HomeMy WebLinkAboutWWP272109 (17)' *AGRA AGRA Earth & ' Earth & Environmental Environmental, Inc. 11335 NE 122nd Way Suite 100 Kirkland, Washington U.S.A. 98034-6918 ' Tel (206) 820-4669 Fax (206) 821-3914 22 August 1996 6-91 M-1 1 154-0 City of Renton ' Planning, Building, Public Works Department Wastewater Utility Division 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Attention: Mr. John Hobson Subject: Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Higate Sewage Pump Station Elimination Project Jones Avenue Northeast and Northeast 20th Street Renton, Washington ' Dear Mr. Hobson: This report presents the results of our subsurface exploration and geotechnical engineering evaluation for the above referenced project. This scope of work was performed in accordance with our contract dated 2 July 1996. The wetlands survey included in our contract was subcontracted to Entranco, and the results of that portion of the project are presented under separate cover. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices for the exclusive use of the City of Renton, and their agents for specific application to this project. We recommend that we be allowed to review completed project plans and specifications to ensure that our recommendations have been adequately interpreted and incorporated into project design documents. The purpose of this phase was to evaluate the subsurface conditions and geotechnical aspects of project construction along the alignment from approximately project station 1 +30 to ' 11 +00. The current project plan calls for installation of a new 8 inch diameter PVC sewer line with invert elevations between approximately 4 and 16 feet below existing grades along the easement. SUMMARY • Our scope of work for this project included advancing four hollow stem auger soil ' borings to depths of approximately 20 feet below the existing ground surface. Engineering & Environmental Services City of Renton 6-91 M-11154-0 22 August 1996 Page 2 • The subsurface conditions observed in our explorations along the planned alignment ' generally consisted of loose to medium dense sand with trace to some silt, underlain in three of the borings by dense to very dense silty gravelly sand. ' Groundwater was observed in each of the borings at depths ranging from approximately 0.5 to 6 feet, as noted on the boring logs. Dewatering operations are recommended in advance of open excavations which penetrate more than approximately 2 feet below the ' groundwater level at the time of construction. For excavations penetrating less than 2 feet below groundwater levels, a system of pumped sumps in the sewer trench should ' provide adequate dewatering. • The project appears feasible from a geotechnical standpoint with respect to the soil ' conditions observed in our explorations. Consideration will be required with respect to temporary excavation shoring, temporary cut slope inclinations, and temporary excavation dewatering during construction. This summary is presented for introductory purposes only, and should be used in conjunction with the full text of this report. The site location is indicated on the Location Map, Figure 1, ' the site and approximate locations of explorations accomplished for this study are presented on the Site and Exploration Plan, Figure 2, and the exploration logs for subsurface explorations completed for this study are appended to this report. SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project site is located northeast of downtown Renton, in an area characterized primarily ' by single family residences and a small blueberry farm. Regional topography is rolling, with gentle to moderate slope inclinations. The new sewer would be located in a relatively small scale topographic depression, characterized by generally poor drainage. ' The new sewer alignment is relatively flat, with overall vertical relief of approximately 10 feet. Ends of the new sewer would be located in City right - of - way along Jones Avenue Northeast and Northeast 20th Street. The main section of the new sewer would be located in an easement between private properties. Most of the easement is currently undeveloped and covered with a thick growth of blackberry bushes and other vegetation. The pipe would cross two shallow channels between project station 2+00 and 3+00, one of which contained running water at the time of our exploration program. ' The new sewer would consist of slightly more than 1,000 feet of new 8-inch diameter plastic sewer pipe, and four new manholes. Depths to invert elevation of the new pipe would vary ' between approximately 4 and 16 feet. Geotechnical considerations for construction of the new sewer include excavation side slope inclinations, temporary shoring, and temporary dewatering. , A (%v R Al Gam;;' Earth & Environmental 1 City of Renton 6-91 M-11 154-0 22 August 1996 Page 3 Project Area Geology We researched the project area geology in the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service Soil Survey for King County, Washington, and in the Preliminary Geologic Map of Seattle and Vicinity, Washington, by Waldron, Liesch, Mullineaux, and Crandell. In addition, we reviewed the geotechnical report by Shannon and Wilson, Inc. Geotechnical Report for the Gravity Sewerline. Higate Pump Station Elimination, Renton, Washington, Dated November 1993. The Shannon and Wilson investigation included completion of three auger borings within the rights of way for Jones Avenue Northeast and Northeast 20th Street. Based on these information sources, the surficial soil conditions in the project area consist of loose recessional sand and gravel, overlain by thin layers of surficial organic muck in some locations, and generally underlain by very dense glacial till soils at depths. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION METHODS Subsurface conditions were observed in four hollow stem auger soil borings completed in July 1996 by a local drilling company under subcontract to AGRA Earth & Environmental, Inc. (AEE). The approximate boring locations are indicated on the attached Site and Exploration Plan, Figure 2. Exploration logs are included at the end of this report. Hollow stem auger borings were advanced into soil utilizing a 3-inch inside diameter hollow - stem auger. During the drilling process, samples were generally obtained at 2 % to 5 foot depth intervals. The borings were continually observed and logged by a geologist from our firm. ' Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) were conducted through the auger casing. Disturbed soil samples were obtained by using the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) procedure ' as described in ASTM:D-1586. This testing and sampling method consists of driving a standard 2-inch outside diameter split -barrel sampler a distance of 24 inches into the soil with a 140 pound hammer free -falling a distance of 30 inches. The number of blows for each 6-inch ' interval is recorded and the number of blows required to drive the sampler the last 12 inches is considered the Standard Penetration Resistance ("N") or blowcount which is represented in the boring logs. If a total of 50 blows is recorded within one 6 inch interval, the blowcount is ' recorded as 50 blows for the number of inches of penetration. The resistance, or "N" value, provides a measure of the relative density of granular soils or the relative consistency of ' cohesive soils. The soil samples obtained from the split -barrel sampler were classified in the field and a representative portions placed in moisture -tight containers. The samples were then transported to our laboratory for further visual classification and laboratory testing. ' At the time of drilling, we installed short sections of PVC sprinkler pipe in two of the borings, borings B-1 and B-3, to allow later measurement of groundwater levels after drilling was ' complete. The standpipes were removed and the holes sealed with bentonite clay once readings were complete. The water levels estimated at the time of drilling, and measured following drilling, are noted on the exploration logs. A (C R A dr Earth & Environmental ' City of Renton 6-91 M-11154-0 22 August 1996 Page 4 1 The boring logs are based on interpretations of drilling action, inspection of the samples secured, laboratory test results and field logs. The various types of soil are indicated, as well as the depths where the materials or their characteristics changes. It should be noted that these changes may have been gradual, and if the changes occurred between sample intervals, they were interpreted. Subsurface Conditions ' Subsurface conditions observed in our borings generally consisted of very loose to medium dense sand with varying silt and gravel content. The soil conditions were generally variable, and changes in soil conditions with depth and map locations were typical of the soil conditions ' in our borings. Most of the hollow stem auger soil borings penetrated below static groundwater levels. Because of the granular nature of the site soils, soil "heave" was encountered during ' drilling below the groundwater interface. Heave occurs when groundwater enters the borings and \ or the auger, carrying with it entrained particles of the subsurface soils. It is likely that excavations on site will penetrate below the observed groundwater levels. The Tunnelmans ' Ground Classification for the soils observed in our borings at and above the pipe elevation is "Flowing ' Laboratory Testing A grain size analysis indicates the range of soil grain sizes included in a particular sample based on particle diameter. Grain size analyses were performed on representative samples in general accordance with ASTM:D-422. The results of the grain size determinations are presented at the end of this report. Moisture content determinations were performed in conjunction with grain size analyses in order to aid in identification and correlation of soil types. The determinations were made in general accordance with the test procedures described in ASTM:D-2216. The results of the tests are shown on the exploration logs, and on laboratory test reports at the end of this report. Groundwater Conditions ' Each of the four hollow stem auger borings completed for this study encountered water at depths of approximately 0.5 to 6 feet below the existing ground surface at the time of drilling. Two of the hollow stem auger borings, B-2 and B-5, were completed with short lengths of sprinkler pipe to act as temporary open standpipe piezometers for monitoring groundwater levels after drilling. Subsequent groundwater monitoring is noted on the boring logs included ' with this report. In general, our groundwater observations indicate that most or all of the planned sewer line will be installed below the static groundwater level in saturated soil horizons. Groundwater conditions should be anticipated to vary in response to changes in seasonal precipitation, on and off site land usage, and other factors. rG , A (G R A u; Earth & Environmental ' City of Renton 6-91 M-1 1 154-0 22 August 1996 Page 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The proposed project appears feasible from a geotechnical standpoint with respect to the subsurface conditions observed in our explorations. Construction of the new sewer line and manholes will require temporary excavation shoring and dewatering. The following report ' sections present our conclusions and recommendations for specific aspects of the project. Site Preparation Prior to site grading, any site surface runoff and groundwater seepage should be collected and routed away to a proper drainage to facilitate earthwork construction. Once surface runoff and groundwater seepage are controlled, all areas of the site to be excavated should be stripped of ' all topsoil, vegetation, and existing paving, and the deleterious surficial material segregated from native soil materials if they are suitable for reuse when excavated. We estimate that ' stripping depths will vary from approximately 6 inches to one foot below existing grades. Any existing buried utilities on the site should be removed, relocated, abandoned, or worked around as necessary. All utility work should be performed in accordance with applicable Federal, State, and City regulations. Localized excavations below finished grades in road right of way areas made for removal of utilities should be backfilled with structural fill as outlined in the following section of this report. Most or all of the excavations for the project will be below static groundwater levels and in loose soil horizons. We recommend that shoring and dewatering plans and equipment be in place before beginning any excavations for which shoring or dewatering may be required. Shoring and dewatering considerations are discussed in subsequent sections of this report. Because of the high silt content of some of the soils, some of the near surface site soils are moisture sensitive. The silty soils are highly prone to disturbance when wet. To reduce site ' disturbance in areas to be paved, or other structural areas, the contractor should minimize traffic above any prepared subgrade areas. During wet site conditions, the use of geotextile reinforcement fabrics and a working surface of quarry spalls or sand and gravel may be required ' to protect the subgrade, especially from vehicular traffic. Earthwork during wet site conditions may result in disturbance of the site soils and may require imported backfill or soil drying and recompaction to repair the disturbed areas. If earthwork takes place during freezing conditions, we recommend that the exposed subgrade be allowed to thaw and be recompacted prior to placing subsequent lifts of structural fill or any permanent structure. Structural Fill All structural fill placed in excavations, placed below new pipes for pipe bedding, comprising fill slopes or placed where future support of permanent structures of any kind is anticipated should be placed in accordance with the recommendations herein for structural fill. Prior to the placement of structural fill, all surfaces to receive fill should be prepared as previously recommended. Structural fill should not be placed into standing water. If proper excavation 7t , AG RA Earth & Environmental d J J City of Renton 6-91 M-1 1 154-0 22 August 1996 Page 6 dewatering is not feasible, we should be contacted to provide situation -specific recommendations for underwater fill placement. Sewer lines constructed in open excavations should be supported by at le st 6 inches of bedding material below the pipe invert. Pipes should also be supported below the spring line with granular bedding material worked around the pipe by hand. The bedding aterial should conform to Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Standard ecifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction 9-03.15 Bedding Material fo igid Pi . If the excavated native soils contain gravels larger than approximately 2 inches, the edding material should also cover the pipe to protect it from damage caused by coarse gravel during compaction. We anticipate that most of the excavated site soils will contain little coarse gravel. Structural fill should be placed in lifts not exceeding 8 inches in loose thickness if compacted with conventional drum rollers or hand operated equipment. Fill placed in confined excavations and compacted with vibratory "hoe packs" may be placed in loose lifts of up to 12 inches in thickness when depths below finished grade exceed 4 feet. For the first lift of backfill above new pipes, a single lift of 18 to 24 inches may be used to protect the pipe from damage caused by compaction equipment. Closer than 4 feet to finish grade, all fill should be placed in 8-inch- thick loose lifts, regardless of compaction method. Individual lifts should be compacted such that a density of at least