HomeMy WebLinkAboutWWP273162 (6)Sunset Interceptor, Phase 3 July 21, 2005 Inserts for Contract Specifications <INSERT 1> The work shall also include the installation and/or replacement of the storm and sanitary sewer system, including but not limited to installing catch basins, storm and sanitary sewer manholes and pipes, side sewers; furnishing, installing and maintaining erosion control measures, providing traffic control, and patching and restoring all disturbed area. Duvall Avenue NE/SR 900 July. 2005 Intersection Improvement Project <INSERT 2> DUVALL AVENUE NE/SR 900 (SUNSET BLVD) INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Schedule of Prices (Note: Unit prices for all items, all ertensions, and total amount of bid must be shown. All entries must be written or entered in ink. Show unit prices in both xords and figures and inhere conflict occurs, the written or typed words shall prevail) Schedule B ITEM APPROX. UNITS ITEM WITH UNIT PRICED BID UNIT PRICE AMOUNT No. QUANTITY Unit Prices to be 6Vritten in Words DOLLARS CTS DOLLARS CTS 1 1 LS Mobilization & Demobilization 1-09.7 $ $ $ Per Lump Sum 2 1 LS Trench Excavation Safety System 2-09 $ $ $ Per Lump Sum 3 1 LS Temporary Erosion/Sedimentation Controls 8-01 Per Lump Sum 4 1 LS Construction Surveying, Staking, And As-builts 1-05 Per Lump Sum 5 1 LS Landscape Restoration 8-02 Per Lump Sum 6 1255 LF Television Inspection of Sanitary Sewers 7-17 $ $ $ Per Lineal Foot 7 1200 LF 15-Inch Diameter PVC Sewer Pipe 7-17 $ $ $ Per Lineal Foot 8 55 LF 8-Inch Diameter PVC Sewer Pipe 7-17 Per Lineal Foot 9 200 LF 6-Inch Diameter PVC Side Sewer Pipe 7-18 Per Lineal Foot Duvall Avenue NFJSR 900 I July, 2005 Intersection Improvement Project DUVALL AVENUE NE/SR 900 (SUNSET BLVD) INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Schedule of Prices (Note: Unit prices for all items, all ertensions, and total amount of bid must be shown. All entries must be written or entered in ink. Show unit prices in both words and figures and where conflict occurs, the written or typed x-ords shall prerail.) Schedule B (continued) ITEM APPROX. UNITS ITEM WITH UNIT PRICED BID UNIT PRICE AMOUNT No. QUANTITY Unit Prices to be Written in Words DOLLARS CTS DOLLARS CTS 10 3 EA 54-Inch Diameter Sanitary Sewer Manhole 7-05 Per Each 11 5 EA 48-Inch Diameter Sanitary Sewer Manhole 7-05 $ $ $ Per Each 12 I EA 48-Inch Diameter Cut -in Sanitary Sewer Manhole 7-05 Per Each 13 5 EA Connections to Existing Manholes 7-05 Pef Lump Sum 14 20 CY Ab'an-Eyisnng Sanitary Sewer Main 7-05 Per Cubic Yard 15 4 EA Abandon Existing Sanitary Sewer Manhole 7-05 $ $ $ Per Each 16 70 Ton Foundation Gravel 7-10 Per Ton 17 1570 Ton Select Imported Trench Backfill 7-10 Per Ton 18 340 Ton Crushed Surfacing Top Course 4-04 $ $ Per Ton Duvall Avenue N E/SR 900 2 July, 2005 Intersection Improvement Project DUVALL AVENUE NE/SR 900 (SUNSET BLVD) INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT PRO.IECT Schedule of Prices (Note: Unit pricer for all items, all e-rtensions, and total antount of bid Hurst be shown. A11 entries must be written or entered in ink. Shoiv emit prices in both words and figures and x,here conflict occurs, the written or typed words shall prevail.) Schedule B (continued) ITEM APPROX. UNITS ITEM WITH UNIT PRICED BID UNIT PRICE AMOUNT No. 21JANTITY (Unit Prices to be Written in Words DOLLARS CTS DOLLARS CTS 19 250 Ton Asphalt Concrete Patch Class B 5-04 Per Ton 20 20 SY Remove/Replace Concrete Sidewalk & Driveways 8-14 Per Square Yard 21 30 LF Remove/Replace Concrete Curb & Gutter 8-04 Per Lineal Foot Total of extended amount in words: and Total Schedule B Cents. Dollars THE UNDERSIGNED BIDDER HEREBY AGREES TO COMMENCE WORK ON THIS PROJECT, IF AWARDED HIM, NO LATER THAN 10 DAYS AFTER FINAL EXECUTION AND TO COMPLETE THE WORK WITHIN 150 CALENDAR DAYS. Dated at this day of 2005 Duvall Avenue iNF:/SR 900 ' 3 July, 2005 Intersection Improvement Project <INSERT 3> City of Renton Duvall Avenue NE/SR 900 (Sunset Blvd) Intersection) Improvement Project Amendments to the Standard Specifications Schedule B — Sanitary Sewer Improvements The amendments in the following section apply to the Sanitary Sewer Main Improvements associated with Schedule B. These amendments are in addition to the other information contained in this Contract. Any inconsistencies in the parts of the contract shall be resolved as described in Section 1-04.2 of the Special Provisions with these amendments falling between the Proposal Form and the Special Provisions. 1-01 DEFINITIONS AND TERMS 1-01.3 Definitions Section 1-01.3 is revised and supplemented by the following: CITY The City of Renton 1-04 SCOPE OF THE WORK 1-04.12 Hours of Work This new section is added as follows: General hours of work for the Project shall be limited to the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Hours of work may be changed at the discretion of the Engineer when it is in the interest of the public or the Contractor due to reasons of safety, health and welfare and must be approved in writing prior to the start of work. The Contractor shall give a minimum of 48 hours notice to the Contracting Agency prior to work on any roadway and shall do no work on the roadway without a traffic control plan approved by the City Transportation Division. 1-05 CONTROL OF WORK 1-05.4 Conformity with and Deviations from Plans and Stakes Delete the first sentence of the first paragraph of this section and replace with the following: The Contractor shall lay out and set any construction stakes and marks needed to establish the lines, grades, slopes, and cross -sections. 1-05.5 Construction Stakes (APWA Only) 1=05.5(1)A General (APWA Only) The first paragraph is revised to read: The Contractor shall provide all construction stakes and marks establishing lines, slopes, and grades as stipulated in Sections 1-05.4, and 1-05.5. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for detailed dimensions, elevations, and excavation slopes measured from all furnished stakes and marks. All costs of this survey work shall be incidental to other bid items. 1-05.5(2) Road and Utility Surveys (APWA Only) Add the following to the set of information to be furnished by the Contractor E. Sanitary sewer and water line alignment and grade stakes (50' max, interval for laser control, 30' max. interval for batter boards) City of Renton Amendments — Schedule B Only 1-07 LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC 1-07.16(1) Private/Public Property Section 1-07.16(1) is supplemented by adding the following: Private property such as plants, shrubs, trees, fences, and rockeries within the work area shall be removed and restored to the satisfaction of the property owner. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to notify each property owner when it is necessary to remove such improvements to facilitate the Contractor's progress, and to remove those improvements to locations requested by the property owner or to restore them to near original location in as near original condition as possible. For the purpose of this contract, all property not within the Right of Way, including property owned by the City of Renton, shall be considered private property. The Contractor shall notify all property owners along the construction area, by mail, prior to the start of construction. Names and addresses will be furnished by the Owner. The Contractor shall further notify each occupancy in person a minimum of three days prior to construction adjacent to each property. 1-07.16(2) Vegetation Protection and Restoration Section 1-07.16(2) is supplemented by adding the following: All lawn within the area to be disturbed by the Contractor's operations shall be cut with a sod -cutting machine, removed and disposed. The disturbed lawn area shall be restored with sod, after trench is backfilled and compacted. The restoration of the distributed lawn area shall be performed under the following guidelines: A. Topsoil shall be placed at a depth of 3 inches. B. Topsoil shall be tilled to a depth sufficient to key into the ked to a smooth even grade without low areas to trap water and compacted l as approved by the Engineer. C. Sod strips shall be placed within 48 hours of being cut. Placement shall be without voids and shall have the end joints staggered. The sod shall be rolled with a smooth roller following placement. D. Barriers shall he erected, with warning signs where necessary, to preclude pedestrian traffic from access to the newly placed lawn during the establishment period. E. The watering schedule of all newly laid sod shall be four times a week for three weeks. The watering shall be such duration as to soak the replaced sod thoroughly and promote good root growth. F. Such removal, complete restoration and maintenance of the lawn shall be considered incidental to other items of work and no further compensation shall be made. 1-07.17 t1tilities and Similar Facilities Section 1-07.17 is supplemented by adding the following: City of Renton Amendments - Schedule B Only The Contractor shall provide written notification to the Engineer whenever an adjustment to the new sewer line location or grade is known to be required in order to avoid conflicts. Locations and dimensions shown in the plans for existing buried facilities are in accordance with available information obtained without uncovering, measuring, or other verification. The Contractor shall be responsible for determining their exact location. All utilities should be potholed to locate them horizontally and vertically a sufficient time in advance of the pipe excavation, removal, and laying operation to allow adjustments to be made as necessary to avoid conflicts. Contractor shall be responsible for identifying such conflicts reasonably in advance of his construction efforts. 1-09 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT For Schedule B, Section 1-09 is revised and supplemented as follows: 1-09.14 Payment Schedule (Additional Section) 1-09.14(1) Scope Payment for the various items of the Bid Sheets associated with Schedule B, as further specified herein, shall include all compensation to be received by the CONTRACTOR for furnishing all tools, equipment, supplies, and manufactured articles, and for all labor, operations, and incidentals appurtenant to the items of work being described, as necessary to complete the various items of the work in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, including all appurtenances thereto, and including all costs of compliance with the regulations of public agencies having jurisdiction, including but not limited to Safety and Health Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor (OSHA). Separate payment shall not be made for any item that is not specifically set forth in the Bid Schedules and all costs therefore shall be included in the prices named in the Bid Schedules for the various appurtenant items of work. 1-09.14(2) Mobilization & Demobilization Mobilization and Demobilization shall be measured as a lump sum and shall include the establishment of all site improvements required to begin construction associate with Schedule B, including: project schedule, and transportation of equipment to the project site, receipt of all bonds and insurance policies, obtaining all required permits, along with any other submittal and shop drawing requirements, provide protection of existing facilities and removal of all materials and equipment from the construction site after project completion. Mobilization and Demobilization shall be paid as described in Section 1-09.7 and as modified in these documents. 