HomeMy WebLinkAboutWWP273539 (3)Roth Hill Engineering Partners, LLC RothHill LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: Dave Christensen Planning/Building/Public Works Renton City Hall - 5th Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Please find: ® Herewith via: Delivered 2600 116tn Avenue NE, Suite 100 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Tel. 425.869.9448 800.835.0292 Fax 425.869.1190 Date: November 20. 2009 Client: City of Renton Contract No: Project No: 0015.00016.001 Subject: Heather Downs Interceptor Upgrade Final Pre -Design Report COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 2 11/09 FINAL Heather Downs Pre -Design Report THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ® As requested ❑ For review and comment ❑ For approval REMARKS: For your file ❑ Approved as noted ❑ For your information ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies Included are two copies of the long awaited FINAL Pre -Design Report. Please let me know if you have any comments or questions. COPIES: file SIGNE� Re0rt5Oo0016.001\PredesignReport\DC_ejw_112009_Transmtl_FinalPre-Design Erik Wallgors , PE P City of Renton Heather -Downs Interceptor Improvements Pre -Design Report November 2009 Prepared By Roth Hill Engineering Partners, LLC 2600 — 1 161h Avenue NE #100 Bellevue, WA 98004 (425) 869-9448 ErK Waligorski, PE November 2009 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE..........................................................................................1 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT.....................................................................................................2 PIPEROUTE.............................................................................................................................3 10-inch Bypass.................................................................................................................................................................3 PipeUpsizing...................................................................................................................................................................3 AlternativePipe Upsizing Alignment.................................................................................................................................3 EASEMENT REQUIREMENTS...............................................................................................4 DESIGNANALYSIS.................................................................................................................4 AlignmentConstructability................................................................................................................................................5 GeotechnicalConsiderations............................................................................................................................................5 PIPEMATERIAL......................................................................................................................7 HighDensity Polyethylene (HDPE)..................................................................................................................................7 DuctileIron(DI)................................................................................................................................................................7 PolyvinylChloride (PVC)..................................................................................................................................................8 CONSTRUCTION METHODS.................................................................................................8 BypassPipe.....................................................................................................................................................................8 PipeReplacement............................................................................................................................................................8 OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST.............................................................9 ConstructionCost Estimating...........................................................................................................................................9 ProjectCost Estimate.....................................................................................................................................................10 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 — Engineers Opinion of Probable Construction Cost............................................................................................9 Table 2 — Opinion of Probable Project Cost....................................................................................................................10 LIST OF FIGURES Figure A Interceptor Route and Discharge Point............................................................................. 2 IAPPENDICES Appendix A — 30% Plan Drawings Appendix B — Shannon & Wilson Geotechnical Report City of Renton Heather Downs Interceptor Improvements Pre -Design Report Page ii November 2009 1 This page intentionally left blank. 1 1 1 City of Renton Heather Downs Interceptor Improvements Pre -Design Report Page ii November 2009 ' INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE In 2006, the City of Renton requested that Roth Hill Engineering perform an analysis of the sewer system piping within the Heather Downs area, in order to identify any capacity problems created by increased population density, infiltration and inflow (W), and added upstream flows associated with Ultimate design flows. The resulting Heather Downs Sewer.System Analysis report dated December 2006 highlighted pipe segments of the existing interceptor sewer that will operate under moderate to severe surcharged conditions as the Basins served by the interceptor reach their planned density. The recommended solution from the System Analysis Report was "Alternative B1 — Trenchless Construction". This consisted of constructing a 10-inch diameter relief sewer from the ' plateau to the valley floor and upsizing the 8-inch and 10-inch existing sewers to a 12-inch diameter sewer on the plateau using pipe bursting technology. ' In August 2008 Roth Hill Engineering Partners prepared a feasibility study to evaluate the most cost effective alignment and construction method to build the proposed 10-inch diameter relief sewer from the plateau to the existing sewer in the Maplewood Golf Course. The feasibility report found it feasible to construct a 10-inch diameter HDPE sewer line using conventional trenching methods along the plateau area and then using overland construction methods down the steep slope towards the golf course. Appendix A shows the preliminary plans for the 10-inch diameter relief sewer that will re -direct upstream flows to an underused existing 15-inch diameter sanitary sewer within the Maplewood Golf Course. The preliminary plans also show the proposed 12-inch diameter sewer line replacing the existing 10-inch and 8-inch diameter sewer pipe that was identified as "highly surcharged" by the hydraulic model. ' The purpose of this pre -design report is to finalize the 10-inch diameter alignment and the construction methods to install a new 12-inch diameter sewer to replace existing 10-inch and 8-inch sewer pipes as noted in the preliminary plans contained in Appendix A. ' During the preparation of this report, the City decided to look at an alternative route to eliminate the need.to pipe burst the existing sewer line found on Sheet 7 and Sheet 8 in Appendix A. The alternative route is discussed in detail throughout the report. This report includes a final geotechnical report based on actual site borings and test pits. The final geotechnical report was instrumental in determining the 10-inch and 8-inch pipe replacement method and the final alignment for the new 10-inch by-pass sewer pipe. Figure A (page 2) shows the general location for the Heather Downs Interceptor project design alignments. City of Renton ' Heather Downs Interceptor Improvements Pre -Design Report Page 1 November 2009 Figure A Interceptor Route and Discharge Point I , I 1 , 1 �p SZ v S� 5 r c� / v LEGEND PROPOSED 12-INCH HDPE �— PROPOSED 10-INCH HDPE BYPASS EXISTING SEWER INTERCEPTOR �r GEOTECHNICAL REPORT Roth Hill retained Shannon & Wilson as a geotechnical subconsultant to address issues associated with constructing a sanitary sewer pipeline down a steep slope and potential for using pipe bursting technology to replace the existing 10-inch and 8-inch diameter sewer pipes. A copy of their final geotechnical report is included as Appendix B. City of Renton Heather Downs Interceptor Improvements Pre -Design Report Page 2 November 2009 ' The Shannon & Wilson investigation included several subsurface field explorations. These included test pits and borings along the existing sanitary sewer alignment within the ' streets. In addition, Shannon & Wilson dug test pits and hand auger borings along the 10- inch bypass alignment. Information provided by Shannon & Wilson has been incorporated directly into this report, and summarized or elaborated upon as appropriate. ' PIPE ROUTE 10-inch Bypass The 10-inch bypass pipe route is shown on sheets 9 through 12 in Appendix A. This route follows the top of the plateau underground until it daylights near the steeper slope area. From there it remains on the top of the ground until reaching the bottom of the steep slopes. From there the pipe ties into the existing sanitary sewer manhole south of the fish ladder. Pipe Upsizing Pipe upsizing from 8 and 10-inch diameter to 12-inch diameter occurs within the existing Heather Downs alignment as seen in Figure A. Most of the upsizing occurs within City streets. There is a portion north of SE 2"d Place that is located within an existing easement across residential back and side yards. The pipe upsizing is shown on sheets 3 through 9 and sheet 13 in Appendix A. ' Alternative Pipe Upsizing Alignment As part of the review of the 30% design, the City asked that Roth Hill look at the possibility ' of relocating the existing sewer line on sheets 7 and 8 from behind the existing houses to City right-of-way (ROW). The alternative alignment can be found on sheet 14 in Appendix A with the corresponding profile views on sheets 15 and 16. ' The alternative alignment would require replacing approximately 182 feet of existing 8-inch diameter sewer with 12-inch diameter sewer along Bremerton Avenue SE beginning at SSMH 46. A new 12-inch diameter sewer would continue to the south to the intersection of Bremerton Avenue SE and SE 2"d Place where it would turn to the east. The new 12- inch diameter sewer would connect with the existing sewer at SSMH 24 as shown on sheet ' 14 in Appendix A. The new sewer along SE 2"d Place would require the abandonment of the existing 8-inch diameter sewer and the reconnection of the existing side sewers. In order to provide gravity flow from SSMH 46 to SSMH 24, the new 12-inch diameter sewer must be installed in a very deep trench to maintain minimum slopes. The existing SSMH 46 is approximately 9.7 feet deep. The existing SSMH 24 is approximately 14.2 ' feet deep. The proposed alternative alignment would require the installation of two new manholes and the replacement of one existing manhole. The depths of the new manholes range from 22.7 feet to 37.2 feet deep. Based on the required depths of the proposed alternative alignment and the proximity of existing utilities, it was determined that conventional open trench construction would not be a viable alternative. Based on the difficult construction requirements, it was decided to City of Renton ' Heather Downs Interceptor Improvements Pre -Design Report Page 3 November 2009 look at the possibility of constructing the alternative alignment using trenchless construction methods including either auger boring or micro -tunneling. Tunnel Systems Inc. (TSI) was contacted and asked to provide a planning level cost for the installation of the proposed 12-inch diameter sewer using trenchless construction methods. TSI reviewed the proposed 30% design alignment and came back with a construction cost of $676.00 per linear foot. TSI's cost did not include the excavation of the boring pit or any required restoration. Additionally, the cost per foot for the auger bore only includes the price for the installation of a steel pipe casing. The new 12-inch diameter sewer pipe would still need to be installed in the casing. A comparison of the cost for the two proposed alternatives reveals the following: Pipe Bursting Alternative = 463' @ $125/ft = $57,875 Auger Boring Alternative = 559' @ $676/ft = $377,884 The pipe bursting cost shown above does not include costs associated with landscape restoration, manhole replacement, or side sewer reinstatement. The auger boring cost does not include boring pit excavation and restoration, new 12-inch diameter sewer pipe, or side sewer reinstatement. It was assumed that the items that were not included in the cost comparison canceled each other out and were not taken into consideration. Based on the extreme cost increase required to relocate the proposed 12-inch diameter sewer to the existing City of Renton ROW, it was determined to be nonviable and was not consider further. EASEMENT REQUIREMENTS The pipe alignment is within existing right-of-ways, easements, and the Maplewood Golf Course property, which the City owns. The existing sewer main which runs behind the houses located on Bremerton Avenue SE is currently inside of an existing easement. There may be some need to acquire temporary construction easements so that the Contractor can gain access to the existing side sewer locations. This will be determined during the design/construction phase of the project. DESIGN ANALYSIS The design analysis for this project consists of examining the following: • Alignment Constructability • Geotechnical Considerations • Pipe Material Options • Construction Methods 11 1 1 City of Renton Heather Downs Interceptor Improvements Pre -Design Report Page 4 November 2009 11 Alignment Constructability 8 Pass Sanitary Sewer The 10-inch sanitary sewer bypass design attempts to miss most significant trees within the plateau area. Where the line is underground the depth is minimal, which results in a narrower trench and less soil and vegetation disturbance. Where the slope begins to sharply steepen, around Station 19+40, the 10-inch pipe will be along the existing ground surface. The above ground route follows the edge of an old trail. The trail can provide maintenance access. Pipe Upsizing The proposed pipe upsizing occurs along the existing sanitary sewer alignment, mainly within the existing street surfaces. • SE 41h Street (Anacortes Avenue SE to Chelan Avenue SE) • Chelan Avenue SE (SE4th Street to SE 2"d Place) • SE 2"d Place (Chelan Avenue SE to easement) • Rear and side yard easement (SE 2"d Place to Bremerton Avenue SE) • Union Avenue SE (from SE 41h Street to SSMH #1) The existing sanitary sewer segment to the north of SE 2"d Place lies within an existing 15-foot wide easement. This easement runs across the rear yards of lots as shown on Sheet 7 of Appendix A. The sanitary sewer line then turns to the west towards Bremerton Avenue SE where it lies in the southern 10 feet of a 20-foot wide easement centered on the north lot line of lot 8. The Heather Downs Feasibility Study identified pipe bursting as the preferred alternative for upsizing the existing 8-inch sewer. Because of the tight quarters and developed landscaping, this area may require use of specialized equipment to reconnect residential side sewers. In addition, the City will need to provide advance notice to these residents to allow them time to move obstacles they placed within the easement limits. IGeotechnical Considerations The importance of the site geology comes into play in evaluating the construction methods ' available to install the proposed 10-inch relief sewer pipe and replacing the existing 8-inch and 10-inch diameter sewer pipes. To assist with determining the current site geology and its anticipated construction impacts, Roth Hill Engineering Partners contracted with the ' geotechnical consulting firm of Shannon & Wilson. The complete geotechnical report is contained in Appendix B. The following summarizes their findings. Site Geology Relatively shallow deposits of unconsolidated recessional outwash underlie approximately ' 35 percent of the project alignment. Recessional outwash deposits (Qv,) are primarily City of Renton ' Heather Downs Interceptor Improvements Pre -Design Report Page 5 November 2009 1 located along the upland plateau and narrow ridge above the Cedar River valley and south of the existing sewer line. Less than 1 percent of the alignment is underlain by glacially overridden, very dense and hard soils (Qpnf/Qpn,). Loose to medium dense, recent fill (Hf) underlies approximately 65 percent of the alignment, primarily along the existing pipe section and within the Maplewood Creek drainage. The existing sewer was originally constructed using trench construction methods. Therefore the soil directly surrounding and above the pipe consists of recent fill. In general, the fill (Hf) consists of very loose to very dense reworked till and/or alluvium. A very dense, advanced outwash (Qva) was found below the trench fill. Groundwater is well below the elevation of the sewer pipe, although seasonal fluctuations in groundwater levels should be anticipated. The new 10-inch bypass alignment will likely encounter deposits of loose to medium dense recessional outwash (Qvr) and colluviums (Qc) on the upper plateau and narrow ridge. The steep, incised slope above Maplewood Creek is likely to encounter very dense to hard pre-Vashon, non -glacial deposits while lose to medium dense fill (Hf) and alluvium (Ha) are likely to be encountered along the Maplewood Creek valley floor. The shallow trench section along the upper plateau, from stations 10+00 to 19+40, will likely encounter loose to medium dense colluviums and recessional outwash (Qvr) deposits. No ground water was observed in the test pits performed in the upper plateau. At approximately station 19+40 the pipe will exit the trench construction method and daylight to a surface construction method along a narrow ridge to the steep, incised slope to the Maplewood Creek valley. Soils in this area consist of recessional outwash (Qvr) deposits. No groundwater was encountered in the hand borings in this area. The steep, incised slope is very dense to hard pre-Vashon, non -glacial fluvial and lacustrine deposits. The older, pre-Vashon deposits consist primarily of very dense, silty sand (Qpnf) and very dense to hard, sandy, silt (Qpnl). The remaining pipe section across the Maplewood Creek valley to connect to the existing sanitary sewer line consists of recent fill (Hf) and alluvium (Ha). The alluvium deposits are likely slightly silty to silty, gravelly sand with scattered organic debris. The fill deposits consist of loose to medium dense silty sand and sandy gravel and medium stiff silty clay with scattered wood and construction debris. Groundwater Shallow groundwater principally occurs within fill and alluvium in unconfined conditions in the Maplewood Creek valley. The unconfined groundwater level is approximately 12 feet below the existing ground surface. Groundwater within these deposits is likely perched on the underlying glacially overridden deposits. For upland plateau groundwater levels in the Qva deposits are below the elevation of the existing sewer pipe. Several seeps were observed on the hillside at around the 270 elevation, most likely the top of the glacially overridden deposits. I City of Renton Heather Downs Interceptor Improvements Pre -Design Report Page 6 November 2009 Slope Stability No evidence of fresh landsliding was observed within the project limits. The soil ' consultants noted the presence of jack-strawed trees that indicated minor soil creep has occurred over the last 50 years or more. Provided excavations are backfilled and compacted properly and returned to their original condition and deeper excavations shored in accordance with project plans and specifications, the soil consultants do not see any significant risk of construction activities ' causing slope instability. PIPE MATERIAL ' High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) HDPE pipe, a type of `flexible pipe', is the most versatile pipe material in terms of its potential use for this application. ' 10-inch diameter HDPE pipe is manufactured in 40-foot lengths. For longer runs of pipe this translates into fewer pipe joints. In buried