ent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density is achieved. The upper 4 feet below paved roads should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the same density standard. If buried pipes with crown elevations shallower than about 6.5 feet below road subgrades are planned, some form of ductile iron sleeve or other structural reinforcing may be warranted to protect the pipe during backfilling and road subgrade preparation. We recommend that a representative from our firm be present during the placement of structural fill to observe the work and perform a representative number of in place density tests. In this way, the adequacy of earth work may be evaluated as grading progresses. The suitability of soils used for structural fill depends primarily on the gradation and moisture content of the soil when it is placed. As the fines content (that portion passing the U.S. No. 200 Sieve) of a soil increases, it becomes increasingly sensitive to small changes in moisture content, and adequate compaction becomes more difficult or impossible to achieve. Soils containing more than about 5 percent fines by weight, such as the majority of the site soils, cannot be consistently compacted to the recommended degree when the moisture content is more than approximately 2 percent above or below optimum. Based on our previous experience with similar soils, it appears that the optimum moisture content of soils tested in the laboratory varies from approximately 6 to 10 percent, and measured moisture contents of several selected samples ranged from 6 to 26 percent. Only one of the eight samples tested had a moisture content of less than 10 percent. We therefore anticipate that the majority of the site soils will require reduction before they are suitable for reuse in structural fill applications. Drying may be accomplished by means of scarifying and windrowing the soils AG RA Earth & Environmental ' City of Renton 6-91 M-1 1 154-0 22 August 1996 Page 7 during dry, warm weather conditions, or could be achieved with admixtures such as Portland ' cement or lime products thoroughly blended into the soils in specific proportions. If site soils are to be reused, we recommend that excavated soils be protected from inclement weather and surface water until moisture conditioning and compaction has been completed. If native soils I are left unprotected, rain or surface water could render otherwise suitable soils unusable without additional effort to reduce moisture contents. If imported soil is required for construction of compacted fills, we recommend that a clean, free draining gravelly sand be used. Import material should contain no particles greater than 6 inches in diameter, and should contain less than 5 percent by weight passing the US Number ' 200 Sieve, based on that fraction passing the US Number 4 Sieve. All structural fill should be free of organic material, roots, debris, and other deleterious materials. Imported fill material that will be in contact with the pipe should meet the gradation requirements listed above for ' pipe bedding material. (�6;—�� ' Sewer pipes installed above loose to medium dense native soils, and supported thoroughly by compacted pipe bedding material, are anticipated to settle less than one inch contingent upon adequate design and execution of excavation shoring, dewatering, and backfilling. ' Temporary Slopes Temporary excavation slopes may be used in lieu of shoring where the necessary space is ' available and provided that existing structures, roadways, utilities or other sensitive elements would not be adversely impacted. Slope stability during excavation is a function of many factors, including: the presence and abundance of surface and groundwater; type and density t of various soil strata; the depth of the cut; surcharge loading adjacent to the excavation, and the length of time the excavation remains open. ' Consequently, it is exceedingly difficult to preestablish safe and maintenance free temporary slope angles. Temporary slope stability should be made the responsibility of the contractor, who is continuously on the job site and able to observe changes in the site soil and ' groundwater conditions and monitor the performance of the excavation. We recommend that excavations be adequately sloped or braced to prevent injury of workman from local sloughing and spalling. All cuts should be completed in accordance with applicable Federal, State, and ' local safety provisions and codes, including current OSHA and WISHA guidelines. t For planning purposes, temporary cut slope inclinations on the order of _ 1 5H-2H• 1 V (Horizontal: Vertical) should be Mannet 641�a :11:111+ Silty sand at least 2 fee groundwater level. Temporary unshored excavations are not recommended less than 2 feet ' above the groundwater level. Perched groundwater conditions in the sidewalls of sloped excavations may require substantially flatter cut slope angles or additional dewatering to achieve stable temporary excavation side slopes. ' , AG RA Earth & Environmental ' City of Renton V� 6-91 M-1 1 154-Q 22 August 1996 Page 8 Permanent slopes above a pa d groundwater and surface water levels should be ' constructed at inclinations o 2H:1 V orizontal:Vertical) or flatter, and should be provided with deep-rooted, prolific group as soon as possible after construction. ' Dewatering Considerations Open excavations for pipeline construction will require dewatering to provide a stable excavation base and to facilitate construction activities. Each of the four hollow stem auger explorations encountered groundwater above the planned pipe invert elevation. Groundwater levels should be expected to fluctuate. ' We recommend that dewatering be specified within the site soils to a depth of at least 2 feet below anticipated base of excavation elevation. Such dewatering could minimize unstable conditions and disturbance of the trench bottom, thereby reducing post construction pipe ' settlements and providing a more stable pipe foundation. It should be realized that dewatering can cause ground settlement due to an increase in the effective stress of the dewatered soils. ' We recommend that the condition of adjacent structures be well documented prior to the start of construction, as described in the Monitoring section of this report. Dewatering activities could also affect the functioning of nearby groundwater wells or other uses of groundwater resources nearby. Adverse effects such as increased turbidity, decreased or eliminated well productivity, and general disruption of natural groundwater flow patterns are ' possible. Such effects could be either temporary or permanent. A thorough analysis of effects of project dewatering on the existing groundwater conditions would require one or more aquifer pump tests, which were beyond the scope of this study. Based on the soil and groundwater conditions observed in our borings, we recommend that dewatering be accomplished using pumped well points or drilled wells. Well points are effective ' when the depth of excavation is approximately 15 feet or less. Well points are usually two to four inches in diameter, and consist of a pipe with a slotted lower section that is driven into the ground to a predetermined depth using a drive hammer or vibratory driving system. A suction ' pump system is then lowered into the wells, removing water to the depth of the pump intake, or at the maximum rate of the pump, whichever is less. Well points are typically installed in advance of the excavation operations at spacings determined by experimentation in the field. ' The dewatering system is operated until the desired drawdown is achieved, construction activities are completed in any given area, and dewatering is no longer required. Drilled ' dewatering wells work in a similar fashion except that larger diameter wells, and submersible pumps are used. Submersible pumps allow dewatering to greater depths, at a relatively greater cost than suction pumping methods. ' In locations where the planned depth of excavation is less than 2 feet below groundwater levels at the time of construction, a system of pumped sumps could be used in lieu of well points. Pumped sumps could consist of a suction pump intake situated inside of a perforated, gravel I L, A G R A Earth & Environmental ' City of Renton 6-91 M-11154-0 22 August 1996 Page 9 filled bucket or drum. The drum is then placed below the planned excavation base and activated to complete dewatering during construction activities. The number and spacing of the sumps should be determined by the contractor in the field to meet the performance criteria in the specifications. ' Ideally, a detailed dewatering design based on aquifer pump testing should be completed. However, contractor designed systems are sometimes more cost effective. An experienced ' dewatering contractor can usually formulate an initial design, and modify the system as required by performance testing to achieve the desired results. We recommend that the contractor be ' made responsible for final dewatering design based on the subsurface information observed in our borings and the contractors experience and available equipment. This may be accomplished by providing a performance - oriented specification for dewatering. For preliminary design purposes, the following table presents our estimated permeability values for some of the soil samples recovered from our borings. These permeability estimates are ' based on the grain size analyses completed for this study and methodology as outlined in the manual Department of the Navy NAVFAC P-418 Dewatering and Groundwater Control. These permeability estimates are based on the grain size analyses for discrete soil samples, and may U not be representative of the permeability of the formations from which they were retrieved. Aquifer permeability values are dependent on structures and local variations of the soil deposits which may not be accurately represented by the discrete soil samples. TABLE 1 ESTIMATED SOIL PERMEABILITY VALUES Boring Number Sample Number Depth ft Estimated Permeability (cm/sec) B-1 S-1 2.5 1 x 10-4 B-1 S-2 5 2 x 10-4 B-1 S-3 7.5 3 x 10-4 B-2 S-1 2.5 1 x 10-4 B-2 S-2 5 2 x 10-5 B-3 S-3 7.5 6 x 10-5 B-4 S-2 5 2 x 10-4 B-4 S-3 7.5 3 x 10-4 ;; Earth & Environmental ' City of Renton 6-91 M-11154-0 22 August 1996 Page 10 Dewatering activities will generate significant quantities and flow of groundwater. The water is likely to be turbid and unsuitable for discharge into storm drainage systems without prior treatment. Provisions should be made to collect and clarify dewatering fluid prior to discharging from the site. Dewatering Costs Dewatering costs are dependent on many variables including contractor productivity and work ' schedules, time of year and groundwater conditions during construction, access conditions, aquifer characteristics, and other factors. It is therefore difficult to estimate costs precisely for dewatering operations. We have consulted Means Site Work and Landscape Cost Data, and ' talked briefly with a Anderson Dewatering, a local dewatering contractor, regarding this project. Based on these information sources, the subsurface information gathered during our 1 investigation, and on the use of well points for excavations less than approximately 15 feet in depth, we estimate a cost range of approximately $25 to $40 per foot of trench for dewatering activities related to construction of the sewer. For precise estimates of dewatering costs, a contractor should be provided with all available details for the proposed project and allowed to prepare a detailed cost estimate. Excavation Shoring Based on the soil conditions observed in our explorations, and based on the site constraints, excavation shoring will be required in most locations where open excavations are planned. Shoring may consist of driven sheet piles, soldier piles, lagging, or "trench box" shoring. The contractor should be allowed to use shoring of his choosing, however, we recommend that any trench box shoring used be examined to confirm that it is recommended by the manufacturer ' to withstanding the lateral earth pressures described below. We recommend that the contractor be made responsible for design and construction of temporary excavation shoring, based on the following soil parameters. The following active and at rest lateral earth pressures assume drained conditions (groundwater level at least 2 feet below the base of the excavation), static (non - seismic) conditions, and no surcharges with a lateral distance equal to the shoring depth at any given point. Surcharges may include construction equipment or stockpiled materials, structures, roadways, slopes, or utilities. Allowances should be added for such surcharges, as described subsequently. Shoring that is free to deflect at the top a distance equal to 0.01 times the height of the retained cut should be assumed to mobilize active earth pressures. Shoring designed using active earth pressures will allow vertical settlement behind the shoring approximately equivalent to 0.01 H, where H is the wall height. The maximum settlement effects will extend outward from the shoring a distance approximately equal to the height of the retained cut, at which point the effects will ' gradually diminish with increasing distance from the shoring. Active earth pressure for the site soils under the given conditions should be taken as 35 pounds per cubic foot (pcf), expressed as and equivalent fluid weight. Earth & Environmental City of Renton 6-91 M-11154-0 22 August 1996 Page 11 Shoring that is restrained from lateral deflection at the top should be designed with at rest lateral earth pressures. At rest pressures theoretically assume no horizontal movement of the shoring, and therefore no settlement effects in the retained cut. In reality, some deflection and settlement of the retained soils should be anticipated due to the fact that it is not possible to construct a perfectly rigid shoring system. Shoring that is constructed closer than two times the distance of the retained cut from settlement sensitive structures should be designed using at rest lateral earth pressures. Where settlement sensitive structures are located near the planned excavations, a program of adjacent structure monitoring should be developed, as described subsequently. At rest lateral earth pressures under drained, static conditions should be taken as 55 pcf, expressed as an equivalent fluid weight. Shoring of undrained excavations is not recommended; however, if undrained soil conditions occur behind shoring walls, we anticipate that active and at -rest lateral earth pressures of 85 pcf and 95 pcf, respectively, will be present. Surcharges should be added to the above referenced lateral earth pressures to accommodate construction equipment and supplies, roadways, or structures. Figure 3, Surcharge Pressures Acting on Adjacent Shoring or Subsurface Walls, provides recommendations for determining lateral earth pressures which correspond with specific surcharge conditions. In the case of sheet pile or soldier pile and lagging shoring, resistance to active and at rest lateral earth pressures will be achieved as a result of passive resistance against the portion of the piles embedded below the excavation base. The following passive resistance value is based on saturated soil conditions below the excavation base. An allowable passive resistance of 90 pcf, acting over two pile diameters in the case of soldier piles, should be used. An appropriate factor of safety should be applied by the shoring designer to obtain a suitable allowable passive earth pressure. Passive resistance within the uppermost 2 feet below the base of the excavation should be neglected. Shoring Monitoring When excavations are made below the level of existing buildings, utilities or other deflection -sensitive structures, there is risk of damage even if a well -designed shoring system