HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWP273124 (5) ;Ronald Straka Johns Creek Maintenance Language Page 1 From: "David Masters" <DMasters@1405.wsdot.wa.gov> To: "Ronald Straka" <Rstraka@ci.renton.wa.us> Date: 04/07/2005 3:46:42 PM Subject: Johns Creek Maintenance Language Ron: Thanks again for your continued effort to help resolve issues and move this effort forward. As we discussed on the phone, it is going to be extremely difficult to resolve who should maintain what till we get to the final design process. I expect that several issues will get addressed at that point. The concept that should continue to drive this discussion is that we all want an outcome that is fair to all parties. Your suggestion to reroute the pipe on the east side of 405 to improve maintenance access is a great idea, and would get worked in as part of the final design process. The option of fully separating freeway runoff from the local drainage could also be examined in more detail at that point, to fully separate flows and maintenance responsibilities. Once the final design details are identified, it will be much easier to come to conclusions on which agency should pay for what maintenance. . Here is some language that I propose we use to address the maintenance issue in the Letter of Concurrence and supporting documentation. This is trying to say"we agree to work out this detail once we get to the final design process." Please let me know if this is going to work adequately for the City. David <<Proposed Maintenance language v3.doc>> This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are NOT the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this e-mail in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. CC: "Stacy Trussler" <stacyt@1405.wsdot.wa.gov>, "John Donatelli" <johnd@1405.wsdot.wa.gov>, "Alan Black" <ABlack@1405.wsdot.wa.gov>, "Dale Anderson" <DaleA@1405.wsdot.wa.gov> r tarty agrees 9- to own, � �. a ..,c. ..s te an am t emoutsir , ytdeof WSDOTR®W *To�accept ownership upon completion of construction, and to operate and maintain those portions of the conveyance system which lie outside of the WSDOT ROW as shown in the 15% design review plans. The City's agreement to maintain these systems is contingent upon the City's approvals in regards to ease of maintenance access. A final agreement addressing maintenance issues will be developed as part of final design and will address which portions of the final system will be maintained by the City and which portions will be maintained by WSDOT, and how maintenance costs will be distributed between the two parties. The City will aete,.., i e the upon ,,l f the final design. WSDOT agrees: ate, and ma ntainA e conveyance system'witUf the WSDOT ROW ♦ To own, operate, and maintain the portions of the Johns Creek conveyance system that lie within the WSDOT ROW. A final agreement addressing maintenance issues will be developed as part of final design and will address which portions of the final system will be maintained by the City and which portions will be maintained by WSDOT, and how maintenance costs will be distributed between the two parties. * To reinibufse the Gity ,.FDe„ton f the additional long te,-,,, m .,te,-aRee CE)st I , Corridor Program Congestion Relief&Bus Rapid Transit Projects 600— 108th Avenue NE, Suite 405 Bellevue,WA 98004 Main 425-456-8500 Fax 425-456-8600 May 23, 2005 RECEIVED City,of Renton MAY 15 MM 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Transportation systems Div. Attn: Gregg Zimmerman Re: Renton Nickel Improvement Project—Utility Impacts Since our last letter concerning utilities to the City of Renton dated 7 December 2004, work has continued on the preliminary design for the Renton Nickel Improvement Project and the 1-405 Team is on schedule to award completion of the design and construction to a pre-qualified Design/Build Contractor in late 2007. Our Team is working closely with the City of Renton's Utilities Task Force; evaluating and developing solutions to potential conflicts between the proposed road widening and structural work and existing utilities owned by the City of Renton. With respect to city-owned utilities,the City of Renton is legally responsible to pay for the relocation of its facilities located within the 1-405 limited access right of way. Although the legislature has not repealed RCW 47.44.030,the state Supreme Court has ruled unconstitutional the portion of that stature that authorizes the state to pay to relocate utilities unless a utility owns an easement or fee title to the property. WSDOT is the fee owner of 1-405, a limited access highway, and therefore, the City of Renton is required to pay for its own utility relocation. As our two teams work together to identify utility conflicts, we feel that it is appropriate to suggest that measures be initiated by the City to ensure that sufficient funds are available and contractual matters in-place for relocation or protection of affected services in accordance with existing Utility and Franchise permits, and WSDOT's schedule for the Renton Nickel Improvement Project. Our Engineers are available to meet with City officials and staff at your convenience. In the meantime, rest assured that work is continuing toward identifying and quantifying impacts, if any, to the City's existing services. Please call the undersigned at (425) 456-8542 if you have any questions or concerns. Yours Truly Bruce Dibert Engineering Services Manager Cc: Nick Afzali —Transportation Planning and Programming Manager 1-405 Project Team File .... TDepaWash ngtonintent State ports D artment of Transportation From: "Earnest Liou" <earnest.liou@1405.wsdot.wa.gov> To: "Christian Munter" <Cmunter@ci.renton.wa.us> Date: 12/04/2004 2:58:20 PM Subject: RE: Fwd: Electronic CAD files Chris, I was on vacation last week and did not see your email until Monday 11/29. 1 have looked into the CN numbers you questioned and explain as follows: i'�cJ/Ay �s 70 �yo Your comments on Exhibit B, Page 2 of 12: CN of 51 for residential distiricts (61 at a min.?) Page 4 of 12: CN of 81 for Industrial areas (Should be closer to 98?) s �Z Reply: We used the information shown on the General Soil Map for King Countyr— Area, Washington by US Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service (Date unknown). The soil for this area is"Everett association" with description as"somewhat excesssively drained, gravelly, gently undulating soils underlain by sand and gravel: on terraces". From Table 413-1 of Highway Runoff Manual (March 2004), Everett soil is of ��? Hydrologic Group A. Stormshed applies a CN value of 51 and CN of 81 for the area of concern. These are consistent with we get using the Ecology s•�,(4>s\ S 7�(��) guideline in their Table 2.3"Runoff Curve Numbers for Selected J Agricultural, Suburban, and Urban Areas". C _ When we looked into this further, we concluded that you must be ��(���+07106 g, referring to the City's Soil Group map by Berryman and Henigar that 1 defined the hydrologic soil group in the same area having Hydrologic C/4= qS Soil Group A, B and C. Are you suggesting that we adjust the CN values accordingly? Your comments on Exhibit E: Page 1-3 of 3: CN of 90 for roads (98, 95 at a min. with landscaping?) The area that you indicated includes roadway pavement, the ,3( °�9> vegetated/landscaped area for embankment side slopes, ditches and the \ side slope areas between roadway pavement and the WSDOT Right-of-way I 1 limits. The vegetated area is considered Hydrologic Soil Group C and accounts for about one third of the total area. The CN of 90 is consistent with we get using the Ecology guideline. We are still in the process of evaluating the Johns Creek backwater effect of the outfall pipe system. As soon as we have completed the evaluation and in-house QA/QC processes, we will submit the results for your review and comment. Earnest -----Original Message----- From: Christian Munter[mailto:Cmunter@ci.renton.wa.us] Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 9:15 AM To: Earnest Liou Cc: Ronald Straka Subject: RE: Fwd: Electronic CAD files Earnest, I've had a chance to review your Appendix E-John's Creek Backwater analysis and I have a couple of questions and comments. As discussed at our last meeting, a backwater analysis of the outlet pipes should be performed. On page 10 it states the outlet pipes are sized using the Manning's formula and the 100-yr design frequency. In high water surface elevaton periods, outlet control due to tailwater affects will be the deciding factor for conveyance capacity and this should be factored into the backwater analysis. Also, I have some questions in regards to some of the CN values used in your hydrologic calculations. If you would check and clarify the following for me. Exhibit B: Page 2 of 12: CN of 51 for residential distiricts (61 at a min.?) Page 4 of 12: CN of 81 for Industrial areas (Should be closer to 98?) Exhibit E: Page 1-3 of 3: CN of 90 for roads (98, 95 at a min. with landscaping?) Thanks for your help. Chris Christian D. Munter, P.E. Surface Water Utility City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way- 5th Floor Renton WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7205 Fax: 425-430-7241 cmunter@ci.renton.wa.us This message has been scanned by the City of Renton's filtering gateway. CC: "Alan Black" <ABlack@HNTB.com>, "David Masters" <DMasters@HNTB.com> From: "Earnest Liou" <earnest.liou@1405.wsdot.wa.gov> To: "Christian Munter" <Cmunter@ci.renton.wa.us> Date: 02/28/2005 4:45:47 PM Subject: RE: Outfall Pipeline Hydraulic Analysis Appenix F Chris, As we discussed over the phone on Friday February 25, 2005, 1 have looked into the comments made by you. Our responses to your comments are as follows: Question/Comment 1: On your Outfall Backwater Analysis spreadsheet, the a�1 E.G. at MH 3 is 33.53. Should this be 35.03? c Response: The E.G. at MH3 of 33.53 is correct. It is calculated by adding water surface at MH3 and the velocity head in the pipe (E.G. at S MH3= 32.76'+ 0.77' = 33.53'). The water surface elevation at a structure 1� is calculated by adding the water surface structure of downstream structure and the friction loss in the pipe and all the minor losses �{y between the two structures. For example, Water surface elevation at MH1 � ' r =Water surface elevation at MH1A+Total Loss between MH1 and MH1A 25.61+1.95 = 27.56(Refer to WSDOT Hydraulic Manual M23-03 March 2004, pp. 6-9 and 6-10). r Question/Comment 2: On the profile sheets, the manhole diameters need to be looked at and adjusted accordingly. Example, there are a number of O Y 48" and 60" manholes with 72" diameter pipes running through them. They are also identified at Type 3. Response: The Manhole types and sizes have been looked at and the corrections are as follows:WSDOT Standard Manhole Type 2, 96-inch Diameter should be applied to MH 1A, 1, 2A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. WSDOT Standard Manhole Type 1, 54-inch Diameter should be applied to MH 10, 11, 12, 13 AND 14. Question/Comment 3: On profile sheet 29 of 63, the hydraulic grade line is at the top of the manhole, close enough to have potential flooding. This should be addressed. It appears the manhole is located in a paved area. Also, depending on the outcome of comment 1., a number of changes to the H.G. line might occur. Response: The HGL line shown on the profile is for 100-year storm event under steady flow condition, and under these conditions the HGL at 1 Manhole 4 is near the manhole top. Since the existing storm drain system in the area is designed for much lesser storm events (typically 10 year events), the inlet capacity will not be able to handle the 100-year event. Under the 100-year storm event, flooding of roadway surfaces in this area is expected due to the inlet limitations, and is not associated with Hydraulic Grade Line which, as the reviewer correctly noted, is close to the top of the manhole. In addition, the rainfall conditions necessary to produce this potential flooding condition will last only briefly during the 100-yr peak flow (typically 10-15 minutes or less). The 100-year HGL line as shown is correct and does not need to be changed. Please let us know if you have any additional comments. Thanks. Earnest -----Original Message----- From: Christian Munter[mailto:Cmunter@ci.renton.wa.us] Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 8:58 AM To: Earnest Liou Cc: Ronald Straka; David Masters Subject: Outfall Pipeline Hydraulic Analysis Appenix F Earnest, I've had a chance to look over the above-mentioned report and have a few questions/comments. 1. On your Outfall Backwater Analysis spreadsheet, the E.G. at MH 3 is 33.53. Should this be 35.03? If so, the difference would carry through. Please let me know. 2. On the profile sheets, the manhole diameters need to be looked at and adjusted accordingly. Example, there are a number of 48" and 60" manholes with 72"diameter pipes running through them. They are also identified at Type 3. 