HomeMy WebLinkAboutWWP27345677 RH2 ENGINEERING, INC hilp://www.rh2.corn August 14, 2008 mailboxcd)rh2.com Mr. Michael Benoit 1.800.720.8052 Wastewater Utility Engineer City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way, 5th Floor Renton, WA 98055 WESTERN WASHINGTON Sent Via: Email and US Mail 12100 NE 1951h St., Suite 100 Bothell, WA 98011 Subject: Denny's Lift Station Replacement (tel) 425.951.5400 Predesign Letter Report (fax) 425.398.2774 Dear Mike: 454 West Horton Road This letter is intended to document and report the criteria used in the preliminary design for Bellingham, WA 98226 replacing the existing Denny's Lift Station and recommending a preferred alternative. The (tel) 360.676.0836 goal for the Denny's Lift Station Replacement project is to provide a cost-effective solution to (fax) 360.676.0837 replace the existing outdated station without impacting parking capacity for the Denny's restaurant. In addition, RH2 will strive to meet the standards that the City is accustom to One Pacific Building receiving in its new lift stations. A pre-engineered package lift station supplied by Romtec 621 Pacific Avenue, Suite 104 Utilities (Romtec) was evaluated for suitability in meeting these goals. Three alternative Tacoma, WA 98402 locations on the Denny's property and one off -site location were reviewed to determine the (tel)253.272.3059 best location to meet the design constraints. Rehabilitating the existing wet -well and equipping it with new submersible pumps was also considered but was ruled unfavorable because it increased the difficulty of construction without significantly reducing the project cost. The cost to install a temporary pumping system to operate during the rehabilitation of the wet -well is difficult to estimate; therefore, the estimate is often high. Rehabilitation the EASTERN WASHINGTON existing wet -well is identified as Alternative 1 in Exhibit A. See Exhibit A for estimated cost 300 Simon Street SE, Suite 5 information prepared during the predesign effort. East Wenatchee, WA 98802 (tel) 509.886.2900 Design Constraints (fax) 509.886.2313 Items of concern for the design include cost, location, aesthetic impacts to ,the Denny's restaurant property, maintenance access, lift station size and emergency storage. Cost is a major concern for the City of Renton (City) because the lift station solely serves the Denny's restaurant and project costs will be slowly recovered from revenues. When evaluating the preliminary alternatives, cost impacts were considered for all of the listed design constraints. KITSAP PENINSULA Keeping the proposed lift station within the City's right-of-way and limiting the aesthetic 600 Kitsap Street, Suite 101 impacts to Denny's were important considerations during review of various alternatives. Port Orchard, WA 98366 Access to the lift station needs to be improved for worker safety. Currently, wash down (tel) 360.876.7960 procedures require traffic control on Lake Washington Boulevard once a month and complete (fax) 360.876.7988 clean out of lift station wet -well is required once a year. Past flooding problems at the lift station have been addressed as part of several drainage improvements downstream of the lift station; therefore, moving the lift station to higher 08/13/08 2:56 PM Z:\Bothell Data\RElv't108-056\Predesign\Letter Report�L or to M Benoit re Denny's LS Rep] Predesign ver3.doc Mr. Michael Benoit August 14, 2008 Page 2 ground was only briefly reviewed and was ultimately ruled out because of the aesthetic impacts it would have to the Denny's frontage. The only reasonable higher ground near the existing lift station was closer to the entrance door which would not have been received well by the Denny's ownership for obvious reasons. This area was one of the locations on the Denny's property considered for installment of the Romtec lift station, and identified as Alternative 2 in Exhibit A and Exhibit C. The other two Denny locations and the off -site location are discussed below. Considered Locations alternative ; nJortheast of E.-%-isting Life' Station Installing an Romtec lift station northeast of the existing lift station was considered in an effort to improve accessibility to the lift station from Lake Washington Boulevard. This area was considered to allow for construction of a vehicle turn -out in front of the proposed lift station for maintenance vehicles to park during routine maintenance and wash down operations. The cost to relocate underground utilities that conflicted in this area and the required additional right-of-way for construction of the lift station were the deciding factors in not recommending this as the preferred location. The estimated cost to construct at this location is estimated at $265,000. :41ternative 4 — Off -site Location Installing a Romtec lift station in the vacant area south of the Denny's property was considered as an area that would improve accessibility to the lift station for maintenance. However, the area best suited for constructing the lift station is currently being developed into a car sales business. It was anticipated that cost and project delays associated with acquiring the property would exceed any benefit gained by relocating the lift station. This area was discussed as a possible location with the City and they agreed with our assumptions; no further review of this location was necessary. The cost to construct at this location is estimated at $345,000. Alternative 5 -South of Existing Lift Station Alternative 5 recommends construction of a new packaged submersible lift station in the landscaped area just south of the existing lift station. A pre-engineered package offered by Romtec was evaluated for this application. See Exhibit B for proposed location. The City owns the right-of-way that covers the roadside of the Denny's property; therefore, additional right-of-way acquisition will not be necessary for this location with the exception of a small portion for the connection to the existing force main. The City will also be able to use the existing lift station as an overflow manhole for emergency storage, and will eliminate the need for a temporary pumping and bypass system. Access for maintenance and wash down will be necessary from the existing south driveway, which will require temporary closure during the maintenance cleaning of these sections. The use of this entrance should be verified with Denny's, the Fire Department and other impacted entities before the final design is completed. The area should be paved to ease in maintenance operations. All factors considered, this Alternative 5 appears to be the best location for the new lift station. The estimated cost to construct at this location is $239,000. Evaluation of Romtec Utilities Package Lift Station An evaluation of Romtec's package lift station for this application was completed by RH2 to determine if a package lift station can cost-effectively meet the City's standards. To maximize the cost effectiveness of a pre -packaged system, minimum adjustments from their standards or offered features should be requested. The evaluation consisted of RH2 meeting with Romtec engineers to review this particular application and review of published literature. We have concluded that a Romtec pre -packaged lift station will meet most of the City's standard requirements with only one notable exception. No ladder will be available in the wet- O8113/08 2:56 PM Z:\Bothell\Data\REN\I08-056Tredesign\Letter Report\Ltr to M Benoit re Denny's LS Rep] Predesign ver3.doc 4 74' Mr. Michael Benoit August 14, 2008 Page 3 well because of inadequate room to install a ladder that meets OSHA standards. A larger surface area at the base would be required to fit a ladder, which would increase the project cost. Pump Design Criteria The lift station's size and storage directly affect site impacts and cost. The preliminary design should be based on a lift station that will be sized to handle typical average and maximum influent flow with minimal extra storage. As a result of RH2's recommendation to use a Romtec pre-engineered lift station, RH2's role in the design of the lift station components will be limited to providing the information necessary for Romtec to perform the lift station structural, mechanical and electrical design. 1 ne information to be provided will include the pump design criteria. Based on data in the Lift Station Replacement Evaluation Report, prepared by RH2 Engineering in 2000, and telemetry data from recent years, the proposed lift station will be designed for a maximum influent flow of 35 gallons per minute (gpm). Future growth for this lift station is not anticipated as the station will continue only to provide service for the Denny's. If the site was to redevelop at a future date, the City would require the new development to be fully responsible for any increased flow that may impact the lift station. The proposed lift station pumps will be designed to provide approximately 120 gpm effluent flow. This flow rate will provide the preferred flushing velocity of 3 feet per second (ft/sec) through the existing 4-inch force main. During design, RH2 will evaluate the downstream manhole capacity to confirm the proposed flow rate will not surge the downstream gravity system. Preliminary Design A preliminary design has been prepared based on the design constraints and pump design criteria previously discussed. The preliminary design includes a site drawing -of the proposed improvements (Exhibit B) and a preliminary- design construction cost estimate (Exhibit A). During construction, RH2 recommends that the east lane of Lake Washington Boulevard be used for a staging area. Traffic control will be required, including a secure barrier to maintain a safe work zone. In addition, there is a light pole close to the proposed lift station location that will likely require removal and re -installation during construction. The telemetry antenna is attached to this light pole and will require temporary relocation or a temporary shut down during construction. RH2 recommends that any above -grade improvements have a low profile and coordination should take place with Denny's to determine an agreed upon landscaping plan and surface type for above ground structures. The proposed lift station will include the following. • A 6-feet I.D. precast concrete wet -well with PVC liner, including fiberglass -lined concrete base and a concrete top with Flygt safety hatch. • Duplex ITT Flygt pumps with ductile iron discharge pipe and a mix -flush valve on one pump outlet. • An influent slide gate. • A sump pump in the valve vault. • A primary pressure transducer level sensor and back-up floats. • A UL-listed pump disconnect panel and a UL-listed electrical control panel. • A Precast concrete valve vault with a traffic rated hatch. • Isolation valves, check valves and discharge pressure sensors on outlet piping for each pump in the valve vault. • A main isolation valve on the discharge near the exit point of the valve vault. • A level sensor output signal to the City's telemetry. O8/13/08 2:56 PM Z:\Bothell\Data\PEN\108-056\Predesign\Lever Report\Ltr to M Benoit re Denny's LS Repl Predesign mldoc Mr. Michael Benoit August 14, 2008 Page 4 • A new telemetry panel (Rug 9) relocated from another decommissioned station. The proposed lift station will not include a ladder in the wet -well or a flow meter. The next step will be for RH2 to meet with City engineering and maintenance staff to discuss the preliminary design. Upon completion of this meeting, RH2 will begin the final design. Sincerely, RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. Mark Miller, P.E. Project Manager SK/MM/sp/wr %V A S,, -�� A 38613 4 SIGNED: �SSlpNAL tia C� � /5� C' EXPRES 7115/09 Attachments: Exhibit A — Predesign Cost Estimate for Alternatives Exhibit B — Preliminary Site Plan for Recommended Alternative Exhibit C — Other Predesign Alternatives EXPIRES 3/1J/10 08/13/08 2:56 PM Z:\Bothell\Data\REN\108-056\Predesign\Letter Report\Ltr to M Bcnoit re Denny's LS Repl Predesign ver3.doc EXHIBIT A CITY OF RENTON DENNY'S LIFT STATION PREDESIGN COST ESTIMATE FOR ALTERNATIVES Ut Description of Alternative 1 Rehabilitate existing wet well and equip with new pumps and motors 2 New package lift station on Denny's property at higher elevation 3 New package lift station on Denny's property Northeast of existing 4 New package lift station offsite from Denny's property 5 1 New package lift station on Denny's property South of existing Recommended Alternative Item Description 1 2 3 4 I Mob & Demob (8%) S 10,815 St 1,671 $13,608 S 17,779 $12,285 2 Site work $25,950 $21,525 $21,525 $32,700 $31,700 3 Under round Utilities $0 $6,500 $2,500 $32,500 $4,000 4 Package Pump Station complete $0 $95,000 $95,000 $95,000 $95,000 5 IStructural $21,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 6 Mechancial $8,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 7 Pumps and Motors $15,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 8 Electrical $22,000 $12,520 $11,040 $22,000 $12,520 9 Telemetry & Automatic Control $3,040 $3,340 $3,040 $3,040 $3,340 10 Landscaping $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $10,000 $5,000 11 lCoatings & Finishes $15,200 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 12 Roadway Improvements $0 $0 S20,000 $0 $0 13 Temporary Bypass System $20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 14 Property Ac uistion and Pennittin g $0 $0 $10,000 $25,000 $0 Subtotal Construction Costs $146,005 $157,556 $183,713 $240,019 $165,845 Contingency (10%) $14,601 $15,756 $18,371 $24,002 $16,584 Subtotal with Contingency $160,606 $173,31 1 $202,085 $264,021 $182,429 Overhead & Profit 20% $32,121 $34,662 $40,417 $52,804 $36,486 Subtotal before taxes $192,727 $207,974 $242,502 $316,825 $218,915 Washington State Sales Tax 9.0% $17,345 1 $18,718 $21,825 $28,514 $19,702 Total Construction Cost Estimate $210,072 1 $226,691 $264,327 $345,340 $238,617 8/14/2008,9:00 AM - J0.m ul ./a Q E01ML oloDa.c 101/N un f 11lD Af 9,a,t. N16 n� a A D QO.lO. tR A GSIIIC IlT JIAMM I I.VO'1D a[ Ybl W.[C.Oi A t.VO4D I WA19L LL IR1D t1.P �.9.1 tM9, 16f41ID •IM <I EL - 119® Ill ffA,91 AID YIIY Y1LL, IR.,al6 I I warao PAW Ei r�911 J, 0." I AIfbIAI lau.a b oa,.c au,II OTRVQ A Down i / Oalli = _ L —'+--_ - -i------- �- / tares 101Q INM m.iM a LOOKING NORTH AT PROJECT SITE (i /PIIAJaIA[ 1➢f1i101 A Pta/0lD LR Lff91 YO VIIIE YYA, - .n- a• x•v.M ulE � - - -- WA H06o H/x lx[ PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN LOOKING WEST AT EXISTING LIFT STATION ( On.BM 5 V0, }' 1PW' a �- �� PoT rmnc arnxc�i wo iancnn' anmrt m gO1Nl VME Mll�X MO ElrlEltr (AIG ry IMQS I eoueuTex mswc El pL [p! EM e[E Re►S MO YO1MS .ram ALTERNATIVE 1 onr eawai eoEm MAM iOprOp 101t1[m nfuosn nrcmt FHnoxi[ Ora PA O a a elewia . - - rsTwim a eea rr eb'TiF mm w A LILILI..���JJJIII r -I ALTERNATIVE 2 .w— Olt �� M1LLT �� � niv® nrcnrx wmiE .sT.um a ivoero emn. - �� eia or oetiK dnw[ ' 7 oisnc orceetx iiE faaxmm r FigWR. 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X TAPER ` 1 '1 t ,k � ' .^ i a"'. k ":`Z^` " ` .,'' ~ � =ram` � _•' � 1 0 _`' "''• �• ` o \ \ '' ' � ;��f `. wu oak. 0 ' �.,.-' —'^ — ` = •..\_` ., `~ice — -, i _.._ - . - _ '' \ '•. \+ram- - _ _ \ \ J` JA _ pit - Is ..Ow ♦ ' - F ! `C `' a k,: .. `.;. ., ^_\•y` ,, --, ...----- - P � / + �/ .. "a- `�'-o`er '`-=-r,--•. ,,,.,, \ _h +^ ,�': .� 3 0 R T. i f�`Wi .. 6 0 �'L_W NE 4 4 2 04`; 3 5_ 4 7. f —� 19 ; 7� BEGIN 25:1 TTAPER PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST: The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Chapter 43.21 C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply". Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. USE OF CHECKLIST FOR NONPROJECT PROPOSALS: Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). For nonproject actions (actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs), the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. Denny's Lift Station Replacement A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Denny's Lift Station Replacement 2. Name of applicant: City of Renton - Wastewater Utility 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: 1055 South Grady Way Contact: Michael Benoit - (425) 430-7206 Renton, WA 98057 4. Date checklist prepared: April, 2009 5. Agency requesting checklist: City of Renton 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Begin Construction XXXXXXXXXXXX, 2008 Complete construction XXXXXXXXXXX, 2009 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. MC 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. None 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. I, C 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. Department of Ecology approval for sewer project x x 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. The project consists of construction of a new Denny's Sewage Lift Station. The existing station is located in the Lake Washington Blvd right-of-way west of the restaurant. The station has reached the end of its useful life. The City is, therefore, replacing the station. WAWWP-27-3456 Denny's Lift Station Replacement\SEPA_den.doc - Denny's Lift Station Replacement The new station will be located underground in the right-of-way just south of the existing station. The existing station will stay in service until the new station is constructed and then be abandoned. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. The construction of the new sewer lift station will be located in the Lake Washington Blvd right-of-way in front of parcel 334330-1180 (4750 Lake Washington Blvd). B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS EARTH a. General description of the site (circle one); flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other The area in which the proposed sanitary sewer lift station is located is basically flat landscaped portion of the right-of-way in front of the Denny's restaurant. b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope?) The proposed work area is flat in the right-of-way with the adjacent site sloping up at approximately 2 percent C. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. The United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service survey (November 1973) identifies the area as having silty loam and silty clay loam (Kitsap Series). Within the general vicinity, the same document also identifies gravelly sandy loam and consolidated till (Alderwood Series), silt loam (Bellingham Series), and sandy loam (Norma Series) d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. The existing steep slopes in the immediate vicinity seem stable. There is a history of unstable soils (slides) in some of the steeper slopes along Lake Washington Blvd to the north. e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. Construction of this project will not -require grading, or filling of a site. When backfilling the trench, we will use native material (that which was removed during ' W:\WWP-27-3456 Denny's Lift Station Replacement\SEPA_den.doc -3- Denny's Lift Station Replacement ,ex a tion) if -it meets standards If the native material is not of an appropriate qua lity,-we-wiII-import-backfIII-from an approved source. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. Construction of this project will be in landscaped or paved areas and will not cause significant erosion. The storage staging area for the project may be in unpaved areas which may be susceptible to erosion. City of Renton sedimentation and erosion control measures will be employed during construction to mitigate impacts that may be caused by the moving, storage and use of earth materials in the construction of the project. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? There will be minor new impervious surfaces resulting from this project. A small portion of the landscaped area in the right-of-way will be paved around the new station to facilitate vehicular access for maintenance. All other areas will be restored to their pre -construction condition. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: Standard City of Renton sedimentation and erosion control measures will be employed during construction. 2. AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. During construction, on -site emissions will consist of fugitive dust and emissions from construction equipment. These are anticipated to be minor and largely confined near the site. b. Are there any off -site sources of emission or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. No. C. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: Equipment and construction of this project will meet federal, state, and local emissions requirements. WAWWP-27-3456 Denny's Lift Station Replacement\SEPA_den.doc 4- Denny's Lift Station Replacement 3. WATER a. Surface Water: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year- round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. Lake Washington is approximately 1200 feet to the west of the site. There is a Category 3 wetlands along the west side of King County parcel 334330-1150. 2) Will the project require any work over, in or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. The construction site will be approximately 130 feet from the Category 3 wetland. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. None. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. Minor temporary rerouting of existing drainage may take place during construction 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year flood plain? If so, note location on the site plan. 7n 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No. b. Ground Water: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. Minor dewatering may occur in the trenches during construction. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals...; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. This project is to replace an existing sanitary sewer lift station and will not create a discharge of waste material into the ground from septic tanks or other sources. W:\WWP-27-3456 Denny's Lift Station Rep lacement\SEPA_den.doc -5- Denny's Lift Station Replacement C. Water Runoff (including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters, If so, describe? It is not expected that there will be any changes in the runoff pattern as a result of this project. The paved surfaces and drainage will be restored to pre construction patterns. 2) Could waste material enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. No. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: N/A 4. PLANTS a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: X deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other X shrubs X grass pasture crop or grain wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other water plants: water lily, eel grass, milfoil, other other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Some vegetation, most likely grass or shrubs, may be impacted when the contractor abandons the existing station. There may be impacts to grass or shubs in the area used for storage and staging. C. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None W:\WWP-27-3456 Denny's Lift Station Replacement\SEPA_den.doc -6- Denny's Lift Station Replacement d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: Except for a new small area of paving around the new lift station, vegetated areas that are disturbed will be restored to their pre -construction condition. 5. ANIMALS a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: A wide variety of birds and animals native to the Puget Sound Lowlands may be found in the vicinity of the study area. The more common are underlined below: Birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other: misc. scavenger birds (i.e. crows) Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other misc. small mammals (i.e. squirrels) Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known C. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain The entire State of Washington is included within the Pacific flyway migration route. We do not anticipate that this project will have any major, long term impacts on migration routes. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: None 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. The new station will use electric power for operation, as did the old station. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. M. C. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: None WAWWP-27-3456 Denny's Lift Station Replacement\SEPA_den.doc -7- Denny's Lift Station Replacement 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. With the exception of potential fuel spills during construction, no hazardous chemicals or other health hazard risks are anticipated. 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. The only anticipated emergency needs during construction would be ambulance w/ paramedical personnel (in the event of a construction related accident), fire suppression equipment (in the event of a fire, or the emergency spill response team (in the event of a major fuel spill). 2) , Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: On -site areas will be designated for refueling. Refueling areas will be equipped with appropriate equipment to comply with spill prevention and cleanup procedures established by the City. b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? None 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Short term noise from construction equipment would occur between 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: All construction equipment will meet all federal, state and local laws for noise restrictions. 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? The site is currently a commercial use as a restaurant. . The existing station is located in public right-of-way in front of the restaurant. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. Im WAWWP-27-3456 Denny's Lift Station Replacement\SEPA_den.doc -8- Denny's Lift Station Replacement C. Describe any structures on the site. There are no structures in the area in which we are proposing construction. There is a restaurant on the property. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? The existing lift station will be removed and be converted to a transition manhole. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? The site is zoned Commercial Arterial f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? The current designation for the site is Employment Area Conimazaiel. g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? N/A h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. The site is in a seismic sensitive area. The site is not identified by the Renton sensitive areas mapping as being in mapped wetland(s). However, as noted above, there is a Category 3 wetland on the parcel to the south. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? None. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: N/A I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: N/A 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None. WAWWP-27-3456 Denny's Lift Station Rep lacement\SEPA_den.doc -9- Denny's Lift Station Replacement b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None. C. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: WA 10. AESTHETICS a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed. The completed project will be at or below ground level except for the control panel which will be above ground. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? None C. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: The control panel will be constructed in a location that will not obstruct views and will be blended into the background in a reasonable manner. 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? None. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No. C. What existing off -site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? None. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: N/A 12. RECREATION a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? None b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. WA. WAWWP-27-3456 Denny's Lift Station Rep lacement\SEPA_den.doc -10- Denny's Lift Station Replacement C. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: N/A. 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. No. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. N/A. C. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: N/A 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. Access to the site would be via Lake Washington Blvd. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? There is not currently a bus route serving Lake Washington Blvd in the vicinity of the project site. C. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? None. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private? No. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. 20 f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. WAWWP-27-3456 Denny's Lift Station Rep lacement\SEPA_den.doc Denny's Lift Station Replacement The finished project will require approximately 2 to 6 vehicle trips PER WEEK that will typically occur between 7:00 AM and 5 PM. There may also be an occasional emergency trip to the site at other hours. The number of vehicle trips should be the same or less than generated by the existing station.. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: During construction, proper traffic control and detour routing will be used. 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. No. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. N/A 16. UTILITIES a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas, water, refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer, cable b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. Please refer to question A-11. C. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non -significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. Proponent: Name Printed: Michael A Benoit Date: WAWWP-27-3456 Denny's Lift Station Replacement\SEPA_den.doc -12- /� A7 KJ `7) ^ r a y PROPOSED ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE INSTALLED ON BACK OF E10511NG ENCLOSURE EXISTING ELECTRICAL AND TELEMETRY ENCLOSURE PROPOSED TEIEIEiRY PAMEL (RUG 9) TO BE INSTALLED N EXISTING DKLOSlRE TOP CONCRETE RIM OF PUMP STATION EL - 32.09' I PROPOSED OVERFLOW PIPE TO DOSTNG LIFT STATION I PROPOSED SIDE SETTER CONNECTION TO PROPOSED MANHOLLIL LISTED PUMP DISCONNECT PANEL INSTALLED WITH WET WELL PROPOSED LIFT STATION AND VALVE VAULT LOCATIONS 0+00 I EX Wy RIM - 31.09' TOP JUT - 29.20' I EX WV RIM - 31.35' TOP N T - 28.80' I EX RIM - 31.30' TOP T - 27.90' I APPROMMATE L.00ATKON FOR PROPOSED ELECTRICAL ENCLOSlRE COSTING SOUTH ENTRANCE TO DE NYS PROPOSED PAVETENT — EXO5ING PUP STATION PUP Dng6URE LOOKING NORTH AT PROJECT SITE ti'J EXISTING NET 10.1. TO REMAIN AND BE USED AS AN OVDnOW MANHOLE / �OBEI ro�w I \ li tCOMNPoSID \ .E PROFORCE MAN \ . TO D OSTING FORCE MAN \ r \ APPROAMATE LOCA70 FOR PROPOSED LFT STATKN AND VALVE VAULT — — — — f-- — — — — — - —- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EX C8 — —RIM-EL-- 249681 — -- — — -- 6.2 2' — — — — — — — — — — — — I N V EL - 2 — — — — — — — — - - — — STA 2+42-66 E/W UNE - STA 2+00.00 N/S UNE PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN I'-10' EXISTING PUP STATION PUMP ENCLOSURE EIO m ELECTRICIL AND LOOKING WEST AT EXISTING LIFT STATION "Y �omilq G• � O LL ZW a� Lu Q Z N W � J Q Q Q G Z W j z +u w F- W Z m M A ==7 W C I E N T I S T S RM2 ENGINEERING.INC. //.F..2 cvn 800 ^+M 7can ' 800.20 6057 HELLJN HAMOFFICE ] 0.67506.76 -54 9..1 Horton Roof HOTHELL OFFICE e 25951 5.00 12100 ME 195M SbNt. Suite 10L FA BT WENATCHEE OFFI( 1 700 Simon St M. S.K. 5 PORT ORCHARD OFFICE %G 676 7960 6W 611wp Sheet. Suite 101 SCALE 0 1' 2' DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE IF BAR IS NOT 2' LONG nm, 2D — SML P01 o.� MAY 29, 2DOB an, REN 1 105-056 I " DES-P-CrM l� PROPOSED ELECTRICAL ENCLOSLIRE INSTALLED ON BACK OF D DUNG ENCLOSURE DOSTNG ELECTRICAL AID TELEMETRY ENCLOSURE PROPOSED TELEMETRY PANEL (RUG 9) TO BE INSTALLED IN EXSTING ENCLOSURE. 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INc ^1tp_-//� M2COn n.W.-&m2.a.n 800.720 W52 HEI—J HAM OFFICE %0 675 D876 454 %. M M Raga !IOTHE— OFFICE 12595t 5.00 '2100 WE 1950 St.-L Suite la FAST WEN ATCHEE O—1 , 509.686.2900 300 Snap S—. sot. 5 PORT ORCHARD OMCF 36D.876 7950 500 Rilean Sbwt Suite 101 S 0 L' 2' DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE IF BAR IS NOT 2' LONG 20 >•* SMK POI n[w Rn MUM rs MAY 29, 2008 w ce I REN I 105-056 , DLS-P-CrW PROPOSED ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE INSTALLED ON BACK OF IDWNG ENCLOSURE COSTING ELECTRICAL AND TEIDIETRY ENCLOSURE PROPOSED TELEMETRY PANEL (RUG 9) TO BE 1 INSTALLED IN DMNG ENCLOSURE TOP CONCRETE RIM OF PUMP STATION EL - 32.09' I I PROPOSED OVERFLOW PPE TO I COSTING LIFT STATION PROPOSED SIDE SEWER CONNECTION TO PROPOSED NIL LISTED PUMP DISCONNECT PANEL INSTALLED WITH WET VEIL PROPOSED LIFT STATION AND VALVE VAULT LOCATIONS I PROPOSED PAVE>ENT 0+00 EX Wy RIM - 31.09' TOP JUT - 29.20' I FX IRIM - 31.35'TOP NT - 28.80' I I EX RIM - 31.30' TOP UT — 27.90' I APPROXMILATE LOCATION FOR PROPOSED ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE DUSTING SOUTH ENTRANCE TO DEaFYS D STMRG PUMP STATION PUMP ENOLASIRE LOOKING NORTH AT PROJECT SITE COSTING MET WEL TO FUAN AND BE USED AS AN OVERFLOW MANHOLE i DOSTNG TREE TO BE REMOVED a -- ss PROPOSED FORCE MANCONNECTING m COSTING FORCE MAIN p \ EX Ce - - — — — — — — — — RLAhEt+ 7&82_ — -- — — I N V E] . - 2 6.2 2' — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- STA 2+42.66 E/W LINE - STA 2+00.00 N/S LINE / APPROl011ATE LOCATION �- FOR PROPOSED LIFT STATION AND VALVE VAULT PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN I*- 10' CICSTNG PULP STATION PUMP ENCLOSURE COSTING ELECTRICAL AND LOOKING WEST AT EXISTING LIFE STATION (f� G Y 0 loc O zLL z W W g> w a �z cn W � J wF W 0 O o„ z E-r W C4 O V;. z H Lu w mM A = X W a I N I 5 RNI 6:NGINEERING. INC- 61b: naFeel 1.E00.7M 11052 6057 BEWNGHAM OFFICE 360.675 0636 454 ww Harlin React BOTHELL OFFICE -25951.54M 2100 W 195/6 St wt. Suite 10C EAST WENATCHEE OFFICE 5N Offi.2900 300 Shan S"K SWM 5 PORT ORCHARD OFFICE 360.676.7960 600 Kileap St-L S Ao 101 SCALE: 0 1. 21 DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE IF BAR IS NOT 2' LONG 20 —Sw P01 ry MAY 29, 2006 m, REIN 1 106-OSg 1 DLs-P_rnm wpm EXISTING LIFT STATION AND ELECTRICAL PANEL ND zxE EXISTING SITE OVERVIEW NOSE PROPOSED CCMSTRIICIRN OUTS PROPOSED AUW COMMM PAMG- MOUNT 10 UD W MR) Conti TO answ PDYER SUPPLY. DUSTING SMEVAA K DO NOT OSTM POSTING IIETYUL. REIOW MSTNG PACKAGE PUMP STATION uO MSTALI NEW COWNETE lb OTM ACCESS HULK DSUMD LAYM AND MATCH SYSTEM M K RLSTM TO , E)I STING OR KTV CO VM PRCPM VALVE VALET DOSING SIRELT UOR AND WWDNQ.D. , PROTECT DUr11N6 CO611 cim I».o f fIt // !f /7 1! 1T ff 1f if ff it EMnN; MAIDn 00 001 CISI B. f/ If !r EXISTING SITE LEGEND ♦ W-PKM MARK n 9GK AS NOTED i HATER MEN -NUM TTAE HYDRAMI x "TV VALVE MCV IRRIGATION Cl"oL VALVE o� 401ER WMATOR POST NSTALL STUN DRAW MITT PRDTECUM (TYMAL) ♦ EATER YAAI ID GAS VALA y/ ICN o LKI+aECTIICAI ENCLOM // • - _ �q ME1 UWT aMDWIE d . CATCH 5A9N TYPE /! CATCH /A91I TYPE u /! SANTARY SEWER WANQE / a j PA "TER AREA DECOLMUS TREE AN E&VAMN // / GAS ,� wROPoeEc A«e I e POER M AED) It a / M 8TU SVM 0.RP L00 I T[LFsnROTE (90m) / DTMlOM T I --- • ------ l4TEt // I FOO1 cDNtout a ♦ -------_.._ - '- FOOT CNMLP 1 Gum EM* ApIT OF WAY CA A a RIGHT or nY / • a I 6 - - PKKRTr Sl[ w - SANITARY SEINE+ SANITARY SEINER FORCE MAN STORY GRAM/CLUEAT ASPNALT }y / = I' . OD NOT DKTUR I r--7 ONCRETE s ( 0 LAYN T P` ° F' I i PROPOSED SITE LEGEND f 1�tz�snNc r PK FACKDWN I r A� ya 1 0CA", PR"M .• arm ROI SEER I►( T DI I.ltMm WITH THAm r •. Cap nARY. TM+ I lr ML0C ' rECESIARIRMIS — • — ' — ' — EEC 64AS AS ii' � � 1f ca+sTRucntM uRTs rf ELLc7w L CONKIT `� r ii� �' -" �•---- ® EUICTRRCAL 0Mt[H0.E PROPOSED SITE PLAN "`- -_ 13 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT �,, l +/ M E M O R A N D U M DATE: March 12, 2009 TO: Rich Marshall, Wastewater Maintenance Manager FROM: Mike Benoit, Wastewater 1ti1,11 SUBJECT: Denny's Lift Station 95% Review Enclosed are the 95% plans for the Denny's Lift Station for review by you, Oscar, and Malcolm. We would appreciate a response by March 27, 2009. Enclosures WAWWP-27-3456 Denny's Lift Station Replacement\Plan Review 95% Memo.doc\MBtp * RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. 300 Simon Street SE.. Suite 5 East Wenatchee, WA 98802 E N A --- ----- - ► L A N N E R B ( ) 86-2900 or 800 720-8052 509 8 ( ) S °' E N T I S T S Fax: (509) 886-2313 TO: City of Renton ��CC 1055 S. Grady Way, 5th FlaErpoil Fn Renton, WA 98055 MAR 12 .Sent Via: US Mail CfTY kd, ._r. iOhl UTLffy SYSTEMS WE ARE SENDING YOU THE FOLLOWING: Letter of Transmittal DATE: J/11/09 JOB NO.: REN 108.056 ATTENTION: Mr. Michael Benoit RE: City of Renton Denny's Lift Station Replacement k Attached Under Separate Cover Via: Shop Drawings Prints Plans Samples Specifications Copy of Letter Change Order Submittals COPIES DATE NO, DESCRIPTION 95% Plan Review (sheets 1-8): cover sheet & vicinity map. general information and traffic control overview, existing & proposed site plans, mechanical plan, construction details, electrical legend, power one -line diagram. pump control logic THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: For approval Approved as submitted Resubmit copies for approval h For your use Approved as noted Submit copies for distribution As requested Returned for corrections Return _ corrected prints For your information Signature For review and comment For bids due: Prints returned after loan to us REMARKS: COPY TO: I File;kj I SIGNED: I Mark Miller. P.E. I EXT: 15372 1 03/11/09 2:57 PM J:\data\REN\I08-056\2009031 I-Trans-REN-95 % PlanSheets.doc 20/5008) MichaelMBenoit FW Golder Associates Subconsultant Agmt Dennys Lift Station Replacement Page 1 From: "Mark Miller" <mmiller@ RH2.com> To: "Michael Benoit" <Mbenoit@ci.renton.wa.us> CC: "Sean Kanda" <skanda@RH2.com> Date: 11/19/2008 3:46 PM Subject: FW: Golder Associates - Subconsultant Agmt - Denny's Lift Station Replacement Attachments: 08393555_Fg02 Site Plan.pdf See below on Golder's estimation of arrival and time spent on site. Please call if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks, MM From: Dennison, Alison [mailto:Alison_Dennison@golder.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 2:58 PM To: Sean Kanda Subject: RE: Golder Associates - Subconsultant Agmt - Denny's Lift Station Replacement Hi Sean, I am glad to hear that we are moving forward with the contract. While I was out at another site today, I swung by the site to take a look at access and a drilling location. I have attached a Draft version of our planned boring location. It should take us less than four hours to drill. We are on the drillers schedule as the second job on Tuesday, 11/25. We hope to be on -site by 11 am and off site by 3 pm. I am happy to let anyone know what time exactly we will be on -site the day of drilling. Would the Denny's be ok with us blocking the three parking spots for the day? It would make it easier, but not a must. What kind of coordination is the City planning? Let me know your thoughts about the drilling location. Thanks, Ali From: Sean Kanda [mailto:skanda@RH2.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 2:41 PM To: Dennison, Alison Cc: Walker, Andrew; Mark Miller Subject: RE: Golder Associates - Subconsultant Agmt - Denny's Lift Station Replacement e(11/204008) Michael Benoit YFW Golder Associates Subconsultant Agmt Dennys Lift_Station Replacement Pa e 2 9 _. l Ali, This date will work. Currently the subcontract revisions are being made and a signed version should be done this afternoon or tomorrow. How much time do you anticipate for the on -site work? This will be helpful to know for the City's coordination with the Denny's. Sean Kanda Staff Engineer RH2 Engineering, Inc. Phone: (425) 951-5460 Fax: (425) 951-5461 www.rh2.com <http://www.rh2.com/> From: Dennison, Alison[mailto:Alison_Dennison@golder.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 9:24 AM To: Sean Kanda; Mark Miller Cc: Walker, Andrew Subject: RE: Golder Associates - Subconsultant Agmt - Denny's Lift Station Replacement Hello Sean and Mike, Attached is our review of the contract. My driller is available in the afternoon on Tuesday, November 25th. Will this date work? Thanks, Ali �'(11/20/�008) Michael Benoit FW Golder Associates e 3 Subconsultant Agmt Denny's Lift Station Page Alison Dennison I Project Geologist I Golder Associates Inc. 18300 NE Union Hill Road, Suite 200, Redmond, Washington, USA 98052 T: +1 (425) 883-0777 1 D: +1 (425) 556-5580 1 F: +1 (425) 882-5498 1 C: +1 (206) 697-0053 1 E: adennison@golder.com <mailto:Erica_Elliot@golder.com> I www.golder.com <http://www.golder.com/> Work Safe, Home Safe This email transmission is confidential and may contain proprietary information for the exclusive use of the intended recipient. Any use, distribution or copying of this transmission, other than by the intended recipient, is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender and delete all copies. Electronic media is susceptible to unauthorized modification, deterioration, and incompatibility. Accordingly, the electronic media version of any work product may not be relied upon. Please consider the environment before printing this email. From: Sean Kanda [mailto:skanda@RH2.com] Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 11:08 AM To: Dennison, Alison; Walker, Andrew; Mark Miller Cc: Maureen Schueren Subject: FW: Golder Associates - Subconsultant Agmt - Denny's Lift Station Replacement Andrew and Allie, We have completed the subcontract document which includes RH2 Terms and Conditions and your original proposal with some minor changes. Two hard copies are coming to you in the mail (should arrive tomorrow) and attached is PDF. Please also refer to the letter of transmittal, accompanying the hard copies, for further comments. If you plan to still perform the boring this Friday please let me know. We will coordinate with the City to provide access. If this Friday will be too soon based on the subcontract execution then please let us know what date will work. Allie mentioned Wed. November 26th as a second (11/20�2008) Michael Benoit FW Golder Associates Subconsultant Agmt r Denny's Lift Station Replacement m Page 4 date; however, the project manager Mark Miller thinks that it would not be a good idea to perform the work the day before Thanksgiving. Sean Kanda Staff Engineer R1-12 Engineering, Inc. Phone: (425) 951-5460 Fax: (425) 951-5461 www.rh2.com <http://www.rh2.com/> From: Maureen Schueren Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 10:55 AM To: Sean Kanda Subject: Golder Associates - Subconsultant Agmt - Denny's Lift Station Replacement END OF RIGHT OF WAY AS FOUND IN AUTOCAD FILE PROVIDED BY RH2 ENGINEERING DATED �V JULY, 1997. 7' DIA PUP STATION �' /rBE GLASS LID PE: 32.11 P F SL, 6"D P S D GB a C J 1 / rrr 0 20 40 SCALE IN FEET DRAFT I Base map survey prepared by Triad Associates dated July 15, 2008. ;tJ 171 i jZ j o EXISTING BUILDING 0 FIGURE 2 PROPOSED SITE EXPLORATION PLAN RH2/Lift Station Geotechnical Inveestigation/WA P:\PROPOSAL\2008 Proposals\P83-93555 RH2 Eng\08393555_Fg02.dwg I Site Plan I Mod: 11/192008, 13:42 1 Plotted: 11/19/2008, 13:42 1 adennison Golder Associates R3, N E E R S N N E R S N T I S T S RH2 ENGINEERING, INC www.rh2.com mailbox@rh2.com 1.800.720.8052 BELLINGHAM 454 W Horton Rd Bellingham, WA 98226 (tel) 360.676.0836 (fax) 360.676.0837 BOTHELL 12100 NE 195th St, Ste 100 Bothell, WA 98011 (tel) 425.951.5400 (fax) 425.398.2774 September 8, 2009 Mr. Mike Benoit City of Renton Planning/Building/Public Works 1055 S. Grady Way, 5th Floor Renton, WA 98055 Sew Via. Email and US Mail RECEIVED S E P 1 0 2009 CITY OF RENTON UTILITY SYSTEMS Subject: Denny's Lift Station Improvement Alternatives Dear Mike: In 1999, RH2 Engineering (RH2) was hired to evaluate the condition of the City of Renton's EAST WENATCHEE (City) Denny's Lift Station and recommend improvements. The overall recommendation was 300 Simon St SE, Ste 5 to relocate the lift station to higher ground due to frequent flooding in the area of the existing East Wenatchee, WA 98802 facility. Alternative measures taken by the City in recent years have alleviated the flooding (tel) 509.886.2900 impacts to the lift station at its current location; therefore, it is no longer the City's top (fax) 509.886.2900 priority. Other concerns noted in the report that remain important to the City's maintenance staff are that the vacuum primed pumps are subject to grease clogs, the mechanical layout of MUKILTEO 11524 Mukilteo Speedway the valves and piping is very compact and difficult to work on, and performing maintenance Ste 203 on the station requires City crews to work in the roadway. Recent design efforts have shown Mukilteo, WA 98275 that relocating the lift station outside of the existing right-of—way is beyond the monetary (tel) 425.493.2519 budget set by the City for improvements to this station. The City has requested that RH2 (fax) 425.398.2774 provide alternatives, including construction costs, to correct the above -mentioned concerns without moving the lift station. Improving the reliability of the pumping operations will RICHLAND indirectly reduce the maintenance calls to the station thereby reducing City crew time spent 114 Columbia Point Or, Ste C working in the roadway at this location. The City requested that we consider using Richland, WA 99352 components from the following decommissioned lift stations: Evendell; Highlands Estates; (tel) 509.946.5181 and Scott Glen Lift Stations. Four alternatives were reviewed to determine the most cost - (fax) 509.946.4630 efficient solution for Denny's Lift Station for its remaining years of service, projected to be 6 to 10 years. SILVERDALE 2021 NW Myhre Rd, Ste 107 Alternative I Silverdale, WA 98383 The first alternative is purchasing new Flygt submersible pumps and installing them in the (tel) 360.698.6528 existing Denny's Lift Station wetwell using the rail system, piping and valving components (fax) 360.698.0510 from the recently decommissioned lift stations. Installing a small valve vault for the check valves near the wetwell is recommended to allow for easier monthly maintenance on the check TACOMA valves. Use of a pump control panel (PCP) from one of the decommissioned stations was One Pacific Building considered but determined not to be cost-effective over a new small PCP installed on the 621 Pacific Ave, Ste 104 backside of the existing electrical panel that currently provides power to the station. The costs Tacoma, WA 98402 (tel) 253.272.3059 of modifications to the decommissioned PCP and site prep for installation of the much larger (fax) 425.398.2774 PCP at Denny's were the limiting factors. In summary, Alternative 1 consists of the following. 