has been installed. Dewatering activities have the potential to cause similar settlement effects. We recommend, therefore, that a systematic program of observations be conducted during the project construction phase to document the effects of construction on adjacent facilities and structures. We believe that such a program is advisable for two reasons. First, if excessive movement is detected sufficiently early, it may be possible to undertake remedial measures which could prevent or preclude serious or further damage to existing facilities or structures. Secondly, in the unlikely event that problems do arise, the responsibility for damage may be established more equitably if the cause and extent of the damage can be closely defined. In situations where no settlement sensitive structures are located within a distance equal to 3 times the excavation depth (or depth of dewatering drawdown, whichever is greater), AG R A Earth & Environmental iCity of Renton 6-91 M-1 1154-0 22 August 1996 Page 12 settlement damage as a result of excavation dewatering and shoring is less likely, and monitoring may not be required. The monitoring program should include measurements of the horizontal and vertical movements I' of the adjacent structures and the shoring system itself. At least two reference lines should be established adjacent to the excavation at horizontal distances back from the excavation face of about'/sH and H, where "H" is the final excavation height. Monitoring of the shoring system should include measurements of vertical and horizontal movements at the top of the shoring approximately 5 feet on center. If local perched groundwater conditions are noted within the excavation sidewalls, additional monitoring points should be established at the direction of the ' geotechnical engineer. The measuring system used for shoring monitoring should have vertical and horizontal accuracy of at least 0.01 foot. All reference points on existing structures should be installed prior to construction, and survey readings taken thereafter will depend on the results of previous readings and the rate of construction. As a minimum, readings should be taken about once a week throughout construction until the basement walls are completed and ' backfilled. Such readings should be reviewed by the geotechnical engineer as construction progresses. In order to establish the condition of existing facilities prior to construction, we recommend that the owner and/or his representative make a complete inspection of pavements, structures, utilities and other relevant facilities near the project site. This inspection should be directed ' towards documenting any existing signs of damage, particularly those caused by previous settlement or lateral movement. The observations should be documented by pictures, notes, survey drawings or other means of verification. The contractor should also establish the existing conditions prior to construction for his own records. � AG RA Earth & Environmental City of Renton 22 August 1996 6-91 M-11154-0 Page 13 CLOSURE We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions or comments regarding this report, or require further information after reviewing this report, please do not hesitate to call us. Respectfully submitted, AGRA Earth & Environmental, Inc. v Bruce . Guenz r WL Senior Staff DRY?) games S. D an field, nt � " P.E.-i3'S�p"� E��''' Vice Presid EXP1fiE5 12 / 19 / 9 BWG/JSD/lad Enclosure: Figure 1, Location Map Figure 2, Site and Exploration Plan Figure 3, Surcharge Pressures Acting on Adjacent Shoring or Subsurface Walls Boring Logs B-1 Through B-4 Soil Grain Size Analyses Reports �uf Earth & Environmental wt V¢' C 2+00 t O.N_1 t 1 �, 3 1 -----EASEME--------------------------- I 15' NT PRpPOSED GRAVEL ACCESS ROAD I�ROPOSED-140 STEEL CASING EXISTING 15' CASEMENT -- 7i00 -- T- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 a PROPOSED GRAVEL ACCESS ROAD EXISTING M.H. EXISTING 15' EASEMENT - - B-4 � 10+00 11+ PROPOSED.8' SANITARY SEWER LINE M ---------- ---- 15' EASEMENT w I � I N i I O I N W 2 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET :fl B-2 MATCH LINE 5+50 0 rn 7- -- -- W s1 I 15' EASEMEII7 a LEGEND BORING I4UMBER A14D APPROXIMATE LOCATION i GROUND SURFACE GROUND SURFACE q x = mD LINE LOAD PRESSURE UNIFORM LOAD q ISOLATED FOOTING °h = 0.64q(0—sinflcos2a) LEVEL OF APPLICATION OF SURCHARGE LOAD, q, WOULD VARY FROM GROUND SURFACE (FRONT END LOADER) TO SOME DEPTH BELOW GROUND SURFACE (FOOTING). BASE OF EXCAVATION CONTINUOUS FOOTING PARALLEL TO EXCAVATION 11 \ \ -/\ BASE OF EXCAVATION BASE OF EXCAVATION (FOR m > 0.4) vh =1.28q m2 n D (m2+ n2)2 (FOR m < 0.4) ah=q 0.2n D (0.16 + n2) 2 ORM LOAD DISTRIBUTION ah = 0.4q q = VERTICAL PRESSURE IN psf FIGURE 3 W.O. 6-91M-11154-0 HIGATE PUMP STATION *AC3RA DESIGN BWG ELIMINATION PROJECT Earth & Environmental DRAWN JMR RENTON, WASHINGTON 11335 N.E. 122nd Way, Suite 100 Kirkland, WA, U.S.A. 98034-6918 DATE AUG 1996 SURCHARGE PRESS. ACTING ON_ ADJACENT _ SCALE N.T.S. SHORING OR SUBSURFACE WALLS AGRA EARTH k ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. DRAWING NO. \91\11154\PRESSURE.DWG Higate Lift Station PROJECT: Elimination Project .. SOIL DESCRIPTION A w Location: Brushy area near planned MHO3 Approximate ground surface elevation: 251 feet 0 Tdpsoil and sod Very loose, saturated, mottled gray, fine SAND with some silt to silty 5 f Grades to loose, saturated to wet, gray, fine SAND with some silt Grades to loose, saturated, gray; fine to medium SAND with trace silt �_ 10 4 Grades to medium dense with some silt 15 Dense, wet to saturated, gray, silty, gravelly, fine SAND (Glacial Till -like) M— edium dese n, saturated, gray, silty, fine SAND with trace fine gravel F 20 1- 25 30 Boring terminated at approximately 21.5 feet LEGEND 2.00-inch OD split -spoon sample Observed groundwater level 1/34/89 (ATD = at time of drilling) NNE No groundwater encountered W.O. 6-91 M-11154-0 BORING NO. 8-1 a a ¢ Z z v 3 0 PENETRATION RESISTANCE Standard Blows per foot Other 10 20 30 40 8rtsi96 S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 � S-5 --'----- ; -- -,---- -- - - - I - --- -' -- -- -- -- - -i -- I , -'-- --;-- ATDD ----�--- I I -- - I -------;-- .--_-- I i -; - I - ------ --1-- I -J- 1 � � -i----------- I 11 - _ _ I Z 1 ' Blowcount 15. 1 I 1 S-6 T I I I i I -� I ------ I --------- I I I I I T I I 0 20 40 60 80 MOISTURE CONTENT Plastic limit Natural Liquid limit AG R A Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way, Suite 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 100 Drilling method: HSA Hammer type: Cathead Date drilled: 23 July 1996 Logged by: B WG Higate Lift Station PROJECT: Elimination Project w.o. 6-91 M-11154-0 BORING NO. 8-2 s SOIL DESCRIPTION wLocation: Brushy area near planned MH#2 Q .. Approximate ground surface elevation: 256 feet 0 Topsoil and sod Loose, damp, tan, fine SAND with some silt and trace fine gravel 5 f Medium dense, wet, mottled gray, silty, gravelly, fine SAND r 10 r15 F 20 F 25 30 Grades to saturated, brown, with thin stringers of sandy SILT Very dense, wet to saturated, gray and brown, silty, gravelly, fine SAND with thin stringers of silt 0 Boring terminated at approximately 21.5 feet LEGEND 2.00-inch OD split -spoon sample Observed groundwater level L30189 (ATD = at time of drilling) NNE No groundwater encountered m a F w W 1 o a. Co :) E z i v 3 0 PENETRATION RESISTANCE Standard Blows per foot Other 10 20 30 40 ---------- --r------------- i S-1-_J-- S-2 AID _�_---------r_---- 1 -- � � I I S-3 --i ------- -- I I i I , I I t I I I I i - ------------- I i I i J TS-5 ---------- --; -- 68 _ a i I I I I ! I I 0 20 40 60 80 MOISTURE CONTENT Plastic limit Natural Liquid limit my AG RA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE122nd Way, Suite 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 Drilling method: HSA Hammer type: Cathead Date drilled: 22 July 1996 Page 1 of I TESTING Logged by: BWG Higate Lift Station PROJECT: Elimination Project x SOIL DESCRIPTION wLocation: Brushy area 2 10'E of MH#4 on Jones Ave. ca .. Approximate ground surface elevation: 246 feet 0 ppsoil and sod Loose, wet, mottled gray, silty, fine SAND with trace fine gravel 5 Grades with silt stringers Dense, wet to saturated, gray, silty, fine gravelly, fine to coarse SAND r 10 4— Grades to medium dense F15 Grades to very dense h 20 Boring terminated at approximately 20.5 feet F 25 30 ' LEGEND 2.00-inch OD split -spoon sample Observed groundwater level 2130189 (ATD = at time of drilling) N/E No groundwater encountered w.o. 6-91 M-11154-0 BORING NO. B-3 m o a PENETRATION RESISTANCE a° a.m �F . 0 F¢ D I e 3 Standard Blows per foot Other cm I Z 1 0 10 20 30 40 S-1 8/15/96 - -, - - - - - ATD i S-2 _ --'--� --- �- --'-- S-s -- -- -- - j s 4 _A, S-5 1 J , I S-6 i I --,-- ----- -- - -;-- 0 20 40 60 80 MOISTURE CONTENT Plastic limit Natural Liquid limit imp AG RA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way, Suite 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 Page 1 of 1 TESTING Drilling method: HSA Hammer type: Cathead Date drilled: 22 July 1996 Logged by: BWG Higate Lift Station PROJECT: Elimination Project W.O. 6-91 M-1 1 154-O BORING NO. B-4 x SOIL DESCRIPTION o PENETRATION RESISTANCE Page 1 w Location: 30' N of MH#4 on NE 20th St. 22 o ¢ ofg A¢ F- a M I Standard Blows per foot Other Approximate ground surface elevation: 251 feet Cn z , 3 0 10 20 30 ao so TESTING ' 0 Topsoil and sod Very loose, wet to saturated, dark brown, silty, organic, fine SAND AID i S-1 �- --�-- Mediumdense,dense, saturated, gray, silty, fine SAND 5 g y m, i S-2 Grades to fine to medium SAND with trace silt S-3----i ------1----- 10 Blowcount S 4 Overstated _ ---- onheae _---_----_ 'v -------------------:-------- 15 Blowcount ' S-5 Overstated 1 -�- - - - - on Heave I Grades to medium dense, wet, gray, silty, fine gravelly, fine to coarse SAND -------;---- -- --' - -'-- i------ - - - ------------ 20 I S-5----------'---�------'- I Boring terminated at approximately ------- ;- ----- ----;-------- 21.5 feet � � 25 � i --'-- - -- ---- -- !--=-- 30 � 0 20 40 60 80 100 LEGEND MOISTURE CONTENT c C Plastic limit Natural Liquid limit 0 2.00-inch OD split -spoon sample c W , AG RA a Observed groundwater level r zi°o °° (ATD = at time of drilling) Earth & Environmental w 11335 NE 122nd Way, Suite 100 NIE No groundwater encountered a: Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 a Drilling method: HSA Hammer type: Cothead Date drilled: 24 July 1996 Logged by: BWG 1 m W Z LL z w U w a GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE HYDROMETER ���IIIRI■d�l■di�l�li� ■nm■iii��iu 1000.00 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.01 0.00 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Sift Clay Exploration Sample Depth Moisture Fines Soil Description -*-�-�� B-1 S-1 2.6 22% 22% Silly SAND •-+-�-�-+ B-1 S-2 5.0 22% 19% Silty SAND - - - - B-1 S-3 7.6 25% 6% SAND, some silt A B-2 S-1 2.6 6% 16% Silty SAND Project Higate Lift Station Replacement Work Order: 6-91 M-1 1154-0 Date: 7-31-96 *AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way Suite 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE INRII■�II�■IIIIY I IIII�1■ IIIIII�IIIIY■Illlil■�!! IIIIII■ 1111■IRII�■�IN��I�IW v II �1■IINII�I�■�61�� Ills■ 1000.00 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.01 0.00 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt Clay BOULDERS I COBBLES Exploration Sample Depth Moisture Fines Soil Description •-+--•—♦♦ B-2 S-2 5.0' 13% 25% Silty SAND, some gravel •-�-•-•-+ B-3 S3 7.6 10% 36% Silty SAND, some gravel '- B-4 S-2 5.0' 26% 15% Silty SAND A, A� B-4 S3 7.5' 18% 6% SAND, some silt Project: Higate Lift Station Replacement Work Order: 6-91 M-11154-0 Date: 7-31-96 40AGRA Earth & Environmental 11335 NE 122nd Way Suite 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034-6918 W-6574,-01 8WILSON, INC. AFSHANNON HD ' GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS FAIRBANKS ANCHORAGE SAINT LOUIS BOSTON November 5, 1993 Hammond, Collier & Wade -Livingstone Associates, Inc. 4010 Stone Way North Seattle, Washington 98103 Attn: Mr. Robin Nelson, P.E. IRE: GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR THE GRAVITY SEWERLINE, HIGHGATE PUMP STATION ELMUNATION, RENTON, WASHINGTON This report presents the results of our, geotechnical study for the proposed 8-inch gravity sewerline to be constructed as part of the Highgate pump station elimination project. The purpose of our work was to evaluate soil and groundwater conditions along the pipeline align- ment and to provide geotechnical recommendations for its installation. Our work included: reviewing the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) geologic map of the area, drilling three soil borings, conducting laboratory tests on soil samples, performing engineering analysis to develop design recommendations, and preparing this report. Our work was done in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in our confirming letter to you dated October 22, 1993. SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The site is situated on the east side of Interstate 405 in Renton, Washington. As shown on Figure 1, the 8-inch PVC or ductile iron sewerline will be installed along N.E. 20th Street and Jones Avenue N.E. The total length of the pipe is expected to be 865 lineal feet, out of which 440 lineal feet will be along N.E. 20th Street and 425 lineal feet will be along Jones Avenue N.E. As shown on Figure 2, the ground elevation at the site varies from 275 to 252 feet and the pipeline elevation varies from 242 to 246 feet. The deepest section of the sewer would be at the intersection of N.E. 20th Street and Jones Avenue N.E. (33 feet). A new manhole will be constructed at this location. We understand that two options are being considered for constructing this section of the sewerline. Option 1 would consist of installing the pipe using the conventional cut -and -cover 400 NORTH 34TH STREET -SUITE 100 W-6574-01 P.O. BOX 300303 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98103 206.632.8020 FAX 206.633.6777 I Hammond, Collier & Wade -Livingstone SHANNON 6WILrSON. INC. Attn: Mr. Robin Nelson November 5, 1993 ' Page 2 method, whereby the sewerline would be installed by trenching and backfilling. This method would involve closing one or both lanes of the existing roadway at any given time. Option 2 would involve pipe jacking or tunnel boring the sewerline. This method would consist of ' constructing two jacking pits, one along N.E. 20th Street and the other along Jones Avenue N.E., at the approximate locations shown on Figure 2. This report presents geotechnical recommendations for both options. We understand that there are other options being considered to eliminate the existing Highgate pump station. These options involve installing the proposed sewer around the wetlands (not shown on Figure 1) which are located north of N.E. 20th Street and east of Jones Avenue N.E. A creek flows through the wetland area. This study does not deal with these options. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATIONS The subsurface conditions along the sewerline alignment were explored by drilling three borings (B-1 through B-3) at the locations shown on Figure 1. These locations were determined by pacing from existing site features and should be considered approximate. The logs of borings are presented on Figures 3 through 5. The geologic contacts shown on these logs should be considered approximate. The borings were drilled on August 20, 1993, using a truck -mounted B-61 drill rig equipped with a hollow -stem auger. The rig was supplied and operated by Associated Drilling under subcontract to Shannon & Wilson, Inc. Standard Penetration Tests (SPTs) were performed at 2.5-foot and 5-foot intervals in the boring in general accordance with the procedures outlined in ASTM: D 1586. In the SPT, a 2-inch-outside diameter split -spoon sampler is driven three 6-inch increments into the bottom of the borehole using a 140-pound hammer dropped from a height of 30 inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler for each 6-inch increment is recorded and the number of blows required to drive the sampler the last 12 inches is termed the Standard Penetration Resistance (blow count or N-value). The N-value is plotted on the boring logs. It provides a qualitative estimation of the relative density of cohesionless soils and the consistency (stiffness) of cohesive soils. Samples obtained from the split -spoon sampler are disturbed but representative of the soils encountered. All samples retrieved from the borings were classified in the field, sealed in jars, and returned to our laboratory in Seattle, where these classifications were rechecked (ASTM: D 2487-92) and the moisture content of each sample was determined (ASTM: D 2216-92). The soil classifica- W-6574-01 �II d Hammond, Collier & Wade -Livingstone SHANNON 6WILSON, INC. Attn: Mr. Robin Nelson November 5, 1993 Page 3 tions and moisture contents are presented on each boring log (Figures 3 through 5). In addition, grain -size distributions of selected samples were determined in general accordance with the "Department of Army Manual of Laboratory Soil Testing, Appendix V: Grain -Size Analysis." The results are shown on Figures 6 and 7. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS All three borings encountered very dense, silty, gravelly, fine to medium sand (locally sandy silt) containing numerous cobbles and possibly boulders. This soil contained numerous seams of water -bearing, slightly silty to silty, fine to coarse sand. Occasionally, it had a till -like appearance. This soil was encountered at a depth of 6 inches in boring B-1, 18 feet in boring B-2, and 6 feet in boring B-3. In boring B-2, this soil was overlain by loose, sandy grav- el/gravelly sand and in boring B-3 it was overlain by very loose, silty, gravelly, fine to medium sand containing organics. Our conversation with some workers at a nearby site and our observations of the terrain along the blueberry farm and existing pump station indicate that unsuitable loose sands and/or soft clays/silts may be present along this section of the proposed pipeline. The presence and depths of these soils could be determined by drilling an additional boring prior to construction. Groundwater was not observed on drill rods at the time of drilling the borings on August 20th. On September 4, however, water level readings taken in the piezometers installed in B-2 and B-3 indicated water table at depths of 24 feet and 12 feet, respectively. In our opinion, this ' water is from the water -bearing seams within the very dense soil. It is also our opinion that, in wet weather, the water levels will be higher and groundwater will be encountered perched on top of this relatively impervious, very dense soil stratum. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS General ' Based on the results of the borings, we anticipate that soil at the proposed pipe invert elevation would consist of very dense, silty, gravelly sand (locally sandy silt) containing cobbles and scattered boulders (different soil could be encountered along the low-lying area adjacent to the existing creek and blueberry farm, as previously stated). This soil is considered suitable for the support of the pipeline provided it is maintained in an undisturbed condition. This soil is i W-6574-01 r"J Hammond, Collier & Wade -Livingstone SHANNON &WILSON, INC. Attn: Mr. Robin Nelson November 5, 1993 Page 4 moisture sensitive; therefore, in wet weather, recommendations presented in the section "Wet Weather Earthwork" should be followed. In our opinion, the pipe could be installed by cut -and -cover method or by tunnel boring or pipe jacking. We recommend that consideration be given to installing the pipe by cut -and -cover technique as the presence of very dense, cobbly soil would make it difficult to jack the pipe and maintain the required alignment, and an oversized bore, typically about 42 to 48 inches in diameter, would be required to remove cobbles and boulders. While the pipe could be bored, it is our opinion that there is a higher degree of uncertainty and, therefore, risk involved, which could substantially impact the costs. Excavation We anticipate that the fill and near -surface native soils observed in borings B-2 and B-3 can be excavated using conventional excavating equipment such as rubber -tire backhoes or tracked hydraulic excavators. Excavation in such soils should not require unusual equipment or procedures. Excavation through underlying very dense till -like soil, however, may be more difficult, and the use of ripper teeth may facilitate excavation. In addition, cobbles and possibly boulders would be encountered in this glacial soil and their presence should be anticipated by the Contractor. Unshored temporary excavation slopes may be possible along some shallow sections where space permits. Consistent with conventional practice, temporary excavation slopes should be made the responsibility of the Contractor since the Contractor is able to observe the nature and conditions of the subsurface materials encountered, including groundwater, and has the responsi- bility for methods, sequence, and schedule of construction. All temporary excavation slopes should be accomplished in accordance with local, state, and federal safety regulations. For ' planning purposes, for excavations less than about 10 feet deep, we recommend that temporary excavation slopes in the near -surface loose soils be no steeper than 1.5 horizontal to 1 vertical (1.5H to 1V) and those in underlying dense soils be no steeper than 111 to 1V. Where less competent soils or seepage zones are encountered, flatter slopes may be required. For purposes of determining compliance with WAC 296-155, Part N, we expect the loose near -surface soils should be classified as Type C soil while the underlying very dense soils would be Type A or Type B, depending on their degree of cementation. W-6574-01 Hammond, Collier & Wade -Livingstone SHANNON 6WILSON. INC. Attn: Mr. Robin Nelson November 5, 1993 M1 Page 5 Temporary Shoring For temporary shored excavations, construction practice in the Seattle area generally utilizes ' trench box (for pipes installed by cut -and -cover method), interlocking steel sheet piles, a combination of soldier piles and horizontal lagging, and/or steel plates and internal bracing walers, although other methods of trench support are possible. Driving of sheet or soldier piles by impact or vibratory hammers is probably not practical at this site due to the vibrations produced and the density of the soil; therefore, partial or full -depth pre -drilling or pre -excavation would likely be required for soldier pile installation. Regardless of the method selected, the shoring system should provide adequate protection for workers and should prevent damage to adjacent structures, utilities, streets, and other facilities. It is understood that the design of the temporary shoring system and the method of construction will be the responsibility of the Contractor. It is the Contractor's responsibility to monitor the stability of shored excavations and take corrective measures if any deficiencies or potentially unstable conditions are encoun- tered. ' Recommended lateral earth pressures for the design of a temporary shoring system are presented on Figures 8 and 9. The recommended design values are based on soil classifications, soil density or consistency, laboratory test results, and our engineering experience with similar soils and conditions in the Greater Seattle area. Surcharge loading should be added to the lateral earth pressures, as appropriate, depending on Contractor's proposed operation. Please note that because the trench box is placed after excavation and may not fit snugly against the excavation walls, a significant amount of soil deformation could take place; ground move- ments can be severe, especially in the presence of groundwater and in the near -surface or loose soils. The Contractor should be made responsible for all damages related to ground movements. ' Dewatering Considerations 1 Based on the available subsurface data, it is our current opinion that dewatering and groundwater control at the site during construction can take place using measures such as sloping, ditching, pumping from sumps, and subdrains. Should any significant seams of water -bearing sands be encountered within glacial till, other measures - such as well points - could be required. The contractor should evaluate the subsurface data from the logs and retain a hydrogeologist to design the dewatering system, if necessary. Except as otherwise designed and/or specifically covered in the contract, the Contractor should be made responsible for control of all surface and groundwater encountered during construction. In this regard, sloping, slope protection, ditching, ' W-6574-01 u J Hammond, Collier & Wade -Livingstone SHANNON 6WILSON. INC. Attn: Mr. Robin Nelson November 5, 1993 Page 6 sumps, trench drains, dewatering, and other measures should be employed as necessary to permit proper completion of the work. Pipe Foundation and Bedding Normal pipe bedding procedures should generally prove satisfactory along the proposed sewerline I alignment. Bedding should provide a firm and uniform cradle for the pipe. We recommend that the pipe be bedded on imported granular bedding material meeting the gradational require- ments specified in the WSDOT/APWAI Standard Specifications, Section 9-03.16, "Bedding Material for Flexible Pipe. " The granular bedding should extend at least 4 inches below the bottom of the pipe and 12 inches above the top of the pipe. The bedding soil should be placed ' in lift thicknesses not exceeding 4 inches and should be carefully worked under and around the pipe by shoveling, vibrating, tamping, or other approved procedures. It should be compacted ' to a dense and unyielding condition and to at least 90 percent of its Modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM: D 1557). The subsequent backfill should be placed and compacted as described in the following section. The native soils encountered in our explorations at the proposed pipe grade are moisture -sensitive and may become muddy and unstable in wet weather or wet conditions. If these soils become disturbed during excavation, they should be overexcavated and replaced with imported pipe bedding material. In extremely wet conditions, the soils should be replaced with 1-1/4-inch- minus crushed rock meeting the gradational requirements unspecified in WSDOT/APWA Standard Specifications, Section 9-03.9(3), "Crushed Surface -Base Course," except the fraction passing the No. 200 sieve by weight (i.e., fines) should be limited to 5 percent. In dry weather, if the foundation soils become loosened during excavation, they should be recompacted provided their moisture content allows the requisite 90 percent compaction. Fill Placement and Compaction All subsequent fill backfill placed beneath or around structures, pavements, or other areas where settlements are to be minimized, and all backfill that is to develop passive resistance should be structural fill. Washington State Department of Transportation and American Public Works Association: 1991 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction. W-6574-01 11 11 fl Hammond, Collier & Wade -Livingstone SHANNON 6WILSON, INC. Attn: Mr. Robin Nelson November 5, 1993 Page 7 Structural fill material should consist of a reasonably well -graded sand or sand and gravel, free of organics and debris, with a maximum particle size of about 3 inches. It should contain not more than 20 percent fines (material passing the No. 200 mesh sieve) by weight, based upon wet sieving the soil fraction passing the 3/4-inch sieve. If earthwork takes place in wet weather or wet conditions, no matter what time of the year, the fines content of structural fill material should be no more than 5 percent. Fines should be non -plastic. The native soils excavated from the trench may be reused as structural fill, provided their moisture contents are suitable for obtaining proper compaction. The very dense, silty, gravelly, fine to medium sand found in the borings generally appears to be at or near its optimum moisture content and would probably achieve the necessary compaction in its present state. Under wet conditions, this soil would become muddy and unstable and would not be suitable for reuse as structural fill (see "Wet Weather Earthwork" for further details). All structural fill should be placed in uniform layers and compacted to a dense and unyielding condition and to at least 95 percent of its Modified Proctor maximum dry density, (ASTM: D 1557). In non-structural areas, where settlements equal to about 1 percent of the fill thickness on the order of 1 inch or more is tolerable, the compaction requirement may be reduced to 92 percent. The compaction requirement may be further reduced in planting/landscape areas. In general, the thickness of soil layers before compaction should not exceed 8 inches for heavy equipment compactors and 4 inches for hand -operated mechanical compactors. For plate compactors attached to backhoe buckets (i.e., hoe-pac), the thickness of soil layers should not exceed 18 inches. Heavy mechanical compaction should not be allowed until the initial and subsequent backfill is at least 2 feet above the top of the pipe. As an alternative to the recommended pipe bedding and initial backfill, Controlled Density Fill (CDF) could be used. Lateral Pipe Support Soil at the sides of the pipeline trench provide resistance to the lateral component of pipeline pressure at corners. The magnitude of the available lateral resistance depends on the depth of the pipe and the density of the soil. For thrust blocks located at least 5 feet below ground level in loose soils, design should be based on a uniform pressure of 1,000 psf, and for blocks located in medium dense soils, design could be based on 2,000 psf. Thrust blocks should have a minimum bearing surface area of 4 square feet. W-6574-01 n Hammond, Collier & Wade -Livingstone SHANNON &WILSON, INC. tAttn: Mr. Robin Nelson November 5, 1993 Page 8 Pipe Jacking Pipe jacking at this site could be accomplished using a continuous -flight auger or a boring machine with a full -face cutterhead. The jacking pipe should be large enough to permit internal access for removal of obstructions such as boulders and to allow flexibility in alignment control. For this site, we expect a pipe with a minimum diameter of 42 inches will be required. The auger should be recessed back from the end of the jacking pipe, if possible, to create a soil plug which will inhibit soil loss and minimize potential settlement of the ground surface above. Adjustments to the distance the auger is recessed may be necessary as soil conditions vary. We expect that jacking pits about 30 feet long and 8 to 10 feet wide will be required. Such pits will require shoring and some dewatering. In order to reduce potential surface settlement, and to minimize frictional drag on the pipe, we recommend that the Contractor be required to inject bentonite grout just behind the overcut ring at the crown and sides of the pipe. This will require a bentonite agitator and pump capable of mixing at least 20 gallons per minute and pumping at pressures in excess of 200 psi. The Contractor should provide details on the equipment, material, and procedures for jacking steel casing or carrier pipe. This would include the design and performance details for the ' jacking system and any lubricants required to reduce the frictional resistance between the soil and pipe. In his design, the Contractor should consider the possibility of encountering cobbles or boulders and the