HomeMy WebLinkAboutWWP273473 (7)City of Renton Summerwind/Stonegate Lift Station Consolidation and Field Avenue Interceptor Stonegate 11 December 12, 2006 4,Ii t V s a,na , i 1 e r s Roth Hill Engineering Partners, LLC 2600 116th Avenue NE #100 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Tel 425.869.9448 Fax 425.869.1190 800.835.0292 December 12, 2006 David M. Christensen Wastewater Utility Renton City Hall — 5th Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Re: Summerwind/Stonegate Lift Station Consolidation and Field Avenue Interceptor Design (Stonegate II) Dear Dave: We are pleased to submit our proposal for the Summerwind/Stonegate Lift Station Consolidation and Field Avenue Interceptor Design. The Roth Hill Team consists of experts from Roth Hill Engineering Partners, LLC, Kennedy/Jenks Consultants, HWA GeoSciences, and Omega Contractors. Our teaming partners were selected based on our history of working together and their specific expertise related to the proposed sewer lift station and conveyance project. We are very excited about the opportunity to work on this project. At first glance, the design of the proposed structures and facilities appears to be relatively straightforward. However, after talking with City staff and touring the site, we have become very excited about many of the interesting facets of this project. Our team has spent many hours evaluating conveyance route alternatives to minimize neighborhood impacts, researching sensitive area data to efficiently acquire permits, and developing facility concepts that incorporate the geotechnical and groundwater issues associated with the design of a buried structure to minimize the constructability issues. We are very excited to jump in and get started. The Roth Hill Team is proposing the same approach used with Renton's Heather Downs and Central Plateau Projects, wherein we begin the design with a pre -design report. This approach utilizes the pre -design phase to analyze the capacity needs, evaluate route alternatives, identify facility design considerations, develop accurate project cost estimates with funding alternatives, and recommend a permitting strategy. In our experience, this allows the Roth Hill Team to efficiently design the improvements to meet the City's schedule and budget constraints without wasting resources and time. All Roth Hill team members have worked with the City of Renton on utility projects. We will use this local expertise to assist the City with the site selection, design considerations, and construction sequencing with unique site dynamics and project complexity. Personally, I am going to lead the team for this project, in similar fashion as other projects with the City, due to the project implementation complexities. The team managers were selected based on their personal expertise and Renton experience, such as Erik Waligorski for the conveyance design, Erik Brodahl for the lift station, and Scott Goss for Permitting and Project Assistance. Tony Fisher will apply the knowledge gained from similar projects to the quality control aspects of this project. I am very excited about this unique opportunity and look forward to working with you. If we may be of any assistance during your review of our submittal, or if you need any additional information, please contact Greg Hill or me at 425-869-9448. Sincerely, ROTH HILL ENGINEERING PARTNERS, LLC Lara Kammereck, PE Project Manager 1 R E N T O N Stonegate II A It k11 Of T11L CI 1%F Section 1- Introduction Project Understanding Roth Hill Engineering Partners, LLC, is pleased to present this proposal to the City of Renton for the Summerwind/Stonegate Lift ' Station Consolidation and Field Avenue Interceptor Project, hereinafter referred to as Stonegate II. The project includes design and construction of a new gravity sewer main, force main, and lift station to take the Summerwind Lift Station out of service. The new lift station will replace the existing Stonegate Lift Station since the addition of the flows from the Summerwind Lift Station would exceed the Stonegate Lift Station's pumping capacity. The new force main will convey flow from the new lift station to the City's existing sewer system along Field Avenue NE, diverting flow from the sewer system along Duvall Avenue and alleviating capacity issues in that portion of the City's sewer system. The Roth Hill Team ' The Roth Hill Team includes four firms with extensive experience in all aspects of sewer system planning, design, construction, and operations —Roth Hill Engineering, Kennedy/Jenks Consultants, HWA GeoSciences, and Omega Contractors. Roth Hill Engineering Partners, LLC, is a civil engineering firm of more than 55 professionals working together to surpass client expectations. John Roth, Jr., PE, established the company 36 years ago and today joins with Gregory G. Hill, PE, to lead the firm. Our core competency in Civil Engineering and Land Surveying is based on successful completion of more than 10,000 water, sewer, and stormwater projects, including over 100 lift stations, more than 800 miles of mains, and over 100 ' WLID projects. We specialize in utility replacement projects in developed neighborhoods. Roth Hill performs a wide range of functions for system -wide wastewater utilities, including hydraulic modeling analysis to determine future design flows and system demands. These models are used to make economical system improvement recommendations. We also have in-house surveying, permitting, knowledge of local horizontal and vertical control networks, and public outreach services that will be used for this project. Through our direct interaction with the City of Renton, we have knowledge of the City's technical requirements, as well as the management, administration, regulatory, and operations and maintenance issues it faces. Roth Hill's permitting team understands the relevant local, state, and federal permit requirements. Correspondence is initiated with the respective agency to clarify any requirements. Our permit specialist remains in contact with the reviewing agency to provide any necessary project clarification to keep the project on schedule. Our staff also has considerable experience ' 'f public meetin s and publishing informational mailings to keep the neighborhood apprised of the project's progress. We have foun a proactively municating with the public minimizes project opposition and reduces conflicts. Roth Hill will be responsible for the overall project management and will develop a pre -design report that evaluates potential routes for the conveyance improvements, identifies lift station operational and maintenance requirements, and describes any easement or land acquisition needs. We will analyze system hydraulics, develop a plan to maintain operational continuity during construction, design the conveyance system and the new lift station, provide CAD design support, regulatory support, and public outreach and communication. We will assist the City as needed with administration of the construction contract, providing construction observation assistance upon request. Kennedy/Jenks Consultants provides over 85 years of structural and electrical/controls/telemetry expertise. They emphasize constructability and functional operational interaction. Kennedy/Jenks Consultants has a long history of working successfully with the City of Renton on facilities such as the Maplewood Water Treatment Plant and Well 5A. Kennedy/Jenks has worked ' with Roth Hill on pump station and pipeline projects for the Cities of Olympia, Enumclaw, and Gig Harbor. HWA GeoSciences will be responsible for the project geotechnical investigation, where their local expertise will be highly beneficial to the City. HWA has completed more than 30 projects within the Renton City limits and 10 as part of the City of Renton's engineering team, including such projects as the SW 34th Street Culvert Improvements, SW 7th Street Storm Drain, and Renton Village Storm System Improvement. HWA has a long-standing relationship with Roth Hill and worked with Roth Hill and the City of Renton on the Sunset Interceptor Phase III project. ' R Q� 111 Page 1 RENTON �W 111 "I f11f Stonegate II OMEGA Contractors will assist the team with constructability review of the project design. Omega has designed and constructed several lift stations within the City of Renton. Gordon Wagster's personal experience and extensive knowledge will assist with delivering a quality product to the City of Renton. He will be involved throughout the design process focusing on constructability review in order to minimize the potential for any construction conflicts. ' Key Project Issues Based upon the City's request for Qualifications, our discussions with City personnel, site visits, and our experience on similar projects, we understand successful completion will involve the following key issues: • Master Planning. We will analyze how the proposed facilities integrate into the City's overall sewer system to effectively serve existing and future customers. We will evaluate the future service area to identify the impacts on the City's existing facilities and establish design criteria for the proposed facilities. Our goal is to develop a design that provides the best overall service with the fewest impacts. This includes reviewing several routes for the force main to determine the most cost-effective alternative with the fewest environmental and neighborhood impacts. ' Hydraulic Analysis. The hydraulic analysis will confirm the pumping and conveyance requirements for the proposed facilities, including pipe, pump and motor sizes. We will use the hydraulic model we developed for the City to evaluate ' impacts from the proposed facilities on the City's existing sewer infrastructure. • Integrated Design of the Lift Station and Conveyance Piping. This project involves more than just a new lift station and piping improvements. The design of the proposed facilities requires an integrated design to minimize neighborhood disturbance, keep the existing facilities in operation, and be sized to meet Renton's future service needs. Sensitive Area Analysis—Geotechnical and Wetlands Investigation. Two critical issues are evaluation of the soil conditions for the lift station and conveyance piping and analysis of the wetlands located north of the Stonegate Lift Station and the stream crossing on NE 26th Street. �,• Maintaining Service Continuity. A key operating premise for this project is that the existing facilities must remain in service until the proposed facilities have been constructed and are ready to be placed into service. Roth Hill is an expert at solving continuity issues. • r ac Information collected from and distributed to existing customers and neighbors will impact the overall project success in the minds of the public. We will develop and implement a comprehensive public outreach ' program that keeps the neighborhood informed of the project progress and listens to the public's concerns and issues. • Permit Acquisition. Several permits will be acquired from the City of Renton and other agencies. Roth Hill has strong relationships with these agencies and will acquire the permits. �, • Construction Assistance. Projects of this magnitude can encounter many construction challenges. Roth Hill has ' experienced staff that can assist and support the City during both the bidding and construction phases so that these challenges are minimized or avoided. '� • Operational Considerations. Facility operational needs and Cit in ut are critical. We will listen and incorporate u r� Gifumaintenance staff into the design of this project, as they will operate the station for many years after construction is complete. Why Select Roth Hill Roth Hill has had the honor of developing a comprehensive City-wide sewer model for the City of Renton and has worked on several design projects for the City over the last four years. The experience we have gained from our business and personal ' relationships with City staff, as well as our experience on similar projects for our other clients, uniquely positions us to meet the City's needs. Our knowledge will provide efficiency during the design process and fewer conflicts during construction. This will result in lower costs to the City and fewer demands on City staff. We believe our team is the most qualified to successfully meet ' the objectives of this project based on the following principal reasons: R o H 1 I I Page 2 R E N T o N Stonegate II tl1t. \. 