HomeMy WebLinkAboutWWP272109 (9)W Plant # Ticket # Northwest Division Customer # Sold To Date Job Delivery Address Project # Time Batched P.O. # Instructions Due Time Zone Leave Plant Arrive Job Order n rek # ` ` - ` Driver/HaLller Leave Job Arrive Plant Load Cumulative Ordered Product Unit Quantity Quantity Quantity Code PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Price AMOUNT rt,, -iL-0 LA-1 Net Era, 800 Lb 28,93r:1 225683 QUARPY SPALLr --]TAX TICKET ORDER SUB -TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL PROPERTY DAMAGE RELEASE (TO BE SIGNED IF DELIVERY IS TO BE MADE INSIDE CURB LINE) Dear Customer: The driver of this truck is presenting this RELEASE to you for your signature is of the opinion that the size and weight of his truck may possibly cause damage to the premises and/or adjacent property if he planes the material in this load where you desire it It is our wish to help The undersigned promises to pay all costs, including reasonable you in every way that we can, but in order to do this the driver is requesting that you sign this RELEASE relieving him and this supplier from any attorney •s fees, Incurred In collecting any Sums Owed. responsibility from any damage that may occur to the premises and/or adjacent property, buildings. sidewalks, drive -ways. curbs, etc. by the delivery of this material and that you also agree to help him remove mud from the wheels of his vehicle so that he will not litter the public street. Further, as additional consideration. the undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the driver of this truck and this supplier for any and all damage to All accounts not paid within 30 days of delivery will bear interest the premises and/or adjacent property which may be claimed by anyone to have arisen out of delivery of this order. at the rate of 18% per annum. SIGNED Not Responsible for Reactive Aggregate or Color Quality. NoNOTICE:. . THE HEALTH WARNING NOTICE, SUPPLIER Claim Allowed Unless Made at Time Material is Delivered. WILL NOT. . • ANY DAMAGE LOAD RECEIVED RY- A $40.00 Service Charge and Loss of the Cash Discount will be collected on all Returned Checks. X CUSTOMER SIGNATURE 0954193 CUSTOMER COPY 1 .13-YA/S Hazards AGGREGATE PRODUCTS acts are naturally occurring silica. sand. x gravel) which may contain more 'hail DUST MAY CAUSE IRRITATIQ(ITO EYES. SKIN, AND 4-,SPIRATORY TRAC1 AY SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD. M"CONTAIN MATL-OtAL (CRYSTALLINF SIi 1C.A, 'V'v! ilf;4i I`!AY CAU`-E: INHALED. Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposure: Safety Avoid contact with eyes and skin vv- Avoid breathing dust. When et respirator. First Aid In case of eye contact, immedu tion persists. Contains liquid asphalt, aggregate products (In may contain more than 0 15o crystalline silica. Hazards ASPHALT FUME IS LFi}l(TAnNG. HOT ASPHALT CA OFAUSEI'I'H! SUSPECTED GANC5A fiA'Z`ARD SILICA} WHICH MAY CAUSE CA asphalt. Cancer risk depends on d Safety Avoid breathing fumes from hot a fumes or dust above recommends Avoid contact with eyes and skin A Work clothes should be ashl, re First Aid In case of eye or skin co tact, amrr irritation persists: CC Contains Portland cement and aggregate product Mav contain more than 0. 1% crvstalline silica. Hazards Safety First Aid MA,M>~s West I asl; ttwrotmh!, After handlihy siutable appr.-vc a in !Ir (icil niP.(Acal Ail ir=nfll.%111' irntd- �dr�,rr,d lin-.f - A(Jgl gate prodo. . i L AL I r.," il, SIREAC1 IGN. AINMAiERIAI, RY�3fALLINE I r11111ruq or ;irw of hardonec' I led awhalt kAf--, n 1-espirator Vat h ihOrOu.hry;atlt;r har?<i.!„ ,. . h air. Get medical attention 11, 0 ornde. grande (basalt!. sand r,nd gr awah .an-1 of sriice.ius maleriafs iN CASE OF CONTACT, FRESHLY MIXED WE -: CONCRETE CAUSC-S EYF if-IRI I Aft()N AND MA; CAU"'Ai SKIN ANi E)'E i I RNS. MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION DRY CONCRETE DVS I- MAY CAUSE IRRITATION TO EYES SKIN AND RESPIRATOR'r' r fir^•.0 SIJS;'ECTED CANCER HAZARD MAYCONTAIN MATERIAL, CRY STALONF SIi !C:A, bAliIIC: 1 k1A%' ;,1,,,S i ,!+. —f f !S !NHALFD. Carcer ^.sk depends on duration :and level of exposure ' Avnorf conla", will) oyes anti rvoionged runtact YJlth SKin W,^'lr gloves. " . ;h<.:roi 1t�i1' afte! han&ng. Work cicthes r!) ufd be 'mashed re;�u!a�'• •and ,cG rrit;�ly fr�r;a ra:'�u c�.r` ..;,. I Avoid breathing dust frorn cutting or grinding hardened concrete. Whon c-p(,:,ed i . . nrriend d Irr NICIS I MSHA :ppr,�., d respirator In ' a r c ` iw. rontzr, t n)e i itf h flu h Fy v; t') plenty of irF, it ,t i,1 alc i, r r , . !' ,ti'`t G','r'rcte. Fe'll, w,ls)1 `.il,h �u,,u ,Jf.J wd,yt. Ciet I11ertl(;n ;x.t �tiall'r ••a t. ��r i For further information, see Mat d* SIfety Data Streit (AISDS) for C oncietc Products 1 fvi9ion which can be obtained by telephoAg (425) 355-2111. i NMATERIAW -- Northwest Division Plant # Ticket Customer # Sold To Date WESTWATER CONSTRUCTION CO Job Delivery Address Project # Time Batched lai:_-_r AVE �t1CIF1UtlISI? 18 ':7QI +E'li_;f�;' , P.O # Instructions Due Time RENTON Zone Leave Plant Arrive Job Order# Truck # Driver%Hauler W8T,WAL1jER ENTERPRISE Leave Job Arrive Plant Load Cumulative Ordered Product Unit Quantity Quantity Quantity Code PRODUCT DESCRIPTION C, Price AMOUNT Tare .36, 460 L.b 16, 532c, Net 61, 480 Lb ill, 887 ;q 0 8t1....4tt QUARRY Sl'rAL.LE TICKET ORDER SUB TOTAL TAX TOTAL TOTAL PROPERTY DAMAGE RELEASE (TO BE SIGNED IF DELIVERY IS TO BE MADE INSIDE CURB LINE) Dear Customer The driver of this truck is presenting this RELEASE to you for your signature is of the opinion that the size and weight of his truck may possibly cause damage to the premises andior adjacent property if he places the material in this load where you desire it It is our wish to help The undersigned promises to pay all costs, including reasonable you ineveryway that we can. but in order to do this the driver Is requesting that you sign this RELEASE relieving him and this supplier from any responsibility from any damage that may occur to the premises and/or adjacent property, buildings. sidewalks, drive-wayscurbs, etc, by the delivery attorneys fees, Incurred In collecting any sums owed. of this material and that you also agree to help him remove mud from the wheels of his vehicle so that he will not litter the public street. Further. as additional consideration, the undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the driver of this truck and this supplier for any and all damage to All accounts not paid within 30 days of delivery will bear interest the premises andior adjacent properly which may be claimed by anyone to have arisen out of delivery of this order. at the rate of 18% per annum. SIGNED Not Responsible for Reactive Aggregate or Color Quality. NoNOTICE:. . . THE HEALTH WARNING NOTICE AND SUPPLIER Claim Allowed Unless Made at Time Material is Delivered. WILL NOT• • - ANY DAMAGE ED IVED Y A $40.00 Service Charge and Loss of the Cash Discount will be collected on all Returned Checks. LOAD.RECE A I 0954371 S OMER SI TUR CUSTOMER COPY 1d3-JWS AGGR CATS PRODUCTS � Aggregate products are naturally occurring materials limestone/dolomite. granite (basalt). sand, or gravel) which nay contain more than 0.1% crystalline silica. Hazards DUST MAY CAUSE IRRITATION TO EYES, SKIN, AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD. MAY CONTAIN MATERIAL (CRYSTALLINE SILICA) VVHICH MAY CAUSE CANCER IF INHALED. Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposure. i Safety Avoidcontact with eyes and skin. Wear eye protection and suitable protective clothing. Wash thoroughly e.fier hNPdlin,. , Avoid breathing dust. When exposed to dust above recommended limits (see MSDS), wear suitable WUSH/MSHA-approved respirator. First Aid In case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. Get medical attention; it irrita- tion persists. ASPHALT CONCRETE. Contains liquid asphalt, aggregate products (limestone/dolomite, granite {basalt), sand, or gravel), and hydrated lime Aggregate products may contain more than 0.1 % crystalline silica. Hazards ASPHALT FUME 1S IRRITATING TO EYES, RESPIRATORY SYSTEM, AND SKIN. MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN, REACTION. HOT ASPHALT CAN CAUSE THERMALBURN.S. SUSPECTED CA19CER HAZARD, AGGREGAT> ,PRODUCTS USED IN ASPHALT MAY CONTAIN MATERIAL (CRYSTALLINE SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSE CANCER IF DUST IS INHALED, Dust may be produced during cutting or grinding ur h- rdened asphalt. Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposure. Safety Avoid breathing fumes from hot asphalt. Avoid breathing dust from cutting or grinding hardened asphalt. When •exposed Zo I fumes or dust above recommended limits (see MSDS), wear suitable NIOSH/MSHA-approved respvator. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wear gloves, eye protection, and suitable protective clothing. Wash thoroughly after handling. Work clothes should be washed regularly and separately from other clothes. First Aid In case of eye or skin contact, immediately flush with plenty of water If inhaled, remove to fresh air. Get medic.-i attention if 'irritation persists. 4+ p 7 Uo+ TS Contains Portland cement and aggregate products (m�tone/dolomite. granite (basalt). sand and gravel) and other siliceous materials` �) May contain more than 0.1 % crystalline silica. Hazards IN CASE OF CONTACT, FRESHLY MIXED WET CONCRETE CAUSES EYE IRRITATION AND MAY CAUSE SKIN AND EYFF BURNS. MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION. j DRY CONCRETE DUST MAY CAUSE IRRITATION TO EYES, SKIN, AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. , SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD. MAY CONTAIN MATERIAL (CRYSTALLINE SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSE CANCER !F DUST i IS INHALED. Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposure. Safety Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged contact with skin. Wear gloves, eye protection, and suitabic )roiec'rive clothing. V-Ia,-=n i thoroughly after handling. Work clothes should be washed regularly and separately from other clothes.. Avoid breathing dust from cutting or grinding hardened concrete. When exposed to concrete dust above recommended limits (see MSDS), wear suitable NIOSH/MSHA-approved respirator. First Aid in case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water. If dust is inhaled, remove to fresh air. if ,vet concre le contacts skin, wash thoroughly with soap and watorf Get medical attention if irritation persists. For further information, see Material gafetyData Sheet (MSDS) for Concrete/Concrete Products MATS- which can be obtained by telephoning (425) 355-2111. North,*est Vkoision W CUSTOMER Cadman (Rock), Inc Cadman (Black Diamond), Inc Cadman, Inc. locations HIEIDELBERGCEMENTGroupa Pit Locations: 2 Rock 4 Black Diamond 1 Redmond 3 Sky River Cadman (Seattle), Inc 5 Issaquah 8 Kelsey 6 Seattle As the Owner or Contractor for this job, I hereby save and hold harmless from any and all liability CADMAN or their driver, as a result of the CADMAN vehicle being driven beyond the roadway. I also accept full responsibility for any property damage or any equipment damage to CADMAN which may occur beyond this point. OWNER OR CONTRACTOR Remittance Address Cadman, Inc. P.O. BOX 97038 Redmond WA 98073-9738 Telephone 425 867-1234 AGGREGATE DISPATCH Eastside/Seattle (206) 622-2065 Monroe (360) 794-4100 Black Diamond (360) 886-2340 CUSTOMER NAME: CUSTOMER NO. ORDER NO. DATE PIT TICKET NO. DELIVERY ADDRESS QUOTE NO. CUSTOMER P.O. ZONE i [.�!