HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWP271916DESCRIPTION ADDRESS DATE DATE - cxucx's GATE TO DUE DATE TO BUILDING DATE RCVD. DATE TO RECEIVED REVIEW BERGSTROM BUILDING DEPT. PLAN NO. PERMIT BILLING 3 /Z-6'471 iZ /b—S ; z _ ,f ,cf I I I 12_ ZJ-�'% I I I -- I I �. PLAN REVIEWS O No. d 9 Project Name: Building Permit Number. Date to Utility Billing: Business or Use: Site Address: Tax Lot Number(s) Square Footage Assessment PLAN REVIEW ROUTING SLIP /2£ C64-� S APPLICANT: JOB ADDRESS: _ r- NATURE OF WORK: TO: Comments Due DATE: % L _ Comments Due I ENGINEERING DIVISION I ( FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU I ( TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION ! ( BUILDING CODE REVIEW _ I ( UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION I I ZONING & PARKING ICI OTHERS �`ti�r� I I ENERGY CODE Comments or suggestions regarding this application should be provided in writing. Please provide comments to the Building Division by 5:00 p.m. on above date. REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION S' r -0P—/liI 1 A / / '-7-1 / iTI i I I APPROVED I I APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS Signature o Director or Authorized Representative REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION I NOT APPROVED DATE� /� r i I APPROVED I I APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS I 1 NOT APPROVED Signature of Director or Authorized Representative DATE alp 2 0 i APPLICANT: JOB ADDRESS NATURE OF WORK: _ r 15 It-, TO: Comments Due Comments Due PLAN REVIEW ROUTING SLIP DATE: 1-2- I I ENGINEERING DIVISION I I FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU I I TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION I I BUILDING CODE REVIEW I I UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION I I ZONING & PARKING OTHERS 5 7-612'' r I ( ENERGY CODE vents or suggestions regarding this application should be provided in writing. ease provide comments to the Building Division by 5:00 p.m. on above date. r •� 'IEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION -� I I APPROVED ESL V4-Qs a I I APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS re of Director or Authorized Representative G DEPARTMENT/DIVISION 2' 1 ,,C / //- I ✓ �I Nd APPROVED DATE /` 2- 0" T F y _I APPROVED I ( APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS I I NOT APPROVED [L[EUU[E- OFMUSADVOTAL JOHN R. NEWELL INC S. 231 Williams Avenue South ,e 200 P.O. Box 396 RENTON, WASHINGTON 98057-0396 (206) 255-2190 TO City of Renton - Building Department *Hand Deliver (KAB) WE ARE SENDING YOU 0 Attached ❑ Under separate cover via GATE January 20, 1988 "Os'NO. A rTENT ION wt Shari's Restaurant - West ark Center e following items: ❑ Shop drawings V] Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications [I Copy of letter ❑ Change order L] Qt h P r COMES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 2 Set 1-19-88 2 Erosion Control Plan & Calculations 2 1987 1 Erosion & Sedim n _Sept. THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted 91 For your use ❑ Approved as noted ti0 As requested ❑ Returned for corrections K-I For review and comment ❑ —_ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 REMARKS ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO Surface Water Utilities Dept. w/Enclosures(2 Sets -Chuck rice) Shari's Management Corporation w/Enclosure §IGNED: �� A, Ramac, Inc. w/Enclosur(Wen�urse are not,$ natal, kindly notify us,t John R. Newell, P.E. PLAN REVIEW ROUTING SLIP itICANT: Jon ADDRESS: NATURE OF WORK: DATE: /1 v`' f� TU: Comments Due Comments Due (_ I ENGINEERING DIVISION I I FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU I I TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION I I BllILDIiJG CODE REVIEW I_ I UTILITICS LNG. UIVI8I0I4 I I ZONING b PARKING _ ICI OTHERS I ENERGY CODE Cormments or suggestions regarding this application should be "Iease provide comments to the Building Division b 5:UO provTalp in writing. Y p.m. on above daf e. REVIEWING UEPARmEN1/DIVISION 111 -2_- I APPROVED I I APPROVED WITH C014DI II01JS o n NOT APPROVED IA�7/4n S- :�`` c /� (,� Cam- /=�,w�c�rU�,� W►n.�. ��,��.�<,irCs Signature of Director or Authorized Representative REVIEWING DEPARIMENT/DIVISION DATE % 2•� (_ I APPROVED I I APPROVED WITII CONDITIONS I I NOT APPROVED �E,,P(aS/ON CONTROL PL AA1 C,4LCU�ATiONs ,ro,e Sf �/ �,q• C,7 e[{tENTTOy N J A�12 01q�8 - ay -/ow )e NEWE&& INC PS . PO. soy 396 RENTON, WA 98057 (2,oc) ZSS - 2/ 90 CcTvkivo I I-..�� Cuw �cn_k vo l im e%as-ed o vL a 5 o s 4o, a v-4 AYQa = Q X2.4o) - (0,S)CgOx'�o) = 30 3-10 sP ✓ UQ ItA n ,p �u�rec� �O�h�U128� CF. 3t v0Fi Lev\ tvu = 12a(, f 8.25 = 1$ Use po v,,d IDoow-\ avect- _ ►' x 1S2' mco(, w katlA- wl 0 �vv bdavd = Ito' at Q Iev S4- C:* nENTON JAN 2 01g98 .� DRA/NACE ANALYSIS �-i SyAR/'S RESTAURANT WE5TP4RK CENTER RENTON, WA . DEC 14 5 (19 lir By: c.1,Q11,V,e., fWfLL INC PO. BOX 39G REVfON, WA Wb5 7 (ZOG) Z55 2/90 'S ES7ATAN T P' 1 DE26" 8WAMEME5 __ CETEN704 DE5I6q ZSyQ STUeM EVENT ACCEACE TOTAL 5/7E COYERACE c(EXISTlNd) = 0.15 5 : 5'!o LPARS& T,eff.5 WITH 5yk Dj CIIA2GE 2EGFA6E RATE 345s/ SF = 0.193 Ac. C C DeV,) = 0.85 (' SIMICAe To APAQT"ENr�) USE 5C 5 TECH. /V ° 55 To CALC T c T : /0t 200/, (o x J = is sb MIN U,SE /,t E7WtJ FALo V l 4 HC-AV y 62UU/ I( yr-) _ A / YHR, / 5, 56 MIN Q(Sye) _ (0, I5)(0,7q)(/-1) = 0, 130 CFS Qo = 0,1936 CA,' 1Ac - G 2SY2 - 5/NGCE ae/F/CE T rl - Z S -� Z,_ 7 9, IY /94- V6 (342v)C-79•ge) - 4&(0.194)(?c1.`A9)_ lcld4,q 25 t 79.98 VT:' 1a12.8 CF UL,E 1333 CF �'TOOAGE ;3(0" A = 1.07 CFIFT Id8.5 ir, 461, A : /2.-e7 cF/Fr L = /oC.0 c.F. /() Z ' (46YO) = I U Z 9 1 Z, 5- = /28Z. 4 cr. 4' ( 3&'d) . 4 7, 07 = Zd 5 CF 4 (50)= 4 x l5,cl = &30CF To TA = /3743 CF ) /333C'F (�t _62IFICE /DE51 G N Q= 4,130 c•FS H- 5/,23 - 4&,75 - 4, S3 r 0, 0/Z3 d 0 ,1 Z50 FT-'! / /l!Z" o DeiFICE, J T - .SNAIZi'5 kE57AU2^NT WES T PACC CE"TE R, NFUC PIPE /�UNv m USE l0 y2 �74)QM Fore DES16" F7PE 9UN QF V4(rOR TV E)( C,5. COTICAL 12" CE-/p C0 0.5 % , - 0,7173 Ac- 7c = 5 t LJOI _ G.og MIN CONSIFEVATIV6 Z Y(PO O.q% /N64TTE/L 2.00 "/H2 4) _ (0,793)(0,b5)(2.0) : /,39 CFs I z CA4P & Fula r�= O.OZ4 1,36 CFs Q y /NSPECTICW ALL a" P PPE -S Orc CHFCK R/LEZ PIPE Foe FLOW P = O, s' t IAx TC - CO.Otb H/N -7 (2:ye) = (0.793)(O,bs)( Z,55): /,(q CFI ASSUME WE112 F(1)W Q(w) - 9,737 GrH �L 0,17353 sale Nil :: Q EF , TABLE 1 RUNOFF FACTORS FOR STORM SEWERS FLAT ROLLING 0-51 > S % UNDEVELOPED LAND Wood $ Forest . . . . . . . . . . . 