, or a condition satisfactory to King County. If the Permittee delays the restoration beyond expiration of the Permit, the County may accomplish all the necessary work and charge all the costs to the Permittee. 8. REPAIRING DAMAGE BY PERMITTEE: In'the event that damage of any kind is caused by the Permittee in the course of performing work authorized by this Permit, Permittoo will repair said damage at its sole cost and expense. Repair work shall begin without delay and continue without interruption- until compieted. If damage is oxton; i• ei, the time allowed for repair will be prescribed by the County agent. If the County determines it is necessary, the County may accomplish the work and charge all the costs to the Permittee. 9. ABATEMENT OF_UNSAt E CONDITIONS: The County representative may at any time, do, order, or have done all work cons -do -di necessary to restore to a safe condition any are& described in Permit left by the Permittee in a condition dangerous to fife or property. The Permittee shall pay, upon demand, to the County all costs of such work, materials, etc. Nothing in this section shall relieve the Permittee of duties under Terms and Conditions No. 2 above. i 10. 1 RIGHTS RESERVED TO,COUNTY - CONFORMANCE AND PAYMENT OF COST REQUIRED: The County reserves the right to use, occupy, and enjoy its property for .ouch purposes as it shall desire including, but not limited to, constructing or installing structures and facilities on the property, or developing, improving, repairing or altering the property. The Permittee, upon written notice, will at his own cost and expense remove, repair, relocate, change or reconstruct such installations to conform with the plans of work contemplated or ordered by the County according to a time schedule contained in the written notice. 11. NOTICE: Permittee agr,jos to obtain information from other utility operatorsregarding the location and current status of their Installations before starting work. Property owners adjoining, or in proximity to, the project as described herein shall be notified by Permittee when such property Is'exposed to the possibility of injury or damage through performance of work on the project authorized by this Permit. Permittee shall make all advance arrangements necessary to protect such property or utility from Injury or damage. 12. OTHER APPLICABLE LAWS: Issuance of this Permit does not in any way relieve the Permittee from complying with any other applicable laws In performing the work subject to this Permit. 13. RE-ENTRY: After completion of work authorized by this Permit, if the Permittoo desires to re-enter upon the property described herein for any reconstruction, notice shall ba provided in advance to King County'togethor with the plans and specifications for the work propo:,ed, and shall not be permitted without the County's consent. 14. TITLE: This Permit grants only the right to use King County's interest in the herein described property, and the granting of this Permit . is not a warranty that good title to any specific property Is vested in King County. 15. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: (SEE ATTACHED SHEET(S) S4JZ NE 1/4 5305 NE 1/4 CITY OF RENTON SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM LEGEND STORM SEWER LINES -- DITCH LINES CATCH BASINS O MANHOLES ' DIRECTION ARROWS CULVERT CROSSING — — — — — RENTON CITY LIMITS U DISCLAIMER THIS INVENTORY INFORMATION FOR THE STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM 1S SCHEMATIC DNLY. IT WAS COMPILED FROM NAIMEROUS SOURCES. IT IS THE BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE AT THIS AND SHOULD BE USED FOR GENERAL GUIDANCE DNLY THE CITY Dr RENTON IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS OR DMISSIONS WHEN THIS INFORMATION IS USED FOR ENGINEERING PURPOSES, DESIGNERS ARE TO FIELD VERIFY THIS INFDRMATIDN- 1 400 :11 4:11 v „a P/B/PW TECHNICAL SERVICES 09/23/96 ��NTo 5432_ RF. 1 /d I CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: December 4, 1990 TO: Jack Crumley FROM: Randall Parsons STAFF CONTACT: Dave Christensen SUBJECT: MAY CREEK/CANYON OAKS HDPE STORM LINE DAMAGE FROM NOVEMBER 24, 1990 STORM On November 26th Dave Christensen investigated the condition of the HDPE line which was installed behind the Canyon Oaks Condominium complex into May Creek in 1988. It was discovered that significant erosion of the hillside that the line was buried in has taken place. Several of the pipe anchors have become exposed and if left as is through the remainder of the winter could pose a threat to the line (see attached pictures). We propose that the maintenance staff meet on -site with Dave Christensen to discuss measures to be taken to protect the line through the remainder of the winter and what work shall be performed during the summer months to fully restore the slope. If you have any questions, please contact Dave at X-6212. 90-444:DMC:ps CC: Dick Anderson Attachments tNq- g �vf', Qpq, W 77,�. . f7 fv S v A - g v X1 x yy)g b s R. W. SCOTT CONSTRUCT TSULr29,990 General Contractors — 223-01-RW-SC-OC-229-MU CITY OF RENT ON IN PUBLIC WORKS 9840 CARR ROAD, RENTON, WA 98055 E n� ;;; �r�n PHONE: 21[WMMMSFORES July 20, 1990 City of Renton 200 - Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 Attn: David M. Christensen Project Manager Re: May Creek/Canyon Oaks Storm Drain CAG 042-89 Restoration of Eroded Trench Line, and Your Letter of 7/13/90 Dear Mr. Christensen: This project was constructed per the plans and specifications. All work was in conformance with these specifications. Due to the steep slope perhaps the design should have provided for more slope protection than it did. We will be happy to submit a cost for this repair if you send us a restoration plan. Si , C R W. Scot , President RWS/l9 4% CITY OF RENTON MAYOR Earl Clymer July 13, 1990 Mr. Jeff Scott R. W. Scott Construction Company 9840 Carr Road Renton, WA 98055 SUBJECT: MAY CREEK/CANYON OAKS STORM DRAIN CAG-041-89 RESTORATION OF ERODED TRENCH LINE Dear Jeff: This letter shall serve as notice per Section 8 of the subject project contract to restore erosion along the trench line as a result of winter and spring storms for 1989 and 1990. The contractor shall submit a plan of restoration to this Department for its review and approval. Upon approval, contractor shall submit a schedule of work allowing for a minimum of 48 hour notice. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at 277-6212. Ver truly ours avid M. C lste en Project Manager DMC:ps 90-149:DMC:ps 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2580 Facsimile (206) 235-25 f 3 u TR Earl Clymer, Mayor October 10, 1989 Jeff Scott R. W. Scott Construction Co., Inc. 9840 Carr Road Renton, WA 98058 CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Design/Utility Engineering Subject: May Creek/Canyon Oaks Storm Drain CAG 041-89 Dear Jeff, Upon further investigation, the City has determined that it was necessary to apply sales tax to the subject process. Therefore, the City is preparing a pay warrant in the amount of $2,462.25 to be paid directly to the state. If the payment is not received by the state prior to penalties being applied, then the City will be responsible for paying the penalties. If you have a questions, please contact me at 277-6199. Very tpulZ"yours, David M. Chi=ikensen Project Engineer SCOTT/DMC/pd 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2631 Facsimile (206) 235-2513 s' R. W. SCOTT CONSTRUCTION CO. General Contractors — 223-01-RW-SC-OC-229-MU 9840 CARR ROAD August 8, 1989 RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 City of Renton Public Works Department Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue S. Renton, WA 98055 Attn: Elmer Shaver Dear Mr. Shaver: Here are the locations of the trees that were cut on May Creek: 1-12" Maple STA 0+60.00 1-6" Maple STA 2+67.15 If you have any further questio, please call the office at 226-4452. Respectfully, / Jeff Scott Superintendent JS/tis 0"/� � '/" 'P "- / 1-e5�7 PHONE 226-4452 2991937 C5 CITY OF RENTON Engineering Dept. 40 CITY OF RENTON "AL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Design/Utility Engineering August 7, 1989 Jeff Scott R.W. SCOTT CONSTRUCTION CO. 9840 Carr Road Renton, Washington .98055 Subject: MAY CREEK/CANYON CAG 041-89 Dear Jeff: OAKS STORM DRAIN STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS Please find attached the Statement of Working Days through August 4, 1989. Please note that there are project as of August 4, 1989. Very r y yo. , avid M. Christensen Project Manager WORKDAYI2.DMC:mf Attachment for the subject project 19 working days on this 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2631 Facsimile (206) 235-2513 • r vuLll., rvVi�r�.� UL'1'/-�K 1 Iv►L'{v 1 �" DESIGN/UTILITY ENGINEERING 235-2631 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON. WASH. 98055 CONTRACTOR _ 4�_ • �-rr �c-isTIZt,L-r ADDRESS �._....._...._ _ --- 9e>40 12caa_j,,;, CITY —STATE DATE - Controet Number Federai.Aid Project Num6or liishwey fie. or Counly Stotement Num6or 041- IMM vid The following stalentenl shows Ilt number of working days charged to your conlrocl for the week ending !-,-L � _ 19$9 Date I Day Tuesd Wedne Thur sc Weathor Condition I Werkino Days )ays this week ............„................... ».................. ...»»a............»..».. Says previously reported ............ ..... ...... .... »..... ..„...»...».....».»...»........ % ' otal days to dole ...... .............. »....... ............................ »»«......»» CURRENT STATUS Working Days Specified In Contract Unworkable Day COveed by Woothor a woothor Conditions e Approved Extension of Time ......„.....,..,,„„ & Total Aulhori:ed Time of Contract.»»...»„.,«»..„.]F:D Less Working Days Charges».....»....»».«.»....»....»........................»»....«.. - I s. Working Days Remaining..»....»..»....««......»..»._»«»..».........»......„....... ummory of Week's Activities: Show only extensions approved by letter from Headquarters Use negative totals to show overrun in time NOTE: Tire contactor will be allowed 10 days from date of this report in which to protest in writing the correctness of this slotement, olherwiss it shall be deemed to have been accepted as correct. MEMORANDUM CITY OF RENTON DATE: July 31, 1989 TO: Dave Christensen, Sr. Engineering Specialist FROM: JL1 Jerry Lind Land Use Inspector/Landscape Planner SUBJECT: May Creek/Canyon Oaks - Seed Specifications This memo is written to inform you that the seed specification provided by R.W. Scott Construction Company appears satisfactory for the restoration work that will be involved for the May Creek/Canyon Oaks storm drain project. The material specification using the erosion control blanket of straw should not be approved. Rather, jute matting should be used instead in order to allow the seed mixture the adequate light it will need in that shaded environment. JFL:maycreek: dsk6 SPEED LETTER TO: DATE: PROJECT: s 9840 CARR ROAD July 14, 1989 City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue S. Renton, WA 98055 R. W. SCOTT CONSTRUCTION CO. General Contractors — 223-01-RW-SC-OC-229-MU RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 PHONE 226-4452 'v FL -73 V JUL 17 989 Attn: David M. Christensen, P.E. RE: May Creek/Canyon Oaks Storm Drain Dear Mr. Christensen: CITY OF RENTON Engineering Dept. Enclosed is the specification on the seed you requested for May Creek. If you have any questions, pl a contact me at this office. Sincerely, Jeff Scott Superintendent Enc. JF/tls JUL- 1 4-:. ? F F: I = 1 ►� F, vliC. I F- I C 1.4GR0 ' r SPECIAL SEED MIXTURE CUSTOMER; ACRO NIWAY SEED MIXTURE • " JuQ: STIct SEED MIXTURE LOT: 12024000 Tait �CINSFEOIENTS" PURITY Fern Date Origin Perennial Rye Grass 39.20 90 5/e9 ORE Creeping Red Fescue ?9.20 90 5/89 ORE Preln2cWhit2CutchCleve 9.91 90 5/99 ORE Highland Ccle. Bent 9.80 90 5/89 ORE CROP:0.63% INERT: 1.10% NEED 0.10% NO NOXIOUS WEEDS FOUND SHIPPER: PACIFIC ABRO CORP., PENTON, WA 98057 50 NET M1 -- -;------------- —-------- R. W. SCOTT CONST. CO. 223-01-RW-SC-OC-229 MU 9840 Carr Road RENTON, WA 98055 Phone 2226-4 {4-522 TO WE ARE SENDING YOU 'r_/Attached Under separate cover via_ ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ [LIETTEQ (U TRUMATTUQ& DATE JOB NO. ATTENTION RE the following items: ❑ Samples pecifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION ff�� /� C lJ�� /U - /,i�Ong TC THESE ARE TRTED as checked below For royal ❑ pp Approved as submitted ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ For review and comment ❑ ___ _ — ___ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 REMARKS Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit --copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO SIGNED: PROOKI 2402 � la.. &,,t. Mm 01450 If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 4 JLIL-2 1 —SR FP I 1 0 5 T E F'REMTER.PR I EiES riIDS =;0W P_ 0 1 Terra Enterprises 1 v n t9ox 9485 Moscow, Idaho 83843 (208) 88Z.0480 TO: R.W. Scott Co. Attn: Jeff +kY4�►4�**rkw�ArrMar+kAr�,�****,k�FtM�F��*�Y�****�*��kh�YaiM�+U+k�+k,k�**a**9ri1r***�i*�*�*Jk� DATE: # PAGES 2 ineludiag this cover SUBJECT: S-150 Specifications FAX # : (206) 277-9572 *,�*.