09/08/09 9:29 AM 1:\data\REN\I08-056\Design\Ltr to Mike Benoit re Design Alternatives Summary.docx Mr. Mike Benoit September 8, 2009 Page 2 1. Install a temporary bypass system to allow contractor access to the wetwell for removal of the existing pumping system and installation of the new pumping system. 2. Purchase and install a new PCP along with explosion proof conduit and wire at the existing wetvvell for operating the pumps. 3. Purchase and install two new Flygt C-3057-252 pumps in existing wetwell using components from the decommissioned lift stations. It is assumed that a flushing valve and pump bases will need to be purchased new. 4. Purchase and install a small valve vault in which to install check valves. Isolation valves would be buried outside the vault to keep the size of the vault to a minimum. 5. Reuse the existing telemetry panel and instrumentation. Connect pump calls from the telemetry panel to the new PCP. 6. Install a new concrete lid with aluminum access hatch on existing wetwell. The total construction cost for completing the first alterative is estimated to be $29,300 (rounded from the breakdown below) assuming the components from the decommissioned lift stations will be salvaged and delivered to the contractor. The cost breakdown is as follows. Materials Cost New pumps and motors with flushing valves and bases 84 500 New wet well cover and hatch $3,400 New pump control panel, conduit, and wire $7,000 New valve vault $1,000 Temporary bypass system $1,000 TotalAllaterialr $16,900 Labor Electrician (3 days @ $500 per day) ......_ .1,500 Pipe Layer (5 days @ $350 per day) $1,750 ........ Equipment Operator (3 days @ $380 per day) $1,140 General Labor (2 days @ $350 per da),) $700 Project ( Manager2 days $600 Per day .. ) $1,200 Total Labor S6,290 Equipment Backhoe/Excavator (3 days @ $400 per day) $1,200 Total Equipment S1,200 Subtotal $24,390 Overhead/Profit (20 ....... Total Before Tax $29,268 09/08/09 9 29.AM J:\data\REN\108-056\Design\Ltr to \like Benoit re Design Altematives Summan'.docx Mr. Mike Benoit September 8, 2009 Page 3 This alternative does not include upgrading the telemetry panel from the old Rugid 6 style to the more current Rugid 9 style. This would add a cost of approximately $1,000 to the project improvements if it is found to be desirable since the City has spare Rugid 9 panels from the decommissioned stations. Alternative 2 The second alternative is similar to Alternative 1 with the exception of using existing submersible pumps from the Scott Glen Lift Station. Pumps from the Highlands Estates and Evendell Lift Stations were also considered but ruled out because of their high flow and head characteristics that made them unsuitable for the low flow and head requirement at Denny's Lift Station. The Scott Glen Lift Station contains two Paco submersible pumps with performance cui-,es more suitable to the Denny's Lift Station conditions. The disadvantage of using the Paco pumps is that they cannot be equipped with a mix flushing valve that comes standard with Flygt pumps, a feature that has become standard at all Cite -owned lift stations. The nix flushing valve has been proven to reduce grease mats in lift stations prone to high levels of grease. The savings between Alternative 2 and Alternative 1 is the cost for the new pumps, pump bases and flushing valve, estimated at $4,500. Alternative 3 The thud alternative is to remove all of the existing pumping system and replace it with an economical stand-alone package pump station similar to the Environmental One brand sold locally by Correct Equipment. The Environmental One package is a drop -in, self-contained packaged pump station that uses duplex grinder pumps and includes check valves, a level control system and discharge connections. It was determined early in our review that Environmental One did not offer a package that could meet the flow s Lift Station; therefore, it is not a feasible alternative. Cost estimates and head characteristics of the Denny' for a similar packaged pump station with vortex pumps suited for the pump conditions was offered by Correct Equipment for an installed price of nearly $40,000. Alternative 4 The fourth alternative is to leave the existing pumping system in place and provide a permanent pumping bypass system that would allow the City to quickly restore the lift station to temporary operations in the event of a catastrophic failure of the electrical system or pumps. For a minunal investment of $3,000 to $$5,000, the City could continue to use the existing pumps and control panel knowing that a bypass pumping system could be installed quickly with little or no downtime at the Denny's restaurant. The estimated cost includes installing a suction pipe in the wetwell, an above -grade connection port on the force main and a power plug in the existing electrical panel, and purchasing of a trash pump suited for this type of operation. The suction pipe would be equipped with a connection port that matches the City vactor truck, providing another option for removing wastewater from the failed lift station. Engineering Cost and Timing The engineering cost to complete the design work for the alternatives will vary only slightly between the different choices presented. We estimate the cost to complete the preferred alternative design, assist during construction and close out the project to be under 510,000. With your verbal authorization, we will continue to work under the original contract to complete this work. We will not exceed S10,000 without explanation and additional authorization for the higher costs. We are prepared to start ummediately upon the City reaching a decision on how to proceed. 09/08/09 9:29 AM J:AdataAREN\108-056\DesignALtr to Mike Benoit re Design Alternatives Summary.doca Q Mr. Mike Benoit September 8, 2009 Page 4 Please review the proposed alternatives and contact us to discuss at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. Mark Miller, P.E. Project Manager XBf/jw/kj n r- 38613 t R r�/.•� .,IS7EA�v c� Al ss�0 \1 AL 09/08/09 9:29 AM J:\data\REN\108-056\Design\Ltrto Mike Benoit re Design Alternatives Summary.docx W RH2 ENGINEERING, INC www.rh2.com September 8, 2009 mailbox@rh2.com 1.800.720.8052 Mr. Mike Benoit BELLINGHAM City of Renton 454 W Horton Rd Planning/Building/Public Works Bellingham, WA98226 1055 S. Grady Way, 5th Floor (tel) 360.676.0836 Renton, WA 98055 (fax) 360.676.0837 BOTHELL Sent Via: Email and US Mail 12100 NE 195m St, Ste 100 Bothell, WA 98011 Subject: Denny's Lift Station Improvement Alternatives (tel) 425.951.5400 (fax) 425.398.2774 Dear Mike: In 1999, RH2 Engineering (RH2) was hired to evaluate the condition of the City of Renton's EAST WENATCHEE (City) Denny's Lift Station, and recommend improvements. The overall recommendation was 300 Simon St SE, Ste 5 to relocate the lift station to higher ground due to frequent flooding in the area of the existing East Wenatchee, WA 98802 facility. Alternative measures taken by the City irl recent years have alleviated the flooding (tel) 509.886.2900 impacts to the lift station at its current location; therefore, it is no longer the City's top (tax) 509.886.2313 priority. Other concerns noted in the report that remain important to the City's maintenance staff are that the vacuum primed pumps are subject to grease clogs, the mechanical layout of MLIKILTEO 11524 Mukilteo Speedway the valves and piping is very compact and difficult to work on, and performing maintenance Ste 203 on the station requires City crews to work in the roadway. Recent design efforts have shown Mukilteo, WA 98275 that relocating the lift station outside of the existing right-of—way is beyond the monetary (tel) 425.493.2519 budget set by the City for improvements to this station. The City has requested that RH2 (fax) 425.398.2774 provide alternatives, including construction costs, to correct the above -mentioned concerns without moving the lift station. Improving the reliability of the pumping operations will RICHLAND indirectly reduce the maintenance calls to the station thereby reducing City crew time spent 114 Columbia Point Or, Ste C working in the roadway at this location. The City requested that we consider using Richland, WA 99352 components from the following decommissioned lift stations: Evendell; Highlands Estates; (tel) 509.946.5181 and Scott Glen Lift Stations. Four alternatives were reviewed to determine the most cost - (tax) 509.946.4630 efficient solution for Denny's Lift Station for its remaining years of service, projected to be 6 to 10 years. SILVERDALE 2021 NW Myhre Rd, Ste 107 Alternative 1 Silverdale, WA 98383 The first alternative is purchasing new Flygt submersible pumps and installing them in the (tel)360.698.6528 existing Denny's Lift Station wetwell using the rail system, piping and valving components (tax) 360.698.0510 from the recently decommissioned lift stations. Installing a small valve vault for the check valves near the wetwell is recommended to allow for easier monthly maintenance on the check TACOMA , valves. Use of a pump control panel (PCP) from one of the decommissioned stations was One Pacific Building considered but determined not to be cost-effective over a new small PCP installed on the 621 Pacific Ave, Ste 104 backside of the existing electrical panel that currently provides power to the station. The costs Tacoma, WA 98402 (tel) 253.272,3059 of modifications to the decommissioned PCP and site prep for installation of the much larger (fax) 425.398.2774 PCP at Denny's were the limiting factors. In summary, Alternative 1 consists of the following. 09/03/09 9:39 AM I:\data\REN\103-0>6\Design\Ltr to alike Benoit re Design Alternatives Summan.docx Mr. Mike Benoit September 8, 2009 Page 2 1. Install a temporary bypass system to allow contractor access to the wetwell for removal of the existing pumping system and installation of the new pumping system. 2. Purchase and install a new PCP along with explosion proof conduit and wire at the existing wetwell for operating the pumps. 3. Purchase and install two new Flygt C-3057-252 pumps in existing wetwell using components from the decommissioned lift stations. It is assumed that a flushing valve and pump bases will need to be purchased new. 4. Purchase and install a small valve vault in which to install check valves. Isolation valves would be buried outside the vault to keep the size of the vault to a minimum. 5. Reuse the existing telemetry panel and instrumentation. Connect pump calls from the telemetry panel to the new PCP. 6. Install a new concrete lid with aluminum access hatch on existing wetwell. The total construction cost for completing the first alterative is estimated to be $29,300 (rounded from the breakdown below) assuming the components from the decommissioned lift stations will be salvaged and delivered to the contractor. The cost breakdown is as follows. Materials Cost New pumps and motors with flushing valves and bases $4,500 New wet well cover and hatch _ _. _ .._._ _ ....... . _ ...... _.. ... $3,400 New pump control panel, conduit, and wire S7 000 New valve vault $1,000 Temporary bypass system _ - $1,000 Total Materials $16, 900 Labor _.. ....._. .. . ......... ............ Electrician (3 days @ $500 per day) ; $1,500 Pipe Layer (5 days @ $350 per day) $1,750 Equipment Operator (3 days @ $380 per $1,140 -day) General Labor 2 days @ $350 per day) $700 Project Manager (2 days @ $600 per day) ... $1,200 _...... - ......... Total Labor S6,290 ........ ........ Equipment Backhoe/Excavator (3 days (aD $400 per day)- T olal Equipment $1,200 Subtotal $24,390 Overhead/Profit (20%) $ 4,878 Total Before Tat $29,268 09/08/09 919 ANI J:\data\REN\108-0%\Design\Ltr to Mike Benoit re Design .Alternatives Summap.doce Mr. Mike Benoit September 8, 2009 Page 3 This alternative does not include upgrading the telemetry panel from the old Rugid 6 style to the more current Rugid 9 style. This would add a cost of approximately $1,000 to the project improvements if it is found to be desirable since the City has spare Rugid 9 panels from the decommissioned stations. Alternative 2 The second alternative is similar to Alternative 1 with the exception of using existing submersible pumps from the Scott Glen Lift Station. Pumps from the Highlands Estates and Evendell Lift Stations were also considered but ruled out because of their high flow and head characteristics that made them unsuitable for the low flow and head requirement at Denny's Lift Station. The Scott Glen Lift Station contains two Paco submersible pumps with performance curves more suitable to the Denny's Lift Station conditions. The disadvantage of using the Paco pumps is that they cannot be equipped with a mix flushing valve that comes standard with Flygt pumps, a feature that has become standard at all City -owned lift stations. The mix flushing valve has been proven to reduce grease mats in lift stations prone to high levels of grease. The savings between Alternative 2 and Alternative 1 is the cost for the new pumps, pump bases and flushing valve, estimated at $4,500. Alternative 3 The third alternative is to remove all of the existing pumping system and replace it with an economical stand-alone package pump station similar to the Environmental One brand sold locally by Correct Equipment. The Environmental One package is a drop -in, self-contained packaged pump station that uses duplex grinder pumps and includes check valves, a level control system and discharge connections. It was determined early in our review that Environmental One did not offer a package that could meet the flow and head characteristics of the Denny's Lift Station; therefore, it is not a feasible alternative. Cost estimates for a similar packaged pump station with vortex pumps suited for the pump conditions was offered by Correct Equipment for an installed price of nearly $40,000. Alternative 4 The fourth alternative is to leave the existing pumping system in place and provide a permanent pumping bypass system that would allow the City to quickly restore the lift station to temporary operations in the event of a catastrophic failure of the electrical system or pumps. For a minimal investment of $3,000 to $5,000, the City could continue to use the existing pumps and control panel knowing that a bypass pumping system could be installed quickly with little or no downtime at the Denny's restaurant. The estimated cost includes installing a suction pipe in the wetwell, an above -grade connection port on the force main and a power plug in the existing electrical panel, and purchasing of a trash pump suited for this type of operation. The suction pipe would be equipped with a connection port that matches the City vactor truck, providing another option for removing wastewater from the failed lift station. Engineering Cost and Timing The engineering cost to complete the design work for the alternatives will vary only slightly between the different choices presented. We estimate the cost to complete the preferred alternative design, assist during construction and close out the project to be under $10,000. With your verbal authorization, we will continue to work under the original contract to complete this work. We will not exceed $10,000 without explanation and additional authorization for the higher costs. We are prepared to start immediately upon the City reaching a decision on how to proceed. 09/08/09 9.29 AN1 J:\.data\REN\108-05G\Design\Ltr to Mike Benoit re Design Altematives Summarv.docx Mr. Mike Benoit September 8, 2009 Page 4 Please review the proposed alternatives and contact us to discuss at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. _ Mark Miller, P.E. Project Manager N1ti1/jw/kj 09/08/09 9:29 Ana ,3•8t61t Al ? r 22780 - STFKt. �v J?data\RFN\108-05G\Desien\Lrr to Mike Benoit re Design :Vtematives Sununary.docx E N G I N E E R S P L A N N E R S S C I E N T I S T S NW RH2 ENGINEERING. INC www.rh2.com September 18, 2009 mailbox@rh2.com 1.800.720.8052 BELLINGHAM 454 W Horton Rd Mr. Mike Benoit Bellingham, WA 98226 City of Renton (tel) 360.676.0836 1055 S. Grade Way, 5,h Floor (fax) 360.676.0837 Renton, WA 98805 BOTHELL ,Sent Via: US Mail and Email 12100 NE 195t° St, Ste 100 Bothell, WA 98011 Subject: Denny's Lift Station Additional Improvement Options (tel) 425.951.5400 (fax) 425.398.2774 Dear Mike: EAST WENATCHEE When RH2 Engineering (RH2) last met with you in August to discuss the available 300 Simon St SE, Ste 5 alternatives for improving the reliability of the Denny's Lift Station (Denny's), we were East Wenatchee, WA 98802 asked to further investigate the use of the Flygt NP 3127 pumps from the (tel) 509.886.2900 decommissioned Highlands Estates Lift Station. Specifically, RH2 was asked to determine (fax) 509.886.2313 if adjustments to the impeller could change the performance of the pump to better fit the pumping conditions at Denny's for the next seven to ten years. We discussed the options MUKILTEO 11524 Mukilteo Speedway with Mr. Noel Vivion of Whitney Equipment and offer the following options for the City Ste 203 of Renton's (City) consideration. As you are aware, Whitney Equipment is an authorized Mukilteo, WA98275 Flygt pump representative in the State of Washington that services the submersible pumps (tel) 425.493.2519 owned and operated by the City. (fax) 425.398.2774 Option 1— Use Highlands Estates Pumps RICHLAND After further review of the downstream conditions of the Denny's force main and our 114 Columbia Point Dr, Ste C conversation with Mr. Vivion, installing the Flygt NP 3127 pumps from the Highlands Richland, WA99352 Estate Lift Station is a viable option. We have concluded that the receiving manhole can (tel) 509.946.5181 handle the estimated flow of 270 gpm produced by a single operating pump under normal (fax) 509.946.4630 head conditions. The 12-inch pipe downstream of the receiving manhole is adequately sized to take full flow without creating a surcharge and flooding the manhole. In the SILVERDALE event a surcharge does occur, a discharge valve can be closed down to reduce the flow. 2021 NW Myhre Rd, Ste 107 Alternatively, the flow rate produced by the pump could be adjusted to a lower rate using Silverdale, WA98383 a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD), see Option 2 below. A change in the impeller is not (tel) 360.698.6528 necessary under this option and the short operating time each pump will operate (less than (fax) 360.698.0510 two minutes in most cases) is not a concern of the pump manufacturer. The construction cost for this option is estimated at $27,000 before taxes. TACOMA One Pacific Building 621 Pacific Ave, Ste 104 Tacoma, WA 98402 (tel) 253.272.3059 (fax) 425.398.2774 09118109 3 11 I'M 1VdataARENM08-(156ADe_iivnA20090918-Lb-,A113cnoil-hnproarmcnU�ptinnc.dnc Mr. Mike Benoit September 18, 2009 Page 2 Option 2 — Use Highlands Estates Pumps with a VFD Alternatively, RH2 reviewed the option of installing 10 horsepower VFD units on each of the Flygt NP 3127 pumps to vary the flow rate by reducing the speed of the motor. Each pump would be provided with a Flygt mixing flush valve set to close approximately one minute after the motor is started. At this time, the motor would be slowed down to produce a lower flow rate. This option would provide a good wetwell flush with little risk of clogging the pumps when reducing the motor speed. Clogging of small submersible pumps is a common problem when using a VFD at slow starting speeds. Starting at full speed should eliminate that problem. The cost of adding this feature to Denny's is estimated at $2,500 using a medium duty VFD with minimal features. Besides the additional cost, this option adds complexity and risk for electrical failure with power surges from lightning strikes or electrical distribution irregularities. This option was discussed with the City and was not chosen as the preferred option. RH2 also explored the possibility of installing a Flygt mixing flush valve in a special configuration with Paco pumps from the decommissioned Scott Glen Lift Station. We discussed this option with Mr. Vivion and he recommend that we precede with caution due to the fact he has never seen it attempted. The flush valve has been specifically engineered to work with the centrifugal forces produced by a Flygt submersible pump when attached at the volute. Other configurations may not produce the desire results. RH2 sees no reason why it would not work; however, there would be some risk that it would not provide the flushing results the City is looking for in this application. The cost to install a flushing valve under this configuration would be minimal if the City desires to use the Paco pumps. We estimated the cost at risk at under $500 if the City uses a flushing valve from its spare parts inventory. After discussion of the design options, the City has stated a preference for Option 1. RH2 will proceed with preparation of a plan to use for pricing of the construction. In summary, Option 1 consists of the following: 1. Install a temporary bypass system to allow contractor access to the wetwell to remove the existing pumping system and install the new pumping system; 2. Install existing Flygt NP 3127 pumps and components from the decommissioned Highlands Estates Lift Station; 3. Purchase and install a new pump control panel (PCP) along with explosion proof conduit and wire at the existing wetwell for operating the pumps; 4. Purchase and install a small valve vault with which to install check valves and isolation valves; 5. Reuse the existing telemetry panel and instrumentation. Connect pump calls from the telemetry panel to the new PCP; and 6. Install a new concrete lid with aluminum access hatch on existing wetwell. 09.11,9i09 9:01 .AN I I \data\REN\I09-Oi6\Design\Z009i)91R-Ltr-\Benott-hnpiovementoptions.doc Materials Cost _ ... ..... ... .....__..__ New wetwell cover and hatch $3,400 New pump control panel, conduit and wire _ _..... $8,000 New valve N,ault $2,500 _. ..... Temporary bypass system $1,000 Total Matenalr $14,900 Labor Electrician (3 days (cil $500 per $1,500 -day). __ Pipe Layer 5 days 35-0 per day _. $1,750 P 5s P Equipment O Operator 3 days $380 per day) $1,140 _( . _y)._ General Labor (2 days @ $350 per day) $700 Project Manager (2 days @ $600 per day) $1,200 Total Labor ._._...... _ ,S6,290 ........ .._ Equipment ......... _ Backhoe Excavator 3 days S00 per da _�vas @4P � Y _ Y) $1,200.. Total Equipment S1,200 Subtotal $22,390 Overhead/Profit (20%) 4,478 Total Before Tax _$ $26,868 If you have any questions or concerns please call. Sincerely, RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. Mark Miller, P.F. Project Manager MM/sp/kj 1 n 38613 yo9 Mr. Mike Benoit September 18, 2009 Page 3 22780 4 nib A�'i;11\ 09118I099:01 -ANI 1:)dataARFNV108-0WDesien`20090918-Lrr-NIBenoiI-ImprovementOptinn sdec STNG UN ro BE RESTORED TO CiTSM6 OR BEM Cu'. Aft RUG DISI C FMCOAA14 PK AS NECESSMY TO FACLIATE NEW TORLiMAN OOINECIION, CyPACTED DEPTH FLL, OOUPACIM ETRSIINC FORCEMAN PNPE FILL MTN RA" DRY CONOETE AFTER PROFm LOT ASTU D-m STAIM IS OPERATK NAL FRDCTCP) COMAM TO PRO'AIlDE TEWWAIRY BYPASS SY9N TO ALLOR UTT ST411M TO RDwN N CFERAMN 11,100LIGH OF CDVSTRLXIK]l E7L nw NXU47LETE YET RLL REYOYE ORSTNG UO AND PQ0W( NCO CONCRETE COWR. SEE LFT STATION MOTES ON OND NO CM, PROFILE VIEW 1' . 21-r EXfSIK CJIAMTY SERER TO IESTAN NN SERYICIE /- SEE COMMUNION 30CXJ E "M ON THIS VW PRONDE 2'■7 TMUST IL" PROPOSED CM -AI -SEAL BDOT (7YNCAL) PLAN VIEW CONSTRUCTION NOTES I TIE [XV84 I,►1 STATION ONLY SUMS THE DOWS AESTURANT SERA SMVLCE IC COWS MUST STAY N OKRA" DLANG C067M CTIDN. THE ERSrW,, LFT SLA" MALL STAY IN OPERATION UNTIL TIE PMPOSED UfT STATION 4 SUBSTATA LY 03WLE11 AND APORO'4D FM "IlCN BY CrER. A %ORT CISB MN N SERVCE WU M ALLM FOR INSTKllENT OF IELiN31lARY BYPASS Sn Ell SEE NOTE 2 2. TK CMSTRACTON R. RESPOMM E /JR FROVDNG A 'EMPORARY SERER BYPASS SYSTEM TO AUOR fCR GORF: N TIE ER6M0 MaCIRIETE ET YELL. A TEARY Cl"11I014 N SERER SUMM TO pLTRNYS RLL BE AUORE.D TOO INSTALT.SOTT OF TFE BYPASS 541d TW CONTRACTCR SHALL COdWAIE WIN DEWY'S TO WOAZE DWPTKN TO TIER iARESS TYK OONTRKM SKOL D ANTIOPATE NSTALLMC K BYPASS AT M LOWST FLOR CC0110115 ESTIMATED TO DLCUR BETWEN 100 AM AND 5 OO AM 1 PEUSE E70SM4 LEYF TRANSDUCER AND FLOATS, PROTECT FROM OMAGE DAK CONSTIkKTION OPOM TNRJST RESTRAINT I MECHANICAL LEGEND I of FLYOT UP 3127 AIMYERSELE TPUNP NTH i 04PNAAX. ENOM ftMIS WIN REOM.ATLON fil/5mr VKVE Q P OLIO( OIAMMKCT ►Uli BASE AND CISCNAWA ELBOW 0 i DI PK (R.PE) "Y PDX AND FFRSIN COAT. LENGTH AS REARED 4Q i ID BD' am (FL) Qi Ir Oi PPE (%0), APPROIL /' MGM © A- DI FCA 07 Ir WATUARQNT SMIG 040 VALVE n.'Ll V f ECCENTRIC P" VALVE (ndQ 5o A' CI B4 BEND (FT) ®4'phT(N 0 A' O PIPE (FLOE) WIN SNACxLE RODS. APPRON LENGM 4 i D PIE (FLOE) M EIOSTTNG FCA aU-WN APPROT_ 7 LDIGTN C BI AS' BEIO (NJ) VALVE VAULT. 'J%JIY VA1T 6KM 504-LA OR *PPQTED ULIAL. BASIC GALVANIZED AMM NAT(YI. PROVIOE WAR" OMNG ® r4w VET TTELL TOP WIlk CALVAMIn ACCESS YIATCH z Q r- t z o. z 90' r.. wF- OF V z W A V � wru wwmw,a. rc. 4" Sol �.rr.x.r� r eLc.T3+Am: �oY rS•N .[ >6n srt s.� rm QO�ia ..s .cwR 1W sa.« TAW1, Tr4 T 114 u.o n� Fsr. o�i 0•s Sb C Pk,vRT�OKR 1m. a wy. Na s1. ire TAC�O�IA AT M1Aa •fir SJM +M � It RIENGIN EE R S N N E R N T I S T S RH2 ENGINEERING, INC www.rh2.com September 18, 2009 RECEIVED mailbox@rh2.com 1.800.720.8052 SEP 2 2 2009 CITY OF RENTON BELLINGHAM UTILITY SYSTEMS 454 W Horton Rd Mr. Mike Benoit Bellingham, WA 98226 City of Renton (tel) 360.676.0836 1055 S. Grady Way, 5rh Floor (fax) 360.676.0837 Renton, WA 98805 BOTHELL Sent Via. US Mail and Eviail 12100 NE 195th St, Ste 100 Bothell, WA 98011 Subject: Denny's Lift Station Additional Improvement Options (tel) 425.951.5400 (fax) 425.398.2774 Dear Mike: EAST WENATCHEE When RH2 Engineering (RH2) last met with you in August to discuss the available 300 Simon St SE, Ste 5 alternatives for improving the reliability of the Denny's Lift Station (Denny's), we were East Wenatchee, WA 98802 asked to further investigate the use of the Flygt NP 3127 pumps from the (tell 509.886.2900 decommissioned Highlands Estates Lift Station. Specifically, RH2 was asked to determine (fax) 509.886.2313 if adjustments to the impeller could change the performance of the pump to better fit the MUKILTEO pumping conditions at Denny's for the next seven to ten years. We discussed the options 11524 Mukilteo Speedway with Mr. Noel Vivion of Whitney Equipment and offer the following options for the City Ste 203 of Renton's (City) consideration. As you are aware, Whitney Equipment is an authorized Mukilteo, WA 98275 Flygt pump representative in the State of Washington that services the submersible pumps (tell 425.493.2519 owned and operated by the City. (fax) 425.398.2774 Option 1— Use Highlands Estates Pumps RICHLAND After further review of the downstream conditions of the Denny's force main and our 114 Columbia Point Dr, Ste C conversation with Mr. Vivion, installing the Flygt NP 3127 pumps from the Highlands Richland, WA 99352 Estate Lift Station is a viable option. We have concluded that the receiving manhole can (tel) 509.946.5181 handle the estimated flow of 270 gpm produced by a single operating pump under normal (fax) 509.946.4630 head conditions. The 12-inch pipe downstream of the receiving manhole is adequately sized to take full flow without creating a surcharge and flooding the manhole. In the SILVERDALE event a surcharge does occur, a discharge valve can be closed down to reduce the flow. 2021 NW Myhre Rd, Ste 107 Alternatively, the flow rate produced by the pump could be adjusted to a lower rate using Silverdale, WA 98383 a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD), see Option 2 below. A change in the impeller is not (tel) 360.698.6528 necessary under this option and the short operating time each pump will operate (less than (fax) 360.698.0510 two minutes in most cases) is not a concern of the pump manufacturer. The construction TACOMA cost for this option is estimated at $27,000 before taxes. One Pacific Building 621 Pacific Ave, Ste 104 Tacoma, WA 98402 (tel) 253.272.3059 (fax) 425.398.2774 09/18/093:11 PM J:\data\REN\108-056\Design\'_00909184,tr-MBenoit-ImprovementOptions.doc Mr. Mike Benoit September 18, 2009 Page 2 Option 2 — Use Highlands Estates Pumps with a VFD Alternatively, RH2 reviewed the option of installing 10 horsepower VFD units on each of the Flygt NP 3127 pumps to vary the flow rate by reducing the speed of the motor. Each pump would be provided with a Flygt mixing flush valve set to close approximately one minute after the motor is started. At this time, the motor would be slowed down to produce a lower flow rate. This option would provide a good wetwell flush with little risk of clogging the pumps when reducing the motor speed. Clogging of small submersible pumps is a common problem when using a VFD at slow starting speeds. Starting at full speed should eliminate that problem. The cost of adding this feature to Denny's is estimated at $2,500 using a medium duty VFD with minimal features. Besides the additional cost, this option adds complexity and risk for electrical failure with power surges from lightning strikes or electrical distribution irregularities. This option was discussed with the City and was not chosen as the preferred option. RH2 also explored the possibility of installing a Flygt mixing flush valve in a special configuration with Paco pumps from the decommissioned Scott Glen Lift Station. We discussed this option with Mr. Vivion and he recommend that we precede with caution due to the fact he has never seen it attempted. The flush valve has been specifically engineered to work with the centrifugal forces produced by a Flygt submersible pump when attached at the volute. Other configurations may not produce the desire results. RH2 sees no reason why it would not work; however, there would be some risk that it would not provide the flushing results the City is looking for i1 this application. The cost to install a flushing valx,e under this configuration would be minimal if the City desires to use the Paco pumps. We estimated the cost at risk at under $500 if the City uses a flushing valve from its spare parts inventory. After discussion of the design options, the City has stated a preference for Option 1. RH2 will proceed with preparation of a plan to use for pricing of the construction. In summary, Option 1 consists of the following: 1. Install a temporaq bypass system to allow contractor access to the wetwell to remove the existing pumping system and install the new pumping system; 2. Install existing Flygt NP 3127 pumps and components from the decommissioned Highlands Estates Lift Station; 3. Purchase and install a new pump control panel (PCP) along with explosion proof conduit and wire at the existing wet-,vell for operating the pumps; 4. Purchase and install a small valve vault with which to install check valves and isolation valves; 5. Reuse the existing telemetry panel and instrumentation. Connect pump calls from the telemett- , panel to the new PCP; and 6. Install a new concrete lid with aluminum access hatch on existing wetwell. 09/18i09 9:01 .AN1 1:\data\RE\\I08-056\Design\20090918-Ltr-\-1Benoit- ImprovementOptions.doc Q Mr. Mike Benoit September 18, 2009 Page 3 Materials Cost New wetwell cover and hatch $31400 New pump control panel, conduit and wire $8,000 New valve vault $2,500 Temporary bypass system $1,000 Total Materials $14,900 Labor Electrician (3 days @ $500 per day) $1,500 Pipe Layer (5 days @ $350 per day) $1,750 Equipment Operator (3 days @ $380 per day) $1,140 General Labor (2 days @ $350 per day) $700 Project llanager(2 days @ $600 per day) $1,200 Total Labor S6,290 Equipment Backhoe/Excavator (3 days @ $400 per day) $1,200 Total Equipment $1,200 If you have any questions or concerns please call. Sincerely, RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. Mark Miller, P.E. Project Manager MM/sp/kj Subtotal $22,390 Overhead/Profit (20%) $ 4,478 Total Before Tax $26,868 rc 38613 �O�• 'is 101" /09 09i18/099:01 AM J:\data\REN\ 108-056\Design\20090918-Ltr-M Benoit-ImprovementOptions. doc � King County Assessors Record Search Page 1 of 1 Account Number 334330118004 Parcel Number (PID) 3343301180 Levy Code 2151 Description Appraised Value Taxable Value Printable Summary Tax Payer of Record DWO LLC 1 CENTERPOINTE DR #315 LA PALMA CA 96023 Tax Status Taxable Land $730,600.00 $730,600.00 P,nsa.A Roll Year 2008 Improvements $663,900.00 $663,900.00 New Construction No Total $1,394,500.00 $1,394,500.00 http://rentonnet.org/intemetapps/KCA/index.cfm?fuseaction=showproperty&R=1 03/20/2009 FOG CONTROL PLAN Company/Facility Name: Facility Address: Mailing Address: On -Site Facility Manager/Director.",rLyg�, Ei b; H 1 ck g r-s Business Phone Number: :2aia 11OF3 =1 Business Fax Number: Does this company own or rent the building? Own K Rent Property Owners Name: bcw uv'S < EE)q - Property Owners Address: Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) cause many problems in sanitary sewer lines. FOG collects on the sides of the pipes, causing sewer blockages that result in sanitary sewer overflows. The costs of increased maintenance on the sewer lines to prevent blockages are high. The city has implemented a FOG program to eliminate FOG from our sewer system and meet King County Metro requirements for sewer discharge. If any kind of visible sheen exists, the discharge is in violation of the standards. The purpose of this FOG Control Plan is to implement practices which will reduce the amount of FOG entering Renton's sewer system. Choose the one description that best describes the facility for which this FOG Control Plan is being completed for: Fast Food Restaurant Hospital Full Service Restaurant Nursing Home Drive through (only) Restaurant College/University/School Seasonal Restaurant Club/Organization Coffee Shop Company/Office Building 1 V ((^1\ IP " 1 FSE Data Facility ID# Name DFNr.;�f �'), II f F-: Lc.; C Address `i 7 5 o Lk WA-S H Q Lv & ►� E �,�� �, Owner oIcManager E"t^VA .r Phone ` 2.s zLi, %USZ Email gj j Closest Downstream M.H.Ninn�'S L-. }f GIRD INTERCF—pTTo-R_ — QErtQL C V Contact Person Type of food served # of meals served per day Peak customers per hour Garbage disposal GRD cleaning frequency, # of employees Hours of operation Peak hours of operation Seating capacity Dishwasher Health Dept. License # Number and type of violations �al .L Link to downstream blockage or SSO Jy kk � History of FOG discharges b Current FOG disposal method �d" Name of contracted grease hauler FOG sources Vapor hoods On -site or off -site cleaning Comments Cleaning Service Educational Materials of Renton D'-N�J1' s �I�T ST,=�TIJGJ ACEP�1E��T VOLUME U OF � �� WINTER UU08—UUOU �Y o BTU J���r—UU1 Uz ' wa WAWWW M PROJECT SITE �qr\ FIr o q E14G '�EEr�=, eW mr GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES ADDRESSES OWNER: CITY OF RENTON: 1055 S. GRADY WAY, RENTON. WA 98057 ENGINEER: RH2 ENGINEERING: 121DO NE 195TH ST, SUITE 100, BOTHELL. WA 98011 PROJECT SITE. 4750 NE LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD., RENTON, WA 98056 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION 1. CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS ALL MATERIALS, WORKMANSHIP, AND CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS, TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS, THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE AND THE CITY OF RENTON STANDARD PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 2. PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE A PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE AND TWENTY-FOUR HOUR NOTICE WILL BE REWIRED PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. 3. CONSTRUCTION SAFETY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND THE METHODS, TECHNIQUES, SEQUENCES OR PROCEDURES REQUIRED TO PERFORM THE WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO TAKE ALL NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC AND PREVENT NUISANCES WHILE PERFORMING CONSTRUCTION WORK ON THIS PROJECT. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TEMPORARY BRACING FOR THE STRUCTURE AND STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS UNTIL ALL FINAL CONNECTIONS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUNS. a. PERMITS A COPY OF APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON -SITE WHENEVER CONSTRUCTION IS IN PROGRESS. THE OWNER WILL OBTAIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL OTHER APPLICABLE PERMITS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLYING WITH THE PROVISIONS OF ALL PERMITS. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDING PERMITS. 5. INSPECTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANY BACKFlWNG OR COVERING OF CONSTRUCTION. 6. CONSTRUCTION STAKING THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE A PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION STAKING ON THIS PROJECT INCLUDING THE PREPARATION OF COMPLETE AS -BUILT RECORDS. 7. CONSTRUCTION STAGING AREA CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT SHALL BE CONFINED TO THE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS SHOWN ON PLANS. IF THESE AREAS ARE INADEQUATE FOR CONSTRUCTION STAGING, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WTH THE OWNER TO OUTLINE A NEW CONSTRUCTION STAGING AREA. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ARRANGEMENT OF THEIR OWN OFFSITE CONSTRUCTION STAGING AREA IF SHOWN AREAS ARE INADEQUATE. 8. SITE DRAINAGE SITE GRADES AND EXCAVATIONS SHALL BE SLOPED SO THAT SURFACE WATER FLOWS AWAY FROM STRUCTURES AND ALL WATER DISCHARGES TO AN APPROPRIATE RECEIVING AREA WITHOUT ANY WATER DUALITY DEGRADATION. 9. DAILY CLEANUP THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEANUP ALL AREAS AFFECTED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ON A DAILY BASIS TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER. THIS INCLUDES REMOVAL OF ALL DUST, MUD, ROCKS, ASPHALT DEBRIS, AND REFUSE FROM STREETS, SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS, AND ANY OTHER AREAS AFFECTED BY THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. FNLURE TO CLEANUP TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER DULL NECESSITATE A SHUTDOWN OF THE PROJECT UNTIL CLEANUP IS PROPERLY PERFORMED. 10, DEWATERING AND SHORING IT HAS BEEN ANTICIPATED DURING THE DESIGN PHASE THAT DEWATERING WILL BE REQUIRED DURING THE LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENTS TO STABILIZE THE SOILS FOR CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DEWATERING AND SHORING DESIGN. SEE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND APPENDIX A FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 12, EaSTING STRUCTURES AND UTILITIES A. EXISTING LIFT STATION: DURING CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TEMPORARY BRACING, THE EXISTING LIFT STATION SHALL NOT BE PERMANENTLY TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE UNTIL THE LIFT STATION CONSTRUCTED UNDER THIS CONTRACT HAS BEEN INSTALLED, TESTED, AND APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE OWNER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW THE COORDINATION PLAN PROVIDED IN THESE PLAN DRAWNGS FOR MOVING OPERATION FROM THE EXISTING LIFT STATION TO THE PROPOSED LIFT STATION. B. ALL UTILITIES: THE LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ON THESE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS ARE APPROXIMATE. THE SOURCE OF INFORMATION GENERALLY CONSISTS OF CONSTRUCTION RECORDS, UPUTY LOCATES. AND OTHER DATA OBTAINED VERBALLY FROM OFFICIALS ASSOCIATED WITH THE PARTICULAR UTILITY. OWNER AND ENGINEER DO NOT GUARANTEE NOR ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY OF THIS INFORMATION. IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT OTHER ABOVE GROUND AND UNDERGROUND FACIUTIES NOT SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS MAY BE ENCOUNTERED DURING THE COURSE OF THE WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE TRUE AND CORRECT LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES TO AVOID DAMAGE OR DISTURBANCE. C. UTILITY CONFLICTS: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT A ONE -CALL UTILITY LOCATE SERVICE PRIOR TO AND DURIN. CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER AND THE UTILITY COMPANY WHEN A CONFLICT OCCURS OR WHEN A CONFLICT IS ANTICIPATED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REPLACING OR REPAIRING ANY UTIUTIES DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION. 13. TRAFFIC CONTROL NOTES ALL TRAFFIC CONTRW DEVICES SHALL MEET MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES AND CITY OF RENTON REQUIREMENTS. ALL BARRICADES SHALL HAVE AMBER FLASHING LIGHTS FOR USE AT NIGHT. CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW THE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN WITH ANY ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS AS APPROVED WITH THE RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT. AT NO TIME SHALL ALL LANES OF LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD. BE CLOSED DURING CONSTRUCTION. 14, EMERGENCY ACCESS CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS TO ALL STREETS WTHIN AND ADJACENT TO THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE 48-HOUR NOTICE TO EMERGENCY DEPARTMENTS WHICH MAY BE AFFECTED BY ACTIONS OF THE CONTRACTOR. 15, CONTRACTOR INITIATED CHANGES CHANGES SHALL BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING TO THE OWNER FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO FABRICATION OR CONSTRUCTION. CHANGES SHOWN ON SHOP DRAWINGS ONLY, WILL NOT SATISFY THIS REQUIREMENT. CONTACT PERSONNEL CONTACT NME POSITION EdZE CITY OF RENTON MICHAEL BENOIT PROJECT MANAGER 425 430-7206 CITY OF RENTON OSCAR CANTU 425 430-74DO RH2 ENGINEERING MARK MILLER, P.E. CONSULTANT PROJECT MANAGER 425 951-5372 RH2 ENGINEERING SEAN KANDA CONSULTANT STAFF ENGINEER 425 951-5460 PUGET SOUND ENERGY POWER AND NATURAL GAS 888 321-7?1 OWEST TELEPHONE 800 526-35`- ONE-CALL LOCATE CALL 48-HRS BEFORE YOU DIG 800 424-5555 DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY REPORT ALL SPILLS 800 258-5990 RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT NON -EMERGENCY 425 430-7D00 RENTON FIRE DEPT. & FIRST AID 911 EMERGENCY 911 ENTRANCE / EXIT TO REMAIN UNBLOCKED AT ALL TIMES CONTRACTOR MAY BLOCK LANE. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN TO CONFORM TO CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS. CONTRACTOR MAY MAKE DRIVEWAY INTO ENTRANCE ONLY WHEN NECESSARY DURING CONSTRUCTION. PROVIDE "ENTRANCE ONLY" SIGN. PROVIDE "DO NOT ENTER - ONE WAY" SIGNAGE AS NECESSARY DURING CONSTRUCTION PROVIDE "LEFT TURN ONLY' SIGNAGE AS NECESSARY DURING CONSTRUCTION ml 9 / A pm 84' W -*# 4 � �r •� .Try wi• �7l " �,• r tr I • f P' Br TRAFFIC CONTROL OVERVIEW NO SCALE r qft M EXISTING SITE LEGEND + BENCH MARK SIGN, AS NOTED WATER METER 3-NOZZLE FIRE HYDRANT WATER VALVE ICY IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE YAP WATER INDICATOR POST WATER VAULT D.T GAS VALVE ii YARD LIGHT PAD MOUNTED TRANSFORMER ® SL STREET LIGHT VAULT CATCH BASIN TYPE I CATCH BASIN TYPE II SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE PA PLANTER AREA DECIDUOUS TREE RE RIM ELEVATION -- — G —... GAS — P -- - POWER (BURIED) - TELEPHONE (BURIED) - ^ --- WATER — — — — — — BUR.DING FOOTPRINT ---_>.-- CURB 1 FOOT CONTOUR 5 FOOT CONTOUR GRADE BREAK RIGHT OF WAY C/L RIGHT OF WAY PROPERTY LINE - -- SANITARY SEWER - - u- - SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN -- --- STORM DRAIN/CULVERT PROPOSED SITE LEGEND PROPOSED SEWER LINE PROPOSED ELECTRICAL x ESC MEASURES DRAWING INDEX DRAWING NAME SHEET DRAWING NUMBER COVER SHEET GENERAL INFORMATION EXISTING AND PROPOSED SITE PLANS Cm MECHANICAL PUN 4 M01 MECHANICAL DETAILS 5 M02 ELECTRICAL LEGEND SHEET 6 EDO PROPOSED ONE -LINE DIAGRAM 7 E01 ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN 8 E02 MCC DETAILS k TYPICAL PUMP CONTROL LOGIC 9 E03 ENGINEERS PLANNERS RH2 ENGINEERING. INC. httP://e rh2. .of.Ah2.— 1.1100.720.11KI52 BEWNGHAM en Mx 454 W.ei Nmim R.W BOTHELL 121W IE 19% Sire.!, Suh 1. WENATCHEE a.00 300 9— $tre.L SW. 5 MUK ILTEO 11524 IAAReo SpMOeo% Sidle 203 RICHLANO 114 CdumDiu PD01 DrWk 50. C SILVERDALE >eo . 2021 MY Whr. R4 Sint. 107 TACOMA eo.. 0 Pocik An Sib 104 SCALE: SH09M 0 1" 2" DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE IF BAR IS NOT 2" LONG nm 1 m e5 O SMK 001 Rol@ MLM em DEC 3, 2DO8 ` ND aeR REN 2 A 108-056 9 REwEDLS-D-GEN �O a / / a / a J� EXISTING POWERI NET WELL EXISTING WET WELL EXISTING B• STUB. DO NOT USE. / EXISTING STREET LIGHT. SEE NOTE EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED EXISTING CONCRETE WALK EXISTING GRAVITY SEWER EXISTING FORCEMAIN -- � EXISTING CURB TO BE REMOVED !! MAILBOX TO BE RELOCATED l/ DURING CONSTRUCTION /! 