1-09.14(3) Trench Excavation Safety Systems Section 2-09.4 is revised and supplemented as follows: Shoring or Extra Excavation. Measurement for trench excavation safety systems shall be based on a percentage defined as the amount of sanitary sewer pipelines installed divided by the total length of sanitary sewer pipe shown to be installed. Section 2-09.5 is revised and supplemented as follows: City of Renton Aniendments — Schedule Q Only 3 Shoring or Extra Excavation. Payment for trench excavation safety systems shall be made at the measured percentage amount for the pay period times the lump sum amount bid. Said payment shall be complete compensation for all equipment, labor, materials, hauling, planning, design, engineering, submittals, furnishing and constructing and removal and disposal of such temporary sheeting, shoring, and bracing complete as required under the provisions of any permits and in the requirements of OSHA and RCW Chapter 49.17, etc. required to complete this item of work in conformance with the Contract Documents. 1-09.14(4) Temporary Erosion/Sedimentation Controls Delete the fifteenth paragraph of Section 1-07.15 and replace Section 8-01.4 with the following: Measurement for temporary erosion/sediment control(s) shall be based on the percentage of total work complete for Schedule B, by dollar value, at the time of measurement. Replace Section 8-01.5 with the following: Payment for temporary erosion/sedimentation control(s) shall be at the lump sum amount bid multiplied times the measured percentage of total work completed for the contract. Said payment shall be complete compensation for all labor, materials, equipment, straw -bale dikes, silt fencing, plastic sheeting, etc. required to complete this item of work in conformance with Contract Documents. 1-09.14(5) Construction Surveying, Staking, and As-builts Measurement for construction surveying, staking and as -built information shall be based on the percentage of total work complete, by dollar value, at the time of measurement. Payment for construction surveying, staking and as -built information shall be at the lump sum amount bid multiplied times the measured percentage of total work completed for the contract. Said payment shall be complete compensation for all labor, materials, equipment, travel, surveying needed to construct the improvements to the line and grade as shown on the plans, to provide the required construction and as - constructed field (as -built information) notes and drawings, etc. required to complete this item of work in conformance with the Contract Documents. No more than 50% of the bid amount for this item shall be paid prior to the review and acceptance of the as -constructed information by the Engineer. 1-09.14(6) Landscape Restoration Replace Section 8-02.4 with the following: Measurement for landscape restoration shall be per lump sum of landscape restored as required to complete this item in conformance with the Contract Documents. Replace Section 8-02.5 with the following: Payment for landscape restoration shall be per lump sum, which payment shall be complete compensation for all labor, equipment, materials, materials hauling, sod, topsoil, preparation, forming, placement, finishing, watering, cleanup, etc. required to compete this item in conformance with the Contract Documents. City of Renton Amendments - Schedule B Only 4 1-09.14(6) Television Inspection of Sanitary Sewers Section 7-17.4 is revised and supplemented as follows: Measurement for television inspection of the new sewers shall be based on the lineal feet of pipe inspected. Section 7-17.5 is revised and supplemented as follows: Payment for television inspection of the new sewers in accordance with Section 7-17.3(2)H shall be made at the amount bid per linear foot. Said payment shall be considered complete compensation for all labor, materials, and equipment required to perform a television inspection of the pipe and to prepare a videotape record of all new sanitary sewers constructed under this contract. Contractor shall bear all costs incurred in correcting any deficiencies found during testing, including the cost of any additional testing that may be required by the Owner to verify the correction of said deficiency. The Contractor shall be responsible for all costs incurred in any television inspection performed solely for the benefit of the Contractor. 1-09.14(7) 5--Inch Diameter PVC Sewer Pipe Measurement for furnishing and installing /-!:5-- inch diameter sanitary sewer pipe shall be per Section 7-17.4 for each size and type of pipe required. Section 7-17.5 is revised and supplemented as follows: Payment for furnishing and installing sanitary sewer pipe shall be made at the amount bid per linear foot. Said payment shall be complete compensation for all labor, materials, and equipment required to furnish and install the pipe of the size and type required. Work shall also include but not be limited to any hauling; pavement cutting; asphalt or cement concrete pavement removal; temporary traffic control, dewatering; bypass pumping of existing sanitary sewage; casing the sewer pipe at water main crossings with insufficient separation; removal and disposal of waste material; placement, maintenance and removal of temporary pavement patching; and testing pipe (exfiltration or low pressure air tests and deflection testing) required to complete the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Furnishing and installing pipe bedding; backfilling with native materials, and compacting all backfill shall also be included in this bid item. Select imported trench backfill materials shall be paid under other bid items. 1-09.14(8) 6-Inch Diameter PVC Side Sewer Pipe Measurement shall be as specified in Section 7-18.4: Delete Section 7-18.5. Payment shall be as specified in Sections 1-09.14(7) and 7-17.5. 1-09.14(9) 54-Inch Diameter Sanitary Sewer Manhole Section 7-05.4 is revised and supplemented as follows; Measurement for furnishing and installing , =inch sanitary sewer manholes shall be per each for each type manhole installed in conformance with the Contract Documents. Measurement of manhole heights for payment purchases shall be the distance from the finished rim elevation to the invert of the lowest outlet pipe. Clt} of Renton Amendments - Schedule H Only Section 7-05.5 is revised and supplemented as follows; Payment for furnishing and installing inch sanitary sewer manholes of the size required shall be made at the unit price bid per each. Said payment shall be complete compensation for all labor, equipment, and materials required to furnish and install the manhole of the size required. Work shall also include but not be limited to any hauling; pavement cutting; asphalt or cement concrete pavement removal; dewatering; removal and disposal of waste material; placement, maintenance and removal of temporary pavement patching; adjusting frames to grade; channeling manhole, testing manhole, and connecting manhole to new and/or existing pipes required to complete all manholes in conformance with the Contract Documents. Furnishing and installing foundation material, backfilling with native material, and compacting native backfill shall also be included in this bid item. Payment for cut -in manholes shall also include the cost of bypassing sewage as necessary to complete the installation. Select imported trench backfill materials shall be paid under other bid items. Each manhole shall include but not be limited to a concrete base, precast concrete manhole sections, gaskets, coating system (sealer), manhole frame and lid, ladder and rungs, and other associated appurtenances. 1-09.14(10) Connections to Existing Manholes Section 7-05.4 is revised and supplemented as follows; Measurement for connecting the new sewer main to an existing manhole shall be per each for connection made in conformance with the Contract Documents. Section 7-05.5 is revised and supplemented as follows; Payment for connections to existing manholes shall be made at the unit price bid per each. Said payment shall be complete compensation for all labor, equipment, and materials required to make each connection. Work shall include but not be limited to excavating around and protecting the existing manhole; core drilling for the new connection, rechanneling the existing manhole; removing the existing manholes if necessary; furnishing and installing any fittings and/or adaptors; hauling any materials; disposing of waste material; relocating ladder and rungs if necessary; making all pipe to manhole connections; placing subsequent native backfill; compacting backfill; cleaning; and testing required to complete all the connections in conformance with the Contract Documents. Select imported trench backfill materials are included in other bid items. 1-09.14(11) Abandoning Existing Sanitary Sewer Main Section 7-05.4 is revised and supplemented as follows; Abandoning existing gravity sewers shall be measured by the cubic yards of Controlled Density Fill required to completely fill the pipes being abandoned. Section 7-05.5 is revised and supplemented as follows; Payment for abandoning the existing sanitary sewer pipes shall cover the complete cost of providing all, labor, materials, and equipment required to fill and plug the identified existing sanitary sewer mains. The work shall include but not be limited to furnishing, delivering, and placing the controlled density fill ('sty of Renton Amendments Schedule B Only 6 and installing permanent and temporary plugs and blocks as needed to ensure that the pipes being abandoned are completely filled with controlled density fill. 1-09.14(12) Abandon Existing Sanitary Sewer Manhole Section 7-05.4 is revised and supplemented as follows; Measurement for abandon existing sanitary sewer manholes shall be per each for existing manholes abandoned in conformance with the Contract Documents. Section 7-05.5 is revised and supplemented as follows; Payment for abandon existing sanitary sewer manholes shall cover the complete cost of providing all labor, materials, and equipment required to complete the Work. The Work shall include but not be limited to saw -cutting the existing surface as needed; removing and salvaging portions of the structure as identified on the Drawings; fracturing the base to prevent standing water; plugging all pipe inlets; furnishing and installing sand or other gravel material inside the manhole; compacted the sand to 90 percent density; hauling and disposing of waste materials; backfilling with native material: compacting backfill; and placing, maintaining and removing temporary pavement patching in conformance with the Contract Documents. Select imported trench backfill materials (except sand used to fill the manhole) are included in other bid items. 1-09.14(13) Foundation Gravel Replace the first sentence of the fifth paragraph of Section 7-10.4 with the following: Removal and replacement of unsuitable foundation material shall be measured in tons based on the placed weight of material installed. Placement of foundation gravel shall be measured only for the area(s) authorized by the Engineer. Certified weight tickets shall accompany each load, a copy of tickets shall be given to the Engineer daily. Wasted materials shall not be included in the measurement. Replace the fifth paragraph of Section 7-10.5 with the following: Payment for removal and replacement of unsuitable foundation material shall be made at the amount bid per ton. Said payment shall be complete compensation for all labor, materials, equipment, excavation, foundation gravel, haul, placement, water, compaction, removal and disposal of waste material, etc. required to complete this item of work in conformance with the Contract Documents. 1-09.14(14) Select Imported Trench Backfill Replace the sixth paragraph of Section 7-10.4 with the following: Measurement for select imported trench backfill shall be measured in tons based on the weight of material installed. Certified weight tickets shall accompany each load, a copy of tickets shall be given to the Engineer daily. Wasted materials shall not be included in the measurement or payment. Only materials placed within the pay limits shown shall be considered for payment. Material placed outside of the pay limits shown on the plans or as approved by the Engineer shall be deducted from the certified tickets. Replace the sixth paragraph of Section 7-10.5 with the following City of Renton Amendments — Schedule n Only 7 Payment for select imported trench backfill shall be made at the amount bid per ton. Said payment shall be complete compensation for all labor, materials, equipment, hauling, placement, water, compaction, removal and disposal of waste materials, etc. required to complete this item of work in conformance with the Contract Documents. 