�a.t*��Mr,r�,k1F,k,k�1F+k�k�**rr*,k**�,U,k*+Y**�rrY,k*,k*�**,k�1r�rYMrr�r�trrr*fir*fir*�M,4****,aYF*►+err MESSAGE: .inff. [Sere arc the 5-150 specifications. S-150 performance is far greater than Jute netting, so the engineer will probably be glad to allow it. Also, since it is lighter and easier to install, you will have a better job too. I am sending a brochure and test data to your office by mail. The brochure will show all six of the North American oreen materials and their applications. If the engineer has questions, :lease havt* him call me. Thankfi for the interest in our products and good ;uck with your project. Toney Driver x,t*x�*��**�tlFi�t�k�kir*IF�F�kilititit*,t#�taiktlt�F*�+t�ir9lrik�Ir�Ar+49ir�ik+M+k:k�k+t�k�k�kdl�w.tle�t,�i�.�ir�k+k'�k�t�k�trlF Our FAX Numbers: Moscow, Idaho - (208) $82-2512 Portland, Oregon - (503) 774-5144 Seattle, Washington - (206) 783-1270 JUL. 1 -G.'FA FR I 1 0 = 5':D TEF;:F:ii ENTERF'R I :DES I' OSCO W P.02 T AMEN NC*"- GREEN 146549 Highway 41 North - Evanevllb. Indiana 47711 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS CATEGORY I S150 Erosion control blanket shall be a machine -produced mat of 1004�a agricultural straw. The blanket shall be of consistent thickness with the straw evenly dig ad over the entire area of the mat. The blanket shall be covered on the ''Ip and bottom sides with polypropylene netting having an approximate 1/2" X 1/2" mesh. The blanket shall be sewn together with cotton threa,� Straw erosion control blanket (or low velocity channel lining) shall be S150 as manufactured by North American Green, or equivalent Erosion control blanket or channel lining shall have the following properties. Material Content Straw 100% (.5 lb/sq. yd.) (27 kg/m2) Netting Top and bottom sides lightweight photodegradah,:= (1.64 lb/1000 sq, ft. approx. wt.) Thread Cotton Physical Specifications (Roll) Width 6.5 feet (2m) Length 83.5 feet (25.4m) Weight 30 lbs ± 10% (13.6 kg) Area 60 sq. yds. (50m2) R. W. SCOTT CONST. CO. 223-01-RW-SC-OC-229 MU 9840 Carr Road RENTON, WA 98055 Phone 226-4452 TO _ WE ARE SENDING YOU Attached i Under separate cover via_ ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ [LETTEM W MRAMMODUMQL DATE JOB NO. ATTENTION RE the following items: ❑ Samples Li Specifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSM D as checked below: or approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO / SIGNED:y/� a PRODIXT 240d � I, Groton. M- 0I45O If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 1tr—`1zP_. It: "� . L,: citL I UN tM I L_y, a I H I tt_ Iv : u�I�+—J'�d"C3ol 9;z5t z4 r-d 3 .. . Belton Geotextiles Start -to -finish engineering and landscaping. ANT1mWVASH/GE0JUTE a. ,.. 1, 1 .. ...—V rt"t:n .. .,,ay.s >1...v+uau�ra,�r•ao. r.... An erosion control fabric designed to protect seeds f '�cF and slopes during the establishment of vegetation. 4i Stabilizes soil on slopes during rainwater run off. Holds grass seeds in place until they germinate. Also used to aid vegetation establishment along drain- age canals, The fabric is constructed from a natural fiber which is bio-degradable and in decomposing adds organic matter W the sail. Specifications Property Results Fabric Structure Woven Yarn Jute Fabric Width 48N Weight 0,92 Ibs,/yd.=* Yarn Count -+Warp 78 per width, minimum — Weft 41 per linearyard, minimum Water Absorption >450% of fabric weight Open Area 60-65% Durability 1-2 years "5moldertreatment adds approxirnately .05 lblyd' Rol! Packaging width x Length Type square Yards weight 481 x 225' Regular 100 92 Ibs, 4811 x 225' Smolder- 100 97 Ibs. Resistant a Slows water runoff by absorbing almost 5 times its weight in water, ■ Eras to use on any terrain, ■ Holds seed and 5o'sl in place. ■ Seed can be broadcast before or after mat has been installed, ■ Decomposes to add two tons of rich organic matter per acre, Staples Type Weight 11 gauge 611 43 lbs. 8 gauge 611 39 lbs. 8 gauge 81, 50 Ibs. Staples per Carton 1'000 5p0 500 lypical usage: 200 staples per roll. Other lengths of staples available on request. The Mftw"Alio-1 p"'IWd !Arun while natguaranteed• h 10 Pt! beet ps gy7 knoJVl�Cpf Wa and aaurata, Eacapt wdNn agreed to In wrNny is 1pecMtceo�dn ores of use, no waTanty qr yvaran!ea eK,f x fmPl'ed b maAe ragardtng the per - "n 0} any XL NrK# the ma,Mr qi V" and M1ah flngarohe en ourconwi.N6thingcontainedhWin0010 IM :ww�ar perna+ion or ae a nlmrrd wWaro rt to hfdnpe any patrt For further information, please write ar cal: Belton Industries, Inc. .8613 Roswell Rd, .Atlanta, GA 30350.Outside GA: 1(800)225.4499. 1(404)587-0257 . Telex: 493-1930 (HITD UI) eta A' A.Irm InAtMr:n Iwr. BELTON INDUSTf1!.$ VA %R Earl Clymer, Mayor July.26, 1989 Jeff Scott R. W. SCOTT CONSTRUCTION CO. 9840 Carr Road Renton, Washington 98055 Subject: May Creek/Canyon Oaks Storm Drain CAG 041-89 Grass Seed Mix and Matting Approval Dear Jeff: 'CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Design/Utility Engineering Your grass seed mixture submittal for the subject project has been approved. The City's landscape architect did note that to keep this mixture properly watered was critical to it's germination. Your request for an alternative material to the jute matting is denied, and you shall install the jute matting material as shown on the plans and as required in the specifications. Should you have any questions on the above, please feel free to contact me. Very r ly yours<,-- avid M. ris ensen Project Engineer JUTE.DMC:mf 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2631 Facsimile (206) 235-2513 ar- PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE PROJECT:.„1% �,�C dmd L��7 DATE: PROJECT #o -g/ PERMIT # WORK ORDER # THOSE IN ATTENDANCE NAME COMPANY PHONE y �ou wcs' GoIC�i Z3S- -z63� AUTHORIZATION OF SPECIAL BILLING DATE: 7-hD-2 `% PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: 6 cql _ Q WORK ORDER NO.: It is the intent of this letter to authorize the City of Renton to bill the undersigned for all costs incurred relative to the above -referenced project, by the City of Renton for the following work: BILLING TO BE SENT TO: Name: -R tv P • 1 i Z—ze��� Own eveloper, ontractor or Authorized Agent S'Z'OQM oRAxW WAM&Rf" PROJECTS PRESENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION IN THE CITY OF RENTON A&FA PROJECT # C�Li - SScI DATE WATER PROJECT TITLE PROJECT LOCATION DEVELOPER ADDRESS PHONE EMERGENCY PHONE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS PHONE ,�?a , -c/Z /< EMERGENCY PHONE FOREMAN PHONE EMERGENCY PHONE INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE Date % 6- f FROM: Maxine E. Motor, City Clerk SUBJECT: ® We return herewith fully executed document(s), as above - captioned, copy of which we have retained for our official public records. Copies should be forwarded to and the other for your file. Pursuant to your memo of we return herewith documents), as above -captioned, which have been signed by City Officials and need to be forwarded for further execution by We return herewith recorded document(s), as above -captioned, copy of which we have retained for our official public records. Copies should be forwarded to appropriate parties and retained as necessary for your files. Please file a fully executed copy with the City Clerk's office for our permanent records.when received. Thank you. MEM :'gn cc: IS 9840 CARR ROAD July 5, 1989 R. W. SCOTT CONSTRUCTION CO. General Contractors — 223-01-RW-SC-OC-229-MU City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue S. Rentoi,, WA 98055 Attn: Dave Christensen RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 RE: May Creek/Canyon Oaks - Storm Drain Dear Mr. Christensen: PHONE 226-4452 Enclosed is our proposed schedule for the referenced project. A Silt Fence will be installed prior to the clearing operation. We plan on clearing the pipe trench area before using a 'Light machine to trench for the 18" poly pipe. Backfilling will be done by hand. Jute matting and seeding will. be done as soon as the backfilling is completed. The excavator to be used to install the 21" storm drain and the catch basin will cress May Creek in a�cotdance with the fisheries permit. if you have any questions regarding this project, please call me at this office. Sincerely, Lou Duncan enc. LD/tls UJ I Jul- G i°89 CITY OF FLN TI ON Engine-Ering UEpt. CONTRACT PROGRESS SCHEDULE City of Renton PROJECT TITLE - May Creek/Canyon oaks Storm Drain �— SHOW DATE CONTRACT TIME STti.RtS WORKING DAYS _ ITEMS w S IS ?O 10 ]S !e IS SO SS to 7n 7% ew s■ �ww • • _ �_� mom MMEMMM M Clear & Grub Excavate i • _ i11 Poly Pipe -�-- --- U--M------- -- -_-_-_-_-_ _-_ -�-�-----�--_--�-_--__- 3 Install i 1811 i • I ---_--.�-.---------- • - Jute Matting i Seed __-_-'_-mom -EE swo �----- MINE El MEM EMNIM ■__■_�_�. OOT rowr421_506 stvrsto lofts INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Sboe date Contract Time Strata Z Fill in Pertinent items for ►be contract. swch as. cleariwg 6 grubbing. grading & .►aiming. swelacing. CTS. Paving OF oilk*& bridge eseaastiat, bridge substructure. bridge su►wseruetwre. miscellarroas items. 3. Sbor by Pencil or color the womb" and soquewe v o/ working days allotted to each Peen shown. 4. S■bnit owe copy to ProjeerEwgiev". NOTE: Use two or more sheets i/ necessary for working days or items. CONTRACTOR —F. W. Schott Construction Co. BY -- DATE 9�9 a Im d' �O S k s. G ni R �cp ks A coA '' z pT y MAY CQEEk � so .—� C "t' ....