HomeMy WebLinkAboutWWP273536 (8)� ' , ' 1 ' , � � 1 �� ' 1 i � ! � ' � Award Date: Awarded to: Award Amount: � cA�-iasa2 Bidding Requirements, City of Renton Forms, Contract Forms, Conditions of the Contract, Plans and Specifications Construction of: �/estview-lift Station Upgrades PROJECT NO. 1NW P-27-3536 October 2010 City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Projed Manager_ John Hobson, (425) 430-7279 � ,;��� .:c��y:of - ��l a-.: � � � " �;8` � ` . �� � :+ + . S � 5, � ���� 1� �� C' iT O . , � • it i' . r ' , 1 ' , , � � � ' ' , ' CITY OF RENTON RENTON, WASHlNGTON COIVTRACT DOCUMENTS for the Westview Lift Station Upgrades PR0IECT NO. WWP-27-3536 October 2010 BIDDING REQUIREMENTS CONTRACT FORMS CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS PLAIVS � �L. � M1 r�.s�t�...� � ,�. �.,.t't ���,.; T � � :,,.s=s � ,:,�:r. � � �f ;. �F... �� � '�� � �5= �'� ". ``�,_r�.,;�.� �� ;« J � J � { � , � ADVANCED CONSTRUCTION, INC. State UBI # 602 273 113 �Fed. ID# 30 0167722 Contractor's # ADVANC1973KE Washington State Corporation since February 19, 2003 � Project: Westview Lift Station Upgrades CONTACT LIST: Responsible Officer: �A.J. Smith 4640 Campus Place, Suite 150 Mukilteo WA 98275 425-493-1826 Emerqencv phone number: 425-754-5493 Job Foreman: �Zane Gardner 4640 Campus Place, Suite 150 Mukilteo WA 98275 425-493-1826 Emerqencv phone number: 425-508-6261 � Bonding Company: HUB Intemational, Andv Prill (425) 489-4500 � Sincerely � � ' AJ Smit�i, � ' r _i. COPIST�UCTIflN INC. 4640 Campus Place Suite 150 Mukiiteo, WA 98275 Office: 425-493-1826 Fax: 425-493-1827 WA# ADVANC1973KE � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ' , DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES REGISTERED AS PROVIDED BY LAW AS CONST CONT GENERAL ItEGIST. # EXP. DATE CCO1 ADVANCI973K.E 5/5/2011 EFPECT] VE DATE S/5/2003 ADVANCED CONSTRUCTION IIvC 4640 CA,'�iPUS PL STE I50 MUKILTEO WA 98275 { F6>j-05?-�i00 B1971 '.� - ---._�.:.._.,�_���.�,-.�rz - Detaeh And Ui�pla} Certificate - � Business License An n ual D City of �,,� ��, Expiration Date , O � 07/31/2011 a � � � � +�� � o �F�.,��, ' 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430-6851 Business Location Issued Date: License # � 4640 CAMPUS PL #150 MUKILTEO, WA 98275-5310 08/01/2010 BL.031878 Licensee has applied for a City of Renton business 1 license in accordance with Renton Municipal Code ADVANCED CONSTRUCTION INC (the Code), Title V Business, Chapter 5 Business 4640 CAMPUS PL #150 Licenses. The Licensee agrees to comply with all � MUKILTEO, WA 98275-5310 requirements of the Code, as �vell as State la�vs and regulations applicable to the business activity licensed. Post this License at the place of business. � -- --- � � � � � � � � � , � ' �� � 1 � � � � � � � � � � � , , L� � CITY OF RENTON WW P-27-3536 Westview Lift Station Upgrades CONTRACT DOCUMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary of Fair Practices Policy Summary of Americans with Disability Act Policy Scope of Work Vicinity Map Instructions to Bidders Call for Bids *Proposal & Combined Affidavit & Certificate Form: Non-Collusion Anti-Trust Claims Minimum Wage Form *Dept. of Labor and Industies Certificate of Registration *Bid Bond Form *Schedule of Prices ❖Bond to the City of Renton ❖Fair Practices Policy Affidavit of Compliance ❖Contract Agreement (Contracts other than Federal - Aid FHWA) ❖City of Renton Insurance Information Form ❖City of Renton Standard Endorsement Form Prevailing Minimum Hourly Wage Rates Statement of fntent to Pay Prevailing Wages Affidavit of Prevailing Wages Paid Specia) Provisions Standard Plans Documents marked as follows must be submitted at the time noted and must be executed by the Contractor, President and Vice President or Secretary if corporation by-laws permit. All pages must be signed. In the event another person has been duly authorized to execute contracts, a copy of the corporation minutes establishing this authority must be attached to the bid document. * Submit with Bid ❖ Submit at Notice of Award CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98057 � � � � � � � � CITY OF RENTON SUMMARY OF FAIR PRACTICES POLICY ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. 3229 It is the policy of the City of Renton to promote and provide equal treatment and service to all citizens and to ensure equal employment opportunity to all persons without regard to race, color, national. origin, ethnic background, gender, marital status, religion, age or disability, when the City of Renton can reasonably accommodate the disability, of employees and applicants for employment and fair,,non-discriminatory treatment to all citizens. All departments of the City of Renton shall adhere to the foilowing guidelines: �. (1) EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES - The City of Renton will ensure al) employment related activities included recruitment, selection, promotion, demotion, training, retention and separation are conducted in a manner which is based on job-related criteria which does not discriminate against women, minorities and other protected classes. Human resources decisions wil) be in accordance with individual performance, staf#ing requirements, governing civif service rules, and . labor contract agreements. � (2) COOPERATION WITH HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS' - The City of Renton will cooperate fully with a(I organizations and commissions organized to promote fair practices and equal opportunity in employment. � � � � � L� , i � �l I� (3} AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN - The City of Renton Affirmative Action P(an and Equal Employment Program will be maintained and administered to facifitate equitable representation with the City work force and to assure equal employment opportunity to all. It shall be the responsibility of elected officials, the Mayor, the Affirmative Action Officer, department administrators, managers, supervisors, Contract Compliance Offcers and all employees to carry out the policies, guidelines and corrective measures set forth in the Affirmative Action Plan and Equal Employment Program. (4) CONTRACTORS' OBLIGATIONS - Contractors, sub-contractors, consultants and suppliers conducting business with the City of Renton shall affirm and subscribe to the Fair Practices and Non-discrimination policies set forth by the law and in the City's Affirmative Action Plan and Equal Employment Program. Copies of this policy shall be distributed to all City employees, shall appear in all operatianal documentation of the City, incfuding bid calls, and shall be prominently displayed in appropriate city facilities. CONCUR.RED IN by the City Council of the City of RENTON, Washington, tius 7 ttYiay of October, 1996. CI'fY OF RENTOIV: .a,.4.�-�l iV(ayor RENTON CTTY COUNCIZ.: .•�� ' Council Presid�t Attest: � \ City Clerl � L� � � � CITY OF RENTOi�t SUh�A1ARY OF��RIG4NS Ff'ITH DIS�IBLLITIES ACT POLICY .4DOPTED BYRESOLUTIONNO. :3007 � e policy of the City of Renton is to promote and afford equal treatrnent and service to all.citizens and to assurc cmployment opportunity to persons with disabilities, when the City of Renton can reasonabty accommodate thc �isability. This policy shall be based on the principles of equal employrnent opportwuty, the Americans With isabilities Act and other applicable guidelu�es as set forth in fedecal, state and local laws. All departments of the City of Renton shall adhere to the following guidelines: � � � � L__.. � � � � (]) EMPLOYMEi�IT PRACTICES - All activities retating to employment such as recruitment, selection, promatioq terminatipn and tra.ining shall be conducted in a non- discriminatory manner. Personnel decisions will be ba�sed on individual performa.nce, staffing requircments, and in accordance with tho Americans� With Disabilities Act and other applicab161aws and regulations. � . � (2) COOPERATTON�. WI`I�-I �iUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATI02�IS - The City of Renton will coopera.te £u1Iy with all or, , nl�ations and commissions organized to promote f�ir practices and equal opportunity for �persotls with � disabilities in employment and receipt.of City secvices, activities and programs. (3) . A.MERICANS WI"I�-i DISA.B1ZiI'IES ACT�POLICY - Tfie.City�of Renton Americans With Disabilities Act PoIicy will.bc maintained to facilitate equitable representation within the City work force and to a.ss�re equal employment opportunity and equal access to City secvices, activities and orograms to all neople with disabilities. It shall be the responsibiliry and the duty of ail City offcials and employees to cany out the � policies and guidelines as set forth in this policy (4) COi1TRACTORS' OBLTGATION = Contractors, subcontractors, consuitan[s and • suppliers cond'acting {�usiness with�the City of Renton sfiall abide by''the requirements of the Americans Wi�i.DisabiIities Act and promote a.ccess to servicrs, activities� and programs� for people with disabilities. . � . pies of this pplicy sha11 be distri6uted to aIl City employees, shall appear in aIl operational documentation of fhe City, luding bid calls, and sh�11 be prominently displayed in appropriate City faciiifies. �1�CUP�RED IN by the Ciry Council of �he City ofRenlon, �his 4th dayof October ��TY OF RENTON �� r�,. �\,^' � ,. � ,. ;�. `f. \ r Yo� � , _ � est: � ' =� Clerk Washrnglon, 199�. RENTON CITY COUNCIL: � �'7 , -••. /1` /://• , ?/ � Council President �� � LJ � � CITY OF RENTON WWP-27-3536 1iR/estview Lift Station Upgrades SCOPE OF WORK The work involved under the terms of this contract document shall be full and compiete installation of the facilities, as shown on the plans and as described in the construction specifications, to include but not be limited to: The construction of the Westview Lift Station Upgrades project includes demolition of inechanical � equipment (pumps, valves, piping, and appurtenances} in the existing below-grade wet well, and demolition of yard piping, sidewalk, and pavement. The Work also consists of a new below-grade valve vault, mechanical equipment (pumps, valves, piping and appurtenances), yard piping, � sidewalk/driveway, cabfe trench, and wet well lining, as well as pavement rehabilitation, bypass pumping, and electrical routing and connections to the existing control panel. Any contractor connected with this project shall comply with all Federal, State, County, and City codes and regulations applicable to such work and perform the work in accordance with the plans and specifications of this contract document. A total of 80 working days wifl be allowed for the completion of this project from anticipated date of commencement (Notice to Proceed), December 28, 2010. ! 1 t t 1 � � 1 1 t t i t i 1 � C� 1 � �;�E�T�TIE��1�T LIF� S�'A�'IQN LTP�R�DES , � 1 � � � E� � INST'RUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Sealed bids for this proposal will be received by the City of Renton at the office of the Renton City Clerk, Renton City Hall, until the time and date specified in the Call for Bids. At this time the bids will be publicly opened and read, after which the bids will be considered and the award made as early as practicable. No proposal may be changed or withdrawn after the time set for receiving bids. Proposals shall be submitted on the forms attached hereto. 2 Any omissions, discrepancies or need for interpretation should be brought, in writing, to the attention of the Project En;�ineer. Written addenda to clarify questions that arise may then be issued. 3 The work to be done is shown in the plans and / or specifications_ Quantities are understood to be � only approximate. Final payment will he based on actual quantities and at the unit price hid. The City reserves the right to add or to eliminate portions of that work as deemed necessary. � � � � � � 4. Plans may be examined and at the Public Works Department Office. Plans, specifications, addenda, and the plan holders list for this project are available on-line through Builders Exchange of Washington, Inc., at http://www_bxwa.com. Bidders shall satisfy themselves as to the local conditions by inspection of the site_ 5. 6. 7. No oral statements by Owner, Engineer, or other representative of the owner shall, in any way, modify the contract documents, whether made before or after Iettin� the contract. The bid price for any item must include the performance of all work necessary for completion of that item as described in the specifications. The bid price shall be stated in terms of the units indicated and as to a total amount. In the event of errors, the unit price bid will govem. Iile�ible fi�ures will invalidate the bid. The right is reserved to reject any and/or all bids and to waive informalities if it is deemed advantageous to the City to do sa 8. A certified check or satisfactory bid bond made payable without reservation to the Director of Finance of the City of Renton in an amount not less than 5% of the total amount of the bid shall accompany each bid proposal. Checks will be returned to unsuccessful bidders immediately following the decision as to awazd of contract. The check of the successful bidder will be returned provided he enters into a contract and furnishes a satisfactory perforinance bond coverin� the full amount of the work within ten days after receipt of notice of intention to award contract. Should he fail, or refuse to do so, the check shall be forfeited to the City of Renton as liquidated damage for such failure. � 9. All bids must be self-e�planatory. No opportunity will be offered for oral explanation except as the City may request fnrther information on particular points. � 10. The bidder shail, upon request, fumish information to the City as to his financial and practicai ability to satisfactorily perform the work. � 1 l. Payment for this work will be made in Cash Warrants. �J � 12. The contractor shall obtain such construction insurance (e_g. fire and extended coverage, worker's compensarion, public liability, and groperty damage as indicated on forms enclosed under Attachment A herein and as identified within Specification Section 1-07.18: i i i � 13. The contractor, prior to the start of construction, shall provide the City of Renton a detailed bar chart type construction schedule for the project. 14 Before starting work under this contract, the Contractor is required to supply information to the City of Renton on all chemical hazards Contractor is bringing into the work place and potentially exposing City of Renton Employees. 15 16. Payment ofretainage shall be done in accordance with Section 1-09.9(1} "Retainaae. Basis For Approval The. construction contract will be awarded by the Ciry of Renton to the lowest, responsible, � responsive bidder. The bidder shall bid on all bid schedules items of a11 schedules set forth in the bid forms to be considered responsive for award. The total price of all schedules will be used to determine ttie successfui low responsive bidder. � � 17 � � � 18 � � � � 19 � � � Partial bids will not be accepted. The owner reserves the right to award any or all schedules of the Bid to meet the needs of the City. The intent is to award to only one BIDDER. Trench Excavation Safety Systems As required by RCW 39.04_180, on public works projects in which trench excavation will exceed a depth of four feet, any contract therefor sha11 require adequate safety systems for the trench excavation that meet the requirements of the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act, Chapter 49.17 RCW. These requirements shall be included in the Bid Schedule as a separate item. The costs of trench safety systems shall not be considered as incidental to any other contract item and any attempt to include the trench safety systems as an incidental cost is prohibited. Payment of Prevailing Wages In accordance with Revised Code of Washington Chapters 39.12 and 49.28 as amended or supplemented herein, there shall be paid to aII laborers, worlanen or mechanics employed on this cantract the prevailing rate of wage for an hour's work in the same trade or occupation in the area of work regardless of any contractual relationship which may e�st, or be alleged to exist, between the CONTRACTOR and any laborers, worlanen, mechanics or subconsultants. The most recent issue of the prevailing wage rates are included within these specifications under section titIed "Prevailing Minimum Hourly Wage Rates". The Contractor is Responsible for obtaining updated issues of the prevailing wage rate forms as they become available during the duration of the contract. The wage rates shall be included as part af any subcontracts the Contractor may enter into for work on this project. Pollu6on Control Requirements Work under this contract shall meet all local, state and federal requirements for the prevention of environmental pollution and the preservation of public natural resources. The CONTRACTOR shall conduct the work in accordance with all appIicable pollution control laws. The CONTRACTOR shaIl comply with and be liable for all penalties, damages, and violations under Chapter 90.48 RCW, in performance of the work. The CONTRACTOR shall also comply with Article 4 in the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency Regularion IlI regarding removal and encapsulation of asbestos materials. � � 20. Standard Spec�cations i � All work under this contract sha11 be performed in accordance with the following standard specifications except as may be exempted or modified by the City of Renton Supplemental Specifications; Special Provisions other sections of these contract documents. These standard specifications are hereby made a part of this contract and shall control and guide all activities within this project whether referred to directly, parab aph by paragraph, or not. L WSDOT/APWA "2008 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municigal � Construction" and "Division 1 APWA Supplement" hereinafter referred to by the abbreviated title "Standazd Specifications." A. Any reference to "State," "State of Washington," "Department of Transportation," � "WSDOT," or any combination thereof in the WSDOT/APWA standards shall be rnodified to read "City of Renton," unless specifically referring to a standard specification or test method. � B. All references to measurement and payment in the WSDOT/APWA standards shall be detected and the measurement and payment provisions of Section 1-09.14, Measurement and Payinent (added herein) sha11 govem. � � 1 � � � � � � i I � 21. A geotechnical engineering report has not been completed for this project. The Bidders shall familiarize themselves adequately with the project site and e�cisting subs�face condition as needed to submit their bid. Upon approval of the City, the Bidder may make such subsurface explorations and investigations as they see fit. The Bidder shall be responsible for protection of all existing facilities, urilities and other buried or surface unprovements and shall restore the site to the satisfaction of the City. 22 Bidder's Checklist ❑ It is the responsibility of each bidder to ascertain if all the documents listed on the attached index are included in their copy of the bid specifications_ If documents are missing, it is the sole responsibitity of the bidder to contact the City of Renton to abtain the missing documents prior to bid opening time. ❑ Have you submitted, as part of your bid, all documents marked in the index as "Submit With Bid"? ❑ Has bid bond or certified check been enclosed? ❑ Is the amount of the bid guaranty at least 5 percent of the total amount of bid including sales tax? ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Has the proposal been signed? Have you bid an ALL ITEMS and ALL SCHEDLTLES? Have you submitted the Subcontractors List (If required) Have you reviewed the Prevailing Wage Requirements? Have you certified receipt of addenda, if any? � � � � CAG-10-142 CITY OF RENTON CALL FOR BIDS Westview Lift Station Upgrades 1N1NP-27-3536 Sealed bids will be received until 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, November 16, 2010 at the City Clerk's � office, 7t'' floor, and will be opened and publicly read in the 6th floor Conference Room #621, Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way for the Westview Lift Station Upgrades project. The work to be performed within 80 working days from the date of commencement under this contract shall include, but not be limited to: � � � L_J � � � i � The construction of the Westview Lift Station Upgrades project includes demolition of mechanical equipment (pumps, valves, piping, and appurtenances) in the existing below-grade wet well, and demolition of yard piping, sidewalk, and pavement. The Work also consists of a new below-grade valve vault, mechanical equipment (pumps, valves, piping and appurtenances), yard piping, sidewalk/driveway, cable trench, and wet well lining, as well as pavement rehabilitation, bypass pumping, and electrical routing and connections to the existing control panel. The City reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and to waive any and/or all informalities. Bid documents will be available November 2, 2010. Plans, specifications, addenda, and the plan holders list for this project are available on-line through Builders Exchange of Washington, Inc., at http://www.bxwa.com. Click on "bxwa.com"; "Posted Projects", "Pubiic Works", "City of Renton" ,"Projects Bidding". (Note: Bidders are encouraged to "Register as a Bidder," in order to receive automatic email notification of future addenda and to be placed on the "Bidders Li st." ) If a bidder has any questions regarding the project, please contact the Project Manager, John Hobson at 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 or (425) 430-7279. A certified check or bid bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total of each bid must accompany each bid. The City's Fair Practices, Non-Discrimination, and Americans with Disability Act Policies shall apply. `����• [.VGZ�-h"� Bonnie I. Walton, City. Clerk Pubfished: Daily Journal of Commerce November 2, 2010 Daily Journal of Commerce November 9, 2010 �� , � � � � CITY OF RENTON Westview Lift Station Upg�-acies WWP-27-3536 Proposal & Combined Affidavit & Certificate for� TO THE CITY OF RENTON RENTON, WASHINGTON Ladies and/or Gendemen: � The undersigned hereby certify that the bidder has examined the site of the proposed work and have read and thoroughly understand the plans, specifications and contract goveming the work embraced in this improvement, and the method by which payment will be made for said work, and hereby propose to � undertake and complete the work embraced in this improvement, or as much thereof as can be completed with the money available, in accordance with the said plans, specifications and contract and the following scheduIe of rates and prices: � � � � The iuidersi�ned certifies and agrees to the following provisions: NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT Being duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the identical person who submitted the foregoing proposal or bid, and that such bid is genuine and not sham or collusive or made in the interest or on behalf of any person not therein named, and further, that the deponent has not directly induced or solicited any other Bidder on the foregoing work or equipment to put in a sham bid, or any other person or corporation to refrain from bidding, and that deponent has not in any manner sought by collusion to secure to himself or to any other person any advantage over other Bidder or Bidders. /:\►1�7 CERTIFICATION RE: ASSIGNIv�NT OF ANTI-TRUST CLAIMS TO PURCHASER � j , � Vendor and purchaser recognize that in actual economic practice overcharges resulting from anti-trust violations are in fact usually bome by the purchaser. Therefore, vendor hereby assigns to purchaser any and all claims for such over-charges as to goods and materials purchased in connection r��ith this arder or contract, except as to overcharges resulting from anti-trust violations commencin� after the date of the bid, quotation, or other event establishing the price under this order or contract. In addition, vendor warrants and represents that such of his suppliers and subcantractors shall assign any and all such claims to purchaser, subject to the aforementioned exception_ . � M[�JIMUM WAGE AFFIDAVIT FORM I, the undersi�ned, having been duly swom, deposed, say and certify that in connection with the performance of the work of this project, I will pay each classification of laborer, worlanan, or mechanic employed in the performance of such work; not less than the prevailing rate of wage or not less than the minimum rate of wages as specified in the grincipal contract_ that. I have read the above and foregoing � � statement and certificate, know the contents thereof and the substance as set forth therein is true to my knowledge and belief. � FOR: PROPOSAL, NON COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT, ASSIGNMENT OF ANTI-TRUST CLAIMS TO PURCHASER AND MINIMUM WAGE AFFIDAVIT `,��titsRs�� Name of Bidder's Firm `��O G : v'�f � ���LQ�'PQ•,� `ir�� R � O; Printed Name !� _ � Z�. j•••; Z- =>� ti� .�= Signature % � ' ' Z � � � ��'�� �'•.SH G� �?'� . �i`: Address: , L �� � �`c:cY ,1'� ' ', ���� \ `� G � �MVI�\���,� � �,'�;i�}` � ��-7 ��►t a � � � �t�� � � � � � � � � Names of Members of ���� OR Name of President of Corporarion Name of Secretary of Corporation Corporation Organized under the laws of With Main Office in State of Washington at Subscribed and sworn to before me on this �� +� � Si'VlE�W1 L,►�1d�, C. -l�l.iEk 11�?�.-} �L Q5Y1� N C��Ol� � t ��. J 4lD�IQ �qVVIqLI��IQc.� StAi�I�U I�.l.i[:��p�l��k�1��1.�' , day of �li � , 201C% � �.'-_t✓ YR.. r:�z:��y �_ :�, ��e �� a�� :. ,.,,fp�.� �� 3 f �'�`" kn's3_�4'L - Lfk��A :�. �� � T:'�?�'��� ' �., � f+��' �Ci{�:;�t��`.s::.�.: ��.;-;� �:�_.� � Sd�ts-�!r`�,'= � � � � Notary Public in a�d for the State of�Washington Notary (Print) .�./.(%�/r- (r ,�G�.L�/.%T�z-%' My appointment expires: � G v!� � . . ge 13 vided to Builders Exchange of WA, Inc. For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com - Always Verify Scale � � � � � � Department of Labor and Industries Certi�cate of Registration Name an Registration: �c�� i��1C.Qr� C�.n�R��tLtlC�ki �i t� 4n1C . Registration Number: Expiration Date: � i��i �1J C Z�1� 31C.�� [�S-0� ZC11 Note: A copy of the certificate will be requested as part of contract execution when project is awarded. � � � � �ge 14 Department of Labor and Industries Certificate of Registration vided to Builders Exchange of WA, Inc. For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com - Always Verify Scale � � BID BOND FORM iHerewith find deposit in the form of a certified check, cashler's check, cash, or bid bond in the amount of " $ whieh amount Is not less than five percent of the total bid. � � Know All Men 6y These Presents: Signature That We Advanced Construction, Inc. ,� � as � P�incipal, and First National Insurance Company of America as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Renton, as , Obligee, in the penal sum of Five Percent (5%) of Total Amount Bid Dollars, for the payment of which the P�lncipal and the Surety hind themselves, thelr heirs, executors, administrators, successors i and assigns, jointly and severally, by these presents. — The condition of this obligation is such that if the Obligee shall make any award to the Principal for Westview Lift Station Upgrades accotding to the terms of the proposal or bid made by the Principal �� the�efore, and the Principal shall duly make and enter into a contract wfth the Obligee In accordance ._ with the terms of said praposal or bid and awa�d and shall glve bond for the faithfu) perforrnance thereof, with Surety or Sureties approved by the Obligee; ar if the Principal shall, in case of failure to do � so, pay and forfelt to the Obligee the penal amou�t of tlie deposit specified in the call for bids, then this obligation shall he null and void; otherurise it shall be and remain in full force and effect and the Surety shall forthwith pay and forfeit to the Obligee, as penalty and (iquidated damages, the amount of th;``���1�111I���� 6ond. � ``�'O' GONS'T�,r�`' �� G • ••. ``.` ,:' CORo� ' . �-'..' + Q' . �',c ,��': `- 16th November � SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED THIS DAY OF Zp ?o '�' � �,-� S�/, '` ':� A vance ons ruc ion, nc. ,� `Q L�� "'<� % ��. � �Cfllkl'1 � 2C1 . r� ,.� � :9s 3 ° , ;. . . ' , " �� 'y�!'�GTO`•`.•' ��' � � Princi�al • i c�,, ••° • � �� Fir � N ional Insurance Company of America �fj ,�` � f f, i 1 i,``�ti\`` ���������_ � � _. ,� SU�ety Theresa A. Lamb, Attorney-in-Fact � � Received return of deposit in the sum of � Page 15 Bid Bond Form �Provided to Builders Exchange of WA, Inc. For usage Conditions Agreement see wwvd.bxwa.com - Always Verify Scale � - � — � �. � � �� � �. � � POWER OFATTORNEY KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: No. 7351 That FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, a Washington corporation, does hereby appoint ********************BRANDON K. BUSH; STEVEN K. BUSH; M. J. COTTON; JIM W. DOYLE; CHAD M. EPPLE; JULIE , M. GLOVER; DARLENE JAKIELSKI; JIM 5. KUICH; THERESA A. LAMB; BRETT N. MEIER; MICHAEL A. MURPHY; NANCY J. OSBORNE; ANDY D. PRILL; 5. M. SCOTT; STEVE WAGNER; Bothell, Washington*******************�***** its true and lawful attorney(s)-in-fact, with full authority to execute on behalf of the company fidelity and surery bonds or undertakings and other documents of a similar character issued by the company in the course of its business, and to bind FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA thereby as fully as if such instruments had been duly executed by its regularly elected officers at its home o�ce. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA has executed and attested these presents this 20th day of April , 2010 �x�' �r�yj i ���. � �� . .�,�, Dexter R. Legg, Secretary Timothy A. Mikolajewski, Vice President CERTIFICATE Extract from the By-Laws of FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA: "Article V, Section 13. - FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS ... the President, any Vice President, the Secretary, and any Assistant Vice President appointed for that purpose by the officer in charge of surety operations, shall each have authority to appoint individuais as attorneys-in-fact or under other appropriate titles with authority to execute on behalf of the company fidelity and surety bonds and other documents of similar character issued by the company in the course of its business... On any instrument making or evidencing such appointment, the signatures may be a�xed by facsimile. On any instrument conferring such authority or on any bond or undertaking of the company, the seal, or a facsimile thereof, may be impressed or affixed or in any other manner reproduced; provided, however, that the seal shall not be necessary to the validity of any such instrument or undertaking." Extract from a Resolution of the Board of Directors of FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA adopted July 28, 1970. "On any certificate executed by the Secretary or an assistant secretary of the Company setting out, (i) The provisions of Article V, Section 13 of the By-Laws, and (ii) A copy of the power-of-attorney appointment, executed pursuant thereto, and (iii) Certifying that said power-of-attorney appoiritment is in full force and effect, the signature of the certifying officer may be by facsimile, and the seal of the Company may be a facsimile thereof." I, Dexter R. Legg , Secretary of FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, do hereby certify that the foregoing extracts of the By-Laws and of a Resolution of the Board of Directors of this corporation, and of a Power of Attorney issued pursuant thereto, are true and correct, and that both the By-Laws, the Resolution and the Power of Attorney are still in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the facsimile seai of said corporation this ��' �/1 day of ���)ZR��f ��� , c�-Q � � SEAL �.,�192a�� S-1049/DF 3/09 \* � 1`��r �`��`1 fi Dexter R. Legg, Secretary WEB PDF �� CITY OF RENTON WWP•27-3536 Westview Lift Station Upgrades SCHEDULE OF PRICES (Note: The bid prfce shall be stated, fn ftgures only, (n terms of the units fndicated and as to a total amount. In the event of errors or where confllct occurs, the unft prfce bfd wfll govern. Illegfble flgures wfil (nvalfdate the bfd.j SEE SECTION 1-09.14 OF THE SPEGAL PROVISlONS FOR INFORMATION ON BID iTEMS. ITEM APPROX. UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT NO. qUANTITY ITEM Dollars Cts. Dollars Cts. 1 1 Trench and Excavation Lump Sum Safety Systems $ � �= G � per Lump Sum S 2 2 1 Westview Lift Station Lump Sum Upgrades Subtotal 9.5� 5ales Tax Total Schedule S `� bo� per Lump Sum $ �'�3�E�t�� S � �"�J, CG � S iU1 �35.�C� �e 16 Schedule of Prices _vided to Builders Exchange of WA, Inc. For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com - Always Verify Scale !� _1_ _ BOND TO THE CITY OF RENTON Bond No. 69S301497 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:. That we, the undersigned Advanced Construction, Inc. as principal, and First National Insurance Company °�o�tji�� organized and existin� under the laws of the State of Washington as a surety corporation, and qualified under the laws of the State of Washington to become surety upon bonds of contractors with municipal corporations, as surety.are jointly and severally held and firmly bound to the City of Renton in the penal sum of $ i n i for the payment of which sum on demand we bind ourselves and our successors, heirs, a ministrators or person representatives, as the case may be. *One Hundred One Thousand Eight Hundred Thirty-Five Dollars and No/100 This obli�ation is entered into in pursuance of the statutes of the State of Washington, the Ordinance of the City of Renton. Dated atMukilteo , Washinaton, this day of , 201 Nevertheless, the conditions of the above obli�ation are such that: W�HEREAS, under and pursuant to Public Works Construction Contract CAG-10-142 providin� for construction of Wesri�iew Lift Station Uparades, (project name) the principal is required to furnish a bond for the faithful performance of the contract; and WT�REAS, the principal has accepted, or is about to accept, the contract, and undertake to perform the work therein provided for in the manner and ��ithin the time set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, if the principal shall faithfully perforn� all of the provisions of said contract in the manner and within the time therein set forth, or within such extensions of time as may be �ranted under said contract, and shall pay al] laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and materialmen, and all persons who shall supply said principal or subcontractors v,�ith provisions and supplies for the carrying on of said work, and shall hold said City of Renton harmless from any loss or damage occasioned to any person or properly by reason of any carelessness or neQligence on the part of said principal, or any subcontractor in the performance of said work, and shall indemnify and hold the City of Renton harniless from any damage or expense by reason of failure of performance as specified in the contract or from defects appearing or developing in the material or workmanship provided or performed under the contract within a period of one year after its acceptance tl�ereof by the City of Renton, then and in that event this obligation shall be void; but otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. ````���E��?������' �� pN S T�� ,� Advanced Constructio�, I� G•'"��� ''••,Cj�°�i First National Insurance Company —�--.' ' �� .- Principal �;, � ` U.�LpRPORqTF•;.p � Surety of America � ��. Z . • Z � " �/�—' n , /^ � s ' SEAL � z �. � ,:���,^��?% ,� � � �, � Sianature � �•'•.�t ?:'.n: Sianature � �� 6"• '•:�SNING�� � � ����,� 'l���i�4,�0��`�����`` Theresa A. Lamb, Attorney—in—Fact Title Title H:�File Sys\WWP - WasteVJater\�'V,7'-27-3�36 Wesri�iew Lifr Station Up�rades�BlD INFO�BOND Westview Lift Station Up�rades.DOC �J � r � -• �i.,I��.'�'�� �L.� �� �:� 1> KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: P�WER First National Insurance Company oT America 1007 4th Avenue OF ATTORNEY suite ��oo Seattle, WA 98154 No. 7351 That FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, a Washington corporation, does hereby appoint ************STEVEN K. BUSH; BRANDON K. BUSH; M.J. COTTON; JIM W. DOYLE; CHAD M. EPPLE; JULIE M. GLOVER; DARLENE JAKIELSKI; JIM S. KUICH; THERESA A. LAMB; MICHAEL A. MURPHY; NANCY J. OSBORNE; ANDY D. PRILL; S.M. SCOTT; STEVE WAGNER; Bothell, Washington*************************************** its true and lawful attorney(s)-in-fact, with full authority to execute on behalf of the company fidelity and surety bonds or undertakings and other documents of a similar character issued by the company in the course of its business, and to bind FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA thereby as fully as if such instruments had been duly executed by its regularly elected officers at its home office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA has executed and attested these presents � �� ���� Extract frcm a P.esolu:ion of the Board of Directors of FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA adopted July 28, 1970. day of MarCh ;��,�5��-.u.�.� � �Dexter R. Legg, Secretary Timothy A: Mikolajewski, Vice President . CERTIFICATE Extract from the By-Laws of FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA: 2009 ' "Article V, Section 13. - FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS ... the President, any Vice President, the Secretary, and any Assistant Vice President appointed For that purpose by the officer in charge of surety operations, shall each have authority to appoint ' individuals as attorneys-in-fact or under other appropriate titles with authority to execute on behalf of the company fidelity and surety bonds and other do�uments of similar character issued by the company in the course of its business... On any instrument making or � evidencing such appointment, the signatur=s may be affxed by Facsimile. On any instrument conferring such authority or on any bond or undeRaking of the company, the seal, or a facsimile thereof, may be impressed or affixed or in any other manner reproduced; provided, however, that the seal shall not be necessary to the validity of any such instrument or undertaking." � �, � � � "On any certificate exe�uted by the Secretary or an assistant secretary of the Company setting out, (i) The provisions of Article V, Section 13 of the By-Laws, and (ii) A copy of the power-of-attorney appointment, executed pursuant thereto, and (iii) Certifying that said power-of-attorney appointment is in full force and effect, the signature of the certifying officer may be by facsimile, and the seal of the Company may be a facsimile thereof." I, Dexter R. Legg , Secretary of FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, do hereby certify that the foregoing extracts of the By-Laws and of a ReSolution of the Board of Directors of this corporation, and of a Power of Attorney issued pursuant thereto, are true and �orrect, and that both the By-Laws, the Resolution and the Power of Attorney are still in fuli force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and afrixed the facsimile seal of saio corporation this Z1 st tnis 2n �� day cf I/�,�F'.�VI �4'.l� �C110 SEAL �,,� i s 2 a�,; 5-1049IDF 3/D9 \• t �� �`�7 Dexter R. Legg, Secretary WEB PDF �� ,�. � � � 1�Y � �� � � � �'�O � CITY OF RENTON FAIR PRACTICES POLICY AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE �1(j��(���� L01��t l,lCtiOt�1 �AIC � hereby confirms and dedares that , . ( Name of contractor/ It is the policy of �;��,�Q�('.�(� ��ij{IZ.L�(�'iU{�; �1�C, to offer equal � � %}afT12 Of COfltfdCtQf�SLihmnt�yrtnr/rnncultant� . opportunity to al! qualified employees and applicants for emp_loyment without regard to the race, creed, color, sex, national origin, age, disability or veteran status. � � � Il. �C�1,14i11C�k'.� [.[LS�{211C �Ci1.� 11�1C complies with all applicable ( Name of contractor/ federal, state and local laws governing non-discrimination in employment. i� When applicabfe, _�U��!'ICPI:i �'C1'l��p Ck���ihi, )Ai(' wilf seek out and ( Name of contractor/ t) negotiate with minority and women contractors for the award of subcontracts. !�.) � t1ii r1'1 Print Agent/Representative's Name ��,QSif.���+ Print Agent/Repres ntative's Title % Agent/Rep'resentative's Signature � � r� �� � � Date Signed Instructions: This document MUST be campleted by each cont�actor, subcontractor and consultant. � Include or attach this document(s) with the contract. � � � � � � :� CONTRACTS OTHER TI-�AN FEDERAL-AID FHWA THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , . by and between THE CITY OF RENTON, Washington, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as "CITY" and Advanced C�nstrt�ction, IC1C � hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR." WITNES SETH: 1) The Contractor shall within the time stipulated, (to-wit: within Eighty (80) working days from date of commencement hereof as required by the Contract, of which this ab eement is a component part) perform all the work and services required to be performed, and provide and furnish all of the labor, materials, appliances, machines, tools, equipment, utility and transportation services necessary to perform the Contract, and shall complete the construction and installation work in a workmanlike manner, in connection with the City's Project (identified as No. CAG-10-142 for improvement by construction and installation of: Westview Lift Station Up�rades. Work as described in "Scope of Work" included herein. � � � � �, � � All the foregoing shall be timely performed, furnished, constructed, installed and completed in strict conformity wifh the plans and specifications, including any and all addenda issued by the City and all other documents hereinafter enumerated, and in full compliance with all applicable codes, ordinances and regulations of the City of Renton and any other governmental authority having jurisdiction thereover. It is further ab eed and stipulated that all of said labor, materials, appliances, machines, tools, equipment and services shall be furnished and the construction installation performed and completed to the satisfaction and the approval of the City's Public Works Director as being in such conformity with the plans, specifications and all requirements of or arising,under the Contract. The Contractor agrees to use recycled materials whenever practicable. 2) The aforesaid Contract, entered into by the acceptance of the Contractor's bid and signing of this agreement, consists of the following documents, all of which are component parts of said Contract and as fully a part.thereof as if herein set out in full, and if not attached, as if hereto attached. a) b) c) d) e) g h) i) This Aa eement Instruction to Bidders Bid Proposal Specifications Maps and Plans Bid Advertisement for Bids Special Provisions, if any Technical Specifications, if any 1 C1-2t)�9 � 1 � � � � �� 3) If the Contractor refuses or fails to prosecute the work or any part thereof, with such diligence as will insure its completion within the time specified in this Contract, or any extension in writing thereof, or fails to complete said work with such time, or if the Contractor shall be adjudged a bankrupt, or if he should make a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors, or if a receiyer shall be appointed on account of the Contractor's insolvency, or if he or any of his subcontractors should violate any of the provisions of this Contract, the City may then serve written notice upon him and his surety of its intention to terminate the Contract, and unless within ten (10) days after the serving of such notice, such violation or non-compliance of any provision of the Contract shall cease and satisfactory arrangement for the correction thereof be made, this Contract, shall, upon the expiration of said ten (10) day period, cease and terminate in every respect. In the event of any such termination, the City shall immediately serve written notice thereof upon the surety and the Contractor and the surety shall have the right to take over and perform the Contract, provided, however, that if the surety within fifteen (15) days after the serving upon it of such notice of termination does not perform the Contract or does not commence performance thereof, the City itself may take over the work under the Contract and prosecute the same to completion by Contract or by any other method it may deem advisable, for the account and at the expense of the Contractor, and his surety shall be liable to the City far any excess cost or other damages occasioned the City thereby. In such event, the City, if it so elects, may, without liability for so doing, take possessiori of and utilize in completing said Contract such materials, machinery, appliances, equipment, plants and other properties belonging to the Contractor as may be on site of the project and useful therein. 4) The foregoing provisions are in addition to and not in limitation of any other rights or �, remedies available to the City. ,�� � � ' � 5) Contractor agrees and covenants to hold and save the City, its officers, agents, representatives and employees harmless and to promptly indemnify same from and against any and all claims, actions, damages, liability of every type and nature including all costs and legal e�penses incurred by reason of any work arising under or in connection with the Contract to be performed hereunder, including loss of life, personal injury and/or damage to property arising from or out of any occunence, omission or activity upon, on or about the premises worked upon or in any way relating to this Contract. This hold harmless and indemnification provision shall likewise apply for or on account of any patented_ or unpatented invention, process, article or appliance manufactured for use in the performance of the Contract, including its use by the City, unless otherwise specifically provided for in this Contract. The Contractor a�rees to name the City as an additional insured on a noncontributory primary basis. In the event the City shall, without fault on its part, be made a party to any litigation commenced by or against Contractor, then Contractor shall proceed and hold the City harmless and he shall pay all costs, expenses and reasonable attorney's fees incurred or paid by the City in connection with such litigation. Furthermore, Contractor a�rees to pay all costs, expenses and reasonable attorney's fees that may be incurred or paid by City in the enforcement of any of the covenants, provisions and agreements hereunder, Nothing herein shall require the Contractor to indemnify the City aaainst and hold harmless the City, from claims, demands or suits based solely upon the conduct of the City, its officers or employees and provided further that if claims or suits are caused by or result from the concurrent negligence of (a) the Contractor's agents or employees and (b) the City, 2 Cl-?009 � � �' � � � i � � �� � � ' , its agents, o�cers and employees, and involves those actions covered by RCW 4.24.115, this indemnity provision with respect to claims or suits based upon such concunent negligence shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence or the negligence of the Contractor's agents or employees. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to properly caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the contractor and the city, its o�cers, officials, employees and volunteers, the contractor's liability hereunder shall be only to the eatent of the contractor's negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitute the contractor's waiver of immunity under the Industrial Insurance Act, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this agreement. 6) Any notice from one party to the other party under the Contract shall be in writing and shall be dated and sib ed by the party giving such notice or by its duly authorized representative of such party. Any such notice as heretofore specified shall be given by personal delivery tHereof or by depositing same in the United States mail, postage prepaid, certified or registered mail. 7) The Contractor shall commence performance of the Contract no later than 10 calendar days after Contract final execution, and shall complete the full performance of the Contract not later than Eighty (80) working days from the date of commencement. For each and every working day of delay after the established day of completion, it is hereby stipulated and agreed that the damages to the Ciiy occasioned by said delay will be the sum of per Section 1-08.9 of Standard Specifications as liquidated damages (and not as a penalty) for each such day, which shall be paid by the Contractor to the City. 8) Neither the final certificate of payment not any provision in the Contract nor partial or entire use of any installation provided for by this Contract shall relieve the Contractor of liability in respect to any warranties or responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship. The Contractor shall be under the duty to remedy any defects in the work and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom which shall appear within the period of one (1) year from the date of final acceptance of the work, unless a longer period is specified. The City will give notice of observed defects as heretofore specified with reasonable promptness after discovery thereof, and Contractor shall be obligated to take immediate steps to correct and remedy any such defect, fault or breach at the sole cost and expense of Contractor. Defective or Unauthorized Work. The City reserves its right to withhold payment from Contractor for any defective or unauthorized work. Defective or unauthorized work includes, without limitation: work and materials that do not conform to the requirements of this Agreement; and extra work and materials furnished without the City's written approval. If Contractor is unable, for any reason, to satisfactorily complete any portion of the work, the City may complete the work by contract or otherwise, and Contractor shall be liable to the City for any additional costs incurred by the City. "Additional costs" shall mean all reasonable costs, including legal costs and attorney fees, incurred by the City beyond the maximum Contract price specified above. The City further reserves its right to deduct the cost to complete the Contract work, including any Additional Costs, from any and all amounts due or to become due the Contractor. C'1-?009 � � � � ,� � � � �, , � The Contractor agrees the above one year limitation shall not exclude or diminish the City's rights under any law to obtain damages and recover costs resulting from defective and unauthorized work discovered after one year but prior to the expiration of the legal time period set forth in RCW 4.16.040 limiting actions upon a contract in writing, or liabiliTy expressed or implied arising out of a written agreement. Final Payment: Waiver of Claims. THE CONTRACTOR'S .ACCEPTANCE OF FINAL PAYMENT (EXCLUDNG WITHHELD RETAINAGE) SHALL CONSTITUTE A WAIVER OF CONTRACTOR'S CLAIMS, EXCEPT THOSE PREVIOUSLY AND PROPERLY MADE AND IDENTIFIED BY CONTRACTOR AS UNSETTLED AT THE TIIv1E FINAL PAYMENT IS NIADE AND ACCEPTED. 9) The Contractor and each subcontractor, if any, shall submit to the City such schedules of quantities and costs, progress schedules, payrolls, reports, estimates, records and miscellaneous data pertaining to the Contract as may be requested by the City from time to time. � 10) The Contractor shall furnish a surety bond or bonds as security for the faithful performance of the Contract, including the payment of all persons and firms performing labor on the construction project under this Contract or furnishing materials in connection with this Contract; said bond to be in the full amount of the Contract price as specified in Paragraph 12. The surety or sureties on such bond or bonds must be duly licensed as a surety in the State of Washina on. 11) The Contractor shall verify, when submittin; first payment invoice and annually thereafter, possession of a current City of Renton business license while conducting work for the City. The Contractor shall require, and provide verification upon request, that all subcontractors participating in a City project possess a current City of Renton business license. The Contractor shall provide, and obtain City approval of, a traffic control plan prior to conducting work in City right-of-way. 12) The total amount of this contract is the sum of $101,835.00 numbers One Hundred One Thousand Eight Hundred Thirty Five and �/100 wrinrn words including Washington State Sales Tax. Payments will be made to Contractor as specified in the "Special Provisions" of this Contract. li) INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The parties intend that an Independent. Contractor- Employer Relationship will be created by this Agreement and that the Contractor has the ability to control and direct the performance and details of its work, the City being interested only in the results obtained under this Agreement. 14) LIMITATION OF ACTIONS. CONTRACTOR MUST, IN ANY EVENT, FILE ANY LAWSUIT ARISING FROM OR CONNECTED WITH THIS AGREEMENT WITHII�T 120 CALENDAR DAYS FROM THE DATE THE CONTRACT WORK IS COMPLETE OR CONTR.ACTOR'S ABILITY TO F1LE THAT CLAIM OR SUIT SHALL BE FOREVER BARRED. THIS SECTION FURTHER LIMITS ANY APPLICABLE STATUTORY LIMITATIONS PERIOD. 15) Non-Waiver of Breach. The failure of the City to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement, or to exercise any option 4 Cl-?009 � ,� � L� � � � � u � � � � �I � � conferred by this Agreement in one or more instances shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of those covenants, agreements or options, and the same shall be and remain in full force and effect. 16) Written Notice. All communications regarding this Agreement shall be sent to the parties at the addresses listed on the sib ature page of the Agreement, unless notified to the contrary. Any written notice hereunder shall become effective three (3) business days after the date of mailing by registered or certified mail, and shall be deemed sufficiently given if sent to the addressee at the address stated in this Agreement or such other address as may be hereafter specified in writing. 17) Assignment. Any assignment of this Agreement by either party without the written consent of the non-assigning party shall be void. If the non-assib ing pariy gives its consent to any assignment, the terms of this Ab eement shall continue in full force and effect and no further assignment shall be made without additional written consent. 18) Modification. No waiver, alteration, or modification of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the city and Contractor. 19) Compliance with Laws. The Contractor agrees to comply with all federal, state, and municipal laws, rules, and regulations that are now effective or in the future become applicable to Contractor's business, . equipment, and personnel engaged in operations covered by this Agreement or accruing out of the performance of those operations. 20) Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, and all of which will together constitute this one Ab eement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City has caused these presents to be signed by its Mayor and attested by its City Clerk and the Con,����qe�has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above-written. ``����G� N S T d�'o!�` •`O. •9G'. � V�;' �ORPp,�I'•�� � eZ;• <c'sp: CONTRACTC�';��'�� r; z� CITY OF RENTON � � :i;l;y/ L : �. ; � C� ': �.) �111i•��.� r�_ ti9S,N p�•'.��� PresidentlPartner/Owner ��i��A ;00 2.. ``e�����` Mayor ATTEST lilii1 L � � �/ / � �� �C_�'`Z,� ' V: .� i� « � �� Secretary dba � � Advanced Construction, Inc. Firm Name City Clerk check one ❑ Individual ❑ Partnership Ll�l Corporation Incorporated in �� �� 4� �� S C l -? 009 , ' � ' � � � � � , �` � � ' � �I �' ' ,. ' Attention: If business is a CORPORATION, name of the corporation should be listed in full and both President and Secretary must sign the contract, OR if one sib ature is permitted by corporation by-laws, a copy of the by-laws shall be furnished to the City and made a part of the contract document. If business is a PARTNERSHIP, full name of each partner should be listed followed by d/b/a (doing business as) and firm or trade name; any one partner may sign the contract. If business is an INDNIDUAL PROPRIETORSHIP, the name of the owner should appear followed by d/b/a and name of the company. G C1-?0�9 ' , , � MINUTES OF ORGANIZATION MEETING OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS � The organization meeting of the Board of Directors for Advanced Construction, Inc. was held on May 5, 2003 at 10:30 am at 14532 North Creek Drive Suite 618 Mill Creek, Washington. � � � ' , , , � , ' 1 ' � � The following directors were present: A.J. Smith This being all the members of the Board of Directors The Articles of Incorporation were filed with the Office of the Secretary of State and the Incorporation was effective as of the date of filing. We then inserted a duplicate original of the Articles of Incorporation together with the Certificate of Incorporation in the corporate minute book. The following issues were resolved: RESOLVED: The form of bylaws submitted to this meeting be, and it hereby is, approved, and adopted as the bylaws of this Corporation and will insert the bylaws in the Corporate minute book immediately following the Articles of Incorporation and the Certificate of Incorporation. RESOLVED: The specimen form of seal submitted to this meeting be, and it hereby is, approved and adopted as the Corporate seal of this corporation. RESOLVED: The specimen form of certificate be, and the same hereby is, approved and adopted as the certificate to represent the shares of this Corporation. And further that the specimen certificate so presented to the meeting be annexed to the minutes thereof. RESOLVED: That the Corporation issue and deliver to A.J. Smith upon receipt of the consideration, a certificate representing 10 shares of the Corporation, and further that the shares so issued shall be fully paid and nonassessable, and the value of the aforesaid and the stated capital with respect to such shares shall be $20,000.00; and further that the officers of the corporation be, and they hereby are, authorized, empowered, and directed to take any and all steps, and to execute and deliver any and all instruments in connection with consummating the transaction and in connection with carrying the foregoing resolutions into effect. � , . �_. � RESOLVED: That the Corporation issue and deliver to A.J. Smith upon receipt of the consideration, a certificate representing 10 shares of the Corporation, and � further that the shares so issued shall be fully paid and nonassessable, and the value of the aforesaid and the stated capital with respect to such shares shall be Equipment per attachment 001; and further that the officers of the corporation be, ' and they hereby are, authorized, empowered, and directed to take any and all steps, and to execute and deliver any and all instruments in connection with consummating the transaction and in connection with carrying the foregoing ' resolutions into effect. RESOLVED: That the Corporation issue and deliver to A.J. Smith upon receipt of , the consideration, a certificate representing 10 shares of the Corporation, and further that the shares so issued shall be fully paid and nonassessable, and the value of the aforesaid and the stated capital with respect to such shares shall be � $32,000.00 F-350 Pickup Truck less $16,000.00 still owed; and further that the officers of the corporation be, and they hereby are, authorized, empowered, and directed to take any and all steps, and to execute and deliver any and all , instruments in connection with consummating the transaction and in connection with carrying the foregoing resolutions into effect. � There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. , , � � , 1 ' , C� q.J. Srhith President ' � � ' ' ' ' , , , , , , , r ' ' , ' ' Corporations: Registration Detail Page 1 of 2 Enter Keywords _ ; Corporations Division Home Search Apostilles Domestic Partnerships Awards Program Public Notices � PRINT THIS PAGE Corporations Division - Registration Data Search Neither the State of Washington nor any agency, offcer, or employee of the State of Washington warrants the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of any information in the, Public Access System and shall not be liable for any losses caused by such reliance on the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of such information. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, portions may be incorrect or not current. Any person or entity who relies on information obtained from the System does so at his or her own risk. ADVANCED CONSTRUCTION, INC. UBI Number 602273113 Category REG Profit/Nonprofit Profit Active/Inactive Active State Of Incorporation WA WA Filing Date 02l19/2003 Expiration Date 02/28/2011 Inactive Date Registered Agent Information Agent Name AJ SMITH Address 4640 CAMPUS PL STE 150 City MUKILTEO State WA ZIP 98275 Special Address Information Address City State Zip Governing Persons Title Name Address President SMfTH , A MUKILTEO , WA Purchase Documents for this Corporation » « Return to Search List Address Confidentialitv Domestic Partnershios Medals of Merit & Valor Aoostilles Elections & Votinq Newsroom Phone Numbers � Privacy Policv � Accessibilitv Archives Heritage Center Productivity Board Charities International Trade State Flaa hitp://www.sos.wa.�ov/corps/search detail.aspx?ubi=602273113 12/20/2010 �� OP ID: MA �,acoRo� ' CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MM/DD/YWY) �� 12/20/10 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRES�NTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). -PRODUCER 425-489-4500 Hub International Northwest 425-489-4501 p. O. Box 3018 �othell, WA 98041-3018 Andy Prill Advanced Construction, Inc. 4640 Campus Place, Suite 150 Mukilteo, WA 98275 CIRENTO NAIC # 0508 COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. TR TYFE OF INSURANCE IADDL SUBRI POLICY NUMBER M� DY/YYYY I MM DDY/YYYY I LIMITS I GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ �,OOO,OO DAMA E T RENTED A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 4016148819 �5/�2/i � 05/02/11 pREMISES Ea occurrence $ 300�00 � CLAIMS-MADE � OCCUR MED EXP (My one person) I 5 $,�� X XCU � PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ �,OOO,OO �Stop Gap Liab GENERAL AGGREGATE $ Z,OOO,OO jG�EN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: I PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG I$ Z�OOO�OO I I POLICY � Jl � PR�� I ( �oc �Emp Ben. � s 1,000,00 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COM8INED SINGLE LIMIT $ �,OOO,OO A X ANY AUTO 4016148805 05/02/10 05/02/11 �Ea accident) BODILY INJURY (Per person) I $ ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS BODILY INJURY (Per accident) I$ PROPERTY DAMAGE $ HIRED AUTOS (Per accident) NON-OWNED AUTOS $ I � $ �I UMBRELLA LIAB pCCUR � EACH OCCURRENCE $ EXCESS LIAB � CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $ I DEDUCTIBLE I $ � RETENTION $ I I $ WORKERS COMPENSATION I WC STATU- I OTH- AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY TORY LIMITS ER ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE Y� N MONOPOLISTIC STATE E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? � N � %� (Mandatory in NH) SEE GL - WA STOP GAP E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below I E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT I S ESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, if more space is required) DDITIONAL INSURED(S)AS REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT SUBJECT TO POLICY TERMS, CONDITIONS, LIMITATIONS & ATTACHED ENDORSEMENT: CITY OF RENTON. OVERAGE AFFORDED IS PRIMARY AND NON-CONTRIBUTORY. E: WESNIEW LIFT STATION UPGRADES. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. GRADY WAY RENTON, WA 98055 �CORD 25 (2009/09) DVAN-3 INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE uvsuReRa:Valley Forge Insurance Co. INSURER B : INSURER C : INSURER D : INSURER E : INSURER F : SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE [��� ���—i" O 1988-2009 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks bf ACORD , , ��� � � L' ' � � � � � i � LJ � � � G-140331-B (Ed. 01/09) THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE (OPTIONAL) Name of Additionai Insured Person(s) Or Orqanizations (As required by written contracUagreement per Paragraph A. below.) Location(s) of Covered Operations (As per the written contract/agreement, provided the location is within the "coverage territory" of this Coverage Part.) (Coverage under this endorsement is not affected by an entry or lack of entry in the Schedule above.) A. Section II - Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an additional insured any person(s) or organization(s), including any person or organization shown in the Schedule above, whom you are required to add as an additional insured on this Coverage Part under a written contract or written agreement, provided: a. The written contract or written agreement was executed prior to: 1. The "bodily injury" or "property damage"; or 2. The offense that caused the "personal and advertising injury" �vi vviili..ii iiiG c�u�iiiviic.i iii$u�i�v .�,��L� ���ior2�o under this Coverage Part; and b. The written contract or written agreement pertains to your ongoing operations or "your work" for the additional insured(s). B. The insurance provided to the additional insured is limited as follows: , 1. The person or organization is an additional insured only with respect to liability for "bodily injury," "property damage," or "personal and advertising injury" caused in whole or in part by: � a. Your acts or omissions; or b. The acts or omissions of those acting on your behalf ' G-140331-B (Ed. 01/09) in the performance of your ongoing operations for the additional insured(s) or c. "Your work" that is included in the "products-completed operations hazard" and performed for the additional insured, but only if this Coverage Part provides such coverage, and only if the written contract or written agreement requires you to provide the additional insured such coverage. 2. However, we will not provide the additional insured any broader coverage or any higher limit of insurance than the least of those: a. Required by the written contract or written agreement; b. Described in B.1. above; or c. Afforded to you under this policy. 3. This insurance is excess of all other insurance available to the additional insured, whether primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis, unless the written contract. or agreement requires this insurance to be primary. In that event, this insurance will be primary relative to insurance which covers the additional insured as a named insured. We will not require contribution from such insurance if the written contract or written agreement also requires that this insurance be non-contributory. But with respect to all other insurance under which the Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission Page 1 of 2 I , . C/VA 1 . I� � I� � � I) � ' � i ' , � l� � � � � additional insured qualifies as an insured or additional insured, this insurance will be excess. 4. The insurance provided to the additional insured terminates when your operations for the additional insured are complete. But if the written contract or written agreement specifies a date until which this insurance must apply, then this insurance termiriates: a. On the date specified in the written contract or written agreement; or b. When this policy expires or is cancelled, whichever occurs first. C. With respect to the` insurance afforded to the additional insured, the following additional exclusions apply. This insurance does not apply to: 1. "Bodily injury," "property damage," or "personal and advertising injury" arising out of the rendering of, or the failure to render, any professional architectural, engineering, or surveying services, including: a. The preparing, approving, or failing to prepare or approve maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, field orders, change orders or drawings and specifications; and b. Supervisory, inspection, architectural or engineering activities. 2. "Bodily injury," "property damage," or "personal and advertising injury" arising out of any premises or work for which the additional insure� is specifically listed as an additional insured on another endorsement attached to this Coverage Part. D. SECTION IV — COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS is amended as follows: i. ine uuties In �n� �v��it �i vccuiiai�i:r, Offense, Claim or Suit condition is amended to ' G-140331-B (Ed. 01/09) G-140331-B (Ed. 01/09) add the following additional conditions applicable to the additional insured: An additional insured under this endorsement will as soon as practicable: (1) Give us written notice of an "occurrence" or an offense which may result in a claim or "suit" undec this insurance, and of any claim or "suiY' that does result; (2) Tender the defense and indemnity of any claim or "suit" to any other insurer or self insurer whose policy or program applies to a loss we cover under this Coverage Part; (3) Except as provided in Paragraph B.3 of this endorsement, agree to make available any other insurance the additional insured has for a loss we cover under this Coverage Part; and (4) Send us copies of all legal papers received, and otherwise cooperate with us in the investigation, defense, or settlement of the claim or "suit." We have no duty to defend or indemnify an additional insured under this endorsement until we receive from the additional insured written notice of a claim or "suit." 2. With respect only to the insurance provided by this endorsement, the first sentence of Paragraph 4.a. of the Other Insurance Condition is deleted and replaced with the following: 4. Other Insurance a. Primary Insurance This insurance is primary and non- contributory except when rendered excess by this endorsement, or when Paragraph b. below applies. E. The provisions of the written contract or written agreement do not in any way broaden or amend this Coverage Part. Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with i.ts permission Page 2 of 2 �J � � G-18652-H � ��� (Ed.01/06) THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. t CONTRACTORS' GENERAL LIABILITY EXTENSION ENDORSEMENT � � � � � � � � � , 1 t � A state or political subdivision subject to the following provisions: (1) This insurance applies only with respect to the following hazards for which the state or political subdivision has issued a permit in connection with premises you own, rent, or control and to which this insurance applies: (a) The existence, maintenance, reoair. construction, erection, or removai of advertising signs, awnings, canopies, cellar entrances, coal holes, driveways, manholes, marquees, hoistaway openings, sidewalk vaults, street banners, or decorations and similar exposures; or (b) The construction, erection, or removal of elevators; or (2) This insurance applies only with � respect to operations performed by you or on your behalf for which the state or political subdivision has issued a permit. � G-18652-H (Ed. 01(06) This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART Coverage afforded ander this extension of coverage endorsement does not appiy to any person or organization covered as an additional insured on any other endorsement now or hereafter attached to this Coverage Part. 1. MISCELLANEOUS ADDITIONAL INSUREDS WHO IS AN INSURED (Section II) is amended to include as an insured any person or organization (called additionai insured) described in paragraphs 2.a. through 2.g. below whom you are required to add as an additional insured on this policy under a written contract or agreement but the written contract or agreement must be: 1. Currently in effect or becoming effective during the term of this policy; and 2. Executed prior to the "bodily injury," "property damage" or "personal injury and advertising injury," but Only the following persons or organizations are additional insureds under this endorsement and coverage provided to such additional insureds is limited as provided herein: a. State or Political Subdivisions This insurance does not apply to "bodily injury," "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" arising out of operations .performed for the state or municipality. b. Controlling Interest Any persons or organizations with a controiling interest in you but only with respect to their liability arising out of: (1) Their financial control of you; or (2) Premises they own, maintain or control while you lease or occupy these premises. This insurance does not apply to structural alterations, new construction anci aermalition operations pe�formed 5y or for such additional insured. c. Managers or Lessors of Premises A manager or lessor of premises but only with respect to liabiliry arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of that specific part of the premises leased to you and subject to the following additional exclusions: This insurance does not apply to: (1) Any "occurrence" which takes place after you cease to be a tenant in that premises; or (2) Structural alterations, new construction or demolition operations performed by or on behalf of such additional insured. d. Mortgagee, Assignee or Receiver A mortgagee, assignee or receiver but only with respect to their liability as mortgagee, assignee, or receiver and arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of a premises by you. � This insurance does not apply to structural alterations, new construction or demolition operations performed by or for such additional insured. Page 1 of 7 �J i � � � i � ��� e. OwnerslOther Interests — Land is Leased An owner or other interest from whom land has been leased by you but only with respect to liability arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of that specific part of the land leased to you antl subjecf to the following additionaf exclusions: This insurance does not apply to: (1) Any "occurrence" which takes place after you cease to lease that land; or (2) Structural alterations, new .� construction or demolition operations performed by or on behalf of such additional insured. I� � � f. Co-owner of Insured Premises A co-owner of a premises co-owned by you and covered under this insurance but only with respect to the co-owners liability as co-owner of such premises. g. Lessor of Equipment Any person or organization from whom � you lease equipment. Such person or organization are insureds only with respect to their liability arising out of the maintenance, operation or use by you � of equipment leased to you by such person or organization. A person's or organization's status as an insured ' under this endorsement ends when their written contract or agreement with you for such leased equipment ends. , ' L� ' , With respect to the insurance afforded these additional insureds, the following additional exclusions apply: This ir�surarce dces n�t apply: (1) To any "occurrence" which takes place after the equipment lease expires; or (2) To "bodily injury", "property damage", or "personal and advertising injury" arising out of the sole negiigence of such additional insured. Any insurance provided to an additional insured designated under paragraphs a. through g. above does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property damage" included within the "products-completed operations hazard". � G-18652-H (Ed. 01/06) � G-18652-H (Ed. 01/06) As respects the coverage provided under this endorsement, Paragraph 4.b. SECTION IV — COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS is deleted and replaced with the following: 4. Other Insurance b. Excess Insurance This insurance is excess over: Any other insurance naming the additional insured as an insured whether primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis unless a written contract or agreement specifically requires that this insurance be either primary or primary and noncontributing. Where required by written contract or agreement, we will consider any other insurance maintained by the additional insured for injury or damage covered by this endorsement to be excess and noncontributing with this insurance. 2. EMPLOYEES AS INSUREDS — HEALTH CARE SERVICES Paragraph 2.a.(1)(d) of Section II — Who Is An Insured is deleted. 3. JOINT VENTURES / PARTNERSHIP / LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY COVERAGE A. The following is added to Section II — Who Is An Insured: 4. You are an insured when you had an interest in a joint venture, partnership or limited liability company which terminated or ended prior to or during this policy period but only to the extent of your interest in such joint venture, partnership or limited liability company. This coverage does not apply: a. Prior to the termination date of any joint vent;�re, partnership or limited liability company; or b. If there is other valid and collectible insurance purchased specifically to insure the partnership, joint venture or limited liability company. c. To a joint venture, partnership or limited liability company which is or was insured under a "consolidated (wrap-up) insurance program". "Consolidated (wrap-up) insurance program" means a construction, erection or demolition project for which the prime contractor/project manager or owner of the construction project has secured general liability insurance covering some or all of the Page 2 of 7 i � ��� 1 � i � LJ i i � � , � � � ' � w contractors or subcontractors involved in the project, otherwise referred to as an Owner Controlled Insurance Program (O.C.I.P.) or Contractor Controlled Insurance Program (C.C.I.P.). B. The last paragraph of Section II — Who Is An Insured is deleted and replaced by the foilowing: Except as provided in 4. above, no person or organization is an insured with respect to the conduct of any current or past partnership, joint venture or limited liability company that is not shown as a Named Insured in the Declarations. 4. EXPANDED PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY A. The following is added to Section V— Definitions, the definition of "Personal and advertising injury": h. Discrimination or humiliation that results in injury to the feelings or reputation of a natural person, but only if such discrimination or humiliation is: (1) Not done intentionally by or at the direCtiOn Of: (a) The insured; or (b) Any "executive officer", director, stockholder, partner, member or manager (if you are a limited liability company) of the insured; and (2) Not directly or indirectly related to the employment, prospective employment, past employment or termination of employment of any person or persons by any insured. B. Exclusions of Section I— Coverage B— Personal and Advertising Injury Liability is arner�ded to ir�clude the followirg: p. Discrimination Relating To Room, Dwelling or Premises Caused by discrimination directly or indirectly related to the sale, rental, lease or sub-lease or prospective sale, rental, lease or sub-lease of any room, dwelling or premises by or at the direction of any insured. q. Fines Or Penalties Fines or penalties levied or imposed by a governmental entity because of discrimination. C. This provision 4. (EXPANDED PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY COVERAGE) G-18652-H (Ed. 01/06) G-18652-H (Ed. 01/06) 5 does not apply to discrimination or humiliation committed in the states of New York or Ohio. Also, EXPANDED PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY COVERAGE does not appiy to policies issued in the states of New York or Ohio. D. This provision 4. (EXPANDED PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY COVERAGE) does not apply if Section I— Coverage B— Personal And Advertising Injury Liability is excluded either by the provisions of the Coverage Part or by endorsement. MEDICAL PAYMENTS A. Paragraph 7. Medical Expense Limit, of Section III — Limits of Insurance is deleted and replaced by the following: 7. Subject to 5. above (the Each Occurrence Limit), the Medical Expense Limit is the most we will pay under Section — I— Coverage C for all medical expenses because of "bodily injury" sustained by any one person. The Medical Expense Limit is the greater of: (1) $15,000; or (2) The amount shown in the Declarations for Medical Expense Limit. B. This provision 5. (Medical Payments) does not apply if Section 1— Coverage C Medical Payments is excluded either by the provisions of the Coverage Part or by endorsement. C. Paragraph 1.a.(3)(2) of Section I— Coverage C — Medical Payments, is replaced by the following: The expenses are incurred and reported to us within three years of the date of the accident; and &. LE.r.-AL LlQ3!! ITY AND EQRROVUED EQUIPMENT A. Under Section I— Coverage A— Bodily Injury and Property Damage 2. Exclusions, Exclusion j. is replaced by the following. "Property damage" to: (1) Property you own, rent, or occupy; (2) Premises you sell, give away or abandon, if the "property damage" arises out of any part of those premises; (3) Property loaned to you; (4) Personal property in the care, custody or control of the insured; Page 3 of 7 � LJ i c�►�r (5j That particular part of reai property ' on which you or any contractors or subcontractors working directly or indirectly on your behalf are performing operations, if the � "property damage" arises out of those operations; or (6j That particular part of any property � that must be restored, repaired or repiaced because "your work" was incorrectly performed on it. � Paragraph (2} of this exclusion does not apply if the premises are "your work" and were never occupied, rented or held for rental by you. ' � � �� � � , � � � � � Paragraphs (1), (3) and (4) of this exclusion do not apply to: G-18652-H (Ed. 01 /06) A separate limit of insurance applies to this coverage as described in Section III — Limits Of Insurance. C. Paragraph 6. Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit of Section III — Limits Of Insurance is replaced by the following: 6. Subject to 5. above, (the Each Occurrence Limit), the Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit is the most we will pay under Section — I— Coverage A for damages because of "property damage" to any one premises while rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with the permission of the owner, including contents of such premises rented to you for a period of 7 or fewer consecutive days. The Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit is the greater of: (i) "property damage" to tools or equipment loaned to you if the tools or equipment are not being used to perform operations at the p time of loss; or (ii) "property damage" (other than damage by fire) to premises rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with the permission of the owner, or to the contents of premises rented to you for a period of 7 or fewer consecutive days. A separate limit of insurance applies to Damage To Premises Rented To You as described in Section III — Limits Of Insurance. Paragraphs (3}, (4), (5) and (6) of this exclusicn do not app!y r„ i�?n�i�ty assumed under a sidetrack agreement. Paragraph (6) of this exclusion does not apply to "property damage" included in the "products-completed operations hazard". a. �200,000; or b. The Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit shown in the Declarations. Paragraph 4.b.(1)(b) of Section IV — Commercial General Liability Conditions is deleted and replaced by the following: (bj That is property ins��rance for premises rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with the permission of the owner; or E. This provision 6. {LEGAL LIABILITY AND BORROWED EQUIPMENT) does not apply if Damage To Premises Rented To You Liability under Section I— Coverage A is excluded either by the provisions of the Coverage Part or by endorsement. 7. NON-OWNED WATERCRAFT Under Section I— Coverage A, Exclusion 2.g., subparagraph (2) is deleted and replaced by the following. (2) A watercraft you do not own that is: (a) Less than 55 feet long; and (b) Not being used to carry persons or property for a charge. B. Under Section I— Coverage A— Bodily Injury $• NON-OWNED AIRCRAFT and Property Damage the last paragraph of 2. Exclusion 2.g. of Section I— Coverage A— Bodily Exclusions is deleted and replaced by the Injury and Property Damage, does not apply to an following. aircraft you do not own, provided that: Exclusions c. through n. do not apply to 1. The pilot in command holds a currently damage by fire to premises while rented to you effective certificate issued by the duly or temporarily occupied by you with permission constituted authority of the United States of of the owner or to the contents of premises America or Canada, designating that person rented to you for a period of 7 or fewer as a commercial or airline transport pilot; consecutive days. G-18652-H (Ed. 01 /06) Page 4 of 7 � i � � � � � C j � � � , ' i � � � � ---. . . ... . l _ � 2. It is rented with a trained, paid crew; and 3. It does not transport persons or cargo for a charge. 9. CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY FOR PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY Exclusion e. Contractual Liability of Section I— Coverage B is deleted. 10. SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS A. Under Section I— Supplementary Payments — Coverages A and B, Paragraph 1.b., the limit of $250 shown for the cost of bail bonds is replaced by $2,500: B. In Paragraph 1.d., the limit of $250 shown for daily loss of earnings is replaced by $1,000. 11. LIQUOR LIABILITY Exclusion c. of Section I— Coverage A is deleted. 12. NEWLY FORMED OR ACQUIRED ORGANIZATIONS Paragraph 3.a. of Section II — Who Is An Insured is deleted and replaced by the following: Coverage under this provision is afforded only until the end of the policy period or the next anniversary of this policy's effective date after you acquire or form the organization, whichever is earlier. 13. LIBERALIZATION CLAUSE If we adopt a change in our forms or rules which would broaden coverage for contractors without an additional premium charge, your policy will automatically provide the additional coverages as of the date the revision is effective in your state. 14. UNINTENTIONAL FAILURE TO DISCLOSE HAZARDS Based on our reliance on your representations as to existing hazards, if unintentionally you should fail to disclose all such hazar�s at the inception da#e of your policy, we will not deny coverage under this Coverage Part because of such failure. 15. NOTICE OF OCCURRENCE The following is added to paragraph 2. of Section IV — Commercial General Liability Conditions — Duties In The Event of Occurrence, Offense, Claim or Suit: Your rights under this Coverage Part will not be prejudiced if you fail to give us notice of an "occurrence", offense, claim or "suiY' and that failure is solely due to your reasonable belief that the "bodily injury" or "property damage" is not covered under this Coverage Part. However, you shall give written notice of this "occurrence", offense, claim or "suit" to us as soon as you are aware that this G-18652-H (Ed. 01 /06) G-18652-H (Ed. 01/06) insurance may apply to such "occurrence", offense claim or "suit". 16. BROAD KNOWLEDGE OF OCCURRENCE The following is added to paragraph 2. of Section IV — Commercial General Liability Conditions — Duties in The Event of Occurrence, Offense, Claim_or Suit: You must give us or our authorized representative notice of an "occurrence", offense, claim, or "suiY' oniy when the "occurrence", offense, claim or "suiY' is known to: (1) You, if you are an individual; (2) A partner, if you are a partnership; (3) An executive officer or the employee designated by you to give such notice, if you are a corporation; or (4) A manager, if you are a limited liability company. 17. AGGREGATE LIMITS PER PROJECT A. For all sums which the insured becomes legally obligated to pay as damages caused by "occurrences" under COVERAGE A (SECTION I), and for all medical expenses caused by accidents under COVERAGE C(SECTION I), which can be attributed only to ongoing operations at a single construction project away from premises owned by or rented to the insured: 1 � A separate Single Construction Project General Aggregate Limit applies to each construction project away from premises owned by or rented to the insured, and that limit is equal to the amount of the General Aggregate Limit shown in the Declarations. The Single Construction Project General Aggregate Limit is the most we will pay for the sum of all damages under COVERAGE A, except damages because of "bodily injury" or "property damage" included in the "products-compieted operations hazard", and for medical expenses under COVERAGE C regardless of the number of: a. I nsureds; b. Claims made or "suits" brought; or c. Persons or organizations making claims or bringing "suits". 3. Any payments made under COVERAGE A for damages or under COVERAGE C for medical expenses shall reduce the Single Construction Project General Aggregate Limit for that construction project away from Page 5 of 7 � �� � ��� premises owned by or rented to the insured. � Such payments shall not reduce the General Aggregate Limit shown in this Declarations nor shall they reduce any other Singie Construction Project Generai � Aggregate Limit for any other separate construction project away from premises owned by or rented to the insured.- � � � `, l � � � � � 1 � � � 4. The limits shown in the Declarations for Each Occurrence, Fire Damage and Medical Expense continue to apply. However, instead of being subject to the General Aggregate Limit shown in the Declarations, such limits will be subject to the applicable Single Construction Project General Aggregate Limit. B. For all sums which the insured becomes legally obiigated to pay as damages caused by "occurrences" under COVERAGE A (SECTION i), and for all medical expenses caused by accidents under COVERAGE C(SECTION I), which cannot be attributed only to ongoing operations at a single construction project away from premises owned by or rented to the insured: 1. Any payments made under COVERAGE A for damages or under COVERAGE C for medical expenses shall reduce the amount available under the General Aggregate Limit or the Products-Completed Operations Aggregate Limit, whichever is applicable; and 2. Such payments shall not reduce any Single Construction Project General Aggregate Limit. C. When coverage for liability arising out of the "products-completed operations hazard" is provided, any payments for damages because of "bodily injury" or "property damage" included in the "products-completed operations hazard" will reduce the Products-Cbmpleted Operations Aggregate Limit, and not reduce the General Aggregate Limit nor the Single Construction Project General Aggregate Limit. . D. If a single construction project away from premises owned by or rented to the insured has been abandoned and then restarted, or if the authorized contracting parties deviate from plans, blueprints, designs, specifications or timetables, the project will still be deemed to be the same construction project. � E. The provisions of Limits of Insurance (SECTION III) not otherwise modified by this endorsement shall continue to apply as stipulafed. � G-18652-H (Ed. 01/06) G-18652-H (Ed. 01/Q6) 18. EXPANDED BODILY INJURY Section V— Definitions, the definition of "b�dily injury" is changed to read: "Bodily injury" means bodily injury, sickness or disease sustained by a person, including death, humiliation, shock, mental anguish or mental injury by that person at any time which results. as a consequence of the bodily injury, sickness or disease. 19. EXPECTED OR INTENDED INJURY Exclusion a. of Section I— Coverage A— Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability is replaced by the following: "Bodily injury" or "property damage" expected or intended from the standpoint of the insured. This exclusion does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property damage" resulting from the use of reasonable force to protect persons or property. 20. OWNER CONTROLLED INSURANCE PROGRAM, CONTRACTOR CONTROLLED INSURANCE PROGRAM OR CONSOLIDATED (WRAP-UP) INSURANCE PROGRAMS The endorsement EXCLUSION — CONSTRUCTION WRAP-UP PROGRAM which is attached to this policy is amended as follows: A. This exclusion does not apply to: 1. Coverage available to you under this policy which is broader in scope than coverage provided to you under a"consolidated (wrap-up) insurance program" for a construction project in which you are involved; 2. Coverage for your interest only for ongoing operations in excess of all coverage available to you under a"consolidated (wrap-up) insurance program" for a construction project in which you are involved; and 3. Coverage for your interest only for operations included within the "products - completed operations hazard" in excess of ail coverage available to you under a "consolidated (wrap-up) insurance program" for a construction project in which you are or have been involved. Paragraphs A.1., A.2. and A.3. above do not apply to any portion of a"consolidated (wrap-up) insurance program" involving a "residential structure." B. The foilowing is added immediately after the first paragraph of provision b. Excess Insurance of Page 6 of 7 � � . i . �II►�Io1► LJ � � Section IV — Commercial General Liability Conditions — Other insurance: This insurance is excess, over any of the other insurance whether primary, excess, contingent or any other basis that is insurance available to you as a result of your being a participant in a "consolidated (wrap-up) insurance program", but only as respecfs your involvement in tfiat "consolidated (wrap-up) insurance program". C. The following is added to Section V— Definitions: � "Consolidated (wrap-up) insurance program" means a construction, erection or demolition project for which the prime contractor/project manager or owner of the construction project � has secured general liability insurance covering some or all of the contractors or subcontractors involved in the project, otherwise referred to as � an Owner Controiled Insurance Program (O.C.I.P.) or Contractor Controlled insurance Program (C.C.I.P.). "Residential structure" means any structure � where 30% or more of the square foot area is used or is intended to be used for human residency including but not limited to single or ���ultifamily housing, apartments, condcminiums, � townhouses, co-operatives or planned unit developments and also includes their common areas and/or appurtenant structures (including pools, hot tubs, detached garages, guest � houses or any similar structures). When there is no individual ownership of units, residential structure does not include military housing, college/universiry housing or dormitories, long � term care facilities, hotels, or motels. Residential structure also does not include hospitals or prisons. ' , � LJ , � 21. CONTRACTUALLIABILITY—RAILROADS With respect to operations performed within 50 feet t 'i ,� .+ �^� fCf ::'hlCh 2 Railrnari Cii iaiiivau NivN'�i �� Protective Liability policy in the name of the railroad has been provided, the definition of "insured contracY' in the SECTION V— DEFINITIONS is replaced by the following: "Insured ContracY' means: a. A contract for a lease of premises. However, that portion of the contract for a lease of premises that indemnifies any person or organization for damage G-18652-H (Ed. 01/06) G-18652-H (Ed. 01/06) by fire to premises while rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with permission of the owner is not an "insured contracY'; b. A sidetrack agreement; c. Any easement or license agreement; d. An obligation, as required 6y ordinance, to indemnify a municipality, except in connection with work for a municipality; e. An elevator maintenance agreement; f. That part of any other contract or agreement pertaining to your business (including an indemnification of a municipality in connection with work performed for a municipality) under which you assume the tort liability of another party to pay for "bodily injury" or "property damage" to a third person or organization. Tort liability means a liability that would be imposed by law in the absence of any contract or agreement. Paragraph f. does not include that part of any contract or agreement: (1) That indemnifles an architect, engineer or surveyor for injury or damage arising out of: (a) Preparing, approving or failing to prepare or approve maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, field orders, change orders or drawings and specifications; or (b) Giving directions or instructions, or failing to give them, if that is the primary cause of the injury or damage; ;2; Jnder which the ins!�red, if an architect, engineer or surveyor, assumes liability for an injury or damage arising out of the insured's rendering or failure to render professional services, including those listed in paragraph (1) above and supervisory, inspection, architectural or engineering activities. Page 7 of 7 � � � � 1 � � � � � � � � , � � � � � l = � _ cNA COMMON POLICY DECLARATIONS COMMERCIAL PACKAGE POLICY POLICY NUMBER C 4016148819 NAMED INSURED ADVANCED CONSTRUCTION, INC. MAILING ADDRESS 4640 CAMPUS PLACE SUITE 150 MUKILTEO, WA 98275 PRODUCER NAME HUB INTERNATIONAL NORTHWr�ST, LLC MAILING ADDRESS 12100 NE 195TH ST #200 BOTHELL, WA 9B011 POLICY PERIOD FROM 05/02/2010 TO 05/02/2011 AT 12:01 A.M. STANDARD TIME AT YOUR MAILING ADDRESS SHOWN ABOVE. IN RETURN FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PREMIUM, AND SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS OF THIS POLICY, WE AGREE WITH YOU TO PROVIDE THE INSURANCE AS STATED IN THIS POLICY. THIS POLICY CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING COVERAGE PARTS FOR WHICH A PREMIUM IS INDICATED. THIS PREMIUM MAY BE SUBJECT TO ADJUSTMENT. I COVERAGE PART PREMIUM * COMNERCIAL PROPERTY COVERAGE COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE COMMERCIAL CRIME COVERP.GE COMMERCIAL INLAND MARINE COVERAGE COMb9ERCIAL BOILER & MACHINERY COVERAG� COMMERCIAL LIQUOR LIABILI`i'Y COVERAGE TOTAL POLICY P�EMIUM 'INCLUDES APPLICABLE STATES TAXES AND SURCHARGES (IF ANY) [REFER TO INDIVIDUAL DECLARATIONS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION] INSURED � � � i � � caa REFER TO INDIVIDUAL DECLARATIONS Countersignature L__: � � � � � � � . . �. ._ FORMS APPLICABLE TO ALL COVERAGE PARTS Chairm� f Me Board G-138915-A (Ed. 07/00) INSURED V Sacreter� � � � ,� � c�rA American Society Of Concrete Contractors General Liability - Occurrence Renewal Declaration POLICY NUMBER COVERAGE PROVIDED BY FROM - POLICY PERIOD - TO C 4016148819 VALLEY FORGE INSURANCE COMPANY 05/02/2010 05/02/2011 333 S. WABASH CHICAGO, IL. 60604 INSURED NAME AND ADDRESS ADVANCED CONSTRUCTION, INC. 4640 CAMPUS PLACE SUITE 150 bNKILTEO, WA 98275 AGENCY NUMBER AGENCY NAME AND ADDRESS 047208 HUB INTERNATIONAL NORTHWEST, LLC 12100 NE 195TH ST #200 BOTHELL, WA 98011 Phone Number: (425)489-4500 BRANCH NUMBER BRANCH NAME AND ADDRESS O50 SEATTLE BW:NCH 999 THIRD AVENUE, STE 2500 SEATTLE, WA 98104 Phone Number: (206)587-2600 This policy becomes effective and expires at 12:01 A.M. standard time at your mailing address on the dates shown above. The Named Insured is a Corporation. Your policy is composed of this Declarations, with the attached Common Policy Conditions, Coverage Forms, and Endorsements, if any. The Policy Forms and Endorsement Schedule shows all forms applicable to this policy at the time of policy issuance. The Estimated Policy Premium is "-� --" �� ,� � � � — Your Premium includes the following amount for � Certified Acts of Terrorism Coverage — Audit Period is Annual INSURED Page 1 of 4 � � � �, � � �� 1 ..- : ..: _... _;. � .. :: _. : POLICY NUMBER � INSURED NAME AND ADDRESS C 4016148819 ADVANCED CONSTRUCTION, INC. 4640 CAMPUS PLACE SUITE 150 MiJKILTEO, WA 96275 In return for the payment of the premium, and su'r>ject to all the terms and conditions contained here-in, we agree to provide the insurance as stated. LIMITS OF INSURANCE DESCRIPTION Each Occurrence Personal & Advertising Injury Medical Expense - Any One Person Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit Products/Completed Operations Aqgregate General Aggregate Employee Benefits LiabiliCy Coverage Each Employee Aggregate Stop Gap Liability "Bodily Injury" by Accident - Each Accident "Bodily Injury" by Disease - Aggregate Limit "Bodily Injury" by Disease - Bach "Employee" SCHEDULE OF COVERAGES COVERAGE/HAZARD DESCRIPTION POLICY LEVEL COVERAGES Employee Benefits Liability Deductible Each Emoloyee Stop GAP Liapility - WA Fire Damage Legal Liability - Increased Limits Contractors General Liability Extension General Contractors Blanket Additional Insured Limited Pollution Liability Coverage INSiJRED LIMIT $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $5,000 $300,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 PREMIUM ESTIMATED EXPOSURE BASIS RATE PREMIUM INCL Each INCL INCL Employee $1,000 INCL Each INCLINCL $100 Total Payroll FLAT CHARGE INCL INC� INCLZNCL INCL INCL INCL INCL INCL Page 2 cf 4 POLICY NUMBER INSURED NAME AND ADDRESS C 4016148819 ADVPNCED CONSTRUCTION, INC. 4640 CAMPUS PLACE SUITE 150 MUKILTEO, WA 98275 SCHEDULE OF COVERAGES COMPOSITE RATING PSR $1,000 SALES. 15,000,000 S Property Damage Liability Deductible ?er Occurrence $5,000 MINIMUM GENERAL LIABILITY PREMIUM _• � � INSUR�D Page 3 of 4 �. � � �� ,� ��, L� � � : ; , _ , , : :. ,: _. ; _ _ POLIC7C NIlMBER INSURED NAME AND ADDRESS C 4016148819 ADVANCED CONSTRUCTION, INC. � 4640 CAMPJS PLACE SUITE 150 _ MUKILTEO, WA 98275 FORMS AND ENDORSEMENTS SCHEDULE Form Number G55015B CG0001 CG0068 CG0181 CG0197 CG0300 CG0437 CG2170 CG2279 CG2404 G114050A G132263B G132279C99 G133122B46 G136106D G136107A G138921C G140331B G140396A99 G144291A G145658A G146874A G15104A G18652H G22614A G300250A G43316C G43815C G55157B IL0003 IL0146 IL0198 11/1991 12/2��7 OS/2009 07/1998 12/2007 Ol/1996 12/2004 O1/2008 07/1998 05/2009 02/199� 11/2�04 07/2005 11/2004 02/2005 03/2�00 02/2005 O1/2009 10/2001 03/2003 11/2003 03/2005 10/1989 O1/2006 12/1994 02/2006 06/1998 08/2001 02/1988 09/2007 09/2007 09/2000 Form Title SCHEDULc, CG2404 Commercial General Liability Coverage Form Rec And Distr Of Mat Or Info In Viol Of Law Excl Washington Changes WA Changes-Employment-Related Practices Exclusion Deductible Liability Insurance Electronic Data Liability Cap on Losses for Certified Acts of Terrorism Exclusion - Contractors - Professional Liability Waiver-Trans Rights Recovery Against Others To Us Stop Gap Liability Coverage Supplemental Schedule Amendatory Endorsement - Pollution Exclusion Limited Pollution Coverage - Work Sites WA Changes-Ltd Pollution Cov Worksite Residential Construction Defect PCO Exclusion Exclusion - Construction Wrap-Up Program Exclusion-Subsidence Contractors Blanket Additional Insured Endorsement Fungi/Mold/Mildew/Yeast/Microbe ExclLsion Economic And Trade Sanctions Condition Exclusion - Silica Important Notice Employee Senefits Liability Supplemental Schedule Contractors General Liability Extension Endt Stop Gap Liability Coverage Endorsement Exterior Finish System Prod/Ccmp Ops �xclusicn Exclusion - Asbestos Employee Benefits Liability Coverage Premium Bases Calculation of Premium Common Policy Conditions Nuclear Energy Liability �'xcl Endt. (Broad Form) *** PLEASE READ THE ENCLOSED IMPORTANT NOTICES CONCERNING YOUR POLICY *** � � � � � Form Number Form Title CGPO11 O5/2009 Rec And Distr In Vio Of Law Excl Advisory Notice G144233F O1/2008 Notice - Offer of Terrorism Disclosure of Premium G145041A 05/2003 IMP INF Economic And Trade Sanctions Condition G44128B 11/2004 Imp Info For Insureds Wno Hire Subcontractors Countersignature 1 "� ^'� � Chairman of ihe Board P-55170-A (Ed. O1/R6) INSURED V Secreter� Page 4 of 4 �� i� � , CNA American Society Of Concrete Contractors Buainese Auto Renewal Declaration �1 � j � � j � POLICY NUMBER COVERAGE PROVIDED BY FROM - POLICY PERIOD - TO C 4016148805 VALLEY FORGE INSURANCE COMPANY 05/02/2010 05/02/2011 3 3 3 S. WABAS�-i CHICAGO, IL. 60604 INSURED NAME F1ND ADDRESS ADVANCED CONSTRUCTION, INC. 4640 CAMPUS PLACE SUITE 150 MUKILTEO, WA 98275 AGENCY NUNIDER AGENCY NAME AND ADDRESS 047208 HUB INTERNATIOiVAL NORTHWEST, LLC 12100 NE 195TH ST #200 BOTHELL, PdA 98011 Phone Number: (�25)489-4500 BRANCH NUMBER BRANCH NAME AND ADDRESS 050 SEATTLE BRANCH 999 THIRD AVENUE, STE 2500 SEATTLE, WA 98104 Phone Number: (206)587-2600 This policy becomes effective and ex.pires at 12:01 A.M. standard time at your mailing address on the dates shown above. The Named Insured is a Corporation. Your policy is composed of this Declarations, with the attached Common Policy Conditions, Coverage Forms, and Endorsements, if any. The Policy Forms and Endorsement Schedule shows all forms applicable to this policy at the time of policy issuance. The Estimated Policy Premium is �- 0 � Audit Period is Not Auditable = In return for the payment of the premium, and subject to ail the terms and conditions — contained here-in, we agree to provicle the insurance as stated. =NSURED Page 1 of 12 �' � � � � � POLICY NUMBER INSURED NAME AND ADDRESS C 4016148805 ADVANCED CONSTRUCTION, INC. 4640 CAMPUS PLACE SUITE 150 MUKILTEO, WA 98275 ITEM TWO Schedule Of Coverages and Covered Autos This policy provides only those coverages where a cnarge is shown in the premium column below. Each of chese coverages will apply only to those "autos" shown as covered "autos". "Autos�� are shown as covered "autos" for a particular coverage by the entry of one or more of the symbols from the Covered Auto Section of the Business Auco Coverage Fcrm next to the name of the Coverage. COVERED COVERAGES AUTO SYMBOL LIMIT PREMIUM Liability 1 $1,000,000 Personal Injury Protection (Or Equivalent ATo-rault Coverage) Added Personal Injury Protection (Or Equivalent Added No-Fault Coverage) � Pronerty Protection Insurance (Michigan Only) � Auto Medical Paymer.ts Med�cal Expense aad Income Loss Benefits � (Virginia Only), Uninsured Motorists � � ,�. � Underinsured Motorists (F7hen not included in U:�insured Motor_st Coverage) 7 � Separately Stated In Each Personal Inju�y Protection Endorsement. Separately Stated in Each Added Personal Injury Protection Endorsement Separately Stated In The Property Protection Insurance �nctorsement. $5,000 Senarately Stated in Each fdedical Expense and Income Less Benefits Endorsement $1,000,000 INSURED �� Page 2 of 12 [� POLICY NUMBER INSURED NAME AND ADDRESS C 4016148805 ADVANCED CONSTRUCTION, INC. 4640 CAMPUS PLACE SUITE 150 MUKILTEO, WA 98275 ITEM TWO Schedule Of Coverages and Covered Autos (Cont'd) COVERED COVERAGES AUTO SYMBOL LIMIT PREMIUM , 7, 8 Actual Cash Value or Cost of Physical Damage Comprehensive Coverage Physical Damage Specified Causes of Loss Coverage Physical Damage Collision Coverage Physical Damage Towing and Labor 7, 8 Repair, Whichever Is Less, Minus Deductible for Each Covered Auto, But No Deductible Applies �.o Loss Caused By Fire Or Lightning. See Item Four For Hired or Borrowed Autos. Actual Cash Value or Cost of Repair, Whichever Is Less, M_nus Deductible for Each Covered Auto For Loss Caused By Mischief Or Vandalism. See Item Four For Hired or Borrowed Autos. Actual Cash Value or Cost of Repair, Whichever Is Less, Minus Deductible for Each Covered Auto. See Item Four ror Hired or Borrowed Autos. For Each Disablement of A Private Passenger Auto Premium for Endorsement: Estimated Total Premium: INSURED Page 3 of 12 _ __ . .. _ __. _. _ _ ,. . _ . ,._ ; , ,.. POLICY NUMBER INSURED NAME AND ADDRESS C 4016148805 ADVAAICED CONSTRUCTION, INC. 4640 CAMPUS PLACE SUITE 150 MUKILTEO, WA 98275 FORMS AND ENDORSEMENTS SCHEDULE FORM NUMSER CA0001 CA0121 CA0135 CA2001 CA2134 CA9903 CA9910 CP.9989 G144291A G21578B G22454A IL0003 IL0146 IL0198 FORM TITLE 03/2006 Business Auto Coverage Form 02/1999 Limited Mexico Coverage 03/2006 Washington Changes 03/2006 Additional Insured - Lessor 0.7/2007 TAashington Underinsured Motorists Coverage 03/2006 Auto Medical Payments Coverage 09/2002 Drive Other Car Broadened Coverage for Named Indiv 05/2001 Washington Loss Payable Form Reg - 335 03/2003 Economic And Trade.Sanctions Condition 05/2008 Broadened Pollution Liability Coverage 10/1994 Broadened Pollution Liability Schedule 09/2007 Calculation of Premium 09/2007 Common Policy Conditions 09/2000 Nuclear Energy Liability Excl Endt. (Broad Form) *** PLEASE READ THE ENCLOSED IMPORTANT NOTICES CONCERNING YOUR POLICY *** FORM NUMBER FORM TITLE G138878A 08/2000 Important Information G142630A 05/2002 Imp. Info.- For Our Commercial Auto Policyholders G145041A OS/2003 IMP INF Economic And Trade Sanctions Condition Countersignature 1 "ry •v�Q � Chairman of }he Board P-55748-B (Ed. 12/90) INSURED V SeCreta� Page 12 of 12 � � PRE\/AILiNG I�ININiIJM �a HO�IJRLY 1/VAGE �TES � �� . �� . a ,� � t . ! �� l , �� . � � . t � � . ! � 1 ' State of Washington Department of Labor & Industries Prevailing Wage Section - Telephone 360-902-5335 PO Box 44540, Olympia, WA 98504-4540 Washington State Prevailing Wage ' The PREVAILING WAGES listed here include both the hourty wage rate and the hourly rate of fringe benefits. On public works projects, worker's wage and benefit rates must add to not less than thi5 total. A brief description of overtime calculation requirements are provided on the Benefit Code Key. ' � ' ' 1 1 � 1 i 1 1 1 � -1 Journey Level Prevailing Wage Rates for the Effective Date: 9/1/2010 � � ' l� ' , ' t ' , ' r � � � � � � � � Journey Level Prevailing Wage Rates for the Effective Date: 9/1/2010 ' 3 , ' ' ' ' ' , ' , r � � � � � � �� � lourney Levei Prevailing Wage Rates for the Effective Date: 9/1/2010 ' ' � , , ' ' � ' , , , ' ' , , � � �, I� �� 4 lourney Level Prevailing Wage Rates for the Effective Date: 9/1/2010 ' , ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' , ' ' ' � ' � � �, L� Journey Level Prevailing Wage Rates for the Effective Date: 9/1/2010 , J ' L _J ' ' I� � 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 � Journey level Prevailing Wage Rates for the Effective Date: 9/1/2010 7 Journey Level Prevailing Wage Rates for the Effective Date: 9/1/2010 � r �� � � � � � � � t � � 1 1 i 1 1 �, �_� lourney Level Prevailing Wage Rates for the. Effective Date: 9/1/2010 � r t � � � � i � � � � � i 1 t 1 1 C� Journey Level Prevailing Wage Rates for the Effective Date: 9/1/2010 ' ' II � u , � � �� Il � � i � � u 1 1 t 1 �1� 1 � Journey Level Prevailing Wage Rates for the Effective Date: 9/1/2010 ' �� ' L, , ' ' , 1 , , � , i 1 t � 1 C� C� Journey Levei Prevailing Wage Rates for the Effective Date: 9/1/2010 I __J ' � u �� 1 II � � , ' �� ' � t � 1 � � i � � 12 Journey Level Prevailing Wage Rates for the Effective Date: 9/1/2010 � 13 ' L� ' 1 � � , � , , ' � , , , � � LJ Journey Level Prevailing Wage Rates for the Effective Date: 9/1/2010 � �����, - �'� �'�C Kin �- � Power�Equ� , ��g�� �; ��� , �.��x�.:�.�'�.'� �;�n,�`��u�'�_.., King Power Equi � King�� Pow�E uf ����'� � ���� � �.�_ � � _� �C �� �t ��,'� -���� � �; � � � �,, �� ; � King Power E ui - s�.� � t �� , ,� � King� PowerFE ui ` ,�'"�:. � ���;�,� King Power E ui � � �� �� �� :_ King Power�E ui ,°� ;�� �.� � �� ; . ,��i�, r� v ,::s"� ?`��- � King Power Equi� King � Powe��EqutK ��y��y �� �"� * �. � .�N� � . ��. . ,.�-x�,:__�' King Power E ui � , King��� PowerE�ui "����� � �� � g.'R�`.'..2.�`i�s..� . �'�.s ., s,�r'�,:$�,.� ` King Power E ui � r �.�� � �k � � -.. King�;� Power EquiK � 'x � - �.�;:,� ��" �, �„ t�nder roun ;��__ � ;� �, � "��z� �H- '�ar �= �;s King Power E ui lourney Level Prevailing Wage Rates for the Effective Date: 9/1J2010 � ...a^�— c s".::. -at,�.. � '�y��"s"�'_ ���'� �'c�" 4 �. .,,P. a �^- ��^ �^ '�s,� � .. pment�Operators �� , Subgrader,Trimmer� ���, ; ���� ;� g� ���� ,�'$ ��``:SD�� �� °�1�T � �8P 49 90 ��h x'�'� s� �. a�„. .� e� t � �.` ra"A �` � °� �'� ` x � . � x p ��i ' � ' -� �- � "3 ,d'�s� r� � .�z - �r ��� �z ' '�. a c � '�'��a '� �� a ��,z��� . a' �g. " a. �i- _ { ��v'�' . a s � ^ �r .: � . h w�`� ....;{ �i �s k'Y4 � .ax�-:�. 2 .�.':.z �..�i� <.. . , ,.t..��..�.�.�xa , '�3.�:�,' «.a�'E , c . €� �.,E.� �? � �?�^'�..4:�.a..^"�,3..:� g _ ��3.i� pment Operators Tower Bucket Elevators $49.48 5D 1T SP rs ment Tower Crane Up To 175' In Height Base To I$50.94I SD I 1T I 8P Boom Machines 5D 1T 8P � 5D y ���1T �-� 8P. ��rzyF, � r � < : �' �' '..�G���'�>-�� � �"�. 5D 1T 8P Crane Oiler/driver Under 100 Tons Ider Yo Pay Dozer $50.39 5D 1T 8P $47 12 �'`gSD� ��1T � �8P � �. � r> � � � �� �`� `' � s���':�b { �,M�..��,���?. � $49.90 5D 1T 8P Engineer - Under round Sewe � King ;>;� P wer EciuiG ����. �. �- .��� - ��� Untler roun ����� ��� � ���'x��3,. � �r �.,s ' King Power E ui Under roun � � t � �.p ,:; Kirig � Power E 'ui �s��� '� �.�A.���j €,�: Under rourn ��;�� �"" a �`� -' � :=� ' asc;� a�� , King Power Equip Under roun� j � � �� {�..� � King"�"� Pawer E "ui ' � ��� Under rouni k ��' �� .:. � �� .'.���i.. �'Y S�„ � E� �"�',r � King Power E ui Under roun� � King� � Power E u� :,•�i's..�3 � ' ``_' -�`,�`�',_. ""a '�y,«c'{ . '� a �i� , Plant Operator, Concrete nt Operators- �wer & Water Sewer $47.12I SD I 1T I 8P $49.90� SD � 1T � 8P - Remote Demolition Equipment �$47.12� 5D � 1T � 8P Bump Cutter 14 $49.90I SD I 1T. I 8P � IS , � ' , � � ' , ' � � � � � � � � i lourney Level Prevailing Wage Rates for the Effective Date: 9/1/2010 � � r - �� King�� P ������ � �� � ���� a �� � ������^ King P U � �� x� King¢`�� R. R � U ��i' � i? i � a�-� King P U r "<,�� King��� P+ ��F � � U � � ���;� �;� � King Ps U � King � � Pi �� � � ��;�e � U i �_�� �, � � � , King Pc Ui � King'� P� � ��� � �� U t �,�—�,�,.� —� s.�? � King Pc Ur � King�� Pc r '' � U r � t ��� � ...�.s__,.F..aBce L��� , King Po Ur � King �`°�` Po ���� � U�n �-�� � � �. , King Po Un King�` Po� � � _ � Un �: �s'a`� � �.;,z" � �:, � King Po� Un King ;= Po � � Ur`n � �: �� ' Journey Level Prevailing Wage Rates for the Effective Date: 9/1/2010 !m & Dozers D-9 & Under Drilling Machine Finishing Machine, Bidwell And Gamaco & Similar Equipment Forklifts: Under 3000 Lbs. With Attachments I$47.12I 5D I 1T I 8P 5D I 1T � 8P i� uipment u und 5ewer ui�ment,0i ,� i und Sewer uinment:�0i Water keman 5D � 1T � 8P 5D � 1T � 8P $47.12I 5D I 1T I 8P Equ pmae t S�Ya ds. & Oveating Off- Road I$50.39I 5D I 1T I 8P irectional Drill Locator I$49.48� SD I 1T � 8P Hydralifts/boom Trucks Over 10 Tons I$49.48I SD I iT I 8P � � l� r � � � t i t � � � � � � t N � � Journey Level Prevailing Wage Rates for the Effective Date: 9/1/2010 �. � � � � , � I t 1 l 1 t t 1 1 1 1 I : lourney Level Prevailing Wage Rates for the Effective Date: 9/1/2010 � 19 � � r r � � � i i r � t i t 1 t ^ �, � � lourney Level Prevailing Wage Rates for the Effective Date: 9/1/2010 I � � � � � i � , ! t � 1 ! 1 � 2� lourney LeVel Prevailing Wage Rates for the Effective Date: 9/1/2010 �� Journey Level Prevaiting Wage Rates for the Effective Date: 9/1/2010 � � � � 1 � t � 1 f � I 1 1 1 �a Journey Level Prevailing Wage Rates for the Effective Date: 9/1/2010 � 23 u � � , � � L� � � � 1 i r lourney Level Prevailing Wage Rates for the EfFective Date: 9/1/2010 � i 1 1 1 � 1 1 j � 1 1 1 1 1 � 24 lourney Level Prevailing Wage Rates for the Effective Date: 9/1/2010 Department of Labor and Industries Prevailing Wage ,� s �'"��o (360) 902-5335 ' " i www.lni.wa.gov//TradesLicensin�fYrevailingWage �. ' � 0 ��� � • This form must be typed or printed in ink. • Large, bold numbers match inshuctions on back of form. • Please allow a minimum of 10 working days for processing. • Once approved your form will be posted onlinc at the above web PPIiQ`1�D'�'b]tM�'VII,L��BE�,MAITED TO TFIISADDRESS ,�;: Contractor, eompany or agettcy name, address, city, state & ZIP+4 Prime contractor (has contract wilh Craft/trndel occupation (Do NOT list apprcn6ces) Indicate rmmber of owners exoected to nerCorm wor Company name Address City Smte ZIP+4 ConUactor Registration No. UBI Industrial Insurance Account Numbcr Email address Phone number -."' ^sp a e' s f� t ` � � �✓-���€r r�r"`,'�� '� �,�-���`.,� w �. .� �, �, ; „,at t � �or`L&LUse bn1Y��,�� t��' �-���' ,, � � �' ,,,t' APPROVED: Depamnent ofl,abor and industries By Industrial Statistician F700-029-000 statcment of intent to pay prevailing wages 12-04 STATE1ViEN�' OF INTENZ' TO PAY PREVAILING W�AGES Public Works Contract $25.00 Filin� Fee Required lame ConUact# Awarding Agency (public ageucy - not federal or private) Address City State Z(Y+4 Awazding Agency Project Contact Pcrson Phone # County where work was performed City where work was performed 13id due date (mm/dcUyy) Date contract awarded (mm/dd/yy) Will all work be subcontractedT Do you intend to use subcontractors7 ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No Ezpected job stari date (mmldcUyy) Do you intend to use apprentices7 ❑ Yes ❑ No Estimated no. Rate of Rate,of hourly fringc Contractor Indicate total dollar amount of your contract I or timc and materials if applicable. � 1 hereby certify that the above information is correct and that all workers I employ on this Public Works Project will be paid no less than the Prevailing Wage Rate(s) as detertnined by the Industrial Statistician of thc Department of Labor and Industries Title Signnfirc Check Number: Issucd By: ❑ $25 or $ After APPROVAL, send ��•hite copy to Awarding Agency. Canary copy —L&I Department of Labor and Industries ���:o AFFIDAv��r n� wA rT�:S PAID Prevailing Wage (36U) 902-5335 �= s Public Works Confract http://ww�v.ini.�va.gov/'I'radesLicensing/PrevailingWage � ,'a� $25.00 Filing Fee Required ,,.. • This form must be ryped or printed in ink. P�oi�a Name Conhad # • Fill in all blanks or form will be retumc:d for corrcction see back . • Please atlow a minimum of 10 working days for processing. cs�cmn n.Yar�c�g nge��y (p�e��� ag���y - ooc tedcrai or prtvn�e) • Once a roved, our form will 6e ed online ai the website above. �AI'PR�"O�D�F'',.�� .`_' .,g ��'�iI;�E�iQ§??$5���? � Aaaras � Contractor, aompany or agency name, address, ciry, state & Z1P+4� state �lr+a Prime contractor (has contrac! with the public ngency) Conhactor CratUtrade/occupation and apprentices (For apprentices, give name, registration #, trade, dates of work on project, stage of progression, wage and fringe) ]ndicate number oTowners that performed �vork. Company name Address City Co��tnctor Registrdtion No. ]ndusmial Insurance Account Number Email address State ZIP+4 UBI Phone number APPROVED: Departroent of Labor and Industries BY — __ Industrial Statistician _ F700-007-060 affidavit oCwages 12-04 Awarding Agency YroJed ContaU Yerson rnone A Count� where work'w�as performed City where rvork was performed llid due dah �m�amyy> Uate contract awarded (mmldd/yy) Dntework rnmpletcd (mmlddlyy) Date Inlcnt fled (mm/dd/yy) Wns a11 �vork snbconrrocted7 Ald ypu intend tn ose suM1cnntractor ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No Job shrt dete (mm/dd/yy) Number Tntal.# of hours Rate of Rate of }lourly o( Workers norked — ea. trade Hourly Yay Fringe llenefits Indicate total dollar amount of your contract ($ or timc and matcrials if applicable. I hereby ceRify that the above infonnaUon is correct and that all workers I employ on this Public Works Project witl be paid no less than the Prevailing Wage Rate(s) as detem�ined by the Industrial Stafistician of the Department of Labor and Industries TiNe SignaNre Check Num6er: Issued By: _ ❑ .$25 or $ After APPROVAL, send white couv to Awardine Aeenc�•. Canary copy - L& 1 a 00 SPECIAL� PROVISIONS PART I � ) .- 1 �1 ' � ' � � � � � ' SPECIALPROVISIONS .........................................•-•................................................................ 10 1-Ol DEFINITIONS AND TERMS ........................................................................................... 10 1-Ol.l General .............................................................................................................................10 1-01.3 Definitions ....................................................................................................................... 10 1-02 BID PROCEDURES AND CONDITIONS ..................................................................... 12 1-021 Prequalification of bidders ............................................................................................ 12 1-02.2 Plans and Specifications ................................................................................................ 12 1-02.5 Proposal Forms ............................................................................................................... 13 1-02.6 Preparation of Proposal ................................................................................................. 13 1-02.6(1) Proprietary Information ...........................................................................................13 1-02.7 Bid Deposit ......................................................................................................................14 1-02.9 Delivery of Proposal .......................................................................................................14 1-02.12 Public Opening of Proposals .......................................................................................14 1-02.13 Irregular Proposals ........-• ............................................................................................ 14 1-02.14 Disqualification of Bidders .......................................................................................... 14 1-02.15 Pre Award Information ................................................................................................ 15 1-03 AWARD AND EXECiJT'ION OF CONTRACT ............................................................. 15 1-03.1 Consideration of bids ..................................................................................................... 15 1=03.2 Award of Contract ..........................................................................................................15 1-03.3 Execution of Contract .................................................................................................... 16 1-03.4 Contract Bond ................................................................................................................ 16 1-03.7 Judicial Review ............................................................................................................... 17 1-04 SCOPE OF WORK .................................................................................................. 1-04.2 Coordination of Contract Documents ... ............................................................. 17 ... 17 — 1-04.3 Contractor-Discovered Discrepancies ................... 17 1-04.4 Changes ...........................................................................................................................17 ;� 1-04.8 Progress Estimates and Payments ................................................................................ 17 ' 1-04.11 Final Cleanup ................................................................................................................ 18 1-OS CONTROL OF WORK .................................................................................................... 18 1-05.3 Plans and Working Drawings ........................................................................................ 18 � 1-05.4 Conformity With and Deviation from Plans and Stakes ............................................ 18 1-05.4(3) Contractor Supplied Surveying ................................................................................ 19 � 1-05.4(4) Contractor Provided As-Built Information ............................................................. 20 1-05.7 Removal of Defective and Unauthorized Work ........................................................... 20 � 1 �� 1-05.10 Guarantees ....................................................................................................................21 1-05.11 Final Inspection ............................................................................................................ 21 1-05.11(1) Substantial Completion Date .................................................................................. 21 1-05.11(2) Final Inspectian and Physical Completion Date ................................................... 22 1-05.11(3) Operational Testing ......................................•----...............:...................................... 22 1-05.12 Final Acceptance ........................................................................................................... 23 1-05.13 Superintendents, Labor and Equipment of Contractor ........................................... 23 1-05.14 Cooperation with Other Contractors ......................................................................... 23 1-05.16 Water and Power .......................................................................................................... 24 1-05.17 Oral Agreements ........................................................................................................... 24 1-05.18 Contractor's Daily Diary ............................................................................................. 24 1-06 CONTROL OF MATERIAL .....:...................................................................................... 25 1-06.1 Approval of Materials Prior to Use ............................................................................... 25 1-06.2(1) Samples and Tests for Acceptance ................:.:......................................................... 25 1-06.2(2) Statistical Evaluation of Materials for Acceptance ................................................. 25 1-07 LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC ....................... 25 1-07.1 Laws to be Observed ...................................................................................................... 25 1-07.2 State Sales Tax ................................................................................................................ 26 1-07.2(1) General .......................................................................................................................26 1-07.2(2) State Sales Tax - Rule 171 ......................................................................................... 27 1-07.2(3) State Sales Taz - Rule 170 ......................................................................................... 27 1-Q7.2(4) Services--•-•-•• ...............................................................................................................27 1-07.6 Permits and Licenses ...................................................................................................... 27 1-07.9 Wages ...............................................................................................................................28 1-07.9(5) Required Documents ................................................................................................. 28 1-07.11 Requirements for Non-Discrimination ....................................................................... 28 1-07.11(11) City of Renton Affidavit of Compliance ............................................................... 28 1-07.12 Federal Agency Inspection .......................................................................................... 28 1-07.13 Contractor's Responsibility for Work ........................................................................ 28 1-07.13(1) General ....................................:................................................................................28 1-07.15 Temporary Water Pollution/Erosion Control ............................................................ 28 1-07.16 Protection and Restoration of Property ..................................................................... 29 1-07.16(1) Private/Public Property ....................:..................................................................... 29 1-07.17 Utilities and Similar Facilities ..................................................................................... 30 1-07.17(1) Interruption of Services ...........................................•--............................................ 31 2 � ' ' � � � , � � , � � ' , � � , � 1-07.18 Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance ..................................................... 31 1-07.18(1) General .....................................................................................................................31 1-07.18(2) Coverages ................................................................................................................. 32 1-07.18(3) Limits ........................................................................................................:...............33 1-07.18(4) Evidence of Insurance :............................................................................................ 34 1-07.22 Ose of Explosives .......................................................................................................... 34 1-07.23 Public Convenience and Safety ................................................................................... 34 1-07.23(1) Construction Under Traffic ....................:............................................................... 34 1-07.23(2) Construction and Maintenance of Detours ........................................................... 36 1-07Z4 Rights of Way ................................................................................................................ 36 1-08 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS ............................................................................... 37 1-08.0 Preliminary Matters ....................................................................................................... 37 1-08.0(1) Preconstraction Conference ..................................................................................... 37 1-08.0(2) Hours of Work ........................................................................................................... 38 1-08.0(3) Reimbursement for Qvertime Work of Contracting Agency Employees ............. 38 1-08.1 Subcontracting ............................................................................................................... 38 1-08.2 Assignment ......................................................................................................................39 1-083 Progress Schedule ........................................................................................................... 39 1-08.4 Notice to Proceed and Prosecution of the Work .......................................................... 40 1-08.5 Time For Completion ..................................................................................................... 40 1-08.6 Suspension of Work ........................................................................................................ 42 1-08.7 Maintenance During Suspension .................................................................................. 42 1-08.9 Liquidated Damages ...................................................................................................... 42 1-08.11 Contractor's Plant and Equipment ............................................................................. 42 1-08.12 Attention to Work ......................................................................................................... 43 1-09 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ............................................................................... 43 1-09.1 Measurement of Quantities ............................:.............................................................. 43 1-09.3 Scope of Payment ........................................................................................................... 44 1-09.6 Force Account......-• ......................................................................................................... 44 1-09.7 Mobilization ....................................................................................................................44 1-09.9 Payments .........................................................................................................................45 1-09.9(1) Retainage ....................................................................................................................46 1-09.9(2) Contracting Agency's Right to Withhold and Disburse Certain Amounts........... 46 1-09.9(3) Final Payment ............................................................................................................ 47 1-09.11 Disputes and Claims ...................................................................................................... 48 3 1-09.11(2) Claims ................................................................................»..................................... 48 1-09.11(3) Time Limitations and Jurisdiction ......................................................................... 48 1-09.13 Claims and Resolutions ................................................................................................. 48 1-09.13(3) Claims $250,000 or Less .......................................................................................... 48 1-09.13(3)A Administration of Arbitration .............................................................................. 48 1-09.13(3)B Procedures to Pursue Ar6itration ....................................................................... 48 1-09.14 Payment Sc6edule .........................................�.....................................................,....... 49 1-09.14(1) Scope .........................................................................................................................49 1-09.14(2) Bid Items - ................................................................................................................ 49 1-09.14(2) Bid Items .................................................................................................................. 50 1-10 TEIVIPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL ........................................................................... 50 1-10.1 General .....................................................................:......................................................50 1-10.2(1)B Traffic Control Supervisor ..................................................................................... 51 1-10.2(2) Traffic Control Plans ................................................................................................. 51 1-10.3 Flagging, Signs, and All Other Traffic Control Devices .............................................. 51 1-10.3(3) Construction Signs ..................................................................................................... 52 1-10.4 Measurement ..................................................................................................................52 1-10.5 Payment ...........................................................................................................................52 1-11 RENTON SURVEYING STANDARDS .......................................................................... 52 1-11.1{1) Responsibility for surveys ......................................................................................... 52 1-11.1(2) Survey Datum and Precision .................................................................................... 52 1-11.1(3) Subdivision Information ........................................................................................... 53 1-11.1(4) Field Notes .................................................................................................................. 53 1-11.1(5) Corners and Monuments .......................................................................................... 53 1-11.1(� Control or Base Line Survey ....................:................................................... 1-11.1(7) Precision Levels ...................................•-------.................................................. 1-11.1(S) Radiat and Station - Offset Topography .................................................... ......... 53 54 ..... 54 1-11.1(9) RacLal Topography .................................................................................................... 54 1-11.1(10) Station-Offset Topography ..................................................................................... 54 1-11.1(11) As-Built Survey ......................................................................................................... 54 1-ll.i{12) Monument Setting and Referencing ....................................................................... 55 1-11.12 Materials ....................................................................................................................... 55 1-11.12(1) Property/Lot Corners ......................................................•---.................................... 55 1-11.12(2) Monuments ..........................................:....................................................................55 1-11.12{3) Monument Case and Cover .................................................................................... 55 n 2-Ol CLEARING, GRUBBINGS AND ROADSIDE CLEANUP ............................................ 56 2-Ol.l Description ......................................................................................................................56 2-Ol.� Disposai of Usable Material and Debris ....................................................................... 56 2-01.5 Payment ...........................................................................................................................56 2-02 REMOVAL OF STRUCTIJRE AND OBSTRUCTIONS .............................................. 