1-09.14(15) Crushed Surfacing Top Course Section 4-04.4 is revised and supplemented as follows; Measurement for crushed surfacing top course shall be measured in tons based on the weight of material installed. Certified weight tickets shall accompany each load, a copy of tickets shall be given to the Engineer daily. Wasted materials shall not be included in the measurement or payment. Only materials placed within the pay limits shown shall be considered for payment. Material placed outside of the pay limits shown on the plans or as approved by the Engineer shall be deducted from the certified tickets. Section 4-04.5 is revised and supplemented as follows; The unit price Bid for crushed surfacing shall constitute full compensation for all Work, labor, materials, and equipment required to furnish, deliver, place and compact the crushed surfacing in trenches at all transverse crossings of streets or existing utilities and on disturbed roads and shoulders to the width and depth indicated in these Specifications and where required by the governing road agency. The cost of all motor patrol or grader Work, or any equipment required to shape the roadway to proper grade before the crushed surfacing is placed shall also be included in this unit price Bid. The unit price Bid for crushed surfacing shall also include removing and disposing of all material that is replaced by the imported crushed surfacing. 1-09.14(16) Asphalt Concrete Patch Class B Section 5-04.4 is revised and supplemented as follows; Asphalt Concrete Patch Class B shall be measured by the ton in accordance with Section 1-09.1, with no deduction being made for the weight of asphalt binder, blending sand, mineral filler, or any other component of the mixture. Section 5-04.5 is revised and supplemented as follows; Payment for asphalt concrete patch shall be made at the amount bid per ton. Said payment shall be complete compensation for all labor, materials, haul, surface preparation, compaction, water, pavement saw cutting, asphaltic materials, tack oil, placement, final trench patch, utility adjustments, cleanup, etc. required to complete this item of work in conformance with the contract documents. No additional payment shall be made for work necessary to correct an asphalt concrete patch not installed in accordance with specifications. 1-09.14(17) Remove/Replace Concrete Sidewalk & Driveways Measurement for remove/replace concrete sidewalk and driveways shall be in square _yards of sidewalk and driveway repair required for installation of the utilities as shown in the Contract Documents, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. City of Renton Amendments - Schedule B Only 8 Payment for remove and replace concrete sidewalk and driveways shall be made at the amount bid per square yard. Said payment shall be complete compensation for all labor, equipment, and materials required to remove any existing materials; hauling all materials; and any and all preparation, forming, placing, finishing, cleanup, etc. required to complete this item in conformance with the Contract Documents. 1-09.14(18) Remove/Replace Concrete Curb & Gutter Measurement for remove/replace concrete curb & gutter shall be in lineal feet of curb repair required for installation of utilities as shown in the Contract Documents, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Payment for remove/replace concrete curb and gutter shall be made at the amount bid per lineal foot. Said payment shall be complete compensation for all labor, equipment, and materials required to remove any existing materials; hauling all materials; and any preparation, forming, placing, finishing, cleanup, etc. required to compete this item in conformance with the Contract Documents. 1-10 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL 1-10.1(1) General Section 1-10.l(1) is revised and supplemented as follows: Two weeks prior to construction, the contractor shall erect informational signs alerting motorists to expect delays during construction along NE Sunset Blvd and Duvall Avenue NE. The signs shall give the date that construction will begin and an approximate ending date. "Businesses Open" signs shall be erected in areas that will be affected by the construction. Provisions shall be made to maintain ingress and egress to all businesses adjacent to the construction zone. Two-way traffic shall be maintained in areas with more than one lane in each direction. Areas that have only one lane in each direction shall maintain a "flagged" lane to allow traffic to pass through the construction zone when possible. Detours will be allowed through areas where motorists cannot safely pass through the construction zone. Lane closures will .be necessary through portions of the project. "Water -filled", high -visibility, temporary, traffic barriers will be required for lane separation if one direction of travel is diverted into a lane or lanes that normally travel in the opposite direction. All traffic control devices shall meet the requirements as set forth by the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. In addition to the City of Renton's review and approval, Washington State Department of Transportation review and approval will be required for traffic control through portions of the project. 1-10.4(1) Lump Sum Bid for Project (No Unit Items) Section 1-10.4(1) is revised and supplemented as follows: No separate measurement for traffic control work associated with Schedule B shall be made. Traffic control shall be considered incidental to the pipe bid items for Schedule B. 1-10.5(1) Lump Sum Bid for Project (No Unit Items) Section 1-10.5(1) is revised and supplemented as follows: City of Renton Amendments — Schedule B Only 9 No separate payment for traffic control for traffic control work associated with Schedule B shall be made. Traffic control shall be considered incidental to the pipe bid items for Schedule B. 5-04 ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 5-04.3(5) Conditioning of Existing Surface Section 5-04.3(5) is revised and supplemented as follows: The Contractor shall maintain existing surface contours during patching, unless instructed otherwise by City Engineer. 5-04.3(5)A Preparation of Existing Surface Section 5-04.3(5)A is revised and supplemented as follows: The Contractor shall provide its own mechanical sweeping equipment. The sweeper shall be on the project prior to the start of paving, to insure the streets to be paved are clean before the tack coat is applied. The sweeper shall keep the streets clean ahead of the paving machine and clean the streets behind the empty trucks that have dumped their loads into the paving machine. The sweeper must sweep all streets made dirty by the CONTRACTOR'S equipment. If the paving machine is "walked" from one site to another, the sweeper must sweep up behind paving machine. The sweeper shall not leave the overlay site until given permission by the City's inspector. All utilities shall be painted with a biodegradable "soap" to prevent the tack and ACP from sticking to the lids. Diesel shall not be used. After the application of soap, catch basins must be covered to prevent tack and ACP from getting into catch basins. The Contractor shall locate all utilities for access immediately after any paving and mark the location by means of painting a circle around the location and scooping a portion of asphalt 4" - 6" in diameter and the depth of the patch from the center of the utility location. The Contractor shall locate and completely expose gas and water valves for access immediately after final rolling. Utility adjustments shall begin no later than the day following the start of application of ACP. The Contractor shall have a crew adjusting utilities every workable working day until all adjustments are complete. Utility adjustments must be completed within 15 working days after patch is complete, and within the specified contract time. During the adjustment of any utility, existing concrete bricks or grouting material that has been broken or cracked shall be removed and replaced at the CONTRACTOR's expense. 5-06 TEMPORARY RESTORATION IN PAVEMENT AREAS (Additional Section) 5-06.1 Description (Additional Section) Pavement areas that have been removed by construction activities must be restored by the Contractor prior to the end of each working period, prior to use by vehicular traffic. Within paved streets, the Contractor may use temporary pavement to allow vehicular traffic to travel over the construction areas. Temporary pavement shall be placed around trench plates or others devices used to cover construction activities in a manner that provides a smooth and safe transition between surfaces. City of Renton Amendineias — Schedule B Only 10 Within paved alleys; the Contractor may use the compacted backfill to allow vehicular traffic to travel over the construction areas. Trench plates or others devices used to cover construction activities shall be placed and anchored in a manner that provides a smooth and safe transition between and across surfaces. 5-06.2 Materials (Additional Section) Materials for temporary restoration in pavement areas shall be `Hot Mix'. The composition of other components of the temporary asphalt pavement shall be determined by the Contractor to provide a product suitable for the intended application. The Contractor shall not use materials that are a safety or health hazard. Temporary pavement material that does not form a consolidated surface after compaction shall be considered unsuitable and shall be removed from the site. Unsuitable temporary pavement shall be disposed of offsite. 5-06.3 Construction Requirements (Additional Section) The roadway subsurface shall be prepared for the temporary pavement as defined in Section 2-06. Temporary pavement areas greater than ten (10) square feet shall be a minimum of four (4) inches thick and roller compacted to consolidation. The completed pavement shall be free from ridges, ruts, bumps, depressions, objectionable marks, or other irregularities. The Contractor shall immediately repair, patch, or remove any temporary pavement that does not provide a flat transition between existing pavement areas. All temporary asphalt pavements shall be removed from the site by the end of the project and shall not be used as permanent asphalt pavement or subgrade material. 