111 rift It 9%'1 �: Reason No. 1 — Our project team has significant expertise in every aspect of sewer planning, analysis, design ' and construction. Our key project team members are experts in all aspects of sanitary sewer systems, including comprehensive planning, hydraulic analysis, lift station design, conveyance piping, and facility construction. ' Our approach to facility design is innovative because it evaluates the whole sewer system and does not view projects as stand alone pieces of design work. This approach saved the City of Kirkland the long-term costs of an entire lift station when we determined how to convey the sewage within a specific basin by gravity sewers. We applied this same approach to the Sunset Interceptor, where we found a way to alleviate the capacity issues by diverting flow away from the interceptor instead of relying solely on increased pipe diameters. • We know from direct, hands-on experience what works and what does not work, from a design and construction perspective as well as from an operational perspective. Simply stated, our project team members have demonstrated the ability to design systems that work, as evidenced by our long-standing relationships with many clients. Reason No. 2 — Our team has extensive experience with master planning and pre -design evaluations. Collectively, our project team has completed dozens of sewer utility comprehensive plans and even more feasibility/ pre -design reports. Lara Kammereck has managed over 18 comprehensive plans over the last five years. We know how to effectively work with client personnel to identify key project issues, identify and evaluate alternative solutions, and meet customer needs with solutions that can be effectively implemented and constructed. • We have worked for over three years with the City of Renton to develop the MOUSE Model of the City's sewer system. We have extensive experience utilizing models to evaluate utility system service alternatives. We bring the unique feature that our modelers are also design managers and hydraulic engineers. • We will verify that viable alternatives are identified and properly evaluated, and we will work closely with City personnel 1 to ensure they have a full understanding of the various trade-offs inherent with these alternatives. Reason No. 3 — We understand the context and complexities of this project. • From visiting the site and discussing the goals of the project with City staff, we understand this project is more than designing a gravity sewer, force main, and a lift station. The City is looking for a solution to capacity issues in its system to minimize up -front and long-term costs, reduce neighborhood impacts and allow the City to meet area growth ' needs. We have the expertise to develop an effective alternatives analysis with the following factors in mind: -- Permit acquisition to meet the City's schedule ' -- Optimal lift station and conveyance line sizing based on hydraulic analysis and service area evaluation Construction sequencing that ensures the existing facility stays operational during construction -- Extensive experience with projects in neighborhoods that need focused public outreach ' - Keeping the City operators' future maintenance and operations needs as key project criteria Reason No. 4 — Our project team has extensive expertise in the necessary ancillary services. • Our integrated in-house delivery of survey, design, permitting, construction, and public outreach services enables us to complete projects like this with a great deal of efficiency. • Roth Hill's permitting expertise includes the full range of local and state permits, including right-of-way, grading, and ' building permits, an HPA from the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, and a SEPA process. We have successfully obtained over 450 permits in the last three years and we offer that track record of success. • Our knowledge of this immediate area comes from over twenty years of water main projects in the neighborhood and throughout the May Valley. We have also completed many projects that involve removal of one lift station from service by upgrading piping and building a new station. We understand the scope of work, how it is staged over time, the questions the neighbors will ask, and the types of impacts the neighbors can expect during construction. R o t H i I I Page 3 RENTON I Ht 101)t T11t 1tR\t Stonegate II • Team members from Kennedy/Jenks have extensive experience in structural engineering, mechanical engineering, and designing power, electrical controls, and telemetry systems for all types of water and sewer systems. • Team members from HWA GeoSciences have significant local experience addressing the geotechnical engineering and environmental issues that are associated with this project. • Omega Contractors have designed and constructed lift stations within the City of Renton and will assist with the facility constructability review. • Our combined experience, much of which was gained on projects completed together, will simplify communication, reduce permit approval times, and work towards common, unified goals. Reason No. 5 — Our project management approach focusses on client coordination and communication. Our team is led by Senior Project Manager Lara Kammereck. Lara has a track record of successfully delivering large, complex projects through the integration of diverse project elements. Lara believes that a successful consultant teams with her client and is able to view the project with their goals and issues in mind. She works collaboratively with clients to design solutions that are technically sound and meet their short- and long-term goals. Communication between the Roth Hill team and the City will be key to providing a solution that realizes your goals. Reason No. 6 — We will deliver. ' Roth Hill has developed a reputation for being responsive to client's needs by working closely with their engineering and operations staff for successful projects. • The job will be designed and delivered correctly because our experience on similar projects enables us to avoid the ' potential pitfalls associated with complex system expansions. We know which alternatives work best and will work closely with City personnel to ensure that our team's knowledge and experience directly benefits the City. Our team is excited about this project and has dedicated senior level staff to the team. Roth Hill's President, Greg Hill, is ' committed to providing the staff needed to deliver this project, including ensuring that Lara Kammereck has the availabil- ity to manage the project. Kennedy/Jenks is committing the time of its premier lift station designer, Paul Reardon, and Erik Andersen will lead the efforts of HWA GeoSciences team members. ' Section 2 - Project Team and Experience Firm's Management Roth Hill builds close working relationships with clients. We work to understand your needs and become a reliable resource in meeting your planning and engineering challenges. We areiroud that more than 85% of our business comes from long-term clients and that our repeat client list continues to grow. Our process in­ctdes-aEountability by -Project Managers, a clear scope of work with an understanding of responsibilities, reliable communication, and a unique dedication to customer service. ' Roth Hill is managed by a Board of Directors, consisting of five of the nine owners, including Greg Hill and Scott Goss. The company is organized into five primary teams consisting of two engineering groups, survey, regulatory issues/public outreach, and administration. Each group is led by a manager that reports directly to a senior manager. This project team includes ' resources from each of these groups and is led by Lara Kammereck, PE, as the Project Manager. She reports directly to Greg Hill, Roth Hill's President, and will be responsible for coordination with the City. Roth Hill project managers take responsibility for project negotiations. You can count on the direct personal commitment of the Roth Hill team to help you achieve your goals. Organization Chart Lara Kammereck will serve as Project Manager responsible for successful project completion. As Principal -in -Charge, Greg Hill will commit the full resources of Roth Hill to make sure Lara has the resources she needs, including team leads for every part of the project. Tony Fisher will provide QA/QC to ensure quality and consistency with City requirements. Other design leads include Erik Waligorski, Erik Brodahl and Scott Goss. Each leader is supported by specialists, such as the geotechnical expertise of Erik Andersen at HWA GeoSciences and Don Barraza's structural expertise from Kennedy/Jenks. Gordon Wagster R o t H 1 I I Page 4 RENTON, \f4E fU It Ttl) t t [Vt Stonegate II of Omega Contractors will provide constructability review in support of Kennedy/JenksPaul Reardon's electrical design. This team approach has worked well to on other similar projects deliver complex projects under a single project manager. RENEN-�N Dave Christensen Wastewater Utility Engineering Citv of Renton RH = Roth Hill Engineering Roth H i 11 K/J = Kennedy/Jenks HWA = HWA GeoSciences Lara Kammereck, PE - RH OC = Omega Contractors Project Manager Quality Assurance/ Quality Control Principal -In -Charge Tony Fisher, PE • RH Greg Hill, PE - RH Conveyance Manager Lift Station Manager Erik Brodahl, PE - RH Geotechnical / Project AssistanceManager Scott Goss - RH Permitting Erik Waligorski, PE - RH Survey Mike Lemasa. PLS - RH Erik Andersen, PE - HWA Eilean Davis - RH Utility Locates Electrical Public Outreach ProLocates Paul Reardon, PE - K/J Pam Cobley - RH Structural Funding Don Barraza, PE - K/J Scott Goss - RH Constructability Review Gordan Wagster - OC Additional Team Support Scott Slifer, PE - RH Jeremy DelMar.. PE - RH Jeff Foray, PE - K/J Senior Project Engineer Project Engineer Senior Project Engineer Bradley Hughes. EIT - RH Terry VanWechel - RH Ron Bard. PE - K/J Project Engineer CADD Senior Project Engineer Jim Marshall - RH Construction Observer Project Team Experience The table on the following pages summarizes the most recent relevant project experience of the Roth Hill Team. We have organized our project descriptions into the following categories: • City of Renton • Conveyance Systems • Lift Stations/Pump Stations In this table. we provide a brief description of each project and identify which members of our core project team worked on those projects. We also provide information regarding the date and duration of each project. Finally, we indicate on which projects we addressed the same key project issues previously identified in Section 1. ' R o t­h-R i I I Page 5 M O CP' s� Duration Key Project Issues U � CAL c O U c 2 - W y ja N M a Project Team `O a E a aEi c C E U CL E c N > c w 0 E a E (includes only staff members on our c n g . .0 R LO c d ' a Q � g a o ' c v r a a, o ,C L c O proposed team; PM Duration _p c N rn c z c o c _ d Selected Project Experience 1 P Project Manager) J 9) Year months (months) ' U a T u> W W Cn > a > en o U U_ d 0 o c> c- 0 City of Renton Sewer Model Development and Analysis, City of Renton Kammereck (PM), 2003- 30 Roth Hill developed the City's MOUSE sewer model as a tool for future Brodahl, Fisher 2006 v planning and capital project determination. Heather Downs Drainage Basin Analysis, City of Renton Fisher (PM), 2006 Ongoing Analyzed Heather Downs Interceptor capacity using the sewer model under Kammereck, Brodahl, J J J J J J J J J current and projected flows. Determined location, extent and cause of Wolf, Carter capacity issues and