56 2-Q2.3(3) Removal of Pavement, Sidewalks, and Curbs ......................................................... 56 2-02.4 Measurement ..................................................................................................................56 2-Q2.5 Payment ...........................................................................................................................57 2-03 ROADWAY EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT ..................................................... 57 2-03.3 Construction Requirements .....................................................:.................................... 57 2-03.4 Measurement .......................................................................:..........................................58 2-03.5 Payment ...........................................................................................................................58 2-04 HAUL ................................................................................................................................. 58 2-04.5 Payment ...........................................................................................................................58 2-06 SUBGRADE PREPARATION :........................................................................................ 59 2-06.5 Measurement and Payment .......................................................................................... 59 2-09 STRUCTURE EXCAVATION ......................................................................................... 59 2-09.1 Description ......................................................................................................................59 2-09.3(1)D Disposal of Excavated Material ............................................................................. 59 2-09.4 Measurement ..................................................................................................................59 2-09.5 Payment ...........................................................................................................................59 5-04 ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT ............................................................................ 60 5-04.2 Materials ......................................................................................................................... 60 5-04.3 Construction Requirements .......................................................................................... 60 5-04.3(5) Conditioning the Ezisting Surface ........................................................................... 61 5-04.3(5)A Preparation of Existing Surface ............................................................................ 61 5-04.3(7)A Mix Design ............................................................................................................... 62 5-04.3(8)A Acceptance Sampling and Testing—AMA Mixture ............................................. 62 5-04.3(1Q)B Control ...................................................................................................................62 5-04.5 Payment .................................................................................................:.........................62 5-04.5(1)A Price Adjustments for Quality of �MA Mixture ..............................:.................. 62 5-04.5(1)B Price Adjustments for Quality of HMA Compaction ........................................... 63 5-Q6 TEMPORARY RESTORATION IN PAVEMENT AREAS .......................................... 64 5-06.i Description ...................................................................................................................... 64 � 5-06.2 Materials � ........................................................................................................... 64 G 5-06.3 Construction Requirements .......................................................................................... 64 7-Ol DRAINS ......_ ..................................................................................................................... 64 7-01.2 Materials .................................................................................:.:..................................... 64 7=01.3 Construction Requirements .......................................................................................... 64 7-01.4 Measurement ........................................................•---....---...............................................65 7-02 CULVERTS ....................................................:.................................................................. 65 7-02.2 Materials ........................................ ....................................... 65 7-04 STORM SEWERS ........................................................................... 65 7-04.2 Materials .............................................................................................:........................... 65 7-04.4 Measurement ..................................................................................................................65 7-04.5 Payment ...........................................................................................................................65 7-05 MANHOLES, INLETS, AND CATCH BASINS ............................................................ 66 7-Q5.3 Construction Requirements .......................................................................................... 66 7-05.3(1) Adjusting 1Vlanholes and Catch Basins to Grade .................................................... 6b 7-05.3(2) Abandon Existing Manholes ..................................................................................... 67 7-05.3{2)A Abandon Existing Sanitary Se�ver Pipes ............................................................... 67 7-05.3(3) Connections to Existing Manholes ........................................................................... 67 7-05.3(5) Manhole Coatings ...................................................................................................... 68 7-05.4 Measurement .................................................................................................................. 68 7-05.5 Payment ...........................................................................................................................68 7-08 GENERAL PIPE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS .............................................. 69 7-08.3 Construction Requirements .......................................................................................... 69 7-08.3(1)C Bedding the Pipe .........................................................................:........................... 69 7-08.3(1)D Pipe Foundation ..................................................................................................... 69 7-08.3(2)A Survey Line and Grade .......................................................................................... 69 7-08.3(2)B Pipe Laying — General ............................................................................................ 69 7-Q8.3(2)E Rubber Gasketed 3oints ......................................................................................... 70 7-08.3(2)H Sewer Line Connections ......................................................................................... 70 7-08.3(2}J Placing PVC Pipe ..................................................................................................... 70 7-08.3(3)A Backfilling Sanitary Sewer Trenches ..................................................................... 70 7-08.4 Measarement .....................................:........._.................................................................71 7-08.5 Payment ...........................................................................................................................71 7-09 PIPE AND FI'I'TINGS FOR WATER MAINS ................................................•--............ 72 7-09.3(1�A Ductile Iron Pipe ................................................................................................... 72 7-09.3(15)B Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC} Pipe (4 inches and Over) .......................................... 72 Csf , � , � , , 7-09.3(1'n Laying Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings with Polyet6ylene .................................... 72 7-09.3(19)A Connections to Existing Mains ........................................................................:... 72 7-09.3(21) Concrete Thrust Blocking and Dead-Man Block .................................................. 73 7-49.3(23) Hydrostatic Pressure Test ....................................................................................... ?3 7-09.3(24)A Flushing and `Poly-pigging' ............................ ......---...... 74 ..............••-----................. 7-09.3(24)D Dry Calcium Hypochlorite .................................:................................................. 74 7-09.3(24}K Retention Period ................................................................................................... 74 7-09.3(24)N Final Flushing and Testing ................................................................................... 74 7-09.3(2� Joint Restraint Systems ........................................................................................... 74 7-09.4 Measurement ..................................................................................................................76 7-09.5 Payment ...........................................................................................................................76 ' 7-12 VALVES FOR WATER MAINS ...................................................................................... 77 7-12.3(1) Installation of Valve Marker Post ............................................................................ 77 � 7-12.3(2) Adjust Existing Vaive Box to Grade ......................................................................... 77 7-12.4 Measurement ..................................................................................................................77 7-12.5 Payment ...................••---..............................................................:..............---.....:.............78 7-14 HYDRANTS .....--• .............................................................................................................. 78 7-14.3(1) Setting Hydrants ........................................................................................................ 78 7-14.3(3) Resetting Existing Hydrants ..................................................................................... 79 7-14.3(4) Moving E�sting Hydrants ........................................................................................ 79 7-14.5 Payment ........................................................................................................................... ?9 7-15 SERVICE CONECTIONS ............................................................................................... 79 7-15.3 Construction Details ....................................................................................................... 79 7-15.5 Payment ...........................................................................................................................80 7-17 SAi�TITARY SEWERS ....................................................................................................... 80 7-17.2 Materials ......................................................................................................................... 80 7-17.3 Construction Requirements .....................................................................:.................... 80 7-17.3(1) Protection of Existing Sewerage Facilities ............................................................... 80 7-17.3(2)H Television Inspection ....................................... ................ 80 ....................................... 7-17.4 iVleasurement ..................................................................................................................81 7-17.5 Payment ......................................................................................_...................................81 8-09 RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS ................................................................................. 81 8-09.5 Payment ..................................................................................•--•-•--.........................----....81 5-13 MONUMENT CASES ...................................................................................................... 82 ' 8-13.1 Description � ................................................................................... 8 2 fl 5-13.3 Construction Requirements .......................................................................................... 82 8-13.4 Measurement ..................................................................................................................82 8-13.5 Payment ...........................................................................................................................82 5-14 CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALKS ........................................................................... 82 8-14.3(4) Curing .........................................................................................................................82 8-14.4 Measurement ..:...............................................................................................................82 8-14.5 Payment ...........................................................................................................................83 8-17 IlVIPACT ATTENUATOR SYSTEMS ............................................................................. 83 5-17.5 Payment ...........................................................................................................................83 8-20 ILLUNIINATION, TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEMS, AND ELECTRICAL ................. 83 8-20.2(1) Equipment List and Drawings ................................................................................. 83 8-22 PAVEMENT MARKING .................................................................................................. 83 5-22.1 Description ............................................:.........................................................................83 8-22.3(� Installation Instructions ............................................................................................ 84 8-22.5 Payment .............................................:............................................................•---.............84 8-23 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT MARKINGS ................................................................:.... 85 8-23.5 Payment ...............................................................................•----••---.......---........................85 9-03.8('n HMA Tolerances and Adjustments ........................................................................... 85 9-OS DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, CULVERTS, AND CONDiJITS ................................... 85 9-05.4 Steel Culvert Pipe and Pipe Arch (RC) ..................................................... ................... 85 9-05.7(2) Reinforced Concrete Storm Se�ver Pipe (RC) ......................................................... 85 9-05.7(2)A Basis for Acceptance (RC) ...................................................................................... 86 9-05.7(3) Concrete Storm Sewer Pipe Joints (RC) .................. ................ 86 ................................ 9-05.7(4) Testing Concrete Storm Sewer Pipe Joints (RC) ..................................................... 86 9-05.9 Steel Spiral Rib Storm Sewer PiPe (RC) • ...........................................:......................... 86 9-05.12 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe ................................................................................... 87 9-05.12(3) CPEP Sewer Pipe ...............................................•--................................................... 87 9-05.14 ABS Composite Sewer Pipe ......................................................................................... 87 9-05.17 Aluminum Spiral Rib Storm Sewer Pipe ................................................................:... 87 9-05.22 High Density Polyethylene Piping ............................................................................... 87 9-08 PAINTS .............................................................................................................................. 89 9-08.8 Manhole Coating System Products ............................................................................... 89 9-08.8(1) Coating Systems Specification ....................................................................... .....--- 89 9-23 C0�ICRETE CURI�iG MATERIALS AND ADMIXTURES ....................................... 89 9-23.9 Fly Ash (RC) .....................................................................................•------....:.................. 89 �'.� l _J '9-30 WATER DISTRIBIJT'ION MATERIALS ....................................................................... 89 9-30.1(1) Ductile Iron Pipe (RC) .............................................................................................. 89 , 9-30.3(1) Gate Valves (3inches to 12 inches) ............................................................................ 89 9-30.3(3) Butterfly Valves .......................................................................................................... 90 ' 9-30.3(� Valve Marker Posts .................................................................................................... 90 9-30.3('n Combination Air Release/Air Vacuum Valves ......................................................... 90 , 9-30.3(8) Tapping Sleeve and Valve Assembly .......................................................... ..... 91 9-30.3(9) Blow-Off Assembly .................................................................................................... 91 9-30.5 Hydrants ......................................................................................................................... 91 ' 9-30.5{1) End Connections (RC) .............................................................................................. 91 , 9-30.5(2) Fiydrant Dimensions .................................................................................................. 91 9-30.6(3)B Polyethylene Pipe .................................................................................................... 92 '9-30.6(4) Service Fittings ........................................................................................................... 92 9-30.6(5) Meter Seiters .............................................................................................................. 92 , ' , ' � , � ' ' � , E ' 10l26/ZO 10 � � I SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1-Ol DEFINITIONS AND TERMS ' 1-01.1 General Section 1-01.1 is supplemented with: �*�*�*�� Whenever reference is made to the State, State of Washington, Commission, Department of , Transportation, Secretary of Transportation, Owner, Contracting Agency or Engineer, such reference shall be deemed to mean the City of Renton acting through its City Council, employees, and duly authorized representatives for all contracts administered by the City of Renton. , , ' , � � � ' , ' , ' l _] � All references to "State Materials Laboratory" shall be revised to read "Contracting Agency designated location". 1-01.3 Definitions Section 1-01.3 is revised and supplemented by the following: �*:�****� Act of God "Act of God" means an earthquake, flood, cyclone, or other cataclysmic phenomenon of nature. A rain, windstorm, high water or other natural phenomenon of unusual intensity for the specific locality of the Work, which might reasonably have been anticipated from historical' records of the general locality of the Work, shall not be construed as an act of god. Consulfing Enb neer The Contracting Agency's design consultant, who may or may not administer the construction program for the Contractmg Agency. Contract Documents See definition for "Contract". Contract Price Either the unit price, the unit prices, or lump sum price or prices named in the proposal, or in properly executed change orders. Contract Time The period of time established by the terms and conditions of the Contract within which the Work must be physically completed. Dates Bid Opening Date: The date on which the Contracting Agency publicly opens and reads the bids. Award Date: The date of the formal decision of the Contracting Agency to accept the lowest responsible and responsive Bidder for the Work. Contract Execution Date: The date the Contracting Agency officially binds the agency to the Contract. Notice to Proceed Date: The date stated in the Notice to Proceed on which the Contract Time begins, also referred to as the date of commencement. Substantial Completion Date: T'he day the Engineer determines the Contracting Agency has full and unrestricted use and benefit of the facilities, both from the operational and safety standpoint, and only minor incidental Work, replacement of temporary substitute facilities, or correction or repair remains for the physical completion of the total contract. 10 iaz6rzoio Contract Completion Date: The date by which the Work is contractually required to be physically completed. The Contract Completion Date will be stated in the Notice to Proceed. Revisions of this date will be authorized in writing by the Engineer whenever there is an extension to the Contract time. Completion Date: The day all tl�e Work specified in the Contract is completed and all the obligations of the Contractor under the Contract are fulfilled by the Contractor. Final Acceptance Date: The date the Contracring Agency accepts the Work as complete per the Contract requirements. Day Unless otherwise designated, day(s) as used in the Contract Documents, shall be understood to mean working days. Enb neer The City Engineer or duly authorized representative, or an authorized member of a licensed consulting firm retained by the Owner for the construction engineering of a specific public works project. Inspector The Owner's authorized representative assigned to make necessary observations of the Work performed or being performed, or of materials furnished or being furnished by the Contractor. No6ce of Award: The written notice from the Contracting Agency to the successful bidder signifying the Contracting Agency's acceptance of the bid. Notice to Proceed: The written norice from tl�e Contracting Agency or the Engineer to the Contractor authorizing and directing the Contractor to proceed with Work and establishing the date on which the Contract time begins. Or Equal Where the term "or equal" is used herein, the Contracting Agency, or the Contracting Agency on recommendation of the Engineer, shall be the sole judge of the quality and suitability of the proposed substitution. The responsibility and cost of fumishing necessary evidence, demonstrations, or other information required to obtain the approval of altemative materials or processes by the Owner shall be entuely bome by the Contractor. O�vner The City of Renton or its autharized representative also referred to as Contracting Agency. Performance and Payment Bond Same as "Contract Bond" deimed in fhe Standard Specifications. Plans The Contract Plans and/or Standard Plans which show location, character, and dimensions of prescribed Work including layouts, profiles, cross-sections, and other details. Drawings may either be bound in the same book as the balance of the Contract Documents or bound in separate sets, and are a part of the Contract Documents, regardless of the method of binding. The terms "Standard Drawings" or "Standard Details" generally used in Specifications refers to drawings bound either with the specification documents or included with the Plans or the City of Renton Standard Plans. Points Wherever reference is made to the Ena neer's points, this shall mean all marks, bench marks, reference points, stakes, hubs, tack, etc., established by the Enb neer for maintaining horizontal and vertical control of the Work. 11 ' � ' , , ' ' , � J � ' --, J , , , , Ji , , ' 10/26.'2010 Provide Means "furnish and install" as specified and shown in the Plans. ' Secretary, Secretary of Transportation The cluef executive officer of the Department and other authorized representatives. The chief executive officer to the Department shall also refer to the Department of Public Works Administrator. ' � � u Shop Drawings Same as "Working Drawings" defined in the Standard Specifications. Special Provisions Modifications to the Standard Specifications and their amendments .that apply to an individual project. The special provisions may describe Work the Specificarions do not cover. Such Work shall comply first with the Special Provisions and then with any Specifications that apply. The Contractor shall include all costs of doing this Work within the bid prices. State The state of Washington acting through its representatives. The State shall also refer to The City of Renton and its authorized representarives where applicable_ Supplementai Drawings and Instructions � Additional instructions by the Engineer at request of the Contractor by means of drawings or documents necessary, in the opinion of the Engineer, for the proper execution of the Work. Such drawings and instructions are consistent with the Contract Documents. , � � ' � � r � � � Traffic Both vehicular and non-vehicular traffic, such as pedestrians, bicyclists, wheelchairs, and equestrian traffic. Utility Public or private fixed improvement for the transportation of fluids, gases, power, signals, or communications and shall be understood to include tracks, overhead and underground wires, cables, pipelines, conduits, ducts, sewers, or storm drains. 1-02 SID PROCEDURES AND CONDITIONS 1-02.1 Prequalification of Bidders Delete this Section and replace it with the following: �******� Bidders . shall be qualified by experience, financing, equipment, and organizarion to do the .Work called for in the Contract Documents. The Contracting Agency reserves the right to take whatever action it deems necessary to ascertain the ability of the bidder to perform the Work satisfactorily. 1-02.2 Plans and Specifications Delete this Section and replace it with the following: {�::x****� Information as to where Bid Documents can be obtained or reviewed will be foUnd in the Ca11 for Bids (Advertisement for Bids) for the Work. � 12 10/26/2010 After award of the Contract, Plans and Specifications will be issued to the Contractor at no cost as detailed below: Additional Plans and Contract Provisions may be purchased by the Contractor by payment of the cost stated in the Call for Bids. 1-02.5 Proposal Forms Delete this Section and replace it with the following: �***�**, At the request of the bidder, the Contracring Agency will provide a proposal form for any project on which the bidder is eligible to bid The proposal form will identify the project and its location and describe the Work. It will also list estimated quantities, units of ineasurement, the items of Work, and the materials to be furnished at the unit bid prices. The bidder shall complete spaces on the proposal form that call for, but are not limited to, unit bid prices; extensions; summaUons; the total bid amount; signatures; date; and, where applicable, retail sales taxes and acknowledgement of addenda; the bidder's name, address, telephone number, and signature; and a State of Washington Contractor's Registration Number. Bids shall be completed by typing .or shall be printed in ink by hand, preferably in black ink. The required certifications are included as part of the proposal form. The Contracting Agency reserves the right to arrange the proposal forms with alternates and additives, if such be to the advantage of the Contracting Agency. The bidder shall bid on all alternates and additives set forth in the proposal forms unless otherwise specified. Any correction to a bid made by interlineations, alteration, or erasure, shall be initialed by the signer of the bid. The bidder shall make no stipulation on the Bid Form, nor qualify the bid in any manner. A bid by a corporation shall be executed in the corporate name, by the president or a vice president (Or other corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to si�). A bid by a partnership shall be executed in the partnership name, and signed by a parmer. A copy of the parinership agreement shall be submitted with the Bid Form if any D/M/WBE requirements are to be satisfied through such an agreement. A bid by a joint venture shall be executed in the joint venture name and signed by a member of the joint venture. A copy of the joint venture agreement shall be submitted with the Bid Form if any D/W/MBE requirements are to be satisfied through such an agreement. 1-02.6 Preparation of Proposal The second paragraph is revised as follows: �***�:**� All prices shall be in legible figures and words written in ink or typed. The proposal shall include: 1. A unit price for each item (omitting digits more than four places to the right of the decimal point). In the event of errors or where conflict occurs, the unit price bid will govern. 1-02.6(1) Proprietary Information 1-02.6(1) is a new Section_ �***�**} Vendors should, in the bid proposal, identify clearly any material(s), which constitute "(valuable) formula, designs drawin�, and research data" so as to be exempt from public disclosure, RCW 42.17.310, or any materials otherwise claimed to be exempt, along with a Statement of fhe basis 13 , , 1 , � i ' i I 'I � ' L_J LJ LJ � � , � � � t , L� � � , � � � � � � � 1 � � � � az6,�zo io for such claim of exemption_ The Department (or State) will give notice to the vendor of any request for disclosure of such informarion received within 5(five) years from the date of submission. Failure to so label such materials or failure to timely respond after notice of request for public disclosure has been given shall be deemed a waiver by the submitting vendor of any claim that such materials are, in fact, so exempt. 1-02.7 Bid Deposit Section 1-02.7 is supplemented with the following: �***:x**� Bid Bonds shall contain the following: 2 3 4 5. � Number assib ed to the project by the Contracting Agency; Name of the project; The Contracting Agency named as obligee; The amount of the bid bond stated either as a dollar figure or as a percentage which represents five percent of the maximum bid amount that could be awarded; Signature of the bidder's officer empowered to sign official statements. � The signature of the person authorized to submit the bid should a�ee with the signature on the bond, and the title of the person must accompany said signature; The signature of the surety's officer empowered to sign the bond form included in the Contract Provision. 1-02.9 Deiivery of Proposal Revise the first paragraph to read: �**�:�**� Each proposal shall be submitted in a sealed envelope, with stated m the Advertisement for Bids, clearlv marked on the o� stated in the Bid Documents, to ensure proper handling and de: as 1-02.12 Public Opening of Proposals . Section 1-02.12 is supplemented with the following: �******� The Contracting Agency reserves the right to postpone the date and time for bid opening. Notification to bidder will be by addenda. 1-02.13 Irregular Proposals Revise item I to read: �***:x**� 1. A proposal will be considered irreb lar and will be rejected i£ a. The bidder is not prequalified when so required; b. The authorized proposal form furnished by the Contracting Agency is not used or is altered; c. The complete proposal form contains any unauthorized additions, deletions, alternate bids, ar condirions; d. The bidder adds provisions reserving the right to reject or accept the award, or enter into the Contract; e. A price per unit cannot be determined from the bid proposal; f. The proposal form is not properly executed; g. The bidder fails to submit or properly compiete a subcontractor list, if applicable, as required in Secrion 1-2.6 h. The bidder fails to submit or properly complete a Disadvantaged, Minority or Women's Business Enterprise Cert�cation, if appiicable, as required in Section 1- 02.6; or i. The bid proposal does not constitute a definite and unqualified offer to meet the material terms of the bid invitation. 1-0214 Disyualification of Bidders Revise this section to read: 14 �a26noio !###*##1 l 1 1. A bidder will be deemed not responsible and the proposal rejected if the bidder does not meet the responsibility criteria in RCW 39.04. 2. A bidder may be deemed not responsible and the proposal rejected if: a. More than one proposal is submitted for the same project from a bidder under the same or different names; b. Evidence of collusion exists with any other bidder or potenrial bidder. Participants in collusion will be restricted from submitting further bids; c. The bidder, _in the opinion of the Contracting A�encX, is not qualified for the Work or to the full extent of the bid, or to the extent that the bid exceeds the authorized d. An unsatisfactory performance record exists based on past or current Contracting Agency Work or for Work done for others, as judged from the standpoint of conduct of the Work; workmansbip; progress; affirmative action; equal employment opportunity practices; or Disadvantaged Enterprise, Minority Enterprise, or Women's Business Enterprise utilization. e_ There is uncompleted Work (Contracting Agency or otherwise) which might hinder or prevent the prompt complerion of the Work bid upon; f. The bidder failed to settle bills for labor or matenals on past or current contracts; g_ The bidder has failed to complete a written public contract or has been convicted of a crime arising from a previous public contract; h. The bidder is unable, financially or otherwise, to perform the Work; i. A bidder is not authorized to do business in the State of Washington (not registered in accordance with RCW 18.27) j. There are any other reasons deemed proper by the Contracting Agency. 1-02.15 Pre Award Information Revise this section to read: �****s*� Before awazding any contract, the Contracting Agency may require one or more of these items or acrions of 3_ 4. 5. 6_ 7. 8. A coinplete statement of the origin, compositian, and manufacture of any or all materials to be used; Samples of these materials for quality and fimess tests; A progress schedule (in a form the Contracting Agency requires) showing the order of time required for the various phases of Work; A breakdown of costs assigned to any bid item; Attending at a conference with the Engineer or representatives of the Engineer; ,,, . • , ,. • , ,. , . .. . . . . _ . _ . �-+ cupv u� ��a�e or wasnm��on �onuacior s xe�strat�on; or Any other information or action taken that is deemed necessary to ensure that the bidder is the lowest responsible bidder. 1-03 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT 1-031 Consideration of bids Section 1-03.1 is supplemented with the following: �**�***� All bids will be based on total sum of all schedules of prices. No partial bids will be accepted unless so stated in the call for bids or special provisions. The City reserves the right however to award all or any schedule of a bid to the towest bidder at its discretio� 1-03.2 Award of Contract Section 1-03.2 is supplemented with the following: �******� 15 II u ' ' , , � � 1 , I� � ' �--, L_ J i � I � , � � � � ' ' , ' r—� L� � ' I 10/26(2010 The Contract, bond form, and all other forms requiring execution, together with a list of all other forms or documents required to be submitted by the successful bidder, will be forwarded to the successful bidder within 10 days of the award. The number of copies to be executed by the Contractor shall be determined by the Contracting Agency. � 1-03.3 Execution of Contract Section 1-03.3 is revised and supplemented as follows: �******� Within 10 calendar days after receipt from the City of the forms and documents required to be completed by the Contractor, the successful bidder sball return the signed Contracting Agency- prepared contract, an insurance certification as required by Section 1-07.18, and a satisfactory bond as required by law and Secrion 1-03_4_ Before execution of the Contract by the Contracting Agency, the successful bidder shall provide any pre-award information the Contracting Agency may require under Section 1-02.15. Unti1 the Contracting Agency executes a contract, no proposal shall bind the ContractinD Agency nor shall any Work begin within the project limits or w�thin Contracting Agency-furnished sites. The Contractor shall bear all risks for any Work begun outside such areas and for any materials ordered before the Contract is executed by the Contracting Agency. If the bidder experiences circumstances beyond their control that prevents return of the Contract � documents within 10 calendar days after the award date, the Contracting Agency may grant up to a ma�cimum of 10 additional calendar days for retum of the documents, provided the Contracting Agency deems the circumstances wamant rt. � � i � ' �J � � � , The Contractin� Agency is prohibited by RCW 39.06.010 from executing a contract with a Contractor who is not registered or licensed as required by the laws of the state. In addition, the Contracting Agency requires gersons doing business with the Contracting Agency to possess a valid City of Renton business license prior to award. VJhen the Bid Form provides spaces for a business license number, a Wastington State Contractors registration number, or both the Bidder shall insert such information in the spaces provided. The Contracting Agency requires legible copies of the Contractor's Registration and business license be submitted to the Engineer as part of the Contracting Agency's post-award information and evaluation activities. 1-03.4 Contract Bond Revise the first para�aph to read: �*:�****� The successful bidder shall provide an executed contract bond for the full contract amount. This contract bond shall: 1 2 4_ Be on the Contracting Agency-furnished form; Be signed by an approved surety (or sureties) that: a. Is registered w�th the Washington State Insurance Commissioner, and b. Appears on the current Authorized Insurance List in the State of Washington published by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner; Be conditioned upon the faithful performance of the Contract by the Contractor within the prescribed time; Guarantee that the surety shall indemnify, defend, and protect the Contracting Agency against any claim of direct or indirect loss resulting from the failure: a Of the Contractor (ar any of the employees, subcontractors, or lower tier subcontractors of the Contractor) to faithfully perform the Contract, or b. Of the Contractor (subcontractors, or lower tier subcontractors of the Contractor) to pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors, lower tie subcontractors, material person, or any other person who provides supplies or provisions for carrying out Work; , Be accompanied by a power of attomey for the Surety's officer empowered to sign the bond; and � 16 �on6noio 6. Be signed by an officer of the Contractor empowered to sign official statements (sole propnetor or partner). If the Contractor is a corporation, the bond must be signed by the pres�dent or vice-president, unless accompanied by a written proof of the authority of the mdividual signing the bond to bind the corporation (i.e., corporate resolution; power of attorney or a letter to such effect by the president or vice-president). 1-03.7 Judicial Review Revise the last sentence to read: The venue of atl causes of acrion arising from the advertisement, award, execution, and performance of the Contract shall be in the Superior Court of the County wbere the Contracting Agency's headquarters are located 1-04 SCOPE OF WORK 1-04.2 Coordination of Contract Documents, Plans, Special Provisions Specifcations, and Addenda Revise the second paragraph to read: �******� Any inconsistency in the parts of the Contract shall be resolved by following this order of precedence (e.g_, 1 presiding over 2, 2 over 3, 3 over 4, and so forth): 1 _ Addenda 2. Proposal Form 3. Special Provisions (Section 10) 4. Special Provisions (Sections 1— 4) 5. Contract Plans 6. Contracting Agency's Standard Plans (if any) 7. Amendments to the Standard Specifications 8. WSDOT/APWA Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction 9. WSDOT/APWA Standard Plans for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction 1-04.3 Contractor-Discovered Discrepancies Section 1-04_3 is a new secrion: �******� Upon receipt of award of contract, the Contractor shall cazefully study and compare all the components of the Contract Documents and other instrucrions, and check and verify all field measurements. The Contractor shall, prior to ordering material or performing Work, report in writing to the Engineer any error, inconsistency, or omission in respect to desi� or mode of construction, which is discovered. If the Contractor, in the course of this study or in the accomplishment of the Work, finds any discrepancy between the Plans and the physical condition of the locality as represented in the Plans, or any such errors or omissions in respect to design or mode of construction in the Plans or in the layout as given by points and instructions, it shall be the Contractor's duty to inform the Engineer immediately in wnting, and the Engineer will promptly check the same. Any Wark done after such discovery, untit correction of Plans or authorization of extra Work is given, if the Engineer finds that extra. Work is involved, will be done at the Contractor's risk. If extra Work is involved, the procedure shall be as provided in Section 1-04:4 of the Standard Specifications. 1-04.4 Changes The last two paragraphs are replaced with the following: �******� Renton does not have a formal policy or guidelines on cost reduction alternatives, but will evaluate such proposals by the Contractor on a case-by-case basis. 1-04.8 Progress Estimates and Payments Secrion 1-04.8 is supplemented as follows: �*�****� The Contractor is encouraged to provide to the Engineer prior to progress payments an estimate of "Lump Sum" Work accomplished to date. The Engmeer s calculations and decisions shall be final in ' , , � � � � , � � � I � � � � 17 , LJ � u � � � i � � 10/26,�2010 regard to the actual percentage of any lump sum pay item accomplished and eligible for payment unless another specific method of calculatmg lump sum payments is provided elsewhere in the Specifications. 1-04.11 Final Cleanup Section 1-04.11 is supplemented as follows: �******� All salvage material as noted on the Plans and taken from any of the discarded facilities shall, at the Engineer's discretion, be carefully salvaged and delivered to the City shops. Any cost incurred in salvaging and delivering such items shall be considered incidental to the project and no compensation will be made. The Contract price for "Finish and Cleanup; Lump Sum," shall be full compensation for all Work, equipment and materials required to perform final cleanup. If this pay item does not appear in the Contract Documents then final cleanup shall be considered incidental to the Contract and to other pay item and no further compensarion shall be made. 1-OS CONTROL OF WORK 1-05.3 Plans and Working Drawings Section 1-05.3 is supplemented with the following: �:�**�**� Five (5) hardcopies of eaeh submittal shall be provided. Submittals: Submittals are samples, product data, working drawings, and others that demonstrate how CONTRACTOR intends to conform with the Contract Documents. Produet data shall include the following: Catalog cuts. Bulletins. Brochures. Manufacturer's Certificate of Compliance: signed by product manufacturer along with supporting reference data, affidavits, and tests, as appropriate. Manufacturer's printed recommendations for installation of equipment. Quality photocopies of applicable pages from manufacturer's documents. , 1-05.4 Conformity With and Deviation from Plans and Stakes Section 1-05.4 is supplemented with the following: �******� � If the project calls for the Contractor supplied surveying, the Contractor shall provide all required survey Work, including such Work as mentioned in Sections 1-05, 1-11 and elsewhere in these Specifications as being provided by the Engineer. All costs for this survey Work shall be included in the lump sum bid price for "Westview Lift Station Upgrades." � _J ' The Engineer or the Contractor supplied surveyor will provide construction stakes and marks establishing lines, slopes, and grades as stipulated in Sections 1-05.4 and will perform such Work per Section 1-1 l. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for detaited dimensions, elevations, and excavation slopes measured from the Engineer or the Contractor supplied surveyor fumished stakes and marks. The Contractor shall provide a work site, which has been prepared to permit construction staking to , proceed in a safe and orderly manner. The Contractor shall keep the Engineer or the Contractor suppiied surveyor informed of sta.king requirements and provide at least 48 hours notice to allow the Engmeer or the Gontractor supplied surveyor adequate time for setting stakes. � � The Contractor shall carefully preserve stakes, marks, and other reference points, includin� existing monumentation, set by Contracting Agency forces. The Contractor will be chazged for the costs of replacing stakes, markers and monumentation that were not to be disturbed but were destroyed or 18 10/26/2010 damaged by the Contractor's operations. This charge will be deducted from monies due or to become due to the Contractor_ Any claim by the Contractor for extra eomgensation by reason of alterations or reconstruction Work allegedly due to error in the Engineer's line and grade, will not be allowed unless the original control points set by the Engineer still exist, or unless other satisfactory substantiating evidence to prove the error was furnished by the Engineer. Three consecutive points set. on line or grade shall. be the minimum points used to determine any variation from a straight line or grade. Any such variation shall, upon discovery, be reported to the Engineer. In the absence of such report the Contractor shall be liable for any error in alignment or grade. The Contractor shall provide all surveys required other than those to be performed by the Engineer. All survey Work shall be done in accordance with Section 1-11 SURVEYING STANDA.RDS of these Specifications. The Contractor shall keep updated survey field notes in a standard field book and in a format set by the Engineer, per Section 1-11.1(4). These field notes shall include all survey Work performed by the Contractor`s surveyor in establishing line, grade and slopes for the construction Work. Copies of these field notes shall be provided the Engineer upon request and upon completion of the Contract Work the field book or books shall be submitted to the Engineer and become the property of the Contracting Agency. If the survey Work provided by the Contractor does not meet the standards of the Engineer, then the Contractor shall, upon the Engineer's written request, remove the individual or individuals doing the survey Work and the survey Work will be completed by the Engineer at the Contractor's expense. Costs for completing the survey Work required by the Engineer will be deducted from monies due or to become due the Contractor. All costs for survey Work required to be performed by the Contractor shall be included in the prices bid for the various items which comprise the improvement or be included in the bid item for "Contractor Supplied Surveying" per lump sum if that item is included in the contracts. 1-05.4(3) Contractor Supplied Surveying Section 1-05.4(3) is a new section: �*�:�***� When the Contract provides for Contractor Supplied Surveying, the Contractor shall supply the survey Work required for the project. The Contractor shall retain as a part of the Contractor Organization an ezperienced team of surveyors under the direct supervision of a professional land surveyor licensed by the State of Washington. All survey Work shall be done in accordance with Sections 1-OS_4 and 1-11.. The Contractor and/or the Surveyor shall inform the Engineer in writing of any errors, discrepancies, and omissions to the Plans that prevent the Contractor and/or the Surveyor from constructing the project in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. All errors, discrepancies, and omissions must be corrected to the satisfaction of the Engineer before the survey Work may be continued. The Contractor shall coordinate his Work with the Surveyor and perform his operations in a manner to protect ali survey stakes from harm. The Contractor shall inform the Surveyor of the Contractor's intent to remove any survey stakes and/or points before physically removing them. The Surveyor shall be responsible for maintaining As-Built records for the project. The Contractor shall coordinate his operations and assist the Surveyor in maintaining accurate As-Built records for the project_ If the Contractor and the Surveyor fail to provide, as directed by the Engineer and/or these Plans and Specifications, accurate As-Built records and other Work the Engineer deems necessary, the Engineer may elect to provide at Contractor expense, a surveyor to provide all As-Built records and ofher Work as directed by the Enb neer. The Engineer shall deduct expenses incurred by tbe. Engineer-supplied f�� , � L� � ] 0/26Y1010 surveying from monies owed to the Contractor. Payment per Section 1-04.1 for all Work and materials required for the full and complete survey Work required to complete the project and As-Built drawings shall be included in the lump sum price for "Westview Lift Station Upgrades_" ' 1-05.4(4) Contractor Provided As-Built Information Section I-05.4(4) is a new section: �*��***� It shall be the Contractors responsibility to record the location prior to the backfilling of the trenches, � by centerline station, offset, and depth below pavement, of all existing urilities uncovered or crossed during his Work as covered under this project. � � � � , � � � � ' � , � It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to have his Surveyor locate by centerline station, offset and elevarion each major item of Work done under this contract per the survey standard of Section 1-11. Major items of Work shall include but not be limited to: Manholes, Catch basins and Inlets, Valves, vertical and Horizontal Bends, Junction boxes, Cleanouts, Side Sewers, Street Lights & Standards, Hydrants, Maior Changes in Design Grade, Vaults, Culverts, Signal Poles, and Electrical Cabinets. After the completion of the Work covered by this contract, the Contractor's Surveyor shall provide to the City the hard covered field book(s) containing the as-built notes and one set of white prints of the project drawings upon which he has plotted the notes of the Contractor locating existing utilities, and one set of white prmts of the project drawings upon which he has plotted the as-built location of the new Work as he recorded in the field book(s). T'his drawing shall bear the Surveyor's seal and signature certifying its accuracy. All costs for as-built Work shall be included in the Contract item "Westview Lift Station Upgrades", lump sum. 1-05.7 Removal of Defective and/or Unauthorized Work Section 1-05.7 is supplemented as follows: �******� Upon written notice from the Engineer, the Contractor shall promptly replace and re-execute Work by Contractor forces, in accordance with the intent of the Contract and without expense to the Owner, and shall bear the expense of making good all Work of other contractors destroyed or damaged by such removal or replacement. If the Contractor does not remove such condemned Work and materials and commence re-execution of the Work within 7 calendar days of written notice from the Engineer, or fails to perform any part of the Work required by the Contract Documents, the Owner may correct and remedy such Work as may be idenrified in the written notice, with Contracting Agency forces or by such other means as the Contracting Agency may deem necessary. In that case, the Owner may store removed material. Direct or indirect costs incurred by the Contracting Agency attributable to correcting and remedying defective or unauthorized Work, or Work the Contractor failed or refused to perform, shall be paid by the Contractor. Payment will be deducted by the Engineer from monies due, or to become due, the Contractor. Such direct and indirect costs shall indude in parricuIar, but without limitation, compensarion for additional professional services required, and costs for repair and replacement of Work of others destroyed or damaged by correction, removal, or replacement of the Contractor's unauthorized Work. If sufficient funds do not remain in the Contract and the Con�-actor does not pay the cost of such removal and storage within 10 calendar days from the date of the notice to the Contractor of the fact of such removal, the Owner may, ugon an additional 10 calendar days written notice, sell such materials at public or pnvate sale, and deduct all costs and expenses incurred from monies due to the Contractor, including costs of sale, and accounting to Contractor for the net proceeds remaining. The Owner may bid at any such sale. The Contractor shall be liable to the Owner for the amount of any deficiency from any funds atherwise due the Contractor. � 10/26l2010 If the Contractor fails to comply with a written order to remedy what the Engineer determines to be an emergency situation, the Engineer may have the defective and unauthorized Work corrected immediately, have the rejected Work removed and replaced, or have Work the Contractor refuses to perform completed by using Contracting Agency or other forces. An emergency situation is any situation when, in the opinion of the Engineer, a delay in its remedy could be potentially unsafe, or might cause serious risk of loss or damage to the public, the Property Owner and the Property Owner's property. No adjustment in contract time or compensation will be allowed because of the delay in the performance of the Work attributable to the exercise of the Contracting Agency's rights provided by this section. The rights exercised under the provisions of this section shall not diminish the Contracting Agency's rig�t to pursue any other avenue for additional remedy or damages with respect to the Contractor's failure to perform the Work as required. 1-05.10 Guarantees Section 1-05.10 is supplemented as follows: �*:�*:�**� If within onc ycar af�er thc Acccptancc Datc of thc �Vork by thc Contracting Agency, defcctivc and/or unauthorized Work is discovered, the Contractor shall promptly, upon written order by the Contracting Agency, return and in accordance with the Engmeer's instructions, either correct such Work, or if such Work has been rejected by the Engineer, remove it from the project site and replace it with non-defective and authorized Work, all without cost to the Contracring Agency. If the Contractor does not promptly comply with the written order to correct defective and/or unauthorized Work, or if an emergency exists, the Contracting Agency reserves the right to have defective and/or unauthorized Work corrected or removed and replaced pursuant to Section 1-05.7 "Removal of Defective and/or Unauthorized Work." The Contractor agrees the above one year limitation shall not exclude or diminish the Contracting Agency's rights under any law to obtain damages and recover costs resulting from defective and/or unauthorized Work discovered after one year but prior to the expiration of the legal time period set forth in RCW 4.16.040 limiting actions upon a contract in writing, or liability expressed of implied arising out of a written ab eement. The Contractor shall warrant good title to all materials, supplies, and equipment purchased for, or incorporated in the Work. Nothing contained in this paragraph, however, shall defeat or impair the right of persons furnishing materials or labor, to recover under any bond given by the Contractor for their protection, or any rights under any law permitting such persons to look to funds due the Contractor in the hands of the Contracting Agency. The provisions of this para�aph shall be inserted in all subcontracts and material contracts, and notice of its provisions sball be given to all persons furnishing materials for the Work when no formal contract is entered into for such materials. 1-05.11 FinalInspection 1-OS.11(1) Substantial Completion Date Section 1-05.1 I(1) is a new section: �*�****� When the Contractor considers the Work to be substantialiy complete, the Contractor shall so notify the Engineer and request the Engineer establish the Substantial Completion Date. The Engineer �uill schedule an inspection of the Work with the Contractor to determine the status of completion. 21 � � � , ' � � � � � , � � � � , f �_ . ' � , � i orz6no io To be considered substantially complete tlie following conditions must be met: � 1. The Contracting Agency must have full and unrestricted use and benefit of the facilities both from the operational and safety standpoint. 2. Only minor incidental Work; replacement of temporazy subsritute facilities, or conection of repair Work remains to reach physical completion of the Work. u i � , � � � � ' � � The Contractor's request shall list the specific items of Work in subparagraph two above that remains to be completed in order to reach physical completion_ The Engineer may also establish the Substantial Completion Date unilaterally. If after this inspecrion, the Engineer concurs with the Contractor that the Work is substantially complete and ready for its intended use, the Engineer, by written notice to the Contractor, will set the Substantial Completion Date. If, after this inspection the Engineer does not consider the Work substantially complete and ready for its intended use, the Engineer will, by written notice, so notify the Contractor givmg the reasons therefore. Upon receipt of written norice concurring in or denying substantial completion, whichever is applicable, the Contractor shall pursue vigorously, diligently and without unauthorized interruption, the Work necessary to reach Substantial and Physical Completion. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a revised schedule indicating when the Contractor expects to reach substantial and physical complerion of the Work. The above process shall be repeated until the Engineer establishes the Substantial Completion Date and the Contractor considers the Work physically complete and ready for Final Inspection. 1-05.11(2) Final Inspection and Physical Completion Date Section 1-05.11(2) is a new Section: {***�**� When the Contractor considers the Work physically complete and ready for Final Inspection, the Contractor, by Written Norice, shall request the Engineer to schedule a final inspection. The Engineer will set a date for Final Inspection. The Engineer and the Contractor will then make a�nal inspection and the Engineer will notify the Contractor in writing of all particulars in which the Final Inspection reveals the Work incomplete or unacceptable. The Contractor shall immediately take such corrective measures as are necessary to remedy the listed deficiencies. Corrective Work shall be pursued vigorously, diligently, and without interruption until physical completion of the listed deficiencies. This process will continue until the En� neer is satisfied the listed deficiencies have been corrected. If action to correct the listed deficiencies is not initiated within 7 days after receipt of the Written Notice listing the deficiencies, the Engineer may, upon Written Notice to the Contractor, take whatever steps are necessary to correct those deficiencies pursuant to Section 1-05.8. The Contractor will not be allowed an extension of contract time because of a delay in the performance of the Work attributable to the exercise of the Engineer's right hereunder. Upon correction of all deficiencies, the Engineer will notify the Contractor and the Contracting Agency, in writing, of the date upon which the Work was considered physically complete, that date shall constitute the Physical Completion Date of the Contract, but shatl not imply all the obligations of the Contractor under the Contract have been fulfilled. 1-05.11(3) Operational Testing ' Section 1-OS_11(3) is a new section: t$*�=*�*� Unless otherwise noted in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall give the En� neer a minimum � of 3 working days' norice of the time for each test and inspection. If the inspection is by another authority than the Engineer, the Contractor shall give the Enb neer a minimum of 3 working days' notice of the date fixed for such inspecrion. Required certificates of inspection by other authority than the Engineer shall be secured by tbe Contractor. � � 22 ia26izoio It is the intent of the Contracting Agency to have at the Physical Completion Date a complete and operable system. Therefore, when the Work involves the installation of machinery or other mechanical equipment; street lighting, electrical distribution or signal systems; irrigation systems; buildings; or other similar Work, it may be desirable for the Engineer to have the Contractor operate and test the Work for a period of time, after final inspection but prior to the physical completion date. Whenever items of Work are listed in the Contract Provisions for operational testing they shall be fully tested under operating conditions for the time period specified to ensure their acceptability prior to the Physical Completion Date. During and following the test period, the Contractor shall correct any items of workmanship, materials, or equipment which prove faulty, or that are not in first class operating condition. Equipment, electrical controls, meters, or other devices and equipment to be tested during this period shall be tested under the observation of the Engineer, so that the Engineer may deternune their suitability for the purpose for which they were installed. The Physical Completion Date cannot be established until testing and corrections have been completed to. the satisfaction of the Engineer. � The costs for power, gas, labor, material, supplies, and everything else needed to successfully complete operational testing, shall be included in the unit contract prices related to the system being tested, unless specifically set forth otherwise in the proposal. ; Operational and test periods, when required by the Engineer, shall not affect a manufacturer's guaranties or warranties furnished under the terms of tbe Contract. 1-05.12 Final Acceptance The third and fourth sentences in paragraph 1 are deleted and replaced with: �******� The Final Acceptance date shall be that date in which the Renton City Council formally approves acceptance of the Contract. 1-05.13 Superintendents, Labor and Equipment of Contractor Revise the seventh paragraph to read: ��*****� Whenever the Contracting Agency evaluates the Contractor's qualificarions pursuant to Section 1- 02.1, the Contracring Agency will take these performance reports into account. 1-05.14 Cooperation with Other Contractors Section 1-05.14 is supplemented as follows: �*****�� The Contractor shall afford the Owner and other contractors working in the area reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of their materials and the execution of their respective Work, and shall properly connect and coordinate the Contraetor's Work with theirs. Other utilities, districts, agencies, and contractors who may be working within the project area are: 1. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. Puget Sound Energy (gas and electric) AT&T Broadband Qwest Communications City of Renton (water, sewer, transportation) Soos Creek Sewer and Water District Cedar River Sewer and Water District Skyway Sewer and Water District Private contractors employed by adjacent praperty owners The Contraetor shall coordinate with City of Renton on tying into any e�cisting electrical service cabinet. 23 ' , ' ' � � � � � � � u � � r � 1� � � � C� � �� � � �. � � L� � � L , � � oiz�7o io 1-05.16 Water and Power Section 1-05.16 is a new Section: �*��:***� The Contractor shall make necessary anangements, and shall beaz the costs for power and water necessary for the performance of the Work, unless the Contract includes power and water as a pay item. 1-05.17 Oral Agreements Section I-05.17 is a new section: �******� No oral agreement or conversation with any officer, agent, or employee of the Contracting Agency, either before or after execution of the Contract, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obli�ations contained in any of the documents comprising the Contract. � Such bral agreement or conversation shall be considered as unofficial information and in no way binding upori the Contracting Agency, unless subsequently put in writing and signed by the Contracting Agency. 1-05.18 Contractor's Daily Diary Sectiori 1-05.18 is a new seetion: �*�****� The Contractor and subcontractors shaIl maintain and provide to the Engineer a Daily Diary Record of this Work This diary will be created by pen entries in a hardbound diary book of the type that is commonly available through commercial outlets. The diary must contain the Project and Number; if the diary is in loose-leaf form, this information must appear on every page. The diary must be kept and maintained by the Contractor's designated project superintendent(s). Entries must be made on a daily basis and must accurately represent all of the project activities on each day. At a minimum, the diary shall show on a daily basis: . 1. The day and date. 2. The weather conditions, including changes throughout the day. �3. A complete description of Work accomplished during the day with adequate references to the Plans and Contract Provisions, so that the reader can easily and accurately identify said Work in the Plans. Identify location/description of photographs or videos taken that day. 4. An entry for each and every changed condition, dispute or potential dispute, incident, accident, or occurrence of any nature whatsoever which might affect the Contractor, the Owner, or any third party in any manner. 5. Listing of any materials received and stored on- or off-site by the Contractor for future installation, to include the manner of storage and protection of the same. 6. Listing of materials installed during each day. 7. List of all subcontractors working on-site during each day. 8. Listing of the number of the Contractor's employees working during each day by category of employment. 9. Listing of the Contractor's equipment working on the site during each day. Idle equipment on the site shall be listed and designated as idle. 10. Notations to explain inspections, testing, stake-out, and all other services furnished by the Owner ar other party durmg each day_ 11. Entries to venfy the daily (including non-Work days) inspection and maintenance of traffic control devices and condition of the traveled roadway surfaces. The Contractor shall not aliow any conditions to develop that would be hazardous to fhe public. 12. Any other information that serves to give an accurate and complete record of the nature, quanrity, and quality of Contraetor's prob ess on each day. 13. Plan markups showing locations and dimensions of constructed features to be used by the En� neer to produce record drawings. 14_ AII pages of the diary must be numbered consecutiveiy with no omissions in page numbers. 15. Each page must be signed and dated by the Contractor's official representative on the project. 24 10/26l2010 The Contractor may use additional sheets separate from the diary hook if necessary to provide a complete diary record, but they must be signed, dated; and labeled with project name and number. It is expressly agreed between the Contractor and the Owner that the Daily Diary maintained by the Contractor shall be the "Contractor's Book of Original Entry" for the documentation of any potential claims or disputes that might arise during this contract. Failure of the Contractor to maintain this diary in the manner described above will constitute a waiver of any such claims or disputes by the Contractor. The Engineer or other Owner's representative on the job site will also complete a Daily Construction Report. 1-06 CONTROL OF MATERIAL 1-06.1 Approval of Materials Prior to Use Section 1-06.1 is supplemented as follows: �**�***} The materials and equipment lists submitted to the Engineer at the Preconstruction Conference shall include the quantity, manufacturer, and model number, if applicable, of materials and equipment to be installed under the Contract. This list will be checked by the Engineer as to confornvty with the Contract Documents_ The Engineer will review the lists within 10 working days, noting required corrections. The Contractor. shall make required corrections and file 2 corrected copies w-ith the Engineer within one week after receipt of required correcrions. The Engineer's review and acceptance of the lists shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for suitability for the intended purpose, nor for deviations from the Contract Documents. 1-06.2(1) Samples and Tests forAcceptance Section 1-062( I) is supplemented a follows: �******� The fmished Work shall be in accordance with approved samples. Approval of samples by the Engineer does not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1-06.2(2) Statistical Evaluation of Materials for Acceptance Section 1-06.02(2) is supplemented by adding the following: ��:x****� Unless stated otherwise in the special provisions, starisrical evaluation will not be used by the City of Renton. 1-07 LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC 1-07.1 Laws to be Observed Section 1-07.1 is supplemented as follows: �****�*� The Contractor shall erect and properly maintain, at atl times, as required by the conditions and prob ess of the Work, all necessary safeguards for protection of workers and the public; shall post danger signs warning against known or unusual hazazds; and shall designate as Safety Supervisor, a responsible employee on the construction site whose duty shall be the enforcement of safety_ The name and position of such person so designated shall be reported in writing to the Engineer by the Contractor. The Contractor shall, at all times, enforce strict discipline and good order among all employees and shall not employ any person unfit or not skilled in the Work assigned to him/her. Necessary sanitation conveniences for the use of the workers on the job, properly secluded. from public observation, shaIl be provided and maintained by the Contractor In cases of conflict between different safety regulations, the more stringent reb lation shall apply. ��� ' � ' r � 1 L� i � , � � I � � � � � 10/26:'2010 � The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries shall be the sole and paramount � administrative agency responsible for the administratian of the provisions of the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act of 1973 (WISHA). � The Contractor shall maintain at the project site office, or other well-lrnown place at the project site, all articles necessary for providing first aid to the injured. The Contractor shall establish, publish, and make known to all employees, procedures for ensuring immediate removal to a hospital or doctor's care, and persons, inciuding employees, who may have been injured on the project site. Employees � should not be permitted to Work on the project site before the Contractor has established and made known procedures for removal of injured persons to a hospital or a doctor's care. � The Contractor shall have sole responsibility for the safety, efficiency, and adequacy of the Contractor's plant, appliances, and methods, and for any damage or injury resulting from their failure, or improper maintenance, use, or operarion. The Contractor shall be solely and completely � responsible for the conditions of the project site, including safety for all persons and property in the perfarmance of the Work. This requirement shall apply continuously, and not be limited to normal working hours. The required or implied duty of the Engineer to conduct construction review of the ' Contractor's performance does not, and shall not, be intended to include review and adequacy of the Contractor's safety measures, in, on, or near the project site. 1-07.2 State Sales Tax � Delete this section, including its sub-sections, in its entirety and replace it with the following: ��:***�*� 1-07.2(1) General tThe Washington State Department of Revenue has issued special rules on the state sales tax. Sections 1-072(1) through 1-072(4) are meant to clarify those rules. The Contractor should contact the � Washington State Department of Revenue for answers to questions in this area. T'he Contracting Agency will not adjust its payment if the Contractor bases a bid on a misunderstood tax liability. The Contractor shall include all Contractor-paid taxes in the unit bid prices or other contract amounts. � In some cases, however, state retail sales tax will not be included. Section 1-072(3) describes this exception. � The Contracting Agency will pay the retained percentage only if the Contractor has obtained from the Washington State Department of Revenue a certificate showing that all contract-related taxes have been paid (RCW 6028.050). The Contracting Agency may deduct from its payments to the � Contractor any amount the Contractor may owe the Washington State Department of Revenue, whether the amount owed relates to this contract or not. Any amount so deducted will be paid into the proper state fund_ r � � 26 10/26/2010 1-07.2(2) State Sales Tax — Rule 171 WAC 458-20-171, and its related rules, apply to building, repairing, or improving streets, roads, etc., which are owned by a municipal corporation, or political subdivision of the state, or by the United States, and which are used primari(y for foot or vehicular traffic. This includes storm or combined sewer systems within and included as part of the street or road drainage system; and power lines when such are part of the roadway lighting system_ For Work performed in such cases, the Contractor shall include Wasbington State Retail Sales Taxes in the various unit bid item prices, or other contract amounts, including those that the Contractor pays on the purchase of the materials, equipment, or supplies used or consumed in doing the Work. 1-07.2(3) State Sales Tax — Rule 170 WAC 458-20-170, and its related rules, applies to the constructing and repairing of new or existing buildings, or other structures, upon real property_ This includes, but is not limited to; the construetion of streets, roads, highways, etc., owned by the state of Washington; water mains and their appurtenances; sanitary sewers and sewage disposal systems unless such sewers and disposal systems are within, and a part of, a street or road drainage system; telephone, telegraph, electrical power distribution lines, or other conduits or lines in or above streets or roads, unless such power lines become a part of a street or road lighting system; and installing or attaching of any article of tangible personal property in or to real property, whether or not such personal property becomes a part of the realty by virtue of installation. For Work performed in such cases, the Contractor shall collect from the Con�acting Agency, retail sales tax on the full contract price. The Contracting Agency will automatically add this sales tax to each payment to the Contractar. For this reason, the Contractor shall not include the retail sales tax in the unit bid item prices, or in any other contract amount subject to Rule 170, with the follo��ing exception_ Exception_ The Contracting Agency will not add in sales tax for a payment the Contractor or a subcontractor makes on the purchase or rental of tools, machinery, equipment, or consumable supplies not integrated into the project. Such sales taxes shall be included in the unit bid item prices or in any other contract amount. 1-07.2(4) Services The Contractor shall not collect retail sales tax from the Contracting Agency on any contract wholly for professional or other services (as defined in Washington State Department of Revenue Rules 138 and 244). 1-07.6 Permits and Licenses Section 1-07.6 is suppiemented as follows: �******� The permits, easements, and right of entry documents that have been acquired are available for inspecrion and review. The Contractor shall be required to comply with all conditions of the permits, easements, and rights of entry, at no additional cost to the Owner. The Contractor is required to indemnify the Owner from claims on all easements and rights of entry. All other permits, licenses, etc., shall be the responsibiiity of the Contractor. The Contractor shall comply with the special provisions and requirements of each. 27 � � � � � � � � u � � � � � �- � � � � 10/26l2010 i Permits, permission under franchises, licenses and bonds of a temporary nature necessary for and ' during the prosecution of the Work, and inspection fees in connection therewith shall be secured and paid for by the Contractor. If the Owner is required to secure such permits, permission under franchises, licenses and bonds, and pay the fees, the costs incurred by the Owner thereby shall be charged against the Contractor and deducted from any funds otherwise due the Contractor. 1-07.9 Wages II � � 1-Q7.9(5) Required Documents � Delete the first sentence of the third pazagraph, and replace it with the following: �*�****� The Contractor must submit weekly-certified payrolls for the Contractor and all subcontractors and lower tier subcontractors, regardless of project's funding source. 1-07.11 Requirements far Non-Discrimination � 1-07.11(11) City of Renton Affidavit of Compliance Section 1-07.11{11) is new: - �******� Each Contractor, Subcontractor, Consultant, and or Supplier shall complete and submit a copy of the � "City of Renton Fair Practices Policy Affidavit of Compliance". A copy of this document will be bound in the bid documents. � � ,� j � ' � � � 1-07,12 Federal Agency Inspection Section 1-07.12 is supplemented with the following: �*:�****� Required Federal Aid Provisions The Required Contract Provisions Federal Aid Construction Contracts (FHWA 1273) and the amendments thereto supersede any conflicting provisions of the Standard Specifications and are made a part of this contract; provided, however, that if any of the provisions of FHWA 1273, as amended, are less restrictive than Washington State Law, then the Washington State Law shall prevail. The provisions of FHWA 1273, as amended, included in this contract require that the Contractor insert the FHWA 1273 and amendments thereto in each subcontract, together with the wage rates which aze part of the FHWA 1273, as amended. Also, a clause shall be included in each subcontract requiring the subcontractors to insert the FHWA 1273 and amendments thereto in any lower tier subcontracts, together with the wage rates. The Contractor shall also ensure that this Section, REQUIRED FEDERAL AID PROVISIONS, is inserted in each subcontract for subcontractors and lower tier subcontractors. For this purpose, upon request to the Project Engineer, the Contractor will be provided with extra copies of the FHWA 1273, the amendments thereto, the applicable wage rates, and this Special Provision. 1-07.13 Contractor's Responsibility for Work 1-0713(1} General Section 1-07.13(1) is supplemented as follows: �******� During unfavorable weather and other conditions, the Contractor shall pursue only such portions of the Work as shall not be damaged thereby. No portion of the Work whose satisfactory quality or e�ciency will be affected by unfavorable conditions shall be constructed while these conditions exist, unless the Contractor shall be able to overcome said unfavorable conditions by special means or precautions acceptable to the Engineer,. 1-07.15 Temporary Water Pollution/Erosion Control Delete the first parab aph, and replace it with the following: ��*�*�:*� In an effort to prevent, control, and stop water pollution and erosion within the project, thereby 28 ioi26.noio protecring the Work, nearby land, streams, and other bodies of water, the Contractor shall perform all Work in strict accordance with all Federal, State, and local laws and regulations goveming waters of the State, as well as permits acquired for the project 1-07.16 Protection and Restoration of Property 1-07.16(1) Private/Public Property Section 1-07.16(1) is supplementcd by adding the following: �******� The Contracting Agency will obtain all easements and franchises required for the project. The Contractor shall limit his operation to the areas obtained and shall not trespass on private property. The Contracting Agency may provide certain lands, as indicated in connection with the Work under the Contract together with the right of access to such lands. The Contractor shall not unreasonably encumber the premises with his equipment or materials. The Contractor shall provide, with no liability to the Contracting Agency, any additional land and access thereto not shown or described that may be required for temporary construction facilities or storage of materials. He shall construct all access roads, detour roads, or other teinporary Work as required by his operations. The Confracfor shall confine his equipment, storage of material, and operation of his workers to. those areas shown and described and such additional areas as he may provide_ - . A. General_ All construcrion Work under this contract on easements, right-of-way, over private property or franchise, shall be confined to the limits of such easements, right-of-way or franchise. All Work shall be accomplished so as to cause the least amount of disturbance and a minimum amount of damage. The Contractor shall schedule his Work so that trenches across easements shall not be left open during weekends or holidays and �-enches shall not be open for more than 48 hours. B. Structures. The Contractor shall remove such existing structures as may be necessary for the performance of the Work and, if required, shall rebuild the structures thus removed in as good a condition as found_ He shall also repair all existing structures that may be damaged as a result of the Work under this contract. C. Easements, cultivated areas and other surface improvements. All cultivated areas, eifher agricultural or lawns, and other surface improvements which are damaged by actions of the Contractor shall be restored as nearly as possible to their original condition. Prior to excavation on an easement or private right-of-way, the Contractor shall strip topsoil from the trench or construction area and stockpile it in such a manner that it may be replaced by him, upon completion of construction_ Ornamental trees and shrubbery shall be carefully removed with the earth surrounding their roots wrapped in burlap and replanted in their original positions within 48 hours. All shrubbery or trees destroyed or damaged, shalt be replaced by the Contractor with material of equal quality at no addirional cost to the Contracting Agency. In the event that it is necessary to trench through any lawn area, the sod shall be carefully cut and rolled and replaced after the trenches have been bae�lled. The lawn area shall be cleaned by sweeping or ot�ier means, of all earth and debris. The Contractor shalt use rubber wheel equipment similar to the sma11 tractor-type backhoes used by side sewer contractors for all Work, including excavation and backfill, on easements or rights-of-way, which have lawn areas. All fences, markers, mailboxes, or other temporary obstacles shall be removed by the Contractor and immediately replace, after the trench is backfilled, in their original position. The Contractor shall notify the Contracting Agency and Property Owner at least 24 hours in advance of any Work done on easements or rights-of-way. Damage to existing structures outside of easement areas that may result from dewatering and/or other 29 � LJ , � � �0�2�2010 construction activity under this contract shall be restored to their original condition or better. The origirial condition shall be established by photographs taken and/or inspection made prior to construction. All such Work shall be done to the satisfaction of the Property Owners and the Contracting Agency at the expense of the Contractor. D. Streets. The Contractor will assume all responsibility of restorarion of the surface of a11 streets (traveled ways) used by him if damaged. In the event the Contractar does not have labor or material immediately available to make necessary repairs, the Contractor shall so inform the Contracting Agency. The Contracting Agency will make fhe necessary repairs and the cost of such repairs sball be paid by the Contractor. The Contractor is responsible for identifying and documenting any damage that is pre-existing or caused by others. Restoration of excavation in Gity streets sball be done in accordance with the City of Renton Trench Restorarion Requirements, which is available at the Public Works Department Customer Services counter on the 6th floor, Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way. � 1-07:17 Utilities and Similar Facilities Section 1-07.17 is supplemented by adding: �******� Existing utilities indicated in the Plans have been plotted from the best information available to the Engineer. Information and data shown or indicated in the Contract Documents with respect to � existing underground utilities or services at or contiguous to the project site are based on information and data furnished to the Owner and the Engineer by owners of such underground facilities or others, and the Owner and the Engineer do not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness � thereof. It is to be understood that other aboveground or underground facilities not shown in the Plans may be encountered during the course of the Work. 1 All utility valves, manholes, vaults, or pull boxes wbich are buried shall be conspicuously marked in a fashion acceptable to the O«ner and the Engineer by the Contractor to allow their location to be determined by the Engineer or urility personnel under adverse conditions, (inclemeut weafher or darkness). Where underground main distribution conduits, such as water, gas, sewer, electric power, or telephone, are shown on the Plans, the Contractor, for the purpose of preparing his bid, shall assume that every properiy parcel will be served by a service connection for each type of utility. � � The Contractor shall check with the utility companies concerning any possible conflict prior to commencing excavation in any area. The Contractor shall resolve all crossing and clearance problems with the utility company concerned. No excavation shall begin until all known facilities, in. the vicinity of the excavation area, have been located and marked. In addition to the Contractor having all utilities field marked before starting Work, the Contractor shall have all utilities �eld marked after they are relocated in conjunction wifh this project. Call Before You Dig The 48-Hour Locators 1-800-424-5555 At least 2 and not more than 10 working days prior to commencing any excavations for utility ; potholing or for any other purpose under this Contract, the Contraetor shall notify the Underground Utilities Location Center by telephone of the planned excavation and progress schedule. The Contractor is also warned that there may be utilities on the project that are not part of the One Call system. They must be contacted directly by the Contractor for locarions. � � L� The Contractar shall make arrangements 48 hours in advance with respective utility owners to have a representative present when their utility is exposed or modified, if the utility chooses to do so. 30 10/26/2010 Existing. utiliries for telephone, power, gas, water, and television cable facilities shall be adjusted or relocated by the appropriate utility company unless otherwise noted in the Plans. These adjustments may be completed before the Contractor begins Work, or may be performed in conjunction with the Contract Work. The Contractor shall be enrirety responsible for coordination with the utility companies and arranging for the movement or adjustment, either temporary or permanent, of their facilities within the project limits. See also Section 1-05.14 of these Sgecial Provisions. If or when utility conflicts occur, the Contractor shall continue the construction process on other aspects of the project whenever possible. No addirional compensation will be made to the Contractor for reason of delay caused by the actions of any utility company, and the Contractor shall consider such costs to be incidental to the other items of the Contract. Utility Potholing Potholing may be included as a bid item for use in determining the location of e�sting utiliries in advance of the Contractor's operations. If potholing is not included as a bid item then it sha11 be considered incidental to other Work The Contractor shall submit all potholing requests to the Engineer for approval, at least 2 working days before potholing is scheduled. Addirionally, the Contractor shall provide potholing at the Engineer's request. In no way shall the Work described under Utility Potholing relieve the Contractor of any of the responsibilities described in Section 1-07_17 of the Standard Specifications and Special Provisions, and elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 1-07.17(1) Interruption of Services Section 1-07.17(1) is a new secrion: ���****�. Whenever in the course of the construction operarion it becomes necessary to cause an outage of utilities, it shall be the Contractor's responsibiliry to notify the affected users and the Engineer not less than 48 hours in advance of such outage. The Contractor shall make reasonable effort to minimize the duration of outages, and shall estimate the length of time service will be interrupted and so notify the users. In the case of any urility outage that has exceeded or will exceed four hours, user contact shall again be made_ Temporary service, if needed, will be arranged by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner. Overhead lighting outages shall not exceed 24 hours. All cost to the Contractor for providing temporary overhead lighting to meet above requirements shall be incidental to the various unit and Lump sum items of the Contract; no separate payment will be made. 1-07.18 Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance Section 1-07.18 is deleted replaced by the following new seetion and subsections: �**�**�:� 1-07.18(1) General The Contractor shall obtain and maintain in full force and effect, from the Contract Execution Date to tbe Completion Date, public liability and property damage insurance with an insurance company(ies) or through sources approved by the State Insurance Commissioner pursuant to RCW 48. The Contractor shall not begin Work under the Contract until the required insurance has been obtained and approved by the Contracting Agency. Insurance shall provide coverage to the Contractor, a11 sabcontractors, Contracring Agency and the Contracting Aaency's consultant. The coverage shall protect against claims for bodily injuries, personal injuries, including accidental death, as well as cIaims for property damages which may arise from any act or omission of the Contractor or the subcontractor, or by anyone directly or indirecdy employed by either of them. If warranted Work is required the Contractor shall provide the City proof that insurance coverage and limits established under the term of the Contract for Work are in full force and effect during the period of warranty Work. 31 1 10/26/2010 � The Contracting Agency may request a copy of the actual declaration pages(s) for each insurance policy effecting coverage(s) required on the Contra.ct prior to the date Work commences. Failure of the Contractor to fully comply during the terni of the Contract with the requirements , described lierein will be considered a material breach of contract and shall be caused for immediate termination of the Contract at the option of the Contracting Agency. All costs for insurance shall be incidental to and included in the unit or Lump sum prices of the contract and no additional payment will be made. 1-07.18(2) Coverages � As part of the response to this proposal, the Contractor shall submit a completed City of Renton Insurance Information form, which details specific coverage and limits for this contract_ � All coverage provided by the Contractor shall be in a form and underwritten by a company acceptable to the Contracting Agency. The City requires that all insurers: 1. Be licensed to do busmess within the State of Washington. 2. Coverage to be on an"occurrence" basis (Professional Liability and Pollution � coverage are acceptable when written on a claims-made basis). The City may also reqwre proof of professional liability coverage be provided �for up to two (2) years after the completion of the project_ 3. The City may request a copy of the actual declazation page(s) for each insurance j policy affecting coverage(s) required by the Contract prior to the date Work commences. 4. Possess a minimum A.M. Best raring of AVII (A rating of A XII or better is preferred.) � If any insurance carrier possesses a rating of less than AVII, the City may make an exception. The City reserves the right to approve the security of the insurance coverage provided by the �� insurance company(ies), terms, conditions, and the Certificate of Insurance. Failure of the Contractor to fully comply during the term of the Contract with these requirements will be considered a material breach of con�act and shall be cause for immediate termination of the � contract at the option of the City. �, The Contractor shall obtain and maintain the minimum insurance coverage set forth below. By requiring such minimum insurance, the City of Renton shall not be deemed or construed to have � assessed the risks that may be applicable to the Contractor. The Contractor shall assess its own risks and if it deems appropriate and/or prudent, maintain higher limits and/or broader coverage. Coverage shall include: � A_ Commercial General Liability - ISO 1993 Form or equivalent. Coverage will be ti�vritten on an occurrence basis and include: Premises and Operations (including CG2503; General Aggregate to apply per project, if applicable) Explosion, Callapse, and Underground Hazards ,. Products/Completed Operations Contraetual Liability (including Amendatory Endorsement CG 0043 or equivalent � which includes defense coverage assumed under contract) Broad Form Property Damage Independent Contractors Personal/Advertising Injury Stop Gap Liability � B_ Automobile Liability including all Owned Vehicles Non-Owned Vehicles � Hired Vehicles C. Workers' Coinpensation Statutory Benefits (Coverage A) - Show Washington Labor & Industries Number � D. Umbrella Liability (when necessary) � 32 10/2Gr2Q10 Excess of Commercial General Liability and Automobile Liability. Coverage should be as broad as primary. E. Professional Liability -(whenever the Work under_ this Contract includes Professional Liability, (i.e. architectural, engineering, advertising, or computer programming) the Contractor shall maintain professional liability covering wrongful acts, errors and/or omissions of the Contractor for damage sustained by reason of or in the course of operations under this Contract. F. The Contracting Agency reserves the right to request and/or require additional coverages as may be appropriate based on Work performed (i.e. pollution liability). The Contractor shall name City of Renton, and its officers, officials, agents, employees and volunteers as Additional Insured (ISO Form CG 2010 or equivalent). The Contractor shall provide City of Renton Certificates of Insurance prior to commencement of Work. The City reserves the right to request copies of insurance policies, if at their sole discretion it is deemed appropriate. Further, all policies of insurance described above shall: A. Be on a primary basis not contributory with any other insurance coverage and/or self- insurance camed by City of Renton. B. Include a Waiver of Subrogation Clause. C. Severability of Interest Clause (Cross Liability) D. Policy may not be non-renewed, canceled or materially changed or altered unless forty- five (45) days prior written notice is provided to City of Renton. Notification shall be provided to City of Renton by certified mail. 1-07.18(3) Limits LIMITS REQUIRED Providing coverage in these stated amounts shall not be construed to relieve the Contractor from liability in excess of such limits. The Contractor shall carry the following limits of liability as required below: Commercial General Liabilitv General Aggregate* $2,000,000 ** Products/Completed Operations $2,000,000 ** Aggregate Each Occurrence Limit $1,000,000 PersonaUAdvertising Injury $ I ,000,000 Fire Damage (Any One Fire) $50,000 Medical Payments (Any One $5,000 Person) Stop Gap Liability $1,000,000 * General Aggregate to apply per project (ISO Form CG2503 or equivalent) **Amount may vary based on pr�ject risk Automobile Liabilitv Bodily Injury/Property Damage $1,000,000 (Each Accident) Workers' Compensation Statutory Benefits - Coverage A Variable (Show Washington Labor and Industries Number) Umbrella Liabilitv . Each Occurrence Limit $1,000,000 General Aggregate Limit $1,000,000 Products/Completed Operations $1,000,000 AgD egate Professional Liability (If re uired Each Occurrence/ . $1;000,000 IncidentlClaim Agb egate $2,000,000 33 � ] 0/26/2010 iPollution Liabilitv (If required) The City may require the Contractor to keep professional liability coverage in effect for up to two (2) years after completion of the project. � ' � The Contractor shall promptly advise the City of Renton in writing in the event any general aggregate or other aggregate limits are reduced. At their own expense, the Contractor will reinstate the aggregate to comply with the minimum limits and requirements as stated in Section 1-07.18(3) and shall fumish the City of Renton a new Certificate of Insurance showing such coverage is in force. 1-07.18(4) Evidence of Insurance: Within 20 days of award of the Contract, the Contractor shall provide evidence of insurance by submitting to the Contracting Agency the following: 1. City of Renton Insurance Information Fomi (attached herein) without modification. 2. Certificate of Insurance (Accord Form 25s or equivaleut) confornung to items as specified in Secrions 1-07.18(1), 1-07.18(2), and 1-07_18(3) as revised above. Other requirements are as follows: A. Strike the following or similar wording: "This Certificate is issued as a matter of information only and confers no rights upon the Certificate Holder". B. Strike tbe wording regazding cancellation notification to the City: "Failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liabiliry of any kind upon the company, its agents or representatives". C. Amend the cancellation clause to state: "Policy may not be non-renewed, canceled or materially changed or altered unless 45 days prior written notice is provided to the City". Notification shall be provided to the City by certified mail. For Professional Liability coverage only, instead of the cancellation language specified above, the City will accept a written agreement that the consultant's broker will provide the required notification. 1-07.22 Use of Explosives Section 1-0722 is supplemented by the following: i �******, Explosives shall not be used ��vithout specific authority of the Engineer, and then only under such restrictions as may be required by the proper authorities. Explosives shall be handled and used in � strict compliance ��ith WAC 296-52 and such local laws, rules and regulations that may apply. The individual in charge of the blasting shall have a current WashinDton State Blaster Users License. � The Contractor shall obtain, comply with, and pay for such permits and costs as are necessary in conjunction with blasting operations. 1-07.23 Public Convenience and Safety � 1-07.23(1) Construction Under Traffic Revise the second parab aph to read: ��::�****� �� To disrupt public traffic as little as possible, the Contractor shall permit traffic to pass through the Work with the least possible inconvenience or delay. . The Contractor shall maintain existing roads, streets, sidewalks, driveways, and paths within the project limits, keeping them open, and in good, clean, safe condition at all times. Deficiencies caused by the Contractor's operations shall be repaired �, at the Contractor's expense. Deficiencies not caused by the Contractor's operations shall be repaired by the Contractor when directed by the Engineer, at the Contracting Agency's expense. The � Contractor shall also maintain roads, streets, sidewalks, driveways' and�aths adjacent to the project limits when affected by the Contractor's operations. Snow and ice control will be performed by the Contracting Agency on all projects. Cleanup of snow and ice controi debris will be at the Contracting � Agency's expense. The Contractor shall perform the following: � 34 10/26/2010 1. Remove or repair any condition resulting from the Work that might impede traffic or create a hazard. 2. Keep exisring traffic signal and highway lighting systems in operation as the Work proceeds. (The Contracting Agency will continue the route maintenance on such system.) 3. Maintain the striping on the roadway at the Contracting Agency's expense. The Contractor shall be responsible for scheduling when to renew striping, subject to the approval of the Engineer. When the scope of the project does not require Work on the roadway, the Contracting Agency will be responsible for maintaining the striping. 4. Maintain existing permanent sib ing. Repair of signs will be at the Contracting Agency's expense, except those damaged due to the Contractor's operations. 5. Keep drainage structures clean to allow for free flow of water. Cleaning of existing drainage structures will be at the Contracting Agency's expense when approved by the Engineer, except when flow is impaired due to the Contractor's operations. Section 1-07.23(1) is supplemented by adding the following: �**�:*�*� The Contractor shall be responsible for controlling dust and mud within the project limits and on any street, which is utilized by his equipment for the duration of the project. The Contractor shall be prepared to use watering trucks, power sweepers, and other pieces of equipment as deemed necessary by the Engineer, to avoid creating a nuisance. Dust and mud control shall be considered as incidental to the project, and no compensation will be made for this section. Complaints of dust, mud, or unsafe practices and/or property damage to private ownership will be transmitted to the Contractor and prompt action in correcting them will be required by the Contractor. The Contractor shall maintain the roads during conshuction in a suitable condition to minimize affects to vehicular and pedestrian traffic_ All cost to maintain the roads shall be borne by the Contractor At least one-way traffic shall be maintained on all cross-streets within fhe project limits during working hours. One lane shall be provided in each direction for all streets during non-working hours. The Contractor shall provide one drivable roadway lane and maintain convenient access for local and commuter traffic to driveways, businesses, and buildings along the line of Work throu�hout the course of the project. Such access shall be maintained as near as possible to that which existed prior to the commencement of construction. This restriction shall not apply to the paving portion of the construction process. The Contractor shall notify and coordinate with a(1 property owners and tenants of street closures, or other restrictions which may interfere with their access at least 24 hours in advance for single-family residential property, and af least 48 hours in advance for apartments, offices, and commercial property. The Contractor shall give a copy of all norices to the En�ineer. When the abutting owners' access across the right-of-way line is to be eliminated and replaced under the Contract by other access, the existing access shall not be closed unril fhe replacement access facility is available. All unattended excavations shall be properly barricaded and covered at all times. The Contractor sball not open any trenches that cannot be completed and refilled that same day. Trenches shall be 35 � loizbnoio ipatched or covered by a temporary steel plate, at the Contractor's expense, except in areas where the roadway remains closed to public traffic. Steel plates must be anebored. 1-07.23(2) Construction and Maintenance of Detours �******� Revise the first pazagraph to read: Unless otherwise approved, the Contractor shall maintain two-way traffic during construction. The Contractor shall build, maintain in a safe condition, keep open to traffic, and remove when no longer needed: � 1. Detours and detour bridges that wili accommodate traffic diverted from the roadway, bridge, sidewalk, drivewav, or path during construcrion, � 2. Detour crossings of intersecting highway, and 3_ Temporary approaches. 1-07.24 Rights-of-Way � Delete this section in its entirety, and replace it with the following: �******� Street right-of-way lines, limits of easements, and limits of construction permits are indicated on the � Drawings. The Contractor's construction activities shall be confined within these limits unless arrangements for use of private property are made. Generally, the Contracting Agency will have obtained, prior to bid opening, all rights-of-way and � easements, both permanent and temporary, necessary for carrying out the completion of the Work. Exceptions to this are noted in the Contract Documents or brought to the Contractor's attention by a duly issued addendum. Whenever any of the Work is accomplished on or through property other than public right-of-way, the Contractor shall meet and fulfill all covenants and stipulations of any easement agreement obtained by the Contracting Agency from the owner of the private property. Copies of the easement agreements are included in the Contract Provisions or made available to the Contractor as soon as � practical after they have been obtained by the Engineer. Whenever easements or rights-of-entry have not been acquired prior to advertising, these areas are so � noted on the Drawings. The Contractor shall not proceed with any portion of the Work in areas where right-of-way, easements, or riahts-of-entry have not been acquired until the Engineer certifies to the Contractor that the right-of-way or easement is available or that the right-of-entry had been received. If the Contractor is delayed due to acts of omission on the part of the Contracting Agency in obtaining �� easements, rights of entry of right-of-way, the Contractor will be entitled to an extension of time. The Contractor agrees that such delay shall not be a breach of contract. Each property owner shall be given 48 hours notice prior to entry by the Contactor. This includes entry onto easements and private property ��here private improvements must be adiusted. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing, without expense or liability of the Contracting � Agency, any additional land and access thereto that the Contractor may desire for temporary construction facilities, storage of materials, or other Contractor needs. However, before using any private property, whether adjoining the Work or not, the Contractor shall file with the Engineer a written permission of the private property owner, and, upon vacating the premises, a written release � from the property owner of each property disturbed or otherwise interfered with by reasons of construction pursued under this Contract_ The statement shall be signed by the private property owner, or proper authority acting for the owner of the private property affected, stating that �� permission has been granted to use the property and all necessary pemuts have been obtained or, in the case of a release, that the restoration of the property bas been satisfactorily accomplished. The statement shall include the parcel number, address and date of signature. Written releases must be filed with the Engineer before the Completion Date will be established. � � 36 10/26,�2010 1-08 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS 1-08.0 Preliminary Matters Section 1-08.0 is a new section with subsection: �******� 1-OS.O(1) Preconstruction Conference Section 1-08.0(1) is a ne�� subsection: {******� The Engineer will furnish the Contractor with copies of tbe Contract Documents per Section 1-022 "Plans and Specifications". Additional documents may be furnished upon request at the cost of reproduction. Prior to undertaking each part of the Work the Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contract Documents, and cbeck and verify pertinent figures shown therein and all applicable field measurements. The Contractor shall promptly report in writing to the Engineer any conflict, error or discrepancy, which the Contractor may discover. After the Contract has been executed, but prior to the Contractor beginning the Work, a preconstruction conference will be held between the Contractor, the Engineer and such other mterested parties as may be invited. The Contractor shall prepare and submit at the preconstruction meeting: -� Contractor's plan of operation and progress schedule (3+ copies) � Approval of qualified subcontractors (bring list of subcontractors if different from list submitted with bid) -� List of materials fabricated or manufactured off the project -� Material sources on the project -� Names of principal suppliers -� Detailed equipment list, including "Rental Rate Blue Book" hourly costs (both working and standby rates) � Weighted wage rates for all employee classifications anticipated to be used on Project -� Cost percentage hreakdown for lump sum bid item(s} -1 Shop Drawings (bring preliminary list) � Traf�ic Control Plans (3+ copies) � Temporary Water Pollution/Erosion Control Plan In addition, the Contractor shall be prepared to address: Bonds and insurance Project meetings — schedule and responsibilities Provision for inspection for materials from outside sources Responsibility for locating utilities Responsibility for damage Time schedule for relocations, if by other than the Contractor Compliance with Contract Documents Acceptance and approval of Work Labor compliance, payrolls, and certifications Safety regulations for the Contractors' and the Owner's employees and representatives Suspension of Work, time extensions Change order procedures Progress estimates, procedures for payment • Special requirements of funding agencies Construction engineering, advance notice of special Work Any interpretarion of the Contract Documents requested by the Contractor Any conflicts or omissions in Contract Documents Any other problems or questions concerning the Work Processing and administration of public complaints Easements and rigbts-of-entry Other contracts 37 � i � �, i � � � �� � ,� � � � � oiz6noio � The franchise utilities may be present at the preconstruction conference, and the Contractor should be �, prepared for their review and discussion of progress schedule and coardinarion. ' � 1-08.0(2) Hours of Work Section 1-08.0(2) is a new subsection: �*****:�� Except in the case of emergency or unless otherwise approved by the Contracting Agency, the normal straight time working hours for the Contract shall be any consecutive 8-hour period between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of a working day with a maJcimum 1-hour lunch break and a 5-day Work week. The normal straight time 8-hour working period for the Contract shall be established at tl�e preconstruction conference or prior to the Contractor comrriencing the Work_ � If a Contractor desires to perform Work on holidays, Saturdays, Sundays, or before 7:00 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m. on any day, the Contractor shall apply in writing to the Engineer for permission to Work such times. Pernussion to Work longer than an 8-hour period between 7:00 a.m. an 6:00 p.m. is not � required. Such requests shall be submitted to the Engineer no later than noon on the working day pnor to the day for which the Contractor is requesting permission to Work. Permission to Work between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. during weekdays and between the � hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. on weekends or holiclays may also be subject to noise control requirements. Approval to continue Work duiing these hours may be revoked at any time the Contractor exceeds the Contracting Agency's noise control reb lations or complaints are received from the public or adjoining property owners regarding the noise from the Contractor's operations. The Contractor shall have no claun for damages or delays should such permission be revoked for these reasons. � Permission to Work Saturdays, Sundays, holidays or other than the agreed upon nornlal straight time working hours Monday through Friday may be given subject to certam other conditions set forth by the Contracting Agency or the Engineer. These conditions may include but are not limited to: requiring the Engineer or such assistants as the Engineer may deem necessary to be present during the � Work; requiring the Contractor to reimburse the Contracting Agency for the cost of engineering salaries paid Contracting Agency employees who worked dunng such times; considering the Work performed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays as working days with regards to the Contract Time; and considering multiple Work shifts as mulriple working days with respect to Contract Tirne even � though the muItiple sbifts occur in a sinDle 24-hour period. Assistants may include, but are not limited to, survey crews; personnel from the material testing labs; inspectors; and other Contracting Agency employees when in the opinion of the Engineer such Work necessitates their presence. 1-08.0(3) Reimbursement for Overtime Work of Contracting Agency Employees Section 1-08.0(3) is a new subsection: ��*****� Where the Contractor elects to Work on a Saturday, Sunday, holiday, or longer than an 8-hour Work � shift on a regular working day, as defined in the Standard Specificat�ons, such Work shall be considered as overtime Work. On all such overtime Work an inspector will be present, and a survey crew may be required at the discretion of the Engineer. The Contractor shall reimburse fhe � Contracting Agency for fhe fulI amount of the straight time plus overtime costs for employees and representative(s) of the Contracting Agency required to Work overtime hours. The Contractor by these Specifications does hereby authorize the Engineer to deduct such costs from the amount due or to become due the Contractor. 1-08.1 Subcontracting Revise the second paragraph to read: � The Contractor shall not subcontract Work unless the En�ineer approves in writing. Each request to subcontract shall be on the form the Engineer provides. If the Engineer requests, the Contractor shall � � 38 �az�.�zoto � provide proof that subcontractor has the experience, ability, and equipment the Work requires. The � Contractor shall require each subcontractor to comply with Seciion I-07.9 and to furnish all certificates and statements required by the Contract. The Contractor shall re4uire each subeontractor � requirements in every subcontract of every tier. Section 1-08.1 is supplemented as follows: �*****�� Written requests for change in subcontractors shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer at least 7 calendar days prior to start of a subconeractor's Work_ The Contractor agrees that he/she is fully responsible to the Owner for the acts and omissions of all � subcontractors and lower-tier subcontractors, and persons either directly or indirectly employed by the subcontractors, as well as for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall be required to give personal attention to the Work that is sublet. NothinD contained in the Contract Documents shall create any contractual relation between any �, subcontractor and the Owner. The Contractor shall be responsible for making sure all subcontractors submit all required documentation, forms, etc. 1-08.2 Assignment The second paragraph of Section 1-082 is modified as follows: (��t=��x��) The Contractor shall not assign any moneys due or to become due to the Contractor hereunder without the prior written consent of the Owner. The assignment, if approved, shall be subject to all setoffs, withholdings, and deductions required by law and the Contract. 1-08.3 Progress Schedule Section 1-08.3 is supplemented as foliows: � (**����) The progress schedule for tl�e entire project shall be submitted 7 calendar days prior to the Preconstruction Conference. The schedule shall be prepared using the critical path method (CP1Vn, � preferably using Microsoft Project or equivalent software.. The schedule shall contain this mformat�on, at a minimuin: l. Construction activiries, in sufficient detail that all acrivities necessary to construct a complete and functional project are considered. Any activity that has a scheduled duration exceeding 30 calendar days shall be subdivided until no sub-element has a durarion exceedina 30 calendar � days. The schedule shall clearly indicate the activities that comprise the critical path. For each activity not on the critical path, the schedule shall show the float, or slack, time_ � 2. Procurement of material and equipment. 3. Submittals requiring review by the Engineer. Submittal by the Contractor and review by the Engineer shall be shown as separate activities_ � 4. Work to be performed by a subcontractor, agent, or any third pariy. 5. Allowances for delays that could result from normai inclement weather (time extensions due to inclement weather will not be allowed). 6. Allowances for the rime required by utilities (Owner's and others) to locate, monitor, and adjust � their facilities as required_ The Engineer may request the Contractor to alter the progress schedule when deemed necessary in the opinion of the Engineer, in the interest of public safety and welfare of the Owner, or for coordination with any other activity of other contractors, the availability of all or portions of the _job site, or special provisions of this Contract, or to reasonably meet the completion date of the project. The Contractor shall provide such revised schedule within lU days of request. �, If, at any time, in the opinion of the Engineer, the progress of construcrion falls significantly behind schedule, the Contractor may be required to submit a plan for regaining progress and a revised � 39 � � ' � � ,� � � � 10126YL010 schedule indicating how the remaining Work items will be completed within the authorized contract time_ The Contractor shall promptly report to the Engineer any conditions that the Contcactor feels will require revision of the schedule and shall promptly submit proposed revisions in the progress schedule for acceptance by the Engineer. When such changes are accepted by the Engineer, the reviseci schedule shall be followed by the Contractor. Weekly Schedule. The Contractor shall submit a weekly progress schedule to the Engineer which sets forth specific Work to be performed the following week, and a tentative schedule for the second week. Failure to Maintain Progress Schedule. The Engineer will check actual progress of the Work against the progress schedule a minimum of two times per month. Failure, withaut just cause, to maintain progress in accordance with the approved schedule shall constitute a breach of Contract. If, through no fault of the Contractor, the proposed construction schedule cannot be met, the Engineer will require the Contractor to submit a revised schedule to the Engineer for acceptance. The approved revisions will thereafter, in all respects, apply in lieu of the original schedule. Failure of the Contractor to follow the progress schedule submitted and accepted, including revisions thereof, shall relieve the Owner of any and all responsibility for furnishing and making available all or any portion of the job site, and will relieve the Owner of any responsibiliry for delays to the Contractar in the performance of the Work. The cost of preparing the progess schedule, any supplementary progress schedules, and weekly schedules shall be considered incidental to the Contract and no other compensation shall be made. 1-48.4 Notice "to Proceed and Prosecution of the Work � Section 1-08.4 is replaced with the following: �*x�***�� Notice to Proceed will be given after the Contract has been executed and the Contract bond and evidence of insurances have been approved and filed by the Owner. The Contractor shall not � commence the Work until the Notice to Proceed has been given by the Engineer. T'he Contractor shall commence construction activities on the project site within ten days of the Notice to Proceed date. The Wark thereafter shall be prosecuted diligently, vigorously, and without unauthorized interruption until physical completion of the Work. There shall be no voluntary shutdowns or slowing of , operations by the Contractor without prior approval of the Engineer. Such approval shall not relieve the Contractor from the contractual obligation to complete the Work within the prescribed Contract Time. � � � � � ' 1-08.5 Time For Completion The first five paragraphs of Secrion 1-08.5 are deleted and replaced with the following: �******� The Work shall be physically completed in its entirery within the time specified in the Contract Documents or as extended by the Engineer. The Contract Time will be stated in "working days", shall begin on the Notice To Proceed date, or the date identified in the Notice to Proceed as "the first working day", and shall end on the Contract Completion date. A non-working day is defined as a Saturday, a Sunday, a day on which the Contract specifically suspends Work, or one of these holidays: January 1, third Monday of January, Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, November 11, Thanksgivmg Day, the day after Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day. The day before Christmas shall be a hoiiday when Christrnas Day occurs on a Tuesday or Friday. The day after Christmas shall be a holiday when Christmas Day occurs on a Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday. When Christmas Day occurs on a Saturday, the two preceding working days shall be observed as holidays. When Christmas day occurs on a Sunday, the two working days following shall be observed as holidays. When holidays other than Chrishnas fall on a Saturday, the preceding Friday will be counted as a non-working day and when they fall on a Sunday the following Monday will be counted as a non-working day. The Contract Time has been estahlished to allow for periods of normal Cf�7 � o�26noio inclement weather that, from historical records, is to be expected during the Contract Time, and during which periods, Work is anticipated to be performed. Each successive working day, beginning with the Notice to Proceed date and ending with the Physical Completion date, shall be charged to the Contract Time as it occurs except a day, or part of a day, which is designated a non-working day or an Engineer determined unworkable day. Because the City will be closed and the employees furloughed, the following dates shall also be considered non-working days; Friday, May 22, 2009; Friday, September 4, 2009; Monday, Oetober 12, 2009; and Wednesday, November 25, 2009. The Engineer will furnish the Contractor a weekly report showing (1) the number of working days charged against the Contract Time for the preceding week; (2) the Contract Time in working days; (3) the number of working days remaining in the Contract Time; (4) the number of non-working days; and (5) any partial or whole days the Engineer declared unworkable the previous week. This weekly report will be correlated with the Contractor's current approved progress schedule_ If the Contractor elects to work 10 hours a day and 4 days a week (a 4-10 schedule), and the fifth day of the week in which a 4-10 shift is worked would ordinarily be charged as a working day, then the fifth day of that week will be charged as a working day whether or not the Contractor works on that day_ The Contractor will be allowed 10 calendar days from the date of each report in which to file a written protest of an alleged discrepancy in the Contract Time as reported. Otherwise; the report will be dcemcd to �ave been accepted hy thc Contractor as conect. The requirements for scheduling the Final Inspection and establishing the Substanrial Completion, Physical Completion, and Completion Dates are specified in Sections 1-05.11 and 1-05.12. Revise the seventh paragraph to rcad: �#�****� The Engineer will give the Contractor written notice of the completion date of the Contract after all the Contractor's obligations under the Contract have been performed by the Contractor. The following events must occur before the Completion Date can be established: 1. Tt�e physical Work on the project must be complete; and 2. The Contractor must furnish all documentation required by the Contract and required by law, to allow the Contracting Agency to process final acceptance of the Contract. The following documents must be received by the Project Engineer prior to establishing a completion date: a. Certified Payrolls (Federal-aid Projects) b. Material Acceptance Certification Documents c_ Annual Report of Amounts Paid as MBE/WBE Participants or Quarterly Report of Amounts Credited as DBE Participation, as required by the Contract Pravisions. d. FHWA 47 (Federal-aid Projects) e. Final Contraet Voucher Certification f. Property owner releases per Section 1-0724 Section 1-08.5 is supplemented as follows: �**�***� Within 10 calendar days after execurion of the Contract by the Contracting Agency, the Contractor shall provide the Contracting Agency with copies of purchase orders for all equipment items deemed critical by the Contracting Agency, including but not limited to signal controller materials, lighting standards, and signal standards required for the physical complerion of the Contract. Such purchase orders shall disclose the estimated delivery dates for the equipment. All items of Work that can be performed without delivery of the critical items shall start and be completed as soon as possible. At that time, the Engineer may suspend the Work upon request of the 41 � � � L � �� � iaz�oio Coniractor until the critical items are delivered to the Contractor, if.the Contracting Agency received a purchase order within 10 calendar days after execution of the Contract by the Contracting Agency. The Contractor will be entitled to only one such suspension of time during the performance of the Work and during such suspension shall not perform any additional Work on the project. Upon delivery of the cntical items, contract time will resume and continue to be charged in accordance with Section 1-08. 1-08.6 Suspension of Work Section 1-08.6 is supplemented as follows: . �***s**� Owner may at any time suspend the Work, or any part thereof, by giving notice to the Contractor in writing_ The Work shall be resumed by the Contractor within 14 calendar days after the date fixed in the wntten notiee from the Owner to the Contractor to do so. The Contractor shall not suspend Work under the Contract without the written order of the Owner. � If it has been determined that the Contractor is entitled to an extension of time, the amount of such extension shall be only to compensate for direct detays, and shall be based upon the Contractor's diligently pursuing the Work at a rate not less than that which would have been necessary to complete the original Contract Work on time. , � � ' � 1-08.7 Maintenance During Suspension Revise the second parab aph to read: . �*$****� At no expense to the Contracting Agency, the Contractor shall provide through the construction area a safe, smooth, and unobstructed roadway, sidewalk, driveway, and�ath for public use during suspension (as required in Section 1-0723 or the Special Provisions). This may include a temporary road or detour. 1-08.9 Liquidated Damages Section 1-08.9 is supplemented as fo(lows: �******� In addition, the Contractor shall compensate the Owner for actual engineering inspection and supervision costs and any other expenses and legal fees incurred by the Owner as a result of such delay. Such labor costs will be billed to the Contractor at actual costs, including administrative overhead costs. In the event that the Owner is required to commence any lawsuit in order to enforce any provision of this Contract ar ta seek redress for any breach thereof, the Owner shall be entitled to recover its costs, including reasonable attorneys fees, from the Contractor. 1-08.11 Contractor's Plant and Equipment � Section 1-08.11 is a new Section: ��:*****) The Contractor alone shall at all times be responsible for the adequacy, efficiency, and sufficiency of , his and his subcontractor's plant and equipment_ The Owner shall have the right to make use of the Contractor's plant and equipment in the performance of any Work on the site of the Work. .� , � ' The use by the Owner of such plant and equipment shall be considered as extra Work and paid for accordingly. Neither the Owner nor the Engineer assumes any responsibility, at any time, for the security of the site from the rime the Contractor's operations have commenced unril final acceptance of the Work by the Engineer and the Owner The Contractor sball employ such measures as additionai fencing, barricades, and watchmen service, as he deems necessary for the public safety and for the protection of the site and his plant and equipment_ The Owner will be provided keys for all fenced, secured areas. 42 � oia6rzoio 1-08.12 Attention to Work Section 1-08:12 is a new section: �******� The Cont�actor shall give his personal attention to and shall supervise the Work to the end that it shall be prosecuted faithfully, and when he is not personally present on the Work. site, he shall at all times be represented by a competent superintendent who shall liave full authority to execute the same, and to supply materials, tools, and labor without delay; and who shall be the legal representative of the Contractor The Contractor shatl be liable for the faithful observance of any instructions delivered to him or to his authorized representative. 1-09 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 1-09.1 Measurement of Quantities Section 1-09.1 is supplemented by adding the following: �******� Lump Sum. The percentage of lump sum Work completed, and payment will be based on the cost percentage breakdown of the lump sum bid price(s) submitted at the preconstruction conference. The Contractor shall submit a breakdown of costs for each lump sum bid item. The breakdown shall list the items included in the lump sum together with a unit price qf labor, materials, and equipment for each item. The summation of the detailed unit prices for each item shall add up to the lump swn bid. The unit grice values may be used as a guideline for deternuning progress payments or deductions or additions in payment for ordered Work changes. � � � �� ,,� t � � Cubic Yard Quantities. The Contractor shall provide truck trip tickets for progress payments only in ' the following manner: Where items are specified to be paid by the cubic yard, the following tally system shall be used. All trucks to be employed on this Work wili be measured to determine the volume of each truck. Each truck shall be clearly numbered, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and there shall be no duplication of numbers. Duplicate tally tickets shall be prepared to accompany each truckload of material delivered on the pro�ect. All tickets received that do not contain the following information will not be processed for payment: 1 Truck number 2 Quantity and type of material delivered in cubic yards 3 Drivers name, date and time of delivery 4 Location of delivery, by street and stationing on each street 5 Place for the Engineer to aclrnowledge receipt 6 Pay item number 7 Contract number and/or name It will be the Contractor s responsibility to see tt�at a ticket is given to the Engineer on the project for each truckload of material delivered. Pay quanrities will be prepared on the basis of said tally tickets. Loads will be checked by the Engineer to verify quantity shown on ticket. Quantities by Ton. It will be the Contractor's responsibility to see that a certified weight ticket is given to the Inspector on the project at the time of delivery of materials for each truckload delivered. Pay quantities will be prepared on the basis of said tally tickets, delivered to Inspector at time of delivery. of materials. Tickets not receipted by Inspector will not be honored for payment. Each truck shall be clearly numbered to the satisfaction of the Engineer and there shall be no duplication of numbers. � Duplicate tickets shall be prepared to accompany each truckload of material delivered to the project. 43 � � ' � � ' ' � ' � ' � � � � ' � � ' ior2�noio All tickets received that do not contain the following information will not be processed for payment: 1. Truck number 2. Truck tare weight (stamped at source) 3. Gross truckload weight in tons (stamped at source) 4. Net load weight (stamped at source) 5. Driver's name, date, and time of delivery 6. Location for delivery by street and stationing on each street 7. Place for the Engineer to aclrnow.edge receipt 8. Pay item number 9. Contract number and/or name 1-09.3 Scope of Payment Section 1-09.3 ►s supplemented by adding the following: �******� The bid items listed in Section 1-0914 will be the only items for which compensation will be made for the Work described in each section of the Standard Specifications when the Contractor performs the specified Work. Should a bid item be listed in a"Payment" clause but not in the Proposal Form, and Work for that item is performed by the Contractor and the Work is not stated as included in or incidental to a pay item in the Contract and is not Work that would be required to complete the intent of tbe Contract per Section 1-04.1, then payment for that Work will be made as for Extra Work pursuant to a Change Order. The words "Bid Item," "Contract Item," and "Pay Item," and similar terms used throughout the Contract Documents are synonymous. If the "payment" clause in the Specifications relating to any unit bid item price in the Proposal Form requires that said unit bid item price cover and be considered compensarion for certain Work or material essential to the item, then the Work or material will not be measured or paid for under any other unit bid item which may appear elsewhere in the Proposal Form or Specifications. Pluralized unit bid items appearing in these Specifcations are changed to sinb laz form. EPayment for bid items listed or referenced in the "Payment" clause of any particular section of the ' Specifications shall be considered as including all of the Work required, specified, or described in that particular section. Payment items will generally be listed generically in the Specifications, and specifically in the bid form. When items are to be "furnished" under one payment item and "installed" � under another payment item, such items shall be furnished FOB project site, or, if specified in the Special Provisions, delivered to a designated site. Materials to be "furnished," or "furnished and installed" under these conditions, shall be the responsibiliry of the Contractor with regard to storage � until such items are incorporated into the Work or, if such items are not to be incorporated into the Work, delivered to the applicable Contracting Agency storage site when provided for in the Specifications. Payment for material "furnished," but not yet incorporated into the Work, may be made on monthly est�mates to the extent allowed. � 1 � � ' 1-09.6 Force Account Section 1-09.6 is supplemented as follows: ��:�****� Owner has estimated and included in the proposal, dollar amounts for all items to be paid per force account, only to provide a common proposal for Bidders. All such dollar amounts are to become a part of the Contractor's total bid_ However, tbe Owner does not warrant expressly or by implication that the actual amount of Work will correspond with those estimates. Payment will be made on the basis of the amount of Work actually authorized by the Engineer. 1-09.7 Mobilization Section 1-09.7 is supplemented as follows: �*�x**�*� Mobilization shall also include, but not be limited to, the following items: tbe movement of Contractors personnel, equipment, supplies, and incidentals to the project site; the establishment of 44 ioi26noio an office, buildings, and other facilities necessary for Work on the project; providing sanitary facilities for the Contractor's personnel; and obtainmg pernuts or licenses required to complete the project not furnished by the Owner. This item shall also include providing the Engineer and the Inspectors with access to telephone, facsimile machine, and cop.y machine during all hours the Contractor is working on the jobsite; and a table arid chair for t}ieir use when needed. Payment will be made for the following bid item(s): "Mobilization & Demobilization," Lump Sum. 1-09.9 Payments Delete the third paragraph and replace it with the following: �******� Progress payments for completed Work and material on hand will be based upon progress estimates prepared by the Engineer. A progress estimate cutoff date will be established at the preconstruction meeting. The initial progress estimate will be made not later than 30 days after the Contractor commences the Work, and successive progress estimates will be made every month thereafter until the Completion Pate. i rogress estimatcs made during progress of the Work are tentative, and made only for the purpose of determining progress payment. The progress estimates are subject to change at any time pnor to the calculation of the final payment. The value of the progress estimate will be the sum of the following: 1. Unit Price Items in the Bid Form — the approximate quantity of acceptable units of Work completed multiplied by the unit price. 