0.05 0.10 Sparse Trees $ Ground Cover . . . . . . 0.10 0.15 Light Grass to Bare Ground . . . . . . 0.15 0.20 DEVELOPED AREA Pavement & Roofs . . . . . . . . . . 0.90 0.90 Gravel Roads $ Parking Lots . . . . . . 0.75 0.40 City Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . OAS 0.90 Apartment Dwelling Areas . . . . . . . 0.80 0.85-0--- Industrial Areas (Heavy) . . . . . . . 0.70 0.80 Industrial Areas (Light) . . . . . . . 0.60 0.70 Earth Shoulder . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.50 0.50 Playground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25 0.30 Lawns, Meadows & Pastures . . . . . . . 0.20 0.25 Parks & Cemetery . . . . . . . . . . . 0.15 0.20 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Dwelling Unit/Gross Acre) 1.0-1.5 DU/GA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.30 1 . 5-3.0 DU/GA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. 35 3.0-3.5 DU/GA . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 0.40 _. 3.5-4.0 DU/GA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0AS 4.0-6.0 DU/GA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0, SO 6.0-9.0 DU/GA . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 0.60 9.0-15.0 DU/GA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.70 18 5/79 1 3 4 5 10 ��■■1���■■■■�■���� /nM■//N■ 1111/AW/ AN ���■■���■1■I111111�/�■//■�%■�%11111�11//� ���■�■�■■111111111//�/•�� /��nlll►.1111�� � N 1%IIIAiI�u�� 1 11111111111 � ./ . ��iNN■NN■NNNNN��.rs■■■■wa■����t�N�NR�-������■N��NN■ ���NNN�NNG'y.��■l�N�/�IYJ��'�N�.N�•I■N�■■I■■WfAIND �� N���N■NNNN�.-rn�■��Nci�N�viNN�.N■N■�NL•,�N■■■■■�■�N��� ��■■■!��■��11:�.1111.5�n!�n�'r'/�n�■�■�■�IIIII�� . ���■■6riu1c��1111�1�.��������■■■11111111�� - ���■��' FRWA l;�i�il'�I R�,�■■��IIIlilill� ■■■Ian■■■rn■■�■�■��n■�n�n■■1■■■■■■■■���■��■■ �//�■/�■�%1�1�11111/� �■�■■■��111111111�� AREA RENTON— SEATTLE TACW NORTH BEND � ) sNoaunLntE � Pass in SKYKOMISH TYPE OF OUTLET ORIFICE WITH HEA CONSTANT FLOW ORIFICE WITH HEM CONSTANT FLOW ORIFICE WITH HEM CONSTANT FLOW ORIFICE WITH HE. CONSTANT FLOW ORIFICE WITH HE CONSTANT FLOW RETENTION%DETEN ',N BASIN EQUATIONS 10 YEAR DESIGN STORM 25 YEAR DE IGN STORM y PEAK STORAGE MAXIMUM ST PMAK�MTNUTES) MAXIMUM�FT�!r1�� 1 TIME (MINUTES) VOLUME AFT %�jG /AC� TIME .�'C 1762 T=-25+ l vs T 21382820 T=-25+ vs 3420 T - 40 QoT o JD 4T+IS 1vs 155 T=25� vs = 2g20 T 6n 25 T=-25+ fl�4 = 3420 T 60 QoT Qo T+25 - QoT o - T+25 I T=-25+ 1Q7o5 vs = 3000 T 40 T=-25+ 2Q9o4 vs = 3510 T _ 40 �c D T+25 _ QoT T + 2 5 - 1�50 VS = 3000 T T=-25+ 1Q03 vs = 3T+25T- T=-25+ o T 25 _ 60 QoT _ 60 QGT kD 2255 ,I� vs = 3607T 2706 Vs 4329 T T=-25+ V �o T+25 - 40 QoT T=-25+o T+25 - 40 Q�,T 1503 VS = 36G7T vs = 4T+25T 60 Qo? T=-25+ Qo T 25 _ 6n QoT T=-25+fll�804 _ , - kD - 4076 T=-25+ s = T - 40 QoT 5013 T=-25+�o s = T - 40 Qo _ + T 25 T+25 2718 T=-25+�-� vs 6522 T - 60 QoT 3342 T=-25+— v -8020 T - 6� nC? T+- T AD T=-25+ 2603 vs 4164 T _ 4 0 QoT T=-25+ 3n75 s 4920 T _ 4G Qo T+25 Qo T+25 1735 T=-25+� -�— Vs 4164 T -T- - 60 QoT 205, T=-25+o s 4920 T - 60 QoT T+25 pr �EeOS/DN CON NOS PL AA1 CALCt&AT1011,16 gale S1-IARz/'S �N R. NF�`� �p�oF WgSh�F�` ►A�O����IS1 am L 201gRs =- BV JOIN 'e. NEWEtL INC p S . P 0. Sox 396 RENTON, WA 98057 (206) Z55 - 2190 kGcn ' S Fvostov� %vk'tyo I i�..0 CTM �(A_k vo l v w �_ ba.s�cA o K ©,S o v-e�n �. anc 4 /AvQc- : X24o) - (a,S)(10X-3O) = 30 3-10 SP 6:1 I' VoL I FT = (1 9fi i )Cis) ( (�S)= 83 FT L.ev\.