3. On profile sheet 29 of 63, the hydraulic grade line is at the top of the manhole, close enough to have potential flooding. This should be addressed. It appears the manhole is located in a paved area. Also, depending on the outcome of comment 1., a number of changes to the H.G. line might occur. Please look over these comments and get back to me at your earliest convenience. Thanks. Chris Christian D. Munter, P.E. Surface Water Utility City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way- 5th Floor Renton WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7205 Fax: 425-430-7241 cmunter@ci.renton.wa.us CC: "Alan Black" <ABlack@HNTB.com>, "David Masters" <DMasters@HNTB.com> DISCUSSION DRAFT Dec 28th, 2004 Johns Creek Agreement Outline: City of Renton and WSDOT This document outlines the )d agreement between the City of Renton and the Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT)to establish a stormwater discharge to Johns Creek at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park in the City of Renton. Included in this outline are the 15 Lo design for the Johns Creek Outfall and related conveyance systems (attachme ] X , and a listing of the responsibilities of each party as part of the anticipated agreement. Both parties are aware that the Johns Creek Outfall is a part of the larger North Renton Congestion Relief and Bus Rapid Transit Project(North Renton Project), and that 17 funding for the North Renton Project has not been allocated at the time this document �--�,�` was prepared. th parties presume that funding will occur in the foreseeable future and �r"r 5�•, the wish t ecord this agreement now to provide the certainty that the Johns Creek Outfall and was sociate ow exemption will be included as designed in the North k Renton Projec once funding is secured and construction commences. Both parties agree: the Park needs to be protected during construction ♦ That Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park is an important recreational resource to the City of Renton, and that substantial efforts should be made during construction of the Johns Creek Outfall to minimize disruption of Park uses; and the Johns Creek Backwater Study is accurate t' ♦ That the Johns Creek Backwater Study accurately describes the existing condition of the local drainage system in the vicinity of Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park at the ` time of this agreement, and accurately anticipates the effects of Johns Creek Outfall e' on the local drainage systems in the Johns Creek watershed; and - flows under discussion currently go to Johns Creek ♦ That stormwater runoff flows from the affected section of I-405 and tributary areas of the City are currently routed to Johns Creek via local drainage systems, and these flows are contributing to infrastructure limitations in the local conveyance systems; and -the change in impervious area in the Johns Creek Watershed from I-405 improvements is small ♦ That construction of the North Renton Congestion Relief and Bus Rapid Transit Project would increase impervious area within Ae Johns Creek watershed by approximately 7 acres. This amounts to a 0.6% increase in impervious area across the Johns Creek watershed, which would result in a very small increase to existing flows; and -I'1t Johns Creek Agreement Outline Page 2 12/28 DISCUSSION DRAFT -providing water quality treatment to I405 runoff will improve Johns Creek ♦ That providing enhanced water quality treatment to I-405 stormwater flows within the ,��'t w Johns Creek watershed would result in substantial im rovements to existing water quality in discharges to Johns Creek; and ? -that detention is not necessary in this instance as it provides no additional protection to �,a�'J` downstream resources '�'" ♦ That providing detention to 1-405 runoff routed to the Johns Creek Outfall prior to 1�1' discharge would provide no meaningful environmental or resource protection benefit. The outfall location, as shown to the north of the Park entrance, is within the n Y-)W backwater area of Lake Washington, there is sufficient channel capacity in the pry Sv affected reach of Johns Creek to safely accommodate unrestricted stormwater runoff V't�,,���"� flows from the I-405 corridor, and that post-project flow velocities would be low _ enough that there are no erosion or bank stability concerns;and - the new system will also convey the 100 yr local flows from upstream basins `I"CW1_ d . ♦ That the I-405 conveyance shall convey the 100-year design storm of 3 upstream sub- j40&.J 1° basins of Johns Creek that currently cross I-405 to the new discharge so that these • flows are removed from the local conveyance systems they currently occupy; and -the new conveyance system and outfall will reduce flooding near Southport bridge ♦ That establishing the Johns Creek Outfall will reduce flooding in the vicinity of the Southport stream crossing immediately upstream of Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park; and -the new conveyance system will free capacity in existing conveyance systems ♦ That establishing the Johns Creek Outfall will free capacity in existing local drainage and conveyance systems; and -the new system makes efficient use of transportation dollars 7 (��S+That establishing the Johns Creek Outfall will make efficient use of transportation funding; and - , 4' T nstructing the new system is in the best interests of both City of Renton and WSDOThat establishing the Johns Creek Outfall is in the best interests of the City of Renton, and the State. %7n Ti City of Renton agrees: - to provide easWegs f1 ♦ To Re o a drainage and construction easements to allow construction and operation of stormwater outfall and related conveyance system as described in the 15% design document(attachment; and - to participate in finalizing design ♦ To participate in discussions with WSDOT and the Design/Build team as part of progressing the 15%design to the final design; and - to support direct discharge waiver if one is needed ♦ To support a WSDOT request for a direct discharge waiver to Department of Ecology, should such a waiver be deemed necessary as part of the permitting process for the North Renton Project; and rt V Johns Creek Agreement Outline Page 3 12/28 DISCUSSION DRAFT -to work towards consensus to address new issues ♦ To work with WSDOT and the Design/Build team to reach consensus on how to address new issues as they develop as part of the implementation process for the Johns Creek Outfall; and - to own,operate and maintain the conveyance system outside of WSDOT ROW ♦ To accept ownership upon completion of construction, and to operate and maintain fV u those portions of the conveyance system which lie outside of the WSDOT ROW. WSDOT agrees: NOTE: General Ap-reements -to construct as planned ♦ To construct the Johns Crpestormwater outfall as described in the 15% design document(attachmen(nWand -to participate in finalizing design ♦ To participate in discussions with City of Renton and the Design/Build team as part of progressing the 15%design to the final design; and - to make no project changes without concurrence from Renton ♦ To make no changes to the o o design or the area draining to this outfall (as described in attachment�ithout prior concurrence from the City of Renton; and -to provide enhanced water quality treatment for e 40�flows ♦ To provide enhanced water quality treatmen*(per� DOT Highw ual standards applicable at the time of final design) for 100%of th ollution generating pavement surfaces within the I-405 corridor which is routed to the Johns Creek discharge; and - to provide conveyance capacity to handle 100yr flows from I-405 ♦ To provide conveyance capacity sufficient to handle stormwater flows generated by the implementation phase of the North Renton Congestion Relief and Bus Rapid Transit Project; and -to provide conveyance capacity to handle 100yr flows from offsite basins .�' ♦ To provide conveyance capacity sufficient to handle current d future off-site flows C&X%W' , from upstream tributary areas identified on ma or i ure , and as described in the Johns Creek Backwater Study. It is agreed that WSDOT will capture off-site flows upstream of 1-405 and route them directly to the Johns Creek Outfall without detention or treatment, thereby diverting flows away from existing City of Renton local conveyance systems west of I-405. It is agreed that nos constitutes 3Sa JfS sufficient capacity to meet this requirement; and -to own, operate and maintain the conveyance system within the WSDOT ROW ♦ To own, operate and maintain the portions of the Johns Creek conveyance system which lie within the WSDOT ROW. Johns Creek Agreement Outline Page 4 12/28 DISCUSSION DRAFT NOTE: Protection of Park Uses, Timing Issues �` -to minimize impacts to Park operations ♦ To work diligently with City of Renton Parks Department and the D sign/Build team during construction to minimize physical impacts and disruption to operations at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park and at the Park Maintenance Facility; and - to construct upland portions between Oct 15th and March I't ♦ To minimize disrupting access to the Park by Park users, construction of the portions of the Johns Creek Outfall in the vicinity of the Park will occur during periods of low Park use (between October 15th and March V)except where limited by State and Federal permits; and .� - to start construction of in-water structure after July 4th weekend ♦ To minimize disrupting access to the Park by Park users. When construction activity XLy which must occur during high-park use periods due to State or Federal permit conditions, such activities will occur after July 41h weekend; and -to keep access open to Maintenance Facility betweenfiar6 a;e9ptl'i =w• c i► ♦ To minimize disrupting access to the Park Maintenance Facility, construction activities impacting access to the Maintenance Facility will occur during periods of low Park use (between October 151h and March I")and will occur so that access to the Maintenance Facility is available during maintenance staff work hours(between 6 AM and 9 PM) and �.. r ( -n - �,-. / NOTE: Protection of Plant Materials `-'11)" -to avoid impacting median planters and plant materials ♦ To avoid impacts to the Park's natural resources and native plant materials,measures will be implemented to protect valuable native protect plant materials within existing median planters on Park roadways. Measures will include prohibition of machinery operation in planter areas, prohibition of stockpiling in planter areas, protective fencing around planter areas during construction, and other measures agreed to by both parties during development of final design; and - to avoid removing trees ♦ To avoid impacts to the Park's natural resources and native plants, no mature trees will be removed within the Park and substantial measures will be implemented to protect mature trees adjacent to the outfall route. Measures will include establishment and fencing of an exclusion zone around existing trees, prohibition of any construction related activity within the exclusion zone, and other measures agreed to by both parties during development of final design; and - to confine construction disturbance to asphalt areas, where practicable ♦ To avoid impact to the Parks natural resources and native plant materials, all construction activity will be confined to areas of existing asphalt paving where practicable. Construction of the outfall itself will necessitate work on the stream bank within the Park Maintenance Facility, and will not be confined to asphalt paving areas; and Johns Creek Agreement Outline Page 5 12/28 DISCUSSION DRAFT -to restore disturbed areas �i Wjany ♦ To restore all disturbed areito pre-project conditions at completion of construction; and -to verify design accommodates anticipated improvements in the Basin ♦ To minimize reconstruction of the outfall, the final design shall verify that the outfall system accommodates future City and private improvements that are known by the City at the time of the final design. 2 From: Ronald Straka To: Christian Munter Date: 01/03/2005 9:40:30 AM Subject: Fwd: Johns Creek draft conditions Please reveiw and provide me with any additional requirements that we may want to add to this outline. >>> "David Masters" <DMasters@HNTB.com> 12/28/2004 10:30:26 PM >>> Ron and Leslie: Attached is a file which outlines the conditions that I thought I heard while we were discussing the Johns Creek discharge. Please take a look at them and let me know if I missed anything or got anything sideways. I originally wrote them up in a form that would go into a formal agreement like an ILA, so they sound a little stiff. That is also why it starts with a bunch of statements-these would be the"whereas" portion of an ILA. I went back and put summary headers on each one (highlighted in yellow) to make it easier to read through quickly and get an understanding of the general outline. Feel free to comment on either the intent of the condition (in yellow) or the actual language (the bullets). Once we've got agreement on the conditions we'll put a "concurrance" letter on them, package them up with the attachments and route it through the Renton/WSDOT structure for their consideration. I'm thinking we take it to Design Team Meeting at either the Jan or Feb meeting, then take it to the Admin/Exec Committee at their next quarterly meeting. I'll be out of town for the rest of the week, but back in on Monday afternoon. Feel free to call. David This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are NOT the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this e-mail in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. DISCUSSION DRAFT Dee 28th, 2004 Johns Creek Agreement Outline: City of Renton and W'SDOT This document outlines tl� an agreement between the City of Renton and the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT)to establish a stormwater discharge to Johns Creek at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park in the City of Renton. Included in this outline are the 15% design for the Johns Creek Outfall and related conveyance systems (attachment, and a listing of the responsibilities of each party as part of the anticipated agreement. Both parties are aware that the Johns Creek Outfall is a part of the larger North Renton Congestion Relief and Bus Rapid Transit Project(North Renton Project), and that funding for the North Renton Project has not been allocated at the time this document was prepared. Both parties presume that funding will occur in the foreseeable future and they wish to record this agreement now to provide the certainty that the Johns Creek Outfall and the associated flow exemption will be included as designed in the North Renton Project once funding is secured and construction commences. Both parties agree: -the Park needs to be protected during construction ♦ That Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park is an important recreational resource to the City of Renton, and that substantial efforts should be made during construction of the Johns Creek Outfall to minimize disruption of Park uses; and •� -the Johns Creek Backwater Study is accurate �" '�'� ♦ That the Johns Creek Backwater Study accurately describes the existing condition of y .