2. Lump Sum Items in die Bid Form — the estimated percentage complete multiplied tiy the Bid Forms amount for each lump sum item, or per the schedule of values for that item. 3. Materials on Hand — 100 percent of invoiced cost of material delivered to job site or other storage area approved by the Engineer. 4. Change Orders — entitlement for approved extra cost or completed extra Work as determined by the Engineer_ ' Progress payments wili be made in accordance with the progress estimate less: l. RetainaDe per Section 1-09.9(1); � 2. The amount of Progress Payments previously made; and 3. Funds withheld by the Contracting Agency for disbursement in accordance with the Contract Documents. Progress payments for Work performed shall not be evidence of acceptable performance or an admission by the Contracting Agency that any Work has been satisfactorily completed. Payments will be made by check or electronic transfer, issued by the Contracting Agency's fiscal officer, against the appropriate fund source for the project. Payments received on account of Work performed by a subcontractor are subject to the provisions of RCW 39.04250. Section I-09.9 is supplemented as follows: �*�****, Applications for payment shall be itemized and supported to the extent required by the Engineer by receipts or other vouchers showing payment for materials and labor, payments to subcontractors, and C�.7 � � � � � � � � ,� � i ,� � ' � � � ' ! ' , , L1 ' ' , , ' � ' ' ' ' � t ' , ] 0l26/2010 other such evidence of the Contractor's right to payment as the Engineer may direct. The Contractor shall submit a progress report with each monthly request for a progress payment. The progress report shall indicate the estimated percent complete for each activity listed on the progress schedule (see Section 1-083). 1-09.9(1) Retainage Section 1-09.9(1) is supplemented as follows: �******� The retained amount shall be released as stated in the Standard Specifications if no claims have been filed against such funds as provided by law, and if the Owner has no unsatisfied claims against the Contractor. In the event claims are filed, the Owner shall withhold, until such claims are satisfied, a sum sufficient to satisfy all claims and to pay attorney's fees. In addition, the Owner shall withhold such amount as is required to satisfy any claims by the Owner against the Contractor, until such claims have been finally settled. Neither the final payment nor any part of the retained percentage shall become due until the Contractor, if requested, delivers to the Owner a complete release of all liens arising out of this Contract, or receipts in full in lieu thereof, and, if required in either case, an affidavit that so far as the Contractor lias knowledge or information, the release and receipts include all labor and materials for which a lien could be filed: but the Contractor rnay, if any subcontractor refuses to furnish a release or receipt in full, furnish a bond satisfactorily to �he Engineer to indenlnify the Owner against the iien. If any lien remains unsatisfied after all payments are made, the Contractor shall reimburse to the Owner all monies that the latter may be compelled to pay in discharging such lien, including all costs and reasonable engineer's and attorney's fees. 1-09.9(2) Contracting Agency's Right to Withhold and Disburse Certain Amounts Section 1-09.9(2) is a new section: ��:�****� In addition to monies retained pursuant to RCW 6028 and subject to RCW 39.04.250, RCW 39_ 12 and RCW 39.76, the Contractor authorizes the Engineer to withhold prob ess payments due or deduct an amount from any payment or payments due the Contractor wbich, in the Engineer's opinion, may be necessary to cover the ContractingAgency's costs for or to remedy the following situations: 1_ Damage to another contractor when there is evidence thereof and a claim has been filed. 2. Where the Contractor has not paid fees or charges to public authorities of municipalities, which the Contractor is obligated topay. 3. Utilizing material tested and inspected by the Engineer, for purposes not connected with the Work (Section 1-OS_�. 4. Landscape damage assessments per Section 1-07.16. 5. For overtime Work performed by City personnel per Section 1-08.1(4). 6. Anticipated or actual failure of the Contractor to complete the Work on time: a. Per Section 1-08.9 Liquidated Damages; or b. Lack of construction progress based upon the Engineer's review of the Contractor's approved progress schedule, which indicates the Work will not be compl.ete within the contract time. When calculating an anticipated time overrun, the Engineer will make allowances for weather delays, approved unavoidable delays, and suspensions of the Work. The amount withheld under this subparab aph will be based upon the liquidated damages amount per day set forth in Contract Documents multiplied by the number of days the Contraetor's approved pro�ess schedule, in the opinion of the Engineer, indicates the Contract may exceed tbe Contract Time. 7. Failure of the Contractor to perforcn any of the Contractor's other obligations under the Contract, including but not limited to: a. Failure of the Contractor to provide the EnDineer with a field office when required by the Contract Provisions. b. Failure of the Contractor to protect survey stakes, markers, etc., or to provide adequate survey Work as required by Section 1-05.5. c. Failure of the Contractor to correct defective or unauthorized Work (Section 1-05.8). d. Failure of the Contractor to fumish a Manufacture's Certificate of Compliance in lieu 46 10/26/2010 of material testing and inspection as required by Section 1-063. e_ Failure to submit weekly payrolls, Intent to Pay Prevailing Wage forms, or correct underpayment to employees of the Contractor or subcontractor of any tier as required by Section 1-07.9. f. Failure of the Contractor to pay worker's benefits (Title 50 and Title 51 RCV� as required by Section 1-07.10. g. Failure of the Contractor to submit and obtain approval of a progress schedule per Section 1-083. The Contractor authorizes the Engineer to act as agent for the Contractor disbursing such funds as have been withheld pursuant to this Section to a party or parties who are entitled to payment. Disbursement of such funds, if the Engineer elects to do so will be made only after giving the Contractor 15 calendar days prior written notice of the Contracting Agency's intent to do so, and if prior to the expiration of the 15-calendar day period, 1. No legal action has commenced to resolve the validity of the claims, and 2. The Contractor has not protested such disbursement_ A proper accounting of a11 funds disbursed on behalf of the Contractor in accordance with this Section will be made. A payment made pursuant to this section shall be considered as payment made under the terms and conditions of the Contract. The Contracting Agency shall not be liable to the Contractor for such payment made in good faith. 1-09.9(3) Final Payment Section 1-099(2) is a new section: �******� Upon Acceptance of the Work by the Contracting Agency, the fmal amount to be paid the Contactor will be calculated based upon a Final Prob ess Estimate made by the Engineer. Acceptance by the Contractor of the final payment shall be and shall operate as a release: 1. To the Contracring Agency of all claims and all liabilities of the Contractor, ofher than claims in stated amounts as may be specifically excepted in writing by the Contractor; 2. For all things done or fumished in connection with tfie Work; 3. For every act and negtect by the Contracting Agency; and 4. For all other claims and liability relating to or arising out of the Work. A payment (monthly, final, retainage, or otherwise) shall not release the Contractor or the Contractor's Surety from any obligation required under the terms of the Contract. Documents or the Contract Bond; nor shall such payment constitute a waiver of. the Contracring Agency's ability to investigate and act upon findings of non-compliance with the WIVIBE requiremenfs of the Contract; nor''shall such payment preclude the`Contracting Agency from recovering damages; setting penalties, or obtaining such other remedies as may be permitfed by law. �.�:-3. ; . . Before the Work �vill be accepted by the Contracting Agency, the Contractor shall submit an a�davit, on the form provided by the Engineer, of amounts paid to certified disadvantaged (DB), minority (MBE) or women business enterprises (WBE) participating in the Work. Such affidavit shall certify the amounts paid to the DB, MBE or WBE subcontractors regardless of tier. On federally funded projects the Contractor may also be required to execute and furnish the Contracting Agency an affidavit certifying that the Contractor has not extended any loans, b atuity or gift and money pursuant to Section 1-07.19 ofthese Specifications. If the Contractor fails, refuses, or is unable to sign and return the Final Prob ess Estimate or any other documents required for the final acceptance of the Contract, the Contracting Agency reserves the right to establish a completion date and unilaterally accept the Contract. Unilateral acceptance will occur only after the Contractor has been provided the opportunity, by written request from the Engineer, to voluntarily submit such documents. If voluntary compliance is not achieved, formal noti�cation of the impending unilateral acceptance will be provided by certified letter from the Engineer to the Contractor that will provide 30 calendar days for the Contractor to submit the necessary documents. The 30-calendar day deadline shall begin on the date of the postrnark of the certified letter from the Engineer requesting the necessary documents. This reservation by the Contracting Agency to �y� , ' , ' ' � ' ' �or26izoio unilaterally accept the Contract will apply to contracts that are completed in accortiance with Section 1-08.5 for contracts that are terminated in accordance with Section 1-08.10. Unilateral acceptance of the Contract by the Contracting Agency does not in any way relieve the Contractor of the provisions under contract or of the responsibility to comply with a11 laws, ordinances, and federal, state, and local regulations that affect the Contract. The date the Contracting Agency unilaterally signs the Final Progress Estimate consritutes the final acceptance date (Secrion 1-05.12). 1-09.11 Disputes and Claims 1-09.11(2) Claims Parab aph 5 is revised as follows: ��:*****� Failure to submit with the Final Application for Payment such information and details as described in this section for any claim shall operate as a waiver of the claims by the Contraetor as provided in Secrion 1-09.9. 1-09.11(3) Time Limitations and Jurisdiction Paragraph 1, Sentence 1 is revised as follows: ���x*�**� .._such claims or causes of action shall be brought in the Superior Court of the county ��here the Work is performed. 1-09.13 Claims and Resolutions ' 1-09.13(3) Ctaims $250,000 or Less Delete this Secrion and replace it with the following: ��*****� The Contractor and the Contracting Agency mutually agree that tbose claims that total $250,000 or , less, submitted in accordance with Section 1-09.11 and not reso(ved by nonbonding ADR processes, shall be resolved through litigation, unless the parties mutually agree in writing to resolve the claim through binding arbitration. ' � ' � , ' , � , 1-09.13�3)A Administration of Arbitration Revise e third paragraph to read: �*:�**�*� The Contracting Agency and the Contractor mutually agree to be bound by the decision of the arbitrator, and judgment upon the award rendered by the azbitrator may be entered in fhe Superior Court of the countv m which the Contractin� A;encv's headquarters are located. The decision of the arbitrator and the specific basis for the decision shall be in writing. The arbitrator shall use the Contract as a basis for decisions. 1-09.13(3)B Procedures to Pursue Arbitration Section 1-09.13(3)B is supplemented by adding: �******� The findings and decision of the board of arbitratars shall be final and binding on the parties, unless the aggrieved party, within 10 days, challenges the findings and decision by serving and filing a petirion for review by the superior court of King County, Washington The grounds for the petition for review are limited to showing that the findings and decision_ 1. Are not responsive to the questions submitted; 2. Is contrary to the terms of the contract or any component thereof; 3. Is arbitrary and/or is not based upon the applicable facts and the law controlling the issues submitted to arbitration. The board of arbitrators shall support its decision by setting forth in writing their findings and eonelusions based on the evidence adduced at any such hearing. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the statutes of the State of Washington and court de�isions goveming such procedure. The costs of such arbitration shall be bome equally by the City and the Contractor unless it is the 48 10/26/2010 board's majority opinion that the Contractoi s filing of the protest or action is capricious or without reasonable foundation. In the latter case, all costs shall be borne by the Contractor. 1-09.14 Payment Schedule Measurement and Payment Schedule for Bid Items in This Project Proposal Section 1-09.14 is a new section: �******� GENERAL 1-09.14(1) Scope Section 1-09. i4(1) is a new section: �**�*�*� A. Payment for the various items of the bid sheets, as further specified herein, shall include all compensation to be received by the Contractor for furnishing all tools, equipment, supplies, and manufactured articles, and for all labor, operations, and incidentals appurtenant to the items of Work being described, as necessary to complete the various items of the Work all in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, including all appurtenances thereto, and including all costs of compliance with the regulations of public agencies having jurisdiction, including Safety and Health Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor (OSHA). No separate payment will be made for any item that is not specifically set forth in the Bid Schedules, and all costs therefore shall be included in the prices named in the Bid Schedules for the various appurtenant items of Work: B. The Owner shall not pay for material qnantities, which exceed the actual measured amount used and approved by the Engineer. C. It is the intention of these Specifications that the performance of all Work under the bid for each item shaIl result in the complete construction, in an accepted operating condition, of each item. Work and material not specifically listed in the proposal but required in the Plans, Specif cations, and generaI construction practice, shall be included in the bid price. No separate payment will be made for these incidental items. 1-09.14(2) Trench and Excavation Safety Systems (Bid Item 001) Measurement shall be lump sump for "Trench and Excavation Safety Systems" and per the cost breakdown percentage requ�rements specified in Section 1-09.1 of the Standard Specifications as supplemented in Part I of these Special Provisions. The lump sum bid price for "Trench and Excavation Safety Systems" shall include all shoring acrivities associated with the excavarion of the valve vault and yard piping. The shoring system shall maintain a vertical excavation that is free of excessive movement and of the size needed to construct the required facilities. Work shall consist of designing, constructing, maintaining, operating, and removing shoring; sheeting, cribbing, backfill and compacrion; and other work required for compliance with WISHA, Chapter 49.17 RCW. This bid item shall also include all excavation, bac�tl, compaction and dewatering required when excavation beyond a vertical excavation is used in lieu of shoring and cribbing for compliance with WISHA, Chapter 49_17 RCW. Contractor shall obtain written approval from Owner if Contractor wants to leave any shoring in place as permanent shoring. All costs associated with obtaining said approval and leaving shoring in place shall be the Contractor's responsibility. Costs for WISHA compliance for excavation of the valve vault and yard piping shall not be incidental to any other bid items. This item shall include aIl shoring and trench safety measures necessary to comply with the 49 � , ' 1 ' , , ' , ' , ' t , ' , ' n � � u � LJ , !__] , ' , ' ' ' � ' � , ' r , ' � ' ] 0/26/2010 retirements of the permits and permitting agencies. Contractor shall pay for all special inspections as required for the installation of tie-backs and lagging utilized in shoring wall construction. 1-09.14(3) Westview Lift Station Upgrades (Bid Item 002) Measurement shall be lump sump for "Westview Lift Station Upgrades" and per the cost breakdown percentage requirements specified in Section 1-09.1 of the Standard Specifications as supplemented in Part I of these Special Provisions. The lump sum bid price for "Westview Lift Station Upgrades" shall include all project items not included in the above "Trench and Excavation Safety Systems" Bid Item 001. The lump sum bid price shall constitute full compensation for all Work, labor, materials, and equipment necessary for construction, testing, and completion of the Westvie��v Lift Station Upgrades as indicated in the Contract Specifications and Drawings. 1-10 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL 1-10.1 General Revise the first paragraph to read: ��:*****� The Contractor shall provide flaggers, signs, and other traffic control devices not otherwise specified as being furnished by the Contracting Agency. The Contractor shall erect and maintain all construction signs, warning signs, detour sib s, and other traffic control devices necessary to warn and protect the public at all times from injury or damage as a result of the Contractor's operations which may occur on highways, roads, s�-eets, sidewalks, or paths. No Work shall he done on or adjacent to any traveled way until all necessary signs and traffic control devices are in place. Section 1-10.1 is supplemented by adding the following: �******� When the bid proposal includes an item for "Traffic Control," the Work required for this item shall be all items described in Section 1-10, including, but not limited to: 1. Furnishing and maintaining barricades, flashers, construction signing, and other channelization devices, unless a pay item is in the bid proposal for any specific device and the Special Provisions specify furnishing, maintaining, and payment in a different manner for that device; 2. Furnishing traffic control labor, equipment, and supervisory personnel for all traffic control labor; 3. Furnishing any necessary vehicle(s) to set up and remove the Class B construction signs and other tra�c control devices; 4. Furnishing labor and vehicles for patrolling and maintaining in position all of the construction signs and the tra�c control devices, unless a pay item is in the bid proposal to specifically pay for this Work; and 5. Furnishing labor, material, and equipment necessary for cleaning up, removing, and replacing of the construetion signs and the traffic control devices destroyed or damaged during the life of the project. 6. Removing existing signs as specified or as direeted by the Engineer and delivering to the City Shops, or stonng and reinstalling as directed by the Engineer. 7. Preparing a traffic control plan for the project and designating the person responsible for traffic control at the Work site. The. traffic control plan shall include descriptions of tre traffic control methods and devices to be used by the prime Contractor, and subcontractors, shall be submitted at or before the preconstruction conference, and shall be subject to review and approval of the Engineer. 8. Contacting police, fire, 911, and ambulance services to notify them in advance of any Work that will affect and traveled portion of a roadway. 9. Assuring that all traveled portions of roadways are open to traffic during peak traffic periods, 6_30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m., and 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m_, or as specified in the special 50 10l26/2010 provisions, or as directed by the Engineer. 10. Prompdy removing or covering all non-applicable signs during periods when they are not needed. If no bid item "Traffic Control" appears in the proposal, then all Work required by these sections will be considered incidental and their cost shall be included in the other items of Work. If the Enb neer requires the Contractor to furnish additional channelizing devices, pieces of equipment, or services, which could not be usually anticipated, by a prudent Contractor for the maintenance and protection of traffic, then a new item or items may be established to pay for such items. Further limitarions for consideration of payment for these items are that they are not covered by other pay items in the bid proposal, they are not specified in the Special Provisions as incidental, and the accumulative cost for the use of each individual channelizing device, piece of equipment, or service must exceed $200 in total cost for the duration of their need. In the event of disputes, the Engineer will deternune what is usually anticipated by a prudent Contractor. The cost for these items will be by agreed price, price established by the Engineer, or by force account. Additional items required as a result of the Contractor's modification to the traffic control plan(s) appearing in the Contract shall not be covered by the provisions in this paragraph. If the total cost of all the Work under the Contract increases or decreases by more than 25 percent, an equitable adjustment will be considered for the item "Traffic Control" to address the increase or decrease. Traffic control and maintenance for the safety of the traveling public on this project shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor and all methods and equipment used will be subject to the approval of the Owner. Traffic control devices and their use shall conform to City of Renton standards and the Manual on Uniform Tra�c Control Devices(MUTCD). The Contractor shall not proceed with any construction until proper traffic control has been provided to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Any days lost due to improper traffic control will be charged against the Contractor's allowable contract time, and shall not be the cause for a claim for extra days to complete the Work. -1-10.2(1)B Traffic Controt Supervisor Para�raphs 1 and 2 are revised as follows: �*��*�*� A Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS) shall be on the project whenever traffic control labor is required or as authorized by the Engineer. The TCS shall assure that all the duties of the TCS are performed during the duration of the Contract. During non-Work periods, the TCS shall be able to be on the job site within a 45-minute time period after notification by the Engineer. 1-10.2(2) Traffic Control Plans Section 1-102(2) is supplemented as follows: �******� The Contractor shall be responsible for assuring that traffic control is installed and maintained in conformance to established standards. The Contractor shall continuously evaluate the operation of the traffic control plan and take prompt action to correct any problems that become evident during operation_ 1-10.3 Flagging, Signs, and All Other Traffic Control Devices Section 1-10.3 is supplemented as follows: �*����x�x) At the end of each working day, provisions shall be made for the safe passage of traffic and pedestrians during non-working hours_ 51 � , ' � , ' � ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' r ' ' � ' ' , � ' � � ' ' ' l_� ' � � �or6r2oio Barricades shall be reflectorized as specified in Part VI of the MUTCD, and shall be 3M-diamond grade or equivalent approved by the Engineer. Barricades shall also be equipped with flashers. 1-10.3(3) Construction Signs Section 1-10.3(3) paragraph 4 is supplemented as follows: �******� No separate pay item will be provided in the bid proposal for Class A or Class B construction signs. All costs for the Work to provide Class A or Class B construction signs shall be included in the unit contract price for the various other items of the Work in the bid proposal. 1-10.4 Measurement Section 1-10.4 is replaced with: ��***:�*� No specific unit of ineasurement will apply to the lump sum item of "Traffic Control". No adjustment in the lump sum bid amount will be made for overtime Work or for use of relief flaggers. 1-10.5 Payment Section 1-10.5 is replaced with: �******� Payment for all labor, materials, and equipment described in Section 1-10 will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid items when included in the proposal: "Traffic Control," Lump Sum. 1-11 RENTON SURVEYING STANDARDS The following is a�new section with new subsections: �*�***�x� 1-11.1(1) Responsibility for Surveys All surveys and survey reports shall be prepared under the direct supervision of a person registered to practice land surveying under the provisions of Chapter 18.43 RCW. All surveys and survey reports shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements established by the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors under the provisions of Chapter 18.43 RCW. 1-ll.l(2) Survey Datum and Precision The horizontal component of all surveys shall have as its coordinate base: The North American Datum af 1983191. All horizontal control for projects must be referenced to or in conjunction with a minimum of two of the City of Renton's Survey Control Network monuments. The source of the coordinate values used will be shown on the survey drawing per RCW 58.09.070. , The horizontal component of all surveys shall meet or exceed the closure requirements of WAC 332- 130-060. The control base lines for all surveys shall meet or exceed the requirements for a Class A survey revealed in Table 2 of the Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTAIACSM Land Title Surveys jointly established and adopted by ALTA and ACSM in 1992 or comparable , classification in future editions of said document. The angular and linear closure and precision ratio of traverses used for survey control shall be revealed on the face of the survey drawing, as shall the method of adjustment. J �� � The horizontal component of the control system for surveys using global positioning system methodology shall exhibit at least 1 part in 50,000 precision in line length dependent error analysis at a 95 percent confidence level and performed pursuant to Federal Geodetic Control Subcommittee Standards for GPS control surveys as defined in Geometric Geodetic Accuracy Standards & 52 � oi26no i o Specificarions for Using GPS Relative Positioning Techniques dated August l, 1989, or compazable classification in future editions of said document. The vertical component of all surveys shall be based on NAVD 1988, the North American Vertical Datum of 1988, and tied to at least one of the City of Renton Survey Control Network benchmarks. If there are two such benchmarks within 3000 feet of the project site a tie to both shall be made_ The benchmark(s) used will be shown on the drawing_ If a City of Renton benchmark does not exist within 3000 feet of a project, one must be set on.or neaz the project in a permanent manner that will remain intact throughout the duration of the project. Source of elevations (benchmark) will be shown on the drawing, as well as a descriprion of any benchmarks established. 1-11.1(3) Subdivision Information Those surveys dependent on secrion subdivision shall reveal the controlling monuments used and the subdivision of the applicable quarter section. Those surveys dependent on retracement of a plat or short plat shall reveal the controlling monuments, measurements, and methodology used in that retracement. 1-11.1(4) Field Notes Field notes shall be kept in conventional format in a standard bound field book with waterproof pages. In cases where an electronic data collector is used field notes must also be kept with a sketch and a rec�:d of control and hase line traverses descr.�ing stati�n occupations a.nd «�hat measurements were made at each point. Every point located or set shall be identified by a number and a description. Point numbers shall be unique within a complete job. The preferred method of point numbering is field notebook, page and point set on that page_ E�mple: The first point set or found on page 16 of field book 348 would be identified as Point No. 348_16.01, the second point would be 348.16.02, etc. Upon completion of a City of Renton project, either the field notebook(s) provided by the City or the original field notebook(s) used by the Surveyor will be given to the City. For all other Work, Surveyors will provide a copy of the notes to the City upon request. In those cases where an electronic data collector is used, a hard copy print aut in ASCII text format will accompany the field notes. 1-11.1(5) Corners aod Monuments Corner: A point on a land boundary, at the juncture of two or more boundary lines. A monument is usually set at such points to physically reference a corner's location on the ground. Monument: Any physical object or structure of record, which marks or accurately references: A corner or other survey point established by or under the supervision of an individual per Section 1-11.1(1) and any comer or monument established by the General Land Office and its successor the Bureau of Land Management including section subdivision corners down to and including one-sixteenth comers; and Any pennanently monumented boundary, right-of-way alignment, or horizontal and vertical control points established by any governmental agency or private surveyor including street intersections but excluding dependent interior lot corners. 1-11.1(6) Control or Base Line Survey Control or Base Line Surveys shall be established for all construction projects. that will create permanent structures such as roads, sidewalks, bridges, utility lines or appurtenances, signal or light poles, or any non-single family building. Control or Base Line Surveys shall consist of such number of permanent monuments as are required such that every structure may be observed for staking or "as- builting" while occupying one such monument and sighting another such monument. A minimum of two of these permanent monuments shall be existing monuments, recob ized and on record with the City of Renton. The Control or Base Line Survey shall occupy each monument in turn, and shall satisfy all applicable requirements of Section 1-1 Ll herein. 53 � , , ior6noio The drawing depicting the survey shall be neat, legible, and drawn to an appropriate scale. North orientation should be clearly presented and the scale shown graphically as well as noted. The drawing must be of such quality that a reduction thereof to one-half original scale remains legible. If recording of the survey with the King County Recorder is required, it will be prepared on 18 inch � by 24 inch mylar and will comply with all provisions of Chapter 58.09 RCW. A photographic mylar of the drawing will be submitted to the City of Renton and, upon their review and acceptance per the specific requirements of the project, the or�ginal will be recorded with the King County Recordcr. ' If recording is not required, the survey drawing shall be prepared on 22 inch by 34 inch mylar, and the orib nal or a photographic mylar thereof will be submitted to the City of Renton. ' The survey drawings shall meet or exceed the requirements of WAC 332-130-050 and shall conform to the City of Renton's Drafting Standards. American Public Works Association symbols shall be used whenever possib(e, and a legend shall identify all symbols used if each point marked by a symbol is not described at each use. 1 � � r � ' , An electronic listing of all principal points shown on the drawing shall be submitted with each drawing. The listing should include the point number designation (corresponding with that in the field notes), a brief description of the point, and northing, easting, and elevation (if applicable) values, all in ASCII format, on ISh� PC �ompa�ible media. 1-11.1('1} Precision Levels Vertical Surveys for the establishment of benchmarks shall satisfy all applicable requirements of Sections 1-OS and 1-11.1. Vertical surveys for the establishment of benchmarks shall meet or exceed the standards, Specifications and procedures of third order elevarion accuracy established by the Federal Geodetie Control Committee. Benchmazks must possess both permanence and vertical stability. Descriptions of benchmarks must be complete to insure both recoverability and positive identification on recovery. 1-11.1(8) Radial and Station -- Offset Topography Topob aphic surveys shall satisfy all applicable requirements of Section 1-11.1 herein. All points occupied or back sighted in developing radial topography or establishing baselines for station-offset topography shall meet the requirements of Section 1-1 l.l herein. The drawing and electronic listing requirements set forth in Section 1-11.1 herein shall be observed for all topographic surveys. 1-11.1(9) Radial Topography , Elevations for fhe points occupied or back sighted in a radial topographic survey shall be determined either by, I) spirit leveling with misclosure not to exceed 0.1 feet or Federal Geodetic Control Committee third order elevation accuracy Specifications, OR 2) trigonometric leveling with elevation , differences determined in at least two directions for each point and with misclosure of the circuit not to exce�d 0.1 feet. � 1-11.1(10) Station--Offset Topography Elevarions of the baseline and topographic points shall be determined by spirit leveling and shall sarisfy Federal Geodetic Control Committee Specificarions as to the turn points and shall not exceed 0.1 foo�s error as to side shots. ' , , 1-11.1(Il) As-Built Survey All improvements required to be "as-built" (post construction survey) per City of Renton Codes, TITLE 4 Building Rewlations and TITLE 9 Public Ways and Property, must be located both 54 �oiz6,zoio horizontally and vertically by a Radial survey or by a Sta.tion offset survey. The "as-built" survey must be based on the same base line or control survey used for the construction staking survey for the improvements being "as-built". The "as-built" survey for all subsurface improvements should occur prior to backfilling. Close cooperation between the installing Contractor and the "as-builring" surveyor is therefore required_ All "as-built" surveys. shall satisfy the requirements of Section 1-1 l.l(1) herein, and shall be based upon control or base line surveys made in conformance with these Specifications_ The field notes for "as-built" shall meet the requirements of Section 1-11.1(4) herein, and submitted with stamped and signed "as-built" drawings which includes a statement certifying the accuracy of the "as-built". The drawing and electronic listing requirements set forth in Section 1-Il.l(6) herein shall be observed for all "as-built" surveys_ 1-11.1(12) Monument Setdng and Referencing All property or lot comers, as defined in 1-11.1(5), established or reestablished on a plat or other recorded survey shall be referenced by a permanent marker at the comer point per 1-11.2(1). In situations where such markers are impractical or in danger of being destroyed, e.g., the front comers of lots, a witness marker shall be set. In most cases, this will be tf�e extension of the lot line to a tack in lead in the curb. The relationship between the wimess monuments and [heir respective corners shalt be shown or described on the face of the plat or survey of record, e_g., "Tacks in lead on the extension of the lot side lines have been set in the curbs on the extension of said line with the curb." In ali other cases the comer shall meet the requirements of Section 1-11.2(1) herein. All non-corner monuments, as defined in 1-11.1(5), shall meet the requirements of Section 1-112(2) herein. If the manument falls within a paved portion of a right-of-way or other area, the monument shall be set below the ground surface and contained within a lidded case kept separate from the monument and flush with the pavement surface, per Section 1-11.2(3). In the case of right-of-way centerline monuments all points of curvature (PC), points of tangency (PT), street intersecrions, center points of cul-de-sacs shall be set. If the point of intersection (PI) for the tangents of a curve fall within the paved portion of the right-of-way, a monument can be set at the PI instead of the PC and PT of the curve. For a11 non corner monuments set while under contract to the City of Renton or as part of a City of Renton approved subdivision of property, a City of Renton Monument Card (furnished by the city) identifying the monument; point of intersection (Pn, point of tangency (PT), point of curvature (PC), one-sixteenth comer, Plat monument, street intersection, etc., complete with a description of the monument, a minimum of two reference points and NAD 83/91 coordinates, and NAVD 88 elevation shall be filled out and filed with the city. 1-11.2 Materials 1-11.2(1) Property/Lot Corners Corners per 1-11.1(5) shall be marked in a permanent manner such as I/2 inch diameter rebar 24 inches in length, durable metal plugs or caps, tack in lead, etc., and permanently marked or. tagged with the surveyor's identification number. The specifie nature of the marker used can be determined by the surveyor at the time of installatian. 1-11.2(2) Monuments Monuments per 1-11.1(5) shall meet the requirements as set forth in City of Renton Standard Plans page H031 and permanently marked or tagged with the surveyor's identification number_ 1-11.2(3) Monument Case and Cover Materials shall meet the requirements of Section 9-22 and City of Renton Standard Plans page H031. 55 � � , i ' , � � ' r ' ' ' � r i ' ' � l � � u ' � � � �oiz6noio 2-01 CLEARING, GRUBBING, AND ROADSIDE CLEANUP 2-01.1 Description Section 2-01.1 is supplemented as follows: ��*�***� The limits of clearing and grubbing (construction limits) shall be defined as being the construction limit lines as shown in the Plans. Where, in the opinion of the Engineer, any trees abutting or adjacent to the limits of clearing and grubbing are damaged and require removal, tl�e Contractar shall remove such trees. Any trees flagged by the Engineer to remain within the clearing and grubbing limits shall be left undamaged by the Contractor's operations. Any flagged trees, which are damaged, shall be replaced in kind at the Contractor's expense. Existing landscaping outside the construction limits, including but not limited to, sod, rockeries, beauty bark, decorative gravel or rock, bushes, and shrubbery shall be protected from damage. The property owners shall be responsible for removing and/or relocating irrigation equipment, trees, shrubs, curbing, omamental plants, and any other decorative landscaping materials within the construction limits that they wish to save. The Contractor shall give property owners 10 days' written notice prior to removing landscaping materials. All landscaping materials that remain in the construcrion limits after that time period shall be removed and disposed of, by the Contractor, in accordance with Secrion 2-01 of the Standard Specifications, these Special Provisions, and the Plans. The Contractor shall receive approval from the Engineer prior to removal. � 2-01.2 Disposal of Usable Material and Debris Section 2-01.2 is supplemented as follows: �******� The Contractor shall dispose of all debris by Disposal Method No. 2— Waste Site. � � , � � � , C� , 2-01.5 Payment Section 2-Ol_� is supplemented as follows: �***�**� The lump sum pnce for "Clearing and Grubbing" shall be full compensation for all Work described hcrein and shown in the Plans, including removing trees and shrubbery where shown in the Plans and directed by the Engineer. 2-02 REMOVAL OF STRUCTURE AND OBSTRUCTIONS 2-02.3(3) Removal of Pavement, Sidewalks, and Curbs Section 2-02.3(3) is revised and supplemented as follows: �******� Item "1" is revised as follows: In removing pavement, sidewalks, driveways, and curbs, the Contractor shall haul broken-up pieces to some off-project site. The section is supplemented as follows: When an area where pavement, sidewalk, or driveway has been removed is to be opened to traffic before pavement patching has been completed, temporary mix asphalt concrete patch shall be required. Temporary patching shall be placed to a minimum depth of 2 inches immediately after backfilting and compaction are complete, and before the road is opened to traffic. MC cold mix or MC hot mix shall be used at the discretion of the Engineer. 2-02.4 Measurement Section 2-02.4 replaces the existing vacant section: �******� Sawcutting existing cement and asphalt concrete pavements shail be measured by the linear foot along the sawcut, full depth_ Wheel cutting of pavement will not be measured for separate payment, but shall be included in other items of Work. � 10l26/2010 2-02.5 Payment Section 2-02.5 is supplemented by adding: �****:x*� "Saw Cutting", per lineal foot. "Remove Sidewalk", per square yard. "Remove Curb and Gutter", per lineal foot. "Cold Mix", per ton Remove Asphalt Concrete Pavement," per squaze yard. "Remove Cement Concrete pavement," per square yazd_ "Remove existing ," per All costs related to the removal and disposal of structures and obstructions including saw cutring, excavarion, backfilling, and temporary asphalt shall be considered incidental to and included in other items unIess designated as specific bid items in the proposal. If pavements, sidewalks, or curbs lie within an excavation area and are not mentioned as separate pay items, their removal will be paid for as part of the quantity removed in excavation. If they are mentioned as a separate item in the proposal, they will be measured and paid for as provided under Section 2-02.5, and will not be mcluded in the quanrity calculated for excavation. 2-03 ROADWAY EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT 2-03.3 Construction Requirements Section 2-03.3 is supplemented by adding the following: �*****#� Roadway excavarion shall include the removal of all materials excavated from within the limits shown on the Plans. Suitable excavated material shall be used for embankments, while surplus excavated material or unsuitable material shall be disposed of by the Contractor. Earthwork quanrities and changes will be computed, either manually or by means of electronic data processing equipment, by use of the average end area method. Any changes to the proposed Work as directed by the Engineer that would alter these quantiries shall be calculated by the Engineer and submitted to the Contractor for his review and venfication. Any excavation or embankment beyond the limits indicated in the Plans, unless ordered by the Engmeer, shall not be paid for. All Work and material required to return these areas to their oriainal conditions, as directed by the Engineer, shall be provided by the Contractor at his sole expense. All areas shall be excavated, filled, and/or backfilled as necessary to comply with the grades shown on the Plans. In filled and backfilled areas, fine grading shall begin during the placement and the compaction of the final layer. In cut sections, fine �ading shall begin within the imal six (6) inches of cut. Final grading shall produce a surface, which is smooth and even, without abrupt changes in grade. Excavation for curbs and gutters shall be accomplished by cutting accurately to the cross sections, grades and elevations shown. Care shall be taken not to excavate below fhe specified grades. The Contractor shall maintain all excavations free from detrimental quantities of leaves, brush, sticks, trash, and other debris until final acceptance of the Work. Following removal of topsoil or excavation to grade, and before placement of fills or base course, the subgrade under the roadway shall be proof-rolled to identify any soft or loose areas which may warrant additional compaction or excavation and replacement. The Contractor shall provide temporary drainage or protection to keep the subgrade free from standing water. Acceptable excavated native soils shall be used for fill in the area requiring fills. Care shall be taken to place excavated maEerial at the optimum moisture content to achieve the specified compaction. ��►i L] LJ � , ' � � �� � � � � � , , i ' !� � I � ] 0/26/2010 Any native material used for fill shall be free of organics and debris, and l�ave a maximum particle size of 6 inches. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to prevent the native materials from becoming saturated with water. The measures may include sloping to drain, compacting the native materials, and diverting runoff away from the materiaLs. If the Contractor fails to take such preventative measures, any costs or delay related to dryirig the materials shall be at his own expense. If the native materials become saturated, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to dry the materials, to the optimum moisture content. If sufficient acceptable native soils are not available_to complete construction of the roadway embankment, Gravel Borrow shall be used. If subgrade trimmer is not required on the project, all portions of Section 2-03 shall apply as thouDh a subgrade trimmer were specified. - If suf�icient acceptable native soils, as determined by the Engineer, are not available to complete construction of the roadway embankinent, Gravel Borrow meeting the requirements of Section 9- 03.14 of the Standard Specifications, shall be used. 2-03.4 Measurement Section 2-03.4 is supplemented by adding the following: �x:**:x**} At the discretion of the Engineer, roadway excavatioq borrow excavation, and unsuitable foundation excavarion - by the cubic yard (adjusted for swell) may be measured by truck in the hauling vehicle at the point of loading. The Contractor shall provide truck tickets for each load removed. Each ticket shall have the truck number, time and date, and be approved by the Engineer. 2-03.5 Payment Section 2-03.5 is revised as follo��s: ��*�:***} Payment for embankment compaction will not be made as a separate item. All costs for embankment compaction shall be included in other bid items involved. Payment will be made for the following bid items when they are included in the proposal: "Roadway Excavation Including Haul," per cubic yard "Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable Foundation Material," per ton "Gravel Borrow Including Haul," per ton "Roadway Excavation Including Haul" shall be considered incidental and part of the bid item(s) provided for the installation of the utility mains and appurtenances. When the Engineer orders excavation below subgrade, then payment will be in accordance with the item "Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable Foundation Material". In this case, all items of Work other than roadway excavarion shall be paid at unit contract prices. The unit contract price per cubic yard for "Roadway Excavation Including Haul" shall be full pay for excavatin�, loading, placing, or otherwise disposing of the material. The unit contract price per ton for "Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable Foundation Material" sb.all be full pay for excavating, loading, and disposing of the material. Payment for embankment compaction will not be made as a separate item. All costs for embankment compaction shall be included in other bid items involved. � 2-04 HAUL 2-04.5 Payment Section 2-04.5 is revised and supptemented as follows: �***:x**� All costs for the hauling of material to, from, or on the job site shall be eonsidered incidental to and 58 � oia6�zoto included in the unit price of other units of Work_ 2-06 SUBGRADE PREPARATION 2-06.5 Measurement and Payment Section 2-06.5 is supplemented by adding the following: �******� Subgrade prepazation and maintenance.including watering shall be considered as incidental to the construction and all costs thereof shall be included in the appropriate unit or lump sum contract bid prices. 2-09 STRUCTURE EXCAVATION 2-09.1 Description Section 2-09_ 1 is supplemented by adding the following: �******� This Work also includes the excavation, haul, and disposal of all unsuitable materials such as peat, muck, swampy or unsuitable materials, including buried logs and stumps. 2-09.3(1)D Disposal of Excavated Material Section 2-09.3(1)D is revised as follows: �T*TT�*� The second paragraph is replaced with: All costs for disposing of excavated material within or external to the project limits shall be included in the unit contract price for structure excavation, Class A or B. The third paragraph is replaced with: - If the Contract includes structure excavation, Class A or B, including haul, the unit contract price shall include all costs for loading and hauling the material the full required distance, otherwise all such disposal costs shall be considered incidental to the Wark. 2-09.4 Measurement Section 2-09.4 is revised and supplemented as follows: �**�**��--- Gravel backfill. Gravel backfill, except when used as bedding for culvert, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, manholes, and catch basins, will be measured by the cubic yard in place determined by the neat lines required by the Plans or by the ton as measured in conformance with Section 1-09.2. 2-09.5 Payment Section 2-09.5 is revised and supplemented as follows: �****�*� Payment will be made for the following bid items when fhey are included in the proposal: "Structure Excavation Class A", per cubic yard. "Structure Excavation Class B", per cubic yard. "Structure Excavation Class A Incl. Haul", per cubic yard. "Structure Excavation Class B Incl. Haul", per cubic yazd. Payment for reconstruction of surfacing and paving, within the limits of structure excavation, will be at the applicable unit prices for the items involved. If the Engineer orders the Contractor to excavate below the elevations shown in the Plans, the unit contract price per cubic yard for "Str�ucture Excavation Class A or B" will apply. But if the Contractor excavates deeper than the Plans or the Engineer requires, the Contracting Agency will not pay for material removed from below the required elevations. In this case, the Contractor, at no expense to the Contracting Agency, shall repiace such material with concrete or other material the Engineer approves. The unit contract price per cubic yard for the bid items listed as 1 through 4 above shall be full pay for all labor, materials, tools, equipment, azid pumping, or shall be included in the 59 � i � �] � � � � � ' I 0/26'2010 unit bid price of other items of Work if "Structure Excavation" or "Structure Excavation Incl Haul" are not listed as pay items in the Contract. "Shoring or Extra Excavation Class B", per square foot. The unit contract price per squaze foot shall be full pay for all excavation, backfill, compaction, and other Work required when extra. excavation is used in lieu of constructing shoring. If select backfill material is required for backfilling within the limits of the structure excavarion, it shall also be required as backfill material for the extra excavation at the Contractor's expense. Any excavation or backfill material being paid by unit price shall be calculated by the Engmeer only for the neat line measurement of the excavation and shall not include the extra excavation beyond the neat line. If there is no bid item for shoring or extra excavation Class B on a square foot basis and the nature of the excavation is such that shoring or extra excavation is required as determined by the Engineer, then shoring or extra excavation shall be considered incidental to the Work involved and no further compensation shall be made. "Gravel Backfill (Kind) for (Type of Excavation)", per cubic yard or per ton. "Controlled Density Fill", per cubic yard. When gravel backfill is paid by the ton, the Contractor shall take care to assure to the satisfaction of the Engineer that such per ton backfill is only being used for the specified purpose and not for purposes where ba�kfitl is incidental or being paid �y cubic yard. Evidence that per ton gravel backfill is not being used for its designated purpose shall be grounds for the Engineer to deny payment for such load tickets. 5-04 ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 5-04.2 Materials � Section 5-04.2 is revised and supplemented as follows: �******� Delete the second and fourth paragraphs of this section. � The base course shall be untreated crushed surfacing. Asphalt concrete shall meet the b ading requirements for the specified mix. Temporary patch shall be cold or hot mix. � , ' � � � � ' 5-04.3 Construction Requirements Section 5-04.3 is supplemented as follows: �******� Shoulder Restoration The e�sting surfacing of disturbed asphalt shoulders shall be removed to a minimum depfh of 6 inches below original street grade to provide for placement of the new subgrade and paving. The subgrade shall be constructed of I'/4 inch minus crushed surfacing base course placed to a compacted thickness of 2%2 inches, followed by 5/8-inch minus crushed surfacing top course placed to a compacted thickness of 1'h inches. HMA Class'h" shall then be placed and compacted in 2-inch lifts up to a m�cimum 4-inch thiclrness to match existing pavement thickness. Minimum thickness shall he 2 inches. The shoulder shall be replaced to the existing fog line in areas where the e�sting asphalt shoulder is seriously disturbed, or at the Engineer's discretion. Asp6att Concrete Patching and Overlay The Contractor shall maintain temporary hot mix asphalt patches daily during construction to the satisfaction of the governing road agency and the Engineer until said patch is replaced with a permanent hot patch. The permanent hot mix asphalt patch shall be placed and sealed with paving grade asphalt within 30 calendar days. fi0 10J26/2010 Private Driveways Where a private driveway is damaged by either construction of the project or by the Contractar's use and activity on the road, it shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the property owner, the City, and fo its original condirion or better. Damaged asphalt-concrete driveways shall be replaced by saw cutting to a straight line and replacing a full width section. Damaged cement-concrete driveways shall be removed to the nearest joint (real or dummy) and replaced with a full width section. Damaged gravel driveways shall have crushed surfacing placed and compacted to a minimum depth of 4 inches. Carbs, Gutters and Sidewalks Existing curbs, gutters, and sidewalks damaged by construction of the project or the Contractor's use and activity, shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the property owner, the Ciry, and to its original condition or better. 5-04.3(� Conditioning the Existing Surface Section 5-04.3(5) is supplemented as follows: �*�***� The Contractor shall maintain existing surface contour during patching, unless otherwise instructed by the City Engineer or Inspector. "' 5-04.3(5)A Preparation of Existing Surface Section 5-04.3(5)A is supplemented as follows: t*****� The Contractor shall provide his own mechanical sweeping equipment. The sweeper will be on the project prior to the start of paving, to insure tbe streets to be paved are clean before the tack coat is applied. The sweeper will keep the streets clean ahead of the paving machine and clean the streets behind the empty trucks that have dumped their loads into the paving machine. The sweeper must sweep all streets made dirty by the Contractor's equipment. If the paving machine is "walked" from one site to another, the sweeper must sweep up behind paving machine. The sweeper shall not leave the overlay site until given permission by the City's inspector. All utilities shall be painted with a biodegradable "soap" to prevent the tack and ACP from sticking to the lids. Diesel wilt not be used. After the application of soap, catch basins must be covered to prevent tack and ACP from getting into catch basins. Preparation of existing surface shall be done as outlined in this Secrion and a tack coat shall be applied at the rate of 0.02 to 0.08 gallons per square yard. Payment for preparation of the surface and applicatian of the tack coat shall be considered incidental to the paving and no separate payment shall be made. The ConEractor shall locate all utilities for access immediately after any paving and mark the location by means of painting a circle around the location and scooping a portion of asphalt 4" - 6" in diameter and the depth of the overlay from the center of the utility location. The Contractor shall locate and completely expose gas and water valves for access immediately after final rolling. The day following the start of application ofACP, utility adjustments must begin. The Contractor shall have an adjustment crew adjusting utilities every workable working day until adjustments are complete. During the adjustment of any utility, existing concrete bricks or grouring material that has been 61 , r-� l� L� � ' , � � �� LJ 1 � � ' ' I � � � � � � � I� � � � r � � (� � � � � ] 0/26/2010 broken or cracked shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense. Utility adjustments must be completed within 15 working days after overlay is complete, and within the specified working days. Payment for utility adjustments includes all labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary to complete the adjustments and is incidental to pay items for Asphalt Patch and Asphalt Overlay_ 5-04.3(7)A Mig Design Item 2 is deleted and replaced with: �**��*� 2. Nonstatistical HMA Evaluation. The Contractor shall submit a certification that the mix design submitted meets the requirements of Secrions 9-03.8(Z) and 9-03_8(6). The Contractor must submit the mix design using DOT Form 350-042 EF. Verification. of the mix design by the Contracting Agency is not needed. The Project Engineer will determine anti-strip requirements for the HMA. The mix design will be the initial job mix formula (JMF) for the class of mix. Any additional adjustments to the JMF will require the approval of +he Preject Engine�r and muy be r:ade per Section 9-03.8(7). 5-04.3(8)A Acceptance Sampling and Testing—HMA Mixture Item 1 is deleted and replaced with: �*****� General. Acceptance of HMA shall be as provided under nonstatistical or commercial evaluarion. Nonstatistical evaluation will be used for the acceptance ofHMA. � � � � � L J � �� Commercial evaluation will be used for Commercial HMA, and for other classes of HMA in the following applications: sidewalks, road approaches, ditches, slopes, paths, trails, gores, prelevel, and pavement repair. Other nonstructural applications as approved by the Project Engineer. Sampling and tesring of HMA accepted by commercial evaluation will be at the option of the Enb neer. The proposal quantity of HMA that is accepted by commercial evaluation will be excluded from the quantities used in the determination of nonstatistical evaluation. Item 7 is deleted. 5-04.3(10)B Control Replace Section 5-04.3(10)B with the following: �* * *:x *� Sub-base shall be compacted to 95% of the maximum density by the Modified Proctor Test Method, ASTM D 1557. Compact asphalt concrete patch and paving to 95% of maximum compaction. 5-04.5 Payment 5-04.5(1)A Price Adjustments for Quality of HMA Mixture Section is deleted and replaced with_ ��:�***� Statistical analysis of quality of gradation and asphalt content will be performed based on (2 ] 0/26/2010 Section 1-06.2 using the following price adjustment factors: Constituent Table of Price Adjustment Factors aggregate passing: 1'/2", 1", 3/4", '/z", 3/8„ aggregate passing No. 8, No 16, No. aggregate passing No. 200 sieve Asphalt binder Factor sieves 2 100 3 20 A pay factor will be calculated for sieves listed in Section 9-03.8(7) for the class of HMA and for the asphalt binder. Nonstatistical Evaluatiori. Each lot of HMA produced under Nonstaristical Evaluation and having all constituents falling within the tolerance limits of the job mix formula shall be accepted at the unit contract price with no further evaluation. When one or more constituents fali outside the nonstatistical acceptance tolerance limits in Section 9-03.8(7), the lot shall be evaluated in accordance with Section 1-06.2 to determine the appropriate CPF. The nonstatistical toierance Iimits wiil be used in the calculation of ihe CPF and the maxunum h CPF shall be 1.00. When less than three sublots exist, backup samples of the existing sublots or samples from the street shall be tested to provide a minimum of three sets of results for evaluation. Commercial Evaluation. If sampled and tested, HMA produced under Commercial Evaluation and having all constituents falling within the tolerance limits of the job mix formula shall be accepted at the unit contract price with no further evaluation. When one or more constituents fall outside the commercial acceptance tolerance limits in Section 9- 03.8('n, the lot shall be evaluated to determine the appropriate CPF. The commercial tolerance limits will be used in the calculation of the CPF and the maximum CPF shall be 1_00. When less than three sublots exist, backup samples of the existing sublots or samples from the street shall be tested to provide a minimum of three sets of results for evaluation. For each lot of HMA produced under Nonstatistical or Commercial Evaluation when the calculated CPF is less than 1.00, a Nonconforming Mix factor (NCFiVn will be determined. TI� NCFM equats the algebraic difference of CPF minus 1_00 multiplied by 60 percent. The Job Mix Compliance Price Adjustment will be calculated as the product of the NCMF, the quantity of HMA in the lot in tons, and the unit contract price per ton of the mix. If a constituent is not measured in accordance with these Specifications, its individual pay factor will be considered 1.00 in calculating the composite pay factor_ 5-04.�(1)B Price Adjustments for Quality of FIMA Compaction Section is deleted and replaced with: �***�z*� The m�imum CPF of a compaction lot is 1_00 For each compaction lot of HMA when tl�e CPF is less than 1.00, a Nonconforming Compaction Factor (NCCF) will be determined. THE NCCF equals the algebraic difference of CPF minus 1.00 multiplied by 40 percent� The Compaction Pnce Adjustrnent will be calculated as the product of the NCFF, the quanrity of HMA in the lot in tons and the unit contract price per ton of the mix. ' � � , L: , � � 1 � � � � � � r � 63 � ' � ' � � 10l26t2010 5-06 TEMPORARY RESTORATION IN PAVEMENT AREA Section 5-06 is new Section with subsections: ��*****� 5-06.1 Description Pavement areas that have been removed by construction activities must be restored by the Contractor prior to the end of each working period, prior to use by vehicular traffic. Within paved streets, the Contractor may use temporary pavement to allow vehicular traffic to travel over the construction areas. Temporary pavement shall be placed around trench plates or others devices used to cover construction activities in a manner that provides a smooth and safe transition between surfaces. 5-06.2 Materials � The asphalt pavement for temporary patches shall be 2" of a hot mix asphalt composition determined by the Contractor to provide a product suitable for the intended application. The Contractor shall not use materials that are a safety or health hazard. � LJ ' � � Temporary pavement material that does not form a consolidated surface a$er compaction shall be considered unsuitable and shall be removed from the site. Unsuitable temporary pavement shall be disposed of offsite. 5-06.3 Construction Requirements The Contractor shall maintain temporary hot mix asphalt patches daily during to the satisfaction of the governing road agency and the Engineer until said patch is replaced with permanent hot patch. The completed pavement shall be free from ridges, ruts, bumps, depressions, objectionable marks, or other irregularities. The permanent hot mix asphalt patch shall be placed and sealed with a paving asphalt within 30 calendar days. The Contractor shall immediately repair, patch, or remove any temporary pavement that does not provide a flat transition between existing pavement areas. All temporary asphalt pavement shall be removed from the site by the end of the project and shall not be used as permanent asphalt pavement or subgrade material. 7-01 DRAINS � 7-01.2 Materials The second paragraph of Section 7-01.2 is revised as follows: - �*�x*�x**� Drain pipes may be concrete, zinc coated (galvanized) corrugated iron with Asphalt Treatment I, ' aluminum coated (aluminized) corrugated iran with Asphalt Treatment I, zinc coated (galvanized) steel with Asphalt Treatment I, corrugated aluminum alloy, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), or corrugated polyethylene (PE) at the option of the Contractor unless the Plans specify the type to be used. � � C� � � 7-01.3 Construction Requirements Section 7-013 is revised as follows: �***=�**� The second paragraph is revised as follows: PVC drainpipe shall be jointed with a bell and spigot joint using a flexible elastomeric seal as described in Section 4-04.8_ The bell shall be laid upstream. PE or ABS drainpipe shall be jointed with snap-on, screw-on, or wraparound coupling bands as recommended by the manufacturer of the tubing. The sixth parab aph is revised as follows: PVC under drain pipe shall be jointed using either the flexible elastomeric seal as described in fi4 ] 0126/2010 Section 9-04.8 or solvent cement as described in Section 9-04.9, at the oprion of the Contractor unless otherwise spec�ed in the Plans. The bell shall be laid upstream. PE or ABS drainage tubing under drain pipe shall be jointed with snap-on, screw-on, or wraparound coupling bands, as recommended by the manufacturer of the tabing. 7-01.4 Measurement Section 7-01.4 is supplemented adding the following: �**�***� When the Contraet does not include "Structure Excavation Class B" or "Structure Excavation Class B Including Haul" as a pay item all costs associated with these items shall be included in other contract pay items. 7-02 CULVERTS 7-02.2 Materials The second parab aph of Section 7-022 is revised and supplemented as follows: �*�x****� Where steel or aluminum are refened to in this section in regard tv a kind of culvert pipe, pipe arch, or end sections, it shall be understood that steel is zinc coated (gal�anized) with Asphalt Treatment I or aluminum coated (aluminized) corrugated iron or steel, and aluminum is corrugated aluminum alloy as specified in Sections 9-05.4 and 9-05.5. Where plain or reinforced concrete, steel, or aluminum are referred to in Sectiou 7-02 it sliall be understoud dlat reference is also made to PVC. 7-04 STORM SEWERS 7-04.2 Materials The second paragraph of Section 7-042 is revised as follows: �*�x****� Where steel or aluminum are referred to in this section in regard to a kind of storm sewer pipe, it shall be understood that steel is zinc coated (galvanized), Asphalt Treatment I Coated, corrugated iron or steel and aluminum is corrugated aluminum alloy as specified in Sections 9-05.4 and 9-05.5_ The Contractor shall require pipe suppliers to furnish certificates signed by their authorized representative, stating the Specifications to which the materials or products were manufactured. The Contractor shall provide 2 copies of these certifications to the Engineer for approval. Certificates showing nonconformance widi the Contract shall be sufficient evidence for rejection. Approval of certificates shall be considered only as tentative acceptance of the materials and products, and such action by the Engineer will not relieve the Contractor of his/her responsibility to perform field tests and to replace or repair faulty materials, equipment, and/or workmanship and the Contractor's own expense. 7-04.4 Measurement The first pazagraph of Section 7-04.4 is revised as follows: �:�*�***� The length of storm sewer pipe will be the number of linear feet of completed installation measured along the invert and will include the length through elbows, tees, and fittings. The number of linear feet will be measured from the center of manhole or from the center of catch basin to center of catch basins and similar type structures. 7-04.5 Payment The second and third paragraphs of Secrion 7-04.5 are revised as follows: �*:x****} The unit contract price per lineaz foot for storm sewer pipe of the kind and size specified shall be full pay for all Work to complete the installation, including adjustment of inverts to manholes. When no bid item "Gravel Backfill for Pipe Bedding" is included in the Schedule of Prices, pipe bedding, as shown in the Standard Plans, shall be considered incidental to the pipe and no additional payment shall be made. fi5 C� � � �� � �� � ' � LJ � ' � CJ � � � � , � EJ � aa�noio Testing of storm sewer pipe, if required by the Engineer, shall be considered incidental to and included in the unit contract prices for other items. Cost of connecting pipe to structures shall be included in the various unit contract prices for storm sewer pipe, and no additional compensation will be .allowed. Abandonment and plugging of pipe shall be included in the lump sum contract price for "Removal of Structure and Obstruction". No separate payment will be made. 7-OS MANHOLES, INLETS, AND CATCH BASINS 7-05.3 Construction Requirements � Section 7-05.3 is supplemented by adding the following: �****�*� All manholes shall have eccentric cones and shall have ladders. , , � ' i , ' Sanitary sewer pipe to manhole connecrions shall be "Kor-n-Seal" boot or approved equal. 7-05.3(1) Adjusting Manholes and Catch Basins to Grade Section 7-053(1) is replaced with: �**�rTT� Where shown in the Plans or where directed by the Engineer, the exisring manholes, catch basins, or inlets shall be adjusted to the grade as staked or othenvise designated by tbe Engineer. The existing cast iron ring and cover on manholes and the catch basin frame and grate shall first be removed and thoroughly cleaned for reinstalling at the new elevation. From that point, the existing structure shall be raised or lowered to the required elevation. The Contractor shall construct manholes so as to provide adjustment space for setting cover and casting to a fmished grade as shown on the Construction Plans. Manhole ring and covers shall be adjusted to the finished elevations per standard detail 400.1, prior to final acceptance of the Work. Manholes in unimproved areas shall be adjusted to 6" above b ade. In unpaved streets: manholes, catch basins, and similar structures in areas to be surfaced with cnished rock or gravel shall be constructed to a point approximately eight inches below the subgrade and covered with a temporary wood cover. Exisring manholes shall be cut off and �covered in a similaz manner_ The Contractor shall carefully reference each manhole so that they may be easily found upon completion of the street Work. After placing the gravel or crushed stone surfacing, the manholes and manhole castings shall be constructed to the finished grade of the roadway surface. Excavation necessary for bringing manholes to grade shall center about the manhole and be held to the minimum area necessary. At the completion of the manhole adjustment, the void around the manhole shall be backfilled with materials which result in the section required on the typical roadway section, and be thoroughly compacted. In cement concrete pavement: manholes, catch basins, and similar structures shall be constructed and , adjusted in the same manner as outlined above except that the final adjustment shall be made and cast iron frame be set after forms have been placed and checked. In placing the concrete pavement, extreme care shall be taken not to alter the position of the casting in any way. , � � In asphalt concrete pavement: manholes shall not be adjusted until the pavement is completed, at which time the center of each manhole shall be carefully relocated from references previously established by the Contractor. The pavement shall be cut in a restricted area and base material be removed to permit removal of the cover. The manhole shall then be brought to proper grade utilizing the same methods of construction as for the manhole itsel£ The cast iron frame shall be placed on the concrete blocks and wedged up to the desired grade. The asphalt concrete pavement shall be cut and removed to a neat circle, the diameter of which shall be equal to the outside diameter of tt�e cast iron frame plus two feet. The base materials and crushed rock shall be removed and Class 3000 or 66 ] 0/26/2010 Commercial Portland Cement Concrete sl�all be placed so that the entire volume of tbe excavation is replaced up to but not to exceed 2 inches of the finished pavement surface. On the day following placement of the concrete, the edge of the asphalt concrete pavement, and the outer edge of the casting shall be painted with hot asphalt cement. Asphalt Class G concrete shall then be placed and compacted with hand tampers and a patching roller. The complete patch shall match the existing paved surface for texture, density, and unifornuty of grade. The joint between the patch and the existing pavement shall then be carefully painted with hot asphalt cement or asphalt emulsion and shall be immediately covered with dry paving sand before the asphalt cerrient solidifies. The inside throat of the manhole shall be thoroughly mortared and plastered. Adjustment of inlets: T'he final aligmment and grade of cast iron frames for new and old inlets to be adjusted to grade will be established from the forms or adjacent pavement surfaces. The final adjustment of the top of the inlet will be performed in similar manner to the above for manholes. On asphalt concrete paving projects using curb and gutter section, that portion of the cast iron frame not embedded in the gutter section shall be solidly embedded in concrete also. The concrete shall extend a minimum of six inches beyond the edge of the casting and shall be left 2 inches below the top of the frame so that the wearing course � of asphalt concrete pavement will butt the cast iron frame. The existing concrete pavement, and edge of the casting shall be painted with hot asphalt cement. Adjustments in the inlet structure shall be constructed in the same manne.r and of the same material as that required for new inlets. The inside of the inlets shall be mortared and plastered. Monwiicnts and cast iran frame and cover: r,;onum�ts and �onument castings shalt be adjuste� to grade in the same manner as for manholes. �alve box castings: . adjustments of valve box castings shall be made in the same manner as for manholes. 7-05.3(2) Abandon Existing Manholes Section 7-05.3(2) is revised as follows: ��:*****} Where it is required that an existing manhole be abandoned, the structure shall be broken down to a depth of at least 4 feet below the revised surfacc elevation, all connections plugged, the manhole base shall be fractured to prevent standing water, and the manhole filled with sand and compacted to 90 percent density as specified in Section 2-03.3(14)C. Debris resulting from breaking the upper part of the manhole may be mixed with the sand subject to the approval of the Engineer. The ring and cover shall be salvaged and all other surplus material disposed of. 7-05.3(2)A Abandon Existing Sanitary Sewer Pipes Section 7-053(2)A is a new secrion: �******� Where it is required that an existing sanitary sewer pipe be abandoned (or portions of pipe installed as part of this project which are to be abandoned as shown on the Plans), both ends of the abandoned pipe and atl lateral connections to the pipe shall be plugged with 3,000 psi cement concrete and the pipe shall be filied with cement-based grout. A cement-based grout shall be used to fill the void of the abandoned sewer pipe. The grouting material must have a strength of at least 100 psi and shall have flow characteristics appropriate for filling a sanitary sewer. The graut mix designed and method of installation shall be approved by the Engineer prior to beginning the operation (See Section 9-0322). 7-05.3(3) Connections to Existing Manholes Section 7-05.3(3) is supplemented by adding the following: ��*****� Where shown on the Plans, new drain pipes shall be connected to existing line, catch basin, curb inlets and/or manholes. The Contractor shall be required to core dnil into the structure, shape the new pipe to fit and re-b out the opening in a workmanlike manner. Where directed by the Engineer or where shown on the Plans,.additional structure channeling will be required. 67 , ' !I �? ] 0/26/2010 Connections to existing sanitary sewer manholes shall be core drilled. Couplings shall be equal to "Kor-n-Seal" boots_ Existing sanitaxy sewer manholes shall be cleaned, repaired, and re-channeled as necessary to match the new pipe configuration and as sho�vn on the Construction Plans. A"connection to e�sting" item will be atlowed at any connection of a new line to an ea�isting � structure, or the connection of a new structure to a exisring line_ No °connection to existing" will be accepted at the locarion of ncw installarion, relocation and adjustment of line manholes, catch basins, or curb inlets_ � � � � � � , � � � , � � r Any damage to e�sting pipe or structure that is to remain in place resulting from the Contractor's operations shall be repaired or replaced at her/his own expense. The unit bid price per each shall be full compensation for all labor, materials and equipment required. 7-05.3(5) Manhole Coatings Section 7-05.5 is an added new section: ��:***�:�� All new sanitary sewer manholes shall be coated as specified below. The following coating system Specifications shall be used for coating (sealing) all interior concrete surfaces 'of sanitary sewer manholes. Coating Material: High Solids Urethane Surfaces: Concrete Surface Preparation: In accordance with SSPC SP-7 (Sweep of brush off blast) Application_ Shop/Field The drying time between coats shall not exceed 24 hours in any case System Thiclaiess: 6A mils dry film Coatings: Primer: One coat of Wasser MC-Aroshield (2.0 mils DFT) Finisb: Two or more coats of Wasser MC-Aroshield (min. 4.0 mils DFT) Color: White 7-05.4 Measurement Section 7-OS_4 is revised and supplemented as follows: �******� Manholes will be measured per each. Measurement of manhole beights for payment purposes will be the distance from finished rim elevation to the invert of the lowest outlet pipe. Adjustments of new structures and miscellaneous items such as valve boxes shall be considered incidental to the unit contract price of the new item and no further compensation shall be made. Connection to existing pipes and structures shall be measured per each. 7-05.5 Payment Section 7-05.5 is supplemented as follows: �*:x*�x**� "Adjust Existing ," per each. The unit contract price per each for "Adjust Existing shall be full pay for all costs necessary to make the adjustment including restoration of adjacent areas in a manner acceptable to the Engineer. If no bid item for Structure Excavation Class A or Structure Excavation Class B is included in the schedule of prices then the Work will be considered incidental and its cost should be included in the cost of the pipe. "Connect to Existing Catch Basin," per eaciL "Connect Structure to e�sting pipe," per each. fi 8 ] 0/26/2010 7-08 GENERAL PIPE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS 7-08.3 Construction Requirements 7-08.3(1)C Bedding the Pipe Section 7-083(1)C is supplemented by adding the following: �******� Pipe bedding for PVC sewer pipe shall consist of clean, granular pea gravel consistent with Section 9- 03.12(3). It shall be placed to a depth of 6" over and 6" under the exterior walls of the pipe. Hand compaction of the bedding materials under the pipe haunches will be required. Hand compaction shall be accomplished by using a suitable tamping tool to firmly tamp bedding material under the haunches of the pipe. Care shall be taken to avoid displacement of the pipe during the compaction effort. Pipe bedding shall be considered incidental to the pipe and no further compensation shall be made. 7-08.3(1)D Pipe Foundation Section 7-08.3(1)D is a new secrion: �******� Pipe foundation in poor soil: When soft or unstable material is encountered at the subgrade which, in the opinion of the Engineer, will not uniformly support the pipe, such material shall be excavated to an additional depth as required by the Enb neer and backfilled with foundation gravel material placed in maximum 12-inch lifts. Foundation gravel shall be ballast and conform to the requirements of Section 9-03.9(1) of the Standard Specifications. Corrections faulty grade: Excess excavation below grade shall be backfilled with foundation gravel as specified above and thoroughIy compacted to the required grade line. 7-08.3(2)A Survey Line and Grade Section 7-08.3(2)A is replaced with: �***:�*�� Survey line and grade control shall be provided in accordance with Sections 1-05.4, 1-05.5 and 1-11 in a manner consistent with accepted practices. The Contractor shall transfer line and grade into the trench where they shall be carried by means of a laser beam. Any other procedure shall have the.written approval of the Engineer. 7-08.3(2)B Pipe Laying — General Section 7-08.3(2)B is supplemented by adding the following: �******� . Checking of the invert elevation of the pipe may be made by calculations from measurements on the top of the pipe, or by looking for ponding of 1/2" or less, wh�ch indicates a satisfactory condition. At manholes, when the downstream pipe(s) is of a larger size, pipe(s) shall be laid by matching the (eight-tenths) flow elevatioq unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. All pipe, fittings, etc. sha11 be carefully handled and protected against damage, impact shocks, and free fall. All pipe handling equipment shall be acceptable to the Engineer. Pipe shall not be placed directly on rough ground but shall be supported in a manner, which will protect the pipe against injury whenever stored at the trench site or elsewhere_ No pipe shall be installed where the lining or coating show defects that may be harmful as determined by the Engineer. Such damaged lining or coating shall be repaired, or a new undamaged pipe shall be furnished and installed. The Contractor shall inspect each pipe and fitting prior to installation to insure that there are not damaged portions of the pipe. Any defective, damabed, or unsound pipe shall be repaired or replaced. All foreign matter ar dirt shall be removed from the interior of the pipe before lowering into position (>9 ' ' � � � � � � � � � � � � ,, � � � i � i � , ' � � 1. � �, � ' ' 10/26/2010 in the trench. Pipe shall be kept clean during and after laying. All openings in the pipeline shall be closed with watertight expandable type sewer plugs at the end of each day's operation, or whenever the pipe openings are left unattended. The use of burlap, wood, or other similar temporary plugs will not be permitted. Where necessary to raise or lower the pipe due to unforeseen obstructions or other causes, the Engineer may change the alignment and/or the grades. Except for short runs, which may be permitted by the Engineer, pipes shall be laid uphill on grades that exceed 10 percent. Pipe, which is laid on a downhill grade, shall be blocked and held m place until su�cient support is furnished by the following pipe to prevent movement. Unless otherwise required, all pipe shall be laid straight between the changes in alignment, and at uniform grade between changes in grade: For concrete pipes with elliptical reinforcement, the pipe sha11 be placed with the minor axis of the reinforcement in a vertical position. Immediately after the pipe joints have been made, proper gasket placement shall be checked with a feeler gage as approved by the pipe manufacturer to verify proper gasket placement_ 7-08.3(2)E Rubber Gasketed Joints Section 7-08.3(2)E is supplemented as follows: {***�**� Care shail be iaken by t(ie Contractor to avoid �ver pushing the pipe and damaging the pipe or joint system. Any damaged pipe shall be replaced by the Contractor at his expense. 7-08.3(2)H Sewer Line Connections Section 7-08.3(2)H is supplemented by adding the following: �*�**�:*� . All connections not occurring at a manhole or catch basin shall be done utilizing pre-manufactured tee connectors or pipe sections approved by the Engineer. Any other method or materials proposed for use in making connections shall be subject to approval by the Engineer. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, all connections of lateral sewers to e�sting mains shall be made through a cast iron saddle secured to the sewer main with stainless steel bands. When the existing main is constructed of PVC, plain or reinforced concrete, cast or ductile iron pipe, the existing main shall be core drilled. When the existing main is constructed of vitrified clay, the main shall be re-sectioned with flexible couplings, Fernco or approved equal. Connections (unless booted connections have been provided for) to existing concrete manholes shall be per Section 7-05.3(3). 7-08.3(2)J Placing PVC Pipe Secrion 7-083(2)J is an added new section: �******� In the trench, prepared as specified in Section 7-02.3(1) PVC pipe shall be laid beginning at the lower end, with the bell end upgrade. Pea b avel wili be used as the hedding material and extend from 6" below the bottom of the pipe to 6" above the top of the pipe. When it is necessary to connect to a structure with a mudded joint a rubber gasketed concrete adapter-collar will be used at the point of connection. 7-08.3(3)A Backfilling Sanitary Sewer Trenches Section 7-083(3)A is a new section supplementing 7-08.3(3) �*****:�� To the maximum extent available, suitable material obtained from trench excavarion shall be used for trench backfill. All material placed as trench backfill shall be free from rocks or stones larger than 6 inches in their greatest dimension, brush; stumps, logs, roots, debris, and organic or other deleterious materials. .No stones or rock shall be placed in the upper three feet of trench backfill. Rock or stones within the allowable size limit incorporated in the remainder of fills shall be distributed so that they 70 10/26,�2010 do not congregate or interfere with proper compaction. If the native material is considered by the Engineer as unsuitable for backfill, or where unsuitable material is requested by the Engineer to be removed or over-excavated from trench excavations, then Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill Sewer material conforming to the requirements of Section 9- 03.19 shall be used. All native or imported backfill material shall be compacted to 95% of maximum dry density per ASTM D 1557 unless otherwise specified herein or on the Plans. Backfilt within paved areas shall be compacted to at least 95 percent of maximum dry density as determined by the modified proctor compaction test, ASTM D1557. This includes the foundation, backfill, and base course materials. Maximum lift thiclmess of backfill shall not exceed 24 inches between the top of the bedding and 4 feet below grade and 12 inches from 4 feet below grade to the base of the subgrade. The Engineer may be on-site to collect soil samples and to test compaction. T'he Contractor shall provide site access at all times for compaction testing and sample collection. Areas of the trench which fail to meet the compacrion reguirements shall be removed and replace and re-compacted at the Contractor's expense. The Contractor shall be responsible for any settlement of backfill, sub-base, and pavement that may occur during the period stipu:ated in t�� Contract conditians. Ail repairs ne��ssary uuc to settlement shall be made by the Contractor at his expense. Backfill in unimproved areas shall be compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density as determined by the modified proctor compaction test, ASTM D 1557. The Contractor shall be responsible for the disposal of any excess excavated material. 7-08.4 Measurement � . The first paraa�raph of Section 7-08.4 is revised as follows: �*�*=�**� Gravel backfill for foundations, or gravel backfill for pipe zone bedding when used for foundations, shall be measured by the cubic yard, including haul, as specified in 2-09, or by the ton. 7-08.5 Payment Section 7-08.5 is replaced with: ��*��*�� Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-Q4:1 for each of the following bid items that are included in the proposal: "Gravel Backfill for Foundations Class ", per cubic yard ar ton. "Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone Bedding", per cubic yard or ton. All costs associated with fumishina and installing bedding and backfill material within the pipe zone in the installation of culvert, storm sewer, and sanitary sewer pipes shall be included in the unit contract price for the type and size of pipe installed. "Plugging Fxisting Pipe", per each. "Commercial Concrete", per cubic yard. "Structure Excavation Class B", per cubic yard. "Structure Excavation Class B Incl. Haul", per cubic yard. Unless specifically identified and provided as separate items, structure excavation, dewatering and backfilling shall be incidental to pipe installation and no further compensation shall be made. All costs in jointing dissimilar pipe with a coupling or concrete collar shall be included in the unit contract price per foot for the size and type of pipe being jointed. "Shoring or Extra Excavation Class B", per square foot. If this pay item is not in the Contract, then it shall be incidentaL 71 �� i � � ,� � ' � � � � i � � � , ' 1 � � , � 10/26Y1010 7-09 PIPE AND FITTINGS FOR WATER MAINS 7-09.3(15)A Ductile Iron Pipe The first paragraph of Section 7-09.3(15)A is revised as follows: �******� Long radius (500 feet or morel curves, either horizontat or vertical, may be laid with standard pipe by deflecting the joints. If the pipe is shown curved in the Plans and no special fittings are shown, the Contractor can assume that the curves can be made by deflecting the joints with standard lengths of pipe. If shorter lengths are required, the Plans will indicate maximum lcngths that can be used. The amount of deflection at each pipe joint when pipe is laid on a horizontal or vertical curve shall not exceed one half of the manufacturer's printed recommended deflections. 7-09.3(15)B Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe (4 inches and Over) � Section 7-09.3(15)B is supplemented as follows: ��**�**� Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe shall not be used for water mains and appurtenances. � 7-Q9.3(17) Laying Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings with Polyethylene Encasement The title and text of section 7-09.3(17) has been revised as follows: �******� The Contractor shall lay ductile iron pipe with a polyethylene encasement. Pipe and polyethylene � encasement shall be installed in accorciance with AWWA C10�. The polyethylene encasement shaIl also be installed on all appurtenances, such as pipe laterals, couplings, fittings, and valves, with 8-mil polyethylene plastic in accordance with Section 4-5 ofANSI 21.5 orAWWA C105. � � � � � � � � � The polyethylene wrap shall be tube type and black color. Any damage that occurs to the wrap shall be repaired in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C 105/A21.5-93. Installation of the polyethylene encasement shall be considered incidental to the installation of the pipe and no addirional payment shall be atlowed. 7-09.3(19)A Connections to Existing Mains Secrion 7-09.3(19)A is revised and supplemented as follows: �******� The Contractor may be required to perform the connection during times other than normal working hours_ The Contractor sball not operate any valves on the existing system. Water system personnel will ogerate all valves on the exishng system for the Contractor when required. No Work shall be performed on the connections uriless a representative of the �vater department is present to inspect the Work. When not stated otherwise in the special provisions or on the plans, all connections to existing water mains will be done by City forces as provided below: Citv Installed Connections: Connections to existing piping and tie-ins are indicated on the drawings. The Contractor must verify all existing piping, dimensions, and elevations to assure proper fit. Connections to the existing water cnain shall not be made without first making the necessary arrangements witb the Engineer in advance. A two-week advance notice shall be required for each connection which requires a cutting of the existing water mains or a shut-do��n of the existing water mains. The City reserves the right to re- schedule the connection if the Work area is not ready at the schedu(ed time for the connection. Work shall not be started until all the materials, equipment and labor necessary to properly complete the Work are assembled on site. 72 10/26?2010 The Contractor shall provide all saw-cutting, removal and disposal of existing surface improvements, excavaxion, haul and disposal of unsuitable materials, shoring, de-watering, foundation material, at the connection areas before the scheduled time for the connection by the City. The Contractor shall provide all materials necessary. to install all connections as indicated on the construction plans, including but not limited to the required fittings, couplings, pipe spools, shackle materials to complete the connections. . The Contractor shall provide and install concrete blocking, polywrap the piping at the connections, backfill and surface restoration at the locations shown on the plans for the connections to the existing water mains. The City will cut the exisring main and assemble all materials. 7-09.3(21) Concrete Thrust Blocking and Dead-Man Block Section 7-09.3(21) has been supplemented by adding the following: ��*****� . Provide concrete blocking at all hydrants, fittings and horizontal or verrical angle points. Conform to the City of Renton Standard Details for general blocking, and vertical blocks herein. All fittings to be blocked shall be wrapped with 8-mil polyethylene plastic. Concrete blocking shall be properly formed with plywood or other acceptable forming materials and shall not be poured around joints. The forms shall be stripped prior to backfilling. Joint restraint (shackle rods), where required, shall be installed in accordance with Section 7-11.3(15). F��vide conc�ete dead-man bl�cks at I�cations sho�-n on t1-,e plans_ The dead-man bicck shall i�c(ude reinforcing steels, shackle rods, installation and removal of formwork. Blocking shall be commercial concrete (hand-mixed concrete is not allowed) and poured in place. 7-09.3(23) Hydrostatic Pressure Test Section 7-093(23) is supplemented and revised as follows: �******� A hydrant meter and a backflow prevention device will be used when drawing water from the City system. These may be obtained from the City by completing the required forms and making the required security deposits. There will be a charge for the water used. Before applying the specified test pressure, air shall be expelled completely from the pipe, valves and hydrants. If permanent air vents aze not located at all high points, the contractor shall install corporation cocks at such points so that the air can be expelled as the line is filled with water. After all the air has been expelled, the corporation cocks shall be closed and the test pressure applied. At the conclusion of the pressure test, the corporation cocks shall be removed and plugged. The quantity of water required to restore tl�e pressure shall be accurately determined by either 1) pumping from an open container of suitable size such that accurate volume measurements can be. made by the Owner or, 2) by pumping through a positive displacement water meter with a s��eep unit hand registering 1 gallon per revo(ution. The meter shall be approved by the Engineer. Acceptability of the test will be determined by two factors, as follows: l. The quantity of water lost from the main shall not exceed the number of gallons per hour as listed in the following table. 2. The loss in pressure shall not exceed 5 psi during the 2 hour test period_ All water used to perform hydrostaric pressure shall be charged a usage fee. Allowable leakage per 1000 ft. of pipeline* in GPH PSI G" 8" 450 0.95 127 400 0.90 120 350 0.84 1.12 275 0.75 1.00 250 0.71 0.95 �e liiameter m u 10" 12" 16" 1.59 191 2.55 1 _50 1 _80 2.40 1.40 1.69 225 124 1.49 1.99 1.19 1.42 1.90 20" 24" 3.18 3.82 3_00 3_60 2.81 337 2.49 2.99 2.37 2.85 73 � � � 10/26YL010 225 0.68 0.90 1.13 1.35 1.80 225 2.70I 200 0.64 0.85 1.06 1.28 1.70 2.12 2.55 *If the pipeline under test contains sections of various diameters, the allowable leakage will be the sum of the computed leakage for each size. For those diameters or vressures not listed, the formula below shall be used: The quantity of water lost from the main shall not exceed the number of gallons per hour as detemuned by the formula L= P in which: 7400 � L = Allowable leakage, gallons/hour N= No. of joints in the length of pipeline tested � D= Nominal diameter of the pipe in inches P= Average test pressure during the leakage test, psi � � � � � il �� , ' The paragraph stating that "There shall not be an appreciable or abrupt loss in pressure during the 15 minute test ep riod." Is deleted. 7-09.3(24)A Flushing and "Poly-pigging" Section 7-093(24)A shall be revised and supplemented as follows: �******� Sections of pipe to be disinfected shall first be poly-pigged to remove any solids or contaminated material that may have become lodged in the pipe. If the main cannot be "poly-pigged", then a tap shall be provided large enough to develop a veloc�ty of at least 2.5 fps in the main. The "Poly-pig" shall be equal to Girard Industries Aqua-Swab-AS, 21b/cu-ft density foam with 90A durometer urethane rubber coating on the rear of the "Poly-pig" only. The "Poly-pig" shall be cylinder shaped with bullet nose or squared end. The paragraph stating: "Where dry calcium hypochlorite is used for disinfection of the pipe, flushing shall be done after disinfection." is deleted. Dechlorination of all water used for disinfection shall be accomplished in accordance with the City of Renton Standard Details. Water containing chlorine residual in excess of that earried in the existing water system, shall not be disposed into the storm drainage system or any water way. 7-09.3(24)D Dry Calcium Hypochlorite Section 7-09.3(24)D has been replaced with: �*****:�� Dry calcium hypochlorite shall not be placed in the pipe as laid. 7-09.3(24)K Retention Period Section 7-09.3(24)K has been revised as follows: ��:****�:� Treated water shall be retained in the pipe at least 24 hours but no longer than 48 hours. After this period, the chlorine residual at pipe extremities and at other representative points shall be at least 25 mg/1. 7-09.3(24)N Final Flushing and Testing Section 7-093(24)N has been revised as follows: �*�****� Before placing the lines into service; a satisfactory report shall be received from the local or State health departrnent or an approved testing lab on samples collected from representative points in the new system. Samples will be collected and bacteriological tests obtained by the Engineer. 7-09.3(25) Jaint Restraint Systems Section 7-09.3(25) is a new additional section: 74 � oi26no t o �*�****� General: Where shown on the plans or in the specifications or required by the Engineer, joint restraint system (shackle rods) shall be used. All joint restraint materials used shall be those manufactured by Star National Products, 1323 Holly Avenue, PO Box 258, Columbus Ohio 43216, unless an equal alternate is approved in writing by the Engineer. Materials: Steel types used shall be: High strength low-alloy steel (cor-ten), ASTM A242, heat-treated, superstar "SST" series. High strengkh low-alloy steel (cor-ten), ASTM A242, superstar "SS" series. Items to be gaivanized are to meet the following requirements: ASTMA153 for galvanizing iron and steel hardware. ASTMA123 for galvanizing rolled, pressed and forged steel shapes. Jair�t restr-a;ner sys�em companents: Tiebolt: ASTM A242, type 2, zinc plated or hot-dip galvanized. SST 7:5/8" for 2" and 3" mechanical joints, 3/4" for 4" to 12" mechanical joints, ASTM A325, type 3D, except tensile strength of full-body threaded section shall be increased to 40,Q00 Ibs. minimum for 5/8" and 60,000 lbs. minimum for 3/4" by heat treating (quenching and tempering) to manufacturer's reheat and hardness specifications. SST 753: 3/4" for 14" to 24" mechanical joints. same ASTM specification as SST 7_ SST 77: 3/4" same as SST 7, except 1" eye for 7/8" rod. same ASTM specificarion as SST 7. Tienut: heavy hex nut for each tie6olt: SS8: 5/8" and 3/4", ASTM�A563, grade C3, ar zinc plated. S8: 5/8" and 3/4", ASTM A563, grade A, zinc plated or hot-dip galvanized. Tiecoupling: used to extend continuous threaded rods and are provided with a center stop to aid installarion, zinc plated or hot-dip galvanized. SS 10: for 5/8" and 3/4" tierods, ASTM A563, grade C3. S 10: for 5/8" and 3/4" tierods, ASTM A563, b ade A. Tierod: continuous threaded rod for cutting to desired lengths, zinc plated or hot-dip galvanized. SS 12: SJ8" and 3/4" diameter, ASTM A24Z, type 2; ANSI B 1.1. S 12: 5/8" and 3/4" diameter, ASTM A36, A307. Tiewasher: round flat washers, zinc plated or hot-dip galvanized_ SS17: ASTM A242, F436. 517: ANSI B18.22.1. Installation_ Install fihe joint restraint system in accordance with the manufacturer's instrucrions so all joints are mechanically locked togetber to prevent joint separation. Tiebolts shall be installed to pull against the mechanical joint body and not the MJ follower. Torque nuts at 75-90 foot pounds for 3/4" nuts. Install tiecouplings with both rods threaded equal distance into tiecouplings. Arrange tierods symmetrically around the pipe. 75 �, � � ' � � � �� ��; � �� � ' ,� ' , � � oia6no io LJ � Pipe Diameter u I � � � � � � ' � � ' � ' ' ' 4" ................•--.. 6° ..............�----.. g�� ......--••------..... 10" .................... 12" -�--��-�----••---�-- 14" --��-�----�-�•------ 16" ..._..-�----...----- 18" .................... 20" .......--�--........ 24 �� .....-----••-----�--� 30" �� .....------�•----��- 36 ..-•---------------- Number of 3/4" Tie Rods Required ....................... 2 ....................... 2 ..................••--- 3 ...............�--••--- 4 ....................... 6 ....................... g ....................... 8 ....................... 8 ....................... 10 ...................... 14 ....................... (16-7/8"rods) --.....-� .............. (24-7/8"rods) Where a manufacturer's mechanical joint valve or fitting is supplied with slots for "T" bolts instead of holes, a flanged valve with a flange by mechanical joint adapter shall be used instead, so as to provide adequate space for locating the tiebolts. Where a continuous run of pipe is required to be restrained, no run of restrained pipe shall be greater than 60 feet in length between fittings. Insert long body solid sleeves as required on longer runs to keep tierod lengths to the 60 foot maximum. Pipe used in continuously restrained runs shall be mechanical joint pipe and tiebolts shall be installed as rod w ides at each joint. Where poly wrapping is required all tiebolts, tienuts, tiecouplings, tierods, and tiewashers, shall be galvanized. All disturbed sections will be painted, to the Inspector's satisfaction, with koppers bitomastic no. 300-m, or approved equal. Where poly wrapping is not required all tiebolts, tienuts, tiecouplings, tierods and tiewashers may be gaivanized as specified in the preceding paragraph or plain and painted in the entirety with koppers bitumastic no. 800-m, or approved equal. Tiebolts, tienuts, tiecouplings, tierods, and tiewashers shall be considered incidental to installation of the pipe and no additional payment shall be made. 7-09.4 Measurement Measurement and Payment Schedule for installation of water mains and appurtenances is shown in Section 1-09.14 Section 7-09.4 is revised as follows: �***�**� Measurement of bank run gravel for trench backfill will be by the cubic yard measured by the calcutation of neat lines based on maximum trench width per Section 2-09.4 or by the ton, in accordance with Secrion 1-09. Measurement for payment of concrete thrust blocking and dead-man blocks will be per cubic-yard when these items are included as separate pay items. If not included as separate pay items in the contract, then thrust blocking and dead-man blocks shall be considered incidental to the installation of the.water main and no further compensation shall be made. Measurement for payment for connections to e�sting water mains will be per each for each connection to existing water main(s) as shown on the Plans. 7-09.5 Payment Measurement and Payment Schedule for installation of water mains and appurtenances is shown in Section 1-09.14 76 I 0126/2010 Section 7-09.5 is revised and supplemented as follows: �****�*� "Furnish and Install Ductile Iron Water Main & Fittings", per lineal foot. The unit contract price per linear foot for each size and kind of "Furnish and Install Ducrile Iron Water Main & Fittings" shall be full pay for the bid item as described in Section 1-09.14. "Concrete Thrust Blocking and Dead-Man Anchor Blocks", per cubic yard. The unit contract price per cubic yard for "Concrete Concrete Thrust Blocking and Dead-Man Anchor Blocks " shall be full pay for the bid item as described in Section 1-09.14. "Connection to E�cisting Water Mains", per each. The unit contract price per each for "Connection to Existing Water Mains" shall be. full pay for the bid item as described in Section 1-09.14. "Select Imported Trench Backfill", per cubic yard or ton. The unit contract price per cubic yard or ton for ."Select Imported Trench Backfill" shall be full pay for the bid item as descnbed in Section 1-09.14. "Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable Foundation Material", per ton or cubic yard. The unit contract price per cubic yard or ton for "Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable Foundation Material" shall be full pay for tbe bid item as described in Section 1-09.14. 7-12 VALVES FOR WATER MAINS 7-12.3(1) Installation of Valve Marker Post Secrion 7-123(1) has been revised as follows: �******� Where required, a valve marker post shall be furnished and installed with each valve. Valve marker posts shall be placed at the edge of the right-of-way opposite the valve and be set with 18 inches of the post exposed above grade. The rest of this section is deleted. 7-12.3(2) Adjust E�eisting Valve Box to Grade Section 7-123(2) is a new section. �*=��***� Valve boxes shall be adjusted to grade in the same manner as for manholes, as detailed in Section 7- 05.3(1) of the City of Renton Standard Details. Valve box adjustments shall include, but not be limited to, the locarions shown on the Plans_ Existing roadway valve boxes shall be adjusted to conform to final finished grades. The final installahon shalt be made in accordance with the applicable portions of Section 7-12. In the event that the existing valve box is plugaed or blocked with debris, the Contractor shall use whatever means necessary to remove such debris, leaving the valve installation in a fully operable candition. The valve box shall be set to an elevation tolerance of one-fourth inch (1/4"} to one-half inch (1/2") below finished �ade. 7-12.4 Measurement Measurement and Payment Schedule for installation of water mains and appurtenances is shown in Section 1-09.14 �� � ia�26nalo ' Section 7-12.4 is supplemented by adding the following: �***=��*� ' Adjustment of e�sting valve boxes to grade shall be measured per each, if included as a separate pay item in the Contract; if not a separate pay item but required to complete the Work, then value box adjushnent shall be considered incidental. � � � ' ' � � L ' � � � � � ' , Hydrant auxiliary gate valve will be included in the measurement for hydrant assembly and will not be included in this measurement item. - 7-12.5 Payment Measurement and Payment Schedule for installation of water mains and appurtenances is shown in Section 1-09.14 Section 7-12.5 is replaced with the following: �*****�� "Furnish and Install -Inch Gate Valve Assembly", per each. The unit contract grice per each for "Furnish and Install pay for the bid item as described in Secrion 1-09.14. -Inch Gate Valve Assembly" shall be full "Au-R�IeaseiAir-Vacuwn Vatve Assembly," per each. The unit contract price per for air-release/air-vacuum valve assembly shall be for all, labor, equipment and material to complete the installation of the assembly including but not limited to, excavating, tapping the main, laying and .jointing the pipe and fittings and appurtenances, backfilling, testing, flushing, and disinfection, meter box and cover, at location sho�vn on the plans, and per the City of Renton Standard Details, latest revision. "Adjust Existing Valve Box to Grade (RC)," per each_ The contract bid price for "Adjust Existing Valve Box to Grade" above shall be full compensation for all labor, matenal, tools and equipment necessary to satisfactorily complete the Work as defined in the Contract Documents, including all incidental Work. If not included as a separate pay itein in the Contract, but required to complete other Work in the Contract, then adjustment of valve boxes shall be considered incidental to other items of Work and no further compensation shall be made. 7-14 HYDRANTS 7-14.3(1) Setting Hydrants Parab aph four and five of Section 7-14.3(1) is revised and the section is supplemented as follows: �*�:�:�**� After all installarion and testing is complete, the e�cposed portion of the hydrant shall be painted with two field coats. The type and color of pa�nt will be designated by the Engineer. Any hydrant not in service shall be identified by covering with a burlap or plastic bag approved by the Engineer. Hydrants shall be installed in accordance with AWWA specifications C600-93, Sections 3.7 and 3.8.1 and the City of Renton Standard Details. Hydrant and guard posts shall be painted in accordance with the standard details. Upon completion of the project, all fire hydrants shall be painted to the City of Renton specifications and guard posts painted with two coats of preservative paint NO. 43-655 Safety Yellow or approved equal. Fire hydrants shall be of such length as to be suitable for installation with connections to 6", 8" AND 10" piping in trenches 3- 1i2 feet deep unless otherwise specified. The hydrant shall be designed for a 4-V2 foot burial where 12" and larger pipe is shown unless otherwise noted on the plan. Fire hydrant assembly shall include: cast-iron or ductile iron tee (MJ x FL), 6" gate valve (FL x M�, 78 10l26l2010 6" DI spool (PE x PE), 5-1/4" MVO fire hydrant (MJ connection), 4" x 5" Stortz adapter, cast iron valve box and cover, 3/4" shackle rods and accessories, concrete blocks and two concrete guard posts (only if hydrants aze outside of right-of-way). Joint restraint (Shackle Rods) shall be installed in accordance with Secrion 7-11.3(15). 7-14.3(3) .Resetting Eacisting Hydrants Section 7-14.3(3) is supplemented by adding the following: {*�*:x**� . All hydrants shall be rebuilt to the approval of the Ciry (or replaced with a new hydrant). All rubber gaskets shall be replaced with new gaskets of the type required for a new installation of the same h'Pe- 7-14.3(4) Moving E�sting Hydrants Section 7-14.3(4) is supplemented by adding the following: �*:���:��� All hydrants shall be rebuilt to the approval of the City (or replaced with a new hydrant). All rubber gaskets shall be repIaced with new gaskets of the type required for a new installation of the same type. 7-14.5 Payment i�i�ieaiSiTii �:ue�t i��d �ci j�'�i�iiC'Ti1ii ��hi,'di'a�i�ie �iQi IpTi��u�ii2i��iTi `aTf �i�i'i�tii i:c"aifiis i��� appurtenances is shown in Section 1-09.14 Section 7-14.5 is revised as follo��s: � ���***�x� Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for each of the following bid items that are included in the proposal: "Furnish and Install Hydrant Assembly", per each. The unit contract price per each for ° Furnish and Install Hydrant Assembly", shall be full pay for the bid item as described in Section 1-09.14. "Resetting Existing Hydrants", per each. T'he unit contract price per each for "Resetting Existing Hydrant" shall be full pay for all Work to reset the existing hydrant, including rebuilding (or replacement with a new hydrant), shaekling, blocking, painting, and guard posts and reconnecting to the main. The new pipe connecting the hydrant to the main shall be considered incidental and no additional payment shall be made. Guard posts, shown on the Plans shall be incidental to the contract. "Moving E�sting Hydrants", per each. The unit contract price per each for "Moving Existing Hydrant" shall be full pay for all Work to move the existing hydrant, including new tee, rebuilding (or replacement with a new hydrant), shackling, blocking, painting, and guard posts and reconnecting to the main. The new pipe connecting the hydrant to the main shall be considered incidental and no additional payment shall be made. Guard posts, sho��vn on the Plans shall be incidental to the conh-act. 7-15 SERVICE CONNECTIONS 7-15.3 Construction Details Section 7-15.3 is supplemented as follows: �****�*� � Pipe materials used to extend or replace existing water service lines shall be copper. Where installation is in existing paved streets, the senice Iines sha11 be installed by a trenchless `L� ' � � � 1 �I 10/26/2010 percussion and impact method (hoe-hogging). If the trenchless percussion and impact method fails, regular apen trench methods may be used. 7-15.5 Payment Measurement and Payment Schedule for installation of water mains and appurtenances is shown in Section 1-09.14 Section 7-15.5 is revised as follows: �***:�**� . Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid item when it is included in the proposal: "Furnish and Install In. Water Service Connection", per each. ' The unit contract price per each for " Fumish and Install In. Water Service Connection", shall be full pay for the bid item as described in Section 1-09.14_ C�I � � 1 , , ' ' , 7-17 SANITARY SEWERS 7-17.2 Materials Section 7-172 is replaced with die foitowiug: �******� Pipe Gravity sewer pipe shall be as specified herein and as shown on the Plans. The Contractor shall provide two copies of the pipe manufacturer's technical literature and tables of dimensional tolerances to tbe Engineer. Any pipe found to have dimensional tolerances in excess of those prescribed or having defects, which prevent adequate joint seal or any other damage, shall be rejected. If requested by the Engineer, not less than three nor more than five lengths of pipe for each size, selected from stock by the Engineer, shall be tested as specified for maacimum dimensional tolerance of the respective pipe. Material for PVC sewer pipe shall meet the requirements of Section 9-05.12. All pipe shall be cIearly marked with type, class, and thickness. Lettering shall be legible and permanent under normal conditions of handling and storage. 7-17.3 Construction Requirements 7-17.3(1) Protection of Existing Sewerage Facilities Section 7-17.3( I) is supplemented by adding the following: �***�**� When extending an existing sewer, the downstream system shall be protected from construction debris by placing a screen or trap in the first e�sting manhole downstream of the connection. It shall be the Contractor s responsibility to maintain this screen or trap until the new system is placed in service and then to remove it. Any construction debris, which enters the existing downstream system, shall be removed by the Contractor at his expense, and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. When the first manhole is set, its outlet shall be plugged unril acceptance by the Engineer. ' 7=17.3(2)H Television Inspection Section 7-17.3(2)H is supplemented by adding the following: ��**�=**� ' Once the television inspection has been completed the Contractor shal( submit to the Engineer the written reports of the inspection plus the videotapes. Said videotapes are to be in color and compatible wifh the City's viewing and recording systems. � , � 80 ] 0l26/2010 The Ciry system accepts 1/2" wide high density VHS Tapes. The tapes will be run at standard speed SP (1 5/16 I.P.S.). The Ciry will also accept video submitt;als on DVD viewable on a standard player or a CD or DVD compatible with Cues DataCAP 4.0. 7-17.4 Measurement Section 7-17.4 is supplemented as follows: �******� Measurement of `Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill Sewer" will be determined by the cubic yard in place, measured by the neat line dimensions shown in the Plans, or by the ton an truck tickets. 7-17.5 Payment Measurement and Payment Schedule for installation of sanitary sewer mains and appurtenances is shown in Section 1-09.14 Seetion 7-17.5 is revised and supplemented as follows: ���x�***� Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for each of the following bid items that are included in the proposal: "Furnish and Install In. sewer pipe", per linear foot. �c un�t contract p�ice p�r each fc: " Furnish and Ins:a!1 In. for the bid item as described in Section 1-09.14_ "Furnish and Install In. side sewer pipe", per (inear foot. ' � ' 1 ' � � sewer FiY�", shall be full pay ' The unit contract price per each for " Furnish and Install In. side sewer pipe", shall be full pay for the bid item as described in Section 1-09.14. "Testing Sewer Pipe", per linear foot. The unit contract pnce per linear foot for "Testing Sewer Pipe" shall be full pay for all labor, material and equipment required to conduct the leakage tests required in Section 7-17.3(2). If no unit price for "Testing Sewer Pipe" is included it shall be considered incidental to the pipe items. "Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable Material", per cubic yard or ton. The unit contract price per cubic yard or ton for "Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable Material" shall be full pay for all Work to remove unsuitable material and replace and compact suitable material as specified in Section 7-08.3(1)A. "Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill Sewer", per cubic yard or ton. The unit contract price per cubic yard or ton for "Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill Sewer" shall be full pay for all Work to furnish, place, and compact material in the trench. "Television Inspection", per linear foot. 8-09 RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS 8-09.5 Payment Section 8-09.5 has been revised as follows: �x�**�:**� Payment will be made for each of the following bid items that are included in the proposal: "Raised Pavement Marker Type 1", per each. "Raised Pavement Marker Type 2", per each. "Raised Pavement Marker Type 3- In.", per each. "Recessed Pavement Marker", per each. The unit contract price per each for "Raised Pavement Marker Type 1", "Raised Pavement Marker Type 2", and "Raised Pavement Marker Type 3- In_" and "Recessed Pavement Marker" shall be full pay for all labor, materials, and equipment necessary for furnishing and installing the markers 81 � 1 ' 1 ' � � r ' , � , � ' ' , toi�6noio in accordance with these Specifications, including all cost involved with traffic control unless traffic control is listed in the Contract as a separate pay item. 8-13 MONUMENT CASES 8-13.1 Description Section 8-13.1 is revised and supplemented as follows: �******� This Work shall consist of furnishing and placing monument cases and covers, in accordance with the Standard Plans and these Specifications, in conformity with the lines and locarions shown in the Plans or as staked by the Engineer or by the Contractor supplied Surveyor. 8-13.3 Construction Requirements ' Paragraphs 2 and 3 of Section 8-13.3 is revised and supplemented as follows: �*��***� The monument will be furnished and set by the Engineer or by the Contractor supplied Surveyor. , When exisring monuments will be impacted by a project, the Contractor sha11 be .responsible for assuring that a registered surveyor references the existmg monuments prior to construction. After construction is complete, the monuments shall be re-established by the Surveyor in accordance with RCW58.09.130. ' ' ' , � � � � 8-13.4 Measurement Section 8-13.4 is supplemented by adding the following: �*:x****} All costs for surveying and resetting existing monuments impacted by construction shall be considered incidental to the Contract unless specifically called out to be paid as a bid item. 8-13.5 Payment Section 8-13.5 is supplemented by adding the following: �*��*�*� "Reset Existing Monument" per each. Resetting an e�sting monument impacted by construction shall be incidental unless included as a pay item in the Schedule of Prices. 8-14 CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALKS 8-14.3(4) Curing Section 8-14.3(4) is replaced with: �*�x****� The cunng materials and procedures outlined in Section 5-05.3(13) of the Standard Specifications shall prevaii, exce�t that white pigmented curing compound sha11 not be used on sidewalks. The curing agent shall be applied immediately after brushing and be maintained for a period of 5 days. The Contractor shall have readily available sufficient protective covering, such as waterproof paper or ' plastic membrane, to cover the pour of an entire day in the event of rain or other unsuitable weather. During the curing period, all traffic, both pedestrian and vehicular, shall be excluded. Vehicular traffic sball be excluded for such additional time as the Engineer may specify. � J � ' � The Contractor shall be responsible for barricading, patrolling, or otherwise protecting the newly placed concrete to prevent damage_ Damaged, vandalized, discolored, stained, or unsightly concrete shall be removed and replaced at the expense of the Contractor. 8-14.4 Measurement Section 8-14.4 is suppleinented by adding the following: �*:�****� When the Contract contains a pay item for "Curb Ramp, Cement Concrete," the per each 82 10/26YZ010 measurement shall include all costs for the complete installation per the Plans and standard details including e�ansion joint material, curb and gutter and ramped sidewalk section. Sawcutting, removal and disposal of excavated materials including existing pavement and sidewalk, crushed surfacing base materials and all other Work, materials and equipment required per Section 5-14, shall be included in the per each price for "Curb Ramp, Cement Concrete" unless any of these other items are tisted and specified to be paid as separate pay items. If the Contract does not provide a pay item for "Gurb Ramp, Cement Concrete," but the Plans call for such installation, then quantities shall be measured with and paid for under the bid items for Curb and Gutter and for Cement Concrete Sidewalk. When curb ramps are to be constructed of asphalt concrete, the payment shall be included in the pay item for "Miscellaneous arid/or Driveway Asphalt Concrete." 5-14.5 Payment Section 8-14_5 is supplemented by adding the following: �******� "Curb Ramp, Cement Concrete," per each. Payment for excavation of material not related to the construction of the sidewalk but necessary before the sidewalk can be placed, when and if shown in the Plans, will be made in accordance with the provisions of Section 2-03. Otherwise, the Contractor shall make all excavations including haul and uisposal, regardl�ss �f t'�e depth requir�� for constructing t�:e sidewa(k to uhy IITI�.s and �ades shown, and shall include all costs thereof in the unit contract price per square yard for "Cement Concrete Sidewalk" and the per each contract price for "Curb Ramp, Cement Concrete." 8-17 IMPACT ATTENUATOR SYSTEMS 8-17.5 Payment Section 8-17.5 is supplemented by the following: ��*�***� If no pay item is included for temporary impact attenuators then all costs to provide and install shall be considered a part of the pay item far "Traffic Control." 8-20 ILLUMINATION, TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEMS, AND ELECTRICAL 8-20.2(1) Equipment List and Drawings �*****�� Para�aph four of Section 8-20.2(1) is revised and supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall submit for approval six sets of shop drawings for each of the following types of standards called for on this project: l. Light standards with or without pre-approved Plans. 2. Signal standards with or without pre-approved Plans. 3. Combination Signal and lighting standards. 4. Meta1 Strain Poles. Parab aph five of Section 8-202(1} is deleted. Paraa aph six of Section 8-202(1) is deleted. Section 8-202(1) is supplemented as follows: The Contractor also shall submit either on the signal standard shop drawings or attached to the signal standard shop drawings all dimensioris to clearly show the specific mast arm mounring height and signal tenon locarions for each signal pole to be installed. 8-22 PAVEMENT MARKING 8-22.I Descripdon The following item in Section 8-22_ 1 is revised as follows: 83 � � � , ' � L� ' ' � � � , , � 10/26/2010 ���*##*�. Crosswalk Stripe A SOLID WHITE line, 8 inches wide and 10-feet long, installed para11e1 to another crosswalk stripe and parallel to the direction of traffic flow and centered in pairs on iane lines and the center of lanes. See detail sheet. Skip Center Line (Replacement) A BROKEN YELLOW line 4 inches wide_ The broken or "skip" pattem shall be based on a 24-foot unit consisting of a 9-foot line and a I S-foot gap. Skip center strip is used as centerline delineation on two-lane or three-lane, two-way highways. Dounle Yellow Center Line (Replacement) Two SOLID YELLOW lines, each 4 inches wide, separated by a 4-inch space. Double yellow center stripe is used as centerline delineation on multilane, two-way highways and for channelization. Approach Line (New) A SOLID WHITE line, 8 inches wide, used to separate left and right tuming movements from through movements, to separate high occupancy vehicle lanes from general-purpose lanes, for islands, hash marks, and other applications. Hash mark stripes shall be placed on 45-degree angle and 10 feet apart. Lane Line (Replacemet�i) A BROKEN WHITE line, 4 inches wide, used to delineate adjacent lanes traveling in the same direcrion. The broken or "skip" pattem shall be based on a 24-foot unit consisting of a 9-foot line and a 15-foot gap. Two Way Left Turn Line (Replacement) A SOLID YELLOW line, 4 inches wide, with a BROKEN YELLOW line, 4 inches wide, separated by a 4-inch space. The broken or "skip" pattern shall be based on a 24-foot unit consisting of a 9-foot line and a 15-foot space. The solid line shall be installed to the right of the broken line in the direction of travel. Crosswalk Line (Replacement) A SOLID WHITE line, 8 inches wide and 10 feet long, installed parallel to another crosswalk stripe and parallel to the direction of traffic flow and centered in pairs on lane lines and the center of lanes. See detail sheet. Stop Line (Replacement) A SOLID WHITE line 12, 18, or 24 inches wide as noted on the Contract Plans. 8-22.3(5) Installation Instructions Section 8-223(5) is revised as follows: �******� A manufacturer's technical representative need not be present at the initial material installation to approve the installation procedure. 8-22.5 Payment ' Section 8-22.5 is supplemented as follows: �*:��**:�� "Approach Stripe," per linear foot. , "Remove Paint Line ....." wide," per lineaz foot.* ' ' ,--, L�' "Remove Plastic Line ......" Wide," per linear foot.* "Remove existing traffic markings, "per Lump Sum.* *The linear foot contract price for "Remove Paint Line" and "Remove Plastic Line" and the lump sum R4 �a2�zoio contract price for "Remove e�cisting traffic markings" shall be full compensation for furnishing all labor, tools, material, and equipment necessary for removal of existing traffic markings as per the Plans, Specifications and detail sheets. If these pay items do not appear in the contract schedule of prices, then the removal of old or conflicting traffic markings required to complete the channelization of the project as shown on the Plans or detail sheets shall be considered incidental to other items in the Contract and no further compensation shall be made. 8-23 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT MARKINGS 8-23.5 Payment Secrion 8-23.5 is supplemented with the following: �******� If no pay item is included in the Contract for installation, or for removal of temporary pavement markings, then a(1 costs associated with these items are considered incidental to other items in the Contract or included under "Traffic Control," if that item is included as a bid item. 9-03.8(7) HMA Tolerances and Adjustments Item 1 is deleted and replaced with: �******� 1. Job Mix Formula Tolerances. After the JMF is determined as required in 5-04.3(7)A, the constituents of the mixture at the time of acceptance shall conform to the following tolerances: Nonstatistical Commercial Evaluation Evaluation Aggregate, percent passing 1", 3�4��� %2", and 3/8" sieves U.S. No. 4 sieve ±6% ±(,% - ±6% ±4% ±4% ±4% ±3% ±2.0% ±0.5% ±8% ±8% ±8% ±6% ±6% ±6% ±5% ±3.0% ±0.7% U.S. No_ 8 sieve U.S. No. 16 sieve U.S. No. 30 sieve U.S. No. 50 sieve U.S. No_ 100 sieve U.S. No. 200 sieve Asphalt Binder VMA VFA Va 1.5% below minimum value in 9-03.8(2) minimum and maximum as listed in 9-03.8(2) 2.5% minimum and 5.5% maximum These tolerance limits constitute the allowable limits as described in Section 1-06.2. The tolerance limit for aggregate shall not exceed the limits of the control point's section, except the tolerance limits for sieves designated as 100% passing will be 99-100. 9-OS DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, CULVERTS, AND CONDUITS 9-05.4 5teel Culvert Pipe and Pipe Arch (RC) Section 9-05.4 is revised as follows: �******� Steel culvert pipe and pipe arch shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M 36, Type I and Type II. Welded seam aluminum coated (aluminized) corrugated steel pipe and pipe arch with metallized coating applied inside and out following welding is acceptable and shall be asphalt treatment coated. 9-05.7(2) Reinforced Concrete Storm Sewer Pipe (RC) Section 9-OS_7(2) is replaced by the following: �******� 85 � i � � ' ' , Ci � ' � � ' ' � ' , ' � � 10l26/2010 Reinforced Concrete Storm Sewer pipe shall conform to the requirements of ASTM G76 and shall be Class N Cement used in the manufacture of reinforced concrete pipe shall be Type II in conformance withASTM C150. No admixture shall be used unless otherwise specified. 9-05.7(2)A Basis for Acceptance (RC) Section 9-05.7(2)A is supplemented by the following: �*�****� All pipe shall be subject to (I) a three-edge-bearing strength (D-load) test in accordance with ASTM C76; and (2) a hydrostatic test of rubber gasket joints in accordance with ASTM C361 or AWWA C302 except test pressure shall be 5 psi. 9-05.7(3) Concrete Storm Sewer Pipe Joints (RC) Section 9-05.7(3) is replaced by the following: �*��*�*� Joint assembly design shall be reinforced concrete bell and spigot type incorporating a fully retained single rubber gasket in accordance with ASTM C361 or AWWA C302. Rubber gasket material shall be neoprene. 9-05.7(4} Testing Concrete Storm Sewer Pipe Joints (RC) Section 9-05.7(4) is supplemented by the following: �******� Hy�irostatic iestitlg of rubber gasxet joints snail 'oe performed in accordance wiih ASTM C361 or AWWA C302 except test pressure shall be 5 psi. 9-05.9 Steel Spiral Rib Storm Sewer Pipe (RC) Section 9-05.9 is replaced with: ���*�x**� The manufacturer of spiral rib storm sewer pipe shall furnish the Engineer a Manufacturer's Certificate of Compliance stating that the materials furnished comply in all respects with these Specifications. The Engineer may require additional information or tests to be performed by the Contractor at no expense to the City. Unless otherwise specified, spiral rib storm sewer pipe shall be fumished with pipe ends cut perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the pipe. Pipe ends shall be cut evenly. Spiral rib pipe shall be fabricated either by using a continuous helical lock seam or a continuous helical welded seam paralleling the rib. Steel spiral rib storm sewer pipe shall be manufactured of inetallic coated (aluminized or galvanized) corrugated steel and inspected in conformance with Section 9-05.4. The size, coatin�, and metal shall be as shown in the Plans or in the Specifications. For spiral rib storm sewer pipe, helical ribs shall project outwardly from the smooth pipe wall and shall be fabricatcd from a smgle thickness of materiaL The ribs shall be essentiaity rectangular and shall be 3/4 inch plus two times the wall thickness (2t) plus or minus 1/8 inch (measured outside to outside) and a minimum of 0.95 inch high (measured as the minimum vertical distance from the outside of pipe wall immediately adjacent to the lockseam or stiffener to the top surface of rib). The maximum spacing of the ribs shall be 11.75 inches center to center (measured normal to the direction of the ribs). The radius of bend of the metal at the comers of the ribs shall be a minimum of 0.10 inch and a maximum of 0.17 inch. If the sheet between adjacent ribs does not contain a lockseam, a stiffener shall be included midway between ribs, having a nominal radius of 025 inch and a minimum height of 020 inch toward the outside of the pipe. Pipe shall be fabricated with ends that can be effectively jointed with coupling bands. When required, spiral rib or narrow pitch spiral rib pipe shall be bituminous treated or paved. The bituminous treatment for spiral nb p�pe shall conform to the requirements of Sections 9-05.4(3} and 9-05.4(4). For narrow pitch spiral rib sewer pipe, the helical ribs shall project outwardly from the smooth pipe E:�� � oiz6�zoio wall and shall be fabricated from a single thickness of material. The ribs shall be .375 inch + 1/8 inch wide (measured outside to outside) and a minimum of .4375 inch high (measured as the minimum vertical distance of ribs sball be 4.80 inches center to center (measured normal to the direction of the ribs). The radius of bend of the metal at the comers of the ribs sha11 be 0.0625 inch with an allowable tolerance of+ 10 percent. 9-05.12 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe Section 9-05.12(3) is a new additional section: �******� 9-05.12(3} CPEP Sewer Pipe Section 9-05.12(3) is a new additional section: �**�*�*� CPEP - Smooth interior pipe and fittings shall be manufactured from high density polyethylene resin which sha.11 meet or exceed the requirements of Type 1I l, Category 4 or 5, Grade P33 or P34, Class C per ASTM D1248. In addition, the pipe sha11 comply with all material and stiffness requirements of AASHTO M294. � 9-05.14 ABS Composite Sewer Pipe Section 9-05.14 is deleted t******� 9-45.17 Aluminum Spiral Rib Storm Sewer Pipe Section 9-05.17 is replaced with: �*�:**��x} Unless othenvise specified, spiral rib storm sewer pipe shall be fumished with pipe ends cut perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the pipe. Pipe ends shall be cut evenly. Spiral nb pipe shall be fabricated by using a continuous helical lock seam with a seam gasket. For spiral rib storm sewer pipe, helical ribs shall groject outwardly from the smooth pipe wall and shall be fabricated from a single thickness of material. The ribs shall be 3/4 inch wide by 3/4 inch deep with a nominal spacing of 7-1/2 inches center to center. Pipe shall be fabricated with ends that can be effectively jointed with coupling bands. For narrow pitch spiral rib storm sewer pipe, helical ribs shall project outwardly from the smooth pipe wall and shall be fabricated from a single thickness of material. The ribs shall be 0_375 inch + 1/8 inch wide (measured outside to outside) and a minimum spacing of ribs shall be 4.80 inches center to center (measured normal to the direction of the ribs). The radius of bend of the metal at the comers of the ribs shall be 0.0625 inch with an allowable tolerance of + 10 percent. For wide pitch spiral rib storm se�ver pipe, helical nbs shall project outwardly from the smooth pipe wall and shall be fabricated from a single thickness of material. The ribs sball be 3/4 inch + 1/8 inch wide (measured outside to outside) and a minimum of 0.95 inch high (measured as the minimum vertical distance from the outside of pipe wall to top surface of the rib). The maximum spacing of ribs shall be 11.75 inches center to center (measured normal to the direction of the ribs). The radius of bend of the metai at the corners of the ribs shall be 0.0625 inch with an allowable tolerance of + 10 percent. 9-05.22 High Density Polyethylene Piping Section 9-0522 is a new section: �******} DRISCOPLEXT"' 4100 Aigh-density Polyethyiene Piping 1 General Terms and Conditions 11 Scope - This Specification covers requirements for DriscoPlexT"" 4100 PE 3408 high-density 87 , � � ' � , � � � J � 1 � � � � � , 1 ' '�1 � � �� � � L� � �1 � L� i ' � oi�6�2oio polyethytene piping. All Work shall be performed in accordance with these Specifications. 1.2 Engineered and Approved Plans - Construction shall be performed in accordance with Engineered Construction Plans for the Work prepared under the direction of a Professional Engineer_ 1.3 Referenced Standards - Where all or part of a federal, ASTM, ANSI, AWWA, etc., Standard Specification is incorporated by reference in these Specifications, the reference standard shall be the latest edition and revision. 1.4 Licenses and Permits — The Contractor shall be licensed and bonded. 