7-05 MANHOLES, INLETS, AND CATCH BASINS 7-05.2 Materials Section 7-05.2 is revised and supplemented as follows: Manholes shall be precast concrete unless otherwise specified. Manholes shall be sized as indicated on the Drawings with eccentric reducing cones conforming to WSDOT/AWWA Standard Plan B-23A unless shown otherwise on the Drawings or herein. Poured in place bases shall not be allowed. Maximum allowable dimension from top of cone to top of casting shall be 20 inches. A minimum of one adjustment ring shall be installed between the top cone and the manhole cover. Internal concrete channels, benches and fillets shall be formed using 4000LS (Low Shrinkage) 5 sack mix with pea gravel to 5/8-inch (mac size) aggregate. A water reducing admixture shall be included in the mix. Pipe to manhole couplings shall be "Kor-n-Seal" boot, GPK Adaptor or approved equal. Manhole sections shall have rubber gasket joints conforming to ASTM C 443. Flexible plastic gaskets shall not be used. All pick holes and manhole sections shall be sealed from the inside and outside with a sand and Portland cement concrete mortar to form a watertight seal. Quick set concrete grouts, such as Jet Set Grout, are not allowed. City of Renton Amendments - Schedule B Onh 1 1 Controlled density fill used to fill sanitary sewers being abandoned under this Contract shall be the following mix or approved equal. The controlled density fill must have a strength of at least 100 PSI and shall have flow characteristics appropriate for filling a sanitary sewer. The mix design for the controlled density fill and the method of installation shall be approved by the Engineer prior to beginning operation. Material Weight (lbs. per cubic yard) Yield, (cubic feet) (Saturated, Surface Dry) Ashgrove Type II 100 0.51 Fly Ash 400 2.85 CDF Sand 2,419 14.80 Water 225 (27.0 Gal -US) 3.61 Total Air (20.0%) 5.44 Total = 27.21 Water/Cement Ratio, 0.45 Lbs/Lb Slump, 10.00 inches Concrete unit Weight, 115.6 PCF Add one Darafill Egg Capsule per Cubic Yard 7-05.3 Construction Requirements Section 7-05.3 is revised and supplemented as follows: Manhole base sections shall be placed on a graded and firmly compacted granular bedding course conforming to the requirements for sewer bedding in Sections 7-08.2 and 7-08.3(1)C of the Standard Specifications. The bedding shall be at least 6-inches thick and extend at least 12-inches beyond the limits of the base section all around. The bedding shall be graded to ensure uniform contact and support of the manhole in a true vertical position. Manhole channels shall conform to the City's standard details and the construction plans. All manholes shall be installed with locking frame and cover as shown on City of Renton detail BR29. Contractor shall re -channel existing manhole as necessary to smoothly direct the flow into the existing system. Any leaks in the entry couplings or other areas created while connecting to the existing manhole shall be sealed with Strata Tech ST-520 injection resin or approved equal. All pick holes and joints shall be sealed inside and outside with a sand and Portland cement concrete mortar to provide a waterproof seal. All manholes shall be watertight. Excavation for manholes, clean -outs, inlets, and catch basins shall be provided with adequate safety systems meeting the requirements of the Washington State Industrial Safety and Health Act (WISHA), Chapter 49.17 RCW, and all regulations adopted pursuant thereto. Contractor shall have a structural engineer prepare and stamp any and all shoring plans and calculations. The Contractor alone shall be responsible for worker safety and the Owner and Engineer assume no responsibility. 7-05.3(2)A Abandon Existing Sanitary Sewer Pipes (Additional Section) Section 7-05.3(2)A is added as follows. - City of Renton Amendments — Schedule 13 Only 12 Where it is required that an existing sanitary sewer pipe be abandoned, the pipe shall be filled with a controlled density fill and both ends of the pipe as well as all lateral connections to the pipe shall be plugged with 3000 PSI cement concrete. 7-05.3(5) Manhole Coatings (Additional Section) Section 7-05.3(5) is added as follows: All new sanitary sewer manholes shall be coated as specified below. Interior Coatin Coating Material: High Solids Urethane Surfaces: Concrete Surface Preparation: In accordance with SSPC SP-7 (Sweep or brush off blast) Application: Shop/Field System Thickness: 6.0 mils dry film Prime Coating: One coat of Wasser MC-Aroshield high solids urethane (2.0 DFT) Finish Coating: Two or more coats of Wasser MC-Aroshield (min. 4.0 DFT) Color: White The drying time between coats shall not exceed 24 hours in any case 7-08 GENERAL PIPE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS 7-08.2 Materials Section 7-08.2 is revised and supplemented as follows: Bedding material for PVC pipe shall meet the requirements of Section 9-03.16. 7-08.3(1)A Pipe Zone Bedding Section 7-08.3(1)A is revised and supplemented as follows: Trench excavation shall be unclassified. The CONTRACTOR shall excavate all materials encountered to the depth shown on the Drawings or as directed by the ENGINEER. No extra payment shall be allowed for bedrock, boulders, hard pan, cemented gravel, or any other material encountered. All ledge rock, boulders, and stones shall be removed to provide a minimum of four inches clearance under all portions of the pipe. All rock larger than two inches in diameter shall be disposed of at a site obtained by the CONTRACTOR, and shall not be used for trench backfill. 7-08.3(1)C Pipe Zone Bedding Section 7-08.3(1)C is revised and supplemented as follows: Hand compaction of the bedding materials under the pipe haunches will be required. Hand compaction shall be accomplished by using a suitable tamping tool to firmly tamp bedding material under the haunches of the pipe. Care shall be taken to avoid displacement of the pipe during the compaction effort. Compaction shall provide adequate support along the pipe to prevent settling of the pipe. City of Renton Amendments — Schedule 13 Only 13 If the native material at the trench bottom meets the gradation as specified for bedding material, the bottom shall be hand finished to grade so that the pipe will have uniform support along the barrel and bell. When native material at the trench bottom is stony or otherwise non -uniform, the trench shall be over -excavated a minimum of 6 inches below the specified grade and a layer of pipe bedding material shall be placed to the specified grade. If the native material at the trench bottom is unsuitable for foundation purposes or will have difficulty providing uniform bearing for the pipe, such material shall be removed and replaced with a minimum of 6 inches of compacted foundation material. 7-08.3(1)D Pipe Foundation (Additional Section) Section 7-08.3(1)D is added as follows: When soft or unstable material is encountered at the subgrade which, in the opinion of the Engineer, will not uniformly support the pipe, such material shall be excavated to an additional depth as required by the Engineer and backfilled with foundation gravel material placed in maximum 12-inch lifts. Foundation gravel shall be ballast and conform to the requirements of Section 9-03.9(1) of the Standard Specifications. Excess excavation below the required grade shall be backfilled with foundation gravel as specified above and thoroughly compacted to the required grade line. 7-08.3(1)E Trench Dewatering (Additional Section) Section 7-08.3(1)E is added as follows: All pipe and fittings shall be laid "in the dry" unless otherwise approved by Engineer. Dewatering may be required during construction of the sewer lines. Dewatering shall be considered incidental to bid items for installation of the utilities. If necessary, dewatering may consist of a combination of trench pumping, well points, and/or wells, and must satisfy the following requirements: • Prevent water from entering the trench and maintain dry trench conditions at the foundation level. • Prevent caving of the trench walls related to water migration through the walls. • Minimize turbidity in the effluent by utilizing properly sized filter pack materials on sumps, wells, and well points. • Preserve strength of foundation soils. • Recovery of water levels may be rapid if pumping is interrupted. The Contractor shall provide standby equipment installed and ready to operate to ensure continuous pumping. • When wells and/or well points are no longer required, they shall be removed, backfilled, and abandoned. Wells can be left in place except the top three feet must be removed provided they are abandoned in accordance with Chapter 173-160 WAC. • Turbid water must be treated if discharged to the storm system. Discharge of dewatering effluent to the storm system must comply with DOE dewatering permit conditions. The Contractor is required to obtain this permit prior to discharging dewatering effluent to the storm sewer system. All costs necessary to treat and monitor the dewatering effluent in accordance with the permit shall be the Contractor's responsibility. • The dewatering program must be completed in such a way as to avoid excessive dewatering related settlement of adjacent facilities. City of Renton Amendments - Schedule 13 Only 14 7-08.3(1)F Hazardous Waste Training (Additional Section) Section 7-08.3(1)F is added as follows: Construction crews working with excavated soils shall have at least 40 hour of training in safety requirements for working with hazardous materials should they be encountered. 7-08.3(2)A Survey Line and Grade Section 7-08.3(2)A is revised and supplemented as follows: The Contractor shall be responsible for securing the services of a professional land surveyor or qualified engineer who shall provide all survey staking needed in conjunction with the project. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for the accuracy of the staking and shall provide all replacement staking or re -staking needed. The Contractor shall paint the project stationing baselines on the ground at 50 foot intervals. The Contractor shall have his surveyor locate each major item of work done under this contract by centerline station, offset, and elevation. In addition, the Contractor shall have his surveyor locate, by centerline station, offset, and elevation, all existing utilities uncovered or crossed during Work covered under this contract. The Contractor's surveyor shall maintain accurate field notes that record as a minimum centerline station, offset and cut to each manhole, side sewer, utility crossing, as well as all other changes in alignment or grade as may be needed to draw accurate as -constructed records of the project. These notes shall be kept legibly, in a format conforming to good engineering practice in a hard covered field book. Major items of work shall be defined to include the following items: • Manholes, Catch Basins and Cleanouts • Side Sewer Tees and locations at edge of right of way • Casing end points • Major changes in design grade(s) • Existing utility crossings After completion of the work covered by this contract, the Contractor shall provide a copy of all survey field notes containing the construction staking and as -built notes to the Engineer in a hard cover binder along with one set of white prints of the construction drawings upon which the Contractor has plotted the locations of existing utilities, and one set of white prints of the construction drawings upon which the Contractor has plotted the as -built location of the new work as recorded in the field book(s). These drawings shall bear the surveyor's seal and signature certifying its accuracy. 7-08.3(2)B Pipe Laying - General Section 7-08.3(2)B is revised and supplemented as follows: Isolated grade deviations limited to less than 18 feet in length (each) due to pipe bellies or pipe settling shall not exceed one-half inch. City of Renton Amendments - Schedule 13 Only 15 7-08.3(2)J Storing Pipe (Additional Section) Pipe shall be stored on clean, level ground to prevent undue scratching or gouging of the pipe. If the pipe must be stacked for storage, such stacking shall be done in accordance with the pipe Manufacturer's recommendations. The handling of the pipe shall be done in such a manner that it is not damaged by dragging over sharp objects or cut by chokers or lifting equipment. The interior of all pipe and fittings shall be kept free of debris and lifting equipment at all times. 