�.�•� the local drainage system in the vicinity of Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park at the time of this agreement, and accurately anticipates the effects of Johns Creek Outfall on the local drainage systems in the Johns Creek watershed; and - flows under discussion currently go to Johns Creek ♦ That stormwater runoff flows from the affected section of 1-405 and tributary areas of the City are currently routed to Johns Creek via local drainage systems, and these flows are contributing to infrastructure limitations in the local conveyance systems; and - the change in impervious area in the Johns Creek Watershed from I-405 improvements is small ♦ That construction of the North Renton Congestion Relief and Bus Rapid Transit Project would increase impervious area within the Johns Creek watershed by approximately 7 acres. This amounts to a 0.6% increase in impervious area across the Johns Creek watershed, which would result i a very small increase to existing flows; and ;� a Johns Creek Agreement Outline Page 2 12/28 DISCUSSION DRAFT - providing water quality treatment to I-405 runoff will improve Johns Creek ♦ That providing enhanced water quality treatment to I-405 stormwater flows within the Johns Creek watershed would result in substantial improve_ments to existing water quality in discharges to Johns Creek; and -that detention is not necessary in this instance as it provides no additional protection to downstream resources ♦ That providing detention to 1-405 runoff routed to the Johns Creek Outfall prior to discharge would provide no meaningful environmental or resource protection benefit. The outfall location, as shown to the north of the Park entrance, is within the backwater area of Lake Washington, there is sufficient channel capacity in the affected reach of Johns Creek to safely accommodate unrestricted stormwater runoff flows from the 1-405 corridor, and that post-project flow velocities would be low enough that there are no erosion or bank stability concerns; and - the new system will also convey the 100 yr local flows from upstream basins ♦ That the 1-405 conveyance shall convey the 100-year design storm of 3 upstream sub- basins of Johns Creek that currently cross I-405 to the new discharge so that these flows are removed from the local conveyance systems they currently occupy; and -the new conveyance system and outfall will reduce flooding near Southport bridge ♦ That establishing the Johns Creek Outfall will reduce flooding in the vicinity of the Southport stream crossing immediately upstream of Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park; and -the new conveyance system will free capacity in existing conveyance systems ♦ That establishing the Johns Creek Outfall will free capacity in existing local drainage and conveyance systems; and -the new system makes efficient use of transportation dollars 7 ♦ That establishing the Johns Creek Outfall will make efficient use of transportation funding; and - constructing the new system is in the best interests of both City of Renton and WSDOT? ♦ That establishing the Johns Creek Outfall is in the best interests of the City of Renton, Y and the State. • � City of Renton agrees: - to provide easements f,l,.>> _ S� ♦ Topv)Yfie drainage and construction easement's to allow construction and operation of the stormwater outfall and related conveyance system as described in the 15% design document (attachment XX ); and -to participate in finalizing design ♦ To participate in discussions with WSDOT and the Design/Build team as part of progressing the 15% design to the final design; and - to support direct discharge waiver if one is needed ♦ To support any WSDOT request for a direct discharge waiver to Department of Ecology, should such a waiver be deemed necessary as part of the permitting process for the North Renton Project; and Johns Creek Agreement Outline Page 3 12/28 DISCUSSION DRAFT -to work towards consensus to address new issues ♦ To work with WSDOT and the Design/Build team to reach consensus on how to address new issues as they develop as part of the implementation process for the Johns Creek Outfall; and -to own, operate and maintain the conveyance system outside of WSDOT ROW ♦To accept ownership upon completion of construction, and to operate and maintain those portions of the conveyance system which lie outside of the WSDOT ROW. WSDOT agrees: NOTE: General Agreements -to construct as planned ♦ To construct the Johns Creek stormwater outfall as described in the 15% design document(attachment X)�); and -to participate in finalizing design ♦ To participate in discussions with City of Renton and the Design/Build team as part of progressing the 15% design to the final design; and -to make no project changes without concurrence from Renton ♦ To make no changes to the 15%design or the area draining to this outfall (as described in attachment XX)without prior concurrence from the City of Renton; and -to provide enhanced water quality treatment for 1-405 flows ♦ To provide enhanced water quality treatment(per WSDOT Highway Runoff Manual standards applicable at the time of final design) for 100% of the pollution generating pavement surfaces within the I-405 corridor which is routed to the Johns Creek discharge; and -to provide conveyance capacity to handle 100yr flows from I-405 ♦ To provide conveyance capacity sufficient to handle stormwater flows generated by the implementation phase of the North Renton Congestion Relief and Bus Rapid Transit Project; and -to provide conveyance capacity to handle 100yr flows from offsite basins ♦ To provide conveyance capacity sufficient to handle current and future off-site flows from upstream tributary areas identified on (map or figure XD , and as described in the Johns Creek Backwater Study. It is agreed that WSDOT will capture off-site flows upstream of 1-405 and route them directly to the Johns Creek Outfall without 7 detention or treatment,thereby diverting flows away from existing City of Renton local conveyance systems west of I-405. It is agreed th t 200 cp constitutes.,,'� sufficient capacity to meet this requirement; and -to own,operate and maintain the conveyance system within the WSDOT ROW ♦ To own, operate and maintain the portions of the Johns Creek conveyance system which lie within the WSDOT ROW. Johns Creek Agreement Outline Page 4 12/28 DISCUSSION DRAFT NOTE: Protection of Park Uses, Timing Issues -to minimize impacts to Park operations ♦ To work diligently with City of Renton Parks Department and the Design/Build team during construction to minimize physical impacts and disruption to operations at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park and at the Park Maintenance Facility; and - to construct upland portions between Oct 15u' and March 1st ♦ To minimize disrupting access to the Park by Park users, construction of the portions of the Johns Creek Outfall in the vicinity of the Park will occur during periods of low Park use (between October 15t' and March I") except where limited by State and Federal permits; and -to start construction of in-water structure after July 4`t'weekend ♦ To minimize disrupting access to the Park by Park users. When construction activity which must occur during high-park use periods due to State or Federal permit conditions, such activities will occur after July 4`" weekend; and -to keep access open to Maintenance Facility between 6am and 9pm ♦ To minimize disrupting access to the Park Maintenance Facility, construction activities impacting access to the Maintenance Facility will occur during periods of low Park use (between October 151h and March Is) and will occur so that access to the Maintenance Facility is available during maintenance staff work hours(be wee 6 AM and 9 PM) and ` 1 .r 1 .Y ' a, r. NOTE: Protection of Plant Materials -to avoid impacting median planters and plant materials ♦ To avoid impacts to the Park's natural resources and native plant materials, measures will be implemented to protect valuable native protect plant materials within existing median planters on Park roadways. Measures will include prohibition of machinery operation in planter areas, prohibition of stockpiling in planter areas, protective fencing around planter areas during construction, and other measures agreed to by both parties during development of final design; and - to avoid removing trees ♦ To avoid impacts to the Park's natural resources and native plants, no mature trees will be removed within the Park and substantial measures will be implemented to protect mature trees adjacent to the outfall route. Measures will include establishment and fencing of an exclusion zone around existing trees, prohibition of any construction related activity within the exclusion zone, and other measures agreed to by both parties during development of final design; and -to confine construction disturbance to asphalt areas,where practicable ♦ To avoid impact to the Parks natural resources and native plant materials, all construction activity will be confined to areas of existing asphalt paving where practicable. Construction of the outfall itself will necessitate work on the stream bank within the Park Maintenance Facility, and will not be confined to asphalt paving areas; and Johns Creek Agreement Outline Page 5 12/28 DISCUSSION DRAFT to:restore disturbed areas ♦ To restore all disturbed areas to pre-project conditions at completion of construction; and to uenfy design accommodates anticipated unpro�ements m the.Basin ♦ To minimize reconstruction of the outfall, the final design shall verify that the outfall system accommodates future City and private improvements that are known by the City at the time of the final design. Al Mzz— ' V x 3 Kr: From: "David Masters" <DMasters@HNTB.com> To: "Leslie Betlach" <Lbetlach@ci.renton.wa.us>, <cmunter@ci.renton.wa.us>, "Terrence Flatley" <Tflatley@ci.renton.wa.us>, <lindao@osbornpacific.com>, "Earnest Liou" <earnest.liou@1405.wsdot.wa.gov> Date: 12/21/2004 10:44:22 AM Subject: Johns Creek: Draft Meeting Notes Folks: Thank you again for meeting with us at the Park to discuss the outfall route for the proposed Johns Creek stormwater outfall. Attached are the draft meeting notes for our December 13th meeting for your review and comment. Please provide any comments or corrections by Jan 7, 2005. 1 will be circulating a draft list of conditions after the Holidays which I believe captures our discussions regarding timing, access, security, protection of plant materials, routing, design and adherence to the results of the backwater study. I will also begin the process of figuring out what the actual form of the agreement will be, and will provide an update once I start getting some clarity on what our choices might look like. Happy Holidays, David <<Johns Creek Dec 13 04 -draft minutes.doc>> This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are NOT the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this e-mail in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. CC: "Ronald Straka" <Rstraka@ci.renton.wa.us>, "Alan Black" <ABlack@HNTB.com>, "John Donatelli" <John.Donatelli@1405.wsdot.wa.gov> 1 Al I-405 North Renton: Johns Creek Direct Discharge Discussions December 13, 2004 ► Meeting Type: NRenton —Johns Creek Direct Discharge Discussion ► Meeting Date: Monday, December 13, 2004 ► Meeting Place: Gene Coulon Park No. Time: 10:30—11:00 ► ✓ Attendance: 1-405 Team City of Renton David Masters Leslie Betlach Earnest Liou Chris Munter Linda Osborn Terry Flately Purpose: This meeting was to reach consensus on`the proposed alignment of the stormwater discharge line through the Park entrance area. Park Entrance Design Proposal sa WSDOT staff presented a proposed route for the Johns Creek stormwater discharge line which focused on minimizing impacts to traffic and to existmgItrees. The proposed'iroute consists of a section of pipe which would be constructed b jacking it under they ail or ad grade, with an existing median planter serving as the Y J g , g 4 ,�g�,, P g receiving pit for the jacked section. From the receiving it, a cut and cover section would be routed through a second median planter and alongside the drove eiving the Park maintenance facility. Once inside the maintenance facility,the route turns towards 16hns Creek through a gap in the existing trees. F �y. Route Adjusted to Protect Natwe Plant Materials City of Renton Parks staff, expressed concern over potential impacts to plant materials in the median planters. This native plant material ►shover 25 years oldand does not transplant well. Parks staff suggested that they would rather have short,,termt a fc impacts than impact the plant materials in the median planters. Response The receiving pit`Was relocated from-Althe median planter to an area of pavement immediately to the west. 