pipe applications taking advantage of the extra pipe length requires the ability to keep open a longer trench excavation. Depending upon the soil conditions, this may be difficult on a steep slope. HDPE lengths are joined together by a heat butt fusion technique that inherently constitutes a restrained joint. HDPE pipe has outstanding scour -resistant properties and excellent hydraulic flow characteristics. ' HDPE pipe will be specified having a minimum 2% concentration of carbon black in order to mitigate the ultraviolet component in sunlight that can be harmful to polyethylene. To take into account the thermal expansion/contraction effects the overland alignment allows for 'snaking' the pipe above the ground. This allows the pipe to move when expanding and contracting. In addition, the HDPE pipe will be anchored as shown on the plan drawings. Ductile Iron (DI) There is a portion of existing line that is constructed of ductile iron pipe as seen on Sheets 3 and 4 of Appendix A. It is likely that these lines were constructed of DI pipe due to the ' excessive depth of the line along SE 4`h Street. We are proposing that this line be replaced using pipe splitting technology as discussed below. There may be reason to look at replacing the existing DI pipe with restrained joint DI instead of the standard HDPE typically used in pipe bursting or pipe splitting construction. There is a possibility that the split DI pipe could gouge the new HDPE pipe when it is pulled into place. This will be further reviewed during the design phase of the project. At this time, we have assumed that HDPE will be used for the construction of the project. City of Renton ' Heather Downs Interceptor Improvements Pre -Design Report Page 7 November 2009 ' Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) PVC is the most commonly used material for new sewer installation. PVC pipe is generally a cheaper alternative that both HDPE and DI pipe. In general, PVC cannot bend to the extent that HDPE pipe can. Therefore, horizontal changes in direction that is greater than the manufacturers bending limits will require a manhole. The portion of the proposed sewer that will be shallow buried as seen on Sheets 9 and 10 of Appendix A will be constructed using standard PVC 3034 pipe. CONSTRUCTION METHODS Bypass Pipe The 10-inch bypass pipe will be installed using conventional trenching methods where underground. The above ground pipe will be `snaked' along its alignment to allow for expansion and contraction. The above ground pipe will be anchored at the top of the steep slope and at critical locations on the steep slope. The new pipe material will be either PVC or HDPE depending on the construction method. PVC pipe will be used for the portion of line that is shallow buried and HDPE pipe will be used for the overland portion of the new bypass sewer. Pipe Replacement This project proposes to upsize existing 10-inch and 8-inch pipes to 12-inch diameter HDPE. Pipe splitting and pipe bursting are trenchless technology construction methods preferred in performing this work. The trenchless technology minimizes street disruption and repair cost. Street repair cost results from excavations to reconnect the side sewers at the sewer main and at the existing manholes to provide access for the pipe splitting and pipe bursting equipment. Based on the information contained in the geotechnical report and the depth of the existing line, it is believe that heave is not likely to occur during the pipe bursting process. In the event that the existing surface does heave, there are additional measures that can be taken to limit the amount of heave. This will be further studied during the design phase of the project. Reinstatement of the existing side sewers where the Contractor is pipe bursting an existing sewer pipe that is deep will require individual shored excavations. The side sewers should be excavated and shored prior to starting the bursting process. Once the burst has been completed, the side sewer must be reconnected and the excavation backfilled. As stated previously, the pipe splitting process may require the use of DI pipe as a replacement to the existing DI pipe to reduce the possibility of gouging of the new line as it is pulled through. This will be reviewed and determined during the design phase of the project'. Additionally, there was some concern identified regarding the proposed pipe bursting of the existing line within the easement as seen on Sheet 7 of Appendix A. There are four (4) existing side sewers within the easement on Sheet 7. The depth of the existing side sewers range from 8 to 10 feet deep and are surrounded by mature landscaping. The 1 City of Renton Heather Downs Interceptor Improvements Pre -Design Report Page 8 November 2009 ' proposed pipe alignment and construction method was reviewed by a local Contractor who is experienced with pipe bursting. The Contractor stated that he believed the proposed ' construction method and alignment was feasible. The Contractor would access the side sewers within the backyards from both ends of the easement. The Contractor would use a small "mini" excavator to expose the existing side sewers prior to bursting the existing pipe. Once the main line has been replaced, the side sewers would be reconnected and ' the excavations would be backfilled and restored. This effort may require temporary construction easements for Contractor access. I OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST Construction Cost Estimating The construction cost estimating at this point is based on historical unit price bid data where applicable. In addition, this cost includes a ten percent contingency and Washington State Sales Tax. Table 1 contains the opinion of probable construction cost. Table 1 - Engineers Opinion of Probable Construction Cost ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST TOTAL COST 1. Mobilization 1 LS $68,400.00 $68,400.00 2. Trench Excavation Safety System 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 3. Contractor -Supplied Surveying 1 LS $16,400.00 $16,400.00 4. ITraffic Control 1 LS $6,200.00 $6,200.00 5. Temporary Erosion/Sedimentation Control Facilities 1 LS $2,300.00 $2,300.00 6. Landscape Restoration 1 LS $33,000.00 $33,000.00 7. Re-establish Existing Monuments 2 EA $450.00 $900.00 8. Television Inspection 3800 LF $2.00 $7,600.00 9. Pipeburst 8-Inch to 12-Inch HDPE 1190 LF $125.00 $148,750.00 10. Pipeburst 10-Inch to 12-Inch HDPE 1040 LF $150.00 $156,000.00 11. JHDPE Sewer Pipe 10-Inch Dia., Overland Constructio 450 LF $190.00 $85,500.00 12. PVC Sewer Pipe 10-Inch Dia. 1130 LF $30.00 $33,900.00 13. 10-Inch Diameter HDPE Fabricated Fittings 5 EA $500.00 $2,500.00 14. PVC Sewer Pipe 6-Inch Diameter 300 LF $50.00 $15,000.00 15. PVC Sewer Pipe Riser 8-Inch Diameter 140 LF $75.00 $10,500.00 16. Reconnect 6-Inch Side Sewer 30 EA $1,850.00 $55,500.00 17. Reconnect 8-Inch Side Sewer Riser 6 EA $3,700.00 $22,200.00 18. ITop Slope Anchor with Pipe Cables 1 LS $3,500.00 $3,500.00 19. Type 2 Pipe Anchors 5 EA $1,000.00 $5,000.00 20. Remove Existing San. Swr Manhole 10 $1,000.00 $10,000.00 21. 48-Inch Dia. San. Swr Manhole 18 EA $4,900.00 $88,200.00 22. 48-Inch Dia. San. Swr Manhole, Extra Depth 38 VF $200.00 $7,600.00 23. 48-Inch Dia. San. Swr Manhole, 8-inch Drop 1 EA $4,800.00 $4,800.00 24. 48-Inch Dia. San. Swr Manhole, Two 8-inch Drop 1 EA $6,500.00 $6,500.00 25. Connect New Sanitary Sewer to Existing Facility 2 EA $2,000.00 $4,000.00 26. Remove and Replace Unsuitable Foundation Material 30 EA $20.00 $600.00 27. Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill Sewer 90 TON $10.00 $900.00 28. Crushed Surfacing Top Course 3100 TON $15.00 $46,500.00 29. Asphalt Concrete Patch Including CSTC 1100 SY $25.00 $27,500.00 30. Asphalt Concrete Overlay 6300 SY $7.00 $44,100.00 31. ITree Removal 7 EA $2,000.00 $14,000.00 Subtotal $937, 850.00 Contingency 10.0% $93,800.00 S u btota I $1,031, 650.00 Sales Tax 9.5% $98,000.00 Total $1,129,650.00 City of Renton ' Heather Downs Interceptor Improvements Pre -Design Report Page 9 November 2009 Project Cost Estimate The project cost estimate includes the Construction Cost Estimate plus estimated Allied costs. Allied costs typically include engineering, legal, administrative, permit and financing cost. The Table 2 outlines the opinion of probable project cost. Table 2 — Opinion of Probable Project Cost Engineer's Opinion of Probable Construction Cost $1,129,650 30% Allied Cost $338,895 Total Opinion of Probable Project Cost $1,468,545 City of Renton Heather Downs Interceptor Improvements Pre -Design Report Page 10 Appendix A m r m m � m m m m m m m m m m m m m 1 1 1 1 1 City of Renton Heather Downs Interceptor Improvements Pre- Design Report APPENDIX A Preliminary Plans SW 3.-23-5 11 11 BURIED UTILITIES IN AREA CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ARE FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION AND NO GUARANTEE IS MADE AS TO THE EXACT SIZE, TYPE. LOCATION OR DEPTH. LOG.).. _._ — .. (APPROIL LOC.) X'WA ....... .. (APPROX ::: : LOC.)...... ::::: � :...... ....... ....... ...:... ..... .-:::.: _-.�..... :: :.:: ItA U ¢.. 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Roth Hill Engineering Partners, L L C \ / 2600116NAve-eNE#100 •� SCALE KUL 1"=20' � °�' :: ,} CITY OF HEATHER DOWNS r / � 20 �� W�81�n�ooa o zo as RMm�RRL � RENTON INTERCEPTOR UPGRADE R o t h H i I I SE 2ND PL Td 425.869.9448 ( �T DATUM � � 1 INCH - 20 FT Planning/ Buildin Public Works Oe t. 97 e/ P SEWER PLAN AND PROFILE 0 Fax 426.869.1190 N0. REVISION BY DATE APPR SW 3-23-5 n o � n �> ,I I I II rp o I 0011 n m� N(no A m O �mpz z o m m ,TOi D p O c ' 1 0 z A 0 O '60 ZEZ 20 REMOVE h REPLACE. .,- n �._ '- �' — 9�f` -- t ;--._ -- - -- --- EX. 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LOCAOPH I I I u 11 I I I SW 3-23-5 21 1 A SCALE IN FEET UNPLATTED CITY OF RENTON (MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE) PO 0 SSMH 102 13+00 14+00 co SSMH 103 w (a 00 z 0 s F 00 -b"p, % z 13 z REMOVE EX. TREE ILL SSMH 1 61 BURIED UTILITIES IN AREA CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ARE FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION AND NO GUARANTEE IS MADE AS TO THE EXACT SIZE, TYPE, LOCATION OR DEPTH. "913, 5S - L& .0,,a, 0 0) cr 0 1 1$ 0 ........................... . ............................................. a.:: : ...... .......:.:.. :..� � ........ : :::: :::: :::: : ..... .......... ... ..... ........ . ......... ..... . ......... ... ... ::::::::: ............... ........ ........ ........ .. .. _ ..:..:. :o:: . ...a ...... 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It 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roth Hill Engineering Partners, LLC 2600 116th Avenue NE #100 me, Washington 98004 SCALE 20 0 20 40 1 WIL RUH/RRL CITY OF aiR RENTON HEATHER DOWNS INTERCEPTOR UPGRADE RothHill RRL/DSH 10" BY-PASS Tel 425.869.9448 ( FEET I INCH - 20 Fr Planning/Building/Pubfic Works Dept. SEWER PLAN & PROFILE Fax 425.869.1190 NO. REVISION BY DATE APPR 'X 9 s......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... . ......... ......... ......... ........ ...... ....... ....... ..... . . ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ..... ... ........................... .......... ...... ............. ......... ........::.......: ..... ....... :........ ....... ........: :.......: :.......::.......: :.......: :.......: :.......::.......: :........ ....... ......... .................. ....... ........ ......... .... .... .:::::::: ... ............... : .......: :...... .......:: : ......... .... ....................... . _ ......... 200:: ::::::::: ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... . ......... ........: :: 200::: :. ...: .... :....... ......... 280:: ......... :. ......... .. ....... ..... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .... .. ......... .... .... ... ......... ...... ......... 28Q:. c......... o......... . ro ......... ......... g c ......... n ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .:::::... ...... ......... ......... ......... ........: ......... ....... .. .' .: ...... ...... ......... ::::::::: ....... ........: ::::::::: ..... ...... :::::::: :.......: ....... ::. ::::::: :. ... ::::. ::::::: ....... ....... ....... ::::... ... 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SEWER PLAN AND PROFILE ' o 0 Fax Q5.869.ii90 N0. REVISION BY DATE APPR a� �x 11 SW 3-23-5 1 I EX. SERVICE "PTY 0E RENTON (MAPLIL WOOD GOLF COURSE) 91�a; u y �, 55—25+ — io'atic,S Fn nD CONNECT TO EX. SSMH qr I cF ss , 9� UJI �Z %4+DD o 551AN 107:i 7 Z P Z O U Ix O LL BURIED UTILITIES IN AREA CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ARE FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION AND NO GUARANTEE IS MADE AS TO THE EXACT SIZE. TYPE. LOCATION OR DEPTH. x Roth Hill Engineering Partners, LLC CITY OF 2600IIMAYenue NEM00 SCALE HEATHER DOWNS 70 0 20 40 qyH/aRL �x rown� Bellevue. Washington 98004 i6 RENTON INTERCEPTOR UPGRADE R o t h H i l l �,� 10" BY-PASS Tel azs.Bss.sade () oaTUM Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. SEWER PLAN AND PROFILE 1 IINCH20 FT o Fax 425.BW.1190 NO. REVISION BY DATE APPR '�""�"' n _ 12 s. X 1 SW 3-23-5 I H W I I I I I REMOVE dt REPLACE EX SSMH 1 m SSM \H 100 n � UNION AVE. SE �- - -I _ F ` --'----- I- c ---- -- - wv - aw am cwP s----- ------ M --- -. 9+00 NEW 12•HOPE D A _--.. ��•••,•� ins ��rv�j NNII NIVHJ ,9 l �o m� i to to w_ z o z u= G Z D Z Z --------------------- ---------------------------------- o n U p O m 0 m" mN4 O ll .TJ m = O o FTt Om�D D-D �D m� @ O A 0 :Im (n CCM�r Nn� r = <_--i �:7 Or xsN m O m : m O nD71 Sz n D omo r t7J �7 m n 0 z m �;u CC _q O— r�0 ZG� D 0 A = N O > D O N D REMOVE k REPLACE EX SSMH 2 --- -- - - ---- -------------- i7+ —w -w—; ---_ -- I o= < \ Y \�I °°gym i Nam m m z`" vu e J N N W A N O Z U U OV m KO O U U ZZ ti e u = o n mmrn°' c/) BURIED UTILITIES IN AREA CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800424-5555 EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ARE FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION AND NO GUARANTEE IS MADE AS TO THE EXACT SIZE. TYPE, LOCATION OR DEPTH. O......... ......... ........ ....... ......... ........ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .... ..... ......... ......... ......... . ....... ..... ......... . __ - ........ ......... ......... . 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SIGN............................. ....... . ......... .... . .... ......... ......... ......... ........................ ....... ...... .. .. .... ...... ....... ..... ........ $ Roth Hill Engineering Partners, LLC M 1161h Avenue NE a100 SCALE 1'=20' " 1 /1-1 CITY OF HEATHER DOWNS c / _• BeOevue, Washington SM 20 O 20 � /RRL „p REN TON INTERCEPTOR UPGRADE '�` R o t h H l l �`/DS7/ UNION AVE SE Tel F FEET �� DATUM ., t INCH 20 FT Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. SEWER PLAN AND PROFILE o a Fm425.869.1190 N0. REVISION BY DATE APPR _X 13 * � ` SW 3-23-5 46 10coD0N0Oc / fa^ TI�.{eER• ` BURIED UTILITIES IN AREA RIM=S378.98 W7 W� o _i ,EaRDER 6-^P CALL BEFORE YOU DIG zx6 JP r 1-800-424.5555 IE IN=369.38(NW)8' �' f / /� __ 5q- I EDGE OF HE IN=369.69(S18" a '/� �.' / i ,� OVERHANG '.I TIMBER LANDSCAPING EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ARE FROM HE OUT=369.33(NE)8" 18-Mp CONCRETE I HOUSE al BORDER THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION AND NO GUARANTEE IS MADE AS TO THE DRIVEWAY I L NO GAPED o =_ +�' l� y LANDSCAPED AREA 001I ...,AREA 16 fR EXACT SIZE, TYPE. LOCATION OR DEPTH. W 30 FR 12 MAP RIM 3J9.01 yFoc @� )Ed 36" CMP FIN DECKC7 CB " 6" CMP E 375 31 RIM=385.18 P a„ .S' T / " rb 12' CMP SW=374,91 6.. \\ I I 8" CMP 4"CE SE=379.58 8" CMP NW=374.71 .`" � LPss'�� �� 1. i \f LANDSCAPED �I`F I ?,: CONC; : �Go n\ \ \\ \ i AREA � / \ i�� \\ / DE D W LANDSCAPED /�/\\\i o AREA 78 FR 0"FR 5" JAP. MP- @ \:.. TACK IN LEAD IN CONC \4 y�; MO o ❑fs I 4 CE LANDRCAPED� \\ j/ MONUMENT IN CASE \s \\\\ PB-12"MP(2) mT 30'FR. / s /// 5� \s\ 187( REPLACE/i`� CONC TIMBER Q SSMH / w / c' s\ \ \� D/W BORDER Wo 4"CEF RIM=391.38 \` CTR CHANNEL------3 % \ \� PO QO CONC - CONC\BLOCK -'' ` WM U .,� WALL '. ... \\Js\ % � � P_ 16' DI. I Z�4 4..CE.. D/W // / NC CB (TYPE, II) \\ \\ ..% - PATIO ,In - RHODODENDRONS \� >`/ CONC RIM=385.00 20"F \\s £ 5"PM.. I D/W 8.. CMP NW=380.2f �.2;_" \ _ 4'�y 12" CMP NE=379.40 C _ _ . I 4 CE f<s10'o RHODODENDRON - CONCf a 50,"CW \._ / '• 24 FR I" 20 FR(2j D/W �` a 3"MP - / - 3 LANDSCAPED - I 4 CE ! AREA PB 0 BRICK CONC PLANTER / oo\ / LAWN 2' WIRE D/W 4' CIE cUi1 / / w y GRAPE A(•180R z ..)14"PI \., 14"M LAWN O / CONC 4" JAP. MP �\ #. �, $ // HOUSE ^' , 10"CY $MALL BUILDING LANDSCAPED o AREA / I n .",.- • LAWN I t LAWN; % I LAWN I :"CS i y( NEW SSMH n n m A a HED� LT u n.. 6" Y a 3 � RHODODENDRON a'xs' LAUREL 6X10 BAMBOO I � •:a;,tlP Co / D/W c CONC wf TIMBER BORDER -' : PATIO ' I D/W OVERHANG LAWNN LINE OF of FuLi) I ? 4? SMALLL TREES c ; I • 6"DS1.11 W j I /PLANTER c 10"MP(I ! I.14'DS 4' CONCRETE $ 'I HOUSE �: I WALKWAY o I . Z x' ( HOUSE dl 9 TACK IN LEAD IN CONC AD G I p > MONUMENT IN CASE ABANDON SDMH RIM=381.15 REMOVE & R CE REMOVE dt REPLACE w IW�V Fj(, SSMH RIM=388.47 FULL OF DEBRIS I I OVERHANG s ��H SSMH IE=377.z7(E)t2" ' _ EX SSMH 24 EX SSMH 23 / m I 3. RIM=404.37 IE=384.67(N)8. 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REVISION BY DATE APPR .� a 16 X Appendix B m � m m m m r m m m m m m m m m m r m = m m m � � m m m m m m m = � m m � � 1 n City of Renton Heather Downs Interceptor Improvements Pre- Design Report APPENDIX B Shannon & Wilson Geotechnical Report 1 Geotechnical Interpretive Report Heather Downs Interceptor Upgrade Renton, Washington R 1 1 1 Excellence. Innovation. Service. Value. Since 1954. January 30, 2009 Submitted To: Mr. Erik Waligorski Roth Hill Engineering Partners 2600 116th Avenue NE, Suite 100 Bellevue, Washington 98004 By: Shannon & Wilson, Inc. 400 N 341h Street, Suite 100 Seattle, Washington 98103 21-1-20730-002 1 11 11 I 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION... Page 2.0 SITE AND PROTECT DESCRIPTION.................................................................................1 2.1 Existing Pipelines.......................................................................................................2 2.2 New Pipeline..............................................................................................................2 3.0 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION PROGRAM....................................................................3 3.1 Explorations...............................................................................................................3 3.1.1 Borings.........................................................................................................3 3.1.2 Test Pits........................................................................................................4 3.1.3 Soil Sampling...............................................................................................4 4.0 LABORATORY TESTING...................................................................................................4 4.1 Water Content Determinations...................................................................................5 4.2 Grain Size Analyses...................................................................................................5 4.3 Atterberg Limits Determination.................................................................................5 5.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS.............................................................................................5 5.1 General Geology........................................................................................................5 5.2 Tectonic Conditions...................................................................................................6 5.3 Geologic Units............................................................................................................6 5.4 Subsurface Conditions................................................................................................7 5.5 Groundwaterr...............................................................................................................8 5.6 Soil Properties............................................................................................................9 6.0 ENGINEERING STUDIES AND RECOMMENDATIONS................................................9 6.1 Slope Stability..........................................................................................................10 6.2 Pipeline Installation..................................................................................................10 6.2.1 Trenching...................................................................................................10 New Pipeline Alignment...........................................................11 Existing Pipeline Alignment.....................................................12 Lateral Movement and Settlement............................................12 6.2.2 Pipe Bursting..............................................................................................13 Pipe Bursting Methods..............................................................14 Ground Conditions....................................................................15 Ground Deformations...............................................................15 Access Pits................................................................................16 6.2.3 Surface Installation....................................................................................18 Surface Preparation...................................................................18 Pipe Restraint............................................................................18 6.3 Manhole Design.......................................................................................................19 I21-1-20730-002-R I .dodN,p/AJC 11 21-1-20730-002 TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont.) Page 6.4 Backfill Placement and Compaction........................................................................19 6.4.1 Pipe Bedding..............................................................................................19 6.4.2 Subsequent Trench Backfill.......................................................................19 6.4.3 Structural Fill.............................................................................................20 6.4.4 Compaction ................................................. 6.5 Wet Weather Considerations ..................................... 6.6 Construction Observation and Review of Plans........ 7.0 INSTRUMENTATION RECOMMENDATIONS ............... 7.1 Surface Settlement Points .......................................... 7.2 Utility Settlement Points ........................................... 7.3 Monitoring Frequency ............................................... 8.0 LIMITATIONS..................................................................... 9.0 REFERENCES...................................................................... Table No. 1 Figure No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TABLE Soil Engineering Properties LIST OF FIGURES .......................................20 .......................................20 .......................................21 .......................................21 .......................................22 .......................................22 .......................................23 ...................23 ...................25 Vicinity Map Legend and Notes for Geologic Profile Plan and Profile (1 1 sheets) Jacking Pit, Temporary Lateral Pressures Recommended Surcharge Loading for Temporary and Permanent Walls Allowable Passive Force to Resist Jacking Force Typical Pipe Trench Bedding and Backfill LIST OF APPENDICES ............8 Appendix A Exploration Logs B Laboratory Tests C Important Information About Your Geotechnica[/Environmental Report 21-1-20730-002-R1.doc/%-p/AK: 21-1-20730-002 III I 1 I DRAFT GEOTECHNICAL INTERPRETIVE REPORT HEATHER DOWNS INTERCEPTOR UPGRADE RENTON, WASHINGTON 1.0 INTRODUCTION This draft report presents the results of our geotechnical engineering studies completed for the Heather Downs Interceptor Upgrade Project located in Renton, Washington. The information and recommendations presented in this draft report are intended to provide the design team with the information required to assist in completing the final design. Included in this report are a site and project description; the results of field explorations and laboratory testing; a description of the interpreted subsurface soil and groundwater conditions; engineering studies and recommendations; and instrumentation recommendations. The geotechnical data, which provides the basis for the interpretations presented in this report, are included in Appendix A of this report. 2.0 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Heather Downs Interceptor Upgrade project is located in the City of Renton (City), King County, on the northern side of the Cedar River valley, as shown in Figure 1. The upgrade project will consist of installing about 1,500 feet of new sewer pipeline and replacing approximately 2,300 feet of existing pipelines. The new pipeline will consist of a shallow or surface installed 10-inch high -density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe, which will extend from the upland plateau above the Cedar River- valley down to an existing 15-inch polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sewer pipe located along the north side of the Maplewood Golf Course. The existing pipelines consist of about 1,200 feet of 8-inch PVC pipe and about 1,100 feet of 10-inch PVC and ductile iron (DI) pipe, both of which will be replaced by 12-inch HDPE pipe. The existing and new pipeline alignments were provided by Mr. Erik Waligorski of Roth Hill Engineering Partners and are shown in the Site Plan, Figure 2. The vertical datum for this project is National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 with the 1947 adjustment (NGVD 29[47]) and the horizontal datum is the North American Datum of 1988 with the 1991 adjustment (NAD 83[91 ]). z 1-1-20730-002-k 1.docn,PinJc 21-1-20730-002 1 2.1 Existing Pipelines The existing sewers proposed for replacement are located on the relatively flat, upland plateau above the Cedar River valley and extend from Bremerton Avenue SE to the dead end at Union Avenue SE. The majority of the existing sewers are composed of 8-inch PVC pipe; however a portion of the sewers along SE 0' Street and Union Avenue SE are composed of 10-inch PVC and DI pipe. Both the existing 8-inch PVC and 10-inch PVC and DI pipe will be replaced with 12-inch HDPE pipe. It is our understanding that the existing 8- and 10-inch pipelines will be replaced using pipe bursting methods, although trenching methods could be used along selected portions of the alignment. The replacement of the 8-inch PVC pipe begins at the north end of the project site at manhole (MH) 46 in Bremerton Avenue SE, extending eastward 120 feet to MH 47 and then southward about 345 feet to MH 24 located in SE 2nd Place. The depth of the existing sewer along this section ranges fi-om about 7 feet at MH 47 to 14 feet at MH 24. From MH 24, the 8-inch sewer continues eastward about 220 feet along 2°d Avenue SE to MH 23 and then southeasterly about 510 feet along Chelan Avenue SE through MH 22 to MH 11. The depth of the existing sewer along this section ranges fi-om about 6 feet at MH 23 to 14 feet at MH 24. The replacement of the 10-inch DI pipe begins at the intersection of SE 41h Street and Chelan Avenue SE at MH 1 I and extends westward about 800 feet along SE 4`h Street though MH 12 to MH 13. This section of pipeline is relatively deep, ranging from 10 feet at MH 1 1 to about 30 feet at MH 13. The final section of 10-inch sewer replacement is along Union Avenue SE, extending southward about 300 feet from the intersection of SE 41h Street at MH 2 to the dead end at MH 1. The depth of the sewer along this section ranges fi-om about 5 feet at MH 1 to about 15 feet at MH 2. 2.2 New Pipeline The proposed new 10-inch sewer section will connect the existing sewers at the top of the upland plateau to an existing l 5-inch PVC sewer located in the lower valley along the north side of the Maplewood Golf course. The upland plateau is relatively flat, but gently undulating, sloping to the south toward the Cedar River. A small stream has formed a deeply incised, northeast - trending valley into the plateau, resulting in steep side slopes. The hillside in the vicinity of the proposed alignment is approximately 200 to 240 feet high. The upper 100 feet of the hillside slopes at 5 to 20 degrees from the horizontal, while the lower 50 to 100 feet is more steeply inclined at 35 to 40 degrees. 21-1-20730-002-R1.doc/wp/AJC 2 21-1-20730-002 I 1 I The new sewer will begin at the south end of Union Avenue SE at MH 1 and will run generally southward for about 940 feet across the gently to moderately sloping, forested plateau to a point where it daylights at an elevation of 303 to 304 feet. It is our understanding that this section of pipeline will be installed about 4 to 5 feet below ground surface (bgs) using conventional trenching methods. From this point, the new sewer will exit the trench and extend down along ' the surface of the 188-foot high by 16- to 40-degree slope to the base of the slope, as shown in Figure 3. The pipe will likely be restrained at the top. At the base of the steep slope, the new sewer pipe will be installed in a trench, approximately 5 to 6 feet deep. The trench will extend ' from the base of the steep slope to an existing sanitary sewer manhole, approximately 190 feet to the southeast. ' 3.0 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION PROGRAM ' To evaluate the subsurface and groundwater conditions, a geotechnical investigation was conducted for the project. The geotechnical investigations included a review of existing 1 geotechnical data and a phased field exploration program. 3.1 Explorations ' Seven borings and six test pits were excavated to characterize the subsurface conditions along the proposed Heather Downs Interceptor Upgrade alignment. The designation, type, excavation method, depth, and date for each of the field explorations are presented in the logs in Appendix A. The approximate locations of the borings and test pits are shown in Figure 3. Representatives of Shannon & Wilson observed the drilling and sampling of the boring. ' 3.1.1 Borings 1 Holt Drilling of Fife, Washington, drilled borings B-1, B-2, and B-3 under subcontract to Shannon & Wilson, Inc., using a truck -mounted drill rig. The borings were drilled using hollow - stem auger (HSA) methods. HSA drilling utilizes continuous -flight augers to remove soil and advance the boring. Soil samples were obtained by removing the center bit and lowering a sampler through the hollow stem. The remaining four borings were drilled using hand boring methods. The hand borings were drilled by staff from Shannon & Wilson, Inc. A soil classification and log key is presented in Figure A-1 (Appendix A). The boring logs are presented in Figures A-2 through A-8 (Appendix A). A boring log is a written record of the subsurface conditions encountered in the boring. It graphically shows the geologic units (layers) encountered in the boring and the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) symbol of z 1-1-20730-002-k 1.docn",pinx: 21-1-20730-002 3 each geologic layer. It also includes the natural water content (where tested), penetration resistance, percent fines, and the Atterberg limits of soil samples at various depths within the boring log where tests were performed. Other information shown in the boring logs includes the most recent groundwater level measurement, ground surface elevation, and types and depths of sampling. All soil cuttings were placed into steel drums and disposed of off site by the drilling subcontractor. 3.1.2 Test Pits Shallow subsurface conditions along the alignment were evaluated using six test pit excavations. The location of the test pits are shown in Figure 3. A Shannon & Wilson representative observed and logged the excavations. The test pits were excavated using a rubber - tired excavator provided by Clearcreek Contractors, under subcontract to Shannon & Wilson, Inc. The six test pits were excavated to a depth ranging from approximately 6 to 12 feet. Tile test pits were subsequently backfilled with the excavated material. The logs of the test pits are presented in Figures A-9 through A-]4 (Appendix A). 3.1.3 Soil Sampling Soil samples were typically obtained in conjunction with Standard Penetration Tests (SPTs) at the depths shown in the boring logs. Soil samples obtained in fill or above the water table (depending on site -specific conditions) were screened for potential contamination. The screening methods consisted of visual observations, photoionization detector (PID) measurements, olfactory perceptions, and/or sheen tests. Based on the results from these screening methods, no potential contamination was observed in the borings or test pits. 4.0 LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory tests were performed on soil samples retrieved from the borings and test pits. The laboratory testing included visual classification and tests to determine the natural water content, grain size distributions, and Atterberg limits. The results from the laboratory tests are included in Appendix B. z 1-1-20730-002-k 1.docnvr1wc 4 21-1-20730-002 1 I 4.1 Water Content Determinations Water content was determined on selected samples in general. accordance with ASTM International (ASTM) D 2216, Test Method for Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock. The water content is shown graphically in each boring log (Appendix A). 4.2 Grain Size Analyses The grain size distribution of selected samples was determined in general accordance with ' ASTM D 422, Standard Test Method for Particle -Size Analysis of Soils. Results of these analyses are presented as gradation curves in Appendix B. Each gradation sheet provides the USCS group symbol, the sample description, and water content. The USCS for samples with ' fewer than 50 percent fines were classified in general accordance with ASTM D 2488, Standard Recommended Practice for Description of Soils (Visual -Manual Procedure). 4.3 Atterberg Limits Determination I� Soil plasticity was determined in general accordance with ASTM D 4318, Standard Test Method for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils by performing Atterberg limits tests on selected fine-grained samples. The Atterberg limits include Liquid Limit (LL), Plastic Limit (PL), and Plasticity Index (PI=LL-PL). The results are shown graphically in the boring logs in Appendix A and plotted on plasticity charts presented in Appendix B. The plasticity charts provide USCS group symbols, the sample descriptions, water content, and percent passing the No. 200 sieve (if a grain size analysis was performed). 5.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The geology and subsurface conditions along the project alignment were interpreted frorn soil samples and information obtained from borings, test pits and observation wells, from data gathered from existing projects in the vicinity, from geologic maps of the area, from field reconnaissance, and from our experience on other projects in the vicinity. The following sections include a description of the general geology and the subsurface soil and groundwater conditions encountered along the alignment. 5.1 General Geology The topography in the study area is the result of the last glaciation of the central Puget Sound Lowland between approximately 15,000 and 13,500 years ago and the geologic processes since that time. The subsurface geologic conditions may involve soils deposited during one or more of 21-1-20730-002-RJ.doc/wp/AJC 5 21-1-20730-002 the six or more glacial advances and intervening interglacial periods that have occurred within the Puget Sound area within the last 2 million years. During the last glaciation (Vashon Stade of the Fraser Glaciation) in the Puget Sound area, glaciolacustrine clay and silt, outwash sand, and lodgment till were deposited by the glacier and were consolidated by the weight of about 3,000 feet of ice. As the ice melted, meltwater carried sand and deposited it in the area in front of the ice. Soil debris carried in and on the ice was dumped on the ground surface as the ice melted and retreated. These recessional deposits accumulated on top of the till. After the last glacier retreated, depressed areas filled in with fine-grained (silt and clay) soils that eroded from surrounding higher ground and streams and rivers eroded out channels and flood plains that were subsequently filled with alluvial deposits. Where development has occurred, these recent, post -glacial deposits were covered with fill, structures, and roadways or wholly or partially removed. In general, the upland plateau is underlain by glacial deposits with a relatively thin mantle of recessional outwash deposits and fill, and the Cedar River valley at the base of the plateau is underlain by alluvial deposits and fill. 5.2 Tectonic Conditions Tectonically, the Puget Lowland is located in the fore -arc of the Cascadia Subduction Zone. The tectonics and seismicity of the region are the result of the relative northeastward Subduction of the Juan de Fuca Plate beneath the North American Plate. The nearest potentially active fault to the project is the Seattle -Bremerton Fault, a collective term for a series of four or more east -west -trending, south -dipping, major fault splays, and numerous intermediate discrete fault surfaces and shear zones comprised of deformed to diced soils, located just south of downtown Seattle. Based on recent observations from test trenches along the fault zone, each splay likely consists of numerous individual discrete planar fault surfaces. The U.S. Geological Survey has recently postulated that the Seattle -Bremerton fault has a 3- to 5-mile-wide deformation zone, based on over -water surveys and test trenches (Brocher et al., 2004). The sewer alignment falls to the south of this postulated zone of deformation. There is no direct evidence of dislocation or offsets in the logs from investigation boreholes to confirm or deny the existence of splays of the fault in the area. 5.3 Geologic Units Relatively shallow deposits of unconsolidated recessional outwash underlie approximately 35 percent of the project alignment. Recessional outwash deposits (Qvr) are primarily located z 1-1-207M-002-K 1.dociwpinJc 9 21-1-20730-002 1 I along the upland plateau and narrow ridge above the Cedar River valley and south of the existing sewer line. Less than 1 percent of the alignment is underlain by glacially overridden, very dense and hard soils (Qpnf/Qpnl). Loose to medium dense, recent fill (Hf) underlies approximately ' 65 percent of the alignment, primarily along the existing pipe section and within the Maplewood Creek drainage. ' 5.4 Subsurface Conditions Our understanding of the subsurface soil conditions along the alignment is based on our literature search and review, geotechnical investigations, and on our general understanding of the geologic history and stratigraphy of the region. Our interpretation of the geology and subsurface soil conditions is shown in the Site and Exploration Plan and Generalized Subsurface Profile, Figure 3. The legend and notes for the geologic profile, including a description of the geologic units encountered along the proposed alignment, from youngest to oldest, are presented in ' Figure 2. The existing sewer was originally constructed using a trench, as opposed to trenchless Iconstruction methods, and therefore the soil directly surrounding and above the pipe consists of recent fill. Subsurface conditions along the alignment generally consist of 6 to 24 feet of fill (Hf), depending on the depth to the existing sewer pipe, underlain by a thick sequence of glacially overridden, very dense to hard soil. In general, the fill (Hf) consists of very loose to very dense reworked till and/or alluvium. Two test pits, TP-1 and TP-2, were excavated 6 to ' 10 feet into the trench fill. The walls of these test pits were stable and no groundwater was observed during the excavations. Although intact till was not encountered in the explorations, a relatively thin layer of the unit is most likely present near the surface on either side of the tilled sewer trench based on the composition of the fill. Borings B-1 and B-2, located along SE 4`h Street, encountered very dense, advanced outwash (Qva) below the trench fill. Geotechnical explorations were not performed north of MH 22 on Chelan Ave SE, on SE 2"`r Place, or Bremerton Ave SE; therefore, subsurface conditions are not known for this portion of the project ' alignment. Based on readings from the observation well installed in B-1, groundwater in the vicinity of the well is below the elevation of the sewer pipe. However, seasonal fluctuations in groundwater levels should be anticipated. The new pipe alignment will likely encounter deposits of loose to medium dense recessional outwash (Qvr) and colluvium (Qc) on the upper plateau and narrow ridge, very dense to hard ' pre-Vashon, non -glacial deposits on the steep, incised slope above Maplewood Creek, and loose to medium dense fill (Hf) and alluvium (Ha) along the Maplewood Creek valley floor. The ' z 1-1-zo73o-ooz-a 1.doc/wp1AKC 21-1-20730-002 7 11 shallow trench section along the upper plateau fi-om approximately stations 10+00 to 19+40, will likely encounter loose to medium dense colluvium and recessional outwash (Qvr) deposits. The recessional alluvium deposits primarily consist of sandy gravel with varying amounts of silt and will likely contain abundant cobbles. In test pits TP-3, TP-4, and TP-5, Qvr deposits were encountered at approximately 2.5 to 3 feet bgs. The three test pits were terminated in the recessional outwash (Qvr) deposits at approximately 10 feet bgs. No groundwater was encountered in the test pits performed along this portion of the alignment. At the end of the trench section, the pipe will daylight and wind down the narrow ridge toward Maplewood Creek. Based on hand borings HB-1, HB-2, and 1-113-3, the pipe will be underlain by recessional outwash (Qvr) deposits along this portion of the alignment. The recessional outwash deposits were observed in an outcrop to be approximately 4 feet thick at the break in slope above Maplewood Creek. No groundwater was encountered in the hand borings performed along this portion of the alignment. Based on outcrops, the surface pipe will be underlain by very dense to hard pre-Vashon, non - glacial fluvial and lacustrine deposits on the steep slope above Maplewood Creek. The older pre-Vashon deposits consist primarily of very dense, silty sand (Qpnf) and very dense to hard, sandy, silt (Qpnl). The last 180 feet of the new pipe section, from Station 23+90 to the connection with the existing 15-inch PVC pipe at Station 25+75, will likely be trenched through recent fill (Hf) and alluvium (Ha). The Ha deposits consist of slightly silty to silty, gravelly sand with scattered organic debris. The fill deposits (HO consist of loose to medium dense silty sand and sandy gravel and medium stiff silty clay with scattered wood and construction debris. 5.5 Groundwater Groundwater information was obtained fi-om observation wells installed during the exploration program. The interpreted groundwater conditions are shown in the Generalized Subsurface Profile (Figure 3). In general, surface topography and the slope of the water surface control the depth to groundwater. Shallow groundwater principally occurs within fill and alluvium in unconfined conditions in the Maplewood Creek valley. Based on the observation well installed in boring B-3, the unconfined groundwater level is approximately 12 feet bgs in this area. Groundwater within these deposits is likely perched on the underlying glacially overridden deposits. 21-1-20730-002-R I.doc/H-R/AJC 21-1-20730-002 8 1 I For the upland plateau, the advance outwash (Qva) deposits encountered beneath the fill (HO are most likely water -bearing: Based on measurements from the observation well installed in boring B-1, groundwater levels in the Qva are below the elevation of the existing sewer pipe, as well as ' the contact with the overlying relatively impermeable Qvt and are, therefore, considered to be under unconfined conditions. Groundwater within the Qva deposits is likely perched on the underlying older, pre-Vashon, non -glacial deposits (Qpnf/Qpnl). Several seeps were observed on the hillside at an approximate elevation of 270 feet, most likely the top of the glacially overridden deposits. 5.6 Soil Properties ' For design purposes, soil engineering properties are presented in Table 1 for the geologic units encountered during our geotechnical investigations. The values in this table are based on relationships with laboratory test results and our experience with these soil units on similar projects. ii 1 1 TABLE 1 SOIL ENGINEERING PROPERTIES Undraincd Drained Shear Hydraulic Shear Strength Conductivih' C' � Total Unit Strength K Geologic Unit Weight (pef) (tsf) (tsf) (degrees) (cm/sec) Fill and Alluvium (Hf. Ha) 115 0 30 10-4 Recessionautwash (Qvr) 120 0 3G to- Outwash and Fluvial (Qva. Qpnt) 125 0 40 10-2 to 10-' Non -glacial Lacustrine (Qpnl) 125 0 38 — - -- 100 ` Notes: cm/sec = centimeters per second pcf = pounds per cubic foot tsf = tons per square foot 6.0 ENGINEERING STUDIES AND RECOMMENDATIONS The following sections present our engineering studies and recommendations for assisting the design team during final design of the Heather Downs Interceptor Upgrade Project. While the conclusions and recommendations included in this report are intended to be used in development of the final design, because they were prepared in advance of final design, they do not necessarily represent the final design. 1 2 1-1-20730-002-R 1.doc/xvp/AJC 0 21-1-20730-002 J 6.1 Slope Stability As part of our scope of work, we evaluated the slope stability issues for the four slopes within the project corridor. The scars of several shallow landslides were observed in the vicinity of the steep -slope portion of the project on stereo -pair, aerial photographs taken as long ago as 1936. The majority of landslide scars were located on the deeply incised slopes facing Maplewood Creek. Most of the landslides observed on the photos were small, surficial failures resulting from undercutting by Maplewood Creek. Only a few landslides were observed on the hillsides facing the Cedar River, and most were located to the east of the project area. No evidence of fresh landsliding was observed in the field except along Maplewood Creek, approximately 600 feet upstream of the golf course, where stream erosion had undercut the stream bank or oversteepened the side slope. No active, large, or deep-seated landslides were observed or indicated by the aerial photographs; however, the presence of jack-strawed trees and thicker colluvium on the lower hillsides facing the Cedar River and along Maplewood Creek, suggests minor but steady soil creep has occurred over the last 50 years or more. After construction, all excavations should be backfilled and compacted and returned to their original condition. Provided that the trenches and deeper excavations are shored in accordance with the project plans and specifications, it is our opinion that construction activities will have a low risk of causing slope instability. 6.2 Pipeline Installation Several installation methods were evaluated for construction of the new and replacement pipeline segments. The methods considered include trenching, pipe bursting, and surface installation. It is our understanding that the majority of the existing 8-inch PVC and 10-inch PVC and DI pipes are currently being planned to be replaced by 12-inch HDPE pipe using pipe bursting methods, although trenching methods could also be used to replace these existing pipelines. The remaining new pipeline sections, between Union Avenue SE and the Maplewood Golf course, will likely be constructed using trenching methods and surface installation. 6.2.1 Trenching Based on the drawings provided by Roth Hill Engineering Partners, the depth of the new pipeline sections will range from 5 to 10 feet and the depth of the existing pipeline sections will range from 5 to 30 feet. For the buried portions of the new pipeline alignment, we anticipate that trenching can be accomplished using an open trench with sloping trench walls. For the existing pipeline alignment, the trenching will likely require the use of a trench box for excavations of z 1-1-20730-002-k i.docn,,pinrc 21-1-20730-002 10 1 I 1 1 I 15 feet or less and cantilevered or braced shoring consisting of sheet piles or soldier piles and lagging for excavations greater than 15 feet. Regardless of the shoring method selected, the shoring system should provide adequate protection against damage to existing structures, utilities, streets, and other facilities as well as protecting construction workers. Typically, the design of the temporary shoring systems and the means and methods of construction are the responsibility of the contractor, based on recommendations provided in the contract documents. In addition, it is normally the contractor's responsibility to monitor the stability of shored excavations and take corrective measures if any deficiencies or potentially dangerous conditions are observed or encountered. The contractor is also typically responsible for all damages related to instability and ground movements. New Pipeline Alignment For the buried portions of the new pipeline alignment, trenching will be conducted primarily in undeveloped areas where open trenching with sloping trench walls can be accomplished without significant disturbance to existing facilities. If sufficient right-of-way is not available for sloping trench walls, a trench box can be used to provide temporary support. The trenches along the new pipeline aligmment will range from 5 to 10 feet deep and will be excavated primarily in medium dense to dense recessional outwash (Qvr) deposits along the upland plateau section and loose to medium dense fill (Hf) and alluvium (Ha) along the Maplewood Golf Course section. Groundwater levels along both trench sections are anticipated to be below the bottom of the trench. In our opinion, trenching can be accomplished with conventional excavation equipment such as rubber -tired backhoes or tracked hydraulic excavators. We recommend that the last foot of excavation be made using an excavating bucket equipped with a smooth, flat, steel plate over the digging teeth to reduce construction disturbance of the subgrade soils and, therefore, reduce post -construction settlements. The Contractor should take all necessary steps to protect the subgrade from becoming disturbed until the bedding material and pipeline is installed. Consistent with conventional practice, temporary excavation slopes should be made the responsibility of the Contractor since the Contractor is able to observe full-time the nature and conditions of the subsurface materials encountered, including groundwater, and has the responsibility for methods, sequence, and schedule of construction. All temporary excavation slopes should be accomplished in accordance with local, state, and federal safety regulations. For planning purposes, we recommend temporary excavation slopes be no steeper 1 21-1-20730-002-R1.doc1wp/AJC 21-1-20730-002 1 than 1.5 Horizontal to 1 Vertical (1.5H:IV) in the recessional outwash (Qvr) deposits and no steeper than 2H:1 V in the fill (Hf) and alluvium (Ha). Where less competent soils, seepage zones, or perched groundwater are encountered, flatter slopes may be required. Existing Pipeline Alignment For the existing pipeline alignment, trenching will be conducted primarily beneath paved streets and adjacent to existing utilities where some form of temporary shoring will be required. Trenches along the existing pipeline alignment will range from 5 to 30 feet deep and will be excavated primarily in very loose to medium dense fill (Hf) with groundwater levels below the bottom of the trenches. Construction practice in the Puget Sound region generally includes trench boxes for excavations of 15 feet or less and cantilevered or braced shoring consisting of sheet piles or soldier piles and lagging for excavations greater than 15 feet. Most of the existing pipeline alignment is less than 15 feet deep and will likely utilize trench boxes for temporary support. The exception is along SE 4°i Street, where the existing alignment is between 15 and 30 feet deep and will require deeper shoring walls such as cantilevered or braced sheet pile or soldier pile and lagging walls. Based on borings conducted along SE 0' Street, very dense glacial soils exist below the bottom of the existing pipelines. It is our experience that sheet piles cannot be advanced to a sufficient depth in glacial soils to provide wall embedment without predrilling. In addition, we do not recommend the use of sheetpiles because of the possible adverse impacts related to vibrations and potential vibration -induced consolidation of the looser soils and utilities near the excavation. Consequently, we recommend that soldier pile and lagging walls be used for the deeper shoring elements. The shoring should be designed for both lateral earth and surcharge pressures. The total design pressure acting on the walls is the sum of these pressures. The recommended lateral earth pressure for the design of these shoring walls is presented in Figure 4. There are two earth pressures provided, the first for cantilevered or single braced walls and the second for multiple braced walls. Recommended lateral surcharge pressures are provided in Figure 5. Lateral Movement and Settlement Installation of the new and existing pipelines using trenching methods will likely cause the adjacent ground to settle. The settlements will be induced by construction activities related to trench support installation, removal, excavation, and backfill. Long-term effects due to a net increase in overburden pressure could also induce settlement of the pipeline. The magnitude of these settlements will depend upon a number of factors, including the quality of the work and the nature of the subsurface conditions. 1-1-20730-002-R I.doc/wp/AJc 21-1-20730-002 12 a J 1 For shallower excavations, trench boxes are typically placed after excavation and, therefore, a significant amount of soil deformation may take place alongside the excavation limits, resulting in settlement of adjacent utilities and pavement. For excavations shored by soldier pile and lagging walls, lateral movements during excavation may result in settlement behind the walls. The range of anticipated lateral movements and resulting settlement is estimated to range from 0.1 to 02 percent of the excavation depth. Consequently, settlements immediately behind the walls would be about 0.50- to 0.75-inch for a 30-foot-deep excavation, decreasing linearly to zero at a distance of about 1.5 times the excavation depth. Depending on the depth of the trench excavation, the weight of the pipe and trench backfill may result in a net increase in overburden pressure. For the existing pipeline sections, the pipelines are underlain by very dense glacial soils and settlement due to the net increase in overburden pressure is anticipated to be less than 0.25 inch. For the new pipeline sections, the pipelines are underlain by recessional outwash (Qvr) and alluvium (Ha) and settlement due to the net increase in overburden pressure is expected to be about 0.25 to 0.5 inch. In addition to settlement of the subgrade soils, settlement of the trench backfill will likely be on the order of 0.5 inch. Along the existing pipeline sections, to mitigate the potential for settlement damage to the pavement, we recommend that the trench subgrade and backfill prism be allowed to settle for about one month prior to paving the roadway. 6.2.2 Pipe Bursting As urban areas have become more developed, particularly over the last 10 to 20 years, the use of pipe bursting has become a more common method for replacing existing pipelines (gas, water, and sewer). This trenchless method utilizes the existing pipeline alignment and grade and reduces the amount of surface disruption. Typically, pipe bursting consists of an oversized cone -shaped tool or "bursting head" tool which is pulled or forced through the existing pipe using hydraulic jacks with pull rods or a cable winch. As the bursting head is pulled through the existing pipe, it fractures the pipe and pushes the fragmented pipe sections into the surrounding soil. To reduce friction and to accommodate the new pipe, the "bursting head" is usually oversized sufficiently to form an opening slightly larger than the outside diameter of the new pipe. The new pipe is typically connected to the back of the bursting head tool and is pulled immediately into place as the bursting operation progresses. The new pipe can be replaced size -for -size or up -sized up to three pipe sizes (e.g. 8- to 14-inch). For each pipe replacement segment, the pipe bursting operation will require an entry 21-1-20730-002-R I .dochvp/AJC 21-1-2073 0-002 13 and reception pit, typically at each manhole location, for feeding the new pipe and for removal of the bursting tools. Pipe Bursting Methods In general, three types of bursting heads are available, including pneumatic, hydraulic, and static. Pneumatic pipe bursting is the most commonly used method. It uses an oversized cone -shaped bursting head that is driven into the existing pipe using compressed air attached to the rear of the bursting head. The percussive action of the bursting head forces it into the existing pipe, fracturing and breaking the pipe and forming an oversized opening for the new pipe. Constant tension from a winch cable, attached to the front end of the pneumatic bursting head, helps pull in the new pipe and keeps the head against the existing pipe. The bursting head and attached pipe are installed through the entry pit and are pulled by the cable winch from the reception pit. Hydraulic pipe bursting uses a bursting head that consists of multiple hinged segments that are expanded and contracted by an axial mounted hydraulic piston. The bursting head, which is slightly smaller than the existing pipe, is pulled into the pipe using a winch cable attached to the front end of the bursting head. Once in -place, the hinged sections are hydraulically expanded to break the pipe and form an oversized opening for the new pipe. Tile hinged sections are then contracted and the bursting head, with the new pipe attached to the back end, is pulled forward using the cable winch. The bursting head with hydraulic line and attached pipe is installed through the entry pit and is pulled by the cable winch frorn the reception pit. Static pipe bursting uses an oversized cone -shaped bursting head that is simply pulled through the existing pipe, which breaks the existing pipe and provides a space for the new pipe. This method of pipe bursting requires significant force to pull the head through and break the casing. Consequently, pull rods are typically used in conjunction with hydraulic rams installed in the reception pit. Pipe splitters, consisting of a series of cutting wheels and blades, are often used in front of the bursting head to pre -split the existing pipe and reduce the pulling force. Pipe bursting is best suited to the replacement of pipes made of brittle materials such as clay, cast iron, plain concrete, asbestos, and some plastics. The existing pipes that are currently being considered for replacement consist of PVC and DI. In general, PVC pipe may be replaced using a combination of pipe splitting and bursting techniques. DI is not suitable for pipe bursting, but can be replaced using pipe splitters in conjunction with static bursting methods. Although the selection of the appropriate bursting methods should be left to the z 1-1-20730-002-RLdoc/wp/AJc 21-1-20730-002 14 I contractor's means and methods, it is our opinion that the existing PVC and DI pipes can be replaced using a combination of pipe splitting and static bursting methods. Ground Conditions Ground conditions that are suitable for pipe bursting include looser or softer backfill soils that can be compacted during the bursting operations and soils that have sufficient standup time and will remain open until the new pipe is pulled into place. Unfavorable ground conditions include dense backfill soils and soils below the groundwater table. It is our understanding that the existing 8- and 10-inch sewers were installed in trenches. Based on test pits and borings conducted over and adjacent to the existing sewer pipelines, the backfill soils consist of very loose to very dense reworked till. Groundwater was not encountered in the explorations and the groundwater table is anticipated to be below the bottom of the existing sewer pipelines. The soils in the test pit and boring walls were stable and stood up well and collapsible bedding soils such as pea gravel were not encountered in the explorations. Based on the results of the explorations, the ground conditions encountered above and adjacent to the existing pipelines are generally suitable for pipe bursting methods. Groundwater is anticipated to be below the existing pipelines and the reworked till backfill soils will exhibit good standup time during the placement of the new pipe. Of concern is the relative density of the backfill soils, which varies from very loose to very dense. Borings 13-1 and B-2 conducted along SE 4°i Street and test pit TP-1 conducted along Chelan Avenue SE indicate that the backfill soils above and adjacent to the existing pipelines are very loose to medium dense and are suitable for pipe bursting methods. However, test pit TP-2, located in Union Avenue SE, indicated that the backfill soils above the existing 10-inch PVC sewer were dense to very dense. These dense soils are considered to be less favorable for pipe bursting and will likely require higher pull forces, shorter replacement lengths, and potentially result in greater surface heave along the alignment. Consideration should be given to conventional trenching along Union Avenue SE or additional contingency for shorter pipe bursting lengths and/or surface restoration costs due to surface heave. Ground Deformations As with all construction methods, some form of ground deformation should be anticipated to occur- along the pipeline alignment. Since pipe bursting methods use a bursting head larger than the replacement pipe, ground deformations are typically directed upward, 1 21-1-20730-002-R1.doc/wp/AJC 15 21-1-20730-002 potentially resulting in short -tern or permanent heave of the ground surface. The magnitude of the surface heave is a function of pipe upsizing, backfill density, and depth of the bursting operations. Assuming favorable ground conditions, a general rule is that the minimum depth of bursting, in which minimal surface heave will occur, should be at least ten times the total upsize. For replacement of the existing 8-inch PVC with 12-inch HDPE, the total upsize including the rear expander is about 7 inches, so the minimum depth of bursting is approximately 70 inches, or 6 feet. The depth of most of the 8-inch PVC pipe replacement is 6 feet or more, except for near the intersection of SE 2°d Place and Chelan Avenue SE where the depth is around 5 feet. In this area, provisions should be made for alternative methods of construction such as trenching or contingency for pavement repair, if necessary. For replacement of the 10-inch PVC and DI pipe with 12-inch HDPE, the total upsize is about 5 inches, so the minimum depth of bursting is approximately 50 inches, or just over 4 feet. The depth of the existing 10-inch pipe replacement is 10 feet or more except for the south end of Union Avenue SE where the depth is around 5 feet. Due to the relatively shallow depth and dense soils in this area, provisions should be made for alternative methods of construction such as trenching or contingency for pavement repair, if necessary. Heave of the surface is not anticipated where the pipe depth is 10 feet or more. Ground deformations during pipe bursting operations may damage nearby existing utilities. As a general rule, existing utilities located more than 2 to 3 diameters (horizontal or vertical) away from the replacement are not susceptible to significant damage. In general, the pipe bursting operations are located more than 3 diameters away from the existing utilities. The exceptions are water service lines which cross above the shallower pipe replacements and may be susceptible to damage. We recommend that these water services be exposed during construction so they can be monitored and observed. Access Pits Pipe bursting operations will require an entry and reception pit, typically at each manhole location, for feeding the new pipe and for pulling equipment and the removal of the bursting tools. In order to install the new pipe, entry pits need to be sized to accommodate the bursting tools and minimum bending radius of the new pipe, typically about 2.5 to 3 times the depth of the existing pipe. The reception pits are typically smaller and are sized for the pulling equipment (winch or rams) and for removal of the bursting tools. Both types of pits are usually 21-1-20730-002-R1.dochvp/AIC f 21-1-20730-002 excavated in front of the manholes so they do not interfere or damage the manholes during the bursting operations. As discussed earlier under trenching, the shoring systems for the access pits should provide adequate protection against damage to existing structures, utilities, streets, and other facilities as well as protecting construction workers. The design of the temporary shoring ' systems and the means and methods of construction are the responsibility of the contractor, based on recommendations provided in the contract documents. In addition, it is normally the contractor's responsibility to monitor the stability of shored excavations and take corrective measures if any deficiencies or potentially dangerous conditions are observed or encountered. The contractor is also typically responsible for all damages related to instability and ground 1 movements. The entry and reception pits will be excavated primarily in loose to medium dense jfill with the groundwater levels below the base of the pits. Most of these pits will be 15 feet or - less in depth and will likely be excavated using conventional excavation equipment and shored ' using engineered trench boxes with steel plates placed at the open ends (front and back) to restrain the soils. For the replacement of the 10-inch DI pipe along SE 41" Street, deeper access pits up to 30 feet deep will be required. As discussed above under trenching, excavations of these depths are typically shored using internally braced soldier pile and lagging walls. These shoring walls should be designed for both lateral earth and surcharge pressures as discussed earlier in Section In addition to the entry and reception pits, additional pits will be required to 1 expose and reconnect lateral sewers. To reduce potential damage to the lateral sewers, we recommend that the laterals be exposed and disconnected prior to pipe bursting. These pits are typically small and are shored using small trench boxes or• steel plates with timber supports. If hydraulic rams are used for pipe bursting, the rams should be properly braced to resist the horizontal forces necessary for- the bursting operation. This will require that the pit wall have a thrust block with proper structural and passive capabilities. Inadequate thrust restraint of the pit wall could lead to excessive wall deformations and surface heave near the pit wall. The allowable passive force for a thrust block to resist the jacking force is presented in Figure 6. I21-1-21130-002-k1.do,n,,p/AJc 17 21-1-20730-002 6.2.3 Surface Installation It is our understanding that a portion of the new 10-inch pipeline will be installed along the existing ground surface, beginning near the top of the steep slope above Maplewood Creek and extending down the 188-foot-high by 16- to 40-degree slope to the base of the slope where it will enter a trench and be buried. The soil conditions along the surface route consist of 2.5 to 3 feet of loose colluvium (Qc) over medium dense to dense recessional outwash (Qvr) deposits. As the surface alignment approaches the break in slope above Maplewood Creek, the colluvium and recessional outwash thins to about 4 feet thick and is underlain by older glacial deposits consisting of very dense, silty sand (Qpno, and very dense to hard, sandy silt (Qpnl). Surface Preparation For surface installation along the upland plateau above the steep slope, we recommend the ground surface be prepared by removing any topsoil and colluvium down to the underlying recessional outwash deposits. At a minimum, surface preparation should be conducted to at least 2 feet to either side of the pipeline. Prior to placing the pipe, the subgrade should be proof rolled and then backfilled to within 6 inches of the final pipeline grade using compacted structural fill. The last 6 inches of backfill below the pipe should consist of compacted pipe bedding material. The structural fill and bedding materials are described below in Section 6.4 of this report. Pipe Restraint It is our understanding the surface pipe will be restrained near the steep break in slope above Maplewood Creek. The required restraint force for the pipe is not known at the time of this report. Typical pipe restraints consist of a concrete tlu-ust block either buried or anchored into the underlying soils. Restraint of the pipeline along the steep slope could be provided using steel cables attached to the upper thrust block and clamped near each pipe joint along the slope. If a buried concrete thrust block is used, we recommend that it be located at least 25 feet away from the edge of the steep slope. The thrust block should be buried a minimum of 2 feet into the recessional outwash deposits and the design should be based on an allowable passive soil resistance with an equivalent fluid weight of 275 pcf. Alternatively, the upper thrust block could be anchored into the underlying glacial soils using grouted soil anchors. Helical anchors are not recommended since penetration into the underlying, very dense glacial soils would likely be limited. Soil anchors installed and grouted into a minimum 6-inch-diamter drill hole could develop an allowable capacity of 2 kips per foot z 1-1-20730-002-a Ldochvp/AJC 21-1-20730-002 18 (kpf) of penetration into the glacial soils. If access is too limited for soil anchor drilling, a self �. drilling injection bore (IBO) type anchor could be installed using portable rock drilling equipment. The IBO anchors consists of a hollowed threaded bar with an oversized sacrificial drill bit. The anchor is drilled to depth and grouted through the hollow portion of the anchor. The allowable capacity of the IBO anchors is about 1 kpf of penetration into the glacial soils. We recommend that the soil or IBO anchor bar be epoxy coated or stainless steel to resist corrosion. All anchors should be proof tested to a minimum of 133 percent of the allowable capacity. A thrust block will also be required at the base of the steep slope where the pipeline enters into a trench. The thrust block should be installed at least 5 feet bus and should 1 be designed using an allowable soil capacity of 3,000 pounds per square foot. 6.3 Manhole Design We understand that concrete manholes may be installed along the new and existing pipeline alignments. An unyielding, precast manhole should be designed to resist an at -rest lateral earth pressure using an equivalent fluid weight of 55 pounds per cubic foot (pco. This recommended equivalent is based on the assumption that a well -compacted structural fill will be placed around the concrete manhole and no groundwater is present. 6.4 Backfill Placement and Compaction t6.4.1 Pipe Bedding 1 We recommend that the pipe bedding consist of imported granular bedding material meeting the gradation for flexible pipe shown in Figure 7. The bedding should extend 6 inches below the bottom of the pipe and up to 12 inches above the top of the pipe. ' 6.4.2 Subsequent Trench Backfill Soil from the trench excavation may be used as subsequent trench Backfill, above the pipe bedding material, provided the moisture content of the material is suitable to allow proper compaction. Soils with a significant percentage of clay, silt, or fine sand that are considered moisture sensitive are difficult to compact if they remain wet or become wet from rain or surface water during construction, and are easily disturbed by construction traffic. Organic materials, such as peat, topsoil, and organic silt should not be used as subsequent backfrll. The contractor should be responsible for determining the suitability of reusing on -site soil as fill, based on the contractor's schedule, experience, equipment capabilities, and contract specifications. ' 21-1-20730-002-R1.doc/wp/A.IC 21-1-20730-002 Imported subsequent backfill, as required, should meet the gradational requirements specified in Section 9-03.14(1) of the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT)/American Public Works Association (APWA) Standard Specifications. 6.4.3 Structural Fill Imported structural backfill should meet the WSDOT/APWA specification for Gravel Borrow, WSDOT Section 9-03.14(1) or an approved substitution, but should not have more than 5 percent passing the No. 200 sieve (wet -sieve analysis, ASTM Designation: D H 40) during wet weather or in wet conditions. Any fines should be nonplastic. 6.4.4 Compaction The pipe bedding should be placed in lift thicknesses of 4 inches. The pipe bedding backfill should be carefully worked under the pipe by means of slicing with a shovel, vibration, tamping, or other approved method. Heavy mechanical compaction equipment should not be allowed over the pipe until the pipe bedding is at least 12 inches above the top of pipe. The thickness of structural layers before compaction should not exceed 8 inches when heavy compaction equipment is used or 4 inches for hand -operated mechanical compactors. The pipe bedding and subsequent backfill should be placed in uniform lifts and compacted to a dense and unyielding condition and to 90 percent of its Modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM Designation: D 1557, Method C or D), except beneath paved areas where 95 percent compaction is recommended. All structural fill should be compacted to 95 percent of its Modified Proctor maximum dry density. 6.5 Wet Weather Considerations In the project area, wet weather work generally begins about mid -October and continues tlu•ough May. It would be advisable to schedule the earthwork during the drier weather months; however, the following recommendations would apply if wet weather earthwork were unavoidable. ► The ground surface in the construction area should be sloped to promote rapid runoff of precipitation away from open excavations and to prevent ponding of water. P. Fill material to be placed should consist of clean, granular soil of which no more than 5 percent by dry weight passes the No. 200 sieve, based on wet -sieving the fraction passing the 3/-inch sieve. The fines should be non -plastic. 21-1-20730-002-R1.doc/wp/A1C 21-1-20730-002 20 1 ► Soils that become too wet for compaction should be removed and replaced with clean, imported structural fill. ► Excavation and placement of structural till should be observed on a full-time basis by a geotechnical engineer of engineer's representative, experienced in earthwork, to determine that all work is being accomplished in accordance with the intent of the specifications. The above recommendations for wet weather earthwork should be incorporated into the contract specifications. 6.6 Construction Observation and Review of Plans Geotechnical recommendations that are used as a basis for design are developed from a limited number of explorations and tests. Consequently, a need for design adjustment may arise in the field; thus, we recommend that Shannon'& Wilson be retained to observe the geotechnical aspects of construction such as pipe bursting, excavation, shoring installation, thrust block excavation, and backlill placement. These construction observations would allow us to evaluate the subsurface conditions as they are exposed during construction and confirm that the conditions are consistent with our recommendations. In addition, we would determine whether the work is accomplished in accordance with the project plans and specifications. If conditions encountered during construction differ from those anticipated, we can provide timely recommendations for the conditions actually encountered. We also recommend that we be retained to review contractor submittals and requests for information that have a significant geotechnical component or are highly impacted by variations in geological or geotechnical conditions. We recommend that we be retained to review those portions of the plans and specifications that pertain to pipe bursting, excavation, and earthwork to determine that they are in accordance with recornrnendations presented in this report. Such a review could reduce the risk of claims and technical misunderstandings arising during construction. 7.0 INSTRUMENTATION RECOMMENDATIONS Instrumentation should be installed to monitor the response of the ground, utilities, and pavement to the construction of the sewer pipelines. Data collected from the monitoring program would be used to assess: I2 I-1-20730-002-R 1.dodwp/AJC oil 21-1-20730-002 ► The validity of any claims ► Effectiveness of remedial measures ► Performance of the shoring ► Effects of pipe bursting Construction of the project will require pipe bursting operations and/or shored excavations at varying depths of cover. Each of these construction activities could result in excessive deformations that may lead to vertical heave or settlements above the pipe bursting sections and adjacent to excavations, which may affect adjacent utilities and pavements. Each of these and other related elements should be monitored prior to construction and during construction, as required, and should include the following instrumentation systems: ► Surface settlement points for monitoring vertical heave or settlements of the ground and roadways ► Utility settlement points for monitoring vertical heave or settlements of utilities Discussions of the instrumentation installations are presented in the following sections. 7.1 Surface Settlement Points Surface settlernent points (PK nails) should be established every 50 feet on curb lines, sidewalks, and roadways along the trenched portions of the alignment and adjacent to shored excavations or pits that are within a distance equal to the depth of the excavation. In addition, settlernent points should be established every 50 feet on the roadway surface along the centerline of the pipe bursting sections. 7.2 Utility Settlement Points Utility settlement points should be established on utilities, which cross above and parallel the trenched and pipe burst sections and which are potentially sensitive to heave or settlement. Utility settlement points typically consist of plastic or fiberglass rods fixed to the top of the utility and are monitored by optical surveying methods. The utilities most susceptible to heave or settlement include water mains that cross above or parallel (within a distance equal to the depth of the excavation or pipeline) the trenched or pipe bursting sections. Water service lines to residences should also be exposed and observed during pipe bursting operations. We recommend that water mains that cross the alignment near the intersection of Chelan Avenue SE and SE 3"' Place and SE 4`" Street be monitored using utility z 1-1-20730-002-k 1.docix,,pin 1s 21-1-20730-002 22 SHANNON 6WILSON, INC. settlement points. We also recommend that the water main that closely parallels the alignment along Union Avenue SE be monitored every 50 feet using utility settlement points. In addition to utility settlement points, we recommend that storm drains that cross over the trenched or pipe bursting sections be surveyed by video prior to and after construction to evaluate potential damage. 7.3 Monitoring Frequency Both the survey and utility settlement points should be read twice before construction to establish baseline readings. Thereafter, the settlement and utility points should be read daily for points within 50 feet of active trenching, excavation, or pipe bursting. After construction, read all points one month and then six months after construction is complete. 8.0 LIMITATIONS The purpose of this revised report is to assist in the design of the Heather Downs Interceptor Upgrade Project, and the analyses, conclusions, and recommendations presented are not suitable or intended for construction. Furthennore, the analyses, conclusions, and recommendations presented in this report are based on site conditions as they presently exist and further assume that the exploratory borings and groundwater studies are representative of the subsurface conditions along the pipeline alignment. Within the limitations of the scope, schedule, and budget, the analyses, conclusions, and recommendations presented in this report were prepared in accordance with generally accepted professional geotechnical engineering principles and practice in this area at the time this report was prepared. We make no other warranty, either express or implied. Our conclusions and recommendations are based on our understanding of the project as described in this report and the site conditions as interpreted from the explorations and groundwater studies. This report does not include any environmental assessment or evaluation regarding the presence or absence of wetlands or hazardous or toxic materials in the soil, surface water, groundwater, or air, on or below or around the site. This report was prepared for the exclusive use of Roth Hill Engineering Partners and other members of the project design team. It should be made available to prospective contractors and/or the contractor for information on factual data only, and not as a warranty of subsurface conditions, such as those interpreted from the boring logs and discussions of subsurface conditions included in this report. Shannon & Wilson, Inc., has prepared the attachment, 21-1-20730-002-R1.dodwp/CLP 21-1-20730-002 23 SHANNON 6WILSON, INC. "Important Information About Your Geotechnical/Environmental Report" (Appendix Q, to assist you and others in understanding the use and limitations of our reports. Unanticipated soil conditions are commonly encountered and cannot fully be determined merely by taking soil samples from borings. Such unexpected conditions frequently require that additional expenditures be made to attain properly constructed projects. Therefore, some contingency fund is recommended to accommodate such potential extra cost. SHANNON & WILSON, INC. AT&—eW'J. Caneday, L.E.G. Principal Engineering Geol, Michael S. Kucker, P.E. Vice President AJC:MSK:RAR/msk 21-1-20730.002-R I .dodwp/CLP 24 21-1-20730-002 ' 9.0 REFERENCES Brocher, T.M., Blakely, R.J. and Well, R.E., 2004, Interpretation of the Seattle uplift, Washington, as a passive roof duplex: BSSAS journal review. zi-1-2o13a-ooz-Ki.do�AvpIAJC 21-1-20730-002 1 25 I I I I .