4 L EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT. DO NOT BLOCK. r 55 ,T— SS EXISTING SITE PLAN 1"= 10' q EXISTING WET WELL AND PEDESTAL ICV 1 i� Ir f EXISTING SITE OVERVIEW CONSTRUCTION LIMITS NEW PANEL TO BE LOCATED ON EXISTING ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE OPPOSITE OF STREET SIDE. SIDEWALK, CURB, AND GUTTER TO BE REPLACED ALL DISTURBED LANDSCAPING TO BE REPLACED POUR CURB BETWEEN NEW PAVED AREA AND LANDSCAPING — VAULT ISOLATION VALVE ENTIRE AREA TO BE PAVED WITH HMA — PROPOSED WET WELL — PROPOSED DRY WELL — REMOVEABLE BOLLARD, WSDOT TYPE 1. — CONNECT NEW FORCEMAIN TO EXISTING FORCEMAIN _ AT THIS LOCATION. // yc 55 / S� j } 'IIIIt II --- I // I/ PROPOSED SITE PLAN I'= 10 CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. EXISTING UTILITY POLE TO BE TAKEN DOWN DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION. TELEMETRY PANEL SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH TEMPORARY LOCATION. REPLACE UTILITY POLE, TELEMETRY PANEL, AND RAIN WAGE AT PROJECT COMPLETION. TOP OF EXISTING VAULT. ELEV=32.09' EXISTING GROUND. ELEV=30.715' EXISTING FORCEMAIN. IE=27.84' EXISTING GRAVITY SEWER INFLUENT. IE=19.175' PROPOSED GRAVITY SEWER FROM EXISTING LIFT ST. TO PROPOSED LIFT STATION. CARRY 2% S INFLUENT TO PROPOSED LIFT STATION. IE=16 PROPOSED GRAVITY SEWER EFFLUENT. IE=19.055' CONNECT TO EXISTING FORCEMAIN 45' BEND ABANDON EXISTING FORCEMAIN TO EXISTING WET WELL E PLAN VIEW I' = 2'- 01 3'-0 Q Q Q Q Q Q a TION OPE. 795' PROFILE VIEW I. = 2'-0'* LLASA eT e ya rGy 4� �2 �brersde 2truL d° I+. =• - A+ MN RH3 ENGINEERING. INC. http: //—.R 7 — mNeoAh2— 1.600. 720.W52 BELLINGHAM e w 454 Wet Hortm Rood BOTHELL 12100 NE 1951h SImt. Sude 100 EAST WENATCHEE seaa 300 sm. SOW. SuK. 5 MUNILTEO 11524 MAetw Spe Mb Sulto 203 RICHLAND 114 Colio Pont Rm. Suit. C' und SILVEROALE 2021 NW IMKe Rq Suite 107 TACOMA a 621 Pocik A— SuXe 104 SCALE: SHOWN 0 1" 2" DRAWING 15 NOT TO SCALE IF BAR IS NOT 2' LONG ur, 24 w eo. moms SMK M01 m MLM we DEC 3, 2008 aat N0 cart PEN ne No.: 108-056 g n OLS-D-1401 PRESSURE GAUGE, SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR MORE INFORMATION. /4' COCK. STAINLESS STEEL DIAPHRAGM SEAL. 1/4- NON -POTABLE WATER. 1/2.0 COCK. NORMALLY CLOSED UNLESS CHECKING PRESSURE OF THAT FORCEMAIN (TYPICAL). :�f 1/2.0 PIPE (TYPICAL), PRESSURE GAGE INSTALLATION NOT TO SCALE REMOVE EXISTING LIFT STATION FROM TOP OF MANHOLE. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO EXISTING PIPING AND ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS. RECHANNEJZE GRAVITY SEWER, ABANDON EXISTING FORCEMAIN. ADD FIBERGLASS LADDER TO FLOOR. REPLACE CONCRETE TOP WITH 24' MANHOLE AND ODOR CONTROL SYSTEM. EXISTING WET WELL MODIFICATIONS NOT TO SCALE e0 f 2 raPtAL ONE-UNE DIAGR W WAI OLS PANELBOARD0, SW ICNES, AND EOUPWW LKGHTWO F9fTURES/0011 EB ABBREVIAMM LADDER LOGIC SYMBo1 LEA a�of •.a 0<0 2 Oat. CIRCUIT BREAKER /YY XX% - C3 SIZE & NO, OF POLES ET -ELECTRONIC TRIP TM - THERMAL MAGNETIC BREAKER MCP - MOTOR CIRCUIT PROTECTOR SE - SERVICE ENTRANCE GF1 - GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER —�— FUSE FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH PLUG-IN CONNECTION R/M RUN TIME METER MOTOR OPERATION COUNTER SSRVS SSRVS - SOLID STATE REDUCED VOLTAGE STARTER VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE IF ® MOTOR STARTER A B MOTOR STARTER W/ OPERATOR C D DEVICES A -HAND-OFF-AUTO B - OPERATIONAL COUNTER C - RUN TIME METER D - RUN LIGHT E -FAIL LIGHT SERVICE ENTRANCE, SWITCHGEAR, MOTOR CONTROL CENTER, OR PANELBOARD SURFACE MOUNTED PANELBOARD FLUSHED MOUNTED PANELBOARD NXX FIELD CONTROL STATION WITH NEMA � REg1KREMENTS. N1 -NEMA 1 N4R- NEMAA43R N4SS - NEMA 4 STAINLESS STEEL N4F - NEMA 4 FIBERGLASS N6 - NEMA 6 N12 - NEMA 12 GASKETED —� EQUIPMENT MOUNTING STAND HEATER, WATTAGE NOTED ® EQUIPMENT CONNECTION SINGLE PHASE MOTOR. HORSEPOWER A$ NOTED FLUORESCENT FIXTURE WALL/CEILING MOUNTED FIXTURE EMERGENCY EMERGENCY LIGHT WITH SELF ® CONTAINED BATTERY tf O SURFACE OR PENDANT MOUNTED RECFIXTESSED RECESSED Fl%VIBE OO MD MOTION DETECTOR PC PHOTO CONTROL CELL SPOT - SINGLE POLE, DOUBLE THROW SPST - SINGE POE, SINGLE THROW WIP - DOUBLE POLE OO SINGLE THROW WP - HEATHER -PROOF GFI - GROUND FAULTINTERRUPT P _ POWER C -CONTROL J -INSTRUMENTATION PC - POWER & CONTROL CJ - CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION CKT. - CIRCUIT N.C.O. - CONDUIT ONLY UGHT - AL. -ALUMINUM CU. - COPPER HOA HAND -OFF -AUTO SNATCH RUN TIME METER OC OPERATION COUNTER PrL MOTOR RUN INDICATION LIGHTo SFT SEAL FAIL INDICATION UCHT SEAL FAIL TRIP RESET OVER TEMPERATURE INDICATION LIGHT JQL MOTOR OVERLOAD INDICATION LIGHT INDICATOR LIGHT INDICATOR U(THT A - AMBER G -GREEN B -BLUE R -RED C - CLEAR W - WHITE RELAY O RELAY %tt TR - Timed relay 123 CR - Control relay LIMIT SNATCH OQ10 LIMIT SNATCH, NORMALLY OPEN FLOAT SNITCH FLOAT SWITCH, NORMALLY OPEN Y!((� ,'l�o+ • 4�b`VP 4 4 8 �•�+*••yOti 2q�, LIMIT SWITCH 0.�--0 UMIT SWITCH, NORMALLY CLOSED FLOAT SWITCH FLOAT SNATCH, NORMALLY CLOSED �� TIME DELAY CONTACT TIME DELAY CONTACT, NORMALLY OPEN, TIME TO CLOSE PUSHBUTTON II PUSHBUTTON, NORMALLY CLOSED TIME DELAY CONTACT Q� TIME DELAY CONTACT, NORMALLY ^ CLOSED, TIME TO OPEN PUSH U� PUSHBUTTON, NORMALLY OPEN 0 0 �.� Y Q . & �I 7LT r[� 0 1V 1 FIRE SYSTEM SYMBOLS QH HEAT DETECTOR O SMOKE DETECTOR ❑D FIRE ALARM DISPATCH STROBE ALARM ❑A FIRE ALARM AUDIBLE/VISUAL ALARM 0 FIRE ALARM MANUAL PULL STATION f1VDICATETYPEBY LETTEI fNSTRUMENTMETER TIME DELAY CONTACT 0 TIME DELAY CONTACT, NORMALLY OPEN, TIME TO OPEN THERMOSTAT QQ�� 0 THERMO SWITCH, NORMALLY OPENNA V AH A -AMMETER VAR - YARMETER METER AH - AMPERE ACT R VARH - VARHOUWATTMETER PF -POKER FACTOR W -WATTMETER V - VOLTMETER WH - WATTHOUR METER VA -VOLT AMMETER TIME DELAY CONTACT TIME DELAY CONTACT, NORMALLY CLOSED, TIME TO CLOSE THERMOSTAT THERMO SNITCH, NORMALLY CLOSED RACEWAYLEGENO ADDITIONAL SYMBOLS 5'`�Py.°NLi-6r:•ND o PROPOSED POKER PROPOSED TELEPHONE y '� PROPOSED INSTRUMENTATION PROPOSED FIBER OPTICS BLh�D N6 0� `l�GI:IfY RELAY CONTACT, NC � RELAY CONTACT, INSTANTANEOUS CHANCE RELAY CONTACT, NO FLOWSWITCH FLOWSWITCH, NORMALLY OPEN F - EMERGENCY STOP K KIRK KEY INTERLOCK O POWER TRANSFORMER CONTROL POWER TRANSFORMER Q .r_....1._�,.� TRANSFORMER 100 THREE PHASE MOTOR. • HORSEPOWER AS NOTED HP SINGLE PHASE MOTOR. HORSEPOWER AS NOTED CE ELECTRICAL PLUG E"+ Q z O$ SOUND SYSTEM SPEAKER FL/\ A% SOUND SYSTEM VOLUME CONTROL B DOORBELL PRESSURE SWITCH �0 PRESSURE SWITCH, NORMALLY OPEN FLOWSWITCH FLOWSWITCH, NORMALLY CLOSEDO�/�re^T�, VALVE SYMBOLS PILOT VALVE SOLENOID I� VALVE IN CHECK VALVE CONTROL VALVE lollam* CURRENT TRANSFORMER VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER T CONTACTOR CAPACITOR T ENGINE GENERATOR GENERATOR CONNECTION DISCONNECT SWITCH , FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH Ey�� Iu� IpL COMBINATION MOTOR STARTER I01� AND DISCONNECT SWITCH _ — — — 480 VOLT EXPOSED RACEWAY _ 480 VOLT WIRING CONCEALED. UNDERGROUND, EMBEDDED, OR CONCRETE ENCASED RACEWAY 120/2DB/240 VOLT EXPOSED RACEWAY _ _ _ _ _ 120/208/240V WIRING CONCEALED, UNDERGROUND, EMBEDDED, OR CONCRETE ENCASED RACEWAY CONTROL OR INSTRUMENTATION EXPOSED RACEWAY CONTROL OR INSTRUMENTATION, UNDERGROUND, EMBEDDED, OR CONCRETE ENCASED RACEWAY -- HOME RUN ?O PANELPOARO OR AS INDICATED FF�--111 Z , F�"1 � 'OUR v J J Q U PRESSURE SWITCH PRESSURE SWITCH, NORMALLY CLOSED --—� Q� 2 POLE SWITCH u Q f Q Q+Ci 3 POLE SWITCH I RECEPTACLES AND JUNCTION BOX SYMBOLS OJ CEIUNG JUNCTION BOX � WALL JUNCTION BOX RECEPTACLE S SOUD NEUTRAL �N 7 TERMINAL BLOCK TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SURGE SUPPRESSER �J FLOOR JUNCTION BOX PQ DUPLEX WALL RECEPTACLE , 120V WP - WEATHERPROOF G - GROUNDED IG - ISOLATED GROUND GF GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER gyp, DOUBLE DUPLEX L CONDUIT RUN, BROKEN AND CONTINUED SAME SHEET OR AS NOTED FLEXIBLE CONDUIT CONDUIT RUN. HATCH MARKS INDICATE NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS CALLOUT INDICATING CONDUIT SIZE, NUMBER AND SIZE OF WIRE. J¢' pRC. 2-/12 _ N� V y H W F�1 PID FORMAT SUPERSCRIPT X-MEASURED OR INITIATING VARIABLE Y�READOUT OR FUNCTION XYZ Z•MODI OU ABC ABC -LOOP NUMBER INSTRUMENT BUBBLE MID BUBBLE 11016 TIFMATION CHART EXISTING FUNCTION O INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION BUBBLE TVSS TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SURGE 0 o SUPPRESSER (ALTERNATIVE) L09 ID SINGLE RECEPTACLE, 120V SINGLE RECEPTACLE, 208V DUPLEX FLOOR RECEPTACLE, 120V ® I_Ap SPECIAL PURPOSE WALL RECEPTACLE, FVO RATING AS NOTED O Q CLOCK f\D CALLOUT INDICATING CONDUIT PER SCHEDULE XXX CONDUIT BENT UP OR TOWARD O CONDUIT BENT DOWN OR AWAY CAPPED CONDUIT USA STANDARDS FOR P31D O FIELD MOUNTED DEVICE OR INSTRUMENT let LETTER (MEASURED 12nd LETTER (READOUTI 3rd LETTER OR INITIATING VARIABLE) I OR FUNCTION) I (MODIFIER) . ' J , 1 i ♦-1 `' s r s GROUNDING SYSTEM SYMBOLS - GROUND I I METAL PIPE GROUND LJ�J A ANALYSIS ALARM B BURNER - I I C COMMUNICATION CONTROL I CLOSED E VOLTAGE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J— — — — — — _ — LL — — — — — — e FRONT PANEL MOUNTED INSTRUMENT OR DEVICE (LOCAL PANEL) BACK PANEL MOUNTED INSTRUMENT OR DEVICE ( LOCAL PANEL) CONNECTION POINT, EXOTHERMIC HELD. �— CADNELD OR APPROVED EQUAL GROUND ROD SIZED PER N.E.C. USE O EXOTHERMIC WELD CONNECTION AT THE GROUND ROD. n PIGTAIL, BARE COPPER, LENGTH AS `v REQUIRED, 6' MINIMUM. CONNECTION POINT, MECHANICAL, COMPRESSION TYPE TELEVISION , TELEPHONE G TELEPHONE/DATA MATH CABLE `� TELEPHONE/DATA WI1HOUT CABLE F FLOW I FAILENGINEERING, G GAS I GREEN BULB H HAND MANUAL HIGH CURRENT I INDICATE J POWER -' ---------------r------ K TIME I CONTROL STATION L LEVEL LIGHT LOWI I M MORON I I MIDDLE IN USERS CHOICEI 0 USERS CHOICE I I OPEN ---------I--------�------ P PRESSURE I 0 QUANTITY TOTAUZE I R RADIATION RECORD RED BULB 5 SPEED SNITCH I SOLENOID --'� T TEMPERATURE I TRANSMITTER I _ — — — — — — — —I— — — — — — — — r — — — — — — MULTI FUNCTION U MULTI VARIABLE I VALVE I V VISCOSITY I W WEIGHT I X UNCLASSIFIED I RELAY - -- I Y USERS CHOICE — — — — — — — —1— — — — — — — —1- — — — — — — Z POSITION I I I I I I I I RH2ENG VEER nt rn2.00m W0//M 1,ep�p,rp p�� B576. HAM OFFICE 0 134 W�el Narlm FoaO 9OTHELL OFFICE 12100 NE 21ao NE 95m StrrL swte too EAST WENATCHEE OFFICE 509.8e6.2900 300 � Str«t, SuK+ 5 F01763MHARoomce Am K43W S epp gyap Str..L y;Ie tot FRONT PANEL MOUNTED INSTRUMENT OR DEVICE (LAB ROOM PANEL) OPERATOR INTERFACE DISPLAY (LOCAL PANEL)� e OPERATOR INTERFACE DISPLAY (LAB ROOM PANEL) ELECTRICAL + SIGIYAI PLAN DEWCES SWITICH OUTLETS GENERAL NOTEB 5 SV SOLENOID VALVE COL ZS INTRUSION SWITCH MV MOTORIZED VALVE COL MD MOTION DETECTOR O MOTOR LT LEVEL TRANSDUCER FS FLOOD SNITCH HE HEATING ELEMENT LIMIT SWITCH PRESSURE SWITCH O PS PB PANIC BUTTON PE PRESSURE ELEMENT O THERMOSTAT SWATCH O FLOW ELEMENT EY ZS INTRUSION SNITCH -KEY G) ANALYSIS ELEMENT ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN SYMBOLS S ® STANDARD SWITCH, 120VAC, 20 AMP S ® 3-WAY SWITCH, 120VAC, 20 AMP 3 3WAY 3-POSITION SNATCH, 120VAC, 20 AMP, HOA ®HOA LABEL SWITCH POSITION HAND -OF -MOTION OR PHOTO 1. THIS IS A STANDARD LEGEND. NOT ALL OF THE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS PAGE WILL APPEAR IN THIS SET OF PUNS. 2. THESE DRAWINGS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC ONLY; EXACT LOCATIONS OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD BY THE CONTRACTOR. THE INSTALLATION OF ALL EQUIPMENT SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS OR DESCRIBED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN THE LATEST EDITIONS OF ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND UTILITY COMPANY STANDARDS. CONTACT THE UTIUTY COMPANY REPRESENTATIVES AND VERIFY THEIR REQUIREMENTS. 3. NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY IF CONFLICTS IN EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS ARE DISCOVERED OR IF PROBLEMS ARISE DUE TO FIELD CONDITIONS, LACK OF INFORMATION OR ANY OTHER REASON. NO PAYMENT WILL BE MADE FOR CHANGES WHICH HAVE NOT BEEN RENEWED BY THE ENGINEER. UTILITY POE AND GUY HIRE HH MANHOLE OR HANDHOLE �P BURIED POWER VAULT OR MANHOLE O1 TELEPHONE VAULT OR PEDESTAL F� FIBER OPTICS VAULT OR PEDESTAL (3-0 LUMINAIRE Fill[] PAO-MOUNT TRANSFORMER iI F SCALE: SHOWN 0 V 2" DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE IF BAR IS NOT 2' LONG S SINGLE -POLE DEE S DOUBLE -POLE 2 THREE WAY 3 FOUR WAY 4 $ DIMMER D S PILOT -LIGHTED P S KEY -OPERATED K S LOW VOLTAGE LV S MASTER PUSHBUTTON Rn, I •a E00 �+� snetm MLDY M ML em DEC 3, 2008 M0. 9 oesr. REN '"- 108-056 Row . DLS-D-ELCLEG CONDUCTOR/CONDUIT SCHEDULE NOTES: SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR APPLICATIONS AND MINIMUM SIZES. ALL UNLABELED CONDUITS ARE: 3/4' C, (2) - /12, (1) - /12 GRD MARK DESCRIPTION OF RACEWAY AND CONDUCTORS. 100 (i) - 1' CONDUIT, (3) - /ti, (1) - /6 (N), (1) - � GRD, MTS TO PCP 101 (1) - 2' PVC CONDUIT, PUMP CORD, PUMP 1 i0 J-BOX 102 (1) - 2' PVC CONDUIT, PUMP CORD, PUMP 2 TO J-BOX 103 (1) - 1' CONDUIT, (3) - /10, (1) - �10 GIRD. (2) - p4 J-BOX TO M51 104 (1) - 1' CONDUIT, (3) - pD, (1) - /10 CRD, (2) - p4 J-BOX TO MS2 105 (1) - 3/4' CONDUIT, (2) - /12, (1) - /12 CRD, LP TO SUMP PUMP xX XX X% xx xx r +.:,roCG EXISTING UTILITY METER EXISTING SERVICE ENTRANCE EXISTING ELECTRICAL o LOCATED ON SIDE OF RATED MANUAL TRANSFER ENCLOSURE. CONDUIT B WIRE PER ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE. SWITCH (MTS). MANUFACTURER'S PROPOSED PUMP CONTROL PANEL (PCP) + RECOMMENDATION. 48OV, 34. 4W 2 1a,YAL 6P O NA EXISTING TRANSFORMER ❑ �+° ,blt o'P \ PROPOSED TELEMETRY 0 )MCP )MCP —_ PANEL PROVIDED BY /// OWNER. CONTRACTOR a Y TO INSTALL AND 115 3 1130/3blr ++ EXISTING CONNECT ALL / / /� 7aNAL �` CONDUIT INSTRUMENTATION. REMOVE EXISTING _ TELEMETRY PANEL AND PFR EXISTING PRIMARY RETURN TO OWNER 1 AM AM! POWER BEFORE INSTALLING PF PROPOSED PANEL in, YA,r� 31' 4W MS1 MS2 C) • 240/120V a a EXISTING GENERATOR OF �L' RECEPTACLE LOCATED 240/120V 1 V l ON SIDE OF ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE. RECEPTACLE I— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — z - z EXISTING iD5 PROPOSED GROUNDING VALVE VAULT. SUMP PUMP aM WITH INTEGRAL PROPOSED WEATHERPROOF / FLOAT SWITCH. RECEPTACLE FOR SUMP PUMP. ELECTRICAL HANDHOLE /1. SEE O V 103 t04 DWG NO. XX FOR DETAIL �7 Q WEATHERPROOF EXPLOSION PROOF ^ W JUNCTION BOX. SPLICE FROM PUMP EYS FITTING (TYPICAL). CABLE TO FIELD WIRE. (TYPICAL) O Z ELECTRICAL HANDHOLE. SEE DWG NO. XX FOR MORE INFORMATION. yj WEATHERPROOF CABLE FITTING �tZ (TYPICAL) O Cn PUMP CABLE (TYPICAL) t01 102 BEVELED PLASTIC SLEEVE FORPROTEC ONE-LINE DIAGRAM CONDUIT EDGES CABLE FROM SHARP V CONDUIT EDGES (TYPICAL). NO SCALE z a W A BEVELED PLASTIC SLEEVE FOR PROTECTING CABLE FROM SHARP CONDUIT EDGES (TYPICAL). �5 PUMP NO.PUMP NO, 2 OR E R S N N _ R S _.. N T � MHI ENGINEERI— nitp://—A2crn�an GENERAL NOTES: 2.5 1.60072QB05P SELLNGHAM OFFICE G1. PUMP STATION WET WELL IS CLASS 1, DIVISION 1 HAZARDOUS 450.6lut M 454 Nwt Halm Rope (CLASSIFIED) LOCATIONS. BOTHELL OFFICE 425.951.5400 12100 NE 195tn Strut, S.R. 100 EAST WENATCHEE OFFICE 509.1166.2900 300 Si— Strut. SIR+ 5 PORT ORCHARD OFFICE 3ftSM.7950 000 xbw Shut. Suite 101 SCALE: SHOWN 0 1" 2" DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE IF BAR IS NOT 2' LONG Wm: 1 DISK Dmme DY E01 s arm MLM w1L DEC 3. 2008 J"' aac REN n w 108-056 nnwE DLS-D-ILN LIFT STATION LOAD CALCULATIONS 5 Horsepower motor 7.8 A >< 1.50 - 11.4 amps 5 Horsepower motor :110.4 7.6 A : 1.W - 7.8 amps Misc. Station load A : 1.25 - 13 om s om s 2 /Qua tst 4.� /Q4K »'0 �L 6L 1 it* O� H w z z g �o v w H oc O� a V� o w A � 1 IN EE R`- PLANN_R` S C I E N T I RH3 ENGINEERING ' Mlp://.w.rn2.can Leoo no.eosz BELLINGHAM OFFICE 760.6M.0876 454 Mt Hortm Roof BOTHELLOFFICE 425,951.54W 12100 NE IWI, St-SLA. 100 EAST WENATCHEE OFFICE 509.M6.2900 500 Smm SOW. Suit. 5 PORT ORCH ARO OFFICE 360.876 7960 5W NRUP Street. Sude 101 SCALE: SHOW 0 1" 2" DRAWNG IS NOT TO SCALE IF BAR IS NOT 2' LONG w 24 Dr E02 MLM ELECTRICAL PLAN " DECC we 3, 2008 = 1' apr REN ce w: 108-056 y RFNWE DLS—D—ELCTP FUNCTION OR ti ASA ELEMENTARY DIAGRAM PUMP 1 ELEMENTARY DIAGRAM PUMP 2 p9 ea u.e �CGy NAMEPLATE �bWeoa4° r0NA1. Cf,` T AMMETER AMMETERybe . s• eO rau. D'� AM AM MOTOR STARTER (MS1) MOTOR STARTER (MS2) LI OL TI L1 OL rI PUMP 1 PUMP 2 V r T L2 J MTR L2 MTR L3 T3 T AMP METER AMP METER • CIRCUIT BREAKER 480 VAC PUMP p CIRCUIT BREAKER 480 VAC PUMP /2 TO TO 120 VAC 12 120 VAC TT,, 3FUS 3FUS PHASE MONITOR (XF) x2) PHASE MONITOR X2 (XF) PHASE FAIL MONITOR Al .._._ _. .____ N 1 ____'____.. N E.y CLOSED WITH CORRECT PHASING CLOSED WITH CORRECT PHASING C1 W C1 ' MIN-CAS-120 FRONDED BY PUMP MFR (FLYCT PUMPS). ' MINI-CAS-120 FRONDED BY PUMP MFR (FLYCT PUMPS). �1 MINI -CAS 120' ❑ MCC MANUFACTURER TO PROVIDE TERMINAL POINTS. � MINI -CAS 120• ❑ MCC MANUFACTURER TO PROVIDE TERMINAL POINTS, .QRE�S�T P1 L� 6 5 rI MOTOR SENSORS RE T P1 6 (2) 5 T1 MOTOR SENSORS RESET RESET O j R (1} 2p8 2) 7 (NA PUMP CABLE) N (IL- 2PB (VIA PUMP CABLE) N O J (DO NOT CONNECT) 2 1D (DO NOT CONNECT) 2 10o O MOTOR STARTER V CALL MOTOR STARTER V 3 CALL 1CR-1 E-STOP Pn MS1 - P1 M 1 OL 1CR-2 J E-STOP P/2 MS2 a P1 EMERGENCY EMERGENCY O r IN, O J L¢ (1) (2) . ,_ (h (W) (9S (�) ... _, L-�� (1) (2) (1 ('� (95) ' I (�) STOP STOP �..q �1 Z 1P8 RTU RTU 1P8 5HP 4.4�L O O 11 PM BASE - ROUND ONLY BY MCC MFR. 7(A2) 11 PIN BASE - ROUND ONLY BY MCC MFR. OVERTEMP RELAY (2CR) (n (�U T(AI)(A2) awl 1 4 F'(A�l) PUMP n OVERTEMP (2) (X2) ro- R 1 r -' '�- 4 PUMP /2 OVERIEYP :(2) (X2) �o- R OVERTEMP OVERTEMP V L_ 8 (4) 20 8 (4) 20 y PUMP M SEAL FAIL PUMP /2 SEAL FAIL It 9 (2 (x2) A it _ r y 9 (2) (%2) �'� A SEAL FAIL SEAL FAIL A (4) 1lT (4) 1LT [04 MMOA E11!7�AJAI SEAL FAIL RELAY (3CR) E N G I _ E R s Pl AN NEFiS (A�1�1) SCIENTIST S HOUR METER HOUR METER It. ENGR1[LR1NG. — htm: w..rn2uin MSt 1ETM MS2 2EIM meR-*fh2.— 1.600.720.6652 (2) J L. (3) (2) (1) (2) HOURS HOURS BENGHAM OFFCE 360.675.0636 iCNT xNT 454 OW Natm R*W 2 START COUNTS START COUNTS BOTHELL OFFICE (1) 2 (1) 425.951.5400 START COUNTER PUMP jl IiUN START COUNTER PUMP it RUN 12100 NE 19% Street, SuiN 100 (2) (X2) (2) X2 �Oe G PUMP RUN PUMP RUN EAST WENATCHEEOFFICE NO8116.2900 soon StraL Suite 5 (.4.) AT f (4) AT PORT ORCHARD OFFICE PORT 360.676.7960 600 KiLmi, Street. Suite 101 PUMP 1 PUMP 2 SCALE SHOWN 0 V. 2" P1 CALL P2 CALL DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE (FROM TELEMETRY PANEL) Pt RUN REPORT - TELEM Pt OVERTEMP - TELEM P1 SEAL FAIL (FROM TELEMETRY PANEL) P2 RUN REPORT - TELEM p2 OVERTEMP - TELEM P2 SEAL FAIL if BAR IS NOT 2' LONG nm: I ma E03 IIR-IF TELEMETRY VOLTAGE MS1 2CR 3CR -`- 1CR-2 TELEMETRY ( VOLTAGE (24 VDC) MS2 : 2CR 3CR- - OuImepY R1am MLM nx DEC 3, 2008 M° (24 VDC) /T T aom REN n N2 108-056 B ��DLS-D-MCL UTILITIES #1 E A S E M E N T THIS INSTRUMENT, made this � day of , 19 by and between Paul A. Butrim and Arne R. Mort ns n, herein- after called "Grantor(s)", and the CITY OF RENTON, a Municipal Corp- oration of King County, Washington, hereinafter called "Grantee". WITNESSETH: That said Grantor(s), for and in consideration of the sum of $1.00 paid by Grantee, and other valuable consideration, do by these presents, grant, bargain, sell, convey, and warrant unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, an easement for public utilities (including water and sewer) with necessary appur- tenances over, through across, and upon the following described property in King County Washington, more particularly described as follows: That portion of Lot #2 of that certain Lot Line Adjustment Plat, City of Renton, LLA-015-82 recorded under recording No. 8301259003 consisting of a strip of land ten (10) feet wide, the centerline of said 10' wide sanitary sewer ease- ment described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest Corner of Tract 182 of C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Additionto Seattle Division No. 3, as recorded in Volume 11 of plats, Page 81, records of King County, Washington; thence S 00056118" W 10.00 feet along the West line of said Tractextended southerly,being 10' southerly measured at right angles to the South line of said Tract, to the beginning of a 10' wide easement lying 5' on each side of said centerline; thence N 8039102" W 30.00 feet, to a point lying 5 feet Westerly measured at right angles to the West line of said Tract: thence N 0056118" E 225.59 feet, parallel with said West line: thence N 44003-42" W 38.63 feet to a point on the North line of Lot 2 of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment 015-82, as recorded under Rec. No. 8301259003, records of said county: thence N 88047'17" W 150.00 feet along said North line; thence N 66017117" W 12.00 feet: thence N 43047'17" W 30.55 feet to a point of the West line of Lot 1, of said Lot Line Adjustment, said point being 32.71 feet from the Southwest corner to said Lot 1 and the Terminus of this easement. Said heretofore mentioned Grantee, its successors or assigns, shall have the right without prior notice or proceeding at law, at such times as may be necessary to enter upon said above described property for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, repairing, altering or reconstructing said utility or making any connections therewith, without incurring any legal obligations or liability therefore, provided, that such construction, main- taining, repairing, altering or reconstruction of such utility shall be accomplished in such a manner that the private improve- ments existing in the right(s)-of-way shall not be disturbed or damaged, or in the event they are distrubed or damaged, they will be replaced in as good a condition as they were immediately be- fore the property was entered upon by the Grantee. The Grantor shall fully use and enjoy the aforedescribed premises, including the right to retain the right to use the sur- face of said right-of-way if such use does not interfere with in- stallation and maintenance of the utility line. However, the Grantor shall not erect buildings or structures over, under or across the right-of-way during the existence of such utility. FIB FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF e, q alp Of in M CLM S- 3 3 / WON MUNICIPAL UK 200 M41 AVE SO. ftflliiK WA SM UTILITIES #1 EASEMENT This easement, shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding on the Grantor, his successors, heirs and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. 2A.Butrim au O Arne R. Mortensen O CD ci O STATE OF WASHINGTON ) M ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) public in and for Vh � State I, the undersigned, a notary p f� ee of Washington, zw hereby.�ertify that on this day befoaeyme Pau A Butrim 19 �, personally appeared and Arne R. Mortensen, to me known to be individual(s) described in oregoing instrument, and acknowledged that and who executed the fand signed and sealed the same as C i _ Voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. vL� 17'GG Notary Publi in and for the State of Washington Residing at &—Z - w�34a�� ar v go Ii ''Ar ZCE77r91<Ir 6-14d.1 rFLEPNOA)E RIP -Pap A3 F D��'D/ /1AF__l1'A 0 'l r-2.o.e3%- N c ?/ F.yo✓E exlsnNG ~, � AA°Ml oAk✓ / , lrw/cplf6m )✓AFiQ / PREdOUi1 AG>,y ! I\ \ \\ \ iA I 407VFAf CRAGVAIG AL & J.E. 717n'dr. AA)D L�AeeKE� AMMIAWO BLVD. N.E. SEE Y- ARME PLfA). N07E= -m4r Pita Ad 6ASEDOAI CURBEUrA'AW*zAGE OF *17ER aV&J DURI& WINTER A10 MP. AJ PRdtf r7Y /J DE1lLOPED UAPT& 4 rNE WAT�f LEtrLJ MAf A)CREAJE AND AjE d/fe 0#& &BJEL7721 /NrWj7r6Wj- HX491NG. A C, EXPAA IAOI) Of MVD 7D Pal f0M70 BE CDMPLETW PM OX 7D AAW f/CUA1G aV 7NE EXIV/AL' PoA)D. POLVETHy{{EEAIE T-- - (WfA<}� }EO D) - - )'Vn/D DE7,11L i✓rd ArIiff F/CCED 3-O ' ✓A�A`J a7naM a�FDI)D ExlJnUG Dac# /P V rD ROV/De FLOW JCALE /"'ID' 34736 ` i 17LF/d'A)eJ iG.0 . '7`P. 1 fd�. 