'The jacking route will piss under the median planter. From the new receiving pit, the cut and cover section will go do nthe pavedPldrive„for the maintenance facility, avoiding impacts to the second media planter. The propos6dd� ,oute fro ],.'he maintenance facility through the gap in the trees remains .. � unchanged The new route is expected to work for Renton Parks presuming that timing issues (see below) are also addressed, WSDOT representatives will review the new route to make sure it does not present any hydraulic issues' Timing Issues and Restrictions Gene Coulon Park receives very heavy use during summer months. Disruption of park user traffic during summer months remains a major concern to the City of Renton. Maintaining access to the Maintenance Facility at the Park entrance is also a major concern. Response — Everything except the actual outfall structure will be constructed during the winter, in the Park's slow season. Access to the Maintenance Facility will be maintained between the hours of 6AM and 9PM, with all work in this area occurring at night when the facility is shut down. The outfall will likely have to be constructed during the summer fish window due to permit timing restrictions. Due to the very heavy use associated with 4`h of July weekend, work on the outfall will not start until after the 41h of July weekend. I-405 North Renton: Johns Creek Direct Discharge Discussions December B, 2004 Page 2 Other Concerns Utilities — A concern over potential conflicts with existing utilities in the vicinity of the new receiving pit was expressed. WSDOT representatives will confirm utility locations and ascertain that the proposed location for the receiving pit will work. Notice — Parks staff requested maximum possible -notice prior to project implementation. WSDOT representatives agreed to provide substantial prior notice. Prior to construction the project will need to be funded and permitted, which will add to the effective notification time prior to construction. Conditions addressing notification will be added. Securi - Parks staff requested that security fencing and access control;be maintained throughout project construction. WSDOT representatives agreed to maintain existing security, limitations during construction through the use of temporary fencing, guards or both. Conditions addle sing security will be added. Next Steps In order to allow project planning and permitting to io eed WSDOT has requested that a written P J P g P g P q�, agreement be prepared which documents agreement�n the design and lists the additional conditions necessary to allow construction of the proposed outfall.,There was general agreement'thaii the necessary conditions had been identified (construction timing, routing, curry;•-protection of plant-materials, location of outfall, backwater study) and a draft list of conditions couldAbe,prepared. David will prepare the draft " list of conditions and circulate it for review along with the updatedgraphic showing the new outfall route. The actual form of the agreement is still undediscussion. . ^ % Distribution: WSDOT Attendess,Christina Martinez,Stacy Trussler')John Donatel6 Keith`Hixson y No. Prepared by: David Ma ers H 41 R !F 1� 4,Dt'✓ F` From: "David Masters" <DMasters@HNTB.com> To: "Leslie Betlach" <Lbetlach@ci.renton.wa.us>, "Ronald Straka" <Rstraka@ci.renton.wa.us>, <cmunter@ci.renton.wa.us>, "Earnest Liou" <earnest.liou@1405.wsdot.wa.gov>, "Alan Black" <ABlack@HNTB.com>, <lindao@osborn pacific.com> Date: 12/21/2004 10:51:52 AM Subject: Johns Creek: Final Meeting Notes for Nov 11th Folks: Attached please find a copy of the final notes for the November 11th, 2004 meeting on Johns Creek which incorporates comments I've received on the draft notes. David <<Johns Creek Nov 2 04 -final minutes.doc>> This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are NOT the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this e-mail in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. CC: "John Donatelli" <John.Donatelli@1405.wsdot.wa.gov> I-405 North Renton: Johns Creek Direct Discharge Discussions November 2, 2004 ► Meeting Type: NRenton —Johns Creek Direct Discharge Discussion ► Meeting Date: Tuesday,November 2, 2004 ► Meeting Place: Renton City Hall ► Time: 9:30—11:30 ► ✓ Attendance: 1-405 Team City of Renton David Masters V Ron Straka Alan Black V Leslie Betlach Earnest Liou Chris Munter Linda Osborn Purpose: This meeting was to provide the results of Johns Creek Backwater Modeling Study to Renton for their review, to brief Renton Parks and Stormwater staff on current design proposals, and to obtain Renton staff feedback on current design options. Background — The proposed direct discharge to Johns Creek would carry both freeway flows and off-site flows coming from upstream of I-405. Freeway flows would receive enhanced water quality treatment prior to mixing with off-site flows. The combined flows would then be routed via a new conveyance pipe to Johns Creek in the vicinity of Gene Coulon Park. Routing of combined flows to the direct discharge location would remove approximately 200 cfs (peak flow)from the City of Renton's drainage system in Garden Avenue, providing additional capacity for local flows in that system. Johns Creek Backwater Study Assumptions — Renton staff were briefed on key elements of the Backwater Study. The Study delineated the drainage areas upstream of I-405 which create relevant off-site flows. Modeling assumed future conditions of full build-out in tributary areas based on City of Renton Comprehensive Plan designations and on regional runoff coefficients. Existing Conditions — The existing City of Renton pond system was analyzed as part of the backwater study. Head loss at two crossings, the Southport entrance and the Gene Coulon Park entrance, limit discharge through the existing system. The backwater study also showed that there is currently an area just upstream of the Southport crossing which has out-of-bank flow at the 25 year run-off event. Direct discharge is not permitted if there are downstream flooding problems, so the out-of-bank area must be addressed by the Johns Creek design. Johns Creek Backwater Study Results — The Study showed that additional flows to the Johns Creek channel in Gene Coulon Park would raise water levels in the channel by 1-2 inches during peak flow events. The small increase is due to the relatively small increase in impervious area from new freeway construction (less than 10 acres new impervious), the large size of the tributary area contributing off-site flows, and the fact that all of the current freeway and off-site flows affected already discharge to this location via existing drainage systems. Johns Creek Design Options—Two options were identified to address out-of-bank flows upstream of the Southport crossing. Flooding could also be addressed by discharging downstream of park entrance (Option I-405 North Renton: Johns Creek Direct Discharge Discussions November 2, 2004 Page 2 I)or by increasing conveyance capacity at both the Southport and the Park Entrance crossings(Option 2). Option 1 would create a new discharge immediately downstream of the Park Entrance crossing. Out-of- bank flooding would not occur since 200 cfs of flow currently being delivered to Renton's Pond 1 would now be discharged further downstream at the new outlet. Option 1 would require some disturbance near the Park entrance to establish a new discharge location for new 72" line. This option addresses flooding concerns at Southport and relieves capacity issues on Renton's John Creek pond system. Option 2 would create a new discharge at Pond 2 of the Renton Johns Creek system. In order to relieve flooding at the Southport crossing, conveyance capacity would need to be increased at both the Southport and Park entrance crossings. Conveyance capacity could be increased by construction of bridges at both locations, or by upsizing existing culverts and adding a new one at both locations. Both crossings currently have three culverts and in both cases the existing culverts would need to be replaced with four larger culverts in order to effectively relieve flooding. It is anticipated that bridges would need to be constructed at both locations due to anticipated permit concerns with enlarging and replacing the already extensive culverts at these locations. City of Renton feedback — Renton parks and stormwater staff expressed a preference for Option 1, constructing a new discharge downstream of the Park entrance. New bridges were viewed as excessively disruptive to park operations and would have required removal of several large trees. -Renton staff will review the Johns Creek Backwater Study and provide comments. - Renton staff suggested that WSDOT review the approved intersection reconstruction plan which will be implemented when Southport redevelopment begins (no date known at this time). Renton will provide a copy of the approved intersection design. - Renton stormwater staff also suggested that WSDOT review channel stability and potential erosion in the park that might occur from changes in flow rates due to the proposal. Maximum flow velocities are anticipated to be in the range of 4-5 fps. - Renton stormwater staff suggested that WSDOT perform a backwater analysis of the proposed new pipe system to confirm that it will perform as anticipated during high water events. - Renton parks staff indicated a strong preference for constructing as much of the new discharge as possible during the winter, when park use is low. Parks staff also indicated that it was critical to keep full time/24 hour access to the park's maintenance shop located at the park entrance. Parks staff further indicated that full restoration of the existing landscaping would be required. Distribution: WSDOT Attendess,Christina Martinez,Stacy Trussler,John Donatelli,Keith Hixson ► Prepared by: David Masters I-405 North Renton: Johns Creek Direct Discharge Discussions November 2, 2004 ► Meeting Type: N Renton—Johns Creek Direct Discharge Discussion ► Meeting Date: Tuesday,November 2, 2004 ► Meeting Place: Renton City Hall ► Time: 9:30— 11:30 ► ✓ Attendance: 1-405 Team City of Renton David Masters Ron Straka Alan Black Leslie Betlach Earnest Liou Chris Munter Linda Osborn Purpose: This meeting was to provide the results of Johns Creek Backwater Modeling Study to Renton for their review, to brief Renton Parks and Stormwater staff on current design proposals, and to obtain Renton staff feedback on current design options. Background —The proposed direct discharge to Johns Creek would carry both freeway flows and off-site flows coming from upstream of 1-405. Freeway flows would receive enhanced water quality treatment prior to mixing with off-site flows. The combined flows would then be routed via a new conveyance pipe to Johns Creek in the vicinity of Gene Coulon Park. Routing of combined flows to the direct discharge location would remove approximately 200 cfs (peak flow)from the City of Renton's drainage system in Garden Avenue, providing additional capacity for local flows in that system. Johns Creek Backwater Study Assumptions — Renton staff were briefed on key elements of the Backwater Study. The Study delineated the drainage areas upstream of I-405 which create relevant off-site flows. Modeling assumed future conditions of full build-out in tributary areas based on City of Renton Comprehensive Plan designations and on regional runoff coefficients. Existing Conditions — The existing City of Renton pond system was analyzed as part of the backwater / study. Head loss at two crossings, the Southport entrance and the Gene Coulon Park entrance, limit discharge through the existing system. The backwater study also showed that there is currently an area just upstream of the Southport crossing which has out-of-bank flow at the 25 year run-off event. Direct discharge is not permitted if there are downstream flooding problems, so the out-of-bank area must be addressed by the Johns Creek design. Johns Creek Backwater Study Results — The Study showed that additional flows to the Johns Creek channel in Gene Coulon Park would raise water levels in the channel by 1-2 inches during peak flow events. The small increase is due to the relatively small increase in impervious area from new freeway construction (less than 10 acres new impervious), the large size of the tributary area contributing off-site flows, and the fact that all of the current freeway and off-site flows affected already discharge to this location via existing drainage systems. Johns Creek Design Options—Two options were identified to address out-of-bank flows upstream of the Southport crossing. Flooding could be addressed by discharging downstream of park entrance (Option 1) • a I-405 North Renton: Johns Creek Direct Discharge Discussions November 2, 2004 Page 2 or by increasing conveyance capacity at both the Southport and the Park Entrance crossings(Option 2). Option 1 would create a new discharge immediately downstream of the Park Entrance crossing. Out-of- bank flooding would not occur since 200 cfs of flow currently being delivered to Renton's Pond 1 would now be discharged further downstream at the new outlet. Option 1 would require some disturbance near the Park entrance to establish a new discharge location for new 72" line. This option addresses flooding concerns at Southport and relieves capacity issues on Renton's Johns Creek pond system. Option 2 would create a new discharge at Pond 2 of the Renton Johns Creek system. In order to relieve "h, flooding at the Southport crossing, conveyance capacity would need to be increased at both the Southport and Park entrance crossings. Conveyance capacity could be increased byy-construction of bridges at both locations, or by upsizing existing culverts and adding a new one at bothlocations. Both crossings currently have three culverts and in both cases the existing culverts would need I `be replaced with four larger culverts in order to effectively relieve flooding. It is anticipated that bridges�wouId need to be constructed at both locations due to anticipated permit concerns with enla"r ing and replacing the already extensive culverts at these locations. > City of Renton feedback — Renton parks and stormwatei�staff ek-r,_essed a preference for Option 1, constructing a new discharge downstream of the Park entrance:' New bridges were viewed as excessively disruptive to park operations and would have required removal ofsseveerral large trees. -Renton staff will review the Johns Creek4Backwater Study and provide comments. - Renton staff suggested that WSDOT