__ZN`3r�t_�, SfLI.. t�t✓,�c� �2�0,2. O T-C) v R T t .lJ C7 . I •� CITY OF RENTON Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney "OR Daniel Kellogg - Mark E. Barber - David M. Dean - Zanetta L. Fontes - Robert L. Sewell, Assistant City Attorneys July 3, 1989 TO: David M. Christensen, Project Engineer FROM: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RE: May Creek/Canyon Oaks Storm Drain - CAG 041-89 R.W. Scott Construction Company Dear Mr. Christensen: I have reviewed the above -entitled document and the same is approved as to legal form. /-? LJW:as. cc: Mayor A8.44:18. J. Warren CITY OF REh,TCN Engirletring Ucpt. Post Office Box 626 - 100 S 2nd Street - Renton, Washington 98057 - (206) 255-8678 CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: July 3, 1989 TO: Larry Warren, City Attorney FROM: David M. Christensen; Project Engineer SUBJECT: May Creek/Canyon Oaks Storm Drain Please review the attached contract documents as to legal form. If you have any questions, please contact me at 235-2631. Thank you. LEGALFM.DMC:mf Attachment 40 %R Earl Clymer, Mayor June 26, 1989 Mr. R. W. Scott R. W. Scott Construction Co. 9840 Carr Road Renton, WA 98055 CITY OF RENTON Re: Bid Award - May Creek/Canyon Oaks Storm Drain Dear Mr. Scott: FINANCE DEPARTMENT Maxine E. Motor, City Clerk At its regular meeting of June 19, 1989, the Renton City Council accepted your overall low bid for the above -referenced project in the amount of $31,184.00. To enable preparation of the contract documents, please submit an undated performance bond, insurance certificate and proof of City and State business licenses to project engineer Dave Christiansen, Engineering Division of the Public Works Department, 235-2631. Sincerely, CITY OF RENTON 1\ #11yJ. Petersen Deputy City Clerk cc:Vroject Engineer Dave Christiansen 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2501 Fsr Clmllo /9na) 712c-13c ti o �'R Earl Clymer, Mayor June 26, 1989 Mr. Robert H. Archer Archer Construction, Inc. 7855 S. 206th Street Kent, WA 98032 CITY OF RENTON Re: Bid Award - May Creek/Canyon Oaks Storm Drain Dear Mr. Archer: FINANCE DEPARTMENT Maxine E. Motor, City Clerk At its regular meeting of June 19, 1989, the Renton City Council accepted the low bid submitted by R. W. Scott Construction Co. in the amount of $31,184.00 for the referenced project. Thank you for your interest and your bid. Sincerely, CITY OF RENTON ?rily. Petersen Deputy City Clerk cc: Project Engineer 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2501 Facsimile (209) 23s-2sI_1 CITY OF RENTON Earl Clymer, Mayor June 26, 1989 Mr. Richard L. Alia R. L. Alia Company 9215 M. L. King Way S. Seattle, WA 98118 Re: Bid Award - May Creek/Canyon Oaks Storm Drain Dear Mr. Alia: FINANCE DEPARTMENT Maxine E. Motor, City Clerk At its regular meeting of June 19, 1989, the Renton City Council accepted the low bid submitted by R. W. Scott Construction Co. in the amount of $31,184.00 for the referenced project. Thank you for your interest and your bid. Sincerely, CITY OF RENTON rilyn J. Petersen Deputy City Clerk cc: Project Engineer 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2501 Facsimile 1206) 23.5-2.51.1 /Do v G Staff Assignment ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF MEETING June 22, 1989 Agenda I. Discussion of Council Meeting of June 19, 1989 A. Council Action and Requests for Information 1. Honey Creek PUD is dead until applicant can provide access per approved plan. 2. Set public meeting regarding Duncan annexation for 7/3/89 3. Ways & Means Committee report a. Ordinance for LID 329 approved 2nd & final. b. Approved reappointments to Board of Ethics (Rev. Don Hammond, Don Jacobson, John Dubois). C. Ordinance for Sunset Square rezone, first reading. d. Recommend approval of resolution for K.C. property tax interest collection. (approved) 4jyv e. Recommend mayor & clerk sign interlocal with Soos Creek water & sewer district. (approved) 4. Transportation Committee report MA Concurred with P.W. recommendations regarding Union Ave. (J channelization and parking. (approved) b. Concurred with P.V4'. recommendation to perform short-term repairs to 1 Monster Road bridge. (approved) C. Concurred with P.W. recommendation to obtain additional funds to complete Sunset improvements; refer to Ways & Means for mid -year funding. (approved) 5. Planning & Development Committee report a. Talbot Hill comp plan: Recommend that administration hire additional staff person to develop plan. Employee to be funded by developer and managed by City. (approved) NOTES: (1) No staff are to be diverted from comp plan to support this project. (2) Interim policies should be developed. (3) Stredicke stated he would move to reconsider if this action had not been properly reviewed and approved by the mayor. 6. Correspondence: Letter from Planning Commission strongly urging administration and Council to hire additional planning staff to support comp plan efforts. 7. Community Services Committee report a. Recommends bid award for museum improvements to S.G. Taylor Construction. 8. Utilities Committee report dNmr� a. Concurred with P.W. recommendation to accept R.W. Scott Construction bid for May Creek/Canyon Oaks storm drain. W BLEY 9. (Stredicke) When will mosquito spraying begin? / Jime 22, 1989 Page 2 MOTOR GUTTMANN GUTTMANN 10. Info on City T.V. channel is outdated. Please see that the information displayed is updated regularly. 11. Updated list of schools and current use should be secured and circulated to appropriate departments. Comments re. proposed developments have inaccurately cited school impacts on numerous occasions (i.e., Hillcrest is not functioning as an elementary school). B. Committee Referrals I. Utilities Committee a. Bid opening for May Creek/Canyon Oaks storm drain I2aN b. Water pressure zone change (N. Renton industrial area) C. Committee Meetings and Assignments 1. Utilities GUTTMANN r a. 6/22, 3:30 pm, 4th floor: NE 4th St. corridor sewers 2. Community Services NYBERG a. 6/27, 4:30 pm, 4th floor: Historical preservation of buildings; Ioppolo street vacation 3. Transportation GUTTMANN Y a. 6/22, 4:30 pm, 4th floor: Boeing fire pit; Specialty Restaurants' lease � t assignment; Grady Way update 4. PlanninQ & Development NYBERG a. 7/6, 4:30 pm, 6th floor: Swanson appeal 5. Public Safetv WHEELER a. 6/28, 4:15 pm, 4th floor: Uniform fire code (Glen Gordon invited) II. Agenda for Meeting of June 26, 1989 A. Agenda Bills 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. Workshop Items EON 1. NE 4th sewer III. Program and Project Update/Items for Discussion HOPKINS A. Weekly bulletin items MOTOR B. Items from the clerk? PARNESS C. King County ordinance: conservation futures fund (open space) D. K.C. bond issue E. Stoneway/NACRO property status F. Open discussion do W"Mum- Aw CITY OF RENTON "LL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Design/Utility Engineering June 21, 1989 R. W. Scott Construction 9840 Carr Road Renton, Washington 98055 Subject: May Creek/Canyon Oakes Storm Drain Ladies and Gentlemen: At it's regular meeting of June 19, 1989, the Renton City Council accepted your bid for the May Creek/Canyon Oaks Storm Drain in the amount of $31,184.00. To enable preparation of the contract documents, please submit the following: 1. A list of name, address, phone number and emergency phone number for: Responsible Officer, Job Foreman, Bonding Agent. 2. Corporation letter or Resolution giving names of those authorized to sign contract and sample of their signatures. 3. Photo copy of current State Contractor's License (not master license). 4. Photo copy of current City of Renton Business License. 5. *Five contract bonds on City of Renton forms, UNDATED, date to be filled in when signed by the Mayor. 6. *Five signed contracts also UNDATED. 7. Five certificates of insurance for 19' 8. Your 1989 Affirmative Action Plan. If you need any assistance preparing this, contact Mr. Ruben Nieto, in the Personnel Department at 235-2554. Also, to allow for a Notice to Proceed as soon as possible after the contract is signed, I will need a list of proposed subcontractors and material suppliers. gVe t. rruly,yours avid Mistensen Project Engineer MAY-CANY.DRT:mf Attachments 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2631 Facsimile (206) 235-2513 1 of 7 CONTRACTS OTHER THAN FEDERAL -AID FHWA THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 199 by and between THE CITY OF RENTON, Washington,.a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as "CITY" and R.W. SCOTT CONSTRUCTION CO. hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR." WITNESSETH: 1) The Contractor shall within the time stipulated, (to -wit: within 30 working days from date of commencement hereof as required by the Contract, of which this agreement is a component part) perform all the work and services required to be performed, and provide and furnish all of the labor, materials, appliances, machines, tools, equipment, utility and transportation services necessary to perform the Contract, and shall complete the construction and installation work in a workmanlike manner, in connection with the City's Project (identified as No. 041-89 for improvement by construction and installation of: storm drainage installation to May Creek All the foregoing shall be timely .performed, furnished, constructed, installed and completed in strict conformity with the plans and spec- ifications, including any and all addenda issued by the City and all other documents hereinafter enumerated, and in full compliance with all applicable codes, ordinances and regulations of the City of Renton and any other governmental authority having jurisdiction thereover. It is further agreed and stipulated that all of said labor, materials, appliances, machines, tools, equipment and services shall be furnished 2 of 7 Contracts Other Than Federal -Aid FHWA and the construction installation performed and completed to the satisfaction and the approval of the City's Public Works Director as being in such conformity with the plans, specifications and all require- ments of or arising under the Contract. 2) The aforesaid Contract, entered into by the acceptance of the Contractor's bid and signing of this agreement, consists of the following documents, all of which are component parts of said Contract and as fully a part thereof as if herein set out in full, and if not attached, as if hereto attached. a) This Agreement b) Instruction to Bidders c) Bid Proposal d) Specifications e) Maps & Plans f) Bid g) Advertisement for Bids h) Special Provisions, if any i) Technical Specifications, if any 3. If the Contractor refuses or fails to prosecute the work or any part thereof, with such diligence as will insure its completion within the time specified in this Contract, or any extension in writing thereof, or fails to complete said work with such time, or if the Contractor shall be adjudged a bankrupt, or if he should make a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors, or if a receiver shall be appointed on account of the Contractor's insolvency, or if he or any of his Rev. 4/83 Contracts Other Than Federal -Aid FHWA 3 of 7 subcontractors should violate any of the provisions of this Contract, the City may then serve written notice upon him and his surety of its intention to terminate the Contract, and unless within ten (10) days after the serving of such notice, such violation or non-compliance of any provision of the Contract shall cease and satisfactory arrangement for the correction thereof be made, this Contract, shall, upon the expiration of said ten (10) day period, cease and terminate in every respect. In the event of any such termination, the City shall immediately serve written notice thereof upon the surety and the Contractor and the surety shall have the right to take over and perform the Contract, provided, however, that if the surety within fifteen (15) days after the serving upon it of such notice of termination does not perform the Contract or does not commence performance thereof within thirty (30) days from the date of serving such notice, the City itself may take over the work under the Contract and prosecute the same to completion by Contract or by any other method it may deem advisable, for the account and at the expense of the Contractor, and his surety shall be liable to the City for any excess cost or other damages occasioned the City thereby. In such event, the City, if it so elects, may, without liability for so doing, take possession of and utilize in completing said Contract such materials, machinery, appliances, equipment, plants and other properties belonging to the Contractor as may be on site of the project and useful therein. 