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I co LT MST Washington iu .� «� 5 ,t E s7x�tT=u -,�,laa -- . Y ii' -5 Seattle �� 4 .®=':n F 1� ST •`�T Jy �� •\ 1 90 y a a i e liD { h < 15 Project 1 YY, rtzti u Location - �` 5E-125TH ti L Qa -1 1 > PAID w ` far rF1ff! 2W Fn - p fib tax w REr r7l"I Ci]fir µ 4 Q. 127 16, °-- PROJECT ., CATION 4SE 1WSE 57•w ' 1.� .. _ s / v 1�9rX Ft S 4 SE �� _.:... % � � g 1167M yI K � I�C� h �� � i �Rr ` any R b 141S7 K MOTM V �1 w p1421m S7 4 - 5[ team sr R ;' G"i i .E»;+�r �4r�� �j'�y° s4'► �i' 'S�-S� Y :1 14.. - 2 SE P ",RIVER i44rri�+ ry�dr�YE z 6MF GO iF1r"•-�4_ to b �l 21�xfi�4� f�i!4o 22 IQ_Mrff615° ,♦��� 5t PAT v UN �ll 1 ¢ m fit• n ' �1TL �T �~ - .y Y�ya'} Q tr_ o r 1N1N A ♦Y 'Q%,_ - 19rN Cti .`�� �, x. x ... „ �,i iP � � i rlFF -19� � � jr < y l3 '�• � �vw S1FAI RW00 n ^ `� ,• gjn{ y = +. jj 39trI 3 � 31 ISH1c � R r Q +• a ,� A lYa7H M ,;, Y l� SaE SF i u 3 ff 1Hs R �» 141ST w F' - item m a 611 S�5 = 1svrT $ a 1 ,aCs t< SE 61ST R a Sf 1EM SE 166iN ST f1� w sc riao ot� '} t 165TFl Si �, A bsi SF N ♦ fib` i ••+ 3 FAI Py� 6•rx y GI ' SEE 1rkTw n. ; Jr�a • ram Y ► QiA15 e G F-./ r y ^ e� J 9 Ei1FWW Ibl'6 . 1 Pl `�, lead, = ,� I�l 27=!� f: 0 1/4 1/2 1 Scale in Miles NOTE Reproduced with permission granted by THOMAS BROS. MAPSo. This map is copyrighted by Rand McNally R.L. 08-S-34. It is unlawful to copy or reproduce all or any part thereof, whether for personal use or resale, without permission. All rights reserved. D D 2 D V V V 0 L BORING LOG LEGEND Water Level - Observation Well Well Screen Filter Pack Geologic Unit Designation (See Appendix A) GENERALIZED GEOLOGY TYPE EXPLANATION HOLOCENE FILL: Loose to dense fill materials Hf comprised of many different soils types, rock and concrete rubble, and wood debris. N B-349 Designation of Boring (Prof. 1' N) Projected Distance and Direction Ha HOLOCENE ALLUVIUM: Very loose to medium dense sand and gravel; can include very soft to stiff clay, silt and peat. o Ground Surface _ °, VASHON RECESSIONAL OUTWASH: Loose to very 1150 Ovr dense, sand and gravel. Cobbles and boulders are = n common with the outwash. � 70/° USCS Symbol _ /e, (see chart, right) Ova VASHON ADVANCE OUTWASH: Very dense, clean to slightly silty sand with varying amounts of gravel. _ 5 A �76�6. Sample and Penetration Resistance in Blows/Foot or PRE-VASHON FLUVIAL: Very dense, clean to silty _ � Opnf sand, gravelly sand, sandy gravel. Alluvial deposits of ..i6• Blows/Inches Driven (e.g., 50/6") 6• rivers and creeks. 30 - 6 �6 Explanation of Sample Types -VA. Shown at Right PRE-VASHON LACUSTRINE DEPOSITS: Dense to - ni6 (Length of symbol corresponds Opnl very dense or stiff to very hard. silty fine sand, fine to length of sample) sandy silt and clayey silt. Scattered to abundant - „0��,• organics are common with the lacustrine deposits. _ 61/6• =60/6. ? Approximate Geologic Contact 67/6 xR z !°/6• x my' �„43. Approximate Force Main -,O6• }� Location MA" e 6p. 17/6- 100/"• Bottom of Boring 6-23-05 Date of Completion NOTES 1. Profiles and sections are based on drawings provided by Roth Hill Engineering Partners, dated November 2008. The geology shown is generalized from material observed from borings conducted by Shannon & Wilson for this and the previous study. The geology, as encountered in the borings, has been projected into the plane of the profile or section. Elevations and geologic contacts should be considered approximate. Variations between the profile and actual conditions are likely to exist. 2. Water levels shown were measured on various dates. Groundwater fluctuations should be expected. SOIL AND SAMPLING LEGEND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM (From ASTM D 2488-93 & 2487-93) ®WR • � IIUM= ®► 15F�j� ME 1111® =No= ®®��Iw SAMPLE TYPES * Sample Not Recovered = 2" O.D. Split Spoon Sample with 140 lb. Hammer (standard penetration test - SPT) 2.5" O.D. Split Spoon Sample with 300lb. Hammer (non-standard) 3" O.D. Split Spoon Sample with 300 lb. Hammer (non-standard) ® Sonic Coring Run Y, 3" O.D. Shelby Tube Sample 11 Osterberg Sample P Pitcher Barrel Sample 1E 2.5" O.D. Thin Wall Tube Sample G Grab Sample 0 Soil Coring Run 1. Dual Symbols (symbols separated by a hyphen, i.e., SP-SM, slightly silty fine SAND) are used for soils with between 5% and 12% fines or when the liquid limit and plasticity index values plot in the CL-ML area of the plasticity chart. 2. Borderline symbols (symbols separated by a slash, i.e., CUML, silty CLAY/clayey SILT; GW/SW, sandy GRAVEL/gravelly SAND) indicate that the soil may fall into one of two possible basic groups, based on ASTM D 2488-93 Visual Manual Classification System. The graphic symbol of only the first group symbol is shown on the profile. GEOLOGIC UNIT NOMENCLATURE DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENT, GEOLOGIC AGE DESIGNATION G GEOLOGIC PROCESS, OR LITHOLOGY f=fill H = Holocene a = alluvium p = peat r = outwash i = ice contact (recessional) (recessional) v = Vashon M E t = till (lodgment) a =advance outwash (o dn = nonglacial I = lacustrine II p = Pre-Vashon (interglacial) f = fluvial (� 6 or more glacial o = outwash and interglacial episodes t = till g=glacial m =marine I = lacustrine Each geologic unit has a two- to four-letter abbreviation composed of a leading capital letter signifying geologic age, followed by one or more lowercase letters indicating further breakdown of geologic age, depositional environment or geologic process. Present BP Before Present 13,500 yrs BP Dates in Central Puget Lowland may differ from onset and end of Vashon (late Pleistocene) glacial episode 15,000 yrs BP * CB RIM=373.30- S. CMP 5E=375.20 6" CMP NW=375.20 10too \I / SSMH H / RIM=379.nI / IF IN=370.11(N`N)8" IE OUT=370.06(S)8'' / N r � LJ LJ i F r LJ z J SSMH 46 / RIM=378.95 / S IE IN=369.33(NE)3" 1 H IE IN=369.69(S)8 � / Q IE OU9.3 T=363(E)8" 55MH 47 IE MI=34.4.7R ANDSCAPING N37 �FH UiH) =367 9.7(9()s)�8 "vi 0688 IEou ,\ �: �E waLL '. Ir LZ `NgOPOD � TIM ERA C - t\ r�4t���-9 .79. � - SS-----SS=- ,- EDGE OF OVERHANG— .( TIMBER I'-/ LANDSCAPING CONCREHOUSE �O( BORDERI ;>, TEi �RIVE'WAY �' ( L�AIR Ap ED , I AIR v IANOScgpED 1 CB 1 RIM=,i79.01 36" CMP N=373.61 6" CMP E=375.31 12• CMP SW=374-91 8 CMP NW=374,71 tlll'H.f4..CE I DECK / ti 10'hR 73'•FR CE IT 0 20 40 0 5 10 Horizontal Scale in Feet Vertical Scale in Feet Vertical Exaggeration = 4x Thre orav*V is Furl s¢. whsn 72'x 3{• m is Half Sto wlwa i 1• x it NOTE Figure adapted from drawing files 0015-00016-001-PROP SEWER.dwg and HEATHER DOWNS PLAN.dwg by Roth Hill Engineering Partners, received 1 /29/2009. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 n U (P F— ^o LU cAi r, op N Z A o [EX. 15• ESMTO wwmm_ � o� O m x of �n �— �n s -___s3___-c � � , --ss_ —__ss_____ss--� ss----0NS\—LI ___sS_---ss__—ss— s__ s3#oo Lma NN Z i )d APFD Arts aooM.e; -LS,vosCaa o <a a o o \ �_ 'm1� _ O Is 1 MdTCH LINE SHEET F,F 02GI � o � f ���,y o II;I Ii�S O r I� JAi: IV sy no �uGi l Nm m ' EX 12- . ARRROIL so LOG IEX. WATER .. ... 380 ■ � X. GRADE �EX.I ®' SEWER :. - :.:. .. 380 .. .. _ � .. 375 I 375 ■ ■ 370 ■: ■ 370 37 ..■ .. ... _ E% 8_ PVC — -- — — --- -- --- --J .. .. ... 365 .. ` _ _ ... _____ — — — —I ____ — — — — __ — — ___ — — _ — — — — —�— — — — — — — — — — —— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —�— ^ — — _ — _ _ _ EX._SWH 4 .. ._ 365. :... %. S H 24 .. .. .. .. .. .. STAR 3+43. .. .. ... .. " ST 104 00 - RIM=374.47 RIM-38 .39. IE.IN=368189 (W)8"' .. . IE-367. It C". 7 (N)8' _ 7.37 (V)8 .. " " IE .OUT-387.79� (5)8' .. -. 360 360 . TOE01 OROVn.SZ : .:.. .. . IE 0 U T= 36 7.1 6 (E)8" ... :... .. ... .. .. . 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 13+42.69 0 20 40 0 5 10 Horizontal Scale in Feet Vertical Scale in Feet Vertical Exaggeration = 4x ThW Dmw4g W Fu6 Size when 2r x U' a isHO Size when w x 1T NOTE Figure adapted from drawing files 0015-00016-001-PROP SEWER.dwg and HEATHER DOWNS PLAN.dwg by Roth Hill Engineering Partners, received 1 /29/2009. MATCH LINE SHEE HOUSE AD RIM=381.15 FULL OF DEBRIS -11fl, CONCRETE BLOCK WALLEDGE OFLANDSCAPING j CONC D/w ;DMH o 8.47 CONCRETE BLOCK =_______� )iz' -------- — N)a' I •, I S)8" \I % ' ----SD �_-_-SD--1L--SD--- 1000 1 I / MBQ=_r===== f \/ I 1 5'PM.'y CONC 1 D/W 55MH 24 RIM=381.39 IE=367-27(N)S" IE CH=367.37(w)8" TOP OF DROP=375.57(W)8- IE our=367.16(E)a" 77 w CRE E WALKWAY HOUSE OVERHANG TIMBER BORDER CONC CR D/W SD --SD---- - I J , +, 00. G__ M°15�VM C____-S,Q LANDS A�t .�CFAVEIL AR" A uwa / \ ASPHALT D/'N 4' CHAIN LINK / SE 2ND PL. CB RIM= 2" � IE=169.31(SE) E)i2 s' WM CONC /3' WOOD / INN D/N T' N wM -ice, \ 6. .HAW CONC o/W- it MBa -SD- - __so-----SI)-__r _Sp_ ___Sp_____Sp_____Sp_ ___Sp__I_�- r�� W _ ---ss-- SS-=--ss-- --ss J ss-----ss-----ss- CONC J SSMH 23 WALK RIM-372.03 J IE OUT=366.05(SE)8 CB RIM=371.30 IE=369.50(NE)8" SDMH RIM= 71.8,3 IE=369.23(.23(N`•V)12" � )� IE=366.03(SE)12" SD IE=366.13(SE)8" �lA 3x7 MIxED HEDGE {` CB � \\ X. RIM=371.40 —rn• \ ip IE=369.30(NW)8" CONC �o/w \`` N EI.�WATER :. .. .. .. : .. .. . . I EX GAS.. .. .. _ APPROX LOG.' .. _ 380 I ■.. ( �p 380 :. .. ■. ■ - .. %. GAS APPROX LOC.) E%. wA1FR .. .. .. 375 ■. .. APPPDX LOG.): EX. ROAD RADE 6 E%. GA s E%. WATER 375 .. i ■ 370 ■ 370: PV 365 I 365... .. X. -SSMH 24 : I .. - .... .. .. STA.10+78, 5.13 RT. EX SSMH 23 . RIM=381.39 .. ... :..:. ... .: .. .. ST4.Q2 50. 6.11' RT. . - IE '367.27. (N)e" :: : " . : .. . RIMmJ72.03. - - . IE CH=367.37.(W)8'. :. .IE 0-w365.95 -OF OP�Er.37-(W .... IE-011T=366:053(SE)81. .. . . IE OUT"7.16 (E)8' 10+00 11+00 12+00 12+57.89 0 20 40 0 5 10 Horizontal Scale in Feet Vertical Scale in Feet Vertical Exaggeration = 4x Thb Drawing Is Pul Sin when 22 x 31' ar Is Hall Sim Wlwn I V % 1r NOTE Figure adapted from drawing files 0015-00016-001-PROP SEWER"dwg and HEATHER DOWNS PLAN.dwg by Roth Hill Engineering Partners, received 1 /29/2009. I 11 1 1 Y I I tii iL- `1 I I � � � ^� I c �O N n =z ni \�7 / Q / P OD /� n II I 2U) CO �� l4y (� 165 _� Ln F— o� . �d° o w � /� o CHELAN AVE. SE. -� ors J,' i:e Ct- Ct l� o I 2 � = n , , `, I s �'�Ord ~T -- ---- --------- -' _ -=_ id N i _-... ___—� 33'� 1" I \� 3003H G xl l% +ate — - c`� - --- \ I � V l 3N !1 F l' / SS---- SS-----SS-----SS---------SS-----SS--_ . ; -- ..._ _ - TP=1- -SS-----SS-----SS-----SS-----SS-----SS---- SS--- S �.a SS--%'--SS-----SS-----SSi--- 5-----SS-----SS-----SS-=---SS-_----SS-----SS---==SS----- - I 5----�—� - ,5+00-.�,- ti} ' m I� „+oo _ _ c� b F -- Q I ti --- N S ------7—�-- `=n—w--I�-----'-----•------.I�---=-------------•=----•�--- 4+10 D� �,z+oo _ ,3+00 �. ' T —� —t -c--so------so—_---sq----rsc_----sc-----s0-----s.-----$o---=-so-= —_so-----so-- --So-----$o _ . - - I _ / _ _ _ __ -- __"-__-- / •!-� �2 a _ ---- -_- -----_--- _ — / L --------------�'---------'�--_---•---��-- FFF .1 ,.sa _ - �' N ;1Z CHAIN UNK l' CHAIN LINK / c \1.5' zV WOOD vJAL1 I• I �L� T% ai�orA ,o ANIn .CI //t1C4 d , s D. 2 ,� a o a \Vil o o �, o 2 S� I �y rn-a ��,= 81�- a p a �O TV �r Fr' wc°'n> .�d i o mrnwm 4 �dy °j LO„r0� cdi �v J .ti (APPROX LOG.) . X1-_ - .. . CAFPROX. LOC.) ... Q0 380 EEC' SO . I (APPROK LOC_). . . EX.e. so.�" 30 .. . .. .. .. . APPRO%. LOC .) EX COMM. APPROX. LOC.) .EX. CAS APPROX LOC) EX: GAS APPROX. LOC.) TP_.1 .. GRAD ® : E �5. .. .. .. - EX'CAS.i_ APPROX. LOC.) -EX. 12" SU APPROXE LOC). X. R• m .. .. .. .. .. - .. .. . 375 - — �E �EX. g Rono pPFROX. LOC.) NA �� 375 370 MU . Hf H f ■ ■ 370 ■ ■ ■ .. 09+-08-08 .___ E @_� ■ 365 ■ -------=-------- ----'�-------- xd'vvc ----- -- — -- -------------- ------ : : :■ ---- -------------- .. ------------------------------------ ___ .. .. .. --- 365 -EX. 360 : STA.10+25, SSMH 11 7.62''LT. - .. :::: EX. SSMH STA.13+16, RIN=372.94' IE IN-365.43 22. 9.70' LT.' NW 8'. .. _STA15+33, .. .: _ .. ' .. EX IE IE -SSAIFI 23 996 1 372.03 =365:95 IN T=389;O5 _ LT. 8' (SEA. 360 .IE IE IN=365.70. (SW)8•. - - . . . IN=364.36 (NW)8- :IE OUT=365.66 (SE)8' .. . IE 1N=364.31 (SE)8- IE 6UT=364.17:(SW)10" 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 Heather Downs LEGEND 0 20 40 0 5 10 Interceptor Upgrade Test Pit Designation and Renton, Washington TP-1 TSR Approximate Location Horizontal Scale in Feet Vertical Scale in Feet Vertical Exaggeration = 4x TMa DmwN la Ful Stre when 22'% 34• Or is Nd Sin when 1 r X 1 r PLAN AND PROFILE NOTE Figure adapted from drawing files 0015-00016-001-PROP SEWER.dwg and January 2009 21-1-20730-002 SHANNON & WILSON, INC. I FIG. 3 HEATHER DOWNS PLAN.dwg by Roth Hill Engineering Partners, received 1 /29/2009. Geotechnicat and Environmental Consultants Sheet 4 of 11 MATCHf LCrrk-814T1 E 4 I W I "= 4 aq r, n OR/ EA C-q(r;"'N r I rl N (SW)88 CFnO pONC� i H ICU ° / (4Np 6 HFpCE �J C6 X, �RRORtry Rt/OpOpENpP SE 4TH ST.- ;6(faNpS 1qf� 'ON Il�CgNO Cam/ /E,3j8 8 J_9 �.' ss -_-Ls- - III-- )8'.1 r ``' I RE'q C4PC-0 + P I gRE4 SC4PFpl2�pN p ` �WgttCRETC. p8(S)8. W �•. _ o �'�,---- - �'P -- D/N--- - -- wM / / D' w - F` ri / ba (D CONC y r Cote 1 \ / CONC J CONC- _ { 1 - W .-• O vl i - -_ / L 6 _ �____ �✓ _______________________ .___ _�_ _ --_ - I ____ sp_ —_J s--- _sue-_--s�--�_Sa-____So_H I� s�1---°"_____sP-_ L s - •� ii ---So-----So---_ SO-----5�----SU----Jcp-___-y�D/ O w 15 00 J�B1J sows 1s boo — \ naa _\ I la+oo 1a+7.2t f<Je s6(s hz' Z � i`r — ' �=r'"';�a/ /f,P s..S w)d• I:� o. o OTE. Cep z" ss_ ___ss_ �__ss____ s____ ss_____ss_ __ss--- ss---ss----- ss_�__ss_-___ss_____ss_____ss___�-ss_____sy----- ss- --ss__--- IST; A NW N) _ Ir -ij _ i tr- I i u�� I; a No oiNr R lgt ,:vhy�________I------------- - JCS n ARF �SC �'Sipt TONigSNr CInT A Cj Z _ qP _ R E .1�___ _ rl s fp f P/P pS S FP c , �,q ``a_ -�f-- c— T c c -1 c I"+Yr�s-c=� c ��'"c 3cv_3`'I - �3✓iu#,_:ai$'. ::�- rT I TH ppT �- x D zkA%o29xA' `Ili or:c $ \ co c co M / dorlc \ / 7 D/W \L-Ji B "!X„ ✓P/CP ro ✓P VP PtANTfP 2X3 S ✓P JP t CAA'p$ R O I gPR'�El'A✓ IE- 111''82., �RBt R /PROP JP \ PCgNr OROP 4Re �SC.ap fO REy C /?pn/ C J Oc ` RIMt/ 'S S6(Nf)8` R R Ri�` SS,y / f TOP Uq�p`�(Nf),p. O lE N`J6 qJ6(b OUT'JBa l(SE)88.. J6J5�(SW s (SEW)6 FT. 390385 390 . 385 X. (APIROX. WATM LOC.) (APPf(OX WA R 380 paPROX.Lac.) 380 I. ... X., GRADE .. �EOA _. .....:::. . 375 ..: $75 I ... .. .. :: EX. SSIAH . 370RDA ". .. .. .. ._ STA-14+81 I7.56' RT.. I .: _ \. .. 370 .. IE 1Nr364:j.6 (N"B. ■ .: ... _ IE :IN-364.31. (�)8-.. IE OUT-384.17 (SW), 6 365 .:. �. .: 365 - -------- —_— — -- ------- ------------ --------====i--== ___--- ___ __ ___ — 360 360 15+60 16+00 11+00 18`+00 0 20 40 0 5 10 Horizontal Scale in Feet Vertical Scale in Feet Vertical Exaggeration = 4x TWe Drm*V Is FWI size when 2Z X 31' w Is Hetl Size when 11' X 1r NOTE Figure adapted from drawing files 0015-00016-001-PROP SEWER.dwg and HEATHER DOWNS PLAN. dwg by Roth Hill Engineering Partners, received 1 /29/2009. n n ui v7 ui Cn W N � C RiS31/ ;C ;ti.I1 JdD.Oo If IN Jdg.3? Q (Sµ')d'• JF OOr'�62.6�(J 2X5 .Hfa � SrONE JHfR\fR y / RI E,3j9 S�'�d2 6�NF)1 Q�362 Sa(S,YJOy JUNIPER, CONC \ /� / 5X6 C 4 n / COMC R CFNOS CanO C _ �[ a -39c 9RFq pF0 \ /-CONC \\ A -- 39s -- CONC \ - X aRFa pF0 ,CONC �`TIrf 1 SOS. —__ _ «...wa... D/w-_ \ d l4M \ _ -WM \ ____ " rz>t � J rk' D/W x RF _al1RIlFR� RB D/W '� D/W Jg^� _/, D/:'l PB F /' 1+ tltl B, aI \. FR - µ. Y�i 0._i S --- �-- YF - � SE 4TH ST. � � - i ------J--------L-----.i - - ---.�- 1 1 fizz ------ � 'poe e p0y � -s-- -- Projected —422' NE 11 +00 I 9,. _ S _t __ - ss-----Ss-----SS----ss-----SS- SS _ I I � S-' ---= � _ i _ 12 00 _ I 13 00 \•. 1 <+�0 _ M-- SS -----SS ----- SS---SS-----SS-- _-SS-----SS----- SS ----- SS--- " SS ----- SS ----- SS- DRcpp c - 1 < �• 6.1 H ' oxr J=c— a�v c 0--c— mac_ c 1 ca c-- - N .w— I r�rrsrr..x•.. :4zs-« a,,, I ow7 4 6�acav _ c CC" n '�q I \ Jr f n, ER BORDER \ p�\ I I �I pc \� < cM �C I i\ CONC , P \Co.\ I CONC CONC lb%z.H , CON CONC :.i K I CONC ap N: CONC I ONC O/'N D/W L D/W aRf 0SC'tPfO D/W O/W nM O/'N \ `zX 0�1 D/W OOROfR p gOSCgpfO SkS OS C�OREC 9 Bi OCkJ �,Up /W DROP.. J C O En ask IR/Ad�J 1 RE'��C4pE,�'Ya�( f, 8d 3E' OZ(�IYJd" 1 if �f If 0. % POWER APPROX. LOC.) X WA X WA (A'_OX LOC.) .. X. WA X (APPRO%. WA LOC.) APPROXZOC)- X MN. PROX. LOC.) APPROk- ( ... ..... ��X RO AO .. ... .. .. .. .. .... ... . .. (APPflOX: LOC.) I - ... .. AS( APOPR %. LOC.) . 390.. LOG) : : 390 ... (F�Oj 385 -'422' NE) ■ :. :: .. .. .. (%.WA .R OA' APPROX. L G 0 ( 0%.. LOC ) .. X' WA (APPROX R LOC.) .. .. .. % X A APPR A ><. ::.. 385 = I229 123 380 � .:: ..-. � I� 375 I20 Hf .:: :. ■ : 375 25 370 .. I... 50 ■ ■ j 6167. ■ 370 :. RT. ..I.. 363.79 �(NE)10� 6 0 fAYs13 EIIN - 2a I ■ . . IE INs362.69.(NE)10- IE ... .. .: .... E El TOP DROP-377.97.(� OUT- 363.591 (SE)6 (SW)iCr .. ■ . 365 . ■ . WT=362.64'(SW)10' . ? 365 —EX. — - _ -- 2a1_—■---Hf------------- ---- ------------------- — ---- — -- - --- --- --- --- --- ---- — ------------- --- EWR ----. -- ---- --- —�---------- .------ 10 .SEWER ss I40 . .--- I Qva 11+00 12+00 13+00 15+00 I� I79 Heather Downs 355 15015. Qva LEGEND 0 20 40 0 5 10 I5�)5 Interceptor Upgrade o9-0s-0a 350 Boring Designation and :3_ ::350 Renton, Washington B-1 Approximate Location Horizontal Scale in Feet Vertical Scale in Feet Vertical Exaggeration = 4x a7 Thi.D-Ang kwl 5¢a WMn22'x34'woHa0Sizcwhen irX lr -.:09-08-08 �...345 PLAN AND PROFILE 345 10+00 NOTE Figure adapted from drawing files 0015-00016-001-PROP SEWER.dwg and January 2009 21-1-20730-002 HEATHER DOWNS PLAN.dwg by Roth Hill Engineering Partners, received SHANNON 8 WILSON, INC. FIG. 3 1 /29/2009. 14+00 Geotechnical and Environmental consultants Sheet 6 of 11 I _ NN a�r, �w 'I II II II N W N W N W w U -Amon",, �..t ---- ,� Y n - -- / 6 .,�I e - i oa :GRAVEL UNION AVE. SE wuw — - - m. ow ' aw 00 1 ----SS--- Y I \ n SS----- ----n__--_—_—n—_-- ___ —_ SSSS—___—SS---_—SS— --SS--_—_ —_—__--SS—____-----SS--^ --SS —n SS — - — --—•_---'----v -�_�� — — ` �� r F % Y Y o = a LLJ _ Y x = 1 -- SS----SS--__—SS-----i$----_SS_____SS_____ 32JV.1 �38atl8 /M iJN3j >!NIl 111VHJ 9 - -- - I' SS ( LLJ (10 1 z o W_____________--__________________ x it W= in N rn_ J w S I a N `B N v D N w z a n -.i o :o M w rn �ao�., N (n N I 375375 .. .. 370 EX g El�5EWER 1 (Pro)' 4 i): ■ 370 365 . Hf . Hf 365 I � 360 ■ rEo x 1a os 11-08 All Y. 360 355 STA:10+o0 18MN-6�39 IE :IN-358.27 (N)10• I I I . � : � ... .. ... :.... .. .. : .. ... .. EX. SSMH STA.13i00:.. PoM-=37#IE IN=359.23 IE iN=359.13 2 :19 ... .(N)8' I - .. .. . - 355 .. . .. . IE OU T=358.02.(W)8• . (NE)8'1 _ 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 0 20 40 0 5 10 Heather Downs LEGEND Interceptor Upgrade Test Pit Designation and TP-1 Mi@ Approximate Location Horizontal Scale in Feet Vertical Scale in Feet Renton, Washington Vertical Exaggeration = 4x This Dr^"is FW Sin wt-2Tx 31-Mil Half Size~11-x 1T PLAN AND PROFILE NOTE Figure adapted from drawing files 0015-00016-001-PROP SEWER.dwg and January 2009 21-1-20730-002 HEATHER DOWNS PLAN.dwg by Roth Hill Engineering Partners, received r—SHANNON & WILSON, INC. FIG. 3 1/29/2009. Geotechnical and Environmental consultants Sheet 7 of 11 •' TP-4 %0 1� � •1 13+00 14+00 LLJ LLJ w TP-3 �y ° / \ (_ A \ 1 -P� �P \v#�• 1'. i o ow s y � S2 m� I 380380 JP-3 (Proj. 11 W) .. 360 - Ex: GRADE ®: ... .. ..: .� ..... :. .: ._ .. 360 - TP-4 ( Pro 35 ' E j� ) .. .. Qc, _.. I �.. � QC x i .. .. .: ? .... o9-09.pg .. ... RIM—364.. 340 ... _ .. _IE OUT' .. Og-M-08 320 320 3 14+00 13+00 12+00 11+00 10+00 LEGEND TP-1 n%@ Test Pit Designation and Approximate Location 0 20 40 Scale in Feet (H = V) This Drawing Is Ful sae wnm 22 z 34' w fs Nan sae whm 1 r x it NOTE Figure adapted from drawing files 0015-00016-001-PROP SEWER.dwg and HEATHER DOWNS PLAN.dwg by Roth Hill Engineering Partners, received 1 /29/2009. _00� .00� 4r MATCH LINE SHEET V0`. 5+00 o n y is _ �-a---- i •• ` a o / _ •1 1 �•' _--_ .. / D r; --_ __ — - / �. ........1 a — i,, r a n ..........•'� _f-a''._ ^rn - ... \ �y Ak- Al a ; H B-4 (Proj. 5' W), . 3ao . _ .. _ _ - TP .5 HB-3 Qc .. (Pry°I` g.. QC (Prof. 2 W) E%. GRADE Q g SEWER . .. . os-is-0a I Qvr I 320 320 .. .. IQVr o9-to-08 ..... - :. Qvr .. .. . .. 