review th0 ppro�ved intersection reconstruction plan which will be implemented when Southport redevelopmen0begins (n64date known at-this time). Renton will provide a copy of the approved intersection design. ? fi r - Renton stormwater staff also suggested that WS=DOT review," annel stability and potential erosion in the park that might occ�urfrom changes in flow rates due to the proposal. Maximum flow velocities are anticipated to be in theirange,of 4 5 fps.: - Renton stormwater staff suggested that WSDOT perform a backwater analysis of the proposed new pipe system to confirm that it Mll perform as anticipated during high water events. - Renton,parks staff indicated a;strong preference for constructing as much of the new discharge as possible during the winter, when park"" is low. Parks staff also indicated that it was critical to keep full time/24 hour access to the paek's ma nteriance shop located at the park entrance. Parks staff further indicatedtha�t�fu11 restoration of the existing landscaping would be required. Distribution: WSDOT Attendess,Christina Martinez,Stacy Trussler,John Donatelli,Keith Hixson vi► Prepared by: Dad asters z�', �J c t— k� —OL( I-405 North Renton: Johns Creek Direct Discharge Discussions November 2, 2004 ► Meeting Type: N Renton —Johns Creek Direct Discharge Discussion ► Meeting Date: Tuesday, November 2, 2004 ► Meeting Place: Renton City Hall ► Time: 9:30—11:30 ► ✓ Attendance: 1-405 Team City of Renton David Masters Ron Straka Alan Black Leslie Betlach Earnest Liou Chris Munter Linda Osborn Purpose: This meeting was to provide the results of Johns Creek Backwater Modeling Study to Renton for their review, to brief Renton Parks and Stormwater staff on current design proposals, Purpose: to obtain Renton staff feedback on current design options. Background —The proposed direct discharge to Johns Creek would carry both freeway flows and off-site flows coming from upstream of I-405. Freeway flows would receive enhanced water quality treatment prior to mixing with off-site flows. The combined flows would then be routed via a new conveyance pipe to Johns Creek in the vicinity of Gene Coulon Park. Routing of combined flows to the direct discharge location would remove approximately 200 cfs (peak flow) from the City of Renton's drainage system in Garden Avenue, providing additional capacity for local flows in that system. Johns Creek Backwater Study Assumptions — Renton staff were briefed on key elements of the Backwater Study. The Study delineated the drainage areas upstream of I-405 which create relevant off-site flows. Modeling assumed future conditions of full build-out in tributary areas based on City of Renton Comprehensive Plan designations and on regional runoff coefficients. Johns Creek Backwater Study Results — The Study showed that additional flows to the Johns Creek channel in Gene Coulon Park would raise water levels in the channel by 1-2 inches during peak flow events. The small increase is due to the relatively small increase in impervious area from new freeway construction (less than 10 acres new impervious), the large size of the tributary area contributing off-site flows, and the fact that all of the current freeway and off-site flows affected already discharge to this location via existing drainage systems. The backwater study also showed that there is currently an area just upstream of the Southport crossing which has out-of-bank flow at the 25 year run-off event. Direct discharge is not permitted if there are flooding problems, so the out-of-bank area must be addressed by the Johns Creek design. Out-of-bank flows could be addressed by increasing conveyance capacity at both the Southport and the Park Entrance crossings. Both crossings currently have three culverts and in both cases the existing culverts would need to be replaced with four larger culverts in order to relieve flooding. It is anticipated that bridges would need to be constructed at both locations due to anticipated permit concerns with enlarging and replacing the already extensive culverts at these locations. Flooding could also be addressed by discharging downstream of park entrance at the location originally proposed as the new discharge location. I-405 North Renton: Johns Creek Direct Discharge Discussions November 2, 2004 Page 2 Johns Creek Design Options — Option 1 would create a new discharge immediately downstream of the Park Entrance crossing. Out-of-bank flooding would not occur since 200 cfs of flow currently being delivered to Renton's Pond 1 would now be discharged further downstream at the new outlet. Option I would require some disturbance near the Park entrance to establish a new discharge location for new 72" line. This option addresses flooding concerns at Southport and relieves capacity issues on Renton's John Creek pond system. Option 2 would create a new discharge at Pond 2 of the Renton Johns Creek system. In order to relieve flooding at the Southport crossing, conveyance capacity would need to be increased at both the Southport °1 and Park entrance crossings. Conveyance capacity could be increased by construction of bridges at both locations, or by upsizing existing culverts and adding a new one at,' locations. WDFW would be expected to require construction of bridges at these locations rather,than expanding existing culverts which are already extensive. ;. City of Renton feedback — Renton parks and stormwater staff expressed a preference for Option 1, constructing a new discharge downstream of the Parke trance. New bridges were viewed as excessively disruptive to park operations and would have required removal of several al„large trees. - Renton staff suggested that WSDOT review the approved�mtersection reconstruction plan which will be implemented when Southport redevelopment begins (no date known at this time). Renton will provide a copy of the approved intersection design - Renton stormwater staff also suggested that`WSDOT review channel stability and potential erosion in the park that might occur from changes in flow rates doe,Atothe proposal. Maximum flow velocities are anticipated to be in the range of 4-5 fps. - Renton stormwater staff suggested that S TIP erform a:backwater analysis of the proposed new pipe system to confirm that it will perform as anticipated during high water events. - Renton parks staff:indicated a strong preference.for constructing as much of the new discharge as possible during the winter when park-,,.Use is low. Parks'lstaff also indicated that it was critical to keep full time/24 hour access to the parks maintenance shop located at the park entrance. Parks staff further indicated thatµfull.:restorat on of the e fisting landscaping would be required. W Distribution WSDOT Attendees,Christina}Martinez Stacy Trussler,John Donatelli,Keith Hixson ► Prepared by David Masters Y � m PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT _ Renton City Hall 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 � X UTILITY SYSTEMS DIVISION 425-430 7234 Fax: 425-430-7241 INV ❑ TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 425-430-7321 Fax: 425-430-7376 TO: EARNEST LIOU, PE DATE: NOVEMBER 2, 2004 JOB NO. WSDOT RE: North Renton 1405 Project 600 — 108 Ave NE John's Creek Discharge wA Suite 405 Bellevue, WA 98004 :EWEARE �NDING YOU X ATTACHED ❑ Under Separate Cover via the following items: , ❑ SHOP DRAWING PRINTS ❑ REPRODUCABLE PLANS ❑ SPECIFICATIONS ❑ ORIGINALS ❑ COPY OF LETTER 1� COPIES DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION / REMARKS 1 03-01-00 Sheets C1, C3, and C5, Lk WA Blvd Improvements, Southport Devel. I MESSAGE: Earnest, Here are some plans showing the proposed layout. Let me know if you would like electronic CAD files, etc. I Thanks. Chris These are transmitted as checked below: ❑ FOR SIGNATURE APPROVAL ❑ APPROVED AS SUBMITTED ❑ RESUBMIT COPIES FOR APPROVAL X FOR YOUR USE ❑ APPROVED AS NOTED ❑ SUBMIT COPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION ❑ AS REQUESTED ❑ RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS ❑ RETURN CORRECTED PRINTS ❑ FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT ❑ ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US Copies to: From: Chris Munter Surface Water Utility IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED, PLEASE NOTIFY US AT ONCE. 09/99 bh PBPW5001 t I-405 Coordination City Design "Team Meeting Meeting Agenda Conference Room 511 June 9, 2004 1:30-3:00 PM 1. Update on RTID (10 m) 1 -YCJ^ .��FO (J Y�.ftl � 'Vf� '� o�l�S•WIJyEi �f �i.-��7�E� j'�dY� 2. North Renton 5% Plans—City Letter to be sent today (110m) 3. Draft Memorandum of Understanding—Status Update (5m) n C", 4. Task Force Updates: 1 a. Pumps/Parks Task Force (10 in) U date on latest alternative, including review of maintenance access. �—n� b. Traffic Analysis Task Force (10 m) - Report from last meeting (Renton Hill traffic analysis) - Requests from Jay Covington Cc) Environmental Task Force (10 m) - South Renton EEI Springbrook "Service Area"(Ron) - Permitting (Kayren, Jennifer)_.— t-(` `'( A- - c`I d. Emergency Response Task Force (5 m) - Report from last meeting (Renton Hill access) e. Boeing/Economic Development Task Force (5 m) - Report from Shawna Mulhall f. Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS, Design Aesthetics) (5m) —Report from Peter Renner 5. Non-Motorized Issues: (1 Om) - Trail Connections l Lvisory Committee - Invite WSDOT to the Non-Motorized Citizens 6. Citizen Involvement/Public Outreach Process (10 m) - Renton Hill Neighborhood Association meeting held on June 1 -Talbot Hill Neighborhood meeting is scheduled for Monday 21 s June 7, 2004 Stacy Trussler, I-405 Project Manager 1-405 Project Office Washington State Department of Transportation 600— 108`h Avenue NE, Suite 405 Bellevue, WA 98004 SUBJECT: I-405 NORTH RENTON PROJECT 5% DESIGN SUBMITTAL COMMENTS Dear Ms. Trussler: The City of Renton submits the following comments for consideration with regards to the North Renton 5% Design Submittal. It is our understanding that these 5% Design Plans(dated 2/17/2004) do not reflect revisions based on design issues being resolved within the established City of Renton / WSDOT coordination structure. As stated in your cover letter, the primary intent behind your transmittal was to receive input regarding road design standards applicable to City streets. Therefore, comments with regards to impacts and traffic operations have been kept general. Below are general comments. Specific comments in tabular form are included as an attachment. I. For ease and completeness of review, please show crosswalks, curb ramps,driveways, and driveway turning restrictions for all roadways impacted by this project. 2. Do these 5% plans reflect the"Implementation Package"or the"Master Plan"? These 5% plans show a NB SR 169 to NB I-405 direct fly-over ramp, which we thought was not in either the Implementation or Master Plan. 3. All City streets(including SR 900, SR 169 and SR 515) should have 6' (min.) sidewalks on both sides of the street, with the following exceptions: a. Renton Ave(new street)from Main Ave S to Mill Ave S—8' sidewalk northwest side only. This is the proposed new overpass access to Renton Hill. Sidewalk is proposed for one side only due to the length of this structure. The existing overpasses currently have sidewalk on one side only. The Renton Hill neighborhood will also have opportunity to give input on this sidewalk. b.Northbound and southbound frontage roads between SR 169 and N 3rd Street—sidewalk on `outside' only, as the inside is an I-405 wall. c. Proposed public road providing access to Burger King from realigned Sunset Blvd to the north —sidewalk on westside only, as the eastside is an I-405 wall. 4. Traffic operations of interchange configurations shown in the 5% plans have not been verified with traffic analysis. The City has specific concerns with the loss of the eastbound-to-northbound loop ramp at Park Drive. 5. The 5%design plans show only shoulders within the Park Interchange. Instead of shoulders,NE Park Drive should have sidewalk and bike lanes through this interchange. With planned development in the S. Lake Washington neighborhood and planned redevelopment in the Renton Highlands, non-motorized travel through this interchange is anticipated to increase. 1-405 North Renton Project ' June 7,2004 Page 2 6. Regarding the N 301h Street interchange, two gas stations are complete acquisitions while the third will have restricted access. Please provide the reasoning behind these determinations. 7. Non-motorized connections within the N. Renton project need to be determined within the established City/WSDOT coordination process. Specific locations of concern include the Liberty Park/Cedar River Park/Narco site/SR 169-N 3`d St interchange,the Park Avenue interchange, the N 301h St interchange and the N 44`h St interchange. 8. The NB I-405 off-ramp to SR 169 as shown impacts the City pump stations. This alignment is being addressed within the Pump/Parks task force and will have to be revised based on final recommendations. 9. Sidewalk on Houser Way N within the Liberty Park complex should be coordinated with the Parks Department due to revised nature of the park. 10. The road under I-405 and the railroad tracks that provides access between Liberty Park and Cedar River Park must be maintained, including the intersection with Houser Way N. Further analysis and coordination will determine if the existing pedestrian traffic signal at this location should be maintained. 11. The trail connection between Cedar River Park to the Narco property(across the river under I- 405)must be maintained. The Cedar River trail also must not be compromised. 12. The proposed cul-de-sac of Houser Way N just south of Bronson Way may require emergency vehicle access to Bronson Way. 13. The paving plans may need to also include Mill Ave S (Houser to Bronson)and the Bronson Way Bridge across the Cedar River. 