4) The foregoing provisions are in addition to and not in limitation of any other rights or remedies available to the City. Contracts Other Than Federal -Aid FHWA 4 of 7 5) Contractor agrees and covenants to hold and save the City, its officers, agents, representatives and employees harmless and to promptly indemnify same from and against any and all claims, actions, damages, liability of every type and nature including all costs and legal expenses incurred by reason of any work arising under or in connection with the Contract to be performed hereunder, including loss of life, personal injury and/or damage to property arising from or out of any occurrence, omission or activity upon, on or about the premises worked upon or in any way relating to this Contract. This hold harmless and indemnification provision shall likewise apply for or on account of any patented or un- patented invention, process, article or appliance manufactured for use in the performance of the Contract, including its use by the City, unless otherwise specifically provided for in this Contract.. In the event the City shall, without fault on its part, be made a party to any litigation commenced by or against Contractor, then Contractor shall proceed and hold the City harmless and he shall pay all costs, expenses and reasonable attorney's fees incurred or paid by the City in connection with such litigation. Furthermore, Contractor agrees to pay all costs, expenses and reasonable attorney's fees that may be incurred or paid by City in the enforcement of any of -the covenants, provisions and agreements hereunder. 6) Any notice from one party to the other party under the Contract shall be in writing and shall be dated and signed by the party giving such notice or by its duly authorized representative of such party. Any such 5 of 7 Contracts Other Than Federal -Aid FHWA notice as heretofore specified shall be given by personal delivery thereof or by depositing same in the United States mail, postage prepaid, certified or registered mail. 7) The Contractor shall commence performance of the Contract no later than 10 calendar days after Contract final execution, and shall complete the full performance of the Contract not later than 30 working days from the date of commencement. For each and every working day of delay after the established day of completion, it is hereby stipulated and agreed that the damages to the City occasioned by said delay will be the sum of in accordance with the Standard Specifications , as liquidated damages (and not as a penalty) for each such day, which shall be paid by the Contractor to the City. 8) Neither the final certificate of payment nor any provision in the Contract nor partial or entire use of any installation provided for by this Contract shall relieve the Contractor of liability in respect to any warranties or responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship. The Contractor shall be under the duty to remedy any defects in the work and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom which shall appear within the period of one (1) year from the date of final acceptance of the work, unless a longer period is specified. The City will give notice of observed defects as heretofore specified with reasonable promptness after discovery thereof, and Contractor shall be 6of7 Contracts Other Than Federal -Aid FHWA obligated to take immediate steps to correct and remedy any such defect, fault or breach at the sole cost and expense of Contractor. 9) The Contractor and each subcontractor, if any, shall submit to the City such schedules of quantities and costs, progress schedules, pay- rolls, reports, estimates, records and miscellaneous data pertaining to the Contract as may be requested by the City from time to time. 10) The Contractor shall furnish a surety bond or bonds as security for the faithful performance of the Contract, including the payment of all persons and firms performing labor on the construction project under this Contract or furnishing materials in connection with this Contract; said bond to be in the full amount of the Contract price as specified in Paragraph 11. The surety or sureties on such bond or bonds must be duly licensed as a surety in the State of Washington. 11) The total amount of this Contract is the sum of $31,184.00 Thirty -One Thousand, One Hundred Eighty-four Dollars and 00/100s---� which includes Washington State Sales Tax. Payments will be made to Contractor as specified in the "Special Provisions" of this Contract. Rev. 4/83 C Contracts Other Than Federal -Aid FHWA 7of7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City has caused these presents to be signed by its Mayor and attested by its City Clerk and the Contractor has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above -written. CONTRACTOR President/Partner/Owner Secretary d/b/a Firm Name CITY OF RENTON Mayor ATTEST: Individual Partnership Corporation A Corporation State of Incorporation Attention: City Clerk If business is a CORPORATION, name of the corporation should be listed in full and both President and Secretary must sign the contract, OR if one signature is permitted by corporation by-laws, a copy of the by-laws shall be furnished to the city and made a part of the contract document. If business is a PARTNERSHIP, full name of each partner should be listed followed by d/b/a (doing business as) and firm or trade name; any one partner may sign the contract. If business is an INDIVIDUAL PROPRIETORSHIP, the name of the owner should appear followed by d/b/a and name of the company. UTILITIES COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT June 19,�1989 May Creek/Canyon Oaks Storm Drain (Referred 06-15-89) The Utilities Committee recommends concurrence in the recommendation of the Public Works Department to accept the low bid of R. W. Scott Construction Co. in the amount of $31,184.00. (Engineer's Estimate - $41,000.00) The Committee also recommends that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract documents. athy olker-Wheeler, Chair ��NicU / "/ cC�Tr�Ju� Robert Hughes, Vice -Chairman Toni Nelson, MemBdr CANOAKSD.DMC:mf CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor June 15, 1989 Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Chair Members of the Utilities Committee Subject: May Creek/Canyon Oaks Storm Drain Design/Utility Engineering Dear Chair Keolker-Wheeler and Committee Members: The bid opening for the subject project was held on June 15, 1989. A tabulation of the bids received is attached hereto. It is recommended that the low bid submitted by R. W. Scott Construction Co. in the amount of $31,184.00 be accepted and the contract be awarded to said contractor. Very truly yours, Lynn A. Guttmann Public Works Director CANOAKSD.DMC:mf Attachment 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2631 CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: June 15, 1989 TO: Lynn Guttmann FROM: Chuck Price SUBJECT: May Creek Bid /pening This project is a portion of the Aberdeen/NE 27th (East Kennydale Interceptor) project budgeted in the 421 fund. This portion serves as the outlet to May Creek. Severe erosion problems endangering the adjacent Canyon Oaks condo's warranted the early construction of this portion. s/c/001/CEP/bh CEDAR RIVER DI P-1 BOX CULVERT SR-167 1-005 57 'DALE INTERCEPTOR (705)1 ✓ASHINGTON/GARDEN (706) NDSOR HILL. (710) 'HOUSER REPAIR C712) ✓ILLAGE CULVERT (702) EEK WETLANDS (708) City of Renton 1989 Annual Budget 1989 WATER AND SEWER UTILITY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND 1988 CONTINUING PROJECTS WORK ORDER NUMBER PROGRAM DESCRIPTION 1989 BUDGET WORK IN PRGR 1988 TO 1989 TOTAL 1989 8 WORK IN PRGR WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS/MAJOR - ACCOUNT 65.15: 4218 West Hills Reservoir Finalization 0.00 2,626.00 2,626.00 4596 Springbrook Property Purchase 20,000.00 8,350.00 28,350.00 4859/4860/5007 Wells 1 8 2 Improvement 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 4858 Telemetry Improvements, Phase 111 0.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 4249/4633/5232 S Talbot Hilt Reservoir, Phase 1 1,420,000.00 0.00 1,420,000.00 4632/4794/5222 Well Field Protection, Phase 111 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00 4861 Well 5 Rehabilitation 0.00 463,400.00 463,400.00 5130 oaksdale Phase 1 0.00 3,430.00 3,430.00 5129 Highland/Olivet Pump Station Rehab. 0.00 2,349.00 2,349.00 5153 Maplewood Wells 10 3 11 569,000.00 103,004.00 672,004.00 4786 Maplewood Golf Course Well Exploration 0.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 5249 Comprehensive Plan Update 65,000.00 0.00 65,000.00 5218/5256 Lind Avenue Undercrossing 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 5247 Lind Avenue Bridge Approach 80,000.00 0.00 80,000.00 5257 Water Quality Investigation 150,000.00 0.00 150,000.00 SUB -TOTAL WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS/MAJOR 2,339,000.00 758,159.00 3,097,159.00 WATER SYSTEM REHAB/REI PROJECTS - ACCOUNT 65.27: 1988 Steel Water Main Replacements: 0.00 114,141.00 114,141.00 5036 Lake Washington Bl Steel Main Replacement 5037 NE 24th St Steel Main Replacement 5038 Duvall Ave NE Steel Main Replacement 5121 N 2nd St Main Replacement 5241 NW 3rd St Main Replacement SUB -TOTAL WATER REHAB/REI PROJECTS 0.00 114,141.00 114,141.00 TOTAL WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 2,339,000.00 872,300.00 3,211,300.00 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS/MAJOR - ACCOUNT 65.19: 4649 East Kemydale San. Sewer Intercepter 0.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 5132 Renton Ave/West Hill Sanitary Intercepter 0.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 5133 Park Ave N Sanitary Sewer Intercepter 0.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 4671 West Kennydale Sanitary Sewer Intercepter 0.00 301,385.00 301,385.00 4989 Renton Highlds/NE 7th Sewer Replacement 0.00 48,000.00 48,000.00 5131/5156 oaksdale Phase 1 0.00 26,000.00 26,000.00 5227 1988 Misc Sewer Purchase Orders 0.00 11,685.00 11,685.00 5250 Sanitary Sewer Comp Plan Update 0.00 10,772.00 10,772.00 5260 Soos Crk/Cascade Sewer Dist Transfer 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 5259 Renton Highlands Sewer Replacement 200,000.00 0.00 200,000.00 5258 Earlington Hill Sewer Pump Replacement 152,000.00 0.00 152,000.00 _ SUB -TOTAL SEWER IMPROVEMENTS/MAJOR 352,000.00 897,842.00 1,249,842.00 SANITARY SEWER REHAB/REI PROJECTS - ACCOUNT 65.28: 5134 Sewer Main Extension/NE 19th 0.00 11,000.00 11,000.00 TOTAL SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS - ACCOUNT 65.62: 42001 Windsor Hills Drainage 42003 Comprehensive Drainage Plan 4994/42004 Panther Creek Acquistn/SR Storm Drain 4996/42005 Cedar River Dredging (Phase 1/11) 5156/42010 SW 16th Bridge/P-1 Chamel/oakesdale 4993 1.405/Renton Village 4995 S 7th - Shattuck Pond 5014/4997 P-1 Culvert/Channel 4998 NE 27th - Aberdeen Ctl 4999 Gypsy Creek/1-405 Culvert 5004 Springbrook Regional PD Panther Crk P-9 Design (SCS $90,000) Cedar River Flood Control Study 352,000.00 1,024,465.00 1,376,465.00 0.00 149,293.00 149,293.00 150,000.00 (12,510.96) 1370489.04 125,000.00 22,175.59 147,175.59 0.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 425,000.00 (99,967.67) 325,032.33 0.00 148,521.45 148,521.45 0.00 174.32 174.32 345,537.00 (168,539.93) 176,997.07 0.00 242,818.28 242,818.28 0.00 87,253.20 87,253.20 0.00 116,409.10 116,409.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 84.15 Debt Issue Costs 34,000.00 0.00 34,000.00 65.05 Soft Capital/Reimb operating Fund 200 000.00 0.00 200,000.00 GRAND TOTAL 1989 PROJECTS AND 1988 WORK IN PROGRESS 4 020,537.00 2,417,391.38 6,437,928.38 5, I F r L C 281 CITY OF RENTON Plan Holder's List May.Creek/Canyon Oaks PROJECT NAME: Storm Drain PRE -QUALIFICATION DUE DATE: N/A PRICE: $25.00 + $5.00 Postage TIME: N/A PLACE: ngineerinq Department BID DATE: June 15, 1989 TIME: 2-30 p.m. Su mit to 1 �y er s lce ith • PLACE: Rid Onaninn in 4th Floor Conferance Rm. CITY PROJECT ENGINEER: Dave Christensen CONSULTANT: N/A PHONE: 235-2631 ENG'S ESTIMATE: $40,000 to $50.,000 PHONE: N/A NAME AMOUNT PAID ISSUED. 