3LTL � frliE RI •19:� .S9(AJ � re 3a7s rc 3ad4 cA J WA7E/9 '�3--frC54SO /AN2 6B jC 30.4L 7P.30.9 f.P. ?0.15 r.P. 30.34 R/M h- \\\ "FACE 26.0 e� rR ,-A 47 BOr •.z4.I0 tP 19.94 / IAN. • "4F Wf Bar-tf.4T l O� I-e NY A(L TO -e RAMP 9f D DBfACES T.P. Q / FG 3083 >[. 302f Fd.3/Of 1 RS z9.30 1 6or• le.3r� re..z9.LT ! 1 P. 1e so g 1PAtffd e0.s4' F f� , >✓/rC,N>rR f� 11z9./7 / d 3l-ef fG30B3 HDN=2r.Jl \ rL1d.98 re 24 Sao ; 9D•z t3 c 1 lvo �GWS A6,04VApAx�T f/ 7.:d .. 21. ;7 fd 36.)L SCE r� \ �CyC. .f�� / • cG/(AA`F f /Off FG iO� It? k- X a� \ L� rt S '36 n .31 9Pp' \- 0 � `•L 'a�`\/C ��l � ECG IV arewAINAill 1/1118,22.4 • •.u-� z1.3z fA.v - IN✓.-19.L - Ir ,_ 10.81(14) R)M'�haat 2L.72(As) Ba1'• /7.A9 OFFdEr FRAME JRA7E whlur- OPEAIlAiS' A! DA�C7G✓ Olaf LADC�t AMID IYEJ7R/CYCK /S Vkl/BLE A7 OAL° ext OF GRA/E ---\ OF &VM i s W /A. e Atae uewwr y � LIfT GAIE LK EQUAL r, 'r {CMP of CP 1 1�. . 1 ' �� fLDr✓ � LhgO dXAs ' .1 JE ,7\ \ 7ilPlCAL 4/L/1VAIEQ &PAfgfX TL'. al.LO )O A7J \ su/��t< NvrEs nl/d WAN COAMW FRaN 7NE dUR9Y AoAI-1 BV \ 3EdAk-- r Rd ,' E., INC. P0. 6OX 1031 PL"LLUP, WA. 9d 37/ $ BENCH MARK ROTE \ RR. JP/A- LS UP ON WEJr FACE 7ELEPN0A)E PALE oN NORrH d/A= DF J.E. 71.-,fr. , 2 "p T&,--PH0AIt \\ Pme EAST or LAA'E WA I111VO aU &VA A & CITY T �� OF f UW Df7LM • 79.63 IIIII \ LEGEDD \z9 -- -- eXldr1A)G MMIJR CAAWA 3 e oPASERS`�--�� .�o' FG J__�F/UISN CRADE T-L4 ql - may_ F/A11SN dilfFACE ( 4k) Tr. z9.zl -- XC. _- fop OF CW6 Z9 r.P TDP OF PAVIA)G zA4D f.MP. vp4Lrmr. �i1�RM CG•H/GH) Foe. FACE OF CGK6 5.W. -- - 6ACA' OF WALK F.L. .FLOW LIME L9.00 i9 ZP - i-7o T.W. _ TDP OF WALL i r dad IJ INV.-IA)VERr &d6144nO.0 L.F. _ -, )eAL FEET iP L0.-i7 2i d.D. 47DRM DRA/A% k07/7r1� / 40GD C41CN "IA).83 CfQtSA;EN n tJr3 i:^�f:4VAL ) • Bar. • /8.83- Ift X-C W/ 114" RECW-MlF-NWC /aER9RArae --\• �fROM-14A3 F09 hPPROVA r(, ( -n .g"g�,'�qp.,, N(AS) i3 N /1o•{ NEE k v /f /f/ tHY�' Oh " CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS x \ \b (-1 r Ad-RU/CT (A BPi;JJ67T RJ- 6- /Ak. GRfIDI/�G PLAN Fot DaA)VS s/6f8 938. 3474 /Nrf.PIM DPIlAtAL'£ AND fMOWW /MPADVEMENrf BML I W6 /) 3o d 3 Dnlern DATF /T- - I- nu no SON-- . . . . . . . . . . PW Aj 4C� IA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT U� o,, . M E M O R A N D U M DATE: January 14, 2009 TO: Rich Marshall, Wastewater Maintenance Manager FROM: Mike Benoit, Wastewater (ext. 7206)v+!r3 SUBJECT: Denny's Lift Station 30% Review Enclosed are the 30% plans for the Denny's Lift Station for review by you, Oscar, and Malcolm. We would appreciate a response by January 21, 2009. Enclosures 11 AFile Sys\WW1' - Waste Water\WWP-27-3456 Denny's Lift Station Replacement\Plan Review 30% Memo.doc\AGtp RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. 300 Simon Street SE, Suite 5 IN- East Wenatchee, WA 98802 G I N E E R S P L A N N E R 5_ (509) V86-2900 or (800) 720-8052 S C I E N T I S T S Fax: (509) 886-2313 TO: City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way, 51h Floor DECEIVED Renton, WA 98055 DEC 0 5 2008 Sent Via: US Mail CITY OF RENTON UTILITY SYSTLMS WE ARE SENDING YOU THE FOLLOWING: Letter of Transmittal DATE: 12/3/08 1JOB NO.: REN 108.056 ATTENTION: Mr. Michael Benoit RE: City of Renton Denny's Lift Station Replacement X Attached Under Separate Cover Via: Shop Drawings Prints Plans Samples Specifications Copy of Letter Change Order Submittals COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 3 30% Plan Review (sheets 1-9): cover sheet, general information, existing & proposed site plans, mechanical plan, mechanical details, electrical legend sheet, proposed one -line diagram, electrical site plan and MCC details & typical pump control logic THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: For approval Approved as submitted Resubmit copies for approval X For your use Approved as noted Submit _ copies for distribution As requested Returned for corrections Return _ corrected prints For your information Signature For review and comment For bids due: Prints returned after loan to us REMARKS: I COPY TO: I File;kj I SIGNED: I Mark Miller, P.E. I ExT: 15372 I 12iO3/08 10:14 AM J:\data\REN\108-056\20081203-Trans-REN-PImShects.doc 11/17/2008 Michael Benoit FW RENTON DENNY'S RESTAURANT ROMTEC UTILITIES' REVISED DESIGN Page 1' From: "Mark Miller" <mmiller@ RH2.com> To: "Michael Benoit" <Mbenoit@ci.renton.wa.us> Date: 10/31 /2008 10:10 AM Subject: FW: RENTON DENNY'S RESTAURANT - ROMTEC UTILITIES' REVISED DESIGN Attachments: 10-14-08 LTR TO SHAWN - REVISED DESIGN.doc; RENTON RESTAURANT - QUOTE - 10- 14-08.pdf Attached is the letter from Romtec that laid out the steps if you are interested. -----Original Message ----- From: Sean Kanda Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 9:55 AM To: Mark Miller Subject: FW: RENTON DENNY'S RESTAURANT - ROMTEC UTILITIES' REVISED DESIGN FYI Sean Kanda -----Original Message ----- From: Anisa Bear [mailto:romtec3@romtecutilities.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 12:01 PM To: Sean Kanda Subject: RENTON DENNY'S RESTAURANT - ROMTEC UTILITIES' REVISED DESIGN Sincerely, Romtec Utilities, Inc. Jason Morse National Sales Manager 541-496-9678 office 503-887-9984 cell 541-496-0804 fax COMPLETE PUMPING SYSTEMS WASTEWATER - STORM WATER - INDUSTRIAL PROCESS WATER - OILY WATER - ENVIRONMENTAL CLEAN UP - MITIGATION 18240 N. BANK RD ROSEBURG, OR 97470 P: 541-496-9678 F: 541-496-0804 INFO(cD-ROMTECUTILITIES.COM QUOTE RENTON DENNY'S RESTAURANT Customer: RH2 ENGINEERING M:► NT1►IXM N1117_1 12100 NE 195TH ST SUITE 100 BOTHELL, WA 98011 UNITED STATES Phone: 425-951-5460 Fax: 425-951-5405 SKANDA(a)RH2.COM Description Date 10/14/08 PRE -FABRICATED CONCRETE WET WELL - Includes Top Slab, Barrels, and Base Size: 6' Diameter, 18.73' Overall Depth Wet well: "Lined" w/ Ameron T-Lock (Does not include Certified Ameron Welder for on -site joint weld installation). Top slab: Pedestrian -rated hatch & safety grate w/ vent Base: Includes pre -fabricated self-cleaning sump basin & integrated Flygt discharge elbows Pumps: ITT Flygt "Duplex" pump package to include the following: Two (2) 3 HP - 460V - 3-PHASE One (1) Mix Flush Valve PRE -FABRICATED CONCRETE VALVE VAULT - Pre -assembled & pressure tested valve assembly Model: 4" valve assembly, sump pump, additional operational valve to isolate the force main & H-20 traffic -rated hatch in top slab ELECTRICAL CONTROLS - 480V/3-Phase NEMA 4 Painted Enclosure Romtec Utilities' Starter & Disconnect Panel w/generator receptacle PROJECT LOCATION: RENTON, WA PROJECT SHIP TO: RENTON, WA ROMTEC UTILITIES QUOTE TOTAL $98,135.17 CREATED ON 10/14/08 AT 11:47:16 PAGE 1 OF 2 TERMS OF QUOTE * This quote is based on the current design criteria provided to RU. Revisions may result in price changes. • This quote is effective for 90 days from above date thereafter all prices are subject to change w/o notice. * The contractor is responsible for interpreting the job specifications pertinent to this job. " This quote is not intended to meet all material/supplies required in bid # from Please check what supplies are required outside of RU's Scope of Supply. This quote includes the production & delivery of full submittals and O&M Manuals (5 hard copies & 1 CD ROM of each.) This quote, or any related documents, does not infer or guarantee any delivery or project completion dates. This quote, or any related documents, does not constitute a contract or offer by Romtec Utilities. Its purpose, notwithstanding any significant deviations from the assumptions therein, is to establish a price to be incorporated into a subsequent contract between Romtec Utilities and its customer. CREATED ON 10/14/08 AT 11:47:16 PAGE 2 OF 2 RCc�MTEC November 17, 2008 Shawn Kanda RH2 Engineering 12100 NE 195th St Suite 100 Bothell, WA 98011 Re: Renton Denny's Restaurant Pump Station Romtec Utilities' Revised Design & Quote Dear Shawn: Thank you for sharing your day with me and working on this Renton project. Romtec Utilities' now has a complete understanding of the application for this pump station as well as your client. 1. We have made the following changes to the design per our meeting (see attached quote): a. Added Ameron T-Lock lining to the wet well interior. b. Changed the valve vault hatch to H-20 traffic rated as well as flush with the grade. c. The valve vault also has a third operational valve to isolate the force main. d. A sump pump has been added to the valve vault. e. The check valves have a limit switch and swing arm. f. Slightly larger pumps (3 HP versus 2.7 HP). g. This design no longer includes a control panel. It instead includes a "starter" panel with pump disconnects as we discussed. A generator receptacle is included. 2. Attached are examples of good ways to specify Romtec Utilities, as we discussed. Examples #1 and #2 greatly benefit the City by controlling the product and the final outcome of both quality and cost. Romtec Utilities, Inc. - 18240 North Bank Road - Roseburg - Oregon - 97470 Office 541-496-9678 / Fax 541-496-0804 ii fo@romtecutilities.coin RH2 ENGINEERING SHAWN KANDA PAGE 2OF2 NEXT STEPS 1. Romtec Utilities will need to work with RH2 and the City of Renton so that all parties are in agreement on the bid document language well before the project goes out to bid. 2. Romtec Utilities will expect the bid language to "hold" all other potential supplier to the same level of design and supply as provided by Romtec Utilities. 3. Romtec Utilities wants to know that the City of Renton wants Romtec Utilities. 4. Once the bid document language is confirmed and agreed to by all parties, Romtec Utilities will be able to send its complete design submittal for your review and approval. We look forward to working with you and the City of Renton on this project. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Mark Sheldon from our office will be calling to discuss. Sincerely, Romtec Utilities, Inc. Jason Morse National Sales Manager August 14, 2008 RECEIVED AUG 18 2008 RH2 ENGINEERING, INC http:llwww.rh2.corn CITY OF RENTON mailboxCarh2.com Mr. Michael Benoit UTILITY SYSTEMS 1.600.720.8052 Wastewater Utility Engineer City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way, 5th Floor Renton, WA 98055 WESTERN WASHINGTON Sent Via: Email and US Mail 12100 NE 1951^ St., Suite 100 Bothell, WA 98011 Subject: Denny's Lift Station Replacement (let) 425.951.5400 Predesign Letter Report (fax) 425.398.2774 Dear Mike: 454 West Horton Road This letter is intended to document and report the criteria used in the preliminary design for Bellingham, WA 98226 replacing the existing Denny's Lift Station and recommending a preferred alternative. The (let) 360.676.0836 goal for the Denny's Lift Station Replacement project is to provide a cost-effective solution to (fax) 360.676.0837 replace the existing outdated station without impacting parking capacity for the Denny's restaurant. In addition, RH2 will strive to meet the standards that the City is accustom to One Pacific Building receiving in its new lift stations. A pre-engineered package lift station supplied by Romtec 621 Pacific Avenue, Suite 104 Utilities (Romtec) was evaluated for suitability in meeting these goals. Three alternative Tacoma, WA 98402 locations on the Denny's property and one off-sitc location were reviewed to determine the (tel)253.272.3059 best location to meet the design constraints. Rehabilitating the existing wet -well and equipping it with new submersible pumps was also considered but was ruled unfavorable because it increased the difficulty of construction without significantly reducing the project cost. The cost to install a temporary pumping system to operate during the rehabilitation of the wet -well is difficult to estimate; therefore, the estimate is often high. Rehabilitation the EASTERN WASHINGTON existing wet -well is identified as Alternative 1 in Exhibit A. See Exhibit A for estimated cost 300 Simon Street SE, Suite 5 information prepared during the predesign effort. East Wenatchee, WA 98802 (tel) 509.886.2900 Design Constraints (fax) 509.886.2313 Items of concern for the design include cost, location, aesthetic impacts to the Denny's restaurant property, maintenance access, lift station size and emergency storage. Cost is a major concern for the City of Renton (City) because the lift station solely serves the Denny's restaurant and project costs will be slowly recovered from revenues. When evaluating the preliminary alternatives, cost impacts were considered for all of the listed design constraints. KITSAP PENINSULA Keeping the proposed lift station within the City's right-of-way and limiting the aesthetic 600 Kitsap Street, Suite 101 impacts to Denny's were important considerations during review of various alternatives. Port Orchard, WA 98366 Access to the lift station needs to be improved for worker safety. Currently, wash down (tel) 360.876.7960 procedures require traffic control on Lake Washington Boulevard once a month and complete (fax) 360.876.7988 clean out of lift station wet -well is required once a year. Past flooding problems at the lift station have been addressed as part of several drainage improvements downstream of the lift station; therefore, moving the lift station to higher 08/ 13/08 2:56 PM Z:\Bothell\Data\REN\10"56\Predesign\Letter Report\Ltr to M Benoit re Denny's LS Rep] Predesign ver3.doc Jason Morse National Sales Manager 18240 North Bank Road Roseburg, OR 97470 541-496-9678 Fax:541-496-0804 Email: romtec 10@romtec.com Wastewater Lift stations U T I L I T I E S pre -Engineered Buildings M (425) 334-8588 Fax: (425)335-5947 1106 Vernon Road, Suite A Lake Stevens, WA 98258 rle wellenL'lkstevenssewer. org w ivw. iks tevenssewer. o rg (LAKE STEVENS SEWER DISTRICT Rick Lewellen Deputy Manager of Operations COMMISSIONER MEETING • 2nd & 4th THURSDAY DISTRIC T OFFICE Mr. Michael Benoit August 14, 2008 Page 2 ground was only briefly reviewed and was ultimately ruled out because of the aesthetic impacts it would have to the Denny's frontage. The only reasonable higher ground near the existing lift station was closer to the entrance door which would not have been received well by the Denny's ownership for obvious reasons. This area was one of the locations on the Denny's property considered for installment of the Romtec lift station, and identified as Alternative 2 in Exhibit A and Exhibit C. The other two Denny locations and the off -site location are discussed below. Considered Locations Alternative 3 - _Northeast of E visting Lift Station Installing an Romtec lift station northeast of the existing lift station was considered in an effort to improve accessibility to the lift station from Lake Washington Boulevard. This area was considered to allow for construction of a vehicle turn -out in front of the proposed lift station for maintenance vehicles to park during routine maintenance and wash down operations. The cost to relocate underground utilities that conflicted in this area and the required additional right-of-way for construction of the lift station were the deciding factors in not recommending this as the preferred location. The estimated cost to construct at this location is estimated at $265,000. Alternative 4 — Off site Location Installing a Romtec lift station in the vacant area south of the Denny's property was considered as an area that would improve accessibility to the lift station for maintenance. However, the area best suited for constructing the lift station is currently being developed into a car sales business. It was anticipated that cost and project delays associated with acquiring the property would exceed any benefit gained by relocating the lift station. This area was discussed as a possible location with the City and they agreed with our assumptions; no further review of this location was necessary. The cost to construct at this location is estimated at $345,000. Alternative 5 - South of Existing Lift Station Alternative 5 recommends construction of a new packaged submersible lift station in the landscaped area just south of the existing lift station. A pre-engineered package offered by Romtec was evaluated for this application. See Exhibit B for proposed location. The City owns the right-of-way that covers the roadside of the Denny's property; therefore, additional right-of-way acquisition will not be necessary for this location with the exception of a small portion for the connection to the existing force main. The City will also be able to use the existing lift station as an overflow manhole for emergency storage, and will eliminate the need for a temporary pumping and bypass system. Access for maintenance and wash down will be necessary from the existing south driveway, which will require temporary closure during the maintenance cleaning of these sections. The use of this entrance should be verified with Denny's, the Fire Department and other impacted entities before the final design is completed. The area should be paved to ease in maintenance operations. All factors considered, this Alternative 5 appears to be the best location for the new lift station. The estimated cost to construct at this location is $239,000. Evaluation of Romtec Utilities Package Lift Station An evaluation of Romtec's package lift station for this application was completed by RH2 to determine if a package lift station can cost-effectively meet the City's standards. To maximize the cost effectiveness of a pre -packaged system, minimum adjustments from their standards or offered features should be requested. The evaluation consisted of RH2 meeting with Romtec engineers to review this particular application and review of published literature. We have concluded that a Romtec pre -packaged lift station will meet most of the City's standard requirements with only one notable exception. No ladder will be available in the wet- 08/13/08 2:56 PM Z:\Bothell\Data\REN\108-056\Predesign\Letter Report\Ltr to NI Benoit re Denny's LS Rep] Predesign verldoc ON ON Mr. Michael Benoit August 14, 2008 Page 3 well because of inadequate room to install a ladder that meets OSHA standards. A larger surface area at the base would be required to fit a ladder, which would increase the project cost. Pump Design Criteria The lift station's size and storage directly affect site impacts and cost. The preliminary design should be based on a lift station that will be sized to handle typical average and maximum influent flow with minimal extra storage. As a result of RH2's recommendation to use a Romtec pre-engineered lift station, RH2's role in the design of the lift station components will be limited to providing the information necessary for Romtec to perform the lift station structural, mechanical and electrical design. The information to be provided will include the pump design criteria. Based on data in the Lift Station Replacement Evaluation Report, prepared by RH2 Engineering in 2000, and telemetry data from recent years, the proposed lift station will be designed for a maximum influent flow of 35 gallons per minute (gpm). Future growth for this lift station is not anticipated as the station will continue only to provide service for the Denny's. If the site was to redevelop at a future date, the City would require the new development to be fully responsible for any increased flow that may impact the lift station. The proposed lift station pumps will be designed to provide approximately 120 gpm effluent flow. This flow rate will provide the preferred flushing velocity of 3 feet per second (ft/sec) through the existing 4-inch force main. During design, RH2 will evaluate the downstream manhole capacity to confirm the proposed flow rate will not surge the downstream gravity system. Preliminary Design A preliminary design has been prepared based on the design constraints and pump design criteria previously discussed. -The preliminary design includes a site drawing of the proposed improvements (Exhibit B) and a preliminary design construction cost estimate (Exhibit A). During construction, RH2 recommends that the east lane of Lake Washington Boulevard be used for a staging area. Traffic control will be required, including a secure barrier to maintain a safe work zone. In addition, there is a light pole close to the proposed lift station location that will likely require removal and re -installation during construction. The telemetry antenna is attached to this light pole and will require temporary relocation or a temporary shut down during construction. RH2 recommends that any above -grade improvements have a low profile and coordination should take place with Denny's to determine an agreed upon landscaping plan and surface type for above ground structures. The proposed lift station will include the following. • A 6-feet I.D. precast concrete wet -well with PVC liner, including fiberglass -lined concrete base and a concrete top with Flygt safety hatch. • Duplex ITT Flygt pumps with ductile iron discharge pipe and a mix -flush valve on one pump outlet. • An influent slide gate. • A sump pump in the valve vault. • A primary pressure transducer level sensor and back-up floats. • A UL-listed pump disconnect panel and a UL-listed electrical control panel. • A Precast concrete valve vault with a traffic rated hatch. • Isolation valves, check valves and discharge pressure sensors on outlet piping for each pump in the valve vault. • A main isolation valve on the discharge near the exit point of the valve vault. • A level sensor output signal to the City's telemetry. 08/13/08 3:56 PM Z:\Bothell\Data\REN\108-056\Predesign\Letter Report\Ltr to M Benoit re Denny's LS Rep] Predesign ver3.doc Mr. Michael Benoit ft August 14, 2008 Page 4 • A new telemetry panel (Rug 9) relocated from another decommissioned station. The proposed lift station will not include a ladder in the wet -well or a flow meter. The next step will be for RH2 to meet with City engineering and maintenance staff to discuss the preliminary design. Upon completion of this meeting, RH2 will begin the final design. Sincerely, RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. Mark Miller, P.E. Project Manager SK/MM/sp/wr r� .F WAS,1 `C l (. F a R 38613 0 SIGNED: EXPIRES 7/15/09 Attachments: Exhibit A — Predesign Cost Estimate for Alternatives Exhibit B — Preliminary Site Plan for Recommended Alternative Exhibit C — Other Predesign Alternatives ,V %vASy,NLC CY , Gl 22780 ss�o\ �i.tc'� FXPIRES 3/19/10 09/13/08 2:56 PM Z:\Bothell\Data\REN\108-056\Predesign\Letter Report\Ltr to M Benoit re Denny's LS Repl Predesign ver3.doc EXHIBIT A CITY OF RENTON DENNY'S LIFT STATION PREDESIGN COST ESTIMATE FOR ALTERNATIVES Alt Description of Alternative 1 Rehabilitate existing wet well and equip with new pumps and motors 2 New package lift station on Denny's property at higher elevation 3 New package lift station on Denny's property Northeast of existing 4 New package lift station offsite from Denny's property 5 ' N,14*04W lift sty. > th of ' Recommended Alternative Item Description 1 2 3 4 $12,285 1 Mob & Demob (8%) $10,815 $11,671 $13,608 $17,779 2 Site work $25,950 $21,525 $21,525 $32,700 $31,700 3 Underground Utilities $0 $6,500 $2,500 $32,500 $4,000 4 Package Pump Station complete $0 $95,000 $95,000 $95,000 $95,000 5 Structural $21,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 6 Mechancial $8,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 7 Pumps and Motors $15,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 8 Electrical $22,000 $12,520 $11,040 $22,000 $12,520 9 Telemetry & Automatic Control $3,040 $3,340 $3,040 $3,040 $3,340 10 Landsca in $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $10,000 $5,000 11 Coatings & Finishes $15,200 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 12 Roadway Improvements $0 $0 $20,000 $0 $0 13 Temporary Bypass System $20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 14 Property Acquistion and Permitting $0 $0 $10,000 $25,000 $0 Subtotal Construction Costs $146,005 $157,556 $183,713 $240,019 $165,845 Contingency (10%) $14,601 $15,756 $18,371 $24,002 $16,584 Subtotal with Contingency $160,606 $173,311 $202,085 $264,021 $182,429 Overhead & Profit (20%) $32,121 $34,662 $40,417 $52,804 $36,486 Subtotal before taxes $192,727 $207,974 $242,502 $316,825 $218,915 Washington State Sales Tax 9.0% $17,345 $18,718 $21,825 $28,514 1 $19,702 Total Construction Cost Estimate $210,072 $226,691 $264,327 $345,340 f l? 8/14/2008,9:00 AM EASAG E ECOWAL AND 10MIRY ENCLOSURE TO REl0M1. UPDATE OECTACAL AND IEIEIETRT (RUG 9) PAIELS. 