14. The existing on-ramp from Sunset Blvd to NB I-405 ramp may need to be retained for emergency access only. Emergency response time analysis being undertaken by the Emergency Response task force will address this. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact myself at(425)430-7245. Sincerely, Nick Afzali, Transportation Planning& Programming Manager attachments cc : Administrators: Alex Pietsch, Dennis Culp,Gregg Zimmerman, Lee Wheeler City Design Team: Karl Hamilton, Leslie Lahndt, Bob Mahn, Sandra Meyer, Keith Woolley, John Hobson, Abdoul Gafour, Lys Hornsby, Ronald Straka, Michael Stenhouse, Kayren Kittrick, Jennifer Henning, Leslie Betlach, Terrence Flatley, Peter Renner, Rebecca Linda, Shawna Mulhall, Ben Wolters, Stan Engler, James Gray,Floyd Eldridge C:\Documents and Settings\kwoolleyV ocal Settings\Temp\N Renton 5%City Comments.docArw CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: June 8,2004 TO: Nick Afzah FROM: Ron Straka, x7248!,1'� STAFF CONTACT: Chris Munter,x7205 SUBJECT: I-405 Corridor Project 5%Plan Review Specific Comments: Sheets 263-270, Grading and Drainage plans: These were not included with this submittal. Please provide drawings detailing plan and profile views of proposed and existing utilities. Sizes for existing and proposed culvert crossings shall be verified as well as the condition of the pipe material. Sheets 40-105, Roadway Profile plans: Show existing and proposed utilities in these sections to illustrate possible construction conflicts. Sheets 196-251, Retaining Wall Profile plans: Show existing and proposed utility crossings in these sections to illustrate possible construction conflicts. General Comments: The project should be required to provide compensatory storage for filling of the floodplain. A"zero rise" to the floodway standard should be applied to the project. The project is also required to comply with all FEMA and Nation Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) standards, since Federal funding will be used. No encroachment into the floodway should be allowed. New bridge low chord elevations (bottom of the bridge) should be set above the future land use condition 100-year flood elevation by a minimum of 3 feet or higher, on streams or rivers with the potential for large debris flows(Cedar River,Green River,May Creek). The I-405 right-of-way creates a major barrier to utility service. A hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of all existing and proposed culverts, storm systems and bridges that cross 1-405 should be performed to verify that the system has adequate capacity to convey the 100-year, 24-hour storm for future land use conditions. If the analysis indicates that the system has insufficient capacity, then it should be replaced with the properly sized facility. This is needed to ensure that adequate storm water service can be provided across the I-405 corridor and that the project will not create upstream drainage problems. Any City owned Utility(Water, Sewer, Storm Water)that has to be relocated or is impacted by the project, should be relocated or mitigated for, as directed by the effected Utility. If the Utility system has to be relocated the City shall determine the size and approve the location as to where the Utility system will be relocated to, as part of the project,at no cost to the City. The City would like to see hydrologic analysis for future conditions (from the Comprehensive Plan) and for several storm events, for the 2-yr, 25-yr, and 100-yr, to confirm effectiveness of conveyance HAFile Sys\SWP-Surface Water Projects\SWP 27-Transporation Projects(TIP)\I405 Corridor Study\5PercentReviewComments06072004.doc\RStp system and predicted flooding impacts. The City wants to review the hydrology and hydraulic calculations when finished. Johns Creek is not listed as a major receiving water body where direct discharge is allowed. WSDOT is proposing to direct discharge (no flow control)a portion of the North Renton project into Johns Creek. WSDOT could be required by the City or other agencies to provide flow control for the increased runoff caused by the conversion of 10 acres of pervious area to impervious area, since Johns Creek is not listed as a major receiving water body where direct discharge is allowed. In addition, by Ecology's standards for retrofitting of the total 1-405 area draining to Johns Creek for flow control could also be required. Direct discharge to Johns Creek will only be allowed if WSDOT makes the necessary improvements to the downstream system to accommodate the future condition runoff for the entire basin and the Parks Department concerns about the direct discharge can be resolved along with any environmental issues. The City will reserve their formal agreement till they can review the actual calculations and can better assess the hydrologic, hydraulic, environmental, and Park impacts of the proposal. The City will need to see hydraulic calculations, including backwater analysis for Johns Creek from the mouth to the discharge of the existing city storm drain lines for 1)the existing conditions and 2) for the future conditions. Culvert improvements under the roads and railroad should be based on the future condition flow to keep the design storm water levels less than for the existing conditions. A backwater hydraulic analysis of Johns Creek for future condition hydrology is required to assess existing culvert and channel capacity and to identify required capacity improvements. Where the new I-405 drainage storm drainage mainline(along west side of 1-405)proposes to intercept the culverts/storm drainage flows from the eastside of the freeway,the City will want to see the hydraulic/hydrology calculations to make sure that it works and does not cause back-water effects or reduced capacity to the City drainage. The City would also like this to be sized for"future conditions". At a minimum,the project should be held to a"no net loss"of wetland area, function, and value. Replacement ratios for wetland mitigation should at a minimum satisfy Renton's wetland replacement ratios for wetland impacts in Renton. Department of Ecology or Army Corps of Engineers' replacement ratios should be acceptable if they are equal to or more stringent than Renton's. Wetland mitigation should be done in the same basin and as close as possible to where the impact occurs. WSDOT should establish wetland mitigation banks in the basins where wetlands will be impacted by the project and establish the wetland banks as required by the State's Wetland Mitigation Banking rule. This will ensure that the created wetlands are established, and have the same function and value as the wetland that is to be impacted, prior to the wetland being filled by the project. The project should provide mitigation to provide for "no net losses"of stream buffer area, function, and value. In addition,the project's impacts to fish habitat(spawning, rearing, and passage) should be held to the same standard. Replacement ratios(2:1)for impacts to stream buffers and fish habitat should be required. Mitigation should be incorporated at the location of the impact to the maximum degree possible,but the additional mitigation could be done offsite within the same basin or watershed. A mitigation fund could be established for acquisition,restoration, or enhancement of stream buffer and/or prime fish habitat sites that have been determined to be beneficial to improving salmon habitat. The project should not only mitigate for the action impacts but should have a restoration element to offset prior impacts and the fact that mitigation benefits are not immediately achieved, especially when it comes to stream buffers. Any existing culverts or other stream crossing HAFile Sys\SWP-Surface Water Projects\SWP 27-Transporation Projects(TIP)\I405 Corridor Study\5PercentReviewComments06072004.doc\RStp structures that are barriers or restrictions to fish passage should be replaced with new structures that don't prevent or restrict fish passage. Tributary 0283, presently located near the intersection of NE 43`d Street and Jones Ave NE historically was a tributary to May Creek. Through the decades,with the improvements to roads and highways, May Creek and this small tributary have been rerouted and disconnected. Tributary 0283 is a source of potential flooding over NE 43`d Street without annual removal of sediments at the culvert crossing of NE 43`d Street. With the reconstruction of the NE 441h Street interchange,the potential for reconnecting Tributary 0283 with May Creek exists. One method for doing this is replacing the culverts under I-405 with open channels as proposed for Coal Creek and connecting Tributary 0283 with the ditches along Lake Washington Blvd, which convey water to May Creek. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please contact either Chris at x7205 or myself at x7248. HAFile Sys\SWP-Surface Water Projects\SWP 27-Transporation Projects(TIP)\I405 Corridor Study\5PereentReviewComments06072004.doc\RStp CITY OF . RENTON Planning/Building/PublicWorks Department Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator July 14, 2004 Stacy Trussler, I-405 North Renton Project Manager I-405 Project Office Washington State Department of Transportation 600— 1081h Avenue NE, Suite 405 Bellevue, WA 99004 SUBJECT: I-405 NORTH RENTON PROJECT 5%DESIGN SUBMITTAL COMMENTS Dear Ms. Trussler: The City of Renton submits.the following comments for consideration with regards to the North Renton 5%Design.Submittal. It is our understanding that these 5%Design Plans(dated 2/17/2004)do not reflect revisions based on design issues being resolved within the established City of Renton/WSDOT coordination structure. As stated in your cover letter, the primary intent behind your transmittal was to receive input.regarding road design standards applicable to City streets. Therefore, comments with regards to impacts and traffic operations have been kept general. Below are general comments. Specific Transportation comments in tabular form and Surface Water comments are included as attachments. 1. Sheets.257-287,listed on the Index Sheet,are marked as"not bound to set". Should the City receive these sheets for review? 2. For ease and completeness of review,please show crosswalks,curb ramps, driveways, and driveway turning restrictions for all roadways impacted by this project. . 3. Do these 5%plans reflect the Implementation Package or the Master Plan?. These 5%plans show a NB.SR 169 to NB I-405 direct.fly-over ramp;which we thought was not in either the Implementation or Master Plan. 4. All City. streets (including SR 900, SR 169 and SR 515) should have 6' (min.).sidewalks on both. sides of the street,with the following exceptions: A. Renton.Ave(new street)from Main Ave S to Mill Ave S-8'.sidewalk north/west side only.. This is the proposed new overpass access.to Renton Hill. Sidewalk is proposed for one side only due to the length of this structure. The"existing overpasses currently.have.sidewalk on one side only. ,The Renton Hill neighborhood will also have opportunity to give input on this sidewalk. B. Northbound and suthbound frontage roads between SR 169 and N 3rd Street—sidewalk on `outside' only, as the inside is an 1-40..5 wall. C. Proposed public road.providing access to Burger King from realigned Sunset Blvd.to the north-sidewalk on west side only, as the eastside is an I-405 walla 1055.South_Grady Way-Renton;Washington 98055 R E N T 0. lr ® AHEAD O F T H E CURVE This paper contains 50%recycled material,30%post consumer Stacy Trussler I-405 North Renton Project July 14, 2004 Page 2 Re: 5% Design Submittal Comments 5. Traffic operations of interchange configurations shown in the 5%plans have not been verified with traffic analysis. The City has specific concerns with the loss of the eastbound-to-northbound loop ramp at Park Drive, and with the operation of the N 81h Street interchange connections. 6. The 5% design plans show only shoulders within the Park Interchange. Instead of shoulders,NE Park Drive should have sidewalk and bike lanes through this interchange. With planned development in the S. Lake Washington neighborhood and planned redevelopment in the Renton Highlands,non-motorized travel through this interchange is anticipated to increase. 7. Regarding the N 301h Street interchange, two gas stations are complete acquisitions while the third will have restricted access. Please provide the reasoning behind these determinations. 8. Also at the N 30.1h Street interchange,parcel#833 just west of the Shell gas station, is owned by .the City of Renton as a site for a future fire statiori. Restricted access will require coordination with the Fire Department. 9. Non-motorized connections within the N.Renton project need to be determined within the established City/WSDOT coordination process. Specific locations of concern include the Liberty Park/Cedar River Park/Narco site/SR 169-N 3rd St interchange,the Park Avenue interchange, the N 30`h St interchange.and the N 44`h St inte"rchange;,;; 10. The NB I-405 off--ramp to SR 169 as shown impacts.the City pump stations. This alignment is being addressed within the Pump/Parks task'force and will have to be revised based on final recommendations. 11. Sidewalk on Houser Way:N within the Liberty Park complex should be coordinated with the Parks Department due to revised nature of the park. 12. The road under I-405 and the railroad tracks that.provides''access between Liberty Park and Cedar River Park must be maintained, including;the intersection,with Houser Way N. Further analysis and coordination will determine if the existing pedestrian traffic signal at this location should be maintained. 13. The trail connection between Cedar River Park to the Narco property(across the Cedar River under I-405)must be maintained. The Cedar River Trail also must not be compromised. 14. The proposed cul-de-sac of Houser Way N just south of Bronson Way may require emergency vehicle access to Bronson Way. 15. The paving plans may need to also include Mill Ave S (Houser to Bronson) and the Bronson Way Bridge across the Cedar River. 16. The existing on-ramp from Sunset Blvd to NB I-405 ramp may need to be retained for emergency access only. Emergency response time analysis being undertaken by the Emergency Response task force will address this. H:\Fi1e Sys\TRP-Transportation Planning&Programming\TRP-10-Transportation Planning Projects\WSDOT 1-405\N Renton\5%Design Plans\N Renton 5%City Comments.dockor Stacy Trussler I-405 North Renton Project July 14,2004 Page 3 Re: 5%Design Submittal Comments Thank you for the opportunity for this review. Should you have any questions or concerns,please feel free to contact Nick Afzali, Transportation Planning&Programming Supervisor,at(425)430-7245. Sincerely, TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION Sandra Meyer JUL 19 2004 Director CITY OF 3 N TON TEmS Enclosures cc: Administrators:Alex Pietsch,Dennis Culp,Gregg Zimmerman,Lee Wheeler City Design Team: Karl Hamilton,Leslie Lahndt,Bob Mahn,Nick Afzali,Keith Woolley,John Hobson, Abdoul Gafour,Lys Hornsby,Ronald Straka,Michael Stenhouse,Kayren Kittrick,Jennifer Henning,Leslie Betlach,Terrence Flatley,Peter Renner,Rebecca Linda,Shawna Mulhall,Ben Wolters,Stan Engler,James Gray,Floyd Eldridge File H:\FileSys\TRP-Transportation Planning&Programming\TRP-10-Transportation Planning Projects\WSDOT 1-405W Renton\5%Design Plans\N Renton 5%City Commrnts.docicor Project Title: Documents Reviewed: Project Number: North Renton 1-405 Corridor Project (WSDOT) 5% Design Submittal, dated 2/17/2004 Date Rcvd: Reviewed By: Phone: Date: Sheet 04/21/2004 City of Renton, Transportation (425)430 7318 05/19/2004 1 of 5 Sht/ Pg Description Reviewer's Comment Designer's Response Design Parameters 2 of 15 NE Park Dr(SR Design Class = Principal Arterial 900) Bicycle/Pedestrian = Determination should be Yes Aberdeen Ave NE Not SE); Why include if no actual work to occur on Aberdeen. Sunset Blvd NE Design Speed — Is the design speed 25mph? Number of Lanes—7 existing, what about future? Access Control— Restricted now, what about future? --Park (SR 900) I/C-- Determination— Diamond: The traffic analysis has not determined if a diamond interchange is sufficient, compared to a SPUI, or a diamond plus loop ramp, etc. 1 of 37 --- SR 169 I/C--- Mill Ave S is also west of SB 405 between library and fire station Houser Way South is 4 lanes 2 of 27 Renton Ave S Sidewalk on both sides vs one side is a discussion topic for the City. 3 of 37 Mill Ave S Recommend include section of Mill Ave S west of SB 1-405 (adjacent to library) 4 of 37 Main Avenue S Design Class = Principal Arterial 8 of 37 Bronson Way NE Bicycle/Pedestrian—Consider 6' sidewalks Lane Width—center turn lane should be 12' 9 of 37 Renton Place Bicycle/Pedestrian —Yes, sidewalks are necessary as this will be a main park entrance to the future Narco property development. 10 of 37 Houser Way S Bicycle/Pedestrian—Need to coordinate with Parks, potentially need to buffer west side sidewalk. Also, potentially need eastside sidewalk. 11 of 37 SR 169 Bicycle/Pedestrian —sidewalk needed on southside, and on northside west of the Park entrance. Lane Width—use 12' left turn lane. 13 of 37 N 3rd St Design Class = Principal Arterial Lane Width—use 12' left turn lane. H:\File Sys\TRP -Transportation Planning & Programming\TRP-10-Transportation Planning Projects\WSDOT 1-405\N Renton\5% Design Plans\N Renton 5% Detailed Comments (Transportation).doc. Project Title: Documents Reviewed: Project Number: North Renton 1-405 Corridor Project (WSDOT) 5% Design Submittal, dated 2/17/2004 Date Rcvd: Reviewed By: Phone: Date: Sheet 04/21/2004 City of Renton, Transportation (425)430 7318 05/19/2004 2 of 5 Sht/ Pg Description Reviewer's Comment Designer's Response 14 of 37 N 41h St Design Class = Principal Arterial 26 of 37 NB Frontage Rd Design Class = Principal Arterial Bicycle/Pedestrian—Yes, sidewalk needed or mixed used trail to provide access from northside of SR 169 to N 3`d St 31 of 37 SB Frontage Rd Design Class = Principal Arteral Bicycle/Pedestrian—Is 'left' the west side? Shoulder Width—8' shoulder and sidewalk both on west side? 34 of 37 Houser Way N Design Class= Urban Collector Bicycle/Pedestrian—Both sides 2 of 15 NE 30th St Design Class = Minor Arterial 2 of 29 NE 441h St Design Class = Urban Collector Bicycle/Pedestrian— NE 441h is identified as a non-motorized route in the Cit 's Comp Plan. 5% Design Submittal Plans 2 The Roadway Profiles did not include the 1-405 profiles ? 4 Is the 4' GP/HOV buffer mountable? If not, then the inside GP lane has no shoulder? 11 SR 169 Left turn lanes should be 12'. 49+20 to 51+20 11 SR 169 8' shoulder left needs to be discussed. Northside pedestrian access is 51+75 to 56+00 needed from Shari's vicinity west to the NB Frontage Rd. 11 NE 3`d Street Outside thru lanes should be 12' 26+45 to 30+75 14 Recommend section labels should also include the alignment designation from the plans for ease of reference. 14 NB Frontage Rd Right side needs sidewalk or mixed used trail. 14 5th St/Sunset Blvd Can not find this stationing on the plans. Is 8' shld needed when there is sidewalk? Perhaps instead a 5' bike lane? H:\File Sys\TRP-Transportation Planning & Programming\TRP-10-Transportation Planning Projects\WSDOT 1-405\N Renton\5% Design Plans\N Renton 5% Detailed Comments (Transportation).doc. Project Title: Documents Reviewed: Project Number: North Renton 1-405 Corridor Project (WSDOT) 5% Design Submittal, dated 2/17/2004 Date Rcvd: Reviewed By: Phone: Date: Sheet 04/21/2004 City of Renton, Transportation (425)430 7318 05/19/2004 3 of 5 Sht/ Pg Description Reviewer's Comment Designer's Response 14 Houser Way South Most likely will need sidewalk on right side also 14 Houser Way North Sidewalk needed on right side also. 36+00 to 50+50 14 N 8ch St Need to verify sidewalk continuity. 16 SR 900 I/C needs sidewalks and potentially bike lanes 19 N 44`h Street sections missing, perhaps sheet 20? N 44th Street requires sidewalks and potentially bike lanes. 26 Legend Thought you weren't supposed to use the term "take". ROW plans do not reflect legend hatching et? 27 "Restricted Access" needs to be better defined, or better yet, show actual driveway cuts. 31 Why are the two gas stations full acquisitions? 106 Mill Ave S between Houser Way and Bronson Way may require improvements, including the right turn onto the Bronson Way bridge. Channelization Shts Channelization sheets need to show crosswalks and sidewalks for City review of pedestrian amenities. 121 "Mill" not Hill; "Cedar" not Ceder 122 HWS Line westside sidewalk (33+00)—gap in sidewalk is unacceptable. Cedar Park access road under railroad and 1-405 must be maintained, including its intersection with Houser Way S. HWS cul-de-sac may require emergency access to Bronson Way S. NB405-169 Line as shown impacts the City pump stations. This alignment must be revised to the Pumps/Parks task force final recommendation. 123 SB Frontage Rd should show driveway cuts Houser Way should not allow southbound left at N 3`d St. NB Frontage Rd should have eastside sidewalk or mixed use trail. N3 Line (sta. 35+00) median should be narrowed to allow for more westbound lane storage. H:\File Sys\TRP-Transportation Planning & Programming\TRP-10- Transportation Planning Projects\WSDOT 1-405\N Renton\5% Design Plans\N Renton 5% Detailed Comments (Transportation).doc. Project Title: Documents Reviewed: Project Number: North Renton 1-405 Corridor Project (WSDOT) 5% Design Submittal, dated 2/17/2004 Date Rcvd: Reviewed By: Phone: Date: Sheet 04/21/2004 City of Renton, Transportation (425)430 7318 05/19/2004 4 of 5 Sht/ Pg Description Reviewer's Comment Designer's Response N3 Line (sta 28+75) Burger King driveway cut should be shown, recommend as right in/right out. City will need to discuss any proposed full closure. 123-127 Why is it the NE3 line? This is not NE 3`d Place, this is Houser Way N. 125 May need to retain Sunset to NB 1-405 ramp for emergency vehicles only. 125&126 SB405 sta 2357), inside shoulder is marked as an HOV lane. 123 Plan should indicate that only one Houser Way N option will be retained. Plan shows two options. 127 NB405 (sta 2383)—a fifth nb gp lane seems to appear at the off-ramp ore? 128 Park Ave I/C -The traffic analysis has not determined if a diamond interchange is sufficient, compared to a SPUI, or a diamond plus loop ramp, etc. 129 SB405 (sta 2414)—a fifth sb gp lane seems to appear at the off-ramp ore and then disappear into the shoulder? 135 SB405 sta 2488 —inside gp lane is marked as HOV. 136 LW-SE76 Line should include sidewalks 137 SE 76 access is no longer part of this package, correct? 148 Plans need to show crosswalks and curb ramps in order for City to verify pedestrian connectivity through the interchange. It appears that ramp shoulders extend too far onto Bronson and SR 169. It also appears that sidewalks are missing on SR 169. 150 Road on very left labeled NE 3`d PI is Factory Place N. 153 Park Ave interchange will require sidewalk and possibly bike lanes. H:\File Sys\TRP-Transportation Planning & Programming\TRP-10 -Transportation Planning Projects\WSDOT 1-405\N Renton\5% Design Plans\N Renton 5% Detailed Comments (Transportation).doc. Project Title: Documents Reviewed: Project Number: North Renton 1-405 Corridor Project (WSDOT) 5% Design Submittal, dated 2/17/2004 Date Rcvd: Reviewed By: Phone: Date: Sheet 04/21/2004 City of Renton, Trans ortation (425)430 7318 05/19/2004 5 of 5 Sht/ Pg Description Reviewer's Comment Designer's Response PRO14 11.68% Grade This grade on the N3_LINE exceeds the City of Renton maximum grade for arterials by 1.68% but, given that there is an intersection with the FNB-169 LINE just East of the proposed NB405 LINE that cannot be raised because of the 169-NB405 LINE above it, and also given that this grade does not exceed Renton's maximum grade for non- arterials, I recommend it be left as-is. PR021 Vertical Curve The 181 ft VC is substandard, and creates a "hard knuckle". Why not lengthen the VC to 600 ft and eliminate (or shorten)the horizontal curve at the top? This lowers the bridge, and makes the grade change more gradual. The intersection with NB405 would no longer be 90° but it doesn't have to be. PR033 Vertical Clearance Called out as 16.5 ft but doesn't scale that way. CH003 Matchline Should be CH004. CH004 Houser Way Need to show how existing Houser Way Intersection will be treated. CH031 Left turn arrow On NE 3rd Street Westbound— At station NE 3RD 30+80—the right-hand left-turn channelization arrow needs to be a left-and-thru arrow. RWO04/5 Matchline Matchline needs adjustment. RWO09 Detention Facility What happens to the existing detention facility? RWO12 Wall Retaining Wall 1230 is incorrectly identified. RWO13 Walls Retaining Walls 1181, 1182, 1250 and 1290 are incorrectly identified. RWO14 Walls Retaining Walls 1182, 1183, 1200, 1220, and 1290 are incorrectly identified. H:\File Sys\TRP-Transportation Planning & Programming\TRP-10 -Transportation Planning Projects\WSDOT 1-405\N Renton\5% Design Plans\N Renton 5% Detailed Comments (Transportation).doc. CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: June 8,2004 TO: Nick Afzali FROM: Ron Straka, x7248 STAFF CONTACT: Chris Munter, x7205 SUBJECT: I-405 Corridor Project 5%Plan Review Specific Comments: Sheets 263-270, Grading and Drainage plans: These were not included with this submittal. Please provide drawings detailing plan and profile views of proposed and existing utilities. Sizes for existing and proposed culvert crossings shall be verified as well as the condition of the pipe material. Sheets 40-105, Roadway Profile plans: Show existing and proposed utilities in these sections to illustrate possible construction conflicts. Sheets 196-251, Retaining Wall Profile plans: Show existing and proposed utility crossings in these sections to illustrate possible construction conflicts. General Comments: The project should be required to provide compensatory storage for filling of the floodplain. A "zero rise" to the floodway standard should be applied to the project. The project is also required to comply with all FEMA and Nation Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) standards, since Federal funding will be used. No encroachment into the floodway should be allowed. New bridge low chord elevations (bottom of the bridge) should be set above the future land use condition 100-year flood elevation by a minimum of 3 feet or higher, on streams or rivers with the potential for large debris flows (Cedar River, Green River, May Creek). The I-405 right-of-way creates a major barrier to utility service. A hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of all existing and proposed culverts, storm systems and bridges that cross 1-405 should be performed to verify that the system has adequate capacity to convey the 100-year, 24-hour storm for future land use conditions. If the analysis indicates that the system has insufficient capacity, then it should be replaced with the properly sized facility. This is needed to ensure that adequate storm water service can be provided across the I-405 corridor and that the project will not create upstream drainage problems. Any City owned Utility (Water, Sewer, Storm Water) that has to be relocated or is impacted by the project, should be relocated or mitigated for, as directed by the effected Utility. If the Utility system has to be relocated the City shall determine the size and approve the location as to where the Utility system will be relocated to, as part of the project, at no cost to the City. The City would like to see hydrologic analysis for future conditions (from the Comprehensive Plan) and for several storm events, for the 2-yr, 25-yr, and 100-yr, to confirm effectiveness of conveyance HAFile Sys\TRP-Transportation Planning&Programming\TRP-10-Transportation Planning