1.5 Inspections - Al( Work shall be inspected by an Authorized Representative of the City who shall have the authority to halt const►-uction if, in his opinion, these Specifications or standard construction practices are not being followed. Whenever any portion of these Specifications is violated, the Engineer shall, by written notice, order further construction to cease until all deficiencies are corrected. 2 Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings 2.1 Qualifications of Manufacturers - The manufacturer shall have manufacturing and quality assurance facilities capable of producing and assuring the quality of the pipe and fittings required by these Specifications. The manufacturer's production facilities shall be open for inspection by the City or his Authorized Representative. The Project Engineer shall approve qualified manufacturers. 2.2 Materials - Black PE materials used for the manufacture of polyethylene pipe and fittings shall be � PE 3408 high density polyethylene, meeting ASTM D 3350 cell classification 345464C and shall be listed in the name of the pipe and fitting manufacturer in PPI (Plastics Pipe Institute) TR-4, with a standard grade HDB rating of 1600 psi at 73°F. Color material, when used, shall be the same except � for meeting ASTM D 3350 cell classification 345464E. The material shall be listed and approved for potable water in accordance with NSF Standard 61. When requested on the order, the manufacturer shall certify that the materials used to manufacture pipe and fittings meet these requirements. ' , 1 � 2.3 Interchangeability of Pipe and Fittings - The same qualified and approved manufacturer shall produce polyethylene pipe and fittings. Products such as fittings or flange adapters made by sub- contractors or distributors are prohibited. 2.4 Polyethylene Fittings & Custom Fabrications - Polyethylene fittings and custom fabrications shall be molded or fabricated by the approved pipe manufacturer. All fittings and custom fabrications shall be pressure rated for the same internal pressure rating as the mating pipe. 2.5 Molded Fitrings - Molded fittings shall be manufachzred and tested in accordance wifh ASTM D 3261 and shall be so marked. Molded fittings shail be tested in accordance with AWWA C906. 2.6 Fabricated Fittings - Fabricated fittings shall be made by heat fusion joining specially machined � shapes cut from pipe, polyethylene sheet stock or molded fittings. Fabricated fittings shall be rated for internal pressure service at least equal to the full service pressure raring of the mating pipe. Fabricated fittings shail be tested in accordance with AWWA C906. � � � 2J Polyethylene Flange Adapters - Flange adapters shall be made with sufficient through-bore (en�th to be clamped in a butt fusion-joining machine without the use of a stub-end holder. The sealing surface of the flange adapter shall be machined with a series of small v-shaped grooves (senations) to 88 �oi26noio promote gasketless sealing, or restrain the gasket against blowout. 2.8 Back-up Rings & Flange Bolts - Flange adapters sball be fitted with back-up rings that are pressure rated equal to or greater than the maring pipe. The back-up ring bore shall be chamfered or radiused to provide clearance to the flange adapter radius. Flange bolts and nuts shall be Grade 3 or higher 9-08 PAINTS 9-08.8 Manhole Coating System Products Section 9-08.8 is a new section and subsections: ��*****� 9-08.8(1) Coating Systems Specification A. High Solids Urethane Coating System: Coating Material: Surfaces: Surface Prc�� ation: Application: System Thickness: Coatings: Color: C1 High Solids Urethane Concrete In accordance with SSPC SP-7 (Swecp ar brs;� aff blast) Shop/Field: T'he drying time between coats shall not exceed 24 hours in any case 6.0 mils dry film Primer: One coat of Wasser MGAroshield high solids urethane (2.0 DFT) Finish: Two or more coats of Wasser MC-Aroshield (min. 4.0 DFT) White 9-23 CONCRETE CURING MATERIALS AND ADMIXTUR.ES 9-23.9 Fly Ash (i2C) Section 9-23.9 is revised as follows: �******� Fly ash shall not be used around water lines. 9-30 WATER DISTRIBUTION MATERIALS 9-30.1(1) Ductile Iron Pipe (RC) Section 9-30.1(1) is revised as follows: �*****�� Ductile iron pipe shall be centrifugally cast and meet the requirements ofAWWA C151. Ductile iron pipe shall have a cement-mortar lining meeting the requirements ofAWWA C104. All other ductile iron pipe shall be Standard Thickness Class 52 or the thickness class as shown in the Plans. 9-30.3(1) Gate Valves (3 inc6es to 12 inches) Secrion 9-30.3(1) is replaced with: �$*�***� 89 � 1 , , � � ' � � � � 1 ' , � � � ' � �oiz6noio Valves shall be designed for a minimum water operating pressure of 200 PSI. Gate valves shall be Iowa List 14, Mueller Company No. A2380, Kennedy, or M&H. Approval of valves other than models specified shall be obtained prior to bid opening. All gate valves less than 12" in diameter shall include an 8" x 24" cast iron gate valve box and extensions, as required_ All 12" diameter and larger gate valves shall be installed in a vault. See the City of Renton Standard Details for 12" gate valve assembly vault and 1" bypass installation. Gate valves shall conform to AWWA C500 and shall be iron body, bronze-mounted, double disc with bronze wedging device and O-ring stuf�mg box. Resilient Seated Gate Valves: Resilient seated gate valves shall be manufactured to meet or exceed the requirements of AWWA Standard C5091atest revisions. All external and internal ferrous metal surfaces of the gate valve shall be coated for corrosion protection with fusion bonded epoxy. The epoxy coating shall be factory applied to all valve parts pnor to valve assembly and shall meet or exceed the requirements of AWWA Standard C-550 latest revision. Valves shall be provided with two (2) internal O-ring stems seals. The valves shall be equipped with one (1) anti-friction washer. The resilient gate valve shall have rubber sealing surfaces to perm;t bi-directional flow. T�e stem skall be independent of the stem nut or integrally cast. Manufacturers of Resilient Seated Gate Valves shall provide the City on request that the valve materials meet the City specifications. Valves shall be designed for a minimum water operating pressure of 200 psi. End connections shall be mechanical joints, flanged joints or mechanical by flanged joints as shown on the project plans. , Resilient Seated Gate Valves shall be U.S. Metroseal 250, Clow, M&H Style 3067, Mueller Series 2370, Kennedy. Approval of valves other than madel specified shall be obtained prior to bid opening. All gate valves less than 12 inches in diameter shall include an 8"x24" cast iron gate valve box and extensions, as required_ All 12 inch diameter and larger resilient seated gate valves shall have a 1 inch by-pass assembly and shall be installed in a concrete vault per City of Renton Standard Details, latest revision. 9-30.3(3) Butterfly Valves Section 9-30.3(3) is supplemented by adding the following: �******� Butterfly valves shall be Dresser 450 or Pratt Groundhog. 9-30.3(5) Valve Marker Posts Section 9-30.3(5) has been deleted and replaced with the following: ��***:*� The valve markers shall be fabricated and installed in conformance with the Standard Drawings. Valve markers shall be carsonite composite utility marker .375"x 6'-0" or approved equal with blue label "water." 9-30.3(7) Combination Air Release/Air Vacuum Valves Section 9-303(7) has been supplemented as follows: �***$**� 90 i aa6no i o Air and vacuum release valves sha11 be APCO- Valve and Primer Corp, "Heavy-Duty," combination air release valve, or equal. Installation shall be per the City of Renton Standard Details, latest revision. Piping and fitting shall be copper or brass. Location of the air release valve as show on the plans is approximate_ The installation shall be set at the high point of the line. 9-30.3(8) Tapping Sleeve and Valve Assembly Section 9-30.3(8) is revised as follows: �*�****� Tapping sleeves shall be cast iron, ductile iron epoxy-coated steel, or other approved material. 9-30.3(9) Blow-OffAssembly 5ection 9-30.3(9) is a new section: �*��*�*� Permanent blow-off assembly shall be #78 Kupferle Foundry Co. or approved equal. Installation of blow-off permanent blow-off assembly shall be per City of Renton Standard Details, latest revision. Pipe and fittings shall be galvanized. Blow-off. assembly shall be installed at location(s) shown on the plans. Temporary blow-off assembly on new dead-end water main shall be installed at location shown on the plans. Temporary blow-off assemblies for testing and flushing of the new water mains will not be included under this item and shall be considered incidental to the contract and no additional payment shall be made. 9-30.5 Hydrants Section 9-30.5 is supplemented by adding the following: �***�**� Fire hydrants shall be Iowa, Corey Type (opening with the pressure) or approved equal conforming to AWWA C-502-85. Approval must be obtained prior to bid opening. Compression type fire hydrants (opening against pressure) shall be Clow IVledallion, M&H 929, Mueller Super Centurion 200, conforming to AWWA G502-85. 9-30.5(1) End Connections (RC) Section 9-30.5(1) is supplemented by adding the following: �*�*�**� Hydrants shall be constructed with mechanical joint connection unless otherwise specified in bid proposal descriprion. 9-30.5(2) Hydrant Dimensions Section 9-30_5(2) is replaced with the following: �*�x�***� Fire hydrants shall be Corey type (opening with the pressure) or compression type (opening against pressure) conforming to AWWA C-502-85 with a 6 inch mechanical joint inlet and a main valve opening (M.V.O.) of 5 1/4 inches, two 2 1/2 inch hose nozzles with National Standard Threads 7 1/2 threads per inch and one 4 inch pumper nozzles with the new Seattle Pattern 6 threads per inch, 60 degrees V_ Threads, outside diameter of male tread 4.875 and root diameter 4.6263. Hydrants shall have a 1-1/4" pentagon operating nut opened by tuming counter clockwise (left). The two 2=1/2" hose nozzles shall be fitted with cast iron threaded caps with operating nut of the same design and proportions as the hydrant stem nut. Caps shall be fitted with suitable neoprene 91 � LJ � ' � , � � ' � � � , LJ , � ' ' ' LJ � , � � � � � � � � 1 t t 1 ! i 1 1 ] 0/26/2010 gaskets for positive water tightness under test pressures. The 4" pumper nozzle shall be fitted with a Stortz adapter, 4" Seattle Thread x 5" Stortz. Stortz adapter shall be forged and/or extruded 6061-T6 aluminum alloy, hardcoat anodized. Threaded end portion shall have no lugs and 2 set screws 180 degrees apart. Stortz face to be metal, no gasket to weather. Stortz cap to have synthetic molded rubber gasket, and shall be attached to hydrant adapter with 1/8" coated stainless steel aircraft cable. Fire hydrants shall be installed per City of Renton Standard Details for fire hydrants, latest revisions. 9-30.6(3)B Polyethylene Pipe Section 9-30.6(3)B has been modified as follows: �*:�****� Polyethylene pipe shall not be used. 9-30.6(4) Service Fittings Section 9-30.6(4) has been revised as follows: �*�:****� Fittings used for copper tubing shall be compression _type with gripper ring. 9-30.6(5) Meter Setters Section 9-30_6(5) has been supplemented as follows: t*�:��=**� Meter sctters shall be installed per the City of Renton Standard Details for water meters, latest revision. �2 , . . . i � i � !� � � i i �PECIAL PROVI�IONS (PART I I ) 1 0 � � . 1 � ! t � � � t i I i � � �� i � � � � , � � � � � � � � � SUB-SECTION 10.00Q00 INTRODUCTION Sub-Section 10.00000 describes the numbering format used with Division 10 of the Special Provisions (Part II). Division 10 is in CSI format and some modifications have been made to the typical numbering system used in CSI. A"10." has been added to all of the CSI numbering in Division 10 in order to separate items in this Section from the rest of the WSDOT Division numbering in the Special Provisions (Part I). Furthermore, a DIVISION in CSI is equivalent to a SECTION in the Special Provisions (Part II) and the 5-digit CSI Section number now becomes a Sub-Section. The following table illustrates the typical CSI numbering on the left and the new numbering on the right: � CSI Standard Numberin� Format (No CSI Standard) DIVISION 1 SECTION 10.1 01410 Regulatory Requirements DIVISION 2 SECTION 10.2 02Z22 Selective Demolition Special Provisions (Part II) Numberin� Format DIVISION 10 10.01410 Regulatory Requirements 10.02222 Selective Demolition END OF SUB-SECTION � pw:Uoco-pw-app:CarollolDocumentslClientlWAll2enron18235A101SpecificationsN�.00000.docx � l � � � i � i �� � � � � , CITY OF RENTON WESNIEW LIFT STATION UPGRADES TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 10 - SPECIAL PROVISIONS (PART II) SECTION 10.01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SUB-SECTION T1TLE NO. 10.01140 WORK RESTRICTIONS 10.01410 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS 10.01500 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 10.09610 PROJECT DESIGN CRITERIA 10.01612 SEISMIC DESIGN CRITERIA 10.01732 CUTTING AND PATCHING 10.01756 TESTING, TRAINING, AND FACILITY START-UP 10.01770 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES 10.01782 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA SECTION 10.02 - SITEWORK 10.02222 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION 10.02240 DEWATERING 10.02260 EXCAVATION SUPPORT AND PROTECTION 10.02490 PRECAST CONCRETE VAULTS 10.03455 10.03071 10.03072 10.03102 10.03300 10.03600 10.03925 SECTION 10.03 - CONCRETE EPDXY BONDING ALL THREAD RODS IN CONCRETE EPDXIES EPDXY RESIN/PORTLAND CEMENT BONDING AGENT CONCRETE FORMWORK CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE GROUTS CONCRETE REPAIR AND COATING SECTION 1Q.04 - MASONRY NOT USED October 26, 2010 - FINAL TOC-1 8235A10 � pw:ibco-pwapp:CarollolDocumentslClientlWAlRenton18235A101Speafica5onslWestview Spec TOC.doc 10.05120 SECTION 10.05 - METALS STRUCTURALSTEEL SECTION 10.06 - WOOD AND PLASTICS NOT USED 10.08320 SECTION 10.07 - THERM�►L AND MOISTURE PROTECTION NOT USED SECTION 10.08 - DOORS AND WINDOWS ACCESS HATCHES SECTION 10.09 - FINISHES 10.Q9960A COAT!(�GS SECTION 10.10 - SPECIALTIES NOT USED SECTION 10.11 - EQUIPMENT 10.11312J SUBMERSIBLE SUMP PUMPS 10.11313 GRINDER PUMPS AND ACCESSORIES SECTION 10.12 - FURNISHINGS NOT USED SECTION 10.13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTIONS NOT USED SECTI�N 10.14 — CONVEYING SYSTEMS NOT USED October 26, 2010 - FINAL TOC-2 8235A10 pw:lbco-pw-app:CarollolDocuments\ClienHWAlRenton18235A101Specifications\Westview Spec TOC.doc � � � � � � � � � � � � 1 ' � u � SECTION 10.15 - MECHANICAL 10.15050 BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS 10.15052 BASIC PIPING MATERIALS AND METHODS 10.15061 PIPE SUPPORTS '10.15062 PREFORMED CHANNEL PIPE SUPPORT SYSTEM 10.15075 MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION 10.15110 VALVES 10.15114 CHECK VALVES 10.15116 PLUG VALVES 10.15255 STAINLESS STEEL PIPING 10.15265 PLASTIC PIPING AND TUBING 10.15956 PIPING SYSTEMS TESTING 10.15958 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT TESTING SECTION 10.16 - ELECTRICAL 10.16050 GENERAL REQU(REMENTS FOR ELECTRICAL WORK 10.16052 HAZARDOUS CLASSIFIED AREA CONSTRUCTION 10.16070 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS 10.16075 ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION 10_16123 600 VOLT OR LESS WIRES AND CABLES 10.16130 CONDUITS 10.16134 BOXES 10.16140 WIRING DEVICES 10.16950 FIELD ELECTRICAL ACCEPTANCE TESTS SECTION 10.17 - INSTRUMENTATION 10.17050 PROCESS CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEMS GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 10.17201 LEVEL MEASUREMENT - SWITCHES 10.17404 PRESSURENACUUM MEASUREMENT - GAUGES 10.17407 PRESSURE MEASUREMENT - SUBMERSIBLE _ October 26, 2010 - FINAL TOG3 8235A1 Q � pw:ibco-pwapp:CarollotDocumentsiClienflWAlRenron+8235A10lSpecificationslWestview Spec TOC.doc �� � � � PART1 GENERAL � 1.01 SUMMARY SUB-SECTION 10.01140 WORK RESTRICTIONS � A. Section Includes: Requirements for sequencing and scheduling the Work affected by existing site and facility, work restrictions, and coordination between construction operations and lift station operations_ � � LJ B. Related Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. 2. 1t is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The following Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub- Section. This list of Related Sub-Sections is provided far convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. a. Sub-Section 10.01500 - Temporary Facilities and Controls. � 1.02 GENERAL CONSTRAINTS ON SEQUENCE AND SCHEDULING OF WORK � � � a � II � A. Work sequence and constraints: 1. Utilize description of critical events in work sequence in this Sub-Section as a guideline for scheduling and undertaking the Work. 2_ Work sequence and constraints presented do not include all items affecting completion of the Work, but are intended to describe critical events necessary to minimize disruption of the existing facilities. 1.03 INTERRUPTION OF TREATMENT PROCESSES A_ Indica#e required shutdowns of existing facilities or interruptions of existing operations on Progress Schedule_ : � '!7 Submit notification of required shutdowns of existing facilities at least 7 days prior to the planned date of shutdown. Do not begin alterations until ENGINEER's written permission has been received. Minimize shutdown times by thorough advanced planning. Have required equipment, materials, and labor on hand at time of shutdown. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.01140-1 8235A10 � pw:llCaro11o1Documents�ClienUWARtenton/8235At0/SpecificaUonsl10.01140 [l E. Where required_to minimize lift station interruptions while complying with specified sequencing constraints, provide temporary pumping, power, lighting, controls, instrumentation, and safety devices. 1.04 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE ACCESS A. Provide safe, continuous access to lift station control equipment for lift station operations personnel. . 1.05 UTILITIES A. Maintain electrical, telephone, water, gas, sanitary facilities, and other utilities within existing facilities in service. Provide temporary utilities when necessary. 1.06 COORDINATION OF WORK A. Maintain overall coordination of the Work. B. Obtain construction schedules from subcontractors and suppliers, and assume responsibility for correctness. C. Incorporate schedules from subcontractors and suppliers into Progress Schedule to plan for and comply with sequencing constraints. 1.07 WORK BY OTHERS A. Where proper execution of the Work depends upon work by others, inspect and promptly report discrepancies and defects_ 1.08 WORK SEQUENCE A. This possible sequence is included for informational purposes only: 1_ Design and install bypass pumping system. Maintain bypass pumping system through completion of upgraded lift station. 2. Decommission and demo piping and appurtenances in existing Westview Lift Station. 3. Perform existing wet well bottom slope modifications. 4. Coat interior of existing wet well_ � 5. Install equipment, piping, valve vault, conduit, and other appurtenances to poinfiof connection. 6. Pressure test new piping. 7. Connect equipment to existing contro! panel. 8. Test lift station. 9. Substantial completion of upgraded lift station. 10_ Remove bypass pumping system. 11. Construct site improvements. 12. Commence lift station operation of upgraded system. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.0114Q-2 8235A10 pw://CarollolDocuments/ClienUWA/f2eneon16235A t 0/Specficationsl10.01140 j � � � � � �� � � � 1 �J � � i � � � � � 1 � 1.09 TEMPORARY SERVICES, MATERIALS, AND EQUIPMENT � A. As specified in Sub-Section 10.01500. PART 2 Not Used. PART 3 Not Used. PRODUCTS EXECUTION END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.01140-3 8235A10 pw:11 Ca mllolDocumentslClien WVAIRenton18235A 10/S pecificalionsl10.01140 1 � � � 1 r � �� i � � � � � � � � � SUB-SECTION 10.01410 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes: Regulatory requirements: 1. Building code. 2_ Electricai code. 3. Energy code. 4. Fire code. 5. Mechanical code. 6. Plumbing code. 1.02 REFERENCES A. Intemational Code Council (ICC): 1_ 2006 International Building Code (IBC). 2_ 2006 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC)_ 3_ 2006 International Fire Code (IFC). 4_ 2006 International Mechanical Code (IMC). 5. 2006 International Plumbing Code (IPC). B. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): 1. 2008 NFPA 70 National Electric Code. 2_ 2009 NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace. C. State Building Codes Council: 1. Washington State Building Code (SBC). 1.03 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Design requirements: 1 _ Building code: a. Washington State Building Code. 2. Electrical code: a. 2008 National Electric Code. b_ 2009 Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace. 3_ Energy conservation code: a. 2006 Internationa( Energy Conservation Code. 4. Fire code: a. 2006 International Fire Code. 5. Mechanical code: . a_ 2006 International Mechanical Code. 6. Plumbing code: a. 2006 International Plumbing Code. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.01410-1 pwJ/Carollo/DoamentslGienWVAlRenton/8235A 10/5pecificationsl10.01410 8235A10 PART 2 Not used. PART 3 Not used. PRODUCTS EXECUTION END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.01410-2 8235A10 pw:/1Ca rollo/Documents(Clie nt(WA/Renton/8235A t OtSpecificaUons/10.01410 ' � � SUB-SECTION 10.01500 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS � �� � � � PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes: 1. Fumishing, maintaining, and removing construction facilities and temporary controls, including temporary utilities, construction aids, barriers and enclosures, security, access roads, temporary controls, project sign, field offices and sheds, and removal after construction. B_ Related Sections/Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. � 3. The following Sections/Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub-Section. This list of Related Sections/Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. 4. Section 1-05 - Control of Work. 5. Sub-Section 10.15050 - Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods. 1.02 REFERENCE A. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). 1.03 SUBfViITTALS A_ In accordance with Section 1-05. B. Product data. � � .1 � C_ For temporary piping systems: 1. Submit layout drawings showing propased routing of piping, including proposed pipe support and pipe restraint locations. 2. Submit product data for piping, fittings, appurtenances, restraints, supports, and all other components of the temporary piping system. 3_ Submit all information at Isast 28 days prior to when each temporary piping system is scheduled to be installed and allow 14 days for review and comment by ENGINEER and OWNER. � October 26, 201 Q- FINAL 10.01500-1 8235A10 � pwllCarollo/DocumentslCtiertdWA/Rentonl8235A10/SpecificaUonsf1�.01500 . D_ For temporary pumping systems: 1. Submit pump data, performance curves, and other operating information as specified in Sub-Section 10.15050. 2. Submit sketches showing layout of temporary pumping system, including pump quantity, configuration in wet well, and proposed piping layout specified 'in this Sub-Section. 3. Submit piping headloss calculations based on proposed temporary piping system layout. E. Submit all information at least 28 days prior to when the temporary pumping system is scheduled to be installed and allow 14 days for review and comment by ENGINEER and OWNER. 1.04 TEMPORARY UTILITIES A_ Temporary electrical power: 1. Arrange with local utility to provide adequate temporary electrical service. 2. Provide and maintain adequate jobsite power distribution facilities conforming to applicable Laws and Regulations. 3. Provide, maintain, and pay for electric power for perFormance of the Work except for power required for the final 7-day operational test= a. When using permanent facilities, provide separate meter and reimburse OWNER for power used in connection with performance of the Work. B. Temporary electrical lighting: 1. In work areas, provide temporary lighting su�cient to maintain lighting levels during working hours not less than lighting levels required by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and state agency which administers OSHA regulations where Project is located. 2_ When available, permanent lighting facilities may be used in lieu of temporary facilities: a. Prior to final acceptance of the Work, replace bulbs, lamps, or tubes used by CONTRACTOR for lighting. C_ Temporary heating, cooling, and ventilating: 1. Heat and ventilate work areas to protect the Work from damage by freezing, high temperatures, weather, and to provide safe environment for workers. 2. Permanent heating system may be utilized when sufficiently completed to allow safe operation. D. Temporary water: 1. Development of potable water supply: a. Potable water is not available at construction site. b_ Provide potable water for human consumption during construction period. c_ Furnish potable water that meets requirements of Laws and Reg�lations. E. Temporary sanitary facilities_ 1. Provide suitable and adequate sanitary facilities that are in compliance with applicable Laws and Regulations_ October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.01500-2 8235A10 pw:l1 Carollo/DocumentslClienUWAlf2entoN8235A10/Specifications/t 0.01500 �. ,� �- 2. At completion of the Work, remove sanitary facilities and leave site in neat and sanitary condition. F_ Temporary fire protection: Provide sufficient number of fire extinguishers of type and capacity required to protect the Work and ancillary facilities. � G First aid: Post first aid facilities and information posters conforming to requirements of OSHA and other applicable Laws and Regulations in readily accessible locations. � Maintain utilities in existing facilities in service. Provide temporary utilities when necessary. 1.05 CONSTRUCTION AtDS A. Provide railings, kick plates, enclosures, sa#ety devices, and controls required by Laws and Regulations and as required for adequate protection of life and property. B. Use construction hoists, elevators, scaffolds, stages, shoring, and similar temporary facilities of ample size and capacity to adequately support and move loads. C. Design temporary supports with adequate safety factor to assure adequate load bearing capability: 1. When requested, submit design calculations by professional registered engineer prior to application of loads. 2. Submitted design calculations are for information and record purposes only. � � � L� ,�. :� D. Accident prevention: 1. Exercise precautions throughout construction for protection of persons and property. 2. Observe safety provisions of applicable Laws and Regulations. 3. Guard machinery and equipment, and eliminate other hazards. 4. Make reports required by authorities having jurisdiction, and permit safety inspections of the Work. 5. Before commencing construction work, take necessary action to comply with provisions for safety and accident preventian. E. Barricades: 1. Place barriers at ends of excavations and along excavations to warn pedestrian and vehicular traffic of excavatians. 2. Provide barriers with flashing lights after dark. 3. Keep barriers in place until excavations are entirefy backfilled and compacted. 4. Barricade excavations to prevent persons from entering excavated areas in streets, roadways, parking lots, lift stations, or other public or private areas. F. Warning devices and barricades: Adequately identify and guard hazardous areas and conditions by visual warning devices and, where necessary, physical barriers: 1. Devices shall conform to minimum requirements of OSHA and State agency which administers OSHA regulations where Project is located_ G. Hazards in public right-of-way: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.01500-3 8235A10 pwJlCarollo/Documents�Clien UWAlf2entoN8235A 10/Specifications! 10.01500 E Mark at reasonable intervals, trenches and other continuous excavations in public right-of-way, running parallel to general flow of traffic, `rvith traffic cones, barricades, or other suitable visual markers during daylight hours: a. During hours of darkness, provide markers with torches, flashers, or other adequate lights. At intersections or for pits and similar excavations, where traffic may reasonably be expected to approach head on, protect excavations by continuous barricades: a. During hours of darkness, prov,ide warning lights at close intervals. H. Hazards in protected areas: Mark or guard excavations in areas from which public is excluded, in manner appropriate for hazard_ Above grade protection: On multi-level structures, provide safety protection that meets requirements of OSHA and State agency which administers OSHA regulations where Project is {ocated. Protect existing structures, trees, shrubs, and other items to be preserved on Project site from injury, damage or destruction by vehicles, equipment, worker or other agents with substantial barricades or other devices commensurate with hazards. K. Fences: 1. Enclose site of the Work with fence adequate to protect the Work against acts of theft, violence and vandalism. 2. When entire or part of site is to be permanently fenced, permanent fence may be built to serve for both permanent and temporary protection of the work site, provided that damaged or defaced fencing is replaced prior to final acceptance. 3_ Protect temporary and permanent openings and close openings in existing fences to prevent intrusion by unauthorized persons. Bear responsibility for protection of plant and material on site of the Work when openings in existing fences are not closed. 4. During night hours, weekends, holidays, and other times when no work is performed at site, provide temporary closures or enlist services of security guards to protect temporary openings. 5. Fence temporary openings when openings are no longer necessary. 1.06 SECURITY A. Make adequate provision for protection of the work area against fire, theft, and vandalism, and for protection of public against exposure to injury. 1.07 TEMPORARY CONTROLS A. Dust control: 1. Prevent dust nuisance caused by operations, unpaved roads, excavation, backfilling, demolition, or other activities. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.01500-4 8235A10 pw:!lCarollo/Documents(ClienUWAlRentonl8235A101Specificafionsl10.01500 1 � � � � C. Mud control: � 1_ Prevent mud nuisance caused by construction operations, unpaved roads, excavation, backfilling, demolition, or other activities. B. Noise control: 1. In inhabited areas, particularly residential, perform operations in manner to minimize noise_ 2. In residential areas, take special measures to suppress noise during night hours_ 2. Control dust by sprinkling with water, use of dust palliatives, modification of operations, or other means acceptable to agencies having jurisdiction. 1.Q8 REMOVAL � A. B. C. D. Remove temporary buildings and furnishings before inspection final acceptance or when directed. i � � � � � � Clean and repair damage caused by installation or use of temporary facilities. Remove underground installations to minimum depth of 24 inches and grade to match surrounding conditions. Restore existing facilities used during construction to specified or original condition. 1.09 TEMPORARY PROCESS PIPING A. CONTRACTOR shall provide all piping, appurtenances, and other materials as required to provide temporary piping systems as specified in this Sub-Section, as indicated on the Drawings, and as needed to perForm the Work. B. CONTRACTOR shall field route piping as needed and as field conditions dictate, unless othen�vise indicated on the Drawings, and determine appropriate lengths of piping and quantity/type of pipe fittings needed to construct temporary piping system. Do not block access points such as stairs, doors, and walkways to existing facilities unless approved in writing by the OWNER. C_ Restrain piping at valves and at fittings where piping changes direction, changes sizes, and at ends: 1_ When piping is buried, use mechanical restraints. 2. When piping is exposed or under water, use mechanical or structural restraints. 3. Determine thrust forces by multiplying the nominal cross sectional area of the piping by the operating pressure of the piping and account for test pressure. D. Temporary piping systems shall be installed in a manner that will not damage existing or new facilities. E. Unless indicated otherwise, piping material, including gaskets, shall be suitable for the process fiuid requiring temporary piping. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.01500-5 8235A10 p�rllCarollolDocumentslCiienNWAlRenton/8235At O/Speafica6ons110.01500 �� F. After temporary piping system is no longer required: 1. Remove temporary piping system. 2. Clean and repair damage caused by installation or use of temporary piping system_ 3. Restore existing facilities to original condition. 1.10 TEMPORARY PROCESS PUMPING A. CONTRACTOR shall provide temporary pumping system to pump flow from the existing manhole directly upstream of the existing wet well to the existing lift station discharge location: 1. Anticipated lift station flow rates: a. Maximum: 10 gallons per minute (gpm). 2. A tie in to the existing force main at a location near the existing manhole will be acceptable. 3. Anticipated pressure will vary based on headlosses developed and the final length of installed temporary piping_ CONTRACTOR shall calculate headlosses and provide pump with sufficient pressure to meet flow requirements. Calculations shall be sealed and signed by a professional engineer registered in the state in which the Project is located. 4. Pump shall be capable of grinding the sewage to a fine slurry similar to the existing lift station pumps. 5_ Provide and pay for all power required to operate temporary pumps. 6_ All electrical and instrumentation components will comply with applicabte code requirements for the area where the temporary pump is located. 7. Temporary pumping will be required 24 hours per day during the time period when pumping is required and is critical to the proper operation of the OWNER'S facility. Provide 24-hour on-site supervision of pumps to ensure that pumps are always operational and performing as required. Notify the OWNER immediately if temporary pumping cannot be provided. 8. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for repairing any damage or reimbursing the OWNER for any regulatory fines or additional lifi station staff time resulting from the CONTRACTOR'S failure to maintain temporary pumping. 9. Provide 10Q percent backup (a.k.a., standby, redundant, etc.) pumping capacity equal to the required process flow rate. Backup system shall be capable of providing required pumping capacity immediately upon failure of primary pumping system. 10. All necessary spare equipment and appurtenances shall be available on-site to allow immediate repair and/or replacement of any pumping system component that is not functioning properly. B. Providing temporary piping systems as specified in this Sub-Section. C. After temporary process pumping system is no longer required: 1. Remove temporary process pumping system. 2. Clean and repair damage caused by installation or use of temporary process pumping system. 3. Restore existing facilities to original condition. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.01500-6 8235A10 pw:ll Carollo/DocumentslClienUWAlf2entnnl8235A10fSpecificationsl10.01500 PART2 PRODUCTS Not Used. PART 3 EXECUTION Not Used_ END OF SUB-SECTION 1 � � � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_Q1500-7 8235A10 � pwJ/Carollo,�DocumentslClienUWNRenton18235A10ISpecifica6ons110.01500 � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.01500-8 8235A10 pw:llCarollolDocumenislCfientlWAlRentonl8235At OlSpecficaGonsI10.01500 � �� � � � ,�� :� � �, �. L_ J I SUB-SECTION 10.01610 PROJECT DESIGN CRITERIA PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes: Project design criteria such as temperature and site elevation. 1.02 PROJECT DESIGN CRITERIA A. All equipment and materials for the project are to be suitable for performance in a submersible wastewater lift station environment and under following conditions, unless otherwise specified: 1 _ Design temperatures are: a. Outdoor temperatures: 0 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. a. indoor temperatures for the foilowing structures: 1} Wet well and valve vault_ 40 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. 2. Moisture conditions: Defined in individual equipment sections. 3_ Site elevation: Approximatety 240 feet above mean sea level. PART2 PRODUCTS Not Used. PART 3 EXECUTION Not Used. END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.01610-1 8235A10 pw:llCarollolDocumentslClien WVAIRentonl8235810lS pecificationsl10.01610.docx � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.01610-2 8235A10 pw://CarollolDocumentslClientNVNRentonl8235610/Specificationsl10.0161 O. docx LJ i�. � ;� l. ��. �. �, � �, � �. � SUB-SECTION 10.01612 SEISMIC DEStGN CRITERIA PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes: Seismic design criteria for the following: ,� 1_ Anchorage of inechanical and electrical equipment. 2. Seismic design and design of anchorage for small tanks fabricated off site and shipped to the Project site. � 3. Other structures or items as specified or indicated on the Drawings. � r � � � '�. B. Related Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by aIL 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work_ 3. The following Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub- Section. This list of Related Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. a_ Sub-Section 10.01410 - Regulatory Requirements. 1.02 REFERENCES A. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE): 1. 7-05 - Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures. 1.03 SYSTEM DESCRIPTtON A. Design requirements: 1. Design in accordance with the requirements of the building code as specified in Sub-Section 10.01410: a. Design spectral acceleratian at short period, Sps: 0.96. b. Component amplificafion factor, aP: In accordance with ASCE 7-05, Tables 13.5-1 and 13.6-1. c. Component response modification factor, RP: In accordance with ASCE 7-05, Tables 13.5-1 and 13.6-1. d_ Component importance factor, IP: Per ASCE 7. 2. Do not use friction to resist sliding due to seismic forces. 3. Use anchor bolts, bolts, or welded studs for anchors for resisting seismic forces. Anchor bolts used to resist seismic forces shall have a standard hex bolt head_ Do not use anchor bolts fabricated from rod stock with an L or J-shape. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.01612-1 8235A10 � pwllCarolla�DocumentyCSenWVAlRenton/8235A10/Spedfica6ons(10.01612 4. Do not use chemical anchors, concrete anchors, flush shelis, powder actuated fasteners, sleeve anchors, or other types of anchors unless indicated on the Drawings or accepted in writing by the ENGINEER. 5. Seismic forces must be resisted by direct bearing on the fasteners used to resist seismic forces. Do not use connections that use friction to resist seismic forces. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Shop drawings and calculations: Complete shop drawings and seismic calculations. B. Calculations shall be signed and stamped by a civil or structural engineer licensed in the state where the Project is located. PART2 PRODUCTS Not Used. PART 3 EXECUTION Not Used. END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 201 Q- F1NAL 10.01612-2 8235A10 pw:/lCarollolDocumentslClienUWAlRenton16235A10lSpecificationsl10.01612 �, � � SUB-SECTION 10.01732 CUTTING AND PATCHING PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes: Cutting and patching existing and new construction. � .� � ;� �- � .� B_ Related Sections/Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The following Sections/Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub-Section. This list of Related Sections/Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents_ a. Section 1-05 - Control of Work. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Submit as specified in Section 1-05. B. Cutting and patching plan: 1. Submit details of proposed construction before cutting and patching construction commences affecting: a. Work of OWNER or of others. b. Structural integrity of element of Project. 2. Cutting and patching plan shall include the following: a. Identification of Work_ b. Description of affected construction_ c. Necessity for cutting, patching, alteration, or excavatian. d. Description of proposed construction. � e. Scope of cutting, patching, alteration, or excavation. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Comply with specifications and standards for products involved. October.26, 2010 - FINAL 1Q.01732-1 8235A10 � pwllCarolblDocumentslClienUWAlFtentonl8235AtO15pecifications110_01732.docx PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Provide adequate temporary support as necessary to ensure structural integrity of affected portion of Work. B. Provide devices and methods to protect other portions of Project from damage and persons from injury. C. Provide protection from elements for that portion of Project which may be exposed by cutting and patching, and maintain excavations free from water. 3.02 CUTTING AND PATCHING � 0 Cut, fit, and patch when required to: 1. Make its several parts fit together properly. 2. Remove and replace construction not conforming to Contract Documents. 3. Remove samples of installed construction as specified for testing. 4. Provide routine penetrations of nonstructural surfaces for installation of piping and electncal conduit. Execute cutting and demolition by methods which will prevent damage and will provide proper surfaces to receive installation of repairs. C. Openings in existing concrete: 1. Create openings by: a. Saw cutting completely through concrete_ b. Scoring edges of opening with saw to at least 1-inch depth on both surfaces (when accessible) and removing concrete by chipping. 2. Do not allow saw cuts to extend beyond limits of opening. 3. Make comers square and true by combination of core drilling and grinding or chipping. 4. Prevent debris from falling into adjacent tanks or channels in service or from damaging existing equipment and other facilities_ D. Sizing of openings in existing concrete: 1. Make openings sufficiently large to permit final alignment of pipe and fittings without deflections. 2. Allow adequate space for packing around pipes and conduit to ensure water tightness. E. Grouting pipes in place: 1. Sandblast concrete surfaces and thoroughly clean sand and other foreign material from surfaces prior to placing grout. 2. Grout pipes, sleeves, castings, and conduits in place by pouring grout under a head of at least 4 inches. Vibrate grout into place. Completely fill the spaces occupied by pipes, sleeves, castings, and conduits. 3. Water cure the grout. F. Connections to existing pipes: 1. Cut existing pipe square. 2. Properly prepare the ends for the connection indicated on the Drawings. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.01732-2 8235A10 pw://CarolblDocumentslClienUWAlF2entonB235A10lSpeafica6onsl10.01732.docx � � � 3. Repair any damage to existing lining and coating. G. Rehabilitate all areas affected by removal of existing equipment, equipment pads and bases, piping, supports, electrical panels, electric devices, and conduits such that little or no evidence of the previous installation remains: 1_ Fill areas in existing floors, walls, and ceilings from removed piping, conduit and fasteners with non-shrink grout and finish smooth. 2. Remove concrete bases for equipment and supports by: a. Saw cutting clean, straight lines with a depth equal to the concrete cover over reinforcement minus 1l2 inch below finished surface. Do not cut existing reinforcement on floors. b. Chip concrete within scored lines and cut exposed reinforcing steel and anchor bolts. c_ Patch with non-shrink grout to match adjacent grade and finish. 3. Terminate abandoned piping and conduits with blind flanges, caps, or plugs. H. Treat existing concrete reinforcement as follows: �� 1. Where existing reinforcement is to remain, protect, clean, and extend into new concrete. 2. Where existing reinforcement is not to be retained, cut off as follows_ a_ Where new concrete joins existing concrete at the removal line, cut reinforcement flush with concrete surface at the removal line. b. Where concrete surface at the removal line is the finished surface, cut � reinforcement 2 inches below the surface, paint ends with epoxy, and patch holes with dry pack mortar. END OF SUB-SECTION ,�, � :� � �� October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.01732-3 8235A10 � pwl(CarollolDocumentslClienUWAlRentonB235A101Spedfications(10.01732.docz � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.01732-4 8235A10 pw:/lCarollo/Documents/ClienUWAlRentonB235A101SpecificaUons/10.01732.doac � ,�, � � ,�. ,�� 1�, �, �� � � � SUB-S�CTION 10.01756 TESTING, TRAINING, AND FACILITY START-UP � � � � �� � .� ,� � `�. PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes: Requirements for equipment and system testing and facility start-up, including the following: 1. Start-up plan. 2. Performance testing. 3. General start-up and testing procedures. 4. Functional testing. 5_ Operational testing. 6_ Certificate of proper installation. 7. Services of manufacturer's rzpresentatives. 8. Training of OWNER's personnel. B_ Related Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all_ 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or fumishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The following Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub- Section. This list of Related Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurateiy with the Contract Documents. a. Sub-Section 10.15050 - Basic Mechanical Material and Methods. b. Sub-Section 10.15958 - Mechanical Equipment Testing_ c_ Sub-Section 10.16950 - Field Electrical Acceptance Tests. d. Sub-Section 10.17950 - Testing, Calibration, and Commissioning_ 1.02 GENERAL TESTING, TRAINING, AND START-UP REQUIREMENTS � L C_ Contract requirements: Testing, training, and start-up are requisite to the satisfactory completion of the Contract. Complete testing, training, and start-up within the Contract Times. Allow realistic durations in the Progress Schedule for testing, training, and start-up activities. D. Furnish labor, power, chemicals, tools, equipment, instruments, and services required for and incidental to completing functional testing, performance testing, and operational testing. October 26, 2Q10 - FINAL 10.01756-1 pxrl/CarollolDoamentslClienUWAlf2entonB235A1015peaficabon s/10.01756 8235A10 E. Provide competent, experienced technical representatives of equipment manufacturers for assembly, installation and testing guidance, and operator training. 1.03 START-UP PLAN A. Submit start-up plan for each piece of equipment and each system not less than 3 weeks prior to planned initial start-up of equipment or system_ B. Provide detailed sub-network of Progress Schedule with the following activities identified: 1. Manufacturer's services. 2_ Installation certifications. 3_ Operator training. 4. Submission of Operation and Maintenance Manual. 5. Functional testing, 6. PerFormance testing. 7. Operational testing_ C. Provide testing plan with test logs for each item of equipment and each system when specified_ Include testing of alarms, control circuits, capacities, speeds, flows, pressures, vibrations, sound levels, and other parameters. D_ Provide summary of shutdown requirements for existing systems which are necessary to complete start-up of new equipment and systems. E. Revise and update start-up plan based upon review comments, actual pragress, or to accommodate changes in the sequence of activities. F. ENGINEER to make sole determination as to whether CONTRACTOR is not ready for start-up. Should the initial start-up have to be rescheduled, CONTRACTOR to provide minimum 7 days notification for rescheduled start-up and pay OWNER $1,000 to cover ENGINEER travel expenses_ 1.04 PERFORMANCE TESTING A. Test equipment for proper performance at point of manufacture or assembly when specified. � B. When source quality control testing is specified: 1. Demonstrate equipment.meets specified performance requirements. 2. Provide certified copies of test results. 3_ Do not ship equipment until certified copies have received written acceptance � from ENGINEER_ Written acceptance does not constitute final acceptance. 4. Perform testing as specified in the equipment Sub-Sections. 1.05 GENERAL START-UP AND TESTING PROCEDURES A_ Mechanical systems: As specified in the individual equipment Sub-Sections and Sub-Sections 10.15050 and 10.15958: 1. Remove rust preventatives and oils applied to protect equipment during construction. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.01756-2 8235A10 pw:llCarollolDocumentslGienUWA/Rentonl8235At 0lSpecificationsl10.01756 � � 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. Flush lubrication systems and dispose of flushing oils. Recharge lubrication system with lubricant recommended by manufacturer. Flush fuel system and provide fuel for testing and start-up. Install and adjust packing, mechanical seals, O-rings, and other seals. Replace defective seals. Remove temporary supports, bracing, or other foreign objects installed to prevent damage during shipment, storage, and erection_ Check rotating machinery for correct direction of rotation and for freedom of moving parts before connecting driver. Perform cold afignment and hot alignment to manufacturer's tolerances. Adjust V-belt tension and variable pitch sheaves. Inspect hand and motorized valves for proper adjustment. Tighten packing glands to insure no leakage, but permit valve stems to rotate without galling. Verify valve seats are positioned for proper flow direction. Tighten leaking flanges or replace flange gasket. Inspect screwed joints for leakage. � Install gratings, safety chains, handrails, shaft guards, and sidewalks prior to operational testing_ � � � �. � ,� � B. Electrical systems: As specified in Sub-Section 10.16950 and the individual equipment Sub-Sections: 1. Perform insulation resistance tests on wiring except 120 volt lighting, wiring, and control wiring inside electrical panels. 2. Perform continuity tests on grounding systems_ 3. Test and set switchgear and circuit breaker relays for proper operation. 4. Perform direct current high potential tests on all cables that will operate at more than 2,000 volts. Obtain services of independent testing lab to perform tests. 5. Check motors for actual full load amperage draw. Compare to nameplate value. C. Instrumentation systems: As specified in Sub-Section 10.17950 and the individual equipment Sub-Sections: 1. Bench or field calibrate instruments and make required adjustments and control point settings. 2. Leak test pneumatic controls and instrument air piping. 3. Energize transmitting and control signal systems, verify proper operation, ranges, and settings. 1.06 FUNCTIONAL TESTING A. Perform checkout and performance testing as specified in the individual equipment Sub-Sections. � B. Functionally test mechanical and electrical equipment, and instrumentation and controls systems for proper operation after general start-up and testing tasks have been completed_ � �� C. Demonstrate proper rotation, alignment, speed, flow, pressure, vibration, sound level, adjustments, and calibration. Perform initial checks in the presence of and with the assistance of the manufacturer's representative. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.01756-3 8235A10 pw:l/CarollolDowmentslClienUWAlf2�ron78235At OlSpedficationsl10.01756 D. Demonstrate proper operation of each instrument loop function including alarms, local and remote controls, instrumentation, and other equipment functions. Generate signals with test equipment to simulate operating conditions in each control mode_ E. Conduct continuous 4-hour test under full load conditions. Replace parts which operate improperly. 1.07 OPERATIONAL TESTING A. After completion of operator training, conduct operational test of the entire facility. Demonstrate satisfactory operation of equipment and systems in actual operation. � C: Conduct operational test for continuous 2-day period. OWNER will provide operations personnel, power, fuel, and other consumables for duration of test. D. Immediately correct defects in material, workmanship, or equipment which became evident during operational test. E. Repeat operational test when malfunctions or deficiencies cause shutdown or partial operation of the facility or results in perFormance that is less than specified 1.08 CERTIFICATE OF PROPER INSTALLATION A. At completion of Functional Testing, furnish written report prepared and signed by manufacturer's authorized representative, certifying equipment: 1_ Has been properly installed, adjusted, aligned, and lubricated. 2. Is free of any stresses imposed by connecting piping or anchor bolts. 3. Is suitable for satisfactory full-time operation under full load conditions. 4. Operates within the allowable limits for vibration_ 5_ Controls, protective devices, instrumentation, and control panels furnished as part of the eguipment package are properly installed, calibrated, and functioning. 6. Control logic for start-up, shutdown, sequencing, interlocks, and emergency shutdown have been tested and are properly functioning. B. Furnish written report prepared and signed by the electrical and/or instrumentation subcontractor certifying: 1. Motor control logic that resides in motor control centers, control panels, and circuit boards furnished by the electrical and/or instrumentation subcontractor has been calibrated and tested and is properly operating. 2. Control logic far equipment start-up, shutdown, sequencing, interlocks, and emergency shutdown has been tested and is properly operating. 3. Co-sign the reports along with the manufacturer's representative and subcontractors. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.01756-4 8235A10 pw:IfCarollolDowments/C1ien1NVAlRenton/8235At 0l5pecificationsll0_01756 ��. � 1.09 TRAINING OF OWNER'S PERSONNEL A. Provide operations and maintenance training for items of inechanical, electrical, and � instrumentation equipment. Utilize manufacturer's representatives to conduct training sessions. � � � � B_ Coordinate training sessions to prevent overlapping sessions. Arrange sessions so that individual operators and maintenance technicians do not attend more than 2 sessions per week. C. Provide Operation and Maintenance Manual for specific pieces of equipment or systems 1 month prior to training session for that piece of equipment or system. D. Satisfactorily complete functional testing before beginning operator training. E. Training sessions: Provide training sessions for equipment as specified in the individual equipment Sub-Sections_ F_ The CONTRACTOR shall videotape all training sessions and provide a copy for the OWNER. G. The CONTRACTOR shall designate and provide 1 or more persons to be � responsible for coordinating and expediting his/her training duties. The person or persons so designated shatl be present at all training coordination meetings with the OWNER. � � � ,� �1 � H. The CONTRACTOR's coordinator shall coordinate the training periods with OWNER personnel and manufacturer's representatives, and shall submit a training schedule for each piece of equipment or system for which training is to be provided. Such training schedule shall be submitted not less than 21 calendar days prior to the time that the associated training is to be provided and shall be based on the current plan of operation. 1.10 RECORD KEEPING A. Maintain and submit following records generated during start-up and testing phase of Project: 1. Daily logs of equipment testing identifying all tests conducted and outcome. 2. Logs of time spent by manufacturer's representatives performing services on the job site. 3. Equipment lubrication records. 4. Electrical phase, voltage, and amperage measurements_ 5. Insulation resistance measurements. 6. Data sheets of control loop testing including testing and calibration of instrumentation devices and setpoints. PART2 PRODUCTS `� Not Used. � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.01756-5 8235A10 pw:!lCarollolDocumentslGienUWAlRentonl8235A t OlSpecifica6ons/10_Q1756 � PART 3 EXECUTION Not Used_ END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.01756-6 8235A10 pw:dCarollo/DocumentslGienUWAlRenton/8235A t OlSpecificabons/10.01756 �. � SUB-SECTION 10.01770 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES � � ,� � � �, �` ;� � �' PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes: Contract closeout requirements including: 1 _ Final cleaning. 2. Waste disposal_ 3. Touch-up and repair. 4. Disinfection of systems. 5. Preparation and submittal of closeout documents. 6. Final completion certification. B. Related Sections/Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if cafied for by all. 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The following SectionslSub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub-Section. This list of Related Sections/Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. a. Section 1-05 — Control of Work. 1.02 REFERENCES A. American Water Works Association (AWWA). 1.03 FINAL CLEANING A. Perform final cleaning prior to inspections for Substantial Completion. B. Employ skilled workers who are experienced in cleaning operations: C. Use cleaning materials which are recommended by manufacturers of surfaces to be cleaned. D. Prevent scratching, discoloring, and otherwise damaging surfaces being cleaned. C F N � Clean roofs, gutters, downspouts, and drainage systems. Broom clean exterior paved surtaces and rake clean other surfaces of site work: 1. Police yards and grounds to keep clean. Remove dust, cobwebs, and traces of insects and dirt. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.Q1770-1 8235A10 pwJ/CarollolDocumentslClien WVAlRentonl8235A t 01Specifintions110.01770.docx � H_ Clean grease, mastic, adhesives, dust, dirt, stains, fingerprints, paint, blemishes, sealants, plaster, concrete, and other foreign materials from sight-exposed surfaces, and fixtures and equipment. I. Remove non-permanent protection and labels. J. Polish waxed woodwork and finish hardware. K. Polish glossy surfaces to clear shine. L. Clean light fixtures and replace burned-out or dim lamps. 1.04 WASTE DISPOSAL A. Arrange for and dispose of surplus materials, waste products, and debris off-site: 1. Prior to making disposal on private property, obtain written permission from OWNER of such property. B. Do not create unsightly or unsanitary nuisances during disposal operations. C. �L"ai�tain ��s�,asal s�te ir safz co�dit�ol and gao� a�,pearance. D. Complete leveling and cleanup prior to final acceptance of the Work. 1.05 TOUCH-UP AND REPAIR A. Touch-up or repair finished surFaces on structures, equipment, fixtures,.and installations that have been damaged prior to inspection for Substantial Completion. B. Refinish or replace entire surfaces which cannot be touched-up or repaired satisfactorily. 1.06 CLOSEOUT DOCUMENTS A. Submit following Closeout Submittals upon Substantial Completion and at least 7 days prior to submitting Application for Final Payment: 1. Evidence of Compliance with Requirements of Governing Authorities. 2. Project Record Documents. 3. Operation and Maintenance Manuals. 4. Warranties-and Bonds. 5. Keys and Keying Schedule. 6. Evidence of Payment and Release of Liens as outlined in Conditions of the Con#ract. 7_ Release of claims as outlined in Conditions of the Contract. 8. As-Built Information as specified in Section 1-05.4(4). 9. Certficate of Final Completion. 1.07 EVIDENCE OF COMPLIANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS OF GOVERNING AUTHORITIES A_ Submit the following: 1 _ Certificate of Occupancy. 2. Certificates of Inspection: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.01770-2 8235A10 pwJ/Carollo/DocumenLs(ClienUWAlRentonB235A101Specficationsl10.01770. docx LJ � u � � � � � a. Mechanical: 1) As specified in individual equipment Sub-Sections. b. Electrical: 1) As specified in individual equipment Sub-Sections. 1.08 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS A_ Maintain at Project site, available to OWNER and ENGINEER, 1 copy of the Contract Documents, shop drawings, and other submittals in good order: 1. Mark and record field changes and detailed information contained in submittals and change orders. 2. Record actual depths, horizontal and vertical location of underground pipes, duct banks, and other buried utilities. Reference dimensions to permanent surface features_ 3. Identify specific details of pipe connections, location of existing buried features located during excavation, and the final locations of piping, equipment, electrical conduits, manholes, and pull boxes. 4. Identify location of spare conduits including beginning, ending, and routing - through pull boxes and manholes_ Record spare conductors, including number and size, within spare conduits and filled conduits. 5. Provide schedules, lists, layout drawings, and wiring diagrams. 6. Make annotations with erasable colored pencil conforming to the following color code: Additions: Red Deletions: Green Comments Blue Dimensions: Graphite B. Maintain documents separate from those used for construction: 1 _ Label documents "RECORD DOCUMENTS." C. Keep documents current: 1_ Record required information at the time the material and equipment is installed and before permanently concealing. D. Deliver record documents with transmittal letter containing date, Project title, CONTRACTOR's name and address, list of documents, and signature of CONTRACTOR. � '�, � ,� ' E_ During progress meetings, record documents will be reviewed to ascertain that changes have been recorded. 1.09 WARRANTIES AND BOPIDS A. Provide executed Warranty or Guaranty Form if required by Contract Documents. B. Provide specified addifional warranties, guarantees, and bonds from manufacturers and suppliers. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_01770-3 8235A10 pw://CarollolDocumentstClienNNAlRenton16235A 10lSpedficationsl10.01770.docx 1.10 CERTIFICATE OF FINAL COMPLETION A. When operationai test has been successfully completed, ENGINEER will certify that new facilities are operationally complete. ENGINEER wiil submit a list of known items (punch list) still to be completed or corrected prior to contract completion. B. List of items to be completed or corrected will be amended as items are resolved by CONTRACTOR. C. When all items have been completed or corrected, submit written certification that the entire work is complete in accordance with the Contract Documents and request Final Inspection per Section 1-05.11(2). D. Upon completion of final inspection, ENGINEER will either prepare a written acceptance of the entire work or advise CONTRACTOR of work not complete. If necessary, inspection procedures will be repeated. PART 2 Not Used. PART 3 Not Used. PRODUCTS EXECUTION END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.01770-4 8235A10 pw:llCarollolDocumentslGient! WA1f2enton/8235A 10/Spec�icationsl10.01770.dax � � � � � L� ' � � � � � ,� �� � SUB-SECTION 10.01782 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes: Preparation and submittal of Operation and Maintenance Manuals. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Submit Operation and Maintenance Manuals before field quality control testing and before training of each piece of equipment or system. B. Submit 3 hardcopy manuals for each piece of equipment or system. C_ Submit 2 electronic copy manuals for each piece of equipment or system. D. Make manuals available at project site for use by construction personnel and ENGINEER. E_ Make additions and revisions to the manuals in accordance with ENGINEER's review comments_ 1.03 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS A. Preparation: 1. Provide hardcopy Operations and Maintenance Manuals in 3-ring binders with rigid covers_ Utilize tab sheets to organize informafion. 2. Provide electronic copy Operations and Maintenance Manuals in PDF Format. B. Contents of Operation and Maintenance Manuals: 1. Cover page: Equipment name, equipment tag number, project name, OWNER's name, appropriate date. 2. Table of Contents: General description of information provided within each tab section. 3. Lubrication information: Required lubricants and lubrication schedules_ 4. Control diagrams: a. Internal and connection wiring, including logic diagrams, wiring diagrams � for control panels, ladder logic for computer based systems, and connections between existing systems and new additions, and adjustments such as calibrations and set points for relays, and control or alarm contact settings. 5. Start-up procedures: Recommendations for installation, adjustment, calibration, and troubleshooting. 6. Operating procedures: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.01782-1 8235A10 , pw:!/Carollo/Documents/ClientlWA/Rentont8235A101Specificationsl10.01782 � � 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. a_ Step-by-step procedures for starting, operating, and stopping equipment under specified modes of operation. b. Include safety precautions and emergency operating shutdown instructions_ Preventative maintenance procedures: Recommended steps and schedules for maintaining equipment. Overhaul instructions: Directions for disassembly, inspection, repair and reassembly of the equipment; safety precautions; and recommended tolerances, cntical bolt torques, and special tools that are required. Parts list: Generic title and identification number of each component part of equipment; include bearing manufacturer, model and ball or roller pass frequencies for every bearing_ Spare parts list: Recommended number of parts to be stored at the site and special storage precautions. Drawings: Exploded view or plan and section views with detailed callouts. Provide electrical and instrumentation schematic record drawings. Source (factory) quality control test results: Provide copies of factory test reports as specified in Sub-Sections 10.15958 or the equipment Sub-Section_ Field quality control test results: After field-testing is completed, insert field test reports as specified in Sub-Sections 10.15958 or the equipment Sub-Section. Equipment Summary Form: Completed form in the format attached at the end of this Sub-Section. Insert Equipment Summary Form after the tab sheet of each equipment Sub-Section. The manufacturer's standard form will not be acceptable_ PART2 PRODUCTS Not Used. PART 3 EXECUTION Not Used. END OF SUB-SECTION � � � i ' � L� � � u L�' � � � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.01782-2 8235A10 pwJlCarollo/DocumentslClient/WA1Renton/8235A1 OlSpeafirationslt 0.01782 ' � ' ' i ' � , ' 1 ' ' � ' ' ' � ' , r EQUIPMENT SUMMARY FORM 1. EQUIPMENT ITEM 2_ MANUFACTURER 3. EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER(S) (maps equipment number) 4_ LOCATION OF EQUIPMENT 5. WEIGHT OF INDIVIDUAL COMPONENTS (OVER 100 POUNDS) 7 � NAMEPLATE DATA - Horsepower Amperage Voitage Service Factor (S.F.) Speed ENC Type Capacity Other MANUFACTURER'S LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Name Address Telephone Number • MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 9. LUBRICANT LIST 10. SPARE PARTS (recommendations 11. COMMENTS October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.01782-3 pw:1/CarollolDocuments/ClientlWA/Ftenton18235At �/Specificauonslt 0.01782 8235A10 � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.01782-4 8235A10 pw!/Caroilo/Documents/ClienuWNRentonl6235A101S pedficationsl10.01782 ' � � t � � ' � ' � � t � ' � ' � , ' � ' ' � , ' ' ' � , ' ' ' ' � ' � , SUB-SECTION 10.02222 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes: Selective demolition. B: See attached photos (Exhibit A) at the end of this Sub-Section for items to be demolished (items to be demolished are hatched in red). Photos do not show all items to be demolished. Items to be demolished shall be described within this Sub- Section, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Demolition plan and schedule. B. Disposal means and locations. 1.03 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements: 1. Conform to existing environmental requirements and regulations regarding noise, dust, and vibration. B. Existing Conditions: 1. Verify that utility services are disconnected. PART 2 PRODUCTS Not Used. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify existing conditions pertaining to demolition work. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Utilities: 1. Disconnect any remaining utility services. 2. Plug or cap cut pipes and conduits with removable plugs or caps acceptable to ENGINEER. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 1 Q.02222-1 pwllCarollolDocumentslClienUWAlRenton18235At O/Speaficationslt OA2222 8235A10 B. Protection: 1. Use saw cutting and other methods acceptabie to ENGINEER to protect adjacent facilities. 2. Provide berms and other means acceptable to ENGINEER to keep drainage from demolition areas. 3.03 DEMOLITION A. Completely remove from project site items specified within this Sub-Section. Demolition includes removal of piping, conduits, and appurtenances and backfilling of resulting voids with suitable excavated or imported material, compacted to 95 percent relative density_ B. Specific items to be demolished include: 1. Guide rails and supports. 2. Grinder pumps (two [2] horsepower each, two [2] total), junction box, and cable. 3. Discharge piping (1-1/4-inch diameter, stainless steel) and valves. 4. Approximately 22 linear feet of force main (3-inch diameter, PVC or ductile iron). Connection to existing force main as indicated on the Drawings. 5. One (1} cleanout_ 6. Float levels, junction box, and cable. 7. Supports and appurtenances associated with the above listed items. C. Specific items to remain within existing structure include: 1_ Access hatch, ladders, and platform. D. Additional unforeseen items as directed by the ENGINEER. END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.02222-2 8235A10 pw'//CarollolDocumenis/ClienUVJAlf2enton/8235A t O/Specificationslt 0.02222 , I� II � EXHIBIT A ' ' , �� ,.__� � ' ' ' � ' ' � , ' ' October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.02222-3 8235A10 ' pw:/(CamllolDocumentslClienUWA/Rentonl8235At0ISpecificationslt0A2222 ' October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.02222-4 8235A10 pw:l/CarollolDocumentslClienUWAlf2entoN8235At OlSpecificationsl10.02222 , , � � ' � ' ' ' , � ' , � ' , II �_ � 1 r �� � J .` Myy• � �d i �a� •} i �1 �.:�,. f:AA � � ♦ ' f. �� � \` � � � � �� ,i .. ��, �... � ' �� r� ` • ! iiYw- .���W�•,� ' • ,P_ii�. � Ir�:!� s- w! * . ,r < < . . . . . i . �-,�. f y �'� � r:'• . . ..A�.� �I � � - . . . , . . . .; ' ._ . . �,�y � � x �.r » . . .i . ..' . '� a�� . , . .,,r�+ . : � ....� . ' . �'l%. �. ... . . .. ..: ..., '• ' ' . � ' � T •i t�W�R'' ' J� � ' � , 1 ��_� � . . . - ' �.. i.� . � �'M + . tii�1_�, b - S �_^ Y ' _ . . - . . . . .. 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Disposal of water entering excavation or other parts of the work. 1 ' L! i , �� � ' 1 �� � � �� � B. Related Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all_ 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities perForming or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. " 3. The following Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub- Section. This list of Related Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. a. Sub-Section 10.03300 - Cast-in-Place Concrete. b. Sub-Section 10.03600 - Grouting. 1.02 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Design requirements: 1. Keep excavations reasonably free from water. Draw down the static water level to a minimum of 3 feet below the bottom of excavations. 2. Analysis includes the following: Evaluation of the anticipated subsurface conditions, required well spacing, diameter of wells, depth screen interval, backfill and filter pack, pump size, drawdown duration, drawdown and steady state flow rates, desilting tank, and settlements. 3_ Include water drawdown curves in dewatering calculations. 4. Coordinate dewatering design with excavation and shoring design. Recognize the changes in groundwater conditions and earth pressures in the shoring and excavation design. 5. Do not place concrete or masonry foundations or floors in water, nor allow water to rise over them until concrete or mortar has set at least 24 hours. 6. Maintain operation of the dewatering system untit the complete structure including walls, slabs, beams, struts, and all other structural elements have been constructed and the concrete has attained specified strength, and backfill has been completed to finish grade. 7. Provide standby power to ensure continuous dewatering in case of power failure. B. Recharge groundwater behind shoring to minimize settlement due to dewatering. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.02240-1 8235A10 pw:llCarollolDocumentslGien8WAlRenton18235A701SpecificationsN 0.02240.dooc , C. Secure written permission from the ENGINEER before locating welis, well points, or drain lines for purposes of dewatering within limits of structure foundation. D. Locate dewatering facilities where they will not interfere with utilities and construction work to be performed by others. E. Dewatering Discharge Location: Existing sanitary sewer manhole upstream of the existing wet well. This manhole will also include the bypass pumping equipment. Pumps shall be upsized accordingly to accommodate anticipated dewatering flow rates should dewatering be required. Shall conform to the following: 1_ The discharge location shall be secured by a fence or cover with lock to prevent outsider entry and sealed watertight. 2. Acceptable means of sedimentation extraction and disposal approved by ENGINEER shall be used prior to discharge. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Dewatering plan: 1. Arrangement, location, depths of system components. 2. Type and sizes of filters. 3. Required permits. B. Well construction logs which include: 1. Descriptions of actual materials encountered in accordance with Unified Soil Classification System. 2. Construction details_ 3. Well development procedures and results. 4. Deviations from original design. C. Laboratory test results. D. Qualifications: 1. Dewatering contractor. 2. Dewatering design engineer. 3. Testing laboratory. E. Control points and schedule of ineasurements: 1. Location and details of control points and method and schedule of measurements. 2. Within 24 hours of constructing control points and making measurements at such control points, submit copy of fleld notes with such measurements. 3. Deliver submittal with control point measurements within 24 hours of collection. a. Show the current measurement and the change in measurement from the first measurement taken. b_ Show a graphical plot with movements. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications of a dewatering design engineer: 1. Dewatering plan and dewatering system analysis: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.02240-2 8235A10 pw:llCarollolDocuments\ClientlWAlRenton�8235A101Specificauons110.02240.docx 1 1 � ' � ' ' � ' �� � ' � LI , � C� � � � � � , a. Prepared by a registered Civil Engineer, registered in the state where the Project is located. The Civil Engineer must have at least 8 years of experience in designing similar systems. b. Submit qualifications of the dewatering contractor, the Dewatering Design Engineer, sampling service, and testing laboratory. PART2 PRODUCTS Not used. PART 3 EXECUTION � 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Provide and maintain during construction: Ample means and devices with which to � promptly remove and properly dispose of water entering excavation or other parts of the work, whether water is surface water or underground water. , � i , � � B. Install at least 1 groundwater level monitoring well. If more than 4 dewatering weils or well points are installed, install 1 additianal monitoring well for every 4 dewatering wells or well points. 1. Locate monitoring wells within 6 feet of the excavation and located mid way between dewatering wells or well points. 2. Monitoring wells: Temporary cap and be not less than 2 inches in diameter. 3. Protect the dewatering wells in place during the excavation_ C. Intercept and divert precipitation and surface water away from excavations through the use of dikes, curb walls, ditches, pipes, sumps, or other means. D. Disposing of water: 1. Dispose of water from the work in suitable manner without damage to adjacent property. 2. Do not drain water into work built or under construction. 3. Dispose of water in such manner as not to be menace to public health. 4. Dispose of water in accordance with the design requirements specified in this Sub-Section. , E. Wells, well points, and drain lines for dewatering: 1. Locate after receiving ENGINEER's written permission. 2. Fill dewatering wells, pipes, and french drains to be left in place within structure foundation limits with Class �C" concrete as specified in Sub- � Section 10.03300 or grout as specified in Sub-Section 10.03600. � � 1 3.02 CONSTRUCTION A. Interface with other work: 1. Prior to release of groundwater to its static level: a. All groundwater pressure relief devices for the structure are fully operational. b_ Construction of structure is complete and the concrete has reached specified strength. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 1U.Q2240-3 8235A10 pw:UCaroIblDocumentslClientlWAlf2enton\8235A101Specifications110.02240.docx c. Backfili of structure is complete. d. Control release of groundwater to its static level to prevent disturbance of the natural foundation soils or compacted backfills and fills and to prevent flotation or movement of structures or pipelines. 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. ° Monitoring wells: 1. Record water levels at least once a week. Submit readings to ENGINEER within 1 week. END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.02240-4 8235A10 pw:\ICaroIlolDocumentslClienflWAlRenton18235A t OlSpecrfica6ons110.02240.docx ! � � PART 1 GENERAL � 1.01 SUMMARY i � �� , � � I J t � C� � SUB-SECTION 10.02260 EXCAVATION SUPPORT AND PROTECTION A. Sub-Section includes: Requirements for designing, furnishing and installing, maintaining, and removing excavation support and protection. B. Related Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding.as if called for by all. � 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The following Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub- Section. This list of Related Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents_ a. Sub-Section 10.01410 - Regulatory Requirements. 1.02 REFERENCES I� : American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. (AISC): 1. Steel Construction Manual. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE): 1. Guidelines of Engineering Practice for Braced and Tied-Back Excavations. C. Department of the Navy Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC): 1. Design Manual 7.2 - Foundations and Earth Structures. 2. Design Manual 7.3 - Soil Dynamics and Special Design Aspects D. State of Califomia Department of Transportation (Caltrans): � 1. Caltrans California Trenching and Shoring Manual. E. United States Steel Corporation (USS): 1. Steel Sheet Piling Design Manual. 1.03 DEFINITIONS � A. General Engineering Design Practice: General engineering design practice in area of the Project, performed in accordance with recent engineering literature on subject of shoring and stability of excavations. C� � B. Shoring: A temporary structural system designed to support vertical faces, or nearly vertical faces, of soil or rock for purposes of excavation. Shoring includes October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.02260-1 8235A10 1 pw \1CaroIlolDocumentslClientlWAlRenton18235A101SpeaficationsNO 02260 docx cantilevered sheet piling, intemally braced sheet piling, slurry walls, soldier piles and lagging, and other similar shoring systems_ Sloping of the soil is not shoring. 1.04 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Where General Engineering Design Practice is specified, provide drawings and signed calculations and have design performed by civil or structural engineer registered in State where tF�e Project is located: 1. Provide design calculations that clearly disclose assumptions made, criteria followed, and stress values used for the materials being used. 2_ Furnish references acceptable to ENGINEER substantiating appropriateness of design assumptions, criteria, and stress values_ B. Design requirements: 1. General: a_ Design means for safe and stable excavations in accordance with general engineering design practice: b. Design steel members in accordance with the building code as specified in Sub-Section 10_01410 and the AISC Manual of Steel Design. c. Design shoring involving materials other than steel in accordance with building code as specified in Sub-Section 10.01410. d. PerForm design in accordance with soil characteristics and design recommendations contained in a written.geotechnical report issued and signed by a geotechnical engineer hired by the CONTRACTOR. Geotechnical engineer shall be registered in the state where the Project is located: 1) Make copy of geotechnical report available at project site for ENGINEER's review. 2) Retain and pay for geotechnical engineer's services. 3) Obtain report based on soil samples, field and laboratory tests, and borings performed for the geotechnical report for the design of stability of excavations by the geotechnical engineer hired by CONTRACTOR. e. When electing to design with material stresses for temporary construction higher than allowable stresses prescribed in the AISC Steel Construction Manual and the building code as specified in Sub-Section 10.01410, increase in such stresses shall not exceed 10 percent of value of prescribed stresses. f.� Minimum safety factor used for design shall not be less than 1.5. g. The calculated minimum depth of penetration of shoring below the bottom of the excavation shall be increased not less than 30 percent if the full value of passive pressure is used in the design. h. The maximum height of cantilever shoring above the bottom of excavation shall not exceed 15 feet_ 1) Use braced shoring when the height of shoring above the bottom of excavation exceeds 15 feet. i. The location of the point of fixity for shoring shall not be less than half the calculated minimum embedment depth below the bottom of the excavation. j. Generally acceptable references for the design of shoring and excavations are as follows: 1) Caltrans Califomia Trenching and Shoring Manual_ October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.02260-2 8235A10 pw:\1CarollolDocumentslClientlWAlRenton18235A101Specifica6ons110.02260.docx � '`I � L� , �� � � L� , � �� � 2) NAVFAC Design Manuai 7.2. 3) NAVFAC Design Manual 7.3. 4) USS Steel Sheet Piling Design Manual_ 5) ASCE Guidelines of Engineering Practice for Braced and Tied-Back Excavations. k. The maximum total deflection at any point on the shoring shall not be more than 3/4 inch. I. The shoring design firm shall obtain errors and omissions insurance for the Project for an amount of not less than 100 000 dollars. Soldier piles and lagging: a. Provide lagging over the full face of the excavation. Joints between pieces of lagging shall be tight to prevent loss of soil. b. Provide full face lagging all around penetrations through the lagging. c_ If the soldier piles are installed in predrilled holes, the predrilled holes shall be filled with control density backfill after the soldiers piles are installed. d_ The effective width of driven soldier piles for passive soil resistance shall not exceed 2 times the width of the pile. 1) The effective width of concrete encased soldier piles for passive soil resistance shall not exceed 2 times the width of the concrete encasement. e. Fill voids behind lagging with gravel or other material acceptable to the ENGINEER. f_ Apply loads from tie back soil, rock, or deadman anchors concentrically to soldier piles or wales spanning between soldier piles_ 1) Wales shall be back-to-back double channels or other members acceptable to the ENGINEER. 2) Eccentrically loaded with section soldier piles or wales are not acceptable. g. Design soldier piles for downward loads including vertical loads from tie back anchors. Soil anchors, rock anchors, and deadmen anchors: a. Design tie back anchors for a safety factor of not less than 2 times the calculated load from the shoring. b. Proof load all production anchors to not less than 150 percent of the calculated load from the shoring. 1) Lock off anchors at the calculated anchor load. c. The length of soil anchors used to calculate resistance to load from the shoring shall not include any length within the potential active pressure soil failure zone behind the face of shoring_ . d_ Design tie rods for anchors for 130 percent of the calculated load from the shoring_ e. Design tie rods for anchors for 150 percent of the calculated load from the shoring when tie rod couplers are used and for other conditions where stress concentrations can develop_ � � � � � , j � C. Performance requirements: 1. General: a_ Support faces of excavations and protect structures and improvements in vicinity of excavations from damage and loss of function due to settlement or movement of soils, alterations in ground water level caused by such - excavations, and related operations_ October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.02260-3 8235A10 1 pw 11CarollolDocumentslClientlWAlRenton18235A101Spedfications110 02260 doc�c ! 2 � 4. 5 b. Specified provisions: 1) Complement, but do not substitute or diminish, obligations of CONTRACTOR for the furnishing of a safe place of work pursuant to provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and its subsequent amendments and regulations and for protection of the Work, structures, and other improvements. 2) Represent minimum requirement for: a) Number and types of ineans needed to maintain soil stability. b) Strength of such required means_ c) Methods and frequency of maintenance and observation of means used for maintaining soil stability. Provide safe and stable excavations by means of sheeting, shoring, bracing, sloping, and other means and procedures, such as draining and recharging graundwater and routing and disposing of surface runoff, required to maintain the stability of soils and rock_ Provide support for trench excavations for protection of workers from hazard of caving ground. Provide shoring: a. Where, as result of excavation work and analysis performed pursuant to gerieral engineering design practice, as defined in this Sub-Section: 1) Excavated face or surrounding soil mass may be subject to slides, caving, or other types of failures. 2) Stability and integrity of structures and other improvements may be compromised by settlement or movement of soils, or changes in soil load on structures and other improvements. b. For trenches 4 feet and deeper. c. For trenches less than 4 feet in depth, when there is a potential for cave-in. d. Where indicated on the Drawings. For safe and stable excavations, use appropriate design and procedures for construction and maintenance to minimize settlement of supported ground and to prevent damage to structures and other improvements, including: a_ Using stiff support systems_ b. Following appropriate construction sequence. c. Preventing soil loss through or under support system: 1) Provide support system that is tight enough to prevent loss of soil and extend deep enough to prevent heave or flow of soils from supported soil mass into the excavation. d. Providing surtace runoff routing and discharge away from excavations_ e. Where dewatering is.necessary, recharge groundwater as necessary to prevent settlement in area surrounding excavation_ f. Where sheet piling is used, use interlocking type sheets. 1) The sheet piles shall be continuous and driven in interlock. 2) If the bottom of the excavation is located below the water table, use "thumb and finger" type interlock. g. Not applying shoring loads to existing structures and other improvements. h_ Not changing existing soil loading on existing structures and other improvements. i. Provide welded steel packing between soil retaining members such as sheet piles and wales and similar members when the gap exceeds 1/4 inch before the wales are loaded. i � � � t i �� � � �� L' � LJ L! � � � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.02260-4 8235A10 pw:llCarollolDocuments\ClienflWAlRenton16235A 101Speaficabons110.02260.docx � � � � � � � � fi � � � � � � � � � � 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Shop drawings and calculations: 1. For trench excavations 4 feet or more in depth and for trenches less than 4 feet in depth when there is potential for cave-in. Submit in advance of excavation work, detailed drawings showing means for safe and stable excavations: 2. PerForm design pursuant to general engineering design practice. 3. For excavations other than trenches, submit, in advance of excavation work, design calculations as perFormed pursuant to general engineering design practice, as specified in this Sub-Section, and detail drawing showing means for safe and stable excavations. In design calculations and detail drawing, cover, as a minimum: a. Excavations adjacent to structures and other improvements, and b. Excavations 4 feet or more in depth, or less than 4 feet in depth when there is potential for cave-in, at other locations_ 4. Submit following= a_ Provide calculations for the different load, support, and other conditions that occur during the sequence of installation of shoring, construction af facilities protected by the shoring, and sequence of removal of shoring. b. Provide sketches showing the condition at various stages of installation and removal of shoring. . c. . Show structures, pipelines, and other improvements located near the shoring, and the shoring on a plan_ d. When utilities penetrate the shoring, submit an elevation of all sides of the shoring showing the locations of the penetrations. 1) Submit details on ground support and sealing around utility penetrations. B_ Written geotechnical report on soil characteristics and design recommendations, as specified in this Sub-Section. C. Control points and schedule of ineasurements: 1. Submit location and details of cantrol points and method and schedule of measurements in accordance with requirements of this Sub-Section. 2. Promptly upon constructing control points and making measurements at such control points, as specified in this Sub-Section, submit copy of field notes with such measurements. a_ The field notes shall show the current measurement and the change in measurement from the first measurement taken. D. Detailed sequence of installation and removal of shoring: 1. Consider effects of ground settlement in the sequence of installation and removal of shoring. 2. Provide sketches showing the conditions at various stages in the sequence of installaiion and removal of shoring. E. Submit submittals for stability of excavations as a complete package and include all items required in this Sub-Section. 1. Incomplete submittals will not be reviewed and will be returned for resubmittal as a complete package. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.02260-5 8235A10 � pw:\ICarollolDocumentslClienftWAlF2enton�8235A10\Specifirations110.02260.dxx � 1.06 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Do not begin work on excavations, trenches, and means for providing stability of excavation and trenches until submittals have been accepted by ENGINEER and until materials necessary for installation are on site. B. Submit submittals a minimum of 20 days prior to the scheduled date to begin excavation work. C. Do not begin construction of any shoring or excavation aperations until: 1. Control points as specified in thi5 Sub-Section and as indicated on the Drawings on existing structures and other improvements have been established and surveyed to document initial elevations and locations. PART2 PRODUCTS Not Used. P,RRT 3 EXEClJTION 3.01 INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL A. Install means for providing safe and stable excavations as indicated in the submittals. B. Except for concrete encased soldier piles, slurry walls, and similar shoring systems, remove shoring by completion of the Work. 1_ Select shonng system and method of removal, which will minimize soil that sticks to shoring from creating large voids and causing settlement. 2. To prevent settlement caused by pulling shoring, fill voids with sand, pea gravel, or pressure injected grout. 3_ The methods used shall prevent settlement. 4. Pressure preservative treated wood lagging may be left in place when acceptable to the ENGINEER. 3.02 MAtNTENANCE A. Where loss of soil occurs, plug gap in shoring and replace lost soil with fill material acceptable to ENGINEER. B. Where measurements and obseroations indicate possibility of failure or excessive movement of excavation support, determined in accardance with general engineering design practice, take appropriate action immediately. 3.03 CONTROL POINTS A. Establish control points on shoring and on structures and other improvements in vicinity of excavation for measurement of horizontal and vertical movement: 1. Set control points on shoring support system: a. Set points at distances not exceeding 25 feet at each support level. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_02260-6 8235A10 pw:l\Caro11o1DocumentslClientlWAlRenton18235A101Specificafions110.07160.dooc � � � � � � i � � � � � � � � � � � � 1 i i �� 1 1 i b. Support levels shall be levels of tie-backs, wales, bottom of excavation, and other types of supports. 2. Set control points in corners of existing structures and on curbs, manholes, and other improvements indicated on the Drawings. B_ Provide plumb bobs with horizontal targets indicating original position of plumb bobs in relation to shoring at control points located on shoring. C. Perform horizontal and vertical survey and measurement of control points at least once every week. END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.02260-7 8235A10 � pw:l\CarollolDocumentslCfientlWAlf2entont8235A101Specifica6onsN0.02260.doc�c � � � � � �� � � � � � � � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.02260-8 8235A10 pw:llCarollolDocumentslClienflWAlRenton18Z35A101Specifiptionsll OA7L60.daac � � i � � i � SUB-SECTION 10.02490 PRECAST CONCRETE VAULTS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A_ Sub-Section includes: Precast concrete vaults. B. Related Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The following Sub-Secfions are related to the Work described in this Sub- Section. This list of Related Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. a. Sub-Section 10.08320 — Access Hatches. 1.02 REFERENCES A. ASTM International {ASTM): 1. A 48 - Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings. 2. C 150 - Standard Specification for Portland Cement. 3. D4263 - Standard Test Method for Indicating Moisture in Concrete by the Plastic Sheet Method. � � B_ Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC): 1. SP-13 — Surface Preparation of Concrete. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: � 1. Show dimensions, locations, lifting inserts, reinforcement, and joints. 2. Structural design calcufations for vaults, signed by a registered engineer. B. Manufacturer's Certification for Vaults: Written certification that the vault complies with the requirements of this Sub-Section. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A_ Inspection: 1. After installation, the CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate that vaults have been properly installed, level, with tight joints, at the correct elevations and orientations, and that the backfilling has been carried out in accordance with the Contract Documents. � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.02490-1 8235A10 1 pw llCaro�olDoannentslClienUWAlRenton18235AtOlSpeaficaUwLsI10 Q2490 PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 VAULTS A. The CONTRACTOR shatl provide precast vaults for the size shown on the Drawings. B. The minimum structural member thickness for vaults shall be 5-inches. Cement shall be Type V portland cement as specified in ASTM C 150. The minimum 28-day concrete compressive strength shall be 4,000 psi. All reinforcing steel shall be embedded in the concrete with a minimum clear cover as recommended by American Concrete Institute (ACI).318. C. Design Loading: Vaults shall be designed for H-20 traffic loading. D: Where joints are designed in pre-cast concrete vaults, such joints shall be interlocking to secure proper alignment between members and prevent migration of soil through the joint. Structural sections at joints shall be sized sufficiently to reinforce the section against localized distress during transportation and handling and against excess contact bearing pressures through the joint. E_ Where openings for access to the vault are required, the full clear space opening indicated shall be provided, without obstructions from brackets or supports. For large openings where brackets or supports are designed to protrude into the opening for support of required covers, such brackets or supports shall be designed to be easily removed and replaced with a minimum of effort and without cutting or welding_ F. Floor access hatches shall be integrally cast into the vault concrete section and as specified in Sub-Section 10.08320_ G. Where penetration of the pre-cast concrete vault are required for piping, conduit, or ducts, such penetrations shall be accommodated through pre-cast openings or thin- wall knock-out sections. All openings for penetrations shall be smooth and free of surface irregularities and without exposed steel reinforcing. Vaults need not be designed to resist thrust from piping passing through the vault. Coordinate pipe penetration locations with piping arrangement as stiown on the Drawings. H. Slope bottom of vault to Recessed Sump as indicated on the drawings. Recessed Sump: Inside dimensions as indicated on the Drawings. 1. Provide FRP grating with rebate as indicated on the Drawings. Grating shall be designed for 300 pounds per square foot load with U200 maximum deflection. J. Ladders_ 1. General: a_ Type: Safety type conforming to local, State; and OSHA standards as minimum. Furnish guards for ladder wells. b_ Size: 18 inches wide between side rails of length, size, shape, detail, and location indicated on the Drawings. 2. Aluminum ladders: a_ Materials: 6063-T5 aluminum alloy. b_ Rungs: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_02490-2 8235A10 pwJlCarollolDocuments�ClienNWAlRentod8235A t O/Specificabonslt 0.02490 � � i � � � � � � 1 I. 1) 1-inch minimum solid square bar with 1/8-inch grooves in top and deeply serrated on all sides. 2) Capable of withstanding 1,000 pound load without failure_ c. Side rails: Minimum 4-inch by 1/2-inch flat bars. d. Fabrication_ 1) Welded construction, of size, shape, location, and details indicated on the Drawings. K. Vault Manufacturers, or Equal: 1. Utility Vault Company. 2.02 COATINGS A_ Interior coating of vault: 1. Apply to interior structure concrete surfaces: walls, ceilings, floor slabs, and recessed sump. 2. Surtace Preparation: Allow new concrete to cure for 28 days or until passing the ASTM D4263 Plastic Mat test. Surface shall be clean, dry, and free of contaminants. 3. Primer: Tnemec Series N69F Hi-Buitd Epoxiline applied at 4.0 to 6.0 mils dry film thickness. 4. Finish: Tnemec Series N69F Hi-Build Epoxiline applied at 4.0 to 6.0 mils dry film thickness. Color shall be white. B. Exterior coating of vault: 1. Surface Preparation: Allow new concrete to cure for 28 days or until passing the ASTM D4263 Plastic Mat test. SSPC SP 13 to meet ICRI CSPS surface profile all surfaces to be coated. Surface shall be clean, dry, and free of contaminants. 2. Tnemec Series 141 PotaPox applied at 16.0 mils dry film thickness. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Pre-cast concrete sections shall be transported and handled with care in accordance with the manufacturer's written recommendations. Where lifting devices are provided in pre-cast sections, such lifting devices shall be used as intended. Where no lifting devices are provided, the CONTRACTOR shall follow the manufacturer's recommendations for lifting procedures to provide proper support during lifting. B. Buried pre-cast concrete vaults shall be assembled and placed in excavations on properly compacted soil foundations as indicated. Pre-cast concrete vaults shall be set to grade and oriented to provide the required dimensions and clearances from pipes and other structures. C. Apply coatings in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. D. Ladders: 1. Secure to supporting surface with bent plate clips providing minimum 8 inches between supporting surface and center of rungs. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.02490-3 8235A10 � pwJ/CarollolDocuments/ClienUWAlRenton18235A1015pecifications110.02490 2. Anchorage by manufacturer. 3. Where exit from ladder is forward over top rung, extend side rails 3 feet 3 inches minimum above landing, and return the rails with a radius bend to the landing. 4_ Where exit from ladder is to side, extend ladder 5 feet 6 inches minimum above landing and rigidly secure at top. 5_ Erect rail straight, level, plumb, and true to position indicated on the Drawings. Correct deviafions from tnae line or grade which are visible to the eye. END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.02490-4 pwJlCarollolDocumenNs�Clien W VAIRenton/8235A t OlSpedficationsl10.02490 � 8235A10 � SUB-SECTION 10.03055 EPDXY BONDING ALL THREAD RODS IN CONCRETE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes: Bonding all thread rods in concrete using epoxy adhesive. B. Related Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work af subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or fumishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The following Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub- Section. This list of Related Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. a. Sub-Section 10.01410 - Regulatory Requirements. b. Sub-Section 10.05120 - Structural Steel. 1.02 REFERENCES A. American National Standards Institute (ANSI): i1. Standard B212.15 - Carbide Tipped Masonry Drills and Blanks for Carbide Tipped Masonry Drills_ � � �� B. ASTM intemational (ASTM): 1. C 881 - Standard Specificafion for Epoxy-Resin-Base Bonding Systems for Concrete. C. ICC Evaluation Service, Inc. (ICGES): 1. AC308 - Acceptance Criteria for Post-Instalted Adhesive Anchors in Concrete Elements. D. Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC): 1. Surface Preparation Standards (SP): a. SP-1 - Solvent Cleaning. ,� � 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data_ Furnish technical data for epoxy adhesives, including: 1. Installation instructions. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03055-1 8235A10 � pw:l/CarollolDocumentsJClienUWAlRenton18235A10/Specifications110.03055 2. Independent laboratory test resuits. 3. Handling and storage instructions. B. Quality control submittals: 1. Epoxy manufacturer's past project experience data on at least 3 similar projects supplied with proposed products within the last 3 years. 2. Special inspection: Provide detailed step-by-step instructions for the special inspection procedure in accordance with the building code as specified in Sub- Section 10.01410. . 3. ICC Evaluation Service, Inc., Evaluation Services Report in compliance with the AC308-Acceptance Criteria for Post-Installed Adhesive Anchors in Concrete Elements_ 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HAPIDLING A. Storage and Protection: 1. Store epoxy components on pallets or shelving in a covered-storage area. 2. Control temperature above 60 degrees Fahrenheit and dispose of product if shelf life has expired. 3. If stored at temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit, test components prior to use to determine if they still meet specified requirements. 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Seismic design category: D. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. Like items of materials: Use end products of one manufacturer in order to achieve structural compatibility and singular responsibility. 2.02 EPDXY ADHESIVE FOR SELF-CONTAINED CARTRIDGE SYSTEM A. Epoxy adhesive shall have a current ICC Evaluation Service report documenting acceptance under AC308 for use with cracked concrete and for the seismic design categories specified. B. Materials 1. In accordance with ASTM C 881, Type IV, Grade 3, Class B or C depending on site conditions. 2. 2-component, 100 percent solids, insensitive to moisture, and gray in color. 3. Cure temperature, pot life, and workability: Compatible with intended use and environmental conditions. C. Packaging. 1. Fumished in side-by-side cartridges with resin and hardener components isolated until mixing through manufactu�er's static mixing nozzle. Nozzle October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03055-2 8235A10 pw:/lCarollo/Documents/ClienUWA/Rentonl8235A 10/Specifipbonsl10.03055 � � designed to thoroughly biend the components for injection from the nozzle � directly into prepared hole. 2. Container markings: Include manufacturer's name, product name, batch number, mix ratio by volume, product expiration date, ANSI hazard iclassification, and appropriate ANSI handling precautions. D. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: � 1. Hilti, Inc., Tulsa, OK: RE 500-SD . 2. Simpson Strong-Tie Company, Inc., Pleasanton, CA: SET-XP. � 2.03 ALL THREAD RODS A. Materials: As specified in Sub-Section 10.05120. � � i � � � PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Provide Epoxy Adhesive Packaged as Follows: 1. Disposable, self-contained cartridge system capable of dispensing both epoxy components in the proper mixing ratio, and it into a manually or pneumatically operated caulking gun. 2. Dispense components through a mixing nozzle that thoroughly mixes components. 3.02 HOLE SIZING AND INSTALLATION A. Drilling holes: 1_ Determine location of reinforcing bars or other obstructions with a non- destructive indicator device, and mark locations with construction crayon on the surface of the concrete_ 2. Do not damage or cut existing reinforcing bars, electrical conduits, or other items embedded in the existing concrete without acceptance by ENGINEER. B. Hole drilling equipment: 1. Electric or pneumatic rotary impact type with medium or light impact. 2. Drill bits: Carbide-tipped in accordance with ANSI B212-15 unless otherwise recommended by the manufacturer or required as a°condition of use" in the ICC Evaluation Report submitted. 3. Hollow drill bits with flushing air systems are preferred. Air supplied to hollow drill bits shall be free of oil, water, or other contaminants that will reduce bond. 4. Where edge distances are less than 2 inches, use lighter impact equipment to prevent microcracking and concrete spalling during drilling process. C_ Hole diameter: Reinforcing bar diameter or all thread rad diameter plus 1/8 inch. D. Obstructions in drill path: 1. If an existing reinforcing bar or other obstruction is hit while drilling hole, stop drilling hole and fill the hole with drypack mortar. Relocate the hole to miss the October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03055-3 8235A10 � pwl/CarollolDocumentslGienWVA/RentoN8235A1015pedfications/10.03055 2 3. 4 obstruction and drill another hole. Repeat the above untii the hole has been drilled to the required depth. Avoid drilling an excessive number of holes in an area of a structural member, which would excessively weaken the structural member and endanger the stability of the structure. Drypack holes which hit obstructions and allow drypack to reach strength equal to the existing concrete before drilling adjacent holes. Epoxy grout may be substituted for drypack when acceptable to ENGINEER. When existing reinforcing steel is encountered during drilling and when acceptable to ENGINEER, enlarge the hole by 1/8 inch, core through the existing reinforcing steel at the larger diameter, and resume drilling at original hole diameter_ Bent bar reinforcing bars: Where edge distances are critical, and striking reinforcing steel is likely, and if acceptable to ENGINEER, drill hole at 10 degree angle or less from axis of reinforcing bar or all thread rod being installed. E. Install all thread rods to depth, spacings, and locations as indicated on the Drawings. 1_ Do not install epoxy bonded all-thread rods in overhead applications. F. Cleaning holes: 1. Insert long air nozzle into hole and blow out loose dust_ Use compressed air that is free of oil, water, or other contaminants that will reduce bond. 2. Use a stiff bristle brush to vigorously brush hote to dislodge compacted drilling dust. 3. Repeat step 1. 4_ Repeat above steps as required to remove drilling dust or other material that will reduce bond. The hole shall be clean and dry. G. Cleaning reinforcing bars and all thread rods: 1. Solvent clean reinforcing bar and all thread rods over the embedment length in accordance with SSPC SP-1 Solvent Cleaning. Provide an oil and grease free surface to promote bonding of adhesive to steel. 2. Clean reinforcing bars and all thread rods over embedment length to bare metal. The reinforcing bars and all thread rods shall be free of oil, grease, paint, dirt, mi11 scale, rust, or other coatings that will reduce bond. H. Filling hole with epoxy 1. Fill hole with epoxy before inserting the reinforcing bar or all thread rod. Fill hole with epoxy starting from bottom of hole. Fill hole without creating air voids. 2. Fill hole with sufficient epoxy so that excess epoxy is extruded out of the hole when the reinforcing bar or all thread rod is inserted into the hole. 3_ Do not install epoxy prior to receiving epoxy manufacturer's onsite training_ October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03055-4 8235A10 pw://Ca rollo/DocumenLslGienUWAlRenton/8235At O/Specificationsl10.03055 3.03 MAPIUFACTURERS' SERVICES A. Furnish manufacturer's representative to conduct jobsite training for proper installation, handling, and storage of epoxy, for personnel who will perform actual installation_ ENGINEER may attend training sessions. END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03055-5 8235A10 � pw:l/CarollolQ�ntslClient/WAlRenton18235A10/Specifications110.03055 � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03055-6 8235A10 pw://Carollo/Documents/ClienUWAlRentonl8235A 10/Specifica6ons110.03055 � 1 SUB-SECTION 10.03071 EPDXIES � � � PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A_ Sub-Section Includes: 1. Epoxy. 2. Epoxy gei. 3. Epoxy bonding agent. B_ Related Sub-Sections: 1. Sub-Section 10_03072 - Epoxy Resin - Portland Cement Bonding Agent. 1.02 REFERENCES A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): � 1. D 638 - Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics. 2. D 695 - Standard Test Method for Compressive Properties of Rigid Plastics. 3. D 790 - Standard Test Methods for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and ;� Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials. �� ' � �� � � 1.03 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Performance Requirements: 1. Provide epoxy materials that are new and use them within shelf life limitations set forth by manufacturer. 2. Perform and conduct work of this Sub-Section in neat orderly manner. 1.04 SUBMfTTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's data completely describing epoxy materials. B. Quality Control Submittals: 1. Manufacturer's installation instrE.ictions_ PART2 PRODUCTS 2.Q1 MATERIALS A. Epoxy: Water-insensitive 2-part type low viscosity epoxy adhesive material containing 100 percent solids and meeting or exceeding following characteristics when tested in accordance with standards specified: Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: 1. BASF, MBT, Concresive0 Standard LVI. October 26, 2010 — FINAL 10.03071-1 8235A10 � pw:!/Carollo/DoamentslClienUWA/Renton/8235A1 �lSpecificationsl10.03071 l 2_ Sika Chemical Corp., Sikadur 35 Hi-Mod LV. Physical Test Required Resuits Characteristic Method Tensile Strength ASTM D 638 8,000 pounds per square inch minimum at 14 days and 77 degrees Fahrenheit cure. Flexure Strength ASTM D 790 11,000 pounds per square inch minimum at 14 days and 77 degrees Fahrenheit cure. Compressive ASTM D 695 16,000 pounds per square inch minimum Strength at 24 hours and 77 degrees Fahrenheit cure_ Bond Strength -- Concrete shall fail before failure of epoxy. Gel Time for 5 Mil -- Four hours maximum at 77 degrees Film Fahrenheit. Elongation ASTM D 638 1 percent minimum at 14 days and 77 degrees Fahrenheit. B. Epoxy Gel: Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: 1. Sika Chemical Corp., Sikadur 31, Hi-Mod Gel. C. Epoxy Bonding Agent: Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: 1. BASF, MBT, Concresive0 Liquid LPL. 2. Sika Chemical Corp., Sikadur 32, Hi-Mod LPL_ 3. If increased tack time is required for concrete placement, epoxy resin - portland cement bonding agent as specified in Sub-Section 10.03072 may be used instead of epoxy bonding agent. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATIOPI A. Install and cure epoxy materials in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions. . B. Epoxy: 1. Apply in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions. C. Epoxy Gel: 1. Apply in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions_ 2. Use for vertical or overhead work, or where high viscosity epoxy is required. 3. Epoxy gel used for vertical or overhead work may be used for horizontal work. D. Epoxy Bonding Agent: 1. Apply in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions. � � � � October 26, 2010 — FINAL 10.03071-2 8235A10 pw://Carollo/Documents/ClientlWAlRentonl8235A 10ISpecifications110.03071 � � � � � � � , � � � � �- � r � �: � � 2. Bonding agent will not be required for filling form tie holes or for normal finishing and patching of similar sized small defects. END OF SUB-SECTION � October 26, 2010 — FINAL 10.03071-3 pw:!lCarollolDocumentsJClientlWfVRentoN8235A t O/5pecifica6onsl t 0.03071 8235A10 October 26, 2010 — FiNAL 10.03071-4 8235A10 pwJ/Carollo/Documents/ClienUWAlRenton18235A 10lSpecificaUonsl10.03071 � � ' � ,� � � � � SUB-SECTION 10.03072 EPDXY RESIN/PORTLAND CEMENT BONDING AGENT PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY 1.02 REFERENCES A. Sub-Section includes: Epoxy resin/portland cement bonding agent. A. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. C 109 - Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2-in. or [50-mm] Cube Specimens). 2_ C 348 - Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength of Hydraulic-Cement Mortars. 3. C 496 - Standard Test Method for Splitting Tensile Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens. 4. C 882 - Standard Test Method for Bond Strength of Epoxy-Resin Systems Used With Concrete By Slant Shear. B. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA): 1. FHWA-RD-86-193 - Highway Concrete Pavement Technology Development and Testing Volume V: Field Evaluation of SHRP C9206 Test Sites (Bridge Deck Overlays). � PART 2 PRODUCTS � � � � , � 2.01 MAPIUFACTURERS A_ Sika Corporation, Lyndhurst, New Jersey, Sika Armatec 110. B. Substitutions: The use of other than the specified product will be considered, providing the CONTRACTOR requests its use in writing to the ENGINEER. This request shall be accompanied by: 1_ A certificate of compliance from an approved independent testing laboratory that the proposed substitute product meets or exceeds specified performance criteria, tested in accordance with the specified test standards. 2. Dacumented proof that the proposed substitute product has a 1-year proved record of performance of bonding portland cement mortar/concrete to hardened partland cement mortarJconcrete, confirmed by actual field tests and 5 successful installations that the ENGINEER can investigate. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Epoxy resin/portland cement adhesive: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03072-1 8235A10 1 pwl/Carollo/DowmentslClienWVAlRenton/8235A10/Specificationsll0 Q3072 � 1. Component "A" shall be an epoxy resin/water emulsion containing suitable viscosity control agents. It shall not contain butyl glyadyl ether. 2. Component "B" shall be primarily a water solution of a polyamine. 3_ Component "C" shall be a blend of selected portland cements and sands. 4. The material shall not contain asbestos. 2.03 PERFORMANCE CRITERIA A. Prope�ties of the mixed epoxy resin/portland cement adhesive_ 1. Pot life: 75 to 105 minutes. 2. Contact time: 24 hours_ 3. . Color Dark gray. B. Properties of the cured epoxy resiNportland cement adhesive: 1. Compressive strength in accordance with ASTM C 109: a. 1 day. 810 pounds per square-inch minimum. b. 7 days: 6,000 pounds per square-inch minimum_ • c_ 28 days: 8,000 pounds per square-inch minimum. 2. Splitting tensile strength in accordance with ASTM C 496: a. 28 days: 540 pounds per square-inch minimum. 3. Flexural strength: a. 1,100 pounds per square-inch minimum in accordance with ASTM C 348_ 4_ Bond strength in accordance with ASTM C 882 modified at 14 days: a. 0 hours open time: 1,900 pounds per square-inch minimum. b. 24 hours open time: 1,500 pounds per square-inch minimum. 5. The epoxy resin/portland cement adhesive shall not produce a vapor barrier. 6. Material must be proven to prevent corrosion of reinforcing steel when tested under the procedures as set forth by the FHWA Program Report Number FHWA/RD86/193. Proof shall be in the form of an independent testing laboratory corrosion report showing prevention of coRosion of the reinforcing steel_ PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Mixing the epoxy resin: Shake contents of Component "A" and Component "B." Empty afl of both components into a clean, dry, mixing pail_ Mix thoroughly for 30 seconds with a jiffy paddle on a low-speed with 400 to 600 revolutions per minute drill_ Slowly add the entire contents of Component "C" while continuing to mix for a minimum of 3 minutes and until uniform with no lumps. Mix only that quantity that can be applied within its pot life. B. Placement procedure: 1. Apply to prepared surface with stiff-bristle brush, broom, or "hopper type" spray equipment: a. For hand applications: Place fresh, plastic concrete/mortar while the bonding bridge adhesive is wet or dry, up to 24 hours. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_03072-2 8235A10 pw:l/Carollo/DocumentslClienU4VAlRentoN8235A10fSpeafications/10 03072 � ' � ' � � � � � ,� � � � � l__! b. For machine applications: Allow the bonding bridge adhesive to dry for 12 hours minimum. C. Adhere to all limitations and cautions for the epoxy resin/portland cement adhesive in the manufacturer's current printed literature. 3.02 CLEANING A. Leave finished work and work area in a neat, clean condition without evidence of spillovers onto adjacent areas_ END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.Q3072-3 8235A10 pwllCarollo/DocumentslClien WJAlRenton/8235A 10/Specificalionsl10.03072 � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03072-4 8235A10 pw:llCarollolDocumentsJClienUYJAlRenton18235A t 0lSpecifications110.03072 � ' � � .� � � � Li , , � � � � ;' ' � , � � , � � � � � � � 1 � � �J SUB-SECTION 10.03102 CONCRETE FORMWORK PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes: Concrete formwork_ B. Related Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is calied for by one is as binding as if called for by all. 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or fumishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3_ The following Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub- Section. This list of Related Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract � Documents. a. Sub-Section 10.03300 - Cast-in-Place Concrete. b. Sub-Section 10.0360Q - Grouts. 1.02 REFERENCES A_ American Concrete institute (ACI): 1. 117 - Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials and Commentary. B. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. A 82 - Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement. 2. A 153 - Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware. 3. A 167 - Standard Specification far Stainless and Heat Resisting Chromium- Nickel Steel Plant, Sheet, and Strip. 4. A 580 - Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Wire. C. NSF International (NSF): . 1. 61 - Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects. 1.03 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ' A. Design requirements: 1. Design of concrete forms,'falsework, and shoring in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations. ' October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03102-1 8235A10 ' pw:!/CarollolDocumentslC�ienVWAlF2enton18235A10/Specificauons/10.03102 � 2. Design forms and ties to withstand concrete. pressures without bulging, spreading, or lifting of forms. B. Performance requirements: 1. Construct forms so that finished concrete conforms to shapes, lines, grades, and dimensions indicated on the Drawings. 2. It is intended that surface of concrete after stripping presents smooth, hard, and dense finish that requires minimum amount of finishing. 3. Provide sufficient number of forms so that the work may be performed rapidly and present uniform appearance in form patterns and finish. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Information on the CONTRACTOR's proposed forming system: Submit in such detail as the ENGINEER may require to assure himseff that intent of the Specifications can be complied with by use of proposed system_ B. Altemate combinations of plywood thickness and stud spacing: May be submitted. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications of formwork manufacturers: Use only forming systems manufactured by manufacturers having minimum 5 years experience, except as otherwise specified, or accepted in writing by the ENGINEER. B. Regulatory requirements: Install woric of this Sub-Section in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations. 1.06 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Requirements due to weather condition: 1. Removal of formwork: Do not remove forms from concrete which has been placed when outside ambient air temperature is below 50 degrees Fahrenheit until concrete has attained specified strength as determined by test cylinders stored in field under equivalent conditions as concrete structure. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 IVIANUFACTURED UNITS A. Form 6es: 1. General: a. Provide form ties for forming system selected that are manufactured by recagnized manufacturer of concrete forming equipment. b. Do not use wire ties or wood spreaders of any form. c. Provide ties of type that accurately tie, lock, and spread forms. d. Provide form ties of such design that when forms are removed, they locate no metal or other material within 1-112 inches of the surface of the concrete. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03102-2 8235A10 pw:!lCarollolDocumentslClienVWAlf2enton18235A101S pecfica 6ons�10.63102 ' lJ � ' � � � � � .� � LJ ' � ' 1 , l__J � � t 1 ' � ' ' ' ' ' � .' � ' � ' �� e. Do not allow holes in forms for ties to allow leakage during piacement of concrete. 2. Cone-snap ties: a. Cone-snap ties shall form a cone shaped depression in the concrete with a minimum diameter of 1 inch at the surface of the concrete and 1-1/2 inches deep. b. Provide neoprene waterseal washer that is located near the center of the concrete. 3. Taper ties: a. Neoprene plugs for taper tie holes: Size so that after they are driven, plugs are located in center third of wall thickeners. b. Dry-pack mortar for filling taper tie holes: 1) Consist of mix of 1 part of portland cement to 1 part of plaster sand. 2) Amount of water to be added to cement-sand mix is to be such that mortar can be driven into holes and be properly compacted. 3) Admixtures or additives: Are not to be used in dry-pack mortar_ B. Built-up plywood forms: 1. Built-up plywood forms may be substituted for prefabricated forming system subject to following minimum requirements: a. Size and material: 1} Full size 4-by 8-foot plywood sheets, except where smaller pieces are able to cover entire area. 2) Sheet construction: 5-ply plywood sheets, 3/4-inch nominal, made with 100 percent waterproof adhesive, and having finish surface that is coated or overlaid with surface which is impervious to water and alkaline calcium and sodium hydroxide of cement. b. Wales: Minimum 2-by 4-inch lumber. c. Studding and wales: Contain no loose knots and be free of warps, cups, and bows. C. Steel or steel framed forms: 1. Steel forms: Provide forms that are: a_ Rigidly constructed and capable of being braced for minimum deflection of finish surface. b. Capable of providing finish surfaces that are flat without bows, cups, or dents. 2. Steel framed plywood forms: a. Provide forms that are rigidly constructed and capable of being braced. b. Plywood paneling: 5-ply, 5/8-inch nominal or 3/4-inch nominal, made with 100 percent waterproof adhesive, and having finish surFace that is coated or overlaid with surface which is impervious to water and alkaline calcium and sodium hydroxide of cement. D. Incidentals: 1. External angles: a. Where not otherwise indicated on the Drawings, provide with 3/4-inch bevel, formed by utilizing true dimensioned wood or solid plastic chamfer strip on walkways, slabs, wa(Is, beams, columns, and openings. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03102-3 8235A10 ' pwl/CarollofDocuments�ClientlWAlRenton18235A10/5peci%cationst10.03102 � b. Provide 1/4-inch bevel formed by utilizing tnae dimensioned wood or solid plastic chamfer strip on walkways, walls, and slabs at expansion, and construction joints. 2. Keyways: Steel, plastic, or lumber treated with form coating, applied according to label directions. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Site verification of conditions: 1. Do not place any concrete until all forms have been thoroughly checked for alignment, level, strength, and to assure accurate location of all mechanical and elec#rical inserts or other embedded items. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Forms and accessories: 1. Vertical forms: - a. Remain in place minimum of 24 hours after concrete is placed. b. If, after 24 hours, concrete has sufficient strength and hardness to resist surface or other damage, forms may be removed. , 2. Other forms supporting concrete and shonng: Remain in place as follows: a_ Sides of footings: 24 hours minimum. b_ Vertical sides of beams, girders, and simitar members: 48 hours minimum. c. Slabs, beams, and girders: Until concrete strength reaches specified strength �� or until shoring is installed_ d. Shoring for slabs, beams, and girders: Shore until concrete strength reaches specified strength_ e. Wall bracing: Brace walls until concrete strength of beams and slabs laterally supporting wall reaches specified strength. 3. Green concrete: . a_ No heavy foading on green concrete will be permitted. b. Green concrete is defined as concrete with less than 100 percent of specified strength f �. 4. Immediately after forms are removed, carefully examine concrete surfaces, and repair any irregularities in surFaces and finishes as specified in Sub- Section 10.03300. B. Form ties: 1. Cone-snap fies: Tie forms together at not more than 2-foot centers vertically and horizontally_ After forms are removed from wall, fill tie holes as follows: a. Remove form ties from surfaces. b_ Roughen cone shaped tie holes by heavy sandblasting before repair. c. Dry pack cone shaped tie holes with dry-pack mortar as specified in Sub- Section 10.03600. 2. Taper ties: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_03102-4 8235A10 pwllCarollolDocumenislGienUWAlRentonB235A 10lSpedfications/t 0.03102 ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' � ' � , ' ' � � ' ' ' ' �-, ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' , ' ' ' �l a. After forms and taper ties are removed from wall, plug tie holes with neoprene plug as follows: 1) Heavy sandblast and then ciean tie holes. 2) After cleaning, drive neoprene plug into each of taper tie holes with steel rod. Final location of neoprene plug shall be in center third of wall thickness. Bond neoprene plug to concrete with epoxy. 3) Locate steel rod in cylindrical recess, made in plug; during driving. a) At no time are plugs to be driven on flat area outside cylindrical recess. b. Dry-pack of taper tie holes: After installing plugs in tie holes: 1) Coat tie hole surface with epoxy bonding agent and fill with dry-pack mortar as specified in Sub-Section 10.03600_ a) Dry-pack mortar: Place in holes in layers with thickness not exceeding tie hole diameter and heavily compact each layer. b) Dry-pack the outside of the hole no sooner than 7 days after the inside of the hole has been dry packed. c) Wall surfaces in area of dry-packed tie holes: On the water side of water containing structures and the outside of below grade walls: (1) Cover with minimum of 10 mils of epoxy gel. (2) Provide epoxy gel coating on wall surfaces that extend minimum of 2.inches past dry-pack mortar filled tie holes. (3) Provide finish surfaces that are free from sand streaks or other voids. C. Built-up plywood forms: 1. Studding: a. Spaced at 16 inches or 24 inches on center. b. Closer spacing may be required depending upon strength requirements of the forms, in order to prevent any bulging surfaces on faces of finished concrete work. c_ Install studs perpendicular to grain of exterior plys of plywood sheets. 2. Wales: Form wales of double lumber material with minimum size as specified in this Sub-Section. 3. Number of form reuses: Depends upon durability of surface coating or overlay used, and ability to maintain forms in condition such that they are capable of producing flat, smooth, hard, dense finish on concrete when stripped. D. Steel or steel framed forms: 1. Steel forms: a_ Adequately brace forms for minimum deflection of finish surface. 2. Steel framed plywood forms: a. Rigidly construct and brace with joints fitting closely and smoothly. b_ Number of form reuses: Depends upon durability of surface coating or overlay used. 3. Built-up plywood forms: As specified in this Sub-Section may be used in conjunction with steel forms or steel framed plywood forms for special forming conditions such as corbels and forming around items which will project through forms_ October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03102-5 8235A10 ' pw:/lCarollo/DocumentslClienUWAlf2enton18235A10/Specifica6onsl10 03102 E. Bracing and alignment of forms: 1. Line and grade: Limit deviations.to tolerances which will permit proper installation of structural embedded items or mechanical and e{ectrical equipment and piping. 2. Formwork: a. Securely brace, support, tie down, or otherwise hold in place to prevent any movement. b. Make adequate provisions for uplift pressure, lateral pressure on forms, and deflection of forms. 3. When second lift is placed on hardened concrete: Take special precautions in form work at top of old lift and bottom of new lift to prevent: a. Spreading and vertical or horizontal displacement of forms_ b. Grout "bleeding" on finish concrete surfaces. 4. Pipe stubs, anchor bolts, and other embedded items: Set in forms where required. 5. Cracks, openings, or offsets at joints in formwork: Close those that are 1/16-inch or larger by tightening forms or by filling with acceptable crack filler. F. Incidentals: � 1. Keyways: Construct keyways as indicated on the Drawings. 2. Reentrant angles: May be left square. 3. Level strips: Install level strips at top of wall concrete placements to maintain true line at horizontal construction joints. 4. Inserts: a. Encase pipes, anchor bolts, steps, reglets, castings, and other inserts, as indicated on the Drawings or as required, in concrete. b. Use dovetail anchors in conjunction with slots as specified in this Sub- Section and as may be necessary for required work_ 3.03 CONSTRUCTION A. Tolerances: 1. Finish concrete shall conform to shapes, lines, grades, and dimensions indicated on the Drawings. 2. The maximum deviation from true line and grade shall not exceed tolerances listed below at time of acceptance of project. 3. General: In accordance with ACI 117, paragraphs 2.1 through 2.2 and paragraphs 4.0 through 4.6, except as modified in following: a. Slabs: 1) Slope: Uniformly sloped to drain when slope is indicated on the Drawings. 2) Slabs indicated to be level: Have maximum deviation of 1/8-inch in 10 feet without any apparent changes in grade. b. On circular tank wafls: The CONTRACTOR may deviate from finish line indicated on the Drawings by use of forms with chord lengths not to exceed 2 feet. c. Inserts: Set inserts to tolerances required for proper installation and operation of equipment or systems to which insert pertains_ d. Maximum tolerances: As follows: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03102-6 . 8235A10 pw //CarollolDocuments/ClientlWAlFtenton(8235At OlSpecfica6ons/10.03102 ii � ' ' ' u ' , ' ' ' ' ' ,:. �J ' ' , � item Tolerance Sleeves and Inserts Plus 1/8 Minus 1/8 inches Projected Ends of Anchor Bolts Plus 1/4 Minus 0.0 inches Anchor Bolt Setting Plus 1/16 IVlinus 1/16 inches END OF SUB-SECTION October 27, 2010 - FINAL 10.03102-7 8235A10 � pw://CarolblDocuments�ClienWVAlRenton18235A10lSpecifica6onsf10.03102 ' October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03102-8 8235A10 pwl/CarollolDocumentslClienilWA/Renton/8235A t 01Specficationsl10.03102 , , ' ' 1 � � ' , 1 ' ' ' u ' � L� II � � , �� ' � PART1 GENERAL SUB=SECTION 10.03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE I1.01 SUMMARY ' ( J ' ' ' � ' � ' � � � � A. Sub-Section includes: Cast-in-piace concrete. B. Related Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. � 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The following Sub-Sections are related to the Vllork described in this Sub- Section. This list of Related Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract 1.02 REFERENCES Documents. a. Sub-Section 10.03071 - Epoxies. A. American Concrete Institute (ACI): 1. 318 - Building Code Requirements for Structural Cancrete and Commentary. 2_ 350 - Code Requirements for Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures and Commentary. 3. Manual of Concrete Practice. B. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. C 31 - Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field. 2. C 33 - Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates. 3. C 39 - Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens_ 4. C 40 - Standard Test Method for Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregates for Concrete. 5. C 42 - Standard Test Method of Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete. 6. C 88 - Standard Test Method of Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfate or Magnesium Sulfate_ 7. C 94 - Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete. 8. C 114 - Standard Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Hydraulic Cement. 9. C 117 - Standard Test Method for Materials Finer that 75-m (No. 200) Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by Washing. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03300-1 8235A10 � pw:/1Carollo/DocumentsiClienNNAlRentonl8235A10lSpecificationsl10.03300 ' 10. C 123 - Standard Test Method for Lightweight Particles in Aggregate. 11. C 131 - Standard Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of Sma1l-Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine. 12. C 136 - Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates. 13. C 142 = Standard Test Method for Clay Lumps and Friable Particles in Aggregate. 14. C 143 - Standard Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic-Cement Concrete. 15. C 150 - Standard Specification for Portland Cement_ 16_ C 156 - Standard Test Method.for Water Loss [from a Mortar SpecimenJ Through Liquid Membrane-Forming Curing Compounds for Concrete. 17. C 157 - Standard Test Method for Length Change of Hardened Hydraulic- Cement Mortar and Concrete. 18. C 171 - Standard Specifications for Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete_ 19_ C 172 - Standard Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete. 20. C 173 - Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method. 21 _ C 260 - Standard Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete. 22. C 289 - Standard Test Method for Potential Alkali-Silica Reactivity of Aggregates (Chemical Method). 23. C 295 - Standard Guide to Petrographic Examination of Aggregates for Concrete. 24. C 309 - Standard Specification for Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete. 25. C 311 - Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Fly Ash ar Natural Pozzolans for Use in Portland-Cement Concrete. 26. C 494 - Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete. 27. C 618 - Standard Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use in Concrete. 28. D 75 - Standard Practice for Sampling Aggregates. 29. D 2103 - Standard Specification for Polyethylene Film and Sheeting. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Alkali: Is defined as the sum of sodium oxide and potassium oxide calculated as sodium oxide. B. Cementitious materials: Defined as portland cement and pozzolan admixture. C. Hairline crack: Crack with a crack width of less than 4 thousandths of an inch. 1.04 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Performance requirements: 1. General: a. Except as otherwise specified, provide concrete composed of portland cement, fly ash, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and water so proportioned and mixed as to produce plastic, workable mixture in October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03300-2 pw:NCarol lo/Documents/ClienUWAlRentonl8235A t OlSpecfications/t 6.03300 8235A10 , ' J , ' � ' , � � ' , � ' � � � � � � � � ' �-. I � � , , 2. 3. accordance with requirements as specified in this Sub-Section and suitable to specific conditions of placement. b. Proportion materials in a manner such that will secure lowest water- cement ratio which is consistent with good workability, plastic, cohesive mixture, and 1 which is within specified slump range. c. Proportion fine and coarse aggregates in manner such as not to produce harshness in placing or honeycombing in structures. It is the intent of this Sub-Section to secure for every part of the Work concrete and grout of homogeneous structure, which when hardened will have required strength, watertightness, and durability: a. It is recognized that some surfiace hairline cracks and crazing will develop in the concrete surfaces. b_ Construction and expansion joints have been specified and positioned in structures as indicated on the Drawings, and curing methods specified, for purpose of reducing number and size of cracks, due to normal expansion and contraction expected from specified concrete mixes. c. Walls or slabs, as specified above, that leak or sweat because of porosity or cracks too small for successful pressure grouting: Seal on water or weather side by coatings of surtace sealant system, as specified in this Sub-Section_ d. Grouting and sealing: Continue as specifed above until structure is watertight and remains watertight for not less than 1 year after final acceptance or date of final repair, whichever occurs later in time. Workmanship and methods: Provide concrete work, including detailing of reinforcing, conforming with best standard practices and as set forth in ACI 318, ACI 35Q, Manuals, and recommended practices. , 1.05 SUBMITTALS 1 ' A. Product data: Submit data completely describing products. B. Information on heating equipment to be used for cold weather concreting: Submit information on type of equipment to be used for heating materials and/or new concrete in process of curing during excessively cold weather. C. For conditions that promote rapid drying of freshly placed concrete such as low , humidity, high temperature, and wind: Submit corrective measures proposed for use prior to placing concrete. � � ' � D. Copies of tests of concrete aggregates: Submit certified copies in triplicate of commercial taboratory tests not more than 90 days old of all samples of concrete aggregates: 1. Fine aggregate: a. Clay fumps. b. Reactivity. . c. Shate and chert. d. Soundness. e_ Color. f. Decantation. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03300-3 8235A10 � pw:/lCarollolDocumentslClien WVAtRenton/8235A1 �lSpecifica6ons110.03300 2. Coarse aggregate: a. Clay lumps and friable particies. b. Reactivity. c. Shale and chert. d. Soundness. e_ Abrasion loss_ f_ Coal and lignite_ g_ Materials finer than 200 sieve. T . � E. Sieve analysis: Submit sieve analyses of fine and coarse aggregates being used in triplicate at least every 3 weeks and at any time there is significant change in grading of materials. ' F. Concrete mixes: Submit full details, including mix design calculations for concrete mixes proposed for use for each class of concrete: 1. Include information on correction of batching for varying moisture contents of fine aggregate_ 2. Submit source quality test records with mix design submittal: a_ Include calculations for f� based on source quality test records. G. Trial batch test data: 1. Submit data for each test cylinder. 2. Submit data that identifies mix and slump for each test cylinder. Sequence of concrete placing: Submit proposed sequence of placing concrete showing proposed beginning and ending of individual placements. Curing compound other than specified compound: Submit complete data on proposed compound. J_ If either fine or coarse aggregate is batched from more than 1 bin: Submit analyses for each bin, and composite analysis made up from these, using proportions of materials to be used in mix_ i/ L� Cement mill tests: Include alkali content, representative of each shipment of cement for verification of compliance with specified requirements. Pozzolan Certificate of Compliance: Identify source of pozzolan and certify compiiance in accordance with ASTM C 618. M. Information on mixing equipment. N. Drying shrinkage test data. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Packing and shipping: 1. Deliver, store, and handle concrete materials in manner that prevents damage and inclusion of foreign substances. ' 2_ Deliver and stare packaged materials in original containers until ready for use. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03300-4 8235A10 pw:ll CarollolDocumenLslClienUWAtFtenton18235A10/Specifications�10.03300 � � � 3. Deliver aggregate to mixing site and handle in such manner that variations in moisture content will not interfere with steady production of concrete of specifed degree of uniformity and slump. � , ' � � � , � t , , , B. Acceptance at site: Reject material containers or materials showing evidence of water or other damage. 1.07 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental requirements: 1. Hot weather concreting: a. When ambient air temperature is above 90 degrees Fahrenheit: Prior to placing concrete, cool forms and reinforcing steel to by water cooling to below 90 degrees Fahrenheit. b. Temperature of concreie mix at time of placement: Keep temperature below 90 degrees Fahrenheit by methods which do not impair quality of concrete_ 2. Cold weather concreting: a. Concrete placed below ambient air temperature of 45 degrees Fahrenheit and falling or below 40 degrees Fahrenheit: Make provision for heating water. b. If materials have been exposed to freezing temperatures to degree that any material is below 35 degrees Fahrenheit: Heat such materials. c. Heating water, cement, or aggregate materials: 1) Do not heat in excess of 160 degrees Fahrenheit. d. Protection of concrete in forms: 1) Protect by means of covering with tarpaulins, or other acceptable covering acceptable to ENGINEER. 2) Provide means for circulating warm moist air around forms in manner to maintain temperature of 50 degrees Fahrenheit for at least 5 days. 3. For conditions that promote rapid drying of freshly placed concrete such as low humidity, high temperature, and wind: Take corrective measures to minimize rapid water loss from concrete: a_ Furnish and use sufficient number of maximum and minimum self- - recording thermometers to adequately measure temperature around concrete. 1.08 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A_ Schedule placing of concrete in such manner as to complete any single placing operation to construction or expansion joint. , PART2 PRODUCTS 1 � 2.01 MATERIALS A. Admixtures: 1. General: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03300-5 8235A10 � pw://CarollolDocumentss7ClienUWA/Renton/8235AtO15pecificaUonsl70.03300 � , 2. 3 Q 5. a. Do not use admixtures of any type, except as specified, unless written authorization has been obtained from the ENGINEER. b. Compatible with concrete and other admixtures. c. Do not use admixtures containing chlorides calculated as chloride ion in excess of 0.5 percent by weight. d. Use in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and add each admixture to concrete mix separately. Air entraining admixture: a. Provide all concrete with 5 percent, plus or minus 1�percent, entrained air of evenly dispersed air bubbles at time of placement. b. In accordance with ASTM C 260. Pozzolan admixture: a. Fly ash in accordance with requirements of ASTM C 618, Class F inay be used as admixture in concrete made with Type II portland cement. b. Maximum of 15 percent by weight of pozzolan admixture to total weight of cementitious materials_ 1) The total weight of cementitious materials shall not be less than minimum cementitious materials listed in Table A. c. Do not use pozzolan admixture as an admixture in concrete made with portland-pozzolan cement. d. Loss on ignition for po�olan admixture: Not exceed 4 percent. Water reducing admixture: a. May be used at the CONTRACTOR's option. b. In accordance with ASTM C 494, Type A or Type D. c. Not contain air-entraining agents. � d_ Liquid form before adding to the concrete mix. e_ No decrease in cement is permitted as result of use of water reducing admixture. Superplasticizers: Are not to be used without acceptance by ENGINEER. B. Aggregate: 1. General: a. Provide concrete aggregates that are sound, uniformly graded, and free of deleterious material in excess of allowable amounts specified. b. Grade aggregate in accordance with ASTM C 136 and D 75. c. Provide unit weight of fine and coarse aggregate that produces in place concrete with weight of not less than 140 pounds per cubic foot. d. Do not use aggregate made from recycled materials such as crushed and screened hydraulic-cement concrete, brick, and other construction materials_ 2. Fine aggregate: a. Provide fine aggregate for concrete or mortar consisting of clean, natural sand or of sand prepared from crushed stone or crushed gravel. b. Do not provide aggregate having deleterious substances in excess of following percentages by weight of contaminating substances. 1) In no case shall total exceed percent listed_ ' , , L� � , � ' � � � ' ' � � l� October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03300-6 8235A10 pw:llCarollolDocumentslClienUWA�f2enton/8235A701Specficationsl10.03300 � � � .-.., LJ � � r � � .--, L � � � � C� � ' , � Item Test Method Percent Removed by decantation (dirt, silt, etc.) ASTM C 117 3 Shale or Chert ASTM C 123 1 ASTM C 295* 1 Clay Lumps ASTM C 142 1 * Test Method C 123 is used to identify particles in the sample lighter than 2.40 Specific Gravity. Test Method C 295 is used to identify which of the lightweight particles are shale or chert. If the results of Test Method C 123 are less than 1 percent, Test Method C 295 is not required. c. txcept as otherwise spec�tied, grade fine aggregate from coarse to fine in accordance with requirements of ASTM C 33. 3. Coarse aggregate: a. General: Provide caarse aggregate consisting of gravel or crushed stone made up of clean, hard, durable particles free from calcareous coatings, organic matter, or other foreign substances. b. Weight: Not exceeding 15 percent, for thin or elongated pieces having length greater than 5 times average thickness. c. Deleterious substances: Not in excess of following percentages by weight, and in no case having total of all deleterious substances exceeding 2 ercent. Item Test Method Percent Shale or chert ASTM C 123 1.25 ASTM C 295** 1 Coal and lignite ASTM C 123 1!4 Clay lumps and friable particles ASTM C 142 1/4 Materials finer than Number 200 sieve ASTM C 117 1/2* * Except when material finer than Number 2Q0 sieve consists of crusher dust, maximum amount shall be 1 percent_ ** Test Method C 123 is used to identify particles in the sample lighter than 2.40 Specific Gravity. Test Method C 295 is used to identify which of the lightweight particles are shale, chert, coal, or lignite. If the results of Test Method C 123 are less than 1.25 percent (the minimum combined percentage of shale, chert, coal and lignite), Test Method C 295 is not required. a. vraaing: � 1) Aggregate for Class A, B, C, and D concrete: In accordance with ASTM C 33, Size Number 57, except as otherwise specified or authorized in writing by the ENGINEER. 2) Aggregate for Class CE concrete for encasement of electrical conduits: a) Graded in accordance with ASTM C 33, Size Number 8. C. Concrete sealer: 1. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03300-7 8235A10 1 pw l/Caro11o1DocumentsJClientlWA/Renton/8235A1 O/Specificatiorts/10 03300 a. ChemMasters, Madison, OH, Spray-Cure & Seal 25. b. Tamms Industries, Luster Seal WB-300. D. Conduit encasement coloring agent: 1. Color: Red color concrete used for encasement of electrical ducts, conduits, and similar type items. 2. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: a. Davis Company, #100 Utility Red. b. I. Reiss Company, Inc., equivalent product. 3. Conduit encasement concrete: Mix into each cubic yard of concrete 10 pounds of coloring agent. E. Evaporation retardant: 1. Manufacturers_ One of the following or equal: a. Master Builders Technologies, Cleveland, Ohio, Confilm. b. Euclid Chemical Company, Cleveland, Ohio, Eucobar. F. Keyway material: Steel, plastic, or lumber. G. Nonslip abrasive_ 1. Type: Aluminum oxide abrasive of size 8/16, having structure of hard aggregate, homogenous, nonglazing, rustproof, and unaffected by freezing, moisture, or cleaning compounds. 2. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: a. Exolon Company, Tonawanda, New York. b. Abrasive Materials, Incorporated, Hillsdale, Michigar�. H. Portland cement: 1. General: Conform to specifications and tests in accordance with ASTM C 150, Types II or III, low alkali, except as specified otherwise. 2. Low alkali portland: Have total alkati containing not more than 0.60 percent. 3. Exposed concrete in any individual structure: Use only one brand of portland cement. 4. Cement for finishes: Provide cement from same source and of same type as concrete to be finished_ Plastic membrane curing: Use polyethylene film in accordance with ASTM C 171: 1. Color: White. 2. Thickness: Nominal thickness of polyethylene film shall not be less than 0.0040 inches when measured in accordance with ASTM D 2103. Thickness of polyethylene film at any point shall not be less than 0.0030 inches. 3. Loss of moisture: Not exceed 0.055 grams per square centimeter of surFace when tested in accordance with ASTM C 156. J � Sprayed membrane curing compaund: Clear type with fugitive dye in accordance with ASTM C 309, Type 1 D. Surface sealant system: Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: 1. Radcon Laboratories, Inc., Las Vegas, Nevada, Formula Number 7. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_03300-8 8235A10 pw:llCarollo/DocumentslClientlWAlRentonl8235A101S pecifirationsl10.03300 � � � �J � � J � L, � � � , 2. IPA Systems, Philadelphia, Pennsyivania, Duripal. L. Water: 1. Water for concrete, Washing Aggregate, and Curing Concrete: Clean and free from oil and deleterious amounts of alkali, acid, organic matter, or other substances. 2. Chlorides and sulfate ions: a. 1Nater for conventional reinforced concrete: Use water not containing more than 1,000 milligrams per liter of chlorides calculated as chloride ion, nor more than 1,000 milligrams per liter of sulfates calculated as sulfate ion. b. Water for prestressed or post-tensioned concrete: Use water not containing more than 650 milligrams per liter of chlorides calculated as chloride ion, nor more than 800 milligrams per liter of sulfates calculated as sulfate ion. 2.02 E�UlPIVlENT A. Mixing concrete: 1. Mixers may be of stationary plant, paver, or truck mixer type. 2. Provide adequate equipment and facilities for accurate measurement and control of materials and for readily changing proportions of material. 3. Mixing equipment: a. Capable of combining aggregates, cementitious materials, and water within specified time into thoroughly mixed and uniform mass and discharging mixture without segregation. b. Maintain concrete mixing plant and equipment in good working order and operated at loads, speeds, and timing recommended by manufacturer or as specified. c. Proportion cementitious materials and aggregate by weight. B. Machine mixing: 1. Batch plant shall be capable of controlling delivery of all material to mixer within 1 percent by weight of individual material_ 2. If bulk cementitious materials are used, weigh them on separate visible scale which will accurately register scale load at any stage of weighing operation from zero to full capacity_ 3. Prevent cementitious materials from coming into contact with aggregate or with water until materials are in mixer ready for complete mixing with all mixing � 5. 6. 7. Q water. Procedure of mixing cementitious materials with sand or with sand and coarse aggregate for delivery to project site, for final mixing and addition of mixing water will not be permitted. Retempering of concrete will not be permitted. Discharge entire batch before recharging. Volume of mixed material per batch: Not exceed manufacturer's rated capacity of mixer. Mixers: a. Perform mixing in batch mixers of acceptable type. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03300-9 pw J/Ca rollolDocuments/ClienNNAlRentonl8235A10/SpecifiraUons110.03300 8235A10 � � c. C. Transit-mixed concrete_ L Equip each mixer with device fo� accurately measuring and indicating quantity of water entering concrete, and operating mechanism such that leakage will not occur when valves are closed. Equip each mixer with device for automatically measuring, indicating, and controlling time required for mixing: 1) Interlock device to prevent discharge of concrete from mixer before expiration of mixing period. � � �� 1. Mix and deliver in accordance with ASTM C 94. 2. Total elapsed time befinreen addition of water at batch plant and discharging comPleted mix: � a. Not to exceed 90 minutes. b. Elapsed time at project site shall not exceed 30 minutes. 3. Under conditions contributing to quick setting, total elapsed time permitted may be reduced by the ENGINEER. 4. Equip each truck mixer with device interlocked to prevent discharge of concrete from drum before required number of turns and furnish such device that is capable of counting number of revolutions of drum. 5. Continuously revolve drum after it is once started until it has completely discharged its batch: a. Do not admit water until drum has started revolving. b. Right is reserved to increase required minimum number of revolutions or to decrease designated maximum number of revolutions allowed, if necessary, to obtain satisfactory mixing. The CONTRACTOR will not be entitled to additional compensation because of such increase or decrease. D. Other types of mixers: In case of other types of mixers, mixing shall be as follows: 1. Mix concrete until there is uniform distribution of materials, and discharge mixer completely before recharging_ 2. Neither speed nor volume loading of mixer shall exceed manufacturer's recommendations_ 3. Continue mixing for minimum of 1-1/2 minutes after all materials are in drum, and for batches larger than 1 cubic yard increase minimum mixing time 15 seconds for each additional cubic yard or fraction thereof_ 2.03 MIXES A. Measurements of materials: 2. 3. 4. 5. Measure materials by weighing, except as otherwise specified or where other methods are specifically authorized in writing by the ENGINEER. Furnish apparatus for weighing aggregates and cementitious materials that is suitably designed and constructed for this purpose. Accuracy of weighing devices: Fumish devices that have capability of providing successive quantities of individual material that can be measured to within 1 percent of desired amount of that material. Measuring or weighing devices: Subject to review by the ENGINEER. Shall bear valid seal of the Sealer of Weights and Measures having jurisdiction. Weighing cementitious materials: � �� u � �� LI � ' ' , October 26, 2010 - F1NAL 10.03300-10 8235A10 pw:llCarollolDocumentslClientlWAlRenton18235At OlSpecificationsl10.03300 I -�, u 1 1 � a. Weigh cementitious materials separately. b. Cement in unbroken standard packages (sacks): Need not be weighed. c. Bulk cementitious materials and fractional packages: Weigh such cementitious materials. � 6. Mixing water: Measured by volume or by weight. � � i i , � � � L� � i , LJ � B. Concrete proportions and consistency: 1. Concrete consistency and composition: a_ Provide concrete that can be worked readily into corners and angles of forms and around reinforcement without excessive vibration and without permitting materials to segregate or free water to collect on surface. b. Prevent unnecessary or haphazard changes in consistency of concrete. 2. Ratio of coarse aggregate to fine aggregate: Not less than 1_0 or more than 2.0 for all concrete Classes, with exception of Class CE. 3. Aggregate: a. Obtain aggregate from source that is capable of providing uniform quality, moisture content, and grading during any single day's operation. 4. Concrete mix water to cementitious materials ratio, minimum cementitious materials content, and slump range: Conform to values specified in Table A in this Sub-Section. 5. Concrete batch weights: Control and adjust to secure maximum yield_ At all times, maintain proportions of concrete mix within specified limits. 6. Mix modification: If required, by the ENGINEER, modify mixture within limits set forth in this Sub-Section_ C. Concrete mixes: 1. Proportioning of concrete mix= Proportion mixes based on required average on compressive strength f��- 2. Mixes: a. Adjusting of water: After acceptance, do not change mixes without acceptance by ENGINEER, except that at all times adjust batching of water to compensate for free moisture content of fine aggregate. b. Total water content of each concrete class: Not exceed those specified in Table A in this Sub-Section. c. Checking moisture content of fine aggregate: Furnish satisfactory means at batching plant for checking moisture content of fine aggregate_ 3. Change in mixes: Submit new mix design and undertake new trial batch and test program as specified in this Sub-Section. D. Hand mixed concrete: 1. Hand mix concrete only when acceptable to the ENGINEER. 2. Prepare hand mixed concrete on watertight, level platForm in batches not to exceeci 1/3 cubic yard each. 3. Aggregate: a. First, spread required amount of coarse aggregate on platform in an even and uniform layer. 1) Then over coarse aggregate, spread proper proportion of fine aggregate. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03300-11 8235A10 � pwJlCarollolDocuments�ClienflVMAlRentonB235At0ISpecificaUons/10.03300 b. Depth of combined coarse and fine aggregate layers: Not be greater than 1 foot. ' 4. Cementitious materials: a. First, evenly spread required quantity of cementitious materials over fine aggregate. b. Then turn entire batch with shovels at least 2 times before adding water. 5. Water: a_ Then uniformly sprinkle or spray proper amount of water over batched materials. b. Then turn with shovels not less than 3 times before concrete is removed from platForm. E. Classes of concrete: 1. Provide concrete consisting of 5 classes: Classes A, B, C, D, and CE. Use where specified or indicated on the Drawings. 2. Weight of concrete classes: Provide classes of concrete having minimum weight of 140 pounds per cubic foot. 3. Class B concrete: Class B concrete may be substituted for Class A concrete, tivhen high-early strength concrete is needed in areas specifically accepted by the ENGINEER and that do not require sulfate resistant concrete. 4. Class C concrete: Class C concrete may be used for fill for unauthorized excavation, for thrust blocks and ground anchors for piping, for bedding of pipe, and where indicated on the Drawings. 5. Class D concrete: Use Class D for precast concrete items. 6. Glass CE concrete: Use Class CE for electrical conduit encasements. 7. All other concrete, unless specified or otherwise indicated on the Drawings: Use Class A concrete= TABLE A CONCRETE WITH AIR ENTRAINMENT Specified Minimum Compressive Maximum Cementitious Strength f� at Water-to- Materials per Cubic Slump 28 Days (Pounds per Cementitious Yard of Concrete by Range Class Square Inch) Materials Ratio Weight (Pounds) (Inches) A 4,000 0.45 564 2 to 4 B(Type III 4,000 0.45 564 2 to 4 cement) C 2,500 0_62 423 3 to 6 D 4,500 0.45 658 2 to 4 CE 2,500 0.62 564 3 to 6 8. Pumped concre#e: Provide pumped concrete that complies with all requirements of this Sub-Section. 9. Do not place concrete with slump outside limits indicated in Table A. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03300-12 8235A10 pw:ll CarollolDocuments/ClienUWlVRentonB235A10ISpecficationsl10.03300 r � � � ' � 10. Classes: a. Classes A, C, D, and CE concrete: Make with Type il low alkali portland cement. � b. Class B concrete: Make with Type III low alkali portland cement. c. Admixtures: Provide admixtures as specified in this Sub-Section. F. Air entraining admixture: 1 1. Add agent to batch in portion of mixing water. 2. Batch solution by means of inechanical batcher capable of accurate measurement. , 2.04 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL � Il � � � � � �. ' � � � A. Tests: 1 _ Trial batches: a. After concrete mix designs have been accepted by ENGINEER, have trial batches of the accepted Class A, C{ass B, and Class D concrete mix designs prepared by testing laboratory acceptable to the ENGINEER. b. Prepare trial batches using specified cementitious materials and aggregates proposed to be used for the Work. c_ Prepare trial batches with sufficient quantity to determine stump, workability, consistency, and finishing characteristics, and to provide sufficient test cylinders. d. Test cylinders: Provide cylinders having 6-inch diameter by 12-inch length and that are prepared in accordance with ASTM C 31 for tests specified in this Sub-Section. e. Determine slump in accordance with ASTM C 143. f_ Test cylinders from trial batch: 1) Test 8 cylinders for compressive strength in accordance with ASTM C 39: aj Test 4 cylinders at 7 days and 4 at 28 days. b) Establish ratio between 7 day and 28 day strength for mix. 7-day strength may be taken as satisfactory indication of 28-day strength provided effects on concrete of temperature and humidity between 7 day and 28 day are taken into account. 2) Average compressive strength of 4 test cylinders tested at 28 days: Equal to or greater than required average compressive strength f�� on which concrete mix design is based. g. If trial batch tests do not meet specified requirements for slump, strength, workability, consistency, drying shrinkage, and finishing, change concrete mix design proportions and, if necessary, source of aggregate. 1) Make additional trial batches and tests until an acceptable trial batch is produced that meets requirements of this Sub-Section. h. Perform test batches and tests required to establish trial batches and acceptability of materials without change in Contract Price. i. Do not place concrete until the concrete mix design and trial batch have been accepted by ENGINEER. 2. Required average compressive strength: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03300-13 8235A10 , pwl/CarollolDocumentslClienUWAlRenton/8235At015pedficauons110.03300 � ' a � c. ,�A � Determine required average compressive strength (f��) for selection of concrete proportions for mix design, for each class of concrete, using calculated standard deviation and its corresponding specified compressive strength f�, in accordance with ACI 318 and ACI 350. When test records of at least 30 consecutive tests that span period of not less than 45 calendar days are available, establish standard deviation as in accordance with ACI 318 and ACI 350 and as modified in this Sub- Section. Provide test records from which to calculate standard deviation that represent materials, quality control procedures, and conditions similar to materials, quality control procedures, and conditions expected to apply in preparation of concrete for the Work. Provide changes in materials and proportions within test records that are more restricted than those for the Work. Speafied compressive strength (f�) of concrete used in test records: Within 1,000 pounds per square inch of that specified for the Work. When lacking adequate test records for calculation of standard deviation meeting requirements, determine required. average compressive strength f�� from followinq Table B_ � � 'J � � LJ TABLE B Specified Compressive Strength f� Required Average Compressive Strength (pounds per square inch) f�� (pounds per square inch) Less than 3,000 f� + 1,000 3,000 to 5,000 f� + 1,200 Over 5,000 1.10f� + 700 3. Pozzalan admixture: a. Sampling and testing: 1) Sample and test pozzolan admixture in accordance with ASTM C 311. 4_ Aggregate: a. Testing of concrete aggregate is at CONTRACTOR's expense. b. If there is change in aggregate source or if there is a significant change in aggregate quality from same source, submit new set of design mixes covering each class of concrete and prepare new trial batches. c. Sieves: � 1) Use sieves with square openings for testing grading of aggregates. 2) Sieve analyses: If sieve analyses indicate significant change in materials, the ENGINEER may require that new mix design and trial batch be submitted and accepted before further placing of concrete. d. Sample aggregate in accordance with ASTM C 136 and D 75. e. Fine aggregate: 1) Provide fine aggregate that does not contain strong alkali nor organic matter which gives color darker than standard color when tested in accordance with ASTM C 40. 2) Provide aggregate having soundness in accordance with requirements of ASTM C 33 when tested in accordance with ASTM� C 88. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03300-14 8235A10 pwJlCarollolDocumentslClienUWAlftentonl8235AtOlSpeafications110 03300 ' � � �� � � � ' � � � ' � ' � � � � � , ,� � �! � � i � 3) Provide aggregate complying with reactivity requirements of ASTM C 33 when tested in accordance with ASTM C 289. f. Coarse aggregate: 1) Soundness when tested in accordance with ASTM C 88: Have loss not greater than 10 percent when tested with sodium sulfate. 2) Abrasion Loss: Not exceed 45 percent after 500 revolutions when tested in accordance with ASTM C 131. 3) Reactivity: Not exceed limits specified in Appendix of ASTM C 33 when tested in accordance with ASTM C 289. g. Portland cement: 1) Determination alkali content: Determine by method set forth in ASTM C 114_ PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Liquid evaporation retardant: 1. Under conditions which result in rapid evaporation of moisture from the surface of the concrete, immediately after the concrete has been screeded, coat the surface of the concrete with a liquid evaporation retardant_ 2. Apply the evaporatian retardant again after each work operation as necessary to prevent drying shrinkage cracks. 3. Conditions which result in rapid evaporation of moisture may include one or more of the following: a. Low humidity_ b. Windy conditions. c. High temperature. B. Surface sealant system: 1. Apply as recommended by manufacturer published instructions. 2. Where concrete continues to sweat or leak, apply additional coats of surface sealant until the sweating or leaks stop. C. Joints and bonding: 1. As far as practicable construct concrete work as monolith. 2_ Locations of construction, expansion, and other joints are indicated on the Drawings or as specified in this Sub-Section. 3. Repair of concrete: Where it is necessary to repair concrete by bonding mortar or new concrete to concrete which has reached its initial set, first coat surface of set concrete with epoxy bonding agent as specified in Sub- Section 10.03071. D. Conveying and placing concrete: 1. Canvey concrete from mixer to place of final deposit by methods that prevent separation or loss of materials. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03300-15 8235A10 , pw:(/CarollolDocumentslCfienNNAlRentonB235At0/5pedficationslt0.D3300 2. Use equipment for chuting, pumping, and conveying concrete of such size and design as to ensure practically continuous flow of concrete at delivery end without separation of materials. 3_ Design and use chutes and devices for conveying and depositing.concrete that direct concrete vertically downward when discharged from chute or conveying device. 4. Keep equipment for conveying concrete thoroughly clean by washing and scraping upon completion of any day's placement_ E. Placing concrete: 1_ Place no concrete without prior authorization of the ENGINEER. 2. Do not place concrete until: a. Reinforcement is secure and properly fastened in its correct position and loose form ties at construction joints have been retightened. b. Dowels, bucks, sfeeves, hangers, pipes, conduits, anchor bolts, and any other fixtures required to be embedded in concrete have been placed and adequately anchored. c. Forms have been cleaned and oiled as specified. 3_ Placement of concrete in which initial set has occGrred, or of retempered concrete, will not be permitted. 4. Place no concrete during rainstorms or high velocity winds. 5. Protect concrete placed immediately before rain to prevent water from coming in contact with such concrete or winds causing excessive drying. 6_ Keep sufFcient protective covering on hand at all times for protection of concrete. 7_ After acceptance, adhere to proposed sequence of placing concrete, except when specific changes are requested and accepted by the ENGINEER. 8_ Notify the ENGINEER in writing of readiness, not just intention, to place concrete in any portion of the work: a. Provide this notification in such time in advance of operations, as the ENGINEER deems necessary to make final inspection of preparations at location of proposed concrete placing. b. Place forms, reinforcement, screeds, anchors; ties, and inserts in place before notification of readiness is given to the ENGINEER. c. Depositing concrete: � 1) Deposit concrete at or near its final position to avoid segregation caused by rehandling or flowing. 2) Do not deposit concrete in large quantities in one place and work along forms with vibrator or by other me#hods. 3) Do not drop concrete freely into place from height greater than 5 feet. 4) Use tremies for placing concrete where drop is over 5 feet. 5) Commence placement of concrete on slopes, at bottom of slope. 9. Place concrete in approximately horizontal layers. not to exceed 24 inches in depth and bring up evenly in all parts of forms. 10. Continue concrete placement without avoidable interruption, in continuous operation, until end of placement is reached. 11 _ After placement begins, it should continue without significant interruption. Precautions should be planned and implemented to preVent any delay, between layers being placed, from exceeding 20 minutes. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03300-16 8235A10 pw:llCarollo/DoaenemslClienU WNRenton18235A 10fSpecifications/10.03300 �. � � ' L� 1 � LJ � � � � � ' II e. 12_ If concrete is to be placed over previously placed concrete and more than 20 minutes have elapsed, then spread layer of grout not less than 1/2 inch in thickness nor more than 1 inch in thickness over surFace before placing additional concrete. 13. Placement of concrete for slabs, beams, or walkways: a. If cast monolithically with walls or columns, do not commence until concrete in walls or columns has been allowed to set and shrink. b. Allow set time of not less than one hour for shrinkage. F. Consolidating concrete: 1. Place concrete with aid of acceptable mechanical vibrators. 2. Thoroughly consolidate concrete around reinforcement, pipes, or other shapes built into the work. 3. Provide sufficiently intense vibration to cause concrete to flow and settle readily into place and to visibly affect concrete over radius of at least . 18 inches. 4_ Vibrators: a. Keep sufficient vibrators on hand at all times to vibrate concrete as placed. b. In addition to vibrators in actual use while concrete is being placed, have on hand minimum 1 spare vibrator in serviceable condition. c_ Place no concrete until it has been ascertained that all vibrating equipment, including spares, are in serviceable condition. 5. Take special care to place concrete solidly against forms to leave no voids. 6. Take every precaution to make concrete solid, compact, and smooth, and if for any reason surfaces or interiors have voids or are in any way defective, repair such concrete in manner acceptable to the ENGINEER. G. Loading concrete: 1. Green concrete: a. No heavy loading of green concrete will be permitted. b_ Green concrete is defined as concrete with less than 100 percent of the specified strength. 2. No backfill shall be placed against concrete walls, connecting slabs, or beams until the concrete has reached the specified strength. 3. Use construction methods, sequencing, and allow time for concrete to reach adequate strength to prevent overstress of the concrete structure during construction. H. Curing concrete: 1. General: a. Cure concrete by methods specified in this Sub=Section. b. Cure.concrete minimum of 7 days. c. Cure concrete to be painted with water or plastic membrane. d. Do not use curing compound on concrete surfaces that are to receive paint or upon which any material is to be bonded. e. Water cure or plastic membrane cure concrete slabs that are specified to be sealed by concrete sealer. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03300-17 8235A10 � p�vl/CarollolDocuments/ClientlWAlf2enton/8235A10/Spedficauonsl10.03300 E 3 f. Cure other concrete by water curing or sprayed curing membrane at the CONTRACTOR's option. g. Floor slabs may be cured using plastic membrane curing. Water curing: a. Keep surfaces of concrete being water cured constantly and visibly moist day and night for period of not less than 7 days. b. Each day forms remain in place may count as 1 day of water curing. c. No further curing credit will be allowed for forms in place after contact has once been broken between concrete surface and forms. d. Do not loosen form ties during period when concrete is being cured by leaving forms in place. e. Flood top of walls with water at least 3 times per day, and keep concrete surfaces moist at all times during 7 day curing period. Sprayed membrane curing: a. Apply curing compound to concrete surface after repairing and patching, and within 1 hour after forms are removed. b. If more than 1 hour elapses after removal of forms, do not use membrane- curing compound, but use water curing for full curing period. c. If surface requires repairing or painting, water cure such concrete surfaces. d. Curing compound: 1) Do not remove curing compound from concrete in less than 7 days. 2) Curing compound may be removed only upon written request by the CONTRACTOR and acceptance by the ENGINEER, stating what measures are to be performed to adequately cure structures. 3) Take care to apply cunng compound in area of construction joints_ a) See that curing compound is placed within construction joint 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) silhouette. After curing period is complete, remove curing compound placed within construction joint silhouette by heavy sandblasting prior to placing any new concrete. CONTRACTOR's Option: Instead of using curing compound for curing of construction joints, such joints may be water cured. Apply curing compound by mechanical, power operated sprayer and mechanical agitator that will uniformly mix all pigment and compound. Apply compound in at least 2 coats. Apply each coat in direction 90 degrees to preceding coat. Apply curing compound in sufficient quantity so that concrete has uniform appearance and that natural color is effectively and completely concealed at time of spraying. Continue to coat and recoat surfaces until specified coverage is achieved and until coating film remains on concrete surfaces. Thickness and coverage of curing compound: Provide compound having film thickness that can be scraped from surfaces at any and all points after drying for at least 24 hours. The CONTRACTOR is caufioned that method of applying curing compound specified in this Sub-Section may require more compound October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03300-18 8235A10 pw:NCarollolDocumentslClienUWAlRentonl8235At 0/Specificationsl16.03300 �. � � � � � m 0 than normally suggested by manufacturer of compound and also more than is customary in the trade_ 13) Apply amounts specified in this Sub-Section, regardless of manufacturer's recommendations or customary practice, if curing compound is used in place of water curing. 14) If the CONTRACTOR desires to use curing compound other than specified curing compound, coat sample areas of concrete wall with proposed curing compound and also similar adjacent area with specified compound in specified manner for comparison: a) If proposed sample is not equal or better, in opinion of the ENGINEER, in all features, proposed substi#ution will not be allowed. 15) Prior to final acceptance of the work, remove, by sandblasting or other acceptable method, any cunng compound on surFaces exposed to view, so that only natural color of finished concrete is visible . uniformly over entire surface. Plastic membrar.s curing: a. Polyethylene film may be used to cure slabs. 1) Seal joints and edges with small sand berm. b. Install plastic membrane as soon as concrete is finished and can be walked on without damage. c. Keep concrete moist under plastic membrane. 3.02 CONCRETE FINISHING A. Edges of joints: � 1. Provide joints having edges as indicated on the Drawings. 2. Protect wall and slab surfaces at edges against concrete spatter and thoroughly clean upon completion of each placement. � � i � � , � 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing of concrete: 1. During progress of construction, the OWNER will have tests made to determine whether the concrete, as being produced, complies with requirements specified. 2. Tests will be performed in accordance with ASTM C 31, ASTM C 39, and ASTM C 172. 3. The ENGINEER will make and deliver test cylinders to the laboratory and testing expense will be bome by the OWNER. 4. Required number cylinders: a. Not less than 3 cylinder specimens, 6-inch diameter by 12 inch long, will be tested for each 150 cubic yards of each class of concrete with minimum of 3 specimens for each class of concrete placed and not less than 3 specimens for each half day's placement. b. One cylinder will be broken at 7 days and 2 at 28 days. 5. The CONTRACTOR shall: a. Test slump of concrete using slump cone in accordance with requirements of ASTM C 143. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03300-19 8235A10 � pw:l/CarollolDocumentstClientlWA/Renton/8235At01Specificalionsl1Q.03300 �� b. Furnish test equipment. c. Do not use concrete that does not meet specification requirements in regards to slump. 1) Remove such concrete from project site. d. Test slump at the beginning of each placement, as often as necessary to keep slump within the specified range, and when requested to do so by the ENGINEER. . e_ Make provisions for and fumish concrete for test specimens, and provide manual assistance to the ENGINEER in preparing said specimens. f. Assume responsibility for care of and providing of curing conditions for test specimens in accordance with ASTM C 31. B. Air entraining admixture: 1_ Test percent of entrained air in concrete at beginning of each placement, as often as necessary to keep entrained air within specified range, and when requested to do so by the ENGINEER_ 2_ Provide test equipment. 3. Do not use concrete that does not meet Specification requirements for air entrainment. a. Remove such concrete from project site. 4. Test air entrainment in concrete in accordance with ASTM C 173_ 5. The ENGINEER may at any time test percent of entrained air in concrete received on project site. C. Enforcement of strength requirement: 1. Concrete is expected to reach higher compressive strength than that which is indicated in Table A as specified compressive strength f�. 2. Strength level of concrete: Will be considered acceptable if following conditions are satisfied: a_ Averages of all sets of 3 consecutive strength test results is greater or equal to specified compressive strength P�_ b. No individual strength test (average of 2 cylinders) falls below specified compressive strength Y� by more than 500 pounds per square inch. c_ Whenever ane, or both, of 2 conditions stated above is not satisfied; provide additional curing of affected portion followed by cores taken in accordance with ASTM C 42, ACI 318, and ACI 350 and comply with following requirements: 1) If additional curing does not bring average of 3 cores taken in affected area to at least specified compressive strength f�, designate such concrete in affected area as defective. 2) The ENGINEER may require the CONTRACTOR to strengthen defective concrete by means of additional concrete, additional reinforcement, or replacement of defective concrete, all of the CONTRACTOR's expense_ 3.04 ADJUSTING A. Repair of defective concrete: 1. Remove and replace or repair defective work. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.033Q0-20 8235A10 pw:llCarollolDocuments/ClienUWAlftenfnn18235A 101Specfications/10 03300 � LJ � � � � 1 i , i � � i � � �� �' � 2. Correct defective work as specified. 3. Do not, patch, repair, or cover defective work without inspection by the ENGINEER. 4. Provide repairs having strength equal to or greater than specified concrete for , areas involved. 5. Preparation of concrete for repair: a_ Make no repair until ENGINEER has accepted method for preparing � surface for repair. b. Chip out and key imperfections in the work and make them ready for repair. � c. Surfaces of set concrete to be repaired: First coat with epoxy bonding agent as specified in Sub-Section 10.03071. . 6. Methods of repair: I a. Dry pack method: 1) Use for holes having depth nearly equal to or greater than least surface dimension of hole, for cone-bolt holes, and for narrow slots � cut for repair. 2) Smooth holes: Clean and roughen by heavy sandblasting before repair. � b_ Mortar method bf replacement: 1) Use for holes too wide to dry pack and too shallow for concrete replacement. 2) Comparatively shallow depressions, large or small, which extend no � deeper than nearest surface reinforcement. c. Concrete replacement: 1) Use when holes e�end entirely through concrete section or when � holes are more than 1 square foot in area and extend halfinray or more through the section. � � � � i END OF SUB-SECTION October 27, 2010 - FINAL 10_03300-21 8235A10 '' pw:llCarollo/DocumentsiClient/WAlf2entoN8235A101SpecificaGons/10.03300 ;� October26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03300-22 8235A10 pw:IlCarollolDocumenis/ClienUWAlf2entonl8235A t OlSpeafica6ons110.03300 � � �, � � i. 1 1 1 1 ' �, � � SUB-SECTION 10.03600 GROUTS , � � � � � , �, � PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section Includes: 1. Concrete mortar. 2. Dry-pack mortar. 3. Epoxy grout. 4. Grout_ 5. Non-shrink epoxy grout. 6. Non-shrink grout. B. Related Sub-Sections: 1. Sub-Section 10.03071 - Epoxies. 1.02 REFERENCES A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): 1. C 109 - Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (using 2-inch or [50-millimeter] cube specimens). 2. C 230 - Standard Specification for Flow Table for Use In Tests of Hydraulic Cement. 3. C 531 - Standard Test Method for Liner Shrinkage and Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Chemical-Resistant Mortars, Grouts, Monolithic Surfacings, and Polymer Concretes. 4_ C 579 - Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Chemical- Resistant Mortars, Grouts, and Monolithic Surfacings and Polymer Concretes. 5. C 939 - Standard Test Method for Flow of Grout for Preplaced-Aggregate Concrete (Flow Cone Method). 6. C 1107 - Standard Specification for Packaged Dry, Hydraulic-Cement Grout (Non-shrink). 7. C 1181 - Standard Test Methods for Compressive Greep of Chemical- Resistant Polymer Machinery Grouts. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Non-Shrink Grout: Submit manufacturer's literature and certified test data prior to instatlation. � ' B_ Non-Shrink EpoxyGrout: Submit manufacturer's literature and certified test data prior to installation. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03600-1 8235A10 , pwllCarolla�DocumentslClientlWAlRentonl8235A1015pecificaUons110.03600 a 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. All materials shall be delivered to the jobsite in their original, unopened packages or containers, clearly labeled with the manufacturer's product identification and printed instructions. B. All materials shall be stored in a cool dry place and in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. C. All materials shall be handled in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. 1.05 PROJECT/SITE CONDITIONS A. Refer to manufacturer's literature or contact the manufacturer for any special physical or environmental limitations that may be required for use of products. 1.06 WARRANTIES A. Non-Shrink Grout: The manufacturer shall warranty that the non-shrink grout will never go below its initial placement volume when tested in accordance with ASTM C 1107_ B. Non-Shrink Epoxy Grout_ The manufacturer shall warranty that non-shrink epoxy grout will show negligible shrinkage or expansion when tested in accordance with ASTM C 531 _ PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Concrete Mortar: 1. General: Consist of concrete mixture with coarse aggregate removed and water quantity adjusted as required. 2. At Exposed Concrete Surfaces Not to Be Painted or Submerged in Water: White cement. B. Dry-Pack Mortar: 1. Consist of m"ixture of portland cement and sand. C. Epoxy Grout: 1. Consist of mixture of epoxy and sand. 2. Sand: Clean, bagged, graded, and kiln dried silica sand. D. Grout: 1. Consist of mixture of portland cement and sand. E. Non-Shrink Epoxy Grout: 1. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal_ a. Five Star Products, Inc., Faifield, CT, Five Star Epoxy Grout. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03600-2 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/WA(Rentonl8235A 10/Specifica tionsl10.03600 8235A10 2. 3. 4. 5_ 6. 7. b. BASF Construction Chemicals, Shakopee, MN, Masterflow 648 CP Plus. c. L&M Construction Chemicals, Inc., EPOGROUT. Non-shrink epoxy grout shall be a 100 percent solid, premeasured, prepackaged system containing a 2-component thermosetting epoxy resin and inert aggregate. Consistency: Non-shrink epoxy grout shall maintain a flowable consistency for at least 45 minutes at 70 degrees Fahrenheit_ Dimensional Stability (height change): a. Non-shrink epoxy grout shall have negligible shrinkage or expansion (less than 0.0006 inches/inch) when tested in accordance with ASTM C 531. Compressive Strength: Non-shrink epoxy grout shall show a minimum compressive strength of 10,000 pounds per square inch at 24 hours and 14,000 pounds per square inch at 7 days when tested in accordance with ASTM C 579, Method B. Compressive Creep: The compressive creep for non-shrink epoxy grout shall not exceed 0.0027 inches/inch when tested under a 400 pounds per square inch constant load at 140 degrees Fahrenheit in accordance with ASTM C 1181. Thermal Capabiliiy: The coefficient of thermal expansion for. non-shrink epoxy grout shall not exceed 0.000018 inches per inch per degree Fahrenheit when tested under ASTM C 531, Method B. F. Non-Shrink Grout: 1. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: a. Five Star Products, Inc., Faifield, CT, Five Star Grout. b. BASF Construction Chemicals, Shakopee, MN, Masterflow 928. c. L&M Construction Chemicals, Inc., Omaha, NE, CRYSTEX. 2. Preportioned and prepackaged cement-based mixture. It shall contain no metallic particles such as aluminum powder and no metallic aggregate such as iron filings. It shall require only the addition of potable water. 3. Potable Water for Pre-Soaking, Mixing, and Curing: Clean and free of oils, acids, alkalies, organics, and any other deleterious matter. 4. Bleeding_ Free from the emergence of mixing water from within or the presence of water on its surface. 5. In accordance with ASTM C 1107. 6. Consistency: Remain at a minimum flawable consistency for at least 45 minutes after mixing at 45 degrees Fahrenheit to 90 degrees Fahrenheit when tested in accordance with ASTM C 230. If at a fluid consisteney, it shall be verified in accordance with ASTM C 939. 7. Dimensional Stability (height change): In accordance with ASTM C 1107, volume-adjusting Grade B or C at 45 degrees to 90 degrees. It shall show 90 percent or greater.bearing area under bases or baseplates. 8. Compressive Strength: Non-shrink grout shall show minimum compressive strengths at 45 degrees Fahrenheit to 90 degrees Fahrenheit in accordance with ASTM C 1107 for various periods from the time of placement, including 5,000 pounds per square inch at 28 days when tested in accordance with ASTM C 109 as modified by ASTM C 1107. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.Q3600-3 8235A10 � pwllCarollolDowments/ClienUWA/Renton/8235At�lSpecificationsll0-03600 2.02 MIXES A. Concrete Mortar Mix: 1. Use water-to-cementitious materials ratio that is no more than that specified for concrete being repaired. 2. At Exposed Concrete Surfaces Not to Be Painted or Submerged in Water: Use sufficient white cement to make color of finished patch match that of surrounding concrete. B. Dry-Pack Mortar Mix: Use only enough water so that resulting mortar will crumble to touch after being formed into ball by hand. C. Epoxy Grout: 1. Mix in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions. 2. Proportioning: a. For Horizontal Work: Consist of mixture of 1 part epoxy as specified in Sub-Section 10.03071 with not more than 2 parts sand. b. For Vertical or Overhead Work: Consist of 1 part epoxy gel as specified in Sub-Section 10.03071 with not more than 2 parts sand_ D. Grout Mix: 1. For Concrete Repair: Mix in same proportions used for concrete being repaired, with only sufficient water to give required consistency for spreading_ 2. For Spreading over the Surfaces of Construction or Cold Joints: Mix with no more water used than allowed by water-to-Cementitious materials ratio specified for concrete. 3. For Other Applications: Mix in proportions by weight of 1 part cement to 4 parts �of concrete sand_ � F Non-Shrink Epoxy Grout: Mix in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions. Non-Shrink Grout: Mix in accordance with manufacturers installation instructions such that resulting mix has flowable consistency and is suitable for placing by pouring. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINAiION A. Inspect concrete surfaces to receive grout or mortar and verify that they are free of ice, frost, dirt, grease, oil, curing compounds, paints, impregnations, and all loose material or foreign matter likely to affect the bond or performance of grout or mortar. B. Inspect baseplate and anchor systems for rust, oil, and other deleterious substances that may affect the bond or performance of grout_ C. Confirm that newly placed concrete has been cured sufficiently to attain its design strength and limit further shrinkage. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03600-4 8235A10 pw://Carollo/Documents/ClienUWAlRenton/8235A 10/Specificationsl10.03600 � e ' i � � ' ' ' � �� D. Verify that temperature of cementitious or epoxy grout does not exceed manufacturer's recommendations. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Surface Preparation: 1. Roughen all concrete surfaces by heavy sandblasting, chipping, or other mechanical means to assure bond_ Loose or broken concrete shall be removed. 2. All grease, oil, dirt, curing compounds, laitance, and other deleterious materials that may affect bond that were identified in the inspection process shall be completely removed from concrete and bottoms of baseplates. All metal surfaces should have a 2 to 3 mil peak-tavalley profile for epoxy grouts. 3. For cementitious mortars and grouts, concrete shall be saturated surface damp. Any standing water shall be removed prior to placing grouts. 4. For epoxy grouts, do not wet concrete surfaces with water. Instead, where required, wet surfaces with epoxy for horizontal work or epoxy gel for vertical or overhead work prior to placing epoxy grouts. B. Forms and Headboxes for Cementitious or Epoxy Grouts: 1. Forms for grouts shall be built of material with adequate strength to withstand the placement of grouts. 2. Forms must be rigid and liquid tight. All cracks and joints shall be caulked with an elastomeric sealant. All forms shall be lined with polyethylene for easy grout release. Forms carefully waxed with two coats of heavy-duty paste wax shall also be acceptable. 3. Forms shall be 4 to 6 inches higher than the baseplate on one side of the baseplate configuration when using head pressure for placement. 4. A sufficient number of headboxes shall be built to facilitate placement of � grouts. 5. Air relief holes a minimum 1/8 inch in diameter shall be provided when required by a baseplate configuration to avoid entrapping air underneath. C � � � � i 3A3 APPUCATION A. Cement Mortar and Grout: 1. For Defec#ive Concrete Repair: � a. Filling: Filling of voids around items through the concrete. b. Grout Spreading: Spread over construction joints, cold joints, and similar type items. 2. Concrete Surfaces: a. Apply epoxy-bonding agent to clean, roughened, and dry surfaces before placing mortar or grout. 3. Placing: a. Exercise particular care in placing Portland cement mortar or grout since they are required to furnish structural strength, or impermeable water seal, or both. b. Do not use cement mortar or grout that has not been placed within 30 minutes after mixing. October 26, 201Q - FINAL 10.03600-5 8235A10 ' pw:llCarollo/DocumentslClienUWAlRenton/8235At0/Specificaoons110.03600 � B. Epoxy Grout: 1. Apply in accordance with manufacturer's instaliation instructions. 2_ Use where specified herein or where indicated on the Drawings. 3.04 PLACEMENT A. Grout shall only be installed after the final equipment alignment is correct and accepted by the ENGINEER: 1. Grouts shall be mixed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 2. Use mortar mixer with moving paddles for mixing grouts_ For cementitious grouts, pre-wet the mixer and empty out excess water before beginning mixing_ 3. Cementitious Grouts: a. Add non-shrink cementitious grout to a premeasured amount of water that does not exceed the manufacturer's maximum recommended water content. b. Mix cementitious grouts per manufacturer's instructions for uniform consistency. � c. Grouts may be drypacked, flowed, or pumped into place_ All baseplate grouting shall take place from one side of a baseplate to the other to avoid trapping air. Do not overwork grouts. d. Do not retemper grout by adding more water after stiffening. e. Hydrostatic head pressure shall be maintained by keeping the level of the grout in the headbox above the bottom of the baseplate. The headbox should be filled to the maximum level and the grout worked down to top of baseplate. 4. Epoxy Grauts: a. Epoxy grouts shall be mixed in complete units. Do not vary the ratio of components or add solvent to change the consistency of the mix. b. Pour the hardener into the resin and mix for at least 1 minute and until each mixture is uniform in color. Pour the chemical components into the mortar mixer wheelbarrow and add the aggregate. Mix until aggregate is uniformly wetted. Over mixing will cause air entrapment in the mix. -c. All epoxy grout shall be flowed into place using a headbox. All grouting shall take place from one side of a baseplate to the other in a continuous flow to avoid trapping air. d. Hydrostatic head pressure shall be maintained by keeping the level of graut in headboxes above the bottom of baseplates. Headboxes shall be filled to the maximum level and grout worked down to the bottom of baseplates. e. Epoxy grouts shall nat be cut back after setting. The final level of grout will be as installed with all chamfer edges built into the formwork. 3.05 CURING A. Cementitious Grouts: 1. Grouts must be cut back to the lower edge of baseplates after reaching initial set. Provide a 45 degree angle cut back. ' , � � � ' 1 ' � � � � � � � � i October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03600-6 8235A10 pw:!lCarollolDocuments/GienWVA/Renton/8235A10/Specifica6onsl10.03600 ' I� , _� � ' � ' ' ' � ' ' ' ' , ' , , ' ' 2_ Ciean equipment and tools as recommended by the grout manufacturer. 3. Cure grouts in accordance with manufacturer's specifications and recommendations. Keep grout moist for a minimum of 3 days. The method needed to protect grouts will depend on temperature, humidity, and wind. Wet burlap, a soaker hose, sun shading, ponding, and, in extreme conditions, a combination of inethods shall be employed. 4_ Grouts shall be maintained above 40 degrees Fahrenheit until they have attained a compressive strength of 3,000 pounds per square inch, or above 70 degrees Fahrenheit for a minimum of 24 hours to avoid damage from subsequent freezing. B. Epoxy Grouts: 1. Cure grouts in accordance with manufacturers' specifications and recommendations. Do not wet cure epoxy grouts_ 2. Consult the manufacturer for appropriate cure schedule. In no case should any surface in contact with epoxy grout be allowed to fall below 50 degrees Fahrenheit for a minimum of 48 hours after placement. 3.06 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. : Non-shrink cementitious grouts shall be tested for 24 hour compressive strength in accordance with ASTM C 109. Non-shrink grouts shall be tested for 24 hour compressive strength in accordance with ASTM C 579, Method B. END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03600-7 8235A10 � pw:/lCarollolDocumentslGientlWAlRenton/8235A10lSpecifications110.03600 � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.03600-8 8235A10 pw://Carollo/Documents/ClienUWA/Renton/8235A 10/Specifications110.03600 L i 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 C� � I1 � r-, I� L� 1 PART1 GENERAL ' 1.01 SUMMARY � ' � LJ � ' , ' � ' ' , � SUB-SECTION 10.03925 CONCRETE REPAIR AND COATING A. Sub-Section Includes: Field repair and coating of existing concrete. B. Related Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all_ 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The following Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub- Section. This list of Related Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. a. Sub-Section 10_09960A - Coatings. 1.02 REFERENCES A. American Concrete Institute (ACI): 1. ACI 308R Guide to Curing Concrete. B_ American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): 1. C 496 - Standard Test Method for Splitting Tensile Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens. • 2. C 580 - Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength and Modulus of Elasticity of Chemical-Resistant Mortars, Grouts, Monolithic Surfacings, and Polymer Concretes. 3. D 16 - Standard Terminology for Paint and Related Coatings, Materials, and Applications. � 4. D 1653 - Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Organic Coating Films. 5. D 2794 - Standard Test Method for Resistance of Organic Coatings to the Effects of Rapid Deformation (Impact). 6. D 4060 - Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Organic Coatings by the Taber Abraser_ 7. F 1869 — Standard Test Method for Measuring Moisture Vapor Emission Rate of Concrete Subfloor Using Anhydrous Calcium Chloride. C. International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI): 1. Guideline No. 03732 — Selecting and Specifying Concrete Surface Preparation for Sealers, Coatings, and Polymer Overlays. October 26, 2010 — FINAL 10_03925-1 8235A10 ' pwllCarollo/Documents/GlienUWA/Renton/8235A10/Specifications/10.03925 D. NACE Intemational, The Corrosion Society (NACE): 1. RP0188-99 - Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of Protective Coatings. E. The Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC): 1. SP-2 - Hand Tool Cleaning_ 2. SP-3 - Power Tool Cleaning. 3. SP-5 — White Metal Blast Cleaning_ 4. SP-10 - Near-White Blast Cleaning. 5. SP-13 — Surface Preparation of Concrete. 6. SSPC — Guide for Illumination of Industrial Painting Products_ 7. SSPC-PA3 — A Guide to Safety in Paint Applications. 8. SSPC - Volume I and II, Good Painting Practice. 1.03 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Fumish All Labor, Tools, Equipment, Materials, and Other Items Required to: 1. Repair damaged/deteriorated concrete as determined necessary and as required by ENGINEER; if required, it will be added as change order. Do not include in Total Bid Amount. 2. Repair cracks in concrete by epoxy injection as determined necessary and as required by ENGINEER; if required, it will be added as change order_ Engineer to provide specification for epoxy injection if required_ Do not include in Total Bid Amount. 3. Apply 100 percent solids Polyamine Epoxy coating to all concrete surfaces as specified herein. B: As determined necessary by ENGINEER, remove piping, fittings, and associated ' items where work is to be accomplished_ Replace and coat such.items upon completion of work. 1.04 AREAS OF WORK A. Interior surfaces of existing 'Westview Lift Station as indicated on the Drawings and described herein: Prepare, repair, and coat all interior surfaces. 1.05 SEQUENCE OF WORK A_ Prepare interior surFaces of Westview Lift Station in preparation for viewing by ENGINEER, OWNER, CONTRACTOR, and Coating Manufacturer's Technical Representative: 1. Steam clean and degrease all interior surfaces_ 2. Remove any items as required by ENGINEER, such as piping, brackets, prior to abrasive blast cleaning of concrete surfaces, or a. Abrasive blast clean such items in place. 3. Abrasive blast clean all concrete surfaces to remove loose concrete and provide a"broom" type finish similar to 60-gnt sandpaper. October 26, 2010 — FINAL 10_03925-2 pw1/CarollolDocumentslClienf/WA/Rentonl8235A 10/Specifica6ons/10.03925 ' ' , ' ' ' � 8235A10 , � ' ' � ' � � ' , ' ' � u ' ' ' , ' B. Upon completion of review of interior surfaces of each structure by ENGINEER and determination made by ENGINEER that concrete repair is required, CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit a cost proposal to ENGINEER for concrete repair work to be completed prior to application of coating. C. Complete all Modification Work in Westview Lift Station as specified in Contract Documents: 1. Replace all items previously removed and prepare for coating app�ication. D. Complete all concrete repair work, necessary epoxy injection work, additional abrasive blast cleaning, and coating application as specified and required by ENGINEER and in this Section. E. Perform inspection and necessary repairs to coating as specified in this Sub- Section. 1.06 SUBMITTALS . � '� E. Shop Drawings: Submit prior to start of work. Product Data (General}: Submit prior to start of work. Product Data for 1Q0 Percent Solids Polyamine Epoxy Coating: 1_ Manufacturer's literature including installation procedure and warranty for coating system. 2. Manufacturer's letter of declaration to maintain local permanent inventory and field technical services during coating application and Warranty period. 3. Test results of product from approved material testing laboratory certifying that product meets or exceeds required physical properties. 4. Certification of manufacturer's technical services representative. Testing procedure in accordance with ASTM D 1653. Coating repair pracedures. F. Coating Applicator Licensing: 1_ Approval and licensing by manufacturer of 100 percent solids Polyamine Epoxy coating for coating applicator to apply this system. 2. Certification from patent holder of Eco System expansion process for 100 percent solids Polyamine Epoxy coating that coating applicator is certified to utilize this process. G W Manufacturer's Instructions: Submit in accordance with requirements for Product Data. Manufacturer's Technical Representative's Observation Letters. 1.07 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications of Concrete Repair CONTRACTOR: October 26, 2010 — FINAL 10.03925-3 8235A10 , pwllCarollo/DocumentslClienUWlURenton/8235A10/Specifica�orul10.03925 ' , 2 Manufacturer of specified concrete repair products shall have in existence, for a minimum of 10 years, a program of training, certifying, and technically supporting an approved CONTRACTOR program with annual education of its participants. Provide list of at least 5 job references where CONTRACTOR has successfully repaired spalled concrete surfaces. B. Qualifications of 100 Percent Solids Polyamine Epoxy Coating Applicator: 1. At least 5 years experience applying type of coating under conditions similar to the Work specified herein: a. Submit list of 5 references for similar projects completed. C. Qualifications of 100 percent solids Polyamine Epoxy Coating Manufacturer's Technical Services Representative_ a. Minimum 3 years experience involving applications of 100 percent solids Polyamine Epoxy. b. Shall be available as required to support application of specified product. D. Regulatory Requirements: Include requirements concerning the following: 1. SSPC — Volume I and II, Good Painting Practice. E_ Pre-Instaflation Conference: 1. Conduct prior to start of work at mutually agreed time by OWNER and CONTRACTOR_ One week notice will be provided. 2. Coating Manufacturer's Technical Services Representative shall attend Pre-installation Conference. F_ Certification: Certify that coatings to be applied are resistant to deterioration when exposed to hydrogen sulfide and other sewage gases. G. Field Samples: Prepare and coat a small area befinreen corners or limits such as control or constructian joints of each system. Accepted field sample may be part of Work. Field sample can be observed as a running start. , � ' � ' ' ' ' ' � H. Compatibility of Coatings: Use products by same manufacturer for prime coats, ' intermediate coats, and finish coats on same surface. Services of Coatings Manufacturer's Technicaf Representative: Arrange for Coating Manufacturer's Technical Representative to attend pre-installation conferences and to make periodic visits to the project site to provide observations and recommendations during surface preparation and application of coatings. 1.08 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Remove unspecified and unapproved materials from Project site immediately ' , , B. Deliver containers with labels identifying the manufacturer's name, brand name, ' product type, batch number, date of manufacturer, expiration date or shelf life, color, and mixing and reducing instructions. C� October 26, 2010 — FINAL 10.03925-4 8235A10 pw1/CarollolDocumentslClienUWA/Renton18235A10/Specifica 6ons/10.03925 , 11 � , C_ Store materials in a well-ventilated facility that provides protection from the sun, weather, and fire hazards. Maintain ambient storage temperature between 50 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit, unless otherwise recommended by the manufacturer. i� , � ' ' , , � � � D. Take precautions to prevent fire and spontaneous combustion. 1.09 PROJECT CONDITIONS A_ Surface Moisture Contents: Do not coat surfaces that exceed testing requirements of ASTM F 1869 and coating manufacturer specified moisture contents. B. Do Not Coat: 1. Under dusty conditions. 2. When light on surfaces measures less than 15 foot-candles. 3. When ambient or surface temperature is less than 45 degrees Fahrenheit. 4. When relative humidity is higher than 85 percent. 5. When surface temperature is less than 5 degrees Fahrenheit above dewpoint. 6. When surface temperature exceeds coating manufacturer's recommendation. 7. When ambient temperature exceeds 90 degrees Fahrenheit, unless coating manufacturer allows a higher temperature. C. Provide fans, heating devices, dehumidification equipment, or other means recommended by manufacturer to prevent formation of condensate or dew on surface of substrate, coating between coats, and within curing time following application of last coat. D. Prepare and apply coatings in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 1.10 WARRANTY: A_ Provide 3 year warranty for all concrete repair and coating work accomplished under this Contract stating that CONTRACTOR will provide all labor and materials to repair any defects that occur within 3 years from completion and acceptance date of work at no cost to OWNER. ' PART2 PRODUCTS ' � � � 2.01 NIANUFACTURERS A. Polymer-Modified Portland Cement Mortar Concrete Repair Materials: One of the following or equaL- 1. Tnemec Company, Inc. a. Mortarcrete, Series 217. b. MortarClad, Series 218. B. 100 Percent Solids Polyamine Epoxy Coating Materials: One of the following or equal: 1. Tnemec Company, Inc. a_ Perma-Shield FR, Series 436 October 26, 2010 — FINAL 10_03925-5 8235A10 � pwl/Caro1M/DocumentslClienflWAfRenton/8235A10/Specifica6ons/10.03925 2.02 MATERIALS A. Polymer-Modifietl Portland Cement Mortar for Vertical and Horizontal Surfiaces: One of the following or equal: 1. Tnemec Company, Inc. a_ Mortarcrete, Series 217. b. MortarClad, Series 218. B. Reinforcing Steel Coating: 1. Coat all exposed reinforcing steel with high solids epoxy immersed service, as specified in Sub-Section 10_09960A, before installation of final concrete repair material. C. Polyamine Epoxy Coating: 1. Two components, 100 percent solids. 2_ Certified by an approved material testing laboratory to be resistant to hydrogen sulfide and sodium hypochlorite and meet the followin requirements: Physical Properties Test Method Resutts Durometer Hardness @ 75 ASTM D 2240 42-70 Shore D Degrees Fahrenheit, Shore D Tensile Strength ASTM D 2370 6000 pounds per square inch, minimum Abrasion Resistance ASTM D 4060 124 milligrams, minimum Impact Resistance ASTM D 2794 56 pounds per square inch, minimum Adhesion ASTM D 4541 Greater than 680 pounds per square inch Water Vapor Transmission ASTM D 1653 At 75 degrees F, no and Permeability Test Method B more than 3.16 g/m2 per 24 hr water vapor transmission and 0.243 perms water vapor permeability 3. 5ystems: a. Mortarcrete, Series 217. b. MortarC{ad, Series 218. c. Perma-Shield FR, Series 436: 1) Apply cementitious mortar(s) as required to create pinhole free surface, consisting of a minimum of 1/16-inch. Apply a minimum 80 mils topcoat Polyamide Epoxy. 2.03 PERFORMANCE A. Polymer-Modified Portland Cement Mortar for Vertical and Horizontal Surfaces 1. Properties of Mixed Polymer-Modified Portland Cement Mortar: a. Working Time: 10 to 15 minutes_ October 26, 2010 — FINAL 10.03925-6 8235A10 pwll CarollolDocumentslClientNVA/Renton18235A10/Specifica6ons/t 0.03925 i i� � i b. Finishing Time: 20 to 60 minutes. c_ Color_ Concrete grey. 2. One of the following or equal: a. Tnemec Company, Inc. 1 } Mortarcrete, Series 217. 2) MortarClad, Series 218. IPART 3 EXECUTION 1 3.01 GENERAL PREPARATION A. As required, and as required by ENGINEER: remove all existing piping, pipe ' hangers, concrete inserts, and other items as necessary from areas where repair and coating of concrete is required to facilitate repair and coating work as specified herein, and acceptable to ENGINEER. ' f� � � � � � , , � � � B. Prepare in accordance with ICRI CSP-5. C_ Utilize ICRI standards to remove damaged and deteriorated concrete for repair and coating: 1. For areas with less than 1/4 inch concrete deterioration, provide the polymer modified portland cement mortar repair, Series 218, as specified in this Sub- Section. 2. For areas of concrete deterioration between 1/4 inch and 2 inches, provide the polymer modified portland cement mortar repair, Series 217, as specified in this Sub-Section. 3. For area with concrete deterioration beyond 2 inches, with exposed reinforcing bars, the concrete must be chipped back to 4-1/2 inches and reinforcing bars repaired as required. D. Remove Loose Concrete from Spalled Areas and Cracks: 1. In areas where concrete deterioration dovetails to original concrete surface, make entire cavity to be repaired at least 1/2 inch deep from original concrete surface by means of saw-cutting. 2. Provide straight edges, a minimum of 1/2 inch deep in sound concrete 2-inches away from deterioration. 3. Repair with polymer modified mortar, Series 217/218, so as to provide a minimum of 1/4 inch not to exceed 2 inches, of concrete repair material at all locations_ 4. Prepare surface edges of cavity by'/4-inch by'/4-inch saw cut. 5. Remove dust, dirt, and loosely bonded material resulting from cleaning. 6. Ensure cavity surfaces are dry. E. Use following procedures where reinforcing steel with active corrosion is encountered: 1. Clean exposed reinforcing bars to SSPC SP10 standard. 2. Determine reinforcement bar section loss, splice new reinforcing bars where there is more than 15 percent loss as determined by ENGINEER. If more than October 26, 2010 — FINAL 10.03925-7 8235A10 pwJlCarollolDocuments/ClienUWAlRenton/8235A1 D/Specifications/10.03925 -, � � 3 half the diameter of reinforcing steel is exposed, chip out behind reinforcing steel a minimum of 1/2 inch_ Cut reinforcing bars, butt weld new reinforcing bars to undamaged existing reinforcing bars and place polymer modified portland cement to original surface. Coat all exposed reinforcing steel with high solids epoxy immersed service, as specified in Sub-Section 10.09960A, before installation of final concrete repair material. ` � � ' F. Restore damaged and deteriorated edges with approved concrete repair material ' and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. G. For All Concrete Repair Areas: 1_ Provide smooth steel towel finish free from trowel marks and depressions greater than 1/4 inch. 2. Allow concrete repair areas to cure for minimum of 18 hours before application of Polyamine Epoxy coating, or as recommended by manufacturer of Polyamine Epoxy coating. „ 3. Provide heaters, fans, or dehumidification equipment as required to allow concrete surfaces to cure and be dry, as recommended by manufacturer of Polyamine Epoxy coating, prior to application of coating. , � , H. Expansion Joints: t 1. Seal expansion joints in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. I. Inspection: 1. After completion of surface preparation OWNER, ENGINEER, and Coating Manufacturer's Technical Representative, will inspect all surfaces to be coated prior to coating. 2. Specified cleanliness shall be verified through the use of accepted practice in accordance with SSPC or NACE standards. 3_ Utilize visual comparators to verify the specified level of cleanliness. J. Abrasive-Blast and Concrete Debris: Remove debris generated from the preparation operations from the structures. Haul and dispose of debris in accordance with all Federal, State, and local regulations_ 3.02 COATING APPLICATION A_ Apply in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B_ All surfaces receiving the coating shall be visually dry and at least 5 degrees Fahrenheit (3 degrees Centigrade) above the dew point prior to starting the installation to prevent moisture entrapment: 1. The Relative Humidity must be below 85 percent_ 2_ Test surfaces to be coated in accordance with ASTM D 4264. Test method for indicating moisture in concrete is by the plastic sheet method. C_ Compressed air used for coating application shall be clean and free of oil and water. October 26, 2010 — FINAL 10.03925-8 8235A10 pwJ/Ca roI lo/Docume ntslClient/WA/Renton/8235A 10/Specifica tions/10.03925 ' � � � ' � L I � � 1 �I i � � �� „ �; ' � , � �� � ' j � � � D_ Use pnmer only at direction of, and as recommended by Coating Manufacturer's Technical Representative. E. Materials Conditioning: Perform in accordance with manufacturer's latest published data. Control temperature in order to produce a repeatable finished product on each application. F. Deposition of Materials: Apply coating to be monolithic and cohesive in nature and to minimize hand work repair. G. Leading Edges: Install a mechanical anchor for the leading edge of the applied coating material: 1. Leading edge mechanical anchor shall consist of a saw cut to a minimum depth of 1/4 inch and width of 1/8 inch. 2. Sharp edges of the saw cut shall be rounded, dried, and cleaned of debris. 3. After cleaning, solid base Polyamine Epoxy coating shall be applied into the saw cut, taking care to penetrate to full depth. The use of a trowel or putty knife might be required. H. Curing: 1. Comply with manufacturer's recommendations as to environmental conditions under which lining system materials can be applied. 2. Prepare surfaces and apply cure coatings within air and surFace temperature range in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Cleanup: Clean spillage and overspray from adjacent surfaces as recommended by coating system manufacturer. 3.03 INSPECTION AiVD TESTING A. The following inspection equipment (or engineer accepted equal) shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR and utilized for performing quality control testing: 1. Sling psychrometer. 2. Surface temperature thermometer. 3. Ambient temperature thermometer_ 4. Psychrometric charts for determining relative humidity and dew point. 5. High range wet and dry film thickness gauges. 6. Micrometer. 7. Durometer: A Scale. 8. Sample cans. 9. Inspection Glass: 30 power minimum. 10. High voltage holiday detector. B. The following quality control tests shall be performed, with results recorded and made avaifable to ENGINEER: 1. Compressed air quality in accordance with blotter test. 2. Environmental conditions prior to coating application, including substrate temperature, ambient temperature, relative humidity, and dew point. October 26, 2010 — FINAL 10_03925-9 . 8235A10 � pwl/Carollo/Documents/ClienUWAlRenton/8235A10/Specificafions/10.03925 3. Observation of surface preparation, inciuding anchor. pattern prior to coating application_ 4. Wet and dry film thickness measurements. C. OWNER, ENGINEER, and Coating Manufacturer's Technical Representative shall be given sufficient notice so as to be present when the following hold points are reached= 1_ Completion of surface preparation. 2. Prior to coating application. 3. Dunng wet and dry film thickness measurements. 4. During holiday detection testing. 5. During coating repairs. D_ Surface Cleanliness, pH Condition: Use either pH paper or a pH meter to determine the pH of the concrete surface. A pH range of 5 to 9 is considered acceptable. E. Enlist the aid of various tests and implement those tests to verify the integrity of the appiied coating. Permit OWtvER, ENGINEER, and Coating �ianufaciurers Technical Representative full access at all times to observe and be satisfied that the specification is being followed. F. Wet film thickness shall be monitored throughout the coating installation by means of frequent measurements with a high-range wet film thickness gauge. G. All layers of material shall be applied within the manufacturer's recommended time ' frame to ensure minimization of contamination of coating. H. Coating shall be 100 percent electronically tested using high voltage in accordance with NACE procedure RP0188-88 inspected for discontinuities to include pinholes, voids, and mechanically damaged areas_ 1. Any damaged areas, faulty areas, or discontinuities (pinholes) found during holiday detection within a 24-hour (within recoat window) period of application shall be corrected as follows: a. Damaged or Faulty Areas (i.e., impact damage, off-ratio application): Clean area thoroughly, extending at least 6 inches beyond damaged area with MEK dampened cloth_ Abrade 100 percent of repaired area prior to 2 October 26, 2010 — FINAL 10.03925-10 pwllCarollolDocumentstClientNVA/Renton/8235A10/Specifications/10.03925 coating. b. Discontinuity (Pinhole) Repair Clean the immediate area arflund the detected discontinuity with MEK dampened c{oth (do not apply excessive MEK to pinhole area, the intent is to clean only). Abrade 100 percent of repaired area prior to coating. Any damaged areas, faulty areas, or discontinuities (pinholes) found during holiday detection inspection after 24 hours of coating installation (exceeding recoat window) shall be corrected as follows= a. Damaged or Faulty Areas (i.e., impact damage, off-ratio application, etc.): Abrade the surface using a power grinder and/or power steel grinding brush down to and including exposed bare concrete to roughen the surFace and to prepare the substrate to the original standard. Abraded areas shall extend at least 6 inches (15 centimeter.) beyond damaged or � � � ' � � �� L� , 8235A10 � i 1 i , � I, � � � � � � � L_J i � � � � � faulty area. After abrading the surface, vacuum or blow down with clean, dry compressed air thoroughly to remove all loose particles. Clean the area thoroughly, extending at least 6 inches (15 centimeter) beyond the damaged area with MEK dampened eloth (do not apply excessive MEK to pinhole area, the intent is to clean only), allow MEK to thoroughly dry. When thoroughly dry to touch, spray area with coating to the specified thickness, feathering the material into the existing prepared coating. b. Discontinuity (Pinhole) Repair: Abrade (hand sand or power tool clean) the immediate areas around the detected pinhole (1/2 inch radius from edge of discontinuity) to establish a roughed surface, and to prepare the substrate to the original standard, followed with vacuuming or blow down with clean, dry compressed air to remove loose particles. After dust removal, wipe abraded area with MEK dampened cloth. Do not apply excessive MEK to pinhole area_ The intent is to clean only. Allow MEK to thoroughly dry. Hand apply (putty Knife, etc.) a small amount of mixed material directly to the pinhole. For pinhole repairs, hand mix and ±horoughly blend a sma!I am�unt (r.erma!!y to thres �unces at a time for each appficator) or Part A and Part B in correct ratios. 3.04 REPLACEMENT OF REMOVED ITEMS A. Clean and recoat items removed from work areas prior to commencing work such as piping, pipe hangers, and associated equipment replace in like manner as removed. 3.05 FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTAMCE A. Finallnspection: 1. Following replacement of previously removed items, a final inspection of the repaired and coated structures shall be made by ENGINEER, OWNER, CONTRACTOR, and the Coating Manufacturer's Technical Representative. 2. Any damage that has occurred to the coating shall be repaired in accordance with the coating manufacturer's instructions. B. Final Acceptance: 1. Written final acceptance of the concrete repair and coating work accomplished to the interiors of the Westview Liff Station, as specified in the Contract Documents, shall be prepared by the ENGINEER or OWNER and issued to the CONTRACTOR, with a copy to the coating manufacturer. END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 — FINAL 10.03925-11 � 8235A10 � pwJ/Carollo/DocumentslGlientNVAlRenton18235A101Specificationsl10.03925 October 26, 2010 — FINAL 10.03925-12 pwJl Carollo/Documents/Ciient(WAlRenton18235A10/Specifications/10.03925 � � � i i � � i t 1 � 1 � 1 � I 1 1 8235A10 � SUB-SECTION 10.05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes: 1. Structural steel shapes and piate. 2. Fasteners: a. All thread rods. b. Anchor bolts. c_ Assembly bolts. d. Concrete anchors. e. Deformed bar anchors. f. Eyebolts. g. High strength bolts. h. Powder actuated fasteners. i. Sleeve anchors. j. Welded studs. 3. Isolation sleeves and washers_ 4. Thread coating. 5_ Welding. B. Related Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities perfiorming or fumishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The following Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub- Section_ This list of Related Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents_ a. Sub-Section 10.03055 - Epoxy Bonding Reinforcing Bars and All Thread Rods In Concrete. b. Sub-Section 10.09960A - Coatings. � 1.02 REFERENCES 1 � A. American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC): 1. Specification for Structural Steel Buildings. B. American National Standards Institute (ANSI): October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_05120-1 8235A10 � pw:f/CaroIIWDocuments�ClienWYNRentoN8235At015pecificationsl10A5120 1. B212-15 - Cutting Tools - Carbide-tipped Masonry Drilis and Blanks for Carbide-tipped Masonry Drills. C. American Welding Society (AWS): 1. A5.1 - Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding. 2. A5.17 - Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes and Fluxes forSubmerged Arc Welding. 3. A5.ZD - Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding. 4_ D1.1 - Structural Welding Code - Steel. 5. D10_4 - Recommended Practices for Welding Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Piping and Tubing. D. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. A 29 - Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon and Alloy, Hot-Wrought, General Requirements for. 2. A 36 - Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel. 3. A 53 - Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded, and Seamless. 4. A 108 - Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon and Alloy, Cold Finished. 5. A 123 - Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products. 6. A 153 - Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware. 7. A 240 - Standard Specification for Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels and for General Applications. 8. A 276 - Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes. 9. A 307 - Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 PSI Tensile Strength. 10. A 325 - Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength. 11. A 489 - Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Lifting Eyes. 12. A 490 - Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Alloy Steel, Heat Treated, 150 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength. 13. A 496 - Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Deformed, for Concrete Reinforcement. 14. A 500 - Standard Specification for Cold-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes. 15. A 501 - Standard Specification for Hot-Focmed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing. 16. A 992 - Standard Specification for Structural Steel Shapes. 17. F 593 - Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bolts, Hex Cap Screws, and Studs. 18. F 959 - Standard Specification for Compressible-Washer-Type Direct Tension Indicators for Use with Structural Fasteners. E. International Code Council Evaluation Service, Inc. (ICC-ES): October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.05120-2 8235A10 pwllCa rollofDocuments/ClienWYA/Rentonl8235A 10/Specfica6ons110.05120 �� ' � � � I � � � r �i � � � � i � � 1. AC01 - Acceptance Criteria for Expansion Anchors in Masonry Elements. 2. AC58 - Acceptance Criteria for Adhesive Anchors in Masonry Elements. 3. AC193 - Acceptance Criteria for Mechanical Anchors in Concrete Elements. 4. AC308 - Acceptance Criteria for Post-Installed Adhesive Anchors in Concrete Elements_ 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Quality control submittals: 1. Submit shop drawings of inembers to be fabricated before starting their fabrication. . 2. Welder's certificates. B. Test reports: 1. Certified copies of mill tests and analyses made in accordance with applicable ASTM standards, or reports from a recognized commercial laboratory, including chemical and tensile properties of each shipment of structural steel or part thereof having common properties. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications: 1. Perform welding of structural metals with welders who have current AWS certificate for the type of welding to be performed. 2. Steel fabricators shall be certified by the AISC ar other certification as recognized and accepted by the local building official having jurisdiction. 3. Notify ENGINEER 24 hours minimum before starting shop or field welding. 4. ENGINEER may check materials, equipment, and qualifications of welders. 5. Remove welders performing unsatisfactory Work, or require to requalify. 6. ENGINEER may use gamma ray, magnetic particle, dye penetrant, trepanning, or other aids to visual inspection to examine any part of welds or all welds. 7. CONTRACTOR shall bear costs of retests on defective welds. 8. CONTRACTOR shall also bear costs in connection with qualifying welders. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING � '� Packing and shipping: Deliver structural steel free from mill scale, rust, and pitting_ Storage and protection: Until erection and painting, protect from weather items not galvanized or protected by a shop coat of paint. IPART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERlALS ' � i A. Unless otherwise specified or indicated on the Drawings, materials shall conform to the following: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.05120-3 8235A10 pw:!(CarollolDocumentslClienUWAtRenton18235At 0/5pecificaUons/10.05120 Class, Grade, Type, or Item ASTM Standard Alloy Number Stainiess steel Piate, sheet, and strip A 240 Type 304* or 316** Bars and shapes A 276 Type 304* or 316** * Use Type 304L if material will be welded. ** Use Type 316L if material will be welded. B. Where stainless steel is welded, use low-carbon stainless steel. 2.02 FASTENERS A. General: Furnish threaded fasteners, except high strength bolts, with flat washers, and sglf-locking nuts, or lock washers and nuts. 1_ Bolt heads and nuts: Hex-type_ 2. Bolts, nuts, and washers: Of domestic manufacture. B. All thread rods: 1. Type 316 stainless steel in accordance with ASTM F 593 for use in wet and moist locations, including: a. Water-containing structures: � 1) Below and at water level. 2) Above water level: a) Below top of walls af water-containing structures. b) Under the roof, slab, beam, or walkway of enclosed water- containing structures_ 3) Dry side of walls of water-containing structures. b_ Pump bases. 2. Type 304 or Type 316 stainless steel in accordance with ASTM F 593 for aluminum assemblies. C. All thread rods bonded in holes drilled in concrete with epoxy_ As specified in Sub- Section 10_03055 and as indicated on the Drawings. D. Anchor bolts: 1. Anchor bolts, nuts, and washers: Type 316 staintess steel in accordance with ASTM F 593 for use in wet and moist locations, including: a. Water-containing structures: 1) Below and at water level. 2) Above water level: a) Below top of walls of water-containing structures. b) Under the roof, slab, beam, or walkway of enclosed water- containing structures. 3) Dry side of walls of water-containing structures. b. Pump bases. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.05120-4 8235A10 pw://Carollo/DocumentslClienUWA/Renton/8235A 10/Specifica6ons110.05120 j � � � 1 , � � � � � � � � � L� � � 2. Anchor boits, nuts, and washers: Type 304 or Type 316 stainless steel for fastening aluminum to concrete or steel. E. Assembly boits: 1. Bolts, nuts, and washers for wood baffles, collectors, and other field- assembled construction: Type 316 stainless steel in accordance with ASTM F 593 for use in wet and moist locations, including: a. Water-containing structures: 1) Below and at water level. 2) Above water level: a) Below top of walls of water-containing structures. b) Under the roof, slab, beam, or walkway of enclosed water- containing structures. c) Dry side of walls of water-containing structures. b. Pump bases. 2. Type 304 or Type 316 stainless steel in accordance with ASTM F 593 for aluminum assemblies. F. Concrete anchors: 1. Concrete anchors for anchorage to concrete: a. Concrete anchors shall have current ICC-ES Report that demonstrates compliance with ICC-ES AC193 for cracked concrete. b. Manufacturers: One of the following or approved equal: 1) Hilti Incorporated, Kwik Bolt TZ Expansion Anchor. 2) Simpson Strong Tie, Strong Bolt Wedge Anchor. 2_ Concrete anchor's integral threaded stud, wedge, washer, and nut: Type 304 or Type 316 stainless steel in accordance with ASTM F 593. For use in wet and moist locations, including: a. Water-containing structures: 1) Below and at water level_ 2) Above water level: a) Below top of walls of water-containing structures. b) Under the roof, slab, beam, or walkway of enclosed water- containing structures. 3) Dry side of walls of water-containing structures. b_ Pump bases. 3. Concrete anchor's integral threaded stud, wedge, washer, and nut: Type 304 or 316 stainless steel in accordance with ASTM F 593 for fastening aluminum to concrete or steel. 4_ Do not use slug-in, lead cinch, and similar systems relying on deformation of lead alloy or similar materials in order to develop holding power. G. Deformed bar anchors: In accardarice with ASTM A 496: 1_ Manufacturers: One of the following or approved equal: a. Nelson Stud Welding Company, D2L Deformed Bar Anchors. b. Stud Welding Products, DBA (Deformed Bar) Anchors. H. Eyebolts: 1. Welded or forged, when manufactured of materials other than carbon steel. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.05120-5 8235A10 pwJ/CarollolDoartnent4ClienUWAlRentonl8235At 0/Specifica6ons110.05120 2. Having geometric and strength characteristics of eyebolts in accordance with ASTM A 489, Type 1. The strength characteristics include proof load requirements, breaking strength requirements, tensile strength requirements, bend test, and impact strength. High strength all thread rods: In accordance with ASTM A 193, Grade B7. Hot-dip galvanize. J_ High strength bolts: High strength bolts, nuts, and hardened flat washers shall be in accordance with ASTM A 325 or ASTM A 490, as indicated on the Drawings. K. Powder actuated fasteners: � 1. For installation in concrete or steel: Zinc coated, heat-treated, alloy steel. 2. Fasteners not sufficiently protected against corrosion from exposure to corrosive conditions: Coat as necessary to make suitable for such conditions. 3_ Pins: Fumish with head or threaded stud capable of transmitting loads to shank. 4. Pins connected to steel: Furnish with longitudinal serrations around circumference of shank_ L. Sleeve anchors: 1. Sleeve anchors for anchorage to concrete: a. Sleeve anchors shall have current ICC-ES Report that demonstrates compliance with ICC-ES AC193 for cracked concrete. b. Manufacturers_ One of the following or approved equal: 1) Hilti Incorporated, HSL-3 Heavy Duty Sleeve Anchor. 2. Use stainless material for aluminum and stainless attachments. 3. For use in wet and moist locations, including locations listed below. Use Type 304 stainless steel in accordance with ASTM F 593 for sleeve anchor's intemal bolt, expansion sleeve, extension sleeve, and washer. Use Type 303 stainless steel in accordance with ASTM F 593 for sleeve anchors expansion � 5 C cone. a. Water-containing structures: 1) Below and at water level_ 2) Above water level: a) Below top of walls of water-containing structures_ b) Under the roof, slab, beam, or walkway of enclosed water- containing structures. 3) Dry side of walls of water-containing structures. b. Pump bases. For fastening aluminum to concrete or steel, use Type 304 stainless steel in accordance with ASTM F 593 for sleeve anchor's internal bott, expansion sleeve, extension sleeve_ Use Type 303 stainless steel in accordance with ASTM F 593 for sleeve anchor's expansion cone. The sleeve anchor shall have a nylon compression ring which compresses to ensure that the material being fastened is tightly secured against the concrete. Do not use slug-in, lead cinch, and similar systems relying on deformation of lead alloy or similar materials in order to develop holding power_ October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.05120-6 8235A10 pwllCarollolDocuments/Client/WA/Rentonl8235A 101Specifications110.05120 t � � M. Welded studs: 1. ASTM A 108 with 50,000-pounds per square inch minimum yield strength, and 60,000-pounds per square inch minimum tensile strength. 2. Headed studs: Manufacturers: One of the following or approved equal: a_ Nelson Stud Welding Company, S3L Shear Connectors or H4L Concrete Anchors_ b. Stud Welding Products, Headed Concrete Anchors or Shear Connectors. 2.03 ISOLATING SLEEVES AND WASHERS I A. Manufacturers: One of the following or approved equal: 1. Central Plastics Company, Shawnee, Oklahoma. 2. Corrosion Control Products, PSI Inc., Gardena, CA. � �] � � 1 � B. Sleeves_ Mylar, 1/32 inch thick, 4,000 volts per mil dielectric strength, of proper size to fit bolts and extending half way into both steel washers. 1. 1 slee��e required f�r each bolt. C. Washers: The inside diameter of all washer shall fit over the isolating sleeve and both the steel and isolating washers shall have the same inside diameter and outside diameter_ 1. Proper size to fit bolts. Two insulating washers are required for each fiolt. 2. Two 1/8-inch thick steel washers for each bolt. 3. G3 Phenolic: a_ Thickness: 1/8 inch. b. Base material: Glass. c. Resin: Phenolic. d_ Water absorption: 2 percent. e. Hardness (Rockwell): 100. f. Dielectric strength: 450 volts per mil_ g_ Compression strength: 50,000 pounds per square inch. h_ Tensile strength: 20,000 pounds per square inch. i_ Maximum operating temperature: 350 degrees Fahrenheit. 2.04 THREAD COATING � A. Manufacturers: One of the following or approved equal: 1. Never Seez Compound Corporation, Never-Seez. 2. Oil Research, Inc., WLR No. 111. � 2.Q5 SUPPLEMENTARY PARTS � � � A. Furnish as required for complete structural steel erection, whether or not such parts and Work are specified or indicated on the Drawings. 2.06 FABRlCATION A. Shop assembly: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.05120-7 8235A10 � pwl/CamllolDocumentslClientlWAlRenton18235A10/Speafications/1Q.05120 2. 3 4. 5. 6. Fabricate structural steel in accordance with AISC "Specification for the Structural Steel Buildings - Allowable Stress Design and Plastic Design," unless otherwise specified or modified by applicable regulatory requirements. Where anchors, connections, or other details of structural steel are not specifically indicated on the Drawings or specified, their material, size and form shall be equivalent in quality and workmanship to items specified. For Structural members such as W shapes, S shapes, channels, angles, and similar members not available in quantity, size, and type of stainless steel specified or indicated on the Drawings: a. Fabricate by welding together pieces of low carbon stainless steel plate, such as Type 316L. b. Make full penetration welds between pieces of plate to attain same or higher section modulus and moment of inertia as members indicated on the Drawings. Round off sharp and hazardous projections and grind smooth. Take measurements necessary to properly fit work in the field. Take responsibility for and be Qoverned by the measurements and proper working out of all the details. Take responsibility for correct fitting of all metal work. PART 3 EXECUTION 3,01 EXAMINATION A. Verification of conditions: Examine Work in place to verify that it is satisfactory to receive the Work of this Sub-Section. If unsatisfactory conditions exist, do not begin this Work until such conditions have been corrected. 3.02 ERECTION A. General: 1_ Fabricate structural and foundry items to true dimensions without warp or twist. 2_ Form welded closures neatly, and grind off smooth where weld material interFeres with fit or is unsightly. 3. Install structural items accurately and securely, true to level, plumb, in correct alignment and grade, with all parts bearing or fitting structure or equipmerit for which intended. 4. Do not cock ouf of alignment, redrill, reshape, or force fit fabricated items. 5. Place anchor bolts or other anchoring devices accurately and make surfaces that bear against structural items smooth and level. 6. Rigidly support and brace structural items needing special alignment to preserve straight, level, even, and smooth lines. Keep structural items braced until concrete, grout, or dry pack mortar has hardened for 48 hours minimum. 7_ Erect structural steel in accordance with AISC "Specification for Structural Steel Buildings - Aflowable Stress Design and Plastic Design," unless otherwise specified or modified by applicable regulatory requirements. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.05120-8 8235A10 pw:/lCarollo/Documents/ClienUWAlRenton18235A 10ISpecificationsl10.05120 � � LJ � � � 8. Where anchors, connections, and other details of structural steel erection are not specifically indicated on the Drawings or specified, form, locate, and attach with equivalent in quality and workmanship to items specified. 9. Round off sharp or hazardous projections ancl grind smooth. B. Welding - General: � 1. Make welds full penetration type, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. 2. Remove backing bars and weld tabs after completion of weld. Repair defective welds observed after removal of backing bars and weld tabs. � C. Welding stainless steel: 1. General: Comply in accordance with AWS D1.1. a. Perform with electrodes and techniques in accordance with AWS D10.4. � � � � � � � � ,� � LJ � � D. Intertace with other products_ 1. Where.steel fasteners come in contact with aluminum or other dissimilar metals, bolt with stainless steel bolts and separate or isolate from dissimilar metals with isolating sleeves and washers. a. Prior to installing nuts, coat threads of stainless steel fasteners with thread coating to prevent galling of threads. E. Fasteners: 1. General: a. Install bolts, including anchor bolts and concrete anchors, to project 2 threads minimum, but 1/2 inch maximum beyond nut. b. Unless otherwise specified, tighten bolts, including anchor bolts and concrete anchors, to the "snug-tight" condition, defined as tightness attained by a few impacts of an impact wrench or the full effort of a man using an ordinary spud wrench. 2. All thread rods bonded in drilted holes in concrete with epoxy: As specified in Sub-Section 10.03055 and as indicated on the Drawings. 3. Anchor bolts: a. Cast-in-place when concrete is placed. b. Accurately locate anchor bolts embedded in concrete with bolts perpendicular to surface from which they project_ c. Do not allow anchor bolts to touch reinforcing steel. d. Where anchor bolts are within 1/4 inch of reinforcing steel, isolate with a minimum of 4 wraps of 10-mil polyvinyl chloride tape in area adjacent to reinforcing steel. e. In anchoring machinery bases subject to heavy vibration, use 2 nuts, with 1 serving as a locknut. f_ Where bolts are indicated on the Drawings for future use, first coat thoroughly with non-oxidizing wax, then turn nuts down full depth of thread and neatly wrap exposed thread with waterproof polyvinyl tape. g. Furnish anchor bolts with standard hex bolt head or an equivalent head acceptable to ENGINEER unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. "L" or "J" anchor bolts are not equivalent to an anchor bolt with a hex bolt head_ October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.05120-9 8235A10 � pwi/CarollolDocuments�ClienUWA/Renton18235A10/Specifirafions110.05120 � � n .�. h. Minimum anchor bolt embedment: 10-bolt diameters, unless longer embedment is indicated on the Drawings. i. Anchor bolts may be cast in concrete in lieu of using concrete anchors. Concrete anchors: a. Do not use concrete anchors in lieu of anchor bolts. b. Install anchors in accordance with approved ICC-ES Report. Where conflict exists between the approved ICC-ES Report and the requirements in this Sub-Section, the requirements of the Evaluation Service Report shall control. c. Accurately locate concrete anchors and set perpendicular to surFaces from which they project. d. Minimum embedment lengths: Diameter Embedment Length Inches Inches 1/4 2 3/8 2-1/2 1/2 � 4-1/8 5/8 4-1/2 3/4 6-1/2 5 � e. unlling holes: 1) Do not damage or cut existing reinforcing bars, electrical conduits, or other items embedded in the existing concrete without acceptance by ENGINEER. 2) Determine location of reinforcing bars, or other obstructions with a non-destructive indicator device_ 3) Remove dust and debris from hole using compressed air. f. Hole drilling equipment: 1) Electric or pneumatic rotary type with light or medium impact. 2) Dnll bits: Carbide-tipped in accordance with ANSI B212-15. 3) Hollow drills with flushing air systems are preferred. 4) Where edge distances are less than 2 inches, use lighter impact equipment to prevent microcracking and concrete spalling during drilling process_ Deformed bar anchors: a. Butt weld with automatic stud welding gun as recommended by manufacturer_ b. Ensure butt weld develops full strength of the anchor. High strength bolts: a. Consider connections with high strength bolts to be slip critical structural connections, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. b. Connections with high strength bolts shall conform in accordance with . AISC Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts. c. Furnish hardened flat washer: 1) Under element, nut, or bolt head, turned in tightening. 2) On auter plies for short slotted holes. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.05120-10 8235A10 pw://Carollo/Documents/ClienUWA/Renton/8235A 10/Specificationslt 0.05120 � � 1 � � � � � ' � L�,i � � �� � � � � � 1 � � , � d. Verify adequate tightening of bolts by means of tension indicator washers placed as indicated in ASTM F 959, Figure 1. 7. Powder actuated fasteners: Use powder actuated fasteners only for applications indicated on the Drawings or specified. 8. Sleeve anchors: a. Do not use sleeve anchors in lieu of anchor bolts. b. Install anchors in accordance with approved ICC-ES Report. Where conflict exists between the approved ICC-ES Report and the requirements in this Sub-Section, the requirements of the Evaluation Service Report shall control. c. The sleeve anchor bolt shall be removable and the expansion sleeve shall be flush with the concrete surface when installed. d. Accurately locate sleeve anchors and set perpendicular to surfaces from which they project. e. Minimum embedment lengths: Diameter Embedment Length Inches Inches 1/4 1-3/4 3/8 2-1/2 1!2 3-1/2 5/8 4 3/4 4-1/2 � � � �� E f. Drilling holes: 1) Do not damage or cut existing reinforcing bars, electrical conduits, or other items embedded in the existing concrete without acceptance by ENGINEER. 2) Determine location of reinforcing bars, or other obstructions with a non-destructive indicator device. 3) Remove dust and debris from hole using compressed air. g. Hole drilling equipment: 1) Electric or pneumatic rotary type with light or medium impact. 2) Drill bits: Carbide-tipped in accordance with ANSI B212-15. 3) Hollow drills with flushing air systems are preferred. 4) Where edge distances are less than 2 inches, use lighter impact equipment to prevent microcracking and concrete spalling during drilling process. Welded studs: a. Butt weld with automatic stud welding gun as recommended by the manufacturer. b. Ensure butt weld develops full strength of the stud_ END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.05120-11 8235A10 � pwl/Carollo/DocumentslClienWUA/Renton18235A101Spedhcations(10.05120 October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.05120-12 8235A10 pw:/lCarollolDocuments/CiienUWAlRenton/8235A10/Specificationsll D.05120 SUB-SECTION 10.08320 ACCESS HATCHES PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section Includes: Access Hatches. 1.02 SUBMIITALS A. Product Data. B. Shop Drawings: Show the following: 1. Access hatch installation recommendations. 2. Locations of access hatches. 3. Hatch size and configuration. 4. Liveload capacity. 5. Materials of construction and finishes provided. 1.03 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Identify type and size of each floor hatch in way not to damage finish prior to delivery. B. Deliver products only after proper facilities are available. C. Deliver and store packaged products in original containers with seals unbroken and labels intact until time of use. D. Handle carefully to prevent damage and store on clean concrete surface or raised platform in safe, dry area. Do not dump onto ground_ E. Protect floor access hatches during shipment and storage to prevent warping, bending, and corrosion. 1.04 WARRANTY A. Provide manufacturer's warranty against defects in material and workmanship for a � period of 5 years. 1.05 MAINTENANCE , .� A. Deliver 2 keys for each cylinder lock to OWNER. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.08320-1 8235A10 � pw:dCarollolDocumentslGienUWAlRenton/8235At0/5pecifica6onsl10.08320 PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 HEAVY DUTY FLOOR ACCESS HATCHES A. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: 1. LW Products Co., Inc., Model HD (double-leafl. B. Style: double leaf, rolled aluminum, capable of withstanding minimum AASHTO H- 20 wheel load with a maximum deflection of 1/150 of the span, live load channel frame, with drainage couplings. C. Size: As indicated on the Drawings. D. Hatch Leaf: Minimum 1l4 inch, diamond pattern plate reinforced with stiffeners as required to meet specified live load_ E. Frame: 1/4-inch channel with anchor flange around perimeter. F. Gasket= 3/8-inch neoprene gasket for weather tight seal. G. Hardware: 1. Hinges: Each leaf equipped with a minimum of two heavy forged brass or stainless steel hinges with s#ainless steel pins. 2. Lock: Snap lock with removable handle mounted on hatch leaf. 3. Gnp Handle: Provide vinyl grip handle designed to release cover for closing. 4. Operating Mechanism: Spring operators designed for ease of operation and automatic hold open arm with release handle. 5. Drainage Assembly: Provide 1-1/2 inch aluminum drainage coupling in location indicated on the Drawings. H. Accessories: 1. Roll-out safety net: Match hatch sizing. a. Manufacturer: Safe Approach Model 121. 2.02 FINISHES A. Floor Access Hatch Finishes: 1. Aluminum: Manufacturer's standard mill finish. 2. Aluminum In Contact With Dissimilar Metals and Concrete: Manufacturer's standard bituminous coating. 3. Steel: Manufacturer's standard red oxide primer. B. Hardware Finishes: 1. Provide optional Type 316 stainless steel hardware throughout, including parts of the latch and lifting mechanism assemblies, hold open arms and all brackets, hinges, pins, and fasteners. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.08320-2 8235A10 pw:ll Carollo/DocumentslClienUWAlf2entonB235A10lSpecficationsl10.08320 �- � � PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine construction to receive floor access hatch and verify correctness of dimensions and other supporting or adjoining condifions. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Caordinate details with other work supporting, adjoining, or requiring access hatches. B. Verify dimensions and profiles for each opening. C. Verify that location will serve portion of work to which access is required. Where proposed functional location conflicts with other work, notify the ENGINEER before installation_ D. Apply coating to aluminum surfaces that will be in contact with dissimilar metals or concrete when there is none. �, 3.03 INSTALLATIOP! A. Install access hatches in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. � � � B. Ensure correct types and adequate sizes at proper locations. C. Securely attach frames to supporting work and ensure hatches, frames, and hardware operate smoothly and are free from warp, twist and distortion. D_ Attach drain pipe to coupling provided. Drainage shall be routed as indicated on the Drawings. 3.04 ADJUSTING A. Adjust hatches, frames and hardware to operate smoothly, freely, and properly, without binding. 3.05 CLEANING A. Thoroughly clean surfaces of grease, oil, or other impurities, touch up abraded prime coat where applicable. END OF SUB-SECTION � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.08320-3 �8235A10 � pwJ/Cam11o1Documents/ClientlWAlRenton/8235At 01Specificalions110.08320 October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.08320-4 8235A10 pwJ/CarollolDocumentslClienUWAlRentonl8235A 10lSpecrfica tions/10.08320 �� � i L� SUB-SECTION 10.09960A COATINGS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes: Field applied coatings. . i 1 � � � � B. Related Sections/Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or fumishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The following Sections/Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub-Section. This list of Related Sections/Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. a. Section 1-05 - Control of Work. b. Sub-Section 10.03925 - Concrete Repair and Coating. c. Sub-Section 10.15075 - Mechanical Identification. d. Sub-Section 10.16075 - Electrical Identification. 1.02 REFERENCES A. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. D 16 - Standard Terminology for Paint, Related Coatings, Materials, and Applications. 2. D 4541 - Standard Test Method for Pull-off Strength of Coatings Using Portable Adhesion Testers. B. NACE International (NACE): 1. SP0178 - Design, Fabrication, and Surface Finish Practices for Tanks and Vessels to Be Lined for Immersion Service_ 2. SP0188-06 - Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of Protective Coatings. C. National Association of Pipe Fabricators (NAPF): 1. 500-03 - Surface Preparation Standard for Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings Receiving Special External Coatings and/or Special Internal Linings. � � D. NSF International (NSF): 1. 61 - Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.09960A-1 8235A10 � pvd/Carolb/Documents/ClienNNAlRentonl8235A10lSpecifica6onsI10.Q9960A E. Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC): 1. SP COM - Surface Preparation Commentary for Steel and Concrete Substrates. 2. SP-1 - Soivent Cleaning. 3. SP-2 - Hand Tooi Cleaning. 4_ SP-3 - Power Tool Cleaning. 5. SP-5 - White Metal Blast Cleaning. 6. SP-6 - Commercial Blast Cleaning. 7_ SP-7 - Brush-Off Blast Cleaning. 8. SP-10 - Near-White Blast Cleaning. F. U.S. Environment Protection Agency (EPA): 1. Method 24 - Surface Coatings. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Submerged metal: Steel or iron surfaces below tops of channel or structure walls which wifl contain wafer even when above expected water ievel_ B. Submerged concrete and masonry surfaces_ Surfaces which are or will be: 1 _ Underwater. 2. In structures which normally contain water. 3. Below tops of walls of water containing structures. , C. Exposed surface: Any metal or concrete surface, indoors or outdoors that is exposed to view. D. Dry film thickness (DFT): Thickness of fully cured coating, measured in mils. E. Volatile organic compound (VOC): Content af air polluting hydrocarbons in uncured coating product measured in units of grams per liter or pounds per gallon, as determined by EPA Method 24. F. Ferrous: Cast iron, ductile iron, wrought iron, and all steel atloys except stainless steel. G. Where.SSPC surface preparation standards are specified or implied for ductile iron pipe or fittings, the equivalent NAPF surface preparation standard shall be substituted for the SSPC standard. 1.04 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Coating materials shall be especially adapted for use in wastewater treatment plants. B. Coating materials used in contact with potable water supply systems shall be certified to NSF 61 _ October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.09960A-2 8235A10 pw:l/CarollolDocuments/ClienUWA/Renton/8235A 10/Specifications/10.09960A � � � � � l � � � G � � 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. General: Submit in accordance with Section 1-05. B. Shop drawings: 1. Schedule of proposed coating materiais. 2. Schedule of surfaces to be coated with each coating material. C. Product Data: Include description of physical properties of coatings including solids content and ingredient analysis, VOC content, temperature resistance, typical exposures and limitations, and manufacturer's standard color chips: 1. Regulatory requirements: Submit data conceming the following: a. Volatile organic compound limitations. b. Coatings containing lead compounds and PCBs. c. Abrasives and abrasive blast cleaning techniques, and disposal. d. NSF certification of coatings for use in potable water supply systems. D. Samples: Include 8-inch square drawdowns or brush-outs of topcoat finish when requested. Identify each sample as to finish, formula, color name and number and sheen name and gloss units_ E. Certificates: Submit in accordance with requirements for Product Data. F. Manufacturer's Instructions: Include the following: 1. Special requirements for transportation and storage. 2. Mixing instructions. 3. Shelf life. 4. Pot life of material. 5. Precautions for applications free of defects. 6_ Surface preparation_ 7. Method of application. 8. Recommended number of coats. 9. Recommended dry film thickness (DFT) of each coat. 10. Recommended total dry film thickness (DFT). 11. Drying time of each coat, including prime coat_ 12. Required prime coat_ 13. Compatible and non-compatib(e prime coats. 14. Recommended thinners, when recommended. 15_ Limits of ambient conditions during and after appfication_ 16. Time allowed between coats (minimum and maximum). 17. Required protection from sun, wind, and other conditions. 18. Touch-up requirements and limitations. 19. Minimum adhesion of each system submitted in accordance with ASTM D 4541 _ Manufacturer's Representative's Field Reports. Operations and Maintenance Data: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.09960A-3 8235A10 � pw://CarollolDocuments�ClienWVA/Renton18235A1015pecificalions110.09960A 1. Reports on visits to project site to view and approve surface preparation of structures to be coated. 2. Reports on visits to project site to observe and approve coating application procedures_ 3. Reports on visits to coating plants to observe and approve surface preparation and coating application on items that are "shop coated." Quality Assurance Submittals: 1. Quality Assurance plan_ 2. Qual�cations of coating applicator including List of Similar Projects. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator qualifications: 1. Minimum of 5 years experience applying specified type or types of coatings under conditions similar to those of the Work: a. Provide qualifications of applicator and references listing 5 similar projects completed in the past 2 years. 2_ Manufacturer approved applicator when manufacturer has approved applicator program_ 3. Approved and licensed by polymorphic polyester resin manufacturer to apply polymorphic polyester resin coating system. B. Regulatory requirements: Comply with governing agencies regulations by using coatings that do not exceed permissible volatile organic compound limits and do not contain lead_ C. Certification_ Certify that applicable pigments are resistant to discoloration or deterioration when exposed to hydrogen sulfide and other sewage gases and product data fails to designate coating as "fume resistant_" D. Field samples: Prepare and coat a small area between comers or limits such as control or construction joints of each system. Approved field sample may be part of Work. E. Compatibility of coatings: Use products by same manufacturer for prime coats, intermediate coats, and finish coats on same surFace, unless specified otherwise. F. Services of coating manufacturers representative: Arrange for coating manufacturers representative to attend pre-installation conferences. Make periodic visits to the project site to provide consultation and inspection services during surface preparation and application of coatings, and to make visits to coating plants to observe and approve surface preparation procedures and coating application of items to be ashop primed and coated". 1.07 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, and handle products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and industry standards. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.09960A-4 8235A10 pw:!/Ca rollolDocumentslClienUWAJRenton18235A 10/Specifica6ons110.09960A � � �� � B. Remove unspecified and unapproved paints from Project site immediately. C. Deliver new unopened containers with labels identifying the manufacturer's name, brand name, product type, batch number, date of manufacturer, expiration date or shelf life, color, and mixing and reducing instructions_ 1. Do not deliver materials aged more than 12 months from manufacturing date. � D. Store coatings in well-ventilated facility that provides protection form the sun weather, and fire hazards_ Maintain ambient storage temperature between 45 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit, unless otherwise recommended by the manufacturer. � i � �� �- E. Take precautions to prevent fire and spontaneous combustion. 1.08 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Surface moisture contents: Do not coat surfaces that exceed manufacturer specified moisture contents, or when not specified by the manufacturer, the following moisture contents: 1. Masonry, concrete, and concrete block: 12 percent. 2. Concrete floors: 7 percent. B. Do not apply coatings: 1. Under dusty conditions or adverse environmental conditions, unless tenting, covers, or other such protection is provided for structures to be coated_ 2. When light on surfaces measures less than 15 foot-candles. 3. When ambient or surface temperature is less than 55 degrees Fahrenheit unless manufacturer allows a lower temperature. 4. When relative humidity is higher than 85 percent. 5. When surface temperature is less than 5 degrees Fahrenheit above dew point. 6_ When surface temperature exceeds the manufacturer's recommendation. 7. When ambient temperature exceeds 90 degrees Fahrenheit, unless manufacturer allows a higher temperature. 8_ Apply clear finishes at minimum 65 degrees Fahrenheit. C. Provide fans, heating devices, dehumidifiers, or other means recommended by coating manufacturer to prevent formation of condensate or dew on surface of substrate, coating between coats and within curing time following application of last coat. D. Provide adequate continuous ventilation and sufficient heating facilities to maintain i minimum 55 degrees Fahrenheit for 24 hours before, during and 48 hours after application of finishes. �, � � E_ Dehumidification and heating for coating of digester interiors, wet wells, and high- humidity enclosed spaces: 1. Provide_ dehumidification and heating of digester interior spaces in which surface preparaiion, coating application, or curing is in progress according to the following schedule: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.0996QA-5 8235A10 � pw://CarollolDocumentslCtiendWAlRenton/8235A10/Specificalions(10.09960A 2 3. G� a. October 1 to April 30: Provide continuous dehumidification and heating as required to maintain the tanks within environmental ranges as specified in this Sub-Section and as recommended by the coating material manufacturer. For the purposes of this Sub-Section, "continuous" is defined as 24 hours per day and 7 days per week. b. May 1 to September 30: Provide temporary dehumidification and heating as may be required to maintain the tanks within the specified environmental ranges in the event of adverse weather or other temporary condition. At CONTRACTOR's option and at his sole expense, CONTRACTOR may suspend work until such time as acceptable environmental conditions are restored, in lieu of temporary dehumidification and heating_ Repair or replace any coating or surFace preparation damaged by suspension of work, at CONTRACTOR's sole expense. Equipment requirements: . a. Capacity Provide dehumidification, heating, and air circulation equipment with minimum capacity to perform the following: 1) Maintain the dew point of the air in the tanks at a temperature at least 5 degrees Fahrenheit less than the temperature of the coldest part of the structure where work is underway. 2) Reduce dew point temperature of the air in the tanks by at least 10 degrees Fahrenheit in 20 minutes. 3) Maintain air temperature in the tanks at 60 degrees minimum. b. Systems: 1) Site electrical power: Not available for CONTRACTOR's use. 2) Internal combustion engine generators: May be used; CONTRACTOR shall obtain all required permits and provide air pollution and noise control devices on equipment as required by permitting agencies: _ 3) Dehumidification: Provide desiccant or refrigeration drying. Desiccant types shall have a rotary desiccant wheel capable of continuous operation. No Liquid, granular, or loose lithium chloride drying systems will be allowed_ 4) Heating: Electric, indirect combustion, or steam coil methods may be used. Direct fired combustion heaters will not be allowed during abrasive blasting, coating application, or coating cure time. Design and submittals: a. CONTRACTOR shall prepare dehumidification and heating plan for this project, including all equipment and operating procedures. b. Suppliers of services and equipment shall have not less than 3 years experience in similar applications; Cargocaire Corporation (Munters) or equal. c. Submit dehumidification and heating plan for ENGINEER's review. Monitoring and performance: a. Measure and record relative humidity and temperature of air, and structure temperature twice daily (beginning and end of work shifts) to verify that proper humidity and temperature levels are achieved inside the reservoir after the dehumidification equipment is installed and operational. Test results shalt be made available to the ENGINEER upon request. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.09960A-6 8235A10 pwl/CarollolDocuments/Client/WA/Renton/8235A 1 O/Specificationsl10.09960A � � , ' � �i b. Interior space of the tank(s) shall be sealed and a slight positive pressure maintained as recommended by the supplier of the dehumidification equipment. c. The filtration system used to remove dust from the air shall be designed so that it does not interfere with the dehumidification equipment's ability to control the dew point and relative humidity inside the reservoir. 1) The air from the tank or dust filtration equipment shall not be recirculated through the dehumidifier during coating application or when solvent vapors are present. 1.09 MAINTENANCE A. Extra materials: Include minimum 1 gallon of each type and color of coating applied: 1. When manufacturer packages material in gallon cans, deliver unopened labeled cans as comes from factory. 2. When manufacturer does not package rriaterial in gallon cans, deliver material in new gallon containers, properly sealed and identified with typed labels indicating brand, type, and color. PART 2 PRODUCTS � � �� � � � 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Special coatings: One of the following or equal: 1. Carboline: Carboline, St. Louis, MO. 2. Ceilcote: Ceilcote Corrosion Control, Berea, OH. 3. Dampney: The Dampney Company, Everett, MA. 4. Devoe: fCl Devoe Coatings, Louisville, KY. 5. Dudick: Dudick, Inc., Streetsboro, OH. 6. GET: Global Eco Technologies, Pittsburg, CA. 7. Henkel: Henket North America, Madison Heights MI. 8. IET: Integrated Environmental Technologies, Santa Barbara, CA. 9. PPC: Polymorphic Polymers Corp., N. Miami, FL_ 10. PPG Amercoat: PPG Protective 8� Marine Coatings, Brea, CA. 11. Sanchem: Sanctiem, Chicago, IL. 12. Superior: Superior Environmental Products, Inc., Addison, TX. 13. S-W: Sherwin-Williams Co., Cleveland, OH. 14. Tnemec: Tnemec Co., Kansas City, MO. 15. Wasser: Wasser High Tech Coatings, Kent, WA. 2.02 PREPARATION AND PRETREATMENT MATERIALS A. Metal pretreatment_ As manufactured by one of the following or equal: 1 _ Henkel: Galvaprep 5. 2. Intemational: AWLGrip Alumiprep 33. 3. S-W: Macropoxy 646 Fast Cure. 4_ Tnemec: Series N69 Hi-Build Epoxoline. October 26; 2010 - FINAL 10.09960A-7 8235A10 � pw:l/Carollo/DocumentslClienUWA/f2entnn/8235At0/SpecifiraGonsl10.09960A B. Surface cleaner and degreaser: As manufactured by one of the following or equal: 1_ Carboline Surface Cleaner No.3_ 2. Devoe: Devprep 88. 3. S-W: Clean and Etch. 2.03 COATING MATERIALS A. High solids epoxy (self priming) not less than 72 percent solids by volume: As manufactured by one of the following or equal: 1 _ Carboline: Carboguard 891. 2. Devoe: Bar Rust 233H. 3_ PPG Amercoat: Amerlock 2. 4. S-W: Macropoxy 646. 5. Tnemec: HS Epoxy Series 104. B. Aliphatic or aliphatic-acrylic polyurethane: As manufactured by one of the following or equal: 1. Carboline: Carbothane 134 VOC. 2. Devoe: Devthane 379. 3. PPG Amercoat: Amershield VOC. 4. S-W: High Solids Polyurethane CA. 5. Tnemec: Endura-Shield 11 Series 1075 (U). C. Asphalt vamish: AWWA C 500. 2.04 MIXES A. Mix epoxy parts in accordance with manufacturer's instructions_ PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 - GENERAL PROTECTION A_ Protect adjacent surfaces from coatings and damage. Repair damage resulting from inadequate or unsuitable protection: B. Protect adjacent surfaces not to be coated from spatter and droppings with drop cloths and other covenngs: 1. Mask off surfaces of items not to be coated or remove items from area. C. Furnish sufficient drop cloths, shields and protective equipment to prevent spray or droppings from fouling surfaces not being coated and in particular, surfaces within storage and preparation area. D. Place cotton waste, cloths and material which may constitute fire hazard in closed metal containers and remove daily from site. E. Remove electrical plates, surface hardware, fittings, and fastenings, prior to applicafion of coating operations. Carefully store, clean, and repface on completion October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.09960A-8 8235A10 pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/WA/Renton/8235A 101Specifica6onsl10.09960A � � �� � � � ' � � � � � �� �� � of coating in each area. Do not use solvent or degreasers to clean hardware that may remove permanent lacquer finish. 3.02 GENERAL PREPARATION A. Prepare surFaces in accordance with coating manufacturer's instructions, unless more stringent requirements are specified in this Sub-Section. B. Protect following surfaces from abrasive blasting by masking, or other means: 1. Threaded portions of valve and gate stems, grease fittings, and identification plates_ 2. Machined surFaces for sliding contact. 3. Surfaces to be assembled against gaskets. 4. Surfaces of shafting on which sprockets are to fit. 5_ Surfaces of shafting on which bearings are to fit_ 6. Machined surfaces of bronze trim, including those slide gates. 7. Cadmium-plated items except cadmium-plated, zinc-plated, or sherardized fasteners used in assembly of equipment requiring abrasive blasting. 8. Galvanized items, unless scheduled to be coated. C. Protect installed equipment, mechanical drives, and adjacent coated equipment from abrasive blasting to prevent damage caused by entenng sand or dust. D. Concrete: 1_ Allow new concrete to cure for minimum of 28 days before coating. 2_ Clean concrete surFaces of dust, mortar, fins, loose concrete particles, form release materials, oil, and grease. Fill voids so that surface is smooth. Etch or brush off-blast clean in accordance with SSPC SP-7 to provide surface profile equal to 40 to 60 grit sandpaper, or as recommended by coating manufacturer. All concrete surfaces shall be vacuumed clean prior to coating application. E. Ferrous metal surfaces: 1. 2. 3. 4_ 5. 6. Remove grease and oil in accordance with SSPC SP-1. Remove rust, scale, and welding slag and spatter, and prepare surFaces in accordance with appropriate SSPC standard as specfied. Abrasive blast surfaces prior to coating. When abrasive blasted surfaces rust or discolor before coating, abrasive blast surfaces again to remove rust and discoloration. When metal surfaces are exposed because of coating damage, abrasive blast surfaces and feather in to a smooth transition before touching-up. All abrasive blast cleaned surfaces shall be blown down with clean dry air and or vacuumed. F. Ferrous metal surfaces not to be submerged: Abrasive blast in accordance with SSPC SP-10, unless blasting may damage adjacent surFaces, prohibited or specified otherwise. Where not possible to abrasive blast, power tool clean surfaces in accordance with SSPC SP-3. , October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.09960A-9 - 8235A10 ' pw:1/CarollolDocumentslClieniMlAlRenton18235A10/Specifica6onslt0.09960A G. Ferrous metal surfaces to be submerged: Unless specified otherwise,. abrasive blast in accordance with SSPC SP-5 to clean and provide roughened surface profile of not less than 2 mils and not more than 4 mils in depth when measured with Elcometer 123, or as recommended by the coating manufacturer. H. Ductile iron pipe and fittings to be lined or coated: Abrasive blast clean in accordance with NAPF 500-03. Sherardized, aluminum, copper, and bronze surfaces: Prepare in accordance with coating manufacturer's instructions. Galvanized surface: 1. Degrease or solvent clean (SSPC SP-1) to remove oily residue. 2. Power tool or hand tool clean or whip abrasive blast. 3. Test surface for contaminants using copper sulfate solution. 4. Apply metal pretreatment within 24 hours before coating galvanized surfaces that cannot be thoroughly abraded physically; such as bolts, nuts, or preformed channels. K. Shop primed metal: 1. Certify that primers applied to metal surfaces in the shop are compatible with coatings to be applied over such primers in the field. 2. Remove shop primer from metal to be submerged by abrasive blasting in accordance with SSPC SP-10, unless greater degree of surFace preparation is required by coating manufacturer's representative. 3. Correct abraded, scratched or otherwise damaged areas of prime coat by sanding or abrasive blasting to bare metal in accordance with SSPC SP-2, SP-3, or SP-6; as directed by the ENGINEER. 4. When entire shop priming fails or has weathered excessively (more than 25 percent of the item), or when recommended by coating manufacturer's representative, abrasive blast shop prime coat to remove entire coat and prepare surface in accordance with SSPC SP-10. 5. When incorrect prime coat is applied, remove incorrect prime coat by abrasive blasting in accordance with SSPC SP-10. � 6. When prime coat not authorized by ENGINEER is applied, remove � unauthorized pnme coat by abrasive blasting in accordance with SSPC SP-10. 7. Shop applied bituminous paint or asphalt varnish: Abrasive blast clean shop applied bituminous paint or asphalt varnish from surfaces scheduled to receive non-bituminous coatings. L. Abrasive blast cadmium-plated, zinc-plated, or sherardized fasteners in same manner as unprotected metal when used in assembly of equipment designated for abrasive blasting _ M. Abrasive blast components to be attached to surfaces which cannot be abrasive blasted before components are attached. N. Grind sharp edges to approximately 1/16-inch radius before abrasive blast cleaning. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.09960A-10 8235A10 pw:!/CarollolDocuments/ClienUWA/Renton/8235A 101Specifications/10.09960A � � � O. Remove and grind smooth all excessive weid material and weld spatter before blast cieaning in accordance with NACE SP0178: � P. PVC and FRP Surfaces: 1. Prepare surFaces to be coated by light sanding (de-gloss) and wipe-down with clean cloths, or by solvent cleaning in strict accordance with coating manufacturer's instructions. � � � ' �' �� �' Q. Cleaning of previously coated surfaces: 1. Utilize cleaning agent to remove soluble salts such as chlorides and sulfates from concrete and metal surfaces: a. Cleaning agent: Biodegradable non-flammable and containing no volatile organic compounds. b. Manufacturer_ The following or equal: 1) Chlor-Rid International, Inc. 2. Steam clean and degrease surtaces to be coated to remove oils and grease. 3_ Cleaning of surfaces util�zing the decontamination cleaning agPnt may be accomplished in conjunction with abrasive blast cleaning, steam cleaning, high pressure washing, or hand washing as approved by the coating manufacturer's representative and the ENGINEER. 4. Test cleaned surfaces in accordance with the cleaning agent manufacturer's instructions to ensure all soluble salts have been removed. Additional cleaning shall be carried out as necessary. 5. Final surface preparation prior to application of new coating system shall be made in strict accordance with coating manufacturer's printed instructions. 3.03 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT PREPARATION � : C� Identify equipment, ducting, piping, and conduit as specified in Sub-Section 10.15075 and Sub-Section 10.16075. Remove grilles, covers, and access panels for mechanical and electrical system from location and coat separately. Prepare and finish coat-primed equipment with color selected by the ENGINEER. � D. Prepare and prime and coat insulated and bare pipes, conduits, boxes, insulated and bare ducts, hangers, brackets, collars and supports, except where items are covered with prefinished coating. � u ' , E. Replace identification markings on mechanical or electrical equipment when coated over or spattered. F. Prepare and coat interior surfaces of air ducts, convector and baseboard heating cabinets that are visible through grilles and louvers with 1 coat of flat black paint, to limit of sight line. G. Pr.epare and coat dampers exposed immediately behind louvers, grilles, convector and baseboard cabinets to match face panels. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.0996QA-11 8235A10 pw:l/CarollolDocumentslClien WVNRenton/8235A t OlSpedficalionsll Q_09960A H. Prepare and coat exposed conduit and electrical equipment occurring in finished areas with color and texture to match adjacent surfaces. I. Prepare and coat both sides and edges of plywood backboards for electrical equipment before installing backboards and mounting equipment on them. J. Color code equipment, piping, conduit, and exposed ductwork and apply color banding and identification, such as flow arrows, naming and numbering, in accordance with Contract Documents. 3.04 GENERAL APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS D E. F. G H. I. J. K. L. M, A. Apply coatings in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Coat metal unless specified otherwise: 1. Aboveground piping to be coated shall be empty of contents during application of coatings. C_ Verify metal surface preparation immediately before applying coating in accordance with SSPC SP COM. Allow surfaces to dry, except where coating manufacturer requires surface wetting before coating. Wash coat and prime sherardized, aluminum, copper, and bronze surFaces, or prime with manufacturer's recommended special primer. Prime shop primed metal surfaces. Spot prime exposed metal of shop primed surFaces before applying primer over entire surface. Apply minimum number of specified coats. Apply coats to thicknesses specified, especially at edges and corners. Apply additional coats when necessary to achieve specified thicknesses. Coat surfaces without drops, overspray, dry spray, nans, ridges, waves, holidays, laps, or brush marks. Remove spatter and droppings after completion of coating. When multiple coats of same material are specified, tint prime coat and intermediate coats with suitable pigment to distinguish each coat. Dust coatings between coats. Lightly sand and dust surfaces to receive high gloss finishes, unless instructed otherwise by coating manufacturer. N. Apply coating by brush, roller, trowel, or spray, unless particular methad of application is required by coating manufacturer's instructions or these Specifications. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.09960A-12 8235A10 pw://CarollolDocuments/ClienUWAfRentonl8235A t O1Specifica6ons110.09960A ' 1 � O. Plural component appiication: Drums shall be premixed each day. All gauges shall be working order prior to the start of application. Ratio checks shall be completed prior to each application. A spray sample shall be sprayed on plastic sheeting to ' insure set time is complete prior to each application. Hardness testing shall be preformed after each application. � r� �' ' ' � t �I � � � � , ' P. Spray application: 1. Stripe coat edges, welds, nuts, bolts, difficult to reach areas by brush before beginning spray application, as necessary, to ensure specified coating thickness along edges. 2. When using spray application, apply coating to thickness not greater than that recommended in coating manufacturer's instructions for spray application. 3. Use airless spray method, unless air spray method is requir.ed by coating manufacturer's instruction or these Specifications_ 4. Conduct spray coating under controlled conditions. Protect adjacent construction and property from coating mist, fumes, or overspray. Q. Drying and recoating: 1. Provide fans, heating devices, or other means recommended by coating manufacturer to prevent formation of condensate or dew on surface of substrate, coating between coats and within curing time following application of last coat. 2. 3_ 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11 For submerged service the CONTRACTOR shall provide a letter to the ENGINEER that the lining system is fully cured and ready to be placed into service. Limit drying time to that required by these Specifications or coating manufacturer's instructions. Do not allow excessive drying time or exposure which may impair bond between coats. Recoat epoxies within time limits recommended by coating manufacturer. When time limits are exceeded, abrasive blast clean and de-gloss clean prior to applying another coat. When limitation on time between abrasive blasting and coating cannot be met before attachment of components to surfaces which cannot be abrasive blasted, coat components before attachment_ Ensure primer and intermediate coats of coating are unscarred and completely integral at time of application of each succeeding coat. Touch up suction spots between coats and apply additional coats where required to produce finished surface of solid, even color, free of defects. Leave no holidays. Sand and feather in to a smooth transition and recoat and recoat scratched, contaminated, or otherwise damaged coating surfaces so damages are invisible to naked eye. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_09960A-13 8235A10 � pw:!/Carollo/DocumentslClient/WA1Rentonl8235A10/Specificafions11Q.09960A , R. Concrete: 1. Apply first coat (primer) only when surface temperature of concrete is decreasing in order to eliminate effects of off-gassing on coating. 3.05 HIGH SOLIDS EPDXY SYSTEM A. Preparation: 1. Prepare surFaces in accordance with general preparation requirements and as follows_ a. Abrasive blast ferrous metal surfaces to be submerged at jobsite in accordance with SSPC SP-5 prior to coating. When cleaned surfaces rust or discolor, abrasive blast surfaces in accordance with SSPC SP-10. b. Abrasive blast non-submerged ferrous metal surfaces at jobsite in �accordance with SSPC SP-10, prior to coating. When cleaned surfaces rust or discolor, abrasive blast surFaces in accordance with SSPC SP-6. c. Abrasive blast clean ductile iron surfaces at jobsite in accordance with SSPC SP-7_ B. Application: 1. Apply coatings in accordance with general application requirements and as follows: � a. Apply minimum 2-coat system with minimum total dry film thickness (DFT) of 12 mils. b. Recoat or apply succeeding epoxy coats within time limits recommended by manufacturer. Prepare surfaces for recoating in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. c. Coat metal to be submerged before installation when necessary, to obtain acceptable finish and to prevent damage to other surfaces. d. Coat entire surface of support brackets, stem guides, pipe clips, fasteners, and other metal devices bolted to concrete. e. Coat surFace of items to be exposed and adjacent 1 inch to be concealed when embedded in concrete or masonry. 3.06 HIGH SOLIDS EPDXY AND POLYURETHANE COATING SYSTEM A. Preparation: � 1. Prepare surfaces in accordance with general preparation requirements and as follows= a. Prepare concrete surfaces in accordance with general preparation requirements. b. Touch up shop primed steel and miscellaneous iron. c. Abrasive btast ferrous metal surfaces at jobsite in accordance with SSPC SP-6, prior to coating. When cleaned surfaces rust or discolor, abrasive blast surfaces in accordance with SSPC SP-6. d. Degrease or solvent clean, whip abrasive blast, power tool, or hand tool clean galvanized metal surfaces. e. Lightiy sand (de-gloss) fiberglass and poty vinyl chloride (PVC) pipe to be coated and wipe clean with dry cloths, or solvent clean in accordance with coating manufacturer's instructrons_ October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.09960A-14 8235A10 pw:l/Ca rollo/DocumentslClie nUWA/Renton/8235A 1 Q/Spec�cationsl10.09960A 1 � � ' , ' � , � � � � ' , � i � ' ' ' � � ' , ' Abrasive blast clean ductile iron surFaces. B. Application: 1. Apply coatings in accordance with general application requirements and as follows: a. Apply 3 coat system consisting of: 1) Primer: 4 to 5 mils dry film thickness high solids epoxy. 2) Intermediate coat: 4 to 5 mils dry film thickness high solids epoxy. 3) Topcoat: 2.5 to 3.5 mils dry film thickness aliphatic or aliphatic-acrylic polyurethane topcoat. 2. Recoat or apply succeeding epoxy coats within 30 days or within time limits recommended by manufacturer, whichever is shorter. Prepare surfaces for recoating in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3.07 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A_ Each coat will be inspected. Strip and remove defective coats, prepare surfaces and recoat. When approved, apply next coat. : C. Control and check dry film thicknesses and integrity of coatings. Measure dry film thickness with calibrated thickness gauge_ D. Dry film thicknesses on ferrous-based substrates may be checked with Elcometer Type 1 Magnetic Pull-Off Gage or Positector 6000. ' E. Verify coat integrity with low-voltage holiday detector for submerged surface, in accordance with SP0188 06. Allow ENGINEER to use detector for additional checking. ' ' ' � i t � ' F_ Check wet film thickness before coal tar epoxy coating cures on concrete or non-ferrous metal substrates. G. Arrange for services of coating manufacturer's field representative to provide periodic field consultation and inspection services to ensure proper surface preparation of facilities and items to be coated, and to ensure proper application and curing: 1. Notify ENG�NEER 24 hours in advance of each visit by coating manufacturer's representative. 2. Provide ENGINEER with a written report by coating manufacturer's representative within 48 hours following each visit. 3.08 SCHEDULE OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING COATING A_ General: Unless specified otherwise, the following items do not require coating: 1. Items that have received final coat at factory and not listed to receive coating in field. 2. Aluminum, brass, bronze, copper, plastic (except PVC pipe), rubber, stainless steel, chrome, Everdur, or lead. 3. Buried or encased piping or conduit_ October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_09960A-15 8235A10 pw://CarollolDocumentsJClien VWAlRemonB235At �7Specifirations/10.09960A i 4. Exterior concrete. 5. Galvanized electrical conduits, galvanized pipe trays, galvanized cable trays, and other galvanized items: a. Areas on galvanized items or parts where galvanizing has been damaged during handling or construction shall be repaired as follows: 1) Clean damaged areas by SSPC SP-1, SP-2, SP-3, or SP-7 as required. ' 2) Apply 2 coats of a cold galvanizing zinc compound such as ZRC World Wide Inovatie Zinc Technologies of Mansfield, MA or accepted equal, in strict accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 6_ Grease fittings_ 7. Fiberglass ducting or tanks in concealed locations. 8. Steel to be encased in concrete or masonry. 3.09 SCHEDULE OF SURFACES TO BE COATED IN THE FIELD A. In general, apply coatings to steel, iron, galvanized surfaces, and wood surfaces unless specified or otherwise indicated on the Drawings. Coat concrete surfaces and anodized aluminum only when specified or indicated on the Drawings. Color coat all piping as specified in Sub-Section 10.15075. B. Following schedule is incomplete. Coat unlisted surfaces with same coating system as similar listed surfaces. Verify questionable surfaces. C. Concrete: 1 _ High solids epoxy: a. Safety markings. D. Metals: 1. High solids epoxy and polyurethane system: Interior and exterior non- immersed ferrous metal surFaces including: a_ Pipe, valves, pipe hangers, supports and saddles, conduit, cable tray hangers, and supports. b. Motors and motor accessory equipment. c_ Drive gear, drive housing, coupling housings, and miscellaneous gear drive equipment_ d_ Valve and gate operators and stands. e. Structural steel including galvanized structural steel. f. Mechanical equipment supports, drive units, and accessories. g. Pumps not submerged. 2. High solids epoxy system: a. Field priming of ferrous metal surfaces with defective shop prime coat where no other prime coat is specified; for non-submerged service. b. Bell rings, underside of manhole covers and frames_ c. Sump pumps and grit pumps, including underside of base plates and submerged suction and discharge piping. d. Exterior of submerged piping and valves other than stainless steel or PVC P�P��9- e. Submerged pipe supports and hangers. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.09960A-16 8235A10 pw://Carollo/Documents/ClienUWAlRenton18235A 10/Specificationsl10.09960A ! 1 ' , � � 1 ' � ' , ' � � i �� � , f. Stem guides. g. Other submerged iron and steel metal unless specified otherwise. h. Submerged piping. i. Exterior of influent pumps and influent pump submerged discharge piping. END OF SUB-SECTION � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.09960A-17 8235A10 � pw:dCarollolDocumentslClienUWAlRenton18235A10/Specifica6onsltQ.09960A ' October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.09960A-18 8235A10 pw:/!Ca rollo/Documents/ClienUWA/Renton/8235A10ISpecificafionsl10.09960A � , ' , � ' , ' , ' ' �I , , , I JI , � SUB-SECTION 10.11312J SUBMERSIBLE SUMP PUMPS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes: Submersible sump pumps. B. Related Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's �esponsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individ�!als or entities performing or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The following Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub- Section. This list of Related Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. a. Sub-Section 10.09960A — Coatings_ b. Sub-Section 10.15050 - Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods. c. Sub-Section 10.15958 - Mechanical Equipmenf Testing. d. Sub-Section 10.16050 - General Requirements for Electrical Work. 1.02 REFERENCES A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): 1. A 48 - Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. As specified in Sub-Section 10.15050. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 SUBMERSIBLE SUMP PUMPS A. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: 1. Barnes: Series SE411 VF. B. Bodies: Cast iron, ASTM A-48 Class 30 minimum, with support legs on sump bottom and clearance for suction entrance. C. Impellers: 2-vane; non-clogging; open with pump-out vanes on back side; dynamically batanced; close coupled to motors. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.11312J-1 8235A10 ' pw://CarollolDocumentslCfienUWAlRenton18235A10/Specificalionsf10.11312J 1. 2-inch spherical solids handling capability. D. Level Control: vertical float, PVC, snap action, 15-foot cord with piggy-back plug. E. UL Listed. F. Automatic operation_ G. Motors: Suitable for use in Class 1 Division 2 locations, Oil filled; enclosed; overload protection; 115 volt, single phase, 60 hertz; submersible type; able to operate continuously without exceeding pumps service capacity when immersed in water up to 77 degrees Fahrenheit temperature with the following: 1. Ball bearings with adequate thrust capacity for pump. 2. Mechanical ahaft seal. - 3. Expansion diaphragm. 4. Cable: minimum length vault depth plus 20 feet long, armored, waterproof cable securely attached to motors with watertight fittings. H. Accessories: � 1. Chains or cables: Stainless steel; attached to balance point of pump; suitable for lifting pump from sump; long enough to extend from pump to 2 feet above sump grating_ 2_ Hooks: Suitabfe to provide storage of chain or cable at top of sump. I. Finishes: Air dried enamel base paint primer compatible with top coating for submerged metals as specified in Sub-Section 10_09960A. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install submersible sump pumps as specified in Sub-Sections 10.15050 and 10.16050. 3.02 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL � A. Performance test: Level 1 as specified in Sub-Section 10.15958. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.11312J-2 8235A10 pw:/1Carol lolDocuments/ClienUWAlf2enton16235A10/Speaficationslt 0.11312J ' ' ' � ' ' ' ' � � ' , � ' ' i 1 i 3.03 PUMP SCHEDULE A. Pump Characteristics: 1. The pump shall have the approximate operational characteristics at a water temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Pump Tag Number SP - 01 Service Vault Drainage Condition 1 Capacity, gpm 0 gpm Total Dynamic Head (TDH), Feet 20 feet Ca� ��ition 2 Capacity, gpm 65 gpm Total Dynamic Head (TDH), Feet 5 feet Condition 3 Capacity, gpm 78 gpm Total Dynamic Head (TDH), Feet 1 feet Motor Horsepower 0.4 hp Motor Speed, revolutions per minute 1,750 rpm END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_11312J-3 8235A10 � pw:l/Carollo/DocumentslClient/WA/Renton18235A101Specifications(10.11312J , October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.11312J-4 8235A10 pwllCaroilolDocumentslCiienUWAlftentnN8235A t O/Specifications/10.11312J ' , , ' ' , CJ � , ' � ' , ' � ' � �J ' ' � , � PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY I+ � � � ' , SUB-SECTION 10.11313 GRINDER PUMPS AND ACCESSORIES A. Sub-Section includes: Grinder pumps and accessories. B. Related Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work ef s��a�ontractors, s��M�l;�rs, and othsr ir�+;viduals or entities psrforming or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The fol(owing Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub- Section. This list of Related Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. ' a. Sub-Section 10.09960A - Coatings. b. Sub-Section 10.15050 - Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods. c. Sub-Section 10.15255 - Stainless Steel Piping. , d. Sub-Section 10.15958 - Mechanical Equipment Testing. e. Sub-Section 10.16050 - General Requirements for Electrical Work. , ' , L1 � II � � 1.02 REFERENCES A. American National Standards Institute/American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ANSI/ASME): 1. B16.1 - Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class 25, 125, 250, and 800_ 2. B16.5 - Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings. B. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): 1. A 48 - Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings. 2. A 108 - Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon, Cold-Finished, Standard Quality. 3. A 167 - Standard Specification for Stainless Steel and Heat-Resisting Chromium-Nickel Steel Plate Sheet and Strip. 4. A 176 - Standard Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Chromium Steel Plate, Sheet and Strip_ 5. A 276 - Standard Specification for Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes. 6. A 283 - Specification for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates. Octaber 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.11313-1 8235A10 � pw:llCarollo/Documents/ClienVWPJRentonB235A10lSpedfications110.t 1313 7. 8. 9. 10. 11_ 12_ 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. A 532 - Standard Specification for Abrasion-Resistant Cast Irons. A 576 - Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon, Hot Wrought, Special Quality_ A 582 - Standard Specification for Free-Machining Stainless and Heat- Resisting Steel Bars, Hot-Rolled or Cold-Finished. A 743 - Standard Specification for Castings, Irori-Chromium, Iron-Nickel, Corrosion Resistant, for General Application. B 148 - Standard Specification for Aluminum-Bronze Sand Castings. B 505 - Specification for Copper-Base Alloy Continuous Castings. B 584 - Specification for Copper Alloy Sand Castings for General Applications. E 10 - Test Method for Brinell Hardness of Metallic Materials. E 18 - Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell Supe�cial Hardness of Metallic Materials. F 593 - Specification for Stainless Steel Bolts, Hex Cap Screws and Studs. F 594 - Specification for Stainless Steel Nuts. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. As specified in Sub-Section 10.15050. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GRINDER PUMPS A. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: 1. Barnes, Model XSGV. B C D E F. Description: Grinder pumps shall be designed to reduce domestic, commercial, institutional and light industrial sewage to a finely ground slurry. Body: Cast iron, ASTM A-48 Class 30 minimum, with support legs on sump bottom and clearance for suction entrance. Impeller: 85-5-5-5 Bronze, 10-vane; vortex; with pump-out vanes on back side; dynamically balanced; close coupled to motors. � Shredding Ring and Cutter: Hardened 440C stainless steel Rockwell C-55. Discharge Size: 2-inch NPT, vertically ariented. G. Motor. Explosion proof, oil fitled, enclossd; 230 volt, single phase, 60 hertz; submersible type; able to operate continuously without exceeding pumps service capacity when immersed in water up to 104 degrees Fahrenheit temperature with the following: 1. Ball bearings with adequate thrust capacity for pump. 2. Mechanical shaft seal. 3_ Expansion diaphragm. 4. Class B insulation. 5. Suitable for use in Class I Division 1 locations. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.11313-2 8235A10 pw:!lCarollolDociunents/ClienUWAlRenton18235A 10lSpecifications/10.11313 �� i ' � ' � � � � � �) � � � � � � � [� � � � 6. Cable: minimum length sump depth plus 30 feet long, armored, waterproof cable securely attached to motors with watertight fittings. a. Suitable for use in Class I Division 1 locations. H. Finishes: Air dried enamel base paint primer compatible with top coating for submerged metals as specified in Sub-Section 10.09960A. 2.02 ACCESSORIES: A_ Guide rails: 1. Provided by grinder pump manufacturer. 2. Construction: Type 316 Stainless steel. 3_ Shall facilitate pump removal without rotation of the pumps during removal. 4. Fabrication: continuous, one-piece construction. Where intermediate guide rail extensions are required, the guide rail shall be welded at the connection to prevent hang up during pump removal. 5. Shall be su�ported by stainless steel brackets and anchors to the walls of the wet well at intervals recommended by the manufacturer. 6. Shall include a discharge fitting to facilitate a watertight seal during pump operation and break away of the pump and Pump Discharge Assembly during pump installation and removal. B. Pump Discharge Assembly: - 1. Provided by grinder pump manufacturer. 2. Suitable.for use with manufacturer provided guide rails. 3. Discharge Size: As previously specified in this Sub-Section_ 4. All supports, piping, and fittings shall be stainless steel. 5. Stainless steel, pipe and fittings shall be threaded, Type as specified in Sub- Section 10.15255. 6. Check valves shall not be provided in Pump Discharge Assembly. 7. Pump Discharge Assembly shall be fastened to the pump. C. Chains or cables: Type 316 stainless steel; attached to balance point of pump; suitable for lifting pump from sump; long enough to extend from pump to 5 feet above wet well hatch. D. Hooks: Type 316 stainless steel; suitable to provide storage of chain or cable at top of wet well. Hook shall facilitate easy removal of chain or cable from hook. Hook shall be located such that chain or cable can be reached by maintenance personnel from outside of hatch opening. E. Ball Float Level Switch: 1. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: a. Siemens Water Technologies Corp 9G-EF. b. ITT Flygt Model ENM-10. c. Anchor Scientific Incorporated Ecofloat/Solofloat. 2. General: a. Free hanging, encapsulated body with a switch to determine position of float. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_11313-3 8235A10 � pw:1/Carollo/Documents�ClienUWAJRenton18235At0/Specifica6onsl10.t 1313 3 4 5. b_ Provide four level switches as indicated on the drawings. c. Each float shall be individually removable from the wefinrell without disturbing any other floats_ Element: a. Mechanical switch encapsulated in waterproof floating polypropylene ball of nominal diameter, supported by flexible PVC cable and jacket or heavy neoprene. b. The length of the PVC cable shall be, at a minimum, equal to sump depth plus 30 feet. c. Float: Provide type 316SS, minimum 3 inches in diameter. The float shall provide a minimum of 2 pounds of buoyancy in solutions with specific gravity of 1 and shall have an operating temperature rating of -30 degrees Fahrenheit to +150 degrees Fahrenheit_ d. Mercury switches are not acceptable. e_ Lead Wires: Mounted in flexible waterproof PVC cable from switch to junction box terminals without splices. Switch _ a. Single pole double throw contacts rated 10 amps resistive at 120 VAC. b_ Provide the number of floats per level system as shown on the Drawings. c. Suspend ball float and adjust for level setpoint as required. Components: a. Each float shall include type 316 stainless steel clamp and brackets and cable to allow testing of floats individually. b. Provide strain relief at both ends of the float cable. a. Stainless steel cable/weight suspension mounting kit: 1) Stainless steel 1/4 inch multi-stranded cable. 2) A coated, 20-pound cast-iron weight with stainless steel eyelet (for connection to the stainless steel cable with two stainless steel clamps) shall provide drift free mounting_ PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION � : Install grinder pumps as specified in Sub-Sections 10.15050 and 10.16050 and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations_ Install accessories in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and as shown on #he Drawings. 3.02 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Performance test: Level 1 as specified in Sub-Section 10.15958. 3.03 PUMP SCHEDULE A. Pump Characteristics: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.11313-4 8235A10 pw:llCarollolDocumentslCl ienUWA/Renton18235A10lSpecifica tionsl10.11313 1 1 1 , , � ' � Pump Tag Number Pump Tag Number Service GP-01 GP-02 Rated Capacity, gpm 30 30 Rated Total Dynamic Head (TDH), 34 34 feet Condition 2 Capacity, gpm 45 45 TDH, feet 14 14 Maximum shutoff head, feet 56 56 Motor Horsepower 2.0 2.0 Motor Speed, revolutions per 3,450 3,450 !7:IIlLtB END OF SUB-SECTION i 1 1 1 i 1 t r i � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.11313-5 8235A10 � pw:/lCarollolDocumentslClienUWA/Rentonl8235AtO/Specificationsl10.11313 I� , October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_11313-6 8235A10 pw://CarollolDocumentslClienNNAlf2entoN8235At01Spedficationsll0.t 1313 �J � � � ( �� � � ' C� i i 1 1 i 1 1 t � t LJ , � 1 � � � � � � � L__! 1 � � ' �� SUB-SECTION 10.15050 BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes: Basic design and performance requirements for mechanical equipment. B. Related Sections/Sub-Sections: 1_ Sub-Section 10.01612 - Seismic Design Criteria_ 2. Sub-Section 10.01756 - Testing, Training, and Facility Start-Up. 3. Sub-Section 10.01782 - �r�rating and Mainte^�nce Data. 4. Sub-Section 10.03600 - Grouts. 5. Sub-Section 10.05120 - Structural Steel. 6. Sub-Section 10.09960 - Coatings. 7. Sub-Section 10.15958 - Mechanical Equipment Testing. 8. Sub-Section 10.16950 - Field Electrical Acceptance Tests. 9. Sub-Section 10.17950 - Testing Calibration and Cornmissioning. 1.02 REFERENCES A. American Gear Manufacturer's Association (AGMA) Standards: 1. 2Q01-B88 - Fundamental Rating Factors and Calculation Methods for Involute Spur and Helical Gear Teeth. 2. 6000-A88 - Specification for Measurement of Linear Vibration on Gear Units. 3. 6010-E88 - Standard for Spur, Helical, Herringbone, and Bevel Enclosed Drives. 4. 6019-E89 - Standard for Gear motors using Spur, Helical, Herringbone, Straight Bev.el or Spiral Bevel Gears. 5. 6025-C90 - Sound for Enclosed Helical, Herringbone, and Spiral Bevel Gear Drives. B. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)_ 1. PTC 8.2 - PerFormance Test Code for Centrifugal Pumps. 2. PTC 10 - Performance Test Code - Compressors and Exhausters. 3. PTC 17 - Performance Test Code - Reciprocating Intemal-Combustion Engines. � � 4: PTC 11 - Performance Test Code - Measurement of Shaft Horsepower - Instruments and Apparatus_ � C. American Bearing Manufactures Association (ABMA) Standards: 1. 9- Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Ball Bearings. 2. 11 - Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Roller Bearings. , October 26; 2010 - FINAL 10.15050-1 8235A10 � pwJ/CarollolDocumentslCtientlWAlf2entonl8235A10fSpecificationsl10.15050 D_ American Petroleum Institute (API): 1. 682 - Shaft Sealing Systems for Centrifugal and Rotary Pumps E. ASTM international (ASTM): 1. A 36 - Standard Specification for Structural Steel. 2. A 48 - Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings. 3. A 125 - Standard Specification for Steel Springs, Helical, Heat-Treated. 4. A 526 - Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated by the Hot Dip Process, Commercial Quality. 5. A 536 - Standard Specification for Ductile Iron Castings. 6_ B 61 - Standard Specification for Steam or Valve Bronze Castings. 7. B 62 - Standard specification for Composition Bronze or Ounce Metal Castings. 8. B 505 - Standard Specification for Copper Alloy Continuous Castings. 9. B 584 - Standard Specification for Copper Alloy Sand Castings for General Applications. F. Hydraulic Institute (HI): 1. 1.1-1.5 - Centrifugal Pumps - Nomenclature, Definitions, Application, and Operation. 2. 1_6 - Centrifugal Pump Tests. 3. 2.1-2.5 - Vertical Pumps - Nomenclature, Definitions, Application, and Operation_ 4. 2.6 - Vertical Pump Tests. 5. 3_1-1.5 - Rotary Pumps - Nomenclature, Definitions, Application, and Operation. 6. 3.6 - Rotary Pump Tests. 7. 4_1-4.6 - Sealless Rotary Pumps - Nomenclature, Definitions, Application, Operation, and Test. 8_ 5.1-1.6 - Sealless Centrifugal Pumps - Nomenclature, Definitions, Application, Operation, and Test. 9. 6.1-6.5 - Reciprocating Power Pumps - Nomenclature, Definitions, Application, and Operation. 1Q. 7.1-7.5 - Controlled Volume Pumps - Nomenclature, Definitions, Application, and Operation. 11. 9.1-9.5 - Pumps - General Guidelines for Types, Definitions, Application, and Sound Measurement. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Special tools: Tools that have been specifically made for use on unit of equipment for assembly, disassembly, repair, or maintenance. ',:3 C Resonant frequency: That frequency at which a small driving force produces an ever-larger vibration if no dampening exists. Rotational frequency: The revolutions per unit of time usually expressed as revolutions per minute. October 26, 2010 - FINAL , 10_15050-2 8235A10 pw:/1Carollo/DoaanentsrClienUWAlf2enroN8235A 10/Specifica6ons/10.15050 � ' ' � � i D. Critical frequency: Same as resonant frequency for the rotating elements or the installed machine and base. E. Peak vibration velocity: The root mean square average of the peak velocity of the vibrational movement times the square root of 2 in inches per second. F. Rotational speed: Same as rotational frequency. G_ Maximum excitation frequency: The excitation frequency with the highest vibration velocity of several excitation frequencies that are a function of the design of a particular machine. � � � , � � �� � � i L� � i lJ J. Critical speed: Same as critical frequency. Free field noise level: Noise measured without any reflective surfaces (an idealized situation); sound pressure levels at 3 feet from the source unless specified otherwise. Operating weight: The weight of unit plus weight of fluids or solids normally contained in unit during operation. 1.04 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A_ General: 1. Provisions specified under each technical equipment specification prevail over and supersede conflicting provisions as specified in this Sub-Section. 2. Provide equipment and parts that are suitable for stresses, which may occur during fabrication, transportation, erection, and operation. 3. Provide equipment that has not been in service prior to delivery, except as required by tests. 4. Like parts of duplicate units are to be interchangeable. 5. When 2 or more units of equipment for the same purpose are required, provide products of same manufacturer. 6. Equipment manufacturer's responsibility extends to selection and mounting of gear drive units, motors or other prime move�s, accessories, and auxiliaries required for proper operation. 7. When necessary, modify manufacturer's standard product to conform to specified requirements or requirements indicated on the Drawings and contained in Laws and Regulations. B. Material requirements: 1. Materials: Suitable for superior corrosion resistance and for services under conditions normaHy encountered in similar installations. 2. Dissimilar metals: Separate contacting surfaces with dielectric material. C. Power transmission systems: 1. Power transmission equipment: V-belts, sheaves, shaft couplings, chains, sprockets, mechanical variable-speed drives, variable frequency drives, gear reducers, open and enclosed gearing, clutches, brakes, intermediate shafting, intermediate bearings, and U-joints are to be rated for 24 hour-a-day October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15050-3 8235A10 � pwJlCarollolDocumentslClienUWAtRenton18235A t 0/SpedficaUortst10.75050 1 continuous service or frequent stops-and-starts intermittent service, whichever is most severe, and sized with a minimum service factor of 1.5: a_ Apply 1.5 service factor to nameplate horsepower and torque of prime source of power and not to actual equipment loading. b_ Apply service facfors higher than 1_5 when recommended for continuaus 24 hour-per-day operation and shock loadings specified in AGMA 6010-E88, other applicable AGMA standards, or other applicable referenced standards. c. When manufacturer recommends service factor greater than 1.5, manufacturer's recommendation takes precedence_ D. Vibration_ 1. Resonant frequency: Ensure there are no natural resonant torsional, radial, or axial frequencies within 25 percent above or below the operating rotational frequencies or multiples of the operating rotational frequencies that may be excited by the equipment design. 2. Design, balance, and align equipment to meet the vibration criteria specified in Sub-Section 10.15958. E. Equipment mounting and anchoring: 1. Mount equipment on cast iron or welded steel bases with structural steel support frames. Utilize continuous welds to seal seams and contact edges between steel members_ Grind welds smooth. 2. Provide bases and supports with machined support pads, dowels for alignment of mating of adjacent items, adequate openings to facilitate grouting, and openings for electrical conduits_ 3. Provide jacking screws in bases and supports for equipment weighing over 1,000 pounds. 4. Anchorage of equipment to concrete: Perform calculations and determine number, size, type, strength, and location of anchor bolts or other connections. 5. Provide bolt sleeves for anchor bolts for heavy equipment. Adjust bolts to final location and fill sleeve with non-shrink grout. 6. Anchorage of equipment to metal supports: Perform calculations and determine number, size, type, strength, and Iocation of bolts used to connect equipment to metal supports_ 7. Design equipment anchorage, supports, and connections for dead load, running loads, loads during start-up, seismic load, and other loads as required for proper operation of equipment_ F. Seismic design: 1. Design equipment anchorage and related details for seismic design criteria as specified in Sub-Section 10.01612. 2. For equipment with operating weight of 400 pounds or more, provide calculations for: a. Determine operating weight and centroid of equipment. b_ Calculate forces and overturning moments. c_ Calculate shear and tension forces in equipment ancharages, supports, and connections. October 26, 201Q - FINAL 10.15050-4 8235A10 pw://Carollo/DocumentslClienU4VA�Rentonl8235A10/Speaficationsl10.15050 C� ' � � s � � 1 � � �� � , � 1 � ' � � � 1 � � � � � � � � � � � i � j , 1.05 d. Design equipment anchorage, supports, and connections based on calculated shear and tension forces. G. Equipment units weighing 50 pounds or more: Provide with lifting lugs or eyes to allow removal with hoist or other lifting device. SUBMITTALS A. Product data: 1. For each item of equipment: a. Design features. b. Load capacities. c. Efficiency ratings. d. Material designations by UNS alloy number or ASTM Specification and Grade. e. Data needed to verify compliance with the Specifications. f. Catalog data. g. . Name plate data. h. Clearly mark submittal information to show specific items, materials, and accessories or options being furnished. 2. Gear reduction units: a. Engineering information per applicable AGMA standards. b_ Gear mesh frequencies. B. Shop drawings: 1. Drawings for equipment: a. Drawings that include outline drawings, cut-away drawings, parts lists, material specification lists, and other information required to substantiate that proposed equipment complies with specified requirements. 2. Outline drawings showing equipment, driver, driven equipment, pumps, seal, motor(s) or other specified drivers, variable frequency drive, shafting, U-joints, couplings, drive arrangement, gears, baseplate or support dimensions, anchor bolt sizes and Iocations, bearings, and other furnished components_ 3. Installation and checkout instructions including leveling and alignment tolerances, grouting, lubricaiion requirements, and initial start-up procedures. 4. Wiring, control schematics, control logic diagrams and ladder logic or similar for computer based controls. 5. Recommended or normal operating parameters such as temperatures and pressures. 6. Alarm and shutdown set points for all controls furnished. C. Calculations: 1. Calculations and other information to substantiate equipment base plates, supports, bolts, anchor bolts, and other connections meet minimum design strength requirements and seismic design criteria specified in Sub-Section 10.01612. 2. Bearing L,o life calculations in accordance with ABMA 9 or ABMA 11 calculation methods for drivers, pumps, gears, shafts, motors, and other driveline components with bearings. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15050-5 8235A10 � pw:/lCarollolDocumentslClienWVAtF2entonB235A10/SpecificaUons110.15050 3 � � Calculations and other information to substantiate that operating rotational frequencies meet the requirements of this Sub-Section. Torsional analysis of power transmission systems: When torsional analysis specified in the equipment Sub-Sections, provide: a. Sketch of system components identifying physical characteristics including mass, diameter, thickness, and stiffness. b_ Results of analysis including first and second critical frequencies of system components and complete system. Calculations shall be signed and stamped by a civil or structural engineer registered to practice in the state where the Project is located_ D. Qualiry control submittals: 1. Source quality control reports and certified test data as specified in Sub- Section 10.15958. 2. Submit factory test reports before shipment. 3. Certified static and dynamic balancing reports for rotating equipment. 4. Field quality control reports and test data as specified in Sub- Section 10.15958_ 5. Start-up plan: Proposed plan for field-testing equipment as specified in Sub- Section 10.01756. 6. Certificate of Proper Installation: As specified in Sub-Section 10.01756. 7. Submit material test reports a specified in the equipment Sub-Sections. E. Operation and maintenance manuals: 1. As specified in Sub-Section 10.01782. 2. Submit prior to training of OWNER's personnel_ 3. Make available at project site complete copy of manuals for use by field personnel and ENGINEER during start-up and testing of equipment. 4. Include manufacturer and model number of every bearing; include calculated ball pass frequencies of the installed equipment for both the inner and outer raceways. 5_ Include motor rotor bar pass frequencies. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer's field service: 1. Furnish services of authorized representative specially trained in installation of equipment: a. Visit project site and perForm tasks necessary to certify installation. b. Fumish Certificate of Proper Installation as specified in Sub- Section 10_01756. 1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Packing and shipping: 1. Equipment: Pack in boxes, crates, or otherwise protect from damage and moisture, dust, or dirt during shipment, handling, and storage. 2. Bearings: Separately pack or otherwise suitably protect during transport. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15050-6 8235A10 pwll Camllo/Documents/ClientlWA/Rentonl6235A10/Speafications110.15050 l 1 �� � � 3. Spare parts: Deliver in boxes labeled with contents, equipment to which spare parts belong, and name of CONTRACTOR. B. Storage: 1. Equipment having bearings: Store in enclosed facilities. Rotate units at least once per month or more often as recommended by the manufacturer to protect rotating elements and bearings. 2. Gear boxes: Oil filled or sprayed with rust preventive protective coating. C. Protection: � 1. Equipment: Protect equipment from deleterious exposure. 2. Painted surfaces: Protect against impact, abrasion, discoloration, and other damage. i1.08 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING 1 A. Ea,uipment anchoring: Obtain ancharing rr�aterial and templates or setting drawings from equipment manufacturers in adequate time for anchors to be cast-in-place when concrete is placed. � B_ Coordinate details of equipment with other related parts of the Work, including verification that structures, piping, wiring, and equipment components are compatible. � � �J i C. General start-up and testing of equipment: 1. Perform general start-up and testing procedures after operation and maintenance manuals for equipment have been received. 2. Conduct functional testing of inechanical or electrical systems when each system is substantially complete and.after general start-up and testing procedures have been successfully completed. 3. Functional testing requirements as specified in Sub-Sections 10.01756, 10_15958, 10.16950, and 10.17950 and the equipment Sub-Sections. 1.09 MAINTENANCE A. Speciat tools: � 1. When specified, provide special tools required for operation and maintenance. 2. Mark or tag and fist such tools in maintenance and operations instructions. Describe use of each tool. � � II B. Spare belts: 1. When spare belts are specified, furnish 1 spare belt for every different type and size of belt-driven unit: a_ Where 2 or more belts are involved, furnish matched sets. b. Identify as to equipment, design, horsepower, speed, length, sheave size, and use. c_ Package in boxes labeled with identification of contents. C. Spare parts: 1. Assume responsibility until turned over to OWNER. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15050-7 8235A10 � pw:llCardlolDocumentyClienWdNRentont8235A10lSpecificauonsl10.15050 2. Store in enclosed facilities. 3. Furnish itemized list and match identification tag attached to every part. 4. List parts by generic title and identification number. 5. Furnish name, address, and telephone number of supplier and spare parts warehouse. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Ferrous materials: 1. Steel for Members used in Fabrication of Assemblies: ASTM A 36. 2. Iron castings: ASTM A 48, tough, close-grained gray iron, free from blowholes, flaws, and other imperfections. 3. Ductile iron castings: ASTM A 536, Grade 65-45-12, free from flaws and imperfections. 4. Galvanized steel sheet: ASTM A 526, minimum 0.0635 inch (16 gauge). 5. Expanded metal: ASTM A 36, 13 gauge, 1/2-inch flat pattern expanded metal. B. Nonferrous materials: 1. Stainless steel: Type 304 or 316 as specified_ Provide L grade where welding required. 2. Bronze in contact with liquid: Composition of not more than 2 percent aluminum nor more than 6 percent zinc; UNS Alloy C83600, C92200 or C93700 in accordance with ASTM B 61, B 62, B 505, or B 584, when not specified otherwise. C. Dielectric materials for separation of dissimilar metals: 1. Neoprene, bituminous impregnated felt, heavy bituminous coatings, nonmetallic separators or washers, or other materials. ❑� E Anchor bolts: As specified in Sub-Section 10.05120; minimum 0.5 inch diameter. Non-shrink grout: As specified in Sub-Section 10.03600. 2.02 BEARINGS A. Type: Oil or grease lubricated, ball or roller antifriction type, of standard manufactur�_ B. Oil lubricated bearings: Provide either pressure lubricating system or separate oil reservoir splash type system: 1. Size oif lubrication systems to safely absorb heat energy generated in bearings when equipment is operating under normal conditions and with the ambient temperature 15 degree Fahrenheit above the maximum ambient temperature specified elsewhere in this Sub-Section. 2. Provide an external oil cooler when required to satisfy the specified operating conditions. Provide air cooled system if a water-cooling source is not indicated on the Drawings. Equip oil cooler with a filler pipe and external level gauge. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15050-8 8235A10 pw:/ICaroIto/DocumentslClienUWA�RentonB235At0/Speafirationslt 0.15050 � � 1 � � 1 � � � �i i � � � � C. Grease lubricated bearings, except those specified to be factory sealed: Fit with easily accessible grease supply, flush, drain, and relief fittings. 1_ Lubrication lines and fittings: a. Lines: Minimum 1/4-inch diameter stainless steel tubing. b_ Multiple fitting assemblies: Mount fittings together in easily accessible location. c_ Use standard hydraulic type grease supply fittings: 1) Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: a) Alenite. b) Zurk. D. Ratings: Rated in accordance with ABMA 9 or ABMA 11 for L,o rating life of not less than 50,000 hours: 1. Higher ratings, when specified in other Sub-Sections, supersede preceding requirement. 2.03 FABRI�ATI�N A. Structural steel members: As specified in Sub-Section 10.05120. B. Nameplates: 1. Engraved or stamped on Type 304 stainless steel and fastened to equipment at factory in an accessible and visible location. � 2. Indicate following information as applicable: a. Manufacturer's name. b. Equipment model number and serial number. c. Maximum and Normal rotating speed. d. Horsepower. e. Rated capacity. f. Service class per applicable standards. 3. Nameplates for pumps: Include: a. Rated total dynamic head in feet of fluid. b_ Rated flow in gallons per minute. c_ Impeller, gear, screw, diaphragm, or piston size. 4_ Gear reduction units: Include: a. AGMA Class of service. b. Service factor. c. Input and output speeds. C. Bolt holes in equipment support frames: Do not exceed bott diameter by more than 25 percent, up to limiting maximum diameter oversize of 1/4 inch. i � � D. Shop finishing: 1. Provide factory and field coating as specified in Sub-Section 10.09960A. If not specified in Sub-Section 10.09960A, provide coating as follows: a. Bases and support frames in contact with concrete or other material: Coat contacting surfaces with minimum of 2 coats of zinc chromate primer before installation or grouting. b. Shop primer for steel and iron surfaces, unless specified otherwise: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15050-9 8235A10 � pw:llCarollolDocumentslClientlWAlRenton/8235A1015peafications110.15050 c. C� e. 1) Manufacturers: One of the foilowing or equai: a) Ameron, Amercoat 185 Universal Primer. b) Cook, 391-N-167 Barrier Coat. c) Kop-Coat, Pug Primer. d) Tnemec, 37-77 Chem-Prime_ e) Valspar, 13-R-28 Chromox Primer. Coat machined, polished, and nonferrous surFaces which are not to be painted with rust-preventive compounds: 1) Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: a) Houghton, Rust Veto 344. b) Rust-Oleum, R-9. Coating for ferrous metal surFaces, except stainless steel: High solids polyamine epoxy_ Finish painting of motors: Shop finish paint with manufacturer's standard coating, unless otherwise specified in Sub-Section 10.09960A. 2.04 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. As specified in Sub-Section 10.15958 for testing requirements and the individual equipment Sub-Sections of the Specifications_ PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Inspect all components for shipping damage, conformance to specifications, and proper torques and tightness of fasteners. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Metal work embedded in concrete: 1. Accurately place and hold in correct position while concrete is being placed. 2. Clean surface of inetal in contact with concrete immediately before concrete is placed. B. Concrete surfaces designated to receive non-shrink grout: 1. Heavy sandblast concrete surface in contact with non-shrink grout. 2. Clean concrete surfaces of sandblasting sand, grease, oil, dirt, and other fareign material that may reduce bond to non-shrink grout_ 3. Saturate concrete with water. Concrete shall be saturated surface damp at time non-shrink grout is placed_ C. Field measurements: 1. Prior to fabrication of equipment, take measurements for installation of equipment and verify dimensions indicated on the Drawings. Ensure equipment and ancillary appurtenances fit within available space. October 26, 201Q - FINAL 10.15050-10 8235A10 pwJlCarollo(DocumentslClientlWAlRenton/8235At 0(Specfications/10.15050 � i � � � � � � � � � � 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Install equipment in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions and recommendations. B. Lubrication lines and fittings: 1. Lines from fittings to point of use: Support and protect. 2. Fittings: a. Bring fittings to outside of equipment in manner such that they are readily accessible from outside without necessity of removing covers, plates, housings, or guards. b. Mount fittings together wherever possible using factory-mounted multiple fitting assemblies securely mounted, parallel with equipment lines, and protected from damage. c. Fittings for underwater bearings: Bring fittings above water surface and mount on edge of structure above. 3. Alignment and calc�lations sha!! includp measurement and allo�vance for thermal growth, spacer coupling length, indicator separation, and axial spacing tolerances of the coupling. 4. When alignment satisfies most stringent tolerance of system components, grout between base and foundation. Allow minimum 48 hours for grout to harden. After grout hardens, remove jacking screws, tighten anchor bolts and other connections, and recheck alignment_ Correct alignment as required. 5. After operational testing is complete, dowel motor or drivers and driven equipment_ Comply with manufacturer's instructions. C. Grouting equipment bases and baseplates with non-shrink grout: 1. Grout with non-shrink grout as specified in Sub-Section 10.03600. 2. Comply with equipment manufacturer's installation instructions for grouting spaces, and tolerances for level and alignments, both vertical and horizontal. 3. Grout after piping connections are complete and in alignment with no strain transmitted to equipment. 4. Grout base when equipment is leveled and in alignment_ 5. Place grout, filling voids under equipment bases and other supports including recesses between anchor bolts and sleeves: a. Extend grout to edge of equipment bases or baseplates and bevel at 45 degrees around units. b. Grouts must be cut back to the lower edge of baseplates after reaching initial set_ Provide a 45-degree angle cut back. c. Finish surfaces with slope that prevents ponding water within grouted areas_ D. Forms and headboxes for non-shrink grouts or non-shrink epoxy grouts: 1. As spec�ed in Sub-Section 10.03600_ � .� E. Special techniques: Use applicable special tools and equipment, including precision machinist levels, dial indicators, and gauges as required in equipment installations. F. Tolerances: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15050-11 8235A10 � pwJlCarol�olDocumentslClienNNAlRenton18235AtO/Speaficaoons/10.15050 1. Completed equipment installations: Comply with requirements for intended use and specified vibration and noise tolerances. G. Waming signs: Mount securely with stainless fasteners at equipment that can be started automatically or from remote locations_ 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Test equipment as specified in Sub-Section 10.15958 and the individual equipment Sub-Section of the Specifications_ B. Perform operational testing as required by Sub-Section 10.01756. 3.05 MANUFACTURER'S REPRESENTATIVE A. Field checkout: Before field-testing and start-up, provide services of factory-trained field service representative to certify the equipment has been installed, aligned, and checked in accordance with the manufacturer`s instructions and the Specifications. B. Testing: Provide services of factory trained representative to obsenre and advise the CONTRACTOR during field quality control testing. C. Training: When training is specified, provide services of factory-trained representative to perform training as specified in Sub-Section 10.01756. END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15050-12 8235A10 pw:/1CarollolDocuments/ClienUWAlRentonl8235A 10lSpecficationsl10.15050 SUB-SECTION 10.15052 BASIC PIPING MATERIALS AND METHODS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes: Basic piping materials and methods. B. Related Sub-Sections: 1_ The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and ather individ��als or ent►ties �erf�rming or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The following Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub- Section. This list of Related Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. a. Sub-Section 10.09960A - Coatings_ b. Sub-Section 10.15061 - Pipe Supports_ c_ Sub-Section 10.15062 - Preformed Channel Pipe Support System. d. Sub-Section 10.15251 - Ductile Iron AVW1/A C151 Pipe. e. Sub-Section 10.15255 - Stainless Steel Piping and Tubing. f. Sub-Section 10.15265 - Plastic Piping and Tubing. g. Sub-Section 10.15956 - Piping Systems Testing. 1.02 REFERENCES A. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME): 1. B16.5 - Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: NPS 1/2 Through 24. 2. B16.47 - Large Diameter Steel Flanges: NPS 26 Through NPS 60 Metric/Inch Standard. B. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. A 193 - Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High Temperature or High Pressure Service and Other Special Purpose Applications. 2. A 194 - Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure or High Temperature Service, or Both. 3. A 307 - Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 PSI Tensile Strength. 4. F 37 - Standard Test Methods for Sealability of Gasket Materials. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_15052-1 8235A10 � pw:IlCarollolDocuments�ClienUWAlRentonl8235AtO/Spedficationslt�.15052 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Buried pipe: Pipe that is buried in the soil, or cast in a concrete pipe encasement that is buried in the soil. B. Exposed pipe: Pipe that is located above ground, or pipe that is located inside a structure, supported by a structure, or cast into a concrete structure. C. Underground piping: Piping actually buried in soil or cast in concrete that is buried in soil. D. Underwater piping: Piping below tops of walls in basins or tanks containing water. E. Wet wall: Wall with water on�at least 1 side. 1.04 SUBMITTALS �1. Product ciaia: 1. Escutcheons. 2. Flange bolts. 3. Gaskets. 4. Link -type seals. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 ESCUTCHEONS A. Material: Chrome-plated steel plate. B. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: 1. Dearborn Brass Company, Model Number 5358. 2. Keeney Manufacturing Company, Model Number 102 or Number 105. 2.02 LINK TYPE SEALS A. Characteristics: 1. Modular mechanical type, consisting of interlocking neoprene or synthetic rubber links shaped to continuously fill the annular space between the pipe and wall opening. 2. Assemble links solely with stainless steel bolts and nuts to form a continuous rubber belt around the pipe_ 3. Provide a nylon polymer pressure plate with Type 316 stainless steel hardware_ Isolate pressure plate from contact with wall sleeve. B. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: 1. Calpico, Incorparated_ 2. Pipeline Seal and Insulator, Inc., Link-Seal. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15052-2 8235A10 pw:IlCarol lolDocumentslClienUWAlRentonB235A10lSpecificationsl10.15052 ;1 i � 2.03 FLANGE BOLTS A. All Piping: 1. Bolts and nuts shall be Type 316 stainless steel in accordance with ASTM A � 193, Grade B8M for bolts and in accordance with ASTM A 194, Grade 8M for nuts. _ 2. Provide a washer for each nut. Washer shall be of the same material as the nut. 3. Nuts shall be Heavy hex-head, Type 2H. 4_ Cut and finish flange bolts to project a maximum of 1l4 inch beyond outside face of nut after assembly. 5. Tap holes for cap screws or stud bolts when used. B. Lubricant for stainless steel bolts and nuts_ 1. Chloride-free. 2. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: a. Huskey FG-1800. 2.04 GASKETS A. Gaskets for non-steam cleaned ductile iron and steel piping: 1. Suitable for pressures equal to and less than 150 pounds per square inch gauge, temperatures equal to o� less than 250 degrees Fahrenheit, and raw sewage service. 2. Gasket material: a. Neoprene elastomer with minimum Shore A hardness value of 70. b. Thickness: Minimum 3/32-inch thick for less than 10-inch pipe. 3. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: a. Pipe less than 20 inches in diameter: 1) Garlock, Style 7797. 2) John Crane, similar product. B_ Gaskets for flanged joints in polyvinyl chloride and polyethylene piping: � 1. Suitable for pressures equal to or less than 150 pounds per square inch. gauge, with low flange bolt loadings, temperatures equal and less than 120 degrees Fahrenheit, and polymer, chlorine, caustic solutions, and other � chemicals, except chemicals which liberate free fluorine including fluorochemicals and gaseous fluorine. 2. Material: 0.125-inch thick Viton rubber. 3. Manufacturers: One of the folloviring or equal: � a. Garlock. b. John Crane, similar product. C. Provide gaskets suitable for the specific fluids and pressure and temperature conditions. CJ � Ocfober 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15052-3 8235A10 � pw:llCarollolDocumenM/ClienNNAlRenton18235At0/Specificationsl10.15052 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verification of existing conditions: 1. Locate and expose existing structures, piping, conduits, and other facilities and obstructions that may affect construction of underground piping before starting excavation for new underground piping and appurtenances. 2. Verify sizes, elevations, locations, and other relevant features of existing facilities and obstructions_ Determine conflicts for the construction of the new underground piping and appurtenances. 3. Make piping location and grade adjustments to resolve conflicts between new piping and existing facilities and obstructions. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. General: 1. Piping drawings: a. Except in details, piping is indicated diagrammatically. Not every offset and fitting, or structural difficulty that may be encountered has been indicated on the Drawings. Sizes and locations are indicated on the Drawings. b. Perform minor modifications to piping alignment where necessary to avoid structural, mechanical, or other type of obstructions that cannot be removed or changed. 1) Modifications are intended to be of minor scope, not involving a change to the design concept or a change to the Contract Price or Contract Times. 2. Piping alternatives: a. Provide piping as specified in this Sub-Section, unless indicated on the Drawings or specified otherwise. b. Alternative pipe ratings: Piping with greater pressure rating than specified may be substituted in lieu of specified piping without changes to the � Contract Price. Piping of different material may not be substituted in lieu of specified piping. c. Valves in piping sections: Capable of withstanding specified test pressures for piping sections and fabricated with ends to fit piping. d. For flanged joints, where 1 of the joining flanges is raised face type, provide a matching raised face type flange for the other joining flange. 3. Unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings, piping at pipe joints, fittings, couplings, and equipment shall be installed without rotation, angular deflection, vertical offset, or horizontal offset. B. Wall and slab penetrations: 1. Provide sleeves for piping penetrations through aboveground masonry and concrete walls, floors, ceilings, roofs, unless specified or otherwise indicated on the Drawings. 2. For piping 1 inch in nominal diameter and larger, provide sleeves with minimum inside diameters of 1 inch plus outside diameter of piping. For piping October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15052-4 8235A10 pw:/lCarollo/DocumentslClientlWAlftentonB235A101Speafications/10.15052 3 smaller than 1 inch in nominal diamete�, provide sleeve of minimum twice the outside diameter of piping. a. Arrange sleeves and adjacent joints so piping can be pulled out of sleeves and replaced without disturbing the structure. b. Cut ends of sleeves flush with surfaces of concrete, masonry, or plaster. c. Conceal ends of sleeves with escutcheons where piping runs through floors, walls, or ceilings of finished spaces within buildings. d. Seal spaces between pipes and sleeves with link-type seals when not otherwise specified or indicated on the Drawings. Provide flexibility in piping connecting to structures to accommodate movement due to soil settlement and earthquakes. Provide flexibility using details indicated on the Drawings. C. Exposed piping: 1_ Install exposed piping in straight runs parallel to the axes of structures, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings: a. lnstall piping runs plurnb and leve(, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. Slope plumbing drain piping with a minimum of 1/4 inch per foot downward in the direction of flow. 2_ Install exposed piping after installing equipment and after piping and fitting locations have been determined. 3. Support piping: As specified in Sub-Sections 10.15061, and 10.15062: a. Do not transfer pipe loads and strain to equipment. 4. In �ddition to the joints �ndicated on the Drawings, provide unions, flexible couplings, flanged joints, flanged coupling adapters, and other types of joints or means which are compatible with and suitable for the piping system, and necessary to allow ready assembly and disassembly of the piping. 5. Assemble piping without distortion or stresses caused by misalignment: a. Match and properly orient flanges, unions, flexible couplings, and other connections. b. Do not subject piping to bending or other undue stresses when fitting piping. Do not correct defective orientation or alignment by distorting flanged joints or subjecting flange bolts to bending or other undue stresses. c_ Flange botts, union halves, flexible connectors, and other connection elements shall slip freely into place. d_ Alter piping assembly to fit, when proper fit is not obtained. e. Install eccentric reducers or increasers with the top horizontal for pump suction piping. D_ Buried piping: 1. Bury piping with minimum 3-foot cover without air traps, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. 2. Where 2 similar services run parallel to each other, piping for such services may be laid in the same trench. Lay piping with sufficient room for assembly and disassembly of joints, for thrust blocks, for other structures, and to meet separation requirements of public health authorities having jurisdiction. 3_ Laying piping: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15052-5 8235A10 � pw:!/CarollolDocwnentsrGienWVAR2enton/8235A10/Specifications/t0.15052 a. Lay piping in finished trenches free from water or debris. Begin at the lowest point with bell ends up slope_ b. Place piping with top or bottom markings with markings in proper position. c. Lay piping on an unyielding foundation with uniform bearing under the full length of barrels. d. Where joints require external. grouting, banding, or pointing, provide space under and immediately in front of the bell end of each section laid with sufficient shape and size for grouting, banding, or pointing of joints. e. At the end of each day's construction, plug open ends of piping temporarily to prevent entrance of debris or animals_ E. Venting piping under pressure: 1. Lay piping under pressure flat or at a continuous slope without air traps, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings_ 2. Install plug valves as air bleeder cocks at high points in piping_ Provide 1-inch plug valves for water lines, and 2-inch plug valves for sewage and sludge lines, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. 3. Provide additional pipe taps with plug cocks and riser pipes along piping as required for venting during initiaf filling, disinfecting, and sampling. 4. Before piping is placed into service, close plug valves and install plugs. Protect plugs and plug valves from corrosion in as specified in Sub-Section 10.09960A. F. Restraining piping: 1. Restrain piping at valves and at fittings where piping changes direction, changes sizes, and at ends: a. When piping is underground, use concrete thrust block or mechanical restraints_ 2 3 � b. When piping is aboveground or underwater, use mechanical or structural restraints. c. Determine thrust forces by multiplying the nominal cross sectional area of the piping by design test pressure of the piping_ Provide restraints with ample size to withstand thrust forces resulting from test pressures: a. During testing, provide suitable temporary restraints where piping does not require permanent restraints. Place concrete thrust blocks against undisturbed soil. Place concrete so piping joints, fittings, and other appurtenances are accessible for assembly and disassembly_ Provide underground mechanical restraints where specified in the Piping Schedule_ G. Connections to existing piping: 1. Expose existing piping to which connections are to be made with sufficient time to permit, where necessary, field adjustments in line, grade, or fittings: a. Protect domestic water/potable water supplies from contamination: 1) Make connections between domestic water supply and other water systems in accordance with requirements of public health authorities. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15052-6 8235A10 pw:l1 Carof Io/DocumentslCl ienUWA/f2entonJ6235A10lSpecficationsl10.15052 �. � � 2) Provide devices approved by OWNER of domestic water supply system to prevent flow from other sources into the domestic supply � system. 2. Make connections to existing piping and valves after sections of new piping to � be connected have been tested and found satisfactory. 3. Provide sleeves, flanges, nipples, couplings, adapters, and other fittings needed to install or attach new fittings to existing piping and to make '� connections to existing piping. _ 4. For flanged connections, provide stainless steel bolts with isolation bushings and washers, and full-face flange gaskets. t H. Connections between ferrous and nonferrous metals: 1. Connect ferrous and nonferrous metal piping, tubing, and fittings with dielectric couplings especially designed for the prevention of chemical reactions �' between dissimilar metals. 2. Nonferrous metals include aluminum, copper, and copper alloys. ! I. Flangetl connections between dissimilar metals such as ductile iron pipe and steel . pipe: 1. Provide stainless steel bolts with isolation bushings and washers, and full-face � flange gaskets. 3.03 CLEANING A_ Piping cleaning: 1. Upon completion of installation, clean piping interior of foreign matter and debris. Perform special cleaning when required by the Contract Documents. 3.04 PIPING SCHEDULE �� � L� i .i � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15Q52-7 8235A10 � pwJlCarollolDocumentslClientlWA/RentoN8235A10/SpecificaUonsl10.15052 O � 0 v m � N � N 0 � 0 � Z D r � N � 0 � � 0 � N � � N w � D � 0 PIPING SCHEDULE Pressure Class Nominal Special Thickness Pipe Spec. Process Diameter Class Schedule Wall Sub- Test Pressur.e/ Abbrev. Service/Location inches Material Thickness Section Joints/ Fittin s Method Linln Coatin D Drain 2 and less PVC SCH 80 10.15265 SW or FL 15 feet/GR None None PD Pumped Drainage All 3 and less PVC SCH 80 10.15265 SW or FL 40 psig/HH None None SSFM Sanitary Sewer Force Main Exposed (unless otherwise indicated 3 and less SST SCH 40S 10.15255 SCRD, FL, or GE 40 psig/HH None None on the Drawin s Buried (unless othen+vise indicated 3 and less PVC SCH 80 10.15265 SW or FL 40 psig/HH None None on the Drawin s Abbreviations: 1. The following abbreviations used in the column of test method refer to the respective methods as specified in Sub-Section 10.15956. AM Air method GR Gravity method HH High head method LH �ow head method SC Special case 2. Abbreviations to designate piping include the foilowing: CL Class, followed by the designatiori EPP Epoxy polyurethane coating FL Flange GA Gauge, preceded by the designation GE Grooved end joint NPS Nominai pipe size, followed by the number in inches psi pounds per square inch psig pounds per square inch gauge PVC Polyvinyl Chloride SCH Schedule, followed by the designation SCRD Screwed-On SST Stainiess steel SW Solvent welded END OF SUB-SECTION r� t� ��r � �t� � �r� � r� �+rr ,r_�. �w �: �� �� � � �r C� � � PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY SUB-SECTION 10.15061 PIPE SUPPORTS A. Sub-Section includes: Supports for pipe, fittings, valves, and appurtenances. � � � !� B. Related Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for. by one is as binding as if called for by all. 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheciuling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The following Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub- Section. This list of Related Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. a. Sub-Section 10.01410 - Regulatory Requirements. b. Sub-Section 10.05120 - Structural Steel. c. Sub-Section 10.09960A - Coatings. 1.02 REFERENCES A. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. A 380 - Standard Practice for Cleaning, Descaling, and Passivation of Stainless Steel Parts, Equipment, and Systems. 2. A 967 - Standard Specification for Chemical Passivation Treatments for Stainless Steel Parts. � B. Manufacturer's Standardization Society (MSS): 1. SP-58 - Pipe Hangers and Supports - Materials, Design, and Manufacture. 2. SP-69 - Pipe Hangers and Supports - Selection and Application_ � 1.03 SUBMITTALS �. A. Shop drawings: Include schedule, indicating where supports will be installed, and drawings of pipe support system components. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 PIPE SUPPORTS A. General: All supports shall be constructed of Type 316 stainless steel materials. � B. Eye bolts: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15061-1 8235A10 � pwllCarollolDxumentsJClienUWAlRentonl8235A10lSpeafications110.15061 Type 316 stainiess steel, welded and rated equal to fult load capaciry of rod. C. Weided eyebolt rod: 1. Manufacturers: One of the following or equai: a. Nibco-Tolco, Figure 101. b. . FM Stainless Fasteners. D. Standard U-bolt: MSS SP-69, Type 24: 1_ Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: a_ Nibco-Tolco, Figure 110. b_ Cooper B-Line Systems, Inc., Figure B3188.. c. FM Stainless Fasteners, Figure 37. E. Riser clamps_ MSS SP-69, Type 8: 1. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: a_ Cooper B-Line Systems, lnc., Figure B3373. b. FM Stainless Fasteners, Figure 61. F. Pipe clamps: MSS SP-69, Type 4: 1. i�Tianufiacturers: One of the fioiiowing or equal: a. Nibco-Tolco, Figure 4. b_ Cooper 6-Line Systems, Inc_, Figure 3140. G. Adjustable offset pipe clamp: 1. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: � a. Nibco-Tolco, Figure 4. b. Cooper B-Line Systems, Inc., Figure B3149. c_ FM Stainless Fasteners, Figure 63. H. Offset pipe clamp: 1. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: a. Nibco-Tolco, Figure 8. b_ Cooper B-Line Systems, Inc_, Figure 3148. Floor stand or stanchion saddles: MSS SP-69, Type 37. Provided with U-bolt hold down yokes: 1. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: a. Nibco-Tolco, Figure 318. b. FM Stainless Fasteners, Figure 59. Welded beam attachment: MSS SP-69, Type 22: 1_ Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: a. Nibco-Tolco, Figure 304_ b. Cooper 6-Line Systems, Inc., Figure 3083. K. Heavy pipe clamp: MSS SP-69, Type 4: 1_ Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: a_ Nibco-Tolco, Figure 4H. L. Anchor bolts, concrete anchors, concrete inserts, powder-actuated fasteners, and sleeve anchors: As specified in Sub-Section 10.05120. October 26, 2010 - FlNAL 10.15061-2 8235A10 pw:l/Carollo/DocumentslClienUWNRemm�/8235A10ISpecificaGons/10.15061 2.02 MATERIALS A. Pipe supports: 1. Stainless steei (Type 316): a. Use in all locations. b. Field welding and fabrication of supports is prohibited. c. Shop-fabricated supports: 1) Finish requirements: Remove free iron, heat tint oxides, weld scale, and other impurities, and obtain a passive finished surface. 2) At the shop, perform pickling and passivation on all surfaces inside and out in accordance with ASTM A 380 or A 967. a) Passivafion treatments using citric acid are not allowed. 2, Plastic, aluminum, FRP, and other miscellaneous materials: Use where specifically indicated on the Drawings. B. Fasteners: 1. As specified in Sub-Section 10.05120. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Properly support, suspend, or anchor exposed pipe, fittings, valves, and appurtenances to prevent sagging, overstressing, or movement of piping; and to prevent thrusts or loads on or against connected pumps, and other equipment. B. Field verify support location, orientation, and configuration to eliminate interferences prior to fabrication of supports. C. Carefully determine locations of inserts. Anchor to formwork prior to placing concrete. D. Use flush shelts onlywhere indicated on the Drawings. E. Do not use anchors relying on deformation of lead alloy. F. Do not use powder-actuated fasteners for securing metallic conduit or steel pipe larger than 1 inch to concrete, masonry, or wood. G. Suspend pipe hangers from hanger rods and secure with double nuts. H. Install continuously threaded hanger rods only where indicated on the Drawings. I. Use adjustable ring hangers or adjustable clevis hangers, for 4 inch and smaller diameter pipe_ � J. Use adjustable clevis hangers for pipe larger than 4 inches in diameter. K. Secure pipes with double nutted U-bolts or suspend pipes from hanger rods and hangers. 1. For all piping use stainless steel U-bolts_ October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_15061-3 8235A10 pw:/!Ca rollotDocumentslClienUWAlRenton18235A10/5 pecificaUonsl10.15061 L. Support spacing: 1. Support 2-inch and smaller piping on horizontal and vertical runs at maximum 5 feet on center, unless otherwise specified_ 2. Support larger than 2-inch piping on horizontal and vertical.runs at maximum 10 feet on center, unless otherwise specified. 3. Support exposed polyvinyl chloride and other plastic pipes at maximum 5 feet on center, regardless of size. 4. Support tubing, copper pipe and tubing, fiber-reinforced plastic pipe or duct, and rubber hose and tubing at intervals close enough to prevent sagging greaterthan 1/4 inch between supports. M. Install supports at: 1. Any change in direction. 2. Both sides of flexible pipe connections. 3. Base of risers. 4. Floor penetrations. 5_ Connections to pumps, blowers, and other equipment. 6. Valves and appurtenances. N. Securely anchor plastic pipe, valves, and headers to prevent movement during operation of valves. �� �. I� CC Anchor plastic pipe between expansion loops and direction changes to prevent axial movement through anchors. Provide elbows or tees supported from floors with base fittings where indicated on the Drawings. Support base fittings with metal supports or when indicated on the Drawings support on concrete piers. R. Do not use chains, plumbers' straps, wire, or similar devices for permanently suspending, supporting, or restraining pipes. S. Support plumbing drainage and vents in accordance with ptumbing code as specified in Sub-Section 10.0141Q. T. Supports, clamps, brackets, and portions of support system bearing against copper pipe: Copper plated, copper throughout, or isolated with neoprene or polyvinyl chloride tape. U V W Where pipe is insulated, install over-sized supports and hangers. Install riser clamps at floor penetrations and where indicated an the Drawings. Coat support system components as specified in Sub-Section 10_09960A. END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - F1NAL 10.15061-4 8235A10 pw:/ICarollolDocumenlslClienUWtVRentonl8235A t OlSpecifications/10.15061 � � SUB-SECTION 10.15062 � , � � � �' � �� ,� � ,� � PREFORMED CHANNEL PIPE SUPPORT SYSTEM PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes: Preformed channel pipe support system consisting of preformed channels, fittings, straps, and fasteners engineer.ed to support piping. B. Related Sections/Sub-Sections: 1_ The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. 2. �t is the CONTRACTQR's responsibility for sched�!ling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities perForming or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The following Sections/Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Section. This list of Related Sections/Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. a. Section 1-05 — Control of Work. b. Sub-Section 10.01612 - Seismic Design Criteria. 1.02 REFERENCES A. � American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC). American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI). C. Manufacturer's Standardization Society (MSS): 1. SP-58 - Pipe Hangers and Supports - Materials, Design, and Manufacture. 2. SP-69 - Pipe Hangers and Supports - Selection and Application. 1.03 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Design responsibility: 1. The manufacturer of the preformed channel pipe support system is responsible for the design of the support system. 2. Prepare design calculations utilizing the design criteria included in these Specifications. 3. Prepare detailed shop drawings illustrating the layout of the support system and identifying the components of the support system. B. Design c�iteria: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 1Q.15062-1 8235A10 , pwJ/Caro11o1DocumentslGienNNAfRentoN8235At O/Spedficationsll Q. t 5062 2 3 4_ 5. 0 7 E:? Include live, dead, and seismic loads associated with piping, valves, and appurtenances. Consider the content of the pipes in load calculations. Minimum gauge thickness: 12-gauge. Allowable stress of channels: a. Steel channels: The lesser of 25,000 pounds per square inch, or 0_66 times yield stress of steel. b. Stainless steel channels: 0.66 times the yield stress of the stainless steel alloy. Maximum deflection: 1/240 of span. Allowable column loads: As recommended by manufacturer in published instruction for column's unsupported height and "K" vafue for ealculating effective column length of not less than 1.0. Future loads a. Support systems indicated on the Drawings may include spaces intended to accommodate future pipes. b. Assume such spaces are occupied by 6-inch diameter ductile iron pipes. Only the number of pipes that would physically fit into the space need be considered. c. Inctude the weight of the pipe contents in determining future loads. Assume pipe contents are water. Seismic design criteria: As specified in Sub-Section 10.01612 as specified for mechanical equipment. Spacing of supports: As required to comply with design requirements but not more than 5 feet. C. Supports below the top of walls of water bearing structures: Use Type 316 stainless steel for support system components. 1. Supports in other locations: Use hot-dipped galvanized components unless other materials are specifically indicated on the Drawings. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. B. C. Submit as specified in Section 1-05, Control of Work. Shop drawings: Include layout of support system including pipe loads, selected channel size, fittings, and appurtenances. Structural design calculations. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Design preformed channel pipe support system for loads in accordance with applicable provisions of_ 1. AISC Manual of Steel Construction. 2. AISI Cold-Formed Steel Design Manual. B. Product standards: 1. Pipe support components: In accordance with MSS SP-69. 2. Pipe support materials: In accordance with MSS SP-58. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15062-2 8235A10 pw:/1CarollolDocumentslClientllNNRentonl8235A10f Specifica6ons110.15062 � � � � � � � � :� � PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Fabricate preformed channel pipe support system using, as a minimum, parts specified below and meeting the requirements specified under Design Criteria_ 1. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: a. Unistrut, Series P1000 or P1001; P5500 or P5501. b. Allied Support Systems, Power Strut, Figure PS-200 or PS-200 2TS; PS-150 or PS-150 2TS. c. B-Line Systems, Inc., Channel Type B22 or B22A; B12 or B12A. 2.02 ACCESSORIES A. Preformed channel concrete inserts: Minimum 12 inches long. 1. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: a. Unistrut, Series P-3200_ b_ Allied Support Systems; Figure 282. c_ B-Line Systems, Series B321. B. 90-degree angle fittings: 1. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: a. Unistrut, P1026. b. Allied Support Systems, Power Strut, P603. C. Pipe straps: 1. For pipes 8 inches in diameter and smaller: Use 2-piece unive�sal strap with slotted hex head screw and nut. a. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: 1) Unistrut, Series P1109 through P1126. 2) Allied Support Systems, PS1100. 3) B-Line Systems, Inc., Series B2000. 2. For stainless steel pipes, or where indicated on the Drawings: Use type of strap required for the pipe sizes specified above, but use Type 316 stainless steel materials. �� D. Touch-up paint galvanized surfaces: 1. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: a. Galvinox, Galvo-Weld_ � � � ' � E. Touch-up paint for painted surfaces: Same formulation as factory paint. 2.03 FABRICATION A. Hot-dip galvanize support system components after fabrication to required length and shape. B. Do not galvanize or paint stainless steel components. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15062-3 8235A10 pw://CarollolDocumentslClientlWNRenton18235A10/SpecificaUonslt 0.15062 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Instali preformed channel concrete inserts for vertical support, quantity based on manufacturer's structural design calculations. B_ Fasten preformed channel pipe supports to existing walls using Z-fittings and concrete anchors as indicated on the Drawings. C. Fasten preformed channel pipe supports to preformed channel concrete inserts embedded in ceiling using. U-shaped fittings. D. Suspend threaded rods from concrete inserts embedded in ceiling. Support preformed channel pipe supports with threaded rods. E. Touchup cut or damaged galvanized surfaces_ F_ Prevent contact between pipes and support components of dissimilar metals. Utilize rubber coated, plastic coated, or vinyl coated components, stainless steel components, or wrap pipe with PVC or polyethylene tape. G. Install support as near as possible to concentrated loads. H_ Install support within 2 feet of horizontal and vertical chariges in pipe alignment. I. Adjust supports or install shims to obtain specified slope or elevation. END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15062-4 8235A10 pwJlCarollolDocumentslClienllWAlRenton18235A 10lSpecrficationsl10.15062 � ' ' �' � � ' ��, ' �' � �� � � , �� �� SUB-SECTION 10.15075 MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section includes: Mechanical Identification including the following: 1. Equipment nameplates. 2. Pipe identification by color and legend_ 3. Special items. 4. Underground waming tape. 5. Identification of equipment and components of systems with paint, brands, tags, and si�nbc��rds. B. Related SectionslSub-Sections: 1. The Contract Dociaments are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The fo�lowing Sections/Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub-Section. This list of Related Sections/Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. a. Section 1-05 - Control of Work. b. Sub-Section 10.09960A - Coatings. 1.02 REFERENCES A. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME): 1. A13.1 - Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit as specified in Section 1-05. B. Submit following: ' 1. Product data. 2. Samples. 3. Manufacturer's installation instructions_ 4. Operation and Maintenance Data. 5_ Warranty. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15075-1 8235A10 ' pwJ/CamllolDocumentslCtientlWAlRenton18235At0ISpedfications110.15075 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 EQUIPMENT NAMEPLATES A. Materiai and fabrication: 1_ Stainless steel sheet engraved or stamped with text, holes drilled, or punch for fasteners. B. Fasteners: 1. Number 4 or larger oval head stainless steel screws or drive pins. C. Text: 1. Manufacturer's name, equipment model number and serial number, identification tag number; and when appropriate, drive speed, motor horsepower with rated capacity, pump rated total dynamic head, and impeller size. 2.02 PIPE IDENTIFICATION A. Manufacturers: 1. One of the following or equal: a. Seton, Opti Code Pipe Markers. b. Lab Safety Supply. c. Marking Services, Inc_ B. Materials: 1_ Pipe markers: Self-adhesive vinyl, suitable for outdoor application from -40 degrees to 180 degrees Fahrenheit; meet ASME A13.1 requirements. a. Letterin : Nominal Pipe Diameter Lettering Size Less than 1.5 1/2 inch 1.5 inches to 2 inches 3/4 inch 2.5 inches to 6 inches 1-1/4 inches 8 inches to 10 iriches 2-1/2 inches Over 10 inches 3-1/2 inches b. Marker colors: Service Lettering Background Flammables, chemicals, toxics Black Yellow Water, nontoxic solutions or low White Green hazard liquids Nonflammable or nontoxic gases White Blue Fire quenching fluids (foam, fire White Red water, COZ Halon) 2. Coating: As specified in Sub-Section 10.09960A. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15075-2 8235A10 pw:llCarollo/Documents/ClienU WAlf2enton18235A101Specfica tions110.15075 � �'� ,� , � � � � � 3_ Pipe identification tags: Aluminum or stainless steel with stamped-in 1/4 inch high identifying lettering. 4. Pipe identification tag chains: Aluminum or stainless steet. 5_ Snap-on markers: Markers with 3/4 inch high letters for 3/4 to 4 inch pipe or covering, or 5 inch high letters for 5 inch or larger pipe or cover, as manufactured by one of following: a. Brady Bradysnap-On B-915. b. Seton Setmark. 2.03 SPECIAL ITEMS A. In addition, special coating of following items will be required: � Item Color Valve handwheels and levers Red � � B. Paint minimum 2 inches high numbers on or adjacent to accessible valves, pumps, flowmete�s, and other items of equipment which are indicated on the Drawings or in Specifications by number. 2.04 UNDERGROUND WARNING TAPE � A. Manufacturer: 1. One of the following or equal: a. Seton Name Plate Company, Branford, CT. � � �' �� � � � B. MateriaL 1. Metallic detection tape; minimum 4 mil thick by 6 inches wide polyethylene film with wording, "Caution" with name of service followed by words, "Line Buried Below" repeated continuously along tape length, with alternate metallic and color strips. Colors as follows: a. Water: Blue. . b. Telephone:Orange. c. Sewer: Green. d. Gas and other services: Yellow. 2.05 VALVE lDENTIFICATION R. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish and install tags for all valves required for the Work. 1. Tags shall be 2-in diameter round, stainless steel. 2_ Tags shall be furnished with a non-corrosive metal wire suitable for attaching the tag to the operator_ a. Tags shall not be attached in such a way as to inhibit the operation of the valve. 3. Tags shall be stamped in 1/4-inch high letters with the specified valve number. 4. Submit 2 samples of the type of tag proposed and the manufacturer's standard color chart and letter styles to the ENGINEER for review. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15075-3 8235A10 � pw://CaroIIWDocumentslClienNWAlRenton18235A10/Specifications110.15075 5. Manufacturer: The following or equal: a. Seton Name Plate Company, Branford, CT. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify satisfactory conditions of substrate for appfying identification. B. Verify that conditions are satisfactory for installation. 3.02 PREPARATION A_ Prepare and coat surfaces as specified in Sub-Section 10.09960A. B. Prepare surface in accordance wiih product manufacturer's instructions. 3.03 PIPING IDENTIFICATION A. Identify exposed piping, valves, and accessories, and piping in accessible chases with lettering or tags designating seniice of each piping system with flow directional arrows and color code. B. Color code: 1. Paint all piping with colors as selected by OWNER. C. Lettering and flow direction arrows: 1. Stencil lettering on painted bands or use snap-on markers on pipe to identify pipe. When stenciling, stencil 3/4 inch high letters on 3/4 through 4-inch pipe or coverings, or 5-inch high letters on 5-inch and larger pipe or coverings. 2_ Provide lettering and flow direction arrows near equipment senred, adjacent to valves, both sides of walls and floors where pipe passes through, at each branch or tee, and at interwals of not more than 50 feet in straight runs of pipe. D. Where scheduled, space 6-inch wide bands along stainless steel pipe at 10-foot intervals and other pipe at 5-foot intervals. E. Label chemical tank fifl pipelines at locations which are visible from chemical fill stations. F_ Metal tags: 1. Where outside diameter of pipe or pipe covering is 5/8 inch or smaller, provide metal pipe identification tags instead of lettering. � 2. Fasten pipe identification tags to pipe with chain. 3. Where tags are used, color code pipe as scheduled_ G. Underground warning tape: 1. Place warning tape in pipe trench, 12 inches above the pipe. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15075-4 8235A10 pw:/lCaroflo/DocmnentslClienWVAlRenronB235A 10/Specifica6ons/10.15075 � 1 ' 3.04 APPLICATION A. Identify piping with legend markers, directional arrow markers, and number markers; , use self-adhesive arrow roll tape to secure ends of piping markers and indicate flow direction. B. Provide legend markers, directional arrow markers, and number markers where , piping passes through walls or floors, at piping intersections and at maximum 15 foot spacing on piping runs_ ' C. Provide piping marker letters and colors as scheduled. D. Place markers on piping so they are visible from operator's position in walkway or , working platform near piping_ Locate markers along horizontal centerline of pipe, unless better visibility is achieved elsewhere. , �I � , , ' , ' ' t ' END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15075-5 8235A10 � pw /ICarollolDocumentslGienUWA/Renton/8235A10/5peafications110.15075 C� October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15075-6 8235A10 pwJl CarollolDocumentslClienU WAlRenton18235A10lSpecficaGonsI10.15075 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 � ' , ' , ' ' � ' � , , , � ' ' SUB-SECTION 10.15110 VALVES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes: basic requirements for valves. B. Related Section/Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The following Sections/Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub-Section. This list of Related Sections/Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. a. Section 1-05 — Control of Work. b. Sub-Section 10_09960A - Coatings. 1.02 REFERENCES A. American Water Works Association (AWWA): 1. C111/A21.11 - Standard for Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iron Pressure Pipe Fittings. B. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. A 126 - Standard Specification for Gray Iron Casting for Valves, Flanges, and Pipe Fittings. 2. A 167 - Standard Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Chromium- Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip. 3. A 536 - Standard Specification for Ductile Iron Castings. C. NSF International (NSF): � 1. 61 - Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects. � D_ Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC): 1. SP 7- Brush-Off Blast Cleaning. 2. SP 10 - Near-White Blast Cleaning. , ' October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15110-1 8235A10 � pwl/Carollo/DocumentslClienUWAlRentonl8235A101Specificationsl10.15110 , 1.03 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A. Pressure rating: 1. Suitable for service under minimum working pressures of 150 pounds per square inch gauge. 2_ When a piping system is specified in the Piping Schedule to be tested at a pressure greater than 150 pounds per square inch gauge, provide valves for that piping system with design working pressure which is sufficient to withstand the test pressure. B. Valve to piping connections, unless otherwise indicated in the equipment Sub- Sections or on the Drawings: 1_ Valves 3 inch nominal size and larger: Flanged ends_ 2_ Valves less than 3 inch nominal size: Screwed ends. 3_ Plastic valves in plastic piping: a_ Up to 2.5 inches: Provide solvent or heat welded unions. b. 3 inches and above: Provide solvent or heat welded flanges. 1.04 SUBMITfALS A. Submit as specified in Section 1-05. B. Product data: 1. Submit the following information for each valve: a. Valve type, size, pressure rating, Cv factor. b. Coatings_ c. Manual valve actuators: 1) Information on vatve actuator including size, manufacturer, model number. d. Certified drawings with description of component parts, dimensions, weights, and materials of construction. e. Certifications of reference standard compliance: 1) Submit certification that the valves and coatings are suitable in potable water applications in accordance with NSF 61. f. Clearly mark submittal information to show specific items, materials, and accessories or options being fumished. C. Operation and maintenance data. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer qualifications: 1. Valves manufactured by manufacturers whose valves have had successful operational experience in comparable service. 1.06 DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Protect valves and protective coatings from damage during handling and installation; repair coating where damaged_ October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15110-2 8235A10 pw:llCarollo/Documents/GienU WAlRenron/8235A10lSpecifications/10.15110 ' , ' ' ' � � � ' ' ' � ' ' � ' � � PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Stainiess steel: In accordance with ASTM A 167, Type 316, or Type 304, UNS Alioy S31600 or S30400. B. Valve and operator bolts and nuts: 1. Fabricated of stainless steel for the following installation conditions: a_ Submerged in sewage or water. b. In an enclosed space above sewage or water. c. In structures containing sewage or water, below top of walls. d. At openings in concrete or metal decks. 2_ Where dissimilar metals are being bolted, use stainless steel bolts with isolation bushings and washers. 3. Underground bolts: Low-alloy steel in accordance with AW1NA C111/A21.11. C. Bronze and brass alloys: Use bronze and brass alloys with not more than 6 percent zinc and not more than 2 percent aluminum in the manufacture of valve parts; UNS Alloy C83600 or C92200 unless specified otherwise. D. Valve bodies: Cast iron in accordance with ASTM A 126, Class 30 minimum or ductile iron in accordance with ASTM A 536, Grade 65-45-12 minimum unless specified otherwise. 2.02 INTERIOR PROTECTIVE LINIiVG A_ When specified in the particular valve specification, provide valves with type of protective lining specified in the particular valve Specification. B_ Apply protective lining to interior, non-working surfaces, except stainless steel surfaces. C_ Lining rypes: 1: Fusion bonded epoxy: a. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: 1) 3-M Company, ScotchKote 134; certified to NSF 61 for drinking water use. b_ Clean surfaces in accordance with SSPC SP 7 or SP 10, as recommended by epoxy manufacturer_ • c. Apply in accordance with manufacturer's published instructions. d. Lining thickness: 0_010 to 0.012 inches except that: � 1) Lining thickness in grooves for gaskets: 0.005 inches. 2) Do not coat seat grooves in valves with bonded seat. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15110-3 8235A10 � pw:l/Carollo/DocumentsJClientNVAlRenton18235A t O/Specifica6ons110.15110 2. e. Quality controi: 1) Lining thickness: Measured with a non-destructive magnetic type thickness gauge. 2) Verify lining integrity with a wet sponge-testing unit operating at approximately 60 volts, or as recommended by the lining manufacturer. 3) Consider tests successful when lining thickness meets specified requirements and when no pinholes are found. 4) Correct defective lining disclosed by unsuccessful tests, and repeat test_ 5) Repair pinholes with liguid epoxy recommended by manufacturer of the epoxy used for lining. High solids epoxy: a. Product as specified in Sub-Sectian 10.09960A. 1) Certified in accordance with NSF 61 for drinking water use. b. Clean surfaces to meet SP-7 or SP-10, or as recommended by coating manufacturer_ c. Apply coating as specified in Sub-Section 10.09960A and coating manufacturer's recommendations. d. Quality control: After coating is cured, check coated surface for porosity with a holiday detector set at 1,800 volts, or as recommended by coating manufacturer. 1) Repair holidays and other irregulanties and retest coating. 2) Repeat procedure until holidays and other irregularities are corrected. 2.03 VALVE OPERATORS A. Valve operator "Open" direction: Open counterclockwise. B. Provide valves located below operating level or deck with extensions for key operation or floor stands and handwheels. C. Provide manually operated valves located not more than 6 feet above the operating level with tee handles, wrenches, or handwheels. 1. Make the valve operator more conveniently accessible by rolling valves, located more than 5 feet but less than 6 feet above the operating level, toward the operating side. 2. Secure tee handles and wrenches to the valve head or stem, except where a handle or wrench so secured constitutes a hazard to personnel; in which case, stow handle or wrench immediately adjacent to the valve on or in a suitable hanger, bracket, or receptacle. D. Fit valves located more than 6 feet above operating level with chain operated handles or valve wheels. 1. Chains: Sufficient length to reach approximately 4 feet above the operating level. 2. Where chains constitute a nuisance or hazard to operating personnel, provide holdbacks or other means for keeping the chains out of the way. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15110-4 8235A10 pw:llCardlolDocuments/ClienUWAlRentaJ8235A101SpecficationsJ10.15t 10 � r-, �J � E. Provide an operator shaft extension from valve or valve operator to finished grade or deck level when buried valves, and other valves located below the operating deck or level, are specified or indicated on the Drawings to be key operated; provide. 2 inch square AWWA operating nut, and box and cover as specified, or a cover '- where a box is not required. � PART 3 EXECUTION J C � � , � � L� , � � ' ' 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Preparation prior to installation: 1_ Install valves after the required submittal on installation has been accepted. 2. Determine after flanged valves and flanged check valves are selected, the face-ta-face dimensions of flanged valves and flanged check valves. B. Fabricate piping to lengths taking into account the dimensions of flanped valves and flanged check valves. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Provide incidental work and materials necessary for installation of valves including flange gaskets, flange bolts and nuts, valve boxes and covers, concrete bases, blocking, and protective coating. B. Where needed, furnish and install additional valves for proper operation and maintenance of equipment and plant facilities under the following circumstances: 1. Where such additional valves are required for operation and maintenance of the particular equipment furnished by CONTRACTOR. 2. Where such additional valves are required as a result of a substitution or change initiated by CONTRACTOR. C. Install valves with their stems in vertical position above the pipe, except as follows: 1. Butterfly valves, gate valves aboveground, globe valves, ball valves, and angle valves may be installed with their stems in the horizontal position. 2. Install buried plug valves with geared operators with their stems in a horizontal position. D_ Install valves so that handles clear obstructions when the valves are operated from fully open to fully closed. E. Place top of valve boxes flush with finished grade or as otherwise indicated on the Drawings. F. Valves with threaded connections: 1. Install valves by applying wrench on end of valve nearest the joint to prevent distortion of the valve body. 2. Apply pipe joint compound or Teflon tape on external (male} threads to prevent forcing compound into valve seat area. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15110-5 8235A10 � pw:l/Caro11o1Documents�Clien WYNRenton/8235At Q/Specificationsll0_ 15110 G. Valves with flanged connections: 1_ Align flanges and gasket carefully before tightening flange bolts. 2. When flanges are aligned, install bolts and hand tighten. 3_ Tighten nuts opposite each other with equal tension before moving to next pair of nuts. H. Valves with soldered connections: � 1. Do not overheat connection to prevent damage to resilient seats and metal seat rings. 2. Position valves in full open position before starting soldering procedure. 3. Apply heat fo piping rather than to valve body. END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15110-6 8235A10 pw:NCarollolDocumentslClienUWAlF2enton18235A101Speafications�10.15110 L� , � , PART 1 GENERAL � 1.01 SUMMARY � � , � , � � � i ' � A_ Sub-Section includes: 1. Swing. 2. Plastic ball check. SUB-SECTION 10.15114 CHECK VALVES B_ Related Sections/Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The following Sections/Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Section/Sub-Section. This list of Related Sections/Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. a. Section 1-05 - Control of Work. b. Sub-Section 1 Q.15110 - Valves. 1.02 REFERENCES A. American Water Works Association (AWWA): 1. C508 - Standard for Swing-Check Valves for Waterworks Service 2 Inch Through 24 Inch (50-mm Through 600-mm) NPS. B. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME): 1. B16.1 - Gray Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: Classes 25, 125, and 250. C. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. A 126 - Standard Specification for Gray Iron Casfings for Valves, Flanges, and Pipe Fittings. � 2. A 276 - Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes. 3. B 582 - Standard Specification for Nickel-Chromium-Iron-Molybdenum-Copper Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip. 4. B 584 - Standard Specification for Copper Alloy Sand Castings for General Applications. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15114-1 pwJlCarollolDocumentslClienUWAlf2enton18235A 10/Speaficauons110.15114 8235A10 1.03 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Design requirements: 1. Check valves: When not otherwise specified as indicated on the Drawings, provide check valves suitable for service as follaws: a. In either horizontal or vertical position. b. Under pressures equal and less than 150 pounds per square inch gauge. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit the fotlowing information as specified in Section 1-05 and Sub-Section 10.15110: 1. Product data. 2_ Certificates: a. General purpose AWINA check valves: Affidavit of compliance attesting valves provided comply with all provisions in accordance with AWWA C508. 3. Operation and maintenance data. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 SWING CHECK VALVES A. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: 1. M&H, Model 159. B. Valve design: 1_ In accordance with AWWA C508. 2. Canstructed to permit top entry and removal of intemal components without removing the valve. 3_ End connections: Flanged, conforming to ANSI B16.1, Class 125. 4. Equipped with outside lever and weight. 5. Resilient seated. 6. Equipped with Honeywell Micro-Switch heavy-duty limit switch_ a. Rated for use in Class 1 Div. 2 location. b. NEMA 4X_ c. Normally open, normally closed, SPDT. C. Materials: 1. Body: Cast irQn, ASTM A 126 Class B. 2_ Disc: Synthetic rubber. 3_ Hinge pins: Stainless steel. 2.02 PLASTIC BALL CHECK VALVES A. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: 1. Chemtrol Division of Nibco. 2. R. G. Sloane Company, Inc. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15114-2 8235A10 pwJl CarollolDocumentslC(enUWAlRentonB235A10lSpedficafions/t 0.15114 � ' l , � 1 � � � , � � � � � � � ' � B. Valves: Ball type: 1. Polyvinyi chloride. 2. Double union-type end connections. 3. Seals: Viton. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install valves as specified in Sub-Section 10.15110 and the manufacturer's instructions. END OF SUB-SECTION � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15114-3 pw:!/CarollotDocuments�ClienUWNRentonl8235A10/5pecifica6onsf 10.15f 14 . 8235A10 October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15114-4 8235A10 pw:/ICarollo/DocumenLs/ClienUWA�Renton/8235A101Speafications/10.15114 SUB-SECTION 10.15116 PLUG VALVES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A_ Sub-Section includes: 1. Non- lubricated plug vaives. B. Related Sections/Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. 2_ It is the GQNTRACTOR's rPsponsibility f�� schedt�ling an� coordir?atirlg thP Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or fumishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The following Sections/Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Section/Sub-Section_ This list of Related Sections/Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents_ 4. Section 1-05 - Control of Work. 5. Sub-Section 10.15110 - Valves. 1.02 REFERENCES � . A. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. A 126 - Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Pipe Fittings. � � B. American National Standards Institute (ANSI): 1. B16.1 - Gray Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: Classes 25, 125, and 250. 1.03 SUBMITTALS � A. Shop drawings: Submitthe following information as specified in Section 1-05 and Sub-Section 10.15110: 1. Product data. � " 2. Operation and maintenance data. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE ' ' A. Valve manufacturer shall demonstrate a minimum of five (5) years experience in the manufacture of plug valves. When requested, the manufacturer shall provide test October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15116-1 8235A10 � pw:!/CarollolDocumentslClienWVAlRerton18235A1Q/Specificabonsl10.t5116 certificates, dimensional drawings, parts list drawings, and operation and maintenance manuals. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 NON-LUBRICATED PLUG VALVES A. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: 1. DeZurik, "PEC"_ B. Design: 1. Type: Non-lubricated eccentric type. 2. Plug face: Resilient material which operates satisfactorily at a temperature of 180 degrees Fahrenheit continuous. 3. Clearly mark valves to indicate their open and closed positions. 4_ End connections: Flanged, conforming to ANSI B16.1, Class 125, unless otherwise indicated. 5. Size: Match pipe size shown on the Drawings. C_ Materials: 1. Body and plug: ASTM A 126, Class B, cast-iron, with plug face of Buna N material suitable for the intended service as specified under paragraph "Design" above_ 2. Stem bearing and bottom bearing: Type 316 stainless steel_ 3. Internal parts, except the body and plug: Type 316 stainless steel. 4_ Exposed nuts, bolts, and washers: Zinc plated. 5. Exception: F�cposed nuts, bolts, and washers for buned service: Stainless steel. 2.02 VALVE OPERATORS A. Equip valves 4 inch nominal size and smaller with a lever operator_ 2.03 COATING A. Coat exterior and interior metal surFaces as specified in Sub-Section 10.15110. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install valves as specified in Sub-Section 10.15110 and the manufacturer's instructions. B_ Install valves so that axis or rotation is horizontal. C. Install valves so that in the closed position the pressure in the pipeline applies a seating head on the valves_ October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_15116-2 8235A10 pw:llCarollolDocumentslClienUWAlftentonl8235A10ISpecficationsl10.15116 t 1 D_ Install valves so that in the open position the plug is located in the top haif of the jvaive body. i � � ! � 1 S 1 r t 1 1 t END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15116-3 pw:llCarollo/DocumentyClienVWAlftentoo18235A7 O/Specificabonslt 0.15116 8235A10 � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15116-4 8235A10 pw:/lCarollo/DocumentslClienvW AlRentonl8235A 101Specficationsl10.15116 , � i � � 1 1 � � f � 1 � 1 � � �i � 1 � � � i � � � � L!� !I � � � �J r � 1 ' SUB-SECTION 10.15255 STAINLESS STEEL PIPING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes_ Stainless steel piping. B. Related Sub-Sections: 1_ The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all_ 2_ It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors; suppliers; and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3_ The following Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub- Section. This list of Related Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. 4. Sub-Section 10.15052 - Basic Piping Matenals and Methods. 1.02 REFERENCES A. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME): 1. B16.1 - Gray Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: Classes 25, 125, and 250_ 2. B16.5 - Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: NPS 1/2 through 24. 3. B16.11 - Forged Fittings, Socket Welded and Threaded. 4. B38.19 - Stainless Steel Pipe. 5. Boiler and Pressure Vessel, Section IX. B. ASTM International (ASTM): " 1. A 182 - Standard Specification for Forged or Rolled Alloy.and Stainless Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for High-Temperature Service_ 2. A 193 - Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High Temperature or High Pressure Service and Other Special Purpose Applications. 3_ A 194 - Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts and Bolts for High Pressure or High Temperature Service, or Both. 4. A 240 - Standard Specification for Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels and for General Applications_ 5_ A 276 - Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15255-1 pw:/ICarollolDocumentsiClienUWAlRentnN8235At OlSpecificationsl10.15255 8235A10 � 1 1.03 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11 12 A 312 - Standard Specification for Seamless, Welded, and Heavily Cold Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipes. A 380 - Standard Practice for Cleaning, Descaling, and Passivation of Stainless Steel Parts, Equipment, and Systems. A 403 - Standard Specification for Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping Fittings. A 774 - Standard Specification for As-Welded Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel Fittings for General Corrosive Services at Low and Moderate Temperatures. A 778 - Standard Specification for Welded, Unannealed Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubular Products. A 790 - Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded FerriticlAustenitic Stainless Steel Pipe. A 967 - Standard Specification for Chemical Passivation Treatments for Stainless Steel Parts. L� , � � , A. Piping layout: Lay out and fabricate piping systems with piping sections as long as possible, while still allowing shipment, so that joints are minimized. 1. Piping design indicated on the Drawings illustrates piping layout and configuration and does not indicate the location of every joint and flexible coupling that may be needed to connect piping sections fabricated in the shop. 2. Add joints and flexible couplings in a manner that achieves intent of maximizing size of individual piping sections. : � � Shop fabrication: Fabricate piping sections in the shop and pickle and passivate at point of manufacture. Field assembly: Field welding is prohibited Field assembly: Assemble shop-fabricated piping in the field using the joints designed into the piping layout or by using flexible couplings. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Layout drawings: Detailed layout drawings showing dimensions and alignment of pipes; location of valves, fittings, and appurtenances; location of field.joints; location of pipe hangars and supports; connections to equipment or structures; location and details of shop welds; and thickness and dimensions of fittings and gaskets. 1 _ Prepare layout drawings. B. Product data: 1_ Photographs, drawings, and descriptions of pipe, fittings, welding procedures, and pickling and passivating procedures. 2. Material specifications for pipe, gaskets, fittings, and couplings. 3. Data on joint types and components used in the system including flanged joints, grooved joint couplings, and screwed joints. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15255-2 8235A10 pwJlCarolloJDocuments/CfienUWAlf2enton18235At 0lSpeafications/10.15255 � ' � � �� � �J i , ! 1 � C. Manufacturing certifications: � PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 STAINLESS STEEL PIPE A_ Generai: � 1. Pipe sizes specified in the Specifications and indicated on the Drawings are nominal_ l � B_ Wall thickness: 1. All piping: a. Minimum wall thickness corresponding the Schedule 40S. C. Piping material and manufacturing: �. v'Jf�"a��/ YJ�ii1 ih� req�irEments ^vl.iiiP(i@� ii� iii2 i�i�0'vviiig ta�i7i@: � � ��.�r� �� t.� .ui ^z � a � � �, �T »� 1 ��ys 's �++° � � '� ��"'y�'� h �.�,��. v�`"n .r :F.°� r��,�e,��..��� ��r � Seruice ��� �:. -� � � � ; Stainless�Steel Gratle � � �P�pe �Manufacturmg�Process � ,�;--�_ �„�.,, �; a. ��.._. :� ��� � ��e ��fr . � � -- � ; ��--�� � F,����„�� ,� ��� ,�,.�..r � . e� � __ Type 316L in accordance Type 316L or LDX 2101 with ASTM A 778 Piping 3 inches in nominal stainless steel in accordance diameter and larger Type LDX 2101 in with ASTM A 240 accordance with ASTM A 790 Type 316L in accordance Type 316L or LDX 2101 with ASTM A 312 Piping less than 3 inches in stainless steel in accordance nominal diameter Type LDX 2101 in with ASTM A 240 accordance with ASTM A 790 D. Fittings for piping 3 inches in nominal diameter and greater: 1. Material= In accordance with ASTM A 240 stainless steel, grade to match the P�Pe- 2. Manufacturing standard: In accordance with ASTM A 774. 3. Wall thickness of fitting: In accordance with ASME B36.19 for the schedule of pipe specified_ 4. End configuration: As needed to comply with specified type of joint_ - 5. Dimensional standards: a. Fittings with weld ends: In accordance with ASME 616.11. b_ Fittings with flanged ends: In accordance with ASME 816.5, Class 150. E_ Fittings for piping less than 3 inches in diameter: 1. Material: In accordance with ASTM A 240 stainless steel, grade to match the P�Pe- 2. Manufacturing standard: In accordance with ASTM A 403, Class WP_ 3. Wall thickness and dimensions of fitting: In accordance with ASME B16.11 and as required for the schedule of pipe specified. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15255-3 pw:llCarollolDocuments/ClienUWAlRentonl8235At 0/Specificalions/10.15255 8235A10 � L_J 4. End configuration: As needed to comply with specified type of joint. 5. Forgings in accordance with ASTM A 182, or barstock in accordance with ASTM A 276. Match forging or barstock material to the piping materials. F. Piping joints_ 1. Joint types, piping greater than 2 inches in diameter, general: a. Where type of joint is specifically indicated on the Drawings or specified, design and shop-fabricate piping sections utilizing type of joint illustrated or scheduled. 2. 3_ 4. 5. b. Joints at valves and pipe appurtenances: Provide flanged valves and flanged pipe appurtenances in stainless steel piping systems with flanged ends. Design and fabricate piping sections to make connections with flanged valves and pipe appurtenances using flanged coupling adapters or flanged joints_ 1) Flexible couplings and flanged coupling adapters: Provide stainless steel construction with materials matching the piping system. Joints in piping 2 inches in diameter and smaller: Flanged or screwed with Teflon tape thread lubricant. Flanged joints: Conforming to the requirements in accordance with ASME B16.5, Class 150. Flanges for schedule 40S and schedule 80S pipe: a. Provide forged stainless steel (type matching piping system) welding neck flanges or slip-on flanges in accordance with ASME B16.5 Class 150. b. Material: In accordance with ASTM A 182. Grooved joints: a. Pressure less than 500 pounds per square inch: 1) Cut grooves from Schedule 40 or higher. b_ Heavier schedule pipe sections used for cut groove ends: 1) Tapered inside diameter to transition from the inside diameter of the lighter schedule pipe. c. Butt welds connecting pipes of different schedules that leave an abrupt change in inside diameter are not allowed. G. Gaskets: 1. EPDM, nitrile, or other materials compatible with the process fluid. H. Bolts for flanges: 1. Bolts and nuts: Type 316 stainless steel in accordance with ASTM A 193 heavy hex head. a. Bolt length such that after installation, end of bolt projects 1/8-inch to 3/8-inch beyond outer face of nut. I. Nuts: In accordance with ASTM A 194 heavy hex pattem. Cleaning (pickling) and passivation_ 1. Following shop fabrication of pipe sections, straight spools, fittings, and other piping components, clean (pickle) and passivate fabricated pieces. 2. Clean (pickle) and passivate in accordance with ASTM A 380 or A 967. a. If degreasing is required before cleaning to remove scale or iron oxide, cleaning (pickling) treatments with citric acid are permissible. However, � � � � � !J � , � � � i � � �J II � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_15255-4 8235A10 pw:/lCarollo/�ocumentslCfienUVJAIFtentonl8235A10/Specfications/10.15255 � � i 1 � � � L� � � � , � these treatments must be followed by inorganic cleaners such as nitric acid/hydrofluoric acid. b. Passivation treatments with citric acid are not allowed. 3_ Finish requirements: Remove free iron, heat tint oxides, weld scale, and other impurities, and obtain a passive finished surface. 2.02 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Visually inspect pipe for welding defects such as crevices, pits, cracks, protrusions, and oxidation deposits. B. Provide written certification that the pipe as supplied are in accordance with ASTM A 778_ Supplemental testing is not required. C. Provide written certification that the fittings as supplied are in accordance with ASTM A 774. Supplementary testing is not required. D. Thoroughly clean any equipment before use in cleaning or fabrication of stainless steel. E. Storage: Segregate location of stainless steel piping from fabrication of any other piping materials. F. Before shipment to site: Protect all pa�ts and flanges with foam. Palletize all stainless steel items. Cap ends of tube, piping, and pipe spools. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 FIELD ASSEMBLY OF SHOP-FABRICATED PIPING SECTIONS A. Join shop-fabricated piping sections together using backing flanges, flexible couplings, flanged coupling adapters, grooved couplings, or flanges. B. Slope harizontal lines so that they can be drained completely. � C. Provide valve drains at low points in piping systems. D. Install eccentric reducers where necessary to facilitate draining of piping system. � ' E_ Provide access for inspection and flushing ofi piping systems to remove sediment, deposits, and debris. 3.02 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Test piping to pressure and by method as specified in Sub-Section 10.15052. � 1. If pressure testing is accomplished with water: a. Use only potable quality water. b. Piping: Thoroughly drained and dried or place immediately into service. 1 October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15255-5 8235A10 � pw:!lCarollolDocumentslClienUWAlRentan18235A10lSpecificalionsl10.15255 t I B. Visually inspect pipe for welding defects such as crevices, pits, cracks, protrusions, and oxidation deposits_ �� 3.03 PROTECTION A. Preserve appearance and finish of stainless steel piping by providing suitable , protection during handling and installation and until final acceptance of the Work. 1. Use handling methods and equipment to prevent damage to the coating, � include the use of wide canvas slings and wide padded skids. 2. Do not use bare cables, chains, hooks, metal bars, or narrow skids. 3_ Store stainless steel piping and fittings away from any other piping or metals. Storage in contact with ground or outside without projection from bad weather j is prohibited. 4. Protect stainless steel piping and fittings from carbon steel projections (when - � grinding carbon steel assemblies in proximity) and carbon steel contamination � {do not contact stainless steel with carbon steel wire brush or other carbon steel tool). END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15255-6 8235A10 pw:/ICaro11o1DowmentslClienUWA/Renton/8235AtO1Speaficationsl10.15255 �� � � � � � LJ i�I � �� �; I� �. � � � � f � � l � � � � � �J � � SUB-SECTION 10.15265 PLASTIC PIPING AND TUBING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section inciudes: Piastic pipe, tubing, and fittings_ B. Related Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by ail. 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coardinating the Work of subcontractnrs, s��ppliers, �nd other inciividi�als c�r entities performing or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The following Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub- Secti�n. This list of Related Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. a. Sub-Section 10,15052 - Basic Piping Materials and Methods. b. Sub-Section 10_15956 - Piping Systems Testing_ 1.02 REFERENCES A. ASTM International (ASTM): 1. D 1784 - Standard Specification for Rigid Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds. 2. D 1785 - Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80 and 120. 3. D 2466 - Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 40. 4. D 2467 - Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80. 5. D 2564 - Standard Specification for Solvent Cements for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Piping Systems. 6. D 2855 - Standard Practice for Making Solvent-Cemented Joints with Poly (Vinyl Chloride}(PVC) Pipe and Fittings. 7. F 645 - Standard Guide for Selection, Design and Installation of Thermoplastic Water-Pressure Piping Systems. 1.03 ABBREVIATIONS A. ID: Inside diameter of piping or tubing. B. NPS: Nominal pipe size followed by the size designation. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15265-1 � pw:dCarollofDocumentslCtienVWAlRenton/8235At O/Specificationsl10.15265 8235A10 C. NS: Nominal SIZE of piping or tubing. D. PVC: Polyvinyl chloride. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Product data: Describe materials, pipe, fittings, gaskets, and solvent cement. B. Manufacturer's Published Installation Instructions_ C. Certificates: 1. Manufacturer's certification of date of manufacture of plastic pipe and tubing for each lot delivered. 2. Copies of solvent cement manufacturer's report and certification in accordance with ASTM D 2564 for PVC piping. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Mark plastic pipe with nominal size, type, class, schedule, or pressure rating, manufacturer and all markings required in accordance with ASTM and AWWA standards. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Protect piping materials from sunlight, scoring, and distortion. B. Do not allow surface temperatures on pipe and fittings to exceed 120 degrees Fahrenheit. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Extruding and moiding material: Virgin material containing no scrap, regrind, or rework material except where permitted in the referenced standards. B. Fittings: Same material as the pipe and of equal or greater pressure rating, except that fittings used in drain, waste, and vent piping systems need not be pressure rated. C. Unions 2-1/2 inches and smaller: Socket end screwed unions. Make unions 3 inches and larger of socket flanges with 1/8-inch full-face soft EPDM gasket. 2.02 PVC PIPING, SCHEDULE TYPE A. Materials: 1. PVC Pipe: Designation PVC 1120 in accordance with ASTM D 1785 and appendices: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15265-2 8235A10 pw:llCarollolDocuments/ClienUWA(Renton/8235At 0lSpecfications/t 0.15265 � � �� 1 E a. Pipe and fittings: Extruded from Type I, Grade 1, Class 12454-B material in accordance with ASTM D 1784. b. PVC Pipe: Schedule 80 unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. Fittings: a. Supplied by pipe manufacturer. b. Pressure fittings: In accordance with ASTM D 2466 or ASTM D 2467. Solvent cement: In accordance with ASTM D 2564. 3 � � � � � � � � �� � � � � 2.03 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. PVC piping, Schedule Type: , 1. Mark pipe and fittings in accordance with ASTM D 1785. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. General: 1. Where not otherwise specified, install piping in accordance with ASTM F 645, or manufacturer's published instructions for installation of piping, as applicable to the particular type of piping. 2. Provide molded transition fittings for transitions from plastic to metal or IPS pipe. Do not thread plastic pipe. 3. Locate unions where indicated on the Drawings, and elsewhere where required for adequate access and assembly of the piping system. 4. Provide serrated nipples for transition from plastic pipe to rubber hose. B. Installation of PVC piping, Schedufe Type: 1. Solvent weld joints in accordance with ASTM D 2855: 2. Install piping in accordance with manufacturer's published instructions. END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15265-3 8235A10 � pwJlCarollo/DocumeritslGienWVA/Renton18235A10/Speaficationsl10.15265 � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_15265-4 8235A10 pw:/ICarollolDocuments/ClienUWAlRenton18235A101Specfirations/10.15265 i � i r � � .� j � � , 1 � � 1 t � � � �� � � � � �] � � � � � � � � � 1 SUB-SECTION 10.15956 PIPING SYSTEMS TESTING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes: Test requirements for piping systems. B. Related Sections/Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Wprk of suf�Gon#ra�torS, suppliers; and ather individual� or entities p�rforminc� or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The following Sections/Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sections/Sub-Section_ This list of Related Sections/Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. a. Section 1-05 - Control of Work. b. Sub Section 10.01500 - Temporary Facilities and Controls. c. Sub Section 10.15052 - Basic Piping Materials and Methods. 1.02 REFERENCES A. National Fuel Gas Code (NFGC). B. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME): 1. B31.3 - Process Piping. C. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL). 1.03 TESTING REQUIREMENTS A. General requirements: 1. Testing requirements are stipulated in Laws and Regulations; are included in the Piping Schedule in Sub-Section 10.15052; are specified in the specifications covering the various types of piping; and are specified in this Sub-Section. 2. Requirements in Laws and Regulations supersede other requirements of Contract Documents, except where requirements of Contract Documents are more stringent, including higher test pressures, longer test times, and lower leakage allowances. 3. Test plumbing piping in accordance with Laws and Regulations, the plumbing code, and UL requirements. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15956-1 8235A10 � pw:llCarollolDocumentslClienUWWRenton18235A10lSpecifica6onsl10.15956 4. When testing with water, the specified test pressure is considered to be the pressure at the lowest point of the piping section under test. a. Lower test pressure as necessary (based on elevation) if testing is performed at higher point of the pipe section. B. Fumish necessary personnel, materials, and equipment, including bulkheads, restraints, anchors, temporary connections, pumps, water, pressure gauges, and other means and facilities required to perform tests. C. Water for testing, cleaning, and disinfecting: 1. Water for testing, cleaning, and disinfecting will be provided as specified in Sub-Section 10.01500. D. Pipes to be tested: Test only those portions of pipes that have been installed as part of this Contract. Test new pipe sections prior to making final connections to existing piping. Furnish and install test plugs, bulkheads, and restraints required to isolate new pipe sections. Do not use existing valves as test plug or bulkhead. E. Unsuccessful tests: 1_ Where tests are not successful, correct defects or remove defective piping and appurtenances and instafl piping and appurtenances that comply with the specified requirements. ' 2. Repeat testing until tests are successful. F. Test completion: Drain and leave piping clean after successful testing. G. Test water disposal: Test water may be disposed of by discharging into the lift station wet well or at the upstream manhole adjacent to the wet well. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit as specified in Section 1-05_ B. Schedule and notification of tests: 1. Submit a list of scheduled piping tests by noon of the working day preceding the date of the scheduled tests. 2. Notification of readiness to test: Immediately before testing, notify ENGINEER in writing of readiness, not just intention, to test piping. 3. Have personnel, materials, and equipment specified in place before submitting notification of readiness. 1.05 SEQUENCE /� L'' Clean piping before pressure or leak tests. Test gravity piping underground, including sanitary sewers, for visible leaks before backfilling and compacting. C. Underground pressure piping may be tested before or after backfilling when not indicated or specified otherwise. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15956-2 8235A10 pwJlCarollo/Documents/ClienNNA/ftenton/8235A 10lSpecrfication sl10_ t 5956 � � D. Backfill and compact trench, or provide blocking that prevents pipe movement before testing underground piping with a maximum leakage allowance. � � � E_ Test underground piping before encasing piping in concrete or covering piping with slab, structure, or permanent improvement. PART2 PRODUCTS Not Used. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 TESTING ALIGNMENT, GRADE, AND DEFLECTION A. Alignment and grade: � 1. Consider inspection complete when no broken or collapsed piping, no open or poorly made joints, no grade changes that affect the piping capacity, or no other defects are observed. � � � � � � � � 3.02 TESTING GRAVITY FLOW PIPING A. Test gravity flow piping indicated with "GR" in the Piping Schedule, as follows: . 1. Unless specified otherwise, subject gravity flow piping to the following tests: a. Alignment and grade. b. For plastic piping test for deflection. c. Visible leaks and pressure with maximum leakage allowance, except far storm drains and culverts. 2. Inspect piping for visible leaks before backfilling. 3. Provide temporary restraints when needed to prevent movement of piping. 4. Pressure test piping with maximum leakage allowance after backfilling. 5. With the lower end plugged, fill piping slowly with water while allowing air to escape from high points. Keep piping full under a slight head for the water at least 24 hours: a. Examine piping for visible leaks. Consider examination complete when no visible leaks are observed. b. Maintain piping with water, or allow a new water absorption period of 24 hours for the performance of the pressure test with maximum leakage allowance. c. After successful completion of the test for visible leaks and after the piping has been restrained and backfilled, subject piping to the test pressure for minimum of 4 hours while accurately measuring the volume of water added to maintain the test pressure: 1) Consider the test complete when leakage is equal to or less than the following maximum leakage allowances_ a) For concrete piping with rubber gasket joints: 80 gallons per day per inch of diameter per mile of piping under test: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_15956-3 8235A10 �� pw://Caro�lo/Documents/ClienNNAlRenton18235A10/Specifica6ons11�.t5956 (1) Advise manufacturer of concrete piping with rubber gasket joints of more stringent than normal maximum leakage allowance. b) For vitrified clay and other piping: 500 gallons per day per inch of diameter per mile of piping under test. 3.03 TESTING HIGH-HEAD PRESSURE PIPING A. Test piping for which the specified test pressure in the Piping Schedule is 20 pounds per square inch gauge or greater, by the high head pressure test method, indicated "HH" in the Piping Schedule. B. General: 1. Test connections, hydrants, valves, blowofFs, and closure pieces with the p�P��9• 2. Do not use installed valves for shutoff when the specified test pressure exceeds the valve's maximum allowable seat differential pressure_ Provide blinds or other means to isolate test sections. 3. Do not include valves, equipment, or piping specialties in test sections if test pressure exceeds the valve, equipment, or piping specialty safe test pressure allowed by the item's manufacturer. 4. During the performance of the tests, test pressure shall not vary more than plus or minus 5 pounds per square inch gauge with respect to the specified test pressure. 5. Select the limits of testing to sections of piping. Select sections that have the same piping material and test pressure. 6. When test results indicate failure of selected sections, limit tests to piping: a. Between valves. b. Between a valve and the end of the piping. c. Less than 500 feet long. 7. Test piping for minimum 2 hours for visible leaks test and minimum 2 hours for the pressure test with maximum leakage allowance. C_ Testing procedures: 1_ Fill piping section under test slowly with water while venting air: a. Use potable water for all potable waterlines and where noted on the Piping Schedule. 2_ Before pressurizing for the tests, retain water in piping under slight pressure for a water absorption period of minimum 24 hours. 3. Raise pressure to the specified test pressure and inspect piping visually for leaks: a_ Consider visible leakage testing complete when no visible leaks are observed. D. Pressure test with maximum leakage allowance: 1. Leakage atlowance is zero for piping systems using flanged, National Pipe Thread threaded and welded joints. 2. Pressure test piping after completion af visible leaks test. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15956-4 8235A10 pwJlCarollolDocumentslCfienUWAlRenton18235A10fSpecifica6onsf10.t 5956 � � 3. For piping systems using joint designs other than flanged, threaded, or welded joints, accurately measure the makeup water necessary to maintain the pressure in the piping section under test during the pressure test period: a. Consider the pressure test to be complete when makeup water added is less than the allowable leakage and no damage to piping and appurtenances has occurred. b. Successful completion of the pressure test with maximum leakage allowance shall have been achieved when the observed leakage during the test period is equal or less than the allowable leakage and no damage to piping and appurtenances has occurred. c. When leakage is allowed, calculate the allowable leakage by the following formula: t � � wherein the terms shall mean: L=SxDxP'�2x 133,200-' L= Allowable leakage in gallons per hour. S= Length of the test section in feet. D= Nominal diameter of the piping in inches. � P= Average observed test pressure in pounds per square inches gauge, at the lowest point of the test section, corrected for elevation of the pressure gauge. � J � � � � x = The multiplication symbol. END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15956-5 8235A10 � pwl/CarollolDocuments�ClienUWAlRentonl8235A10/Specificauons110.15956 October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15956-6 8235A10 pwJlCarollotDocumentslClienUWAlf2enton18235A101Speafications(10.15956 O SUB-SECTION 10.15958 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT TESTING PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes: Testing of inechanical equipment and systems. B. Related Sub-Sections: � 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all_ 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the � Wark of subcon#ractors, suppliers, and 4#her intiividuals or eCttities nP�-{�r�in� or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The following Sub-Sectio�s are related to the Work described in this Sub- Section. This list of Related Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and � is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR � to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents_ �a. Sub-Section 10_01756 - Testing, Training, and Facility Start-Up_ ,, b. Sub-Section 10.15956 - Piping Systems Testing. c. Sub-Section 10.16950 - Fietd Electrical Acceptance Tests. d. Sub-Section 10.17950 - Testing, Calibration, and Commissioning_ 1.02 REFERENCES A. American National Standards Institute (ANSI): 1. S1.4 Specification for Sound Level Meters. � B. Hydraulic Institute (HI). 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Schedule of factory tests and field tests as specified in Sub-Section 10.01756 and this Sub-Section. � B. Test instrumentation calibration data. C_ Start-up plan as specified in Sub-Section 10.01756. � D. Test lan s ecified in this Sub-Sec#ion. P P � E. Test result reports. � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15958-1 8235A10 � pw:l/Carollo/DocumentslGient/WAIRentoN8235At0/Specifications110.15958 � PART2 PRODUCTS Not Used. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 QUALITY CONTROL TESTING AND REPORTING A. Scheduling and notification: 1_ Witnessed source quality control tests: Schedule test date and notify ENGINEER at least 30 days prior to start of test. 2. Field quality control tests: Schedule test date and notify ENGINEER at least 7 days prior to start of test_ � B. Testing levels: - � 1. � Test equipment based on test levels specified in the equipment Sub-Section of this Project. � 2. Requirements for Test Levels 1 to 4 are defined below. 3. Test levels apply for both Source (Factory) Quality Control Tests and Field Quality Control Tests as specified in the equipment Sub-Sections of this � Project. 4. If testing is not specified in the equipment Sub-Section, provide Level 1 " testing. , 5. Requirements of Sub-Section 10.01756 apply to Test Levels. C. Witnessing: Source Quality Control Tests not witnessed unless specified otherwise in the equipment Sub-Section or Sub-Section 10.01756; Field Quality Control Tests shall be witnessed_ D. Instrumentation: Provide necessary test instrumentation which has been calibrated within 1 year from date of test to recognized test standards traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Washington, D.C. or approved source. Properly calibrated field instrumentation permanently installed as a part of the Work may be utilized for Field Quality Control Tests. E. Temporary facilities and labor: Provide necessary fluids, utilities, temporary piping, temporary supports, temporary access platforms ar access means and other � temporary facilities and labor necessary to safely operate the equipment and accomplish the specified testing. With OWNER's permission, some utilities may be � provided by fully tested permanently instalted utilities that are part of the Work. F. Test fluids: 1_ Factory tests: Use water or air as appropriate at ambient conditions unless � specified otherwise in the equipment Sub-Section. __ 2. Field tests: Use specified process fluid at available conditions_ G. Pressure testing: Hydrostatically pressure test pressure containing parts in the factory at the appropriate standard or code required level above the equipment October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15958-2 8235A10 pw:llCarol lolDocumenLslClienNNAlftenton(8235A t 0lSpecficati�onnsl10.15958 � L_J � � .� � � �- component specified design pressure or operating pressure, whichever is higher. Submit pressure test reports before shipping. H. Test measurement and result accuracy: 1_ Use test instruments with accuracies as recommended in the appropriate _ referenced standards. When no accuracy is recommended in the referenced standard, use 1 percent or better accuracy test instruments. Improved (lower error tolerance) accuracies specified elsewhere prevail over this general requirement. 2. Do not adjust results of tests for instrumentation accuracy. Measured values and values directly calculated from measured values shall be the basis for comparing actual equipment perFormance to specified requirements. I_ Field testing: 1. Submit test plan as specified in Sub-Section 10.01756 and this Sub-Section. Indicate test start time and duration, equipment to be tested, other equipment involved or reauired; temr�orary facilities r�a,�airecJ, n��mber anc� skill nr tra�P nf personnel involved; safety issues and planned safety contingencies; anticipated effect on OWNER's existing equipment and other information relevant to the test. Provide locations of all instruments to be used for testing. Provide calibration records for all instrumentation. 2. Perform general start-up and testing procedures as specified in Sub-Section 10.01756. 3. Prior to testing, verify equipment protective devices and safety devices have been installed, calibrated, and tested. � � � � � Reports: Submit reports for source and field-testing. Submit Source Quality Control Test result reports before shipping equipment to the field. Report features: 1. Report results in a bound document in generally accepted engineering format with title page, written summary of results compared to specified requirements, and appropriate curves or plots of significant variables in English units. 2. Include appendix with a copy of raw, unmodified test data sheets indicating test value, date and time of reading, and initials of person taking the data. 3. Include appendix with sample calculations for adjustments to raw test data and for calculated results. 4. Include appendix with the make, model, and last calibration date of instrumentation used for test measurements. 5. Include in body of report a drawing or sketch of the test system layout showing location and orientation of the test instruments relative to the tested equipment features. 3.02 EQUIPMENT TESTING, GENERAL A_ Tests for pumps, all levels of testing: 1. Test in accordance with applicable HI Standards in addition to the requirements in this and other Sub-Sections. 2. Test tolerances: In accordance with appropriate HI Standards, except the following modified tolerances apply: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15958-3 8235A10 � pwllCarollolDaximentslClienWVNRenton/8235A10/Specifications/10-15958 a. From 0 to plus 5 percent of head at the specified flows rated design point flow_ b. From 0 to plus 5 percent of flow at the rated design point head. c. No negative tolerance for the efficiency at the specified flows rated design point. d. No positive tolerance for vibration limits_ Vibration limits and test methods in HI Standards do not apply, use limits and methods specified in this or other Sub-Sections of the Specifications. B. Tests for drivers: Test drivers as specified in the driver equipment Sub-Section. 3.03 TESTfNG LE!lELS A. Level 1 Quality Control Tests: 1. Level 1 General Equipment Performance Test: a_ For equipment, operate, rotate, or otherwise functionally test for 15 minutes minimum after components reach normal operating temperatures_ b. Operate at rated design load conditions. c_ Confirm that equipment is properly assembled, equipment moves or rotates in the proper direction, shafting, drive elements and bearings are installed and lubricated in accordance with proper tolerances, and that no unusual power consumption, lubrication temperatures, bearing temperatures, or other conditions are observed. 2. Level 1 Pump Performance Test: a. Measure flow and head while operating at or near the rated condition; for factory testing, testing may be at reduced speeds with flow and head corresponding to the rated condition when adjusted for speed using the appropriate affinity laws. b. Use actual driver for field tests. c. Record measured flow, suction pressure, discharge pressure, and make obsenrations on bearing temperatures and noise levels_ 3.04 FfELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Test equipment as specified for each type of test at the test levels specified in equipment Sub-Sections. Prepare and submit test reports as specified. Comply with latest version of applicable standards. 3.05 FUPJCTIONAL AND OPERATIONAL TESTING OF EQUIPMENT A. Functional testing as specified in Sub-Section 10_01756 and this Sub-Section. B. General checkout: Prior to operating equipment, inspect, test, and check supporting systems, including but not�limited to power systems, control systems, piping systems, lubrication systems, and safety systems_ 1. Test and calibrate instrumentation and electrical devices as specified in Sub- Sections 10.1695Q and 10.17950. 2. Test piping as specified in Sub-Section 10.159�6. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15958-4 8235A10 pw:l/Carol lo/DocumentslClienU WA(fZentorJ8235A1 WSpecificaGons/10.15958 � •� � 3. As a minimum for controi systems associated with the equipment, perForm the following: � a. Individual Loop Tests: Test from field device to intermediate terminations � to controller and back to controlled element. b. End-to-end test: Simulate input at field device and observe control system � response at the final field control element. 4. Prior to testing, provide signed and dated certificates of calibration for test � instrumentation and equipment. C. Operation of related existing equipment: OWNER will operate related existing equipment or facilities necessary to accomplish the testing_ D. Acceptable tests: Demonstrate the equipment performance meets the requirements of this. Sub-Section and the equipment Sub-Section; when the equipment fails to f I meet the specified requirements, perform additional more detailed testing to - determine the cause, correct, repair, or replace the causative components and � repeat the testing that revealed the deficiency. E. Operational testing: As specified in Sub-Section 10.01756. �- � � � � END OF SUB-SECTION ,;__ October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15958-5 8235A10 � pw:llCarollolDocumentslClienUWAlRenton/8235At0/5p�calionsl10.15958 October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.15958-6 8235A10 pwllCarollolDocumentslClientNJA/Renton18235A10/Specrfications/10.15958 , � � � � � �� �, �` �� .� � SUB-SECTION 10.16050 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRICAL WORK PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes: 1. General requirements applicable to all electrical work. 2. General requirements for electrical submittals. B. Related Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is calted for by one is as binding as if called for by all. 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishinq any of CONTRACTOR's Work_ 3. The following Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub- Section. This list of Related Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. a. Sub-Section 10.01410 - Regulatory Requirements_ b. Sub-Section 10.01782 - Operation and Maintenance Data. c. Sub-Section 10.16052 - Hazardous Classified Area Construction. d. Sub-Section 10.16075 - Electrical Identification. e. Sub-Section 10.16950 - Field Electrical Acceptance Tests. C. Interfaces to equipment, instruments, and other components: 1. The Drawings, Specifications, and overall design are based on preliminary information fumished by various equipment manufacturers which identify a minimum scope of supply from the manufacturers. This information pertains to, but is not limited to, instruments, control devices, electrical equipment, packaged mechanical systems, and control equipment provided with mechanical systems. 2. Provide all material and labor needed to install the actual equipment furnished, and include all costs to add any additional conduit, wiring, terminals, or other electrical hardware to the work, which may be necessary to make a complete, functional installation based on the actual equipment furnished: a. Make all changes necessary to meet the manufacturer's wiring requirements. 3. Submit all such changes and additions to the ENGINEER for acceptance in accordance with the General Conditions_ 4. Review the complete set of Drawings and Specifications in order to ensure that all items related to the electrical power and control systems are completely accounted for. Include any such items that appear on Drawings or in Specifications from another discipline in the scope of Work: a. If a canflict befinreen Drawings and Specifications is discovered, refer conflict to the ENGINEER as soon as possible for resolution. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16050-1 8235A10 pw:llCarollolDocuments/ClienVWNRenton18235At UlSpedGcaUonsll0. t 6050 � - a. If a conflict between Drawings and Specifications is discovered, refer conflict to the ENGINEER as soon as possible for resolution. D. All electrical equipment and systems for the entire project must comply with the requirements of Division 16, whether referenced in the individual equipment specifications or not: 1. The requirements of Division 16 apply to all electrical work specified in other Divisions and Sub-Sections, including HVAC controls, packaged mechanical systems, LCPs, VCPs, etc. 2. Inform all vendors supplying electrical equipment or systems of the requirements of Division 16. 3. The OWNER is not responsible for any additional costs due to the failure of the CONTRACTOR to notify all subcontractors and suppliers of the Division 16 requirements. E_ Contract Documents: 1. General: a_ The Drawings and Specifications are complementary and are to be used together in order to fully describe the Work. 2. Specifications: a. The General and Supplementary Conditions of the Contract Documents govern the Work. b. These requirements are in addition to all General Requirements. 3. Contract Drawings: a_ The electrical drawings show desired locations, arrangements, and components of the electrical work in a diagrammatic manner. b_ Locations of equipment, control devices, instruments, boxes, panels, etc. are approximate only; exercise professional judgment in executing the Work to ensure the best possible installation: 1) The equipment locations and dimensions shown on plans and elevations are approximate. Use the shop drawings to determine the proper layout, foundation, and pad requirements, etc. for final installation. Coordinate with all subcontractors to ensure that all electrical equipment is compatible with other equipment and space requirements. Make changes required to accommodate differences in equipment dimensions_ 2) The CONTRACTOR has the freedom to select any of the named manufacturers as identified in the individual specification Sub- Sections; however, the ENGINEER has designed the spatial equipment layout based upon a single manufacturer and has not _ confirmed that every named manufacturer's equipment fits in the allotted space. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility to ensure that the equipment being fumished fits within the defined space. c. Installation Details: 1) The Contract Drawings include typical installation details, which show the means and methods the CONTRACTOR is to use to install electrical equipment. For cases where a typical detail does not apply; develop installation details that may be necessary for completing the Work, and submit these details for review by the ENGINEER. d. Schematic Diagrams: 1) All controls are shown de-energized. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16050-2 8235A10 pwllCarollolDw�ments/Client/WA1RentoN6235At 01Specfications/10.16050 �� � � .� �I. � � � �� ,�, � ,� 2) Schematic diagrams show control function only. incorporate other necessary functions for proper operation and protection of the system. 3) Add slave relays, where required, to provide all necessary contacts for the control system or where needed to function as interposing relays for control voltage coordination, equipment coordination, or control system voltage drop considerations. 4) Mount all devices shown on motor controller schematic diagrams in the controller compartment enclosure, unless otherwise noted or indicated. 5) Control schematics are to be used as a guide in conjunction with the descriptive operating sequences found in the Drawings or Specifications. Combine all information and furnish a coordinated and fully functional control system. F. Altemates/Alternatives: 1. Refer to the General Conditions for substitute item provisions. G. Changes and Change Orders: 1. Refer to the General Conditions. 1.02 REFERENCES A. Code Compliance: 1_ As specified in Sub-Section 10.01410. 2. The publicatioris are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. The latest edition accepted by the Authority Having Jurisdiction of referenced publications in effect at the time of the bid governs. 3. The standards listed are hereby incorporated into these specifications: a. National Electrical Code (NFPA No 70). b. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). c. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA). d. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). e. Undervvriters' Laboratories, Inc. (UL). � f. Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association (IPCEA). g. American National Standards Institute (ANSI). h. American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM). i_ National Bureau of Standards. j. Institute of Power Cable Engineers Association National Board of Fire Underwriters (NBFU). k. Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) of North America. I. Safety Orders of Industrial Accident Commission. m_ Rules of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. n. Requirements of the serving Utilities. B. Compliance with laws and regulations: 1. Refer to the General Conditions. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Definitions of terms and other electrical and instrumentation considerations as set forth in the: 1. National Electrical Code. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16050-3 8235A10 pw://CarollolDocumentslqienNNAlReriton/8235A10/Specifications/t 0.16050 �� 2_ Institute of Electricai and Electronic Engineers. 3. International Society of Automation (ISA}. 4. National Fire Protection Association. 5. Intemational Electrical Testing Association. B. Specific Definitions: 1_ FAT: Factory Acceptance Test. 2_ ICSC — Instrumentation and Controls Subcontractor. 3. PCIS — Process Control and Instrumentation System. 4. Space: That portion of the switchgear, motor control center, panelboard, switchboard or control panel that does not physically contain a device but is capable of accepting a device with no modifications to the equipment, i.e. provide all standoffs, bus, and hardware, as part of the space. 5_ Spare: That portion of the switchgear, motor control center, panelboard, switchboard or control panel that physically contains a dsvice with no load connections to be made. 6. Unequipped Space: That portion of the switchgear, motor control center, panelboard, switchboard or control panel that does not physically contain a device, standoff, bus, hardware, or other equipment. 1.04 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. General Requirements: 1. The Work includes everything necessary for and incidental to executing and completing the electrical work described in the Drawings and Specifications and reasonably inferable there from: a. The electrical drawings are schematic in nature; use the structural, architectural, mechanical, and civil drawings for all dimensions and scaling purposes. 2_ It is the intent of these Specifications that the entire electrical power, instrumentation, and control system be complete and operable. Provide all necessary material and labor for the complete system from source of power to final utilization equipment, including all: connections, tesfing, calibration of equipment fumished by others as well as equipment furnished by the CONTRACTOR, whether or not specifically mentioned but which are necessary for successful operation. 3. Provide all electrical work, including conduit, field wiring, and connectioi�s by the electrical subcontractor under the provisions of Division 16 for all aspects of the Work, including heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. 4. Coordinate all aspects of the Work with the electrical subcontractor and other subcontractors before bidding in order to ensure that all costs associated with a complete installation are included. The OWNER is not responsible for any change orders due to lack of coordination of the Work between the CONTRACTOR, the electrical subcontractor, the other subcontractors or suppliers. 5. Demolition: a. Where demotition is specified or shown on any Drawing, disconnect all associated electrical equipment and render the equipment safe. b. Remove and dispose of all conduit, wire, electrical equipment, controls, etc. associated with the items and/or areas to be demolished as indicated on the Drawings unless otherwise indicated. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_16050-4 8235A10 pw:llCarolblDocumentslCGenUWM2enton16235A 10ISpecrfica6ons110.16050 0 r� c. For each piece of equipment to be removed, remove all ancillary components (e.g. instruments, solenoid valves, disconnect switches etc). d. Conduit: 1) Where conduit removal, other than associated with equipment to be removed, is indicated on the Drawings: a) Remove exposed conduit to the point of encasement or burial. b) Cut conduit flush and plug or cap encased or buried conduit. 2) Where conduits are to remain in place and removal is not indicated on the Drawings: a) Cap conduit open ends_ b) Reliable empty conduits as spare_ e. Remove all wire back to the source for all conduits to be removed or abandoned in place. f. Provide new nameplates for modified electrical distribution equipment, motor control centers etc. to identify equipment and circuits that are no longer used as spares. g_ Provide new typewritten schedules for all modified panelboards. This project involves installation in existing facilities and interfaces to existing circuits, power systems, controls, and equipment: a. Perform and document comprehensive and detailed field investigations of existing conditions (circuits, power systems, controls, equipment, etc) before starting any work. Determine all information necessary to document, interface with, modify, upgrade, or replace existing circuits, power systems, controls, and equipment. b. Provide and document: interface with, modifications to, upgrades, or replacement of existing circuits, power systems, controls, and equipment. Provide all trenching, forming, rebar, concrete, back filling, hard surface removal and replacement, for all items associated with the electrical work and installation: a. Refer to Divisions 2 and 3. 8. Defective work: a. Refer to the General Conditions. B. Existing System: 1. The existing Lift Station includes two submersible pumps controlled by level switches. A control/RTU panel with a RUG6 PLC provides remote monitoring and control. - C. New System: 1. The new system will add a submersible level transmitter, which will become the primary level controller. The levels switches will be replaced and will take over control if the level transmitter fails. 2. A new valve vault with intrusion switch is being added. The check valves in the valve vault are equipped with limit switches as well. 3. Reprogramming of the PLC to accommodate the new signals will be done by others. 4. Contractor is responsible for panel modifications and terminations. D. Operating Facility: 1. Refer to Sub-Section 10.01140. 2. The existing lift station is an operating facility. Comply with the following guidelines: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16050-5 8235A10 ��' pwJlCarollolDocuments�ClienUWAlRenton18235AtO15peaficationsl10.16050 a � All outages must be of minimal duration and fully coordinated and agreed to by the OWNER. Adjust the construction schedule to meet the requirements of the OWNER. All changes in schedule and any needs to reschedule are included in the Work. As weather and water demand conditions dictate, re-adjust the construction schedule to meet the demands placed upon OWNER by its users. c. Coordinate the construction and power renovation, bear all costs, so that all existing facilities can continue operation throughout construction. 3. According to individual circumstances and in compliance with the Drawings, extend or replace conduit and cable connections from existing locations. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. General: 1. Furnish submittals that are fully indexed with a tabbed divider for every 2. 3. . 4 E C� component. Sequentially number pages within the tabbed sections. Submittals and Operation and Maintenance manuals that are not fully indexed and tabbed with sequentially numbered pages, or are otherwise unacceptable, will be returned without review. Edit all Submittals and Operation and Maintenance Manuals so that the submittal specifically applies to only the equipment furnished. Neatly cross out a�l extraneous text, options, models, etc. that do not apply to the equipment being furnished, so that the information remaining is only applicable to the equipment being furnished_ Instruct all equipment suppliers of Submittal and Operation and Maintenance Manuals of the requirements in Sub-Section 10_16050. Submittal requirements: a. Submit copies of shop drawings; and product data, in accordance with the requirements of this Sub-Section: 1) Show dimensions, construction details, wiring diagrams, controls, manufacturers, catalog numbers, and all other pertinent details. b. Where submittals are required, provide a separate submittal for each specification Sub-Section. In order to expedite construction, the CONTRACTOR may make more than one submittal per specification Sub- Section, but a single submittal may not cover more than 1 specification Sub-Section: � 1) The only exception to this requirement is when 1 specification Sub- Section covers the requirements for a component of equipment specified in another Sub-Section. (For example, circuit breakers are a component of switchgear. The switchgear submittal must also contain data for the associated circuit breakers, even though they are covered in a different specification Sub-Section.) Exceptions to Specifications and Drawings: a. Include a list of proposed exceptions to the Specifications and Drawings along with a detailed explanation of each. b. Any exceptions to the Specification and Drawings must be noted and the reason for the exception explained. c. If there is insufficient explanation for the deviation, the submittal will be returned requiring Revision and Re-submittal. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16050-6 8235A10 pw:llCarollo/DocumentslClienUWA/f2enton/8235At 0/Spedficationsl10.16050 7_ .:� d. Acceptance of any exception is at the sole discretion of the ENGINEER. Furnish all items (materials, features, functions, performance, etc.) that are not listed as exceptions strictly in accordance witfi the Specifications and Drawings. e. Replace all items that do not strictly meet the requirements of the Specifications, which were not previously accepted as exceptions, even if the submittals contained information indicating the failure to meet the requirements. Submittal organization: . a. First page: 1) Specification Sub-Section reference. 2) Name and telephone number of individual who reviewed submittal before delivery to ENGINEER. 3) Name and telephone number of individual who is primarily responsible for the development of the submittal. 4) Place for CONTRACTOR's review stamp and comments. b. Next pages: 1) Provide confirmation of specification compliance in a tabular form that individually lists each specification section, paragraph, and sub- paraaraphs and uneauivocally states compliance with said requirement or takes exception to the requirement and lists the reason for said exception and offers alternative means for compliance. 2) Include a response in writing to each of the ENGINEER's comments or questions for submittal packages which are re-submitted: a) In the order that the comments or questions were presented throughout the submittal. b) Referenced by index section and page number on which the comment appeared. c) Acceptable responses to ENGINEER's comments are either: (1) ENGINEER's comment ar change is accepted and appropriate changes are made. (2) Explain why comment is not accepted or requested change is not made. (3) Explain how requirement will be satisfied in lieu of comment or change requested by ENGINEER. d) Any re-submittal, which does not contain responses to the ENGINEER's previous comments shall be returned for Revision and Re-submittal. e) No further review by the ENGINEER will be performed until a response for previous comments has been received. c. Remaining pages: 1) Actual submittal data: a) Organize submittals in exactly the same order as the items are referenced, listed, and/or organized in the specification section. b) For submittals that cover multiple devices used in different areas under the same specification section, the submittal for the individual devices must list the area where the device is intended to be used. Specific submittal requirements: a. Furnish the submittals required by each Section in Division 16 in accordance with the following requirements_ October 26, 2Q10 - FINAL 10_16050-7 8235A10 pw:1/ Ca rollo/DocumentslClien UW AlRenton/8235A1015pedficafions170.16050 :� 1) Required for materiais and equipment listed in this and other seations. 2) Furnish sufficient information to evaluate the suitability of the proposed material or equipment for the intended use, and for compliance with these Specifications. 3) Shop drawings requirements: , a) Front, side, and, rear elevations, and top and bottom views, showing all dimensions. b) Locations of.conduit entrances and access plates. c) Component layout and identification. d) Schematic and wiring diagrams with wire numbers and terminal identification. e) Connection diagrams, terminal diagrams, internal wiring diagrams, conductor size, etc. fl Anchoring method and leveling criteria, including manufacturer's recommendations for the project site seismic criteria. g) Weight_ h) Finish. i) Nameplates: (1) Refer to Sub-Section 10.16075. j) Temperature limitations, as applicable. c_ Product Data: 1) Submitted for non-custom manufactured material listed in this and other sections and shown on shop drawings. 2) Include_ a) Catalog cuts. b) Bulletins. c) Brochures. d) Quality photocopies of applicable pages from these documents. e) Identify on the data sheefs the project name, applicable specification Sub-Section, and paragraph. f� Identify model number and options for the actual equipment being fumished. g) Neatly cross out options that do not apply or equipment not intended to be supplied_ d. Detailed sequence of operation for all equipment or systems. e. Adhere to the wiring numbering scheme outlined in Sub-Section 10.16075 throughout the project: 1) Uniquely number each wire. 2} Wire numbers must appear on all equipment drawings. f. Only use equipment and instrument tags, as depicted on the drawings, for all submittals. B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals: 1. Furnish the ENGINEER with a complete set of written Operation and Maintenance Manuals 2 weeks before energization start-up and/or commiss�oning_ . 2. Furnish in accordance with Sub-Section 10.01782, and the following additional requirements: a. Completely index manuals with a tab for each section: 1) Each Sub-Section containing applicable data for each piece of equipment, system, or topic covered. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16050-8 8235A10 pwJlCarollo/DocumenLs/ClienUWAlF2entonl8235A10lSpecfications/10.16Q50 2) Assemble manuals using the approved shop drawings, and inciude, the foliowing types of data: a) Complete set of 11-inch by 17-inch drawings of equipment. b) Complete set of 11-inch by 17-inch drawings of the control system. c) Complete set of contcol schematics. d) Complete parts list for all equipment being provided. e) Catalog data for all products or equipment furnished_ C. Material and Equipment Schedules: 1. Furnish a complete schedule and/or matrix of all materials, equipment, apparatus, and luminaries that are proposed for use: a. Include sizes, names of manufacturers, catalog numbers, and such other information required to identify the items. D. Installation Recommendations: 1. Submit the manufacturer's printed recommendations for installation of electrical equipment. E. Record Documents: 1. Provide record documents of all electrical drawings. 2. Record drawing requirements: a. Update record drawings weekly. . b. Record drawings must be fully updated as a condition of the monthly progress payments. c. Submit record drawings upon completion of the Work for final review. d. Clearly and neatly show all changes including the following: 1) All existing pipe, conduit, wire, instruments or other structures encauntered or uncovered during construction. 3. Shop drawings: a. Upon comp{etion of the Work, update all shop drawings to indicate the final as-built configuration of the systems: 1) Provide as-built shop drawings for all electrical equipment on 11-inch by 17-inch paper. 2) Provide electronic copies of these documents on CD-ROM disks in AutoCad Version 2000 by Autodesk and pdf. Size all drawings to be readable and legible on 11-inch by 17-inch media. b. Furnish written information prepared specifically for this project using pdf and printed on 8.5-inch by 11-inch plain bond paper: 1) Provide electronic copies of these documents on CD-ROM disks. 4. Review and corrections: a. Correct any record documents or other documents faund to be incomplete, not accurate, of poor quality, or containing errors. b. Promptly correct and re-submit record documents returned for correction. F_ Test Reports: ' 1. Include the following: a. A description of the test. b. List of equipment used. c. Name of the person conducting the test. d. Date and time the test was conducted. e. All raw data collected. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16050-9 8235A10 �i pwl/CarollolDocumentslClien WVA1Renton18235At 0/Spedficalionsl10.16050 f. Calculated results. 2. Each report signed by the person responsible for the test. 3. Additional requirements for acceptance test reports are listed in Sub-Section 10.16950. G. Calculations: 1. Where required by specific Division 16 Specifications: a_ Because these calculations are being provided by a Registered Professional Engineer, they will be reviewed for form, format, and content but will not be reviewed for accuracy and calculation means. H. Factory Acceptance Test: 1_ Include complete test procedure and all forms to be used during test. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Furnish a!I equipment listed by and bearing the label of Underwriters' Laboratories, Incorporated (UL) or of an independent testing laboratory acceptable to the ENGINEER and the Authority Having Jurisdiction. �i.u7 17ELIVttCT, S i ui�t;t, HI�U 1'hCU 1 EC I �VIV A. Shipping Precautions: 1. After completion of shop assembly and successful factory test, pack all equipment in protective crates, and enclose in heavy duty polyethylene � envelopes or secured sheeting to provide complete protection from damage, dust, and moisture. 2_ Place dehumidifiers, when required, inside the polyethylene coverings. 3. Skid-mount the equipment for final transport. 4. Provide lifting rings for moving without removing protective covering. 5. Display boxed weight on shipping tags together with instructions for unloading, transporting, storing, and handling at the job site. B. Delivery and Inspection: 1. Deliver products in undamaged condition, in manufacturer's original container or padcaging with identifying labels intact and legible. Include date of manufacture on label. C. Speciallnstructions: 1. Securely attach special instructions for proper field handling, storage, and installation to each piece of equipment before packaging and shipment. 1.08 PROJECT OR SITE COMDITIONS A. Site Conditions: 1_ Provide an electrical, instrumentation and control system, including all equipment, raceways and any other components required for a complete installation that meets the enviranmental conditions for the site as specified in the General Requirements and below. 2. Seismic classification: a_ Provide all electrical equipment and construction techniques suitable for the seismic requirements for the site, as specified in Sub-Section 1 Q.01612. October 26, 2010 - FINAL.. 10.16050-10 8235A10 pw:/1Carol lo/Documenis/ClienUWAlftenton(8235A t 0lSpecifications/10.16Q50 .� � ,�. �� � ;� � ,�. �, t �� .� ��� 3. Altitude, temperature and humidity: a. Provide additional temperature conditioning equipment to maintain all equipment in non-conditioned spaces subject to these ambient temperatures, with a band of 10 degrees Fahrenheit above the minimum operating temperature and 10 degrees Fahrenheit below maximum operating temperature, as determined by the equipment manufacturer's guidelines: 1) Provide all power conduits winng for these devices (e.g. heaters, fans, etc.) whether shown on the drawings or not. 4. Outdoor installations: a_ Provide electrical, instrumentation and control equipment suitable for operation in the ambient conditions where the equipment is located. B. Provide enclosures for electrical, instrumentation and control equipment, regardless of supp{izr or subcontractor furnishing the equipment, that meet the requirements outlined in NEMA Standard 250 for the following types of enclosures: 1. NEMA 1 Enclosures: Intended for indoor use, primarily to provide a degree of protection from accidental contact with energized parts or equipment. 2. NEMA 4 Enclasures: Intended for indoor or outdoor use; primarily to protect equipment from exposure to windblown dust and rain, splashing or hose directed water, ice formation and freezing_ 3. NEMA 4X Enclosures: Made from corrosion resistant materials (Fiberglass reinforced plastic, 316 Stainless Steel or equal) and are intended for indoor or outdoor use, primarily to protect equipment from exposure to windblown dust and rain, splashing or hose directed water, ice formation and freezing, and corrosion. 4. NEMA 12 Enclosures: Intended for indoor use, primarily to provide a degree of protection from dust, falling dirt and dripping non-corrosive liquids. 5. NEMA 6 Enclosures_ Rated for submergence. 6. NEMA 6P Enclosures: Rated for prolonged submergence. 7. NEMA 7 Enclosures: Intended for installation in locations where explosive or combustible gas or vapors may be present (Class I Division 1 or Class I Division 2) meeting the requirements outlined in Sub-Section 10.16052. 1.09 (NOT USEDj 1.10 SCHEDULING A. General: 1. Testing requirements are specified in Sub-Section 16950 and other Sub- Sections. 2. General scheduling requirements are specified in the General Conditions. 3. Work restrictions and other scheduling requirements are specified in Sub- Section 10.01140. 1.11 WARRANTY A_ Warrant the electrical Work in accordance with the General Conditions: 1. Provide additional warranty as specified in the individual Division 16 Specifications_ October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16050-11 8235A10 � pw:1/CarollolDocumentslClienVWAlRenton/8235A10/Specifications110.16050 � 1.12 SYSTEM STARTUP A. Replace or modify equipment, software, and materials that do not achieve design requirements after installation in order to attain compliance with the design requirements: 1. Following replacement or modification, retest the system and perform additional testing to place the comptete system in satisfactory operation and � obtain compliance acceptance from the ENGINEER. 1.13 ' (NOT USED) 1.14 �:�3AA�AA{�AAI�NL�-(NOT USED) 1.15 MAINTENANCE A_ Before Substantial Completion, perform all maintenance activities required by any sections of the Specifications including any calibrations, final adjustments, component replacements or other routine service required before placing equiprrient or systems in service. �s. Fumisn aii spare paris as required by oiner Sub-5eciions of ine 5pecirications. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Provide similar items of same manufacturer throughout the electrical and instrumentation portion of the project. B. Allowable manufacturers are specified in individual electrical and equipment specifications in other Sub-Sections of Division 16. 2.02 NOT USED) 2.03 MATERIALS A_ Fumish all materials under this Contract that are new, free from defects, and standard products produced by manufacturers regularly engaged in the production of these products and that bear all approvals and labels as required by the Specifications. B. Provide materials complying with the applicable industrial standard in accordance with the General Conditions. C. Stainless Steel: 1. Where stainless steel is indicated or used for any portion of the electrical work, provide a non-magnetic, corrosion-resistant alloy, ANSI Type 316, satin finish. 2. Provide exposed screws of the same alloys. 3. Provide finished mate�ial free of any burrs or sharp edges. 4. Use only stainless steel hardware, when chemically compatible, in all areas that are or could be in contact with corrosive chemicals. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16050-12 8235A10 pw /1CarollolDocumentslC(enVWAlftenton/8235A10/Speafica6ons/10.16050 . � � 5. Use stainless steel hardware, when chemically compatible, in all chemical areas or areas requiring NEMA 4X construction. � 6. Do not use stainless steel in any area containing chlorine, gas or solution, chlorine products or ferric chloride. � 2.04 NOT USED ) . � � � �� � 2.05 �n� nonn���r �NOT USED) 2.06 NOT USED) 2.07 ' NOT USED) 2.08 AAI�E�(NOT USED) 2.09 NOT USED) 2.10 �'"'���(NOT USED) 2.11 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Provide all equipment that is new, free from defects, and standard products produced by manufacturers regularly engaged in the production of these products. B. Arrange with all manufacturers of the electrical equipment, to allow the OWNER and ENGINEER to inspect and witness the testing of the equipment at the site of fabrication: 1. Testing includes the cabinets, special control systems, power equipment, and other pertinent systems and devices. C. Factory testing is specified in the individual Sub-Sections of Divisions 16. �� .� PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Review the existing site conditions and examine all shop drawings for the various items of equipment in order to determine exact routing and final terminations for all wiring and cables. B. Provide a complete electrical system: 1. Install all extra conduits, cables, and interfaces as may be necessary to provide a complete and operating electrical system. 3.02 DL�FDA[�ATI/lAI �NOT USED) 3.03 INSTALLATION � A. Equipment locations shown on electrical drawings may change due to variations in �� equipment size or minor changes made by others during construction: 1. Verify all dimensions as indicated on the Drawings: � . October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16050-13 8235A10 pwl/CarollolDocumen ts�Clien WVAlRentaJ8235A10/S pecifications110.16050 a. Actual field conditions govern ali finai installed locations, distances, and levels. 2. Review a{I Contract Dacuments and approved equipment shop drawings and coordinate Work as necessary to adjust to all conditions that arise due to such changes. , 3. Make minor�changes in location of equipment before rough in, as directed by the OWN�R or ENGINEER. B. Install all material and equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions, including anchoring methods and leveling criteria: 1. Where CONTRACTOR asks to deviate from the manufacturer's recommendations, such changes must be reviewed and accepted by the ENGINEER and manufacturer before instaflation. C. Gutting and Patching: 1_ Perform all cutting, patching, channeling, core drilling, and fitting required for the electrical Work, except as otherwise directed: a. Secure the permission of the ENGINEER before performing any operation likely to affect the strength of a structural member such as drilling, cutting or piercing: 1) Before cutting, channeling, or core drilling any surface, ensure that no penetration of any other systems will be made: a) Verify that area is clear and free of conduits, cabtes, piping, ductwork, post-tensioning cables, etc. b) Use tone-locate system or X-ray to ensure that area is clear of obstructions_ b. Review the complete drawing set to ensure that there are no conflicts or coordination problems before cutting, channeling, or core drilling any surface. 2. Perform all patching to the same quality and appearance as the original Work. Employ the proper tradesmen to secure the desired results. Seal around all conduits, wires, and cables penetrating walls, ceilings, and floors in all locations with a fire stop material, typically_ a_ 3M CP25 Caulk. b_ 3M 303 Putty. c. T8�B S-100 Caulk. d_ T�B FS-500 Putty. e. T&B FST-601 Putty. 3. Seal around conduit penetrations of below grade walls with a waterproof, non shrink, non-metallic grout, unless otherwise indicated on the typical installation details: � a_ Use the insta�lation details provided in the drawings as a guide for acceptable sealing methods. D. Install all conduit and equipment in such a manner as to avoid all obstructions and to preserve headroom and keep openings and passageways clear. 1. Install all conduits and equipment in accordance with working space reguirements as outlined in Article 110, Requirements for Electrical Installations of the National Electrical Code. 2_ Where the Drawings do not show dimensions for locating equipment, install equipment in approximate locations as indicated on the Drawings. Adjust October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16050-14 8235A10 pw:llCarollo/Documents/ClienUWAlRentonB235A10/Specfications/10.16050 � � �� �1 ��, �� � ; � � �J ,�. :� locations shown on the Drawings as necessary to avoid any obstruction or interterences. 3. Where an obstruction interferes with equipment operation or safe access, relocate the equipment. 4. Where the Drawings do not indicate the exact mounting and/or supporting method to be used, use materials and methods similar to the mounting details shown in the Drawings. E. Earthwork and Concrete: 1. Install all trenching, shoring, concrete, backfilling, grading and resurfacing associated with the electrical Work: a. In accordance with Division 2 and 3 requirements. F. Roof penetrations: 1. Make all roof penetrations, and seal around all conduits. Use pitch pockets and flashings. 2. � Roofing subcontractor to make actual seals around roof penetrations. G. Terminations: 1. Provide and terminate all conductors required to interconnect power, controls, instruments, panels, and all other equipment. H. Miscellaneous installation requirements: 1. In case of interference between electrical equipment shown on the Drawings and the other equipment, refer to the General Conditions for direction. 2. Location of manholes and pullboxes indicated on the Drawings are approximate. Coordinate exact location of manholes and pullboxes with mechanical and civil work. 3. Provide additional manholes or pullboxes to those shown where they are required to make a workable installation. 4. Circuits of different service voltage: a. Voltage and service levels: 1} Medium voltage: greater than 1.OkV. 2) Low voltage: 120V to 480V. 3) Instrumentation: less than 50VDC. b. Install in separate raceways, junction boxes, manholes, hand holes, and pullboxes. c. In manholes, install all cables operating at less than 50 VDC in PVC coated flexible metallic conduit, with corrosion resistant fittings. Labeling: 1. Provide all nameplates and labels as required in Sub-Sections 10.16075 and 10.16305. J. Equipment Tie-Downs: 1. Anchor all instruments, control panels, and equipment by methods that comply with seismic and wind bracing criteria, which apply to the site. 2. All control panels, VCPs, LCPs, RTUs, PCMs, etc., must be permanently mounted and tied down to structures in accordance with the project seismic criteria. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16050-15 8235A10 pw:!/Carollo/DocumentslClien WVAlRenton/8235A 10/Specificabons110.16050 � 3.04 , , , NOT USED) 3.05 ��on�on��crnonr�nni �NOT USED) 3.06 ��-���crn� i nT�nAi �NOT USED) 3.07 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. inspection: 1_ Allow for inspection of electrical system installation in accordance with the specia! provisions. 2. Provide any assistance necessary to support inspection activities. 3. ENGINEER inspec#ions may include, but are not fimifed to, the following: a. Inspect equipment and materials for physical damage. b. Inspect installation for compliance with drawings and Specifications. c. Inspect installation for obstructions and adequate clearances around equipment. d. Inspect equipment installation for proper leveling, alignment, anchorage, and assembly. e. Inspect equipment nameplate data to verify compfiance with design requiremen�s. ' f. Inspect raceway installation for quality workmanship and adequate support_ g. Inspect cable terminations. 4. Inspection activities conducted during construction do not satisfy inspection or testing requirements outlined in Sub-Section 10.16950. B_ Field Testing: 1. Notify the ENGINEER when the electrical vvork is ready for field acceptance testing. 2. Perform the acceptance tests in accordance with Sub-Section 10.16950. 3. Record results of the required tests along with the date of test: a. Use conduit identification numbers to indicate portion of circuit tested. C. Workmanship: 1. Leave wiring in panels, manholes, boxes, and other locations neat, clean, and organized: a. Neatly coil and label spare wiring lengths. b. Shorten, re-terminate, and re-label excessive used as well as spare wire and cable lengths, as determined by the ENGINEER. 3.08 NOT USED) 3.09 CLEANING A. General Requirements: 1. Remove all foreign material and restore all damaged finishes to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER arid OWNER_ B. Clean and vacuum all enclosures to remove all metal filings, surplus insulation and any visible dirt, dust or other matter before energization of the equipment or system start up: 1. Use of compressors or air blowers for cleaning is not acceptable. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16050-16 8235A10 pwllCarollo/DocamentslClienuWA/FtentonB235A101Specfications/t 0.1 fi050 ,� � � � � �� C. Clean and re-lamp all new and existing luminaries that were used in the areas affected by the construction, and return all used lamps to the OWNER. D. As specified in other Sub-Sections of the Contract Documents. 3.10 DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING A. Furnish all personnel and equipment necessary to conduct the demonstration and training requirements as specified in the individual specification Sub-Sections. 3.11 PROTECTION A. Protect all work from damage or degradation until substantial completion. B. Maintain all surfaces to be painted in a clean and smooth condition. 3.12 NOT USEDj END OF SUB-SECTION � �' ��� ,� � � � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16050-17 8235A1Q pwJ/CarollolDocumentsJClien WVNRenton18235A 10l5pecificationsl10.16050 � ,� October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16050-18 8235A10 pw://Carollo/DocamentslClienUWAlRenton/8235A 10ISpecifica tionsl10.16050 � � r ,� ,� � ;j. � s� .� �� �' �1� �� �� i /� � � L1 � ,� � � :� �� � �� � � �• � SUB-SECTION 10.16052 HAZARDOUS CLASSIFIED AREA CONSTRUCTION PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes requirements for: 1. Executing and completing work in hazardous and/or classified areas as defined by the NEC Articles 500 through 516, NFPA 820, and as indicated on the Drawings and in the Specifications. B. Related Sections/Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The following Sections/Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub-Section. This list of Related Sections/Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. a. Section 1-05 - Control of Work. b. _ Sub-Section 10.16050 - General Requirements for Electrical Work. c. Sub-Section 10.16130 - Conduits. d. Sub-Section 10.16134 - Boxes. e. Sub-Section 10.16140 - Wiring Devices. 1.02 REFERENCES A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. B. Specific Definitions_ 1_ For the purposes of these Specifications, the terms "Hazardous" and "Cla�sified" will be considered synonymous. 1.04 cvcT�nn n�c�r��orin�i �NOT USED) 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Furnish submittals in accordance with Section 1-05 and Sub-Section 10.16050 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16052-1 8235A10 �pw:!/Caro11o1DocumentslClienUWAlRenton/8235At01Speaficauons(10.16052 � B. Regulatory Requirements: � 1. All wiring in Hazardous and/or Classified Locations shall comply with all applicable Articles of the National Electrical Code, in particular Articles 500 through 516 of the National Electrical Code_ 2. EXcept as modified in Articles 500 through 516, all other applicable rules contained in the National Electrical Code shall apply to electric equipment and wiring installed in Hazardous and/or Classified Locations_ 3. All devices used in a Class I Division 1 or Division 2 Areas must have visible manufacturer installed nameplates specifically stating the Class, Division, and Group for which the device is approved. 1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 1.08 PROJECT OR SITE CONDITIONS A. The following areas are classified Class I, Division 1: 1. Pump wetwell. 2. Valve Vault. B. The following areas are classified Class 1, Division 2: 1. Entire project site area up to 18" above grade. 1.09 S (NOT USED) 1.10 NOT USED) 1.11 4A�^�a^"'T`� (NOT USEDj 1.12 CVCTCM CTAt7T11D �NOT USED) 1.13 ' (NOT USED) 1.14 NOT USED) 1.15 nAAlA1TGN1AA1(`G �NOT USED) PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 ^�^�����nr-n�r��oc �NOT USED} 2.02 (NOT USED) 2.03 nenr�t��e� c �NOT USED) 2.04 NOT USED) 2.05 �^� ��o""�"�T �NOT USED) 2.06 COMPONENTS October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16052-2 8235A10 pw://Carol lolDocumentsJClienWVA+Rentonl8235At O/Specfications/10.16052 �, � � � � , �+ � � � A. Conduit and Sealing Fittings: 1. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16130_ B. Conduit Boxes and Bodies: 1. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16134. C. Wiring Devices: 1. Refer to Sub-Section 10_16140_ 2.07 NOT USED) 2.08 �!1{�€�-(NOT USED) 2.09 �^Ro��n-r�n�i �NOT USED) 2.10 ��"��,��-(NOT USED) 2.11 �^i ��r�� ^� i^� iTv �^"�To^� 'NOT USED) rNRI J CACI�iV I IVIV 3.01 FYnnni�inTin�� rNOT USED) 3.02 oo�ononrin�i (NOT USED) 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. �B. Corrosion Protection: � 1. Isolate dissimilar metals, except conduit and conduit fittings, which may come into contact with one another: � a. Use neoprene washers, 9 mil polyethylene tape, or gaskets, for isolation. 2. Restore factory finishes that are damaged or rusted to their original new condition in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. �, IIJ �� � C_ Conduit Installation: 1. Wrench tighten all conduit joints to minimize sparking when fault currents flows through the conduit system. 2. Make all conduit connections so that there is a minimum of 5 threads fully , engaged in the connection. 3. Use explosion proof flexible conduit in Class 1 Division 1 hazardous areas: a. Must be approved and marked suitable for Class I, Division 1. b. Listed for compatibility with the Group type atmosphere where used: 4. In Class I, Division 2 areas, use liquid-tight metal conduit with approved fittings: a. Maximum allowable length of liquid-tight metal conduit is 36 inches, without express permission from the ENGINEER. D. Sealing fittings: 1. Provide seal types that match the installed conduit system. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16052-3 8235A10 ' pw:!lCarollolDocuments�ClienUWAlRenton18235A10/Specifications110.16052 2. Provide an approved seal, no more than 12 inches from the enclosure, for ali conduits entering an enclosure containing switches, circuit breakers, fuses, relays, resistors, or any other apparatus which may produce ares, sparks, or high temperatures: a. Only explosion proof unions, couplings, elbows, capped elbows, and conduit bodies similar to "L", "T", and �X" may be installed between the sealing fitting and the enclosure. 3. Provide entire assemblies approved for Class I locations for self sealing or factory sealed assemblies where the equipment that may produce ares, sparks, or high.temperatures is located in a compartment separate from the compartment containing splices or taps, and an integral seal is provided where conductors pass from one compartment to the other: a. Seals are required in all conduit connections to the compartment containing splices and must be within 12 inches of the enclosure. 4. !nstall a conduit seal within 12 inches of the boundary in each cond!ait run entering or leaving a classified location. No union, coupling, box, or fitting is allowed in the conduit between the sealing fitting and the point at which the conduit leaves the classified location. 5. For underground conduits entering or leaving a classified location or between Class I Division 1 and Division 2 locations: a. Provide a conduit seal at both points where the conduit emerges from the ground: 1) Place the conduit seal within 18 inches of finished grade. 2) No union, coupling, box, or fitting is allowed in the conduit system between the seal fitting and the point at which the conduit enters the ground. 6. Separate all conductors within the conduit system and seal using an approved packing dam installed to both hold the sealing compound and to maintain the separation between the wires: a. Remove the outer jacket of multi-conductor non-shielded cables in the area of the sealing fitting and separate each conductor from the cable and seal individually. b. Provide the sealing compound approved for the conditions and use, and that is not affected.by the surrounding atmosphere or liquids. c. Provide sealing compound with the melting point less than 93 degrees Celsius (200 degrees Fahrenheit). 7. Install seals with drains in all electrical control stations, low points of conduit or any place where moisture may condense and accumulate_ E. Install the sealing compound with a minimum thickness of 5/8 inch or the trade size of the conduit whichever is greater. F. Boxes and Fittings: 1. Class I Division 1 areas: a. Utilize threaded connections for all metallic boxes, fittings, and joints to the conduit system. � b. Wrench tighten, with at least 5 threads fully engaged. 2. Class I, Division 2 areas: a. Conduits entering and exiting metallic boxes in Class I Division 2 shall utilize approved grounding bushings to bond the conduits together. G. Outlet Boxes and Bodies: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16052-4 8235A10 pw:llCarollolDocumentsfClienUWAlRenton18235A10/Speafica6ons/10.16052 � ' ' � �� � ' � , �' � c � , ' � LJ � 1. Class I, Division 1 Areas: a. Provide the following types of conduit bodies and boxes: 1) Malleable iron bodies and boxes with GRC or IMC conduit systems. 2) PVC coated conduit bodies and boxes with PCS or PCA conduit systems_ 3) Aluminum conduit bodies and boxes with ARC conduit systems. 2. Class I, Division 2 areas_ a. Boxes not containing arcing parts shall be: 1) Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 2) No pressed metal boxes are allowed. b. Provide heavy duty cast construction type conduit fittings and joints: 1) Explosion proof rated fittings and joints are not necessary. c. Any enclosure containing arcing parts, etc_ shall have all constructian associated with the enclosure, conduit system, etc. conforming to Class I Division 1 construction. H. Motor Connections: 1. Conduit installation in Class I Division 1 and Class I Division 2 locations for motors that contain arcing parts, shall proceed as follows from the conduit: a. First - Conduit. b. Second - Explosion proof flexible coupling. c. Third - Sealing fitting. d. Fourth - Explosion proof union. e. Fifth - Connection to the motor terminal box_ 2. Conduit installations in Class 1 Division 1 and Class I Division 2 locations for motors that contain no arcing parts, shall proceed as follows from the conduit: a. First - Conduit. b. 5econd - Liquid tight flexible metal conduit (18 Inches maximum length.) c. Third - Connection to the motor terminal box. i�e electrical continuity of non-current-carrying metal parts of equipment, raceways ancl other enclosures shall be bonded as required by NEC 250.100. ,. _ .. . . .. .•• _. ., _.. _ _ _ .. . . 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 c�oniQro�cTnr�nT�n�� �NOT USED) �C IAICTAI i nT�n�� �NOT USED} FIELD QUALIN CONTROL A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. NOT USED) r' ��^"�:":�(NOT USED) flC11A(lA1CTl7AT1/lAI AAIII TL7AtAl1A1l� �NOT USED� (NOT USED) NOT USED) October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16052-5 8235A10 ' pw:llCarollolDocuments7ClienUWAlRentonl8235A1Q/Specifications11Q.16052 � END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16052-6 8235A10 pw JI Carol lolDocumentslClienUWAlRentonl8235A101Specfica Gons�10.16052 , ' � � � , � ' �� � � � ' � � � ,� , � � C� � ' � � ' ' , ' � ' � ' ' ' � SUB-SECTION 10.16070 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes requirements for: 1. Mounting and supporting electrical equipment and components. B. Related Sections/Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all_ 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities pertorming or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The following Sections/Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub-Section. This list of Related Sections/Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. a. Section 1-05 - Control of Work. b. Sub-Section 10.01410 - Regulatory Requirements. c. Sub-Section 10.01612 - Seismic Design Criteria. d. Sub-Section 10.05120 - Structural Steel. e. Sub-Section 10.16050 - General Requirements for Electrical Work. 1.02 REFERENCES A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 1.04 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Design Requirements: 1. Conform to the requirements of the Building Code as specified in Sub- Section 10.01410. 2. Demonstrate the following using generally accepted engineering methods: a_ That the anchors to the structure are adequate to resist the loads generated in accordance with the Building Code and equipment requirements_ b. That the required load capacity of the anchors can be fully developed in the structural materials to which they are attached. 3: Seismic Withstand Requirements: a. Freestanding or wa(I-hung equipment shall be anchored in place by methods that will meet the requirements for the seismic design indicated in Sub-Section 10.01612_ October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16070-1 8235A10 , pwJ/Carollo/DocumentslClienUWA/Rentonl8235At�/Specifications110.16070 � b. Minimum safety factor against overturning: 1.5. c. The foundation shall be capable of withstanding all anchor loads. B_ Performance requirements: 1. Hangers and supports individually and as a system shall resist all weights and code required forces without excessive deflections and deformationS. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Furnish submittals in accordance with Section1-05and Sub-Section 10.16050. B. Product data: 1. Supports: a_ Materials_ b_ Geometry. c_ Manufacturer. 2. Hardware: a. Materials. b_ Manufacturer. 3. Anchoring and leveling criteria and recommendations from equipment manufacturers: a_ Include these requirements in the installation recommendation submittal required by Sub-Section 10.16050. C. Shop drawings: 1. Complete dimensioned and scalable shop drawings of all supporting structures, trapezes, wall supports, etc. 2. Complete anchoring details for pole lights, transformers, control panels, supporting structures, trapezes, wall supports all equipment in excess of 200- pounds and all freestanding supports: a_ Stamped by a Professional Engineer registered in the State where the project is being constructed. b_ Said submittals, by virtue of the fact that they bear the stamp of a registered engineer, will be reviewed for general consistency with the requirements shown in the Contract Documents, but not for context, accuracy, or method of calculation. 3. Include data on attachment hardware and construction methods that will satisfy the design loading criteria. D. Installation Instructions: 1. Provide anchorage instructions and requirements for the equipment based on the seismic conditions of the site as specified in Sub-Section 10.01612 and wind conditions: a. Stamped by a Professional Engineer registered in the State where the project is being constructed. E. Calculations: 1. All calculations shall be perFormed, signed and stamped by a Professional Engineer, Registered in the State where the project is being constructed and shall show that all specifications requirements are met. Said submittals, by virtue of the fact that they bear the stamp of a registered engineer, will be reviewed for general consistency with the requirements shown in the Contract Documents, but not for context, accuracy, or method of calculation. � ' � , � � ' ' ' ' � ' � , ' ' �� �J October 26, 2010 - FiNAL 10.16070-2 8235A10 pw:llCarollolDocumentsiClientlWAfftenton/8235A10/Spedfica6ons(10.16070 � ' ' ' , �� ' � ' � ' , i ' ' , ' ' ' 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 1.08 PROJECT OR SITE CONDITIONS A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 1.09 (NOT USED) 1.10 S NOT USED) 1.11 WARRANTY A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. I.IG Jt�71�1111 JI%1RIUf�" A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 1.13 ' (NOT USED) 1.14 (NOT USED) 1.15 Mn��rr���nr.�r� (NOT USED) PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MAIdUFACTURERS A. One of the following or equal: 1. Kindorf. 2. Superstrut. 3. Power-Strut. 4_ Unistrut. 5. Cooper B-Line. 6. Robroy. 7. Aickinstrut. 2.02 NOT USED) 2.03 MATERIALS A. Use materials appropriate for the area as specified in Sub-Section 10.16050. B. Hot dip galvanized steel: 1. Supports: a. Conform to ASTM specification No. A123 or A153. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16070-3 8235A10 , pwl/Carollo/DocumentsJClienUWNRenton/8235A1 �/Specifica6onsf 10.16070 b. Minimum zinc coating thickness of 2.6 miis. 2. Hardware_ a. Stainless Steel. b. Electro-galvanized. C. Stainless Steel: 1. Supports: a. Conform to ASTM specification No. A240. b. ANSI Type 316 material. 2. Hardware: a. Stainless Steel_ D. PVC Coated Galvanized Steel: 1. Supports: a. Hot dip galvanized steel. b. PVC coating thickness of 10 to 20 mils_ 2_ Hardware: a. Stainless Steel_ E. Fiberglass: 1. Supports: a. Vinyl Ester. 2. Hardware: a. Polypropylene. b. Thermal plastic elastimer. c. Fiberglass reinforced pfastic. 2.04 NOT USED) 2.05 �n� n��n���r �NOT USED) 2.06 (NOT USED) 2.07 ACCESSORIES A. Anchors: 1. Refer to Sub-Section 10.05120. 2.08 AA�€S{NOT USED) 2.09 -(NOT USED) 2.10 FINISHES A. Paint and finish a(I supporting structures in conformance with the painting and finishing sections of the Contract Documents. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16070-4 8235A10 pw://CarollolDocumentslClienVWAlRentan/8235At O/SpecificaUonsl10.16070 � �, ' 2.11 cn� �orG n� �n� �Tv rnn�Tpni (NOT USED) � PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 NOT USED) � ' ' � J � ' r � , , � 3.02 Dt]GD/1�AT1(lAt �NOT USED) 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. B. General: 1. Equipment anchoring: a. install equipment in accordance with the printed recommendations of the equipment manufacturer's literature, including anchoring methods and {eveling criteria. b. Brace and anchor freestanding equipment supports using methods that provide structural support based on the seismic loads as indicated in Sub- �eciion �t�.0i6�2: 1) Lateral deflection at top of supports not to exceed support height divided by 210 unless approved by the ENGINEER. c. Provide fabricated steel support pedestals for wall mounted panels that weigh more than 500 pounds: 1) Fabricate pedestals out of welded angfe, tube sections, or preformed channel. 2) If the supported equipment is a panel or cabinet, the pedestal shall match supported equipment in physical appearance and dimensions. d. Provide transformers hung from stud walls and weighing more than 300 pounds with auxiliary floor supports. 2. Furnish all conduit racks and trapeze structures needed to support the conduits from the building walls or ceiling. Group conduits and position on racks to minimize crossovers, etc' a. Provide the necessary sway bracing to keep trapeze type structures from 3 swaying. Mount all pull boxes, switches, panelboards, control panels, instruments, etc. in any damp or wet location on minimum of 7/8 inch stainless steel or fiberglass preformed mounting channel. Mount channel vertically along the vertical length of the device so that any water or moisture may run freely behind the device. Concrete housekeeping pads are required for all floor-standing electrical equipment and conduit penetrations through floor: a. Pads shall be a minimum of 3.5 inches above the surrounding floor or grade unless otherwise noted. b. Pads shall extend a minimum of 2 inches beyond the extent of the equipment in all directions. c. Pads shall be sized for the actual equipment furnished and all future equipment identified on the Contract Drawings. d. All edges of the housekeeping pad shall be chamfered. Q ' � , �i � C. Raceway: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16070-5 8235A10 , pw:l/Carollo/DocumentslClienUWNRentorJ8235At0ISpecifica6ons110.16070 1. Instail ali raceway cabinets, boxes, fixtures, and other appurtenances parallel or perpendicular to building lines and level and plumb_ 2. Mount all raceways, cabinets, boxes, fixtures, instruments, devices, etc. on CONTRACTOR-fabricated racks unless othenrvise shown on the Contract Drawings. 3. All raceways shall be supported directly from building structure. Do not suspend raceways or equipment from piping or duct work. D. Anchor Methods: 1. Solid Concrete= Metal or plastic wedge type expansion bolts (or preset concrete inserts). 2_ Metal Surfaces: Machine screws or bolts. 3. Hollow Masonry Units: Toggle bolts or expansion anchors. E_ Support luminaries from structural elements capable of carrying the total weight: 1. Provide ceiling or pendent mounted high intensity discharge luminaires with a separate safety chain connecting the lens, reflector, ballast etc. to the building structure. F_ Obtain permission from ENGINEER before drilling or piercing a structural concrete member. G_ Plumbers perforated strap or tape is not acceptable. H_ When supporting devices on metal or wood stud construction bridge studs with mounting channel and mount the devices to the mounting channel. I_ Re-coat all scratches, cuts, and drilled holes in galvanized surfaces with CRC "Zinc- it" or simila� product. J_ Re-coat all drilled holes and cut surfaces on PVC coated and FRP materials. K_ Seal all drilled holes and cut surFaces on FRP materials. 3.04 , , , NOT USED) 3.05 ��on�orn�crnonT�n�� �NOT USED) 3.06 Q�-���cTn� � n�r�n�� �NOT USED) 3.U7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A_ Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 3.08 (NOT USED) 3.09 �:�€�N�-(NOT USED) 3.10 (NOT USED) 3.11 PROTECTION A_ Refer to Sub-Sec#ion 10.16050. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16070-6 8235A10 pw:!lCarollolDoamrentslClienNNAlRenton/8235A 10/Spedfications110.16070 ' � 3.12 NOT USED) , END OF SUB-SECTION , � � ' � ' � , ' ' � , ' , , � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16070-7 8235A10 � pw:/lCarollolDocumentslGienNWAlRentonl8235A10/Specificationsl1�.16070 , I i 1 i i 1 1 1 1 C� 1 1 1 1 t I 1 October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16070-8 8235A10 pw:llCardlolDocuments�Client/WA1Renton18235A10/Specifications/t0.16070 ' , , � LJ , � LJ t ' ' ' , � , , � � i SUB-SECTION 10.16075 ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section inciudes requirements for: 1. Identifying electrical, instrumentation, and process equipment and components. 2_ Material, manufacturing and installation requirements for identification devices. B. Related Sections/Sub-Sections: � 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities perForminq or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The following Sections/Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub-Section_ This list of Related Sections/Sub-Sections is provided for convenience onfy and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. a. Section 1-05 - Control of Work. b. Sub-Section 10.1605a - General Requirements for Electrical Work. c. Sub-Section 10.16130 - Conduits. 1.02 REFERENCES A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 1.04 SYSTEM DESCRIPTfON A. Nameplates: � 1. Provide a nameplate for each piece of inechanical equipment, process equipment, valve, pump, mixer, feeder, fan, air-handling unit, motor, switch, receptacle, controller, instrument transducer, instrument power supply, solenoid, motor control center, starter, panelboard, switchboard, individually mounted or plug-in type circuit protector or motor controller, disconnect switch, bus duct tap switch, time switch, relay and for any ather control device or major item of electrical equipment, either located in the field or within panels. 2. Provide all nameplates of identical style, color, and material throughout the facility_ 3. Device nameplates information: a. Designations as indicated on the Drawings and identified on the Process and Instrumentation Drawings. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16075-1 8235A10 , pwJ/CarollolDocumentyGienUWAlRenton/8235At O/5pedficatiortsf 10.16075 C� b. Device tag and loop number ID (e.g. EDV-60.0101.01). c. Circuit ID (e_g. LPA-11). d_ Area served (e.g. Lighting Chemical Building). B. Wire Numbers: 1. Coordinate the wire numbering system with all vendors of equipment so that every field wire has a unique number associated with it for the entire system: a. Wire numbers shall correspond to the wire numbers on the control drawings or the panel and circuit numbers for receptacles and lighting. b. Wire numbers shall correspond to the terminal block number to which they are attached in the control panel. c. Internal panel wires on a common terminal shall have the same wire number. d. Multiconductor cables shall be assigned a cable number that shalt be attached to the cable at intermediate pull boxes and stub-up locations beneath freestanding equipment. All multi-conductor and instrumentation cables shall be identified at pull points as described above: 1) Label armored multiconductor cable using the conduit number as indicated on the Drawings, following the requirements for conduit markers in Sub-Section 10.16130. 2. Provide the following wiring numbering schemes throughout the project for field wires befir✓een Process Control Module, (PCM), Vendor Control Panels, (VCP), Motor Control Centers, (MCC), field starters, field instruments, etc_ {ORIGIN LOC.}-(ORIGIN TERM.)j{OEST. LdC.}-(DEST. 7ERM.) � m Where: (ORIGIN LQC.)-(ORIGIN TERM.) � � {DEST. LOC.)-(DEST. TERM.) ORIGIN LOC. = Designation for originating panel or device ORIGIN TERM. = Terminal designation at originating panel or device DEST_ LOC. = Designation for destination panel or device DEST_ TERM_ = Terminal designation at destination panel or device or PLC I/O address at destination panel a. b. c. � Identify equipment and field instruments as the origin. PCM's are always identified as the destination. Location is the panel designation for VCP, LCP, or PCM. For connections to MCCs, location is the specific starter tag and loop number. Location is the tag and loop number for motor starters, field instruments and equipment_ Any hyphen in the panel designation or tag and loop number shall be omitted. Terminal designation is the actual number on the terminal block where the conductor terminates at field devices and vendor control panels. For multiconductor cables, all terminal numbers shall be shown, separated by commas. � � , ' ' � , , ' , ' ' � ' � ' ' October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16075-2 8235A10 pwll CarollolDocumentslClienUWAlf2enmN8235A 10/Specrficatansl10.16075 � C� � � � � ' � � � ' � , � , ' C� ' , � 3 e. Terminal designations at motor leads shail be the motor manufacturer's standard terminal designation (e.g.T1, T2, T3, etc.).. f. Terminal designations at PCM's where the field conductor connects to field terminal blocks for a PLC input or output shall be the PLC address (Note: the following PLC IIO numbering scheme is typical for Allen- Bradley, the numbering scheme should be modified to match that of the actual PLC manufacturer used for the project): 1) Discrete Point: W:X:Y/Z Analog Point: W:X:Y.Z Where: W= I for input, O for output X= PLC number (1, 2, 3...) Y= Slot number (01, 02, 03...) Z= Terminal number (00,01,02...) for a discrete point or a word number for an analog point (1,2,3...) g. Terminal designations at PCM's where the conductor does not connect to a PLC I/O point shall be the terminal number with a"C" prefix (e.g. C0010). For common power after a fuse or neutrals after a switch, the subsequent points shall have and capital letter suffix starting with "A" (e.g.. C0010A). Case 1: Vendor Control Panel (VCP) to Process Control Module (PCM): Field Wire Number/Label: A-B/C-D A= Vendor Control Panel number without hyphen (VCP60.0101.01) B= Terminal number within VCP (manufacturer's or vendor's standard terminal number) C= Process Cantrol Module number without hyphen (PCM60.0101) D= Either the PLC address if the field terminal is connected directly to a PLC input or output point ar the terminal number with a"C" prefix if not connected directly to a PLC I%O point (C0010) Examples: VCP60.0101.01-10/PCM60.0101-1:1:01/01 VCP60.0101.01-10/PCM60.0101-0:1:10/07 VCP60.0101.01-10/PCM60.0101-00100 4. Case 2: Field Instrument to Process Control Module (PCM): Field Wire Number/Label: E-F/C-D C= Process Control Module number without hyphen (PCM60.0101) D= Either the PLC address if the field terminal is connected directly to a PLC input or output point or the terminal number with a"C" prefix if not connected directly to a PLC 1/O point (C0010) E= Field mounted instrument tag and loop numbers without hyphen (EDV60.0101.01) F= Manufacturer's standard terminal number within instrument. Use both terminal numbers for analog points separated by a comma Examples: TIT60.0101.01-2,3/PCM60.0101-1:1:01.1 TSH60.0101-1 /PCM60.0101-1:2:01/00 5. Case 3: Motor Control Center (MCC) to Process Control Module (PCM): Field Wire Number/Label: G-B/C-D October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16075-3 8235A10 pw:dCarollolDocumentslCtient/WNRenton/8235A 1 �/Specificationsl10.16075 , B= Terminai number within Motor Control Center (manufacturer's or vendor's standard terminal number) C= Process Control Module without hyphen (PCM60.0101) D= Either the PLC address if the field terminal� is connected directty to a PLC input or output poirit or the terminal number with a�C" prefix if not connected directly to a PLC I/O point (C0010) G= Actual starter designation in the Motor Control Center without hyphen (MMS60.0101) Examples: MMS60.0101-10/PCM60.0101-1:1:01/01 M MS60.0101-10/PCM60.0101-0:1:10/07 MMS60.0101-10/PCM60.0101-00100 6. Case 4: Motor Control Center (MCC) to Vendor Control Panel (VCP): Fisld Vl�ire NumbeNLabel: G-B/A-B A= Vendor Control Panel number without hyphen (VCP60.0101.01) B= Terminal number within motor control center or vendor control panel (manufacturer's or vendors standard terminal number) G= Actual starter designation in the Motor Control Center without hyphen (MMS60_0101) Example: MMS60.0101-X2NCP60.0101.01-10 7. Case 5: Motor leads to a Motor Control Center (MCC): Field Wire Number/Label: H-I/G-B B= Terminat number within motor control center (manufacturer's standard terminal number) G= Actual starter designation in the Motor Control Center without hyphen (MMS60.0101) H= Equipment tag and loop number without hyphen (PMP60.0101.01) I= Motor manufacturer's standard motor lead identification (e.g.T1, T2, T3, etc.) Example: PMP-60.0101.01-T3/MMS60.0101.01-T3 8. Case 6: Remote or separately mounted starter or Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) to Process Control Module (PCM)_ Field Wire Number/Label: J-BIC-D B= Terminal number within starter or Variable Frequency Drive (manufacturer's standard terminal number) C= Process Control Module number without hyphen (VCP60.0101.01) D= Either the PLC address if the field terminal is connected directly to a PLC input o� output point or the terminal number with a"C" prefix if not connected directly to a PLC I/O point (C0010) J= Starter or Variable Frequency Drive tag an d loop num ber wit hout hyp hen (MMS60.0101) Examples: MMS60.0101-10/PCM60.0101.01-1:1:01/01 M MS60.0101-10/PCM60.0101.01-0:2:10/07 MMS60.0101-10/PCM60.0101.01-00010 9. Case 7: Field Bus Trunk Segment: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16075-4 8235A10 pw:tl CarolldDocuments/ClienUWA/f2enton/8235A10ISpedficationsl10.16075 � � , � � , e � ' I � ' , ' i , ' � ' � ,� � � Field Cable Number/Label: C/K-UM; C/K-L/H; CiK-UJ C= Process Control Module without hyphen (PCM60.0101). K= Field Bus Cabie Type. L= Field Bus Segment Number M= Field Bus Field Network Component without hyphen (PTB1) or H= Equipment tag and loop number without hyphen (EMV61.1100.01) or J= Starter or Variable Frequency Drive tag and loop number without hyphen (VFD60.0112) Examples: PCM60.0101/PA-1A/PTB1 , PTB1/PA-1 B/PTB2 PCM60.0101 /DN-1 ANFD60.0112 PCM60.0101/DP-2A/ EMV61.1100.01. � � , , , 10. Case 8: Field Bus Spur (Drop): Field Cable Number/Label: E/K-UM E= Field mounted instrument tag and loop numbers without hyphen (FIT62.0110.02) K= Field Bus Cable Type. L= Field Bus Segment Number M= Field Bus Field Network Component without hyphen (PTB1), identify ports on the device. Examples: FIT62.0110_02/PA-1C/PTB1-1 FIT63.0110.01/PA-1 D/PTB1-2 11. Identify all spare conductors as required for other field wires with an "S" prefix: Example: S MMS60.0101-10/PCM60.0101.01-0011 � � ' , � t 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Furnish submittals in accordance with Section 1-05 and Sub-Section10.16050. B. Product Data: 1. Nameplates: a. Color. b. Size: 1) Outside dimensions. 2) Lettering. _ c. Material. d. Mounting means. 2. Nameplate Schedule: a. Show exact wording for each nameplate. b. Include nameplate and letter sizes. 3. Wire Numbers: a. Manufacturer's catalog data for wire labels and label printer. C. Record Documents: � 1. Update the conduit schedule to reflect the exact quantity of wire numbers including spares and destination points for all wires. ' October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16075-5 8235A10 � pw:llCardblDocumentstClienUWA/Renton/8235A101Speaficaeons110.16075 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Schedule a pre-installation conference in accordance with Sub-Section 10.16050 in order to clearly define the requirements specified for equipment identification: 1. Representatives of the CONTRACTOR, OWNER, and ENGINEER shall convene before any major purchases of cable�or conductors and before the installation or termination of any cables or conductors. 1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050_ � 1.08 (NOT USED) 1.09 S (NOT USED) 1.10 NOT USED) 1.11 WARRANTY n o.,f,..- � c� �t,_c�..+•.,n � n � c�n�n �. i�c�c� �'�i vuv vc�.uv� � � v. i v.�v. 1.12 SYSTEM START UP A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 1.13 ' (NOT USED) 1.14 NOT USED) . 1.15 nnn�nrrc��e��r� �NOT USED} PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Nameplates and Signs: 1. One of the following or equal: a. Brady. b. Seton. B. Conductor and Cable Markers: 1. Heat-shrinkable tubing: a. One of the following or equal: 1) Raychem. 2) Brady. 3j Thomas & Betts. 4) Kroy. C. Conduit and Raceway Markers: 1. One of the following or equal: a. Almetek: Almetek type mini-tag. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16075-6 8235A10 pwJ/Carollo/Documents/Cl ienUWA/Renton/8235A101Specifica f ionsl10.16075 � Ib. Lapp Group: Maxi System. 2.02 NOT USED) � 2.03 MATERIALS A. Nameplates: , 1. Fabricated from white-center and red face or black-center, white face laminated plastic engraving stock: a. 3/32-inch thick material. � b. Two-ply. c. With chamfered edges_ d. Block style engraved characters of adequate size to be read easily from a � distance of 6 feet: 1) No characters smaller than 1/8-inch in height. � �� , � �J � � , � j � � r B. Signs: 1. Automatic equipment and high voltage signs: a. Suitable for exterior use. b. In accordance with OSHA regulations. C. Conductor and Cable Markers: 1. Machine printed black characters on white tubing. 2. Ten point type or larger. D. Conduit and Raceway Markers: 1. UV resistant holder and letters. 2. Black letters on yellow background. 3. Minimum 1/2-inch high letters. E. Medium Voltage Circuit Raceway Labels: 1. Vinyl plastic. 2. Minimum 1-inch high letters. 2.04 NOT USED) 2.05 �ni uona�Rrr iN�T USED) 2.06 (NOT USED) 2.07 NOT USED) . 2.08 �€�(NOT USED) 2.09 NOT USEDj 2.10 ���€�(NOT USED) 2.11 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Nameplates: 1_ Provide all nameplates for control panel operator devices (e.g. pushbuttons, selector switches, pilot lights, etc.): October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16075-7 pw:l/CarollolDocumentslClienUWNRenton/8235At 0/Spedficationsl10.16075 8235A10 � a. Same material and same color and appearance as the device nameplates, in order to achieve an aestheticaliy consistent and coordinated system. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 €� NOT USED) 3.02 �p�DARATIfIAI �NOT USED) 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050_ B. Nameplates: 1. Attach nameplates to equipment with rivets, bolts oc sheet metal screws, approved waterproof epoxy-based cement or install in metal holders welded to the equipment. 2_ On NEMA 4, NEMA 4X, or NEMA 7 enclosures, use epoxy-based cement to a�idCi� ►►d111@�7i8��5. 3. Nameplates shall be aligned and level or plumb to within 1/64 inch over the entire length: a. Misaligned or crooked nameplates shall be remounted, or provide new enclosures at the discretion of the ENGINEER. C. Conductor and Cable Markers_ 1. Apply all conductor and cable markers before termination. 2. Heat-shrinkable tubing: a. Tubing shall be shrunk using a heat gun that produces low temperature heated air_ b. Tubing shall be tight on the wire after it has been heated. c. Characters shall face the open panel and shall read from left to right or top to bottom. d. Marker shall start within 1/32 inch of the end of the stripped insulation point_ D. Conduit Markers: 1. Furnish and install conduit markers for every conduit in the electrical system. 2. Mark conduits at the following locations: a. Each end of conduits, that are greater that 10 feet in length. b. Where the conduit penetrates a wall or structure. c. Where the conduit emerges from the ground, slab, etc. d. The middle of conduits that are 10 feet or less in length. 3. Mark conduits after the conduits have been fully painted_ 4. Position conduit markers so that they are easily read from the floor. 5. Secure all conduit markers with nylon cable ties: a. Provide with ultraviolet resistant cable ties for conduit markers exposed to direct sunlight_ b. Adhesive labels are not acceptable. 6. Conduit shall be identified with 0.036 minimum thickness solid brass tags with stamped 3/16-inch minimum height characters. Tags shall be attached to the raceway with Type 316 stain{ess steel wires. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_16075-8 8235A10 pw:lf CarollolDocumentslClienvWA/Rentonl8235A10lSpecifications110.16075 i L `I � `l � � � L_l ' ' CJ � � � _i �J i ' ' r , I 7. Mark conduits before construction review by ENGINEER for punch list purposes. 8. Label intrinsically safe conduits in accordance with the requirements of the � National Electrical Code (NEC). 3.04 � , nT nN� n��� �r�nTin��� rn��cT�� irT�n�i �NOT USED) � 3.05 o�oni�roGcrn�nT�nr.� �NOT USED) 3.06 g�-���cTn� � ATI(lAI �NOT USED) ` 3.07 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL � A. Replace any nameplates, signs, conductor markers, cable markers or raceway labels that in the sole opinion of the ENGINEER do not meet the ENGINFER's aesthetic requirements. � 3.08 (NOT USED) 3.09 �:�€-�4N1l�-(NOT USED) , 3.10 (NOT USED) � 3.11 ��nT�r�-�nn� �NOT USED) 3.12 NOT USED) END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16075-9 8235A10 ' pw:UCarollolDocumentslClientM/NRentoN8235A10/Specificationsl1�.16075 II � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16075-10 8235A10 pwllCarollolDocuments/ClienuWAlRenton18235A10lSpecifica tionsl10.16075 � i 1 1 1 � t �; � 1 1 t l 1 1 C� � � I , � �� SUB-SECTION 10.16123 600 VOLT OR LESS WIRES AND CABLES � PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes requirements for: 1. 600 Volt Class wire and cable. 2_ Instrumentation Class wire and cable. � � � i � � B. Rs!�ted Sect��ns/Sub-Sections: 1_ The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The following Sections /Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub-Section. This list of Related Sections/Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. a. Section 1-05 — Control of Work. b. Sub-Section 10.16Q50 - General Requirements for Electrical Work. c. Sub-Section 10.16075 - Electrical Identification. 1.02 REFERENCES A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. B. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): 1. B 3- Standard Specification for Soft or Annealed Copper Wire. 2. B 8- Specificatian for Concentric-Lay—Stranded Copper Conductors, Hard, Medium-Hard, or Sofi. C. Federal Specification J-C 30A. � � D. Insulated Cable Engineers Association (ICEA): 1. IPCEA S-61-402 for thermoplastic insulated wire and cable for the transmission and distribution of electrical energy. 2. IPCEA S-61-402 for rubber insulated wire and cable for the transmission and distribution of electrical energy. � E_ National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): 1. Article 72 - National Fire Alarm Code. 2. Article 101 - Life Safety Code. � 3. Article 262 - Standard Method of Test for Flame Travel and Smoke of Wires and Cables for Use in Air-Handling Spaces. , October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16123-1 pw://Carollo/DocumentslCfienUWAlRenton18235A10/S pecificaroonsll �.16123 8235A10 F. Telecommunications Industry Association/Electronics Industry Association (TIA/EIA): 1. TS695 - Additional Transmission Performance Guidelines for 4-pair 1 QO W Category 5 Cabling. 2. 568-A - Additional Transmission Performance Specifications for 4-pair 100 W Enhanced Category 5 Cabling. 3_ 568-B.2-1 — Specifications for Category 6 cabling_ G. Underwriter's Laboratories Inc., (UL): 1. 1063 - Standard for Machine-Tool Wires and Cables. 2. 1277 - Standard for Electrical Power and Control Tray Cables with Optional Optical-fiber Members. 3. 1424 - Standard for Cables for Power-Limited Fire-Alarm Circuits. 4. 1581 - Reference Standard for Electrical Wires, Cables, and Flexible Cords. 5. 1569 - Standard for Metal-Clad Cables_ 6. 2196 - Standard for Tests for Fire Resistive Cables. 7. 2225 - Meta{-Clad Cables and Cable-Sealing Fittings For Use in Hazardous (Classified) Locations. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. B. Definitions of terms and other electrical considerations as set forth in the: 1. Insulated Cable Engineering Association (ICEA). 2. American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM). 1.04 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Furnish and install the complete wire and cable system. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Fumish submittals in accordance with Section 1-05 and Sub-Section 10.16050. B. Product Data: 1. Manufacturer of wire and cable. 2. Insulation: a__ Type. b. Voltage class. 3. American Wire Gauge size. 4. Conductor material. 5. Pulling compounds. C. Shop Drawings: 1. Show splice locations. D. Test Reports: 1. Submit test reports for meg-ohm tests. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16123-2 8235A10 pw:l/Carollo/DocumentslCl ienUWAlRentonl8235A10lSpecifira6ons/10.16123 � � � � , � B. All wires and cables shall be UL listed and labeled. 1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 1.08 (NOT USED) 1.09 (NOT USED) 1.10 (NOT USED) 1.11 WARRANTY A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 1.12 SYSTEM START-UP A. Refer to Sub-Section 10_16050. �_�� /1\A)wIC�•c � ICT�11!'`TI(lA1C �;OT i;�EC2j 1.14 NOT USED) 1.15 MAIAITCAlAAI!'G (NOT USED) � PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MAIVUFACTURERS � A. One of the following or equal: 1. 600 Volt class wire and cable: � a. General Cable. b. Okonite Company. c. Southwire Company. � 2. Instrumentation class wire and cable: a_ Alpha Wire Company. b. Belden CDT. c. General Cable BICC Brand. � d. Okonite Company. e. Rockbestos Surprenant Cable Corporation. 2.02 (NOT USEDj 2.03 IVIATERIALS �'. � i A. Conductors: 1. Copper per ASTM B 3. 2. Minimum 97 percent conductivity. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16123-3 8235A10 � pw:llCarollolDocumentslClienUWAlRenton/8235A101SpeaficaUonsl10.16723 � � 2.04 MANUFACTURED UNITS �� A. Generai: 1. Provide new wires and cables manufactured within 1 year of the date of delivery to the site. 2. Permanently mark each wire and.cable with the following at 24 inch intervals_ a. American Wire Gauge (AWG) size. b. Voltage rating. c. lnsulation type. d. UL symbol. e. Month and year of manufacture. f. Manufacturer's name. 3. Identify and mark wire and cable as specified in Section 16075: a. Use integral color insulation for Number 2 AWG and smaller wire. b. Wrap colored tape around cable larger than Number 2 AWG. B. 600 Volt class wire and cable: 1. Provide American Wire Gauge (AWG) or kcmil sizes as indicated on the Drawings: a. When not indicated on the Drawings, size wire as follows: 1) In accordance with the National Electricai �ode: a) Use 75 degres Celsius ampacity ratings. b) Ampacity rating after al� derating factors, equal to or greater than rating of the overcurrent device. 2) Provide Number 12 AWG minimum for power conductors. 3) Provide Number 14 AWG minimum for control conductors. 2. Provide Class B Stranding Per ASTM B 8: a. Provide Class C stranding where extra flexibility is required. 3 4. Insulation: a. XHHW-2. b. 90 degrees Celsius rating in wet or dry locations. Multiconductor cables: a. Number and size of conductors as indicated on the Drawings. b. Individual conductors with XHHW-2 insulation. c: Overall PVC jacket. d_ Tray Cable rated. e. Color-coding for control wire per ICEA Method 1, E-2. f. Ground Conductor: Insulated, green: 1) Sized per NEC. C. Instrumentation class cable: 1. Type TC. 2. Suitable for use in wet focations. 3. Voltage rating: 600 volts. 4. Temperature rating: 90 degrees Celsius wet or dry location_ 5. Conductors: a. Insulation: 1) Flame-retardant PVC, 15 mils nominal thickness, with nylon jacket 4 mils nominal thickness_ b_ Number 16 AWG stranded and tinned. , c. Color code: . 1) Pair: Black and white. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16123-4 8235A10 pw:/1Carol lo/Documents/ClienUVJNRenton18235A t O/Specficationsl10.16123 � � � �I � � � � 11 � � � � � � ,� � � i l i � , � � � � E�] 2) Triad: Black, white and red. 3) Multiple Pairs or Triads: a) Color-coded and numbered_ Drain wire: a. 18 AWG. b. Stranded, tinned. Jacket: a. Flame retardant, moisture and sunlight resistant PVC. b. Ripcord laid longitudinally under jacket to facilitate removal. Shielding: a. Individual pair/triad: 1) Minimum 1.35-mil double-faced aluminum foil/polyester tape overlapped to provide 100 percent coverage. b. Multiple pair or triad shielding: 1) Group Shield: Minimum 1.35-mil double-faced aluminum foil/polyester tape overlapped to provide 100 percent coverage. 2) Completely isolate group shields from each other. 3) Cable Shield: 2.35 mils double-faced aluminum and synthetic polymer backed tape overlapped to provide 100 percent coverage. c. All shielding to be in contact with the drain wire. 2.05 �^� "��^^���T �NOT USED) 2.06 (NOT USED� 2.07 ACCESSORIES A. Wire Ties: 1. One of the following or equal: a. T&B "Ty-Rap" cable ties. b. Panduit cable ties. �� B. Wire Markers: 1. Reference Sub-Section 10.16075. 2.08 AI�€S-(NOT USED} � - 2.09 NOT USED) � 2.10 F�"��,�,-.��-(NOT USED) 2.11 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL � A. Assembly and testing of cable shall comply with the applicable requirement of ICEA Publication No. S-68-516. B_ Test type XHHW-2 in accordance with the requirements of UL 44. � .� October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16123-5 8235A10 ' pwJ/CarollolDocumentslClienUWAlRentonl8235A10lSpecificaqons110.16123 L9 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 FYAl1AlAl/lTl(1w1 �NOT USED} 3.02 D�CDA!?ATI/lAI �NOT USED) 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050 B. Color-Coding: 1. Co{or-coding shall be consistent throughout the facility. 2. The following color code shall be followed for all 240/120 Volt and 208/120 Volt systems: a. Phase A - Black_ b. Phase B - Red_ c. Phase C - Blue. d. Single Phase System - Black for one hot leg, red for the other. e_ Neutral - White_ f. High Phase or Wild Leg - Orange. g. Cquipmeni Ground - Green. 3. The following color code shall be followed for all 480/277 volt systems: a_ Phase A - Brown. b. Phase B - Orange. c. Phase C - Yellow. 4 5. 6. 7. 8. d. Neutral - Gray. . e. Equipment Ground - Green. The following color code shall be followed for all 120 VAC control wiring: a. Power - Red. b. Neutral - White. The following color code shall be followed for all general purpose DC control circuits: a. Grounded conductors — Blue with White stripe. b. Ungrounded conductors - Blue. Switch legs shall be violet. Three-way switch runners shall be pink. Wires in intnnsically safe circuits shall be light blue. Wire colors shall be implemented in the following methods: a. Wires manufactured of the desired color. b. Continuously spiral wrap the first 6 inches of the wire from the termination point with colored tape: 1) Colored tape shall be wrapped to overlap 1/2 of the width of the tape. C. Install conductors only after the conduit installation is complete, and all enclosures have been vacuumed c{ean, and the affected conduits have been swabbed clean and dry: 1. Install wires only in approved raceways. 2. Do not install wire: a. In incomplete conduit runs. � b_ Until after the concrete work and plastering is completed. D. Properly coat wires and cables with pulling compound before pulling into conduits: 1_ For all Number 4 AWG and larger, use an approved wire-pulling lubricant while cable is being installed in conduit: October 26, 2010 - FiNAL 10.16123-6 8235A10 pwllCarollolDocameMslClienUWAlftenton18235A t OlSpecificatioru/10.16123 � ' � � � � � � � L � �. ' 1 � �' � � � � � � � a. Ideal Products. b. Polywater Products. c. 3M Products. d. Greenlee Products. e. Or equal as recommended by cable manufacturer. f. Do not use oil, grease or similar substances. E. Cable Pulling: 1. Prevent mechanical damage to conductors during installation. 2. For cables Number 1 AWG and smaller, install cables by hand. 3. For cables larger than Number 1 AWG, power pulling winches may be �sed if they have cable tension monitoring equipment. 4. Provide documentation that maximum cable pulling tension was no more than 75 percent of the maximum recommended level as published by the cable m�nufa�turpr. If exceeded, ths ENGINEER may, a± his discretion, require replacement of the cable. 5. Ensure cable pulling crews have all calculations and cable pulling limitations while pulling cable. 6. Make splices or add a junction box or pullbox where required to prevent cable pulling tension or sidewall pressure from exceeding 75 percent of manufacturer's recommendation for the specified cable size: a. Make splices in manholes or pull boxes only. b. Leave sufficient slack to make proper connections. F. Use smooth-rolling sheaves and rollers when pulling cable into cable tray to keep pulling tension and bending radius within manufacturer's recommendations. G. Install and terminate all wire in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. H. Neatly arrange and lace conductors in all switchboards, panelboards, pull boxes, and terminal cabinets by means of wire ties: 1. Do not lace wires in gutter or panel channel. 2. Install all wire ties with a flush cutting wire tie installation tool: a. Use a tool with an adjustable tension setting. 3. Do not leave sharp edges on wire ties. I. Terminate solid conductors at equipment terminal screws with the conductor tightly wound around the screw so that it does not protrude beyond the screw head: 1. Wrap the conductor clockwise so that the wire loop is closed as the loop is tightened: 2. Do not use crimp lugs on solid wire. � J. Terminate stranded conductors on equipment box lugs such that all conductor strands are confined within the lug: 1. Use ring type lugs if box lugs are not available on the equipment. LJ .� ' K_ Splices: 1. Provide continuous circuits from origin to termination whenever possible: a. Obtain ENGINEER's approval prior to making any splices. 2. Lighting and receptacle circuit conductors may be spliced without prior approval from the ENGINEER. 3. Where splices are necessary because of extremely long wire or cable lengths that exceed standard manufactured lengths: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16123-7 8235A10 pw://CarollolDocumentsJClien WVNRenton/8235At 0/Speaficationslt 0.16123 l 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. a. Refer to Section 16050 for box NEMA rating requirements. b. Make splices in labeled junction boxes for power conductors. c. Make splices for control and instrument conductors in terminal boxes: 1) Provide terminal boards with setscrew pressure connectors, with spade or ring lug connectors. Power and control conductors routed in common raceways may be spliced in common junction boxes. Clearly label junction and terminal boxes containing splices with the word "SPLICE." � Leave sufficient slack at junction boxes and termination boxes to make proper splices and connections. Do not pull splices into conduits. Install splices with compression type butt spfices and insulate using a heat-shrink sleeve_ a_ In NEMA 4 or NEMA 4X areas, provide heat-shrink sleeves that are listed for submersiblP applications. Splices in below grade pull boxes, in any box subject to flooding, and in wet areas shall be made waterproof using: a) A heat shrink insulating system listed for submersible applications. b) Or an epoxy resin splicing kit. L. Apply wire markers to all wires at each end after being installed in the conduit and before meg-ohm testing and termination. M. Instrumentation class cable: 1. Install instrumentation class cables in separate raceway systems from power cables: 2 a_ Install instrument cable in metallic conduit within non-dedicated manholes or pull boxes_ b. Install cable without splices between instruments or between field devices and instrument enclosures or panels. Do not make intermediate terminations, except in designated terminal boxes as indicated on the Drawings. N. Multi-conductor cable: 1. Where cable is not routed in conduit with� a separate ground conductor, use one conductor in the cable as a ground conductor: a) Use an internal ground conductor, if it is no smaller than as indicated on the Drawings, and meets NEC requirements for equipment ground conductor size. b) Where 2 parallel cables are used, and the internal ground conductor in each cable does not meet NEC requirements for the combined circuit, use 4-conductor cable, with one of the full-sized conductors serving as ground_ O. Armored cable: 2 3 Where 2 parallel cables are used, and the intemal ground conductor in each cable does not meet NEC requirements for the combined circuit, use 4-conductor cable, with 1 of the full-sized conductors serving as ground. The cable armor is not acceptable as a ground conductor_ Where armored cable terminates at a device, switchboard, panel, etc., use armored cable connector. C� � i � � L � LJ � LJ �- October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16123-8 8235A10 pw:/ICarollolDocumentslClienU WAIf2enronB235A 10lSpeaficationsl10.16123 ,' � , � 4. Where armored cable run continues in conduit, strip jacket and armor for portions in conduit, and terminate cable and jacket with an armored cable connector threaded into a coupling or conduit box. � � � � P. Signal cable: 1. Separate and isolate electrical signal cables from sources of electrical noise and power cables by minimum 12 inches. Q_ Submersible cable in wet wells: 1. Provide Kellem's grip or stainless steel wire mesh to support cable weight and avoid stress on insulation. R. Wiring allowances: 1. Equipment locations may vary slightly from the drawings. Include an allowance for necessary conductors and terminations for motorized equipment, electrical outlets, fixtures, communication outlets, instruments, and devices within 10 linear feet of locations indicated on the Drawings. 3.04 , , (NOT USED) ' ., ...- .,�� ,. , ^ � : : :: .:.: �.�� (niv i ti�Euj 3.06 !? ��crn� i nT�n�� iNOT USED) , 3.07 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 3.08 NOT USEDj � 3.09 �'� ��^":��n:o-(NOT USED) � 3.10 n�nnn��c-r�nT�n�� n��n -ron��n�ir� �NOT USED) � 3.11 PROTECTION A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. � � � 1 1 � 3.12 {NOT USED) END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16123-9 8235A10 � pwJlCarollo/DocumentslClienUWAlRenion/8235At0/Specifica�onsll�.t6123 � � � � � � �� II .J October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16123-10 pw:llCarolloJDocuments/ClienUWAlRentonl8235At 0/Specrficationsl10.16123 � 8235A10 � � � � PART1 GENERAL � LJ � 1.01 SUMMARY SUB-SECTION 10.16130 CONDUITS A. Sub-Section includes requirements for: 1. Metallic Conduits: a. Polyvinyl Chloride Coated Steel (PCS). 2. Conduit bodies. 3. Conduit fittings and accessories. 4. Conduit installation. B. Related Sections%Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all_ 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the YJark �� �uuc�ri�racic�rs, suppiiers, ana oiner inciiviauais or entities performing or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The following Sections/Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub-Section. This list of Related SectionslSub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. a. Section 1-05 — Control of Work. b. Sub-Section 10.16050 - General Requirements for Electrical Work. c. Sub-Section 10.16052 - Hazardous Classified Area Construction. d. Sub-Section 10.16075 - Electrical Identification. 1.02 REFERENCES A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. B. American National Standards Institute (ANSI): 1. C80.1 - Rigid Steel Conduit - Zinc Coated. 2. C80.3 - Steel Electrical Metallic Tubing. 3. C80.5 - Electrical Rigid Aluminum Conduit. 4. C80.6 - Electrical Intermediate Metal Conduit. � LJ � C. National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA): 1. RN-1 - Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Extemally Coated Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit and Intermediate Steel Conduit. 2. TC2 - Electrical Plastic Tubing and Conduit. 3. TC3 - PVC Fittings for Use with Rigid PVC Conduit and Tubing. 4. TC13 - Electrical Nonmetallic Tubing. 5. TC14 - Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Conduit (RTRC) and Fittings. D. Underwriters Laboratories (UL): 1. 1- Standard for Safety for Flexibte Metal Conduit. 2. 6- Standard for Safetjr for Rigid Metal Conduit. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16130-1 8235A10 ' pwllCarollolDocument�CtienUWAlF2enton/8235A101Specificalions110.16130 � 3. 6A - Standard for Electrical Rigid Metal Conduit - Aluminum, Bronze and Stainless Steel. 4. 360 - Standard for Safety for Liquid-Tight Flexible Steel Conduit. 5. 651 - Standard for Safety for Schedule 40 and 80 Rigid PVC Conduit. 6. 797 - Standard for Safety for Electrical Metatlic Tubing. 7_ 1242 - Standard for Safety for Intermediate Metal Conduit. 8. 1660 - Standard for Safety for Liquid-Tight Flexible Nonmetallic Conduit. 9_ 1653 - Standard for Safety for Electrical Nonmetallic Tubing. 10. 1684 - Standard for Safety for Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Conduit (RTRC) and Fittings. 11. 94V0 - Standard for Vertical Flame Test. 7.03 DEFINITIONS A_ Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. B_ Specific definitions and abbreviations: 1_ Conduit Bodies: A separate portion of a conduit system that provides access through a removable cover to the interior of the system at a junction of 2 or more conduit sections. Includes, but not limited to: shapes C, E, LB, T, X, etc. 2. Conduit Fitting: An accessory that serves primarily a mechanical purpose_ Includes, but not limited to: bushings, locknuts, hubs, couplings, reducers, etc. 3. GRC: Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit. 4. PCS: PVC Coated Rigid Steel Conduit. 5. PCA: PVC Coated Rigid Atuminum Conduit. 6. IMC: Intermediate Metallic Conduit. 7. EMT: Electrical Metallic Tubing. 8. PVC: Polyvinyl Chloride Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit. 9.� SLT: Sealtight — Liquid-Tight Flexible Conduit. 10. FLX: Flexiuie iv�eta���� ��� �d���. 11. NFC: Nonmetallic Flexible Conduit. 12. ENT: Electrical Nonmetallic Tubing. 13. RAC: Rigid Aluminum Conduit. 14. FRD: Fiberglass Reinforced Duct. 15. NPT: National Pipe Thread. 1.04 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Provide conduits, conduit bodies, fittings, junction boxes and all necessary components, whether or not indicated on the Drawings, as required, to install a complete electncal raceway system. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Fumish submittals in accordance with Section1-05 and Sub-Section 10.16050. B. Product Data: 1. Fumish complete manufacturer's catalog sheets for every type and size of canduit, fitting, conduit body, and accessories to be used on the project. 2: Fumish complete manufacturer's recommended special tools to be used for installation if required. C_ Certifications: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16130-2 8235A10 pwJ/CarolldDouunentslClienUWAlf2entnrJ8235At OlSpecficafionsf 10.16130 � i � � �� LJ i � � � i: ! �. � � � � 1. Furnish PVC coated conduit manufacturer's certification for each installer. D. Record Documents: 1. Incorporate all changes in conduit routing on electricat plan Drawings. 2. Dimension underground and concealed conduits from building lines. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. B_ All conduits, conduit bodies, and fittings shall be UL listed and labeled. C. Every installer of PVC coated Aluminum (PCA) or Rigid Steel (PCS) conduits shall be certified by the manufacturer for installation of the conduit. 1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050_ B. Do not store conduit in direct contact with the ground. 1.08 PROJECT OR SITE CONDITIONS A. Referto Sub-Section 10_16050. 1.09 SEQUENCING A. Before installing any conduit or locating any device box: 1. Examine the complete set of Drawings and Specifications, and all applicable shop drawings. � 2. Verify all dimensions and space requirements and make any minor . adjustments to the conduit system as required to avoid conflicts with the building structure, other equipment, or the work of other trades. 1.10 NOT USED) 1.11 VIIARRANTY A. Refer ta Sub-Section 10.16050. 1.12 SYSTEM START-UP A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 1.13 ' (NOT USED) 1.14 NOT USED) 1.15 nnn���T���n�ir� �NOT USED) October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16130-3 pwllCarollolDocumentslClienUWA/Renton18235A t O/SpecificaUons110.16130 8235A10 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.Q1 MANUFACTURERS A. Polyvinyl chloride-coated rigid steel conduit (PCS): 1. One of the following or equal: a_ Robroy Industries. b_ OCAL, Inc. c. Perma Kote. B. Conduit bodies: 1. One of the following or equal: a. Crouse-Hinds. b. Appleton. c. O-Z/Gedney. d. Ocal. e. Robroy. f. Carlon. C. Conduit seals_ 1_ une of ine ioiiowing or equai: a. Appleton. b. Crouse-Hinds_ c. O-Z/Gedney. D. Conduit mounting strut: 1. As specified in Section 16070. E. Conduit through wall and floor seals: 1. The following or equal: a. O-Z/Gedney, Type "WSK." 2.02 NOT USED) 2.03 nnn-r�o�ni c �NOT USEDj 2.04 NOT USED) 2.05 �n� nonn�r,ir �NOT USED) 2.06 COMPONENTS A. PVC coated steel conduit and conduit bodies (PCS): 1. The steel conduit, before PVC coating, shall be new, unused, hot-dip galvanized material, conforming to the requirements for type GRC. 2. Coated conduit conforms to NEMA Standard RN-1: a. The galvanized coating may not be disturbed or reduced in thickness during the cleaning and preparatory process. 3. Factory Bonded PVC Jacket: a. The exterior galvanized surfaces shall be coated with primer before PVC coating to ensure a bond between the zinc substrate and the PVC coating. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16130-4 pw:/1CarollolOocumentyClienUWA(f2entonl8235A10f Speafirations(10.16130 8235A10 �� � � � b. Nominal thickness of the exterior PVC coating shall be 0.040 inch except where part configuration or application of the piece dictate otherwise. c. PVC coating on conduit and associated fittings shall have no sags, blisters, lumps, or other surface defects and free of holes and holidays. d. The PVC adhesive bond on conduit and fittings shall be greater than the tensile strength of the PVC plastic coating: 1) Confirm bond with certified test results. A urethane coating shall be uniformly and consistently applied to the interior of all conduit and fittings: a. Nominal thickness of 0.002 inch. b. Conduit having areas with thin or no coating are not acceptable. c. All threads shall be coated with urethane_ The PVC exterior and urethane interior coatings applied to the conduit shall afford sufficient flexibility to permit field bending without cracking or flaking at temperature above 30 degrees Fahrenheit (-1 degree Celsius). PCS conduit bodies and fittings: a. Malleable iron_ b. The conduit body, before PVC coating, shall be new, unused material and shall conform to appropriate UL standards. c. The PVC Coating on the outside of conduit bodies shall be 0.040 inches thick and have a series of longitudinal ribs to protect the coating from tool damage during installation. d. 0.002 inch interior urethane coating. e_ Utilize the PVC coating as an integral part of the gasket design. f. Stainless steel cover screws heads shall be encapsulated with plastic to assure corrosion protection. g. A PVC sleeve extending 1 conduit diameter or 2 inches, whichever is less, shall be formed at each female conduit opening_ 1} The inside diameter of the sleeve shall be the same as the outside diameter of the conduit to be used. 2) The sleeve shall provide a vapor and moisture tight seal at every connection. 5 � � j. � � �� 1, � � , B. Conduit bodies: 1. Material consistent with conduit type: a. Malleable iron bodies and covers when used with type GRC conduit. b. Cast aluminum bodies and covers when used with type RAC. c_ PVC bodies and covers when used with type PVC. d_ PVC coated malleable iron bodies and.covers when used with type PCS. e. PVC coated copper-free cast aluminum bodies and covers when used with type PCA. f. Malleable iron or aluminum bodies with pressed steel or aluminum covers when used with EMT conduit. 2. Conduit.bodies to conform to Form 8, Mark 9, or Mogul Design: a. �Mogul design conforming to NEC requirements for bending space for large conductors for conduit trade sizes of 1 inch and larger with conductors #4 AWG and larger, or where required for wire bending space. 3. Gasketed covers attached to bodies with stainless steel screws secured to threaded holes in conduit body. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16130-5 8235A10 � pw:llCaro11o1DocumentslCfientlWfVRentonl8235A10/Speafications110.16130 2.07 ACCESSORIES A. Connectors and fittings: 1. Manufactured with compatible materials to the corresponding conduit. B. Insulated throat metailic bushings: 1. Construction: a. Malleable i�on or zinc plated steel when used with steel conduit. b. Aluminum when used with aluminum conduit. c. Positive metallic conduit end stop. d. Integrally molded non-combustible phenolic insulated surfaces rated 150 degrees Celsius. e. Use fully insulated bushings on nonmetallic conduit system made of high impact 150 degrees Celsius rated non-combustible thermosetting �henolic. C. Insutated grounding bushings: 1. Construction: a. Malleable iron or steel, zinc plated, with a positive metallic end stop. b_ Integrally molded non-combustible phenolic insulated surFaces rated 15c� degrees Celsius. c. Tin plated copper grounding saddle for use with copper or aluminum conductors. D. Electrical unions (Erickson Couplings): 1. Construction: a. Malleable iron for use with steel conduit. b. Concrete tight, 3-piece construction. c. Rated for Class I Division 1 Group D in hazardous areas_ E. Sealtight - liquid-tight flexible conduit (SLT) fittings: 1. Construction: � a. Malleable iron. b. Furnished with locknut and sealing ring. c. Liquid-tight, rain-tight, oil-tight. d. Insulated throat_ e. Furnish as straight, 45 degree elbows and 90 degree elbows. f. Designed to prevent sleeving: 1) Verify complete bonding of the raceway jacket to the plastic gasket seal. g. Equipped with grounding device to provide ground continuity irrespective of r.aceway core construction. Grounding device if inserted into raceway and directly in contact with conductors shall have rolled over edges for sizes under 5 inches_ h. Where terminated into a threadless opening using a threaded hub fitting, a suitable moisture resistant/oil resistant synthetic rubber gasket shall be provided between the outside of the box or enclosure and the fitting shoulder_ Gasket shall be adequately protected by and permanently bonded to a metallic retainer. Corrosion resistant and outdoor sealtight - liquid-tight flexibte conduit (SLT) fittings: a. Construction: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16130-6 8235A10 pwllCarollo/Documents/ClienUWAlRenton18235A101Specifica6onslt 0.16730 �. � �' � � ,� � � ,� � � ,� � , 1) PVC coated liquid-tight fittings with a bonded 0.040 inch thick PVC coating on the metal connector to form a seal around the SLT conduit. 2) Connectors shall have an insulated throat and an integral sealing ring. F. Hubs for threaded attachment of steel conduit to sheet metal enclosures: 1. Construction: a. Shall have an insulated throat. b. When used in corrosive areas shall be PVC coated. c. Bonding locknut. d. Recessed neoprene O-ring to assure watertight and dust tight connector. e. One half-inch through 1-1/4-inch steel zinc electroplated. f. One and one half-inch through 6-inch malleable iron zinc plated. g. Aluminum with aluminum conduit. 2. Usage: a. All conduits in damp, wet, outdaor, and corrosive areas shall use threaded hubs for connections to sheet metal enclosures. G_ Sealing Fittings: 1. �onsiruction: a. 40 percent wire fill capacity. ' b. PVC coated when used in corrosive areas. c. Malleable ductile iron with steel conduit_ d. Aluminum with aluminum conduit. e. Crouse-Hinds Type EYD where drains are required. f. Crouse-Hinds Type EYS where drains are not required. g. UL listed for use in Class 1, Division 1, Groups A, B, C, D; Class 1, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D; Class 2, Divisions 1 and 2; Groups E, F, and G. H. Through Wall and Floor Seals: 1. Matenals: a. Body - casting of malleable or ductile iron with a hot dip galvanized finish. b. Grommet - neoprene. c. Pressure rings - PVC coated steel. . d. Disc material - PVC coated steel. Expansion/deflection couplings: 1. Use to compensate for movement in any directions between 2 conduit ends that they connect. 2. Shall allow movement of 3/4-inch from the normal in all directions. 3: Shall allow angular movement for a deflection of 30 degrees from normal in any direction. 4. Constructed to maintain electrical continuity of the conduit system. 5. Materials: a. End couplings — Bronze or galvanized ductile iron. b: Sleeve - Neoprene. c. Bands - Stainless Steel_ d. Bonding Jumper - Tinned copper braid. 6. These fittings shall be constructed in such a manner that will provide the continuity of the ground path in each conduit or raceway. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_16130-7 pw:!/CarollolDoc�mentslClienUWAlRenton/8235A1 �/Specificalionsl10.16130 8235A10 J. Expansion couplings: 1. Shali allow for expansion and contraction of conduit: a. Permitting 8-inch movement, 4 inches in either direction. 2. Constructed to maintain electrical continuity of the conduit system. 3. Materials: a. Head - Malleable or ductile iron. b. Sleeve - Steel. c_ Insulating Bushing - Phenolic. d. Finish - Hot dip galvanized. e. Aluminum when used with conduit type RAC. 4. These fittings shall be constructed in such a manner that will provide the continuity of the ground path in each conduit or raceway. K. Conduit markers: 1_ In accordance with Sub-Section 10.16075. 2.08 A�€�-(NOT USED) 2.09 NOT USED) 2.'I d ���iii�rrry R—�(IVU 1 11StU� 2.11 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 €� NOT USED) 3.02 D�CDA�ATI(lAI �NOT USED) 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. B. General: 1. Conduit routing: a. The Electrical Drawings are diagrammatic in nature: 1) Install conduit runs in accordance with schematic representation indicated on the Drawings and as specified. 2) Modify conduit runs to suit field conditions, as accepted by the ENGINEER: a) Make changes in conduit locations that are consistent with the design intent but are dimensionally different, or routing to bypass obstructions. b) Make changes in conduit rauting due to the relocation of equipment. 3) The Electrical Drawings do not indicate all required junction boxes and pull boxes: a) Provide junction boxes and pull boxes to facilitate wire pulling as required: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16130-8 8235A10 pw:!/Carollol�ocumentslClienUWA/Rentonl8235A10lSpeaficationslt 0.16730 � � �J � � � � ! �� � ;� �, � .1 � �J 2. 3 � 5 � 7 �7 a � (1) To meet cable manufacturer's pulling tension requirements. (2) To limit total conduit bends between pull locations. b) Install junction boxes and pull boxes at locations acceptable to the ENGINEER. b. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for any deviations in general location, conduit size, routing, or changes to the conduit schedule without the express written approval or direction by the ENGINEER: 1) The ENGINEER is the sole source in determining whether the change is constituted as a deviation: 2) Perform any changes resulting in additional conduits, or extra work from such deviations. 3) Incorporate any deviations on the Record Documents. Use only tools recommended by the conduit manufacturer for assembling conduit system_ Provide adequate clearances from high-temperature surfaces for all conduit runs. Provide minimum clearances as follows: a. Clearances of 6 inches from surfaces 113 degrees Fahrenheit to 149 degrees Fahrenheit. b. Clearances of 12 inches from surfaces greater than 149 degrees Fahrenheit. c. Keep conduit at least 6 inches from the coverings on hot water and steam pipes, 18 inches from the coverings on flues and breechings and 12 inches from fuel lines and gas lines. d. Where it is necessary to route conduit c(ose to high-temperature surfaces, provide a high-reflectance thermal barrier between the conduit and the surface. Support conduit runs directly from the structure or other system supports: a. Do not suspend conduits from piping or ducts. Support conduit runs on water-bearing walls a minimum of 7/8-inch away from wall on an accepted preformed channel: a. Do not run conduit within water-bearing walls unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. Do not install 1 inch or larger conduits in or through structural members unless approved by the ENGINEER. Run conduit exposed to view parallel with or at right angles to structural members, walls, or lines of the building: a. Install straight and true conduit runs with uniform and symmetrical elbows, offsets, and bends. b. Make changes in direction with long radius bends or with conduit bodies. Install conduit with total conduit bends between pull locations less than or equal to 270 degrees. Route all exposed conduit to preserve headroom, access space and work space and to prevent tripping hazards and clearance problems: a. Install conduit runs so that runs do not interfere with proper and safe aperation of equipment and do not block or interFere with ingress or egress, including equipment removal hatches. b. Route conduit to avoid drains or other gravity lines. Where conflicts occur, relocate conduit as required. When installing conduit through existing slabs or walls make provisions for locating any possible conflicting items where conduit is to penetrate. Use tone signal or X-ray methods to make certain that no penetrations will be made into existing conduit, piping, cables, post-tensioning cables etc. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16130-9 8235A10 � pw:pCarollol0ocumentslClienUWNRenton18235A101Specifications110.16130 11. Plug conduits brought into pull boxes, manholes, handholes, and other openings until used to prevent entrance of moisture. 12. Install conduit through wall and floor seals where iniiicated on the Drawings. 13. For existing and new 2 inch and larger conduit runs, snake conduits with conduit cleaner equipped-with a cylindrical mandrel of a diameter not less than 85 percent of nominal diameter of conduit: a. Remove and replace conduits through which mandrel will not pass. 14. Provide all sleeves and openings required for the passage of electrical raceways or cables even when these openings or sleeves are not specifically shown on the Drawings_ 15. Install complete conduit systems before conductors are installed. 16. Provide metallic conduits terminating in transformer, switchgear, motor control center or other equipment conduit windows with grounding bushings and ground with, a minimum No. 6 AWG ground wire. 17. Undergro�:nd and smbpdded conduits: a. Install underground conduits, including conduit runs below slabs-on-grade in concrete reinforced duct bank constnaction: 1) RefertoSub-Section 10_16133. b. Make underground conduit size transitions at pullboxes and manholes. c. Install spare conduits in underground duct banks towards top center of runs to allow for ease of installation of future cables as conduits enter underground manholes and pullboxes. C. Lighting and Receptacle Conduits: 1_ Install conduit runs for lighting and receptacle circuits, whether or not indicated on the Drawings: a. Minimum conduit size: 1) 3/4 inch for exposed conduits. 2) 1 inch for underground or in slab conduits. 2. Provide conduit materials for the installed location as specified in Sub- Section 10.16050. D. Hazardous Areas: 1. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050 for Hazardous Areas and specific Class and Division. 2. Refer to Sub-Section 10_16052 for Hazardous Area Conduit installation requirements. E. Conduit usage: 1. Exposed conduits: a. Rigid conduit: 1) Install the rigid conduit type for each location as specified in Sub- Section 10.16050_ 2) Minimum Size: 3/4-inch. b. Flexible conduit: 1) Use flexible conduit for final connections between rigid conduit and motors, vibrating equipment, instruments, control equipment or where required for equipment servicing: a) Use type SLT with rigid metallic conduit. b) Use type NFC with PVC conduit. 2) Minimum size: 3/4-inch: a) 1/2 when required for connection to instruments_ October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16130-10 8235A10 pw:llCarollolDocuments/ClientlWAlf2entonl8235At OlSpecficationsl10.16130 i u � � � � u � u � , � � � � f) � 3) Maximum length: Conduit Trade size 1/2 3/4 1-1/4 1-1l2 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 2 3. Flexible Conduit Le � � � � � m m m � .� Direct buried conduits: a. Type PCS. � b. Minimum size: 1-inch. PVC coated rigid metallic conduit (PCS): a. Use specifically manufactured or machined threading dies to manufacturer's specifications to accommodate the PVC jacket. m F. Conduit joints and bends: 1. General: a. Where conduit is underground, under slabs on grade, exposed to the weather or in NEMA 4 or NEMA 4X locations, make joints tiquid-tight. b. Keep bends and offsets in conduit runs to an absolute minimum. c. All bends shall be symmetrical. d. The following conduit systems shall use large radius sweep elbows: 1) Underground conduits. 2) Conduits containing medium voltage cables. 3) Conduits containing shielded cables. 4) Conduits containing fiber optic cables. e. Provide large radius factory-made bends for 1-1/4-inch trade size or larger_ f. Make field bends with a radius of not less than the requirements found in the NEC: 1) The minimum bending radius of the cable must be less than the radius of the conduit bend. 2) Make all field bends with power bending equipment or manual benders specifically intended for the purpose: a) Make bends so that the conduit is not damaged and the internal diameter is not effectively reduced. b) For the serving utilities, make bends to meet their requirements. g. Replace all deformed, flattened, or kinked conduit. 2. Threaded conduit: a. Cut threads on rigid metallic conduit with a standard conduit cutting die that prov�des a 3/4-inch per foot taper and to a lengtti such that all bare metal exposed by the threading operation is completely covered by the couplings or fittings used_ In addition, cut the lengths of the thread such that all joints become secure and wrench tight just preceding the point where the conduit ends would butt together in couplirigs or where conduit ends would butt into the ends or shoulders of other fittings. b. Thoroughly ream conduit after threads have been cut to remove burrs. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16130-11 8235A10 � pwllCarollo/Documents/ClienWVA/Renton/8235A10ISpecificabons110.16130 � G c. Use bushings or conduit fittings at conduit terminations. d. On exposed conduits, repair scratches and other defects with galvanizing repair stick, Enterprise Galvanizing "Galvabar" or CRC "Zinc It." e_ Coat conduit threads with an approved electrically conductive sealant and corrosion inhibitor that is not harmful to the conductor insulation: 1) Apply to the male threads and tighten joints securely. 2) Clean excess sealant from exposed threads after assembly. f_ Securely tighten all threaded connections. g. Any exposed threaded surface must be cleaned and coated with a galvanizing solufion so that all exposed surfaces have a galvanized protective coating. 3., Nonmetallic (PVC): a. Use approved solvent-weld cement specifically manufactured for the purpase. Spray type cement is not allowed_ b. Apply he�t for bends so that conduit does not distort or discolor. Use a spring mandrel as required to assure full inside diameter at all bends: 1) Utilize a heater specifically for PVC conduit as recommended by the conduit manufacturer. Conduit sealing and drainage: 1. Conduit drainage and sealing other than required for hazardous and classified , � �� � � ' areas: a. Provide sealing and drainage in vertical drops of long (in excess of 20 feet), exterior, above grade conduit runs at the points at which the conduit enter buildings, switchgear, control panels, lighting panelboards, and other similar enclosures_ b. Provide seal fittings with drains in vertical drops directly above grade for exterior, above grade conduit runs that are extended below grade. c. Provide conduit seals with drains in areas of high humidity and rapidly changing temperatures: 1) Where portions of an interior raceway pass through walls, ceilings or flaors that separate adjacent areas having widely different temperatures. d. Provide conduit seals similar to O/Z Gedney (Type CSB series) on all conduits between corrosive and non-corrosive areas. e. Seal one end only of all underground conduits at highest point with O/Z Gedney sealing (non-hazardous) filling, or equal. 2. Install seals with drains at all control panels, junction boxes, pullboxes, low points of conduit, or any place where moisture may condense and accumulate: a. Provide Crouse-Hinds Type EYD or approved equal, where drains are required. b. Provide Crouse-Hinds Type EYS or approved equal, where drains are not required. H. Conduit supports: 1. General: a. Provide appropnate hangers, supports, fasteners, and seismic restraints to suit applications: 1) Provide support materials consistent with the type of conduit being installed as specified in Sub-Section 10.16050. b. Support conduit at the intervals required by the National Electrical Code. � LJ � ' � � � � � � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16130-12 8235A10 pw:ll Carollo/Documents/ClientlVYAlf2enton18235A101Specifica tions/10.16130 , c. Perforated strap and plumbers tape are not acceptable for conduit supports. 2_ Above suspended ceilings: a. Support conduit on or from the structure, do not support conduit from hanging wires or suspended ceiling grid. 3. Concealed conduit on wood: a. Use 2-hole galvanized steel straps screwed or nailed to the wood or hammer-driven stamped galvanized type supports having serrated or sawtooth edges on the driven portion and designed specifically for the size and type of conduit being supported. Drive these latter supports so that the conduit is tightly and rigidly supported. Replace any dented or damaged conduit. 4. In steel stud construction: a. Tie conduit at maximum 4-foot intervals with No_ 16 gauge double annealed galvanized wire or conduit clips so that conduit cannot move from vibration or other causes. 5. Conduit on concrete or masonry: a. Use 1-hole malleable iron straps with metallic or plastic expansion anchors and screws or support from preset inserts. b. Use preset inserts in concrete when possible. c. iise pipe spacers (ciamp backs j in wei iocaiions_ d. On plaster or stucco, use 1-hole malleable iron straps with toggle bolts. 6. Conduit on metal decking: a. Use 1-hole malleable iron straps with 1-inch long cadmium-plated Type A panhead sheet metal screws. Fully or partially hammer-driven screws are not acceptable. 7_ Suspended conduit: a. Use malleable iron factory-made split-hinged pipe rings with threaded suspension rods sized for the weight to be carried (minimum 3/8-inch diameter), KindorF, or equal. b. For grouped conduits, construct racks with threaded rods and tiered angle iron or preformed channel cross members. Clamp each conduit individually to a cross member. Where rods are more than 2 feet long, provide rigid sway bracing. 8. Supports at structural steel members: a. Use beam clamps. b. Drilling or welding may be used only as indicated or with approval of the ENGINEER. 9. PVC coated rigid conduit (PCS) systems: a_ Provide right angle beam clamps and U bolts specially formed and sized to snugly fit the outside diameter of the coated conduit. Provide "U" bolts with PVC encapsulated nuts that cover the exposed portions of the threads. b. Securely fasten exposed conduits with Type 316 stainless steel clamps or straps. Expansion or expansion/deflection fittings: 1. General= a. Align expansion coupling with the conduit run to prevent binding. b. Follow manufacturer's instructions to set the piston opening. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16130-13 8235A10 � pwl/Carollo/Documents�ClienUWAlf2enton18235At0/Speaficationsl10.16130 E 3. c. Install expansion fittings across concrete expansion joints and at other locations where necessary to compensate for thermal or mechanicai expansion and contraction. d. Furnish fittings of the same material as the conduit system. For metallic conduit (PCS, PCA, GRC and RAC) provide expansion or expansion/deflection couplings, as appropriate, where: a. Install expansion fittings a minimum of every 200 feet in straight conduit runs. For PVC provide expansion or expansion/deflection couplings, as appropriate, where length change due to temperature variation exceeds 2 inches: a. Rigidly fix the outer barrel of the expansion coupling so it cannot move_ b. Mount the conduit connected to the piston loosely enough to allow the conduit to move as the temperature changes. J. Empty conduits: 1. Provide a polyethylene rope rated 250 pounds tensile strength in each empty conduit more than 10 feet in length. 