1 I l •�AIM / RiNAAMJJTATE D OW I VET VEIL EQUIP IM NEW PUMPS NO MOTORS. / PROPOSED VALVE VAULT � rW i w.w I 1 / a ALTERNATIVE 1 EASING ELECIRCAL AND TELEMETRY / PROPOSED ELECTRICAL EN( DLCLOSURE. PROPOSED TELEIEIDY / INSTALLED ON RACK OF E) PANEL (RUG 9) TO BE INSTALLED N / E)OSING DKXOS JRE. EASING VET WELL ♦ "�' PROPO VALVE b � a-Y ALTERNATIVE 2 PMox- %MPmR0WD'm"FrwWmT 1•-29 mri I I PROPOSED SKEET TURN OFF I FOR CITY MANIEHMICE ACCESS PROPOSED LFT STATION AND VALVE VAULT 1IMAMI5 PROPOSED EIECIRM ENCLOSU E NSTALLED ON BMX OF COSTING DELMU E EAST9 • ELECDNCAL AND TLDNERY oal Aw PROPOSED TRERETRY I PANE (RUG 9) TO BE NSTMLLD N +�EXSTMG DKLOSRE EMSIM NET TELL P � — F. Z a W w cn a u.l oc ALTERNATIVE 3 M; ,ovae 0RIOT MAN SHOM. o W Q ,•_za Ft Z EASING OETNYS WRONG -- O w + I � A w WANT LOT APM�w LOCAM LO INSWU PwMD OFT SDUTION /a TRUE ,RVL>ti NI(SI10NG in amcmm AIM WELEIEm PANELS NRN SNARED ENCLOSURE LOOKING SOUTH AT EAST SIDE OF VACANT LOT LOOKING SOUTHWEST AT VACANT LOT rDTE sENETt AID 1 01 1 E MAN ALTERNATIVE 4 PPNIG RNPRo oo,rs TOT SHOW I• -V RN1 ENGINEERING. IN._ 1900 't0.A05t BELLINGNAN OFFICE Sfi0.5)fi :A16 LSt .ell 11Rtm Roof BOTMELL OFFICE 4,5.951 5400 1710.) RL '951 st,eN. 9 A. 100 EAST WENATCHEE OFFICE YRXC.17'R IW 'rr;rS7M. Srt� 5 PORTORCNAA OFFI(.t MO BM mo 'n RR— SUM, S.4 101 DRAINING IS NOT TO SCALE IF BM IS NOT 2' LONG •2D K.p��. —SM PIN MAY 2A 2009 au1.o R: I0V-M , .a 0LS-P-M I Fl1ilL [IEC'�af /+a [la[lIl a4wi W iolr w[ o1c111rx Ml W![I[I' Vi q Wllai i Iw nn+vl I voL— �\µ —_ - �- 77 ALTERNATIVE 1 .. 1i1114 alCACU MIORM>M P ��yr-• nlumrn utcxx Dace/[ •�"a � cl"'p�i'�'W � .euuco n aal v Dent aslw nnculc. °'ace I I I ALTERNATIVE r-ro i H7i/ Ill {Mtll MO - r — \ 1 • . I �� N4�L V.ILI 114.�[ / J I IMNB aftllfY YOI i tSY � a /mow �Vut I • r_ • 1 (il[L llftAfX IIO RIa[1M / � � 1 wmLL ps quo �if4u[0■ / [ 'I I I• 1 ®i fills aIS05W[. \ Z W am L>u cc ALTER°` r IiQ n[l , W Z 1.M0 raoluei w lull O� own cw urt rrni �y � t .v �__ v.c.cl wl Y•Wlolll lOGtal W � • � _,�„ M _... �„c �� .. -.. :" +i- r. ( K.. .. •...'.i �{�� - :1� .- •. � awe a wor ro r�u �eunnmYlaW LOOKING SOUTH AT EAST SIDE Of VACANT LOT al�`l LOOKING SOUTHWEST AT VACANT LOT Paz - .rl ALTERNATIVE 4 ®Federal Supply Schedule Contract No. GS•07F-9402S f-jJ I —fi,e—1 c 1- Tr jw- f k-- sow IL p MLI 1. jw. G SA P Complete Pumping ALL Structural ALL Mechanical ALL Electrical ALL Communication 100 % responsibility for the entire lift station! ♦ Pre -cast wet well: 4', 5', 6', & & 10' dia., 10' to 40' deep ♦ Pre -cored concrete, choice of lining/sea coating ♦ Control building/weather shelter ♦ ITT Flygt & Goulds pumps ♦ UL listed SCADA ♦ Cummins generator ♦ Odor control system a Quick Quoting! ♦ Submittals ♦ Site plan review Size your pump station and get a quote! Call 541-496-9678 or visit www.RomtecUtilities.com Q0� f�- .t 3 .. ATM 0TI' Precast Wet Wells Meet the flow requirement for your project + Precast concrete 41, 5', 6', 8', 10' ID Wet Well Features iA * 4'to 40' depths + Available full exterior seal coating Standard wet well top + Lined or unlined * Access cover load designs: pedestrian or traffic -rated + Disconnect panel or in -ground junction box + Choice of: pressure transducer, k f] ultrasonic, PI U Q;Z), floats eA ""R RONITEC 10,1D T, 6'ID Wet well interior IAXWOZ J OM17 A\rnT.T/irr22' tj ' A _ ....,1 - m r '•+e'" r eA30. Ar r�. ic�c 1)1 i<<I I 1►►ill �� Pumps w ITT Flygt Submersible pumps 2hp to 250hp Choice of Liquid Level Sensors Romtec Utilities integrates your choice of liquid Floats Ultrasonic level -sensing system to conform to your specifications. • Floats L• Ultrasonic • Pressure Transducer 17 y •Probes Pressure Probe Transducer Pump Connection Choices Three ways to connect and disconnect pumps and controls. Junction box f ('.nntrnl nnnol Cable hatch & pump disconnect panel Get Started Tod Call 541-496-9678 or vi www.RomtecUtilities.c, �pnuast a C Fully Pre -assembled and Tested Simplex, Duplex & Triplex 211 , 4", 6", 8",10" discharge Pre -cast Concrete Vaults ♦ Double access doors Valve Flow Metering Wastewater collection agencies may require flow metering for billing and planning. A pre -assembled flow meter vault is installed downstream from the valve vault. Flow meter generates a magnetic field to measure flow within 0.5% accuracy. Flow data transmitter is located in lift station control panel. Pre -assembled Components ♦ Check valves ♦ Operational isolation valves • e e ♦ Pressure guages •r..i•e '- " Flow data transmitter Options ♦ Bypass pumping ♦ Pigging port ♦ Digital pressure sensor with reporting function ♦ Sump pump ♦ Ladder ♦ Fall control Complete system with flow m 4" fl w metering vault with bypass line. Duplex 4" valve vault with pressure sensor (left) tii: -• Triplex 10" valve vault i►� +v 5srai ytr^�r with bypass pumping - port (above) and sepa- rate pressure sensors w on each incoming line_ w (right). ®] :A 1T11'1'/"r 9 zoo, �, , . y ✓" + man r r" gift - Municipal/ PublicWorks Residential Commercial Industrial Environmental Transportation Power Generation Manufacturing Agriculture Mining Military We meet the spec! Call 541-496-9678 or visit www.RomtecUtilities.com lSot rol Panels & SCADA Basic to Full SCADA - We do it all! Every Romtec Utilities pump station has a UL listed Control Panel. We offer technologies from top manufacturers, and we work closely with local agencies and engineers to configure controls as required. Control Panel Features ♦ All NEMA-rated enclosures ♦ Completely pre -assembled, drawings included ♦ Choice of controllers: ITT Flygt, PLC, alternators, others ♦ Choice of telemetry: phone, radio, cellular ♦ Generator connection and manual transfer switch, optional automatic transfer switch to on -site generator ♦ Roomy interior for future upgrades ♦ Service -rated entrance switch ♦ Convenience light, power outlet ♦ Redundant high-level alarm ♦ Elapsed time meters ♦ Optional soft starters ♦ Optional VFDs SCADA /Alarming ♦ Fast and efficient alarms ♦ Complete lift station data and control ♦ Periodic reports: run times, number of starts, inflow and outflow volumes, kalarm log Lr E71 Duplex control panel with Flygl APP521 controller a r r r r r r inn r • Triplex control panel vnth alternator pump controls w 12 The Right Generator ♦ Diesel ♦ Natural gas ♦ Propane ♦ 20 Kw to 200 Kw ♦ Reliable standby power ♦ Portable trailer -mounted unit (top) ♦ On -site generator in QuietSite II enclosure for sound attenuation down to 66dB (right) ♦ Automatic transfer switch (below) WW-"-.JM eg Power Romtec Utilities coordinates all aspects of lift station start-up, including comprehensive testing by field technicians. 0ppp N tp. .. Tap R 1 C r i r A r - - �,^� ��+,►• art r �- �... _ e Geat'cn �wr -� Lagoons OR/ • r - K 'i Control Buildings & We've got you covered! ♦ Many sizes and styles ♦ Designs meet codes in all 50 states ♦ Fast installation ♦ Custom designs to your spec ♦ Available equipment: - eye wash sink - emergency shower - custom lighting - special doors - HVAC t s C��MTEC Request a Quote! Call 541-496-9678 or visit www.RomtecUtilities.com V. Prefabricated Steel Sun Shade Y Y i ti ti� e! Solid Concrete Control Buildings T 15 1r 0 Pre -Engineered Pump Stations RMTEC I - Wastewater ♦ Stormwater ♦ Industrial 541-496-9678 ♦ info@romtecutilities.com COMPLETE SYSTEMS ALL Structural ♦ ALL Mechanical ALL Electrical ♦ ALL Communication W�„(A�,S�TjE�WiA�TjER� S�TOR,,,,;,MW�ATER1NDUS;TRIAL IT ROMT EC � �I i C PROPOSED ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE INSTALLED DISIWG WET WELL TO ON BACK OF OQSTNG OACLMW REMAIN APO EE USED AS EXISTING ELECTRICAL AND TELEMETRY ENCLOSURE- AN OVERFLOW MANHOLE PROPOSED TELEMETRY PANEL (RUG 9) TO BE INSTALLED IN EXISTING ENCLOSURE. TOP CONCRETE RIM OF PUMP STATION EL - 32.09' s I PROPOSED O'F.PFTON PPE TO �\` WV E;- GPV ;SG J7. STATION E)QSTNG TREE TO BE REMOVED PROPOSED SIDE SEWER CONNECTION TO PROPOSED ry'Qr.— ity U.LR1ED MANHOLE Tu PULP DISCONNECT � . PANEL INSTALLED WITH LET WELL PROPOSED U T STATION AND VALVE VAULT LOCATIONS - I PROPOSED PAVEMENT 0+00 2+00 EX Wy1 RIM = 31.09' - TOP IjUT 29.20' PROPOSED FORCE MAIN CONNECTING TO II( EXSTING FORCE MAIN EX WVIRIM - 31.35' TOP N T - 28.50' -- Q EX WV RIM =31.30' — —_ TOP �UT . 27.90' \ EX C8 RNA EL 20.82' I PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN DOSTNC Pulp STATION PUP ENCLOSURE 1' - TO' APPRO)OMATE LOCATION FOR PROPOSED ELECTRICAL ENCLOSAIE EXISTING SOUTH ENTRANCE TO DENNYS D(ISTNG POWER POLE NO PUP STATION ELECTRICAL NO KLE M ENCLOSURE LOOKING NORTH AT PROJECT SITE \ APPROMMATE LOCATION \\ FOR PROPOSED UFT STATION AND VALVE VAULT EI'.Sivc PIMP STATION PUMP ENCLOSLT'E IF STA 2+42.66 E/W UNE - STA 2+00.00 N/S UNE EMSTNG ELECTRICAL AND /- MBETRY ENCLOM �i ,'SM`^� LOOKING WEST AT EXISTING LIFE STATION �z rov h1wa M jdFv j t � r es-w 7. t 10 0 IL -too IL -714 ty of, 714 Live Search Maps Page 1 of 1 U1 this page in a more readable format: Click Print next to the upper -right corner of the map. f' + f_ a `� r. , /-+-��, i�6; '- , '»,a � ... N..—___._• �<x�k+r-.r .. .e.v..,aMrs� -- "t`_ ..+o�ww�k.na'+v:.,.Hwr;-- .' 1 �,t'�!�,,s s http://maps.live.com/ 10/21 /2008 RU Scope of Supply-R040108 RASM T E C SCOPE OF SUPPLY ROMTEC UTILITIES. INC. 18240 North Bank Rd., Roseburg, OR 97470 541-496-9678 info@romtecutilities.com www.romtecutilities.com Romtec Utilities designs and supplies pre-engineered lift stations with both standard and optional components and features. A range of design and technical field services ensure the best quality and performance of the completed station. The Scope of Supply is unique for each individual Romtec Utilities lift station. The listing of all available standard and optional components, features and services appears below. NOTE: Romtec Utilities can supply other components, features and services not appearing here, but specified by the lift station site engineer and listed in the Final Approved Submittal Documents for the individual lift station. I. Pre -cast Concrete Wet Well Inside Diameter 4% 5', 6', 8' & 10' Overall Depth 9' to 40' Material 4000 psi steel -reinforced concrete, meets ASTM C 478-97 Lifting Factory installed lifting devices Interior Lining Ameron T-Lock pre -cast into concrete barrel sections and top slab by Romtec Utilities Interior Coating Raven or Tnemec by others Exterior Sealers Tnemec and other exterior coatings and sealers by Romtec Utilities or by others, as specified A. Monolythic Base Slab & Basin Description One-piece pre -cast concrete base slab and basin Interior Surface Concrete, Tnemec Sewer Shield or Fiberglass Pump Discharge ITT Flygt pump discharge elbows pre -installed in concrete base for single, double or triple Connections (simplex, duplex, triplex) pumps B. Pre -cast Concrete Barrel Sections Standard Joints Exterior Joint Sealer Penetrations Penetration Seals C. Wet Well Pre -cast Top Slab Concrete Lockable Hatch Single offset R-3 rubber gasket joints meet ASTM C 443-98 Tape Coat (joint tape) Pre -cored to 31" diameter; knockouts for penetrations larger than 31" diameter Pre -installed Kor-N-Seal or LinkSeals for penetrations up to 31" diameter; sealing by others for knockouts larger than 31" diameter 4000 psi steel -reinforced concrete, meets ASTM C 478-97 ITT Flygt Safe -Hatch Access, USF or Bilco (pedestrian or H-20) Cable Hatch (optional) Romtec Utilities' cable hatch pre -cast into top slab (aluminum, lockable) Junction Box (optional) Available in -ground electrical junction box in separate concrete vault Ventilation Wet well vent pre -cast into top slab (aluminum) (Optional: Gooseneck) Disconnect Panel Stand Romtec Utilities' stainless steel pump disconnect panel stand mounted to top slab (Optional: Available with ITT Flygt safe hatch) Page 1 of 6 C. Wet Well Pre -cast Top Slab (conti II. Mechanical Equipment Inside Wet Well, supplied by Romtec Utilities Standard Pump Discharge Elbows ITT Flygt discharge elbows preinstalled; ID to match pumps HDPE panel with guillotine panel for inspection/cleaning; includes stainless steel mounting Influent Deflector brackets and pre -fitted fasteners, stainless steel cabletbracket assembly Discharge Piping Schedule 40 - 316 stainless steel (Optional: Ductile iron, schedule 40 galvanized steel) Pump Guide Rails & 316 stainless steel Brackets Pump Lifting Chain & 316 stainless steel Hardware Pump & sensor cable Stainless steel brackets III. ITT Flygt Pumps 4' Duplex 3 HP -10 HP: MP3068, 3085, 3102, 3127 5' Duplex 3 HP -10 HP: MP3068, 3085, 3102, 3127; 3 HP-6.5 HP: NP3085, 3102 6' Duplex 3 HP - 35 HP: 3085, 3102, 3127, 3153, 3171 SH 8' Duplex 3 HP -105 HP: 3085, 3102, 3127, 3153, 3171, 3202, 3301HT 8' Triplex 3 HP - 30 HP: 3085, 3102, 3127, 3153, 3171 MT 10' Duplex 3 HP - 105 HP: 3085, 3102, 3127, 3153, 3171, 3202, 3301LT 10' Triplex 3 HP - 105 HP: 3102, 3127, 3153, 3171, 3202, 3301 HT IV. Liquid Level Sensing Devices Standard Primary ITT Flygt LS 100 Pressure Transducer Primary ITT Flygt conductive probe Primary MA Pressure Transducer Primary ITT Flygt LSU 100 Ultrasonic Level Sensor Primary Siemens XPS 15 Ultrasonic Level Sensor Primary ITT Flygt Floats Redundant High Level ITT Flygt conductive probe Page 2 of 6 V. Pump Disconnect Panel & Stand UL Listed 698; hazardous area seal -off; junction box; circuit breakers (no fuses), interupt Standard Pump Disconnect Panel rating =1 OKA; All level sensing intrinsically safe for wet well entrance. Service entrance rated; main power disconnect; separate pump power disconnect. Pump Disconnect Stand Stainless steel with lockable ventilated cable chase. Mounts to side of wet well top slab (standard) or other concrete slab as specified (optional). VI. Pre -cast Concrete Valve Vaults & Valve Assemblies Standard Vaults Precast concrete valve vaults, 4000 psi steel -reinforced concrete, meet ACI-318-83 building code, ASTM 6-857 min. structural design load, ASTM C 478-97 Hatch ITT Flygt, USF or Bilco hatch with large double access doors, pedestrian load (lockable, Standard Valve Vault Piping Class 53 ductile iron or schedule 40 galvanized steel Eccentric Plug Valves Val-Matic Series 5800 Eccentric Plug Valves Swing Check Valves Val-Matic Swingflex Series 500 Rubber -seated Check Valves Pressure Sensor Ashcroft 31/2 gauge and stainless steel iso-ring VII. Flow Meter Assemblies in Separate Pre -cast Concrete Vaults Standard Vaults Precast concrete valve vaults, 4000 psi steel -reinforced concrete, meet ACI-318-83 building code, ASTM 6-857 min. structural design load, ASTM C 478-97 Hatch ITT Flygt, USF or Bilco hatch with large double access doors, pedestrian load (lockable, Standard Flow Meters Siemens flow meters Page 3of6 VII. Flow Meter Assemblies (continued) Valves Val-Matic Series 5800 Eccentric Plug Valves Bypass Line Pre -assembled with eccentric plug valves (2) and Class 53 ductile iron Vill. Electrical Control Panels, Liquid Level Sensors A. Control Panels Power Rating 480 V 3 phase, 240 V 3 phase, 208 V 3 phase, 240 V 1 phase (with VFDs for phase conversion) Enclosures Types: NEMA 3R painted steel, NEMA 3R stainless steel, NEMA 4 painted steel, NEMA 4X stainless steel Mounting Free-standing pad -mounted, Wall mount with tabs, Mounted to top of well (storm only) Leg Kits (optional) 12" skirted, 24" skirted B. Pump Controllers - Stormwater, Wastewater or Industrial Primary Pump Control Alternators via relays APP521 (Duplex only) APP721 (Triplex) FMC 200 & FMC 300 Allen Bradley Micologix 1100 Allen Bradley Micologix 1500 Siemens Hydro Ranger 200 C. Liquid Level Sensors Primary Level Sensing & ITT Flygt LS 100 Pressure Transducer Control ITT Flygt Conductive Probes conductive ITT Flygt LSU 100 Ultrasonic Pressure Transducer Siemens XPS 15 Ultrasonic Pressure Transducer ITT Flygt Floats Page 4 of 6 C. Liquid Level Sensors (continued) Back up Level Sensing & Control - Independent of ITT Flygt Conductive Probes conductive main controller ITT Flygt Floats No Independent Back -Up If specified Level Sensing & Control IX. Communications Standard Telemetry Autodialer (AD2000 4 input autodialer) Web/Cell Radio Mission Station Monitor Radio Rado MDS — 900 Modem Westermo TD-33 for FMC controllers X. Standby Electrical Generators A. Generator (by Cummins) Permanent On -Site Permanent site mounted (with Quite Site sound attenuation) with automatic transfer switch, Standard Generator permanent site mount transfer switch with generator receptacle integral to the transfer switch. Available Fuel Types: natural gas, diesel, propane B. Other Electrical Options XI. Control Buildi A. Building Kits structural.) Standard B. Shelters s & Shelters (Do not include construction/installation, plumbing or electrical. All include sealed plan sets for your state including 12'-8" x 16'-8" x 9'-4" - Includes double door and exhaust fan 16-8" x 16'-8" x 9'-4" - Includes double door, exhaust louver & damper, intake louver & damper 20'8" x 20'-8" x 9'-4" - Includes double door, exhaust louver & damper, intake louver & damper Standard All are "kits" that do not include the base slab or constructionlinstallation Steel Control Shelter with 2, 4 or 6-post design Page 5 of 6 XII. Engineering and Field Services A. Scope of Supply Standard Documentation Complete listing and description of the components supplied B. Design Submittal Standard Documentation Defines all aspects of Romtec Utilities' Scope versus others. Includes all drawings and data sheets and basis of design. C. Drawings Standard Documentation Structural and Mechanical - Wet Well, Valve Vault, Meter Vault Documentation Electrical (Process & instrumentation and layout) for control panel, disconnect panel, generator and automatic transfer switch. D. Data Sheets Standard Pumps Performance curve, performance specifications, general specifications, discharge elbows, cord grips, leakage sensors, mix flush valve, grip -eye system & upper guide bar brackets Level Sensing Probes, pressure transducers, floats Wett Well Gaskets, penetration seals, joint seals, Valve Vault and Flow Valves, pressure sensors, piping, flow meters Meter Vault Controls Scope of Supply Warranty Romtec Utilities' warranty and others E. Field Services and Support Standard Services Underground Construction Advisor - On -site during underground construction Electrical Interconnection Advisor - Phone support from Romtec Utilities Start-up Technician - On -site to preform start-up 0&M Training Technician - On -site to perform 0&M training XIII. Warranty Romtec Utilities' warranty is 1 year 6 months from acceptance or 1 year 6 months from the Standard date of delivery to the contractor, which ever comes first. Romtec Utilities also transfers individual component warranties to the customer. Page 6 of 6 ROMTEC May 19, 2008 Shawn Kanda RH2 Engineering 12100 NE 195th St Suite 100 Bothell, WA 98011 Re: Renton Restaurant Pump Station Romtec Utilities' Design & Quote Package Dear Shawn: 1. The attached quote represents a prefabricated duplex wastewater pumping system that is based on your 5/14/08 phone conversation with Mark Sheldon. This quote reflects the following design: a. Duplex Pump Design i. Each pump will pump the peak flow design (124 gpm). ii. The controller will alternate pumps after each cycle. iii. One pump acts as a backup. b. Precast, pre -fabricated concrete wet well with associated piping. c. Precast, pre -fabricated & pre -tested concrete valve vault with associated piping and valves. d. Controls i. The pump controller is an alternator. ii. The primary level control devices are floats. iii. The backup level control devices are floats. iv. Dry contacts are provided for alarming. 2. The design includes the following services provided by Romtec Utilities: a. All pump station design and engineering by Romtec Utilities. Note: Includes all structural, mechanical, electrical and communication. b. All submittals and response to comments from the reviewing entity. Romtec Utilities, Inc. —18240 North Bank Road — Roseburg — Oregon — 97470 Office 541-496-9678 / Fax 541-496-0804 infoAvromtecutili ties. com RH2 ENGINEERING SHAWN KANDA PAGE 2OF2 c. On -site advisor to aid your contractor with all underground construction. d. Off -site electrical advisor to aid your electrician with all electrical interconnections. e. On -site start-up and training (two days). f. All operation and maintenance manuals. g. One year full system warranty. We appreciate this opportunity. I will be calling to discuss. Sincerely, Romtec Utilities, Inc. Mark Sheldon Vice President UTILITIES EXPLANATION OF ROMTEC UTILITIES' SCOPE OF SUPPLY & RESPONSIBILITIES WHAT ROMTEC UTILITIES SUPPLIES 1. Wet Well The concrete wet well has been pre-fabricated/cored/sealed and comes with all interior mechanical including: A. Ductile iron discharge pipes B. Discharge elbows (installed) C. ITT Flygt pumps with "C" impeller technology & "grip eye" lifting system D. Guide rails E. Drop bowl F. Concrete barrels with R3 joint & all gasket materials (pre -cast, pre - cored G. Top slab & safe hatch H. Pre -cast base I. Any and all items specified to be in the well 2. Valve Vault If your system has a valve vault it will be pre -fabricated, pressure tested and plumbed to the outside of the supplied vault. The valve vault will be pre- fabricated as specified and include all check and operational valves, associated piping, as well as pumping and pigging ports if specified. Unless your system is specified with an above ground valve assembly, the valve assembly will be fully assembled in Romtec Utilities' pre -cast concrete vault with an appropriate hatch. 3. Electrical A. Control Panel All Romtec Utilities' systems come with UL listed control panels built to the agreed upon specification. B. Level Sensing All Romtec Utilities' systems include the level sensing controls specified. C. Generator and Automatic Transfer or Manual Transfer Switch if specified. 