`!F_ S AVE kENTOtJ INSTRUCTIONS I. L; T;�hl TIME SCALED TIME DUE DELIVERED/ORDERED LOAD NO. HAUL NO. TRUCK NO. HAULER WEIGHTS PRODUCT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNT 4 11 X O ff' R0U- ,, . WEIGHMASTER SIGNATURE DRIVER'S SIGNATURE Yes OTIS No it i On Time Correct Product TOTAL Placed Correctly I i SIGN HERE CUSTOMER SIGNATURE OF RECEIPT- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTOF STANDBY CHARGE ARRIVE JOB DUMP IMPORT LOAD EXPORT LEAVE JOB STAND BY MINUTES 10 MINUTES ALLOWED TO UNLOAD TRUCKS. ADDITIONAL UNLOADING TIME CHARGE $1.50 PER MINUTE. Cadman, Inc. Rockery Rock Full Six Year Warranty Cadman (Rock),'Inc, will at option repair or replace rockery rock free of charge if rock - product fails within 6 years from. the date of purchase. This warranty does not apply to application -Or additions to,rockeries such as, but not limited to, structures, chemicals, fertilizers, sprinkler systems, landscaping, patios, drive- ways, fences, or problematic locations. This warranty does not apply to damage resulting from workmanship, alterations to finished products, natural disasters, or damage resulting from accidental collisions. Substituting nonCadman quarry rock for Cadman (Rock) Inc. quarry rock will cause this warranty to be null and void. Contact your rockery cohlt'actors.of�W Butch McIntyre, Cadman (:Rock) Inc, Sales Representative, for further information. Dated this 1.7th day of September 2001 CADMAN Cadman (Rock), Inc Cadman (Black Diamond), Inc Cadman, Inc. locations HEIDELBERGCEMENTGroup'" Pit Locations: 2 Rock 4 Black Diamond 1 Redmond 3 Sky River Cadman (Seattle). Inc 5 Issaquah 8 Kelsey 6 Seattle As the Owner or Contractor for this job. I hereby save and hold harmless from any and all liability CADMAN or their driver, as a result of the CADMAN vehicle being driven beyond the roadway. I also accept full responsibility for any property damage or any equipment damage to CADMAN which may occur beyond this point. OWNER OR CONTRACTOR •0 D F I I V F R Y T Remittance Address Cadman, Inc. P.O. BOX 97038 Redmond WA 98073-9738 Telephone 425 867-1234 AGGREGATE DISPATCH Eastside/Seattle (206) 622-2065 Monroe (360)794-4100 Black Diamond (360) 886-2340 CUSTOMER NAME CUSTOMER NO. ORDER NO. DATE PIT TICKET NO. �►NST. CO. -, 75,6 DELIVERY ADDRESS QUOTE NO. CUSTOMER P.O. ZONE ►VIF RFNTON F 0 8 INSTRUCTIONS TIME SCALED TIME DUE DELIVERED/ORDERED LOAD NO. HAUL NO. TRUCK NO. HAULER WEIGHTS PRODUCT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNT T•irc� Net 5L,'320 63000 4" X 8" ROCS, WEIGHMASTERSIGNATURE DRIVER'S SIGNATURE OTIS Yes No On Time Correct Product P TOTAL Placed Correctly SIGN'HERE CUSTOMER SIGNATURE OF RECEIPT- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTOF STANDBY CHARGE ARRIVE JOB DUMP IMPORT LOAD EXPORT LEAVE JOB STAND BY MINUTES 10 MINUTES ALLOWED TO UNLOAD TRUCKS. ADDITIONAL UNLOADING TIME CHARGE S1.50 PER MINUTE. Cadman, Inc. Rockery Rock Full Six Year Warranty Cadman (Rack), lnc, will at option repair or replace rockery rock free of charge if rock product fails within 6 years from. the date of purchase. This warranty does not apply to application or additions to rockeries such as, but not limited to, structures, chemicals, fertilizers, sprinkler systems, landscaping, patios, drive- ways, fences, or problematic locations. This warranty does not apply to damage resulting from workmanship, alterations to finished products, natural disasters, or damage resulting from accidental collisions. Substituting nonCadman quarry rock for Cadman (Rock)Inc. quarry rock: will cause this warranty to be null and void. Contact your rock-e'ry'contrac"tors or W Butch McIntyre, Cadman (Rock) .Inc, Sales Representative, for further information. Dated this 17th day of September 2001. ��m Cadman (Rock), Inc Cadman (Black Diamond), Inc Cadman, Inc. locations I'EIDELBERGCEMENTGroLip' Pit Locations: 2 Rock 4 Black Diamond 1 Redmond 3 Sky River Cadman (Seattle), Inc 5 Issaquah 8 Kelsey 6 Seattle As the Owner or Contractor for this job, I hereby save and hold harmless from any and all liability CADMAN or their driver, as a result of the CADMAN vehicle being driven beyond the roadway. I also accept full responsibility for any property damage or any equipment damage to CADMAN which may occur beyond this point. OWNER OR CONTRACTOR 7F1 I VFA Remittance Address Cadman, Inc. P.O. BOX 97038 Redmond WA 98073-9738 Telephone 425 867-1234 AGGREGATE DISPATCH Eastside/Seattle (206) 622-2065 Monroe (360) 794-4100 Black Diamond (360) 886-2340 CUSTOMER NAME CUSTOMER NO. ORDER NO. DATE PIT TICKET NO. C;QhtST. CO. DELIVERY ADDRESS QUOTE NO. CUSTOMER P.O. ZONE { ,E RENTal INSTRUCTIONS -1 rk T ypE I I TIME SCALED TIME DUE DELIVERED/ORDERED LOAD NO. HAULNO. TRUCKNO. HAULER WEIGHTS PRODUCT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNT 4" X 8" ROCK WEIGHMASTER SIGNATURE DRIVER'S SIGNATURE OTIS ''.I 0 , RU Yes No I SURU On Time Correct Product TOTAL � Placed Correctly SIGN'HERE CUSTOMER SIGNATURE OF RECEIPT — ACKNOWLEDGEMENTOF STANDBY CHARGE ARRIVE JOB DUMP IMPORT LOAD EXPORT LEAVE JOB STAND BY MINUTES 10 MINUTES ALLOWED TO UNLOAD TRUCKS, ADDITIONAL UNLOADING TIME CHARGE $1.50 PER MINUTE. Cadman, Inc. Rockery Rock Full Six Year Warrzuity Cadman (Rock), Inc, will at option repair or replace rockery rock free of charge if rock product fails within 6 years from the date of purchase. This warranty does not apply to application or additions to rockeries such as, but not f Limited to, structures, chemicals, fertilizers, sprinkler systems, landscaping, patios, drive- ways, fences, or problematic locations. This warranty does, not apply to damage resulting from workmanship, alterations to finished products, natural disasters, or damage resulting from accidental collisions. Substituting nonCadman quarry rock for Cadman (Rock) quarry rock. will cause this warranty to be null and void. i Contact your rockery contractors or W Butch McIntyre, Cadman (Rock) Inc, Sales i Representative, for further information. I Dated this I.7th day of September 2001. t Cadman (Rock), Inc Cadman (Black Diamond), Inc Cadman, Inc. locations FIEIDEIBERGCEMENTGroupP Pit Locations: 2 Rock 4 Black Diamond 1 Redmond 3 Sky River Cadman (Seattle), Inc 5 Issaquah 8 Kelsey 6 Seattle As the Owner or Contractor for this job, I hereby save and hold harmless from ary and all liability CADMAN or their driver, as a result of the CADMAN vehicle being driven beyond the roadway. I also accept full responsibility for any property damage or any equipment damage to CADMAN which may occur beyond this point. OWNER OR CONTRACTOR • r)Fl 1VFRY Tll Remittance Address Cadman, Inc. P.O. BOX 97038 Redmond WA 98073-9738 Telephone 425 867-1234 AGGREGATE DISPATCH Eastside/Seattle (206) 622-2065 Monroe (360) 794-4100 Black Diamond (360) 886-2340 CUSTOMER NAME CUSTOMER NO. ORDER NO. DATE PIT TICKET NO. DELIVERY ADDRESS QUOTE NO. CUSTOMER P.O. ZONE INSTRUCTIONS TIME SCALED TIME DUE DELIVERED/ORDERED LOAD NO, HAUL NO. TRUCK NO. HAULER WEIGHTS PRODUCT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNT 6. ENV IRU WEIGHMASTER SIGNATURE DRIVER'S SIGNATURE OTIS Yes No On Time Correct Product TOTAL Placed Correctly SIGN HERE �) SIGNATURE OF RECEIPT - ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF STANDBY CHARGE ARRIVE JOB DUMP IMPORT LOAD EXPORT LEAVE JOB STA 10 MINUTES ALLOWED TO UNLOAD TRUCKS, ADDITIONAL UNLOADING TIME CHARGE $1.50 PER MINUTE. i Rockery Rock Full Six Year Warranty I Cadman (Rock), Inc, will at option repair or replace rockery rock free of charge if rock product .fails within C.years from the date of purchase. This warranty does not apply to application or additions to rockeries such as, but not j limited to, structures, chemicals, fertilizers, sprinkler systems, landscaping, patios, drive- ways, fences, or problematic locations. This warranty does not apply'to damage resulting from workmanship, alterations to finished products, natural disasters, of. damage resulting from accidental collisions. Substituting nonCadman, quarry rock for Cadman (Rock) Inc. quarry rock will cause this warranty to be null and void. I Contact your rockery contractors or W .Butch McIntyre, Cadman (Rock) .Inc, Sales Representative, for further information. Dated this 17th day of September 2001. 1 . Cadman (Rock), Inc Cadman (Black Diamond), Inc Cadman, Inc. locations iiIEIDEIBERGCEMENTGroupp Pit Locations: 2 Rock 4 Black Diamond 1 Redmond 3 Sky River Cadman (Seattle), Inc 5 Issaquah 8 Kelsey 6 Seattle As the Owner or Contractor for this job, I hereby save and hold harmless from any and all liability CADMAN or their driver, as a result of the CADMAN vehicle being driven beyond the roadway. I also accept full responsibility for any property damage or any equipment damage to CADMAN which may occur beyond this point. OWNER OR CONTRACTOR • . 7F11VFRY Remittance Address Cadman, Inc. P.O. BOX 97038 Redmond WA 98073-9738 Telephone 425 867-1234 AGGREGATE DISPATCH Eastside/Seattle (206) 622-2065 Monroe (360) 794-4100 Black Diamond (360) 886-2340 CUSTOMER NAME CUSTOMER NO. ORDER NO. DATE PIT TICKET NO. DELIVERY ADDRESS QUOTE NO, CUSTOMER P.O. ZONE INSTRUCTIONS TIME SCALED TIME DUE DELIVERED/ORDERED LOAD NO. HAUL NO. TRUCK NO. HAULER WEIGHTS PRODUCT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNT WEIGHMASTER SIGNATURE DRIVER'S SIGNATURE OTIS Yes No On Time Correct Product _ _ Placed Correctly TOTAL SIGN'HERE :Y,..._. CUSTOMER SIGNATURE OF RECEIPT - ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF STANDBY CHARGE ARRIVE JOB DUMP IMPORT LOAD EXPORT LEAVE JOB 10 MINUTES ALLOWED TO UNLOAD TRUCKS, ADDITIONAL UNLOADING TIME CHARGE $1.50 PER MINUTE. Rockery Rock Full Six Year Warranty Cadman (Rock), Inc, will at option repair or replace rockery rock free of charge if rock product fails within 6 years from the date of purchase. This warranty does not apply to application, or additions to rockeries such as, but not limited to, structures, chemicals, fertilizers, sprinkler systems, landscaping, patios, drive- ways, fences, or problematic locations. This warranty does not apply to damage resulting from. workmanship, alterations to finished products, natural disasters, or damage resulting from accidental collisions. Substituting nonCadman quarry .rock for Cadman (Rock) Inc. quarry rock will cause this warranty to be null and void. Contact your rockery contractors or W Butch McIntyre, Cadman (Rock) Inc, Sales Representative, for further informationr Dated this 17th day of September 200L CUSTOMER rill3mCadman (Rock), Inc Cadman (Black Diamond), Inc Cadman, Inc. locations HEIDELBERGCEMENTGroup, Pit Locations: 2 Rock 4 Black Diamond 1 Redmond 3 Sky River Cadman (Seattle), Inc 5 Issaquah 8 Kelsey 6 Seattle As the Owner or Contractor for this job, I hereby save and hold harmless from any and all liability CADMAN or their driver, as a result of the CADMAN vehicle being driven beyond the roadway. 1 also accept full responsibility for any property damage or any equipment damage to CADMAN which may occur beyond this point. OWNER OR CONTRACTOR Remittance Address Cadman, Inc. P.O. BOX 97038 Redmond WA 98073-9738 Telephone 425 867-1234 AGGREGATE DISPATCH Eastside/Seattle (206) 622-2065 Monroe (360)794-4100 Black Diamond (360) 886-2340 CUSTOMER NAME CUSTOMER NO. ORDER NO. DATE PIT TICKET NO. DELIVERY ADDRESS QUOTE NO. CUSTOMER P.O. ZONE INSTRUCTIONS TIME SCALED TIME DUE DELIVERED/ORDERED LOAD NO, HAULNO. TRUCKNO. HAULER WEIGHTS PRODUCT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNT WEIGHMASTER SIGNATURE DRIVER'S SIGNATURE OTIS Yes No On Time Correct Product Placed Correctly TOTAL SIGN HERE CUSTOMER SIGNATURE OF RECEIPT — ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF STANDBY CHARGE ARRIVE JOB DUMP IMPORT LOAD EXPORT LEAVE JOB I STAND BY MINUTES 10 MINUTES ALLOWED TO UNLOAD TRUCKS, ADDITIONAL UNLOADING TIME CHARGE $1.50 PER MINUTE. F yy Rockery Rock Full Six Year Warranty Cadman (Rock), Inc, will at option repair or replace rockery rock free of charge if rock product fails within 6 years from the date of purchase. This warranty does not apply to application or additions to rockeries such as, but not limited to, structures, chemicals, fertilizers, sprinkler systems, .landscaping, patios, drive- ways, fences, or problematic locations. This warranty does not apply to damage resulting from workmanship, alterations to finished products, natural disasters, or damage resulting from accidental collisions. Substituting nonCadman quarry rock for Cadman (Rock) .I.nc. quarry rock will cause this warranty to be null and void. Contact your rockery contract ors or W Butch McIntyre, Cadman (Rock) Inc, Sales Representative, for further informafion. Dated this 17th day of September 2001. CUSTOMER fee MM Cadman (Rock), Inc Cadman (Black Diamond), Inc Cadman, Inc. locations HEIDELBERGCEMENTGroupp Pit Locations: 2 Rock 4 Black Diamond 1 Redmond 3 Sky River Cadman (Seattle), Inc 5 Issaquah 8 Kelsey 6 Seattle As the Owner or Contractor for this job, I hereby save and hold harmless from any and all liability CADMAN or their driver, as a result of the CADMAN vehicle being driven beyond the roadway. I also accept full responsibility for any property damage or any equipment damage to CADMAN which may occur beyond this point. OWNER OR CONTRACTOR Remittance Address Cadman, Inc. P.O. BOX 97038 Redmond WA 98073-9738 Telephone 425 867-1234 AGGREGATE DISPATCH Eastside/Seattle (206) 622-2065 Monroe (360) 794-4100 Black Diamond (360) 886-2340 CUSTOMER NAME CUSTOMER NO. ORDER NO. DATE PIT TICKET NO. 111li> i . F .u.. DELIVERY ADDRESS QUOTE NO. CUSTOMER P.D. ZONE INSTRUCTIONS TIME SCALED TIME DUE DELIVERED/ORDERED LOAD NO. HAULNO. TRUCKNO. HAULER WEIGHTS PRODUCT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNT WEIGHMASTER SIGNATURE DRIVER'S SIGNATURE OTIS Yes No On Time Correct Product TOTAL Placed Correctly SIGN HERE' CUSTOMER SIGNATURE OF RECEIPT - ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF STANDBY CHARGE ARRIVE JOB DUMP IMPORT LOAD EXPORT LEAVE JOB AND BY MINUTES 10 MINUTES ALLOWED TO UNLOAD TRUCKS, ADDITIONAL UNLOADING TIME CHARGE $1.50 PER MINUTE. M I ' Cadman, li Rockery Rock Full Six Year Warranty Cadman (Rock), Inc, will at option repair or replac( product fails within 6 years from the date of purchai 'this warranty does not apply to application or additions to rockeries such as, but not limited to, structures, chemicals, fertilizers, sprinkler systems, .landscaping, patios, drive- ways, fences, or problematic locations. This warranty does not apply to damage resulting from workmanship, alterations to finished products, natural disasters, or damage resulting from accidental collisions. Substituting nonCadman quarry rock for Cadman (Rock)Lnc.. quarry rock will cause this warranty to be null and void. Contact your rockery contractors or W Butch McIntyre, Cadman (Rock) .Inc, Sales Representative,'Wr further.ioformation. Dated this 17th day of September 200L ICON MATERIALS _ P.O. BOX 88050 Tukwila, WA 98138 ' Aggregate Operations: (253) 839-2101 / FAX (253) 946-1383 Asphalt Operations: (206) 575-3200 / FAX (206) 575-3207 ICONM**982CF '1' T Cab;. ' f 1 'r'f,`.