potential for isolated ravelling conditions from interlayered sand seams within the very dense soils. Prior to performing any bored excavations, we recommend a pre -construction survey be implemented to document the conditions of the sidewalks, street pavement, utilities, and adjacent buildings. In addition to the pre -construction survey, we recommend a monitoring program be ' implemented prior to construction to periodically evaluate the performance and workmanship of the Contractor. In this case, a set of rigid pavement settlement markers consisting of a steel ' rebar and a pipe sleeve should be installed at regular intervals through the pavement and anchored in the subbase soils. Wet Weather Earthwork The existing very dense site soils are moisture -sensitive. If earthwork is done in wet weather ' or under wet conditions, these soils could become muddy and difficult to place and compact if their moisture content significantly exceeds the optimum. Therefore, if earthwork takes place W-6574-01 Hammond, Collier & Wade -Livingstone SHANNION 6WILSON, INC. Attn: Mr. Robin Nelson November 5, 1993 Page 9 in wet weather or wet conditions, where control of soil moisture content is not possible, the following recommendations should be followed: a) Fill material should consist of clean, granular soil, of which not more than 5 percent by weight should pass the No. 200 sieve, based on wet sieving of the soil fraction passing the 3/4-inch sieve. Fines should be non -plastic. Such soil would have to be imported to the site. The previously -described pipe bedding material would be suitable for this purpose. b) Earthwork should be accomplished in small sections and carried through to completion to minimize exposure to wet weather. No soil should be left uncompacted so it can soak up water. Soils which become too wet for compaction should be removed and replaced with clean granular material. c) The ground surface in the construction area should be sloped and sealed with a smooth drum roller to promote the rapid runoff of precipitation and to prevent ponding of water. d) We recommend that the subgrade be protected with a compacted 8-inch-thick (mini- mum) layer of clean, 1-1/4-inch-minus crushed rock. ' e) Slopes in work areas and soil stockpiles should be covered with plastic, and sloping, ditching, sumps, dewatering and other measures should be employed as necessary to permit proper completion of the work. Bales of straw and geotextile silt fences should be used as appropriate to control soil erosion. ' f) Excavation and placement of fill should be observed on a full-time basis by a person experienced in wet weather earthwork to determine that all unsuitable materials are removed and that suitable compaction and site drainage is achieved. ' These recommendations for wet weather earthwork should be included in the contract specifica- tions. ' Additional Considerations There are existing utility trenches in the vicinity of the proposed sewerline alignment. These trenches may have been loosely backfilled and caving conditions may occur in these trenches during the excavation of the sewerline. W-6574-01 I 1 11 1 1 Hammond, Collier & Wade -Livingstone Attn: Mr. Robin Nelson November 5, 1993 Page 10 LIMITATIONS SHANNON 6WILSON, INC. This report was prepared for the exclusive use of Hammond, Collier & Wade -Livingstone Associates, Inc., and the City of Renton for specific application to the design of the project at this site as it relates to the geotechnical aspects discussed herein. The data and report should be provided to prospective contractors and/or the Contractor, for their information, but our report, conclusions, and interpretations should not be construed as a warranty of subsurface conditions included in this report. The analyses, conclusions, and recommendations contained in this report are based on site conditions as they presently exist and further assume that the explorations are representative of the subsurface conditions throughout the site, i.e., the subsurface conditions everywhere are not significantly different from those disclosed by the explorations. If, during construction, subsurface conditions different from those encountered in these explorations are observed or appear to be present, we should be advised at once so that we can review these conditions and reconsider our recommendations, where necessary. If there is a substantial lapse of time between the submission of this report and the start of work at the site, or if conditions have changed due to natural causes or construction operations at or adjacent to the site, we recommend that this report be reviewed to determine the applicability of conclusions and recommendations considering the changed conditions and time lapse. We recommend we be retained to review the geotechnical aspects of plans and specifications. We also recommend we be retained to monitor the geotechnical aspects of construction, particularly the excavations, shoring, sewerline installation, drainage, and earthwork. This monitoring would allow us to evaluate the subsurface conditions as they are exposed during con- struction and to determine that the work is accomplished in accordance with our recommenda- tions. The scope of our services for this report did not include any environmental assessment or evaluation regarding the presence or absence of wetlands or hazardous or toxic materials in the soil, surface water, groundwater, or air, on or below or around the site. Unanticipated soil conditions are commonly encountered and cannot be fully determined by merely taking soil samples or making test borings and pits. Such unexpected conditions frequently require that additional expenditures be made to attain a properly constructed project. Therefore, some contingency fund is recommended to accommodate such potential extra costs. W-6574-01 Hammond, Collier & Wade -Livingstone SHANNON WILSON, INC. Attn: Mr. Robin Nelson November 5, 1993 ' Page 11 To help you in understanding the use and limitations of our reports, Shannon & Wilson, Inc. has prepared the attachment "Important Information About Your Geotechnical Engineering Report. " It has been a pleasure working on this project. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. SHANNON & WILSON, INC. ' Mancj Sharma Engineer fl Ralph N. Boirum, P.E. Senior Associate MS:RNB:TEK/dgw Enclosures: Figure 1 - Site and Exploration Plan Figure 2 - Sewerline Profiles Figure 3 - Log of Boring B-1 Figure 4 - Log of Boring B-2 Figure 5 - Log of Boring B-3 Figure 6 - Grain Size Distribution Figure 7 - Grain Size Distribution Figure 8 - Earth Pressures for Temporary Braced Shoring Figure 9 - Earth Pressures, Temporary Shoring, Cantilevered or 1 Row of Braces Important Information About Your Geotechnical Engineering Report W6574-01 XT2/W6574-Ikd/dgw W-6574-01 NOTES 1. Base map provided by City of Renton. 2. This figure is not for construction purposes. 0 40 80 Scale in Feet LEGEND B-1 Boring Designation and Approximate Location To b Iz eb i. aA_.,and r. SEE SHE, TO CxiStint rmmnhok (see r�uAel ) and � -bo exis}in c� ,'v ^'►p station. Z ArrAox. pipe 9%oute :: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::::'�.....:1:::::::::'::::::::: ::::::::: :......:: ::::::::---::::::::--- . . . . . . . . . . . . J. ... .��/ .l-:}. . . . ' : ' .a , . . . . . i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l"'� i : 270� :....... • ` - -v': _ :::::; : _ ::::::: :::: ___-_ . _ : �_-_-- ' :.._ _ _.� .- ' i s _ �" .......... Approximate _ __ _ _ { `- :: ......::: ' ....... :—'Jacking Pit Location �_' ::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: :::::: 4�- - • ---:: : 1}�> > x:crt m ale" �" .... . ::: ::::: : ' :::::: :... :.. i ...... . ::: A �sro.X.�,pt,ti�i�n. - '� �`'' ::::: FXIS7 ......... :l . �t.. 2s _ _ Qf :i: ,xi . . . _ , �` ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . L :::::::: :::::::.`. ::::::::: ::::: ���.z J �......... .. ir rG . . . . . \ . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ::::.. �A :.:.::. ; ...:..: ::....... • ......... ......... .... =- _ ____ -i i= ---- Ex_e ---- ::::::::: ::::::::::::::. :::...::: :::::::.: :::.::::: .::::::.: ........................ 24 PROFILE N.E. 20TH STREET PROFILE JONES AVE. N.E. _ _.......... ---- . - - -- - - - ----760. _Y..C_- - - - --- - - - - - _._... _ ..--- _ .. ...........................- - - - .. .. � �; : .......: � ...... ......... � .. � t O N NOTE 4- �: .... . .... . .. j ....... ......... ......... ... ..... �t :...... ....... .... .. .. } ...... o> .... .... Base map provided by City of Renton. ....... ......... .. .... ...... ;C:..... .........:.........t _ — N• ........ ... .. p Ap roximafe� ...... ........ ... .. ....... ....... -i c Jacking Pit Location : . .... .... j PROFILE ; ..... ....... ....... ....... :::::::.. --- - - — — cv o� — �. �t --.._ ---' -- '- -- --- -- St._ .............. .... --- -- ----------I_..._ Vertical Scale m Feet ---- ----------._ _ -- - - - — -- --- - --- V rt' I S �cv....... ......... ........ ... ... ... + : :::: :::::::: :: :::. ::: . :.: ::o::: J ca " .:: j ... .. ` " 8 �° Horizontal Scale in Feet :. i .... .. ::. :::.:::. ; „ PIP ' ... . . .. : j Vertical Exaggeration = 4X .......-....... _...._...._.._._..:......... ... : _ _..._. ......__..._.. _......_............._..-- - -- - - -- .. . . .. ... .... ... ti . - Proposed Gravity Sewerline :: :::.:.... 3 88 % - _ Highgate Pump Station Elimination ....... ... .... ... .. .. .. Renton, .1.4 9 - P1pE: G� c� Rento Washington 81O . •. . . .. ...... . o SEWERLINE PROFILES 2 /331,� .. .. SELF. �. p.Op¢ .Fr! October 1993 W-6574 .... ... ..... . .. ? SHANNON & WILSON INC. COm CO _...... _._.. ..-..........._.. -- _...-._._..............................................._......._...:.........................._... ---N N — - ......__..............................._........_........_ ....... ...._...._....._.._ ................. .... . .. .. ons •� � � �•� Geotechrrical and Environmental Consultants FIG J r Ik l L� SOIL DESCRIPTION li -a li Standard Penetration Resistance s a : -E (140 lb. weight, 30" drop) Surface Elevation: Approx. 261 Feet o C3 o Blows per foot 0 20 40 Asphalt concrete 0.25 0.5 1= 0 : 48 Crushed rock/gravel F'F-_�::f 21 : : : 50/3" 31 .........:......... 50/2' Very dense, brown changing to gray at -16', silty, 10 gravelly, fine to medium SAND; numerous cobbles 41: 50/5 " and probably boulders; dry to moist (locally TILL -like) .... . . ..... . 5= . . : 95/10" 19.5 6= 20 .........:...... 50/3" ........................................... . BOTTOM OF BORING COMPLETED 8-20-93 .................-....... ............ ........................ NOTE Could not drill any further because of cobbles or boulders. ............................................................ - LEGEND 0 20 40 • % Water Content I 2" O.D. split spoon sample Impervious seal TT 3" O.D. thin -wall sample Water level Sample not recovered Piezometer tip Proposed Gravity Sewerline Highgate Pump Station Elimination P Sample pushed Renton, Washington Atterberg limits: 9 --�—�-- Liquid limit LOG OF BORING B-1 Natural water content Plastic limit October 1993 W-6574-01 The stratification lines represent the approx. boundaries between soil types, and the transition may be gradual. S4IANNON & WILSON, INC. I FIG. 3 Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants a 7 u SOIL DESCRIPTION U_ -o li Standard Penetration Resistance a o r (140 lb. weight, 30" drop) Surface Elevation: Approx. 275 Feet o C/) c� o Blows per foot 0 20 40 Asphalt concrete 0.9 ol 0 . :: ; 1= �........ Loose, light brown, sandy GRAVEL/gravelly 2= ` SAND; trace of silt; cobbles and possibly boulders; 0. dry (FILL?) 31 4= 10 ........................................................ 5= 18 . . . Very dense, brown (locally gray), silty, gravelly, 6 20 ........ ......................... 50/4" fine to medium SAND (locally sandy SILT); numerous seams of wet, slightly silty to silty, fine 7= r> to coarse sand; cobbles and possibly boulders; 4 . . . ." moist (LOCALLY TILL -LIKE) o) 8 = 30 .........:......... ......................................................... 50/5" 91 • : 50/5" 10 41 = 40 ................... .............�:.............. _ ......... 100/4" BOTTOM OF BORING COMPLETED 8-20-93 50 ....................................................... LEGEND 0 20 40 • % Water Content 2" O.D. split spoon sample Impervious seal TF 3" O.D. thin -wall sample Water level Proposed Gravity Sewerline Sample not recovered Piezometer tip ` Highgate Pump Station Elimination Atterberg limits: P Sample pushed Renton, Washington �--�--�-- Liquid limit LOG OF BORING B-2 — Natural water content Plastic limit October 1993 W-6574-01 The stratification lines represent the approx. boundaries between soil types, and the transition may be gradual. SHANNON & WILSON, INC. I FIG. 4 Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants II 1 P" d SOIL DESCRIPTION ti -a ti Standard Penetration Resistance AZ a : z (140 lb. weight, 30" drop) Surface Elevation: Approx. 256 Feet o U) o Blows per foot 0 20 40 Asphalt concrete 0.25 1= 0 Very loose, yellowish -brown to dark brown, silty, gravelly, fine to medium SAND; organics; moist ol (FILL?) 2= 6 31 oo .. . . . . . ........ : 50/4" Very dense, brown changing to gray at -20', silty, 4= 10 - - ....- ................... gravelly, fine to medium SAND (locally sandy silt); .. . :: . 50/2" seams of wet, slightly silty, medium to coarse sand; cobbles and possilby boulders; moist 5= od, 50/4" (LOCALLY TILL -LIKE) 6= 20 ................... ..............................:....... 0......... I......... 78/10" 25.5 7= �. : 50/3" BOTTOM OF BORING COMPLETED 8-20-93 30 ............................................................. 40 .......................................................... 50 ...... ................. .............................:.... LEGEND 0 20 40 • % Water Content Z 2" O.D. split spoon sample Impervious seal 7T 3" O.D. thin -wall sample Water level Proposed Gravity Sewerline Piezometer tip Sample not recovered p Highgate Pump Station Elimination Atterberg limits: P Sample pushed Renton, Washington --0—i-- Liquid limit Natural water content LOG OF BORING B-3 Plastic limit August 1993 W-6574-01 The stratification lines represent the approx. boundaries between soil types, and the transition may be gradual. SHANNON & WILSON, INC. I FIG. 5 Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants P rn SIEVE ANALYSIS SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES NUMBER O N 10 V In N 100 90 60 70 F.` S c� 60 m w 50 Z LL Z 40 W U Cr W °' 30 20 10 0 0 N HYDROMETER ANALYSIS :H. U.S. STANDARD t� (+� GRAIN SIZ�pE� IN MMda p 0 ID v 10 g N O O O O p O 0 p O C —_ - 10 — w — i I NOTE -----The size of samples in the above shown tests was - limited by the size of the sampler. In our opinion, the soil also contains numerous cobbles in most --- and possibly boulders (see boring logs). - - ,-- Instances - ------ -_— - -- _. - - - - - - B- 3 -� $ 5 ---- }--! t r -- - - i ---- ------------ — A I 20 30 L7 40 5t } m 60 N Ir �a 60 8 Z W U 70 Cr n. so 90 100 $ 0 0 o g 0 0 o w 0 a m N 00 to v of /y ': $ '$ o 0 0 0 8 o 3 o 0 p O CO IO ro N O N GRAIN SIZE IN.MILLIMETERS o 0 0 0 o G COBBLES COARSE I. FINE COARSE MEDIUMSAND FINE FINES GRAVEL SAMPLE DEPTH -FT. U.S.C. CLASSIFICATION W.C. % LL PL PI Proposed Gravity Sewerline Highgate Pump Station Elimination B-3 15.0- SM Brown, silty, gravelly SAND. 8.2 S- 5 16.5 Renton, Washington GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION B-3 20.0- ML Gray, sandy SILT. 26.5 S-6 21.5 Set 1993 W-6574-01 SHANNON & WILSON, INC., FIG. 6 Geotechnical Consultants r �r r r r r■� r� r r r r rr P SIEVE ANALYSIS SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES NUMBER O pp N V tp a 0) N 9 100 90 80 70 3 60 } m Ir w 50 Z U. Z 40 W U Ir UJ °' 30 20 10 0 HYDROMETER ANALYSIS PER INCH. U.S. STANDARD a 1.� GRAIN SIZE IN.MMyp p W (0 N O 10 8 N C O O O O O O O O O Q _ 0 -1(- Extra -a _..