7-08.3(3) Backfilling Section 7-08.3 is revised and supplemented as follows: Select imported trench backfill conforming to Section 9-03.12(1)C shall be placed between the pipe bedding and the base of the subgrade where the native material is not suitable for backfill as determined by the Engineer. The remaining depth shall be restored as noted on the plans. To the maximum extent available, suitable material obtained from trench excavation shall be used for trench backfill. All material placed as trench backfill shall be free from rocks or stones larger than 2 inches in their greatest dimension, brush, stumps, logs, roots, debris and organic or other deleterious materials. No stones or rock shall be placed in the upper three feet of trench backfill. Rock or stones within the allowable size limit incorporated in the remainder of fills shall be distributed so that they do not congregate or interfere with proper compaction. Contractor shall be responsible for the disposal of any excess excavated soil material. Contractor shall protect suitable native excavated material from becoming unsatisfactory as a result of moisture or separation. Suitable native backfill shall meet the requirements of Section 9-03.16 or 9- 03.19. Backfill within paved areas shall be compacted to at least 95 percent of maximum dry density as determined by the modified proctor compaction test, ASTM D1557. This includes the foundation, backfill, and base course materials. Maximum lift thickness of backfill shall not exceed 24 inches between the top of the bedding and 4 feet below grade and 12 inches from 4 feet below grade to the base of the subgrade. The Engineer may be on -site to collect soil samples and to test compaction. The Contractor shall provide site access at all times for compaction testing and sample collection. Areas of the trench which fail to meet the compaction requirements shall have the backfill removed, replaced and re -compacted at the Contractor's expense. The Contractor shall be responsible for any settlement of backfill, sub -base, and pavement which may occur during the period stipulated in the contract conditions. All repairs necessary due to settlement shall be made by the Contractor at his expense. Backfill in unimproved areas shall be compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density as determined by the modified proctor compaction test, ASTM D1557. 7-17 SANITARY SEWERS 7-17.2 Materials Replace the first paragraph with first table, and the fourth paragraph with second table of Section 7-17.2 with the following: City of Renton Amendments — schedule B Only 16 Gravity sewer pipe shall PVC Sewer Pipe conforming to Section 9-05.12(l) unless indicated otherwise on the plans. PVC pipe shall be considered flexible conduit. The Contractor shall provide two copies of the pipe manufacturer's technical literature and tables of dimensional tolerances to the Engineer. Any pipe found to have dimensional tolerances in excess of those prescribed or having defects that prevent adequate joint seal or any other damage shall be rejected. If requested by the Engineer, not less than three or more than five lengths of pipe for each size, selected from stock by the Engineer, shall be tested as specified for maximum dimensional tolerance of the respective pipe. All fittings shall be of the same type and class as the pipe unless specifically called out for herein or on the Drawings. PVC sewer pipe and fittings shall be fumished with bells and spigots which are integral with the pipe wall. PVC pipe joints shall be rubber gasket type. Solvent cement joints shall not be used. 7-17.3(2)F Air Pressure Test for Sanitary Sewers Constructed of Non Air -Permeable Materials Section 7-17.3(2)F is revised and supplemented as follows: Side sewers stubbed to the property line shall be air -tested in conjunction with the main sewer pipe. 7-17.3(2)H Television Inspection Section 7-17.3(2)F is revised and supplemented as follows: The video inspection shall be done after the manholes have been channeled and the line cleaned and flushed. The video inspection shall be done with a minimum flow of water in the pipe and inspected in the direction of the flow unless otherwise directed by the ENGINEER. The camera shall have rotational capabilities and be used by the operator to view up each side sewer connection and provide best views of any non -conforming items. Once the television inspection has been completed the contractor shall submit the written reports of the inspection plus the video tapes to the Engineer. Said video tapes are to be in color and compatible with the City's viewing and recording systems. The City system accepts %-inch wide high density VHS tapes. The tapes shall be run at standard speed SP (1 5/16 I.P.S.). The Contractor shall use TV inspection report forms that are considered industry standard and as approved by the Owner, and provide completed forms and video tapes of the completed TV inspection to the Owner. 8-13 1NIONUMENT CASES 8-13.1 Description Section 8=13.1 is revised and supplemented as follows: The Contractor shall retain the services of a registered surveyor for re-establishing monuments impacted by construction. 8-13.3 Construction Requirements Replace the last paragraph of Section 8-13.3 with the following: The monument shall be furnished and set by the Contractor's surveyor. City of Renton Amendments — Schedule B Only 17 9-03 AGGREGATES 9-03.12(1)C Select Imported Trench Backfill (Additional Section) Aggregate for select imported trench backfill shall consist of granular material, either naturally occurring or processed, and shall meet the following requirements for grading and quality. Sieve Size Percent Passing 1-1/4" square 100 '/4" square 25 min. U.S. No. 40 40 max. U.S. No. 200 7.0 max. Sand Equivalent 50 min. City of Renton Amendments — Schedule 13 Only Is MORTAR FILLET MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER SEE DRAWING BR29 (SP PAGE BO74) ADJUSTMENT (4" MIN.) CONE RUBBER GASKETED JOINTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C-443 STEPS - 3/4" DEFORMED BAR STEPS SHALL BE INCLUDED CONCRETE RISER BY PIPE INC., OR APPROVED EQUAL. MAX. PIPE SIZE - 'E' LADDER -STD. ALUMINUM OR GALVANIZED STEEL CONCRETE SHELF PRECAST BASE SECTION OR CAST IN SHELF. SANITARY MANHOLE TYPICAL DETAIL NOT TO SCALE `A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 48" MH 48" 6" MIN. 5"MIN 24" MIN. 21" I.D. 54" MH 54" 8" MIN. 5.5" MIN, 24" MIN. 24" I.D. 60" MH 60" 8" MIN. 6" MIN. 42" MIN. 30" I.D. NOTES 1. STEPS TO BE 3/4" 0 DEFORMED BAR GALVANIZED SAFETY STEPS OR EQUAL. 2. STEPS ARE TO BE IN PLACE BEFORE MANHOLE SECTIONS ARE INSTALLED. 3. CASTING TO BE PER DRAWING BR29. 4. MANHOLE SECTIONS TO BE OF REINFORCED PRECAST CONCRETE. 5. ALL JOINTS SHALL BE GROUTED. 6. SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES SHALL HAVE ALL INTERIOR SURFACES, INCLUDING CHANNELING, COATED (SEALED) WITH A HIGH SOLIDS URETHANE COATING; WASSER MC—AROSHIELD OR APPROVED EQUAL; COLOR OF COATING SHALL BE WHITE. 7. RUBBER GASKETED JOINTS SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH ASTM C-443. 8. CHANNEL HEIGHT SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 3/4 THE INSIDE DIAMETER OF THE LARGEST PIPE. 9. CONNECTIONS TO MANHOLE SHALL BE MADE USING GPK ADAPTOR, KOR—N—SEAL BOOTS OR APPROVED EQUAL. 10. MANHOLES EQUAL TO AND GREATER THAN 20 FEET DEEP SHALL HAVE A "SURETRACK" CLIMBING AND FALL PROTECTION SYSTEM INSTALLED. 104/10/OA Revised notes. IJOH I DMC 0/17/961 Added notes. IDcy I AG DATE I REVISION I BY IAPPR'D SANITARY MANHOLE TYPICAL DETAIL ADOPTED CITY OF RENTON STANDARD PLANS LST DATE: 04/03 DWG. NAME: BR28 SP PAGE: BO7 J= 6' ( 234' —1 334' NOTES: 1. ALL COVERS SHALL BE LOCKING LID PER INLAND FOUNDRY CO. INC. No. 817 (LOCKING) OR EQUAL. 2. USE FRAME AND COVER FOR STORM (SPECIFY "DRAIN" ON COVER), SANITARY (SPECIFY "SEWER"), OR WATER (SPECIFY "WATER"). 04/10/03 1Revised notes and Detail. JDH I DMC 110/17/961 Added notes. DCV I AG DATE I REVISION I BY APPR'D m -I-II-I-I I-I--I-I-� -1'1�11�1�1- Le, '121' f� SPECIFY LETTERING MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER **wc ADOPTED C[TY OF RENTON STANDARD PLANS LSP DATE: 4/2003 DWG. NAME: BR29 SP PAGE: B074 SEAL WITH AR 4000 AND DRY SAND AFTER PATCHING U NOTES: PATCHED AREA IN I J SECTION A- A REMOVE PAVEMENT AND BASE MATERIALS FOR A DISTANCE WHICH IS EOUAL TO THE DIAMETER OF THE FRAME PLUS TWO FEET. ADJUST CASTING FRAME TO PAVEMENT SURFACE USING CONCRETE BLOCKS. REPLACE ALL BUT TOP 2" OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL WITH CLASS 3000 CONCRETE (3/4). FINISH PAVEMENT SURFACE WITH 2" OF A.C. CLASS " G". SEE CITY OF RENTON SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 7-05.3(1). 4/10/03 Revised notes and Detail. lJDH I DMC 10/17/96 Added notes. jDCVI AG DATE REVISION I BY APPR'D m .C. CLASS "G" CONCRETE TYPICAL UTILITY COVER ADJUSTMENT FOR PAVEMENT OR OVERLAY ICY p ADOPTED O CITY OF RENTON f � f STANDARD PLANS �NV LST DATE: 04/2003 DWG. NAME: BR36 SP PAGE: B001 yx�I� 16 Bars at 7" centers bottom face with I" MIN cover C I ear on ce TYP x I�� 1� v� {� NOTES I. Proprietary manhole steps and alternate oIcstic ladders are occeptoble, provided that trey con.ur,n to Section R, ASTM C 476 (AASHTO M 199) o,�d mee+ all WISHA requirements. 2. Manhole step legs shall be parallel or approximately rod; al of the option of the manufacturer, eycept that all steps in any manhole shall be similor, Penetration of outer wall is prohibited, 12" MIN 18 Galvanized deformed rebor 96 TOP SLAB W��HI2 MIN•5 Bars at 6" Qcenters bottom face 2" with 1" MIN cover Clearance MANHOLE STEP DROP RUNG TYP MANHOLE STEP 48' — m 113/4" Center to center 72" TOP SLAB 14 Bars at 6' Centers bottom face with 1" MIN Cover Clearance TYP 46 , 54" AND 60" TOP SLAB 15,1 24,. 15"! —{r I" Clearance °4 Dar GRADE RING 3 I_ Sig , , R :7�-17 Galvanized Smooth steel x a s 6" •8 Galvanized U/ u deformed rebor — PREFABRICATED LADDER MISCELLANEOUS MANHOLE DETAILS )•le•�4 Revised notes. _ _ ADN _ 5 .7?! 1,%ld,.,60" 1e0 MOP dlTensln�nntl rcplpnitl, SJO � _-- p,�r� .r,(vIa ON er �rPwD ADOPTED CITY OF RENTON • . Standard Plans I st Datc3/18/94 a; B -24 SP PAGE B034 6" MIN PROPERTY LINE 3,_0„ MIN, ., 6,_0" FUTURE 6" BUILDING SEWER PIPE BUILDING SEWER ;2; T w 2"x 4" STUD SERVICE MARKER PAINT UPPER TEE WITH 6" SIDE OUTLET -' PORTION WHITE ANS STENCIL ON SIDE D#6GWIRE'SEWWRAPPIED TH HIGH ASTUDCK EANDRS. AND AROUND THE 6" SIDE SEWER AND BUILDING SEWER w EXTENDED TO THE TOP OF THE STUD. 0 °- UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE CITY, MAKE TAP THROUGH CAST IRON SADDLE SECURED TO SEWER MAIN WITH STAINLESS STEEL BANDS WHEN CONNECTING NEW SIDE SEWERS TO EXISTING MAIN, 60" ALLOWABLE MAX, VITRIFIED CLAY, PLAIN AND REINFORCED CONCRETE, DI PIPE AND CI FOR CAST IRON PIPE PIPE SEWER MAINS ARE TO BE CORE DRILLED OR DUCTILE IRON PIPE, / / oU� 11315 mix CONCRETE BLOCKING -- _ — — — — — — — MIN SLOPE HORI20NTAL 6" SIDE OUTLET TEE ZC�� SEWER MAIN . EWER MAIN CONCRETE BLOCKING ANGLE OF TEE AT MAIN OVER 25 TYPICAL SIDE SEWER ELEVATION ELEVATION NOTE, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLAN, SIDE SEWER SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM 5' COVER AT PROPERTY LINE OR 3-5' LOWER THAN THE LOWEST HOUSE ELEVATION, WHICHEVER IS LOWER, DATE I REVISION 19Y1APPR'QI STANDARD SIDE SEWER INSTALLATION (SEWER MAIN TO PROPERTY LINE) %t ADOPTED CITY Or RENTON ♦ i Standard plane 1ST DATE:12/1S/91 DWC, NAME: BR39 SP PACE: 8078 LENGTH FT w 0 a 50 100 Li 150 200 < 250 0 300 Z 350 400 450 LENGTH FT w 0 a 50 a 100 150 200 0 250 Z 300 550 000 450 6 IN. DIAMETER PIPE 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 4001 450 1 500 0 20 40 59 79 1 99 119 139 158 170 170 35 55 75 95 114 134 154 174 178 177 177 70 90 110 130 150 169 187 186 184 183 182 106 125 145 165 185 195 193 191 189 187 186 141 161 180 200 202 199 197 195 193 191 190 176 196 214 209 205 202 200 198 196 194 193 211N22 208 205 202 200 198 197 195 227 210 207 205 202 201 199 197 227 E2- 211. 