•if �s, sm ocvEinrNUNr V NG c«.rw,aou DATE JOB NO. / P.O. NO. PHASE NO. CONTRACT NO. C.O.D. C19.-2-125•-0 / 0Carl N AL 0 TIME ORDER NO. CUSTOMER I.D. ZONE / MAP OUANITY SOLD TO: DELIVERED TO: WEE 1"WI`i"6 ER r-ONs"rRUC:TIOINi NE i. 0TH & J011 ES AVE roll=_ i833 I%E[4'F' lr+LK DAT140ND Fil) 91-]l?�t?i? t E.1 ?t.lF2fti WA TRUCK NO. LOADS TODAY TONS TODAY PLANT NO. PLANT NAME SCALE NO. LOADS TODAY TONS TODAY I Q.1i ALkbLl.rrt Cii-t%iv OUANITY PRODUCT UOM PRODUCT NO. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PRICE / UNIT AMOUNT .5. 85 T'onr ; 3,3 3/8" PF_A ORC-1� .-I. GROSS WT TARE WT NET WT 'F'F'dl: IL1.R: 4111E-10 `211ZI 31'Mllb LEIS. RECEIVED BY:,,:!� AMOUNT J l TAX ` TOTAL It is specifically agreed that ICON Materials will not be liable for any damage to shrubbery, flowers, city sidewalks, roadway or private property in deuvermg material listed above to these ICON MATERIALS P.O. BOX 88050 Tukwila, WA 98138 I Aggregate Operations: (253) 839-2101 / FAX (253) 946-1383 Asphalt Operations: (206) 575-3200 / FAX (206) 575-3207 ICONM ** 992CF SIf10MID--p� COMMCION ' DATE JOB NO. / P.O. NO. PHASE NO. TIME ORDER NO. CUSTOMER I.D. SOLD TO: 9a�F:. "TE{Jl I ER C014,3"I"Rl.lE' TT.i: N n}i09 DELIVERED TO: CONTRACT NO. ZONE/MAP C.O.D. OUANITY TRUCK NO. LOADS TODAY TONS TODAY RLC 1 7 c 6011 77 PLANT NO. PLANT NAME SCALE NO. LOADS TODAY TONS TODAY A 1-t 1'1 l.i 1^ i3 (71^ -a v OUANITY PRODUCT PRODUCT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PRICE / UNIT AMOUNT UOM NO. GROSS WT TARE WT NET WT .I RP.111. E: R E. t'I'B., RECEIVED BY: AMOUNT TAX TOTAL It is specifically agreed that ICON Materials will not be liable for any damage to shrubbery, flowers, city sidewalks, roadway or private property in delivering material listed above to these premises. Ir ICON MATERIALS P.O. BOX 88050 Tukwila, WA 98138 I Aggregate Operations: (253) 839-2101 / FAX (253) 946-1383 Asphalt Operations: (206) 575-3200 / FAX (206) 575-3207 ICONM ** 982CF SM D-MEW • PA- CPv1M.EROM T I CKET O 26648 DATE JOB NO. / P.O. NO. PHASE NO. CONTRACT NO. C.O.D. TIME ORDER NO. CUSTOMER I.D.] ZONE/MAP OUANITY f SOLD TO: DELIVERED TO: I r_' ; r�rlr�Ta Fd C;-)N� 'rmjc-r T oiv �t �^ NE �>0TH r.� Jc..)NES 1'f ilr E NI: KF:= NT :BLK W-11 I40M) f= D 98092 A(rIF?1.)RN WA NO. T[� LOADS TODAY TONS TODAY �rRUCK^^ I:iwlr�r3 !y 1 lJ 9. ( g1 PLANT NO. PLANT NAME SCALE NO. LOADS TODAY TONS TODAY OUANITY PRODUCT PRODUCT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PRICE / UNIT AMOUNT UOM NO. 9. 71 T on ti a:'. 9 J - i /4 (" F+F6E l.:t. ORi 3F GROSS WT TARE WT NET WT TF41.)c"P"t Jai•=; 1-0 34360 `59420 LPS. T RO 1 LER c LBS. AMOUNT RECEIVED BY: 1 r l.! i lJ I•' .1 1 i . _I �';.�1 ,� �_ °� TAX TOTAL not be liable for any damage to shrubbery, flowers, city sidewalks, roadway or private property in delivering material listed above to these premises. ICON MATERIALS P.O. BOX 88050 Tukwila, WA 98138 ' ` I Aggregate Operations: (253) 839-2101 / FAX (253) 946-1383 Asphalt Operations: (206) 575-3200 / FAX (206) 575-3207 ICONM:k,t982CF T.ICKF 1I 2S820 sirz wxwrMurt • r,nxccaxrucrons - . DATE JOB NO. / P.O. NO. PHASE NO. CONTRACT NO. C.O.D. TIME ORDER NO. CUSTOMER I.D. ZONE / MAP OUANITY SOLD TO: DELIVERED TO: Wf_'S1'WATCR CONSTRUCTION NE 0T'N & .JOKES kVE NE 98092 A1JSURN WA TRUCK NO. LOADS TODAY TONS TODAY WC037 3 9b. 81 PLANT NO. PLANT NAME SCALE NO. LOADS TODAY TONS TODAY l VI t Auburn Gr'%a V OUANITY PRODUCT PRODUCT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PRICE / UNIT AMOUNT UOM NO. 35.04 Tone 2379 1. •--:1: 4" - fit" BASE COURSE RECEIVED BY: GROSS WT TARE WT NET WT AMOUNT TAX TOTAL agreed that ICON Materials will not be liable for any damage to shrubbery, Flowers, city sidewalks, roadway or private property in delivering material listed above to these premises. ICON MATERIALS P.O. BOX 88050 Tukwila, WA 98138 I Aggregate Operations: (253) 839-2101 / FAX (253) 946-1383 Asphalt Operations: (206) 575-3200 / FAX (206) 575-3207 ICONM ** 982CF Sirt DMWPMM- P- CIXrtxKPMS DATE JOB NO. / P.O. NO. PHASE NO. CONTRACT NO. C.G.D. 11) C1 - t1i;-_: / pt_lN Pelt. AL_ Vol TIME ' ORDER NO. CUSTOMER I.D. ZONE/MAP OUANITY 07:06 10 E, V, 5, 84 / SOLD TO: �� W{:..71-WATEDR C ONSTRLICT1:Oid DELIVERED •T6`— ? 1 a+ INU :.0VH t: .ItKiiJiw;, AVEPC 1 t3:: 3 KEW F?LK DA 11101A) RD 98:092 At.�i�t.�t2l�d WA TRUCK NO. LOADS TODAY TONS TODAY RLC037 PLANT NO. PLANT NAME A i-t b l.,I r T, (i r ) V OUANITY PRODUCT PRODUCT UOM' NO. "0. v2 T rJ r► s' ;31'J SCALE NO. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION LOADS TODAY TONS TODAY PRICE / UNIT AMOUNT r GROSS WT TARE WT NET WT > TPA iI_ERs I -.Bs. AMOUNT RECEIVED BY: -, r_. • . a TAX TOTAL It is specifically agreed that ICON Materiels will not be liable for any damage to shrubbery, flowers, city sidewalks, roadway or private property in delivering material listed above to these premises. IKON MATERIALS P.O. BOX 88050 i Tukwila, WA 98138 I Aggregate Operations: (253) 839-2101 / FAX (253) 946-1383 Asphalt Operations: (206) 575-3200 / FAX (206) 575-3207 ICONM**982CF "1• I CKET# 27332 Sn DEv[W — F+vv,c CprtN+RORS DATE JOB NO. / P.O. NO. PHASE NO. CONTRACT NO. C.O.D. TIME ORDER NO. CUSTOMER I.D. ZONE/MAP OUANITY :I.4 r 23 WE--:'S 'WA'rER 611'- 84 SOLD TO: DELIVERED TO: WI" STWATE:R CONSTRUCT101NI VARIOUS LOC',AT7t)NS t:ENT BLK DA1I10ND RTC ' 80r3E'_ AUBURN WA TRUCK NO. WAI._K RH LOADS TODAY TONS TODAY 30.. 59 PLANT NO. . PLANT NAME SCALE NO. LOADS TODAY TONS TODAY 1. Q71, A IA 111_I r ter 131- a V OUANITY PRODUCT' PRODUCT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PRICE / UNIT AMOUNT UOM NO. 0.5'� Toy -is F:379 :1,.-I/4 - 0) BASE:.' CCJIJR'13E 6 -'�0)'�- GROSS WT TARE WT NET WT TRA f L_.E_R a L_BS., RECEIVED BY: AMOUNT - TAX TOTAL It is specifically agreed that ICON Materials will not any damage to shrubbery, flowers, city sidewalks, roadway or private property in delivering material listed above to these premises. ■ MATERIALS`"" Northwest Division Plant # I TkAet # Customer#. - So"TYEJTWATER CONSTRUCTION LU Dateg/26/at' Job Delive Address Project # Time Batched 7 3N0:5 AVE SNOHOMISH� WA 98290 4121138745 P.O. # Instructions Due Time none give RENTON Zone Leave Plant Arrive Job 3:55:21 M Order y Truck # river/Hauler "f1WRIY%LK LNIE11PHLbE Leave Job Arrive Plant Load Cumulative Ordered Product Unit Quantity Quantity Quantity Code 1,f RODUCT DESCRIPTION Price AMOUNT T at e 36, �'+60 Lb 16, Net 65,220 Lb 29, 59,', 32.61T n 1 Load 1181799 1 1/40:BASE COURSE c, Ton TICKET ORDER SUB TOTAL TAX TOTAL ITOTAL PROPERTY DAMAGE RELEASE (TO BE SIGNED IF DELIVERY IS TO BE MADE INSIDE CURB LINE) Dear Customer. The driver of this truck is presenting this RELEASE to you for your signature is of the opinion that the size and weight of his truck may possibly cause damage to the premises and/or adjacent property if he places the material In this load where you desire it. It is our wish to help The undersigned promises to pay all costs, including reasonable you in every way that we can, but in order to do this the driver is requesting that you sign this RELEASE relieving him and this supplier from any attorneys fees, Incurred In collecting any Sums owed. responsibility from any damage that may occur to the premises and/or adjacent property, of this material and that you also agree to help him remove mud from the wheels of his buildings, sidewalks. drive -ways, curbs, etcby the delivery vehicle so that he will not litter the public street. Further, as additional consideration, the undersigned agrees to indemnity and hold harmless the driver of this truck and this supplier for any and all damage to All accounts not paid within 30 days of delivery will bear interest II a premises andior adjacent property which may be claimed by anyone to have arisen out of delivery of this order at the rate of 18 ie per annum. SIGNED Not Responsible for Reactive Aggregate or Color Quality. No . • , . . . Claim Allowed Unless Made at Time Material is Delivered. WILL NOTRESPONSIBLE ' Loan REc IVEo e A $40.00 Service Charge and Loss of the Cash Discount will be collected on all Returned Checks. x 0954035 STOMER GNA URE CUSTOMER COPY AGGREGATE PRODUCTS - Aggregate products are naturally occurring materials (limestone/dolomite. granite (basalt), sand. or gravel) which r,tay contain more Vian 4I 0.1 % crystalline silica. J Hazards DUST MAY CAUSE IRRITATION TO EYES. SKIN, AND RESPIRATORY TRACT i SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD. MAY'CONTAIN MATERIAL (CRYSTALLINE SILICA) VVHICH,NcAY 0AUSE CANCER IF INHALED. Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposure. Safety Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wear eye protection and suitable protective clothing. Wash thorceighty after handling. Avoid breathing dust. When exposed to dust above recommended limits (see MSDS), wear suitable NIOSW IISHA-approved respirator. First Aid In case oi eye contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water. It inhaled, remove to fresh air. Get medical attention if irrita- tion persists. ASPHALT COMCR27E Contains liquid asphalt, aggregate products (limestone/dolomite, granite (basalt), sand, or gravel), and hydrated limo Angregate products I may contain more than 0.1 % crystalline silica. Hazards ASPHALT FUME IS IRRITATING TO EYES, RESPIRATORY SYSTEM, AND SKIN. MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION HOT ASPHALT CAN CAUSE THERMAL BURPS, SUSPECTED,CANCER HAZARD. AGGREGATE PRODUCTS USED IN ASPHALT MAY CONTAIN MATERIAL(CnYSTALLINE SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSE CANCER IF DUST IS INHALED. Dust may be produced during cutting or grinding of haroered asphalt. Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposure. Safety Avoid breathing fumes from hot asphalt: Avoid breathing dust frorn cutting or grinding hardened asphalt. When exposed to fumes or dust above recommended limits (see MSDS), wear suitable NIOSH/MSHA-approved respirator. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wear gloves, eye protection. and suitable protective clothing. Wash thoroughly after handling. Work clothes should be washed regularly and separately from other clothes. First Aid in case of eye or skin conti17ct, :irs'uiiediately flush with plenty of water. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. Get medical ad::ntion if it persists. OOKICR!ETE/CONCRETEIrROLUC73 Contains Portland cement and aggregate products (limestone/dolomite, granite (basalt), sand and gravel) and other sriiceous nralarials. May contain more than 0.1 °to crystalline silica. -� Hazards IN CASE OF CONTACT, FRESHLY MIXED WET CONCRETE CAUSES EYE IRRITATION AND MAY CAUSE SKIN AND EYE BURNS. MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACT;ON. DRY CONCRETE DUST MAY CAUSE IRRITATION TO EYES. SKIN, AND RESPIRATORY TRACT SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD. MAY CONTAIN MATERtAL (CRYSTALLINE SILICA) WHICF, N,IAY CAUSE CANCca w DUST IS INHALED. Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposure. Safety Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged contact with skin. Wear gloves, eye protection, and suitablo protect,iva Riilir;g. `Nish thoroughly after handling. Work clothes should be washed regularly and separately from other clothes. Avoid breathing dust from cutting or grinding hardened concrete. When exposed to concrete dust above recommended limits (see MSDS), wear suitable NIOSH/MSHA-approved respirator. First Aid In case of eye contact. immediately flush eyes with plenh, of water. If dust is inhaled, remove to fresh air. it wct cone ::te contacts skin, wash thoroughly with soap and water. Get rtrar)icai attention it irritation persists. For further information, see NfaferialfSafety Data Sheet (MSDS) for ConcratelConcre-.e Products MM �- which can be obtained by telephoning (4a5) 355-2111. .'Nortbyuesl• Divioion NWLWS- MATERIA Northwest Division Plant # Ticket # customer# Sold VkSTWAIER CONSTRUCHOtd L0 Date}l2L,, Job Del ive Address Project # Time Batched J�Gr1F:5 AVC SNOHOMISH, WA 98290 40138745 P.O. # Instructions Due Time none RENTON Zone Leave Plant Arrive Job Ic.42s07 r; Order ti t _' Truck # c river/Hauler W81,WIHILKIE—H ENILHI-441blELeave Job 7Arrive Plant Load Cumulative Ordered Product Unit Quantity Quantity Quantity 6VAh U PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Price AMOUNT T. � _ L U Tare 36, 460 Lb 16, 538K9 Net 67,78101 Lb 30, 745 Eg -_pads 1256831211 8` 4" QUARRY SPALLS Ton TICKET ORDER SUB -TOTAL TAX TOTAL ITOTAL PROPERTY DAMAGE RELEASE (TO BE SIGNED IF DELIVERY IS TO BE MADE INSIDE CURB LINE) Dear Customer. The driver of this truck is presenting this RELEASE to you for your signature is of the opinion that the size and weight of his trur4 may possibly cause damage to the premises and/or adjacent property if he places the material in this load where you desire B. It is our wish to hell, The undersigned promises to pay all costs, including reasonable You m every way that we can. but in order to do this the driver is requesting that you sign this RELEASE relieving him and this supplier from and attorneys fees, Incurred In collecting any Sums owed. responsibility from any damage that may occur to the premises and/or adjacent property, of this material and that you also agree to help him remove mud from the wheels of his buildings, sidewalks, drive -ways, curbs, etc. by the delivery vehicle so that he will not litter the public street. Further, as. additional consideration, the undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the driver of this truck and this supplier for any and all damage rc• All accounts not paid within 30 days of delivery will bear interest the premises and/or adjacent property which may be claimed by anyone to have arisen out of delivery of this order. at the rate of 18 % per annum. SIGNED Not Responsible for Reactive Aggregate or Color Quality. No • • • Claim Allowed Unless Made at Time Material is Delivered. WILL NOTRESPONSIBLE I A $40.00 Service Charge and Loss of the Cash Discount will be LOAD RECE , D BY'.