developed alternative solutions. Central Plateau Interceptor, Section 2, City of Renton Waligorski (PM) 2006 Ongoing Roth Hill developed an Alternatives Analysis Report for the design of two Kammereck, Fisher, J J J v steep slope sewers in the Central Plateau region, analyzed cost and Goss, Brodahl, Slifer constructability. and recommended a L)ref rr I rn Davis, Lemasa Sunset Interceptor Sewer, Phase 3, City of Renton Fisher (PM), 2005- 23 Developed alternatives for resolving capacity issues in Sunset and Duvall Kammereck, Brodahl, 2006 J V J J J J J interceptors. Analyzed upsizing mains and diverting flows from Summer Wolf, Slifer, Lemasa Wind and Stone Gate Lift Stations. City constructed these improvements. Park Place North Storm Drain Project, City of Renton Waligorski (PM), 2005- Ongoing Assisted City with design of new storm drain system on a steep slope. Slifer, Goss, Lemasa 2006 J J J v J Provided topographic surveying and storm design. Conveyance Systems Juanita Interceptor Sewer, City of Kirkland Hummel (PM), 2005 48 Designed interceptor sewer to remove pump station in a wetland. Erik Brodahl, y v J J J J J v v Brodahl identified a means to drain the area by gravity with 2,300 feet of Goss, Hill, Cobley, 18-inch qravity sewer on piles, across a wetland, at depths up to 20 feet. Davis, Lemasa East Bay Sewer Pre -design, City of Olympia Fisher (PM), Brodahl, 2005 6 Evaluated condition of 4,600 feet of 8-inch sewer and pump station located Waligorski, Wolf, J J J in Budd Inlet. Evaluated options for system repair/replacement, including Slifer, Goss, Davis risk assessment, and provided recommended solution to the City. Citywide Sewer System Project, City of Carnation Waligorski (Design 2003- Ongoing Designed 11 miles of sewer. Provided treatment plant design team PM) 2006 coordination, obtained required permits. Managed multiple Hill, Goss Brodahl, v J J J J J J J J subconsultants. Prepared/acquired 40 easements. Obtained $10 million Davis Cobley, Slifer, in grants and over $16 million in loans. Led 3-year public involvement DelMar, Lemasa, and education campaign to build and maintain project support VanWechel Chelsea Park Sewer Rehab, Southwest Suburban Sewer District Waligorski (PM) 2006 Ongoing Rehab of 32,000 feet of sewer mains, saving money by using Cured -in- Lemasa, Hill, Goss, J J J Place -Pipe technology. Includes permitting, public involvement, Davis v surveying, construction services, and assessments of existing facilities. Cn O CD e-t CD U ID Duration Key Project Issues N .�o V 0 f0 d T d C 5 U IA Vl E Q y W Project Team (includes only staff a�i S c c a d y �, v D w d a E > o E c rn ; a 4 c- E A members on our c a ' c a E =° > � y Z. t c� co proposed team; PM Duration M 12 a Z i'_ .3 o2 Its a a Selected Project Experience = Project Manager) Year (months) g' ij Q N W in a 3 0 ,i c� o 2004 Watermain Replacement "I'" Project, City of Everett Waligorski, Goss, 2004 9 Survey, design, construction admin, and public involvement for Cobley, Slifer, J J J J J J J replacement of 6,700 feet of AC mains, including open house meeting. Lemasa Sewer System Replacement "I", City of Everett Waligorski (PM) 2006 Ongoing Rehab of 7,200 feet of sewer mains and 2,000 feet of water mains, DelMar, Lemasa, J v v J J J v J J including public involvement, surveying, and construction assistance. Goss, Cobley, Slifer Lift Stations/Pump Stations Sewage Lift Station No. 14 Replacement, Northshore Utility District Fisher (PM), Brodahl, 2006 Ongoing Replace 450 gpm lift station in with new station in same location, plus Goss. Davis, Lemasa control building and generator. Features bypass pumping. Pump Station 2 Replacement, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District Fisher (PM), Brodahl, 2006 Ongoing New 2,200 gpm SPU to 5,000 gpm by installing additional tap, upsizing Slifer. Lemasa J J J J J J J J J J supply lines, and adding parallel flow meter and backup generator. Lift Station 23D, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District Fisher (PM), Brodahl. 2001 9 Design, construction admin, permit acquisition to replace Lift Station 23C Slifer, Goss, Davis, J J J J J J J J J J J J with new 520 gpm station, including force main design. Provided Lemasa innovative route solution to avoid disturbance to apartment complex. Lift Station 36, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District Fisher (PM); Brodahl, 2002 9 Design, construction admin, permit acquisition for 800 gpm lift station to Slifer, Goss, Davis, J J J J J J J J J J replace existing lift station. including 12-foot diameter pre -cast wet well, Lemasa prefab dry well, emergency enerator, and force main u sizin Lift Station 10B, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District Fisher (PM), Brodahl, 2003- 36 Surveying, permitting, easements, community involvement and design to Waligorski, Davis. 2005 replace existing lift station with new 10.000 gpm station with odor control Cobley, Slifer, and surge facilities. Includes 2 buried drywells with 6 pumps, common Kammereck wet well, and dual generators, all on slopes and adjacent to streams. Watercress Pump Station, City of Enumclaw Kammereck (PM), 2006 Ongoing New pump station for City's largest water source, including pre -design Hill, Waligorski, Slifer, report to maximize water right, and determine alternative building sites and Brodahl, Reardon, regulatory requirements Barraza, Goss, VanWechel Percival Water Pump Station and Pipeline, City of Olympia Peters (PM) 2006 Ongoing New 3,000 gpm water pump station located in a seismic liquefaction area Foray, Bard, J J J J J J J J adjacent to wetlands, plus over a mile of 16-inch distribution main. Kammereck, Goss Pump Station 2 Alternatives Analysis, SW Suburban Sewer District Waligorski (PM) 2006 Ongoing Evaluation and rehabilitation recommendations for sewer pump station in Goss, Carter, Hill sensitive areas. O CD to to e-r CD R E N T O N Stonegate II 1111. %D - TIII 1:! RYE Section 3 — Project Approach The graphic below demonstrates our approach to implement the Stonegate II project, organized in a work breakdown structure utilizing our key team members. The project approach is explained in further detail in this section. I. Project Management Project initiation Project plan management Public outreach support 4• Team kickoff meeting } Team coordination Project closure Confirm project goals and objectives -e Client communication ? Client confirmation II. Quality Assurance/Quality Control III. Pre -Design IV. Facility Design 10 V. Construction A. Flow Analysis B. Facility Evaluation •: Siting and easements Design •} Construction sequencing C. Route Alternatives D. Funding Alternatives A. Topographic Survey B. Lift Station •e Hydraulics Building type Site improvements ': Electricallcontrolsltelemetry ee Constructability review ee Existing facility abandonment C. Conveyance System :• Alignment •e Utility locates } Service continuity •r System standards D. Speciality Services •e Geotechnical Wetlands Public outreach VI. Permitting A. Construction Assistance :• Construction staking :• Review of submittals RFI assistance •'r Conflict resolution assistance } Change order assistance } Testing and startup assistance •'r Construction communications B. Construction Record Drawings Regulatory Evaluation Permit Acquisition Regulatory Compliance •e Sensitive areas Permit timeline ee Permit coordination Renton Right -of -Way Use Permit SEPA Final permit inspections Renton Grading Permit Renton Building Permit } Department of Fish & Wildlife. HPA Deliverable: 60 % , 90%, and Final Draw- Deliverable: Construction Support Deliverable: Pre -Design Report ings. Specifications. and Cost Projections Documentation Project Management Phase Manager: Lara Kammereck The selection of a Project Manager that can deliver is a critical element for the success of any project as broad and professionally challenging as this. Lara Kammereck has extensive experience delivering to utility clients on similar projects, and she has a strong desire to lead the Roth Hill Team to a successful conclusion. Properly managing the entire project from beginning to end is paramount to project success. Throughout the project, Lara Kammereck will be dedicated to meeting the project objectives and scope of services and will be especially focused on maintaining the project schedule so that facility construction starts in early 2008. Our primary initial focus will be to work closely with City staff to develop a detailed project plan, scope, and budget. This plan will be a schedule -driven `road map' that guides our goal of meeting the City's objectives. We will lead a project kickoff meeting with the City team to obtain input on key design and other project -related decisions. Additional meetings with the City will be held as needed throughout the project to make sure the City has ample opportunity to be involved in the design decisions. We will adapt our communication style to match the City's needs ' R o t H i I I Page 8 R E N T O N. Stonegate II \Hl. %D 111 Tilt 1A MY II. Quality Control/Quality Assurance Phase Manager: Tony Fisher ' At Roth Hill, we believe that performing thorough and comprehensive quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) checks during design can significantly reduce conflicts and change orders during construction. Our projects undergo QA/QC checks by senior engineers with significant experience on the design elements associated with the project. Our construction observers ' and surveyors also review the documents to make sure the design can be constructed. We have found that most lift station construction issues are related to power and control systems. Therefore, to minimize the potential for those kinds of issues, we have included Gordon Wagster from Omega Contractors on our team. Gordon is an experienced electrical contractor with hands-on construction experience on several City of Renton lift station projects. He will apply this experience when reviewing our design at the 60% and 90% design stages to ensure the City is getting a top notch product that meets its needs. Pre -Design Phase Phase Manager: Lara Kammereck We propose the project start with a pre -design report to clarify project requirements and let the team evaluate alternative solutions before proceeding with final design and construction. Our pre -design approach is to investigate reasonable alternatives and recommend approaches that minimize impacts, costs, and schedule issues. Resolving problems and getting early City design direction concurrence allows the final design efforts to concentrate on design details and document production, greatly reducing the possibility that project costs and schedule will be adversely affected. The pre -design report will include a summary of design decisions, cost projections and a preliminary set of plans (30%) that depict the sewer conveyance alignments and sizes as well as a schematic layout of the new lift station. The major elements of the proposed Pre -Design Phase are summarized below: A. Flow Analysis The City of Renton's East Plateau has experience substantial growth in the past few years resulting in two lift stations, Summerwind and Stonegate, serving adjacent areas —shown in blue in the figure. In order to accommodate the future growth to approximately 1,500 total customers, the service area will be expanded to the area outlined in red. The two existing stations will be replaced with a combined facility to more efficiently convey the ultimate flows and alleviate capacity issues in downstream facilities, as identified during the Sewer Model development and analysis. One of the first pre -design activities is to determine the size of the new station and the new conveyance piping. Utilizing the Roth Hill's experience in developing the Sewer Model, we can quickly and efficiently evaluate the service area to establish the capacity needs. Preliminary reviews indicate the incoming flows will be approximately 600 gpm, resulting in pumping capacity of 800 gpm to accommodate peak flows. At this pumping rate, an 8-inch diameter force main and approximately 100,000 gallons of storage volume would be needed to meet the City's design criteria. Additionally, in order size the Field Avenue Interceptor, our team will utilize the Sewer Model to evaluate the pipe capacity and eliminate potential impacts to the downstream facilities. Task Lead: Erik Brodahl The hydraulic model will also allow us to identify the head requirements at the new lift station so that we can determine the necessary pump and motor sizes. The total dynamic head for the new station could be around 200 to 225 feet, depending on the route selected for the force main. We will refine the hydraulic calculations during the design phase once the preferred force main alignment is selected and the piping configuration is developed. However, these preliminary numbers will allow us to include an initial station layout in the Pre -Design Report, including the size of such key components as the wet well and electrical control cabinets. ' R Doh � 1 I I Page 9 qzrvGravity ' r„+ Sewers a.:- t •s • �11111110 � Improvements -_Ab& NE 23rd St s r� Existinc Summerw Main Lift Static Force 1- 04 Alternative #1 l fHE 20th StAim _ Pi Y � Existing ' s Sewer s. - • Interceptor - Stonegate 11 Lift Station Existing "• Stonegate Lift Stat n Force Main SElUnd Iternative #2 ' ' xI t . ` f S, Existing Gravity Sewer $� t ;5 T •r Roth Hill Engineering Partners, LLC EU97Yi,V%A980) Bel4vut 9"NE i100 4 • R o t h H i l l T,1425 869'448 425 %9 ,g0 RENTON \114\b Il4 Tlf k. L-4 R\'L B. Facility Evaluation Stonegate II Task Lead: Erik Brodahl Another critical Pre -Design task is identifying the lift station, force main, and gravity sewer siting issues. Because the new lift station will be adjacent to the Stonegate Lift Station, our design efforts during this phase will focus on keeping the existing station in service during construction. The preliminary layout will allow us to determine the space requirements for the improvements. Review of the Stonegate lift station easement documents will reveal any restrictions or limitations. Pre -design efforts will also focus on control strategies and determining general facility layout requirements. We will develop 7 exterior building elevation views so that general appearance and architectural considerations can be evaluated by the team. The Pre -Design Report will address the following factors: • Fire, building code, stormwater, and other site development requirements t Hydraulic modeling and surge analysis • Instrumentation, control strategies, and telemetry system requirements • City vendor and equipment preferences for pumps, control valves, flow meters, telemetry equipment, and instruments ' Backup power generation and on -site storage requirements and options • Operational considerations such as ease of site access and maintenance We will evaluate construction sequencing options with the goal of identifying the optimum progression of the construction efforts. ' The improvements associated with this project cannot disrupt utility operations in the area. Therefore, planning for construction sequencing must happen early. Information on constraints must be obtained so that informed decisions may be made as early in the process as possible. Early planning is critical to developing accurate cost projections and schedules, as well as avoiding ' uneye it issues and neighbor misunderstandings, We will finish the Pre -Design Phase with 30% design plans. The pre -design effort allows for a more efficient design flow from 30% ' to final design, saving the City time and money by not revisiting design issues in future phases. The City will review the draft report to confirm or modify the assumptions and criteria compiled within the report. Confirmation of Pre -Design Report conclusion by the City is critical to efficiently and effectively continuing the project and starting the design phase. C. Route Alternatives Task Lead: Erik Waligorski Alternative force main route analysis is a key element of the pre -design report. Our preliminary investigation revealed three potential routes that look promising —see figure on adjacent page. The first route would run the force main west from the new lift station along NE 26th Street to Lyons Avenue NE and NE 24th Court. The force main would then share space on the existing 10-foot easement between the Summerwind Lift Station and NE 24th Court with the new gravity sewer main. From NE 24th Court, the force main would run south along Ilwaco Avenue NE to NE 20th Street and then west along NE 20th Street to Field Avenue NE, where it would discharge into the City's gravity sewer system. The second route would be similar to the first route except that instead of running the force main through the existing easement, the pipe would continue south along Lyons Avenue NE to NE 22nd Court, where it would follow an existing fire access road to Ilwaco Avenue NE. The third route would run the force main along the shoulder of 148th Avenue SE from the new lift station to SE 104th Street and then west to NE 20th Street and Field Avenue NE, where it would discharge into the gravity sewer system. We will look at the pro and cons of each route with respect to ease of permitting, ease of construction and future maintenance, impacts to the surrounding community and sensitive areas, and the cost of construction. These factors will be evaluated to determine which route provides the most cost-effective and least -impact solution. We will also coordinate with the City to determine if there are any other routes that should be investigated. Our analysis will determine the best location in the City's existing gravity sewer system to discharge flow from the new force main to minimize the amount of gravity pipe that needs �1 RothHill Page 10 RENTON .Nt.%b — TFIV cl RV# Stonegate II to be upsized or replaced. A comparison of these factors may indicate that the shortest route may not necessarily be the most cost effective or preferred alternative. Non -engineering issues may prove more important. We will also review alternative construction methods such as pipe bursting, auger bores (bore and jacking) and horizontal directional drilling to see how they compare to traditional open trench construction methods. The alternative construction methods may be a better fit, or even required, to cross the stream along NE 26th Street or to install the new pipes within tight easements near existing residences. This was the case on a recent Renton/Roth Hill project. D. Funding Alternatives Task Lead: Scott Goss The last Pre -Design task is development of the total project costs and identification of various funding mechanisms. The City will be investing significant funds in this project, so accurate and dependable cost projections will be critical in determining how much construction funding will need to be budgeted in 2008. Roth Hill has an excellent track record of providing its clients with realistic planning -level cost estimates that include the "hidden" costs of permit fees and time delays, as well as sensitive area mitigation costs. Roth Hill has also been quite successful in securing outside project funding for its client's projects, often from multiple sources or in creative ways. We have obtained: CDBG funding for low-income sewer projects SRF and TIB loans and grants PWTF pre -construction loans State and Federal line item appropriations PWTF sewer construction loans We maintain a comprehensive list of funding sources and have relationships with staff at local, state and federal agencies. Our staff receives annual training on available funding sources. This training, and our relationships with funding agency staff, allows us to understand the critical information that must be included in the applications and has allowed us to successfully obtain and administer over $44 million of infrastructure planning and construction loans and grants since 1996. We look forward to applying this expertise to this project. IV. Design Phase Phase Manager: Lara Kammereck Once the Pre -Design Report has been finalized, efforts will begin on the detailed design drawings and specifications. The 60% design will include a draft of the contract documents and an updated opinion of the probable construction cost. These documents will also be used for the initial Building Permit submittal. Your design review comments will be incorporated into the 90% plan set for a final City review. Because we maintain ongoing design communication with City staff on specific design questions and issues as they arise, we anticipate only minimal revisions to prepare the final bid documents. Once the design is complete and approved by the City, we will aid the City in obtaining bids from contractors by providing camera-ready bid documents and answering any questions during the bid period. We will also provide a projection of the probable construction cost that the City can use for comparison purposes during its bid review. The major elements of the Design Phase are summarized below: A. Topographic Survey Task Lead: Mike Lemasa One of the first design steps is conducting a topographic survey of the lift station site and the preferred route for the conveyance piping. Accurate topographic information is especially important on this project since some of the improvements will be located on existing utility or access easements. Our in-house survey department has extensive experience in obtaining the topographic information we need to design our projects without Fepee o e ie to pic up missing information. Their local survey control network and experience will improve efficiency. Our in-house surveyors provide a seamless data transfer to our designers, reducing coordination effort, with no markups on subcontracted survey services. Our designers develop design fans using AutoCAD Land Development Desktop software and the survey data collected by our surveyors. CB., Lift Station Design Task Lead: Erik Brodahl The new lift station will be an integral component of the City's sewer conveyance system long after design and construction are complete. The E Qth Hill team will meet with City maintenance staff for their input on what they like and islike about other City lift stations. This interview process will be particularly helpful during power and contro m design since those are the keys RothHill Page 11 RENTON ui1.