�ivv - 12b(/ 8,15 = [:�S.I, use Po %&cl bottovw-\ Q\vect- = t' x IS2' IMu�,, Vj (dfU- wl 0 - ,\(,w boavJ = Ico' at C I,ew, S4 C: GENTON }, 2 olq,8 fl TO , JOHN R. NEWELL INC. - S. 231 Williams Avenue South a 200 P.O. Box 396 RENTON, WASHINGTON 98057-0396 (206) 255-2190 City of Renton - Storm Water Utilities Dept. *HAND DELIVER WE ARE SENDING YOU M Attached ❑ Under separate cover via DATE January 5, 1988 JOa NO. ATTENTION Mr. Chuck Price Shari's Restaurant & Silver Cloud Motor Inn - Westpark Center O Shop drawings Prints O Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ the following items: ❑ Specifications 9P CC04ES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 2 6-28-87 1 T.E.S.C.P./Sheet Al of C,. L THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval In For your use I$i As requested ❑ For review and comment ❑ FOR BIDS DUE ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Returned for corrections O 19 ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS Submitted per your request. Other copies submitted on December 21 1987 became_ lost at the Citv of Renton. Ica IL VAVWO COPY TD SIGNED: it anc/osures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. Kimberly A. Bateman PLAN REVIEW ROUTING SLIP DATE: APPLICANT: 5 JOB ADDRESS: k$ ZO li i aDL1; JAUt i PVITI PF OF WORK: _ 1,.J CD N 5T (j-C TO: Comments Due Comments Due I I ENGINEERING DIVISION I I FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU I TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION I I BUILDING CODE REVIEW I UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION I ( ZONING & PARKING I QI iL�ERS S ib ENERGY CODE Comments or suggestions regarding this application should be provided in writing Please provide comments to the Building Division by 5:00 p.m. on above date. REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION I I APPROVED I l) Mk,-- cAaencs I APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS i�I NOT APPROVED P ( .n S, � 2) 7-,FSCp Re-t0f r'eJ for �o t1. S ke-rh's rjC"J'-ro s. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION I APPROVED I I APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS I I NOT APPROVED PLAN REVIEW ROUTING SLIP DATE: APPLICANT: JOB ADDRESS: \Q, ZO U QD I' MA P ?P.E OF WORK: -W ` 4.1 C. "D N n 0 TO: Comments Due Comments Due I I ENGINEERING DIVISION I I FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION I I BUILDING CODE REVIEW I I UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION I I ZONING & PARKING I I -QI i�ERS Cj ('b kM -� 7 "Z I I ENERGY CODE Comments or suggestions regarding this application should be provided in writing. Please provide comments to the Building Division by 5:00 p.m. on above date. REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION I APPROVED I I APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS l, M4 EC,- cAa e> 2� ,FSCp /?c,�01rej -'o,r Signature of Director or Authorized Representative REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION �I NOT APPROVED 1Z3 C\ s P e w � i nn Go . p�siy I I APPROVED I I APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS Signature of Director or Authorized Representative DATE / .f � I NOT APPROVED DATE APPLICANT: C• JOB ADDRESS: NATURE OF WORK: 10: PLAN REVIEW ROUTING SLIP Comments Due DATE: /Z kh'71- Comments Due I ENGINEERING DIVISION I ( FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU I I TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION I ( BUILDING CODE REVIEW I UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION I I ZONING & PARKING I I OTHERS 7 I ( ENERGY CODE Comments or suggestions regarding this application should be provided in writing. Please provide comments to the Building Division by 5:00 p.m. on above date. REVIEWING DEPARTMEN1/DIVISION_. I I APPROVED I I APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS II NOT APPROVED �qkG es CN S ecJ 0 n 47/4' S. c�-si='l/ 1/cam%�/mc_ E � ��rs � �• J'/ �� S `�) � r' • /\ `1 r. � C:� � /s r�'� r�/,� C�'(` a ��� � �7 Cj < . Ism Pf't �'r// C S Signature of Director or Authorized Representative REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION DATE_,` 1-1 APPROVED I I APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS I I NOT APPROVED PLAN REVIEW ROUTING SLIP DATE • APPLICANT: > J�/1�7c:, ,� L3-7— �f�/t%%— JOB ADDRESS: NATURE OF WORK: TO: Comments Due Comments Due I ENGINEERING DIVISION I FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU I TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION I I BUILDING CODE REVIEW I I UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION I I ZONING & PARKING II OTHERSV191A7 ( I ENERGY CODE i Comments or suggestions regarding this application should be provided in writing. Please provide comments to the Building Division by 5:00 p.m. on above date. REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION_.��Z�,��/V% I I APPROVED I I APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS I �� NOT APPROVED �✓Iqk 6A o y,, e s exS i r Cj , 0% cj o r, / n S . ;< <. /�'1•"�tl���t �,Gr� �^^—'s/"l/ f���/[/!'7�c'_ � c�,S��jY� �'lS DATE Signature of Director or Authorized Representative REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION I I APPROVED I I APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS I I NOT APPROVED _ DATE Signature of Director or Authorized Representative #le3 DRA/NA GE FOR ANALY515 59AR/ 'S RESTAURANT INESTPARK CENTER RENTON) WA . e y: c/oHA/ R. NEwELL IN P0, 90X 39G RE AW, WA 45b5 I (206) 255- 2190 !ZI 'S ESTAU2ANT wacr 50x, CgNT��__ P. I DE11,11IG14 MFTER5 LiETENTION DESIC14 ZS y2 5TOFM EVENT f4CIZEACE TOTAL 5/TE COVERAGE �(Ezrsr�Nb) = D. I5 'PARS— TQffS WITH 5 yR 1)1 .5CEIAIZGE RELEASE RATE 345SI SF . 0,1g3 AC. c C Dev,) = 0,85 (SIM/64e To APAZTMENT-<) USE 5C5 TECH. N` 55 TO CACZ T c T = IO -t 200/, (Ox 6a = 15.56 MIN USE /� E7W" F&LOO 4 HEAVY B2USEI (S y4) = /, / 15.5(ox I IN Q(Svc) = (O,l5)(�,?9)(//� = 0,130 CFS Qo = (0, /30)/0.79 �( 0, 85 = 0,1936 CF.5 /Ac - C. v 26"y,e - 51NUE O,eIF/CE TZ - ZS + 2/38--- _ 79.W 1� . Ins = (342v)(?9. ?C) 25 t 79.9f� VT:' (19E¢.9 )(,b'S11, 7 9) = 13 ? 2, 8 c F }. +q. U:.E 1333 CF �T02AGE ,etQ'D 3(p" A r 7.07 CFI FT L- 198.5 LF- 46A - I2.5? CF/F7 L = /06,0 G.F. /QZ' (46"0) = IOZ l Z- 57 = I28Z.4 CF. 4' ( 36,10)= 4 7.07- ZY !� CF 4 (S1'0) = 4 15-9 = (03 6 L F To TA = 131*3 cf ) 1333 CF 0C1-1� 621FICE PES 1 G N = 0, l3o C.F.5 H= 5/, -73 - 46,7S 53 ' Q = 01/30/1(vZ V (o44Y'4.5-3' - 0,OIZ3 d U.(Z3) _ J - 71- 0, I Z50 F T = / /Z" Oe►F10E SPAV'5 kfSTAUI'ZANT WE5T PAC..L `'HvTER pZ c l-I EC IC PIPE /q UN.110 - USE ID i/12 STOQM FCe DESIGN PIPE ZtIN EFS7PICTG.2 %U fX C, 5 C 21TICA4. 12', C-lp �,, 0,5j% d = 0,7g3 AL� Tc - 5 + LJa _ G•ob' MAN -0N5CEVATIVE Z X(FO a,q% /N641T7f2 q= (0,793)(0,56)(2,O)= 1,39 CF5 l2" C'MP & FucL = js1= O,OZ4 1,36 CFI Sy /N5-PECTICW ACL 8" PIPE 5 o�c CHECK RILEE PIPE FOP F&OW 1/= 0,5' tIAX Tc = (p,Ob MIN r 2y,e) = (o,7y3)Co,Ss)f Z5): 1,G9 Cl:s A-5,--clNE WEIR f-L& N (Vrw) - 9, 739 Pr 9 4y N z r 1,Vy/ C 9,739)(I) - 0, I7353 N= 0,I7353 Z/" U.::/` 40,. 1 /0, K QEF TABLE 1 RUNOFF FACTORS FOR STORM SEWERS FLAT ROLLING 0-S% >So UNDEVELOPED LAND Wood $ Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.05 0.10 Sparse Trees & Ground Cover . . . . . . 0.10 0.15 Light Grass to Bare Ground . . . . . . 0.15 0.20 DEVELOPED AREA Pavement & Roofs . . . . . . . . . . 0.90 0.90 Gravel Roads & Parking Lots . . . . . . 0.75 0.$0 City Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.85. 0.90 Apartment Dwelling Areas . . . . . . . 0.80- 0.85-o-- Industrial Areas (Heavy) . . . . . . . 0.70 0.80 Industrial Areas (Light) . . . . . . . 0.60 0.70 Earth Shoulder . . . . . . . . . . . . O.SO 0.50 Playground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25 0.30 Lawns, Meadows & Pastures . . . . . . . 0.20 0.2S Parks & Cemetery . . . . . . . . . . . 0.15 0.20 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (Dwelling Unit/Gross Acre) 1 .0 -1 .5 DU/GA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.30 1.5-3.0 DU/GA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.35 3.0-3.5 DU/GA . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 0.40_. 3.5-4.0 DU/GA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.45 4.0-6.0 DU/GA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.50 6.0-9.0 DU/GA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.60 9.0-15.0 DU/GA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.70 18 S/79 l 7 Z / r� % 4 5 10 rn 50 40 30 20 H 10 c� 9 8 al w 7 a 6 zi 5 w 4 Liny a v: 3 w x a 0 U 2 a W Q 3 1 .2 .3 .4 .5 1 2 3 4 5 10 zu VELOCITY IN FEET PER SECOND } AVERAGE VELOCITIES FOR ESTIMATING TRAVEL TIME FOR OVERLAND FLOW SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE TECHNICAL RELEASE NO.55 JANJURI 1975 RETENTION/DETEN ',N BASIN EQUATIONS AREA TYPE OF OUTLET RENTON- ORIFICE WITH HE) SEATTLE I CONSTANT FLOW ORIFICE WITH HE, TAEW — CONSTANT FLOW NORTH ORIFICE WITH HE. BEND I - CONSTANT FLOW jSNOQUALM I E ORIFICE WITH HE to PASS r in CONSTANT FLOW fo- - ORIFICE WITH HE SKYKOMISH CONSTANT FL01r -r10 YEAR DESIGN STORM 25 YEAR DE IGN STORM PEAK STORAGE MAXIMUM STQ AG PEAK STORAGE MAXIMUM STO%'--F I AFT I TIME (MINUTES) VOLUME (FT3�AC TIME (MINUTES) VOLUME AC1 ,D T=-25+ W62 Vs = 2820 T 40 T=-25+ jj138 A- Ys = 3420 1 4 � T� - QoT Qo T+25 - c Vs Y = T=-25+,J1175 2820 T_ 60 1425 T=-25+ 3s 420 T Y Qo T+25 Q 0T I �- T+25 - 60 Qo' t 1875 T=-25 VS = 3000 T 2194 T=-25+Q Vs = 3510 T �o _ 40 QoT o _ 40 Qt1D T+25 T + 2 5 r ) VS = 3000 T - 60 QoT 13 T=-25+ n 0 YS = 3� 7T=25 T+ 60 QoTT 25 - %D 2255 --�-o T=-25+ s - 40 QoT 2-01 6 V - s - 4T+25T V T+625T - T=-25+ - 40 QoT 1503 Vs = 3607T 60 1804 Vs = 4329 T 60 T=-25+ Qo T+25 - QoT T=-25+ Qo T+25 - Q07 ND T=-25+ 4076 VS = 6522 T _ 40 Qo T T=-25+ 5013 VS-V7= 8020 T 40 Qo T+25 Qo 7+25 vs — T _ + 2718 25 �-�- 6522 T 60 - + V3342 T -25 s T F -- T+ - QoT Tom- - �T qD T=-25+ 2603 VS - 4164 T - 40 QoT T=-25+ ff3n:1:5: VS - 4920 T _ ar Qo T+25 Qo T + 2 5 T=- + 1735 4164 T -,- - 60 QoT — =- +fE20 � T 25 4920 T25 - 60 Qo 7o QO T+25 7 LETUF VF MUMS OWTUAL JOHN R. NEWELL INC. O.S. 231 Williams Avenue South a 200 P.O. Box 396 RENTON, WASHINGTON 98057-0396 (206) 255-2190 TO City of Renton - Public Works Dept. *HAND DELIVER (KAS) WE ARE SENDING YOU [� Attached ❑ Under separate cover via ❑ Shop drawings q Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ DATE December 4, 1987Te No. ATTENTION Mr. Chuck Price "E Shari's Restaurant - Westpark Center the following items: ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications COMES DATE No. DESCRIPTION 2 Sept. 1987 1 Paving & Drainage Plan/Sheet 1 of 2 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted 6 For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections d For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE _19 REMARKS ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US ti' I COPY TO SIGNED: If enclosures an not as noted, kindly notNy us at J 0 h n R . N ewe 11 , P . E UETTIE TO JOHN R. NEWELL INC. — S. 231 Williams Avenue South 3 200 P.O. Box 396 RENTON, WASHINGTON 98057-0396 (206) 255-2190 City of Renton - Engineering *HAND DELIVER WE ARE SENDING YOU lj Attached ❑ Under separate cover via [I Shop drawings I] Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order E3 Btl DATE November 19, 1987 JO' NO. ATTENTION Mr. Don Monohan ME Shari's Restaurant - Westpark Center _the following items: ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications COMES DATE No. DESCRIPTION ,_ 1 Set 8 Drainage Analysis THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted EX For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections Ex For review and comment 171 ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 REMARKS ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO SIGNED: If *nclotur*/ ors, not as noted, kindly notify um .t .Co.oKim A. Bateman JOHN R. NEWELL INC., P.S. 231 Williams Aver Guth Suite 200 P.O. 396 RENTON, WASHINGTON 98057-0396 (206) 255-2190 l0 City of Renton - Engineering Department *HAND DELIVER WE ARE SENDING YOU LX Attached ❑ Under separate cover via ❑ Shop drawings q Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ DATE November 18, 1987 JO• NO. ATT[NTION Mr. Don Monohan R[ Shari's Restaurant - Westpark Centl Silver Cloud Motor Inn - Westpark _the following items: ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 2 Sept. 198 1 Paving & Drainage Plan/Sheet 1 of 2 (Shari's) 2 Nov. 1987 1 Waterworks Plan/Sheet 1 of 1 (Shari's) 2 Sets 11-18-87 2 Water Improvements/Sheet 1 thru 2 of 2.(Silver Cloud) THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections V For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 REMARKS ❑ Resubmit copies for approval Ll Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US c- COPY TO SIGNED: it enclosures ore not as noted. kindly notify us of .Co.oa I eTi n