- NOTE The size of samples in the above shown tests was limited by the size of the sampler. In our opinion, the soil- - in - r - --- -- - - - -- - _ - -- — (- - - - - -- - j ,--I--i --- - -- --- also contains numerous cobbles - most instances and possibly boulders --- (see boring logs). rrtr-, _T_ —, I .,, I- 20 30 Uj c� } m 50 N cc a 60 1- Z w U 70 W a 80 90 100 S $ o m W g Cl)pN o ao a N .- CO �o a M N '; � 8 ao 0 No, o 8 `8 a o s 8 /`+ - GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS o O p p p COBBLES COARSE I FINE ICOARSEJ MEDIUM I FINE FINES GRAVEL SAND SAIMOPLE DEPTH -FT. U.S.C. CLASSIFICATION yNAT. LL PL PI Proposed Gravity Sewerline Highgate Pump Station Elimination B-1 0.0- SM Gray -brown, silty, gravelly SAND. 8.3 Extra 5.0 Renton, Washington GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION B-2 0.0- GW Brown, sandy GRAVEL. 2.1 Auger 7.0 B-2 20.0- ML Brown, slightly gravelly, sandy SILT. 9.3 S-6 21.5 Set 1993 W-6574-01 SHANNON & WILSON, INC,T FIG. % Geotechnical Consultants 1 1� n 1 Surcharge Loading (qS) Loose, gravelly SAND or sandy FILL Internal _ Bracing x 0.3gs y = 125 pcf = 330 24H Ka = 0.30 Elev. x H Temporary Shoring Wall Very dense, silty, gravelly SAND y = 130 pcf 16H 0.2gs = 67.6 pcf $= 420 Bottom of Excavation Ka = 0.20 Kp = 5.00 d f 225 D — I Not to Scale LEGEND 7W = Unit weight of water = 62.4 pcf gs =Surcharge due to traffic, 7. Y = Total and bouyant unit weights of construction equipment and soil, respectively other loadings Ka,Kp = Active and passive earth pressure H = Depth of excavation below coefficients, respectively present ground surface, feet NOTES 1. This figure is for a temporary shoring system with multiple rows of braces. It is not applicable to single brace -row or cantilevered shoring systems. 2. Groundwater level inside and outside excavation must be maintained at least 2 feet below bottom of excavation at all times. 3. Earth and surcharge pressures to be combined. Pressure expressions are in pounds per square foot (psf). 4. For soldier pile -and -lagging system, below the bottom of the excavation, active pressures should be assumed to act over the width of the pile (B) and passive pressures over twice the width of the pile (26) or pile spacing, whichever is less. APPROX. BORING NO. ELEVATION X (FEET) B-1 260.5 B-2 257 B-3 250 Z = Depth of water below bottom of excavation = 2 feet minimum D = Depth of pile embedment below bottom of excavation B = Soldier pile diameter, feet d = Zone in which passive pressure should be ignored. Recommend d = 2 feet ueotemnicai ano tnvironmentai consuitants Surcharge Loading (qs) H Temporary Shoring Wall Bottom of Excavation x 0.3gs 0.2gs / 26(H+D-X) Imo-- -� ► Not to Scale LEGEND pcf qs =Surcharge due to traffic, of construction equipment and other loadings H = Depth of excavation below present ground surface, feet �— 38X 26X it d i i D 225 D - I water = 62.4 unit weights earth pressure 7W = Unit weight of Y, Y = Total and bouyant soil, respectively Ka,Kp = Active and passive coefficients, respectively NOTES 1. This figure is for a temporary shoring system that is cantilevered or that has a single row of braces. 2. Groundwater level inside and outside excavation must be maintained at least 2 feet below bottom of excavation at all times. 3. Earth and surcharge pressures to be combined. Pressure expressions are in pounds per square foot (psf). 4. For soldier pile -and -lagging system, below the bottom of the excavation, active pressures should be assumed to act over the width of the pile (B) and passive pressures over twice the width of the pile (2B) or pile spacing, whichever is less. 5. Minimum embedment D equals H. Loose, gravelly SAND or sandy FILL y = 125 pcf $' = 330 Ka = 0.30 Elev. x Very dense, silty, gravelly SAND y = 130 pcf y = 67.6 pcf $' = 42° Ka = 0.20 Kp = 5.00 APPROX. BORING NO. ELEVATION X (FEET) B-1 260.5 B-2 257 B-3 250 Z = Depth of water below bottom of excavation = 2 feet minimum D = Depth of pile embedment below bottom of excavation, min. = H B = Soldier pile diameter, feet d = Zone in which passive pressure should be ignored. Recommend d = 2 feet t W-6574-01 SHANNON & WILSON, INC. Attachment to Report Page 1 of 2 Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants Dated: November 5, 1993 To: _ Hammon o ier & W a e- ivingstone Attn: Mr. Robin Nelson ' Important Information About Your Geotechnical Engineering/ Subsurface Waste Management (Remediation) Report ' GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES ARE PERFORMED FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES AND PERSONS. Consulting geotechnical engineers prepare reports to meet the specific needs of specific individuals. A report prepared for a civil engineer may not be adequate for a construction contractor or even another civil engineer. Unless indicated otherwise, your consultant prepared your report expressly for you and expressly for purposes you indicated. No one other than you should apply this report for its intended purpose without first conferring with the consultant. No party should apply this report for any purpose other than that originally contemplated without first conferring with the geotechnical engineer/geoscientist. AN ENGINEERING REPORT IS BASED ON PROJECT -SPECIFIC FACTORS. iA geotechnical engineering/subsurface waste management (remediation) report is based on a subsurface exploration plan designed to consider a unique set of project -specific factors. Depending on the project, these may include: the general nature of the structure and property involved; its size and configuration; its historical use and practice; the location of the structure on the site and its orientation; other improvements such as access roads, parking lots, and underground utilities; and the additional risk created by scope - of -service limitations imposed by the client. To help avoid costly problems, have the consulting engineer(s)/scientist(s) evaluate how any factors which change subsequent to the date of the report, may affect the recommendations. Unless your consulting geotechnical/ civil engineer and/or scientist indicates otherwise, your report should not be used: 1) when the nature of the proposed project is changed (for example, if an office building will be erected instead of a parking garage, or if a refrigerated warehouse will be built instead of an unrefrigerated one, or chemicals are discovered on or near the site); 2) when the size, elevation, or configuration of the proposed project is altered; 3) when the location or orientation of the proposed project is modified; 4) when there is a change of ownership; or 5) for application to an adjacent site. Geotechnical/civil engineers and/or scientists cannot accept responsibility for problems which may occur if they are not consulted after factors which were considered in the development of the report have changed. I SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS CAN CHANGE. Subsurface conditions may be affected as a result of natural changes or human influence. Because a geotechnical/waste management ' engineering report is based on conditions which existed at the time of subsurface exploration, construction decisions should not be based on an engineering report whose adequacy may have been affected by time. Ask the geotechnical/waste management consultant to advise if additional tests are desirable before construction starts. For example, groundwater conditions commonly vary seasonally. Construction operations at or adjacent to the site and natural events such as floods, earthquakes, or groundwater fluctuations may also affect subsurface conditions and, thus, the continuing adequacy of a geotechnical/waste management report. The geotechnical/civil engineer and/or scientist should be kept apprised of any such events, and should be consulted to determine if additional tests are ' necessary. MOST GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS ARE PROFESSIONAL JUDGMENTS. Site exploration and testing identifies actual surface and subsurface conditions only at those points where samples are taken. The data were extrapolated by your consultant who then applied judgment to render an opinion about overall subsurface conditions. The actual ' interface between materials may be far more gradual or abrupt than your report indicates. Actual conditions in areas not sampled may differ from those predicted in your report. While nothing can be done to prevent such situations, you and your consultant can work together to help minimize their impact. Retaining your consultant to observe subsurface construction operations can be particu- larly beneficial in this respect. A REPORT'S CONCLUSIONS ARE PRELIMINARY. The conclusions contained in your geotechnical engineer's report are preliminary because they must be based on the assumption that conditions revealed through selective exploratory sampling are indicative of actual conditions throughout a site. Because actual �l Page 2 of 2 subsurface conditions can be discerned only during earthwork, you should retain your geotechnical engineer to observe actual conditions and to finalize conclusions. Only the geotechnical engineer who prepared the report is fully familiar with the background information needed to determine whether or not the report's recommendations based on those conclusions are valid and whether or not the contractor is abiding by applicable recommendations. The geotechnical engineer who developed your report cannot assume responsibility or liability for the adequacy of the report's recommendations if another party is retained to observe construction. THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING/SUBSURFACE WASTE MANAGEMENT (REMEDIATION) REPORT IS SUBJECT TO MISINTERPRETATION. Costly problems can occur when other design professionals develop their plans based on misinterpretation of a geotechnical engineering/subsurface management (remediation) report. To help avoid these problems, the geotechnical/civil engineer and/or scientist should be retained to work with other project design professionals to explain relevant geotechnical, geological, hydrogeological and waste management findings and to review the adequacy of their .plans and specifications relative to these issues. BORING LOGS AND/OR MONITORING WELL DATA SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED FROM THE ENGINEERING/WASTE MANAGEMENT REPORT. Final boring logs developed by the geotechnical/civil engineer and/or scientist are based upon interpretation of field logs (assembled by site personnel), field test results, and laboratory and/or office evaluation of field samples and data. Only final boring logs and data are customarily included in geotechnical engineering/waste management reports. These final logs should not, under any circumstances, be redrawn for inclusion in architectural or other design drawings, because drafters may commit errors or omissions in the transfer process. To minimize the likelihood boring log of or monitoring well misinterpretation, contractors should be given ready access to the complete geotechnical engineering/waste management report prepared or authorized for their use. If access is provided only to the report prepared for you, you should advise contractors of the report's limitations, assuming that a contractor was not one of the specific persons for whom the report was prepared and that developing construction cost estimates was not one of the specific purposes for which it was prepared. While a contractor may gain important knowledge from a report prepared for another party, the contractor should discuss the report with your consultant and perform the additional or alternative work believed necessary to obtain the data specifically for appropriate construction cost estimating purposes. Some clients hold the mistaken impression that simply disclaiming ' responsibility for the accuracy of subsurface information always insulates them from attendant liability. Providing the best available information to contractors helps prevent costly construction problems and the adversarial attitudes which aggravate them to a disproportionate scale. READ RESPONSIBILITY CLAUSES CLOSELY. Because geotechnical engineering/subsurface waste management,(remediation) is based extensively on judgment and opinion, it is far , less exact than other design disciplines. This situation has resulted in wholly unwarranted claims being lodged against geotechnical/ waste management consultants. To help prevent this problem, geotechnical/civil engineers and/or scientists have developed a number of clauses for use in their contracts, reports and other documents. These responsibility clauses are not exculpatory clauses designed ' to transfer the engineer's or scientist's liabilities to other parties; rather, they are definitive clauses which identify where the engineer's or scientist's responsibilities begin and end. Their use helps all parties involved recognize their individual responsibilities and take appropriate.action. Some of these definitive clauses are likely to appear in your report, and you are encouraged to read them closely. ' Your engineer/scientist will be pleased to give full and frank answers to your questions. : The preceding paragraphs are based on information provided by the ASFE/Association of Engineering Firms Practicing in the Geosciences, Silver Spring, Maryland 1/93 , f; WETLAND INVESTIGATION OF THE HIGHGATE LIFT STATION ELIlMIENATION PROJECT CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON This report documents the results of a field investigation of the Highgate Lift Station Elimination Project located in the City of Renton near Jones Avenue and NE 20th St (figure 1). The purpose of the investigation was to identify any areas within 75 feet of the proposed lift station elimination project that could be classified as wetland pursuant to City of Renton Ordinance No. 4346 (Figure 2). The City of Renton Wetland Inventory Map does list an area marked as W-29 near the project site as City of Renton Wetlands (Figure 3). DEFINITIONS AND METHODOLOGY For the purpose of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, a wetland is defined as an area "inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances does support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions" (Federal Register 1986:41251). The technical guidelines of the Federal Interagency Committee for Wetland Delineation (1989) were used during the fieldwork. These guidelines are the result of a joint effort by the US Army Corps of Engineers (COE), US. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) to provide uniform methods of wetland delineation. The interaction of vegetation, soils, and hydrology results in the development of characteristics unique to wetlands. In general, hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soil, and wetland hydrology must be found for an area to be classified as wetland. These terms are defined as follows: Hydrophytic vegetation "...is defined as macrophytic plant life growing in water, soil or substrate that is at least periodically deficient in oxygen as a result of excessive water content." (Federal Interagency Committee for Wetland Delineation 1989). The US. Fish and Wildlife Service Wetland Indicator Status (WIS) ratings were used to make this determination. The WIS ratings segregate plant species into ecological groups with similar abilities to withstand saturated soil conditions. Going from high probability to low probability of being in a wetland, these ratings are: obligate wetland (OBL), facultative wetland (FACW), facultative (FAC), facultative upland (FACU), and upland (UPL) (See Table A for complete description). "A hydric soil is a soil that in its undrained condition is saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions that favor the growth and regeneration of hydrophytic vegetation" (Soil Conservation Service 1985). The morphological characteristics of the soils around the project were examined to determine whether any could be classified as hydric according to the definition of the US. Soil 11 60 ui 2!w a W Z O 4 9l 2 sZ. 3 �ft-' /Z(O. .L s.. o-sT EsMr. \ I 121084 POOLE FAMILY PROPERTY 1 W � o EXISTING UNNAMED CREEK AND PRIVATE POND h 1 I laL � j uw m 1� h o 21 0 r+ I h (3) (2) I PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER �i "' CV10'rikiG EA I 1 9 ZO (t) /�5 03 93 o .