0. Maxine Motor, Renton City Clerk ------ - 200 Mill Ave. So., 1st Floor Renton WA 98055 235-2501 . 1. .................... Moss Construction Inc. $25.00 6-2-89 P.O. Box 98340 Des Moines WA 98188 878-7126 . . 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R.W. Scott Construction Co. $25.00 6- -89 9840 Carr Road Renton WA 98055 226-4452 • . . 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R.L. Alia Company $25.00 6-2-89 9215 Martin Luther King Way S. Seattle WA 98118 722-4900 .o 4. . Fardig Dozing Maintenance $25.00 6-2-89 27001 Landsburg Road S.E. Ravensdale WA 98051 432-5624 . . 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scott's General Construction Inc. $25.00 6-6-89 20405 S.E. 344th St. Auburn WA 98002 - May Creek/Canyon Oaks PROJECT NAME: May drain PRE -QUALIFICATION DUE DATE: N/A PRICE: + t TIME: N/A PLACE:_ naineering DeparjWnt DID DATE: June 15, 198_9 TIME: 2:30 p.m. PLACE: Submit o Cityy Clerks Office h -Bid Openinn in Qth Flnnr fpnfarence_.Rm CITY PROJECT ENGINEER: Dave Christensen CONSULTANT: N/A + _ PIIONE: 235-2631 ENG'S ESTIMATE: $40,000 to $50,000 PIIONE: N/A PLANSAMOUNT DATE DATE 0 T CHECK NAME PAID ISSUED RETURNED REFUNDED 6. M.A. Segale, Inc. $25.00 6-6-89 P.O. Box 88050 Tukwila WA 98188 575-0150 7. Archer Construction, Inc, 7855 South 206th Kent, WA 98032 872-7222 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. Dave Marthini Construction Co., Inc. 3800 - 120th Ave. S.E. Bellevue WA 98006 643-4242 9. KSC, Inc. P.O. Box 6084 Kennewick WA 99336 582-5826 . . . . . 10. Kodo Construction Inc. P.O. Box 1018 Auburn WA 98071 833-0911 - Carl 0 . 6 . 0 0 6 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 . . 0 . 0 0 0 $25, 00 � • � 6,8-89 $25.00 $25.00 i $25_00 6-12-89 6-13-89 Printed On: 6/15/89 City of Renton Public Works Department Page 1 Project: MAY CREEK /CANYON OAKS STORM DRAIN Date June 15,1989 City Of Renton Contractor Low Bid Contractor Engineers Estimate R.W. Scott Archer Construction Rem Bars Description T Unit Est. Unit Bid Unit Bid Unit Bid No. No. X Quantity Price Amount Price Amount Price Amount rnn BAR DESGRIPr T UNITS ESTQTY SCHEDULE A 001. 40 Mobilization Lump Sum 1.0 3225.00 $3,225.00 3778.00 E3,778.00 10300.00 $10,300.00 002. 40 High Density Polyethylene Pipe Unear Foot 308.0 80.00 $18,480.00 86.00 920,328.00 52.00 $16,016.00 18' Diameter 003. 40 18' Storm Sewer Pipe Unear Foot 23.0 40.00 $920.00 31.00 $713.00 26.00 $598.00 004. 40 21' Diameter Stone Sewer Pipe Unear Foot 10.0 40.00 $400.00 30.00 5380.00 32.00 E320.pp 005. 40 Catch Basin, Type II, 54' Each 1.0 2500.00 $2.500.00 1500.00 $1,500.00 2854.00 $2,854.00 W/Solld Round locking Ud 008. 40 Jute Matting Square Yard 220.0 5.00 $1,100.00 2.00 S440.00 3.90 $858.00 007. 40 Hand Placed Riprap Ton 25.0 75.00 $1,875.00 35.00 $875.00 49.60 $1,240.00 008. 40 Conned to Existing Catch Basin Each 1.0 200.00 vW.00 370.00 $370.00 500.00 5500.00 009. 40 Seeding and Fertilizing Square Yard 220.0 5.00 E1,100.00 1.50 "W.00 4.50 5990.00 010. 40 Pipe Anchors Each 12.0 250.00 $3,000.00 70.00 $840.00 120.00 $1,440.00 011. 40 Clearing & Grubbing Lump Sum 1.0 8000.00 $8,000.00 1000.00 $1,000.00 1770.00 $1,770.00 012. 40 Finish & Cleanup Lump Sum 1.0 2000.00 $2,000.00 5W.00 $500.00 2500.00 $2,500.00 013. 40 Plug Existing Stone Drain Each 1.0 200.00 $200.00 150.00 $150.00 342.00 $342.00 TT Total SCHEDULE A $41.000.00 $31.184.00 $39,728.00 n 3E k / k§ £\ k &� #22§ ! E�/ 7 a a a # $ # a # # # a a a a a a a a a a « # # 8 8 8 a # # a a # a # a § 8 # § § # § # § m a a # # # 8 # 8 a 8 8 � } 8 8 8 a a § 8 # 8 § a a S & � 2 § § # # # a a a a a # 8 # a § § § § a � # a § ! # 8 8 e 8 § § t ■ ■ e a # § § k S S S f f S & & § § § §§LU \ \ � 7 7 j ! 2 � � | | § ' E E0. § 2 ■ § 2 � ƒ / w / w ■ 3 ■ ] ! �x� / � :3 a f f « . Cc\ § k �} - ! / a ® / ƒ ;! k d ) ! kco § k k ƒ { ` } § s a S k § i 3 » \ !& 2 f a « a 0 e / a a ) ƒ } k§ g t § K k § k § B k k B k BID TABULATION SHEET PR O J ECT: May Creek/Canyon Oaks Storm Drain DATE ' June 15, 1989 BIDDER BID R. L. Alia Company oc> 9215 M. L. King Way S. Seattle, WA 98118 Archer Construction, Inc. 7855 S. 206th Street Kent, WA 98032 R. W. Scott Construction Co. 9840 Carr Road Renton, WA 98055 Engineer's estimate: $41,000.00 I CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: May 31, 1989 TO: Chuck Price, Storm Utility Engineer FROM: Dave ChristensengActing Sr. Eng. Specialist SUBJECT: May Creek/Canyon Oaks Storm Drain This memo is to inform you that the subject project is currently being advertised for bids for construction. The bid opening date is June 15, 1989. The engineering estimate for this project is $41,000.00. The funding for this project is through the Aberdeen Ave. N.E. storm drainage account. Upon award of this project, I will notify you of the actual contract amount. MAYCRKSD.DMC:mf j t <tayg�l City of Renton Storm Drain Bid Date, June 15 May Creek/Canyon Oaks Storm Drain CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received until 2:30p. m., June 15, 1989 at the City Clerk's office and will be opened and publicly read in the 4th floor conference room Renton Municipal Building, 206 Mill Avenue South. The work to be performed within 30 working days from the date of commencement un- der this contract shall include, but not be limited to: Installation of storm drain- age pipe, concrete catch basin, energy dissipater, pipe an- chors, rock -lined channel, and complete restoration of all surfaces to pre -project condi- tions. The City reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and to waive any and/or all informal- ities. Approved plans and specifi- cations and form of contract documents may be obtained in the Public Works Department at the Renton Municipal Build- ing, for a non-refundable fee of $25.00 each set plus $5.00 to cover postage, if mailed. The mailing charge will not be re- funded. i A certified check or bid bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total amount of each f bid must accompany each bid. e The City's Fair Practices and NonDiiscrimination Policies shall apply. AN CL DEMENTS, c Finance Director. 1 Dates of publication in the Se- I attle Daily Journal of Com- t merce. June 1 and 8, 1989. s (15984) R King County Natural Resources and Parks Division Parks, Planning and Resources Department 2040 84th Avenue Southeast Mercer Island, Washington 98040 (206) 296-4232 August 10, 1988 Mr. Robert L. Bray, Project Engineer Public Works Department City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 AUG2�421'y Dt tr ises CITY OF RENTON Engineering Dept. RE: May Creek/Canyon Oaks Storm Drain: Special Use Permit FS-59-87 Dear Mr. Bray: Thank you for your letter dated June 15, 1988, and the storm drain project construction drawings and contract specifications which you have presented for our review and approval. In your letter you also requested permission for a temporary construction access from Jones Avenue NE to enable you to install the energy dissipater structure. We have approved the drawings and specifications contigent upon you fully restoring the creek bank and riparian zone to pre - project conditions. No tree removal is to occur except as specifically approved on -site by one of our Capital Project Ad- ministrators. In the event it is necessary to remove trees, you will be required to plant approved replacements. To make ar- rangements for an on -site meeting for tree removal contact Bob Jacobs, Chief, Capital Improvement and Planning Section, at 296- 4241. We also ask that you notify Ron Erickson, Regional Maintenace Supervisor, in advance of the start of actual construction. Ron can be reached atc 7513. r Sincerely, W Russell W. Cahill Manager RWC:LD:smc cc: Bob Jacobs, Chief, Capital Improvement and Planning Bill Hutsinpiller, Chief, Park Maintenance ATTN: Ron Erickson, Regional Supervisor Linda Dougherty, Chief, Recreation and Facility Use Management Section ATTN: Joe Wilson, Property Management CITY OF RENTOIV HYDRAUhIC PROJECT RECEIVEC ( 8 1988 CITY OF RENTON 0 DEPARTMENTS .J (app l i c c 1 LAST NA'U: 10 of Renton 1y s t:l[ uR ;RAL ROi,f --- (iO 1.1i ll Avenue c S:.uth APPROVAL O C T 2 7 1999 R.C.W. ,% 5 . 2O . 10O DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES R.C.W.eneral Admin-4c7ti„n 1 i .C.W. 75.20. 103 PERSC ^ly,npia, WaSfa�lrpn S"�5t'.. October 2 '_ 9 0 a ( 06) 753-665C a: ;•effito date -,I.L c.rrespo,.-Ience) � n" � '� I;:• � '%.bar CONTACT ) �CONTROL 00 83 235 26319119-01 CITY STATE ZIP Renton _ WA 98055 12 `WATER TRIBvTARY TO — May Creek Lake Washington 13 QUARTER —SECTION SE SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE(E-W) COUNTY 32 24N 5E King ----------------------- 9 WRIA -- 08.0282 171 TYPE OF PROJECT Storm Water Outfall TIME LIMITATIONS: JE5] THIS PROJECT MAY BEGIN AND MUST BE COMPLETED BY July 1, 1989 September 15, 1989 THIS APPROVAL IS TO BE AVAILABLE ON THE JOB SITE A' ALL TIMES A►',, ITS PROVISIONS FOLLOWED BY THE PERMITTEE AND OPERATOR PERFORMING THE WORK. SEE: IMPORTANT GENERAL PROVISIONS ON REVERSE SIDE OF-APPROVAI, 1. Project shall be built per plans labelled "May Creek - Canyon Oaks Storm Drain', dated May 1987. 2. Equipment shall not enter or o erate within the flowing stream. Planks placed across he creek for equipment crossing shall not disturb the streambed, nor block the scream flow. 3. Every effort shall be employed at all times to ensure that silt -laden water is not allowed to enter state waters. This may be accomplished by placing a series of low-rise berms of pea gravel -filled burlapp bags downstream of the project. The gravel ba s shall be removed from the stream immediately upon completion of the project. 4. This roject shall be accom lished only when the weather conditions have been predic ed to ensure that the stream remains in a low flow stage during work activities involving the stream. 5. Bank protection material shall be angular rock of a sufficient size to prevent its being washed away by water action. 6. Bank"protection material shall be placed from the bank. Dumping onto the bank face shall be permitted only if the toe is established and the material can be confined to the bank face. SEPA: DNS by City of Renton, September 6, 1988 REGIONAL HABITAT MANAGER - Gayle Kreitman 545-6582 PATROL - Lambert APPLICANT - WILDLIFE - READER - PATROL - HAB. MGR. - WRIA DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES„_ l///, /2p1�, ` DIRECTOR THIS APPROVAL IS TO BE AVAILABLE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES AND ITS*PROVISIONS FOLLOWED BY THE PERMITTEE AND OPERATOR PERFORMING THE WORK. THE PERSON(S) TO WHOM THIS APPROVAL IS ISSUED MAY BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE TO FISHLIFE OR FISH HABITAT WHICH RESULTS FROM FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS APPROVAL. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS APPROVAL COULD RESULT IN A CIVIL PENALTY OF UP TO ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS PER DAY OR A GROSS MISDEMEANOR CHARGE, POSSIBLY PUNISHABLE BY FINE OR IMPRISONMENT. ALL HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVALS ISSUED'PURSUANT TO RCW 75.20.100 ARE SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS, CONDITIONS, OR REVOCATION IF THE DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES OR DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE DETERMINE THAT NEW BIOLOGICAL OR PHYSICAL INFORMATION INDICATES THE NEED FOR SUCH ACTION. THE PEPMITTEE HAS THE RIGHT PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 34.04 RCW TO APPEAL SUCH DECISIONS. ALL HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVALS ISSUED PURSUANT TO RCW 75.20.103 MAY BE MODIFIED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES OR DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE DUE TO CHANGED CONDITIONS AFTER CONSULTATION WITH THE PERMITTEE: PROVIDED HOWEVER, THAT SUCH MODIFICATIONS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO APPEAL TO THE HYDRAULIC APPEALS BOARD ESTABLISHED IN RCW 75.20.130. THIS APPROVAL PERTAINS ONLY TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE CODES. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION FROM OTHER PUBLIC AGENCIES MAY BE NECESSARY FOR THIS PROJECT. � Appeals - General Information If you wish to appeal denial or conditions of an HPA, there are informal and formal appeal processes available. A.Informal Appeals - An informal appeal (WAC 220-110-340) consists of contacting the Regional Habitat Manager and discussing your concerns. Most problems are resolved at this level, but if not, you may elevate your concerns to the Chief of the Habitat Management Division in Olympia. The Habitat Management Division Chief.s decision shall be approved or disapproved by the Director or designee. If you are not satisfied with the results of this informal appeal, a formal appeal may be filed. B.Formal Appeals - 1) For all civil penalty appeals and for other HPA appeals which are not associated with irrigation or stockwatering diversions, a written appeal request must be filed with the department that issued or denied the approval or levied the civil penalty you are appealing (WAC 220-110-350). 2) For appeals of denial or conditions of an HPA associated with irrigation or stock watering diversions other than civil penalty. appeals, a written appeal request must be filed with the Hydraulic Appeals Board per WAC 259-04. The mailing address of the Appeals Board is: Environmental Hearings Office, Building Two -Rowe Six, Lacey, Washington 98504; Telephone 206/459-6327. 3) Failure to appeal within 30 days of the date of action you are appealing results in forfeiture of all appeal rights. 5 DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES ,>... HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL R.C.W. 7S.2O.lOO DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES l R.C.W. 75.20. 103 GeneraAdministration Bldg. Olympia, Washington 98504 0 October 24, 1988 (206) 753-6650 (applicant should refer to this date in all correspondence) PAGE 1 ;F PAGES 10 LAST NAME City of Renton 18 CONTj� Zi 2 rgE(S) 66j 1 CONTROL B 1 �9119-01 12 WATE'May Creek F9 1WRIA 08.0282 7. Bank protection material shall not appreciably reduce normal ,!�Tatercourse capacity or configuration. 8. The outfall shall be constructed in a manner that will protect the existing bank vegetation. Where the vegetation is damaged, it shall be re-established immediately upon completion of the work on the river bank. LOCATION: Approximately the 3300 block of Jones Avenue NE REV 10/16/88 THIS APPROVAL, IS TO BE AVAILABLE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES AND ITS PROVISIONS FOLLOWED BY THE PERMITTEE AND OPERATOR PERFORMING THE WORK. THE PERSON(S) TO WHOM THIS APPROVAL IS ISSUED MAY BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE TO FISHLIFE OR FISH HABITAT WHICH RESULTS FROM FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS APPROVAL. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS APPROVAL COULD RESULT IN A CIVIL PENALTY OF UP TO ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS PER DAY OR A GROSS MISDEMEANOR CHARGE, POSSIBLY PUNISHABLE BY FINE OR IMPRISONMENT. ALL HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVALS ISSUED PURSUANT TO RCW 75.20.100 ARE SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS, CONDITIONS, OR REVOCATION IF THE DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES OR DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE DETERMINE THAT NEW BIOLOGICAL OR PHYSICAL INFORMATION INDICATES THE NEED FOR SUCH ACTION. THE PERMITTEE HAS THE RIGHT PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 34.04 RCW TO APPEAL SUCH DECISIONS. ALL HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVALS ISSUED PURSUANT TO RCW 75.20.103 MAY BE MODIFIED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES OR DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE DUE TO CHANGED CONDITIONS AFTER CONSULTATION WITH THE PERMITTEE: PROVIDED HOWEVER, THAT SUCH MODIFICATIONS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO APPEAL, TO THE HYDRAULIC APPEALS BOARDiESTABLISHED IN RCW 75.20.130. THIS -APPROVAL PERTAINS ONLY TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE CODES. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION FROM OTHER PUBLIC AGENCIES MAY BE NECESSARY FOR THIS PROJECT. Appeals - General Information If you wish to appeal denial or conditions of an HPA, there are informal and formal appeal processes available. A.Informal Appeals - An informal appeal (WAC 220-110-340) consists of contacting the Regional Habitat Manager and discussing your concerns. Most problems are resolved at this level, but if not, you may elevate your concerns to the Chief of the Habitat Management Division in Olympia. The Habitat Management Division Chief.s decision shall be approved or disapproved by the Director or designee. If you are not satisfied with the results of this informal appeal, a formal appeal may be filed. B.Formal Appeals - 1) For all civil penalty appeals and for other HPA appeals which are not associated with irrigation or stock -watering diversions, a written appeal request must be filed with the department that issued or denied the approval or levied the civil penalty you are appealing (WAC 220-110-350). 2) For appeals of denial or conditions of an HPA associated with irrigation or stock watering diversions other than civil penalty appeals, a written appeal request must be filed with the Hydraulic Appeals Board per WAC 259-04. The mailing address of the Appeals Board is: . Environmental Hearings Office, Building Two -Rowe Six, Lacey, Washington 98504; Telephone 206/459-6327. 3) Failure to appeal within 30 days of<the date of action you are appealing results in forfeiture of all appeal rights. x u CITY oi= FZE-:NTOPJ ECEIVED HYDRAULIC PROJECT _� _ M• nn APPROVAL O C T 2 7 1988 V R.C.W. 75.2O.lOO DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES 4' 17�5r�� Administration Bldg R.C.W. 75.20. 103 L"�^!�vmp, MbslQn 98504 CITY OF RENTON 0 October. 24, 1988 (206) 753-6650 DEPARTMENj ��F�Sy��I�F�$E� p e pi_, (applicant should refer to this date in all correspondence) L PAGE 1 OF 2 PAGES 10 LAST NAME FIRST 18 CONTACT PHONE(S) City of Renton 235-2631 CONTROL NUMBER 1 00-39119-01 19 STREET OR RURAL ROUTE 8 9 WRIA 0 200 Mill Avenue South:.; 08.0282 CITY STATEZIP Renton WA98055 14 17 RIWATER TRIG TARY TO May Creek. Lae Washington 11 TYPE OF PROJECT Storm _Water_ 13 UARTER SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE(E-W) COUNTY SECTION SE 32 24N 5E King Outfall TIME LIMITATIONST-.July.l; THIS PROJECT MAY BEGIN 1989 © AND MUST BE COMPLETED BY September 15, 1989 THIS APPROVAL IS TO BE AVAILABLE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES AND ITS PROVISIONS FOLLOWED BY THE PERMITTEE AND OPERATOR PERFORMING THE WORK. SEE IMPORTANT GENERAL. PROVISIONS ON REVERSE SIDE OF_ApPROVAI. 1. Project shall be built per plans labelled "May Creek - Canyon Oaks Storm Drain', dated May 1987. 2. Equipment shall not enter or o erate within the flowing stream. Planks placed across Ue creek for equipment crossing shall not disturb the streambed, nor block the stream flow. 3. Every effort shall be employed at all times to ensure that :silt -laden water is not allowed to enter state waters. This may be accomplished by placing a series of low-rise berms of pea gravel -filled burlapp bags downstream of the The project. gravel ba s shall be removed from the stream immediately upon completion of the project. 4. Thi.sroject shall be accomplished only when the weather ions have condi been predicted to ensure that the stream remains.in a low flow stage during work activities involving the stream. 5. Bank protection material shall be angular rock of a sufficient size to prevent its being washed away by water action. ; 6. Bank protection material shall be placed from the bank. Dumping onto the bank face shall be permitted only if the toe is established and the material can be confined to the bank face. SEPA: ,DNS by City of Renton, September 6, 1988 REGIONAL HABITAT MANAGER - Gayle Kreitman 545-6582 PATROL - ''• Lambert APPLICANT _ WILDLIFE - READER - PATROL - HAB. MGR. - WRIA DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES DIRECTOR. HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL • R.C.W. 7 5 . 2 O . l OO DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES General -Administration Bldg. R.C.W. 75.20. 103 Olympia, Washington 98504 0 October 24, 1988 (206) 753-6650 DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES (applicant should refer to this date in all correspondence) PAGE 12OF PAGES 10 LAST 14AVE COT T P 0 E(S) B City of Renton 18-2�3CONTROL 1 , 1 �9119-01 12 WATERMay Creek OWRIA 08.0282 7_. Bank protection material shall not appreciably reduce normal .watercourse capacity or configuration. 8. The outfall shall be constructed in a manner that will protect the existing bank vegetation. Where the vegetation is damaged, it shall be re-established immediately upon completion of the work on the river bank. LOCATION: Approximately the 3300 block of Jones Avenue NE REV 10/16/& THIS APPROVAL IS TO BE AVAILABLE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES AND ITS'PROVISIONS FOLLOWED BY THE PERMITTEE AND OPERATOR PERFORMING THE WORK. THE PERSON(S) TO WHOM THIS APPROVAL IS ISSUED MAY BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE TO FISHLIFE OR FISH HABITAT WHICH RESULTS FROM FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS APPROVAL. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS APPROVAL COULD RESULT IN A CIVIL PENALTY OF UP TO ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS PER DAY OR A GROSS MISDEMEANOR CHARGE, POSSIBLY PUNISHABLE BY FINE OR IMPRISONMENT. ALL HYDRAULIC.`PROJECT APPROVALS ISSUED'PURSUANT TO RCW 75.20.100 ARE SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS, CONDITIONS, OR REVOCATION IF THE DEPARTMENT OF.FISHERIES OR DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE DETERMINE THAT NEW BIOLOGICAL OR PHYSICAL INFORMATION INDICATES THE NEED FOR SUCH ACTION. THE PEP.MITTEE'HAS THE RIGHT PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 34.04 RCW TO APPEAL,SUCH DECISIONS:ALL, HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVALS ISSUED PURSUANT TO RCW 75.20.103 MAY BE MODIFIED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES OR'DEPARTMENT'OF WILDLIFE DUE TO CHANGED CONDITIONS AFTER CONSULTATION WITH THE PERMITTEE: PROVIDED HOWEVER, THAT SUCH MODIFICATIONS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO APPEAL TO THE HYDRAULIC APPEALS BOARD ESTABLISHED IN RCW 75.20.130.. THIS APPROVAL PERTAINS ONLY TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE CODES. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION FROM OTHER PUBLIC AGENCIES MAY BE NECESSARY FOR THIS PROJECT. Appeals- General Information If you wish to appeal denial or conditions of an HPA, there are informal and formal appeal processes available. A.Informal Appeals - An informal appeal (WAC 220-110-340) consists of contacting the Regional Habitat Manager and discussing your concerns. Most problems are resolved at this level, but if not, you may elevate your concerns to the Chief of .the Habitat Management Division.in Olympia. The Habitat Management Division Chief.s decision shall be approved or disapproved by the Director or designee. If you are not satisfied with the results of this informal appeal, a formal appeal may be.filed. B.Formal Appeals - 1) For all civil penalty appeals and for other HPA appeals which are not associated with irrigation or stockwatering diversions, a written appeal request must be filed with the department that issued -or denied the approval or levied the civil penalty you are appealing (WAC 220-110-350). 