300 280 280: 2 19+00 18+00 17+00 16+00 15+00 14+00 0 20 40 Heather Downs LEGEND IInterceptor Upgrade Boring Designation and HB-1 & Scale in Feet (H = V) Renton, Washington Approximate Location ths orawt,g fe Full sue when 2T x 34• «te Ram s¢a when t r x \r Test Pit Designation and PLAN AND PROFILE TP-1 Approximate Location NOTE Figure adapted from drawing files 0015-00016-001-PROP SEWER.dwg and January 2009 21-1-20730-002 HEATHER DOWNS PLAN.dwg by Roth Hill Engineering Partners, received 1/29/2009. SHANNON & WILSON, INC. FIG. S Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants Sheet 9 of 11 LEGEND Hand Boring Designation and H B-3 & Approximate Location i .\' / ;\ i o �( D •v', �'.., 61' L. I MATCH`•,UI E SHEET 9 -... 320 !20 ... .. 120 .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. ... goo avr. ISO .. EX. GRADE ®I . :.. ... :.. 5onr .... .. ...: 280 MATCH .... :. -.:- .:: .. .. QVf ...... . POINTS .L� .. .. .. .. :... '.. .: :: 2W . . 2 240 �220. 220' zs 200 22+00 21+00 20+00^ 19+00 0 20 40 Scale in Feet (H = V) Thb DwhVle FN Saewhen2rxWo is Hog Sirewhen 11-■1r NOTE Figure adapted from drawing files 0015-00016-001-PROP SEWER.dwg and HEATHER DOWNS PLAN.dwg by Roth Hill Engineering Partners, received 1 /29/2009. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O A ltn�Wulni �i i e� ' y i 01 o _ 3D03 TP-6 ........., 331 ... ^ o �t\0 G30nylX3 B-3 '2 s -EDGE OF �F....... �' \ y D o da c A r n 4cCfSS Cp 00 MATCH LINE SHEET 10 'XI AMMMEMM, Z 160 140 �.:.. 140— B;3 • Sta 12+16 27t = 25+75.27t , Qc ' ;'120 .120 Pr .40' E r ( TP-6 r01 55' E) ¢XSE i R al \ /7I �/ 100 -- — _ — _ Hf ' 9 �Ha ,QpnflQpnl 100 _ — --- -- -- -- --- Hf: �. 124 ?--'r ' 80 - .. .. i4 14 � � EX. SSNH RIM=102.30 � .ice . : 60 25+00 24+00 23+00 10+00 1140 12+00 0 20 40 LEGEND Boring Designation and B-1 & Approximate Location Scale in Feet (H =V) 7Hs DraMng is f uE Sae when 27 x 34' a is He Sae when 11' x 1r TP-1 T%@ Test Pit Designation and Approximate Location NOTE Figure adapted from drawing files 0015-00016-001-PROP SEWER.dwg and H B-3 Hand Boring Designation and HEATHER DOWNS PLAN.dwg by Roth Hill Engineering Partners, received Approximate Location 1/29/2009. M i M M M M M M M File: J:\211\20730-002\21-1-20730-002 Fig 4.dwg Date: 02-02-2009 Author: LR A) Recommended Earth Pressures for Cantilevered and Single Brace Wall 380D 25H 27D NOTES 1. Figures are not drawn to scale. 2. All pressures are in units of pounds per square foot (psf). Total design pressure is the sum of the above earth, surcharge, and seismic pressures. 3. Wall embedment (D) should consider kickout resistance. Embedment should be based on moment equilibrium below the lowest tieback or strut level. 4. See Figure 5 for additional surcharge loading. 5. Passive pressures include F.S. = 1.5. Ignore passive resistance in upper 2 feet (D e). 6. Design lagging for 50% of lateral earth pressure. 0 B) Recommended Earth Pressures for Internally Braced Wall 380D 7. The recommended pressure diagrams are based on a continuous wall system. If soldier piles with laggings are used. apply active pressure over the width of the soldier piles below bottom of excavation and apply passive resistances over twice the width of the piles or the spacing of the piles, whichever is smaller. 8. Free drainage assumed behind the wall. 9. Allowable vertical pile capacity: Skin Friction = 1.5 ksf End Bearing = 35 ksf LEGEND H = Excavation Height (Ft.) D = Embedment Depth (Ft.) J:\211\20730-002\21-1-20730-002 Fig 5.dwg Date: 02-02-2009 Author: LR x=mH-- Z=nH N Point Load in Pounds i H (Pso 3i „ = Lateral Pressure Bottom of Excavation \ ELEVATION VIEW Form < 0.4: = 0.28 Oe n (ps0 H2 (0.16+n2)' For m> 0.4: a„ = 1.77 Qe m2 n2 (Psf) H2 (m2+ n2)' kn Point Load \ in Pounds R„ i i V \ I H„ = rt„ cos 2 (1.1 0) (PSQ PLAN VIEW A) LATERAL PRESSURE DUE TO POINT LOAD i.e. SMALL ISOLATED FOOTING OR WHEEL LOAD (NAVFAC DM 7.2, 1986) _ I-x=mH�Q N Line Load Z� � in Pounds (Pso H Z: Bottom Excavationof ELEVATION VIEW For m< 0.4: H= 0.20 Q I n (Psf) H (0.16+n2)2 For m > 0.4: a„ = 1.28 0, m2 n 2 (psf) H (m2+n2) B) LATERAL PRESSURE DUE TO LINE LOAD i.e. NARROW CONTINUOUS FOOTING PARALLEL TO WALL (NAVFAC DM 7.2, 1986) Bearing Pressure q (PsI) \ V \ HH in radians r*H = 2q (P - sin it cos2,r) Ipsl) C) LATERAL PRESSURE DUE TO STRIP LOAD (derived from Fang, Foundation Engineering Handbook, 1991) \I' Earth Hs ',Berm ,'�. Note. \1, < 33' Hs < 15 Feet = Unit Weight of Earth Berm a„ _ (K)1 y I(H s) (see Note 3) Bottom of Excavation EARTH BERM q+ (Psl) i3 e„ _ (K)q, (see Note 3) Bottom of K Excavation UNIFORM SURCHARGE I LATERAL PRESSURE DUE TO EARTH BERM OR UNIFORM SURCHARGE (derived from Poulos and Davis, r- Elastic Solutions for Sorl and Rock Mechanres, 1W4. and Terzaghi and Peck, Soil Mechanres in Engmeeung Prach,:,. 1967) It, Influence Factor LIB 0.oe \LUS IB _ 0.55� ase LIB = co (-H teral Footing essure on Wall tj Bearing aPressure 56 LI I161 I III II B� 2.08 101 Z E) LATERAL PRESSURE DUE TO ADJACENT FOOTING (derived from NAVFAC DM 7.2, 1986: and Snndhu. Earth Pressure un Walk Due to Sln ha,ge, 1974) NOTES 1. Figures are not drawn to scale. 2. Applicable surcharge pressures should be added to appropriate permanent wall lateral earth and water pressure. 3. K = 0.4. 1 1 'J 1 1 APPENDIX A EXPLORATION LOGS 21-1-20730-002 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX A EXPLORATION LOGS TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES Figure No. A-1 Soil Classification and Log Key (2 sheets) A-2 Log of Boring B-1 A-3 Log of Boring B-2 A-4 Log of Boring B-3 A-5 Log of Hand Boring HB-1 A-6 Log of Hand Boring HB-2 A-7 Log of Hand Boring HB-3 A-8 Log of Hand Boring HB-4 A-9 Log of Test Pit TP- I A-10 Log of Test Pit TP-2 A-11 Log of Test Pit TP-3 A-12 Log of Test Pit TP-4 A-13 Log of Test Pit TP-5 A-14 Log of Test Pit TP-6 21-1-20730-002-RI-A.docAcp/AJC A-i 21-1-20730-002 1 1 I J J 1 1 I Shannon & Wilson, Inc. (S&W), uses a soil classification system modified from the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). Elements of the USCS and other definitions are provided on this and the following page. Soil descriptions are based on visual -manual procedures (AS TM D 2488-93) unless otherwise noted. S&W CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL CONSTITUENTS • MAJOR constituents compose more than 50 percent, by weight, of the soil. Major consituents are capitalized (i.e., SAND). • Minor constituents compose 12 to 50 percent of the soil and precede the major constituents (i.e., silty SAND). Minor constituents preceded by "slightly" compose 5 to 12 percent of the soil (i.e., slightly silty SAND). • Trace constituents compose 0 to 5 percent of the soil (i.e., slightly silty SAND, trace of gravel). MOISTURE CONTENT DEFINITIONS Dry Absence of moisture, dusty, dry to the touch Moist Damp but no visible water Wet Visible free water, from below water table ABBREVIATIONS ATD At Time of Drilling Elev. Elevation ft feet FeO Iron Oxide MgO Magnesium Oxide HSA Hollow Stem Auger ID Inside Diameter in inches Ibs pounds Mon. Monument cover N Blows for last two 6-inch increments NA Not applicable or not available NP Non plastic OD Outside diameter OVA Organic vapor analyzer PID Photo -ionization detector ppm parts per million PVC Polyvinyl Chloride SS Split spoon sampler SPT Standard penetration test USC Unified soil classification WOH Weight of hammer WOR Weight of drill rods WLI Water level indicator GRAIN SIZE DEFINITION DESCRIPTION SIEVE NUMBER AND/OR SIZE FINES <#200 (0.08 mm) SAND* Fine #200 to #40 (0.08 to 0.4 mm) Medium #40 to #10 (0.4 to 2 mm) Coarse #10 to #4 (2 to 5 mm) GRAVEL* Fine #4 to 3/4 inch (5 to 19 mm) Coarse 3/4 to 3 inches (19 to 76 mm) COBBLES 3 to 12 inches (76 to 305 mm) BOULDERS > 12 inches (305 mm) Unless otherwise noted, sand and gravel. when present, range from fine to coarse in grain size. RELATIVE DENSITY / CONSISTENCY COARSE -GRAINED SOILS FINE-GRAINED SOILS N, SPT, RELATIVE N, SPT, RELATIVE BLOWS/FT. DENSITY BLOWS/FT. CONSISTENCY Under 2 Very soft 0-4 Very loose 4 - 10 Loose 2-4 Soft 10 - 30 Medium dense 4-8 Medium stiff 30 - 50 Dense 8 - 15 Stiff Over 50 Very dense 15 - 30 Very stiff Over 30 Hard WELL AND OTHER SYMBOLS \ Bent. Cement Grout .;%:> Surface Cement Seal FRO Bentonite Grout Asphalt or Cap Bentonite Chips �� Slough Silica Sand " Bedrock EMPVC Screen m Vibrating Wire 1 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM (USCS) . (From ASTM D 2487-98.8r 2488-93) MAJOR DIVISIONS GROUPIGRAPHICI SYMBOL TYPICAL DESCRIPTION GW • Well -graded gravels, gravels, little or no fines. Clean Gravels ji�' gravel/sand mixtures. GP V 5 Poorly graded gravels, gravel -sand Gravels (less than 5% fines) (more than 50% o mixtures, little or no fines of coarse fraction retained on No. 4 sieve) Gravels with GM Silty gravels. gravel -sand -silt mixtures Fines GC Clayey gravels, gravel -sand -clay COARSE- (more than 12% fines) GRAINED SOILS mixtures (more than 50% retained on No. SW Well -graded sands. gravelly sands. 200 sieve) Clean Sands little or no fines (less than 5% fines) SP Poorly graded sand, gravelly sands, Sands little or no fines (50% or more of Sands with SM . F. } �' ' ) Silty sands, sand -silt mixtures coarse fraction passes the No. 4 sieve) Fines _. t•• (more than 12% fines) SC // •• , Clayey sands, sand -clay mixtures Inorganic silts of low to medium ML plasticity, rock flour, sandy silts, clayey silts with slight gravelly silts, or lasticit Silts and Clays (liquid limit less Inorganic CL j Inorgganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, lean than 50) silty clays, clays Organic g OL — Organic silts and organic silty clays of FINE-GRAINED SOILS — — low plasticity — — (50% or more passes the No. Inorganic silts, micaceous or 200 sieve) MH diatomaceous fine sands or silty soils, elastic silt Inorganic CH Inorganic clays or medium to high fat or fat Silts and Clays (liquid limit 50 or plasticity, sandy clay, gravelly y more) Organic OH , Organic clays of medium to high /� plasticity, organic silts HIGHLY- ORGANIC SOILS Primarily organic matter, dark in PTA Peat, humus, swamp soils with higgh organic content (see ASTM D 4427) color, and organic odor NOTE: No. 4 size = 5 mm: No. 200 size = 0.075 mm NOTES 1. Dual symbols (symbols separated by a hyphen, i.e., SP-SM, slightly silty fine SAND) are used for soils with between 5% and 12% fines or when the liquid limit and plasticity index values plot in the CL-ML area of the plasticity chart. 2. Borderline symbols (symbols separated by a slash, i.e., CUML, silty CLAY/clayey SILT, GW/SW, sandy GRAVEL/gravelly SAND) indicate that the soil may fall into one of two possible basic groups. I I 1 I 1 I 1 Total Depth: 41.5 ft. Northing: Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Hole Diam.: 8 in. Top Elevation: - 388 ft. Easting: Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Rod Diam.: Vert. Datum: Station: Drill Rig Equipment: Hammer Type: Horiz. Datum: Offset: Other Comments: SOIL DESCRIPTION o a ct� PENETRATION RESISTANCE (blows/foot) Refer to the report text for a proper understanding of the w E a t A Hammer Wt. & Drop: 140 Ibs / 30 inches subsurface materials and drilling methods. The stratification a E O a lines indicated below represent the approximate boundaries a) W co between material types, and the transition may be gradual. 0 20 40 60 Medium dense, brown, silty, gravelly SAND; moist; (Hf) GM. I I. tT j1 ►� 2= 5 7.0 . _.�.-' sl ♦�� Loose, brown, slightly gravelly, silty SAND; moist; (Hf) SM. i41. 10 12.5 Very loose, brown, slightly gravelly to gravelly, s silty SAND, trace of clay; moist to wet; (Hf) SM. C' 15 5 7_ WOH l m 20 23.0 o Very dense, gray -brown, slightly silty, sandy GRAVEL; moist to wet; (Qva) GP -GM. 91 25 a I a O 0 110I 30 —� 99 4� O 11= 35 50/6" c O 41.5 1zI 40 87 BOTTOM OF BORING COMPLETED 9/8/2008 45 0 20 40 60 LEGEND t Sample Not Recovered m Piezometer Screen and Sand Filter O % Fines (<0.075mm) 1 Standard Penetration Test ® Bentonite-Cement Grout 0 % Water Content U-0 Bentonite Chips/Pellets Bentonite Grout Ground Water Level in Well Heather Downs Interceptor Upgrade NOTES Renton, Washington 1. Refer to KEY for explanation of symbols, codes, abbreviations and definitions. 2. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundaries between soil types, and the transition may be gradual. LOG OF BORING B-1 3. The discussion in the text of this report is necessary for a proper understanding of the nature of the subsurface materials. 4. Groundwater level, if indicated above, is for the date specified and may vary. January 2009 21-1-20730-002 5. USCS designation is based on visual -manual classification and selected lab testing. SHANNON & WILSON, INC. FIG. A-2 Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants 1 REV 3 Total Depth: 31.5 ft. Northing: Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Hole Diam.: 8 in. Top Elevation: - 10 ft. Easting: Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Rod Diam.: Vert. Datum: Station: Drill Rig Equipment: Hammer Type: Horiz. Datum: Offset: Other Comments: SOIL DESCRIPTION 4= o m a d= PENETRATION RESISTANCE (blows/foot) Refer to the report text for a proper understanding of the r E a s to ♦ Hammer Wt. & Drop: 140 Ibs / 30 inches subsurface materials and drilling methods. The stratification a E o a lines indicated below represent the approximate boundaries <n a)0 (� between material types, and the transition may be gradual. 0 20 40 60 Medium dense, gray -brown, silty, slightly gravelly to gravelly SAND; moist; (Hf) SM. I I 1T I A 5.0 { 2 5 ----t Medium dense, gray -brown, slightly gravelly, silty SAND; moist; (Hf) SM. E•. l� 31 10.0 �.I.l..I 41 10 ---� Medium dense to very dense, gray -brown slightly gravelly to gravelly, silty SAND; moist; (Hf) SM. :�...1. s1 69 14.5 •.:.�.:. t I 15 —* Medium dense to dense, gray -brown, slightly silty, slightly gravelly SAND to slightly silty, fine L,I / to medium SAND; moist; (Hf) SP-SM. I [` 7 • 20 s1 24.0 25 ---• Very dense, gray -brown, slightly silty, sandy GRAVEL; moist to wet; (Qva) GP -GM. o r, e 1 79 30.9 0 10= 30 50/5" BOTTOM OF BORING COMPLETED 9/9/2008 35 40 45 0 20 40 60 LEGEND O % Fines (<0.075mm) Sample Not Recovered 1 Standard Penetration Test 0 % Water Content Heather Downs Interceptor Upgrade NOTES Renton, Washington 1. Refer to KEY for explanation of symbols, codes, abbreviations and definitions. 2. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundaries between soil types, and the transition may be gradual. LOG OF BORING B-2 3. The discussion in the text of this report is necessary for a proper understanding of the nature of the subsurface materials. 4. Groundwater level, if indicated above, is for the date specified and may vary. January 2009 21-1-20730-002 5. USCS designation is based on visual -manual classification and selected lab testing. SHANNON & WILSON, INC. FIG. A-3 Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants I I I i I 1 I P� REV 3 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 r_� Total Depth: 21.5 ft. Northing: Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger Hole Diam.: 8 in. Top Elevation: — 103 ft. Easting: Drilling Company: Boart Longyear Rod Diam.: Vert. Datum: Station: Drill Rig Equipment: Hammer Type: Horiz. Datum: Offset: Other Comments: SOIL DESCRIPTION 4 6 (n ,3 4= PENETRATION RESISTANCE (blows/foot) Refer to the report text for a proper understanding of the .c E a t A Hammer Wt. & Drop: 140 Ibs / 30 inches subsurface materials and drilling methods. The stratification Q E o Q lines indicated below represent the approximate boundaries 0 cjco U) between material types, and the transition may be gradual. 0 20 40 60 Loose, gray -brown, slightly silty, sandy GRAVEL; moist; based on observation; (Hf) GP -GM. J o d T 4.5 - 2� 5 Medium dense, brown, silty, fine SAND and WOOD (treated); moist; pockets of silt and • clay; (Hf) SM/PT. 7.0 15 of -- 3 • \ Medium dense, gray -brown, slightly silty GRAVEL; moist; abundant wood, hydrocarbon odor; (Hf) GP -GM. 9.5 ;;• :_ 4T 10 • AZ Loose, gray -brown, silty, gravelly SAND; wet; oxidized laminations; (Hf) SM. 12.0 • , T g \• Medium dense, brown, silty, sandy GRAVEL; wet; (Hf) GM. 1 5T I�: 15.0 sI* 15 Medium stiff, gray, slightly sandy, silty CLAY, trace of gravel; wet; scattered organics; (Hf) 18.8 I• Loose to medium dense, gray, silty SAND, trace of gravel and clay; wet; (Hf) SM. 20 21.5 ' BOTTOM OF BORING COMPLETED 9/8/2008 25 0 20 40 60 LEGEND * Sample Not Recovered Piezometer Screen and Sand Filter 0 % Fines (<0.075mm) 1 Standard Penetration Test K-K-0 Bentonite-Cement Grout • % Water Content Bentonite Chips/Pellets Plastic Limit Liquid Limit Bentonite Grout Natural Water Content Ground Water Level in Well Heather Downs Interceptor Upgrade NOTES Renton, Washington 1. Refer to KEY for explanation of symbols, codes, abbreviations and definitions. 2. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundaries between soil types, and the transition may be gradual. LOG OF BORING B-3 3. The discussion in the text of this report is necessary for a proper understanding of the nature of the subsurface materials. 4. Groundwater level, if indicated above, is for the date specified and may vary. January 2009 21-1-20730-002 5. USCS designation is based on visual -manual classification and selected lab testing. HANNON & WILSON INC. rStotechnical FIG/� A-4 and Environmental Consultants . REV 3 Total Depth: 2.11 ft. Northing: Drilling Method: Hole Diam.: Top Elevation: — 315 ft. Easting: Drilling Company: Rod Diam.: Vert. Datum: Station: Drill Rig Equipment: Hammer Type: Horiz. Datum: Offset: Other Comments: SOIL DESCRIPTION o 4� PENETRATION RESISTANCE(blowsls in.) Refer to the report text for a proper understanding of the y 0- : w Y A Hammer Wt. & Drop: 140 Ibs / 30 inches subsurface materials and drilling methods. The stratification Q T E o Q lines indicated below represent the approximate boundaries a) to cn (g between material types. and the transition may be gradual. 0 20 40 60 Dense, brown, silty SAND; dry; abundant organics, scattered charcoal; (Qc) SM. t 1 0 2.10 z= 2 Dense, brown, slightly clayey, gravelly, silty Ot11" SAND; dry; scattered organics; (Qvr) SM. o 0 o BOTTOM OF BORING COMPLETED 9/16/2008 Z 4 6 . 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 20 40 60 LEGEND Sample Not Recovered O % Fines (<0.075mm) 1 Porter Penetration Test Sample % Water Content Heather Downs Interceptor Upgrade NOTES Renton, Washington 1. Refer to KEY for explanation of symbols, codes, abbreviations and definitions. 2. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundaries between soil types, and the transition may be gradual. LOG OF HAND BORING HB-1 3. The discussion in the text of this report is necessary for a proper understanding of the nature of the subsurface materials. 4. Groundwater level, if indicated above, is for the date specified and may vary. January 2009 21-1-20730-002 5. USCS designation is based on visual -manual classification and selected lab testing. SHANNON & WILSON, INC. FIG. A-5 Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants REV 3 1 i L�] 1 Ci 1 cs < < F c c Total Depth: 2.5 ft. Northing: Drilling Method: Hole Diam.: Top Elevation: - 280 ft. Easting: Drilling Company: Rod Diam.: Vert. Datum: Station: Drill Rig Equipment: Hammer Type: Horiz. Datum: Offset: Other Comments: SOIL DESCRIPTION 4= o a 4= PENETRATION RESISTANCE(blowsls in.) Refer to the report text for a proper understanding of the E n m -c ♦ Hammer Wt. & Drop: 140 Ibs / 30 inches subsurface materials and drilling methods. The stratification a E o a Iines indicated below represent the approximate boundaries a) U) M (.D Cl between material types, and the transition may be gradual. 0 20 40 60 Dense, brown, slightly clayey, silty, gravelly �,�:..�.: SAND to sandy GRAVEL; dry; scattered 1 o 50/12" organics; (Qvr) SM/GM. 2t o 2 50/1 T 2.5 a BOTTOM OF BORING COMPLETED 9/16/2008 0 Z 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 20 40 60 LEGEND * Sample Not Recovered O % Fines (<0.075mm) 1 Porter Penetration Test Sample % Water Content Heather Downs Interceptor Upgrade NOTES Renton, Washington 1. Refer to KEY for explanation of symbols, codes. abbreviations and definitions. 2. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundaries between soil types, and the transition may be gradual. LOG OF HAND BORING HB-2 3. The discussion in the text of this report is necessary for a proper understanding of the nature of the subsurface materials. 