� /;5 JI bN.E. 20TH STREET /25 9Ir F5 j SEMENT RWT 1� Nj II LARGE PASTURE 1 I I 47 4- EXISTING BERRY FARM O EXISTING SEWERS IN N.E. 20TH ST. 2 \ 3) \ �4� EXISTING HIGATE SEWAGE lb PUMP STATION 126.14 5. P. I -78 4 Owl' 256 /4 256Z4 ,��'� sty FIGURE #2 PROJECT AREA MAP HAMMOND, COLLIER & WADE — LIVINGSTONE ASSOCIATES, INC. Conservation Service. Wetland hydrology gives evidence of permanent or periodic inundation, or soil saturation for a significant period (usually a week or more) during the growing season. Areas with wetland hydrology are those where the presence of water has an overriding influence on characteristics of vegetation and soils. While inundation and soil saturation are usually an obvious indicator, lack of those conditions does not preclude a wetland determination. Other indicators of wetland hydrology can include water marks, drift lines, water borne sediment deposits, water stained leaves, and wetland drainage patterns. FIELD SAMPLING PROCEDURES Field work was conducted on May 18, 1993 by Marilyn Phelps of Cascade Environmental Services to identify and delineate wetlands on the subject property. Mr. Robert Bergstrom, project engineer for Hammond, Collier & Wade - Livingstone Associates accompanied and provided information about the general layout and land use of the area. Plant communities were inventoried, classified, and described by field inspection. Representative areas were inspected for both upland and wetland areas at the project site. Soil pits were dug to determine whether hydric soils were present and hydrologic conditions were reviewed to help determine whether or not wetland conditions were present. EXISTING CONDITIONS General Project Description The project area is a nearly flat, overgrown and brushy site with a small creek running through the middle and a small pond on the northwest end of the site. The pond has a small concrete dam at the north end that has been breached to allow more water to flow through. The area to the east of the creek is relatively open with few trees and mostly blackberry vines and stinging nettle vegetation. The area on both sides of the creek appears to have been significantly altered over the years and in fact the perfectly straight streambed of the creek suggests it has been changed from its original course. From N.E. 20th St. to about the middle of the project area is an old gravel roadbed that has been overgrown with blackberry and horsetail. There is an old barn or shed at the center of the project area and a long row of Lombardy Poplars have been planted on the immediate west side of the creek. These extend from N.E. 20th Street almost to the pond. Ornamental shrubs, fruit trees, and overgrown grassy areas all suggest evidence of significant human development. The entire area is in a residential neighborhood, although it is not densely populated. There are three wetland areas on the site, all within 75 feet of the proposed lift station elimination project (See figure 4). Site one extends along the east side of the creek from immediately behind the garage of the residence on NE 20th Street to the north end of the project area. It is a narrow band paralleling the creek and extending approximately 10-15 feet due east. Site 2 is the area immediately surrounding the small pond at the northwest end of the site. Site 3 is a shallow ditch approximately in the center of the project area. Due to the small size of the wetlands and nearby stream, it does not appear to be directly connected to streams with an average annual flow of at least 5 cubic feet per second, or perennial lakes. Thus, the wetlands could probably be considered isolated and above the headwaters, as defined by the COE. I emphasize, however, that the COE has ultimate authority to first determine whether or not this area is a wetland under their jurisdiction, and then to determine its status with regard to other water bodies in the vicinity. There were several shallow (3" to 6" deep) channels on both sides of the creek running perpendicular to it and into the creek. The soil in the ditches was wetter than the surrounding soils and a few contained standing water indicating the present water table. The soil of the project area has been mapped by the Soil Conservation Service as belonging to the Shalcar (Sm) series surrounded by the Indianola (InQ series (Figure 5). Shalcar muck is comprised of very poorly drained organic soils that are stratified with mineral soils and overlie mineral soil material at a depth of 16 to 30 inches. Slopes are 0 to 1 percent. Soil from this series is used for row crops and pasture. Indianola loamy fine sand is found on 4 to 15% slopes and is somewhat excessively drained. It is good for urban development as well as growing timber. For ease of description, the site will be described in two separate sections - 1.) the area east of the creek and 2.) the area west of the creek. 1.) Site East of Creek Vegetation The vegetation along the east side of the creek was quite uniform. It was almost entirely composed of blackberry brambles, stinging nettles, grasses and some horsetail. There are no trees for at least 220' into the site. Nettles and horsetail are facultative or wetter, while blackberry is occasionally found in wetlands. Based on observation and analysis, the vegetation of the site would be classified as hydrophytic according to federal guidelines. Soil The soil on the 10-15' wide strip was saturated, black and mucky. It contained very fine silt and organic matter extending to a depth of 12 inches or more. This description satisfies the federal guidelines for hydric soil so the site does qualify as a wetland based on soil. The soil east of the wetland area was somewhat mounded up and could possibly have been dredged from the creek at one time. It was sandier and was not saturated or mucky. It is possible that many of the blackberry brambles were growing from this area and spreading out to the wetter area. Hydrology The existence of saturated soil is an indicator for wetland hydrology even in the absence of any other evidence. Given that this site is also right next to a flowing creek, it is presumed that the water table is at or near the surface. Therefore the site does qualify as a wetland based on hydrology according to federal guidelines. CONCLUSION This site definitely displays wetland characteristics based on soil and hydrology. The Vegetation indicators are not as strong, but this could be due to the fact that the original vegetation has almost certainly been altered. It is likely that the site from the creek east for several hundred feet has been used for pasture or row crops and has been allowed to grow up in the past 10 years. Based upon observation and determination, this site does qualify as a Category 3 (Lower Quality - Disturbed) wetland, under ordinance #4346 section 4-32-3-D3a. 2.) Site West of Creek Vegetation The vegetation in this area was much more diverse and included trees as well as both wild and ornamental plants. The tree species included willow, cottonwood, alder and several fruit trees. The Lombardy poplars were also on this side of the creek. The understory included wild raspberry, buttercup, horsetail, and some nettles on the south end. The area surrounding the small pond has grown up to grass and there were several ornamental shrubs in the immediate vicinity. All of the native species observed were facultative or wetter which satisfies the criteria for wetland vegetation. Soils The soil surrounding the pond for a distance of 10-20 feet was a saturated, very dark brown, mucky, very fine silt extending to a depth of 12 inches or more. This satisfies the federal requirement for hydric soil. There was also an area of similar type soil in a small depression that ran into the creek about halfway through the project site. This area was approximately 5- 10 feet wide and the soil also met criteria for hydric soil. Both these soils fit the soil profile for Shalcar soil which is listed as a hydric soil. The soil in the remainder of the site was also black but was not saturated. It was gravely and quite compacted at the south end of the site. Mr. Bergstrom stated that there had been an old gravel road at that location that was no longer in use. The site conditions observed would agree with that statement. The soil along the rest of the proposed project area was relatively loose, sandy, well drained, black and slightly organic and did not display wetland characteristics such as gleying, mottling or evidence of saturation. There was very little or no clay content in the soil and it did not feel sticky or "greasy." The water table was not evident down to a depth of 18 inches in this soil. This description does not fit the Shalcar soil series profile, nor does it fit the profile of the surrounding Indianola soil series. For purposes of determination, it was not observed to be considered as a hydric soil based on its characteristics. Therefore, the remainder of the site would not qualify as a wetland based on soils. Hydrology This site displays evidence of considerable human intervention. The pond is obviously manmade, as indicated by the dam, and the creek has very likely been dredged and/or channeled. There is an old storage shed near the middle of the site and the old roadbed leading to it. There has been deliberate effort made to divert, contain or otherwise manage the hydrology of this site. The presence of saturated soil is enough to qualify the area around the pond and ditch as a wetland based on hydrology. The manmade alterations of ditching and channeling have effectively drained the other drier, slightly higher ground, removing any hydrologic indicators of wetland status. That area would not now be considered as a wetland based on hydrology. CONCLUSION This site does contain two small wetland areas. One was obviously manmade (the area surrounding the pond) and the other may or may not have been manmade (the ditch). The rest of the area does display some wetland characteristics (hydrophytic vegetation) but the drained soils preclude it from meeting all the criteria for a true wetland. It is definitely a disturbed area and it is difficult to determine what the original state of the entire area was. Given that the site has been disturbed and is no longer in a true natural state, the two wetland areas would qualify as Category 3 (Lower Quality - Disturbed ) wetland under Ordinance #4346, section 4-32-3-D3a. TABLE 1 Key to Wetland Indicator Status (WIS) Categories Indicator Indicator Category Symbol Definition Obligate OBL Plants that occur almost always (estimated probability >99%) in wetlands under natural conditions, but which may also occur rarely (est. probability <1%) in non wetlands. Facultative FACW Plants that occur usually (est. Wetland probability >67% - 99%) in wetlands, Plants but also occur (est. probability 1% - 33%) in non wetlands. Facultative FAC Plants with a similar likelihood Plants (est. probability 33% - 67%) of occurring in both wetlands and non -wetlands. Facultative FACU Plants that occur sometimes (est. Upland probability 1% - <33%) in wetlands, Plants but occur more often (est. probab- ility >67% - 99%) in non wetlands. Obligate UPI, Plants that occur rarely (est. Upland probability <1%) in wetlands, but Plants occur almost always (est. probab- ility >99%) in non wetlands under natural conditions. A + sign after the indicator symbol indicates a frequency toward the higher end of the category (more frequently found in wetlands), and a - sign indicates a frequency toward the lower end of the category (less frequently found in wetlands.) Table 2 Plant Species and Indicator Symbol for Vegetation at Project Site Willow Salix spp. FACW Red Alder Alnus rubra FAC Cottonwood Populous deltoides FAC Blackberry Rubus discolor FACU- Raspberry Rubus pedatus FAC- Buttercup Ranunculus repens FACW Horsetail Equisetum fluviatile FACW Stinging nettle Urtica divica FAC+ S 17 W3K r - LJ (J) F A _ r LLJ 2 i S — 9 L�_� > _ z_I w �17 e I ys ° W 1 K W4K s�Q it 1'I — 3 S26K �cw a'N-47 l \ V J L J ( \ W2K _ W-23 S28K - = W 2 6 LNE..' 1 S - 1 3 27TH STREET'GTONLLJ `- = W-29 > —1 1 0 -- �� PROJECT LOCATION--_- �� _ LLJ / S —18 S-1 Sr- 1 b L s FIGURE #3 CITY OF RENTON WETLANDS INVENTORY MAP HAMMOND, COLLIER & WADE - LIVINGSTONE ASSOCIATES, INC.__! /V 12;°��� WETLAND #2 �-PI AREA ADJACENT ;A /jII T 16 10.23 ,50 1143 TO EXISTING T I to127 1 112 POND p 1 ia.l ��42.� _._r. .1.3..* ,. .r1�T-a-�26e �/- 20a 26- — 2. x 1522`���� Zs = 737 - I 205 li I 1d:F7 ! 21. Qp 5 3, fl Zoe J A, a �a �IW=Z52— IE 72'z27G I ,r, 'I 1106 Io 26° I14.3 177�/ f2e9 .,30 ISI ISS ` 13 ', l .ee_ 1879 s9 -Aw U of i i LLi z W a y z O /A q 1dB° Lu -15 12. 24 ,<) rr a T��rr)v3 a `� 23y,d4' 271 270 73 . 12t3 .220 2 6 2 I I \ . 226 '�4 i y \ 221 �2161A rT16++� -: 39e 272 I �9 2.13 Y,Ity 225 2979 y235 i2>e SCALE 1 = 80 FEET CA ! 3b9 '1 210 1 I ', :73 p i , 2 a -- i� 31A �23 5 r - , 30607 31 I� 1 'y / Loi • 316 , 5�9 L& 'u.15j3J,J r' ti'�•� � f -- — 317 ll I ( WETLAND #3 y '1 26♦ ' 263 jy t1 SMALL DITCH ,; » • = _ ;,, _ (I TRIBUTARY TO 5323 CREEK 32. - 3:s I I i.. Y ---. (3261; Pa aLA,PSl /Z» 4. r . 't� •. 3 +• y ,Pw 4 ` 327 }9 i 8 lir°^ TF of I. W (327 7,5• Dvr[ei aie✓.`259 ` ! - I5� i IFF, ZV�� 0 f - _ POHL RESIDENCE 334 O �J 23jf� 371 370 ]72 3� '' ! �� 379 J 1 376 375 37 I 36. -}I�-2 ; J671 t366 .I /37`0 13; __.__ �. ... .__. _ _ •VJJ�kI .._. J60. 359'.... N E 20TH STREET LARGE PASTURE 306 302 3 - -- 1. e.AM w•Ol'• vA6i C5 16• To 4'..°c WETLAND #1 EAST BANK OF CREEK, s� NORTH OF m-- . KAY RESIDENCE I , 1551 DR. KAY'S PROPERTY !U2 •` a�' I to I Iu7, ue/ 443.. ti a• —✓�— �t IA .29 �-3=7—JJ9} ���p.```II —`l6_ —±65 ....3�61 .. . a33 Zyz36] F 2�2e 423 j1" .: 6`t ��r�' 3 FIGURE #4 12 y • �3 w .39 .790_�r..� S ♦ 3 78d 19 . b7 • 1 6 a% 497 PROJECT AREA ••• `. •� SURVEY MAP EXISTING BERRY FARM HAMMO ND, COLLIER & WADE — LIVINGSTONE ASSOCIATES, INC.-------) AgC 1 'lewpor, EwC •� : ••/� ..\ Hills 1 Ag B InA •li ' u It�•Ev3tu y AMC \ I �'7 ii •Kpp II ILI I' 3 D 2 f. Age eta 3 am pD AgC 8 ^ Il AMCAZ I\1, `✓ �Q CI •I• AgC BM May a KpC . EvC 109 yr • �� GvD •9 O• •; 8tp �^ Ago- \ �� NI: No = ' AgC BM 1 p ` I ♦ ii •' ' ` 1 605 1I I - o. � F •- •� � Sm .� f ` ;AgC I AgC • • AgD•. 1 •� Agp �r I AgC Kennydale ` .• is ,,, ? I'I y .. •InC• AkF:• i AkF �' AkF AgC Ev B ; '� P - GRAVEL Coleman Poin Q ' R/T :v6 8 • C. AgD s - i' n BM11 m a • BM• 03 • •• o " n n Ev0 EvC _ — p ° AgC Bm `. .I •y i lip AkF a` ,! PROJECT LOCATION Amc Am6 I U I Ili r VVV InCt • I ; • ✓. c.I� .�I" �. ...., •'-;•, _. ; I I AgC' r AkF LJ I Y Ur 1 r I' ' ` I 4mC ••Ur R TON / �• � � • �', I. � ••_' IJ :RdE I RENTON 1.9 M1. 12'30" (Joins sheet 11) 1 •RdC, 10' RENTON 1.7 M1. FIGURE #5 Scale 1:24 000 SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE INVENTORY MAP HAM M0ND, COLLIER & WADE — LIVINGSTONE ASSOCIATES, INC.— SOIL SURVEY King County Area Washington 0 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Soil Conservation Service in cooperation with WASHINGTON AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Issued November 1973 gravelly coarse sand to very gravelly loamy sand. Depth to the IIC horizon ranges from 18 to 36 inches. Some areas are up to 5 percent included Alderwood soils, on the more rolling and undulating parts of the landscape; some are about 5 percent the deep, sandy Indianola soils; and some are up to 25 percent Neilton very gravelly loamy sands. Also included in mapping are areas where consolidated glacial till, which characteristically underlies Alderwood soils, is at a depth of 5 to 15 feet. Permeability is rapid. The effective rooting depth is 60 inches or more. Available water capac- ity is low. Runoff is slow, and the erosion hazard is slight. This soil is used for timber and pasture and for urban development. Capability unit IVs-1; woodland group 3f3. Everett gravelly sandy loam, 5 to 15 percent slopes (EvC).