2. Seal ends of all conduit with approved, manufactured conduit seals, caps or plugs immediately after installation: a. Keep ends sealed until immediately before pulling conductors. K. Miscellaneous: 1. Provide flashings and counter flashings or pitch pockets for waterproofing of raceways, outlets, fittings, and other items that penetrate the roof. 2. Provide electrical unions at all points of union between ends of rigid conduit systems that cannot otherwise be coupled: a. Running threads and threadless couplings are not allowed. 3. Replace any conduit installed that the ENGINEER determines does not meet the requirements of this Specification. � • . . • . • • . • • s � � 3.05 p��n�or�GCTnvnT�n�i �NOT USED) 3.06 �� ���eTn� � nT�n�� �NOT USED) 3.07 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 3.08 3.09 A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. �Bd�S�1�6-(NOT USED) �:���NIA�-(NOT USED) 3.10 (NOT USED) 3.11 PROTECTION A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 3.12 (NOT USED) END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16130-14 8235A10 pwl/CarollolDoc�nnents/ClienUWAlRenton/8235A 10(Specfications/10.16130 � � ' ' SUB�ECTION 10.16134 BOXES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY ' A. Sub-Section includes requirements for: 1. Device boxes. 2. Raceway system boxes_ U ' ' � , � � ��� ' ' � ' B. Related Sections/Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if cal�ed for by all. 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. I IIC IVIIVVVIIIt3. SGVUVIIJlJIIU-JG�I.�lIV11J QIC ICIQICU ll� IIIC VV�UIR �CJI.I IUC� 111 LIIIJ Sub-Section. This list of Related Sections/Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. a. Section 1-05 — Control of Work. b. Sub-Section 10.16050 - General Requirements for Electrical Work. 1.02 REFERENCES A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. B. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA}: 1. FB1 — Fittings, Cast Metal Boxes, and Conduit Bodies for Conduit and Cable Assemblies_ 2. OS1 — Sheet-Steel Outlet Boxes, Device Boxes, Covers, and Box Supports. 3. OS2 — Nonmetallic Out(et Boxes, Device Boxes, Covers, and Box Supports. 4. 250 — Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1,000 Volts Maximum). C. � Underwriters Laboratory: 1. UL Standard 498 and 514. Federal Specification No. W-C-586B. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. B. Specific Definitions: 1. Arcing Parts: Circuit breakers, motor controllers, switches, fuses, or any device intended to interrupt current during its operation. 2. Raceway System Boxes: Boxes that are used for wire and cable pullboxes, conduit junction boxes, or terminal boxes. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16134-1 8235A10 epw:llCarollolDocument�IClienUWArRenton18235At0/Speafications110.16134 . 1.04 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Provide outlet boxes for devices such as switches, receptacles, telephone and . computer jacks, security systems, junction and puliboxes for use in the raceway systems, etc. B. Provide boxes and conduit bodies as indicated on the Drawings or as needed to complete the raceway installation. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Furnish submittals in accordance with Section 1-05 and Sub-Section 10_16050. B. Product Data: 1. Manufacturer. 2. Materials. 3_ Dimensions: a. Height. b. Width. c. Depth. �i. `�ir'ciyii. e. NEMA Rating_ 4_ Conduit entry locations. 5_ Catatog cut sheets. 6_ Installation instructions. C. Shop Drawings: 1. Include identification and sizes of pull boxes. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. B: Regulatory Requirements: 1. Outlet boxes shall comply with all applicable standards of: a. National Electrical Code. b. National Electrical Manufacturers Association. c. Underwriters Laboratories. d. Joint Industry Conference. 1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 1.08 PROJECT OR SITE CONDITIONS A_ Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 1.09 SEQUENCING A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16134-2 8235A10 pwJlCarollo/DocumenlsllGientlWAlftenton/8235A 101Speafications/ 10.16134 1.10 NOT USEDj 1:11 WARRANTY A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 1.12 SYSTEM START UP A. Refer to Sub-Section 10_16050_ 1.13 ' (NOT USED) 1.14 NOT USED) 1.15 ��AIAITGA1/1A1(`C (NOT USED) PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. One of the following or equal: 1. Pressed steel boxes: a. Steel City. b. Appleton. c. Crouse - Hinds. d. Thomas & Betts. 2. Plastic and/or fiberglass boxes: a. Hoffman. b. Carlon. c. Stahlin. 3. Plastic coated steel boxes: a. Rob Roy. b_ OCAL. 4. Cast device boxes: a. Appfeton. b. Crouse - Hinds. c. OZ/Gedney. 5. Floor outlet boxes with 1 inch conduit knockouts: a. Steel City, 640 Series. b. Hubbell Type 625 with S2530 coverplate. 6. Floor outlet boxes in open areas: a. Hubbell SC-3098 with plate SS-309-D for power_ b. Hubbell SC-3098 with plate SS-309-T for telephone. 7. In-use w�eatherproof non-metallic GFI outlet box and cover: a. Carlon. b. Tay-Mac. 8. Formed steel enclosures: a. Hoffman. b. Thomas and Betts. c. Stahlin. d. Rittal. 9. Stainless steel enclosures: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16134-3 8235A10 pwl/CarollolDocumentsl/ClienUWA(Renton/8235At Of Specificationsl10.16134 , a. Hoffman. b. Stahlin. c. Rittai. 10. Pressed steel boxes and concrete boxes: a. Appleton. b_ Steel City_ c. CoopeNCrouse Hinds. d. OZ Gedney. 2.02 NOT USED) 2.03 �QT�p��� � �NOT USED) 2.04 MANUFACTURED UNITS A. Pressed Steel Boxes: 1. One-piece gaivanized pressed steel_ 2. Knockout type boxes. 3. Minimum size 4-inch square by 2-1/8-inch deep_ B. i�u� ��rete 6GXES: ' 1. For outlets and pull boxes in concrete construction. 2. Pressed steel or cast construction, concrete tight. 3. Knockout size range 1/2-inch to 1-inch. 4. Depth as needed. 5_ Types: a. Four-inch octagon. b_ Four-inch octagon ceiling boxes with hanging bars. c. Gangable Masonry Boxes: 1) 3-1/2 inch deep, 3-314 inch high, length as required: a) 2-1/2 inch deep boxes may be used where wall thickness precludes the use of the deeper boxes. 2} With partitions as needed. C. Threaded-Hub Boxes: 1. Construction: a. With internal green ground screw. , b. Fumished with a suitable gasketed cover. c. With integral cast mounting lugs when surface mounted. d. Conduit size range from 3/4 inch to 1 inch. e. Tapered threaded hubs with integral bushing. 2. Aluminum (copper free) boxes: a_ High strength copper free 4/10 of 1 percent maximum alloy for use with aluminum rigid conduit. 3. Malleable iron boxes: a. Conforming to ASTM A47-77 Grade 32510. D. Plastic Coated Threaded-Hub Boxes: 1. Construction: a. With internal green ground screw. b. Fumished with a suitable gasketed cover. c. With integral cast mounting lugs when surface mounted. d_ Conduit size range from 3/4-inch to 1-inch. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16134-4 8235A10 pw:/lCarol�olDocuments//Client/ WNRentonl8235A10lSpedfications! 10.16134 ' 1 LJ � ' t ' ' � ' ' , ' ' ' ' � � ' i , ' ' ' � � �I L_ ' ' ' , � , , , � � � � Double coated with a nominal 0.002-inch (2 mil) urethane on both the interior and exterior before applicatian of PVC coating. With a minimum 0.040-inch (40 mil) PVC coating bonded to exterior. With pressure sealing sleeve to protect the connection with conduit. E. Class I Division 1 Areas: 1_ Provide boxes designed and listed for Class I Division 1 locations and Group type atmosphere in which they will be used: a. The approval ratings must be permanently marked on each item. F. Class I, Division 2 Areas 1. For boxes not containing arcing parts: a. Refer to Sub-Section 16050. b. Pressed metal boxes are not allowed. 2_ For boxes containing arching parts provide: a. Provide boxes designed and listed for Class I Division 1 locations and Group type atmosphere in which they will be used: 1) The approval ratings must be permanently marked on each item. 3. Cast iron box and cover. � 4. Precision machined flame path between box and cover with neoprene o-ring. �. Boii-on siainiess sieef sio�ied mounting feet for horizonial or ver'ticai mouniing. 6. For apptications requiring hinged cover, provide flexible hinge mounting either left or right side. 7. External flange. 8. Provisions for mounting pan. 9. Ground lug. G. Fiberglass Boxes: 1. NEMA 4X. 2. Constructed of molded fiberglass reinforced polyester. 3. Integral neoprene gasket on cover attached with an oil-resistant adhesive. 4. Enclosures to have internal pads for mounting optional panels and terminal kits. 5. Covers: a. Screw cover enclosures: 1) Covers held in place with captive, stainless steel, or monel screws. 2) Covers attached to body with internal zinc-plated steel hinges. b. Quick release latches covers: 1) Corrosion resistant fiberglass hinges. 2) Spring loaded fiberglass latches with a monel or stainless steel bail attached with monel or stainless steel screws. 3) With a 316 stainless steel padlock hasp. 6. With external mounting feet. 7. Meeting the following minimum standards and tests: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16134-5 8235A10 ' pwJ/CarollotDocumentsllClienBWAlRenton/8235At0/Spedfica6ons110.16134 , Physical Property Value ASTM Method Flexural Strength 12,000 PSI D-790 Heat Distortion 400° Fahrenheit D-648 Water.Absorption (24hrs) 0.5 percent D-570 Tensile Strength 5000 PSI D-651 Specific Gravity 1.8 D-792 Flammability 94V-0 UL-94 �ielectric Streng:h 4000 V_P.M D-149 Arc Resistance 180 Secand D-495 H_ Formed Steel Enclosures: i . �iCBi: a. NEMA 12. b. Fabricated from 14 gauge steel, minimum. c. All seams continuously welded ground smooth. d_ Door: 1) Rolled lip around 3 sides. 2) Attached to enclosure by means of a continuous stainless steel hinge and pin_ e. Neoprene door gasket to provide a watertight, dusttight, oiltight seal: 1} Attached with an adhesive. 2) Retained by a retaining strip. f. Fabricate all external removable hardware for clamping the door to the enclosure body from zinc plated heavy gauge steel: 1) With a hasp and staple for padlocking. g. Provide large enclosures with door and body stiffeners for extra rigidity. h_ No holes or knockouts. E i. Finish: 1) ANSI-61 gray electrostatically applied polyester powder inside and out over cleaned and primed surfaces. 2) White electrostatically applied polyester powder mounting plate. j. Heavy gauge steel external mounting brackets when surface mounted. Stainless Steel: a. NEMA 4X: 1) Boxes in locations subject to flooding or temporary submersion: a) NEMA 6_ b. Fabricated from 14-gauge type 316 stainless steel. c_ All seams continuously welded. d. Door: 1) Rolled lip around three sides. 2) Attached to enclosure by means of a continuous stainless steel hinge and pin. e. Neoprene door gasket to provide a watertight seal: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16134-6 8235A10 pw:llCarollolDocumentsllClient/WAlRenron18235A t OtSpeafications110.16134 i ' i �J � , ' ' ' , ' ' ' , ' ' l� , ' , , ' ; f. 1) Attached with an adhesive. 2) Retained by a retaining strip. Fabricate all externai removable hardware for clamping the door to the enciosure body from heavy gauge stainless steel: 1) With a hasp and staple for padlocking. Provide large enclosures with door and body stiffeners for extra rigidity. No holes or knockouts. Finish: 1) Brushed. Stainless steel external mounting brackets when surface mounted. 1 r ' � � ' , ' ' � � ' I. Cast Iron Junction Boxes: 1. NEMA 4_ 2. Recessed cover boxes. 3. Suitable for use outdoors where subject to rain, dripping, or splashing water. 4. Designed for flush mounting in walls or floors: a_ Can be surface mounted using mounting lugs. 5. Construction: a. Cast iron box. b. Covers: 1 j �heckered plate covers suitable for foot traffic. 2) When used in areas subject to vehicular traffic H-20 loading. c_ Hot dip galvanized. d. Neoprene gasket. e. Stainless steel screw covers. J. Floor Type Outlet Boxes: 1. Watertight cast iron, semi adjustable. 2. Telephone outlets shall be fitted with 6 inch bushed nipples. 3. Provide a pedestal housing for floor autlets in open areas. 4. Suitable for receptacles, communications, and data outlets as specified and indicated on the Drawings, complete with gaskets and cover plates: 2.05 �n� nonn�r.ir �NOT USED) 2.06 (NOT USED) 2.07 ACCESSORIES A. Fasteners: 1. Electroplated or stainless steel in boxes with wiring devices. 2. Screws, nuts, bolts, and other threaded fasteners: a. Stainless steel. B. Provide breather and drain fittings where appropriate. � C. Internal Panels: 1. Provide internal panels where required for mounting of terminal strips or other equipment_ , 2. With plated steel sfioulder studs. 3. Steel with white polyester powder finish. ' C J 2.08 �€�-(NOT USED) October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16134-7 pw://Carollo/Documentsl/CI ienUWA/Renton18235A10/Speafications/10.16134 8235A10 C] 2.09 2.10 NOT USED) €�N�S#€�(NOT USED} , 2.11 �.�n-r.r�. _ . . .t.i�rr_r.�rrar.tii��yy.�� PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 NOT USED) 3.02 D1]GD/1f�AT1/lt�l �NOT USED) 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. B. General: 1. Provide materials and construction suitable for environmental conditions at the location of the box as indicated in Sub-Section 10.16050. 2_ P�ovide outlet uox mat�^a!s t� r;�#c" t"e ccr�u;: s;;�#erz: a_ EMT - Pressed Metal Boxes. b. GRC - Cast Ferrous Boxes. c. RAC - Rigid Aluminum Conduit. d. PCS - PVC Coated Cast Ferrous Boxes. e. PVC - PVC Boxes. f_ PCA - PUC Coated Aluminum Boxes. 3. Solid Type Gang Boxes: a. For more than 2 devices. b_ For barriered outlets. 4_ Support all wall mounted NEMA 4 or NEMA 4X boxes to maintain a minimum of 7/8-inch free air space between the back of the enclosure and the wall: a. Use machined spacers to maintain air space; built-up washers are not acceptable. b. Use stainless steel or nylon materials for spacers. 5. Use cast malleable iron boxes when box must support other devices. 6. Boxes serving luminaires or devices: a. Use as pull boxes wherever possible. 7. Fit all cast boxes and pressed steel boxes for flush mounting in concrete with cast, malleable box covers and gaskets. 8_ In terminal boxes, furnish terminals as indicated on the Drawings, with a minimum of 50 percent spare terminals: a. Furnish wireways for discrete and analog/DC wiring. b_ Separate analog wiring from 120V discrete or power wiring. 9_ Size boxes to meet NEC requirements and to provide sufficient room for the future components and cables indicated on the Drawings. 10. For fire-rated construction, provide materials and installation for use in accordance with the listing requirements of the classified construction. C. Outlet Boxes: 1. Locate outlet boxes as indicated on the Drawings: a. Adjust locations so as not to conflict with structural requirements or other trades. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16134-8 8235A10 pw:IlCarollolDocuments!lClienUWNRentonl8235A 10(Spea�calionsf t 0. t 6134 ' , r ' , , , ' � ' � t , � ' � � ' J ' , � , li � �� ,__. ' ' , � i , , � � �l 2. Use deep threaded-hub malleable iron or aluminum boxes: a. In hazardous areas. b. Where exposed to the weather. c. In unheated areas. d. Where subject to mechanical damage: 1) Defined as exposed boxes less than 10 feet above the floor. e. To act as a pull box for conductors in a conduit system. f. Accommodate wiring devices. 3_ Use deep threaded-hub plastic coated malleable iron boxes in corrosive and NEMA 4X area and when the conduit system is PVC coated steel. 4. Outlet boxes may be used as junction boxes wherever possible. D. Pull boxes and junction boxes: 1. Size pull boxes to meet NEC requirements and to provide sufficient room for any future conduits and cables as indicated on the Drawings. 2. Install pull boxes such that access to them is not restricted. E. For boxes not indicated: 1. Provide types and mountings as required to suit the equipment and that will be consistent with the conduit system and environmental conditions as indicated i� Sui�-S�cti�n iu. iou��. 2. Outlet, switch, and junction boxes for flush-mounting in general purpose locations: a_ One-piece, galvanized, pressed steel. � 3. Ceiling boxes for flush mounting in concrete: a. Deep, galvanized, pressed steel. 4. Outlet, switch, and junction boxes where surface mounted in exposed locations: a. Cast ferrous boxes with mounting lugs, zinc or cadmium plating finish. 5. Outlet, control station, and junction boxes for installation in corrosive locations: a. Fiberglass reinforced polyester, stainless steel, or plastic coated steel to match the conduit system. b. Fumished with mounting lugs. 6. Boxes for concealed conduit system: a. Non-fire rated construction: 1) Depth: To suit job conditions and comply with the NEC. 2) For Luminaries: Use outlet boxes designed for the purpose: a) 50 pounds or less: Box marked �FOR FIXTURE SUPPORT." b) More than 50 pounds: Box listed and marked with the weight of the fixture to be supported (or support luminaire independent of - the box). 3) . For ceiling suspended fans: a) 35 pounds or ►ess: Marked "Acceptable for Fan Support." b) More than 35 pounds, up to 70 pounds: Marked "Acceptable for Fan Support up to 70 pounds (or support fan independent of the box)." 4) For junction and pull boxes: Use galvanized steel boxes with flush covers. 5) For switches, receptacles, etc: a) Plaster or cast-in-place concrete walls: Use 4 inch or 4-11/16 inch galvanized steel boxes with device covers_ October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16134-9 8235A10 , pw:J/CarollolDocumentU/ClientlWAlRenton18235A10lSpecifications110.t6134 ' 7 � b) Walls other than plaster or cast-in-place concrete: Use type of galvanized steel box which wili ailow wall plate to cover the opening made for the installation of the box. Recessed boxes in fire rated (2 hour maximum) bearing and nonbearing wood or steel stud walls (gypsum wallboard facings): a. Use listed single and double gang metallic outlet and switch boxes. The surFace area of individual outlet or switch boxes shall not exceed 16 square inches. b. The aggregate surface area of the boxes shall not exceed 100 square inched per 100 square feet of wall surface. c. Securely fasten boxes to the studs. Verify that the opening in the wallboard facing is cut so that the clearance between the box and the wallboard does not exceed 1/8 inch. d. Separate boxes located on opposite sides of walls or partitions by a minim�m horiz�ntal distance of 24 inches. This minimum separation distance may be reduced when wall opening protective materials are installed according to the requirements of their classification. e. Use wall opening protective material in conjunction with boxes installed on opposite sides of walls or partitions of staggered stud construction in accordance with the classification requirements for the protective material. Other fire rated construction: Use materials and methods to comply with the � listing requirements for the classified construction. F. Recessed Boxes: 1. Support recessed boxes in suspended ceilings or stud partitions with galvanized steel box hangers of types made specifically for the purpose or attach directly to wood members or blocking_ 2. Secure hangers or boxes to wood with 1 inch long cadmium-plated Type A pan head screws: a. Fully or partially hammer-driven screws are not acceptable. G. Hazardous Locations: 1. All metallic boxes, fittings, and joints shall utilize threaded connections to the conduit system. 2. All threaded connections shall be wrench tightened so that at least 5 threads are fully engaged. 3. Conduits entering and exiting metallic boxes in Class I Division 2 areas shall utilize approved grounding bushings to bond the conduits together. 4. Provide the following types of conduit bodies and boxes: a_ Malleable iron bodies and boxes with GRC or IMC conduit systems. b. PVC coated conduit bodies and boxes with PCS conduit systems. �. .. . . .. , .• . .. .. .. . ■ - — -- - -- - - - - -- - - - --- - - ---- - - -- - - - , 3.05 3.06 �. • . • • � !_�yi�tv�i.���;��r.limL���y�' 3.07 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. ' LJ ' , � � , , , � �� � I � � i I I � � �i October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_16134-10 8235A10 pw:!/Carollo/Documents!lClientlWAlf2enron18235A10ISpeafications110.16134 � [� � 3.08 NOT USED) 3.09 CLEANING � A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16054. 3.10 (iVOT USED) � 3.11 PROTECTION A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. � 3.12 NOT USED) � � � � , � � � � ' � � END OF SUB-SECTION , October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16134-11 � pvi //CarollofDocumentsAClienUWA/Rentonl8235A10/Specficationsll0. t6134 8235A10 � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16134-12 8235A10 pw:ll Carollo/Documents/(Client! WA/Renton18235A t 01SpeaficalionsJlO_ 16134 , I � � u � i� � � � � �� 1 i 1 1 1 1 t ! 1 i � 1 � � �� SUB-SECTION 10.16140 WIRING DEVICES PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes requirements for: � 1. Switches. 2. Receptacles. 3. Plates. B. Related Sections/Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all_ 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work_ 3. i he roiiowing 5ections/Sub-5ections are related to the Work ciescribed in this Sub-Section_. This list of Related Sections/Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. a. Section 1-05 - Gontrol of Work_ b. Sub-Section 10.16050 - General Requirements for Electrical Work. 1.02 REFERENCES A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. B. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL): 1. 20 - General use Snap Switches. 2. 498 - Standard for Attachment Plugs and Receptacles_ 3. 514D - Cover Plates for Flush-Mounted Wiring Devices. 4. 943 - Standard for Safety for Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupters. 5. 1474 - Solid State Dimming Control_ I C. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA): 1. WD1 - General color requirement for wiring devices. 2. ICS 5- Control circuits and pilot devices. � 3. OS1 - Device box, covers, and box supports. 4. WD6 - Wiring devices dimensional requirements. � , D. Federal Specification: 1. W-C 596. 2. W-S 896. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16140-1 8235A10 � pwJlCarollolDocumentslClient/WNRenton/8235At0/Specificationslt0.16140 � B_ Specific Definitions: 1_ GFCI: Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter. 2. P-S: Pass and Seymour. 3_ CWD= Cooper Wiring Devices. 4. T8�B: Thomas and Betts. 1.04 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Switches, receptacles, and plates as indicated on the Drawings wired and operable to form a complete system. 1.05 SUBMIITALS A. Fumish submittals in accordance with Section 1-05 and Sub-Section 10.16050. B. Product Data: 1 _ Catalog cut sheets. C. Shop Drawings: 1. Engraving Schedule: a. FUi�iSii l.l�I 1���CtC CI I131 GVI11tJ�. JI,��UU1G� i0i CI fl��. I Q VC� i �ailicNiaicS. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. B. Wiring devices shall be UL listed and labeled. 1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 1.08 PROJECT OR SITE CONDITIONS A_ Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 1.09 S (NOT USED) 1.10 NOT USED) 1.11 WARRANTY A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 1.12 SYSTEM START-UP A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 1.13 ' (NOT USED) 1.14 NOT USED} 1.15 ""^�"'T��'n"'r� (NOT USED) � � � � � � i , , � � � � � , 1 October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_16140-2 8235A10 pw:l/Carollo/Documents/aenuWAlf2entoN8235At OfSpeaficationsl10.16140 _ � � � � � i PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Switches: � 1. Generai purpose toggle switches, one of the following or equal: a. Part numbers are for brown switches: 1-pole 2-pole 3-way 4-wav Hubbell HBL 1221 HBL 1222 HBL 1223 HBL 1224 Leviton 1221-2 1222-2 1223-2 1224-2 CWD 4901 4902 4903 4904 2. Switches for NEMA 4 and NEMA 4X location.s, one of the following or equal: � 1-pole 2-pole 3-wav 4-way , Hubbell HBL 1281 HBL 1282 HBL 1283 HBL 1284 Cooper Wiring Devices 2291 2292 2293 2294 � � 3. Switches for o�ce areas, one of the following or equal: 1-pale 2-pole 3-way 4-wav Hubbell HBL 21211 HBL 21221 HBL 2�231 HBL 21241 CWD 5621-2 5622-2 5623-2 5624-2 4. Switches for photocells, one of the following or equal: , SinQle-pole, double-throw Hubbell HBL 1385 CWD 2226 � � 5. Switches for hazardous areas, one of the following or equal: � 1-pole 2-pole 3-wav 4-wav Appleton EDS2129 EDS218 EDS2130 EDS2140 Crouse-Hinds EDS2129 EDS218 EDS2130 EDS2140 � 6. Dimmer switches: a_ Rectangular design with LED light level indicators: 1) Lutron MAESTROT"" MA-1000 controller for incandescent light. � 2) Lutron MAESTROT"" MALV-1000 controller for magnetic low-voltage lights. 3) Lutron MAESTROT"" MA-R remote for additional control stations. tB. Receptacles: 1. General purpose receptacles, one of the following or equal: � a. Part numbers are for brown receptacles_ Sinqle Du lex GFCI Weather Resistant GFCI � Hubbell HBL5361 HBL5362 GF5362A GFR5362SG Leviton 5361 5362 6899 W7899-W CWD 5361B 5362B HGF20B WRVGF20W � 2. Receptacles for hazardous areas, the following or equal: a. Crouse-Hinds: CPS152_ 3. 250 VAC receptacles, one of the following or equal: r � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16140-3 8235A10 � pw://CarollolDocumentslClienWVAlf2entonl8235A10lSpecifications11�.16140 1 a. Hubbell: HBL5462. b. Cooper wiring devices: 54628. 4. 480-Volt, 3-Phase receptacles: a_ 30 Ampere= 1) Crouse-Hinds ARE3423. 2) Hubbell Hubbellock0 21420. 3) RussellstolT"" DF3404FRAB_ b. 60 Ampere: 1) Crouse-Hinds AREA6425. 2) Hubbell Hubbellock� 26410 or 26420 with 26401 box and 26404 adapter. 3) RussellstolT"" DF6404FRAB. C. Plates: 1. General location, onP of the following or equal: a. Provide plates with number of gangs as required: Standard Office Duplex GFCI Switches Switches Receptacles Receptacles P-S SS1-N SS26 SS8 WPH26 2_ Wet or corrosive areas, one of the following or equal: Indoor Outdoor Duplex Corrosive Switches Receptacles Receptacles Locations Hubbell 1750 T&B CCT CKMD P-S CAI-GL CA8-GH 3780-SC 2.02 MANUFACTURED UNITS A. Switches: 1. General: a. 120-277 VAC. b. 20 Ampere_ c_ Specification grade. d. Back and side wired unless otherwise indicated. e. fntegral grounding terminal_ f. Totally enclosed: 1) Color-coded body with color corresponding to ampere rating. g. Provide switches with the operator style and contact arrangement as indicated on the Drawings and as required for proper operation. h. Color: 1) Ivory in finished areas_ 2) Brown in all other areas. 2. General purpose switches: a. Toggle type. 3. Corrosive and wet areas requiring NEMA 4 or NEMA 4X enclosures: a_ Toggle switch. b. Back and side wired. 4. Switches for office areas: a. Rocker type. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_16140-4 8235A10 pwllCarollolDocuments/ClientlWAlftenton/8235A10fSpeaficationslt 0-16140 � 1 � � (� � �� ' I � � ' , � � , � � � � i ii �� � � � � � , � � � � 1 i � � , b. Rectangular. 5. Switches for use with photoceli: a. Maintained contact. b. Two circuit. . c_ Three position: 1) Center off. 6. Switches for hazardous areas: a. Suitable for use in Class I Division 1 and Class I Division 2 locations. b. Factory sealed. c_ Through-feed or dead-end as required. 7_ Dimmer switches shall be rectangular design with LED light level indicators: a. Lutron MAESTROT"' MA-1000 controller for incandescent light. b_ Lutron MAESTROT"' MALV-1000 controller for magnetic low-voltage lights_ c_ Lutron �,AAESTROT"" MA-R remote for addi±�onal control sta#ions. B. Receptacles: 1. General purpose receptacles: a. Single or duplex as indicated on the Drawings. b. 125 VAC. c. 20 Ampere or as indicated on the Drawings. d. NEMA 5-20R configuration for 20 Ampere receptacles. e. Other NEMA configurations as indicated on the Drawings. f. Specification grade. g. Back wired. h. One-piece mounting strap. i. Color: 1) Ivory in finished areas. 2) Brown in all other areas. 3) Orange when powered by a UPS. 2_ Ground Fault Interrupter Receptacles (GFCI): a. 125 VAC. b_ 20 Ampere. c. Trip level 4-6 milliampere. d. Individual and feed through protection. e. UL 943 and UL 498 listed. f. NEMA 5-20R configuration. g_ For damp or wet locations: 1) Weather Resistant, in accordance with UL 498. 3. Receptacles for hazardous areas: a. 125 VAC. b. 20 Ampere. c. Factory sealed. d. Single receptacle. e. 2-wire, 3-pole. f. Grounded through extra pole and shell. g. Dead-front construction. h. Interlocked to prevent plug from being withdrawn until circuit has been broken. 4. 250 VAC receptacles: a. 2-pole, 3-wire grounding for 240VAC circuits. b. 3-pole, 4-wire grounding for 208 VAC 3-phase circuits. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16140-5 8235A10 � pw:l/CarolblDocumentslGienUWAlRenton18235A10/Specifications/10.16140 u c. Ampere rating as indicated on the Drawings. . d. Provide NEMA configuration as required by the equipment connected to the outlet. C. Plates= 1. Generallocation: a. Type 302 or 304 stainless steel. b. Brushed satin finish. c. Minimum thickness: 0.032 inches. d. Rectangular or square shape_ e. Engraving: 1) Engrave each plate with the following information: a) Area served. . b) Circuit number. 2) Treat engraving to improve visibility and, except for stainless steel plates, to prevent corrosion. 3) Characters shall be block letter pantograph engraved with a minimum character height of 1/8-inch. f. Coordinate the number of gangs, number and type of openings with the specific location. 1_ Ouidoor and wet areas requiring iVtNi� 4 or ivciViA 4X enciosures: a. General: 1) UL listed for wet locations. 2) Gasketed. 3) Die cast metal: a) Match material to box material. b_ Switches: 1) Lever-operated. 3. Corrosive Areas: a. Neoprene. b_ Gasketed. c. Weatherproof. D. Data and communications jacks: 1. Process network jacks - panel/enclosure mounted: a. Network jacks located in process areas shall have a NEMA 4 rating (with closure cap). b. Mounting of network jacks in control panels shall be accomplished using bulkhead connectors and environmental enclosure caps, which are permanently attached to the bulkhead fitting. c_ Network jacks shall have RJ-45 connections on both sides of connector {bulkhead pass through) allowing for direct connection to the network switch and computer with standard patch cords. No punch down PC board connections shall be al{owed. d. Manufactured by Woodhead Connectivity RJLNXX: 2_ Process network jacks - conduit body mounted: a. Network jacks located in process areas shall have a NEMA 4 rating (with closure cap). b. Mounting of network jacks in conduit bodies adapter (with Minifast connector) shall be accomplished using conduit body insert and environmental enclosure caps. c. PC board connections are not to be allowed. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16140-6 8235A10 pw:/lCarollolDocuments(ClienUWAlRenton18235A t OlSpecifica6onsl10.16140 � � t � , r � I � L� �, L � � !J i � � � � u � � � , � � � � � ' � � , 1 � �� � ' d. Furnish 10 RJ-45 to minifast connector patch cable 3 feet in length. e_ Manufactured by InterlinkBT RSS series. 3. Nefi+vork/phone jacks: a. Network jacks located in computer rooms shali be installed per the installation details in the drawings. b. Standard Decora wall plates shall be used with QuickPort modules and inserts. c. Plugs shall be color coded as indicated in the installation details in the Drawings. d. Manufactured by Leviton Quickport series. 2.03 MATC�IA1 C �NOT USED) 2.04 NOT USEDj 2.05 €Q� ���"��"��NOT USED� 2.06 (NOT USED) 2.07 NOT USED) 2.08 �A1�4€�-(NOT USED) 2.09 N-(NOT USED) 2.10 €IN1S#€�(NOT USEDj 2.11 (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 FYAl1AlAlAT1(1a1 �NOT USED� 3.02 p��onan-rinn� �NOT USED) 3.03 INSTALLATtON A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. B. Mounting heights: 1. Process and production areas: a. Switches and receptacles 48 inches from finished floor to top of plate. 2. Offices and finished areas: a_ Switches: 48 inches from finished floor to top of plate. b. Receptacles: 18 inches from finished floor to center of plate. C. Switches: 1. Over 300 Volts: a. Where switches used in systems of more than 300 volts between conductors, are to be ganged in outlet boxes, provide switches having no exposed live parts or use barriers between the individual switches. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16140-7 8235A10 � pw://Carollo/Documents�GientIWAJF2entonl8235A10/Specificalionsl10.16140 D. Receptacles: 1. Provide GFCI receptacles as indicated on the Drawings. a. Provide weather resistant GFCI receptacles in all wet or damp areas. 1) Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 2. Mount non-weatherproof receptacles vertically: a_ Ground slot down. 3. Mount weatherproof receptacles horizontally: a. Neutral slot up. 4. 3-phase receptacles shall be consistent with respect to phase connection at the receptacle terminals. Correct errors in phasing at the source and not the receptacle. � E. Ensure all plates make a frm seal with wall for recessed mounted devices: 1_ Outside edges of plates parallel with building lines. 3.04 �p�r-r�n��� IAICTAI 1 ATtllAl� ADDI 1(`ATIlI�I� �n�cTp� �r-nn�� �NOT USED) 3.05 ���n�Qi�GCTnvnrin�� �NOT USED) 3.06 p�-���cTn� � nTinr.i �NOT USED) 3.07 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Refer to Sub-Section 10_16050. 3.08 NOT USED) 3.09 r'� ��^"��"d�(NOT USED) 3.10 DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. B. Demonstrate the following to the ENGINEER and OWNER: 1. Switching is per the Drawings. 2. All circuits conform to the panel schedules_ 3_. All ground fault receptacles operate at levels below or equal to OSHA maximum allowable fault levels. 3.11 PROTECTION A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 3.12 NOT USED) END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16140-8 8235A10 pw:ll Carollo/DocumentslClienUVJAlRentoN8235A10lSpedfications! 10.16140 i [� � � � � � � � � � � PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY SUB�ECTION 10.16950 FIELD ELECTRICAL ACCEPTANCE TESTS A. Sub-Section includes requirements for: 1. Responsibilities for testing'the electrical installation. 2. Routine tests during installation. 3. Adjusting and calibration. 4. Acceptance tests. 5. Demonstration of electrical equipment. 6_ Commissioning and plant startup. B. Related Sections/Sub-Sections: 1. The Cantract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3_ The following Sections/Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub-Section. This list of Related Sections/Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. a. Section 1-05 - Control of Work: b. Sub-Section 10.16050 - General Requirements fo� Electrical Work. C_ Copyright information: � 1_ Some portions of this Sub-Section are copyrighted by the International Electrical Testing Association, Inc (NETA). See NETA publication ATS for details. � 1.02 REFEF2ENCES � A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. B. International Electrical Testing Association Incorporated: � 1. NETA Acceptance Testing Specifications, latest published edition. C. Manufacturer's testing recommendations and instruction manuals. �J i � D. Specification Sub-Sections for the electrical equipment being tested. E. Shop drawings. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16950-1 8235A10 , � pwJ/CarollolDocumentslGienUWAlRenton18235A10ISpeafications/10.16950 I B. Definitions of terms and other electrical considerations as set forth in the: 1. National Electrical Testing Association. C_ Specific definitions: 1. Testing Laboratory: The organization performing acceptance tests. 1.04 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Tes6ng of all electrical equipment installed under this contract in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements and as specified herein. B. Conduct all tests in the presence of the ENGINEER or the Engineer's representative: 1. The ENGINEER will witness all visual, mechanical and electrical tests and inspections. C. The testing and inspections shall verify that the equipment is operational within the tolerances required and expected by the manufacturer, and these specifications_ The results of the tests shall determine the suitability for continued reliable operation. D. Responsibilities: 1. CONTRACTOR responsibilities: a. Ensure that all resources are made available for testing, and that all testing requirements are met. 2_ Electrical Subcontractor responsibilities: a. Perfarm routine tests during installation. b. Demonstrate operation of electrical equipment. c. Commission the electrical installation. d. Provide the necessary services during testing, and provide these services to the testing laboratory, CONTRACTOR, and other Subcontractors, including but not limited to: 1) Providing electrical power as required. 2) Operating of electrical equipment in conjunction with testing of other equipment. 3) Activating and shutting down electrical circuits_ 4) Making and recording electrical measurements. 5) Replacing blown fuses_ 6) Installing temporary jumpers. 3. Testing laboratory responsibilities: a. Perform all acceptance tests as defined herein. b. Provide all required equipment, materials, labor, and technical support during acceptance tests. E. Upon completion of testing or calibration, attach a label to all serviced devices: 1. The label shall indicate the date serviced and the company that perFormed the service. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A_ Furnish submittals in accordance with Section1-05 and Sub-Section 10.16050. B. Test Report: October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16950-2 8235A10 pwJlCarollo/Documents/ClienUWA/RentorJ8235A 1 �lSpecifica6onsH 0.16950 C� � � � � � u � � � � � � � , � l J 1. Inctude the following: a. Summary of project. b. Description of equipment tested. c. Description of tests performed. d. Test results. e. Conclusions and recommendations. f. Completed test forms. g. List of test equipment used and calibration dates_ C. Testing Laboratory qualifications: 1. Submit a complete resume and statement of qualifications from the proposed testing laboratory detailing their experiences in performing the tests specified: a. This statement will be used to determine whether the laboratory is acceptable, and shall include: 1) Corporate history and refergnces. 2) Resume of individual pertorming test. 3) Equipment list and test calibration data. D. Division of responsibilities: 1_ Submit a list identifying who is responsible for performing each portion of the testing. E. Manufacturers testing procedures: � 1. Submit manufacturers recommended testing procedures and acceptable test results for review by the ENGINEER. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. � � � � � � i �� B. Testing Laboratory qualifications: 1. The Testing Laboratory may be qualified testing personnel from the electrical subcontractor's staff or an independent testing company. 2. Selection of the Testing Laboratory and testing personnel is subject to approval by the ENGINEER based on testing experience and certifications of the individuals and testing capabilities of the organization. �r�ti�.»�►�r�=rz�r. . _ . .__ . . _ .__ _ . 1.08 PROJECT OR SITE CONDITIONS A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 1.09 SEQUENCING A. Perform testing in the following sequence: 1. Perform routine tests as the equipment is installed including: a. Insulation resistance tests. b. Continuity tests. c. Rotational tests. 2. Adjusting and preliminary calibration. 3. Acceptance tests. 4. Demonstration. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_16950-3 8235A10 � puuJ/CarollolDocuments�ClienHWNRentonB235At0/Specificalionst10.16950 5. Commissioning and startup. 1.10 S NOT USED) 1.11 WARRANTY A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 1.12 CVCT�M CTApT11D {NOT USED) 1.13 ' (NOT USED) 1.14 COMMISSIONING A. Commissioning and startup, as described in the Specifications, shall not begin until acceptance testing is complete, and operation has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER. B. Commissioning shall only be attempted as a function of normal operation in which process flows and levels are routine and equipment operates automatically in resp�^�� t� fl��r a;,d ;�ve1 para�eter� �r e�riipu�er command, as appiicabie: 1_ Simulation of process parameters will be considered only upon receipt of a written request by the CONTRACTOR. C. Record all motor currents during normal operation. D. Record the indications of all power meters every half-hour duririg commissioning. 1.15 �.^��:-��,-��^ ��� (NOT USED) October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16950-4 8235A10 pw://Carollo/Documents/CdentIWAlRenton/8235A t O/Specificabonsl10.16950 �� � PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 �AAAl11CA!'TII�Ct7C �NOT USED� 2.02 NOT USED) 2.03 �"^T��'^' � (NOT USED) � 2.04 ""^��� ��nrr� �Q�n � ���rc �NOT USED) � 2.05 �n� ���n"�"�T �NOT USED) 2.06 (NOT USED) ' 2.07 (NOT USED) 2.08 ��X€�(NOT USED) � 2.09 NOT USED) � ?_�n ��P�E��;Nn�-i�cFn� ?� � cn� iRr� n� ie� rry �n�iron� . ..�.....-.�. . . ..�... . ....� � � i � � �J � � A. General: 1. Test instrument calibration: a. Utilize a testing laboratory with a calibration program which maintains all applicable test instrumentation within rated accuracy. b. The accuracy shall be traceable to the National Bureau of Standards in an unbroken chain. c. Calibrate instruments in accordance with the following frequency schedule_ 1) Field instruments - 6 months maximum. 2) Laboratory instruments - 12 months maximum. 3) Leased specialty equipment where the accuracy is guaranteed by the lessor (such as Doble) - 12 months maximum. d. Dated calibration labels shall be visible on all test equipment. e. Maintain an up-tadate instrument calibration record for each test instrument: 1) The records shall show the date and results of each calibration or test. f. Maintain an up-to-date instrument calibration instruction and procedure for each test instrument. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 �Y�������T���� (NOT USED) 3.02 PREPARATION A. Do not begin testing until the following conditions have been met: 1. All instruments required are available and in proper operating condition. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16950-5 pwl/Carollo/DocumentslClienUWAlFtentonl8235At OlSpecifirations110.16950 8235A10 2_ 3. 4. 5. All required dispensable materials such as solvents, rags, and brushes are available. All equipment handling devices such as cranes, vehicles, chain falls and other lifting equipment are available or scheduled. All instruction books, calibration curves, or other printed material to cover the electrical devices are available. Data sheets to record all test results are available. 3.03 ���cTn� i n�r�n� �NOT USED) 3.04 �Q�rTin�i� IAICTAI 1 nTinn�� ADDI 1�`ATIlIAI� !`(11UCTG11!`TI�IAI �NOT USED� 3.05 ��on�QiQ�cTnQnT�n�i �NOT USED) 3.06 ��-tA1CTAI 1 n-r�nn� �NOT USED) 3.07 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Cables, 600 volts and less: 1_ Visual and Mechanical Inspection: a. Cv�i�paic cauie uaia wiih the Cravvii��s anci SNe�iii,�,tiors. b. Inspect exposed sections of cables for physical damage and correct connection in accordance with the Drawings_ c. Inspect bolted electrical connections for high resistance using one of the following methods: 1) Use of low resistance ohmmeter. 2) Verify tightness of accessible bolted electrical connections by the calibrated torque wrench method: a) Refer to manufacture�s instructions for proper foot-pound levels or NETA ATS tables. � 3 3) Thermographic survey_ d. Inspect compression-applied connectors for correct cable match and indentation. e. Inspect for correct identification and arrangements. f. Inspect jacket insulation and condition. Electrical Tests: a. Perform resistance measurements through bolted connections with low- resistance ohmmeter. b. Perform insulation-resistance tests on each conductor with respect to ground and adjacent conductors: 1) Applied voltage shall be: a) 500 volts dc for 300 volt rated cable. b) 1000 volts dc for 600 volt rated cable. 2) Test duration shall be one minute. c. Perform continuity tests to ensure correct cable connection. d. Verify uniform resistance of parallel conductors. Test Values: a. Compare bolted connection resistance values to values of similar connections: 1) Investigate values which deviate from those of similar bolted connections by more than 50 percent of the lowest value. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16950-6 8235A10 pwJlCarollolDocuments�ClienU4VAIRentonl8235A 1015peafications110.16950 �� � L_J � � � � � � L� � � � b. Bolt-torque levels shall be in accordance with manufacturer's pubiished data_ 1) Refer to NETA ATS tables in the absence of manufacturer's published data. c. Results of the thermographic survey shall be in accordance with NETA ATS requirements. d. Insulation resistance values shall be in accordance with manufactu�er's published data: 1) Refer to NETA ATS tables in the absence of manufacturer's published data. 2) Investigate values of insulation resistance less than the allowable minimum. e. Cables shall exhibit continuity. f. Investigate deviations in resistance between parallel conductors. B. Grounding Systems: 1. Visual and mechanical inspection: a. Inspect ground system for compliance with the Drawings, Specifications, and the National Electrical Code. b. Inspect physical and mechanical condition. c. Inspect bolted electrical connections for high resistance using one of the following methods: 1) Use of low resistance ohmmeter. � 2) Verify tightness of accessible bolted electrical connections by calibrated torque wrench method: a) Refer to manufacturer's instructions for proper foot-pound levels or NETA ATS tables. d. Inspect anchorage. 2. Electncal tests: a. Perform resistance measurements through botted connections with a low- resistance ohmmeter. b. Perform fall of potential test or altemative test in accordance with ANSI/IEEE Standard 81 on the main grounding electrode or system. c. Perform point-to-point tests to determine the resistance between the main grounding system and all major electrical equipment frames, the system neutral and any derived neutral points. 3. Test values: a. Grounding system electrical and mechanical connections shall be free of corros�on. b. Corrzpare bolted connection resistance vafues to values of similar connections: 1} Investigate values which deviate from those of similar bolted connections by more than 50 percent of the lowest value_ c. Bolt torque levels shall be in accordance with manufacturer's published data= 1) Refer to NETA ATS tables in the absence of manufacturer's published data. d. The resistance between the main grounding electrode and ground shall be no greater than 5 ohms for commercial or industrial systems and 1 ohm or less for generating or transmission station grounds unless otherwise specified by the ENGINEER. e. Investigate poinf-ta-point resistance values that exceed 0.5 ohm. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16950-7 pwl/Carollo/Documents�Clien WVAIRentonl8235At 015peaficationsll0. 7 6950 8235A10 C. Rotating Machinery: 1_ Visual and mechanical inspection: a. Compare equipment nameplate information with the Drawings and Specifications. b. Inspect physical and mechanical condition_ c. Inspect anchorage, alignment, and grounding_ d_ Inspect air baffles, filter media, cooling fans, slip rings, brushes, and brush rigging. e. Inspect bolted electrical connections for high resistance using one of the following methods: 1) Use of low resistance ohmmeter. 2) Verify tightness of accessible bolted electrical connections by calibrated torque wrench method: a) Refer to manufacturer's instructions for proper foot-pound levels or NETA ATS tables. b) Thermographic survey. f. Perform special tests such as gap spacing and machine alignment if applicable. g_ Verify correct application of appropriate lubrication and lubrication systems. h. Verify that resistance temperature detector (RTD) circuits conform to the Drawings. 2. Electrical tests: a. Perform resistance measurements through bolted connections with a �ow resistance ohmmeter. b_ Perform insulation resistance test in accordance with ANSI/IEEE 43: 1) On motors 200 HP and smaller, test duration shall be 1 minute. Calculate dielectric absorption ratio. 2) On motors larger than 200 HP, test duration shall be 10 minutes. Calculate polarization index_ c. Perform dc dielectric withstand voltage tests on machines rated at 2300 volts and greater in accordance with ANSI/IEEE Standard 95. d_ Perform phase-to-phase stator resistance test on machines rated at 2300 volts and greater. e. Perform insulation resistance test on insulated bearings in accordance with manufacturer's published data. f. Test surge protection devices as specified herein. g. Test motor starter as specified herein_ h. Perform resistance tests on resistance temperature detector (RTD) circuits. i. Verify operation of motor space heater_ j. PerForm a rotation test to ensure correct shaft rotation. k_ Measure running current and evaluate relative to load conditions and nameplate full-load amperes. 3. Test Values: a. Inspection_ 1) Air baffles shall be clean and installed in accordance with the manufacturer's published data. 2) Filter media shall be clean and installed in accordance with the manufacturer's published data_ 3) Cooling fans shall operate_ October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16950-8 8235A10 pw://Carollo/Documents�Clien WVAlF2enton/8235At OlSpeaficabortstt 0.16950 �� J i � � � � � � L� � � � � c. � P. � h 1• k. m. n. o. � 4) Slip ring alignment shall be within manufacturer's pubiished tolerances. 5) Brush alignment shall be within manufacturer's published tolerances. 6) Brush rigging shall be within manufacturer's published tolerances. Compare bolted connection resistance values to values of similar connections: 1) Investigate values which deviate from those of similar bolted connections by more than 50 percent of the lowest value. Bolt-torque levefs shall be in accordance with manufacturer's published data: 1) , Refer to NETA ATS tables in the absence of manufacturer's published data. Results of the thermographic survey shall be in accordance with NETA ATS requirements. Air-gap spacir.� and machins a!ignment shall bs 6n ?ccordance �Nith manufacturer's published data. The dielectric absorption ratio or polarization index shall not be less that 1.0. The recommended minimum insulation (IR, m;�) test results in megohms shall be corrected to 40 degrees Celsius and read as follows: 1) IR, m;� = 100 megohms for dc armature and ac windings with form- wound coils above 1 KV 21 IR; m;� = 5 megohms for machines and random-wound stator coils and form-wound coils rated below 1 kV. Note: Dielectric withstand voltage and surge comparison tests shall not be pertormed on machines having lower values than those indicated above. If no evidence of distress or insulation failure is observed by the end of the total time of voltage application during the dielectric withstand test, the test specimen is considered to have passed the test. Investigate phase-to-phase stator resistance values that deviate by more than 10 percent. Power factor or dissipation factor values shall be compared to manufacturer's published data: 1) In the absence of manufacturer's published data compare values of similar machines. Tip-up values shall indicate no significant increase in power factor_ If no evidence of distress, insulation failure or waveform nesting is observed by the end of the total time of voltage application during the surge companson test, the test specimen is considered to have passed the test. Bearing insulation resistance measurements shall be within manufacturer's published tolerances: 1) In the absence of manufacturer's published data compare values of similar machines. Test results of surge protection devices shall be as specified herein. Test results of motor starter equipment shall be as specified herein. RTD circuits shall conform to the design intent and machine protection device manufacturer's published data. Heaters shall be operational. Vibration amplitudes shall not exceed values in NETA ATS tables: 1) If values exceed those in the NETA ATS tables, perform a complete vibration analysis. Machine rotation should match required rotation of connected load. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16950-9 pw:/ICa rol lolDocumenisfClientlWA/Renton/8235A 10/Specifications110.16950 8235A10 s. Running phase-to-phase voitages shouid be within 1.0 percent. Running currents shall be balanced and proportional to load�condition and nameplate data. 3.08 CLEANING A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. B. After the acceptance tests have been completed, dispose of all testing expendables, vacuum all cabinets, and sweep clean all surrounding areas. 3.09 DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 3.10 PROTECTION A_ Refer to Sub-Section 10.16050. 3.11 SCHEDULES A. At least 30 days before commencement of the acceptance tests, submit the manufacturer's complete fietd testing procedures to the ENGINEER and to the testing laboratory, complete with expected test results and tolerances for alt equipment to be tested. END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.16950-10 8235A10 pwl/Carollo/DocumentslClien WVA/Renton/8235A10/Specifica6ons110.16950 :� � � � � L� � � � � SUB-SECTION 10.17050 PROCESS CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEMS GENERAL REQUIREMENTS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes: - 1. General requirements appiicabie to all Process Control and instrumentation Work. . 2. General requirements for process control and instrumentation submittals. 3. As specified in this Sub-Section, PLC programming and SCADA HMI software configuration will be provided by the OWNER. B. Related Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as bindir�g as i� caiiea idr �y aii. 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the 'viiork ofi suqconiraciors, suppiiers, and other individuals or entities performing or fumistiing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. a. Items involving electrical, controt, and instrumentation construction may be indicated on the Drawings or specified in the Specifications that do not apply specifically to electrical, control and instrumentation systems_ C. fnterfaces to equipment, instruments, and other components: 1. The Drawings, Specifications, and overatl design are based on preliminary information furnished by various equipment manufacturers, which identify a minimum scope of supply from the manufacturers. This information pertains to, but is not limited to, instruments, control devices, electrical equipment, packaged mechanical systems, and control equipment provided with mechanical systems. 2. Pro�ide all material and labor needed to install the actual equipment furnished, include all costs to add any additional instruments, wiring, control system inputs/outputs, controts, interlocks, electrical hardware etc., which may be necessary to make a complete, functional installation based on the actual equipment furnished: a. Make all changes necessary to meet the manufacturer's wiring requirements. 3. Submit all such changes and additions to the ENGINEER for acceptance. 4. Review the complete set of Drawings and Specifications in order to ensure that all items related to the instrumentation and control systems are completely accounted for. Include any items that appear on Drawings or in Specifications from another discipline in the scope of Work: a. If a conflict between Drawings and Specifications is discovered, refer conflict to the ENGINEER as soon as possible for resolution. 5. Loop drawings: a. Provide complete loop drawings for all systems, including packaged equipment furnished as part of a vendor furnished package. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.1705Q-1 pw:l/Carolto/DocumentslClien UWAlf2enton/8235810/Specificationsl10.17050 : : � D. All instrumentation, and control equipment and systems for the entire project to comply with the requirements specified in the Instrumentation and Control Specifications, whether referenced in the individual Equipment Specifications or not: 1. The requirements of the Instrumentation and Control Specifications apply to all Instrumentation and Control Work specified in other Specifications, including HVAC controls, packaged mechanical systems, LCPs, VCPs, etc. 2_ Inform all vendors supplying instrumentation, control systems, panels, and/or equipment of the requirements of the Instrumentation and Control Specifications. 3. The OWNER is not responsible for any additional costs due to the failure of the CONTRACTOR to notify all subcontractors and suppliers of the Instrumentation and Control Specifications' requirements. E. Contract Documents: 1. General: a. The Drawings and Specifications are complementary and are to be used together in order to fully describe the Work. 2. Contract Drawings: a. The Instrumentation and Control Drawings show in a diagrammatic manner, the desired locations, and arrangements of the components of the Instrumentation Work. Follow the Drawings as closely as possible, use professiona! judgment and coordinate with the other trades to secure the best possible installation, use the entire Drawing set for canstruction purposes. b. Locations of equipment, control devices, instruments, boxes, panels, etc. are approximate only, ezercise professional judgment in executing the Work to ensure the best possible installation: 1) The equipment locations and dimensions indicated on the Drawings and elevations are approximate. Use the shop drawings to determine the proper layout, foundation, and pad requirements, etc. for final installation. Caordinate with all subcontractors to ensure that all instrumentation and control equipment is compatible with other equipment and space requirements. Make changes required to accommodate differences in equipment dimensions. 2) The CONTRACTOR has the freedom to select any of the named manufacturers as identified in the individual Specifications; however, the ENGINEER has designed the spatial equipment layout based upon a single manufacturer and has not confirmed that every named manufacturer's equipment fits in the allotted space. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility to ensure that the equipment being furnished fits within the defined space. c. Installation details: 1) The Contract Drawings include installation details showing means and methods for installing instrumentation and control equipment. For cases where typical details are not provided or compatible with an installed location, develop installation details that are necessary for completing the Work, and submit these details for review by the ENGINEER. d_ Schematic diagrams: 1) All controls are shown de-energized. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.1705Q-2 8235B10 pw:llCarollo/DocumentslqienU WAR2entonB2356101Specfica 6ons/10.17050 j J ;__l � 2) Schematic diagrams show control function only. incorporate other necessary functions for proper operation and protection of the system. � 3) Add slave relays, where required, to provide all necessary contacts for the control system or where needed to function as interposing relays for control voltage coordination, equipment coordination, or control system voltage dr.op considerations. 4) Mount all devices shown on motor controller schematic diagrams in the controller compartment enclosure, unless otherwise noted or indicated. 5) Control schematics are to be used as a guide in conjunction with the descriptive operating sequences indicated on the Drawings or in the Specifications. Combine all information and furnish a coordinated and fully functional control system. F_ Altemates/Alternatives: 1_ Substitute item provisions as specified in Special Provisions. G. Changes and change orders: 1. As specified in Special Provisions. 1.02 REFERENCES � A. Code compliance: 1. The publications are referred to in the text by basic designation only. The � latest edition accepted by the Authority Having Jurisdiction of referenced � publications in effect at the time of Bid governs. 2. The following codes and standards are hereby incorporated into this Sub- Section: a. American National Standards Insiitute (ANSI): � 1) B16.5 - Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings. b. American Petroleum Institute (API): 1) RP551 - Process Measurement Instrumentation. 2) RP552 - Transmission Systems. _ 3) RP553 - Refinery Control Valves. 4) RP554 - Process Instrumentation and Control. 5) RP555 - Process Analyzers. 6) RP556 - Fired Heaters & Steam Generators. 7) RP557 - Guide to Advanced Control Systems. � c_ ASTM International (ASTM): 1) A269 - Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service. � d. FM Global (FM). e. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). f. International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) g. InterNational Electrical Testing Association (NETA). � h_ International Organization for Standardization (IS�): 1) 9001 - Quality Systems - Model for Quality Assurance in Design/Development, Production, Installation and Servicing. � i_ International Society of Automation (ISA): 1) 5.1 - Instrumentation Symbols and Identification. 2) 5.2 - Binary Logic Diagrams for Process Operations. � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.17050-3 8235B10 pw://CarollolDocumentslClienUWAlf2entonl8235B 10/SpecificaUonsl10.17050 3) 5.3 - Graphic Symbols for Distributed Control/Shared Display Instrumentation, Logic, and Computer Systems. 4) 5.4 - instrument Loop Diagrams. 5) 5.5 - Graphic Symbols for Process Displays. 6) 7.00.01 - Quality Standard for Instrument Air. 7) RP - 12.4 - Pressurized Enclosures. 8) 18_1 - Annunciator Sequences and Specifications. 9) 20 - Specification Forms for Process Measurement and Control Instruments, Primary Elements, and Control Valves. 10) TR20.00.01 - Specification Forms for Process Measurement and Control Instruments Part 1: General Considerations Updated with 27 New Specfication Forms in 2004-2005. 11) 50.00.01 - Compatibility of Analog Signals for Electric Industrial Process Instruments. 12) 51.1 - proce�s Instrumentation Terminology. 13) RP60.3 - Human Engineering for Control Centers. 14) 71.01 - Environmental Conditions for Process Measurement and Control Systems: Temperature and Humidity. 15) 71.02 - Environmental Conditions for Process Measurement and Control Systems: Power. 16) 71.03 - Environmental Conditions for Process Measurement and Control Systems: Mechanical fnfluences. 17) 71.04 - Environmental Conditions for Process Measurement and Control Systems: Airborne Contaminants_ j. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA}: , 1) 250 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 V Maximum). k. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): 1) 70 - National Electric Code (NEC). 2) 496 - Purged and Pressurized Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, where applicable. 3) 820 - Standard for Fire Protection in Wastewater Treatment and Collection Facilities. I. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL): 1) 508 - Industrial Control Equipment. 6. Compliance with Laws and Regulations: 1_ As specified in Special Provisions. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Definitions of terms and other electrical and instrumentation considerations as set forth by: 1 _ FM. 2. I EC. 3. IEEE. 4_ ISA. 5. ISO. 6_ NEC. 7. N ETA. 8_ NFPA. 9_ NIST. 10. UL. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_17050-4 8235B10 pw:l/Carollo/DocumentslCfienUWA/Renton/82358101Specifications/10.17050 � � u � B. Specific definitions: � 1. Control circuit: Any circuit operating at 120 volts alternating current (VAC) or direct current (VDC) or less, whose principal purpose is the conveyance of information (including performing logic) and not the conveyance of energy for the operation of an electrically powered device. 2. Panel: An instrument support system that may be either a flat surface, a partial enclosure, or a complete enclosure for instruments and other devices used in process control systems. Unless otherwise specified or clearly indicated by the context, the term "panel" in these Contract Documents is interpreted as a general term, which includes flat surfaces, enclosures, cabinets and consoles. 3. Power circuit: Any circuit operating at 90 volts (AC or DC) or more, whose principal purpose is the conveyance of energy for the operation of an electrically powered device. 4. Signal circuit: Any circuit operating at less than 50 VAC or VDC, which conveys analog information or digital communications information_ 5. Digital bus: A communication network, such as Profibus, Foundation Fieldbus, or DeviceNet, allowing instruments and devices to transmit data, control functions and diagnostic information. 6. 2-Wire transmitter (loop powered): A transmitter that derives its operating power supply from the signal transmission circuit and requires no separate power supply connections. As used in this Sub-Section, two-wire transmitter refers to a transmitter that provides 4 to 20 milliamqeres current regulation of a signal in a series circuit with an external 24 VDC driving potential: a. Fieldbus communications signal or both. 7. Powered transmitters: A transmitter that requires a separate power source (120 VAC, 240 VAC, etc.) in order for the transmitter to develop its signal. As used in this Sub-Section, the produced signal may be either a 4 to 20 milliampere current signal, a digital bus communications signal or both. 8. Modifications: Changing, extending, interfacing to, removing or altering an existing circuit. C. Acronym definitions: 1. CCS: The SCADA central computer system (CCS) consisting of personal computers and software. The personal computer-based hardware and software system that includes the operator interface, data storage, data retrieval, archiving, alarming, historian, reports, trending, and other higher level control system software and functions. 2. DPDT: Double-pole, double-throw. 3. ES: Enterprise system: Computer based communications or data � sharing system utilized for non-process control functions such as E-mail, sharing files, creating documents, etc. 4. FAT: Factory acceptance test. � 5. HART: Highway addressable remote transducer. 6. HOA: Hand-Off-Auto control function that is totally PLC based_ In the Hand mode, equipment is started or stopped, valves are opened or � closed through operator direction under the control of the PLC � soflware. In the Auto mode, equipment is started or stopped and � valves are opened or closed through a control algorithm within the PLC software. In the Off mode, the equipment is prohibited from responding from the PLC control. j� Octaber 26, 2010 - FINAL . 10.17050-5 8235B10 � pw:llCamllo/DocumentslClienUWAlRenton/8235B10/Speaficationsl10.17D50 7. HMi: 8. ICSC: 9_ IJB: 10_ I/O: 11. IP: 12. LCP: 13. LAN: 14. LOR: 15: NJB 16_ OIT 17. P&ID: 18. PC= 19. PCIS_ 20_ PCM: 21. PJB: 22_ PLC: 23. RIO: 24. RTU: 25_ SCADA Human machine interface: PLC based operator interface device consisting of an alphanumeric or graphic display with operator input functionality. The HMI is typically a flat panel type of display mounted on the front of a PLC enclosure with either a touch screen or tactile button interface. Instrumentation and control system contractor: Subcontractor who specializes in the design, construction, fabrication, software development, installation, testing, and commissioning of industrial instrumentation and control systems. Instrument junctian boxes: A panel designed with cord sets to easily remove, replace or relocate instrument signals. Input/Output. Internet protocol or ingress protection. Local control panel: Operator interFace panel that may contain an HMi, pilot type control devices, operator interFace devices, control relays, etc. and does not contain a PLC or RIO_ Local area nefinrork: A control or communications network that is limited to the physical boundaries of the facility. Local-Off-Remote control function. In the Remote mode, equipment is started or stopped, and valves are opened or closed through the PLC based upon the selection of the HOA. In the Local mode, equipment is started or stopped, valves are opened or closed based upon hardwired control circuits completely independent of the PLC with minimum interlocks and permissive conditions. In the Off mode, the equipment is prohibited from responding to any control commands. Network junction box. An enclosure that contains multiple access points to various networks within the facility_ Networks could be Ethernet, Ethemet/IP, Fieldbus, RIO etc. Operator interface terminal: PC-based interface device used for operator interface with the SCADA system_ Process and instrumentation diagram. Personal computer_ Process control and instrumentation system: Includes the entire instrumentation system, the entire control system, and all of the Work specified in the Instrumentation and Control Specifications and depicted on the Instrumentation Drawings. Process control module: An enclosure containing any of the following devices: PLC, RTU, or RIO. Power junction box: An enclosure with terminal blocks that distribute power to multiple instruments. Programmable logic controller. Remote I/O device for the PLC consisting of remote i/O racks, or remote I/O blocks_ Remote telemetry unit: A controller typically consisting of a PLC, and a means for remote communications. The remote communications devices typicatly are radios, modems, etc. Supervisory control and data acquisition system: A general name for the computerized system that gathers and processes. data from sensors and applies operational controls to the process equipment_ It includes the PLCs and/or RTUs, HMI PLC-based operator October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.17050-6 8235B10 pw:llCarollolDocumentslClienUWA�RentoN8235610lSpecifica6ons! 10.17050 � interface units, related interconnecting communications systems, � and the CCS operator interface and data management system. 26. SPDT: Single-pole, double-throw. � 27. SPST: Single-pole, single-throw. 28. UPS: Uninterruptible power supply. - 29. VCP: Vendor control panel: Control panels that are furnished with _ particular equipment by a vendor other than the ICSC. These � panels may contain PLCs, RIO, OIT, HMI, etc_ 30. WAN: Wide area network: A control or communications network that e�ends beyond the physical boundaries of the facility. 1.04 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION � A. General requirements: 1. The Work includes everything necessary for and incidental #o executing and completing the Instrumentation and Control System Work indicated on the � Drawings and specified in the Speci�cations and reasonably inferable there from including but not limited to: a. Preparing hardware submittals for fietd instrumentation. b. Design, develop, and draft loop drawings, control panel designs, and all � other drawing submittals specified in the Instrumentation and Control Specifications. c. Prepare the test plan, the training plan, and the spare parts submittals. '� d. Procure all hardware. e. Provide afl PCIS system hardware. f. Fabricate panels. ;� g. Modify e�sting panels. h. Perform factory tests on panels. i. Perform,bench calibration and verify calibration after installation. j. Oversee and certify installation of the PCIS system. � k. Oversee, document, and certify loop testing. I. Oversee, document, and certify system pre-commissioning. m. Conduct the performance tests. � n. Prepare operation and maintenance manuals. - o. Conduct training dasses_ p. Prepare Record Drawings. � q. Develop all requisite loop drawings and Record Drawings associated with equipment provided under the Contract Documents and OWNER furnished and existing equipment. r. Resolve signal, power, or functional incompatibilities between the PCIS ,�. and interfacing devices_ s. Perform all required corrective and preventative maintenance. � 2. It is the intent of these Specifications that the entire electrical power, instrumentation, and control system be complete and operable. Provide all necessary material and labor for the complete system from source of power to � final utilization equipment, including all connections, testing, calibration of all equipment fumished by others, as well as equipment fumished by the CONTRACTOR, whether or nat specifically mentioned but which are � necessary for successful operation. � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_17050-7 pwJ/CarollolDocumentslClienUWAlRentonl8235B t O/Spedficauons170.17050 � 8235B10 3. The OWNER shall provide the configuration and programming for the PLC and PC based SCADA control system. 4. Coordinate all aspects of the Work between CONTRACTOR and all subcontractors before bidding to ensure thaf all costs associated with a complete installation are included. The OWNER is not responsible for any change orders due to lack of coordination of the Work between the CONTRACTOR, the ICSC, the other subcontractors or suppliers. 5. Furnish detailed, complete, and thorough operations and maintenance documentation, including but not limited to operations manuals, maintenance manuals, as-built wiring drawings, training manuals, as-built software documentation, and all other documentation required to operate, modify, and maintain all parts of the PCIS. 6. Revise in a manner as directed by the ENGINEER all I/O and addressing that the ENGINEER determines to be unacceptable as a result of a lack of CONTRACTOR coordination between Contract Documents and all suppliers. 7. Defective Work: a_ As specified in Special Provisions. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. �urnish submittals as specified in and tihis 5ub-Section. B. General: 1. Instruct all equipment suppliers of submittals and operation and maintenance manuals of the requirements in this Sub-Section. 2. Fumish the submittals required by each section in the Elecirical Specifications. 3. Adhere to the wiring numbering scheme specified in Sub-Section 10.16075 throughout the Project: a. Uniquely number each wire. b. Wire numbers must appear on all Equipment Drawings_ 4. Use equipment and instrument tags, as indicated on the Drawings, for all submittals. C. Submittal organizatian: 1. First page: a. Specification Sub-Section reference_ b. Name and telephone number of individual who reviewed submittal before delivery to ENGINEER. c. Name and telephone number of individual who is primarily responsible for the development of the submittal. d. Place for CONTRACTOR's review stamp and comments. 2. Next pages: a. Provide confirmation of specification compliance in a tabular form that individually lists each specification section, paragraph, and sub- paragraphs and unequivocally states compliance with said requirement or takes exception to the requirement and lists the reason for said exception and offers alternative means for compliance. b. Include a response in writing to each of the ENGINEER's comments or questions far submittal packages which are re-submitted: 1) In the order that the comments or questions were presented throughout the submittal. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.17050-8 8235B10 pw:IlCarollo/DocumentslClie nUWAlftentonl8235610lSpecifira 6ons110.17050 �� ;� � � 2) Referenced by index section and page number on which the comment appeared. 3) Acceptable responses to ENGINEER's comments are either_ a) ENGINEER's comment or change is accepted and appropriate changes are made. b) Explain why comment is not accepted or requested change is not made. c) Explain how requirement will be satisfied in lieu of comment or change requested by ENGINEER. 4) Any re-submittal, which does not contain responses to the ENGINEER's previous comments shall be returned for Revision and Re-submittal. 5) No further review by the ENGINEER will be performed until a response for previous comments has been received. 3. R�maining pagss: a. Actual submittal data: . 1) Organize submittals in exactly the same order as the items are referenced, listed, and/or organized in the specification section_ For submittals that cover multiple devices used in difFerent areas under the same specification section, the submittal for the individual devices must list the area where the device is intended to be used. D. Operation and maintenance manuals: � 1. Furnish the ENGINEER with a complete set of written operation and maintenance manuals weeks before energization start-up and/or commissioning_ � 2. Additional operation and maintenance manual requirements: a. Completely index manuals with a tab for each section: 1) Each section containing applicable data for each piece of equipment, � system, or topic covered. 2) Assemble manuals using the approved shop drawings, and include, the following types of data: a) Complete set of 11-inch by 17-inch drawings of equipment. � b) Complete set of 11-inch by 17-inch drawings of the control - system_ c) Complete set of control schematics. d) Complete parts list for all equipment being provided. e) Catalog data for all products or equipment furnished. E. Material and equipment schedules: �.� 1. Furnish a complete schedule andlor matrix of all materials, equipment, apparatus, and luminaries that are proposed for use: � a_ Include sizes, names of manufacturers, catalog numbers, and such other information required to identify the items. ' F. Schedule of values: � 1. In addition to completing all items referred to in the schedule of values, Sub- � Section 10.01292, submit per unit material and labor costs used in developing � the final bid for the electrical system, for the express purpose of pricing and cost justification for any proposed change orders. In addition to the items shown on the schedule of values, provide per unit material and labor costs for conduit and wire installation for specific types, sizes, and locations as � . October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.17050-9 8235B10 pw:!/Carollo/Documents�Clien UWAlRenton/8235810lSpecificationsl10.17050 � indicated on the Drawings and Gonduit Schedule. It is the responsibility of the electrical subcontractor to prove to the ENGINEER's satisfaction that said per unit costs were used in the development of the final Bid amount. G. Roof penetrations: 1. Submit details of all portions of the electrical installation that penetrate the roof. Include details showing support of the penetrating component, and the sealing means to be utilized. H. Installation recommendations: 1. Submit the manufacturer's printed recommendations for installation of electrical equipment. Record documents: 1. Provide record documents of all Electrical Drawings. 2. Record Drawing requirements: a. . Update Record Drawings weekly_ b. Record Drawings must be fully updated as a condition of the monthly progress payments. c. Submit Record Drawings upon completion of the Work for final review. d_ Cleariy and neaiiy show ail changes inciuding ine foliowing: 1) All existing pipe, canduit, wire, instruments or othzr structures encountered or uncovered during construction. 3. Shop drawings: a_ Upon completion of the Work, update all shop drawings to indicate the final as-built configuration of the systems: 1} Provide as-built shop drawings for all electrical equipment on 11-inch by 17-inch using Bond paper. 2) Provide electronic copies of these documents on CD-ROM disks in AutoCad Version 2000 by Autodesk and pdf. Size all drawings to be readable and legible an 11-inch by 17-inch media_ b_ Fumish written information prepared specifically for this Project using .pdf and printed on 8.5-inch by 11-inch plain bond paper: 1) Provide electronic copies of these documents on CD-ROM disks. 4. Review and corrections: a. Correct any record documents or other documents found to be incomplete, not accurate, of poor quality, or containing errors. b. Promptly correct and re-submit record documents retumed for correction. 5. Additional requiremerits for acceptance test reports are specified in Sub- Section 10.16950. J. Calculations: 1. Where required by specific Electricat Specifications: a_ Because these calculations are being provided by a registered professional engineer, they will be reviewed for form, format, and content but will not be reviewed for accuracy and calculation means. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacture instruments at facilities certified to the quality standards of ISO 9001. 1. Determination of the proposed ICSC qualifications is at the sole discretion of the ENGINEER. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_17050-10 8235B10 pw:llCarollo/DocumentslClienUWAtRentonB23561 O1Speafications/16.17050 �� � � 1.07 B. Fumish all equipment listed by and bearing the label of UL or of an independent testing laboratory acceptable to the ENGINEER and the Authority Having Jurisdiction. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Store all equipment and materials delivered to the job site in a location that will not interFere with the construction or the OWNER's operations. B. Shipping precautions: 1. After completion of shop assembly and successful FAT, pack all equipment, cabinets, panels, and consoles in protective crates and enclose in heavy-duty polyethylene envelopes or secured sheeting to provide complete protection from damage, dust, and moisture. 2. Place dehumidifiers when required, inside the polyethylene coverings. 3. Skid-mount the equipment for final transport. 4. Provide lifting rings for moving without removing protective covering. 5. Display boxed weight on shipping tags together with instructions for unloading, transporting, storing, and handling at the job site. �' �. Speciai insiruciions: 1. Securely attach special instructions for proper field handling, storage, and instailation to each piece of equipment before packaging and shipment. �, �� �� � A_ Site conditions: 1. Provide a PCIS, including all equipment, raceways and any other components required #or a complete installation that meets the environmental conditions for the Site as specified in the General Requirements and below. 2. Seismic classification: a. Provide al! equipment and construction techniques suitable for the seismic requirements for the site. 3. Wind: a. Provide all equipment and construction techniques suitable for the site wind loading criteria_ 4. Altitude, temperature and humidity: � D_ Tagging: 1. Tag each component andlor instrument to identify its location, instrument tag number, and function in the system. 2. Firmly attach a permanent tag indelibly machine marked with the instrument tag number, as given in the tabulation, on each piece of equipment constituting the PCIS. 3. Tag instruments immediately upon receipt in the field. 4. Prominentty display identification on the outside of the package. 5_ Utilize the Tag and Loop Number identifications shown on the P8�IDs. E. Delivery and inspection: 1_ Deliver products in undamaged condition, in manufacturer's original container or packaging with identifying labels intact and legible. Include date of manufacture on label. 1.08 PROJECT OR SITE CONDITIONS October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.17050-11 8235B10 pwllCarollWDocumentslClient/WAlRenton782358 t 0/Specificationsl10.7 7050 �, a. Provide all equipment and instrumentation fully rated for continuous operation at this altitude, temperature and humidity conditions with no additional derating factors applied. b_ Provide additional temperature conditioning equipment to maintain all equipment and instrumentation in non-conditioned spaces or outdoors subject to these ambient temperatures 10 degrees Fahrenheit above the minimum operating temperature and 10 degrees Fahrenheit below maximum operating temperature as determined by the equipment manufacturer's guidelines: 1) Provide all _power wiring for these devices (e.g., heaters, fans, etc.), whether or not indicated on the Drawings. 5. Area cfassifications: a. Furnish enclosures that match the area classifications as specified in Sub- Section 10.16050 and as indicated on the drawings. 1.09 SEQUENCING A. Training: 1_ Complete all training before the pre-commissioning phase of the project may start. 2. Scheaufe "the training sessions a minimum oi 15 aays before the siari aaie ofi the courses. 3_ Submit training manuals to the ENGINEER a minimum of 10 days before starting the training session_ 4. Within 10 days after the completion of each session, submit the following: a. A list of all OWNER personnel that attended the session. b. A copy of the training materials utilized during the lesson with all notes, diagrams, and comments. B. Pre-commissioning test: 1_ Commence after acceptance of all training, wire test, calibration tests, and loop validation tests, and all inspections have demonstrated ttiat the PCIS complies with all Contract requirements. 2. Acceptance of the PCIS pre-commissioning testing must be provided in writing by the ENGINEER before the performance testing may begin. 3_ The OWNER shall assist with pre-commissioning testing for PLCs programmed by the OWNER_ 4_ The OWNER shall not be required to be on site until the loop validation tests are complete for a PLC/RTU and all prerequisites fo� the pre-commissioning test are completed_ C. Provide all special tools and spare parts, as specified in the Maintenance paragraph of this Section, before performance testing commences, suitably wrapped and identified. D. PerFormance testing: 1. Complete pre-commissioning test a minimum of 5 days before the performance test. E. Substantial completion: The following conditions be fulfilled before the PCIS is considered complete: 1. All submittals have been completed and approved. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.17050-12 8235B10 pwllCarollo/DocumentslClienUWA/f2entonB2358101Speaficafionsl10.17050 � � � � � � � �, � 2. The PCIS has been calibrated, loop tested and pre-commissioned. 3. The OWNER training has been performed. 4. All required spare parts, expendable supplies, and test equipment have been delivered to the OWNER. 5. The performance test has been successfully completed. 6. All debris associated with installation of instrumentation has been removed. 7.. All probes, elements, sample lines, transmitters, tubing, and enclosures have been cleaned and are in like-new condition. 1.10 NOT USED) 1.11 WARRANTY A. Provide additional warranty as specified in the individual Instrumentation and Control Specifications. 1.12 SYSTEM START-UP A. Replace or modify equipment, software, and materials that do not achieve design requirements after installation in order to attain compliance with the design re�uiremen'i5: 1_ Following replacement or modification, retest the system and perform adclitionai testing to place the complete system in satisfactory operation and obtain compliance acceptance from the ENGINEER. 1.13 ' (NOT USED) 1.14 NOT USED) 1.15 MAIPITENANCE A_ Before Substantial Completion, perform all maintenance activities required by the Contract Documents including any calibrations, final adjustments, component replacements or other routine service required before placing equipment or systems in service. 1. Furnish all spare parts as required by the Contract Documents. B. Provide additional spare parts specified in other sections of the Instrumentation and Control Specifications. C. Submit all special tools and spare parts, suitably wrapped and identified, before performance testing commences. i PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Provide.similar items from a single manufacturer throughout the PCIS portion of the Project. � B. Allowable manufacturers are specified in individual instrument and equipment specifications in other sections of the Instrumentation and Control Specifications. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.17050-13 8235B10 � pw:llCarollolDocuments/ClienNNAlRentonl8235B10/SpecificaUons/10.17050 2.02 NOT USED) 2.03 MATERIALS � '� Fumish all materials under this Contract that are new, free from defects, and standard products produced by manufacturers regulariy engaged in the production of these devices and that bear all approvals and labels as required by the Specifications. Provide materials complying with the applicable industrial standard as specified in the Contract Documents. 2.04 �AAAl11CA!`TI I�CII I IAIITC �NOT USED� 2.05 �^� ���n"�"�T �NOT USED) 2.06 COMPONENTS A. Fumish all meters, instruments, and other components that are the most recent freld proven models marketed by their manufacturers at the time of submittal of the shop uia�vifiy^S uiiic^SS i,iii2R�JiSc S'32�ii1@u iv �i�aiCii @XiSiii�i� ��^�'�.ii'aiT18^i. B. Unless otherwise specified, furnish individual instruments that have a minimum accuracy of ±0.5 percent of full scale and a minimum repeatability of ±025 percent of full scale. C. Signal transmission: 1. Analog signals: a. Furnish analog measurements and control signals that vary in direct linear proportion to the measured variable, unless otherwise indicated. b. Fumish electrical analog signals outside control panels that are 4 to 20 milliamperes 24 VDC, except as indicated_ c. Analog signals within enclosures may be 1 to 5 VDC. � � d. Electrically or optically isolate all analog signals from other signals. e. All pneumatic signals: 3 to 15 pounds per square inch gauge. f. Discrete input signal as indicated in the controller hardware specification_ g. Discrete output signals: . 1) Dry contacts or TRIAC outputs (with express written approval by the ENGINEER) as needed to coordinate with the field device. 2) Provide external terminal block mounted fuse with blown fuse indication for all discrete outputs. 3) Interposing relays: a) Provide interposing relays for all discrete outputs. h. Fumish regulated analog signals that are not affected by changes in supply voltage or Ioad resistance within the unit's rating. i. Maintain the total 4 to 20 mi{liamperes loop impedance to 10 percent below the published value at the loop operating voltage. j. Where necessary, reduce loop impedance by providing current-to-current (I/I) isolation amplifiers for signal re-transmission_ D. Discrete circuit configuration: 1. Configure discrete control circuits to fail safe, on loss of continuity or loss of power. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.17050-14 8235B10 pwllCarollolDocuments/ClienUWAlRenton/823581 O/Specificationslt 0.17050 � � 2. Alarm contacts: Fail to the alarm condition. 3. Control contacts fail to the inoperative condition unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. E. Grounding: 1. Provide control panels with a signal ground bus, isotated from the power ground bus: a. Provide multiple panels in one location with a common point for signal ground bus connection to ground. 2. Ground single point ground shields and measurement loops at the source panel external terminals, unless otherwise noted, by bonding to the control panel signal ground bus. 3. Provide isolating amplifiers within control panels for field equipment possessing a grounded input or output, except when the panel circuit is galvanically isolated. NOT USED) �AI�€�(NOT USED) IVU 1 UStL�) �IAJ�S#€�(NOT USED) 2.07 2.08 L.Uy 2.10 � 2.11 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Provide all equipment that is new, free from defects, and standard products � produced by manufacturers regularly engaged in the production of these products that bear all approvals and labels as required by the Specifications. B. Arrange with all manufacturers of the equipment and fabricators of panels and � cabinets, to allow the OWNER and ENGINEER to inspect and witness the testing of the equipment at the site of fabrication: 1. Equipment includes the cabinets, special control systems, flow measuring devices, and other pertinent systems and devices. PART 3 EXECUTION � � 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Review the existing Site conditions and examine all shop drawings for the various items of equipment in order to determine exact routing and final terminations for all wiring and cables. B. Provide a complete instrumentation and control system: 1_ Install all extra conduits, cables, and interfaces as may be necessary to provide a complete and operating electrical, and process control and instrumentation system. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.17050-15 pwJ/CarollolDocuments�Clien NNAlRenton/8235B 101Specifications/t 0.17050 8235B10 3.02 pQ�on�nr�nu �NOT USED) 3.03 _ INSTALLATION A. Equipment locations indicated on the Drawings may change due to variations in equipment size or minor changes made by others during construction: 1. Verify all dimensions as indicated on the Drawings: a. Actual field conditions govern all final installed locations, distances, and levels. 2. Review all information indicated on the Drawings, including architectural, structural, mechanical, instrumentation, and the accepted electrical, instrumentation, and mechanical shop drawings, and coordinate Work as necessary to adjust to all conditions that arise due to such changes. 3. Make minor changes in location of equipment before rough in, as directed by the OWNER or ENGINEER. B. Perform all related Electrical Work in accordance with the applicable sections of the Electrical Specifications. C. The PCIS configurations are diagrammatic_ 1_ The Iocaiions of equipmeni are approximate uniess dimensioneci. 2_ Where Project conditions require, make reasonable changes in locations and arrangements. D. Field instruments installation: 1. Install field instruments as specified in the Contract Documents, ANSI/API 550 and 551, and the manufacturer's instructions. 2_ Mount field instruments so that they can be easily read, readily approached, and easily serviced, and so they do not restrict access to mechanical equipment: a_ Mount field instruments on a pipe stand or local panel, if they are not directly mounted, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. b. Provide sun shields for all field electronic instruments exposed to direct sunlight. 3. Make connections from rigid conduit systems to field instruments with PVC coated flexible conduit: a. Type of flexible conduit required for the area classification: 1) Area classification as specified in Sub,.-Section 10.16050. b. Maximum length of 18 inches. 4. Connect field instruments with cable as specified in the Electrical Specifications, except when the manufacturer requires the use of special cable, or otherwise specified herein: a. Special cable applications shall be in accordance with the NEC. 5. Verify the correctness ofi each installation: a. Polarity of electric power and signal connections. b. Ensure all process connections are free of leaks. E. Process sensing lines and air tubing: 1_ Install individual tubes parallel and/or perpendicular to and near the surfaces from which they are supported. 2. Provide supports for ngid tubing at intervals of not more than 3 feet. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.17050-16 8235B10 pwl/Carollo/DocumenLslGienUVJA/ften ton18235B 101Specfications/10.17050 ,� � � ��. � �� � � � �\ �� L� �.J � � � � 3. Slope horizontal runs of instrument tubing at a minimum of 1/16th inch per foot to allow for draining of any condensate. 4. Bends: a. Use proper tool_ b. Make bends for parallel lines symmetrical. c. Make bends without deforming or thinning the walls of the tubing. 5. Square-cut and clean all ends of tubing before being inserted in the fittings. 6. Provide bulkhead fittings at all panels requiring pipe and/or tubing entries. 7. Use stainless steel tubing for all piping hard piped from the air header, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings or not compatible with the fluids or atmosphere in the area: a. Use flexible connections only on moving equipment and under the constraint that the length shall be less than 1.5 times maximum travel of the equipment. F. Conduit, cables, and field wiring: 1. Provide all PCIS equipment cables, and process LAN communication nefinrorks under the Instrumentation and Control Specifications. 2. Provide terminations and wire identification as specified in the Electrical Specifications. 3. Protect all wiring from sharp edges and comers. 4. Provide all conduits, fittings, boxes, etc. in accordance with all the requirements of ihe Electrical Specifications. G. Equipment tie-downs: 1. Anchor all instruments, control panels, and equipment by methods that comply with seismic and wind bracing requirements, which apply to the Site. 2. All control panels, VCPs, LCPs, RTUs, PCMs, etc., shall be permanently mounted and tied down to structures. H. Instrument tagging: 1. As specified in Sub-Section 10.16075. 2. Provide all field-mounted instruments with nameplates: a. Nameplates engraved with the instrument's full tag number as indicated on the Drawings: 1) Affix tags with stainless steel wire fasteners. 3. Provide all back of panel instruments with nameplates: a. Engraved with the instrumenYs full tag number as indicated on the Drawings: 4. Provide all front of panel instruments with a nameplate: a. Engraving to include the instrument's full tag number and service description. b. Secure nameplates to the panel with staintess steel screws. c_ Use an approved adhesive if screws would violate the NEMA or other ratings of the enclosure. Cable and conductor termination: 1. Terminate all cables and conductors on terminal blocks. 2. Terminal block enclosures: a. Suitable for the area classification as specified in Sub-Section 10.16050. J. Surge protection_ October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.17050-17 8235B10 pw:dCarolblDocumentslClientlWAlRenton18235810lSpedGcaUwis110.17050 �� �� E 3. Provide outdoor field instrument loops with voltage surge protection units instailed on the instruments_ Individually fuse each 4-20 milliamperes direct current loop with a 1/16 ampere fuse between power supplies and receiver surge protectors. Provide voltage surge protection for 4 wire transmitters and analyzers: a. Protect both power source and signal loop. 3.04 , , , NOT USED) 3.05 3.06 3.07 GCDAIp/DCCTlIOATIlIAI �NOT USED) o�_���crn� � n-r�n�� �NOT USED) FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspection: 1_ Provide any assistance necessary to support inspection activities. 2_ ENGINEER inspections may include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Inspect equipment and materials for physical damage. b. Inspect installation for compliance with Drawings and Specifications. c. iri�pect ir�siaiiation far a�siructior�� and aaequaie ciear�nc�s around equipment. d. Inspect equipment installation for proper leveling, alignment, anchorage, and assembly. e. Inspect equipment nameplate data to verify compliance with design requirements. f. Inspect cable terminations. g. Inspect/witness instrument calibrations/verifications_ B. installation supervision: 1_ Ensure that the entire PCIS is installed in a prope� and satisfactory manner. At a minimum, the ICSC shall provide the following services: a. Installation resources: 1) Coordinate with the CONTRACTOR regarding installation requirements of the Contract Documents_ b. Provide technical assistance to installation personnel by telephone: 1) Furnish installation personnel with at least one copy of the approved submittals, including all installation details. c. Periodic inspections during the construction period. d. A complete check of the completed installation to ensure that it is in conformance with the requirements of the equipment manufacturer and the Contract Documents. e. Field verify accuracy and calibration of all instruments_ 3.08 CLEANING A. Vacuum clean all control panels and enclosures before start-up and again after final completion of the project. � C. Clean all panel surfaces. Return to new condition any scratches and/or defects. �� � ;� �� � � � � �, � � �� � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.17050-18 8235B10 pw:llCarollo/DocumentslCfienuWAlf2enton182356 t O1Specifica6ons/10.17050 ;� � �� � � 3.09 �' � '�, � � �� � � D. Wipe all instrument faces and enclosures clean. E. Leave wiring in panels, manholes, boxes, and other locations in a neat, clean, and organized manner: 1. Neatly coil and label all spare wiring lengths. 2. Shorten, re-terminate, and re-label excessive spare wire and cable lengths, as determined by the ENGINEER. F. As s�ecified in other sections of the Contract Documents. DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING A. Training: 1. General: a. Conduct all training at the Project Site unless another location is approved by the ENGINEER and OWNER: 1) Include instruction on the use of all maintenance equipment and special tools provided under the Contract. b. Tailor training classes fo the specific needs of the class participants: 1) Furnish additional sessions if required to accommodate the total number or personnei iaentified for each course. 2. Training manuals and materials: a. Fumish training manuals and other materials for training courses. b. Manuals are to be professionally written to present the course material in a format that is easy to comprehend. c. The manuals are to serve as teaching aids during presentation of the training classes. d. Manuals are to serve as reference material after the training has been completed. ' 3. Training course requirements: a. System overview training: b. Instrumentation training: 1) Furnish training covering all instruments and control panels. 2) Furnish the specified quantity of training, allocated to cover new instruments and hardwired controls as described herein and specifically determined in the approved training plan. 3) Train maintenance staff in the use, cleaning, calibration, maintenance, and troubleshooting of all the instruments furnished within this Project. 4) Furnish training on the operation of new hardwired controls_ 3.10 PROTECTION �' A. Protect all Work from damage or degradation until date of Substantial Completion. �3.11 NOT USED) , �f � END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.17050-19 8235B10 , pwllCarollolDocuments/ClienUWWRentonl823561 OlSpecifica6ons110.17050 October 16, 2010 - FINAL 10_17050-20 8235B10 pw:NCarollolDocumentslGienUWAlHentoN8235B 10/S pecfications/10.17050 SUB-SECTION 10.17201 LEVEL MEASUREMENT - SWITCHES PART.1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section inciudes requirements for: 1. Displacement Float Level Switch. B. Related Sections/Sub-Sections: 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities pertorming or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work_ 3. The fallowing Sections/Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub-Section. This list of Related Sections/Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents_ a_ Section 1-05 - Control of Work. b. Sub-Section 10.17050 - Process Control and Instrumentation Systems General Requirements. C. Provide all instruments identified in the Contract Documents. 1.02 REFERENCES A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.17050. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.17050. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Furnish submittals in accordance with Section1-05 and Sub-Section 10.17050. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.17050. B. Examine the complete set of Contract Documents and verify that the instruments are compatible with the installed conditions including: 1. Process conditions: Fluids, pressures, temperatures, flows, materials, etc. 2. Physical conditions: a. Installation and mounting requirements. b. Location within the process. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_17201-1 8235A10 , pwJ/CarollolDocumentslClienUWAlRenton18235AtO/Speafications110.17201 c. Accessories: Verify that all required accessories are provided and are compatible with the process conditions and physical installation. C. Notify the ENGINEER if any installation condition does not meet the instrument manufacturer's recommendations or specifications. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.17050. 1.07 PROJECT OR SITE CONDITIONS A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.17050. 1.08 WARRANTY A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.17050. 1.09 MAINTENANCE A. Rofor t^ SL:�-CS�t:L�!l � Q.'� 7n��- PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Displacement Float Level Switch: 1. Gems Sensors and Controls Series LS-3. 2_ B/W Unifloat. 2.02 MANUFACTURED UNITS A. Displacement Float Level Switch: 1. General: Float with a permanent magnet encircles a stationary stem. A hermetically sealed magnetically operated latching reed switch(es) mounted in the stem: a. Mercury switches are not acceptable. 2_ Lead Wires: Mounted in flexible waterproof PVC cable from switch to junction box terminals without splices. 3. Switch: a_ Single pole single throw (SPST). 4. The number of floats�per level system shall be as shown on the Drawings. 2.03 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.17050. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 �YAMIAI/�TIfIAI �NOT USED) October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.17201-2 8235A10 pwllCarollo/DocumentslClienUWAlRenronl8235A 101Specficationsl10.17201 � ' , ,� � �� ' ' � �� � � 1 , � �' � i 3.02 DGGDA�ATI(lAI �NOT USED) 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.17050. B. Mount 6 inch above finished floor or as indicated on the drawings. C. Coordinate the installation with all trades to ensure that the mechanical system has all necessary appurtenances including weld-o-lets, valves, etc. for proper installation of instruments. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.17050. 3.05 ADJUSTING A. Verify factory calibration of all instruments in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions: i. r`��iiii i'i ia�ivi y �aiiui 8i2d ucVi�BS ii� i,iG iai,ivi y ii II�Cy UU I IUL �ICCt ll IC I`18it� verification requirements for calibration. 3.06 CLEANING A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.17050. 3.07 DEMONSTRATIOPI AND TRAINING A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.17050. 3.08 PROTECTION A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.17050. 3.09 SCHEDULES A. The provided information does not necessarily include all required instruments. Provide ail instruments identified in the Contract Documents: 1. Instruments may be shown on the Drawings, in the Specifications or both. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_17201-3 8235A10 � pw:l/CamllolDocuments�ClienUWAlf2enton/8235AtO/Specificalionslt0.17201 � END OF SUB-SECTION � , �� � �� ' , � ,� � LJ 1 � � � � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.17201-4 8235A10 pw:llCarollo/DocumentslClienWVAlRenton/8235At0ISpecifications(10.17201 � � � � � 1 �I , 1 1 i . ' � , i 1 ' ' � SUB-SECTION 10.17404 PRESSURENACUUM MEASUREMENT - GAUGES PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes requirements for: 1. PressureNacuum gauges. B. Related Sub-Sections: . 1. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The following Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub- Sectian. i his iisi �ii reiafea Suo-S�ciians is provided for car�venience oniy and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. a. Sub-Section 10_01330 - Submittal Procedures. b. Sub-Section 10.17050 - Process Control and Instrumentation Systems General Requirements. C. Provide all instruments identified in the Contract Documents. 1.02 REFERENCES A. As specified in Sub-Section 10.17050. B. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME): 1. B40.100 — Pressure Gauges and Gauge Attachments. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. As specified in Sub-Section 10.17050. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Furnish submittals as specified in Sub-Sections 10.01330 and 10.17050. B. Additional requirements: 1. Product data: a. Accessories such as diaphragm seals, valve manifold, snubbers, and pulsation dampeners_ 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. As specified in Sub-Section 10.17050. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 17404-1 8235A10 � pw:llCarollo/DocumentslClienWYAJRentonl8235A1QlSpecifications110.174(14 �. � B. Examine the complete set of Contact Documents and verify that the instruments are compatible with the installed conditions incfuding: 1. Process conditions: Fluids, pressures, temperatures, flows, materials, etc. 2. Physical conditions: a. Installation and mounting requirements. b. Location within the process_ c. Accessories: Verify that all required accessories are provided and are compatible with the process conditions and physical installation. C. Nofify the ENGINEER if any installation condition does not meet the instrument manufacturer's recommendations or specifications. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. As specified in Sub-Section 10.17050. 1.07 PROJECT OR SITE CONDITIONS A. As specified in Sub-Section 10.17050_ 1 .QO YYH�C/� �HIV 1 i A. As specified in Sub-Section 10_17050. 1.09 MAINTENANCE A. As specified in Sub-Section 10.17050. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: One of the following or equal: 1. Ashcroft: a_ Maximum pressure less than 10 psi: Model 1188. b. Maximum pressure greater than or equal to 10 psi: Model 1279. 2. Wka. 3. Ametek U.S. Gauge. 2.02 MANUFACTURED UNITS A. General: 1. Pressure gauge assembly shall include pressure sensing element, gauge case, and dial mechanism. B. Performance requirements: 1 _ Pressure range: a_ As specified in the Contract Documents. 2. Accuracy: a. Grade 2A, as defined by ASME B40.100. b. ±1.0 percent of span after friction errors are eliminated by tapping or vibration. � , � 1 ' ' ' 1 , , 1 � 1 ' ' ' ' � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 17404-2 8235A10 pw:llCarollo/DocumentslClienUWAlf2entonB235At 01Specficationsl10.17404 � � ' ' � 3 c. Maximum aliowable friction inaccuracy: ±1.0 percent of span. Element: a. Where the maximum pressure is less than 10 psi, provide socket and bellows; for all other pressure ranges, employ a Bourdon tube_ b. Socket tips for bellows and Bourdon tube: 1) Materials: Type 316 stainless steel. c. Overpressure: Minimum 130 percent of maximum range pressure v,rithout damage to gauge or sensing element_ d. Wetted Materials: 316 stainless steel. Dial gauge: a. Dial size: 4-1/2 inches. b_ Dial case material: Phenolic. c. Provide safety gauge with rupture disk and blow out back. d. Dial face: Gasketed shatterproof qlass or polycarbonate. e. Provide gauge Iocks where possible. f. Hermetically sealed. g_ Connection and mounting: 1) Direct mounted and suitable for outdoor installation. 2) 1/2 inch NPT. 3) Connection material: Stainless steel. h. Pointer: Externally adjustable. 4. ' ' l� J ' , ' ' � 2.03 ACCESSORIES A. Provide a diaphragm seal for each pressure gauge 1. Diaphragm seal and pressure gauge shall be assembled by manufacturer and shipped as an assembly. 2. All stainless steel construction. 3. 1 inch process connection. B. Provide means for gauge isolation: 1. Mount valve manifold integrally to the gauge or diaphragm seal. 2.04 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. As specified in Sub-Section 10.17050. � ' , ' � � B. Factory calibrate each pressure gauge at a facility that is traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). C. Provide complete documentation covering the traceability of all calibration instruments. PART 3 EKECUTION 3.01 (NOT USED) 3.02 DC?GDAQATIlIAI �NOT USED) 3.03 INSTALLATION A. As specified in Sub-Section 10.17050. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 17404-3 8235A10 , pw:llCardlo/Documents�ClientNVM2enton18235AtO15peaficationsl10.17404 B. Coordinate the installation with all trades to ensure that the mechanicai system has all necessary appurtenances including weld-o-lets, valves, etc. for proper installation of instruments. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. As specified in Sub-Section 10.17050. B. Provide manufacturer's services to perform start-up and calibration or verification. 3.05 ADJUSTING A. Verify factory calibration of all instruments in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions: 1. Return factory calibrated devices to the factory if they do not meet the field verification requirements for calibration_ 3.06 CLEANING A. As specified in Sub-Section 10.17050. 3.07 DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING A. As specified in Sub-Section 10.17050. B. Demonstrate performance of all instruments to the ENGINEER before commissioning: 1: Furnish 0.5 hours of OWNER training. 3.08 PROTECTlON A. As specified in Sub-Section 10.17050. 3.09 SCHEDULES A. The provided information does not necessarily include all required instruments. Provide all instruments identified in the Contract Documents: 1. Instruments may be indicated on the Drawings, specified in the Specifications or both. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 17404-4 8235A10 pw:t/CarollolDocumentslCf ienUVJAlf2enton18235A 10/Specfirationsl10.17d04 , � ' ' ' ' � 1 ' ' , , ' ' , , ' END OF SUB-SECTION ' October 26, 2Q10 - FINAL 17404-5 ' pw:!lCarollolDocuments�CGenUWAlRentonl8235A10lSpedficationsl10.17404 � 8235A10 � � � � � � � � i � � � � � ^ � � � � October 26, 201.0 - FINAL 17404-6 8235A10 pw:/ICarollolDoaunents/ClienUWAlRenton(8235At 0/Specfications110.17404 , [� 1 � 1 � ' ' , � � , � , SUB-SECTION 10.17407 PRESSURE MEASUREMENT-SUBMERSIBLE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sub-Section includes requirements for: 1. Submersible pressure transmitters. B. Related Sections/Sub-Sections: 1. The Contr?ct Documents are comrlPmentary; what is calle� for by o�p �� as binding as if called for by all. 2. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of CONTRACTOR's Work. 3. The following Sections/Sub-Sections are related to the Work described in this Sub-Section. This list of Related Sections/Sub-Sections is provided for convenience only and is not intended to excuse or otherwise diminish the duty of the CONTRACTOR to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. a. Section 1-05 - Control of Work. b. Sub-Section 10.17050 - Process Control and Instrumentation Systems General F2equirements_ C. Provide all instruments identified in the Contract Documents. • 1.02 REFERENCES A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.17050. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.17050. 1.04 SUBMITTALS ' A. Furnish submittals in accordance with Section 1-05 and Sub-Section 10.17050. � 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.17Q50. � B. Examine the complete set of Contact Documents and verify that the instruments are compatible with the installed conditions including: , 1. Process conditions: Fluids, pressures, temperatures, flows, materials, etc. � 2. Physical conditions: a_ Installation and mounting requirements. b. Location within the process. � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.17407-1 8235A10 , pw:UCarollolDocuments/ClienUWA/Renton18235At0/Speaficationsl10.17407 c. Accessories: Verify that all required accessories are provided and are compatible with the process conditions and physical installation. C. Notify the ENGINEER if any installation condition does not meet the instrument manufacturer's recommendations or specifications. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.17050. 1.07 PROJECT OR SITE CONDITIONS A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.17050_ 1.08 WARRANTY A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.17050. 1.09 MAINTENANCE q t�ofo� .o �:;�-S��fi�; ; � n.1705�. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Submersible level measurement with 2-wire integral transmitter: 1. One of the following or equal: a_ KPS1720. 2.02 MAiVUFACTURED UNITS A. Submersible level measurement with 2-wire integral transmitter: 1. General: a. Pressure is measured through a ceramic measuring cell and converted to linear pressure measurement_ b. Each submersible pressure transmitter system shall inalude: 1) Signal cab►e. 2) Transducer with integral transmitter. 3) Transmitter cable termination box. 2_ Performance requirements: a. Accuracy: 1) 0.3 percent of range. b. Repeatability: 1) 0.25 percent of full scale_ c. Rangeability: 1) 3:1. d. Range: 1) 0-16 feet. 3. Element: a. Sensor housing shall be 316L stainless steel with ceramic diaphragm. b. Protective cap shall be polyethylene material. October 26, 2010 - FtNAL 10_17407-2 8235A10 pw:llCarollolDocumentsl�entlWNRenton/8235A 10ISpeaficationslt 0.17407 , , � , ' J � , � � , , , � , � � � c. Slip resistant extension cable with pressure compensation tube with Teflon filter. d. Enclosure for transmitter assembly shall be NEMA 4X. 4. Transmitter: a. Power supply: 1) 24 VDC - 2 wire loop powered. 2) Power consurrmption: 18 VA maximum. b. Outputs: 1) Isolated 4-20mA DC. c. Without display. d. Ambient operating temperature limits of -10 to 70 degrees Celsius (-14 to 158 degrees Fahrenheit). 2.03 ACCESSORIES A. Provide 316L SS mounting clamps with 304 SS mounting screws_ B. Provide cable clamp and strain relief. C. Provide computer cable adapter with Windows0 software. D. Stilling well and mounting bracket. E. Long life vent filter. 2.04 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.17050. B. Factory calibrate each instrument at a facility that is traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). C. Provide a real-time computer generated printout of the actual calibration data indicating apparent and actual levels at 20 percent, 40 percent, 60 percent, 80 percent and 100 percent of the calibrated ranges. Submit to the ENGINEER and included in the 08�M. D. Provide complete documentation covering the traceability of all calibration instruments. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10_17407-3 8235A10 � pw:/lCarollo/DocumentsJClienWYA/F2entonl8235At01Specifica6onsl10.17407 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 NOT USED) 3.02 ooconon-r�nr.i �NOT USED) 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.17050. B. Coordinate the installation with all trades to ensure that the mechanical system has all necessary appurtenances including weld-o-lets, valves, etc. for proper installation of instruments_ 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.17050. B. Provide manufacturer's services to perform start-up and calibration or verification_ 3.OS AQJ��Tl�:G A. Verify factory calibration of all instruments in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions: 1. Return factory calibrated devices to the factory if they do not meet the field verification requirements for calibration_ 3.06 CLEANING A_ Refer to Sub-Section 10.17Q50. 3.07 DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.17050. 3.08 PROTECTION A. Refer to Sub-Section 10.17050. 3.09 SCHEDULES A. The provided information does not necessarily include all required instruments. Provide all instruments identified in the Contract Documents: 1. Instruments may be shown on the Drawings, in the Specifications or both. October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.17407-4 8235A10 pw:Il Carollo/Documents/GienUWAlRenton18235A 101S pecificationsl10.17407 � � ' , � � �, I � � � � � � ' i � � LJ � A/E: Carollo Engineers SUBMERSIBLE PRESSURE INSTRUMEN.TS Spec. No. Rev. Contractor: No B Date Re��sion � �� �-th � .. ���Ri'',���*4,�. A'�' Pro ect: �~� �� �� ����� � e b��'���� Contract Date � �;� ��� � � ���,��� � . �+���� Customer: � � ���� ���x��,E �� � Plant: '� � � ����� �`� � ����.�� � �� � � Req. P.O. � ��^� �"�� =��` P � ,� .��'��� Locarion: ��. _.� �� .� , � �" BOM No.: By Chk A File: . 1 Instrument Ta Number ,,��� �;�LT O1 ���z'�`�, � � :.,`� � �.. � G 2 Service �S wa e�?Lift�Siahon`� �; �� E 3 P&ID � .N:�: �� ��'� ���; ���, N 4 Fluid T e �;��Raw�NSewa e, ` �.� 5 Fluid S ecific Gra��itv 1 0 �� � � �� � � �-� G T e � �;� �Subinersible ��� � �-� �� �-:� _�:��� P 7 Measurin Cell Material �.��.Ceratnic,�Dia hra � R 8 Probe Bodv Material ���.�;�'���3.16 L�SS'�� �"��'� x O 9 O. Tem . Ranae ";`��`�40�8� det �F�s�� � B 10 O. Pressure Ran e �' ��, 0`�18 ft���'` �� � ii vtifer 12 Other C 13 Style ���� �,���,Ivlf �Sid,N `��"�' -���� A 14 Si nal Cable Len th �� ��;�As�Re uu-ed:��� B 15 Other L 16 Other E 17 Other 18 T e ��� ��������4- �� � � � � �; ��- � T 19 O eratina 1Vlode w� :" ConUnuous'����,_, ; R 20 Enclosure ��;���'�� '�� � � � �_ .��.��., . �- :�� A 21 Mountin N 22 Tem erature Ran e S 23 Mcasurement Ran e ,,;"°���-,� n����=q� ��;: lb'I 24 Power Su 1 � 24�:UDC��3 �'�' �S.^^��w^.y��} 43 k��i�i����' I 25 Accuracy �� s� r 0 3% ofian Ae �_ �:. T 2G Dis �lav 3 ' �� aa S ��������'� �" d � ��"- .f�� a,� � �. - T 27 Out ut 4-20 mA E 28 Calibration.. R 29 Status Relay 30 Manufacturer 31 Model No. 32 Elect. Ent � 33 Other O 33 P 34 T 35 S 36 Notes: END OF SUB-SECTION October 26, 2010 - FINAL 90.17407-5 8235A10 � pw:l/Carollo/DocumentyClienWVAfRerrton18235A10/Specificationslt0.17407 � October 26, 2010 - FINAL 10.17407-6 8235A10 pw:l/Carollo/Documents/ClienUWAtRenton/8235At OlSpecificationsl10.17407 � � � � � .� ►1 r � i � i � t � 1 i � � 0 � �� STAN DARD P LAN S •o � o• 0 � � d r• a � o O CITY OF RENTON WESNIEW LIFT STATION UPGRADES TABLE OF CONTENTS STANDARD PLANS The Standard Plans for this project comprise City of Renton and Carollo Standard Plans. The Standard Plans included are listed below: City of Renton Standard Ptans 101— CEMENT CONCRETE CURBS 102 — CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK 104 — CEMENT CONCRETE DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE — TYPES C1, C2, C3, AND C-MAX 104.2 — CEMENT CONCRETE ENTPANCES — NOTES AND DETAILS 405 — PIPE BEDDlNG FOR SANITARY SEWERS HR-05—TYPICAL LONGITUDINAL PATCH AND OVERLAY FOR FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT HR-23—TYPICALTRANSVERSE PATCH FOR FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT Carollo Standard Plans A401— FRP GRATING REBATE AND SEAT P302 — SLEEVE INSTALLATION THROUGH DRY WALLS AND FLOOR SLABS P624 — ADJUSTABLE PIPE SUPPORT P626 — PIPE SUPPORT P662 — PIPE SUPPORT FOR ONE VERTICAL RISER P668 — VERTICAL PIPE SWAY BRACE EM015 — DIRECT BURIED CONDUIT OR CABLE EM108 — CONDUIT SEAL DAMMING AND POURING DETAIL EM801— INTRUSION SWITCH MOUNTING DEfAIL NL103 — LEVEL DETECTOR MOUNTING DETAIL NP806 — PRESSURE GUAGE DETAIL pw:\1DocumentslClienflWAU2enton18235A10\Spedfirations\Standard Plans TOC.docx � FACE OF CURB 6" CEMENT CONCRETE 1!2" R. � �. R SIDEWALK RAMP � 6 ��2" OR LANDING VARIES 5 1/2" 1' FROM p. 6'TOO . . p . 112"R. � 1^R ,' p• .. • p D. J 12A MAX. 6' �• � �. / 'D - p . TOP OF , . � 1/2' R ROADWAY •� 1/4" PREMOLDED • JOINT FI�LER N p • � , ° � ° ; CEMENT CONCRETE • D • D PEDESTRIAN CURB • � . . • • a � � io AT SIDEWALK RAMPS AND LANDINGS 1'-6' � FACE OF ADJACENT CURB CEMENT CONCRETE 6 ��„ TRAFFIC CURB AND GUTTER SEE DEPRESSED CURB DETAIL THIS SHEET , � FACE OF ADJACENT CURB 124 MAX. 6 1/2" TOP OF FLUSH WffH GUTTER �_ 1" 1/2^ R. ROADWAY — PAN AT SIDEWAIK 2, RAMP ENTRANCE � ° ' ' . •' D 1 t1Z MAX. � � 1:Z4 MAX. p.. Dp . D �. �. _ TOP OF p, p p •� �.. . p (O � I / 1/2" R. � h(UAUWAI' � • �� �_ �_L� � _ 6. . . p D ° ' °� � ° DEPRESSED CURB SECTION I D • D • � ° ' AT RESIDENTIAL �RIVEWAYS ONLY. FOR COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAYS SEE STD PLAN 104.2 - 1'-6' DEPRESSED CURB SECTION � FACE OF CURB � AT SIDEWALK RAMPS 6 �t2� 5 1/2" 1" � 1/2' R' 1" R. TOP OF ° � `O ROADWAY n � � • D• • FACE OF ADJACENT CURB D . . � D . � GUTTER SURFACE � 1" R / 8 1!4" p.. .. D 1 � � ,� � � � �"R. ,- � o CEMENT CONCRETE . D ' D . . � •. � � , • TRAFFIC CURB D � ' • p . � •'� D D • D v . DEPRESSED CURB DETAIL AT RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAYS, AND ALLEYS 1 GENERAL NOTES: 1. See standard plans 102 and 101.1 for curb expansfon aruf conVaction joint spacing. � 2. Curbs not consVucted to these secUons as dimensioned will not be accepted by the owner. 3. For Depressed Monolithfc Driveway Curb & Gutter Section, see Standard Pian 104.2 1'tY O � ��� PUBLIC WORKS � S�• PLAN — 101 `` DEPARTMENT CEMENT COIdCRETE CURBS ��NT�$ JUNE 2009 � , s- 12' t/2' R �EVEL t' R D 4• a' • o n p . • . D •� . NOTE: E7(TENDSIDEWAUCTWVNSVERSE JOINTS TO INCLUDE RAISED EDGE RAISED EDGE DETAIL SLOPE ROUNOING (WHEN SPECIFIED) SLOPE ROUNDING (WHEN SPECIFIED) 7 � VARIES SIDEWALKMAY BE ADJACENT TO A WALL (SEE DETPJL) SIDEWALK VARIES: 5'-0' MIN. 12' R (fYP.) � `rl 2% MAX. ER STRIP 5' - 0' CURB NOT INCLUDED 2% MNL _ � IN BID ITEM CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK A0.IACENT TO BUFFER STRIP VARIES SIDEWALK MAY BE ADJACENT TO A WALL (SEE DETAIL) SIDEWALK VARIES: 5' - 6' MIN. 12' R (1YP.) 2% 2°b MAX. �" 'a 1!4" PREMOLDED � JOINT FIl i FR CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK ADJACENT TO WRB CURB NOT INCLUDED IN BID ITEM SIDEWALK 12' R �/4' PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER SIDEWALK ADJACENT TO WALL DETAIL 0 i/ 5i N SIDEWACK ONLY � JT IN BO'TN CURB AND STD PLAN 101.1) �•-o• IN. 6" SIDEWALI( VARIES 5'- 6" MIN. a 72" R(TYP.) CURB NOT ���`� P � � INCLUDED IN BID ITEM ��8 �.'...... ; ..,�..�. tld'PREMOLDED � � ���:��i��� SEE RNSED �p�M FILLER EDGE DETAIL CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK WITH RAISED EDGE z _� �i � f�— � I ' ;T p �� B. O . , r p • �T .• a C� CONTRACTION JOINT �ni� �o gnoo��o BROOMED FINISH 4' WIDE, SMOOTH /% TROWELED PERIMETER ENT CONCRETE CURB 9 AND GUTTER SHOWt� INCIUDED IN BID REM � � � � ' ' � `!B. � . v o . ��TO ,' • p ' J FULL-0EPTH � � PREMOLAED JOINT FILLER E� EXPANSION JOINT 'r ��� / n�,� ���;JQINT AND FINISH �� ���,,�'"'�� DETAIL NOTE: Access lids or covers will not be permitted in the sidewalk surface. See Std Pian 102.1. 'sY � � � PUBLIC WORKS CEMENT CONCRETE „��$ DEPARTMENT SIDEWALK FN.rO SBPD. PLAN — 102 MAY 2009 � RAMP (VARIES) 6' MIN. -15' MAX. 10 LF OF PAVED ' � DRIVEWAY REQUIRED 3!8" EXPANSION JOINT (TYP.) (SEE STD. PLAN 102) � ! I o � � � � � 1 � J J � � � � � � � � i I � � � � � i � , � � � RAMP WITH 12H:1V J SLOPE (TYP.) 3!8" CONTRACTION JOIfYT (TYP.) I_ RAMP (VARIES) 6' MIN. - 1S MAX CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK 2 � ❑ � � SEE NOTE 7� � CEMENT CONCRETE { B � CURB & GUTTER �� (SEE NOTE 3) (SEE STD. PLAN 102) J P�AN VIEW (TYPE C3 SHOWN, C1 8� C2 8 GMAX SIMILAR) (SEE NnTF o! RAMP (VARIES) VARIES: 20' MIN. RAMP (VARIES) 6' MIN. - 15 MAX. (SEE NOTE � 6' MIN. - 15' MAX. a J� SEE NOTE 8 (TYP). "v .r � 10" MIN. 10" MIN. 10" MIN. � CEMENT CONCRETE 3/8" EXPANSION JOINT (TYP.) SIDEWALK (SEE STD. PLAN 102) SECTION AO .��„ R �-n,P � SIDEWALK WIDTH VARI_E �S � 2% MAX. ? � �.�Y. 10" MIN. �� DRIVEWAY SEE DETAIL ON STD PLAN 1042 ��0� �e ��� SECTION OB �\0�2����� ,��; . ��\��o Q-��� ' ��G ���� '�4j � � t --. � 10 LF OF PAVED DRIVEWAY REQUIRED CEMENT CONCREfE — SIDEWALK � / 1'tY O � � { PUBLIC ti'VORKS ��NT�$ DEPARTMENT SHEET 104.2) TYPE C2 - ISOMETRIC VIEW (30' WIDE COMMERCIAL) CEMENT CONCRETE DRIVEWAY EIdTRANCE - TYPES C1, C2, C3, and C-Md►X BID ITEM (INCLUDES SIDEWALK F VARIES: 20' MIN. (SEE NOTE CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER (SEE NOTE 3) For NOTES see sheet 104.2 STD. PLAN — 104 MAY 2009 o� 5� �O�o��� 2����-�P ��`�� •\y �o ��4 Q��� '��' � �=� � 10 LF OF PAVED DRIVEWAY REQUIRED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK � / / � w' ,,�u , �.. .,. .,�/ \�,��� � THIS SHEEn TYPE C26 — ISOMETRIC VIEW (30' WIDE COMMERCIAL, WITH BUFFER) CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER (SEE NOTE 3) 0 NOTES 1. When a Type R1 or R1 B(residential) driveway width exceeds 15 feet, construct a full depth expansion joint with 3/8" joirrt filler along the driveway centerline (see std. plan 102). Construct expansion joinis parailef wiin iFie cenferiine as required at 15 maximum spacing when driveway widths exceed 30'. 2. See std. plan 102 .for sidewalk details. 3. Curb and gutter shown, other curb designs may be specfied. See std: plan 101 for curb details. 4. Avoid placing drainage structures, junction boxes or other obstructions in front of driveway entrances. 5. The engineer will design all driveways to include efevations at all points marked with symbol "X". All elevations are at the driveway finished surface. 6. Driveways not constructed as dimensioned will not be accepted by the owner. 7 a. Width of Type Ci/C1B and alley entrances shall be 20'-0". Width of Type C2/C26 (2-lane commercial) entrances shall be 30'-0". Width of Type C3/C38 (3-lane commercial) entrances shall be 38'-0". The expansion joints (see std. plan 102) shall be spaced as shown in the corresponding isometric view. b. Maximum width of Type C-MAX or GMAX with Buffer (Industrial, Warehouse, and Shopping Center uses only) shall 0 FACE OF ADJACENT CURB GUTTER SURFACE be 50-0 but shall not exceed 40 /o of the street frontage. The �• R. expansion joints (see std. ptan 102) shall be spaced as shown °, '. in the corresponding isometric view. �•, ��'o ��Fi. ;. D � D 8. Slopes shall comply with sections R303.2.1 or R303.22 or •° '° . ' D . . � ' . R303.2.3 of the Public Rights ofWayAccess Guide (PROWAG). ' D'. '. • p • • �� � D o 9. Curb returns for any Type C-MAX Driveway may be approved on � a case-by-case basis. DEPRESSED CURB DETAIL AT RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAYS, AND ALLEYS Driveway Example: TYPE C1B i+ R=Resldentfal, C�ommercFal � I Numf�er of Lanes, � (MAX=4 Lane Commeraa� 8=8uffer (PlanGng Strip), Blank=No Butfier 'LY ��+ PUBLIC WORKS CEMENT CONCRETE EMTRANCES - ��$ DEPARTMENT NOTES AND DET�.►ILS t��0 FACE OF CURB S� O � SEE DEPRESSED CURB DETAIL CUNTRACTiUN JUirvT ��� ON TH!s guFE7 sTo avw �oz � 5 �n• �" - o r 12" R TOP OF / ROADWAY fV �. �� �' s^�r�. `�� 7.�e. ��a � � . . . ���� 3,a'�� a. . , . . ,o- , : . .. � • ��_6. �._6. NOTE DRIVEWAYLONGITUDINALEXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE FULL DEPTH DEPRESSED MONOLITHIC CURB & GUTTER DETAIL STD. PLAN — 104.2 MAY 2009 � � _ ........,.. . _._._.._ � � BEDDING MATERIAL FOR SANITARY SEWER PIPE � (SEE NOTE 6) -� FOUNDATION LEVEL � i. � � � � N ` 1. � z- 3. , 4 1 5. I : o. � 7. � .... __.... _......_._. � i � SY � � + PUBLIC WORKS O DEPARTMENT ��v1°l � � W (SEE NOTE 4) � LIMITS OF PIPE ZONE � -� 1'-0" O.D. OF PIPE 6" � BEDDING FOR SANITARY SEWER PIPE OTES: PROVIDE UNIFORM SUPPORT UNDER BARREL. HAND TAMP UNDER HAUNCHES. COMPACT BEDDING MATERIAL TO 95� MAX. DENSITY EXCEPT DIRECTLY OVER PIPE. HAND TAMP ONLY. SEE "EXCAVATION AND PREPARATION OF TRENCH" IN THE SANITARY SEWER SECTION OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR TRENCH WIDTH "W" AND TRENCHING OPTIONS. THE PIPE ZONE WILL BE THE ACTUAL TRENCH WIDTH. TRENCH BACKFILL SHALL CONFORM TO "BACKFILLING" IN THE SANITARY SEWER SECTION OF THE STANDARD SPECIFIGATIONS, EXCEPT THAT ROCKS OR LUMPS LARGER THAN 1" PER FOOT OF PIPE DIAMETER SHALL NOT BE USED IN THE BACKFILL MATERIAL. PIPE ZONE MATERIAL SHALL BE "GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR DRAINS" AS SPECIFIED IN THE AGGREGATES SECTION OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. PIPE MUST BE ANCHORED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO ENSURE FLOW LINE IS MAINTAINED. STD. PLAN - 405 P1PE BEDDING FOR SANITAI2Y SEWERS MARCH 2O08 LANE LINE MARKING 7'-8„ STANDARD VEHICLE WHEEL PATH � =3��. MIN. 4.5' MIN. -� 3' �- MIN. �: . 1' - MIN. 2" CLASS 'B' 2" SAWCUT AND REMOVE OR GRIND, SEAL WITH AR4000W �. I 2_5' MIN. " � � � � ACP CLASS* MIN. � 6" CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE EDGE OF PAVEMENT, — EDGE OF CURB & GUTTER, OR CENTER OF LANE LINE CRUSHED ROCK, FLOWABLE FILL OR AS REQUIRED BY ENGINEER *MINIMUM ACP CLASS 'E' or 'B' SHALL BE: PRINCIPAL/MINOR/COLLECTOR ARTERIAL STREETS & INDUSTRIAL ACCESS STf2EETS — 6" ACP CLASS 'E' or '8'. RESIDENTIAL ACCESS STREETS — 2" ACP CLASS `E' or 'B'. NOTE: UPON REQUEST OF ENGINEER, NEW ROADWAY PAVEMENT SECTION MAY BE DESIGNED USING AN APPROVED METHOD FOR DETERMINING PAVEMENT THICKNESS. TYPICAL LONGTTUDINAL PATCH AND OVERLAY FOR FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT ti`S Y p ADOPTED �-' A "� CiTY OF RENTON * _ _ � STANDARD PLANS ��1�;To`y IST DATE:02/2005 DWG. NAME: HR-05 SP PAGE: H032 �MIN MIN � MIN � MIN MIN � 2" CLAS *2" TO 6" C UR CI 2" CLASS `B' CRUSHED ROCK, FLOWAE�LL I ILL OR AS REQUIRED BY ENGINEER * FOR MINIMUM STANDARDS, SEE DWG# HR-05, SP PAGE H032 02/2005 MODIFIED NOTES 07/2004 MODIFIED NOTES EVISION S* OF CURB OR OF PAVEMENT :ENTER LINE OR ANE LINE D SURFACING TOP COURSE TYPICAL TRANSVERSE PATCH FOR FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT 1`C Y p ADOPTED �-'�f CITY OF RENTON ♦ � ♦ STANDARD PLANS ��'1�; •� O� 1ST DATE: 02/2005 DWG. NAME: HR-23 SP PAGE: H032A � 6.5' MIN. ----1 2" dEPTH OF GRIND OR SAWCUT AND REMOVE 6.5' MIN. 1' 1' 2.5' 1' 1' MIN IMW � MIN � MIN MIN � � /2 n WOOD BL AS REQUI * � =z a~. a w� o� � 0 1 1\I /"11YV1 IVI\J - • i � , � � NOTES: 1. FOR FRP GRATING, SEE SPECIFICA710NS. 2. REBATE ANGLE SHALL BE CONTINUOUS AROUND ENTIRE OPENING. 3. REBATE ANGLE SHALL BE 1/4" MINIMUM THICKNESS. 4. REBATE MAY BE EXTRUDED. 5. * DIMENSION AS REQUIRED BY GRATING MANUFACTURER. A401 FRP GRATING REBATE AND SEAT ,� s SHEET 1 OF 2 0�-3� —oa FRP GRATING � .--i/sn MAx ', Va . p _ ` � . � _a ' n / _ _ v a v _ � �� , 1 3/4" —� SSTL3x2x 1/4 OR AS INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS ..� ii�i� 5/8"� SST CA � 2'-0" GRATING SEAT FRP GRATING REBATE AND SEAT SHEET 2 OF 2 0�-3�—os s CONCRETE WALL OR SLAB MIN 1 /2" SPACE � MAX 3/4" SPACE PACK WITH MORTAR LINK SE4L CAULK ALL AROUND � �2„ � W/ SYNTHETIC RUBBER SEALJNG COMPOUND � a n �� NOTES: 1. IMMEDIATELY COAT ENDS OF ANY CUT REINFORCEMENT WITH SIKA ARMATEC 110 EPOCHEM. � P302 .�. SLEEVE INSTALLATION THROUGH NS WALLS AN D FLOOR SLABS 08-01-05 ADJUSTABLE PIPE SADDLE SUPPORT SCHEDULE DIMENSIONS IN INCHES SIZE OF PIPE SIZE PIPE SIZE �, .. "D" SUPPORTED PIPE "q" "B" � MINIMUM MAXIMUM 2 1 2�K 2 1 2 1 1 2 9 8 13 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 9 8 1 2 13 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 1 1/2 9 8 1/2 13 1 2 4 3 2 1 2 9 9 1 2 14 6 3 2 1 2 9 10 1 2 15 1 2 8 3 2 1 2 9 11 1 2 16 1 2 10 3 2 1/2 9 13 1/2 18 1/2 12 3 2 1/2 9 15` 19 1/2 � 14 4 3 11 16 1/2 20 1/2 16 4 3 11 17 1 2 22 1 2 18 6 3 1/2 13 1 2 19 1 2 24 20 6 3 1 2 � 3 � 2 21 25 1 2 24 6 4 i 3 1/2 23 1�2 28 i/2 30 6 4 13 1 2 27 31 1 2 32 6 4 13 1 2 28 1 2 32 1 2 36 6 4 13 1 2 30 1/2 34 1/2 � � . � �E CLAMP WITH SUPPORT ND ALL SHARP CORNERS TO 1/2" RADIUS SCHEDULE 40 PIPE GTH AND THREADS TO ALLOW MIN AND � ; DIMENSION SHOWN. USE STRAIGHT THREADS. SCHEDULE 40 PIPE 4- 3/4"t� SST CONC ANCHORS THREADED 150 LB REDU�ING FLANGE 1 " NON-SHRINK GROUT NOTES: 1. ALL MATERIAL SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL 2. �k USE 2 1/2" SUPPORTS FOR PIPES LESS THAN 2 1 /2"� ADJUSTABLE PIPE SUPPORT 05-16-09 NS 0 1 �� MIN (TYP) \ �� ROUND ALL SHARP — EDGES (TYP) SUPPORT PIPE �+��` L 6 x 6 x 1/2. TRIM AS REQD. BOLT HOLES TO MATCH RESPECTIVE FLANGE , 120' MIN FOR 3" PIPE AND SMALLER. 90' MIN FOR 4" PIPE AND LARGER. A SECTION PIPE SIZE »Dn n•» /1 4 2 6 2 1/2 8 4 A �"D" PIPE � — I r,Fl I I=� � PIPE FIANGE 1/4 1 1 /2" �NP� - � � i � � � � � � � � � � � L6x6x 1/2 "A" SCH 40 PIPE 4— 3/4"� SST CONC ANCHORS PL 3/4" x 10" x 10" 1" NON—SHRINK GROUT a � _ , . ` � � � , � / ` a . /I\ ' � _ � a � ° h 1� i T a ELEVATION NOTE: 1. ALL MATERIAL SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL. P626 PIPE SUPPORT .� 0�-3�—os NS 1/2»� SST CONC ANCHOR � I I I/- PIPE STRAP � , i � � + + + + A , i i i - i � i i � i � i i i � � i PREFORMED CHANNEL PIPE SUPPORT ELEVATION NOTE: 1. ALL MATERIAL SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL. PIPE SIZE AND MATERIAL AS INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS P662 PIPE SUPP�RT FOR ONE . TYP VERTICAL RISER o�-3,-os A SECTION PLAN a a a SST PL 1/4" x"D"+ 2" SQ FOR 8" AND SMALLER PIPE AND 1/2" x"D" + 2" SQ a FOR 10" AND LARGER PIPE n" n �� 4 d PIPE Mp��3 FB 1 /4 x "D"/2 _ a � MIN f MIN PIPE CLAMP a- 5/8"� BOLTS a 1 /4 �I� Aiinvi i Tv i�i�nLL i�tiTi I T- 1� G�1� JJI l^iV Vl^i %11V1^ifIVRJ �� �.�. i n�i _ �n4� !'V� �C3e���� �unn� � �': NASHER FB 1 /4 x "D"/2 MIN PIPE CLAMP SST SLEEVE ANCHORS ,� NOTE: 1. ALL MATERIAL SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL. � L" i MATCH CLAMP . ., » P668 VERTICAL PIPE SWAY BRACE 07-31-08 \nP N i i � � � �. ,� � ;i � �. � � �� �. � � � !� � 3" FINISHED GRADE - BACKFILL DETECTABLE MARKING TAPE SAND BACKFILL DIRECT BURIED �nNn�ii-r 3" (TYP) NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENS�ONS ARE MINIMUM UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS. 2. BACKFILL IN ACCORDANCE WITH WSDOT SPECIFICATIONS. EM015 DIRECT BURIED CONDUIT OR CABLE TYP s � HORIZONTAL CONDUIT SEALING COMPOUND � r1�GR rILLCR SEALING COMPOUND FIBER FILLER E:M:1^08 CONDUIT SEAL nP DAMMING AND POURING DETAIL s VERTICAL CONDUIT � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � SIDE VIEW BRACKET AND 1/4" SSTL ANCHOR BOLTS NOTES: 1. MOUNT LIMIT SWITCH ON INTERIOR SIDE OF HATCH, QPPOSITE OF THE HINGES. WHEN USING WITH DOUBLE HATCHES MOUNT IN THE CENTER OF THE HATCH FRAME WITH ACTUATION ON LAST HATCH TO CLOSE. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY. EM801 INTRUSION SWITCH nP MOUNTING DETAIL s FRONT VIEW NOTES: 1. FIELD VERIFY MOUNTING HEIGHT OF LEVEL DETECTORS WITH FIELD ENGINEER. NL103 LEVEL DETECTOR MOUNTING DETAIL TYP s . - p ' v d . . • ' O � d O• . � 0' ... ' a ' Q .. . d O : p � : Q , p . . - . d < .d .. .d v. < • • A ' d • • • ' • d . � .O � Q • � p Q• Q. ' Q. � . � a. A � Q . � �, I j . � . .. � . �' � 1/2" STAINLESS STEEL BALL VALVE � (NORMALLY CLOSED) � FORCE MAIN � � '. � � � � � GLYCERiN FILLED PRESSURE GAUGE (0 - 30 psig RANGE) STAINLESS STEEL D(APFtRAGNI SEAL 1 /2" TEE DRiP LEG �. SEE NOTE i 1/2" STAINLESS STEE� BALL VALV� (NORMALC.Y OPE�!). � � 3" LONG X i/2" STAINLESS STEEL PiPE NIPPLE, TYPICAL. � N OTES: i. 1NSTALL_GAUGE AS SHOWN ON 1/2" QUCTILE fRON PIPE SADDLE V1t1TH STAINLESS STEEL STRAP. 2. ALL PIPE AND FITTiNGS SHALL BE SCHEDULE 8Q SiA[NLESS �, STEEL WITF-E 1-F-IREADED ENDS. 3. lNSTALL PRESSURE GAUGE AND DIAPHRAGM SEAL PER � MA�lUFACTURERS' ftEQUfREMEAETS. �� � � . _ -- �: , , . __. � . . . NP8Q� PRESSURE �AUGE DETA�L :.-.: .. TYP � . . �' ' : .. s i