4. Others Items if Specified & Agreed to A. Flow Meters B. Control Shade Structures C. Chemical Feed Systems D. Wet well liners and sealers NN UTILITIES EXPLANATION OF ROMTEC UTILITIES' SCOPE OF SUPPLY & RESPONSIBILITIES (continued) OVERVIEW OF RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Romtec Utilities' Responsibilities A. Romtec Utilities' designs, engineers and supplies its lift station based on a specific design criteria requested by the customer (see attached). i. Romtec Utilities does not design or engineer the overall site civil or site electrical plans. B. Romtec Utilities does not provide the crane or dig the hole. C. Romtec Utilities provides its "Scope of Supply & Design Submittal", operation and maintenance manuals, and training documentation specific to the lift station. D. Romtec Utilities will be on -site twice. i. To advise the underground contractor during wet well and valve vault installation. ii. To perform start-up and training. 2. Typical Contractor Responsibilities A. All underground construction. B. All electrical construction. C. All incoming power. D. All connection to incoming, outgoing, and interconnected piping. E. All telemetry/communication construction. F. Incoming phone lines. G. All permits. H. All inspections. I. All exterior concrete coatings. J. All crane and equipment rental. K. All truck unloading. L. All site planning and site development. M. All concrete other than the wet well and vaults as supplied by Romtec Utilities (i.e., generator pad). 3. Typical Site Engineer Responsibilities The site engineer (not Romtec Utilities) defines the complete project. Their 'site plan" (including all site civil and electrical plans) and associated design work (including the Romtec Utilities' pump station) defines the complete project. The site engineer typically determines the following: A. Layout of the complete site (all physical elements). B. All elevations and distances. C. All locations (all above ground, underground and building layout). D. All incoming power (and electrical site plans). E. Hole, base rock, and backfill specifications. F. All flow information. G. All connection requirements. 18240 N. Bank Rd — Roseburg — OR — 97470 541-496-9678 Office Ljk,.�5411-496-0804 Fax infolromtecutilities.com hftp://vvww.romtecutilities.com/ CLICK HERE TO VISIT OUR WEBSITE RENTON RESTAURANT PUMP STATION QUOTE Customer: RH2 ENGINEERING Address: Contact: SHAWN KANDA Telephone: (425) 951-5460 Fax: Email: skanda(cDrh2.com IttFlygt Rep: WHITNEY EQUIPMENT Contact: BILL CARSON Phone: 425-486-9499 Fax: 425-485-7409 Email: bcarson@weci.com Date: 5/ 19/2008 Description AMOUNT PRE -FABRICATED CONCRETE WET WELL - Includes Top Slab, Barrels, and Base Size: 6' Diameter 11.73' Overall Depth Wet well: Unlined Top slab: Pedestrian -rated hatch & safety grate w/ vent Base: Includes integrated Flygt discharge elbows Pumps: ITT Flygt "Duplex" pump package to include the following: Two (2) NP 3057 - 2.7 HP - 460V - 3-PHASE One (1) Mix Flush Valve PRE -FABRICATED CONCRETE VALVE VAULT - Pre -assembled & pressure tested valve assembly Model: 3" valve assembly & Pedestrian -rated hatch in top slab ELECTRICAL CONTROLS - 480V / 3-Phase NEMA 4 Painted Enclosure & Junction Box Romtec Utilities' Control Panel PUMP STATION SUBTOTAL $ 88,314.00 Subtotal -FOB Roseburg, Oregon $ 88,314.00 PROJECT LOCATION & SHIP TO: RENTON, WA $ 3,810.00 Total $ 92,124.00 TERMS OF QUOTE: * This quote is based on the current design criteria provided to RU. Revisions may result in price changes * This quote is effective for 90 days from above date thereafter all prices are subject to change w/o notice • The contractor is responsible for interpreting the job specifications pertinent to this job. • This quote is not intended to meet all material/supplies required in bid # from Please check what supplies are required outside of RU's Scope of Supply. * This quote includes the production & delivery of full submittals and 0&M Manuals (5 hard copies & 1 CD ROM of each.) * This quote, or any related documents, does not infer or guarantee any delivery or project completion dates. This quote, or any related documents, does not constitute a contract or offer by Romtec Utilities. It's purpose, notwithstanding any significant deviations from the assumptions therein, is to establish a price to be incorporated into a subsequent contract between Romtec Utilities and its customer An/sa Bear Agency: Authorized Signature LIFT STATION DESIGN WORKSHEET FORCE MAIN: Length: 300 ID: 4.00 Material: DI Change in Elevation: 20.0 BY: AM FLOW: Peak Flow: 30 GPM DATE: 5/19/2008 Pumping Rate: 124 GPM TYPE: Wastewater ACTIVE VOLUME: Station Starts Per Hour: 10 Pump Starts Per Hour: 5 Cycle Time 6.0 Gallons: 186.3 Well Diameter: 6 Well Area: 28.27 Depth Required: 0.88 Set Depth: 1.00 PHYSICAL ELEVATIONS: Finish Grade: 45.00 Wet Well Rim: 46.00 Influent Invert: 39.00 Influent Depth: 6.00 Disch. Piping Elev: 41.00 FM Discharge: 65.00 FM High Point: 65.00 Sump Depth: 2.73 Sump Elevation: 34.27 WET WELL: Diameter: 6 -71 Min. Barrels: 8.00 Barrels: 8.00 Hatch: Pedestrian Discharge Piping: 3" Discharge Elbow: 2" Options: VALVE VAULT: Valve Size: 3" Utility Vault: 577 Hatch: Pedestrian Options: STANDARD RIM: 46.00 FG: 45.00 Discharge: 41.00 Influent: 39.00 HL: 38.27 Lag Start: 37.77 Lead Start: 37.27 Lag Stop: 36.77 Lead Stop: 36.27 a: LL: 35.27 Sump: 34.27 Base: 33.27 SUGGESTED LEVEL ELEVATIONS: High Level: 38.27 Lag Stop: 36.77 Lag Start: 37.77 Lead Stop: 36.27 Lead Start: 37.27 Low Level: 35.27 PUMP: METER VAULT: Valve Size: N/A Setup: Duplex Utility Vault: Model: CP3057 Hatch: Head: HT Meter Model: Impeller: 266 Options: Horsepower: 2.7 HP Power: 460V / 3-Phase CONTROLS: Power: 480V / 3-Phase Mix Flush: YES Controller: Base with backup GENERATOR: Primary Sensor: 4 Floats Model: Back-up Sensor: 3 Floats Enclosure: Enclosure: NEMA 4 OTEC: Deflector: Options: Junction Box Options: CONTROL BUILDING: Type: Size: DUTY POINT: Static: 28.7 TDH: 34.9 Attachments: ❑ Quote ❑ Summary El Pump Curve Q System Piping El Quote Drawing ❑ Meter Drawing ❑ Electrical Drawing DROP BOWL ❑ Building Quote ❑ Building Summary ❑ Building Layout ❑ Design Criteria Q Freight Quote Other: RENTON RESTAURANT - WORKSHEET.xls, Printed 5/19/2008 ROMTEC UTILITIES COMPLETE PRE -PACKAGED SUBMERSIBLE WASTEWATER LIFT STATIONS PRE -CAST VALVE VAULT NOTE: VALVES AND PIPING SYSTEM, WITH EASY ACCESS FACTORY TESTED TO 100 PSI. FLYGT HATCH. AFTER ASSEMBLY, SLEEVE COUPLING, BURIED DISCHARGE PIPING 12" THICK TO (DI) VAULT PIPING. CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE .. _: -:-. -'-_1 (TYP. OF 2 BY OTHERS IF RED.) THRUST RESTRAINT COLLAR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (TYP. EACH END, BY OTHERS)I I I ' .• I I I I I ' FORCE MAIN., I I I I I (BY OTHERS) L s SLEEVE COUPLING, J DISCHARGE PIPING TO BURIED DISCHARGE PIPING. (TYP. OF 2) SLEEVE COUPLING, (01) VAULT PIPING TO FORCE MAIN PIPING. (BY OTHERS) 2 PIECE PREC (ADDITIONAL RI KOR-N-SEAL 4" FORCE MAI (BY OTHERS) CONTRACTOR, PROVIDED AND IN FIELD TRUS (TYP. BOTH Er PLUG VALVE 'A 2" DIRECT NU_ (TYP. OF 2) ADJUSTABLE P (TYP. OF 2) i.vm­cn c- o w n i w rn�m PLANS, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ROMTEC. INC. EXPLOSION PROOF ELECTRICAL JUNCTION BOX. PRECAST CONCRETE ELECTRICAL VAULT. CORED HOLE W/ KOR-N-SEAL HATCH SHOWN SCREENED FOR CLARITY (FRAME 10 & OD SHOWN). PRE -CAST TOP SLAB WITH SAFETY GRATE 150 PSF PEDESTRIAN RATED NOTE: WETWELL TOP SLAB IS PEDESTRIAN RATED. F-1 I A N I \/ I F- 1 A / AB VER 6' DIAMETER WETWELL SECTIONAL VIEW N.T.S. EV: 46.00' ELEV: 45.00' CONDUIT TO CONTROL PANEL (BY OTHERS) MINIMUM-(1) FOR POWER (1) FOR LEVEL SENSING SHOWN OUT OF ORIENTATION FOR CLARITY f CONTROL FLOAT. BARREL SECTIONS CONFORMING TO SINGLE OFFSET R-3 RUBBER SEAL ELEV 39.00' FLUENT SEWER (BY OTHERS) JENT DROP BOWL. D LEVEL SENSING FLOATS. :LE OFFSET JOINT RUBBER GASKETED. JMPS. E QUOTE FOR SPECIFICATIONS) UTILITIES PRECAST BASE. NOTE: ALL MATERIALS SHOWN ON THIS SHEET WILL BE ELEV 34.27' SUPPLIED BY ROMTEC UTILITIES AND DELIVERED TO THE SITE AFTER THE HOLE HAS BEEN EXCAVATED AND SHORED. THE CONTRACTOR WILL SUPPLY A CRANE OF SUFFICIENT SIZE TO LOWER ALL THE CONCRETE PIECES INTO THE HOLE SAFELY. THE CONTRACTOR WILL INSTALL THE WET WELL (AND VALVE OR METERING VAULTS IF APPLICABLE). ROMTEC UTILITIES WILL PROVIDE A REPRESENTATIVE FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON THE DAY OF INSTALLATION TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS THAT MAY ARISE. THE CONTRACTOR 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS AND INSTALLATION. ITEMS NOTED AS "(BY OTHERS)" WILL BE PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BY THE CONTRACTOR. ROMTEC UTILITIES WILL NOT INSTALL ANY OF THE COMPONENTS SHOWN ON THIS PAGE. r� O ao � x� O zr- o m� co I ULz O� zm�L0 CQ V) _ a 0 Lo < a ... w O z_ c� Z � Q W z ry z Q ry w D LiJ Q T z O z Lu O z 3 ry 0 a Z w '= z O O F- O z Q F U LL_ SHEET 1 of 1 JOB NUMBER RMTC 0000 1� A .o LLLj ®c Rw ®c SEW c® sum O 0 O O U 5 n P 'I 6 'MO O A , Pi O O PUMP CONTROL PANEL 36*W x 46'H x 12'D FRONT VIEW WITH OUTER DOOR REMOVED IN GROUND JUNCTION BOX 4'WxYHx3.5'D DUPLEX LIFT STATION ELECTRICAL SYSTEM I ELECTRICAL PANEL OPTIONS NOTE: DRAWINGS ON THIS SHEET REPRESENT ALL STANDARD AND LIFT STATION CONTROL PANELS CAN BE SUPPLIED WITH THE FOLLOWING OPTIONAL FEATURES: OPTIONAL FEATURES OF THE CONTROL PANEL AND PUMP -ALARM HORN AND PUSH TO SILENCE DISCONNECT PANEL FOR LIFT STATIONS WITH DUPLEX PUMPS. -LOW LEVEL ALARM/GARUNTEED SUBMERGENCE ROMTEC UTILITIES OFFERS NUMEROUS STANDARD PANELS AS WELL -AD 2000 AUTODIALER WITH VOICE NOTIFICATION AND 4 CHANNELS AS CUSTOM PANELS. PLEASE CONTACT ROMTEC UTILITIES FOR PUMP 1 FAIL COMPLETE CONTROL PANEL SPECIFICATIONS FOR YOUR LIFT STATION PUMP 2 FAIL PROJECTS. HIGH LEVEL/LOW LEVEL POWER FAIL LIFT STATION CONTROL PANEL FEATURES: -REDUNDANT BACKUP SYSTEM Oi - ENCLOSURE, WALL MOUNT WITH CHOICE OF: ADDITIONAL LEVEL PROBE OR FLOATS FOR REDUNDANT HIGH LEVEL ALARM PUMPS 1 & 2 STOP NEMA 4 PAINTED STEEL AND PUMPS 1 & 2 START WITH STAGGERED STARTS. -NEMA OR NEM3R (OPTIONAL) -FOR PUMPS ABOVE 20HP SIZE 3153 THE JUNCTION BOX COMPONENTS (13, 14 AND 15) ARE NOT -STAINLESS S STEEL (OPTIONAL) SUPPLIED ODUPLEX PUMP ALTERNATOR -LIQUID LEVEL FLOATS NOTE: ALL "CUSTOMER SUPPLIED" EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN A SEPARATE OUTBOARD PANEL. - STOP LEVEL CUSTOM PANEL CONFIGURATION NECESSARY FOR ALL OTHER REQUIREMENTS (E.G., OTHER LEVEL DEVICES, -LEAD START PLC'S, CUSTOM COMMUNICATIONS, ETC.) -LAG START - HIGH LEVEL ALARM -LOW LEVEL ALARM GUARANTEED SUBMERGENCE (OPTIONAL) - REDUNDANT BACKUP SYSTEM (OPTIONAL) OHIGH LEVEL ALARM SYSTEM: -FLASHING LIGHT, STD. WITH OUTDOOR PANEL -STANDARD VOICE NOTIFICATION AUTODIALER AND LAND LINE PHONE CONNECTION (OPTIONAL). - HORN (OPTIONAL). 4O PANEL PROTECTION: -PHASE VOLTAGE MONITORING - TVSS FOR TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SURGE SUPPRESSION -MAIN INCOMING POWER BREAKER -MOTOR CURRENT MONITORING 5O ELAPSED RUN TIME METERS, PUMP 1 & PUMP 2 O6 ILLUMINATED PUMP RUN INDICATION SWITCHES 7O HAND OFF AUTO SWITCHES FOR PUMP CONTROL O8 ILLUMINATED ELECTRONIC OVERLOAD RESET SWITCHES O FLYGT PUMP SEAL AND THERMAL PROTECTION RELAYS 10 PUMP MCP STYLE BREAKERS PUMP JUNCTION BOX: 11 LOCKABLE H2O TRAFFIC RATED HATCH 12 TERMINAL BOX FOR CLASS 1 DIVISION 2 SENSOR CONNECTIONS CLASS 1 DIVISION 1 GROUP D (OPTIONAL) 13 1-1/4" SEAL -OFFS 14 EXPLOSION PROOF JUNCTION HOUSINGS FOR CLASSI DIVISION 1 15 CGBS CLASS 1 DIV 1 CORD SEAL OFFS FOR PUMPS J O O U N I Uz§o zz OONaHO HNOwof < v10aQw IL z tzmw�� J a d d J Li 0 _j NJJZD_ J W w U J¢aa_j ZaD_ow a o E d p U O U a U Q��q DO O •_ W T O M C� o � u? G af z Z) E -LJ 3 SHEET 1 OF 1 JOB NUMBER City of Renton - Denny's Lift Station Replacement REN RH2 Engineering, Inc. Preliminary Design Alternatives Alternative I — Romtec Lift Station south of existing lift station Pros a) Low probability of conflicting utilities b) Possible use of existing station as manhole or overflow structure c) Both City Maintenance and Engineering Depts. mentioned this location d) Close access using either road or driveway Cons a) Maintenance access required from south entrance to Denny's or road b) Demo and replace portion of parking spaces east of proposed location c) Still prone to flooding d) Highest estimate construction costs Alternative 2 — Romtec Lift Station north and/or east of existing lift station Pros a) Possibility for improved maintenance vehicle access b) Possible use of existing station as manhole or overflow structure c) Ability to provide retaining wall and move station above flood plane Cons a) Probability of utility conflict — storm drain pipe in particular b) Closer to Denny's, so possible aesthetic issues c) Additional cost to redevelop landscaping in front of Denny's d) Additional easement requirements Alternative 3 — Rehabilitate existing lift station Pros a) Possibility for improved maintenance vehicle access b) Re -use existing structure c) Lowest estimated construction costs Cons a) Temporary pumping system required b) No additional storage provided 12:12:46 PM 6/26/2008 J:\Data\REN\108-056\Predesign\Denny's LS Replacement - Preliminary Design Altematives.doc Option A — Maintenance Access Turnout Pros a) Improvement to ease and safety of access b) City Maintenance crew desires Cons a) Effect existing landscaping along sidewalk b) Possibility of utility conflict c) Additional cost (see cost estimate) Option B — Electrical equipment shelter Pros a) Weather protection b) Possibility to make aesthetically pleasing for Denny's Cons a) Possibility the proximity to Denny's will make aesthetically unpleasing b) Additional cost (46,000 - $8,000) 12:12:46 PM 6/26/2008 J:\Data\PEN\108-056\Predesign\Denny's LS Replacement - Preliminary Design Altematives.doc City of Renton Denny's Lift Station Replacement Alternative 1 Predesign Cost Estimate Contingency $49,850 Subtotal with Contingency $249,250 Washington State Sales Tax 9.0% $22,433 Total Construction Costs $272,000 6/26/2008, 12:19 PM J:\Data\REN\108-056\Predesign\Denny's LS Replacement - Predesign Cost Estimate.xls City of Renton Denny's Lift Station Replacement Alternative 2 Predesign Cost Estimate Contingency $46,000 Subtotal with Contingency $230,000 Washington State Sales Tax 9.0% $20,700 Total Construction Costs $251,000 6/26/2008, 12:19 PM J:\Data\REN\ 108-05 6\Predesign\Denny's LS Replacement - Predesign Cost Estimate.xls City of Renton Denny's Lift Station Replacement Alternative 3 Predesign Cost Estimate Contingency $41,500 Subtotal with Contingency $207,500 Washington State Sales Tax 9.0% $18,675 Total Construction Costs $227,000 6/26/2008, 12:20 PM J:\Data\REN\108-056\Predesign\Denny's LS Replacement - Predesign Cost Estimate.xls City of Renton Denny's Lift Station Replacement Maintenance Access Turnout Predesign Cost Estimate Contingency $3,675 Subtotal with Contingency $18,375 Washington State Sales Tax 9.0% $1,654 Total Construction Costs $20,100 6/26/2008, 12:20 PM J:\Data\REN\108-056\Predesign\Denny's LS Replacement - Predesign Cost Estimate.xls City of Renton - Denny's Lift Station Replacement REN RH2 Engineering, Inc. Preliminary Design Meeting Agenda Item 1: Discuss survey proposal and reasons for having survey performed Item 2: Review as -built information o Side sewer card and utility drawing for Denny's site o Proposed Drainage, Grading & Utilities Plan for south east site development (now existing) o Pothole for any existing utilities? Item 3: Cost and constructability of pre-engineered station & Predesign Alternatives o What is provided with a Romtec unit (see additional info provided) o Alternatives layouts and cost estimates o Alternatives Pros & Cons (see Preliminary Design Alternatives sheet) o How to minimize impact on Denny's — City concerns Item 4: Additional Options o Option A — Maintenance Access Turnout ➢ Refer to Preliminary Design Alternatives sheet ➢ Use of Denny's south driveway and (4) parking spots ➢ Installation of permanent hose to wetwell regardless of access chosen ➢ Dependent on access — provide hoist for pump removal o Option B — Electrical equipment shelter (see Preliminary Design Alternatives sheet) Item 5: Possibility of additional easement(s) dependent on lift station location Item 6: Discuss design flows Item 7: Additional items 12:14:25 PM 6/26/2008 J:\Data\REN\108-056\Predesign\Denny's LS Replacement - Predesign Mtg Agenda.doc City of Renton - Denny's Lift Station Replacement REN RH2 Engineering, Inc. Preliminary Design Alternatives Alternative 1 — Romtec Lift Station south of existing lift station Pros a) Low probability of conflicting utilities b) Possible use of existing station as manhole or overflow structure c) Both City Maintenance and Engineering Depts. mentioned this location d) Close access using either road or driveway Cons a) Maintenance access required from south entrance to Denny's or road b) Demo and replace portion of parking spaces east of proposed location c) Still prone to flooding d) Highest estimate construction costs Alternative 2 — Romtec Lift Station north and/or east of existing lift station Pros a) Possibility for improved maintenance vehicle access b) Possible use of existing station as manhole or overflow structure c) Ability to provide retaining wall and move station above flood plane Cons a) Probability of utility conflict — storm drain pipe in particular b) Closer to Denny's, so possible aesthetic issues c) Additional cost to redevelop landscaping in front of Denny's d) Additional easement requirements Alternative 3 — Rehabilitate existing lift station Pros a) Possibility for improved maintenance vehicle access b) Re -use existing structure c) Lowest estimated construction costs Cons a) Temporary pumping system required b) No additional storage provided 12:12:46 PM 6/26/2008 J:\Data\REN\108-056\Predesign\Denny's LS Replacement - Preliminary Design Altematives.doc Option A — Maintenance Access Turnout Pros a) Improvement to ease and safety of access b) City Maintenance crew desires Cons a) Effect existing landscaping along sidewalk b) Possibility of utility conflict c) Additional cost (see cost estimate) Option B — Electrical equipment shelter Pros a) Weather protection b) Possibility to make aesthetically pleasing for Denny's Cons a) Possibility the proximity to Denny's will make aesthetically unpleasing b) Additional cost (—$6,000 - $8,000) 12:12:46 PM 6/26/2008 J:\Data\REN\108-056\Predesign\Denny's LS Replacement - Preliminary Design Altematives.doe City of Renton Denny's Lift Station Replacement Alternative 1 Predesign Cost Estimate Contingency $49,850 Subtotal with Contingency $249,250 Washington State Sales Tax 9.0% $22,433 Total Construction Costs $272,000 6/26/2008, 12:19 PM J:\Data\REN\108-056\Predesign\Denny's LS Replacement - Predesign Cost Estimate.xls City of Renton Denny's Lift Station Replacement Alternative 2 Predesign Cost Estimate Contingency $46,000 Subtotal with Contingency $230,000 Washington State Sales Tax 9.0% $20,700 Total Construction Costs $251,000 6/26/2008, 12:19 PM J:\Data\REN\108-056\Predesign\Denny's LS Replacement - Predesign Cost Estimate.xls City of Renton Denny's Lift Station Replacement Alternative 3 Predesign Cost Estimate Contingency $41,500 Subtotal with Contingency $207,500 Washington State Sales Tax 9.0% $18,675 Total Construction Costs $227,000 6/26/2008, 12:20 PM J:\Data\REN\108-056\Predesign\Denny's LS Replacement - Predesign Cost Estimate.xls City of Renton Denny's Lift Station Replacement Maintenance Access Turnout Predesign Cost Estimate Contingency $3,675 Subtotal with Contingency $18,375 Washington State Sales Tax 9.0% $1,654 Total Construction Costs $20,100 6/26/2008, 12:20 PM J:\Data\REN\108-056\Predesign\Denny's LS Replacement - Predesign Cost Estimate.xls City of Renton - Denny's Lift Station Replacement REN RH2 Engineering, Inc. Preliminary Design Meeting Agenda Item 1: Discuss survey proposal and reasons for having survey performed Item 2: Review as -built information o Side sewer card and utility drawing for Denny's site o Proposed Drainage, Grading & Utilities Plan for south east site development (now existing) o Pothole for any existing utilities? Item 3: Cost and constructability of pre-engineered station & Predesign Alternatives o What is provided with a Romtec unit (see additional info provided) o Alternatives layouts and cost estimates o Alternatives Pros & Cons (see Preliminary Design Alternatives sheet) o How to minimize impact on Denny's — City concerns Item 4: Additional Options o Option A — Maintenance Access Turnout ➢ Refer to Preliminary Design Alternatives sheet ➢ Use of Denny's south driveway and (4) parking spots ➢ Installation of permanent hose to wetwell regardless of access chosen ➢ Dependent on access — provide hoist for pump removal o Option B — Electrical equipment shelter (see Preliminary Design Alternatives sheet) Item 5: Possibility of additional easement(s) dependent on lift station location Item 6: Discuss design flows Item 7: Additional items 12:14:25 PM 6/26/2008 1:\Data\REN\108-056\Predesign\Denny's LS Replacement - Predesign Mtg Agenda.doc EXISTING ELECTRICAL AND TELEMETRY ENCLOSURE TOP CONCRETE RIM OF PUMP STATI( EL = 32.09' PROPOSED LIFT STATION AND VALVE VAULT LOCATION. INLET AND OUTLET PIPING NOT SHOWN. PROPOSED ELECTRICAL AND TELEMETRY ENCLOSURE LOCATION 0+00 EX WV RIM 31.09' TOP NUT = 29.20' EX WV RIM �= 31.35' TOP NUT = 28.80' EX WV RIM = 31.30' TOP NUT =i 27.90' -- r�tror L L-= �u Z- INV EL = 26.22' STA 2+42.66 E/W LINE_ PROPOSED LIFT STATION LOCATION ALTERNATIVE 1 PROPOSED STREET TURN OFF FOR CITY MAINTENANCE ACCESS PROPOSED LIFT STATION AND VALVE VAULT LOCATION. INLET AND OUTLET PIPING NOT SHOWN. PROPOSED ELECTRICAL AND TELEMETRY ENCLOSURE TO BE LOCATED IN SAME LOCATION AS THE EXISTING ENCLOSURE TOP CONCRETE RIM OF PUMP ' EL = 32.09' I 0+00 EX WV RIM 31.09' TOP NUT = 29.20' EX WV RIM �= 31.35' TOP NUT = 28.80' EX WV RIM = 31.30' TOP NUT =� 27.90' INV EL = 26.22' PROPOSED LIFT STATION LOCATION ALTERNATIVE 2 1"=20' ALTERNATIVE 1 APPROXIMATE LOCATION FOR PROPOSED ELECTRICAL AND TELEMETRY PANELS EXISTING SOUTH ENTRANCE TO DENNY'S NOTE: THE PROPOSED MAINTENANCE ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS ARE AN OPTION FOR ALTERNATIVE 2 AS WELL AS FOR ALTERNATIVE 3 WHICH IS NOT SHOWN IN THIS DRAWING. EXISTING PUMP STATION PUMP ENCLOSURE EXISTING PUMP STATION PUMP rAl/nl nr`l lnr AAlll ni iLIM rl'rkMnkl LOOKING NORTH AT PROJECT SITE EXISTING ELECTRICAL AND TELEMETRY CONTROL ENCLOSURE LOOKING WEST AT EXISTING LIFT STATION =T ALTERNATIVE 2 APPROXIMATE LOCATION FOR PROPOSED LIFT STATION AND VALVE VAULT H z w Oz j=wq= �o w� Ocf) Q cn Z W J Q W Z a. W Z J 12 2 Q z 0 V) F- 4IIII'. Q C� ULIR\ O J z W�a 0. W 00 cc a ENGINEERS PLANNERS SCIENTISTS RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. http://www.rh2.com mailbox@rh2.com 1.800 720.8052 BELLINGHAM OFFICE 360.676.0836 454 West Horton Road BOTHEL.L OFFICE 425.951.5400 12100 NE 195th Street, Suite 100 EAST WENATCHEE OFFICE 509.886.2900 300 Simon Street, Suite 5 PORT ORCHARD OFFICE 360.876.7960 600 Kitsop Street, Suite 101 SCALE: 0 1" 2" DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE IF BAR IS NOT 2" LONG PLOT: 20 DWG NO. ENGINEER SMK P01 REVIEWED: MLM DATE: MAY 29, 2008 SHEET No. CLIENT: REN Boa No: 108-056 di FILENAME: DLS-P-CIVOl.DWG