\U 14 T414 1.1 2%'4 to how the City's staff interacts with the station. Our goal is to provide a facility that is easy to maintain and simple to operate. The station will be designed to City standards and will be based around a submersible configuration with constant -speed Flygt pumps, isolation valves upstream and downstream of the wet well and force main, and on -site water service. Convenience and easy access to all equipment, especially the check valves, pumps, motors, and electrical panels will be a focal point of the design. Corrosion -resistant materials such as stainless steel and fiberglass will be used in the wet well to combat corrosion. In addition, adequate lighting will be provided inside the wet well and the building so that maintenance crews can work on the station anytime day or night. Finally, two hours of emergency storage at the peak design flows will be provided, in a onfiguration similar to�heFast Ren n Lift Station. The new lift station will be constructed adjacent to the existing station, leaving sufficient space to maintain the structural integrity of the existing station during construction. The existing Stonegate and Summerwind Lift Stations will not be removed from service until the new station and force main have been placed into service for at least 48 hours. Delaying the removal of the Summerwind Lift Station from service until the new station is operational avoids potential overflows at the existing Stonegate Lift Station should a heavy rainfall result in significant flows. Stonegate II Architecturally, the building will need to fit in to the neighborhood. Residents with direct views of the facility will want to minimize the visual impacts of the facility. It is anticipated that the new building will be a CMU structure constructed with a small footprint with landscape screening and architectural features to make the structure fit with the overall appearance of the neighborhood. It will house the instrumentation and control systems including the field instruments, and local control devices such as the PLC. The condition of the electrical service will be examined at the start of the job, and a meeting will be held with the City electrical inspector to determine if the service needs replacement. Relocation may be necessary to accommodate all of the structures on the site. Kennedy/Jenks will develop a written control description that documents the intended operation of the facility. We will also develop an exterior elevation view of the building to evaluate the appearance for architectural considerations, by- both staff. and the i hborhood—similar to the rendering provided above. — C. Conveyance System Design Neighborhood construction impacts are a major project issue because this project will be constructed in fairly new, higher -end subdivisions. The pre -design effort will select a route' at minimizes those impacts. Maintaining sewer service during construction is critical. The new force main may parallel the existing force main in some areas, depending on which alignment is selected. The new gravity sewer main which removes the Summerwind Lift Station from service must also be constructed so it does not damage the adjacent detention pond. We will do this by carefully locating the gravity sewer main to avoid the pond and controlling construction equipment access. Horizontal directional drilling may be a viable alternative. Task Lead: Erik Waligorski Finally, we will develop accurate, high quality construction plans, specifications, and opinions of probable construction costs for all proposed improvements. Roth Hill is familiar with the City's specifications, having used them for the Sunset Interceptor, Central Plateau and Park Place projects. D. Specialty Services Task Lead: Erik Brodahl and Scott Goss Geotechnical. HWA Geosciences will review the available geologic and geotechnical information pertinent to the project, including geotechnical data obtained previously by HWA Geosciences, Inc. for the City's Sunset Interceptor Phase III Improvement project. This review will include field reconnaissance along the project alignment, to characterize surface conditions, provide recommendations for design -phase test borings to assess subsurface soil and ground water conditions, and provide information for temporary excavations and shoring design. R othH i' I Page 12 RENTON efit \U Ut TN1. ct■fit Stonegate II The project site is located within the confines of the Honey Creek and May Creek drainage basin areas. Because high and fluctuating ground water levels may impact pipeline and lift station excavations, HWA may install standpipe piezometers during the design phase to monitor ground water levels to provide design information. After the explorations are completed, selected soil samples from the borings will be tested to characterize engineering and index properties and HWA will provide a geotechnical analysis of the proposed improvements. The geotechnical report will include recommendations for temporary excavations, shoring, construction dewatering, foundation preparation, structural backfill, and pipeline construction parameters Wetlands. Sensitive areas usually worry project teams because permitting agencies and individual regulators can sometimes erect unexpected barriers that delay the project or increase costs. Even though this project lies within mapped sensitive areas, the City of Renton is a known entity with reasonable restrictions which can be easily incorporated into the design. Thorough research of available information, coupled with the Roth Hill team's personal project experience in the area, reveals the only ' sensitive areas of concern are a small stream crossing under SE 26th Street along the force main alignment and a wetland associated with May Creek located north of the Stonegate Lift Station site. We will contract with a wetland biologist to determine if the wetland infringes on the project site. A summary of the wetland biologist's field investigation and any special requirements needed to address the sensitive areas will be included in the Pre - Design Report. Public Outreach. Due to the location of the proposed improvements within an existing neighborhood, we propose a public outreach campaign to reduce complaints to the City and eliminate surprises. Keeping neighbors informed allows for easier, less expensive construction. Public Outreach programs can also identify issues unknown to the design team and sometimes even generate a better design. We can provide everything from direct mailings to neighborhood open houses. The sample fact sheet was developed for a series of public meetings on a large and complex sewer replacement project in Snohomish County, west of Paine Field. Our pre -design efforts will focus on developing a detailed public outreach plan for City ' review and approval prior to Design Phase implementation. One of the important concepts that will be addressed in the program is the public notification requirements commonly needed for construction permits. We will develop a program that informs the ' neighbors of impending construction issues such as increased truck traffic, noise, and potential delays and road closures. Early notification and an honest depiction of the impacts are keys to open communication with neighbors. cMympus Terrace Big Gulch Sewer Roject°pen Noon Sr—OishkT - Froject Fact Sheet .w t.rr peae-.ysa.er. of Roth Hill has completed dozens of street and piping projects in places like the Cities of Medina and Clyde Hill, where wealthy neighbors in very expensive homes take particular interest in the effect of the project on their own personal circumstances. Our proactive approach of explaining the project background and need, as well as setting their expectations in the right place from the start, have defused many potentially tense situations and eliminated many phone calls to City staff. For projects of this type, a successful approach has been to arrange an evening open house meeting with project drawings and photos. Representatives from the City and the design team can then answer questions — as citizens usually just want to know what's happening and why and whether it will cost them anything or otherwise affect their daily routine. V. Construction A. Construction Assistance Phase Manager: Lara Kammereck Task Lead: Erik Brodahl and Erik Waligorski Roth Hill takes pride in producing designs that result in few change orders. We accomplish this feat by incorporating comprehensive and thorough quality control measures during the design process, including constructability reviews by our construction observers and senior engineering staff. This attention to detail during the design process results in fewer obstacles during construction. For example, on Soos Creek Water and Sewer District's Lift Station 10B project, construction change orders amounted to less than 0.5% of the $8.6 million project budget. Roth" i l l Page13 RENTON ' E D"I T111 We have `exf experienced staff available to assist the City with construction contract P y co t act ' �dduring dministration, including contractor submittal review. By working closely with the City's staff construction, we can effectively minimize the inevitable conflicts and resolve issues efore they become major disputes. After the contract is awarded, Roth Hill will help coordinate and attend the pre -construction meeting. Construction administration services will include coordinating with the contractor and the City regarding any construction issues, reviewing contractor shop drawings and submittals, responding to contractor questions and requests for information, addressing any change order issues, and coordinating with the City and contractor for final project acceptance. Stonegate II The level of effort associated with observing construction and administering the construction contract is directly dependent on the City's support needs, the quality of the contractor that is awarded the contract, and the amount of time the contractor takes to complete his work. The project is relatively complex and will require some periods of more significant construction obse^ rvation and administration- There will also be periods where relatively little work will take place in the field, due to the long lead times associated with some of the main project components. B. Construction Record Drawings Task Lead: Erik Brodahl and Erik Waligorski The records developed and maintained by the construction observer and the contractor will be used after the contract is accepted as complete by the City to develop construction record drawings. The construction record drawings will reflect the as -constructed location of the improvements and any changes to the design made during construction. Accurate construction record drawings will provide the City with useful facility management information. VI. Permitting Roth Hill's approach to regulatory issues and construction permitting is to identify the issues very early in the project and address them in design. We meet with the regulators and agency staff in a pre -design conference to develop lists of specific issues with the intent to reach agreements on the design approach. The design team then has the permit requirements in hand as they design the facilities. This approach has worked extremely well on hundreds of projects and has allowed us to keep those projects on � schedule and budget and to minimize surprises and redesign efforts. Additionally, the engineers appreciate having the "answers to the test" as they put their design together. We anticipate the project will require right-of-way, grading, and building permits from the City of Renton and a hydraulic project approval from the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife. checklist will need to be prepared so that the City can issue an environmental impact determination for the project. scope of the project, we anticipate a Determination of Non -Significance. Phase Manager: Scott Goss In addition, a SEPA Based on the Permit Acquisition will be based on the pre -design work completed early in the project. This early definition of key issues will set the stage for successful development of complete permit submittals and is the key to a successful application. Our experience allows us to avoid multiple rounds of redlines and re -submittals that can cause serious schedule delays and budget impacts. As a benefit, Eilean Davis, Roth Hill's permitting and environmental expert, has long-standing relationships with many of the City of Renton, King County ROW, DDES, WDFW and other agency staff who can be expected to have an interest in the project. We will leverage this experience and these relationships to streamline the permitting process for this project. Section 4 — Schedule Proposed Project Schedule and Level of Effort The proposed project schedule is based on our understanding that the City is proposing to complete the engineering design and permitting in 2007 and commence construction in 2008. We have also included a preliminary estimate of team hours for each ' R o V! I I Page 14 R E N T o N Stonegate II 1111.10 111 Tll! 1.1 21'1 task to successfully meet the construction date of 2008. These hours are subjective based on the proposed project approach ' and may be modified during the project plan development, as the level of effort is more clearly defined. Schedule Task 2007 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 2008 1st I 2nd 3rd I 4th Estimated Team Hours Project Initiation -------------------------------- I. Project Management --- ---------------------------- II. Quality-Control/Quality Assurance --------'sign ------------------ III. Pre -Design -------------------------------- A. Flow Analysis -----------------tion----------- B. Facility Evaluation -------------------------------- C. Route Alternatives -------------------------------- D. Funding Alternatives IV. Facility Design - ------- --- ---- - ---- ------------ A. Topographic Survey -------------------------------- B. Lift Station -------------------------------- C. Conveyance -------------------------------- D. Specialty Services - - - - - - Geotechnical- Wetlands ------------------------------- Public Outreach -------------------------------- V. Construction -------------------------------- VI. Permitting O ----- 1 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ---------- 300 ---------- 120 ---------- ---------- 80 ---- ------ 200 ---------- 120 ---------- 100 ------ --- 150 ---------- 2,000 ---------- 420 ---------- - - 100 -- -----80 -- ---------- 700 ---------- 200 ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----• ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- I ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----F ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ------ -- ----- ----- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- Total Estimated Team Hours 4,820 The following table summarizes the availability of our core project team members for 2007 and 2008. Time Estimate Team Member Role Location Current Availability 2007 2008 Lara Kammereck, PE Project Manager Bellevue 35% 40% Greg Hill, PE Principal -in -Charge _ Bellevue 20% 20% Tony Fisher, PE Quality Assurance/ Quality Control Bellevue 25% 30% Erik Wali orski, PE Conveyance Manager Bellevue 1 30% 40% Erik Brodahl, PE Lift Station Manager Bellevue 35% 40% Scott Goss Permitting/Project Assistance/Funding Bellevue 30% 30% Mike Lemasa, PLS Survey Bellevue 25% 25% Erik Andersen, PE Geotechnical Lynnwood 20% 25% Paul Reardon, PE Electrical Federal Way 1 25% 25% Don Barraza, SE Structural Federal Way 15% 25% Eilean Davis Permitting Bellevue 25% 25% Pam Cobley Community Involvement Bellevue 40% 60% Additional Roth Hill Support Scott Slifer, PE Senior Project En ineer Bellevue 35% 50% Bradley Hughes, EIT Design Engineer Bellevue 40% 60% Jeremy DelMar, PE Project Engineer Bellevue 30% 50% Jeff Foray, PE Senior Project Engineer Bellevue 20% 30% Ron Bard, PE Senior Project Engineer Bellevue 20% 30% Jim Marshall Construction Observer Bellevue 40% 70% Terry VanWechel CADD Bellevue 35% 35% R o` h H 1 I' Page 15 RE N T o N W Stonegate II rHr o ur nrr c['Yv 1. Section 5 - References ' In this section, we include a list of references for each Phase Manager related to the project element they are managing. We are proud of our history of providing high value services to our clients. Over the past 35 years, we have been able to build a 50-person consulting engineering practice by meeting the needs of our clients. We are also proud of our demonstrated ability ' to successfully complete similar projects ... to provide a timely, accurate, and no surprises solution. We welcome the City's Selection Committee to contact our references to gain more information regarding Roth Hill's overall capabilities. Lara Kammereck, PE — Project Manager, Roth Hill • Jeff Roscoe, Development Engineer, Pierce County (Formerly Utility Engineer with the City of Auburn), (253) 798-2150 • Rona Lin, PE, Utilities Engineer, City of Mercer Island, (206) 236-3271 • Tom Mortimer, Water Rights Attorney, Various Clients, (206) 447-9036 Erik Waligorski, PE, Conveyance Manager, Roth Hill • Steve Sandelius, General Manager, Southwest Suburban Sewer District, (206) 244-9575 • Bill Brandon, City Manager, City of Fircrest (formerly City Manager of City of Carnation), (253) 564-8901 • Chris Hall, General Manager, Water District #111, (253) 631-3770 Erik Brodahl, PE, Lift Station Manager, Roth Hill • Ron Speer, District Manager, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District, (253) 630-9900 • Monty Bakken, Development Engineer, City of Auburn, (253) 931-3010 • Dave Kaiser, Engineering Director, Northshore Utility District, (425) 398-4400 Scott Goss, Permitting/Project Assistance Manager • Linda Scott, City Planner, City of Carnation, (425) 333-4192 • Alice Marshall, Development Manager, King County Water District No. 111, (253) 631-3770 Section 6 - Roth Hill Insurance Coverage Roth Hill can meet the insurance required of professional liability insurance of $1,000,000 for the term of the contract. R o 6-4 111 Page16 Resumes R E N T O N Stonegate II - Key Staff Resumes use o ut re. ci ■�r IL .: Lara Kammereck, PE Project Manager RothHill Education: MBA. Seattle University: BS, Civil Engineering, Gonzaga University Professional Registration: Professional Civil Engineer. Washington As the Project Manager, Lara will be responsible for ensuring that the project is completed on -time, within budget, and in accordance with the City Project Manager's expectations. Lara routinely manages large projects with many different phases and lots of team members. Lara's professional engineering experience of more than 14 years of combined municipal and consulting experience focuses on the management of utility projects related to planning, hydraulic analysis, source development, and system analysis. In the last five years, she has managed 18 feasibility studies and comprehensive plans for sewer, water and stormwater utilities, hazard mitigation plan projects, and assisted with the development of vulnerability assessments and emergency response plans. Lara is currently managing a comprehensive water system plan, a comprehensive sewer system plan, the design of a new well and pump station, and the proposed 2007 Renton Model Update. Lara was the Project Manager for the City of Renton's Sewer Model Development Project and served as the QA/QC reviewer on the City's Central Plateau Interceptor Project. She is also performing overall QA/QC for the Heather Downs Drainage Basin Analysis for the City of Renton that is currently in progress. Our clients appreciate her unique approach to managing projects and her ability to effectively involve clients in the decision - making processes that comes out of her eight years of public experience, including managing the City of Auburn Water Utility. While at the City, Lara was responsible for the long-range planning and financial management of the Water Utility Program. She also served as a Special Projects Manager and Senior Design Engineer for Whatcom County. Lara's recent project management experience includes the following projects: • Sewer Model Development and Analysis Project, City of Renton • Heather Downs Basin Analysis, City of Renton • Watercress Pump Station, City of Enumclaw • Emergency Water Supply Feasibility Analysis, City of Mercer Island • Sewer Comprehensive Plan Update, City of Kirkland • South Auburn Water and Sewer Utility Analysis, City of Auburn • Sewer Model Development Project, City of Auburn • Water Rights Development and Mitigation, City of Auburn • Comprehensive Sewer Plan, City of Auburn • Park Drive SW Pressure Study, City of Olympia • Comprehensive Water System Plan, City of Mercer Island • Comprehensive Sewer and Water Plans, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District • 140th Avenue SE Improvement Project, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District • Lift Station 10B Pre -Design, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District t R o t H i 11 Page 1 %k./ R E N T O N Stonegate II - Key Staff Resumes I11 1i 1 I I[1 i t P\ 1 ' Greg Hill, PE, Principal -in -Charge ROt h H l l l Education: BS, Civil Engineering. North Dakota State University `__ ' Professional Registration: Professional Civil Engineer, Washington With over 25 years of experience in the design and construction of water and sewer projects, Greg is a senior level advisor to Roth Hill's clients, as well as President of Roth Hill. Greg has provided senior level master utility system planning for numerous clients. He has extensive experience in long-range comprehensive planning, pump stations, capital facility planning, policy development, and contract negotiations. Greg also serves as the City Engineer for the City of Carnation, District Engineer for ' King County Water District No. 111 and Highland Water District, and Senior Advisor to Soos Creek Water & Sewer District. Recent project experience includes: • Pump Station No. 6, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District • Pump Station No. 2 Upgrade, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District • Watercress Pump Station, City of Enumclaw • Booster Pump Station and 0.5 MG Reservoir, Highland Water District • Lift Station 10B, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District • Juanita Interceptor Sewer Project, City of Kirkland • Waterline Installation and Replacement Projects City of Carnation City of Enumclaw Soos Creek Water & Sewer District Lakehaven Utility District Water District No. 111 Tony Fisher, PE, Quality Assurance/Quality Control Education: BS. Civil Engineering, University of Washington Professional Registration: Professional Civil Engineer, Washington Foothills Water Association King County Water District No. 45 ___1 RothHill Tony is involved in a project from start to finish, overseeing planning, scheduling, scopes of work, design, and construction coordination, as well as interactions between regulatory officials and clients. His 16 years of experience include water and sanitary sewer facility projects, stormwater drainage plans and reports, temporary erosion control plans, and interpreting city and county design standards. Tony led the teams that have completed most of Soos Creek Water & Sewer District's AC main replacement program over the last ten years. In addition, he served as the Project Manager for the largest lift station ever constructed by Soos Creek, Lift Station 10B. He is and has been the Project Manager for several water and sewer design and construction projects, including Lift Station No. 38's purchase and installation contracts, the Meridiana sewer extension and water main replacement project, and chlorination facility modifications. Tony will apply this experience to this project to ensure that the City's needs are met. Recent project experience includes: • Sewer Model Development and Analysis Project, City of Renton • Sunset Interceptor Sewer, Phase 3, City of Renton • Heather Downs Drainage Basin Analysis, City of Renton • Pump Station 2 Upgrade, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District • East Bay Sewer Pre -design, City of Olympia • Lift Station 38, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District • Lift Station 14, Northshore Utility District Rot H i I I Page 2 R E N T O N Stonegate II - Key Staff Resumes ' •oiP. lO oP toil Ct RYI "---- Erik Waligorski, PE, Conveyance Manager RothHill Education: BS, Civil Engineering. Washington State University ' Professional Registration: Professional Civil Engineer. Washington and Oregon Erik will lead the design of the conveyance system improvements, including the new force main and gravity sewers. He will work closely with City staff to determine the best and most cost-effective route for the mains both between the existing sewer lift stations and between the Summerwind lift station and the existing sewer system at Field Avenue NE and NE Sunset Boulevard. Erik's engineering experience is in water system design, sewer system design, structural design, comprehensive ' planning, and project and construction administration and management. Erik has been involved with engineering projects from all perspectives including consulting, government agency, and contractor. His primary responsibilities as an Engineering Lead include conceptual and detailed analysis and design. Recent projects include: ' Citywide Sewer System, City of Carnation • Central Plateau Interceptor, Section 2, City of Renton • Park Place North Storm Drain Project, City of Renton • Sewer System Replacement "I", City of Everett • Chelsea Park Sewer Rehabilitation Project, Southwest Suburban Sewer District • Sewer Pump Station No. 2 Alternatives