2) For appeals of denial or conditions of an HPA associated with irrigation or stock watering diversions other than civil penalty, appeals, a written appeal request must be filed with the Hydraulic Appeals Board per WAC 259-04. The mailing address of the Appeals Board is: Environmental Hearings,: Office, Building Two -Rowe Six, Lacey, Washington 98504; Telephone 206/459-6327. 3) Failure to appeal within 30 days of the date of action you are appealing results in forfeiture of all appeal rights. THIS,APPROVAL IS TO BE AVAILABLE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES AND ITS PROVISIONS FOLLOWED BY THE PERMITTEE AND OPERATOR PERFORMING THE WORK. THE PERSON(S),.TO WHOM THIS APPROVAL IS ISSUED MAY BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR,DAMAGE-TO FISHLIFE OR FISH HABITAT WHICH RESULTS FROM - FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS APPROVAL. FAILURE.TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS APPROVAL COULD RESULT IN A CIVIL PENALTY OF UP TO ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS PER DAY OR A GROSS MISDEMEANOR CHARGE, POSSIBLY PUNISHABLE.BY FINE OR IMPRISONMENT. ALL HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVALS ISSUED PURSUANT TO RCW 75.20.100 ARE SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS, CONDITIONS, OR REVOCATION IF THE DEPARTMENT, OF FISHERIES OR DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE DETERMINE THAT NEW BIOLOGICAL OR PHYSICAL INFORMATION INDICATES THE NEED FOR SUCH ACTION. THE PERMIT`1'EE HAS THE RIGHT PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 34.04 RCW TO APPEAL SUCH DECISIONS. ALL HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVALS ISSUED PURSUANT TO-RCW 75.20.103 MAY BE MODIFIED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES OR DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE DUE TO CHANGED CONDITIONS AFTER CONSULTATION WITH THE PERMITTEE: PROVIDED HOWEVER, THAT SUCH MODIFICATIONS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO APPEAL TO THE HYDRAULIC APPEALS' I� BOARDYESTABLISHED IN RCW.75.20.130. THISYAPPROVAL PERTAINS ONLY TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE CODES. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION FROM OTHER PUBLIC AGENCIES MAY BE NECESSARY FOR THIS PROJECT. �i Appeals - General Information If you wish to appeal denial or conditions of an HPA, there are informal and formal appeal processes available. A.Informal.Appeals - An informal appeal (WAC 220-110-340) consists of contacting the Regional Habitat Manager and discussing your concerns. Most problems are resolved at this level, but if not, you may elevate your concerns to the Chief of the Habitat Management Division in Olympia. The Habitat Management Division Chief.s decision shall be approved or disapproved by the Director or designee. If you are not satisfied with the results of this informal appeal, a formal appeal may be filed. B.Formal Appeals - 1) For all civil penalty appeals and for other HPA appeals which are not associated with irrigation or stock -watering diversions, a written appeal request must be filed with the department that issued or denied the approval or levied the civil penalty you are appealing (WAC 220-110-350). 2) For appeals of denial or conditions of an HPA associated with irrigation or stock watering diversions other than civil penalty appeals, a written appeal request must be filed with the Hydraulic Appeals Board per WAC 259-04. The mailing address of the Appeals Board is: . Environmental Hearings Office, Building Two -Rowe Six, Lacey, Washington 98504; Telephone 206/459-6327. 3) Failure to appeal within 30 days of=the date of action you are appealing results in forfeiture of all -appeal rights. a - CITY O!= F2ENTON �HYDRAULIC PROJECTPIECENED . , > »'. APPROVAL O C T 2 7 1988 _ n 1, 1� ;r �9� U DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES R.C.W. 75.20.100 r l Administration .:Bldg. :<s, R.C.W. 75.20. 103 PE�°��i���5'` I CITY OF R E N TO N � ���> �i�arbPcc7Pn 98504 DEPARTMENTEpF F S October. 24, 1988 (206) 753-6650 tI1;I ,hEM F, Dept. (applicant should refer to this date in all correspondence) PAGE 1 OF 2 PAGES 10 LAST NAME FIRST 18 CONTACT PHONE(S) City of Renton 235-2631 CONTROL NUMBER 1 00-39119-01 I g STREETOR RROUTEWRIA 0 200 Mill Avenue South 08.0282 CITY ZIP Renton STATE 98055 14 17 9PATER TRIG TARY TO May Creek,:. La �Ce Washington 11 TYPE OF PROJECT _Storm Water_ _ 13 UARTER SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE(E-W) COUNTY SECTION SE __ 32 __ 24N____5E___ King ____ O--- _____ TIME LIMITATIONS ; THIS PROJECT MAY BEGIN July 1, 1989 © AND MUST BE COMPLETED BY September 15, 1989 THIS APPROVAL IS TO BE AVAILABLE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES AND ITS PROVISIONS FOLLOWED BY THE PERMITTEE AND OPERATOR PERFORMING .THE WORK. SEE IMPORTANT GENERAL PROVISIONS ON'RFV RSF SIDE OF RPROVAI, 1. Project shall be built per plans labelled "May Creek - Canyon Oaks,Storm Drain', dated May 1987. 2. Equipment shall not enter or o erate within the flowing stream. Planks placed across he creek for equi ment crossing shall not disturb the streambed, nor block the s ream flow. 3. Every effort shall be employed at all times to ensure that silt -laden water is not allowed to enter state waters. This may be accomplished by placing a series of low-rise berms of pea gravel -filled burlapp bags downstream of the project. The gravel ba s shall be removed from the stream immediately upon. comple?ion of the, project. 4. This '�roj•ect shall be accomplished only when the weather ions have condi been predicted to ensure.that the stream remains in a low flow stage during work activities involving the stream. 5. Bank protection material shall be angular rock of a sufficient size to prevent its being washed away by water action. 6. Bank protection material shall be placed from the bank. Dumping onto the bank face shall be permitted only if the toe is established and the material can be confined to the bank face. SEPA: ',DNS by City of Renton, September 6, 1988- REGIONAL HABITAT MANAGER - Gayle Kreitman 545-6582 PATROL - '"": ' Lambert APPLICANT = WILDLIFE - READER - PATROL - HAB. MGR. - WRIA DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES R_ .. DIRECTOR . DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIESI,:•• HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL R.C.W. 75 .20. ZOO DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES 75 .20. lO3 General Administration Bldg. R.C.W. Olympia, Washington 98504 rj October 24, 1988 (206) 753-6650 (applicant should refer to this date in all correspondence) PAGE 12OF PAGES 10 LAST AOE COT T P 0 E(S) CONTROL B �ity of Renton 18 -2�3�1 1 d� T9119-01 12 WATERMay Creek 9❑WRIA 08.028'2 7. Bank.protection material shall not appreciably reduce normal watercourse capacity,or configuration. 8. The outfall shall be constructed in a manner that will protect the existing bank vegetation. Where the vegetation is damaged, it shall be re-established immediately upon completion of the work on the river bank. LOCATION: Approximately the 3300 block of Jones Avenue NE ;i REV 10/16/8E THIS APPROVAL IS TO BE AVAILABLE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES AND ITS PROVISIONS FOLLOWED BY THE PERMITTEE AND OPERATOR PERFORMING THE WORK. THE PERSON(S) TO WHOM THIS APPROVAL IS ISSUED MAY BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE TO FISHLIFE OR FISH HABITAT WHICH RESULTS FROM FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS APPROVAL. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS APPROVAL COULD RESULT IN A CIVIL PENALTY OF UP TO ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS PER DAY OR A GROSS MISDEMEANOR CHARGE, POSSIBLY PUNISHABLE BY FINE OR IMPRISONMENT. ALL HYDR.AULIC.'PROJECT.APPROVALS ISSUED�PURSUANT TO RCW 75.20.100 ARE SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS, CONDITIONS, OR REVOCATION IF THE DEPARTMENT OF.FISHERIES OR DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE 'DETERMINE THAT NEW BIOLOGICAL OR PHYSICAL INFORMATION INDICATES THE NEED FOR SUCH ACTION. THE PERMITTEE'HAS THE RIGHT PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 34.04 RCW TO APPEAL,SUCH DECISIONS: ALL,HYDRAUL.IC PROJECT APPROVALS ISSUED PURSUANT TO RCW 75.20.103 MAY BE MODIFIED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES OR'DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE DUE TO CHANGED CONDITIONS AFTER CONSULTATION WITH THE PERMITTEE: PROVIDED HOWEVER, THAT SUCH MODIFICATIONS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO APPEAL TO THE HYDRAULIC APPEALS BOARD ESTABLISHED IN RCW 75.20.130. THIS APPROVAL PERTAINS ONLY TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE CODES. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION FROM OTHER PUBLIC AGENCIES MAY BE NECESSARY FOR THIS PROJECT. Appeals - General Information If you wish to appeal denial or conditions of an HPA, there are informal and formal appeal processes available. A.Informal'Appeals - An informal appeal (WAC 220-110-340) consists of contacting the Regional Habitat Manager and discussing your concerns. Most problems are resolved at this level, but if not, you may elevate your concerns to the Chief of .the Habitat Management Division,in Olympia. The Habitat Management Division Chief.s decision shall be approved or disapproved by the Director or designee. If you are not satisfied with the results of this informal appeal, a formal appeal may be filed. B.Formal Appeals - 1) For all civil penalty appeals and for other HPA appeals which are not associated with irrigation or stockwatering diversions,.a written appeal request must be filed with the department that issued.or denied the approval or levied the civil penalty you are appealing (WAC 220-110-350). 2) For appeals of denial or conditions of an HPA associated with irrigation or stock watering diversions other than civil penalty, appeals, a written appeal request must be filed with the Hydraulic Appeals Board per WAC 259-04. The mailing address of the Appeals Board is: Environmental Hearings Office, Building Two -Rowe Six, Lacey, Washington 98504; Telephone 206/459-6327. 3) Failure to appeal within 30 days of the date of action you are appealing results in forfeiture of all appeal rights.. THIS APPROVAL IS TO BE AVAILABLE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES AND ITS PROVISIONS FOLLOWED BY THE PERMITTEE AND OPERATOR.PERFORMING THE WORK. THE.PERSON(S.).TO WHOM THIS APPROVAL IS ISSUED MAY BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR -DAMAGE -TO FISHLIFE OR FISH HABITAT WHICH RESULTS FROM FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS APPROVAL. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS APPROVAL COULD RESULT IN A CIVIL PENALTY OF UP TO ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS PER DAY OR A GROSS MISDEMEANOR CHARGE, POSSIBLY PUNISHABLE BY FINE OR IMPRISONMENT. ALL HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVALS ISSUED PURSUANT TO RCW 75.20.100 ARE SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS, CONDITIONS, OR REVOCATION IF THE DEPARTMENT OF.FISHERIES OR DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE DETERMINE THAT NEW BIOLOGICAL OR PHYSICAL INFORMATION INDICATES THE NEED FOR SUCH ACTION. THE PERMIT`1'EE HAS THE RIGHT PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 34.04 RCW TO APPEAL SUCH DECISIONS. ALL HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVALS ISSUED PURSUANT TO-RCW 75.20.103 MAY BE MODIFIED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES OR DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE DUE TO CHANGED CONDITIONS AFTER CONSULTATION WITH THE PERMITTEE: PROVIDED HOWEVER, THAT SUCH MODIFICATIONS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO APPEAL TO THE HYDRAULIC APPEALS`' BOARDYESTABLISHED IN RCW 75.20.130. TH I SZAPPROVAL PERTAINS ONLY TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE CODES. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION FROM OTHER PUBLIC AGENCIES MAY BE NECESSARY FOR THIS PROJECT. Appeals - General Information If you wish to appeal denial or conditions of an HPA, there are informal and formal appeal processes available. A.Informal Appeals - An informal appeal (WAC 220-110-340) consists of contacting the Regional Habitat Manager and discussing your concerns. Most problems are resolved at this level, but if not, you may elevate your concerns to the Chief of the Habitat Management Division in Olympia. The Habitat Management Division Chief.s decision shall be approved or disapproved by the Director or designee. If you are not satisfied with the results of this informal appeal, a formal appeal may be filed. B.Formal Appeals - 1) For all civil penalty appeals and for other HPA appeals which are not associated with irrigation or stockwatering diversions, a written appeal request must be filed with the department that issued or denied the approval or levied the civil penalty you are appealing (WAC 220-110-350). 2) For appeals of denial or conditions of an HPA associated with irrigation or stock watering diversions other than civil penalty appeals, a written appeal request must be filed with the Hydraulic Appeals Board per WAC 259-04. The mailing address of the Appeals Board is: . Environmental Hearings Office, Building Two -Rowe Six, Lacey, Washington 98504; Telephone 206/459-6327. 3) Failure to appeal within 30 days of --the date of action you are appealing results in forfeiture of all -appeal rights. c CITY 01z 4 r-NTOPJ r' HYDRAULIC PROJECT RECE9VED APPROVAL 0 C T 2 7 198$ 0 19 u C?;1 0 DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES T R.C.W. 75.20.100 r l Administration Bldg. a. R.C.W. 7 5 .2 0. 103 PEP ; � vO L., J511b- lc 98504 CITY OF RENTON 0 October. 24, 1988 (206) 75TQn 9 DEPARTMENTtq� ,FI$y€�F��I, Deo1. (applicant should refer to this date in all correspondence) PAGE 1 OF 2 PAGES 10 LAST NAME FIRST CONTACT PHONE(S) City of Renton 18 235-2631 CONTROL NUMBER 00-39119-01 19 STREET OR RURAL ROUTE ® . 200 Mill Avenue South;.t 08.0282 CITY ZIP Renton STATE 98055 14 17 �9 WATER TRIB TARY TO May Creek.' Lae Washington 11 TYPE OF PROJECT Storm Water_ 13� UARTER SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE(E-W) COUNTY SECTION SE . 32 24N 5E King Outfall TIME LIMITATIONS 7-_1 THIS PROJECT MAY BEGIN July.1i 1989 © AND MUST BE COMPLETED BY September 15,-1989' THIS APPROVAL IS TO BE AVAILABLE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES AND ITS PROVISIONS FOLLOWED BY THE PERMITTEE AND OPERATOR PERFORMING THE WORK. SEE IMPORTANT GENERAL PROVISION ON RFVFiLSF SIDF OF�pP 1. Project shall be built per plans labelled "May Creek - Canyon Oaks Storm Drain', dated May 1987. 2. Equipment shall not enter or o erate within the flowing stream. Planks placed across the creek for equipment crossing disturb shall not the streambed, nor block the stream flow. 3'. Every effort shall be employed at all times to ensure that silt -:laden water is not allowed to enter state waters. This -ma be accomplished by placing a series of low-rise berms of pea gravel -filled burlap ags downstream of the project. The gravel bags shall be removed from the stream immediately.upon completion of the project. 4. This ?roject shall be accom?lished only when the weather ions have condi been predic ed to ensure that the stream remains:in a low flow stage during work activities involving the stream. 5. Bank protection material shall be angular rock of a sufficient size to prevent its being washed away by water action. 6. Bank protection material shall be placed from the bank. Dumping onto the bank face shall be permitted only if the toe is established and the material can be confined to the bank face. SEPA: ` •DNS by City of Renton, September 6, 1988 :. REGIONAL HABITAT MANAGER - Gayle Kreitman 545-6582 PATROL - ''• Lambert APPLICANT = WILDLIFE - READER - PATROL - HAB. MGR. - WRIA DEPARTMENT_bF'FISHERIES DIRECTOR.. I S DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES':, HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL R.C.W. 75.20. lOO DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES {�l R.C.W. 75.20.103 General Administration Bldg. Olympia, Washington 98504 0 October 24, 1988 (206) 753-6650 (applicant should refer to this date in all correspondence) PAGE 1 ;F PAGES 10 LAST NAME CO1�3�1 T T P 0 E(S) CONTROL B City of Renton 18 -21 08 T9119-01 12 WATERMay Creek �wRIA 08.028.2 7•. Bank protection material shall not appreciably reduce normal ' <: watercourse capacity or configuration. 8.. The outfall shall be constructed in a manner that will protect the existing bank vegetation. Where the vegetation is damaged, it shall be re-established immediately upon completion of the work on the river bank. LOCATION: Approximately the 3300.block of Jones Avenue NE • �� fit, REV 10/16/88 THIS APPROVAL IS TO BE AVAILABLE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES AND ITS PROVISIONS FOLLOWED BY THE PERMITTEE AND OPERATOR PERFORMING THE WORK. THE PERSON(S) TO WHOM THIS APPROVAL IS ISSUED MAY BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE TO FISHLIFE OR FISH HABITAT WHICH RESULTS FROM FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS APPROVAL. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS APPROVAL COULD RESULT IN A CIVIL PENALTY OF UP TO ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS PER DAY OR A GROSS MISDEMEANOR CHARGE, POSSIBLY PUNISHABLE BY FINE OR IMPRISONMENT. ALL HYDRAULIC..`PROJECT APPROVALS ISSUED'PURSUANT TO RCW 75.20.100 ARE SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS, CONDITIONS, OR REVOCATION.IF THE DEPARTMENT OF.FISHERIES OR DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE DETERMINE THAT NEW BIOLOGICAL OR PHYSICAL INFORMATION INDICATES THE NEED FOR SUCH ACTION. THE PERMITTEE HAS THE RIGHT PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 34.04 RCW TO APPEAL:SUCH DECISIONS:° ALL.HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVALS ISSUED PURSUANTTO RCW 75.20.103 MAY BE MODIFIED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES OR DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE DUE TO CHANGED CONDITIONS AFTER CONSULTATION WITH THE PERMITTEE: PROVIDED HOWEVER, THAT SUCH MODIFICATIONS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO APPEAL TO THE HYDRAULIC APPEALS i BOARD ESTABLISHED IN RCW 75.20.130. THIS APPROVAL PERTAINS ONLY TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE CODES. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION FROM OTHER,PUBLIC AGENCIES MAY BE NECESSARY FOR THIS PROJECT. Appeals:- General Information If you wish to appeal denial or conditions of an HPA, there are informal and formal appeal processes available. A.Informal-Appeals - An informal appeal (WAC 220-110-340) consists of contacting the Regional Habitat Manager and discussing your concerns. Most problems are resolved at this level, but if not, you may elevate your concerns to the -Chief of -the Habitat Management Division.in Olympia. The Habitat Management Division Chiefs decision shall be approved or disapproved by the Director or designee. If you are not satisfied with the results of this informal appeal, a formal appeal may be filed. B.Formal Appeals - 1) For all civil penalty appeals and for other HPA appeals which are not associated with irrigation or stockwatering diversions, a written appeal request must be filed with the department that issued or denied the approval or levied the civil penalty you are appealing (WAC 220-110-350). 2) For appeals of denial or conditions of an HPA associated with irrigation or stock watering diversions other than civil penalty. appeals, a written appeal request must be filed with the Hydraulic Appeals Board per WAC 259-04. The mailing address of the Appeals Board is: Environmental Hearings,. Office, Building Two -Rowe Six, Lacey, Washington 98504; Telephone.206/459-6327. 3) Failure to appeal within 30 days of the date of action you are appealing results in forfeiture of all appeal rights. r::t S THIS_APPROVAL, IS TO BE AVAILABLE ON THE JOB SITE AT•ALL TIMES AND ITS PROVISIONS FOLLOWED BY THE PERMITTEE AND OPERATOR PERFORMING THE WORK. THE.PERSON(S).TO WHOM THIS APPROVAL IS ISSUED MAY BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR,DAMAGE TO FISHLIFE OR FISH HABITAT WHICH RESULTS FROM FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS APPROVAL. ' FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS APPROVAL COULD RESULT IN A CIVIL PENALTY OF UP TO ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS PER DAY OR A GROSS MISDEMEANOR CHARGE, POSSIBLY PUNISHABLE BY FINE OR IMPRISONMENT. ALL HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVALS ISSUED PURSUANT TO RCW 75.20.100 ARE SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS, CONDITIONS, OR REVOCATION IF THE DEPARTMENT OF.FISHERIES OR DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE DETERMINE THAT NEW BIOLOGICAL OR PHYSICAL INFORMATION INDICATES THE NEED FOR SUCH ACTION. THE PERMIT`1'EE HAS THE RIGHT PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 34.04 RCW TO APPEAL SUCH DECISIONS. ALL HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVALS ISSUED PURSUANT TO'RCW 75.20.103 MAY BE MODIFIED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES OR DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE DUE TO CHANGED CONDITIONS AFTER CONSULTATION WITH THE PERMITTEE: PROVIDED HOWEVER, THAT SUCH MODIFICATIONS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO APPEAL TO THE HYDRAULIC APPEALS" BOARDYESTABLISHED IN RCW 75.20.130. THISZAPPROVAL PERTAINS ONLY TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE CODES. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION FROM OTHER PUBLIC AGENCIES MAY BE NECESSARY FOR THIS PROJECT. Appeals - General Information If you wish to appeal denial or conditions of an HPA, there are informal and formal appeal processes available. A.Informal Appeals - An informal appeal (WAC 220-110-340) consists of contacting the Regional Habitat Manager and discussing your concerns. Most problems are resolved at this level, but if not, you may elevate your concerns to the Chief of the Habitat Management Division in Olympia. The Habitat Management Division Chief.s decision shall be approved or disapproved by the Director or designee. If you are not satisfied with the results of this informal appeal, a formal appeal may be filed. B.Formal Appeals - 1) For all civil penalty appeals and for other HPA appeals which are not associated with irrigation or stock -watering diversions, a written appeal request must be filed with the department that issued or denied the approval or levied the civil penalty you are appealing (WAC 220-110-350). 2) For appeals of denial or conditions of an HPA associated with irrigation or stock watering diversions other than civil penalty appeals, a written appeal request must be filed with the Hydraulic Appeals Board per WAC 259-04. The mailing address of the Appeals Board is: . Environmental Hearings Office, Building Two -Rowe Six, Lacey, Washington 98504; Telephone 206/459-6327. 3) Failure to appeal within 30 days of=the date of action you are appealing results in forfeiture of all appeal rights.