4. Groundwater level, if indicated above, is for the date specified and may vary. January 2009 21-1-20730-002 5. USCS designation is based on visual -manual classification and selected lab testing. rls� HnNON & WILSON,INC. FIG. A-6 otechnical and Environmental Consultants REV3 i Total Depth: 2.5 ft. Northing: Drilling Method: Hole Diam.: Top Elevation: - 206 ft. Easting: Drilling Company: Rod Diam.: Vert. Datum: Station: Drill Rig Equipment: Hammer Type: Horiz. Datum: Offset: Other Comments: SOIL DESCRIPTION x o t2 PENETRATION RESISTANCE(blowsl6 in.) Refer to the report text for a proper understanding of the E a m ♦ Hammer Wt. 8 Drop: 140 Ibs / 30 inches subsurface materials and drilling methods. The stratification a E o a lines indicated below represent the approximate boundaries a) to (n (0 between material types, and the transition may be gradual. 0 20 40 60 Dense, brown, slightly silty, gravelly SAND to 1 50/12" sandy GRAVEL; dry; scattered organics; (Qvr) k SP-SM/GP-GM. 2 I 2 50/9 " 2.5 a BOTTOM OF BORING COMPLETED 9/16/2008 0 O Z 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 20 40 60 LEGEND O % Fines (<0.075mm) Sample Not Recovered 1 Porter Penetration Test Sample % Water Content Heather Downs Interceptor Upgrade NOTES Renton, Washington 1. Refer to KEY for explanation of symbols, codes, abbreviations and definitions. 2. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundaries between soil types, and the transition may be gradual. LOG OF HAND BORING HB-3 3. The discussion in the text of this report is necessary for a proper understanding of the nature of the subsurface materials. 4. Groundwater level, if indicated above, is for the date specified and may vary. January 2009 21-1-20730-002 5. USCS designation is based on visual -manual classification and selected lab testing. FneANNON& WILSON, INC. FIG. A-7chnical and Environmental Consultants REV 3 1 I I 1 I Total Depth: 5 ft. Northing: Drilling Method: Hole Diam.: Top Elevation: — 330.5 ft. Easting: Drilling Company: Rod Diam.: Vert. Datum: Station: Drill Rig Equipment: Hammer Type: Horiz. Datum: Offset: Other Comments: SOIL DESCRIPTION o a zt� PENETRATION RESISTANCE (blows/sin.) Refer to the report text for a proper understanding of the t E p_ = N � A Hammer Wt. & Drop: 140 Ibs / 30 inches subsurface materials and drilling methods. The stratification a E o a lines indicated below represent the approximate boundaries N 0 m between material types, and the transition may be gradual. 0 20 40 60 Medium dense, red -brown, slightly fine gravelly, silty SAND; dry; abundant organics; o (Topsoil) SM. l 2.0 Z 2 Dense, brown, silty, gravelly SAND; dry; scattered organics; (Qc) SM. l 21 0 3.5 :1 ' I z Very dense, brown, silty, sandy GRAVEL; dry; (Qvr) GM. j�� 3 4 69 5.0 BOTTOM OF BORING COMPLETED 9/16/2008 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 20 40 60 LEGEND Sample Not Recovered 0 % Fines (<0.075mm) 1 Porter Penetration Test Sample 0 % Water Content Heather Downs Interceptor Upgrade NOTES Renton, Washington 1. Refer to KEY for explanation of symbols, codes, abbreviations and definitions. 2. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundaries between soil types, and the transition may be gradual. LOG OF HAND BORING HB-4 3. The discussion in the text of this report is necessary for a proper understanding of the nature of the subsurface materials. 4. Groundwater level, if indicated above, is for the date specified and may vary. January 2009 21-1-20730-002 5. USCS designation is based on visual -manual classification and selected lab testing. SHANNON & WILSON, INC. FIG. A-8 Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants REV 3 Filename: J:\211\20730-002\21-1-20730-002 TPs.dwg Date: 01-30-2009 Login: LR M M mI ,m M M m M MN" an aM M M m a m M air rM r� rl ar owe No ■w r M no . r rr rr rr AM rl r Filename: J:\211\20730-002\21-1-20730-002 TPs.dwg Date: 01-30-2009 Login: LR SHANNON & WILSON, INC. JOB NO: 21-1-20730-002 DATE: 9-11-2008 LOCATION: See Site and Exploration Plan Geotechnlcal and Environmental consultants LOG OF TEST PIT TP-2 PROJECT: Heather Downs c a li Sketch of West Pit Side Surface Elevation: 371' SOIL DESCRIPTION f° m a w O 3: o E a Horizontal Distance in Feet o U to o 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 ......... ... OAsphalt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1....... ......... ....1 ... .... ........ ... ... O Gray -brown, silty, gravelly SAND; � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . moist; scattered, compact, silty sand m clasts (Till), scattered organics (roots); aa) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . (Hf-Reworked Till) SM. O S-2 2 - O Gray to gray -brown, slightly silty, o gravelly SAND; moist; scattered silty Z S-3 . sand clasts (Till), trace of organics . . . O . . • • ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ... ..... (roots); (Hf-Reworked Till) SP-SM. . . . . . . . . . ......... ......... ......... ......... ... ..... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ... ..... O4 Gray -brown, gravelly, silty SAND; S-4 4 — moist; scattered silty sand clasts (Till); . • . (Hf-Reworked Till) SM. ..... . . . . ....... .... . . . . . . . . . . .... ..... . . . . . . . . . . S-5 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ... ..... ........... .... ..... ........ . .. ......... ........ S-6 6 — — L .......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ... ..... ...... ......... .... 0... ......... ......... .. ..... S-7 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... S-8 8 — - -- NOTE: ........ ......... ... .. ....... T-probe at 8 Ft. - dense material O (3-4 inches of penetration). S-g . • . • . . ....... ........ ......... .I....... 10 ......... .... ........ .... -n ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... D......... ......... o...... ............. ........ ......... ......... ....... Filename: J:\211\20730-002\21-1-20730-002 TPs.dwg Date: 01-30-2009 Login: LR M M M,iM M No am M M ON M mow r m la M M i rnename: d:\ztivuisu-uuznn-i-zuisu-uuz irs.awg uate: ui-su-zuua uogm: urc SHANNON & WILSON, INC. JOB NO: 21-1-20730-002 DATE: 9-9-2008 LOCATION: See Site and Exploration Plan Geota&nical and Environmental Consultants LOG OF TEST PIT TP-4 PROJECT: Heather Downs -0 - a`) c a LL Sketch of West Pit Side Surface Elevation: 345' SOIL DESCRIPTION =3 0 E m Horizontal Distance in Feet 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 ...... ......... ......... ......... ........ ....... O Red -brown, silty, fine SAND, trace of .... . . . . ......... . . . ...... ......... ........: ...... . gravel; scattered to abundant . organics; (Qc-Colluvium) ML. a :....... ......... .: :...... a> ........ ......... .. . ......... ........ ... O ... �.. — 2 Light brown, slightly silty, sandy :.:.: :. GRAVEL, moist; scattered organics; O S-1 2- — (Qvr) GP -GM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m � I: O Light brown, silty, sandy GRAVEL; Z S-2 moist; scattered organics (roots); (Qvr) • . GM. ....... ......... ...: 0... ......... ......... OLight brown, sandy GRAVEL, trace of S-3 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . silt; moist; (Qvr) GP. Filename: J:\211\20730-002\21-1-20730-002 TPs.dwg Date: 01-30-2009 Login: LR I = W M am M Filename: J:\211\20730-002\21-1-20730-002 TPs.dwg Date: 01-30-2009 Login: LR SHANNON & WILSON, INC. JOB NO: 21-1-20730-002 DATE: 9-8-2008 LOCATION: See Site and Exploration Plan Geotechnical and Environmental consultants LOG OF TEST PIT TP-6 PROJECT: Heather Downs ±` a li Sketch of North Pit Side Surface Elevation: 103' SOIL DESCRIPTION o 3 o n Horizontal Distance in Feet _0U � 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 S_1 0 ....... ...... ........I. O Gray -brown, slightly silty to silty, ..... . .. .. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . sandy GRAVEL; moist; numerous O organics; (Hf) GP-GM/GM. . . . . . ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tvS-2 . . . . . . ......... ...... .. OGray -brown, slightly silty, gravelly : : : : : : : : . .: : _: SAND; moist; scattered burnt S-3 2 _ - _ organics; (Ha) SP-SM. O . . . . . . . . . . . CS-4 ....... O Brown, slightly silty, fine SAND, trace Z . . . . . O: of gravel; moist; pockets of gray silty, . fine sand; (Ha) SP-SM. S-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O: :� . . . . . . . . . ... . . . — . . . . . . . . . — O4 Gray -brown, slightly silty, sandy 4 I . . . . . . . . . . GRAVEL; moist; (Ha) GP -GM. O Red -brown, slightly silty to silty, S-6 ........ . ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... gravelly SAND; moist; (Ha) . . . . . . . . . . . . : : SP-SM/SM. 4O . ......... ......... ....... ........ O Gray -brown, slightly silty, sandy S-7 6- ........ ......... GRAVEL; moist; (Ha) GP -GM. S-8 . . . . . . . ........ ........ . . . . . . . . . ......... ......... . . . . . . . . . ......... ......... . . . . . . . . . ......... ......... . I . . . ......... ........ . . . . . . . . ......... ........ S-9 S-10 8 ....... ......... — ......... ......... .... 0:.. ......... ......... ........ ......... ......... ........ ........ ...... ......... ......... ......... S-11 10 U'.. ......... ......... O. ......... ...... -n ......... ......... ..I...I.. ... ... ..:0 ......... ........ ......... . ..... .........DS-12 ......... ........ ......... ....... ......... . S-13 12 ..... ......... ........ i APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTS 21-1-20730-002 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTS TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES Figure No. B-1 Grain Size Distribution B-2 Plasticity Chart 21-1-20730-002-RI-B.dodNp/AJC 21-1-20730-002 SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS SIZE OF MESH OPENING IN INCHES NO. OF MESH OPENINGS PER INCH, U.S. STANDARD GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS 90 80 70 c� W 60 } m Of W Z_ 50 LL F Z W Q 40 W a 30 20 10 0 10 C G C C 20 G i 30 = 0 c W � Z 40 m u IX W 50 Q O U F 60 W U of w 0- 70 80 90 100 O O O n1 V7 V l7 N � O O O O O O O O O O O O GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE COBBLES FINES: SILT OR CLAY GRAVEL SAND BORING AND DEPTH U.S.C.S. SOIL LL PL PI NAT. PASS. TEST CKD ASTM Heather Downs SAMPLE NO. (feet) SYMBOL CLASSIFICATION % % % W.C. % #200. % BY BY STND Interceptor Upgrade • B-1, S-6' 15.0 SM Brown. silty, gravelly SAND 9.5 18.0 AKV AJC D422 ■ B-1, S-10' 30.0 GP -GM Gray -brown, slightly silty, sandy GRAVEL 4.2 5.3 AKV AJC D422 Renton, Washington GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION ♦ B-2, S-8 20.0 SP-SM Gray -brown, slightly silty, fine to medium SAND 10.9 6.3 AKV AJC D422 ♦ B-3, S-4 10.0 SM Gray -brown, silty, gravelly SAND 17.0 24.4 AKV AJC D422 O TP-1 5.0 SM Gray -brown, silty, gravelly SAND 6.6 14.3 AKV AJC D422 ❑ TP-2 8.0 SM Gray -brown, gravelly, silty SAND 7.8 24.8 AKV AJC D422 January 2009 21-1-20730-002 SHANNON & WILSON, INC. FIG. B-1 Sam le s ecimen ivei ht did not meet re uired minimum mass for ASTM test methodi I I I I I I I Geoteehni<al and Environmental Consultants __j r r r rw rl r� �r wr r rr r r r �r ■rl r �Ir rn 7c 6C w 4C 0 z U Q 3( J a 2C R I �'1- I:. - t l l 11 7 • i 1 j I I! i - I I. � I I I I ! -I i t I. 1... I L I. I I l f + ! I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I • � I I I J l l l:77— ,. I I I I I II ilt IiI III i I � J I ! I I i + 4 1 ML r OL L_. ^_ — — 1— M_H r O�H _I_ I l i l I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I 0 0 lU LU :SU 4U W bU LIQUID LIMIT - LL (%) BORING AND DEPTHI U.S.C.S. I SOIL SAMPLE NO. I (feet) ISYMBOLI CLASSIFICATION • B-3, S-7 1 17.5 CL I Gray, slightly sandy, silty CLAY, trace of gravel 5) N 70 80 90 100 ILL PL PI NAT. PASS. TEST CKD SMPL % % % W.C. % #200. % BY BY PREP 36 22 14 21.1 AKV AJC ND ND ND ND ND ND ND FLEGEND CL: Low plasticity inorganic clays; sandy and silty clays CH: High plasticity inorganic clays ML or OL: Inorganic and organic silts and clayey silts of low plasticity MH or OH: Inorganic and organic silts and clayey silts of high plasticity CL-ML: Silty clays and clayey silts 110 NOTES AD Sample air dried before testing ND Sample not air dried Heather Downs Interceptor Upgrade Renton, Washington PLASTICITY CHART January 2009 21-1-20730-002 SHANNON & WILSON, INC. FIG. B-2 ceoteonnicat and Envi—mental consultants I rl Ll I I I APPENDIX C IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR GEOTECHNICAL/ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT 21-1-20730-002 I - SHANNON & WILSON, INC. Attachment to and part of Report 21 - 1 -20730-002 ' Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants Date: January 30, 2009 - To: Mr. Eric Waligorski Roth Hill Engineering Partners I IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR GEOTECHNICAL/ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT CONSULTING SERVICES ARE PERFORMED FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES AND FOR SPECIFIC CLIENTS. Consultants prepare reports to meet the specific needs of specific individuals. A report prepared for a civil engineer may not be adequate for a construction contractor or even another civil engineer. Unless indicated otherwise, your consultant prepared your report expressly for you and expressly for the purposes you indicated. No one other than you should apply this report for its intended purpose without first conferring with the consultant. No party should apply this report for any purpose other than that originally contemplated without first conferring with the consultant. I THE CONSULTANT'S REPORT IS BASED ON PROJECT -SPECIFIC FACTORS. A geotechnical/environmental report is based on a subsurface exploration plan designed to consider a unique set of project -specific factors. Depending on the project, these may include: the general nature of the structure and property involved; its size and configuration; its historical use and practice; the location of the structure on the site and its orientation; other improvements such as access roads, parking lots, and underground utilities; and the additional risk created by scope -of -service limitations imposed by the client. To help avoid costly problems, ask the consultant to evaluate how any factors that change subsequent to the date of the report may affect the recommendations. Unless your consultant indicates otherwise, your report should not be used: (1) when the nature of the proposed project is changed (for example, if an office building will be erected instead of a parking garage, or if a refrigerated warehouse will be built instead of an unrefrigerated one, or chemicals are discovered on or near the site); (2) when the size, elevation, or configuration of the proposed project is altered; (3) when the location or orientation of the proposed project is modified; (4) when there is a change of ownership; or (5) for application to an adjacent site. Consultants cannot accept responsibility for problems that may occur ifthey are not consulted after factors which were considered in the development of the report have changed. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS CAN CHANGE. Subsurface conditions may be affected as a result of natural processes or human activity. Because a geotechnical/environmental report is based on conditions that existed at the time of subsurface exploration, construction decisions should not be based on a report whose adequacy may have been affected by time. Ask the consultant to advise if additional tests are desirable before construction starts; for example, groundwater conditions commonly vary seasonally. Construction operations at or adjacent to the site and natural events such as floods, earthquakes, or groundwater fluctuations may also affect subsurface conditions and, thus, the continuing adequacy of a geotechnical/environmental report. The consultant should be kept apprised of any such events, and should be consulted to determine if additional tests are necessary. MOST RECOMMENDATIONS ARE PROFESSIONAL JUDGMENTS. Site exploration and testing identifies actual surface and subsurface conditions only at those points where samples are taken. The data were extrapolated by your consultant, who then appliedjudgment to render an opinion about overall subsurface conditions. The actual interface between materials may be far more gradual or abrupt than your report indicates. Actual conditions in areas not sampled may differ from those predicted in your report. While nothing can be done to prevent such situations, you and your consultant can work together to help reduce their impacts. Retaining your consultant to observe subsurface construction operations can be particularly beneficial in this respect. Page 1 of 2 1/2009 ' A REPORT'S CONCLUSIONS ARE PRELIMINARY. The conclusions contained in your consultant's report are preliminary because they must be based on the assumption that conditions 1 revealed through selective exploratory sampling are indicative of actual conditions throughout a site. Actual subsurface conditions can be discerned only during earthwork: therefore, you should retain your consultant to observe actual conditions and to provide conclusions. Only the consultant who prepared the report is fully familiar with the background information needed to detennine whether or not the report's recommendations based on those conclusions are valid and whether or not the contractor is abiding by applicable recommendations. The consultant who developed your report cannot assume responsibility or liability for the adequacy of the report's recommendations if another party is retained to observe construction. THE CONSULTANT'S REPORT IS SUBJECT TO MISINTERPRETATION. Costly problems can occur when other design professionals develop their plans based on misinterpretation of a geotechnical/environmental report. To help avoid these problems, the consultant should be retained to work with other project design professionals to explain relevant geotechnical, geological, hydrogeological, and environmental findings, and to review the adequacy of their plans and specifications relative to these issues. BORING LOGS AND/OR MONITORING WELL DATA SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED FROM THE REPORT. Final boring logs developed by the consultant are based upon interpretation of field logs (assembled by site personnel), field test results, and laboratory and/or office evaluation of field samples and data. Only final boring logs and data are customarily included in geotechnical/em,ironmental reports. These final logs should not, under any circumstances, be redrawn for inclusion in architectural or other design drawings, because drafters may commit errors or omissions in the transfer process. To reduce the likelihood of boring log or monitoring well misinterpretation, contractors should be given ready access to the complete geotechnical engineering/environmental report prepared or authorized for their use. If access is provided only to the report prepared for you, you should advise contractors of the report's limitations, assuming that a contractor was not one of the specific persons for whom the report was prepared, and that developing construction cost estimates was not one of the specific purposes for which it was prepared. While a contractor may gain important knowledge from a report prepared for another party, the contractor should discuss the report with your consultant and perform the additional or alternative work believed necessary to obtain the data specifically appropriate for construction cost estimating purposes. Some clients hold the mistaken impression that simply disclaiming responsibility for the accuracy of subsurface information always insulates them from attendant liability. Providing the best available information to contractors helps prevent costly ' construction problems and the adversarial attitudes that aggravate them to a disproportionate scale. READ RESPONSIBILITY CLAUSES CLOSELY. U Because geotechnical/environmental engineering is based extensively on judgment and opinion, it is far less exact than other design disciplines. This situation has resulted in wholly unwarranted claims being lodged against consultants. To help prevent this problem, consultants have developed a number of clauses for use in their contracts, reports and other documents. These responsibility clauses are not exculpatory clauses designed to transfer the consultant's liabilities to other parties,- rather, they are definitive clauses that identify where the consultant's responsibilities begin and end. Their use helps all parties involved recognize their individual responsibilities and take appropriate action. Some of these definitive clauses are likely to appear in your report, and you are encouraged to read them closely. Your consultant will be pleased to give full and frank answers to your questions. The preceding paragraphs are based on information provided by the ASFE/Association of Engineering Finns Practicing in the Geosciences, Silver Spring, Maryland Page 2 of 2 1/2009