Analysis, Southwest Suburban Sewer District ' 2005 Water System Improvements, City of Carnation • Watercress Pump Station, City of Enumclaw • 2004 Watermain Replacement "F" Project, City of Everett Erik Brodahl, PE, Lift Station Manager r� RothHill ' Education: BS, Civil Engineering, University of Idaho Professional Registration: Professional Civil Engineer Washington ' Erik will lead the design of the lift station improvements sewers. He will work closely with City staff to develop a design that meets the operations and maintenance needs of the City's staff, as well as the growth requirements for the area. Erik ' currently performs project management, design work, contract writing/coordination, engineering studies, systems modeling, comprehensive planning, cost projections, and construction administration for public works projects. He has focused on the design of sewer, water, and stormwater systems for various clients. Erik has knowledge of and experience with numerous facets of wastewater, water, and storm systems from the planning and hydraulic modeling stages to the design of conveyance and pumping facilities. In addition to leading the design of numerous sewage lift stations, he has developed lift station standards and provided technical review for lift station plans and related engineering studies. Relevant project experience includes: • Sewer Model Development and Analysis, City of Renton • Heather Downs Drainage Basin Analysis, City of Renton • Sunset Interceptor Phase 3, City of Renton ' Lift Station 10B, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District • Lift Stations 23D and 36, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District • Lift Station 42, 43, 44, and 45; Soos Creek Water & Sewer District ' Lift Station 14 Replacement, Northshore Utility District • Pump Station 2 Replacement, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District • Citywide Sewer System, City of Carnation • Development of Lift Station Standards and Technical Review, City of Auburn R o H 111 Page 3 RENTON EL, INF.%D fIF TFIF I liIF Scott Goss, Permitting/Project Assistance Manager Education: BS. Forest Resources. University of Washington Stonegate II - Key Staff Resumes RothHill Scott will provide leadership for two of the elements of the project; permitting and project assistance. Scott leads Roth Hill's permitting group. He will define required permits and work with his staff to provide a summary of permit requirements early in the project to avoid surprises. Scott's group is responsible for the following services: • Construction permitting and interagency coordination (150+ per year) • Incorporating permitting requirements into construction contract documents • SEPA/NEPA and other environmental documents (30+ per year) • IBC and municipal code compliance • Project funding • Public outreach and construction communications • Route analysis, easement definition and acquisition He has provided these services on hundreds of municipal and utility projects. His input on projects and comprehensive planning provides a critical regulatory and environmental permitting perspective necessary for success. Scott has authored many reports and published articles that address ESA impacts to our client's projects. Scott provides general design input for all of the company's sewer, water, road and other utility designs. He reviews all projects at inception and anticipates permitting implications, allowing for avoidance of project delays. This approach often identifies design details and construction alignment approaches that reduce environmental impacts, thereby easing the permitting process. Relevant project experience includes: • City of Renton and King County Real Property and DDES permitting for many development projects in the Stonegate/ Summerwind/May Valley area • Earlington Sewer Permitting, City of Renton • Carnation Citywide Sewer Construction Permitting, City of Carnation • Juanita Sewer Main Permitting, City of Kirkland • Lift Station 10B, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District • Southwest Service Area Expansion, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District • Reiner Road Reservoir, Reservoir 2, and Pump Station 1, Highland Water District • New Well and Water System, Foothills Water Association Paul Reardon, PE, Pump Station Electrical and Controls Kennedy/Jenks Consultants Engineers & Scientists Education: B. Sc.. Electrical Engineering, University College of Swansea. UK Professional Registration: Professional Electrical Engineer. Washington Paul has more than 30 years of experience in the design and project management of electrical and control systems. His ' experience includes all aspects of project planning, execution, quality control, and systems engineering, specification and proposal development. Recent project experience includes: • Watercress Pump Station, City of Enumclaw ' Well 5B Pumping, City of Auburn • SCADA System Upgrade, Seattle Public Utilities • PLC Replacement Project, King County tMaplewood Wellfield Water Treatment Plant, City of Renton t R o a h H 1 I I Page 4 1 R E N T O N Stonegate II - Key Staff Resumes ' 1111\U - THE 1 l •\'• 1L. ' Don Barraza, PE, Structural Kennedy/Jenks Consultants Engineers & Scientists Education: BS in Civil Engineering, University of Wyoming ' Professional Registration: Professional Electrical Engineer. California Don is a senior structural engineer with 18 years of experience with Kennedy/Jenks. He has served as structural engineer for the planning, design, construction, and start-up of water supply, treatment, and distribution facilities, and several types of water storage tanks and reservoirs. For the Maplewood Water Treatment Plant for the City of Renton, he was the primary Structural Designer for the single story CMU block wall building housing and greensand filter vessels, blowers, electrical, ' and administration functions above buried cast -in -place reinforced concrete clearwell and backwash recovery tanks. Recent projects include: • Watercress Pump Station, City of Enumclaw ' Percival Pump Station and Pipeline Water Supply Alternatives Analysis, City of Olympia • Maplewood Water Treatment Plant, City of Renton • Water Treatment and Storage Project, Woodburn, OR • 1 MG Welded Steel Reservoir and Pump Station, University of California Merced • Intake Springs Water System and Welded Steel Tank, McCloud Community Services District, CA ' East Bald Mountain Road 1 MG Welded Steel Tank, Tuolumne Utilities District (TUD), Sonora, CA Repairs and Upgrades at Baden Valve Lot and Pump Station, City and County of San Francisco, CA • University of California Santa Barbara, Wastewater Pumping Stations IErik Andersen, PE, Geotechnical V , HWAGEOSCIENCES INC Education: MS. Civil Engineering. University of Washington: BS, Civil Engineering, California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo Professional Registration: Professional Civil Engineer, Washington Erik has a masters degree in civil engineering and 10 years of geotechnical consulting experience in the Pacific Northwest. A significant proportion of Erik's geotechnical work experience has been on water and sewer projects. He has been involved in projects ranging from distribution and collection lines, new pump stations, and new treatment plant facilities, and upgrades to existing treatment facilities. Several of these projects involved pipelines installed by open cut or trenchless methods below the groundwater table. He has also worked on submarine outfall projects, and has been involved in pipeline capacity improvement projects using methods such as pipe bursting, and CIPP (cured -in -place pipe) lining. Recent projects include: • Eastside Interceptor Section 1 Capacity Restoration Project, City of Renton • Pump Station 2 Replacement, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District • LOTT Wastewater Project, City of Lacey • Sweyolocken Pump Station, City of Bellevue • Lift Stations 7 and 8 Improvements, City of Edmonds • East Bay Sewer Pre -design, City of Olympia • Cascade Hills AC Main Replacement, Ph. 1, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District ' R o� 111 Page 5 R E N T O N Stonegate II - Key Staff Resumes ' 111110 "1 T111 11 R11 Mike Lemasa, PLS, Survey ROt H 1 1 1 Education: AA, Engineering. Cape Cod College, Barnstable ' Professional Registration: Professional Land Surveyor. Washington Mike has over 20 years of land surveying experience. As Project Surveyor, Mike is responsible for the supervision and successful execution of survey related projects such as records research, data gathering in the field, technical calculations, reviewing legal descriptions, and assisting in the mapping process. Mike has assisted in the development of, and has extensive experience with field techniques and procedures specific to electronic data collection for terrain modeling software. His computer skills and knowledge of data collection systems has increased the efficiency in Roth Hill's survey mapping. His communication skills are an asset in the team oriented troubleshooting process. Mike has extensive experience in design surveys, construction staking, topographical, boundary, and right-of-way surveying. He is experienced in performing the research, calculations, and fieldwork necessary to determine right-of-way and property boundaries, and has many years of experience performing construction survey for layout of new roadways and utilities as well as layout of baselines, retaining walls, track, and structures within railroad right-of-way. Recent project experience includes: ' Watercress Pump Station, City of Enumclaw • Soos Creek Area Pump Station D and Pipeline D, South King County • Citywide Sanitary Sewer Collection System, City of Carnation ' Lift Station 10B Force Main, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District SE 256th Conveyance System, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District • Heather Downs Drainage Basin Analysis, City of Renton ' Pump Station 2 Upgrade, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District • Booster Pump Station and 0.5 MG Reservoir, Highland Water District Eilean Davis, Permitting ROt H 1 11 Education: AS. Drafting Technician. American River College, Sacramento, California: ' BA, Social and Environmental Issues. Washington State University. Washington, In progress ' Eilean's responsibilities include direct support for permitting, municipal public works, and government affairs. She is an expert in the King County permitting process and knows many of the staff members. Eilean works with multiple jurisdictions and local, state and federal agencies, obtaining construction permits for our water and sewer system projects. Eilean provides ' technical support; prepares on -site and off -site easements, on -from -to and energy calculations; pH and turbidity testing and biological analysis; and interprets jurisdiction comprehensive plans, codes, and ordinances for our clients as needed. Eilean is also familiar with the MUTCD, preparing Traffic Control Plans for road closure approval by various jurisdictions, and various District and City Comprehensive plans, construction standards, ordinances and code requirements. She also completes field observations, reviews project plans, and researches area features to prepare SEPA Environmental Checklists and Determinations for client approval. Recent project experience includes: Central Plateau Interceptor, Section 2, City of Renton Citywide Sewer System Project, City of Carnation • Juanita Sewer Interceptor, City of Kirkland • Southwest Service Area Expansion, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District • Earlington Sewer Permitting, City of Renton • Booster Pump Station and 0.5 MG Reservoir, Highland Water District • Pump Station 2 Upgrade, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District R o 60i I I Page 6 RENTON` %1iL%D ()L Tllf l:l \\-t Pam Cobley, Public Outreach Education: Communications Courses. University of Washington; AA. South Seattle Community College Stonegate II - Key Staff Resumes RothHill Pam provides project coordination, public outreach planning, and community involvement plan implementation for capital improvement projects. Other responsibilities include meeting facilitation, documentation processing, engineering support, software technical support, and spreadsheet utilization. Pam helps develop our clients public information and education programs to keep residents informed of projects in their neighborhoods. Pam routinely designs, writes, and distributes door hangers, bill stuffers and mailers. She provides meeting management services such as location logistics, meeting goals and structure, visual and written resource displays, speaker confirmation, registration, greetings, audio-visual support, agenda preparation, facilitation, follow-up correspondence, and minutes. Pam has a broad background in public works -related communications. She understands that there is an inherent need for communities to not only have the opportunity to participate in the development and implementation of a project, but to have a sincere chance to help shape the future of their community. Her prior experience with construction related activities is instrumental in developing materials that are easily understood and engaging. Recent project experience includes: • On -call Communication Outreach Services, King County • Citywide Sewer System Project, City of Carnation • 96th Avenue SE Street and Drainage Improvements, City of Mercer Island • Public Education and Information Plan, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District • 82nd Street Pedestrian Improvements, City of Medina • May Valley Road and SR 900 Watermain Improvements Public Information, King County Water District No. 90 Ron Bard, PE, Senior Project Engineer Education: BS. Civil Engineering. University of Washington Professional Registration: Professional Civil Engineer, Washington Kennedy/Jenks Consultants Engineers & Scientists Ron has 25 years of experience in providing water resource engineering. His primary area of expertise is the design and planning of sewers, water systems, drainage and combined sewer overflow (CSO) control facilities. He has extensive experience planning water and wastewater facilities and integrating new facilities into existing systems. Currently, he is Project Engineer and lead designer for the pump station site civil work and the transmission pipeline for the Percival Pump Station project for the City of Olympia. This project includes a municipal water pump station with three pumps with a total pumping capacity of 3,000 gpm. Other recent projects include: • Raw Water Diversion Pump Station, Public Utilities District No. 1 of Skagit County • Industrial Waste Treatment Plant and Pump Station, Port of Seattle, Sea Tac • Percival Pump Station, City of Olympia • AKART Pipeline In Public Right -of -Way, Port of Seattle, Sea Tac, WA • Water Blending Station Number 3, City of Oxnard, CA R o� i I I Page 7 RE N T O N Stonegate II - Key Staff Resumes eo ur me a eve 1 Jeff Foray, PE, Senior Project Engineer Kennedy/Jenks Consultants-- -- -- Engineers ; Scientists Education: BS, Mechanical Engineering. University of Washington; BA, General Studies, University of Washington Professional Registration: Professional Civil Engineer, Washington Jeff is a mechanical engineer with 14 years of experience and has extensive experience with water pumping facilities and building design. For PUD #1 of Skagit County, he completed the analysis and design of a 35 mgd, 250 psi pump station including a river intake and over two miles of pipeline. Other recent projects include: Percival Pump Station Design, City of Olympia ' Well 5b Pumping, City of Auburn • Raw Water Diversion Pump Station, Public Utilities District No. 1 of Skagit County • Power Booster Station, San Buenaventura ' Fairview Pump Station, Calleguas Municipal District • Water Booster Pump Stations, Woodburn, OR • Pump Stations No. 3 and 5, City of Kent • Watercress Pump Station, City of Enumclaw Scott Slifer, PE, Senior Project Engineer RothH1t Education: MS. Civil Engineering, University of Washington: BS. Aeronautics and Astronautics. I University of Washington Professional Registration: Professional Civil Engineer Washington Scott is a Project Manager, overseeing complex engineering projects through planning, design, and construction phases. Scott has over 32 years of experience involving a wide range of civil engineering projects including site drainage facilities, municipal wastewater treatment plants, and water and sewer conveyance and pumping facilities. He has experience in water quality management planning and engineering feasibility report preparation. Numerous comprehensive plans for both water and sewer utilities have been developed under his supervision. Scott's Masters of Engineering Degree focused on environmental resources with an emphasis on water pollution control and design. His particular areas of expertise are planning, studies, hydraulic system design, specification writing, and quality assurance reviews. His project experience includes: • Sunset Interceptor Sewer, Phase 3, City of Renton • Pump Station 2 Upgrade, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District • Watercress Pump Station, City of Enumclaw • SE 227th Street AC Main Replacement, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District • Westview Terrace AC Main Replacement, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District • SE 168th Street AC Water Main Replacement, Phase 2, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District • 2004 Miscellaneous Water System Improvements, City of Redmond • Wojewodzki Transmission Main, King County Water District No. 90 • West of Market Street Water Main Replacements, City of Kirkland • Lake Avenue West Water Main Replacements, City of Kirkland R 0thH 1 I I Page 8 R E N T o N Stonegate II - Key Staff Resumes ' UI! \U OF T/11 11 •YI 1111116. ' Jeremy DelMar, PE, Project Engineer RothHill Education: BS. Civil Engineering, Washington State University Professional Registration: Professional Civil Engineer. Washington Jeremy's responsibilities include design of water, storm, and transportation projects for Roth Hill's municipal clients. This work includes preparation of plans, specifications, and cost estimates for capital improvement and developer extension projects. He provides research on design alternatives, prepares cost and feasibility assessments, and provides additional support to project engineers and project managers. In addition to his design duties, Jeremy assists the acting engineering consultant for Roth ' Hill's municipal clients by performing plan review and construction observation for development projects. Jeremy coordinates the timely turnaround for all reviews and provides additional support roles to municipal staff. Jeremy's professional knowledge also includes over four years of utility construction experience associated with the installation of sewer, storm, and water service ' for residential and commercial construction projects. He performed work as a utility pipe layer and heavy equipment operator on various phases of development construction. His project experience includes: • Development of Lift Station Standards and Technical Review, City of Auburn ' Miller Avenue Sidewalk (Fir Street to Friendly Grove Road), City of Olympia • NE 8th Street Pedestrian Walkways, City of Sammamish • 2006 Storm Drainage Improvements, City of Bothell Friar Creek Water System Improvements, Highland Water District 2004 Miscellaneous Water System Improvements, City of Redmond • Makah Road Overlay, Town of Woodway PF Bradley Hughes, EIT, Project Engineer RothHill Education: BS, Civil Engineering, Gonzaga University Professional Registration: Engineer -In -Training, Washington Bradley is involved in design, drafting, specifications development, and cost estimating for sidewalk, water, sewer conveyance, and lift station projects. He also performs clearing, grading, and stormwater management plan review the City of Redmond, and performs developer extension reviews. Bradley provides support for hydraulic modeling for sewer and system -wide sewer models for our clients. His project experience includes: • Sewer Model Development and Analysis, City of Renton ' Stormwater Trunk Replacement Project, City of Federal Way • Lift Station 14, Northshore Utility District • Sidewalk Program Planning Level Cost Estimates, City of Olympia • Miller Avenue Sidewalk (Fir Street to Friendly Grove Road), City of Olympia • Plan Review Services, City of Redmond • 2006 Storm Drainage Improvements, City of Bothell ' Pump Station 2 Upgrade, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District R o� i' I Page 9 R E N T O N Stonegate II - Key Staff Resumes Jim Marshall, Construction Observer �. RothHlll Education: BA, Social Science. Central Washington University %%� ' Professional Registration: Water Distribution Manager 111 Certificate. Water Distribution Specialist 11 Certificate. Cross -Connection Control Specialist Certificate, Hazardous Materials Responder -Operations Level Certificate Jim has extensive experience in construction observation including dispute mediation and public complaint resolution. He has ' worked closely with utility staff to facilitate contract construction compliance and has also been responsible for construction administration duties such as preparing daily construction observation reports, preparing pay estimates, and working closely with Project Managers. Jim has over 30 years experience in water and sewer district operations and management, conducting ' field observations and design review on many sewer projects and water distribution and storage facilities. Prior to joining Roth Hill, Jim was a Field Coordinator at Soos Creek Water & Sewer District and Special Projects Coordinator at Skyway Water & Sewer District. As a Resident Project Representative for Roth Hill, his duties include observation of the construction ' of underground utilities such as sewer and watermains, sewage lift stations, water reservoirs, pump stations, and vaults. His project experience includes: • Citywide Sewer System, City of Carnation • Numerous water system projects and operations, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District • Watermain Replacement Project, Skyway Water & Sewer District • 1.3 Million Gallon Prestressed Concrete Water Reservoir, Skyway Water & Sewer District • Seelye Sewer Replacement, Skyway Water & Sewer District • Regional I&I Reduction Pilot Project, Skyway Water & Sewer District • Cornell Lift Station Upgrade and Force Main Replacement, Skyway Water & Sewer District • South 121 st Street Sewer Replacement, Skyway Water & Sewer District Terry Van Wechel, CADD Education: AA. Seattle Central Community College RothHill': Terry leads our firm's CADD group, overseeing all drafting. In addition, he is brought on to provide drafting on complex projects as he also provides design support on larger projects. Terry has experience in drafting and supporting the design on all types of sewer conveyance projects of varying pipe sizes. He has worked closely with other members of our proposed project team, which will reduce the time it takes to get this project moving for the City of Renton and ensure quality deliverables. His project experience includes: • Citywide Sewer System, City of Carnation • Sunset Interceptor Sewer, Phase 3, City of Renton • Pump Station 2 Upgrade, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District • Watercress Pump Station, City of Enumclaw • Lift Station 41, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District • Lift Station 23D, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District • Lift Station 10B, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District • Lift Station 15B Force Main, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District ' 256th Conveyance System, Soos Creek Water & Sewer District • Lift Station 14, Northshore Utility District i ' R o� i I I Page 10