--This soil is rolling. Areas are irregular in shape, have a convex surface, and range from 25 acres to more than 200 acres in size. Run- off is slow to medium, and the erosion hazard is slight to moderate. Soils included with this soil in mapping make up no more than 25 percent of the total acreage. Some areas are up to 5 percent Alderwood soils, which overlie consolidated glacial till; some are up to 20 percent Neilton very gravelly loamy sand; and some are about 15 percent included areas of Everett soils where slopes are more gentle than 5 percent and where they are steeper than 15 percent. This Everett soil is used for timber and pasture and for urban development. Capability unit VIs-1; woodland group 3f3. Everett gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes (EvD).--This soil occurs as long, narrow areas, mostly along drainageways or on short slopes between terrace benches. It is similar to Everett gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 5 percent slopes, but in most places is stonier and more gravelly. Soils included with this soil in mapping make up no more than 30 percent of the total acreage. Some areas are up to 10 percent Alderwood soils, which overlie consolidated glacial till; some are up to 5 percent the deep, sandy Indianola soils; some are up to 10 percent Neilton very gravelly loamy sand; and some are about 15 percent included areas of Everett soils where slopes are less than 15 percent. Runoff is medium to rapid, and the erosion hazard is moderate to severe. Most of the acreage is used for timber. Capa- bility unit VIe-l; woodland group 3f2. Everett-Alderwood gravelly sandy loams, 6 to 15 percent slopes (EwQ --This mapping unit is about equal parts Everett and Alderwood soils. The soils are rolling. Slopes are dominantly 6 to 10 percent, but range from gentle to steep. Most areas are irregular in shape and range from 15 to 100 acres or more in size. In areas classified as Everett soils, field examination and geologic maps indicate 16 the presence of a consolidated substratum at a depth of 7 to 20 feet. This substratum is the same mate- rial as that in the Alderwood soils. Some areas are up to 5 percent included Norma, Seattle, and Tukwila soils, all of which are poorly drained. Runoff is slow to medium, and the erosion hazard is slight to moderate. Most of the acreage is used for timber. Capabil- ity unit VIs-l; woodland group 3f3. Indianola Series The Indianola series is made up of somewhat excessively drained soils that formed under conifers in sandy, recessional, stratified glacial drift. These undulating, rolling, and hummocky soils are on terraces. Slopes are 0 to 30 percent. The annual precipitation is 30 to S5 inches, and the mean annual air temperature is about 50' F. The frost - free season is 150 to 210 days. Elevation ranges from about sea level to 1,000 feet. In a representative profile, the upper 30 inches is brown, dark yellowish -brown, and light olive - brown loamy fine sand. This is underlain by olive sand that extends to a depth of 60 inches or more (pl. I, right). Indianola soils are used for timber and for urban development. Indianola loamy fine sand, 4 to 15 percent slopes (InC).--This undulating and rolling soil has convex slopes. It is near the edges of upland terraces. Areas range from 5 to more than 100 acres in size. Representative profile of Indianola loamy fine sand, 4 to 15 percent slopes, in forest, 1,000 feet west and 900 feet south of the northeast corner of sec. 32, T. 25 N., R. 6 E.: 01--3/4 inch to 0, leaf litter. B21ir--0 to 6 inches, broom (10YR 4/3) loamy fine sand, brown (10YR 5/3) dry; massive; soft, very friable, nonsticky, nonplastic; many roots; slightly acid; clear, smooth boundary. 4 to 8 inches thick. B22ir--6 to 15 inches, dark yellowish -brown (lOYR 4/4) loamy fine sand, brown (10YR 5/3) dry; massive; soft, very friable, nonsticky, non - plastic; common roots; slightly acid; clear, smooth boundary. 6 to 15 inches thick. C1--15 to 30 inches, light olive -brown (2.5Y 5/4) loamy fine sand, yellowish brown (10YR 6/4) dry; massive; soft, very friable, nonsticky, nonplastic; common roots; slightly acid; gradual, smooth boundary. 12 to 17 inches thick. C2--30 to 60 inches, olive (5Y 5/4) sand, light brownish gray (2.5Y 6/2) dry; single grain; loose, nonsticky, nonplastic; few roots; slightly acid. Many feet thick. There is a thin, very dark brown Al horizon at the surface in some places. The B horizon ranges from very dark grayish brown to brown and dark yellowish brown. The C horizon ranges from dark grayish brown to pale olive and from loamy fine sand to sand. Thin lenses of silty material are at a depth of 4 to 7 feet in some places. Soils included with this soil in mapping make up no more than 25 percent of the total acreage. Some areas are up to 10 percent Alderwood soils, on the more rolling and undulating parts of the landscape; some are up to 8 percent the deep, gravelly Everett and Neilton soils; some are up to 15 percent Kitsap soils, which have platy lake sediments in the sub- soil; and some are up to 15 percent Ragnar soils, which have a sandy substratum. Permeability is rapid. The effective rooting depth is 60 inches or more. Available water capac- ity is moderate. Runoff is slow to medium, and the erosion hazard is slight to moderate. This soil is used for timber and for urban devel- opment. Capability unit IVs-2; woodland group 4s3. Indianola loamy fine sand, 0 to 4 percent slopes (InA).--This soil occupies smooth terraces in long narrow tracts adjacent to streams. areas range from about 3 to 70 acres in size. Soils included with this soil in mapping make up no more than 20 percent of the total acreage. Some areas are up to 5 percent Alderwood soils, on the more rolling and undulating parts of the landscape; some are about 10 percent the deep, gravelly Everett and Neilton soils; some are up to 10 percent Indian- ola loamy fine sand that has stronger slopes; and some areas are up to 10 percent the poorly drained Norma, Shalcar, Tukwila soils. Runoff is slow, and the erosion hazard is slight. This soil is used for timber. Capability unit IVs-2; woodland group 4s3. Indianola loamy fine sand, 15 to 30 percent slopes (InD).--This soil is along entrenched streams. Soils included with this soil in mapping make up no more than 25 percent of the total acreage. Some areas are up to 10 percent Alderwood soils; some are about 5 percent the deep, gravelly Everett and Neil - ton soils; some are up to 15 percent Kitsap soils, which have platy, silty lake sediments in the sub- soil; and some are up to 15 percent Indianola loamy fine sand that has milder slopes. Runoff is medium, and the erosion hazard is moder- ate to severe. This soil is used for timber. Capability unit VIe-1; woodland group 4s2. Kitsap Series The Kitsap series is made up of moderately well drained soils that formed in glacial lake deposits, under a cover of conifers and shrubs. These soils are on terraces and strongly dissected terrace fronts. They are gently undulating and rolling and moderately steep. Slopes are 2 to 70 percent. Platy, silty sediments are at a depth of 18 to 40 inches. The annual precipitation is 35 to 60 inches, and the mean annual air temperature is about 50' F. The frost -free season is 150 to more than 200 days. Elevation ranges from about sea level to 500 feet. In a representative profile, the surface layer and subsoil are very dark brown and dark yellowish - brown silt loam that extends to a depth of about 24 inches. The substratum is olive -gray silty clay loam. It extends to a depth of 60 inches or more. Kitsap soils are used for timber and pasture. Kitsap silt loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes (KpB).-- This undulating soil is on low terraces of the major valleys of the Area. Areas range from 5 acres to more than 600 acres in size and are nearly circular to irregular in shape. Some areas are one -eighth to a half mile wide and up to 3 or 4 miles long. Representative profile of Kitsap silt loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes, in pasture, 820 feet west and 330 feet south of east quarter corner of sec. 28, T. 25 N., R. 7 E.: Ap--O to 5 inches, very dark brown (10YR 2/2) silt loam, dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) dry; mod- erate, medium, granular structure; slightly hard, very friable, nonsticky, nonplastic; many roots; medium acid; abrupt, smooth bound-' ary. B2--5 to 24 inches, dark yellowish -brown (10YR 3/4) silt loam, brown (10YR 5/3) dry; 2 percent iron concretions; weak, coarse, prismatic structure; slightly hard, friable, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; many roots; slightly acid; abrupt, wavy boundary. 18 to 21 inches thick. IIC--24 to 60 inches, olive -gray (SY 5/2) silty clay loam, light gray (5Y 7/2) dry; many, medium and coarse, prominent mottles of dark yellowish brown and strong brown (10YR 4/4 and 7.SYR 5/8); moderate, thin and medium, platy struc- ture; hard, firm, sticky, plastic; few roots to a depth of 36 inches, none below; strongly acid. The A horizon ranges from very dark brown to dark brown. The B horizon ranges from dark yellowish brown to dark brown and from silt loam to silty clay loam. The platy IIC horizon ranges from grayish brown to olive gray and from silt loam to silty clay loam that has thin lenses of loamy fine sand in places. Brownish mottles are common in the upper part of the IIC horizon. Some areas are up to 10 percent included Alderwood gravelly sandy loam; some are up to 5 percent the very deep, sandy Indianola soils; and some are up to 5 percent the poorly drained Bellingham, Tukwila, and Seattle soils. Water flows on top of the substratum in winter. Permeability is moderate above the substratum and very slow within it. The effective rooting depth is about 36 inches. Available water capacity is moder- ate to moderately high. Runoff is slow to medium, and the erosion hazard is slight to moderate. This soil is used for timber and pasture. Capabil- ity unit IIIe-l; woodland group M . 17 are 0 to 1 percent. The annual precipitation is 35 to 80 inches, and the mean annual air temperature is about 500 F. The frost -free season ranges from 150 to 200 days. Elevation ranges from 25 to 750 feet. In a representative profile, the surface layer is r very dark brown muck about 14 inches thick. Below this is 5 inches of grayish -brown silt loam and dark -gray very fine sandy loam. The next 5 inches is black and very dark brown muck. The underlying material is mottled grayish -brown, dark -gray, black, and very dark grayish -brown silt loam to loamy sand that extends to a depth of 60 inches or more. Shalcar soils are used for row crops and pasture. Shalcar muck (Sm).--This nearly level soil is in rounded and irregularly shaped areas that range from 1 to about 30 acres in size. Slopes are less than 1 percent. Representative profile of Shalcar muck, in pas- ture, 280 feet east and 1,220 feet north of center of sec. 35, T. 22 N., R. 4 E.: Oal--O to 9 inches, very dark brown (10YR 2/2) muck, grayish brown (2.5Y 5/1) dry; many, large, prominent, strong -brown (7.5YR 5/6) mottles dry; moderate, medium, granular structure; slightly hard, very friable, sticky, plastic; many roots; medium acid; abrupt, smooth bound- ary. 9 to 11 inches thick. Oa2--9 to 14 inches, very dark brown (10YR 2/2) muck and pockets of silt loam; muck is black (10YR 2/1), very dark brown (10YR 2/2), and brown (10YR 4/3) dry; silt loam is light gray (10YR 7/2) dry; moderate, thin, platy structure; slightly hard, very friable, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; many roots; very strongly acid; abrupt, smooth boundary. 3 to 5 inches thick. C1--14 to 16 inches, grayish -brown (2.5Y 5/2) silt loam, light gray (2.5Y 7/2) dry; many, medium, prominent, brown (7.5YR 4/4) and strong -brown (7.5YR 5/6) mottles, brown (7.5YR 4/4) and reddish yellow (7.5YR 7/6) dry; massive; hard, firm, sticky, plastic; few roots; extremely acid; clear, smooth boundary. 0 to 2 inches thick. C2--16 to 23 inches, dark -gray (SY 4/1) fine sandy loam, gray (5Y 6/1) dry; many, medium, promi- nent, dark -brown (7.SYR 3/2) and dark reddish - brown (5YR 3/4) mottles, yellowish brown (10YR 5/8) and brownish yellow (10YR 6/6) dry; massive; slightly hard, very friable, nonsticky, nonplastic; few roots; extremely acid; clear, wavy boundary. 0 to 10 inches thick. Oa3--23 to 28 inches, black (10YR 2/1) and very dark brown (10YR 2/2) muck and 25 percent dark -gray (5Y 4/1) fine sandy loam, gray (5Y 6/1 and 5/1) dry; common, medium, prominent mottles of yellowish brown (10YR 5/8) dry; moderate, thin, platy structure; slightly hard, very friable, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; few roots; very strongly acid; clear, wavy boundary. 4 to 6 inches thick. C3--28 to 60 inches, very dark grayish -brown (2.5Y 3/1) loamy sand, gray (5Y 5/1) dry; common, medium, prominent, dark yellowish -brown (10YR 4/4) mottles and few, medium, prominent mottles of yellowish brown (10YR 5/6 and 5/8) dry; massive; soft, very friable, nonsticky, non - plastic; few roots; very strongly acid. The muck and mucky peat layers range in color from black to very dark brown, have a combined thick- ness of 16 to 28 inches, and occur within a depth of 32 inches. Thin layers of mineral soil material also occur within this depth in places. The mineral C horizon is loamy sand to silty clay loam and is mottled very dark grayish brown, gray, and olive gray. Some areas are up to 30 percent inclusions of the very deep muck and mucky peat Tukwila and Seattle soils; and some areas are up to 15 percent the poor- ly drained Norma, Bellingham, Puget, and Snohomish soils. Inclusions make up no more than 30 percent of the total acreage. Permeability is moderate in the organic layers and moderate to rapid in the lower part of the pro- file. There is a seasonal high water table at or near the surface. If the water table is controlled, the effective rooting depth is 60 inches or more. In undrained areas, rooting depth is restricted. The available water capacity is high. Runoff is ponded. There is no erosion hazard. This soil is used for row crops and pasture. Ca- pability unit IIw-3; no woodland classification. Si Series The Si series is made up of moderately well drain- ed soils that formed under grass and hardwoods, in alluvium on stream terraces near North Bend. Slopes are 0 to 2 percent. The annual precipitation is 70 to 80 inches, and the mean annual air temperature is about 50° F. The frost -free season is about 150 days. Elevation ranges from 400 to 500 feet. In a representative profile, the surface layer and upper part of the subsoil are dark grayish -brown silt loam about 25 inches thick. The lower part of the subsoil, to a depth of 60 inches or more, is mottled dark grayish -brown, very dark gray, and olive -gray stratified silt loam, loamy sand, and very fine sandy loam. Si soils are used for row crops and pasture. Si silt loam (Sn).--This soil is on stream ter- races. Slopes are mostly less than 2 percent and convex. Areas range from 2 to about 100 acres in size. Representative profile of Si silt loam, in pas- ture, 1,650 feet south and 100 feet west of the north quarter corner of sec. 34, T. 24 N., R. 8 E.: Ap--O to 7 inches, dark grayish -brown (10YR 4/2) silt loam, grayish brown (10YR 5/2) dry; weak, medium, crumb structure; hard, very friable, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; many roots; medium acid; clear, smooth boundary. 6 to 9 inches thick. 29