209 206 204 202 201 199 227 213 1 210 208 206 204 202 201 TIME SECONDS 6 IN. DIAMETER PIPE 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 4001 450 1 500 0 20 40 59 79 99 119 139 158 170 1 170 55 75 95 114 134 154 174 192 190 188 186 110 130 150 169 189 209 210 207 203 201 198 165 185 205 224 233 227 222 217 214 210 208 220 240 257 248 241 1 235 230 225 222 218 215 275 271 261 253 247 1 241 236 232 1 228 225 222 283 273 264 257 251 246 241 237 233 230 227 283 274 267 260 254 249 245 41 237 234 231 283 275 269 263 257 252 248 J44 241 238 235 283 276 270 264 259 255 2517 244 241 238 TIME SECONDS PROCEDURE:. SLOWLY PRESSURIZE THE PIPE TO 4.0 P.S.I.G. ALLOW 2 MINUTES FOR STABILIZATION, ADDING AIR AS REQUIRED. TIME THE DROP FROM 3.5 P.S.I.G. TO 2.5 P,S.I.G. READ THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE TIME IN SECONDS FROM THE TABLES. LENGTH FT w 0 a IL 50 w 100 w 150 < 200 23250 Z 300 350 400 a50 LENGTH FT a 0 n 50 w 100 w 150 200 0 250 z 300 350 400 450 6 IN. DIAMETER PIPE 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 20 40 59 79 99 119 139 158 170 170 79 99 119 139 158 178 198 208 204 201 198 158 178 198 218 238 246 238 232 227 222 219 238 257 277 283 272 263 255 248 243 238 234 317 321 306 294 283 275 267 261 255 250 246 340 325 1 312 301 291 283 276 270 264 259 255 340 327 316 306 298 290 283 277 272 267 263 340 329 319 310 302 295 289 283 278 274 269 340 330 321 313 306 300 294 288 283 279 275 340 331 323 316 309 303 298 292 288 283 279 TIME SECONDS 6 IN. DIAMETER PIPE 0 50 t00 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500' 0 20 1 40 59 79 99 119 139 158 170 170 124 144 163 183 203 223 243 237 231 225 221 247 267 287 307 312 298 286 276 268 261 255 371 391 371 352 336 323 312 302 293 286 279 425 402 383 366 352 340 329 320 312 304 298 425 406 390 376 363 352 342 333 326 318 312 425 409 395 383 371 361 352 344 336 329 323 425 411J04 99 388 378 368 360 352 345 338 332 425 41302 392 383 374 366 359 352 346 340 425 414 395 387 379 371 365 358 352 347 TIME SECONDS AIR TEST TABLE (LOW PRESSURE) FOR SEWER MAINS G��� ~ ADOPTED 11 CITY .OF RENTON ♦ 7&V4 STANDARD PLANS �LST DATE: 12/96 DWG. NAME: BR07 SP PAGE: 8083 Roth Hill Engineering Partners, LLC RothHil 16 1 121 CITY OF REiv i ON UTILITY SYST -,�J LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: John Hobson Municipal Building - 5th Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Please find: ❑ Herewith via: 2600 116"' Avenue NE, Suite 100 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Tel. 425.869.9448 800.835.0292 Fax 425.869.1190 Date: August 8, 2005 Client: City of Renton Contract No: Project No: 0015.0001 1.001 Subject: Sunset Interceptor, Phase 3 COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Contract Specifications by Ber er/Abam 1 Contract Specifications/Inserts by RHEP THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ As requested ❑ For your file ❑ Approved as noted ❑ For review and comment ❑ For your information ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies El REMARKS: I am returning the spec book that Dave provided me with some redlines as well as the specifications from RHEP for the sanitary sewer work. I have laid out RHEP's specs as inserts to the contract, with the majority of the specs being incorporated as a separate section. If that doesn't work or if you have any questions, please call me. COPIES: File F. \0015\00011 \DesigniCorresp\Owner\JH_080805_TF_transmtl_Speafications.doc SIGNED: Tony Fisher, P.E. Roth Hill Engineering Partners, LLC RothHill LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: Dave Christensen City of Renton Planning/Building/Public Works 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Please find: ❑ Herewith via: Hand Deliver 2600 116t" Avenue NE, Suite 100 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Tel. 425.869.9448 800.835.0292 Fax 425.869.1190 Date: July 20, 2005 Client: City of Renton Contract No: Project No: 0015.00003.001 Subject: Sunset Interceptor, Ph. 3 COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 7/20/05 Review Comments on Preliminary Drawings THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ As requested ❑ For review and comment ❑ For approval REMARKS: ❑ For your file ❑ Approved as noted ❑ For your information ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies I have attached my review comments on the Sunset Interceptor, Phase 3 Project. My review focused on trying to find and resolve conflicts between the storm sewer improvements and the sanitary sewer improvements. I was able to address the majority of those conflicts by lowering the sanitary sewer main slightly, but the storm sewer will need to be raised about a foot as marked on Sheet UT2 in order to avoid a conflict with the sewer main and a side sewer. I also looked at the contract specifications and noted that they did not include any edits for the sewer portion of the project. I am not sure we ever sent those edits to Berger/Abam. After looking at the format, I want to spend some time massaging our specifications to mesh with the other specifications. I will send those modifications to you next week. Please let me know if you have any questions. COPIES: File SIGNED: v'�--_- -- F.\0015`,000111Design,Corresp�OwnerlDC_072005_TF_Transmtl_DesignDwgs.doc Tony Fisher, P.E. CITYOFRENTON RECEIVED JUL 2 0 2005 BUILDINGDIVISION A PORTION OF SW 1/4, SEC. 3, T. 23 N., R. 5E., W.M. co EN S - 71=0105 CITY OF RENTON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD (SR 900)/ DUVALL AVENUE NE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FED. AID NO. STPH-0900(21) ' ���i� VICINITY MAP z fi CALL 4$ HOURS 33301 9THAVENUE SOUTH s�O2tL FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON �s BEFORE YOU DIG BERGERIAHAA4 98003-26M 1-800-424-5555 c. VOICE[ (206)431-2300 (cis tiwc s, zaab FAX: (206)431-2250 No. REVISION AREA MAP PROJECT AREA DRAWING INDEX Dig 2No sneer IVo Drawrng Td1e S 11 1 Index and Vicinity Map Al 2 Alignment Plan Lt 3 Legend, Abbrewations and General Notes R1 4 Typical Roadway Section - Sheet 1 of 2 R2 5 Typical Roadvay Section - Sheet 2 of 2 UQ1 6 Drainage Quantities UTt 7 Drainage & Utility Plan - Sheet 1 of 4 t1T2 8 Drainage & Utility Plan - Sheet 2 of 4 Ufa 9 Drainage & Utility Plan - Sheet 3 of 4 UT4 10 Drainage & Utility Plan - Sheet 4 of 4 UT5 11 Drainage Laterals UT6 12 Drainage Details PV1 13 PWng Plan - Sheet I of 2 PV2 14 Paving Plan - Sheet 2 of 2 DI 15 Typical Details CHI 16 Channelization Plan - Sheet 1 of 3 CH2 17 Channelization Plan - Sheet 2 of 3 CH3 18 Channelization Plan - Sheet 3 of 3 QT1 19 Quantity Tabdation - Channelization TS1 20 Traffic Signal Plan TS2 21 Traffic Signal Standard Plan TS3 22 Traffic Signal Wire Terminations SG1 1 23 Signing Plan - Sheet 1 of 3 SG2 1 24 iSiong Plan - Sheet 2 of 3 SG3 1 25 ISigning Plan - Sheet 3 of 3 - AS SHOWN- t► CITY OF --- '::8R RENTON DATUM --�-- Plonning/Building/Public Works Dept. By DATr_ APPR NE SUNSET BOULEVARD (SR 900); 5/4/0: DUVALL AVE NE INTERSECTION INDEX AND VICINITY MAP ol; I 0 169+00 i A PORTION OF SW 1/4, SEC. 3, T. 23 N., i . 7 T u- t--_-- 7 T T - • --^- Viz. 12' IN N-•----•- .� - -�. 3 3 I170+00 A -LINE ❑4 - _111+00 — CALL 48 HOURS er BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 nrwa March u. zaac 33301 9TH AVENUE SOUTH FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON BERC"/ARAM 9eoo3-26M VOICE: (206)431-2300 FAX: (206)431-2250 �. T�!- 172+00 R. 5E-.1 W.M. cf� — ; --- T 3 !^a Z 173+00 `tTs iw SAS SHOWN REVISION BY DATE I APPR �� 61"®"'a• CITY OF -� RENTON PI—oN/Buitdng/Public Works Dept. NE SUNSET BOULEVARD (SR 900)/ 5/+/0+ DUVALL AVE NE INTERSECTION DRAINAGE & UTILITY PLAN UT j SHEET 1 OF 4 7 �•2, (V 9 A PORTION OF SW 1/4, SEC. 3, T. 23 N., h� IS\ / S SS _ T P N�'OTE LEGEND: t0S'/( DENOTES PROPOSED STRUCTURE, L- T 12 . 01„_----- W j S SEE THIS PLAN OR LATERAL �I S.R. 900/SUNSET BLVD, ~ 174+011 I a qti _ a I h oleo 430 .... .... ......... ......... ......... ......... .... .... .... ......... ... ... . .... llT2 A 420 .... .... .... .... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .... .... .... .... 410 .... .... .... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .... .... .... .... .... .... ......... ......... ......... ......... .... .... .... .... .... ......... ......... ......... O.50%... ......... ......... ......... ......... .... .... .... 400 :... 390 V200 LF::::::: :::: 1:2" SCHEDULE ::::SEE SHEET: 380 .... ....... . ......... . 174+00 —r I ot PROFILE SHEETS. A —LINE '. O DENOTES EXISTING STRUCTURE TO �.1z� BE MODIFIED, SEE STRUCTURE 175+00 � NOTES. 0 ` O BEOTES EXISTING STRUCTURE TO REMOVED, SEE STRUCTURE I LLJJ �=3U NOTES. O� 175+00 33301 9TH AVENUE SOUTH �=12 CALL 48 HOURS ; FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON BEFORE YOU DIG 8ERGER/AR4M 98003-2600 1-800-424-5555 E■. 1 II E E E E 1■ a VOICE: (206)431-2300 uvua5 MA"ts, mee 7 ='TM' FAX: (208F131-2250 NO. I ❑3 ADJUST WATER VALVE BOX/MANHOLE TO GRADE. �i HYDRANT MARKER, INSTALLED BY RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT. T ECONSTRUCT FOUNDATION AND RELOCATE STREET LIGHT AND JUNCTION BOX PER CITY OF RENTON STANDARD PLANS JR-06 & JR-35. ADJUST MONUMENT CASE AND COVER TO GRADE PER WSDOT STANDARD PLAN H-7. 4`s a v.I� rMl AA�,.,�,.le DRAINAGE & UTILITY PLAN SCALE: 1 "=20'-0" R.5E., W.M.Ci n_ U 178+DO s S.R 900��NSET g p /� 6 -�_ -i 1 -i —ram_ 176+00 177+00 178+00 179+00 10 0 10 20 20 0 1"=10, 1 "=20' VERT Scale feet HORIZ scale AS SHOWN '"®10"O ""' 8 CITY OF NE SUNSET BOULEVARD (SR 900)/ r° RENTON DUVALL AVE NE INTERSECTION DATUM Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. DRAINAGE & UTILITY PLAN REVISION BY DATE APPR """m01in' SHEET 2 OF 4 430 420 410 400 390 380 20 40 feet 5/4/04 UT2 14TRAL4500 HIGHLANDS PLAZA 173+00 440 430 420 410 400 390 A PORTION OF SW I.� ODMA °ANDS PLAZA PROPERTIES / 1 � 2 � \ 174+00 o\ o� -° \ L—_---_—_—It 51697000 Efa?MY lQ&LN RFARJWNTS I I NO I 11 I I [B—LINE DUVALL AVE. NE 175+00 4A / jo D rsca 5 D _D= �DIP O 4B o �� 4 1/4, EjE:o, 39 Te23,N.7 R. 5E., W.M. 1 � T rn�40 � k O D�D OD D p \ 10 5A s 8 SD ` 6 1OA 5161100122 I BP REST COAST PRODUCTS LLC C1_ 9cv I G B—LINE 10 TRAFF2 DETEcraR Loos 176+00 0 ' +00 - - G 3 _ Z s 6A Ntr� A -LINE \T r q ,g \ 6 7 7A �L 0 8�� I \ D >72.1' HIGH VENTS ® 6B a�rkap R ASPHALT ® D 9.2" HIGH �i •\ �` STEEL POST 2" VERi. PM-1-1 O PIPE IN CONTROL BOX CI.S' qA O / FUEL CAP (TYP.J L 3.0' DIA. DRAINAGE & UTILITY PLAN - SCALE: 1 "=20'-0" 0.8' STEEL RIM -. r / ftl.(ED W/CONCRETE ASPHALT � / I • � I • \ I ......... ......... ...... ....... ......... ..... ......... ......... ........ ... .. .. :: :: :.' ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......:: ......... ......... CB TYPE: ......... ......... ::4g"::': ......... 8:: :::: ......... ......... :: :. ......... 12:.:: CB ......... ... TY-P ......... ......... ......... ......... :.::: 8:S7 173+63._ 3::. liT3 B: STA 74+23.61 _:. UT3 ::::: ::: ::::::::: :: ::::: B STA 17 +16.16 T3 3 B _ TA 1-77+ 9.93 .... :::::::: ......... ......... ......... .. 29. lT ..... ...... 31:82` LT ...... .... ...... ....... ::::::: ......... 22.00'.L .:::: _: 48':�T.:: ::: :::: RIM=- 4.4:8:::: ::::::::: RIM=40 ;8....... ::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::: - ::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::: : RIM= 408.: }:::::::: :::::::: ......... ......... ......... .. [.[: N:S = 400.6:2: :::...... ........ ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::: :I:E•. Nr . 36:::: :::::::: ::::: :E35........ : ................. .................. .................. .401:24:: [.E:'E)= tOt.20 : :::::::: :: ::: R W)=408 : ...:.:...:.: . ...... 5 B TYPE. t ......... . ... RROF SS :....... ::::: .. .... ::::::: :::::: .. _ AOISA :::: .. ..... . ......... .. .... ....... iT3.. .STA 175 19.03 ... ... .... : ....... ... . .. ::::::. :::.. : .....-:: 137:LP:: ::::::: '::..::: :P P:SD.:::: :.:..:: ......... ......... ......... .. ...... ......... ......... ....... ......... ........ IM=406.1. ::::::::: ... .� .. .. EX:24".:R ::.... EX � 12 VJA TAR :::EX:2 ":RCP.::: ......... ...... ......... .... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .. .. .. ......... ...... ...... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... ....... ...... ......... .. EX 3:5 T ........I. LE: :..:I. N:S)=:4 . (NE)- 40 2:02..... :06:::::: Tb BE (........ ........... P OP R ::::PROP 2 4" Sfl ' ::.:.: ::: ::: EX '12 ::::: : SD" PROP A. :SD:: ' ABANDON EX 3:5" TELE ....... .... .. ......... ........: :.. .... .... ....... ..... ....... .... . I ......... ......... .50%::. ......... ........ �A :o- . ..... ......... ......... ........ .. ...... ......... ......... . ....... ....... ........ ......... ...j.... ......... ......... ... ..... :..... .... EX.3:5:7ELE ........ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .. ....... _:: : ' :::: E GT 6T PEC8 tOA" ::.. 129 5 HEDUL..". ]Z:RCP. .:: ''':: '' 24' SCHEDLIL :A'.:24'. SCHEDUL 'A:''. 12.. CHEDULE A W THRp / CH:SEWE :'UJ .. E UT .....::::::EX B STA; 2i:::: UT3' :::. SEE ..... ET:UT4 ..... ...... B:.STA=1 5+42:06 .. .166 LF ::.:.' .: .:: 12 SCHEDU L �A = ... ::::::::: ::::::::: : RIM=406 92 ET: U 2:::::: IE 12`: R404:6 t : (TO :BE: ANDONE ): ':::......... ..... _ .. ......... ._....... ....... :LE::24": .CP_(E)- 02 25:::: :: ....:::::: :::.:.: .E::fS)= .Q2:25::: ::...... 