Projects\WSDOT 1-405\N Renton\5% Design Plans\Surface Water 5PercentReviewComments06072004.doc\RStp system and predicted flooding impacts. The City wants to review the hydrology and hydraulic calculations when finished. Johns Creek is not listed as a major receiving water body where direct discharge is allowed. WSDOT is proposing to direct discharge (no flow control) a portion of the North Renton project into Johns Creek. WSDOT could be required by the City or other agencies to provide flow control for the increased runoff caused by the conversion of 10 acres of pervious area to impervious area, since Johns Creek is not listed as a major receiving water body where direct discharge is allowed. In addition, by Ecology's standards for retrofitting of the total I-405 area draining to Johns Creek for flow control could also be required. Direct discharge to Johns Creek will only be allowed if WSDOT makes the necessary improvements to the downstream system to accommodate the future condition runoff for the entire basin and the Parks Department concerns about the direct discharge can be resolved along with any environmental issues. The City will reserve their formal agreement till they can review the actual calculations and can better assess the hydrologic, hydraulic, environmental, and Park impacts of the proposal. The City will need to see hydraulic calculations, including backwater analysis for Johns Creek from the mouth to the discharge of the existing city storm drain lines for 1)the existing conditions and 2) for the future conditions. Culvert improvements under the roads and railroad should be based on the future condition flow to keep the design storm water levels less than for the existing conditions. A backwater hydraulic analysis of Johns Creek for future condition hydrology is required to assess existing culvert and channel capacity and to identify required capacity improvements. Where the new I-405 drainage storm drainage mainline(along west side of 1-405)proposes to intercept the culverts/storm drainage flows from the eastside of the freeway,the City will want to see the hydraulic/hydrology calculations to make sure that it works and does not cause back-water effects or reduced capacity to the City drainage. The City would also like this to be sized for"future conditions". At a minimum, the project should be held to a"no net loss "of wetland area, function,and value. Replacement ratios for wetland mitigation should at a minimum satisfy Renton's wetland replacement ratios for wetland impacts in Renton. Department of Ecology or Army Corps of Engineers' replacement ratios should be acceptable if they are equal to or more stringent than Renton's. Wetland mitigation should be done in the same basin and as close as possible to where the impact occurs. WSDOT should establish wetland mitigation banks in the basins where wetlands will be impacted by the project and establish the wetland banks as required by the State's Wetland Mitigation Banking rule. This will ensure that the created wetlands are established, and have the same function and value as the wetland that is to be impacted,prior to the wetland being filled by the project. The project should provide mitigation to provide for "no net losses"of stream buffer area,function, and value. In addition, the project's impacts to fish habitat(spawning,rearing, and passage) should be held to the same standard. Replacement ratios(2:1)for impacts to stream buffers and fish habitat should be required. Mitigation should be incorporated at the location of the impact to the maximum degree possible,but the additional mitigation could be done offsite within the same basin or watershed. A mitigation fund could be established for acquisition,restoration, or enhancement of stream buffer and/or prime fish habitat sites that have been determined to be beneficial to improving salmon habitat. The project should not only mitigate for the action impacts but should have a restoration element to offset prior impacts and the fact that mitigation benefits are not immediately achieved, especially when it comes to stream buffers. Any existing culverts or other stream crossing H:\File Sys\TRP-Transportation Planning&Programming\TRP-10-Transportation Planning Projects\WSDOT I-405\N Renton\5% Design Plans\Surface Water 5PercentReviewComments06072004.doc\RStp structures that are barriers or restrictions to fish passage should be replaced with new structures that don't prevent or restrict fish passage. Tributary 0283,presently located near the intersection of NE 43rd Street and Jones Ave NE historically was a tributary to May Creek. Through the decades, with the improvements to roads and highways,May Creek and this small tributary have been rerouted and disconnected. Tributary 0283 is a source of potential flooding over NE 43rd Street without annual removal of sediments at the culvert crossing of NE 43rd Street. With the reconstruction of the NE 441h Street interchange,the potential for reconnecting Tributary 0283 with May Creek exists. One method for doing this is replacing the culverts under I-405 with open channels as proposed for Coal Creek and connecting Tributary 0283 with the ditches along Lake Washington Blvd, which convey water to May Creek. If you have any questions regarding these comments,please contact either Chris at x7205 or myself at x7248. HAFile Sys\TRP-Transportation Planning&Programming\TRP-10-Transportation Planning Projects\WSDOT 1-405\N Renton\5% Design Plans\Surface Water 5PercentReviewComments06072004.doc\RStp ' Project Congestion Relief&Bus Rapid Transit Projects MEETING NOTES ► Meeting Type: I-405/IVorth a Drainage Discharge Concepts to Johns Creek ► Meeting Date: May 17, 2004 ► Meeting Place: City Hall, Room 510 ► Time: 9:30 AM Attendance: City of Renton: Leslie Betlach, Keith Woolley, Chris Munter, and Ron Straka. 1-405 Team: David Masters, Keith Hixson, and Earnest Liou. Notes: The purpose of the meeting was to discuss revised concepts for direct discharge to Johns Creek from the N. Renton / N. 8th HOV DA project area. The revised concepts have been developed from the VE study proposals for this same area. David Masters introduced the proposed changes, and Earnest Liou described the concept in more detail. The described concept revises the 1-405 drainage mainline outlet from discharging into the main Johns Creek Channel inside the Park, to discharging directly to "pond no. 1" which is upstream of the Park on the south side of Lake Washington Blvd. This change eliminates construction impacts to the Park and reduces a lengthy pipe jacking route. This concept also proposes to upgrade the existing Johns Creek culverts under the RR, Washington Lake Blvd, the SouthPort access, and the Park entrance as needed. The meeting continued with informal discussion between the city personnel and the 1-405 team. The major points were: • City staff believe that the intersection with the SouthPort development access is due to be upgraded by existing developments. City will confirm and get us the relevant plans. This improvement by the developer may include upgrading of the existing culverts or raising the road at the stream crossing. The Southport project schedule for improving the culvert crossing at their entrance is currently unknown. If modeling shows that culvert improvements are needed at this crossing to maintain access during storm events and WSDOT wishes to proceed before the Southport project makes the needed improvements, WSDOT will need to make the culvert improvements. • Several proposals were made for conceptual improvements to the existing Johns Creek ponds 1, 2, 3 and 4 for hydraulic efficiency and fish habitat, however 1-405 team needs to check on property/ right-of-way issues, especially with PSE and RR ownerships. • It was noted that there seems to be a vertical datum difference between the City of Renton's information and the 1-405 project of about 5+ feet. The City uses NAVD 1988 datum for newer data bases, although some of their older as-builts are in other datums. 1-405 team will check on what datum we are using for comparison purposes, but we had assumed we are using NAVD 1929. There should only be about a 3.5 + difference between the '29 and '88 datums. • City suggested that the concept try to line up the discharge flows through the ponds / culverts /outfalls a little better, to avoid the 90 degree bends where possible. Ron indicated that the limiting surcharge in Pond #1 was highly desirable since Pond #1 can produce backwater effects in City drainage systems upstream of this location. Meeting Minutes-City of Renton Drainage Discharge to Johns Creek page 1 of 3 1-405 Corridor May 17,2004 • There was discussion on the off-site drainage hydrology, where the 1-405 team has been using existing conditions, initially taken from the Watershed Characterization Report. The City would like to see hydrologic analysis for future conditions (from the Comprehensive Plan) and for several storm events, for the 2-yr, 25-yr and 100-yr to confirm effectiveness of conveyance system and predicted flooding impacts. The 1-405 team noted that the hydrology model will be done using StormShed program, which uses a SBUH procedure to calculate the flow hydrographs. The City wants to review the hydrology and hydraulic calculations when finished. At that time we will meet again to discuss if the selection of future conditions runoff curve needs to be modified for a more accurate modeling result (appropriate runoff curve number represents the percent of impervious estimated). • The 1-405 team noted that the overall drainage area east of the freeway is about 900+ acres and west of the freeway about 250 acres. The 1-405 project is converting about 10 acres of pervious area to impervious pavement of the same watershed area that drains to Johns Creek, which will cause a minor increase in flow volume and discharge rate. The City agreed that when compared to the flows for the total basin area the increase in runoff would be relatively small, but Johns Creek is not listed as a major receiving waterbody by which direct discharge is allowed and therefore WSDOT could be required by the City or other agencies to provide flow control for the increased runoff caused by the conversion of 10 acres of pervious area to impervious area. In addition, by Ecology's standards retrofitting of the total 1-405 area draining to Johns Creek for flow control could also be required. Direct discharge to John Creek will only be allowed if WSDOT makes the necessary improvements to the downstream system to accommodate the future condition runoff for the entire basin and the Parks Department concerns about the direct discharge can be resolved along with any environmental issues. The City will reserve their formal agreement till they can review the actual calculations and can better assess the hydrologic, hydraulic, environmental and Park impacts of the proposal. They do agree that the overall quality to Johns Creek should be better since we are including a full retrofit on runoff quality treatment using ecology embankments. The team went on to describe what an ecology embankment consists of and how it works. • City would like to see hydraulic calculations, including backwater analysis for Johns Creek from the mouth to the discharge of the existing city storm drain lines for 1) the existing conditions and 2) for the future conditions. Culvert improvements under the roads and railroad should be based on the future condition flow to keep the design storm water levels less than for the existing conditions. A backwater hydraulic analysis of Johns Creek for future condition hydrology is required to assess existing culvert and channel capacity and to identify required capacity improvements. • Where the new 1-405 drainage storm drainage mainline (along west side of 1-405) proposes to intercept the culverts/storm drainage flows from the eastside of the freeway, the City will want to see the hydraulic/hydrology calculations to make sure that it works and does not cause back-water effects or reduced capacity to the City drainage. The City would also like this to be sized for"future conditions". • A F&W Dept. concept for fish enhancement by benching the existing channel was discussed. Renton Parks Department objected to any proposal that would reconstruct the Johns Creek Channel, which would disrupt the parking and other park facilities. Summary: The concept as presented was generally accepted by the City, subject to further review of final hydrology and hydraulic calculations for the proposed drainage. This will include Meeting Minutes-City of Renton Drainage Discharge to Johns Creek page 2 of 3 I-405 Corridor May 17,2004 the area hydrology and hydraulic analysis of Johns Creek up through the existing culverts to pond 1 where the existing city pipelines presently discharge into the Creek. The 1-405 team will prepare 1) a hydraulic analysis of the current conditions without the project for comparison purposes, and 2) hydraulic analysis of the current conditions with the project. The hydrology calculations will summarize the land use assumptions (if taken from the Watershed Characterization Report, then what that is based on or how it was developed). The City wants to review the calculations for further acceptance and may suggest additional improvements to mitigate problems in the area. The City also indicated interest in further discussions regarding the concept of reconstructing the existing city drainage pipeline outfall to the Cedar River at the south end of the N. Renton project, to increase conveyance capacity so that it could be used as a joint outfall. However, the proposal to use open ecology ditch type treatment at this same location would have to be addressed by the Renton Aquifer Committee. Prepared by. Keith Hixson, May 17, 2004 (updated June 2, 2004) Meeting Minutes-City of Renton Drainage Discharge to Johns Creek page 3 of 3 1-405 Corridor May 17,2004