• collected on all Returned Checks. X 0956392 CUSTOfv1ER S11G E CUSTOMER COPY 1.13-J W S AGGREGATE PRODUC rS Aggregate products are naturally occurring materials (limestone/dolomite, granite (basalt), sand, or gravel) which may contain more than 0.1% crystalline silica. ' Hazards DUST MAY CAUSE IRRITATION TO EY S. SKIN. AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD. MAY CONTAIN MATLRtAL (CRYSTALLINE SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSE CANCER IF INHALED. Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposure. Safety Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wear eye -protection and suitable protective clothing. Wash thoroughly after haiii:110g. Avoid breathing dust. When exposed to dust above recommended limits (see MSDS), wear suitable NIOSH/MSHA-approved respirator. First Aid in case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty o� water. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. Get medical attention if irrita- tion persists. ASPHALT CONCRETE _ Conte ns liquid asphalt, aggregate products (limestone/dolomite, granite (basalt), sand, or gravel), and hydrated lime. Aggregate products may contain more than 0.1 % crystalline silica. Hazards ASPHALT FUME IS iRPITATING TO EYES, RESPIRATORY SYSTEM, AND SKIN. MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION. HOT ASPHALT CAN CAUSE THERMAL BURNS. SUSPECTED CANCEL f-IAZARD. AGGREGR7F. PRODUCTS USED IN ASPHALT MAY CONTAIN MATERIAL (CRYSTALLINE SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSE CANCER IF DUST IS INHALED. Dust may be produced during culling or grinding of ;-aruencd asphalt. Cancer risk depends on duration and level or exposure. ' Safety Avoid breathing fumes from hot asphalt: Avoid breathing dust troin cuffing or grinding hardened asphalt. 'ddhen exposed to fumes or dust above recommended limits (see MSDS), wear suitable NIOSH/MSHA-approved respirator. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wear gloves, eye protection, and suitable protective clothing. Wash thoroughly after handlinq Work clothes should be washeorregularly and separately from other clothes. First Aid In case of eye or skin contact.�immpoiate,4yA,ush with Plenty of water. If inhaled, remove to Irosh air. Gei mad!ca! attention if irritation persists. CONICR(ETE/OONCRETE PRODUCTS Contains Portland cement and aggregate products (limestone/dolomite, granite (basalt), sand and gravel) and other siliceous materials. May contain more than 0.1% crystalline silica. Hazards IN CASE OF CONTACT, FRESHLY MIXED WET CONCRETE CAUSES EYE IRRITATION AND MAY CAUSE SKIN AND EYi= BURNS. MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION. DRY CONCRETE DUST MAY CAUSE IRRITATibN TO EYES, SKIN, AND RESPIRATORY -i RACT SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD. MAY CONTAIN MATERIAL (CRYSTALLINE SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSE CANCER IF DUST IS INHALED. Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposure. Safety Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged contact with skin. Wear gloves, eye protection, and suitable protective dothiElg. hVash thoroughly after handling. Work clothes should be washed regularly and separately from other clothes. Avoid breathing dust from cutting or grinding hardened concrete. When exposed to concrete dust above recommended limits (see MSDS), wear suitable NIOSHMSHA-approved respirator. First Aid In case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water. if dust is inhaled, remove to fresh air: If wet concrete contacts skin, wash thoroughly with soap and water. Get medical attention if irritation persists. p � For hirther information, see Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for Coricrete/Corcrete Products MAC, which can be obtained by telephoning (425) 355 2111. I ;• .NortbWest Division .• - - -- ■ X MATERIALS' Northwest Division Plant # rTiawt# ` Customer# Sold TIESTWATER CONSTRUCT LUN LU Data3/26/20, Job Delivery Ad 55 Project # Time Batched Shd FIVE St'1(7HOM I SN' l ; ?©c90 40 P.O # Instructions Due Time RENTON Zone Leave Plant Arrive Job 11:04:07 fl Order # to k # 2 rivedHauler I, _ Leave Job Arrive Plant Load Cumulative Ordered Product Unit Quantity Quantity Quantity Cgde PRODU1. CT DESCRIPTION 47SK Price AMOUNT I'ai 36, lt6O Lb 1E, 538Kq Net 63,800 Lb 28,9 13 7 E,g 1 Load 1256830 8"-4" QUARRY SPALLS Tort sort TICKET ORDER SUB -TOTAL TAX TOTAL TOTAL PROPERTY DAMAGE RELEASE (TO BE SIGNED IF DELIVERY IS TO BE MADE INSIDE CURB LINE) Dear Customer. The driver of this truck is presenting this RELEASE to you for your signature is of the opinion that the sae and weight of his truck may possibly cause damage to the premises and/or adjacent property if he places the malerial in this load where you desirea, II is our wish to help The undersigned promises to pay all costs, including reasonable you in every way that we can, but in order to do this the driver is requesting that you sign this RELEASE relieving him and this supplier from any attOfney•S tees, incurred In COIIeCiing any sums owed. responsibility from any damage that may occur to the premises and/or adjacent property. of this material and that you also agree to help him remove mud from the wheels of his buildings. sidewalks. drive -ways, curbs. etc. by the delivery vehicle so that he will not litter the public street. Further. as additional consideration, the undersigned agrees to indemnity and hold harmless the driver of this truck and this supplier for any and all damage to All accounts not paid within 30 days of delivery will bear interest the premises and/or adjacent property which may he claimed by anyone to have arisen out of delivery of this order. at the rate of 18 % per annum. SIGNED Not Responsible for Reactive Aggregate or Color Quality. No •TICE- MY SIGNATURE BELOW INDICATES• THE HEALTH WARNING NOTICEI Claim Allowed Unless Made at Time Material is Delivered. WILL NOT• . • ANY DAMAGE LOAD RECEIVED Y.� A $40.00 Service Charge and Loss of the Cash Discount will be collected on all Returned Checks. �� 0956369 X CUSTQ _ AT RE r,MTOMER COPY 143-J W S AGGREGA7E PRODUCTS Aggregate products are naturally occurring materials IimestoneldolorrJte. granite (bas�-ah), sand. or gravel) which may contain nrore than 0.1% crystalline silica. I Hazards DUST•MAY CAUSE IRRITATION TO EYES, SKIN. AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD. MAY CONTAIN NiATC_RIAL (CRYSTALLINE SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSE CANCER IF INHALED. Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposuro. Safety Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wear eye protection and suitable protective clothing. Wash thoroughly aster handling. Avoid breathing dust. When exposed to dust above recommended limits (see MSDS), wear suitable NIOSH/MSFIA-appro ecl .respirator. First Aid in case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water. if inhaled, remove to fresh air. Get medical attention if Irrita- tion persists ASPPALT CONCRETE Contains liquid asphalt, aggregate products (limestone/dolomite, granite (basalt), sand, or gravel), and hydrated lime. Ar,gragate prcduC!s1 may contain more than 0.1 % crystalline silica. i1GVr?ng Hazards ASPHALT FUME IS IRRITATING TO EYES, Rt=SPII`IATORY SYSTEM, AND SKIN. MAY CAUSE ALLC-RGI' SKIN REACTION - HOT ASPHALT CAN CAUSE THERMAL BURNS. j SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD. AGGREuAi E PROCUCTS USED IN ASPHALT MAY CONTAIN MATERIAL (CRYSTALLINE it SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSE CANCER IF DUST IS INHALED Dust may be produced during cutting or grincing of bardenc;d I asphalt. Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposure. Safety Avoid breathing fumes from hot asphalt. Avoid breathing dust from cutting or grinding hardened asphalt. When exposr?d to i fumes or dust above recommended limits (see MSDS), wear suitable NIOSH/MSHA-approved res; iraior. 1 Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wear gloves, eye protection, and suitable protective clothing. Wash thurougmy after handling. Work clothes should be washed regularly and separately from other clothes. First Aid In case of eye or skin cont�gt��mmediately flush with plenty of water. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. Get medical atienlron if irritation persists. , CONCRET1 fCCONCRE7E PIAODIX79, Contains Portland cement and aggregate products (limestone/dolomito, granite (basalt). sand and gravel) and other siliceous naierials.^ May contain more than 0.100 crystalline silica. Hazards IN CASE OF CONTACT, FRESHLY iYdXED WET CONCRETE CAUSES EYE IRRITATION AND MAY CAITSE SKIN AND EYE BURNS. iMAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION. I DRY CONCRETE DUST MAY CAUSE IRRITATION TO EYES, SKIN, AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD. MAY CONTAIN MATERIAL (CRYSiALLINE SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSE CANCER IF DUST IS INHALED. Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposure. , Safety Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged contact with sk;n. VV ear gloves, eye protection., and suitable orotecf,v3 c;ct�inq. Wasik Thoroughly after handling. Work clothes should be 1%,ashed ruguladv and separately from other clothes. Avoid breathing dust from cutting or grinding hardened concrete. When exposed io concrete dust above recommended lirgiis (see MSDS), wear suitable NIOSH/MSHA-approved respirator. First Aid in case of eya contact. immediately flush eyes with'plenty of water. If dust is inhaled, remove to fresh air. It wet concrete contacts skin, wash thoroughly with soap and fvatet. Got me teal a'cteotion it irritation persists. &oq For further information, see Material Safety Data Sheet (IVISDS) for Concrete/Concrete Produces which can be obtained by telephoning (425) 355-2111. 1 ordiwrrest Wi!ioion ■ X MATERIALS'" Northwest Division Ptan, # Ticket # Customer Sold DateN UESTWATER CiiNSTRUCT1tICO 3/27/,,, Job Delivery Address Project # Time Batched YDNES AVE SthfOHOM I SH. WA 9925 401:i8745 P.O. # Instructions Due Time Zone Leave Plant Arrive Job �7, 05 : 0r� M Order # 1.' r_Jkjji f Truck R river/Hauler Leave Job Arrive Plant Load Cumulative Ordered Product Unit Quantity Quantity Quantity Code PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 'nce AMOUNT Tare 36,460 Lb 16, 5331Sg Net 63, 240 Lb 28, 685 '.q Loads t' F:P7 4" QUARRY SPAI.I 63. F,3 Ton TICKET ORDER SUB -TOTAL TAX TOTAL TOTAL PROPERTY DAMAGE RELEASE (TO BE SIGNED IF DELIVERY IS TO BE MADE INSIDE CURB LINE) Dear Customer. The driver of this truck is presenting this RELEASE to you for your signature is of the opinion that the size and weight of his trucl• may possibly cause damage to the premises and/or adjacent property if he places the material in this load where you desire it. It is our wish to hell, The undersigned promises to a all costs, including reasonable you in every way that we can, but in order to do this the driver is requesting that you sr)n this RELEASE relieving him and this supplier from any g p pay g responsibility from any damage that may occur to the premises and'or adjacent property, buildings, sidewalks. drive -ways. curbs. etcby the dellver� attorneys fees. Incurred In collecting any Sums owed. of this material and that you also agree to help him remove mud from the wheels of his vehicle so that he will not litter the public street. Further, a< additional consideration, the undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the driver of this truck and this supplier for any and all damage to All accounts not paid within 30 days of delivery will bear interest the premises and/or adjacent property which may be claimed by anyone to have arisen out of delivery of this order. SIGNED at the rate of 18% per annum. Not Responsible for Reactive Aggregate or Color Quality. No . III F I rjIQF QFISAV, , . , ' Claim Allowed Unless Made at Time Material is Delivered. • LOAD REC IVED BY: A $40.00 Service Charge and Loss of the Cash Discount will be collected on all Returned Checks. _ 0954154 X OMER Sl A REI CUSTOMER COPY 143-JWS 6? GGREGAYFE PRODUCTS Aggregate products'are naturally occurring materials (limestone/dolomite, granite (basalt), sand, or gravel) which may contain more than 0.1 % crystalline silica. Hazards DUST MAY CAUSE IRRITATION TO EYES, SKIN, AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. I SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD. MAY CONTAIN ,MATERIAL (CRYSTALLINE SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSE CANCER IF I INHALED. Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposure. +� Safety Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wear eye protection and suitable protective clothing. Wash thoroughly alter h rdling. Avoid breathing dust. When exposed to dust above recommended limits (see MSDS), wear suitable NIOSH/MSHA-spproved respirator. I First Aid In case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. Get medical attenfion if irrita- tion persists. fASPHALT.CONCRETE _ Contains liquid asphalt, aggregate products (iirnestoneldolornite, granite (basalt), sand, or gravel)and hydrated lime.. Aggregate products may contain more than 0.1 °io crystalline silica. Hazards ASPHALT FUME IS IRRITATING TO EYES, RESPIRATORY SYSTEM, AND SKIN MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION.. HOT ASPHALT CAN CAUSE THERMAL BURNS, SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD. AGGREGATE PRODUCTS USED IN ASPHALT MAY CONTAIN MATERIAL (CRYSTALLINE SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSE CANCER IF DUST IS INHALED. Dust may be produced during cubing or grinding of hardened asphalt. Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposure. Safety Avoid breathing fumes from hot asphalt. Avoid breathing dust from cutting or grinding hardened asphalt When exposed to fumes or dust above recommended limits (see fASDS), wear suitable NIOSH/MSHA-approved rosf,irµtor. I Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wear gloves, eye protection, and suitable protective clothing. Wash thoroughly after handling. Work clothes should be \rvaslhed regularly and separately from other clothes. First Aid In case of eye or skin co�fact, imrnedi4e(y flush with plenty of water. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. Gei medical attention it 1 irritation persists. COMCRE MOONCRE7E PRODUCTS Contains Portland cement and aggregate products (limestone/dolomite, granite (basalt), sand and gravel) and other silicsous materials. i May contain more than 0.1 % crystalline silica. Hazards IN CASE OF CONTACT, FRESHLY MIXED WET CONCRETE CAUSES EYE IRRITATION AND MAY CAUSE SdUN AND•EYF I BURNS. MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION. I ' DRY CONCRETE DUST MAY CAUSE IRRITATION TO EYES, SKIN, AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. SUSPECTED'CANCER HAZARD. MAY CONTAIN MATERIAL (CRYSTALLINE SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSE CANCc9 1 DUST. IS INHALED. Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposure. Safety Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged contact with skin. Wear gloves, eye protection, and suitable protective, clothing. plash thoroughly after handling. Work clothes should be washed regularly and separately from other clothes. Avoid breathing dust from cutting or grinding hardened concrete. When exposed to concrete dust above recommended 1 mits (see MSDS). wear suitable NIOSH/MSHA-approved respirator. I First Aid In case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water. If dust is inhaled, remove to fresh Air. If wet concrete contacts skin, wash thoroughly with,soap and water_ Got medlrfal attention if irritation persists. o f For further information, see Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for Concrete/Concrete Products rvrucnu,- which can be obtained by t6lepr oning (425) 355-2111. NortAEhres+s khia�Oio» N MATERIALS`" Northwest Division Plant # 4 r Ticket rr Customer # Sold To Date WESTWATER CONSTRUCTION CO Job Delivery Address Project # Time Batched J; , : FIVE S,101ictf S 1. . ,. 14. i 40133745 P.O. # Instructions Due Time PENTON Zone Leave Plant Arrive Job 8,36. 44 I N Order # Truck # river/Hauler b, 8T, W'A F R ENTEPPRfSE Leave Jol Arrive Plant Load Cumulative Ordered Product Unit Quantity Quantity Quantity Code PRODUCT DESCRIPTION I. Price AMOUNT Tare 36, 460 Lb 16, 538F%g Net 65, 828 Lb 29, 856 tg i A? ' ! ,'4" : BASE COURSE TICKET ORDER SUB -TOTAL TAX TOTAL TOTAL PROPERTY DAMAGE RELEASE (TO BE SIGNED IF DELIVERY IS TO BE MADE INSIDE CURB LINE) Dear customer The driver of this truck is presenting this RELEASE to you for your signature is of the opinion that the sae and weight of his truck may possibly cause damage to the premises and/or adjacent property if he places the material in this load where you desire it. It is our wish to helP The undersigned promises to pay all costs, including reasonable you in every way that we can. but in order to do this the driver is requesting that you sign this RELEASE relieving him and this supplier from any attorney S fees, Incurred In collecting any sums owed. responsibility from any damage that may occur to the premises and/or adjacent property, buildings, sidewalks, drive -ways, curbs, etc. by the delivery of this material and that you also agree to help him remove mud from the wheels of his vehicle so that he will not litter the public street. Further, as additional consideration, the u9dersigned agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the driver of this truck and this supplier for any and all damage to All accounts not paid within 30 days of delivery will bear interest the premises and/or adjacent property which may be claimed by anyone to have arisen out of delivery of this order. at the rate of 18% per annum. SIGNED Not Responsible for Reactive Aggregate or Color Quality. No Claim Allowed Unless Made at Time Material is Delivered. WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE LOAD REr;EIVED )BY A $40.00 Service Charge and Loss of the Cash Discount will be D collected on all Returned Checks. X0954068 :CUSTOM "I NATURE CUSTOMER COPY 143-J W S AGGREGATE PRODUCTS Aggregate products are naturally occurring materials (limestone/dolomite. granite (basalt). sand, or gravel) which may contain more than 0.1 % Crystalline silica. Hazards DUST MAY CAUSE IRRITATION TO EYES. SKIN, AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD, MAY CONTAIN MATERIAL (CRYSTALLINE SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSE CANCER IF INHALED Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposure. Safety Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wear eye protection and suitable protective clothing. Wash thoro0ghl;r after handling Avoid breathing dust. When exposed to dust above recommended Limits (see MSDS), wear suitable N1OSHINISHA-appmved respirator. First Aid in case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. Get medical attention if Mta- tion persists. ASPHALT CONCRETE Contains liquid asphalt, aggregate products (limestone/dolomite, granite (basalt), sand, or gravel), and hydrated lime. Aggregate flrodccts may contain more than 0.1 % crystalline silica. Hazards ASPHALT FUME IS IRRITATING TO EYES, RESPIRATORY SYSTEM, AND SKIN. MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REAC EON. HOT ASPHALT CAN CAUSE THERMAL BURNS. SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD. AGGREGATE PRODUCTS USED IN ASPHALT MAY CONTAIN MATERIAL (CRYSTALLINE SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSE CANCER IF DUST IS INHALED. Dust may he produced during cutting or grinding of hardened asphalt. Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposure. Safety Avoid breathing fumes from hot asphalt. Avoid breathing dust from cutting or grinding hardened asphalt. UVhen , xpoaed io fumes or dust above recommended Limits (see MSDS), wear suitable NIOSH/MSFIA-approved respirator. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wear gloves, eye protection, and suitable protective clothing. Wash thoroughly aftar nand:mq. Work clothes should be washed regularly and separately from other clothes. First Aid In case of eye or skin co�ntactttimmsdiatel} ,!lush with plenty of water. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. Cot medical attention if irritation persists. . ,,t , Contains Portland cement and aggregate products (limestone/dolomite, granita (basalt). sand -and gravel) and other siliceoris materais. - May contain more than 0.1 % crystalline silica. Hazards • IN CASE OF. CONTACT, FRESHLY MIXED WET CONCRETE CAUSES EYE !RRITA17ION AND MAY CAUSE SKIN AND EYE BURNS. MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION. DRY CONCRETE DUST MAY CAUSE IRRITATION' TO EYES, SKIN, AND RESPIRATORY TRACT SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD. MAY CONTAIN MATERIAL (CRYSTALLINE SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSE CANCER IF DUST IS INHALED. Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposure Safety Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged contact with skin. Wear gloves, eye protection, and suitable prptective clothing, Wash thoroughly after handling_ Work clothes should be washed regularly and separately from other clothes. Avoid breathing dust from cutting or grinding hardened concrete. When exposed to concrete dust above recommended limits (see MSDS), wear suitable NIOSH!MSHA-approved respirator. First Aid In case of eye contact. immediately flush eyes with plenty of water. If dust is inhaled, remove to fresh air. If wet concrete contacts skin, wash thoroughly with soap and water. Get medical attention if irritation persists o :fl For furrher information, see Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for Concrete/Concrete Products Maw which can be obtained by telephoning (425) 355-2111. 1�01`lt1UV0S$ �SN1510E1 ■ X MATERIALS - Plant u Ticket u Northwest Division Customer u Sold T LS I WHTER L.U(4b 114UL 4 10N Li Date Job Deliver�Address Project # Time Batched Ilti AVE SN01-10M 1 SIA, WA 9& .. 4013874�: P.O. a Instructions Due Time FLN Chid Zone Leave Plant Arrive Job l Order y Truck k Driver/Hauler I.WHL.KtJf F!! Fir-WitL Leave Job Arrive Plant Load Cumulative Ordered Product Unit Quantity Quantity Quantity Code PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Price AMOUNT I ar a 36, +bid LU 16, 53b; Net 64,020 Lb 29, 03c, 125683( "-4" QUARRY SPALLS TICKET ORDER SUB -TOTAL TAX TOTAL TOTAL PROPERTY DAMAGE RELEASE (TO BE SIGNED IF DELIVERY IS TO BE MADE INSIDE CURB LINE) Dear Customer'. The driver of this truck is presenting this RELEASE to you for your signature is of the opinion that the size and weight of his tract: may possibly cause damage to the premises and/or adjacent property if he places the material in this load where you desire it. Iris our wish to help The undersigned promises to pay all costs, including reasonable you in every way that we can. but in order to do this the driver is requesting that you sign this RELEASE relieving him and this supplier from any attorney's fees, Incurred In collecting any Sums owed. responsibility from any damage that may occur to the premises and/or adjacent property, buildings, sidewalks. drive -ways. curbs, etcby the delivery of this material and that you also agree to help him remove mud from the wheels of his vehicle so that he will not litter the public street. Further as additional consideration, the undersigned agrees to Indemnify and hold harmless the driver of this truck and this supplier for any and all damage to All accounts not paid within 30 days of delivery will bear interest the premises and/or adjacent property which may be claimed by anyone to have arisen out of delivery of this order. at the rate of 18 % per annum. SIGNED Not Responsible for Reactive Aggregate or Color Quality. No . • , • Claim Allowed Unless Made at Time Material is Delivered. • • • • r . , LOAD RECEIVED BY: A $40.00 Service Charge and Loss of the Cash Discount will be collected on all Returned Checks. ��(( l� 0954123 R SIGNATURE \C� CUSTOMER COPY 1.13-JWS Aggregate products are naturally occurring materials (limestone/dolomite, granite (basal), sand.orgravel) which may contain more ltnan'� 0.1 % crystalline silica. Hazards DUST MAY CAUSE IRRITATION TO EYES, SKIN, AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD. MAY CONTAIN MATERIAL (CRYSTALLINE SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSE CAf\1CCFl it II INHALED Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposure. Safety Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wear eye protection and suitable protective clothing Wash thoroughly, u�tt::r h�udling, Avoid breathing dust. When exposed to dust above recommended limits (see MSDS), wear suitable NIOSFt/f -;Sl1A apnroded respirator. First Aid In case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. Get medical attention if irita- tion persists. -{I ASPkj1'AILT CONCRE7E Contains liquid asphalt, aggregate products (limestone/ ofomite, granite (basalt), sand, or gravel), and (Hydrated time. Aagr�iqate may contain more than 0.1 % crystalline silica. Hazards ASPHALT FUME IS lI?RtTATING TO EYES,RESPIRATORY SYSTEM, AND SKIN. MAY CAUSEA'LLERGIC sK!N f;EACTic;,.. HOT ASPHALT CAN CAUSE THERMAL•BURN$. SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD. AGGREGATE PRODUCTS USED IN ASPHALT MAY CONTAIN MATERIAL (CRYSTALLIN117. SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSE CANCER IF DUST IS INHALED. Deist may be produced during cutting or giiiiOnrg of hardened asphalt. Canter risk depends on duration and level of a„pasure. Safety Avoid breathing fumes from hot asphali. Avoid'breathing dust from cutting or grinding hardened asphalt. Wien exposed to fumes or dust above recommended limits (see MSDS), wear suitable NIOSH/MSHA-approved respirator. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wear gloves, eye protection, and suitable protectrve clothing. Wash thoroughly after handiion Work clothes should be washed regularly and separately from other clothes. First Aid In case of eye onskin-c6iatbdt,� imm diate y flush with plenty of water. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. Get mcd:cal attention if irritation persists. I CONICRE70CCONtCREVE PRODUCTS Contains Portland cement and aggregate products (limestone/dolomite, granite (basalt), sand and caravel) and other sificeous maieria5.- May contain more than 0.1 °b crystalline silica. -� i Hazards IN CASE OF.CONTACT, FRESHLY MIXED WET CONCRETE CAUSFS EYE IRRITATION AND MAY CAUSE SKIN ANF. EYE BURNS. MAY CAUSE_ ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION. DRY CONCRETE DUST MAY CAUSE IRRITATION TO EYES, SKIN, AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD. MAY CONTAIN MATI.RIAL(CRYSTALLINE. SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSE CANG'LR IF DUST IS INHALED. Cancer risk depends on duration and Ieval of exposure. Safety Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged contact with skin. Wear gloves, eye protection, and svit.able protectiva .dothing. Wasp, thoroughly after handling. Work clothes should be washed regularly and separately from other ciothcs: Avoid breathing dust from cutting or grinding hardened concrete. When exoosed to concrete dust above recommended limits (sea MSDS), wear suitable NIOSH/1tISHA-approved respirator. First Aid In case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water. If dust is inhaled, remove to fresh air. If cvet concrete contacts skin, wash thoroughly with soap and water. Get medical attention if irritation persists. WWI I For further information, see Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for Concrete/Concrete Products MAMAS' which can be obtained by telephoning (425) 355-2111. NorehweSQ bi'Olsion NWf MATERIALS Plant # Ticket # Northwest Division CUS101111.er N Sold T?ES.IWATER CONSTRUC-(I UN C U Date Job Delive Address VOPw Project # Time Batched F SNOHOMISH, iB2. 90 40136 45 P.O. # Instructions Due Time >tENTON Zone Leave Plant Arrive Job Order r Truck q Driver/Hauler 0811,1PACKLK tN1tWK1bL Leave Job Arrive Plant Load Cumulative Ordered Product Unit Quantity Quantity Quantity Code PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Price AMOUNT fare 36, 460 L. b 16, 538K g Net 62,040 1_b 28, 141 %g Loads s 118179 _. 1 !4" : BASE COURSE TICKET ORDER SUB -TOTAL [TAX TOTAL ITOTAL PROPERTY DAMAGE RELEASE (TO BE SIGNED IF DELIVERY IS TO BE MADE INSIDE CURB LINE) Dear Customer: The driver of this truck is presenting this RELEASE to you for your signature is of the opinion that the size and weight of his truck may possibly Cause damage to the premises and/or adjacent property if he places the material in this load where you desire it. It Is our wish to help The undersigned remises to a all costs, including reasonable 9 P pay g you in every way that we can, but in order to do this the driver is requesting that you sign this RELEASE relieving him and this supplier from ary attorneys fees. incurred in collecting any sums owed. responsibility from any damage that may occur to the premises andor adjacent property, buildings, sidewalks, drive -ways. curbs, etc by the delive y of this material and that you also agree to help him remove mud from the wheels of his vehicle so that he will not liner the public street Further, as additional consideration, the undersigned agrees to indemnity and hold harmless the driver of this truck and this supplier for any and all damage o All accounts not paid within 30 days of delivery will bear interest the premises and/or adjacent property which may be claimed by anyone to have arisen out of delivery of this order at the rate of 18 % per annum. SIGNED Not Responsible for Reactive Aggregate or Color Quality. No Claim Allowed Unless Made at Time Material is Delivered. WILL NOT LOAD RECi*IVE0 BY A $40.00 Service Charge and Loss of the Cash Discount will be collected on all Returned Checks. X 0 9 5 4101 CU OMEFIG A E CUSTOMER COPY 1 13-JWS AGGR70ZE PRODUCTS Aggregate products are naturally occurring materials (!i�mestone dole; granite (basalt), sand', or gravel) which may contain more n 0.1 % crystalline silica. ^Hazards DUST MAY CAUSE IRRITATION TO EYES, SKIN, AND RESPIRATORY TRACT.~ SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD. MAY CON`1A!N tMATER;AL (CRYSTALLINE SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSE CANCER iF INHALED. Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposure. Safety Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wear eye protection and suitable protective clothing. Wash thorc.ugtily after h�ridlinc:. Avoid breathing dust. When exposed to dust ebove recurnmended linJis (see MSDS), wear suitabie NlOFIK/MSHIA approved respirator. First Aid in case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. Get medical attar,ilon it irrita- tion persists. ASP�iAL7 CONCRE1TE_, Contains liquid asphait, aggregate products (limestone/dolomiie, granite (basali), sand, or gravel), and hydruied lime. �AggropAic p:ocluci., may contain more than 0.1 % crystalline silica. Hazards ASPHALT FUME IS IRRITATING TO EYES, RESPIPATORY SYSTE;vii, AMb SKIN. MAY CAUSE iaLLERGiC Ship! PEACilOP1- HOT ASPHALT CAN CAUSE THERMAL BURNS. SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD. AGGREGATE PRODUCTS USED IN ASPHALT MAY CON (TAIiv MATERIAL ;GRYSTALLINE SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSE CANCER 1F OUST IS INHALED. Dust may he produced during cutting or grinaing of hardened asphalt. Cancer risk depends on duration and revel of pxpcsure. Safety Avoid breathing fumes from hot asphait. Atrord breathing oust front cutting Cr grindincr hsrdenad asphalt. Whnn oxhoser' to I furnes or dust above recommended limits (see 10SUS), vear suilabia NIOSHlit1SHA-approved raspiraiol. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wear gloves. eye protection and suitable protective clothing. Wash thoro-jghly ftcr �z:nd!i.0 . Work clothes should be vvash?d regularly and ;;sparately from ether clothes. First Aid In case of eye or skin cofA6f:-`1mme0iate1,, flush with plenty of water. if inhaled, remove to fresh air. Get iT.EK i; al n.tenaon if irritation persists. Contains Portland cement and aggregate products (limestone/dolomite, granite (basalt), sand gravel) and other srlicce-uroaienal 7_1 May contain more than 0.1% crystalline silica Hazards IN CASE OF CONTACT, FRESHLY MIXFO VVI-T CONCRETE CAUSES EYE IRRITATION AND MAY CAUSE SKiN AND 1-::YE, BURNS. MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACT ON. DRY CONCRETE DUST MAY CAUSE IRRITA F!0,14 TO EYES, SKIN, AND RESPIRATORY TRACT I SUSPLCTED CANCER HAZARD. MAY C0i,j1jAl'`I it(iki uFt1AL (CRYSTALLINE SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSE GANIG03 IT DUS I IS INHALED. Cancer risk depends on duration ar.d level of exposure. Safety Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged ccn;a , with skin. Wear glovos, eye protection, and suitable prolec!!vr: V*7J sh t thoroughly after handling. Work clothes s; IbLIV ti : rjashed regularly and separataiy frorr oi.iter clothe;;. Avoid breathing dust from cutting or grind;ng '.wdened concrete. When exposed to concrete dust above recommended wails (sea MSDS), wear suitably NIOSH/?ASHA-ap jrcv(id respirator. First Aid in case of eye contact, immediately fiiush cyvs with plenty of water. If dust is inhaled, rfmovp to fresh air. li 'wct conrretc contacts shin, wash thoroughly )vrith soap and water. Ge, medical attehtion if irritiitron per$is:s. Far further information, see Iviaterial Safet Oata Sheer (&7SDS) for Concrete/C:onc: ei& ProdLVS MEN which can be obtained by telephoning (4-25) 355-2111. Rlorthtrves2 Divioion N MATERIALS' Plant # Ticket tr Northwest Division Custom w# Sold ESTWATER CONSTRULTION Co Date Job Delivery Address Project # Time Batched HINES AVE stlioliami -4ti. WA �.821910 :,01.38745 P.O. # Instructions Due Time r)UT)e 41V _tt RENTON Zone Leave Plant Arrive Job :cam t Order # Truck # Driver/Hauler W T. WALKER ENTERPRISE Leave Job Arrive Plant Load Cumulative Ordered Product Unit Quantity Quantity Quantity Code PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Price AMOUNT 1 �rre 36,460 Lb 16, 538Kg Net 33,980 Lb 15, 413 1,,g 4" QUARRY SPALLS TICKET ORDER SUB -TOTAL TAX TOTAL TOTAL PROPERTY DAMAGE RELEASE (TO BE SIGNED IF DELIVERY IS TO BE MADE INSIDE CURB LINE) Dear Customer. The driver of this truck is presenting this RELEASE to you for your signature is of the opinion that the size and weight of his trnic', may possibly cause damage to the premises and.'or adjacent property if he places the material in this load where you desire it. It is our wish to help The undersigned promises to pay all costs, including reasonable you in every way that we can, but in order to do this Me driver is requesting that you sign this RELEASE relieving him and this supplier from an,; attorneys fees, Incurred In collecting any Sums owed. responsibility from any damage that may occur to the premises and/or adjacent property, buildings, sidewalks, drive -ways. curbs, etc. by the delivery of this material and that you alsc agree to help him remove mud from the wheels of his vehicle so that he will not litter the public street, Further, as additional consideration, the uncersigned agrees to indemnity and hold harmless the driver of this truck and this supplier for any and all damage to All accounts not paid within 30 days of delivery will bear interest the premises and/or adjacent property which may be claimed by anyone to have arisen out of delivery of this order. at the rate of 18 % per annum. SIGNED Not Responsible for Reactive Aggregate or Color Quality. No Claim Allowed Unless Made at Time Material is Delivered. WILL N01•FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED WHEN DELIVERING INSIDE CURB LINE. LOAD RECEIVED BY- A $40.00 Service Charge and Loss of the Cash Discount will be collected on all Returned Checks. n (�95690 X CUSTOMER SIGNATURE V �J CUSTOMER COPY 143-JWS AGGREGATE PRODUCTS. Aggregate products are naturally occurring materials (limestone/dolomite. granite (basalt). sand. or gravel) which may contain more than 0. 1 % crystalline silica. o Hazards DUST MAY CAUSE IRRITATION TO EYES, SKIN, AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD. MAY CONTAIN MATERIAL (CRYSTALLINE SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSE DANCER IF INHALED. Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposure. Safety Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wear eye protection and suitable protective clothing Wash thow,ighly is iter handing. Avoid. breathing dust When exposed to dust above recommended limits (see MSDS), wear suitable NIOSH. MSH-rpproved respirator. First Aid In case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. Get medical attention ifi irrita- tion persists. ASPHALT CONCRETE -- - _ ----- - - ----j Contains liquid asphalt, aggregate products (limestone/dolomite. granite (basalt), sand, or g(avei), and hydrated lmne. Aggregate proeiucis may contain more than 0.1 % crystalline silica. Hazards ASPHALT FUME IS IRRITATING TO EYES,RE801RATORY SYSTEM, AND SKIN. MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACT'ON. HOT ASPHALT CAN CAUSE THERMAL BURNS. SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD. AGGREGATE PRODUCTS USED IN ASPHALT MAY CONTAIN MATERIAL (CRYSTALLINE SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSE CANCER IF' DUST IS INHALED. Dust may be produced during culling or grinding bf hardened ' asphalt. Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposure. Safety Avoid breathing fumes from hot asphalt. Avoid breathing dust from culling or grinding hardened asphalt. Udhen -exposed to fumes or dust above recommended limits (see MSDS), wear suitable NIOSH/MSHA-approved respirator. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wear gloves, eye protection. and suitable protective clothing. Wash thoroughly after handling. Work clothes should be washed regularly and separately from other clothes. First Aid In case of eye or skin contact, immediately flush with plenty of water. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. Get medical aften:ieil if irritation persists. CONCRETI_/O®NCRETE PRODUCTS Contains Portland cement and aggregate products (limestone/dolomite, granite -(basalt), sand and g(avel) and'&hW3jliceous materials. I May contain more than 0.1 % crystalline silica, it — Hazards IN CASE OF CONTACT, FRESHLY MIXED WET CONCRETE CAUSES EYE IRRITATION AND MAY CAUSE SKIN AND EYF BURNS. MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION. DRY CONCRETE DUST MAY CAUSE IRRITATION TO EYES, SKIN, AND RESPIRATORY TRACT SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD. MAYCONTAIN MATERIAL. (CRYSTALLINE SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSE CANCER IF DUST IS INHALED. Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposure. Safety Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged contact with skin. Wear gloves, eye protection, and suitable protective clothing. Vvsst-, thoroughly after handling. Work clothes should be washed regularly and separately from other clothes. Avoid breathing dust from cutting or grinding hardened concrete. When exposed to concrete dust above recommended li,oits (see MSDS), wear suitable MOSH/MSHA-approved respirator First Aid in case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes with pienty'of water. If dust is inhaled, remove to fresh air. If wet concrete contacts skin, wash thoroughly with soap and wator. Get.medical attention if irritation persists. INW _2 For further information, see Matedafli9a%ty. Data Sheet (MSDS) for Concrete/Concrete Pl oducls M, 1lm w �lorthwest br vision which can be obtained by teleptronina (425) 355-2111. -_- -- `� ■ X MATERIALS'" Northwest Division Plant # et # ; 802� Customer r1 Sold To Date WEETWATER CONSTRUCTION CO 9/2.4/20 Job Delivery Address Project # Time Batched AVE 94ui 101M i •`_•t't WA tiL:., J01 38, -i'i P.O. # ' Instructions Due Time Zone Leave Plant Arrive Job Order# I Ar Truck # Driver/Hauler t,!8T, WAE_► FR ENTERPRIgF Leave Job Arrive Plant Load Cumulative Ordered Product Unit Quantity Quantity Quantity Code PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Price AMOUNT Tare 36,460 Lb 16, 5 S8Kg Net 64,020 Lb 29, 0393 Rg 12568.30 8"--4" QUARRY SPALLS TICKET ORDER SUB -TOTAL TAX TOTAL TOTAL PROPERTY DAMAGE RELEASE (TO BE SIGNED IF DELIVERY IS TO BE MADE INSIDE CURB LINE) Dear Customer. The driver of this truck is presenting this RELEASE to you for your signature is of the opinion that the sae and weight of his truck may possibly cause damage to the premises andior adjacent property if he places the material in this load where you desire it It is our wish to help The undersigned promises to pay all costs, including reasonable you m every way that we can, but in order to do this the driver is requesting that you sign this RELEASE relieving him and this supplier from any responsibility from any damage that may occur to the premises andlor adjacent property, attorneys fees. Incurred In Collecting any sums owed. of this material and that you also agree to help him remove mud from the wheels of his buildings, sidewalks, dove -ways, curbs, etc. by the delivery vehicle so that he will not litter the public street. Further, as additional consideration, the undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the driver of this truck and this supplier for any and all damage to the premises and/or adjacent property which may be claimed by anyone to have arisen out of delivery of this order. All accounts not paid within 30 days of delivery will bear interest SIGNED at the rate of 18% per annum. Not Responsible for Reactive Aggregate or Color Quality. No .TICE: MY SIGNATURE BELOW INDICATES, THE HEALTH WARNING NOTICE, SUPPLIEFIIIIIIIIIII Claim Allowed Unless Made at Time Material is Delivered WILL NOT• • DAMAGE CAUSED WHEN DELIVERING INSIDE LOAD RECEIVED Y- A $40.00 Service Charge and Loss of the Cash Discount will be collected on all Returned Checks. 0956164 X CUSTOMER SIGNATURE CUSTOMER COPY 143-J W 5 AGGREGAMi PRODUCTS Aggregate products are naturally occurring materials (limestone/dolomite, granite (basalt). sand, or gravel) which may contain more than 0.1 % crystalline silica. Hazards DUST MAY CAUSE IRRITATION TO EYES, SKIN, AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. v SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD. MAY CONTAIN MATERIAL. (CRYSTALLINE SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSEE CANCER tF INHALED- Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposure. Safety Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wear eye protection and suitable protective clothing. Wash thoraughly afiar handling. Avoid breathing dust. When exposed to dust above recommended limits (see MSDS), wear suitable N10SH/f\1'SHA-approved I respirator. First Aid In case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. Get medicai attention if mita- tion persists. ASPHALT CONCRETE. Contains liquid asphalt, aggregate products (limestone/dolomite, granite (basalt), sand, or gravel), and hydratedllm3. Aggregate iproducts may contain more than 0.1 % crystalline silica. Hazards ASPHALT FUME IS IRRITATING TO EYES, RESPIRATORY SYSTEM, ANQ SKIN. MAY CAUSEALLERGIC SKINREACTION. HOT ASPHALT CAN CAUSE THERMAL BURNS. SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD. AGGREGATE PRODUCTS USED IN ASPHALT MAY CONTAIN MATERIAL (CRYST, ALL:NE SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSE CANCER IF DUST IS INHALED. Dust may be produced during cutting or grinding of hardened asphalt. Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposure. C: r sty Avoid breathing fumes from hot asphali. Avoid breathing dust from cuttinra or grinding hardened asphalt. When exprsca to fumes or dust above recommended limits (see MSDS). wear suitable NIOSHJMSHA-approved respirator. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wear gloves, eye protection, and suitable protective clothing. Wash thoroughly after hanra!no. Work clothes should be washed regularly and separately from other clothes. First Aid In case of eye or skin contact, immediately flush with plenty of water. If inhaled, remove to fresh air Gel medical attention u irritation persists. C0MCRF_TFJCCNCRETr-_ PRODUCTS Contains Portland cement and aggregate products (limestonefdolomite, granite (basalt). sand and gravel) and other silireous materials. May contain more than 0.1 % crystalline silica. Hazards IN CASE OF CONTACT, FRESHLY MIXED WET CONCRETE CAUSES EYE IRRITATION AND MAY CAUSC SKIN AND EYL I BURNS. MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION. DRY CONCRETE DUST MAY CAUSE IRRITATION TO EYES, SKIN, AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD. MAY CONTAIN MATERIAL (CRYSTALLINE SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSE CANCER IF DUST IS INHALED. Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposure. Safety Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged contact with skin. Wear gloves, eye protection, and suitable {protective clothing, Wash i thoroughly after handling. Work clothes should be washed regularly and separately from other clothes. Avoid breathing dust from cutting or grinding hardened concrete. When exposed to concrete dust above rnccml:1ended hrmis (see MSDS), wear suitable NIOSI-I/MSHA-approved respirator. First Aid In case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water. If dust is inhaled, remove to fresh air. If wet concrete contacts skin, wash thoroughly with soap and water- Get medical attention if irritation persists. t }� �a For further informatiorj�'ee Material Safety Data Sheer (MSDS) for Concrete/Concrete Products which can be obtained bV telephoning (425) 355-2111. 14ortAwest DJvioion B N MATERIALS'" Northwest Division Plant/, Ticket„ Customer # Sold To Date '0315 WESTWATER CONSTRUCTION C0 Job Delivery Address Project n Time Batched JONE•`, AVE SNU 10M, I Li, P.O. # Instructions Due Time Zone Leave Plant Arrive Job '0 Order # Truck # � .�r�{- river/Hauler t c W03T, Wnt_KFP FI`JTFRPP _,E Leave Job Arrive Plant Load Cumulative Ordered Product Unit Quantity Quantity Quantity Code PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Price AMOUNT fare .4 10 ?6, 4E0 Lb 16, 53HKg Ne t 64,480 Lb 29,248 Kg 125EE3:' " 4" QUARRY SPALLS To- TICKET ORDER SUB -TOTAL TAX TOTAL TOTAL PROPERTY DAMAGE RELEASE (TO BE SIGNED IF DELIVERY IS TO BE MADE INSIDE CURB LINE) Dear Customer. The driver of this truck is presenting this RELEASE to you for your signature is of the opinion that the size and weight of his truck may possibly cause damage to the premises and/or adjacent property if he places the material in this load where you desire It It is our wish to help The undersigned promises IO a all costs, including reasonable 9 P pay g You in every way that we can, but in order to do this Me driver Is requesting that you sign this RELEASE relieving him and this supplier from any attorney's fees, incurred in collecting any sums owed. responsibility from any damage that may occur to the premises and/or adjacent property, buildings. sidewalks, drive -ways. curbs. atc by the delivery of this material and that you also agree to help him remove mud from the wheels of his vehicle so that he will not Idler the public street Further as additional consideration. the undersigned agrees to indemnity and hold harmless the driver of this truck and this supplier for any and all damage to All accounts not paid within 30 days of delivery will bear interest the premises and/or adjacent properly which may be claimed by anyone to have arisen out of delivery of this order. at the rate of 18°b per annum. SIGNED r� Not Responsible for Reactive Aggregate or Color Quality. No Claim Allowed Unless Made at Time Material is Delivered. WILL NOONSIBLE LOAD RECEDED 13v A $40.00 Service Charge and Loss of the Cash Discount will be collected on all Returned Checks. 0 9 5 6 1 2 0 X CUSTOMER SIGNATURE CUSTOMER COPY 143-JWS AGGREGAM PRODUCTS Aggregate products are naturally occurring materials (limestone/dolomite, granite (basalt), sand, or gravel) which may contain more than 0.1 % crystalline silica. Hazards DUST MAY CAUSE IRRITATION TO EYES. SKIN, AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD. MAY CONTAIN MATERIAL (CRYSTALLINE SILICA) WHICH MAY C/,USE CANCER IF INHALED. Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposure. Safety Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wear eye protection and suitable protective clothing. Wash thoroughly ftr handling. Avoid breathing dust. When exposed to dust above recommended limits (see MSDS), wear suitable NIOS'f-I/MSHA-approved respirator. First Aid In case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. Get medical attention if imita- tion persists. ASPHA- L7 CONCRETE Contains liquid asphalt, aggregate products (limestone/dolomiie, granite (basalt), sand, or gravel), and hydrated lira. Aggregate products may contain more than 0.1 % crystalline silica. Hazards ASPHALT FUME IS IRRITATING TO EYES, RESPIRATORY SYSTEM, AND SKIN, MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION, HOTASPHALT CAN CAUSE THERMAL BURNS. SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD. AGGREGATE PRODUCTS USED IN ASPHALT MAY CONTAIN MATERIAL (Ci YSTALLINE SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSE CANCER IF DUST IS INHALED. Dust may oe produced dunng Denting or grinding of hardened asphalt. Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposure Safety Avoid breathing fumes from hot asphalt. Avoid breathing dust from cutting or grinding hardened asphalt. When arnosec: to fumes or dust above recommended limits (see MSDS), wear suitable NIOSH/fJiSHA-approved respirator. ! Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wear gloves, eye protection, and suitable protective clothing. Wash thoroughly after handling. 11 Work clothes should be washed regularly and separately from other clothes. First Aid in case of eye or skin contact, immediately flush with plenty of water. If inhaled, remov-r to fresh air. Get medical atiential if irritation persists. CONCRETEXONCRE7E PRODUCTS Contains Portland cement and aggregate products (limestonefdolomite, granite (basalt), sand and gravel) and other silicecL s mat. riais. i May contain more than 0.1 °io crystalline silica. _ T Hazards IN CASE OF CONTACT, FRESHLY MIXED WET CONNCRETE CAUSES EYE IRRITATION AND MAY CAUSE SKIN AND FYE # BURNS. MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION. I DRY CONCRETE DUST MAY CAUSE IRRITATION TO EYES, SKIN. AND RESPIRATORY TRACT � SUSPECTED CANCER HAZARD, MAYCONl'AiN MATERIAL (CRYSTALLINE SILICA) WHICH MAY CAUSE CAR CE,-1 IF DUST IS INHALED. Cancer risk depends on duration and level of exposure. Safety Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged contact with skin. Wear gloves, eye protection, and suitable protective ciothin(f. Wash j thoroughly after handling. Work clothes should be washed regularly and separately from other clothes. Avoid breathing dust from cutting or grinding hardened concrete. When exposed to concrete dust above recom, r:, c e 1 limit; (see MSDS), wear suitable NIOSH/MSHA-approved respirator. First Aid In' case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water. If dust is inhaled, remove to fresh air. If wbt concrete i contacts skin, wash thoroughly with soap and water. Gat med)cai attention if irritation persists j For further information, see QU ito i,�*5afe4y Data Sheet (fli'SDS) for Concrete/Conciete Products �To�au which can be obtained by telephoning (425) 355-2111. - - —� Northwest Division -ICON MATERIALS BOX 88050 `,Tukwila, WA 98138 Aggregate Operations: (253) 839-2101 / FAX (253) 946-1383 Asphalt Operations: (206) 575-3200 / FAX (206) 575-3207 ICONM**982CF I I C K E 1'# 2 65 (A SM D-EW • P­ CO - DATE JOB NO: P.O. NO. PHASE NO. CONTRACT NO. C.O.D. 09- 24­--02 /DON NEAL TIME ORDER NO. CUSTOMER I.D. ZONE/MAP QUANITY SOLD TO: DELIVERED TO: W.S'TWATER NE 207TH ST S. JONE-8 AVF_NE 3183! KE*bil-f DLK DATHOND RI) 9 L,3 L71 9;R WA TRUCK NO. LOADS TODAY TONS TODAY RL.0037 2� 61. 