24" R 404:0 ::::::::: ...... F{rL_ ��lYfiiCY: 173+00 174+00 175+00 PLn .p ,^` 33301.9TH AVENUE SOUTH +g, ffi12 CALL 48 HOURS J`" ! FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON BEFORE YOU DIG BERGER/AB" 98003-26M 1-800-424-5555 E E E 4 I N E E R I M � VOICE: (206)131-2300 Dips MAIItH 15, ID06 FAX: (206)431-2250 NO ---. n_ un>sr,c ., ,,.. v.0 ...uwr �,_u--. nlvWl�.n✓Liu_n bli•uM.4...In�.r...,:...1„/_°IA-. 4..4.I REVISION 176+00 BY i DATE i APPR AS SHOWN -� DATUM 177+00 CITY OF .. RENTON Plonning/Building/Public Works Dept. 440 430 420 1 NOTE LEGEND: O DENOTES PROPOSED STRUCTURE, SEE THIS PLAN OR LATERAL PROFILE SHEETS. OX DENOTES EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE MODIFIED, SEE STRUCTURE NOTES. OX DENOTES EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE REMOVED, SEE STRUCTURE NOTES. RELOCATE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY PER CITY OF RENTON STANDARD PLAN BR-24. RELOCATE WATER MAIN METER PER CITY OF RENTON STANDARD PLAN BR-42A. O7 SEWER MANHOLE TO BE ADJUSTED TO GRADE. 3❑ ADJUST WATER VALVE BOX/MANHOLE TO GRADE. ❑4 HYDRANT MARKER, INSTALLED BY RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT. 5 CONSTRUCT FOUNDATION AND RELOCATE STREET LIGHT AND JUNCTION BOX PER CITY OF RENTON STANDARD PLANS JR-06 & JR-35. ADJUST MONUMENT CASE AND COVER TO GRADE PER WSDOT STANDARD PLAN H-7. 410 D SSeWe, LC A-4w%oCM—r. rt� s< • i!%t 1�•E � s 400 390 80 10 0 10 20 1"=10' VERT scale feet 20 0 20 40 1 "=20' HORIZ scale feet NE SUNSET BOULEVARD (SR 900u 5/4/04 DUVALL AVE NE INTERSECTION DRAINAGE & UTILITY PLAN UT3 SHEET 3 OF 4 _ CD I i 2 i I 1 �nl 4 )NO ~' I ,l 8+00 Z � 3 -I - WI FOUND 1/2" REBAR V1 3 W/CAP 'HARSiAD LS/ 1J781 A PORTION OF SW 1/4, SEC. 31 _LdQL p [�I�,\ J 12 STORY 1 OLDG. —T O 3� I I W s V) I rsm sua s KING_ COUNAI OF RENT D D O T T T U v +00 fE \ 12' DI w s T T T T— D — FOUNO TACK —� IN LEAD — O.J' OIA ' I STEEL �O s° 1 0o 0 o V90R1 - I Fl%p w ca`�rr`eNEie � 0PwNu'�ue�Sl�(jjlll0 71PICAL Il,•� 440 430 420 410 400 390 38 T. 23 N., R. 5E., W.M. nUVALL AVE. NE 180+00 181+00 12- D�" D " D �� D D W D D— T T ��--�T��T T T T T T D D D D D— 0 D D — �T— — T — — T ——T-1_�T- a- 1 1 P i I EA I \ 1 STORY 1 1 6LDG. I [[l\\ 1 , 1 , DRAINAGE & UTILITY PLAN SCALE: 1 "=20'—O" ...— C :: CB 2:48 ........ .... . ......... ......... ...... ......... ........................... ... .U....3T... ....8...:. ...: . .. .... U:::::: :STA :1 E. .TBST 17909:9 :.:: ... ':::::::: ::::.... PE:2:CB: :GB: .E:2..:...:...:4:B ......(22.00 4..:..::. :.. :................. ........ 4L RIM=1 ....... .... ......... . . ,................ T.::RIM=414. 402:42::: ::::::::: ::I;E._ N 410:33 :: :::: :::: ......::: :'::::::: :::::::Rl. = 416.56: ...:: ::. .. RIM 41.7.01:': . :: I;E.. W. a92.3j::: ::. EX 6": WATE. .... ..... I.E :24":RCP (fd)=41.1... ;;:: :I;E.( )=4...... ::::: .. :..... ::::::: ::::::::: :::I;E•. W. )=403.2. ::: :: ::: ::: :::::I:E.:24":RCP. (S)' 411::::: ::. ....... .... ... .. 3: EX 6".:WATER ::::::::: ...... I:E.:1$".:RCP. (E):=411:0 ::.: :. . 2. X....:::: TELE :: ::::::2h .... ........:............. :::: ::::::EX: ":ITLE ....... "::: ..... .. .. ....:::: ::.:4: :.::: .. :::::::.. :::::Ex: - =-SCHEOULA :. .......... �243%:............ ....... ..._.. ::::.:: ........ .......... ......... .... .... ... ......... ...... ...... .. ......... ......... ... . ... ......... ......... ......... .. ........ ......... .... . ....... .... " : 30: F:......: .... .. ... ....: EX: 4': RCP:: :........ ' ..:....... .. EX -CB 0 TYPE CB EX 8 5S 9mff X .F414.05:: T PE::2 CB: D-5 B,STA_17 +39:18 .. ... 1.59:2 186.-LF 2d9 Lf:. .. - .. (30. "...' M=41E. 12.:SCH DULE :A. 12' SCFiEOULE {i ' ' RIM: :::::::: _5EE ..... .....: .... SHEET:U: .:::::::: :... LE: =408.91 :::::::.. .:::::::: I:E: (NW) 41_T.35:::::: _: )=408.B :::::::: .E.: {E7=4 1.62:::::I.:E.:(.} 409. . :. ... (UNABLE: 0_DETEf2.INE:PIPE; ICE . AND TYPE .W/O.Efd- RMO_):::: ........ ...... 178+00 179+00 180+00 181+00 4 L Pg�J _ 3=19TH AVENUE SOUTH nsLe CALL 48 HOURS~ 1 FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON BEFORE YOU DIG BERGERIABAM 98003-2600 Wu 1-800-424-5555 E M. 1 A E E E t i E e. VOICE: (206)431-2300 Ex —pm- ;;F—w -6. zm ? t FAX: (206r431-2250 NO. 440 430 420 410 400 390 80 ��. AS SHOWN DATUM REVISION BY DATE APPR NOTE LEGEND: OX DENOTES PROPOSED STRUCTURE, SEE THIS PLAN OR LATERAL PROFILE SHEETS. ODENOTES EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE MODIFIED, SEE STRUCTURE NOTES. OX DENOTES EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE REMOVED, SEE STRUCTURE NOTES. �1 RELOCATE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY PER CITY OF RENTON STANDARD PLAN BR-24. �4 HYDRANT MARKER, INSTALLED BY RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT. 10 0 10 20 1 "=10' VERT scale feet 20 0 20 40 1 "=20' HORIZ scale feet MY OF NE SUNSET BOULEVARD (SR 900)/ 5/4/04 RENTON DUVALL AVE NE INTERSECTION ncc Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. DRAINAGE 8 UTILITY PLAN UT4 SHEET 4 OF 4 . 11 - FLOW CONTROL STRUCTURE NOTES: 1. REFER TO WSDOT STD PLAN B-3 AND ASSOCIATED PLAN o NOTE 1 FOR VERTICAL PIPE SUPPORT(S). 1= 2. REFER TO WSDOT STD PLAN B-3 AND ASSOCIATED PLAN NOTES 4, 7, 8, AND 9 FOR SHEAR GATE. - 3. REFER TO WSDOT STD PLAN B-3 AND ASSOCIATED PLAN NOTE 7 FOR LIFT HANDLE. 4. REFER TO WSDOT STD PLAN B-3 AND ASSOCIATED PLAN NOTE 1, 2, 3 AND 5 FOR VERTICAL RESTRICTOR/SEPARATOR PIPE. I c c I i n to to 5. REFER TO ORIFICE ELBOW DETAILS SHOWN ON WSDOT STD PLAN B-3. 6. PIPE SIZES AND SLOPES PER PLANS. 7. OUTLET CAPACITY: 100 YEAR, 24 HR STORM EVENT. 8, METAL PARTS: CORROSION RESISTANT. GALVANIZED PARTS TO HAVE ASPHALT TREATMENT 1 PER WSDOT STD SPEC. 9. METAL OUTLET PIPE CONNECTS TO REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE. OUTLET PIPE TO HAVE SMOOTH OD EQUAL TO CONCRETE PIPE ID LESS 1/4 10. FRAME AND LID PER WSDOT STD PLAN B-25. 49'-D" S �tiK� ---------------------------------- NOTE: ALL VAULT AREAS MUST BE WITHIN 50' OF AN I ACCESS POINT I � I I I i I FLOW I 12" RCP OUTLET PIPE ORIFICE ELBOW SEE NOTE 5, TYP FINISH GROUND�� n PLAN - DETENTION VAULT �J SCALE: 1/4-=V-0" FRAMES, GRATES AND ROUND SOLID COVERS MARKED "DRAIN" WITH LOCKING BOLTS. SEE NOTE 10, TYP RESTRICTOR PLATE WITH 1.50" ORIFICE m _ CUT ROUND AND SMOOTH PIPE SUPPORT LIFT H SEE NOTE 1 e SHEAR FLOW SEE N RESTRI OUTLET EL=394.67 _ WITH o z _I � SEE NOTE 9 e CUT R FLOOR GRATE WITH 2'x2' HINGED ACCESS z DOOR (1"xl/4" GALVANIZED 4'-0" MIN o METAL BARS) RESTRICTOR PLATE N WITH 0.50" ORIFICE CUT ROUND OTH CALL 48 HOURS 8r• BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 � �ucR to zaa6 7n n EL = 398.98 DET DESIGN WS 398.25 ANDLE, SEE NOTE 3 z GATE, 8-0 MIN, OTE 2 N a W Ir CTOR PLATE ^ V) � 0.50" ORIFICE io OUND AND SMOOTH 18"0 RESTRICTOR/SEPARATOR PIPE, SEE NOTE 4 49'-0" A SECTION - DETENTION VAULT SCALE: 1/4-=1'-0" 33301 9TH AVENUE SOUTH FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON BERG��ABAM 98003-2600 VOICE: (208)131-2300 FAX: (206)431-2250 NO. 1n'-n" c I CESS DOORS OR vIOVABLE PANEL AVERAGE 1' SEDIMENT STORAGE (FIRST CELL) 0.5% MIN, SLOPE / TROWEL FINISH SECTION - WET VAULT SCALE: 1 /4-= V-0" ACCESS OPENING o WITH OSHA + CONFINED SPACE r- WARNING, TYP a V) a INLET PIPE o I O FLOW �►— 23'-3" REMOVABLE BAFFLE a V) a VENTILATION PIPE, 12" MIN, TYP LADDER "V" SHAPED BOTTOM OUTLET PIPE J 1ST CELL I 2ND CELL 7'-6" T 15'-9" "t PLAN - WET VAULT - SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0- 72" STAND PIPE SEE NOTES 1 do 4 z 13 LF 12" RCP e °�o WQ DESIGN WS 398.35 STANDARD GALV z — INLET LE NE STEEL LADDER e DEPTH 5 / � DEPTH 5.25' _ = 396.25 STEPS, TYP e WALL fANGE, TYP z z o ® N \�EL (NE)=397.25 BOTTOM SLOPE 0.5-2% BOTTOM SLOPE 0.5-2% TOWARD INLET END TOWARDS OUTLET END FIRST CELL SIZED OF SECOND CELL FOR 25% TO 35% AVERAGE SEDIMENT OF WETPOOL VOLUME STORAGE 1' MIN SECTION - WET VAULT SCALE: 1/4-=1'-0- As SHOWN A� CITY OF NE SUNSET BOULEVARD (SR 900)/ 5/4/04 � RENTON DUVALL AVE NE INTERSECTION DATUM Plannin Buildie/ n Pe/ublic Works Dept P DRAINAGE DETAILS UT6 REVISION BY DATE APPR �""®1p'n• �� 12 m25 t r'nr'Alr% LCVCIVLJ "IS I INCH FOUND TACK IN LEAD o BOLLARD O TYPE 1 CATCH BASIN a POWER TRANSFORMER a TRAFFIC SIGN AS NOTED Br TV RISER !� TELEPHONE MANHOLE ED TV ,JUNCTION BOX STREET LIGHT ® BUS STOP SIGN X1 YARD LIGHT [D- TELEPHONE JUNCTION BOX o,,e STREET LIGHT CONTROL BOX ® CABLE TV VAULT mw POWER METER ® CABLE TV VAULT mti POWER JUNCTION BOX WATER BLOWOFF VALVE IS WATER METER O TRAFFIC DETECTOR LOOP (TYPICAL) WATER VALVE Ip GAS VALVE gym/ �_?• CONIFEROUS TREE, SIZE AND SPECIES AS NOTED: GEOTECH BORLNG C-CEDAR, D=DEODORA. Fa FIR. H=HOLLY, HM-HEMLOCK, �. J=JUNIPER, M-MADRONA. P-PINE. S-SPRUCE -...—...— DITCH O DECIDUOUS TREE, SIZE AND SPECIES AS NOTED: —•/vim'— AERIAL POWER LINE W/ TELEPHONE A -ALDER, AP=APPLE, B=BIRCH, C=CHERRY. CW-COTTONWOOD, CN=CHESTNUT, D=DECIDUOUS, DW-DOGWOOD, H=HAWTHORN, POWER LINE P-PLUM, PP -POPLAR, W-WILLOW c GAS o MAILBOX --1— TELEPHONE LINE ® MONITOR WELL -fo— FIBER OPTICS LINE ME WATER SPIGOT ---------- STORM LINE �:� SEWER MANHOLE - - - - - - - - SANITARY SEWER LINE TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE - - - - - - - - WATER LINE i TELEPHONE VAULT - - RIGHT-OF-WAY P POWER VAULT - RIGHT-OF-WAY CENTERUNE O rSC9 TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROL 80X FENCE LINE BUILDING CROSSWALK SIGNAL ® FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED CONTOUR LINE (5-INTERVALS) a. TELEPHONE RISER an TELEPHONE MARKER CONTOUR LINE (10-INTERRVALS) ® POWER TRANSFORMER SHRUB PROPOSED cart CITY OF RENTON RP.m RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS SANITARY SEWER LINE p. POWER RISER ® FIBER OPTIC MANHOLE 04 SEWER MANHOLE 4o SEWER CLEANOUT 8I Roth Hill Engineering Partners, LLC 71300 t IBM Awru Ifi iltA Rot H i I I T 425. B°°°' F-425,MAIRO B"'Al � CITY OF W" s RENTON � DATuu Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. NO. REVISION BY DATE APPR SUNSET INTERCEPTOR PHASE 3 INDEX SHEET & LEGEND 4/13/2005 ovv rcj-0 1lE7¢ OMIMIIAE RHE Ne3'MI® iSulA TOPOWP.0 YAVEY �®!r YT[H ILL B[3IEtIBG Y,IS®IPOItAROEiT aAi1L MMCE O]af♦DeIATEe 1tHERu'B®e1 POOtAT10R YIONIIB BAI®IFOM R(LVIm RBP/�Ru1TIE REIP£CTT£11Tt/TY TEt8RB 6eI001 PYEt](�Ip 910Y1YT1E f110fiF AlE GIII�Ai®Gl�tiVliSD YR.MeAM KlAMDA 191091APNCtt/!RYABVOh®!Y 191�Y.pW MWm6R P$D LDGITro dF OBPi9L4SE f0[IL'r6 OP � VIM®. 011MT® OF TfE PRO-e F]6H:T®InuTOBN nEUIVIIamarE rsnlnaTw�wwlmro�s»Iouo� YAYFf MY6lT BLYA11010 fORA0Mt9(f GTOI l4toBM6ETWITMOWAS%1MB worE: mnVA"coma�orvmae em�m NOTE: CfTY TO FY LOCATION BCN�+i .c ox rte manwrAMr. nalMwas euA�vurte A0e 9e�Atar.erar erArow m" fiOlp6�YB M BNQ®NTIEMLOCK7t AYIAAYE eOPE siT]OIDWM aat»ARE 9MOYNAr AtsA®O�i1lS A/y anEaevnm RAM MfN mFWIM MNiARf MP.eINO FA4T6 eT—Y MaM RIBET OLXENet eur llQltDE THE bv(fARYtss� w.rs aM au�Y1uPINaAMD YTY®13fAT10M MIS 10T SF CMXDK M+AL UTSYt AIOl lDGt71010 AfE MQfaunt OC�fYMEi TET CaIAC eE GB.M CAOS 1 NTEPOWUAAE9gM1AT A101 DSMWALfWIDEFf TlE9EVlEffr acre PwPS AIOWMQF9 I OF SIDE ERS ETw®I6TAT061@�AMD IwmAMD xs.m aM DUIauAMaaE IIE tlMThPDBItB�1'B)RIDYYa:rlr>E aBrtsar�. n8lE wveE AnaffgMN llTIflFE wrw T}E Ro�o�slr.enraluE oa Aeamm TIMT NE MafRuwoMn�DAnrm Qc*49m BMmw ATTVTffE TEDUTiw.TaA swiBE�®lF saclsaT'Pn ItE HtvATlf66VRm aaxamPraDammPBlwr<.-iw waTra+ur�vo maeeilr e011�V�SPiR TlE eatsE Ra>ESTuna wMol wrMlue asrtcnB oM TM� Draanres. 1 6' DtA")N KCAL F(e' olAu) TrPKcu i GS � l TL/516970-Dt15 1 I I I \V------------------------------------------------i5 a ......... .. ....I::.: _....... ...._... I:I:::... I:....... ...I.....:::::::I::::::::::::::::... ......- ::::._::::I:::::::::::::::::::::::-- . ......... ......... ......::I ::::::_ :.... : ..::: ....... ::::I: ::':'- -.. ........ ......... . ........ ......... ......... . .................. ......... ......... .. ...... ......... ......... ......... . .. ..... .. . "': :::: ': :': :::" : ...... ......... ......... _ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .....I: I ......... ... ...- ... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ... ........I ......... ......... ......... . ... ... .:...:.. . ..... ..::::. . ......... ....:.... 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REVISION BY DATE WPR -� �" �= NE SUNSET BOULEVARD 3 :. 8 i A9ilALi � I ---------- I---�, o �QQ J1Y 0-41" UfLfiB Nr"tlWAT01 ®6l'®ll'fA/iEtAf�4 RE®4®fiia•1 TlE Af�K'fNF URIh' TI$¢fMM1AiE-EK PREPAA®-A TOPOGRARY:R 11tpC1 R MLL EN[ S6 'O3A1® WON AFRF.EGT Mild VAF Ca0Rp1N YaE 1/E0H'I1C DF[IOOI P'PE(%SflM69 YOYM MIME PPaFiEYEfI11]UT®M�uO,iBD PRDMM FELD IflGM16 memPARE PDRTO MnOMIEUTL E&ESTY MTf TlE FlaSl®LL%AibaaP EMOtIfEDIDMTKiW610iPaQIDtE MD UF01 NU1O®61 �BWNMI@6N®CS �CIMOA7�a�tMQ; IlA�F11600CEp 9Y g0'AdYI LIVET OF M9lT9MATOY WN M�Y�lf Gl01lA10 YM@f TIMT MV1�Nlb16 70100 tllCAIgIM PpaAfID YIIE lOP0010WCHfREYRSFtO'Y GEILi6tMYl ElL'bE K M OOR fts �1TART. RQnfltllYYVtY 11Cf1 ARE DEIBtM111ESf06fAT[ll A�WINE Y1ElRfOItltAYO96Y1G1ME ATAgI®DEPnR Nl anBl U(VfY UlE1ML AlO®tY10<UYYal01m ARE Maf IDOMIF]Z9TM61E If ET CdiDE 1it,oAlO Etsr DF lTATIDM IiNCaFaMEf OI ffl TEMQiEMEYI]MI ATA64 CED AMM DE MOFT)EEU TFHE WTlEAOOfn01VL Uilti8lYFI/M T1E ItlADM1,ErtIB1lAE OR ABAI�Ea, WMQESIEIR®IdTAlgM 1Q,ro A101MAO161s�TROlPfJp NO SE1fE�l iTATkl6 0RD916 15R XCM MrMSTME T CCNTR MRS XERES06dEw AWMa TBT— TYNT ARE YDT90'AF OM TIEg OAAIQs 11f�A10IDMm OI CINAIl AYBAE TFE ORMTY25 REID1H ROtl 11111n11E TIEHEYAI[f16TEUR1 CFCO�lMrtaDRTa(DSIRLTION RIQ•(TffiM1 At[I PR[yBifY YlId11 JfOR T1E Blif�Ai6EL'f 11f181MO1Ran11LL6 REii8,114I DR THE ORAMtlS A9TF" CJaAACiURBW1�EVElDPd$HiITPAS$ - nAR YIEiI [aMECIMO ro EA4S1D ANOTARt ' aErtaFrRPEauorwnEn NOTE: C" TO FY LOCATION OF SIDE IRS SS t1 ............................. . . ......... .................. .................. ......... .. .................. ......... ......... ........ ........ 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E- l }:4i4 At.1' 1 ( ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: iE-403.0% a f)...... .. ... ....... ....... ......... ....... ......... ....: ....... ......... :....... ....... .. ....... ....... ....... :': ...... :::: ....... ....... ... . .. ....... . . ..... 3:(.l5" :: ::::::::: .... ....... ........ ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....::: ::.:::: ......: ......... ......... ......... ....... .. ..... ... ... ... . .. ... :::: .. .. .. .. .. . . . ....... . ... 17 w ... ... ..... . ..... ... . ........ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ...... ... ... . .. .... ........ Roth Hill Engineering Partners, LLC _ e �. �e1"a 20 0SCALE 2O 40 U& t'=zo' �® '" i� CITY OF SUNSET INTERCEPTOR 7/5/2005 REN TON PHASE 3 R o_t h/H i I I T.14�� ( �r ) � � I. i Planning/Building/Public works Dept SEWER PLAN AND PROFILE V F.AaS.aw.tTeo I INCH - 20 FT NO. REVISION BY NE SUNSET BOULEVARD f U \ �54'0 MH \ \ 54'0 YH \y EX. 10 'CONC. W FILL. IN EX i�PLUC k ABANDON IETP RECAST I I I I —NEW PRECAST YANHQE BASE MANHOLE I AFTER PROP.SEW R IN SERNCE MANHOLE SECnoN CHANNEL (T'YP) .� gCt7M 48'0 MH I � \ EX. YH-0 UNKNOWN z f � 2 L : : i 0 -- c RECHANNEL EX ay1 MH TO - �� i ACCOMMODATE \5 . r NEW FLOW DIRECTION (TYP) b NEW COWLING � `-` _ \gam ` \� J�_J{{ Ex B CONC. ``��V�+� M0~'�N+ I````\ (llT'IGIL) 4'- 0' f%711PAC1ED BEDDING uATt:.TaK EMIIW SEPFR YAM AG COLLAR MH ADAPTER EX 12 CONC OUT F ^ (% �P• SiRrVtf /� SQf V Vu FOR PVC PIPE ONLY (TYP) ELEVATION 3 EX. MANHOLE 90 DETAIL MANHOLE 87A DETAIL MM�� � PRD 1 MANHOLE 90A DETAIL 2 MANHOLE 90B DETAIL �Q NTS 1. CONTRACTOR WILL TEWPORARLY PLUG UIE AT UPSTREAM MAP04OLL NTS NTS "^ EI)5E 2 PAND REMOVE EOSTINC PIPE 'CONC. 1 PLACE EOSTIMG PPE RrTH NEW A.0 OOU_AR5 THROUGH NEW MANHOLE BASE SICCTOL CUT PIPE SECTION CONTAINS A PPEN. E BREPLACE PPE WITH A NEW i EX 10 IN AS I EXB-PVC N Df�_ sNCA ^ i ^ SQY V \ �.! STRAIGHT STRAIGHT SECTION OF PPE, OR OWCTED BY THE OSTFSCT. 4. SET MANHOLE AND PPE N P(ACE TO PROPER AOGOEXT AND GRADE " S4'0 MH a c 1 ' N ' ' : v ' i FTC lei--0 UNKNOWN Y fECONECT PPE CO IUMMS (RO AC. Md SLEEVE OR PVC SIP COUPLNG). 6. CHANNEL MA CLE PER CITY STANDARDS.2 » ;\' __ i \7�1 l x �' N' �EXB'PVC (ABANDONED) t 7. BEMIRE PPE INSIDE MANHOLE- EX PIPE -UNKNOWN 00Jf EX 10 'CONC, IN ` � � MANHOLE CUT —IN DETAIL \5 ' / ACTIVE CONNECDON Q A �StAvaA• n NOT TO SCALE � titr P��(►. i � —RECHANNEL EX. MH TO --- FlLL INEXL. MANHOLE RECHANNELIX .L -- ACCOMMODATE NEW FLOW �031 \'; CHANNEL (TIP) N u; EX MH-. UNKNOWN TOANNEl ACCOMMODATE EXB'PVC OUT-1.-- - DIRECTION (TYP) DRECTTION -V I l IE K. I �p �' RI4 MCP 1j tG/` Tu G SSMH (TYP) `\ EX TO OU Q1•y t +dY�-fFYl� EXB'PVC M FIL H EX P..p, Se�,r�. i Tel V -cn MANHOLE O(AWg'L (TYP) 5 MANHOLE 87B DETAIL 6 EX. MANHOLE 92 DETAIL 7 EX. MANHOLE 87 DETAIL S M N — HITS NTS -NTS �+ �' 'JG{ ►� N� NJti C iC. S I r NA, P. TctrA�" P�r� fY J:'I.�wIM'44C" g -DNB -PVC ETC 48*0 MH = 4 0.. 8OYACP - 0 - TRANS. RECHANNEL EX- EX8' PVC . c. L _ ACCOMMODATE $ i : NEW FLOW --- DIRECTION (TYP ) y%� ---N '�EXB' PVC INRE {--- w ' HE \I tj G DB FILL IN Fx N MANHOLE -- ti A WHEN NEW 15'SEWER IS READY FOR ) i CHANNEL (ll'P) ) I ' L SERVICE, RECHANNEL MH TO ACCOMMODATE i 'H�EX8' PVF OUT Pt `S Ad--j w i ' ;� EX8' PVC OUT N T (-� NEW FLOW DIRECTION (TYP) i_ti Pf. p uyr{^ _-J 8 MANHOLE NL B DETAIL 9 (r i� 5.144 X. MANHOLE 216 DETAIL NTS 10 EX. MANHOLE 72 DETAIL NTS A � Ill, k�ufV s" SEWER MANHOLE CHANNELING DETAILS P,..p 8 Roth Hill Engineering Partners, LLC — �IIO 11MAwne NE t100 R o t h H_i 11� TM 4zsaeas44a / of y Fu425M.1190 NO. REVISION BY DATE APPR 54'0 MH [ANNEL Ex NOTES: )MMOOATE FLOW 1. ALL MANHOLES SHALL BE CONSTI .TION (TYP) SPECS. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTI 2 THE MINIMUM CHANNEL DEPTH IN BE 314 THE INSIDE DIAMETER OF T 3. CORE DRILL ALL NEW INLETSIOUT MANHOLES �tf i .i 8' r MA i4. MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER E P� DRAWINGOR29 (a" MIN.) 2i• a' FRAME AND L8 PER DRAWC 0112, sP PACE Bma. tFf PaoaT Ste e - r ( t � r P.L. 1 >' j NO CIT TO VE OF AVE NT v �STMENT w - K tay�wssl \ IN PRO T Li — G N UN BL & AL VE -I ( RUBBER CASKETE7 JOWT5 IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTAL C-aU E , T AA® rAOs . ^•-^ •r waft 9Y¢1 E grtui 'C• ...; p a" M8t TO STEPS - 3/4- DEFORMED BAR - ,r MAIL aaore tmlmm w 1K TPET3L}Ia15 � � STEPS SHALL BE INCLUDED A>o+HALr '4+TCAlY 'E a-, /2' - - P� i CONCRETE RISER BY PIPE INC.. 2i Y YW. OR APPROVER EQUAL .• •A ' i f, 11 I" — ]/saA [ IY u.Ic Ourt� EPf1if (YJ.Im OO.O 9A% ta• _ tun • 1r a m•tER I r 1w• a Au Ea1.a zm MAX PIPE SIZE - T' 12- LZ z cunt wm i.•-t!- ' 12' (TYP) t ..• coaAct¢ 1 LADDER -STD. A-U10NuN �tFP =' tmo+ e,ouu mcACRO OIfsEO >NAVAaa AEr >pmuwa tv mrsg OR GALVANIZED STEEL lu »xtAan MORTAR FIU.ET RETE CONCSHar a 1;� x- f 1 ItTx PRECAST BASE SECTION ORCAST N EL SHF. "�, ' 12 A' CUT AND PANEL REPLA(Dm101 IT DETERNMA7t •• �' t. .'- -. .• `.a "•"'•'• FULL CEMENT CONCRETE PANEL REPLACEMENT : FOR CEMENT CONCRETE SURFACE STREETSIE, T 6' HNPT. (TIP) ..•�_•' t. O6 t1EAItaR R SLY l0 E t» AT IIE PONI®N OF nE lift (IF Sd 161Td dOE7El IOBIW RESTORATION SHALL E FULL PANEL REoLALi?E)IT. F ONE OR MORE I THE FOUDYMC CONDITIONS E)OST; 6' L Fat Y BE CAS ]Ot10 'Wr i L nu.T w A' .�. F-7 EX@® M THE NFU L r% kR'09: a TO ALLOW DE OM TO ElOYOC T THE NIMT HL1.11a1 OFm mE IO1 H aB' u {8- 8 H®R S 24 MIK 21 ID. BJRM DESIGNS. ALL TA£ LOOS atAlt 54" INi MN. SS' MIL. 21 ERN. 24' LD. t'III.gS: u¢ eTAOMO XUL emeL f PAX eon 14H 0O' i811 8 INN. t IIIL 30I.D. AYd I. STEPS TO BE 3/4' • OEFUOEEL BAR GALVANIZED SAFETY STEPS OR EQUAL Pw� Jet smkw CMKFCM OASS mm 2 STEPS ARE TO BE N PUCE BEFORE MANHOLE SECTIONS ARE INSTALLED. Am a PA�NI PST tHaa 1. f180 A t 7/t P w aALYM® .AETT STEP] m [WAN 3. CASTING TO E PER DRAWAC BR29. {. MANHOLE SECDOLS TD BE E RF760RCED RECAST CONCRETE "a � •f'E YAIERAL AS !� OLMQIR am AO 00mER A! L SWS AR A S w RAG ees4e MA•NH4L 6Tau A11E NmAttn S OPE1MG SHOULD BE ONDOM$IREAY SIDE.IT DE pp� tm!•® Iv rtA10A0 ETAL TRAIw6 >a PAX A aRwO A c 14 aulro OAa L ALL .101175 SHALL BE6WUTED. IXOL a AU. a13 t c aW>m YTE1L9P1T - 7. SANITARY SEER MANHOLES 9011 HA%E ALL rnQOOI SURFACES. NQIEIRNC a errrAEY >rMi MAYpi/ a ILLK AO IAIQgt zweAesy •Infala tMA1NRK CHAINEINO. COATED (SEALED) ■DT A NOI SODS UEMAE COATING. 00A>®aWEOI >AL A WN Gam uanwa aoaslR rmL Mo-rtann E /Hole mMl. 0aat v 00atNC swL eE Krz, WASSER MG-ARO9EID CR APPROVED Ea1A: COLOR OF COATM SHALL E weTL T. wl®t sAtmeo ma weal e w mrorArt¢ 1.eH ASTM La•1 d RUBBER GAS E7ED JOINTS SHALL E N CO FO dNNE: WTH ASTM F{N,y i To IwHOLE wn E Imc �o � 1mAv-�IU e�om a 9. CHANNEL HEIGHT SHALL BE A MMAN OF3/A THE NEE UAYETER OF THE LARGEST PPE If• wE Y an Ia rAwaia N)OML W INo arAmt 1WN1 m A10 FALL PN1m6ovt fTI1Bl wSTAViR Itst OEa tlwL wLa A �AatnAa' tlAsn BOOTS OR APPROVED EQUAL YAM cNN JOKM THEE BAC611 MAY E USED N LET! OF RESTORING COMM RKiD BASE AT THE 0150SEl1OH OF THE EM@EERP. SANITARY MANHOLE TYPICAL DETAIL SANITARY SHALLOWMANHOLE TYPE B NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE 8' CLEANOUT FOR 'DRY SEWER TYPICAL PATCH FOR RIGfD PAVEMENT PAVEXNT PATCHING AND 5 ORATION DETAI NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE 1 1' 2 5'------{{{ 1' IMIN MIN (MINI11!r 0 p=po pa° p °poIo .�I tEW' LANE IEE MARIOG STMDARD+INI oQ°p°� VMIN K N g StcTyp'Hc ,� RN•.I A OF R 0 — -- _ ),L Tti�• P.,t,•+• Je w-CLASS • Stye Ty ic.I k CRUSHED SSURFACINGCP t ., CLASS tbm@R- B' Lr.diY� Ec.'�'1AIcEne:s TOP COLME S0.i � YI �2" RoEc�1i•"�j bs 6" CRUSHED 7" OR GRIND L a c a At� TO 6" C �„r P��E� SURFACING TOP COURSE EQU00°'0R ETJl1K L I >aY H CLASS CENTER LINE LANE LINE OR ra 44vrYlht fs CRUSHED ROCK, Ow6C 2-s CLAS PLOWABLE FILL OR ROAR � FILL OR AS OR AS rEQLwaFD !TY ENGINEER AS REQUIRED BY ENGINEER us 'tOYNREI Afp OASS i' s tY T)eC]OESS s+ALL W-- ROI®AL/1010R/OOLLLECTON ARTURIAL STREETS a INDUSTRIAL ISi C S Sqw c.t�3 REA9115ET TWLACOMSaSTRUTS 2' � CLASS 'E' OR V Q QQ Ac? O CTR i S '� "OTC UPON REO OF NOTES, 1 At t817Ea. SNAG) IE LDamc LID PER eu vc ITIINORY co INC \ TYPICAL PATCH FOR FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT EST EMIR NEW ROADWAY PAYD"T SECTION MAY BE DESKXED USM AN APPRO� �7N0D i0N y Nn E17 (LOUONO) OR EQUAL . WHEYPERP DICULAR TO ROADWAY(. N FRS IN 2 USE FRAME AND tDKR ELN SANLTMY (L_ •SEVER-). NOT TO SCALE IYPICP.L LONGITUDINAL PATCH AND OVERLAY FOR FLEXIBLE PAVEMFNT MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE 8—Roth Hill Engineering Partners, LLC =01Ift A-1E#100 1-=20' �`409 � .} CITY OF 7K SUNSET INTERCEPTOR PHASE 3 �6/2005 R o t h H i l l W tdiryLn Bd RENTON _ TdA25.BB9Bt18 425- anM nn Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. DETAILS NO. REVISION BY DATE APPR V Fu 425.BBM.1T90 a PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Renton City Hall 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 ❑ UTILITY SYSTEMS DIVISION 425.430 7234 Fax: 425-430-7241 � X TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 425-430.73�11Fax: 425-430.7376 TO: G,9r� Y !� N ( L L I P S DATE: �E5z.4 0S` JOB No. CA6- 03 -13 RE: Su SET Zp u LEI LL 1�12G(✓� fI/"I L`a/��N'�E2S N /V -F C- P" 55c---T-r�^� 33-3 oc %w /Nc SSv,r� 3oo FED L lt/A Y WA -Tboo 3,- zc, oa WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ ATTACHED ❑ SHOP DRAWING ❑ PRINTS ❑ COPY OF LETTER ❑ ❑ Under Separate Cover via the following items: ❑ REPRODUCABLE PLANS 'X SPECIFICATIONS ❑ ORIGINALS COPIES DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION / REMARKS J► 5T Y aTK /-!/4-L- l Z d -3 cc -,,Al (1AA/ i SPam. MESSAGE: �.; 6E (Al Cof�o/� 7CD (/UTo (<'Ev1Slon/S GcJ(�&ZE,�J—( L y IN' P2o"ESS , c/OKN lfd,3sv,.1�TH�hr«c_ G-(UCN Yo a 4cw5c o vEr� S (a/vs or- THE w SEA T S Z. These are transmitted as checked below: ❑ FOR SIGNATURE APPROVAL ❑ APPROVED AS SUBMITTED ❑ RESUBMIT COPIES FOR APPROVAL ❑ FOR YOUR USE ❑ APPROVED AS NOTED ❑ SUBMIT COPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION ❑ AS REQUESTED ❑ RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS ❑ RETURN CORRECTED PRINTS ❑ FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT ❑ ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US Copies to: L- I- J t-}HNDT 604) A 6reM6�sOFrom R aG A-r) c/-(A/1 l L- L FX ( T cr I L- ) J o N N 14 v e Sv ^j /r`S) IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED, PLEASE NOTIFY US AT ONCE. PBPW5001 09/99 bh