88 PLANT NO. PLANT NAME SCALE NO. LOADS TODAY TONS TODAY A ct b u i- n r, at v QUANITY PRODUCT PRODUCT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PRICE UNIT AMOUNT UOM NO. 30. 4 2. Tn n v, f_'379 1--1/411 ­ 011 BA13F-. 0 GROSS WT TARE WT NET WT TRUCKs 951 GO 34-300 6086-10 LBIG. TRAILER..- L_*A_ S Al AMOUNT RECEIVED BY: TAX TOTAL It is specifically agreed that ICON Materials will not be liable for any damage to shrubbery, flowers, city sidewalks, roadway or private property in delivering material listed above to these premises, ICON MATERIALS P.O. BOX 88050 Tukwila, WA 98138 I Aggregate Operations: (253) 839-2101 / FAX (253) 946-1383 Asphalt Operations: (206) 575-3200 / FAX (206) 575-3207 ICONM ** 982CF _ S"DMIdMurt•FWW cOM0.K1WS DATE JOB NO. / P.O. NO. PHASE NO. CONTRACT NO. C.O.D. TIME ORDER NO. CUSTOMER I.D. ZONE / MAP QUANITY SOLD TO: DELIVERED TO: tah:', rwfa i era r (Ji�NS`f�?1.1C TI[1t+f F.Fti ;:ale)"[11 ST 8 J'ON�IEcl i-.)Vf;. fuF= F`,;-vrr- ELF.!'. DAaN9UND RD 9 4)'� w UDIJ11--dhr 14A TRUCK NO. LOADS TODAY TONS TODAY PLANT NO. PLANT NAME SCALE NO. LOADS TODAY TONS TODAY l.ttii, hl+.ihtttrrl (.?�1.,:_ld r OUANITY PRODUCT PRODUCT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PRICE / UNIT AMOUNT UOM NO. E::V119 1 - 1 /4" ... 171" BASfw COl. RF".LE GROSS WT TARE WT NET WT TRAILi': Rc F_B°w. RECEIVED BY: It is specifically agreed that ICON Materials will not be liable for any damage to or private property AMOUNT TAX TOTAL nA material listed above to ICON MATERIALS P.O. BOX 88050 Tukwila, WA 98138 I Aggregate Operations: (253) 839-2101 / FAX (253) 946-1383 Asphalt Operations: (206) 575-3200 / FAX (206) 575-3207 ICONM**982CF I Ji..=�i SM DFv6t W•PAWwCON}MCIOR$- DATE JOB NO. / P.O. NO. 'PHASE NO. CONTRACT NO. C.O.D. TIME ORDER NO. CUSTOMER I.D. ZONE / MAP OUANITY SOLD TO:, DELIVERED TO: t-+i_.��� r wn*rER c:cmI� TRUCT f ohl I%IE iiVITM '&iT JON ES AVE. NE 1833 KENT HLK DA I Ni]WD RD 91:31092 AUFAMbIl WA TRUCK NO. LOADS TODAY TONS TODAY WEAT NF lit1 `t r)9. ib PLANT NO. PLANT NAME SCALE NO. LOADS TODAY TONS TODAY i!f!] (-�t_lb1..li''(i GrzxV 2 OUANITY PRODUCT PRODUCT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PRICE UNIT AMOUNT UOM NO. ti GROSS WT TARE WT NET WT TRAILER: LbB. (' °' . ° AMOUNT RECEIVED BY: ! �� TAX TOTAL It is specifically agreed that ICON Materiels will not be liable for any damage to or private property to ICON MATERIALS P.O. BOX 88050 Tukwila, WA 98138 I Aggregate Operations: (253) 839-2101 / FAX (253) 946-1383 Asphalt Operations: (206) 575-3200 /. FAX (206) 575-3207 ICONM ** 982CF S. DMtOP -P,... CO-.~ DATE JOB NO. / P.O. NO. PHASE NO. CONTRACT NO. C.O.D. TIME ORDER NO. CUSTOMER I.D. ZONE / MAP OUANITY + s 1 C1 ] f3 F-0 wit ! SOLD TO: DELIVERED TO: �d �C'i'NrJf�rl�fd f:C7H'S'TRUCTION NLi ;='+NTH 1-3T ,JON IE::S 4 VE' 1•IC KErr m I, DA I MON X) RAJ 138092 AUBURN IWF) TRUCK NO. LOADS TODAY TONS TODAY 1 FEATHE R I 3 6fj s 1 PLANT NO. PLANT NAME SCALE NO. LOADS TODAY TONS TODAY 101 A I! F i-I 1—it C Y' a v OUANITY PRODUCT PRODUCT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PRICE / UNIT AMOUNT UOM NO. 33. ::r.;l Tons 22- r' :f 1 -• 1 / 4'! I%t rr b(AME COURSE GROSS WT TARE WT NET WT I F1ATLN: R RECEIVED BY: It is specifically agreed that ICON Materials will not be liable for any damage to or private property AMOUNT TAX TOTAL aR material listed above to ICON MATERIALS P.O. BOX 88050 Tukwila, WA 98138 I Aggregate Operations: (253) 839-2101 / FAX (253) 946-1383 Asphalt Operations: (206) 575-3200 / FAX (206) 575-3207 ICONM**982CF 1 7.t,r15C•') 4 i`:!-7;"il':•!{ Sn Dtv[t 1-•P—C� - DATE JOB NO. / P.O. NO. PHASE NO. CONTRACT NO. C.O.D. TIME iOR4DER NO. CUSTOMER I.D. ZONE / MAP, OUANITY Ott S 37 6i,-A 3-E31i. r SOLD TO: DELIVERED, TO: i=i1I OF+.N WA TRUCK NO. LOADS TODAY TONS TODAY W .f4Tf-1E RJ i:1A Slit PLANT NO. PLANT NAME SCALE NO. LOADS TODAY TONS TODAY OUANITY PRODUCT PRODUCT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PRICE / UNIT AMOUNT UOM NO. b vv I ft I t C/ d iJ + •z) `• �. {�, • ..- (jl •• AJ t't:.1 i:_ I.., L]�.?I��".�f. :. � ply GROSS WT TARE WT NET WT TRUCK : J.0 7Epc,0 •yfil'; 40 66720 L95. TRIAII-ER.L'sS. AMOUNT RECEIVED BY:��/ It is specifically agreed that ICON Materials will not be liable for any damage to TAX TOTAL or private property in delivering material listed above to ICON MATERIALS P.O. BOX 88050 Tukwila, WA 98138 I Aggregate Operations: (253) 839-2101 / FAX (253) 946-1383 Asphalt Operations: (206) 575-3200 / FAX (206) 575-3207 ICONM**982CF Slit DevuD.MfM • pI.NMO CorrtN,,ciDfi - , - DATE JOB NO. / P.O. NO. PHASE NO. CONTRACT NO. C.O.D. TIME ORDER NO. CUSTOMER I.D. ZONE/MAP GUANITY 1 ? a Q)C. 121 F,Ot 50+ / SOLD TO: DELIVERED TO: UE-- i-TWA'f[''-R G:.CIhJu'1 RUCTION WE SRI' Vf .T0111FIS AVE NE' 181*.` .:, KENT BI..K. DA I iti OIuD[7� Ry1) 9C7�: 92 WIJOURN Ir]A TRUCK NO. LOADS TODAY TONS TODAY W-C-ild."r7 3 90. 3 1 PLANT NO. PLANT NAME SCALE NO. LOADS TODAY TONS TODAY t}L13. As_4bt-1rn 04-AV OUANITY PRODUCT UOM PRODUCT NO. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PRICE / UNIT AMOUNT 43 'icons 37`D 1--1/4" — 0" PFdrJL CatJt+FiSE GROSS WT TARE WT NET WT I. -Bs. AMOUNT RECEIVED BY: TAX TOTAL It is specifically agreed that ICON Materials will not be liable for any damage to shrubbery, flowers, city sidewalks, roadway or private property IKON MATERIALS P.O. BOX 88050 Tukwila, WA 98138 I Aggregate Operations: (253) 839-2101 / FAX (253) 946-1383 Asphalt Operations: (206) 575-3200 / FAX (206) 575-3207 ICONM**992CF T T C:KET# 29594 Sirz DMinvuurt v�rlc Ca+iwC*ats DATE JOB NO. / P.O. NO. PHASE NO. CONTRACT NO. C.O.D. 1.L1 07_'it)2'' /JONE S AVE 000 TIME ORDER NO. CUSTOMER I.D. ZONE/MAP OUANITY 12'o17 wFs—rwATER €_.0,584 SOLD TO: WE:i:)TWA T E R CONSTrdUC'110IN KEN11' BI_ K DA T MO ND RL) 9809a AUBURN WA NO. K.E=RS DELIVERED TO: VARIOUS l-C.iCGI'i..ION LOADS TODAY .1, TONS TODAY ;,Ih.. '73 PLANT, NO. PLANT NAME SCALE NO. LOADS TODAY TONS TODAY AIA1-..)Qrtn Gr•av 2. OUANITY PRODUCT PRODUCT PRODUCT, DESCRIPTION PRICE / UNIT AMOUNT UOM NO. �0.'7a. Tc)ris 2 �,'79 3.-1./4" 0BAESE C'<OLIREiE. i GROSS WT 1-FdlJCK: :9740lr7) TPA ILER„ RECEIVED BY: TARE WT NET WT I_ 1-BS . It is specifically agreed that ICON Materials will not be liable for any damage to j��P- j0- or private property AMOUNT TAX TOTAL ig material listed above to ' H������ MATERIALS n����n� ".. ' Tukwila,' WA 38 Aggregate Operations: (2e3) 839-2101 / FAX (2su) 9*61383 , Asphalt Operations: (206)e75-3200 / FAX (2om,5rs�uor �Oww+°o�cr ' ' ' TICKET# 29648 DATE JOB NO. P.O. NO. PHASE NO. CONTRACT NO. C.O.D. 10-07—W2 /JONES AVE ' 000 ` TIME ORDER NO. CUSTOMER I.D. ZONE/MAP ovxwnr 13:40 WESTWATER 60584 ` SOLD TO: DELIVERED TO: WESTWATER CONSTRUCTION VARIOUS LOCATIONS 31833 KENT BLK DAlMOND RD 98092 AUBURN WA =�Y ` - —^ TRUCK NO. ` ' '' Loxoornom, TONS TODAY WALKERS 2 ^ 6N.SO .. PLANT NO. PLANT NAME SCALE NO. LOADS TODAY TONS TODXY . ' 101 Auburn 8rav 2 ~ QUANITY PRODUCT UPM PRODUCT NO. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PRICE UNIT AMOUNT 29.65 Tons 2379 1-1/4" — 0"t"BASE COURSE � � GROSS AT TARE MR NET AFTfe `~ AMOUNT RECEIVED BY: TAX It is specifically agreed that ICON Materials will not be liable for any damage wshru^bery,flowers, city sidewalks, roadway orprivate property * delivering material listed above w mm . CITY OF RENTON WASTEWATER MAINTENANCE SECTION "WALK-THRU" INSPECTION PUNCH LIST DATE: 11/05/2002 TO: Kayren Kittrick FROM: John Thompson PROJECT NAME: Hi 7Gate 1733 NE 201h Pl INSPECTOR: Dick Jarvinen John Wallace Sewer (WO06437) All OK CITY OF RENTON RECEIVED NOV 0 5 20OZ BUILDING DIVISION J:\ADMMOHN\INSPECT\2002\HighGate.DOC 1 DAILY INSPECTION DIARY REPORT DAY:' DATE: /l' WORK PERIOD: a.m./p.m. to a.m./p.m. WEATHER: TEMP. MAX°F MIN°F PRECIPITATION: WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: /�✓ %,�� � .r/i.r/� !yw Ni i►=�^?a-rr-.J O /,� /l� .®/✓'-,�t_Zt .c/ �► �b�' CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE SP TOR SIGNATURE DATE: DAILY INSPECTION DIARY REPORT ." �,7— DAY: DATE: A , ZIORK PERIOD: a.m./p.m. to a.m./p.m. WEATHER:P.4 a TEMP. MAX >d OF MI� OF PRECIPITATION: WORK ACCOMPL HED T AY: DATE : DAILY INSPECTION DIARY / REPORT 4� DAY: DATE -A /2! /bL WORK PERIOD: a.m./p.m. to a.m./p.m. WEATHER: TEMP. TEMP. MAX Co;!) OF MIN C °F PRECIPITATION: WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE DATE: DAILY INSPECTI(NV DIARY DAY: / -J DATE:/�/g/ WORK PERIOD: WEATHER - TEMP. MAX (,,?,°F MIN Q {� OF WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: i Gg a.m./p.m. to PRECIPITATION: R a.m./p.m. CFes: F I .ei Uyy REPORT 4� DATE: DAY: DATE: WEATHER: TEMP. WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: Eli DAILY INSPECTION DIARY / / WORK PERIOD: a.m./p.m. to a.m./p.m. MAX _(CL� MIN OF PRECIPITATION: CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTOR SIGNATURE REPORT DATE: DAILY INSPECTION DIARY REPORT 4� DAY: DATE:4 WORK PERIODUV .m./p.m. to'7-11 elWm. /p.m. WEATHER: TEMP. MAX OF MIN,°F PRECIPITATION: WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTOR (SILGIV'ATURE DATE: DAILY INSPECTION DIARY REPORT DAY: DATE:/�/3 /2 WORK PERIOD: a.m./p.m. to a.m./p.m. WEATHER: TEMP. MAX °F MIN PRECIPITATION WORK ACCOMPLISH D TODAY: CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE LA NSPECTM SIGNATURE DATE: DAILY INSPECTION DIARY DAY: DATE : /2, / 7 WORK PERIOD: WEATHER: TEMP. MAX OF MIN �C�% OF WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE a.m./p.m. to PRECIPITATION: a.m./p.m. INSPECTOR (SIIGNATURE REPORT DATE: SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM LOW PRESSURE AIR TEST PROJECT: DATE: /Ci i z-- INSPECTOR: LOCATION LENGTH PIPE MATERIAL PIPE SIZE PRESSURE TEST TIME RESULT TO FROM J ' / 11 G7c — �i•v�— �_ '�42 ��✓ datacenter/forms/pbpw/utiIitysystems/ww/sspress u re. doc 02/2002 bh DAILY INSPECTION DIARY DAY: DATE: V/ j / K PERIOD: a.m./p.m. to WEATHERCJ TEMP. MAX � MIN Z PRECIPITATION: WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: a.m./p.m. 4 e-d 41 t:, 4,� c- 70 T� I 7& Z-4 CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE SPEC SIGNATURE REPORT # DATE: DAILY INSPECTION DIARY DATE: / /WORK PERIOD a.m./p.m. to a.m./p.m. TEMP. MAX°F MIN °F PRECIPITATION: WORK ACCOMPLISIFD TODAY CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE SPECTOIC SIGNATUR REPORT 0.1aON DAILY INSPECTION DIARY REPORT 4� DAY ,Q DATE: K PERIOD: WEATHER: TEMP. MAX � OF MIN OF WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: 64 g�/C7� a.m./p.m. to PRECIPITATION: a.m./p.m. h ;9 _ /1Z. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTOR IGNATURE "AsOF DAILY INSPECTION DIARY REPORT 4� DAY: DATE: g ?/(� ?W RK PERIOD: a.m./p.m. to a.m./p.m. WEATHER: TEMP. MAX 70 °F MINj-°F PRECIPITATION: WORK ACCOMPLIS D TODAY: E r r ft �► Ell// r<Me CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTOR SIGNATURE DATE: DAILY INSPECTION DIARY WEATHER: WORK DATE: < <r" ORK PERIOD: TEMP. MAX a-°F MIN -5 °F a.m./p.m. to PRECIPITATION: a.m./p.m. -� ✓ ` t-� �� j[>y�� .� tip- 'TT/'�9-� 1 i✓ c.�i✓.cA iytr REPORT 4� DATE: DAILY INSPECTION DIARY �•G• DATE: 9 Z5 6-2-QRK PERIOD: a.m./p.m. to TEMP. MAX OF MIN 4ROF PRECIPITATION: WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: a.m./p.m. r 1 / Pill rI w REPORT DATE: DAILY INSPECTION DIARY ,� 1 REPORT �6 DAY: DATE: � PERIOD: a.m./P.m. to a.m./p.m. WEATHER: TEMP. MAX OF MIN �°F PRECIPITATION: WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: r IAI i2 pfyA-.,If f /S l�ir4-S b . (-:Zg�& "1.4zq �.� �31,�!.as S' ��C-/fc�rin�°d 72 C/ Crfi `t- V- i.4 c iA C5! "Lam. lrr,. S -L. 1 _. l.. e- -A a r ram. Q.✓t .e._. li 7n,� 4-�.LA A A 0- - j a- n nu1J ✓ KA r .A: � -t't-� � 1�� t� z oo o I�� . cam ' -. 4-6 CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE rNSPEqR SIGNATURE DATE: DAILY INSPECTION DIARY G, REPORT DAY: DATE: L �.3/� WORK PERIODIp.a.m./p.m. to a.m./p.m. //11 WEATHHEERRR:: TEMP. MAX °F MIN,' -F PRECIPITATION: WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: 14 i&A u . :3 • GcJi9-,5 /2� C-COCA-' DATE: DAILY INSPECTION DIARY DAY: � WEATHER: Q � REPORT 4� DATE: ` /�/bZWORK PERIOD C� a.m./p.m. tq�L�a.m./p.m. TEMP. MAX _,2Z_--F MIN C.�°F PRECIPITATION: WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: l� �J✓rs.I�i ! r i r , w1 L•t �.� w �� �� WNW DATE: DAILY INSPECTION DIARY REPORT �6 DAY: DATE: / / WORK PERIOD &C-0a.m./p.m. to-50Q.m./p.m. WEATHER: /. TEMP. MAX OF MIN 52F PRECIPITATION: WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: r r .� •Pill' L' CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSWTOR DATE: