HomeMy WebLinkAboutWWP273549 (5)5309 Shilshole Avenue NW Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98107 l 206.789.9658 p:'l:in" W j� 206.789.9684 ?ax VP memorandum date December 7, 2009 to David Christensen, City of Renton Public Works Lara Kammereck, Carollo Engineers from Sara Noland and Cathie Conolly subject Revised - East Renton Lift Station - Permitting Requirements Introduction ............................... ......................... ............. The City of Renton Department of Public Works is analyzing a preferred route for a new gravity sewer line crossing through future Maplewood Park in unincorporated King County adjacent to the City of Renton, Washington. The study area for this project is a north -south corridor approximately 300 feet wide located in the central, undeveloped portion of the park. The corridor connects an existing City of Renton pump station located just north of the park to an existing sewer line within 148th Place SE south of the park. ESA Adolfson identified seven palustrine forested wetlands (designated Wetlands A through G) and two streams within the study area boundaries (see Figures la and Ib). These critical areas are discussed in detail in the East Renton Lift Station Wetland] Stream, and Wildlife Study (ESA Adolfson, 2009). Maplewood Park is anticipated to be transferred in ownership from King County to the City at some time in the future. The City has requested assistance in evaluating the permitting requirements and mitigation costs associated with disturbance of critical areas on the site (streams, wetlands, buffers, trees). The City would also like to know how the permit requirements for the sewer line may differ depending on whether the park is within unincorporated King County or annexed to the City of Renton. This memo addresses streams, wetlands, and wildlife habitat only. It does not address other types of critical areas that may be present on the site (floodplains, geologic hazards, etc.). All of the tables and figures referenced below are attached at the end of this memo. Project Impacts This memo uses the two alternative sewer line routes developed by Carollo in July 2009 as the basis for the impacts and permitting discussion (these routes are shown on Figures la and lb). Alternative I is located on the west side of the stream and Alternative 2 on the east side. The total length of proposed pipeline within the park property is approximately 790 linear feet for Alternative I and approximately 950 linear feet for Alternative 2. East Renton Lift Station - Pennitting Requirements December 7, 2009 Page 2 The areas of impact to streams, wetlands, and buffers were estimated from the alternative route maps provided by Carollo Engineers (dated July 24, 2009). The area of construction disturbance for the pipeline is assumed to be a 20-foot-wide corridor based on discussion with the City. Alterative 1, on the west side of the stream, would require one stream crossing and would avoid wetlands. Alternative 2, on the east side of the stream, would cross one wetland and avoid the stream. Both alternatives would cross stream/wetland buffers. The area of buffer impact would be substantially greater under County ownership because of the wider buffers specified in the King County critical areas ordinance (Table 1). Table 2 lists the estimated impact area quantities for each route alternative and for each jurisdiction. The impact areas discussed are for a new pipeline only; the City does not anticipate the need for a new access road to the new pipeline. Permitting Requirements Table 1 lists and compares the City and County permitting requirements related to streams, wetlands, and vegetation specific to the study area. The study area does not contain the types of wildlife habitats that are regulated by either jurisdiction. Please note that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington State Department of Ecology, and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife also regulate alteration of streams or wetlands. The state and federal requirements are described in Section 6 of the East Renton Lift Station Wetland, Stream, and Wildlife Study (ESA Adolfson, 2009). These other requirements remain similar tinder either Renton or King County ownership of the site. King County has recently changed its approach to pernutting for utilities. The type of pennit required depends on whether the project meets conditions for new utility corridors within critical areas listed in King County Code (KCC) 21A.24.045(D)(34)(b). This portion of the code is provided for reference in Attachment A. If all of the conditions are met to the maximum extent practical, then the County will process the application through a Clearing and Grading Pennit. If these conditions are not met to the maximum extent practical, then a Critical Areas Linear Alteration Exception process would be required (KCC 2 1 A.24.070(A)(1)). For purposes of this memo, we have assumed that the County process would be a Clearing and Grading pennit. This is different than the City permit process, which would require obtaining variances for reduction of standard buffers and other impacts (see Table 1). Permitting Costs Table 3 compares the estimated pennit application fees for the City of Renton and King County. These costs include only those local pen -nits related to critical areas. State and federal pennit acquisition costs are not included, as they may be required and would likely be similar regardless of the local jurisdiction. The exact costs for pennit application and review are difficult to determine at this stage of the project. Some differences between City and County fees are apparent. For example, the City does not charge a fee for pre - application meetings, while King County charges an hourly rate for staff time. Preparing a critical areas mitigation plan will likely also be more expensive for the County because of the County's greater mitigation ratios and wider buffers (resulting in a larger area of mitigation required). East Renton Lift Station - Permitting Requirements December 7, 2009 Page 3 Tile total costs for City and County staff to process the permit applications are unknown because they depend on the details of the project, the amount of agency staff time required for review, the number of application revisions and rounds of review, and third -party consultant review fees. Mitigation Construction Costs Table 4 presents the approximate costs of constricting and installing mitigation for critical areas impacts. These costs are preliminary and have been developed for planning purposes only. Even though the pipeline would be buried, backfilled, and the construction area revegetated following construction, the regulatory agencies will likely consider the construction area to be permanently impacted at some level. Typically, trees cannot be planted over pipelines, and so the character of the pipeline corridor would change from the current forested condition to a shrub/herbaceous community. This change in vegetation constitutes a change in the functions of the affected areas that would be considered a permanent impact. The following assumptions were used to develop the mitigation cost estimates shown in Table 4: • Impacts to critical areas would be as listed in Table 2. The ntigation ratios in Table I would be applied where appropriate. • All mitigation would occur on -site. • We have assumed the pipeline would be trenched through Wetland A (Alternative 2). • We have assumed that the stream crossing will be open -cut. • Costs for earthwork are not included in the estimates. • We have assumed zero (0%) inflation for costs in 2010, due to the current economy. • Additional specific assumptions used to develop costs for each type of mitigation or restoration are presented in Table 4. As shown in Table 4, mitigation construction costs would generally be higher under King County ownership. This is a result of larger stream and wetland buffers, resulting in greater areas of buffer impact; higher mitigation ratios for wetland impacts; and the requirement to provide additional mitigation for buffer impacts. Cost Summary and Comparison Tables 5a and 5b summarize the range of total critical areas permitting and mitigation costs for each jurisdiction and alternative. Overall, Alternative 2 is likely to be more expensive to permit and Mitigate because it includes wetland impacts and mitigation. Costs are likely to be higher for both alternatives under King County ownership. As stated earlier, this memo presents only estimated costs. Cost estimates can be refined as more detailed information about the project is obtained. For example, once the City selects a route alternative, the construction footprint can be refined and surveyed, and the areas of critical area impact can be precisely determined (e.g., using ALItoCAD to overlay the constriction footprint over the critical area boundaries). As discussed above, King County would require significantly more mitigation for wetland impacts than the City, and so the determination of park ownership is also needed to determine the area of mitigation required. Once East Renton Lift Station - Permitting Requirements December 7, 2009 Page 4 these decisions are made, a biologist would need to evaluate the potential wetland rnitigation areas shown on Figures la and lb in more detail in order to prepare mitigation designs and planting plans. These designs and plans would specify the amount of earthwork needed to create new wetland area, soil amendment quantities, plant species and quantities, etc. Limitations Within the limitations of schedule, budget, and scope -of -work, we warrant that this study was conducted in accordance with generally accepted enviromnental science practices, including the technical guidelines and criteria in effect at the tirne this study was performed. The results and conclusions of this report represent the authors' best professional judgment, based upon information provided by the project proponent in addition to that obtained during the course of this study. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. Thank you for the opportunity to provide this information to the City. If you have any questions, please contact Sara Noland or Cathie Conolly at (206) 789-9658. East Renton Lift Station - Pernnitting Requirements December 7, 2009 Page 5 Table 1. East Renton Lift Station — Environmental Permit Matrix City of Renton King County.- Code Section: Code Section: RMC 4-3-050(L) - streams KCC 21A.04.045 — allowed alterations RMC 4-3-050(M) — wetlands KCC 21A.24.355, 358 - streams RMC 4-4-130 — tree removal KCC 21A.24.318, 325, 340 — wetlands KCC 16.82 — tree removal Wetland Classification: Category 3 Wetland Classification: Category II Wetland Buffers: 25 feet Wetland Buffers: 125 feet Stream Classification: Stream Classification: Class 3 (main channel) Type F (main channel) Class 4 (tributary) Type N (tributary) Stream Buffers: Stream Buffers: 75 feet (Class 3) 115 feet (Type F) 35 feet (Class 4) 65 feet (Type N) Type of Permit: Type of Permit: • Variance for reduction of standard buffers, If project meets all the requirements of KCC 21 A.24.045 wetland/stream impacts, tree removal in critical (alteration conditions for new utility corridors), it will be areas. processed through a Clearing and Grading Pernnit. • SEPA review. SEPA and critical areas review would occur as part of the • Clearing and grading permit (obtained Clearing and Grading Permit application. following land use approvals). If project does not meet all the above criteria, then a Critical Areas Linear Alteration Exception would be required. East Renton Lift Station - Pennitting Requirements December 7, 2009 Page 6 IC; ify of Renton` King County Submittal Requirements: Submttal Requirements (assumes project is processed through Clearing and Gradingpennit): • Pre -application meeting • Variance form Pre -application meeting • Title report Certification of applicant status form • Land Use permit master form . Affadavit of application • Project narrative • Clearing and Grading Permit application worksheet • Justification for variance request 0 Fee worksheet • Neighborhood detail map 0 Site plans • Site plan 0 Legal description • Flood hazard data 0 Grading plan • Utilities plan 0 Erosion control in accordance with King County Surface • Geotech report Water Design Manual • Grading plan 0 Plan to retain soil moisture capacity • SEPA Checklist • SEPA Checklist • Critical Areas Study 0 Geotechnical Study • Critical Areas Mitigation Plan 0 Critical Areas Study • Tree Protection and Replacement Plan 0 Mitigation Plan Wetland Mitigation Ratios: Wetland Mitigation Ratios: • Restoration or creation - 1.5:1 0 Creation - 3:1 • Combination - 1:1 restoration or creation plus 0 Combination - 1:1 creation plus 4:1 enhancement 1:1 enhancement 0 Rehabilitation - 8:1 • Enhancement only — not typically allowed 0 Enhancement only - 12: 1 Buffer Mitigation: Buffer Mitigation: Restore disturbed buffers with native vegetation. Restore disturbed buffers with native vegetation. Provide an additional area of compensatory buffer mitigation (1.5:1 mitigation ratio assumed; see Table 4). Review Timeline: Review Timeline: Minimum 12 weeks (approximately three months) Minimum 90 days (approximately three months) following following receipt of complete application. receipt of complete application. East Renton Lift Station - Permitting Requirements December 7, 2009 Page 7 Table 2. Estimated Impact Areas Impacted ', CityO Renton". King County Resource Stream and Alternative 1: Alternative 1: wetland buffers . Stream buffer: 75 if on each side of • Stream buffer: 115 If on each side of stream x stream x 20 ft wide = 3,000 sf 20 ft wide = 4,600 sf • Wetland E buffer: Contained within • Wetland buffers: 555 if x 20 ft wide = stream buffer impact area 11,100 sf • Wetland C buffer: 50 if along west Total Alt 1 buffer impact: 15,700 sf side of wetland x 20 ft wide = 1,000 sf Total Alt 1 buffer impact: 4,000 sf Alternative 2: Alternative 2: • Wetland A buffer: 25 if on each side Wetland buffers: 8501f x 20 ft wide = of wetland x 20 ft wide = 1,000 sf 17,000 sf Total Alt 2 buffer impact: 1,000 sf Total Alt 2 buffer impact: 17,000 sf Stream chamiel Alterative 1: Alternative 1: • 20 if (width of pipeline corridor) • 20 if (width of pipeline corridor) Alternative 2: Alternative 2: None None Wetlands Alternative 1: Alternative 1: None (assumes pipeline can be shifted None (assumes pipeline can be shifted west to west to avoid Wetland C) avoid Wetland C) Alternative 2: Alternative 2: Wetland A: 1001f x 20 ft wide = 2,000 sf Wetland A: 1001f x 20 ft wide = 2,000 sf Upland areas Alternative 1: None (all uplands are within buffers) outside of 585 if x 20 ft wide = 11,700 sf buffers Alternative 2: 800 If x 20 ft wide = 16,000 sf East Renton Lift Station - Permitting Requirements December 7, 2009 Paue 8 Table 3. Estimated Local Permit Fees* Type of Fee City of Renton, King County Pre -application meeting Free To be determined by County after meeting is scheduled and deposit collected. County staff time is billed at $140/hour. SEPA review $1,000 Part of Clearing and Grading Permit review Critical areas review 100% of contractor's fee for Part of Clearing and Grading Permit independent third -party review review (Otak) Variance or exception $1,200 for each type of variance Assumed not to be required (e.g., buffers, tree removal, etc.) Clearing and Grading Permit Negligible; counter pernit Grading Plan Review: Base fee: $2,173 for less than 1 acre disturbed Hourly fee ($140) after 17 hours Grading Site Inspection: Base fee: $560 for less than 5 acres disturbed Hourly fee ($140) after 4 hours Prepare wetland/buffer Varies depending on selected Cost likely to be higher than for mitigation plan alternative and contractor fees. City due to larger mitigation ratios Would be higher for Alternative 2 and wider buffers. due to need for wetland mitigation. * Does not include state or federal permits. Gall RCII(011 Li I I Sid I I Oil - Permitting Requirements Dcccmhcr 7, 2009 Pagc 9 Table 4 Fsthwited 11n4imi-iry Mitiviitinii Casts Activity City of Renton King County Comments/Assumptions Restoration ol Xreas h" .n slicaill and wellaild huff cl S Allemative L Alternative I Per unit cost assumes main restoration effort is to reseed and install native shrubs ill Impact area: 4,000 st' Impact area: 15,700 sf disturbed areas. Restoration area: 4,000 sl ResIoTalion area: 15,700 sf Restoring SlIffaCe Soils to 1113tCh PIC-ColISMICtioll grades is aSSLIIIICCI to occur as part Restoration unit cost S3/st' Restoration unit cost: $3/st' of'construction. Costs for earthwork arc not included in the per unit cost Shown here. Total restoration estiniale: $12,000 Total restoration estimate: $47,100 Allemalive 2: AIICTIIIli\'c 2: bIlpqct area: 1000 sf Impact area: 17,000 sf Restoration area: 1,000 sf Restoration area: 17,000 sf Restoration unit cost: S3/sf Restoration unit cost: $31sf Tidal restoration estimate: $3,000 Total restoration estimate: $5 1,000 Stream channel Allcinalive 1: AIteTIIaIlVC I Per unit cost based on recent pjqjccI along Swamp Crock in Kcimiote involving Impact area: 20 11' Impact area: 20 If restoration ot'2,000 If of stream banks. Restoration area: 20 11 Restoration area: 20 If Restoring surface soils to match pre-constniction grades is assumed to occur as pait Restoration unit cost: $160/11 Restoration unit cost $160/11' of construction. Costs for e,-Iftll\%,oik are not included in the per unit cost shown licie. Total restoration estimate: S3,200 Total restoration estimate: $3,200 Alternative 2: Alleinalive 2* Not applicable no stream crossing). Not applicable (no stream crossing). Wetlands Alkemative L Alternative I Restoration of'welland following benching is issunied to jcqkme both installation of Not applicable (no wetland crossing). Not applicable (no wetland crossing). native shrubs/herbs and either soil amendments or stockpiling and ieplacunmit of native topsoil. Allemalive 2 Alternative 2 Per unit costs are assumed to be intcinlediatc between wetland enhancement (planting Impact area: 2,000 sf Impact area: 2,000 sf only) and wetland creation (settle earthwork). Restoration area: 2,000 sf Restoration area: 2,000 sf We Ilierefore used the middle of the collipells"Itoly wetland mitigation unit cost range Restoration unit cost: $41st' Restoration unit cost: S4/sf ($2 - $6 Per sf) described in the Compensatory Mitigation section of this (able below. Total lestolotioll estimate: S8,000 "Folal restoration estimate: $8,000 Upland areas- Outside of bill'I cis Alionative I Not applicable fall uplands arc contained within buffets) Cost to restore upland areas located outside of buffets (assuming City of'Renton Impact area: 11 ,700 sf ownership) was assumed to be less than that to restore regulated buffer areas. Restoration area: 11,700 sf This was based on the assumption that restoration of non -buffer areas could be less Restoration unit cost: S2/sf Intensive than restoration within buffers. For example, both buffer and noll-bliffel Total iestoialion estimate: S23,400 areas- would be ievcLictated with native shrubs, bill the dclisilv and diversity (,t,shrub plantings could be less within non -buffer areas. Alminative 2 Impact area: 16,000 sf Restoration area: 16'000sf Restoration unit cost $2/sf Total restoration estimate: S32,000 E;lsl Renton Lifl Station - 11crnlitting Requirements December 7, 2009 Pagc 10 Activity City of Renton Ring County Comments/Assumptions "Cum pensafun Miligalion ." \>,%edml.l mitigation (combination Alternative I: Alternative I: Per unit costs presented as a range because there are several factors that alTeci the of creation and enhanecnpent at Not applicable (n) direct pvcthuld Not applicable (no direct wetland impact). level of effort needed (e.g., amount of earthwork, need for soil anlendnlenis, etc.). ratios listed in Table I ) impact). The low end per unit cost is based on ❑ recent wetland miligaliou project that ESA Note: This is mitigation outside Adolfson designed fix Picrcc County Public works and which was then cnnsinlcted of the wetland area dilocth, Altcrnalke 2: Allcinative 2: in April 2008. This project included wetland creation and weilenl.11NO er Impacted by consinlcooll. Impact area: 2,000 sf Impact area: 2,000 sf enhancement elements. Costs included grading, erosion coulrol nlcesures. plants. Potential compensatory Mitigation ratio: 2:1 Mitigation ratio: 5:1 seeding, mulch, compost, and wildlife structures (logs and snags). miliglltion riles ;Ire shown oil Mitigation area: 4,000 sf Mitigation area: 10,000 st • The high end unit cost is based on actual mitigation costs 1111a City of Everett Fieures la and 11). Mitigation unit cost: $2/sf- $6/sf Mitigation unit cost: $2/sf- $6/st' mitigation project in 2008. ]'he high end cost estimate assumes more grading and Total mitigation estimate "total mitigation estimate: caillmoik and a larger requirement for soil anlendnlent. S8,000 - $24,000 $20,000 - $60,000 Buffer enhancement Not required. Alternative I : King Counly indicated that compensatory mitigation may be required for permanent Impact area: 15,700 sl changes to vegetation commtwitics in buflcr areas (foresicd to shrub). "fhcy Note: This is outside Mitigation ratio: 1.5: 1 suggested using the vegetation conversion table in KCC 21 A.24.340 as a wuy to of the buflcr nrca directly len kill Mitiga0on arch: 23,550 sf estimate potential ratio requirements. Mitigation unit cost: $3/sf' • Miligation ratio of 1.5:1 represents the lower range of nitios ill the KCC vegeln0on impacted by construction. Total m,ugauon esllmale: $70,650 conversion table. Potential compensatory • Acloal mitigation ratio for buffer impacts would be dctunlined during puma review. mitigation riles are shown on Alternative 2:. Per unit cost assumes main effort is to remove invasive vegela ion, reseed and install 1-Igtll"L`s I and1b Impact at ea: 17,000 st native shrubs. Mitigation ratio: 1.5:1 Mitigation nrca: 25,500 Mitigation unit cost: $3/sf Total mitigation estimate: $76500 Additional Costs 4'" � .. - .ter Financial guarantees None required. City would provide a Public Agency Security Agreement to guarantee completion of mitigatiou. A bond number would be assigned, but no 1'in;u16i 11 de posit re tired. Monilonl - Alternative I : Alternative I: Costs are presented as rmges clue to variability depending on type and extent of Construction monitoring: Constluclion monitoring: mitigation. . S3,000 - S5,000 S3,000 - $5,000 Construction monitoring costs assumes biologist will be on-sllc dui up to 40 hours during pipeline insudlalion. As -built or rea,rd drawing: As -bunt or record drapving, Cost assumes three years of post -construction monitoring; Kill', Counly Imly S3,000 - S5,000 S3.000 - S5,000 require up to five years depending on the project. Annual Il lomtomo,,: Annual monito 111g: • Costs I'm post-consti"llction 111011110l'illg assumed to be g1'l'atei lot" Alll'i'1lative 2 dale to S3,000 - $5,000 per year x 3 years = S4,500 - $7,000 per year x 3 years = S13,500 - $22.500 requirement for compensatory wetland mitigation. S9,000 - S15,000 Allclualivc 2: Post -construction monitoring costs under King County ownership ore assumed to be Construction nloniloring: 1.5 limes higher than Those under Renton ownuship due to larger Counly mitigation Altumrtive 2: $3,000 - $5,000 area requirements. Clm.truction monitoring: As -built of record drawing: $3,000 - S5,000 $4,500 - $7,000 As -built or record drawing: Annual monitoring: S3,000 - $5,000 $6,000 - $10,500 per year x 3 years = $1 R 000 - $31,500 Anmlal numiloring: $4 000 - $7,000 per year x 3 years = $12,000 - S21,000 East Renton Lift Station - Permitting Requirements December 7, 2009 Page I 1 Table 5a. City of Renton - Summary of Estimated Permitting and Mitigation Costs item Alternative1 ` 'Alternative 2 Preparation of critical Variable Variable; likely higher than for areas mitigation plan Alternative 1 due to wetland mitigation requirement Agency permit review Minimum $2,200 plus staff fees for Similar to Alternative I but fees additional variances and third -party potentially more complex (with review of critical areas mitigation higher review fees) due to wetland plan impacts and mitigation Restoration of areas $38,600 $43,000 disturbed during construction (stream, wetland, buffers, non - buffer uplands) Compensatory wetland No wetland impacts $8,000 - $24,000 mitigation Compensatory buffer Not required by City Not required by City mitigation Monitorimcy $15,000 - $25,000 $18,000 - $31,000 Table 5b. King County - Summary of Estimated Permitting and Mitigation Costs Item Alternative:l Alternative 2 Preparation of critical Variable Variable; likely higher than for areas m iticyation plan y Alternative 1 due to wetland mitigation requirement Agency pennit review Minimum $2,700 plus hourly staff Similar to Alternative 1 but fees fees for pre-app meeting, and hourly potentially more complex (with fees for grading plan review and site higher review fees) due to wetland inspection that exceed base fee impacts and mitigation Restoration of areas $50,300 $59,000 disturbed during construction (stream, wetland, buffers, non - buffer uplands) Compensatory wetland No wetland impacts $20,000 - $60,000 mitigation Compensatory buffer $70,650 $76,500 mitigation Monitoring $19,500 - $32,500 S25,500 - S43,500 East Renton Lift Station - Permitting Requirements December 7, 2009 Pave 12 Attachment A. King County Clearing and Grading Permit Requirements iC East Renton Lift Station - Permitting Requirements December 7, 2009 Page 13 KCC 21A.04.045.D.34. Limited to the pipelines, cables, wires and support structures of utility facilities within utility corridors if: a. there is no alternative location with less adverse impact on the critical area and critical area buffer; b. new utility corridors meet the all of the following to the maximum extent practical: (1) are not located over habitat used for salmonid rearing or spawning or by a species listed as endangered or threatened by the state or federal government unless the department determines that there is no other feasible crossing site; (2) the mean annual flow rate is less than twenty cubic feet per second; and (3) paralleling the channel or following a down -valley route near the channel is avoided; c. to the maximum extent practical utility corridors are located so that: (1) the width is the minimized; (2) the removal of trees greater than twelve inches diameter at breast height is minimized; (3) an additional, contiguous and undisturbed critical area buffer, equal in area to the disturbed critical area buffer area including any allowed maintenance roads, is provided to protect the critical area; d. to the maximum extent practical, access for maintenance is at limited access points into the critical area buffer rather than by a parallel maintenance road. If a parallel maintenance road is necessary the following standards are met: (1) to the maxinu.1m extent practical the width of the maintenance road is minimized and in no event greater than fifteen feet; and (2) the location of the maintenance road is contiguous to the utility corridor on the side of the utility corridor farthest from the critical area; e. the utility corridor or facility will not adversely impact the overall critical area hydrology or diminish flood storage capacity; f. the construction occurs during approved periods for instream work; g. the utility corridor serves multiple purposes and properties to the maximum extent practical; h. bridges or other construction techniques that do not disturb the critical areas are used to the maximum extent practical; i. bored, drilled or other trenchless crossing is laterally constructed at least four feet below the maximum depth of scour for the base flood; J. bridge piers or abutments for bridge crossing are not placed within the FEMA tloodway or the ordinary high water mark; k. open trenching is only used during low flow periods or only within aquatic areas when they are dry. The department may approve open trenching of type S or F aquatic areas only if there is not a feasible alternative and equivalent or greater environmental protection can be achieved; and 1. minor communication facilities may collocate on existing utility facilities if: (1) no new transmission support structure is required; and (2) equipment cabinets are located on the transmission support structure. 13 - LEGEND FsS-1 .ETERR,T,E21-1—�FE .1 K1NG_C.OV,, REQUIREMENTS. RESOURCE ___ .._CLAS51FICATION....__BUFFERS t WETLANDS A - G CATEGORY II 125 FEET I MAIN STREAM TYPE F 115 FEET I TRIBUTARY TYPE N 65 FEET AI_TE_N�T1vES, 'STREAM B-UHER VIOLATED.ALONG MAJORITY 3 r 9F RQUTE THROUGH MAPLEWOQD PARK FOR r BOTH ALTERNATIVES 4i r D1110— k—FY aWETthYDa CN1.7 EAjT, GUTS JC Of UR'hY RI%I4D 11 } E u l MAPLEWOOD PARK BOUNDARY .sl /`v1 T FIGURE 1A EAST RENTON SEWER ROUTE ALTERNATIVES KING COUNTY MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS ,r o 25 50 00 2006 WASTEWATER LIFT STATION PRE -DESIGN I CITY OF RENTON N s e Feel C \•.wai'sl .ryrc -Ta4� •drtn]filOPF GU4F. t ft 2 )-]•fM OB 5Um .Sm•' x4EF5'. F n r_.W vp 'm.hrs twm ls,•er 1 MAPIEWOOD PARK BOUNDARY 3 -- - —. FIGURE I EAST RENTON SEWER ROUTE ALTERNATIVES CITY OF RENTON MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS ,1, 0 25 so loo 2009 WASTEWATER LIFT STATION PRE -DESIGN CITY OF RENTON N . ._...._.. S-le In F * G1 .. wwv:�ynj selsE�rrsTE]OTFIGUFEi4tT-IaM OE ­ 15+u11 IREFS' 5309 Shilshole Avenue NW +rmw.adolfson.com ESAAdolfsori Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98107 206.789.9658 phone 206,789.9684 fax memorandum date November 6, 2009 to David Christensen, City of Renton Public Works Lara Kammereck, Carollo Engineers from Sara Noland and Cathie Conolly subject DRAFT East Renton Lift Station - Permitting Requirements Introduction The City of Rent artmCofPublic Works is analyzing a preferred route for a new gravity sewer line crossing through a lewoo nton, Washington. The study area for this project is a north -south corridor approximately 300 feet wide located in the central, undeveloped portion of the park. The corridor connects an existing City of Renton pump station located just north of the park to an existing sewer line within 148th Place SE south of the park. This memo uses the two alternative sewer line routes_develoved by Carollo in A*t�July 2009 as the basis for the permitting discussion (these routes are shown on a map e..ed Fi arras 1 and 24. Alternative 1 is located on the west side of the stream and Alternative 2 on the east side. ESA Adolfson identified seven palustrine forested wetlands (designated Wetlands A through G) and two streams within the study area boundaries. These critical areas are discussed in detail in the East Renton Lift Station Wetland, Stream, and Wildlife Study (ESA Adolfson, 2009). Maplewood Park is anticipated to be transferred in ownership from King County to the City at some time in the future. The City has requested assistance in evaluating the permitting requirements and mitigation costs associated with disturbance of critical areas on the site (streams, wetlands, buffers, trees). The City would also lik to know how the permit requirements for he sewer line may differ depending on whether the park isw*der— t(� t�slriTrof King County or the Cityenton. This memo addresses streams, wetlands, and wildlife habitat only. It does not address other types of critical areas that may be present on the site (floodplains, geologic hazards, etc.). Permitting Requirements The attached matrix (Table 1) lists and compares the City and County permitting requirements related to streams, wetlands, and vegetation specific to the study area. The study area does not contain types of wildlife habitats that are regulated by either jurisdiction. COMMENT: Should the TM reference who ESA met with from the City and County, etc? 9D DRAFT East Renton Lift Station - Permitting Requirements November 6, 2009 Page 2 Please note that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington State Department of Ecology, and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife also regulate alteration of streams or wetlands. The state and federal requirements are described in Section 6 of the East Renton Lift Station Wetland, Stream, and Wildlife Study (ESA Adolfson, 2009). Permitting and Mitigation Costs The following table (Table 2) compares the estimated permit fees for the City of Renton and King County. These costs include only those local permits related to critical areas. State and federal permits acquisition costs would Mare not included, as they maybe required sreaardless of the local jurisdiction. Table 2. Estimated Permit Fees Type of Fee City of Renton King County Pre -application meeting Free Information mtg - Free Pre-app meeting - $1,500 (est.) App review mtg - $3,000 (est.) SEPA review $1,000 Hourly fee Critical areas revie� 100% of contractor's fee for To be determined independent third -party review (Otak) Variance or exception $1,200 for each type of variance To be determined (e.g., buffers, tree removal, etc.) ' Table 3 below presents the approximate costs of mitigation for critical areas impacts. These costs are preliminary and have been developed for planning purposes only. The following assumptions were used to develop these estimates: • Impact areas were estimated from the June 2009 alternative route maps provided by Carollo Engineers overlaid on the wetland, stream, and buffer map developed by ESA Adolfson. The area of construction disturbance for the pipeline is assumed to be a 20-foot-wide corridor based on discussion with the City. • Impact areas are for the new pipeline only. [question for City and Carollo: would any access roads be required? If so please provide approximate locations and areas so we can add them to the im act areas and mitigation costs.] DAVE - We do not anticipate an access road, please confirm.e l' d r `Ed � • All mitigation would occur on -site. • Wetland mitigation per unit costs are presented as a range because there are several factors that affect the level of effort needed (e.g., amount of earthwork, need for soil amendments, etc.). The low end per unit cost shown in the table is based on a recent wetland mitigation project that ESA Adolfson designed for Pierce County Public Works and which was then constructed in April 2008. This project included wetland creation and wetland/buffer enhancement elements. The per unit costs for that project included grading, erosion control measures, plants, seeding, mulch, compost, and wildlife structures (logs and snags). The high end unit cost is based on actual mitigation costs that we developed for a City of Everett mitigation project in 2008. The high end cost estimate assumes more grading and earthwork and a larger requirement for soil amendment. COMMENT: Since these are 2008 projects, were the cost escalated to ?009 dollars? 2 DRAFT East Renton Lift Station - Permitting Requirements November 6, 2009 W' " h� Page 3 v {�el,�X � ����4 • Buffer mitigation and stream mitigation are assumed to consist of restorin reas that are disturbed durinr construction. Additional mitigation measures that could be proposed as rt of the project mitigation plan are not included. COMMENT: What additional measures are missing? • We have assumed the pipeline would be trenched through Wetland A (Alternative 2). The cost estimate includes mitigation only for the direct impacts of trenching (estimated at 200 square feet), at the ratios required by the City and County. Additional indirect wetland impacts may need to be mitigated in areas where the pipeline is located inside the standard wetland buffers (e.g., where the pipeline crosses between Wetlands A and B). • Costs are for construction of mitigation areas only and do not include permitting costs or the fees associated with mitigation design. COMMENT: Are the pennitting and design costs substantially different for each alternative? Table 3. Estimated Preliminary Mitigation Costs Type of Mitigation City of Renton King County Buffer restoration Alternative 1: Alternative 1: (native shrubs) Impact area: 7,000 sf Impact area: 17,000 sf Mitigation area: 7,000 sf Mitigation area: 17,000 sf Mitigation unit cost: $3/sf Mitigation unit cost: $3/sf Total mitigation estimate: $21,000 Total mitigation estimate: $51,000 1 Alternative 2: Alternative 2: Impact area: 3,000 sf Impact area: 19,000 sf Mitigation area: 3,000 sf Mitigation area: 19,000 sf Mitigation unit cost: $3/sf Mitigation unit cost: $3/sf Total mitigation estimate: $9,000 Total mitigation estimate: $57,000 Wetland mitigation Alternative 1: Alternative 1: (combination of creation and Not applicable (no direct wetland Not applicable (no direct wetland enhancement at ratios listed in impact). impact). attached matrix) ,P / Alternative 2: Alternative 2: �y Impact area: 200 sf Impact area: 200 sf Mitigation area: 400 sf Mitigation unit cost: $2/sf - $6/sf Mitigation area: 1,000 sf Mitigation unit cost: $2/sf - $6/sf Total mitigation estimate: Total mitigation estimate: $800 - $2,400 $2,000 - $6,000 DRAFT East Renton Lift Station - Permitting Requirements November 6, 2009 Page 4 Type of Mitigation City of Renton King County Stream mitigation (restoration Alternative 1: Alternative 1: of disturbed stream channel) Impact area: 100 sf Impact area: 100 sf / Mitigation area: 100 sf Mitigation area: 100 sf V\Ikb,O Mitigation unit cost: Total mitigation estimate: Mitigation unit cost: Total mitigation estimate: Alternative 2: Alternative 2: Not applicable (no stream crossing). Not applicable (no stream crossing). Restoration of upland areas Alternative 1: Not applicable (all uplands are outside of buffers Impact area: contained within buffers) Mitigation area: Mitigation unit cost: Total mitigation estimate: Alternative 2: Impact area: Mitigation area: Mitigation unit cost: Total mitigation estimate: [question for City: what type of D vegetation would you typically use over a pipeline? Shrubs would be ideal but more expensive than grass. 4 Please advise and we will fill in costs. City will likely require some �% ✓ h J` tree replacement — could be outside Gf/ of pipeline corridor. v � COMMENT: Include a summary table of the estimated total range of mitigation costs for both alternatives for both iurisdictions. It will allow for easier evaluation. The costs provided above are for construction and installation of mitigation only. The following items are typically required as part of compensatory mitigation for critical area impacts but are not included in the above cost estimates: • Financial guarantees (surety set -asides or bonds);,7�1 1 • Land acquisition; // • Mitigation plan design; 1A14j,- /r- file" • Construction monitoring; It • Restoration of temporarily disturbed areas; t • Preparation of as -built (record drawing) following installation of mitigation; and /I 4 DRAFT East Renton Lift Station - Permitting Requirements November 6, 2009 Page 5 • Annual or twice -annual site maintenance and monitoring (five years). // Mitigation cost estimates can be refined as more detailed information about the site and project is obtained. COMMENT: Please clarify. what additional data is needed to refine the costs? Limitations Within the limitations of schedule, budget, and scope -of -work, we warrant that this studyw was conducted in accordance with generally accepted environmental science practices, including the technical guidelines and criteria in effect at the time this study was performed. The results and conclusfonsTof this'report represent the authors' best professional judgment, based upon information provided by the project proponent in addition to that obtained during the course of this study. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is.;made. Thank you for the opportunity to provide this infori Sara Noland or Cathie Conolly at (206) 789-9658. ity. If you havc`any questions, please contact DRAFT East Renton Lift Station - Permitting Requirements November 6, 2009 Page 6 Table 1. East Renton Lift Station — Environmental Permit Matrix City of Renton King County Code Section: Code Section: RMC 4-3-050(L) - streams KCC 21 A.24.355, 358 - streams RMC 4-3-050(M) — wetlands KCC 21 A.24.318, 325, 340 — wetlands RMC 4-4-130 — tree removal 'KCC 16.82 — tree removal Wetland Classification: Category 3 �� y, Wetland Classification: Category II Wetland Buffers: 25 feet Wetland Buffers: 125 feet Stream Classification: Stream Classification: Class 3 (main channel) �;„� s Type F (main channel) Class 4 (tributary) Type N (tributary) ..: Stream Buffers: CStream Buffers: 75 feet (Class 3) 1 15 feet (Type F) 35 feet (Class 4)f, 65 feet (Type N) Type of Permit: Type of Permit: 1 • Variance for reduction of standard buffers wetland/stream Critical Areas Linear Alteration Exception from standard impacts, tree removal in critical areas buffer requirements and/or for wetland/stream impacts. • SEPA review.F SEPA review. 3 vi��,da,t • Clearing and grading permit (obtained following land use Clearing and grading permit. approvals). DRAFT East Renton Lift Station - Permitting Requirements November 6, 2009 Page 7 Table 1. East Renton Lift Station — Environmental Permit Matrix City of Renton Submittal Requirements: • Pre -application meeting • Variance form • Title report • Land Use permit master form • Project narrative • Justification for variance request • Neighborhood detail map • Site plan • Flood hazard data c • Utilities plan s • Geotech report � 6P f • Grading plan Y • SEPA Checklist • Critical Areas Study, • Critical Areas Mati itigon�Plan. a3 • Tree Protection aana Reolaeemeht P King County Submittal Requirements: • Informational meeting • Pre-application/feasibility meeting Application review meeting • Critical Areas Linear Alteration Exception form :•' Land Use permit application form • Legal description Assessor's maps Site plan • Water and sewer availability certificates • SEPA Checklist • Affadavit of critical areas compliance • Applicant legal status form • Copies of variance decisions • Fire district receipt • Proof of legal lot status • Critical Areas Study • Mitigation Plan 7 DRAFT East Renton Lift Station - Permitting Requirements November 6, 2009 Page 8 Table 1. East Renton Lift Station — Environmental Permit Matrix City of Renton Wetland Mitigation Ratios: • Restoration or creation - 1.5:1 • Combination - 1:1 restoration or creation plus 1:1 enhancement • Enhancement only — not typically allowed Buffer Mitigation: Restore disturbed buffers with native vegetation. Review Timeline: Minimum 12 weeks tollowiiig,,receipt of complete application. King County Wetland Mitigation Ratios: • Creation 3:1 64 • Combination - 1:1 creation plus 4:1 enhancement • �Rehabilitat►on - 8:1 •Enhancement only - 12: 1 buffers with native vegetation. A ESAAdolfson memorandum date November 6, 2009 5309 Shilshole Avenue NW Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98107 206.789.9658 phone 206.789.9684 fax to David Christensen, City of Renton Public Works Lara Kammereck, Carollo Engineers from Sara Noland and Cathie Conolly subject DRAFT East Renton Lift Station - Permitting Requirem Introduction The City of Renton Department of Public Works is analyzing a pref crossing through Maplewood Park in Renton, Washington. The stuff corridor approximately 300 feet wide located in the central, undevel connects an existing City of Renton pump statioglocated just north 148th Place SE south of the park. This memo uses the two alternati June 2009 as the basis for the permittmgidi,"" ion -(these, routes ar( by Tyler Whitehouse, Carollo Engineers,,,, June 10, 2009). Altern stream and Alternative 2 on the east side.. 4ls ESA Adolfson identified seven -pal ustri 11 within the study area boundaries.These Wetland, Stream, and Wildlife Study (E; Maplewood Park is anticipated to be trai future. The City has requested assistanc associated with disturbance of critical ar like to know how the permit requiremen the ownership of King County or the Cit wetlands (design -as are discussed on, 2009). www.ado"'Son,com lute for a new gravity sewer line ;for this project is a north -south irrtion of the park. The corridor ra k to an existing sewer line within .r line routes provided by Carollo in i on a map emailed to ESA Adolfson is located on the west side of the etlands A through G) and two streams it in the East Renton Lift Station ed in=ownership from King County to the City at some time in the valuating the permitting requirements and mitigation costs n tliesite (streams, wetlands, buffers, trees). The City would also the sewer line may differ depending on whether the park is under Renton. This memo addresses streams, wetlands, and wildlife habitat only. It does not address other types of critical areas that may be present on the site (floodplains, geologic hazards, etc.). Permitting Requirements The attached matrix (Table 1) lists and compares the City and County permitting requirements related to streams, wetlands, and vegetation specific to the study area. The study area does not contain types of wildlife habitats that are regulated by either jurisdiction. Please note that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington State Department of Ecology, and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife also regulate alteration of streams or wetlands. The state and federal �J DRAFT East Renton Lift Station - Permitting Requirements November 6, 2009 Page 2 requirements are described in Section 6 of the East Renton Lift Station Wetland, Stream, and Wildlife Study (ESA Adolfson, 2009). Permitting and Mitigation Costs The following table (Table 2) compares the estimated permit fees for the City of Renton and King County. These costs include only those local permits related to critical areas. State and federal permits would add costs. Table 2. Estimated Permit Fees , Type of Fee City of Renton Kin lCoun ty, Pre -application meeting Free Information mtg - Free Pre.''-app meeting - $1,500 (est.) App review mtg - $3,000 (est.) SEPA review $1,000 Hourly -fee Critical areas review 100% of contractor'sfee for Tobe determined_ independent third party review (Otak) Variance or exception $1,200 for each type of variance L o be determined (e.g., buffers, tree removal, etc.) Table 3 below presents the approximate costs of mitigation `for'critical areas impacts. These costs are preliminary and have been developed"for:planrimg purposes only. The;following assumptions were used to develop these estimates: % • Impact areas were at from the June 2009"�alte " ive route maps provided by Carollo Engineers overlaid on the wetland,stream, and buffer m p developed by ESA Adolfson. The area of construction k disturbance for the pipelineJs assumed to be a 20-foot-wide corridor based on discussion with the City. • Impact areas are for the new pipeline only.,-[ uc#� r City aiid�Carollowould'any access roads be required ?'Ifso`nleasen'rouide aooroaimate locations and3areas so we:can add hem';to the minact areas • All mitigation would oecu'r on -site. =� �, • Wetland mitigation perpunit costs are presented as a range because there are several factors that affect the level of effort needed (`e.g., amount of earthwork, need for soil amendments, etc.). The low end per unit cost shown in the.table is based on a recent wetland mitigation project that ESA Adolfson designed for Pierce County Public Works and which was then constructed in April 2008. This project included wetland creation and wetland/buffer enhancement elements. The per unit costs for that project included grading, erosion control measures, plants, seeding, mulch, compost, and wildlife structures (logs and snags). The high end unit cost is based on actual mitigation costs that we developed for a City of Everett mitigation project in 2008. The high end cost estimate assumes more grading and earthwork and a larger requirement for soil amendment. • Buffer mitigation and stream mitigation are assumed to consist of restoring areas that are disturbed during construction. Additional mitigation measures that could be proposed as part of the project mitigation plan are not included. DRAFT East Renton Lift Station - Permitting Requirements November 6, 2009 Page 3 • We have assumed the pipeline would be trenched through Wetland A (Alternative 2). The cost estimate includes mitigation only for the direct impacts of trenching (estimated at 200 square feet), at the ratios required by the City and County. Additional indirect wetland impacts may need to be mitigated in areas where the pipeline is located inside the standard wetland buffers (e.g., where the pipeline crosses between Wetlands A and B). • Costs are for construction of mitigation areas only and do not include permitting costs or the fees associated with mitigation design. Table 3. Estimated Preliminary Mitigation Costs Type of Mitigation City of Renton ''' King County Buffer restoration A,, Alternative 1: = Alternative l (native shrubs) Impact area: 7,000 sf ` ' Impact area: 17,000 sf Mitigation area: 7,000 sf Pp 011,11 Mitigation area: 17,000 sf Mitigation unit cost: $3/sf �i Mitigation unit cost: $3/sf Total mitigation estimate: $21000� Total mitigation estimate: $51,000 Alternative 2: Alternative 2: Impact area: 3,000 sf Impact area: 19,000 sf ,- x Mrtigat�on;area: 3,000 sf Mitigation area: 19,000 sf Mitigation unit cost: $3/sf Mitigation unit cost: $3/sf rt y , Total mitigation estimate: $9,000 Total mitigation estimate: $57,000 Wetland mitigation iterna e 1: �_� Alternative l: (combination of creation and Notapplicable (no direct wetland Not applicable (no direct wetland enhancement at ratios listed in impact) impact). attached matrix)' Alternative 2: Alternative 2: Impact"a11 rea: 200 sf Impact area: 200 sf Mitigation area: 400 sf Mitigation area: 1,000 sf M tigat16n unit cost: $2/sf - $6/sf Mitigation unit cost: $2/sf - $6/sf Total mitigation estimate: Total mitigation estimate: =$800 - $2,400 $2,000 - $6,000 Stream mitigation (restoration Alternative 1: Alternative 1: of disturbed stream channel) Impact area: 100 sf Impact area: 100 sf Mitigation area: 100 sf Mitigation area: 100 sf Mitigation unit cost 1�Irtigation�unrt cost Total mitigation estimate mod.... Total gation estite: ma _ �.. . Alternative 2: Alternative 2: Not applicable (no stream crossing). Not applicable (no stream crossing). DRAFT East Renton Lift Station - Permitting Requirements November 6, 2009 Page 4 Type of Mitigation City of Renton King County Restoration of upland areas iue " Not applicable (all uplands are outside of buffers Impact area: contained within buffers) M itigation� area: 3 Mitigation unitcost Total mit�gat�on estimate: Alternative 2 Impact area-: Mitigation area Mitigation unitcost: Total mitigatjon`"e _ "mate �s The costs provided above are for consiructionIand m installation of itigation only. The following items are typically required as part of compensator mrtigation for critical area impacts but are not included in the above cost estimates: • Financial guarantees (surety • Land acquisition; • Mitigation plan design; • Construction monitoring; • Restoration of temporarily di bonds); areas; • Preparation of as -built (record'"drawing) following installation of mitigation; and • Annual or twice -annual site maintenance and monitoring (five years). Mitigation cost estimates can be refined as more detailed information about the site and project is obtained. Limitations Within the limitations of schedule, budget, and scope -of -work, we warrant that this study was conducted in accordance with generally accepted environmental science practices, including the technical guidelines and criteria in effect at the time this study was performed. The results and conclusions of this report represent the authors' best professional judgment, based upon information provided by the project proponent in addition to that obtained during the course of this study. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. 4 DRAFT East Renton Lift Station - Permitting Requirements November 6, 2009 Page 5 Thank you for the opportunity to provide this information to the City. If you have any questions, please contact Sara Noland or Cathie Conolly at (206) 789-9658. 5 DRAFT East Renton Lift Station - Permitting Requirements November 6, 2009 Page 6 Table 1. East Renton Lift Station — Environmental Permit Matrix City of Renton King County Code Section: Code Section: RMC 4-3-050(L) - streams KCC 21 A.24.355, 358 - streams RMC 4-3-050(M) — wetlands KCC 21 A.24.318, 325, 340 — wetlands RMC 4-4-130 — tree removal KCC 16.82 — tree removal Wetland Classification: Category 3 may: E Wetland Classification: Category 11 Wetland Buffers: 25 feet Wetland Buffers: 125 feet Stream Classitcation:� Stream Classification: Class 3 (main channel) Type F (main channel) Class 4 tributary) ( Type N (tributary) Stream Buffers: p Stream Buffers: 75 feet (Class 3) P ... 115 feet (Type F) 35 feet (Class 4) 65 feet (Type N) Type of Permit: Type of Permit: • Variance for reduction of standdrd bdfers wetland/stream Critical Areas Li • near Alteration Exception from standard impacts, tree removal in cntAl icalareas buffer requirements and/or for wetland/stream impacts. • SEPA review. SEPA review. • Clearing and grading permit (obtained following land use Clearing and grading permit. approvals). DRAFT East Renton Lift Station - Permitting Requirements November 6, 2009 Page 7 Table 1. East Renton Lift Station — Environmental Permit Matrix City of Renton • Tree Protect ion?rand Renlaceiii&itiP King County Submittal Requirements: • Informational meeting • Pre-application/feasibility meeting • Application review meeting • Critical Areas Linear Alteration Exception form • Land Use permit application form • Legal description Assessor's maps Site plan F • Water and sewer availability certificates • SEPA Checklist • Affadavit of critical areas compliance • Applicant legal status form • Copies of variance decisions • Fire district receipt • Proof of legal lot status • Critical Areas Study • Mitigation Plan 7 DRAFT East Renton Lift Station - Permitting Requirements November 6, 2009 Page 8 Table 1. East Renton Lift Station —. Environmental Permit Matrix City of Renton Wetland Miti�,,ation Ratios: • Restoration or creation - 1.5:1 • Combination - 1:1 restoration or creation plus 1:1 enhancement • Enhancement only — not typically allowed Buffer Mitigation: Restore disturbed buffers with native vegetation. Review Timeline: Minimum 12 weeks followiii'g,receipt of comp King County Wetland Mitigation Ratios: • Creation-°','3:1 • Combination - 1:1 creation plus 4:1 enhancement • Reliabditation - 8:1 • Enhancement only - 12: 1 rbed buffers with native vegetation. El �OOOOOi�I'OOOi t�l f C:bw_wabnSblEl.a�AE.V.^[F�MnF]6902�FIWRE I [] 1-xw 0!3]nl .F:mr1 MEiS: MEilAXO -'-- uiEAN.TrvE1 MEcigN OF SEOw En1[Y1 � ALTERMI�INE ] ORFC110N OE Ro1Y 1 KING COUNTY REQUIREMENTS RESOURCE CLASSIFICATION BUFFERS WETLANDS A - G CATEGORY II 125 FEET MAIN STREAM TYPE F 115 FEET ESA DONFlRNEED TRIBUTARY TYPE N 65 FEET EXIST NOR T 6 EAST OF CONCRETE PAD SUMMARY ON JUNE 19, T009 WETLAND BUFFER VIOLATED ALONG ENTIRE ROUTE THROUGH MAPLEWOOD PARK FOR BOTH ALTERNATIVES. STREAM BUFFER VIOLATED ALONG MAJORITY OF ROUTE. THROUGH MAPLEWOOD PARK FOR BOTH ALTERNATIVES \J ADD�1iONK '���SYT SURVEY f REOURED /7 WETV EAST. /7aSURVE MAPLEWOOD PARK BOUNDARY FIGURE 1 EAST RENTON SEWER ROUTE ALTERNATIVES MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS 2009 WASTEWATER LIFT STATION PRE -DESIGN CITY OF RFNTON � Car--�►-� C:1— ..Ni,.gip,.i.,n s.ljs i iY.m 763g FIGURE f & 2 7-360g 0 5— JS— %REFS: C Ca rA1l'ot Engineers... Working Wonders With Water' 1218 THIRD AVENUE, SUITE 1600 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98101-3032 FAX: (206) 903-0419 PHONE: (206) 684-6532 TRANSMITTAL FORM ADDRESS: Renton City Hall - Fifth Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 X. 1 �N q,JJ SUBJECT: N w0#: COPIES TO: ATTENTION: Dave Christensen, Wastewater Utility Supervisor THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE: ❑ REQUESTED ❑ REPORT ® ENCLOSED ❑ TEST RESULT ❑ SENT SEPARATELY ❑ SPECIFICATION VIA: UPS ❑ COST ESTIMATE ❑ CHECK PRINT ❑ PROGRESS EST. April 29, 2010 2009 Wastewater Lift Station Pre -Design 8235C.00 File ❑ CALCULATIONS ❑ OTHER NO. OF COPIES DESCRIPTION 3 30% East Renton Lift Station Elimination Specification TOC 3 30% East Renton Lift Station Elimination Construction Cost Estimate 3 30% East Renton Lift Station Elimination Construction Schedule 3 30% East Renton Lift Station Elimination Drawings THESE DATA ARE SUBMITTED: ❑ AT YOUR REQUEST ❑ FOR YOUR REVIEW ® FOR YOUR FILES ❑ FOR YOUR APPROVAL ❑ FOR YOUR ACTION ❑ FOR YOUR INFORMATION GENERAL Please find enclosed three copies of the East Renton Lift Station Elimination project deliverables. REMARKS: Sincerely, CAROLLO ENGINEERS, P.C. La.A.5_ Kara By: Lara Kammereck, P.E. -pw:\1 Cllent\WA\Renton\8235X00\Correspondence\Client\Christensen T-20100429.doc CITY OF RENTON EAST RENTON LIFT STATION ELIMINATION PRELIMINARY - 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISIONSI-9-SP_ECIAL_P_ROV_ISIONS_(P_ART 1) 2008 WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 2008 WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS WITH CITY OF RENTON REVISIONS DIVISION 10 - SPECIAL PROVISIONS (PART 11) SECTION 10.01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SUB -SECTION TITLE NO. 10.01140 WORK RESTRICTIONS 10.01410 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS 10.01500 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS SECTION 10.02 - SITEWORK 10.02314 LOW DENSITY CONCRETE BACKFILL 10.02992 TEMPORARY STREAM DIVERSION SECTION 10.03 - CONCRETE 10.03300 CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE SECTION 10.04 - MASONRY NOT USED SECTION 10.05 - METALS NOT USED SECTION 10.06 - WOOD AND PLASTICS NOT USED SECTION 10.07 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION NOT USED April 29, 2010 - DRAFT TOC-1 8235C00 pw:\\PHX-POP-PW.Carollo.local:Carollo\Documents\Client\WA\Renton\8235C001Specifications\East Renton Specification TOC.doc SECTION 10.08 - DOORS AND WINDOWS NOT USED SECTION 10.09 - FINISHES NOT USED SECTION 10.10 - SPECIALTIES NOT USED SECTION 10.11 - EQUIPMENT NOT USED SECTION 10.12 - FURNISHINGS NOT USED SECTION 10.13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTIONS NOT USED SECTION 10.14 - CONVEYING SYSTEMS NOT USED SECTION 10.15 - MECHANICAL 10.15052 BASIC PIPING MATERIALS AND METHODS 10.15121 PIPE COUPLINGS 10.15265 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPING 10.15267 HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE PIPING 10.15770 TRACER WIRE 10.15956 PIPING SYSTEMS TESTING SECTION 10.16 - ELECTRICAL NOT USED SECTION 10.17 - INSTRUMENTATION NOT USED April 29, 2010 - DRAFT TOC-2 8235C00 pw:\\PHX•POP•PW.Carollo.local:Carollo\Documents\Client\WA\Renton\8235C00\Specifications\East Renton Specification TOC.doc - rgv�ee+s..MbMvp NSvtet NLn �•Mer PROJECT SUMMARY Project: East Renton Lift Station Elimination PRELIMINARY - 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL Job #: 8235C00 Location: Renton, WA Zip Code: 98055 Estimate Class: 3 PIC: Brian Matson PM: Lara Kammereck Date: April 28, 2010 By: Tyler Whitehouse Reviewed: Brian Casey - NO ,„ `� -' DESCRIPTION �, � � `"�� 'e �'�`"� 'TOTAL• '°�` •I'Sw &,. .... .v".14 �w S'FT7.�"a. s{4'F..$ �; .8{ "`..; �.. t Tz s �.l`.: ?S '�1h . r.3�. 33..i r<aF r. �sY 01 12-inch SS STA 0+00 to 0+76 $28,725 02 15-inch SS STA 0+76 to 8+58 $148,842 03 15-inch SS STA 8+58 to 10+31 $42,383 TOTAL DIRECT COST $219,949 Contingency 30.0% $65,985 Subtotal $285,934 General Contractor Overhead, Profit & Risk 10.0% $28,593 Subtotal $314,527 Gross Receipts Tax (Based on King County, WA) 9.5% $29,880 Subtotal $344,407 General Conditions 15.0% $51,661 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $400,000 The cost estimate herein is based on our perception of current conditions at the project location. This estimate reflects our professional opinion of accurate costs at this time and is subject to change as the project design matures. Carollo Engineers have no control over variances in the cost of labor, materials, equipment; nor services provided by others, contractor's means and methods of executing the work or of determining prices, competitive bidding or market conditions, practices or bidding strategies. Carollo Engineers cannot and does not warrantor guarantee that proposals, bids or actual construction costs will not vary from the costs presented as shown. f/n: East Renton Construction Cost Estimate.xls-PROJECT SUMMARY Page 1 of 1 Printed: 4/28/2010-3:20 PM Build 60st atrix Help? RECAP MATRIX Project:East Renton Lift Station Elimination PRELIMINARY - 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL Date : April 28, 2010 Job #:8235C00 Location: Renton, WA Estimate Class: 3 By: Tyler Whitehouse SPEC. DIVISION/ DIV. 01 DIV. 02 DIV. 03 DIV. 04 1 DIV. 05 1 DIV. 06 DIV. 07 DIV. OB DIV. 09 DIV. 10 DIV. 11 DIV. 12 DIV. 13 DIV. 14 DIV. 15 DIV. 16 Div 17 ELEMENT ELEMENT ELEMENT GEN SITE CONC 1 MSNRY 1 METALS WOOD & MOIST DOORS & FINISHES SPECIAL- EQUIP FURN SPECIAL CONVEY PLUMBG ELECT/ INST. % of DESCRIPTION REQTS WORK Plastics PROTN WDOS TIES CONST & MECH I & C & CONT. TOTALS Total 01 12-inch SS STA 0+00 to 0+76 $24,012 $3,287 $1,426 $28,725 13.06 02 15-inch SS STA 0+76 to 8+58 $1121279 $36,562 $148,842 67.67 03 15-inch SS STA 8+58 to 10+31 -------_ ____ __ ___ ___ $34.294 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------............... '•-•-----•--••---------•-__._"--'------'------••----------'----'----------•---------------"..-•'-'-'---.....'-"-'--'------------------------------•-------...----L.—....--•--'----------------- $8,069 $42,383 ---------'--------' 19.27% ---------------- Total Direct Cost 0 170,585 3 287 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 077 0 —•----'-------------0.00--------------'—' 0 $219 949 ------.-100 ----------------- '-"- . -----------------------------------I------- ---- - ----------"------------_--• PercentofTotal ------•-...__...._•-- 0.00% "-•-•-------e-.....--.'...'—"---------------' 77.56% 1.49% 0.00% __.—.__•------_._0.00%...----0.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% .—'-------------------0.00- --------0.00 -------0.00------- 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00...---- 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 20.95% 0.00% .00% 0.00% 00% 100.00% COMMENTS/NOTES _ 1_ Note that the above costs DO NOT include all of the applicable mark-ups for the total construction or project cost. Refer to the SUMMARY for these values --------------- Tn 11-R-1.0 1—ti.c tE.11— I. -COST MATRIX Page 1 of 1 ca•� :af'-ft DETAILED COST ESTIMATE Project: East Renton Lift Station Elimination PRELIMINARY - 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL Job #: 8235C00 Date : April 28, 2010 Location: Renton, WA By: Tyler Whitehouse Element: 01 12-inch SS STA 0+00 to 0+76 Reviewed: Brian Casey SPEC NO DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST. SUBTOTAL TOTAL z,V71" 1a _« 44 **((} Division 02 - Site Construction 02000 Plug Existing Pipeline and Abandon 2.00 LS $394.82 $789.64 02000 Misc Connection Allowance 2.00 LS $581.84 $1,163.68 02000 Misc Site Restoration 0+00 to 0+76 1.00 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 02000 Trench Box per Day 10 00—Day $60:78 $607--82 02000 Bypass Pumping SSMH 73 1.00 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 02000 Bypass Pumping SSMH 72A 1.00 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 02220 Core Drilling, 16" Diameter 1.00 LF $305.47 $305 02240 10Hp Submersible Pump, 3" Elect. 10.00 DAY $144.42 $1,444 02300 10 Cy Dump Truck, 10 Miles/Round Trip 24.63 CY $9.99 $246 Cat 225 Trackhoe, 1 Cy Bucket, Class B (Medium Digging), 02300 0-16' D 118.22 CY $5.52 $653 Imported Pipe Bed & Zone/Confined Structure Backfill, 02300 Class B Material 24.63 CY $84.85 $2,090 Native Trench Backfill/Unconfined Struct. Bf, Class B 02300 Material 93.59 CY $18.29 $1,712 Total $24,012 Division 03 - Concrete 03000 Concrete Manhole Fill 21.09 CY $155.85 $3,286.88 Total $3,287 Division 15 - Mechanical 15265 12" Sdr-35 Pvc Sewer Pipe, In Trench 76.00 LF $18.77 $1,426 Total $1,426 Grand Total $28,725 f/n: East Renton Construction Gosh Estmatn.ds-01 12-inch SS STA 0.0010 0-76 Page 1 of 1 Form Rev. 2008J— -G Project: East Renton Lift Station Elimination PRELIMINARY - 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL Job #: 8235C00 Location: Renton, WA Element: 02 15-inch SS STA 0+76 to 8+58 DETAILED COST ESTIMATE Date : April 28, 2010 By: Tyler Whitehouse Reviewed: Brian Casey P DESCRIPTION QUANTITY fSUBTOTAL , 0TOTAL Division 02 - Site Construction 02000 Misc Site Restoration 0+76 to 8+58 1.00 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 02000 Misc Connection Allowance 2.00 LS $581.84 $1,164 -02000 Stream Diversion Allowance 1.00 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 02000 Utility Relocation Allowance -.00-ES-$10-,000:00-$10-1000-.00 02000 Restricted Access Allowance 1.00 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 02000 Trench Box per Day 25.00 Day $60.78 $1,520 02220 Core Drilling, 20" Diameter 1.00 LF $643.66 $644 02240 10Hp Submersible Pump, 3" Elect. 25.00 DAY $144.42 $3,611 02300 Cut & Remove Tree, 8" Diameter 13.00 EA $415.60 $5,403 02300 Cut & Remove Tree, 24" Diameter 9.00 EA $675.35 $6,078 02300 06 Dozer, Class B (Medium Dig), Grade, Cut, Fill & Compact, 300'Haul 1,158.52 CY $10.46 $12,119 02300 10 Cy Dump Truck, 10 Miles/Round Trip 298.68 CY $9.99 $2,985 02300 Remove Grass & Shrubs, 4" Depth To 1 Acre 0.36 AC $1,154.03 $415 02300 Tractor/Backhoe, 12" Bucket Class B (Medium Digging), 0- 5'D 41.48 CY $46.25 $1,918 02300 Hand Excavation, Class B Material To 2.5'Depth 5.19 CY $149.52 $776 02300 Native Trench Backfill/Unconfined Struct. Bf, Class B Material 41.48 CY $18.29 $759 02300 Cat 225 Trackhoe, 1 Cy Bucket, Class B (Medium Digging), 0-16'D 1,031.81 CY $5.52 $5,698 02300 Imported Pipe Bed & Zone/Confined Structure Backfill, Class B Material 298.68 CY $84.85 $25,344 02300 Native Trench Backfill/Unconfined Struct. Bf, Class B Material 733.13 CY $18.29 $13,410 02666 40 Mil Hdpe Liner, Not Textured - Under 3 Acres 700.00 SF. $.62 $436 Total $112,279 Division 15 - Mechanical 15265 Fusible 16" Sdr-25 Pvc 782.00 LF $46.76 $36,562 Total $36,562 Grand Total $148,842 fl, East R-n C-tion Cost Estwnate.)ds-02 15-itch SS STA 0- 76 to 8-58 Page 1 of 1 Form R- 2008J- Project: East Renton Lift Station Elimination PRELIMINARY - 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL Job #: 8235C00 Location: Renton, WA Element: 03 15-inch SS STA 8+58 to 10+31 DETAILED COST ESTIMATE Date : April 28, 2010 By: Tyler Whitehouse Reviewed: Brian Casey SPEC NO � DESCRIPTION QUANTITY W UNIT z L � ;�.�" F^. iT4" i UNIT COST' "§. :9}. 3 SUBTOTAL`; Division 02 - Site Construction 02000 Misc Site Restoration 8+58 to 10+31 1.00 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 02000 Misc Connection Allowance 2.00 LS $581.84 $1,164 02000 Trench Box per Day 20.00 Day $60.78 $1,216 —02220—Demo Pvc Pipe From Trench,-4"=18'-Incl.-Fittings 173:00—L-F $434 $751 02220 Asphalt Pavement Cutting 1,384.00 inFT $.78 $1,078 02220 Core Drilling, 20" Diameter 1.00 LF $643.66 $644 02220 Remove 4"-6" Asphalt Pavement 994.75 SF $.67 $670 02240 10Hp Submersible Pump, 3" Elect. 20.00 DAY $144.42 $2,888 02300 10 Cy Dump Truck, 10 Miles/Round Trip 66.08 CY $9.99 $660 02300 Cat 225 Trackhoe, 1 Cy Bucket, Class B (Medium Digging), 0-16' D 240.28 CY $5.52 $1,327 02300 Imported Pipe Bed & Zone/Confined Structure Backfill, Class B Material 66.08 CY $84.85 $5,607 02300 Imported Trench Backfill/Unconfined Struct. Bf, Class B Material 174.20 CY $41.86 $7,291 02742 4" Pavement Replacement On 6" Abc Over Trench 994.75 SF $6.03 $5,997 Total $34,294 Division 15 - Mechanical 15265 15" Sdr-35 Pvc Sewer Pipe, In Trench 173.00 LF $46.76 $8,089 Total $8,089 Grand Total $42,383 f/m East Renton Coratmction Cost Estmate,45-03 15-mh SS STA 8-58 to 10�31 Page 1 of 1 Form R— 200WJ 2 East Renlcn = Mptilands-_ _ PROJECT SITE_ : f 'ry Cas•.ade Fnrwvo0(;; s•F wvoA Gd MapkL , Hep�LslaAe+ 313 -SC !'6nS MGanIry GAW Des1rc .i a '. i 1+67 - Benson 151I B a a -• (LP� 1i9 . 4 REFERENCE: 2010 GOOGLE MAP VICINITY MAP NO SCALE REFERENCE: 2007 GOOGLE EARTH LOCATION MAP NO SCALE BURIED UTILITIES IN AREA PLEASE CALL BEFDRE YOU DIG 1.em.424.5555 CITY OF RENTON EAST RENTON LIFT STATION_ ELIMINATION M. C4S z ,aas2 ?'mONAL t' PRELIMINARY - 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL PROJECT NO. WWP-27-3549 CITY OF RENTON 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTON, WA 98057 The undersigned has approved this document for and on l7ehelf of Carollo Engineers, P.C. Partner APRIL 2010 CONTACT PERSONNEL DAVE CHRISTENSEN WASTEWATER UTILITY SUPERVISOR (425) 430-7212 NO. I REVISION DRAWING LIST SHEET NO. DRAWING NO. DESCRIPTION 1 G-01 COVER SHEET 2 G-02 GENERAL NOTES, ABBREVIATIONS, AND SYMBOLS 3 C-01 SITE PLAN, CONSTRUCTION LIMBS, ACCESS, AND STAGING 4 C-02 YARD PIPING KEY PLAN 5 C-03 PIPING PLAN MID PROFILE - STA D+00 - STA 5+00 5 C-04 PIPING PLAN AND PROFILE - STA 5+00 - STA 10+31 7 C-05 MLSCELLANEOUS DETAILS - I' PRELIMINARY - 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL �►® CITY OF EAST RENTON LIFT STATION APRIL2010 RENTON ELIMINATION 7 PlanninglBaiiding/PuElic Wmb Dept COVER SHEET 6-01 i z u GENERAL NOTES: SURVEY LEGEND (EXISTING LINE WORK) MECHANICAL LINE WORK DRAWING CROSS REFERENCE 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS BEFORE STARTING WORK AND SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. NEW OR EXISTING STRUCTURES 2. UNLESS DETAILED, SPECIFIED, OR OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THE .� WATER VALVE MONUMENT NOT TIED THIS SURVEY DETAIL OR SECTION DRAWINGS, CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE AS INDICATED IN THE APPLICABLE HYDRANT NEW OR EXISTING STRUCTURES HIDDEN — — — — — — — IDENTIFICATION TYPICAL DETAILS AND GENERAL NOTES. TYPICAL DETAILS SHALL APPLY ;_i FIRE DEPT. CONNECTION °`r FOUND CASED MONUMENT EVEN THOUGH NOT REFERENCED AT SPECIFIC LOCATIONS ON DRAWINGS. WATER METER SET PK NAIL/ALUMINUM WASHER NEW PIPING (TRIPLE LINES) — D 1 POST INDICATOR VALVE STAMPED 'PACE CONTROL' — — — — — 3. WHERE NO CONSTRUCTION DETAILS ARE SHOWN OR NOTED FOR ANY PART NEW PIPING HIDDEN (TRIPLE LINES) — OF WORK, DETAILS SHALL BE THE SAME AS FOR OTHER SIMILAR WORK 1=�/ MANHOLES (SS/SD) SET 5/8' IRON REBAR W/ YELLOW — — DETAIL OR SECTION TAKEN CB - PLASTIC CAP STAMPED L.S. #33130 NEW PIPING (SINGLE LINE) ON THE SAME SHEET {= POWERIUTILITY POLE UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. ABBREVIATIONS -- GUY ANCHOR NEW PIPING HIDDEN (SINGLE LINE) — — — — — — — :y JUNCTION BOX DETAIL OR SECTION IS AK AB ANCHOR BOLT R OR RAD RADIUS POWER TRANSFORMER EXISTING PIPING (TRIPLE LINES) ----- — �' INDICATED T EN ON THE DRAWING ABC AGGREGATE BASE COURSE RREDUCER -- POWERMELEPHONE VAULT — — — — -- — — AC ASPHALTIC CONCRETE REF Ef REFERENCE '-� EXISTING PIPING HIDDEN (TRIPLE LINES) -------- _ AFF ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR REINF REINFORCE (D) (ING) (MENT) �PA1 POWER METER CENTER LINES - ----------- — AT TITLE AHR ANCHOR REQD REQUIRED t1 TELEPHONEITV RISER PROPERTY LINES ALM—ALARM --- EXISTING PIPING (SINGLE LINE) ,,"D RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES -------- AL ALUMINUM S SEWAGE ORSOUTH - GAS VALVE EASEMENT LINES APPROX APPROXIMATE SCV SWING CHECK VALVE 'T GAS METER EXISTING PIPING HIDDEN (SINGLE LINE) — — — — — — — TYPICAL DETAIL REFERENCE ASTM AMERICAN SOCIETY OF TESTING AND MATERIALS SO STORM DRAIN S--.' LOT LINES — — — ---- BUBBLE _�—•,_,\ STREET LIGHT DITCH LINE AUTO AUTOMATIC SSIMILAR — AVG AVERAGE SPEC NEW EQUIPMENT OR PIPING CENTERLINE C SPECIFICATION x' SPOT ELEVATION WATER LINE -------- @ AT SS SANITARY SEWER, GRAVITY — SIGN SANITARY SEWER LINE --- TYPICAL DETAIL NUMBER SSFM SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN MAILBOX STORM DRAIN LINE ----- EXISTING EQUIPMENT OR PIPING CENTERLINE -- — IDENTIFICATION BSP BLACK STEEL PIPE SSMH SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE GAS LINE ROCKERY -- SST STAINLESS STEEL UNDERGROUND POWER LINES 'r --- NEW EQUIPMENT DETAILORSECTION CA CONCRETEANCHOR STA STATION'S UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINES — ---'- IDENTIFICATION _� CONIFEROUS TREE UNDERGROUND CABLE TV LINES -- NEW EQUIPMENT HIDDEN N-L N CB CATCH BASIN STD STANDARD ��, — — — CHNL CHANNEL STL STEEL �-^� OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES .x ------ TYP D-1 CJ CONSTRUCTION JOINT S/W SIDEWALK { } DECIDUOUS TREE CHAIN LINK FENCE EXISTING EQUIPMENT CL OR CENTERUNE WIRE FENCE — a -- s . — EFERTAIL OR SECTION CLP CONTROL PANEL TDH TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD ICV IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE WOOD FENCE NEW FITTING ' REFERENCE BUBBLE CND CONDUIT TOC TOP OF CONCRETE CO CLEANOUT TYP TYPICAL / DETAIL OR SECTION IS TO BE COMP COMPACTED EXISTING TO BE REMOVED FOUND ON THE SAME SHEET CONC CONCRETE V OR VLV VALVE CONN CONNECTION VERT VERTICAL CONSTR CONSTRUCTION VOL VOLUME NEW PIPING CALL-OUT3' PW DETAIL SECTION I T CONT CONTINUE (D) (OUS) OR CONTROL BE FOUND ON THE DRAWING CP CONTROL POINT W WEST, WIDTH BUILDING MATERIALS INDICATED CPLG COUPLING W/ WITH TYPICAL PIPING CALL -OUT 3` F"rti TYPICAL DETAIL IS TO BE D DRAIN, DEPTH W/O WITHOUT VIEW IN SECTION FOUND NTHE sPICAL DETAIL DBH DIAMETER BREAST HEIGHT DEG DEGREE MATERIAL EXISTING REMOVE NEW DET DETAIL CLASS -A-, -B-, AND ' DIA OR DIAMETER 'D' CONCRETE '••.• AT CROSS REFERENCE DIM DIMENSION DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE CLASS'C' CONCRETE DWG DRAWING EA EAST STEEL ® '� EL OR ELEV ELEVATION ELEC ELECTRIC (AL) EMBED EMBEDMENT CAST IRON OR ENGR ENGINEER FIBERGLASS EDP EDGE OF PAVEMENT EQL EQUAL ALUMINUM EQPT EQUIPMENT EXIST EXISTING FLG FLANGE SOIL FRP FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC FT FOOT, FEET VIEW IN PLAN (NEW SHOWN - EXISTING SCREENED) GIS GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS GRATING SPAN PAVEMENT HOPE HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE ID INSIDE DIAMETER OR INSIDE DIMENSION IE INVERT ELEVATION INVT INVERT OTHER L LENGTH LF LINEAR FEET - VIEW IN PLAN MAX MAXIMUM EXISTING MOD MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY WETLAND MECH MECHANICAL MFRS MANUFACTURER'S MH MANHOLE, SANITARY MIN MINIMUM STREAM MISC MISCELLANEOUS - N NORTH NE NORTH EAST . NO NUMBER NOM NOMINAL - NIS NOT TO SCALE OD OUTSIDE DIAMETER PL PROPERTY LINE PNL PANEL PSI POUND PER SQUARE INCH PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PVMT PAVEMENT M. PRELIMINARY - 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL Q� of "'y es _ - R e i NTS - CITY OF EAST RENTONLIFTSTATION APRIL2010 Tv ���� RENTON ELIMINATION _ BURIED UTILITIES IN AREA PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG eM DATUM Planning/BuilCing/Public WoDept GENERAL NOTES, ABBREVIATIONSG-O2 �9roNu. BR' rla 1.800.424.5555 NO. REVISION BY DATE APPR AND SYMBOLS 2100 z o- CONSTRu 7m 19 1 0 Kol 1 1 2 MH 5315 135 4 RIM EL=$98.04t CL CHNLf12-PVC IN, E)=386.39t S I 14 IS?GRk'>';ATER P_ENTENTION Po1aD 1 -, -- - ) ENE •�„� �r ff 1 12• SS I 1 f MH 5: 140 n ID } IG ..'P. C WCEDAR t`"Ilk -398� A PLAN C-02 SCALE: 1- = 20' FILE: 8235COD-C-100 BURIED VnUTIES IN AREA PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1.800.424.5555 f p erl �3 s-•� ) &0-4 a i �{ow t EAST RENTON% LIFT STATION / 1 MH 5314 078 � � - RIM EL = 40120 --•� CL CHNL 12- (E. W) = 38720 i lQN WC4 O4 :°� SHE �%• 4 �0 44�tatP" �alonu 61`' NO. REVISION �� DATUM GENERAL NOTES: A. KEY NOTES: . 1O ANTICIPATED MANHOLE USED FOR TEMPORARY BYPASS PUMPING. COORDINATE ACCESS WITH CITY PERSONNEL. 2O LOCATION AND DATA FOR EXISTING MANHOLE IS BASED ON CITY OF RENTON GIS DATA AND IS APPROXIMATE. PRELIMINARY - 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL CITY OF EAST RENTON LIFT STATION APRIL 2010 RENTON ELIMINATION Planning/Building/PuNicWmlu:DePL MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS - I C-05 t GENERAL NOTES: A. t \Z7 r t p 4�;7 'cyTF KEYNOTES: 25� 215 Sow mw-s BR�AR HILLS 244 -6, rn 0 3 FOOT COVER ASSUMED. U) CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY. > + %14 C) F r E I 1 $2 0150-11JWC IE W t 02 IE _,�IS E-13110M,107 114a, 4 Lk TOO, I", KINC m 0 cn aE11111.17 (DW 03) -,vyN rn 'S riF co*"S RUC. IO.N 15"SS i A E CFDAR .2 "W • R = 370.00 14�111l IL .1. 2TE A=61 2115r L 396.28 "2 6153-11.12/w rW71669429 �leoa$ -no 10-09 MH 5314 09 f E 3TcW1(*3X20 STA IG130.730 15"SS f L Will MH 5314 086t STA 8+ 1 IE Irmp(sw)-n.73 Ki 5314 M RU El,-37+53 PVC( CL 0011. Ir HXJ-36.03 om 15 E=13168wlm DZO-575,71 ///���{{{... t35D-10.2R/C -1777TT765 r,1318745-5a aEV-378.22 F� BLRED GAS PFUJOE72 PLAN SCALE: lK = 27 FILE: 8235CDOL-100 72.31 LF 250.00 LF 385 385 k < APPROXIMATE EXISTING GRADE 380 380 4; APPRO)OMAI t EXISTING GRADE co 9 F- 375 LLI 375 15- SS @ 0-0209 =Wr U) LLJ w 370 c) 370 + ZZ $- ss d 0-0209 Lo 365 1-4. w 365 F- LL LU -J L) 360 LUd w d. k 360 UJ LU 15' SS --2 004 z 355 355 ij- kJ 350 >0 z rt - i, 1: 350 STA 10+50 STA 10+00 STA 9+50 STA 9+00 STA 8+50 STA 8+00 PROFILE S17+1 STA 7+00 STA 6+50 STA 6+00 STA 5+50 STA 5+00 a5carovlffo 't; M. SCALE: HORIZV� 20'VERT: 1'= FILE 8235COO-C-100 1�-20` TM, PRELIMINARY 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL 1, m TY 0 F --APRIL 2010 C I EAST RENTON LIFT STATION ELIMINATION BURIED UTIUMES IN AREA o HPG 1 RENTON — PlanninglBuilding/Public Works Dept PIPING PLAN AND PROFLE -STA 5+00 10+31 7-04 PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG AL amc -STA I.SW.424.5555 NO. REVISION BY DATE APPR GENERAL NOTES: A. -2 f `f x Iz: �j // \.` 0 I s s (i. \(j'V - t �_' .� �/ I �`, DE_EN.ION C Vc /,� `�" E �x ti KEY NOTES: - t Pit- IEa330.7 VGNF I tPp- I 1 PLUG AND ABANDON IN PLACE? V#s� 2 ONCRETE FILL O LOWEST PIPE INVERT ELEVATION. \ • 14=178�D5: E-13166MO% MH 5314 079 I D_N--3928 3 3 FOOT COVER ASSUMED. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY. y l F •1 ✓� I 6 0. `� CFj3 \ ti r80.36E�2 1:af3186S2812 �'i•'3 - MRS OF CON97RLiC?,ON � /.�'�% '35D-IlliA ['^ Ak '✓ b iOKt i.3� STA 0+75.T7 f..1315501.979 =1 A7 �}. -N-.83 °"9U-Y 2R�� t' 6,y •..ti-r �— .m---�x5}r�ai.lSSe Ir 15' SS - p.m-._... Q`'Zht'>9 '' _ \•.'^' f9 I r I,... -ice cil 0 `�/ R i tb�°1�t50 3+SOr r r �.., 3+00 ,4�LC` — — — — — .e. 2+50 I, 2+00� 39 1+50i_� �.- — — — .s...... — e..�. �.� \ � � � ..�. lit�1•�� �L`t`f :��; - �.�.L .L \\ 11i Ike. —_ ___ ".'•-y �r � � 14�.1 — ---- — �' `�`q�77o s-✓ �� k=37.35 14In I=1T D Wq t 'j i ' ` �./ l`..._` �l q�� r ` , .•.._,••- Ott` �'!, —' N-----�.� { �. 30_tPE°_ jF .." 7 7 ::.^•+::'^ •' ,2 �iN=39S.;4 i� t i` � _ �sl�� 8�:(fe'' f 1 e t �ri.'_' �4I 0 a �/ / f -- � +��• a�'E 3� �?:P{tI51Ap•395.3 p' I ti 6 FENCE '1 2 r t 1 �. � �— Gee w l :`•i m a Qt 1 9 L A / N r� zt 3 v r.; oo _ � � q 1 3;•CFDAR _ p t t sti i j f 2 1 tJ 12' SS !4' W I .p t t t n 16' `l� li 1 � A APLEWQOEJ O _ t t/ ESTATES E - S 'All MH 5314 080 PLAN STA 0+00.01) EAST RENTON LIB S7aT1Civ SCALE: 1• = 20 FILE: 8235C00-C-100 _ 424.23 LF 15.77 LF 395 I APPROXIMATE EXIST G �— _ _ 395 390 o _ X � /J y �(jj�4j� 390 W 385 UJI / ,/ I I j STA0Ex 97 Ill 390.7: EA STA 0`�SD !E 390.e_ f) i �. 385 W Ll! 12' SS i� 0.0022 � 380 0 If— f' 3 1 f 380 + I 5• SS � 0.0209 /�r1 .� - L`d� � 375 W I 375 IN Q 370 370 ss p c,.w,55 ( — w w w': �— 365 365 -f 0 1 .o �n .z azz 360 STA 5+00 STA 4+50 STA 4+00 STA 3+50 STA 3+00 STA 2+50 STA 2+00 STA 1+50 STA 1+00 STA 0+50 PROFILE STA 0+00 N M.O 41P d • ASS, SCALE: HORIZ:1•=20'VERT:1• S' PRELIMINARY — FILE: 8235CD0-C 100 CITY OF EAST RENTON TWO 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL LIFT STATION - nPRa2o10 6� ELIMINATION BURIED UTILITIES IN AREA e`tif�s'" PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG ��oN4L �'' RENTON N� DATUM O4°IIglac Planning/Bullding/Public Wod¢Dept PIPING PLAN AND PROFILE - STA 0+00 - STA 5+00 6-03 I.BM.424.5555 NO. REVISION BY DATE APPR 4 I 1 i I i ? I � I I i � I SEE SHEET C-04 — — — i F- — — — — — — I I BRIAR HILLS + ! No. 4 w I+ —I--- ----- 140LnPL SE _ I I m I T ' I � I z u SEE SHEET C-04 I 5;5< of BURIED UTILITIES IN AREA PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1.800.424.5555 st __ �twElf- C4S S � a R Z a WETLANDS (1 NO. I REVISION /,(�I � GD5 4/1 SEE SHEET C-03 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I I/ 2 tsss P STREPIM no —�— 2+50 �� DATUM GENERAL NOTES: A. INSTALL BURIED PIPE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY STANDARD PLAN 405. BACKFILL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS. COMPACT TO 95% MDO PER ASTM D1557. PARKSIDE COURT KEY NOTES: _ _ _ _ _ MINIMUM BEND RADIUS = 370 FEET ALONG ANY POINT OF — .—..—..—..—.. O PIPELINE ALIGNMENT. c+---• I 2 DIAMETER IS NO PIIAES —PE.DMER3IP-EUNE—. ? I _�NSID�E MATERIAL SH L US"BE F ED (NO JOINTS, LEAK FREE) PVC I OR FUSED HOPE TFTTHE`� —�— I 1 I ' O SPECIFICATIONS. / DETAIL PROVIDED FOR BYPASS PUMPING PURPOSES. ( I I //' STORi,R:'ATER DETENTI&N POND f t I € II S 4r- E,S T 2NT 0 MAPLEWOOD i + ESTATES I L PRELIMINARY - 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL CITY OF EAST RENTON LIFT STATION - APRIL2010 RENTON ELIMINATION Planning/ BuilCing/PuNic W°A6 DepL YARD PIPING KEY PLAN 6-02 CP #9 635D-10'9R/C I N = 177613-380 ! E = 1316607.095 ' ELEV = 381.17 v=lriaze.ai , = 131676d-41 BRIAR HILLS i No.4 CP #14 - BRASS DISC W/ PUNCH N = 17 1.14MIC N = 31680'113 7437 E = 116801.107 ELEV. (TYP) /\ (DWN: 0.37.3� 1 _ I _-148th PL SE _ I _ (TYP) 4 N = 177426.96 CP #11 o' E = 1316844.17 635D-11.11MNIW m N = 177587.910 i E - 1316805.9 ELEV = 375:71` _ III I 3 I � CP #6 635D-10.6R/C N = 177801.336 E - 1316600.520 ELEV = 381.31 LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION � •1 CP#12 / / �63511.12MNIW N = 177869.529 E- =,3161381.. ELEV =380.72 63513-10.9111C N = 177717.766 E = 1316745.522 ELEV =378.22 ' 1 '^ss rC''.a2`�'a�. a'._-..... ��� �c3.y�ds��xc� 'S�cc�'A�s i♦�` O BURIED UnUTIES IN AREA PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1.600.424.5555 O CP #23 635D-31.23R/C N = 177787.655 E = 1316804.772 WETLANDS (1 .. , ELEV = 389.67 �()�I vo \ C N = 17828 15.5 1 /E - 7316495.55 CP 92 - BRASS DISC 635D-10.2MON N = 178279.481 E = 1316508.089 CP 93 CP #8 CP #7 ELEV = 392.67 635D-10.3R/C 6350-10.8R/C 635D-10.7R/C (DWN: N = 178036.852 N = 178111.131 N = 178210.086 1 E = 1316612-612 E = 1316613.559 E = 1316601:979 ELEV = 390.63 ELEV = 390.08 ELEV = 390.59 20'-0' MAX (TYP), MAPLEWOOD PARK O 15' SS ----- -----9 l_ 2__-- �__�__-__- -- __- -:�� PARKSIDE COURT I I N = 178349.58 1 n I E = 1316495.86 I STORt:1'rr!tTER DETENTION I FOtiL` I I I I I �3� GENERAL NOTES: i A. EXISTING SURVEY CONDUCTED MAY 2009 IDENT�,JES� TREES 81NCHES DBH AND LARGER NOT ALL7TRE SHRUBBERY ARE SHOWN. LIMITS OF WETLANDS AN� STREAMS ARE APPROXIMATE. B. ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL AVOID DIRECT WETLAND DISTURBANCE. C. REPLACE ALL DISTURBED FENCING WITH LIKE KIND REPLACEMENT. D. EAST RENTON LIFT STATION SHALL REMAIN IN SERVICE AT ALL TIMES THROUGH COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. E. LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN IS BASED ON RECORD DRAWINGS AND FIELD LOCATES. ALL EXISTING UTILITIES ARE SHOWN APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AFFECTED BY THIS PROJECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. F. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN OPERATIONS WITHIN THE LIMBS OF CONSTRUCTION SHOWN ON THE PLANS. G. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE RESTORED TO EXISTING CONDITIONS AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE PROJECT. H. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING REQUIRED PERMITS AND IMPLEMENTING EROSION CONTROL MEASURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH KING COUNTY AND CITY STANDARDS AND THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. I. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ACCESS TO ALL AREAS OF THE SITE FOR CITY PERSONNEL AT ALL TIMES. J. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TEMPORARY FENCING, . GATES. AND LOCKS AS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN SITE SECURITY AND SAFETY AT ALL TIMES. � KEY NOTES: p OTERRAIN EAST AND WEST OF SURVEY IS MAPLEW000 PARK AND IS HEAVILY FORESTED SIMILAR TO WHAT IS EAST RENTON SHOWN ON EXISTING SURVEY. LIFT STATION \ O 12 FOOT WIDE GRAVEL ACCESS ROAD FROM SE 2ND ' CP COURT, RENTON, WA 98059. � 635D-10.5RIC O LIMBS OF CONSTRUCTION TO FENCE LINE, UNLESS N = 17b301.528 OTHERWISE INDICATED. E=1316729.093 ELEV } 39521 O LIMBS OF CONSTRUCTION TO CURB, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. �CONSTR CTIUCTIU ON O LIMBS OF CONSTRUCTION TO EDGE OF GRAVEL ROAD, STAGING UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. r - -� i N. (T` O 1 t O CP#20%` I J i 635D-20RIC ^9U 1 �C r� 8162209 E = 1316812.623 T i J ELEV = 389.00 qq I I j! CP #22 �y i 635D-31.22RIC 1 T 39h i1 .1 N = 177955.496 ELEV 3882,34.T21 ; � ` ' I ' .78 1 i MAPLEWOOD PARK O O 5 E 1316824.76 f I 2 A PLAN -. �`- Tn !� i -7 -, PRELIMINARY- 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL �� s CITY OF EAST RENTON LIFT STATION APRIL2010 TJW � RENTON ELIMINATION HM BMO Planning/Building/Public Works Dept SITE PLAN, CONSTRUCTION LIMITS, ACCESS C-01 By DATE APPR �- AND STAGING 295. NO. REVISION FILE: N =178 - N = 178313.33 � E =`1316825.39 �-�•.'-�--e.w.>... t ,�iw�! }'lti: _f.. r'�., 1 -t. S �' 635D-10.4RIC MAPLEWOOD N = 176309.163� ESTATES E=131684fi.654 ELEV=401.80 L �6'FEt.CE TYP) a'° EAST RENTON LIFT STATION ELIMINATION PROJECT CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE PRELIMINARY - 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL Task Name Duration Start Finish March I April I May I June JUIV Auqust September October EAST RENTON LIFT STATION ELIMINATION PROJECT 1155days; TueNfflt Mon 10/3/11 --- - -- - ------- -- Bid Period 65 days�' TueNl/lf Mon 5/30/111 ----- ---- ---- -- i Tu X i / 1 -1 M- Advertise. for Bids 20 days--------- on 3/28/11 — ---------- - Pre -Bid Walk Through 10 days:;: Tue3/29/11! Mon4/11/11 Bid Opening 15 days; Tue 4/12/11:: Mon 5/2/11 Award Contract 15 days Tue 5/3/11: Mon 5/23/11 NTP 5 days; Tue 5/24/11; Mon 5/30/11 Submittals 20 daysTue 5/31111 Mon 6/27111 Material Delivery 10 days; Tue 6/21 /11; Mon 7/4/11 - ------- -- Mobilization 10 days;i Tue 6/21 /111 Mon 7/4/11 ------- --- Install 15" SS in 148th Place SE (STA 8+58 to STA 10+31) 14 days'. Tue 715/11 Fri 7/22/11 Remove Existing 8" SS 5 days' Tue 7/5/11 Mon 7/11/11 Install 173 LF of 15" SS 5 days! Tue 7/12/11 Mon 7118/11 -- ------ - - Pipeline Testing 1 clayTue 7/19/111 Tue 7/19/11 Site Restoration Improvements 3 dayss, Wed 7/20/11; Fri 7/22/11 .......... ... .. Install 15" SS through Maplewood Park (STA 0+76 to STA 8+58) 26daysi Mon7/25/11: Mon8/29/11 10 days, Mon 7/25/1 V Fri 8/5/11 Clearing wide path, 782-LE)-,--'z ------- ------ ------- - — ------ -- - Fuse, n staT782 LF o15" SS 10 days; Mon 8/8/111 Fri 8/19/11 f Stream Diversion 3 days:: Tue 8/16/11 Thu 8/18/11 Pipeline Testing 1 clay: Mon 8/22/11 Mon 8/22/11 Site Restoration Improvements 5-day's: Tue 8/23/111 Mon 8/29/11 Install 12" SS near existing lift station (STA 0+00 to 0+76) 25 days: Tue 8/30/11 Mon 10/3/111 -- -------- - Install 76 LF of 12" SS 2 days Tue 8/30/11 Wed 8/31/11 Install - - - — - Temporary ---------------B-y---p-a--s--s—Pumping Systems 2 da s' Thu 9/1/11, Fri 9/2/11 sj Fill MH 5314 080 and MH 5314 079 with Concrete, Allow to Cure 15 da s: Mon 9/5/11 Fri 9/23/11 ----- -------- - -- ------ ---- 3da s, Make Final Sewer Connections to Manholes 1 day, Mon 9/26/11 Mon 9/26/11 --- - --- ------ - ----- ------- -- Pipeline Testing 1da: Tue,9/27/11. Tue9/27/11 ---- ------ — Confirm Operation of New Sewer Pipeline, Decommission Bypass Pumping Syste s 1 Wed 9/28/11 Wed 9/28/11 ------------ Site Restoration Improvements 3days. Thu9/29/11 Mon 10/3/11 Project Completion Odaysi, Mon 10/3/11 Mon 10/3/11 ( V .1--, -1;� Lc%� Lj-).Ay 4 pbr Project: East Renton Lift Station Elimir I Task Progress Summary Ex Jardal asks D Deadline Date: Thu 4/29/10 Split Milestone p Project Summary -ExTerna Milestone �� Page 1 EAST RENTON LIFT STATION ELIMINATION PROJECT CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE PRELIMINARY - 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL Task Name Duration Start Finish March April May June Jul August September October _ E B M E B M E_ B M E B I M I E B M E I B I M E I B I M I E B M_ EAST RENTON LIFT STATION ELIMINATION PROJECT 155 days Tue 3/1H1 Mon 10/3111 Bid Period 65 days Tue 3/1/11 Mon 5/30/11 Advertise for Bids 20 days Tue 3/1/11 Mon 3/28/11 Pre -Bid Walk Through 10 days Tue 3/29/11 Mon 4/11/11 Bid Opening 15 days Tue 4/12/11 Mon 5/2/11 Award Contract 15 days Tue 5/3/11 Mon 5/23/11 NTP 5 days Tue 5/24/11 Mon 5/30/11 _ Submittals 20 days Tue 5/31/11 Mon 6/27/11 Material Delivery 10 days Tue 6/21/11 Mon 7/4/11 Mobilization 10 days Tue 6/21/11 Mon 7/4/11 Install 15" SS in 148th Place SE (STA 8+58 to STA 10+31) 14 days Tue 7/5/11 Fri 7/22/11 Remove Existing 8" SS .4f✓ 4 ` 5 days Tue 7/5/11 Mon 7/11/11 Install 173 LF of 15" SS C— 5 days Tue 7/12/11 Mon 7/18/11 Pipeline Testing 1 day Tue 7/19/11 Tue 7/19/11 Site Restoration Improvements 3 days Wed 7/20/11 Fri 7/22/11 Install 15" SS through Maplewood Park (STA 0+76 to STA 8+58) 26 days Mon 7/25/11 Mon 8129/11 Clearing � wide path, 782 LF) `tE, 7 10 days Mon 7125/11 Fri 8/5/11 Fuse and`I15st'all 782 LF of 15" SS 10 days Mon 8/8/11 Fri 8/19/11 Stream Diversion 3 days Tue 8/16/11 Thu 8/18/11 Pipeline Testing 1 day Mon 8/22/11 Mon 8/22/11 Site Restoration Improvements 5 days Tue 8/23/11 Mon 8/29/11 Install 12" SS near existing lift station (STA 0+00 to 0+76) 25 days Tue 8/30/11 Mon 10/3/11 Install 76 LF of 12" SS 2 days Tue 8/30/11 Wed 8/31/11 F Install Temporary Bypass Pumping Systems Ild Thu 9/1/11 Fri 9/2/11, Fill MH 5314 080 and MH 5314 079 with Concrete, Allow to Cure Mon 9/5/11 Fri 9/23/11 Make Final Sewer Connections to Manholes Mon 9/26/11 Mon 9/26/11 Pipeline Testing Tue 9/27/11 Tue 9/27/11Confirm Operation of New Sewer Pipeline, Decommission Bypass Pumping SystemsWed 9/28/11 Wed 9/28/11 Site Restoration Improvements 3 days Thu 9/29/11 Mon 10/3/11 Project Completion 0 days Mon 10/3/11 Mon 10/3/11 ♦ 10/3 Lou,, Ar WAqf, �Iv M41, 'zr,- Gt.c6,f- 'zL{.. ao l eaC 6 1 Z4 6k-) LAOrt;w_ J;4C'_ t.41.4xrr Project: East Renton Lift Station Elimir Task Progress Summary E I asks _ Deadline 3 Date: Thu 4/29/10 Split Milestone Project Summary rna Milestone Page 1 R LAKE WASHINGTON Muiwapai 4 ANW 4 .I s -• Esst ReAon 1, "24tt 40 RertlOn a Hptra�ps � ��h9 1t uc..wa cow Y T PROJECT SITE wwe.00p t69 E U};ape•Fa+wpop �'rvop OaN S75 tar+►r C�.e MAvle 7 �� � ���y, 767 e.-v� tii rt.-,o.ran � 1i� 7 i Gio. REFERENCE: 2010 GOOGLE MAP VICINITY MAP NO SCALE REFERENCE 2007 GOOGLE EARTH LOCATION MAP NO SCALE [taro//c+ CITY OF RENTON EAST RENTON LIFT STATION ELIMINATION PRELIMINARY - 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL PROJECT NO. WWP-27-3549 CITY OF RENTON 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTON, WA 98057 The undersigned has approved this document for and on behalf of Carollo Engineers, P C Partner APRIL 2010 CONTACT PERSONNEL DAVE CHRISTENSEN WASTEWATER UTILITY SUPERVISOR (425) 430-7212 A6 DRAWING LIST SHEET NO. DRAWING NO. DESCRIPTION 1 G-01 COVER SHEET 2 G-02 GENERAL NOTES. ABBREVIATIONS, AND SYMBOLS 3 C-01 SITE PLAN, CONSTRUCTION LIMITS, ACCESS, AND STAGING 4 C-02 YARD PIPING KEY PLAN 5 C-03 PIPING PLAN AND PROFILE - STA 0-00 - STA 5+00 5 C-04 PIPING PLAN AND PROFILE - STA 5.00 - STA 1 D•31 7 C-05 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS-1 PRELIMINARY - 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL BURIED UTImES IN AREA RELSE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1.BO0A24. GENERAL NOTES: SURVEY LEGEND (EXISTING LINE WORK) 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS BEFORE STARTING WORK AND SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. 2. UNLESS DETAILED, SPECIFIED, OR OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THE k WATER VALVE (j) MONUMENT NOT TIED THIS SURVEY DRAWINGS, CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE AS INDICATED IN THE APPLICABLE - - HYDRANT Si' TYPICAL DETAILS AND GENERAL NOTES. TYPICAL DETAILS SHALL APPLY FIRE DEPT. CONNECTION FOUND CASED MONUMENT EVEN THOUGH NOT REFERENCED AT SPECIFIC LOCATIONS ON DRAWINGS.=( WATER METER ,^; SET PK NAIUALUMINUM WASHER 3. WHERE NO CONSTRUCTION DETAILS ARE SHOWN OR NOTED FOR ANY PART Y? POST INDICATOR VALVE STAMPED "PACE CONTROL' OF WORK, DETAILS SHALL BE THE SAME AS FOR OTHER SIMILAR WORK r`) MANHOLES (SS/SD) SET 5/8' IRON REBAR W/ YELLOW — CB PLASTIC CAP STAMPED L.S. #33130 {%- POWERAITILITY POLE UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. ABBREVIATIONS -- GUY ANCHOR a JUNCTION BOX AB ANCHOR BOLT ROR RAD RADIUS POWER TRANSFORMER C AGGREGATE BASE COURSE D REDUCER T j POWER/TELEPHONE VAULT AC H ASPHALTIC CONCRETE REF REFERENCE _� AFF ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR REINF REINFORCE (D) (ING) (MENT) �P•-_1 POWERMETER CENTERLINES — — - AHR ALM ANCHOR ALARM READ REQUIRED TELEPHONE/TV RISER PROPERTY LINES ------ -- AL ALUMINUM S SEWAGE GAS VALVE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES ---- ---- ------ APPROX APPROXIMATE SCV SWING CHECK VALVE VALVE GAS METER EASEMENT LINES — - -- --- -- ASTM AMERICAN SOCIETY OF TESTING AND MATERIALS SD STORM DRAIN -_ '� STREET LIGHT LOT LINES -- — ---- - DITCH LINE ---- ----- AUTO AVG AUTOMATIC AVERAGE SIM SPEC SIMILAR SPECIFICATION �` X SPOT ELEVATION WATER LINE —-------- dal AT SS SANITARY SEWER, GRAVITY = SIGN SANITARY SEWER LINE---------�— SSFM SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN .- MAILBOX STORM DRAIN LINE ----- BSP BLACK STEEL PIPE SSMH SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE ROCKERY GAS LINE — --- -- SST STAINLESS STEEL UNDERGROUND POWER LINES--r----- CA CONCRETE ANCHOR STA STATION :�. CONIFEROUS TREE UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINES - CB CATCH BASIN STD STANDARD i\, UNDERGROUND CABLE TV LINES ----------^_----- CHNL CHANNEL STL STEEL OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES+. --- ci CONSTRUCTION JOINT S/W SIDEWALK ,% DECIDUOUS TREE CHAIN LINK FENCE------ CL OR CENTERLINE WIRE FENCE -- z ---- z ----- -- CUP CONTROL PANEL TDH TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD FCV IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE WOOD FENCE -- --- -- CND CONDUIT TOC TOP OF CONCRETE CO CLEANOUT TYP TYPICAL COMP COMPACTED CONC CONCRETE V OR VLV VALVE CONN CONNECTION VERT VERTICAL CONSTR CONSTRUCTION VOL VOLUME CONT CONTINUE (D) (OUS) OR CONTROL BUILDING MATERIALS CP CONTROL POINT W WEST, WIDTH CPLG COUPLING W/ WITH W/o WITHOUT VIEW IN SECTION D DRAIN, DEPTH DBH DIAMETER BREAST HEIGHT MATERIAL EXISTING REMOVE NEW DEG DEGREE DET DIAOR DETAIL DIAMETER CLASS "A"' "B", AND 'D'CONCRETE DIM DIMENSION DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE CLASS'C' CONCRETE DWG DRAWINGE EA EAST EACH STEEL EL OR ELEV ELEVATION ELEC EMBED ELECTRIC (AL) EMBEDMENT CAST IRON i ENGR ENGINEER FIBERGLASS EOP EQL EDGE OF PAVEMENT EQUAL ALUMINUM EQPT EQUIPMENT EXIST EXISTING SOIL FLG FLANGE�� FRP FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC FT FOOT, FEET VIEW IN PLAN (NEW SHOWN - EXISTING SCREENED) GIS GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS GRATING SPAN PAVEMENT HOPE HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE - ID INSIDE DIAMETER OR INSIDE DIMENSION OTHER OTHER NVT INVERNVERT T L LENGTH VIEW IN PLAN LF LINEAR FEET EXISTING MAX MAXIMUM MOD MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY WETLAND MECH MECHANICAL MFRS MANUFACTURER'S MH MANHOLE, SANITARY MIN MINIMUM STREAM MISC MISCELLANEOUS N NORTH NE NORTH EAST _ NO NUMBER NOM NOMINAL NTS NOT TO SCALE OD OUTSIDE DIAMETER PL PROPERTYLINE PNL PANEL PSI POUND PER SQUARE INCH PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PVMT PAVEMENT ff(nfsmof MECHANICAL LINE WORK NEW OR EXISTING STRUCTURES NEW OR EXISTING STRUCTURES HIDDEN NEW PIPING (TRIPLE LINES) NEW PIPING HIDDEN (TRIPLE LINES) NEW PIPING (SINGLE LINE) NEW PIPING HIDDEN (SINGLE LINE) EXISTING PIPING (TRIPLE LINES) EXISTING PIPING HIDDEN (TRIPLE LINES) EXISTING PIPING (SINGLE LINE) EXISTING PIPING HIDDEN (SINGLE LINE) NEW EQUIPMENT OR PIPING CENTERLINE EXISTING EQUIPMENT OR PIPING CENTERLINE NEW EQUIPMENT NEW EQUIPMENT HIDDEN EXISTING EQUIPMENT NEW FITTING EXISTING TO BE REMOVED NEW PIPING CALL -OUT EXISTING PIPING CALL -OUT DRAWING CROSS REFERENCE DETAIL OR SECTION NIDENTIFICATION D-1 DETAIL OR SECTION TAKEN ON THE SAME SHEET DETAIL OR SECTION IS TAKEN ON THE DRAWING INDICATED AT TITLE TYPICAL DETAIL REFERENCE BUBBLE TYPICAL DETAIL NUMBER IDENTIFICATION DETAIL OR SECTION IDENTIFICATION DETAIL OR SECTION REFERENCE BUBBLE DETAIL OR SECTION IS TO BE FOUND ON THE SAME SHEET DETAIL OR SECTION IS TO BE FOUND ON THE DRAWING INDICATED TYPICAL DETAIL IS TO BE FOUND ON THE TYPICAL DETAIL DRAWINGS AT CROSS REFERENCE PRELIMINARY - 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL BURIED UTILITIES IN AREA PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1.800.424.5555 Li his" j �'} Lel PARKSIDE RT'v�/ _ \/)VN = 17a282.36 COURT ��1/}/ �(/// E = 7376495.55 CP #2 - BRASS DISC I I f 635D-10.2MON I i I N= 178349.58 j ( I I N= 778279.487 I i I E= 1316495.86 CP #6 CP #3 CP #8 CP #7 I1 I ( ELEV=392.67 444 2f:'.7A7tn 635D-t0.6R/C 635D-10.3R/C 635D-10.8R/C 635D-10.7R/C I I (DWN: 1.3) N = 177801.336 N = 178036.852 N = 178111.131 N = 178210.086 I i, I OE TEtiTCN I E = 1316600.520 E = 1316612.612 E = 1316613.559 E = 1316601.979 ELEV=381.31 ELEV=390.63 ELEV-390.08 ELEV=390.59 LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION 20'-0' MAX (TYP),-�� MAPLEWOOD PARK O 15' SS � t CP #9 r 635D-10.9R/C N = 177613.390 E = 1316607.095 i ELEV = 381.17 N = 177429.47 .41 �(BRIAR HILLS No.4 - BRASS DISC W/ PUNCH ,14MIC437.113 F�N 6801.107 374.17 (fyP) 4.3') - - ...._I _ '-- _ 146ih PL SE -- - - I � J 15" SS I ++ (TYP) 4 I 1! N = 177426.96 CP #11 Lm E = 1316844.17 635D-11.11MNIW 7 r E = 1316805701 Ii y - - ELEV = 375.71 ..-.._..-. ._.._..... k � � I i �m6Ca►e91 CP#12 / � �635D-11.12MNAN E = 1316685..7. CP#10 ELEV=380.72� 635D-10.9RIC N = 177717.766 E = 1316745.522 ELEV =378.22 r- M c t `9N 7 CP #23 g 635D-31.23RIC N = I T7787.665 ` E = 1316804.T72 l ELEV = 389,67 WETLANDS (TYP) IV - - 5------ -----v STREAM CP #22 635D-31.22R/C N = 177955.496 E = 1316824.221 U` ELEV = 383.78 MAPLEWOOD PARK O l A PLAN FILE: 8235C00C-100 / //0' d CP #20 /� 635D-20R/C 09 f E E 1 .623 / / ELEVV= = 36389.00 B O i = 178295.50 + = 1316824.76 I 3 IT GENERAL NOTES: A. EXISTING SURVEY CONDUCTED MAY 20D91DENT1FIE TREES B INCHES DBH AND LARGER. NOT ALIiTREES SHRUBBERY ARE SHOWN. LIMITS OF WETLANDS AN� STREAMS ARE APPROXIMATE. B. ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL AVOID DIRECT WETLAND DISTURBANCE. C. REPLACE ALL DISTURBED FENCING WITH LIKE KIND REPLACEMENT. D. EAST RENTON LIFT STATION SHALL REMAIN IN SERVICE AT ALL TIMES THROUGH COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. E. LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN IS BASED ON RECORD DRAWINGS AND FIELD LOCATES. ALL EXISTING UTILITIES ARE SHOWN APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AFFECTED BY THIS PROJECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. F. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN OPERATIONS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION SHOWN ON THE PLANS. G. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE RESTORED TO EXISTING CONDITIONS AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE PROJECT. H. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING REQUIRED PERMITS AND IMPLEMENTING EROSION CONTROL MEASURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH KING COUNTY AND CITY STANDARDS AND THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. I. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ACCESS TO ALL AREAS OF THE SITE FOR CITY PERSONNEL AT ALL TIMES. J. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TEMPORARY FENCING, GATES, AND LOCKS AS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN SITE SECURITY AND SAFETY AT ALL TIMES. y� p �, ✓ O KEY NOTES: TERRAIN EAST AND WEST OF SURVEY IS MAPLEWOOD PARK AND IS HEAVILY FORESTED SIMILAR TO WHAT IS EAST ON SHOWN ON EXISTING SURVEY. LIFT STATION O 12 FOOT WIDE GRAVEL ACCESS ROAD FROM SE 2ND COURT, RENTON, WA 98059, CP 635D-10.5R/C O LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION TO FENCE LINE, UNLESS N = 178301.528 OTHERWISE INDICATED. E = 1316729.093 ELEV = 395.21 O LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION TO CURB, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. CONSTRUCTION O5 LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION TO EDGE OF GRAVEL ROAD, STAGING ) UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. =�N = 178313 33 -0?-- E ='1316825.39 CP #4 MAPLEWOOD N = 178309.163 AM i ESTATES E = 1316846.654 ELEV = 401.80 � . ` , 8,0 B� An' + � a�" �. I b 8 PRELIMINARY - 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL BURIED UTILITIES IN AREA PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1.800.424.5555 r.- I SEE SHEET C-04 BRIAR HILLS I No.4 — _ '.4 PLESE _ GENERAL NOTES: A. INSTALL BURIED PIPE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY STANDARD PLAN 405. BACKFILL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS. COMPACT TO 95% MDD PER ASTM D1557. 3 A PARKSiDE C-05 COURT KEY NOTES: MINIMUM BEND RADIDS = 370 FEET ALONG ANY POINT OF PIPELINE ALIGNMENT. i % I 2 DIAMETER IS NO INSID PIPE DIAMETER..PIP-ELINE—. SEE SHEET C-03 I MATERIAL SH L'UE FUSED (NO JOINTS, LEAK FREE) PVC I OR FUSED HDPE ANCEWITH-TRIE— 1 SPECIFICATIONS. bi I 3 DETAIL PROVIDED FOR BYPASS PUMPING PURPOSES. I I STORMV.'ATFR { I= DETENTSON I I SEE SHEET C-04 — — — — — — — — — 5 �..►— 1,.4.Spy +11 j �4+00 34-Qi 3+50�-- y~3+00— -- Zh�—.--.-. 2t00 9'L" 1+SO ��1r� { •� S,50 m " _Tl'l 'r•"� �� 6.r�r.► 7(�`w�j e~9I 4 (bio co I � ��O �---9, i I / — -t .�—��€ — �t —%�'t� ` —� ��— � x ..{ — —m�! 1 � i O— — J { ��C�s� C'�L✓� / r! T UF S :�N 1 � lb' MAPLEWOOD �¢) � ESTATES I BURIED UTILITIES IN AREA PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1.8W.424.5555 `PN M C9S �1- S a ��70NAL WETLANDS(- NO. I REVISION r 1 =4D• �� DATUM c 1p� 4 II PRELIMINARY - 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL t3 CITY OF EAST RENTON LIFT STATION APRIL 2010 RENTON ELIMINATION PlanningMullainyrPuDllcWorks Dept. YARD PIPING KEY PLAN C-OZ GENERAL NOTES: lf<' u k I IV-14 j _.'ATFR [�1 VV �•�.•� jS,�, W POND KEY NOTES: (��(� IEs.7 �ABANDON �AND PLUG �IN PLjC�.,"' 4A�d5C 2 ONCRE TE FILL�PO LOWESTPIPE INVERT ELEVATION. -�.>r l j E-1S 3 3 F COVER ASSUMED. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY. , MH 5314 079 \ 8f3�CPd37WW,K2 ..'",1i7S CF CJNS?RU^'!Ou _ Si E�,,.6 t cpf .1.3 STA 0+75.77 �_J -� [a1Jt8812811 e'8 ` 6351N10.7RfG , Na1:82i0.O86 I( rn cn 11,0 p l R41 t4+50 4+OOf D� 3+50 •'' - -_ ,a. 3+00 O 5 ..-. ��.. — , 4 e.-- � " -• __ —/.a- — -� — — — ` I ..._ 14 // ,¢�jy`Iy' - 'i . I 2-�5— �..� �. s.._ 2,00 ,34 1+50— 7�..1±00a ~ `ice I -- - — — ":.l • d \ �=�--r-_._ ��-r •G �q{�69 rw -e`�'.r __,.__.�c�. - ib i •I,4' 't;ta•,SC r•%11 f { \ j •,s ( V Yfj��1 2 % �3�1.35 xXfiFEP 94 -�{��,- / . :4" _t 3+o-!- cam' , 111 m{ / / ��' nY`..FEN61 �+ ,4' I \ f zz /� 1Y:F}�115T'i•39D,:9 i -. <c ,` c l .': {':, �• 12- t f �v �� N►•i rG d A w /r r / rrjj++ 1 se 1 ' 2 SS t i� m a / ' --- r z 20 T\3 ` 1 MAPLEWOOD t :;.,. '•. •� gig:.. -•.! iC'� ESTATES IP MH53140110 STA 000.00 LAST RNiCNPLAN LIF? STAT!CN SCALE: 1' = 20' FILE: 8235C00-C-100 424.23 LF I I 75.77 LF 395 I APPROXIMATE EXIST GRAI iE _ 395 390 i --` -- f 390 j EX 3�'SC STAOF5E+ EX uT`SD W 385 uJ /� i i ; IE 390Ji !E 390.9: 385 Lll 380 00 '—� f 3 I 15• SS @ 0.0209 i 1 i i - � i i 2✓ 7 „J 1 •1 � l� � i�'�°' 1:. f �1 n� 380 375 _ t j aw 375 zi J = f I L) 370-_� I 370 365 - E , ( — T. I 365 360 , v z z _ C —_ 0 O o- ._. z i 360 STA 5+00 STA 4+50 STA 4+00 STA 3+50 STA 3+00 STA 2+50 STA 2+00 STA 1+50 STA 1+00 STA 0+50 STA 0+00 PROFILE M.CgS �• F �- A� �;'��f %��Cp'r�w- SCALE:HORIIZ�1"= 0'VERT:1•=6 PRELIMINARY - 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL ,•_2a - F_,© CITY OF EAST RENTON LIFT STATION a APRIL2010 T� 7K RENTON ELIMINATION _ BURIED UTILITIES IN AREA �j��s�" PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 4fORAL' ,.800A24.5555 NO. �oBaMC �� DATUM PlannlngiBuileing/Puaic WOft Dept. PIPING PLAN AND PROFILE — STA 0+00 - STA 5+00 C-03 REVISION BY DATE APPR L.I �LF X z 0 GENERAL NOTES: oot /, ,� Z— A. zi , cpfB 0 A IT KEY NOTES: "M 25' 25' A- 1 3 FOOT COVER ASSUMED. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY. E,� E 52 BF —AR HU S Z7 5+00 cn IE N-177437.113 Al- 15*SS SDF CONS-RUC-ioN m m (n 380 V T C*IW WkK 0 R 370+00 '21-57- s315P20,110 7i OAM 148th PL. SE 01 p # F-3735 30*CW FUI-37560 L 396.28 F2 X-177W9,529 1-1316685-M OZO=W32 MM5314090 STA 10+30.73 ." 1V 5"SS VA 10, H 53 4 086 1 STA 1-1 RN-37393 rool(SW-371.73 8+58.41 *-I E-I'ow'm me c4E =4 M CL Oft Ir PyC(KE)-3n03 A0#& Is- mloxs)-mm c VWi � � BMED rAs PFVJNE a PLAN SCALE: 1' = 20* "S FILE: 8235COO-C-100 112.31 LF 250.00 U, 385 -4 I j 385 C7 APPROXIMATE EXISTING GRADE 380 380 APPROXIMATE EXISTING GRADE cl) C? 375 F- Lu 375 U) ti -SS@O Lu LIJ 370 370 o to wssdo-o"9 365 @FO:0149 cn 365 �J 017- &15 -1-0- tmw U- w 41 360 tgrirka , Foj\,tw t w A LU"W LLI e, jp:� 360 4 355 s 355 21 0 350 z z z 7, >> z 350 STA 10+50 STA 10+00 STA 9+50 STA 9+00 STA 8+50 STA 8+00 PROFILE STA 7+50 STA 7+00 -SCALE: STA 6+50 STA 6+00 STA 5+50 STA 5+00 HORIZ: 1"= 20'VERT: 1'= 6 M. c 415, FILE: 8235COO-C-100 PRELIMINARY - 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL "I!, o - — 1*=2(Y Tjw HPG CITY OF EAST RENTON LIFT STATION "APRIL 2010 7K RENTON ELIMINATION BURIED UT LMES IN AREA I PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 't?ONAL 2 —smc I— Planning/Building/Public Woft Dept. PIPING PLAN AND PROFLE —STA 5+00 -STA 10+31 C-04 4 1.800.424.&%5 NO. REVISION BY DATE APPR — — a. _ 07 A PLAN C-02 SCALE: 1' = 20' FILE: 8235C00-C-100 i i 1 2 MH 5315135 I RIM EL = 398.043 g CL CHNL 42- PVC (N, E) = 386.391 I t I f 1 S?OR:V.Y;ATER _ I MH 5314 078 RIM EL = 401.20 CL CHNL 12-(E, W) =30720 aw rl� Via- �4 of�,- �, I �-C"A-vm, L-6 tvp 1® GENERAL NOTES: A. KEY NOTES: tO ANTICIPATED MANHOLE USED FOR TEMPORARY BYPASS PUMPING. COORDINATE ACCESS WITH CITY PERSONNEL. 2O LOCATION AND DATA FOR EXISTING MANHOLE IS BASED ON CITY OF RENTON GIS DATA AND IS APPROXIMATE. PRELIMINARY - 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL BURIED UTILITIES IN AREA PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1.800.424.5555 .Pf SU:PPJRT ( IF^ c� D• CR055 C � F- f ¢r usM✓I 1 tY Q F- Z MOLv.� 7 C7VCR_ - Lo ,,D ;AU_7 30, OV AS APPRO::D 6Y a^r '.5D OSHA STANDARDS WS7AL1 .7aR&PA7 0Y 6- S•TP. v Y.E COVCry T VA: iE .A✓_ - VAU w � m E •1r-- e.-M _ `= E Y� r�>g Z 3�s5_ S c ��gua Q c =1�a1 NW 1/4, NW 1/4, SEC. 14, TWP. 23 N., RGE. 5 E., W.M. SOUP PUMF S'F n'07£ 19 -� 6" m.,n0W TO 70'e EMERGENCY .S7ORA(Y WELL 6" DISGIARC,C PIPING, GUIDE RAILS, LIFT CHAIN, ETC FOR N7UR£ PUMP. 8 /N FROV 10'e LMLRCCNCY 5704AGE BELL 8" IN FROV ' I N7VRf FL YOr 9UBMfR9BL£ PUMP AND Wf7M£CC O PIPING TO BE INSTALLED WIN N£(FSSARY AS DICTA7fD BY OrY 24NCC CaIPLLtiC 111e PV; SCN PROPoS£D CRAIF LANaNG PLAIFQ4M 107 80 VAUL I DRAIN PS MIN. LOAD CAPACITY W7N H/NaT O _. HATCH /N GY➢1'7fR .4c [YEAN/NG 00fR4170YS T0P TO A/811,17 CdJ7RAC J OE96Y TO CrY FOR APPROVAL PR104 70 8fG7WVW6 COWSTRUCRGV - UNIHO'SI REMMC SfffW INSTALL 6" FZ ar A 0V a5G7ARGE P[PC fOR FAP FUTURE JRD PUMP d pD j j O NS7ALL 1 f1 YGT SUDMLR93LE PUMPS (YE NOTc J) _ O l I L ,NIHDIS7 RfCCIVNG LG'✓G- - -- -- -- - - 8' our TO RE_ V• PATTERN R£flfS µCTW2L !r (rrP) . —Tl'-8"x IlrB 11" B" GA If YAL V£ 5' CYAUNIFFiCGYIT SWNG Cafe: TV SCAB CHECK VANE (Fl+R) (IYP ) SLF DETA2 SHE£7 CS JI LNAMXV PIA IF ACCESS D002 \ 39V• i 3 A9 H-10 (OADLNG RA]FD 8LLC0 TYPE 15'IN fRLW SSMH 3 9y. 87 A.B. ToP ELEV--111+.e�/ .L)CP APPROKD ECVIAL, (T)PJ Top EL STAINLESS SIEEL UPPER GUIDE PIPE •HANCYP. BAR RAIL BRACKETS ATTACH 70 (AS RCON 112 a CW4 70P RAB PER 2"e PIC SCN 60 STAINLESS MANUFACTURE SPECYRCARONS. VAUL I DRAIN TOP Pi PE 70 CON7Ra ,\ Ba I 90e BEND (FL) PUMPS L1..3 83 A.A —FANcZ Too PO PIP EM 3@4.83A !&7LWLY PIPE SUPPORT INSTALL 6" 911ND (frp J) IUn'CT 0% TIBLR (.7A. r. fa. HPUMP NO - 20Y SUMP P/7 `- 1.e PV; SC7f 80 VAULT DRAW - - __y' SIAWL_-13 57-lj-L C,A C_CVS 97,VrS A7 30P. Fs05 1"e 5j G>JDe FA'C5 LTrP,i -- 90TIO.0 OF VALVE JAU(7 SuUP PIPING, FL -I6J 5 G.I 0,SCNAR6C P,- (n ) INSIA1L FCF PUMPS : & 1 ON: r AI n45 RMT B' DrRFiDW m w£; 3efd2 As r� y� WIN = TOP OF PunP3 4A96& FL. 36%•68 A.B. \tlll 364.78< .�- CONLRfT.E C-ANn'EI!n'(, i0 .SI.C.r'f a H16H AM LOW Y£NIS SEE DETAILS -9fLET 0,J4 (7)P.f 8' GA If VAL t•£ RISER -- CCPRO-0N REYSTANT LADDER MOUN70 TO CONCRETE LID AND CRAUNG AS APPROWD 8Y CITY AND OSHA S7DS EXTE14D 5TEN AS NECE"AFLY� — Pa lPROPYZ£NE SAFETY SIEP, - ASSOC SAND & GRAVEL CO WC OR APPROt0 EQUAL (TYP) INSTAL( RBLRGRA7F LW 7OP 57EP 791O OF CRA77NG EL. J84b 307.V3 5. 01'£RFZ OW FRGU WC/WZL IF 300.96 30.96 AF, "WC MAIIHaf WIH — RUBBFR GASKET •A'W775 ASSGCIA727D SAND & CRAVCL CO INC. OR APPROVED FalAL ((:ROUT J91VIS IN90C AND DUr(TIP) o• r„4• U .uER W-,.71 ELdEi` 369.876.a PUMP NO2 'ON' EL. J70. 00 _._. PUMP NO 1 01' EL. J6900.— ° CA/i (70 1.3 WCi NCLLJ WF7 NF/! 70.70A, £L. J6607 W"7 )ICLL 90i70M EL. #.G8 365.10 CAST J6 0 ACCESS NIO W RAB INSTALL SID. LCaWC FRAM£ AND LID 39s-31 A.B. 7bP fLEV. _ iCP a LRARNC L ""...'= 383-37 A.B. S - 286 717 'COVED FATE104 Ile Kati ti . �'Z•4-O:: ATOS I ABth Ave. N.E. Suife 700 'C® Bellevue. 11, A- 111 98001 DES IG N 4I5.885.7877 Fu AT5.8B5.7969 ENGINEERING PLANNING • SURVEYING ASBU I LT `, sc-NEI)SEP l3 e.�ja e NW 1/4, NW 1/4, SEC. 14,TWP. 23 N., RGE. 5 E., W.M. 2 Nq7A. 11*00, 1T,277 I T W\\\ SYRFACE CLE"OJ M111GA XN ARIA \ - 1 \ - \? / ! '� / \� / / I I R-1,V #Ili: ��r 55MH 4 7 A5509A 7ES PLANS qo6.,S - 57A. 2f84 R 216 -M--- ttf 0 2'11,, 11' 0 F6Rcr MAW OE4N OUT r do L , I '. 1 /,, -7 L,,..,IAII 50- T SfA 11*0J, SEE Of TAlt 'WET TO CITY OF Rt 05.31 J 20' UnuTy - - - - - - - - - - - a_ Esm,r- Toictrrl OF REIVralv 6.3, 21 _8 5 FA. r V) BRACT I PARK TFACT SSW CP S FN PACE- A 0404 \ 7 Sr A, SZ4 d 1 lips ! MISSION MINE n 'mi-ismong 40mul m 00 %------ KEY MAP 1" 500' J4Lf 002 119 _416 -zoo I 4 F4 E 65 E� 0 r _21 eq .Vr I I ;,� I 4XF 6 !Z 2b'.u71L17)�ANV,A= !mr 6 _�041'v _W E 406 1 7 fu ?075 71,;: ;, 0 o L) 122 AA D SI" a?NN, w1lu AND ACCESS ENV TO i22 '3 164 CTY 6F REN)ZW 122r, -N E 09204 5- /f 404_g 20" STaw iR41N T 4070 ary cF, a:Q /f 4010 00.1485 SCALE: 1 40' AfNIGIN - z - 3, J7Lf i, __W5.6,LF_ 12 ! j .. e%� 1�. \\ . \F 4m. 0 410 J7LF 5' - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 20 40 8.0 'k L5 \STA 2, 167 r2 0 0.1215,1 0. 1115 EF=6 J, E 4050 c 4050 /c 405 \SrA. 64g L T 2.9 1 bd 0 12 17.2 BENCHMARK -_z 0'o'jy5 16 2 WH 14; 169 1 170 17.1 J01 6 ��_ - - \ \ `\\ '\ ��_ _ \ \ \ ,o 1 (2 \E 40.1 a, BENCH MARKS PER CITY OF RENTON I SURVEY ON NAVID 1988 DATUM -j L - ;'a aoqA�, �F5164. L 7 7. 0' 1 157A. 4f< LF 6 P -BASST#1852 = 3 > DISC. IN THE INT.RNE 4THSURFACE ST. (S.E. 128TH ST.) & 148TH AVE S.E. EL. 454.77 OR (138.614 METERS) // '� 9 Gti /T\ \v�31LF B�\ '\ \\` PT#2103 = BROKEN . BRASS SURFACE JR�LF k'Ae2.51 1,4&F. 6­16 0 DISC: IN THE INT. S E. 128TH ST. & n �%/ / //� \\ IN E 40a.0 cp, j / // v� /,-a I 156TH AVE S.E. r ifCF EL .-Io 159 157 11 1 547.94 OR (167.013 METERS) qv 41ZF 6' i'A&r a A.,, I 6 �kg 0 �.o 4&F 6' 0925 0 0. om 4.v 6 1 0:1 'E 402.5 i I /V a 0985 SEE LIFF S7A 7701V PLI, 404.0 E 4050 SHL-ET C5J2. TRACT H \\\ v. �'�.� � --- --- - -� -_ ----- --`z-- -. t; ® sSTORM DRAINAGE \� \\X\\ \ : '-' ", 00.1090 TO HOMEOWNERS T,_ _c g -8 2-8- 45' BEND (mila) ASSOCIATIOW ;­ -, \ \' \\ 'I,' , .. � 09061 10' W, 2-8- Wa-s (FZ-Md), 70 0. A " --,- \ •I I I LOCI ff AS J_ - '\ . -\ rr WNIUN.. Qo 8' CLEANO I \\\ SSW I A UT CCINC. BLOCKWC V2 OB80 Z it 392 00.0815 1 005 .1 6', 8 0." E 4W.0 29 jo II 9 L- 4,v o 1 401.0 1 1 IF 40), o /L 0 �d .0 T 130 '131, 1 132 33 1.34' 1E'(02'o 0 1,�n� � , rn Y. 5; < J �.f 4 1! 51 0 FUAIRL, S-WH t �Z0 2 n < 72A v WuRi Z0241FASW00 N 88'00'19."W 4-26-01 01. 2WR _,7 :01 . L� '. . . 12' WA 7ERMAIN Oo,w SSW 2 1277.42 z 50 -01, 1 XA IE AS W#V I XA E AS ,S+IONN < J O 41LIS 14111 Ave. 11,1, S,11, 1,10 z W.,h)�,,­ 98007 �25.885.7877 F­ 425,885.79e,3 ENGINEERING PLANNING SURVEYIN.G p_2 SCANNED FEB15 2002 ASBUILT z - cv94168CS06 7 P 0 ,72LL 1% FR G S6 -%o f o� 1X4 Op Y., 3 a E E E- ?a _E �mE E a� h /7 L/FT S TA T/ON NOTES 1. THE- SAAOTARY .SEWER LIFT STA ZION SHALL BE CONSIRUC7ED AS SHOWN IN PLAN AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE S'ECIF7CA 17 WS AND 7H£ CITY OF RLW70N STANDARDS AND SPEWMA PONS 2. THE COWTRAC70R .SMALL SUBMIT TO THE CITY OF RENTON, AND THE OWNERS ENGINEER, FOUR (4) SETS OF D£TAXED SHOP DRAWINGS M THE LIFT STA77ON. SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL INCLUDE DETAILS OF THE FOLLOWING BUT SHALL NOT BE UMITED TO 7H£ FOLLOWING I. MANHOLE CHAMBER BASE AND TOP S£CRON. 6. SIDE AWAY PUMP COUPLINGS 2. PUMPS WITH PERFORMANCE CURVES 7 1•UMP SLIDE RAILS J. ELECTRICAL 600FUENT B VALVES PIPING AND FmwcS 4- ELECTRICAL MOTORS. 9. LADDERS 5 LIFT STATION ACCESS LID, ACCEPTANCE FOR 4VSTALLA77ON OF THE PUMPING UNITS SHALL BE CONDNCENT UPON THE COMPLETENESS OF THE ABOVE INFORMARON THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM TESTS IN THE PRESENCE OF THE C17Y OF RENTON INSPEC77CIV AND THE OWNERS ENGNEER 70 WERIFY COMPLETE COMPLIANCE W711 THESE DRAWINCS .I THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL AS SHOWN OW THE DRAWINGS 1i40 aYGT MODEL CP-3152-454 WASTE WATER PUMPS OF THE SUBMERSIBLE; OUICK-DISCOWNECDON TYPE. EACH PUMP SHALL HAVE A CAPACITY OF 510 GPM AT A TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD OF IGO FEET. MOTORS SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 20 HP, 1750 RPM, 3 PHA5E 60 HZ 480 VOLTS PUMPS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO PASS NOT LES5 THAN A 3 INCH DIAMETER SOLID. EACH PUMP IMPELLER SHALL BE TRIAIMED 70 THE EXACT FLOW AND WAD OLWLNDOV AND OVERSIZED MO7ORS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTABLE U07ORS SHALL EACH 1NCLLUOE 40 FEET OF WA 7ERPROOF POWER CABLE AND SIGNAL CABLE W17H FACTORY -INSTALLED WA MR77GYHT C13VN£C770VS STAINLESS STEEL CABLE SUPPORT GRIPS fWTH SINGLE U-EYE ROD, FOR EACH GROUP OF MOTOR WIRES SHALL BE FURNISHED. 4. EACH PUMP SHALL HAVE A BASE MOUN771VG PLATE WIN QUICK DISCCWNECT DISCHARGE ELBOW, NOW SPARKINC PUATP GUIDE BRACKET, AND GUIDE RAILS CONTRACTOR W U SUPPL Y STAINLESS CABLE (NYLON COVERED ALL CABLE -WALL BE U.L. USTED) OF ADEQUATE CAPACITY AND LENGTH FOR RAISING AND LOWERING PUMP -MOTOR ASSEMBLY. THE PUMP REMOVAL SYSTEM SHALL BE CON57RUCTED WIN STAINLESS STEEL MATERIALS, INCLUDING GUIDE BRACKEIS AND RAILS 5 SEWAGE PUMP PIPING AND VALVES SHALL BE AS SHOWN SCHFAIARCALLY ON THE DRAWINGS PIPE SHALL BE DUCTILE IRLW CONFORMING TO THE RfOIAREMENTS OF ANSI A21.50, APE WALL THICKNESS SHALL BE AS REQUIRED FOR 7HICKNESS CLASS 50. PIPE FLANGES SHALL CONFORM 70 THE REIXUKiEYENTS OF ANSI 816.1, CLASS 125. ALL PIPE PASSING THROUGH CONCRETE WALLS SHALL PASS THROUGH A MECHANICAL JG'NT SLEEVEWINNEOPRENE GASKETS FLEA78LE COUPLINGS SHALL BE THE GAWIM SLEEVE TYPE. COUPLINGS SHALL BE CENTERED ON THE PIPE JOINT AND PROPERTY ASSEMBLED 70 PROVIDE A WATER77GHT JOINT UNDER ALL CON01770NS OF EXPANSICK C0N7RAC770N AND AMECRO.N. 6. GA 7E VALVES SHALL BE RESILIENT SEAT GAT£ VALVES CONFORMING 70 THE 1.4 TEST AWWA STANDARD. VALVES SHALL HAVE END TYPES AS NEEDED FOR INSTALLA77ON AND HA NOW -RISING STEM WIN HANDWHEEL. CHECK VALVES SHALL BE SWING TYPE NON -SLAM fWTH BRONZE DISC AND SEAT RINGS AND OU7SDE LEVER AND WE76HT5 VALVES SHALL BE EQUAL TO MOH. GATE VAL WES AND CHECK VAL VfS SHALL BE FUSION HONED EPDXY COATED INSIDE AND OUT. 7. 57RUC77JRAL STEEL SHALL BE ASTM A36. FABR/CA770N SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WIN ACCEPTED SHOP P RACOCES ALL JOINTS SHALL BE WELDED EXCEPT WHERE 07HER FASTENING ME7HODS ARE SHOWN ON THE PLANS B CHAIN LINK FENCE FABRIC SHALL BE NO. 9 WfRE SMOOTH KNUCKLE FINISH 70P AND BOTTOM. FABRIC TO BE GALVANIZED. CORNER AND 1NTERMED/ATE POSTS - 2 7A INCH O.D. STANDARD PIPE, GA IF POSTS - 4 INCH O.D. STANDARD PIPE. PROVIDE POST CAPS FOR ALL POSTS TOP RAIL - CON77NUOUS 1 518 INCH O.D. STANDARD PIPE SECURE FABRIC W7H WIRE CLIPS, 14 INCHES D.C. ON LINE POSTS 72 INCHES 0C CH RAILS AND TENSION WIRES SET POSTS 3' - 0" INTO CONCRETE FOOTINGS 9 INCH MINIMUM DIAMETER 3= 4" DEEP. DRILL 118 INCH HOLE IN PIPE POST ,RUST ABOVE BASE. GA 7E 70 HAVE" HEAVY PRESSED STEEL CONNECTIONS, HINGES AND LATCH. LATCH AND ACCEPT PADLOCK ALL 57FEL 7O BE GAL VANIZED. 9. DUPLEX UOU19 LEVEL CON7ROL PANEL,' NEMA 3 R VANDAL PROOF, DOUBLE DOOR FACTORY WIRED AND T£S7M PRESET ELECTRICAL CONTROL PANEL; IND1CA 77NC UG 17S AS REQUIRED, RELAYS; HOA; COURINA 77ON STARTERS WIN QUICK- TRIP HEATERS,' PUMP AL 7ERNA 70R!5� TRANSDUCER LEVEL CONTROL/ SYSTEM; HOUR METERS AND AMP GAUGES FOR EACH PUMP. 10. POWER SERVICE TO PUMP STA 770N TO BE INSTALLED BY PUGET SOUND ENERGY. A RECEPTACLE SHALL BE PROVIDED AT THE PUMP STA DON FOR CONNECTION TO 7HE CITY OF R£NTON5 PORTABLE GENERATOR THE RECEPTACLE SHALL BE CROUSE HINDS AREA 10486. 11. CCN77?OL/LOGVC RfOU/REM£NTS ARE AS FOLLOWS' A. WE7A£LL LEWEZ SHALL BE MEASURED USING A TRANSDUCER. B. START AND STOP LEVEL FLOATS SHALL BE USED FOR BACK-UP CONTROL WITH A H16H LEVEL FLOAT. 12 7HE FOLLOWING SHALL SE PERMANENTLY MOUNTED AT 771E PUMP STA77ON IN A LOCA770N APPROVED BY 771E OWNER. PERMANENT Y ENGRAVED OPERA 77NG DIAGRAM OF THE CONTROL AND MECHANICAL FEATURES INCLUDING WET WELL VOLUME PER FOOT, BASE ELEVA 7701H, OVERFLOW ELEVA DON, EMERGENCY STORAGE LIMITED, PUMP OPERA 77NG SET POIN75 AND A HR/TTEN DESCRIP77ON OF PUMP OPERA 77ON 13. THE MOTOR STARTERS SHALL USE REDUCED VOL TACE SOLID STATE STARTER Wf7H MAGNETIC ONLY CIRCUIT BREAKER PRO 7EC770% AND AN ABOVE STA7701V DISCONNECI. 14. CHECK VALVES SHALL HAVE LIMIT SWITCH SENSORS FOR POS177VE PUMP REPORT -BACK CAPABILITY. 15. COAT INSIDE WET WELL WITH A POL YUREA ELASTOMER: POL YSHIELD S5-100 OR EOUAL (COA 77NG TO BE WH17£) COAT OUTSIDE OF WET WELL WITH 77VEMEC 46H-41J COAL TAR EPDXY. 16. ALL R 77NGS WITHIN WET WELL SHALL BE FLANGED EXCEPT WHERE NOTED ON PLANS PROVIDE SHACKLE RODS AND HANGER SUPPORTS AS NEEDED. PIPING AND THRUST BCOCK/NG TO BE TEST TO 75LPS 77. CONCRETE SHALL BE PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE AND SHALL DEVELOP A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF JOOD PSI 18 ALL ELECTRICAL WIRING AND EOUIPMENT INSTALLED IN THE "WET WELL" SECTION MUST COMPLY WITH AR77CLE 22 OF THE ELECTRICAL SAFETY ORDERS FOR CLASS 1, DIVISION 1, HAZARDOUS LOCA 77ON PROVISIONS OF THE NATIONAL ELEC7RICAL CODE" AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE LOCAL CODES AND ORDINANCES A CITY OF RENTON ELECTRICAL PERMIT W)LL BE REOUIRED FOR THE LIFT STA 77ON W47RK. 19. ALL CONDUITS SHALL BE GALVANIZED RIGID CONDUIT WITH )TREADED HUB FIT77NGS AND BOXES. CONDUIT ENTERING 771E WET WELL SHALL BE PVC COATED GRC INSIDE, AWD OUTSIDE 20. ALL ELEC7RICAL WIRE SHALL BE "7HWr COPPER CONDUCTOR OR APPROVED EQUAL. 21. ALL NUTS BOLTS AND WASHERS SHALL BE J04 SS/J/6 S5, NO EXCEPTIONS 22 AN OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL SHALL BE SUPPLIED BY TH£ CONTRACTOR AFTER RENEW AND APPROVAL BY THE CITY OF RENTON AND THE OWNER'S ENGINEER. 2J ALL FITTINGS VALVES PIPE, GUIDE RAILS, AND ELECTRICAL BOXES SHALL BE PROVIDED UNDER THIS JOB FOR ACCEPTANCE OF A THIRD PUMP TO BE ADDED IN 7HE FUTURE 7HE ST4770N, WHEN COMPLETE, SHALL BE ABLE TO ACCEPT THE PUMP WITHOUT ANY A00177ONS OR MODIFICAAONS TO THE STA ROM NW 1/4, NW 1/4, SEC. 14, TWP. 23 N., RGE. 5 E., W.M. LIFT S TA T/ON SITE PLAN 24. ACCESS HATCHES TO VAULT AND WF WELL SHALL BE DOUBLE ALUM/NUM DIAMOND PLATE ACCESS DOOR EOUAL TO BLLCO TYPE ✓D, DOORS TO LOCK IN VER77CAL P0S7700V W17HOUT MOVEMENT, SPRING ASSISTED OPENING H-20 LOAD RAZED, MILL FINISH, RECESSED HASP COVERED WIN HINGED LID. MOUNT PER MANUFACTURES RECOMMENDA 77ONS. ALL HARDWARE AND FASTENERS SHALL BE TYPE 316 STAINLESS STEEL. ROUTE 1 112" PVC DRAIN PIPE FROM FRAME TO BELOW INTERIOR GRA 77NG ENCNEERING CALCULA 770NS SHALL BE PROWD£D 70 SUBSTANDA TE H-20 LOAD RA 77NG. PROVIDE ACCESS HATCHES WITH TWO STAINLESS STEEL SAFETY CHAINS ON EACH MEN END. PROVIDE EACH CHAIN WTH ONE STAINLESS STEEL CLEWS CRAP HOOK WITH SAFETY CUP FOR EASY REMOVAL 25. PROVIDE A POTABLE WATER SERVICE CONNECTION TO STA DON WfIH A 3/4-INCH'. HOSE BIB, 50 FEET OF INDUSTRIAL GRADE HOSE, AND HOSE REEL WATER SERVICE SHALL MEET CITY OF RDV70N STANDARD CONNEC7701V DETAILS AND HAVE A REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTOR ABOVE GRADE IN A HOT BOX THE RP DEVICE SHALL BE WRAPPED IN ELECTRICAL HEAT TAPE A CFO RECEPTACLE SHALL BE PROVIDED IN THE HOT BOX FOR POWER TO PRE HEAT TAPE 26. PROVIDE A TEE nTRNG ON 771E INFLUENT PIPE TO THE HE7WELL FOR DEFLECTING SEWAGE AWAY FROM THE PUMP. 27 ALL MECHANICAL PIPING /N DRY VAULT SHALL BE PAINTED WITH 7NEMEC SERIES 66 HI -BUILD EPDXOL/NE CITY TO CHOOSE COLOR. 18. 7HE ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE STRUCTURE WILL CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING CONS7RUC77ON DETAILS FOUNDATION: CONVENRONAL CONCRETE SPREAD FOOTING WITH 8" THICK STEM WALL FLOORING: ONCE ALL OF THE CONDUITS ARE EXTENDED, A 4" THICK CONCRE7F SLAB WILL BE POURED FRAMING.' THE BUILDING WILL BE WOOD FRAMED WITH 2,4 STUDS AND 2,6 ✓0157S SIDING HARDI PLANK SIDING, 8" SLAB WITH 112 LAP. ROOFING 25 YEAR COMPOS17701V ROOF. PRIOR TO ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION, DETAILED PLANS WILL BE PREPARED AND SUBMITTED FOR CITY RENEW. 29. VALVE VAULT SUMP PUMP SHALL BE PACO PIP 702A OR APPROVED EOUAL WITH 1 1/2" COPPER GATF VALVE, 1 112" COPPER SWING CHECK VALVE AND 1 112" COPPER UNION. JD. PROVIDE EXTRA VALVE KEY TO BE STORED HA'SOE ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 1 "=10' S.. qdb,&7j9 SCALE: 1" = 10� 0 5 10 20 - -DESIGN Com v_. ENGINEERING .... _..... ASBU I LT 1- 4-26-01 1 1-//-0/ 4205 148ih Ave. N.E 5uire 200 Belle,�e, Wo hing- 96007 4258857877 Fay 42S.8857963 PLANNING • SURVEYING 9416SC532 SCANNED SEP 13 2002 ii LAIC A k WASH04GTON ... W—Po .z i. ,. Remora ( '�o"iOs PROJECT SM My AKYKJ .�-oW 1�nrv1 lil 111� • ... if} ..af4 �un W � .j Q �. `HJIlt' r.. f � atf 1 Ilq\ REFERENCE: 2010 GOOGLE MAP VICINITY MAP NO SCALE woRT.i REFERENCE: 2007 GOOGLE EARTH LOCATION MAP NO SCALE 4C CA,.o. #Alo% CITY OF RENTON EAST RENTON LIFT STATION ELIMINATION PRELIMINARY — 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL PROJECT NO. WWP-27-3549 DRAWING LIST CITY OF RENTON SHEET NO DRAWING No. DESCRIPTION 1 G-01 COVER SHEET 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY 2 3 G-02 cat GENERAL NOTES, CONSTRAITSAlD LEGENDS EXISTING srcE AND CONSTRAINTS 4 C-02 TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN 5 C-04 ONPLAN RENTON, WA 98057 6 C-04 SITEDEMAND SITE AND PIPING PLAN 7 C-05 PIPING PLAN AND PROFILE - STA 0-00 • STA 5.00 6 C-06 PIPING PLAN AND PROFILE - STA 5.00 • STA 10.31 s C-07 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS - I 10 C-m MLSCELLANEOUS DETAILS -I 11 L-01 BUFFER ENHANCEMENT t STREAM RESTORATION PLANTING PLAN t DETAILS 12 L-02 STREAMBAW PLANT SCHEDULE t LANDSCAPE DETAILS The undersigned has approved this document Tor and on behalf O1 Carolo Engineers Washington P.C. Partner JUNE 2011 CONTACT PERSONNEL DAVE CHRISTENSEN WASTEWATER UTILITY SUPERVISOR (425) 430-7212 PRELIMINARY - 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL BRED ,rriLnEs N AREA PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG ' 907A24.5556 BUILDING MATERIALS LINE WORK DRAWING CROSS REFERENCE 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS BEFORE STARTING WORK AND SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. VIEW IN SECTION NEW OR EXISTING STRUCTURES - 2. UNLESS DETAILED, SPECIFIED, OR OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THE MATERIAL EXISTING REMOVE NEW DETAIL OR SECTION DRAWINGS, CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE AS INDICATED IN THE APPLICABLE NEW OR EXISTING STRUCNRES HIDDEN IDENTIFICATION TYPICAL DETAILS AND GENERAL NOTES. TYPICAL DETAILS SHALL APPLY CONCRETE •' EVEN THOUGH NOT REFERENCED AT SPECIFIC LOCATIONS ON DRAWINGS. 7f NEW PIPING (TRIPLE LINES) — 0.1 3. WHERE NO CONSTRUCTION DETAILS ARE SHOWN OR NOTED FOR ANY PART OF WORK, DETAILS SHALL BE THE SAME AS FOR OTHER SIMILAR WORK. SOLI ���/���/ ��/ ��177 NEW PIPING HIDDEN (TRIPLE LINES) — — — — — — — DETAIL OR SECTION TAKEN / NEW PIPING (SINGLE LINE) ON THE SAME SHEET ABBREVIATIONS VIEW IN PLAN (NEW SHOWN -EXISTING SCREENED) NEW PIPING HIDDEN (SINGLE LINE) - - - - - - - DETAIL OR SECTION IS AS ABC ANCHOR SOLT AGGREGATE BASE COURSE R OR RAD RDCR RADIUS REDUCER GRATING SPAN PAVEMENT EXISTING PIPING (TRIPLE LINES) TAKEN ON THE DRAWING INDICATED AC ASPHALTIC CONCRETE REF REFERENCE ---- — _ _ _ _ — AFF ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR RE REINFORCE (D) (LNG) (MENT) EXISTING PIPING HIDDEN (TRIPLE LINES) _ _ _ _ - _ _ AHR ANCHOR READQD REQUIRED AT TITLE ALM ALARM OTHER EXISTING PIPING (SINGLE LINE) AL ALUMINUM 5 SEWAGE OR SOUTH APPROX APPROXIMATE SCV SWING CHECK VALVE EXISTING PIPING HIDDEN (SINGLE LINE) — — — — — — — TYPICAL DETAIL REFERENCE ASTM AMERICAN SOCIETY OF TESTING AND MATERIALS SO STORM DRAIN VIEW IN PLAN BUBBLE AUTO AUTOMATIC SIM SIMILAR NEW EQUIPMENT OR PIPING CENTERLINE — AVG AVERAGE SPEC SPECIFICATION EXISTING TYPICAL DETAIL NUMBER AT SS SSFM SANITARY SEWER, GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN WETLAND EXISTING EQUIPMENT OR PIPING CENTERLINE IDENTIFICATION BSP BLACK STEEL PIPE SSMH SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE SST STAINLESS STEEL NEW EQUIPMENT DETAIL OR SECTION CA CONCRETEANCHOR STA STATION IDENTIFICATION CB CATCH BASIN STD STANDARD STREAM ® NEW EQUIPMENT HIDDEN — — — — — — — p D11 CHNL CHANNEL STL STEEL T C) CONSTRUCTION JOINT S/W SIDEWALK EXISTING EQUIPMENT ETAIL OR SECTION CLOR CENTERLINE SURVEY LEGEND (EXISTING LINE WORK) REFERENCE BUBBLE CLP CONTROL PANEL TOM TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD NEW FITTING CND CONDUIT TOC TOP OF CONCRETE CO CLEANOUT TYP TYPE DETAIL OR SECTION IS TO BE COMP COMPACTED 6; WATER VALVE (� MONUMENT NOT TIED THIS SURVEY EXISTING TO BE REMOVED FOUND ON THE SAME SHEET CONC CONCRETE V OR VLV VALVE _ HYDRANT COON CONNECTION VERT VERTICAL G FOUND CASED MONUMENT FIRE DEPT. CONNECTION NEW PIPING CALL -OUT 3' PW DETAIL OR SECTION IS TO BE FOUND ON THE DRAWING CON STR CONT CONSTRUCTION CONTINUE (D) (OUS) OR CONTROL VOL VOLUME WATER METER a SET MAG NAIUALUMINUM WASHER INDICATED CP CONTROL POINT W WEST, WIDTH Ki POST INDICATOR VALVE STAMPED CONTROL' EXISTING PIPING CALL -OUT 3' PN' CPLG COUPLING W/ WITH QS © MANHOLES (SSISD) TYPICAL DETAIL IS TO BE D DRAIN, DEPTH W/O WITHOUT OO SET 5B' IRON REBAR W/ RED ❑ CB PLASTIC CAP STAMPED *PACE CONTROL' FOUND ON THE TYPICAL DETAIL DRAWINGS DBH DIAMETER BREAST HEIGHT -O- POWERAlTIL TY POLE UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. DEG D DEGREE DETAIL - 'ANCHOR SOLTEST PR JUNCTION BOX AT CROSS REFERENCE DILA OR DIM DIAMETER DIMENSION POWER TRANSFORMER DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE I P ' j POWERRELEPHONE VAULT DWG DRAWING CENTER LIES OPM POWER METER CENTERLINES E EAST ❑ TELEPHONE/TV RISER PROPERTY LINES --- ---- - EA EACH GAS VALVE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES , EL OR ELEV ELEVATION EASEMENT LINES — — -- — -- — ELEC ELECTRICAL) GAS METER LOT LINES-— — - EMBED EMBEDMENT O- -� STREET LIGHT DITCH LINE SANITARY SEWER NOTES: ENGR ENGINEER r SPOT ELEVATION WATER LINE EDP EDGE OF PAVEMENT SIGN SANITARY SEWER LINE — ss 1. THE HOURS OF WORK IN THE STREET RIGHT OF WAY SHALL BE PER CITY SPECIFICATIONS ON WEEKDAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE EQL EQUAL MAILBOX STORM DRAM LINE a APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE PLANNINGIBUILDINGMUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. AN APPROVED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN MUST EQPT EQUIPMENT SUBDIVISION LIES --- - - - - - -- BE OBTAINED PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY WORK WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. EXIST EXISTING G ROCKERY GAS LINE -c UNDERGROUND POWER LINES ____ _ _ —� 2. ALL LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO FlG FLANGE CONIFEROUS TREE UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINES VERIFY THE TRUE AND CORRECT LOCATION SO AS TO AVOID DAMAGE OR DISTURBANCE. FRP FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC ^. UNDERGROUND POWER LINES/ -- wiu� ---- FT FOOT, FEET ' DECIDUOUS TREE TELEPHONE LINES 3. A PRECIO ONSTRUCTN CONFERENCE AND A 24 HOUR NOTICE SHALL BE REQUIRED PRIOR TO STARTING NEW CONSTRUCTION. IT j V UNDERGROUND CABLE TV LIES -�.� SHALL BE THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO SECURE ALL NECESSARY PERMITS PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. GIS GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES n (INSPECTION WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CITY OF RENTON.) IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S ACV IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE . CHAIN LINK FENCE -- c - o - RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY THE PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF BACKFILLING ALL CONSTRUCTION. HOPE HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE WINE FENCE , _ S DRIP LINE ' ' 4 AND SEQUENCES OF CONSTRUCTION AND FOR THE SAFETY ID INSIDE DIAMETER OR INSIDE DIMENSION WOOD FENCE -- --- --- OF WORKERS AND OTHERS ONOTNHE CONSTRUCTION SITE.METHODS IE INVERT ELEVATION INVT INVERT 5. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN STREET USE AND ANY OTHER RELATED PERMITS PRIOR TO SURVEY NOTES: ANY CONSTRUCTION. L LENGTH LF LINEAR FEET 6. A COPY OF THESE APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE WHENEVER CONSTRUCTION IS IN PROGRESS. HORIZONTAL DATUM: MAX MAXIMUM NAD 83-01 BASED ON FOUND MONUMENTS WCCS 02932 (PACE CONTROL POINT 02)A CONCRETE MONUMENT 7. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED AND MULCHED OR OTHERWISE STABILIZED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE MOO MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY AT THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 14 AND WCCS #2900 (PACE CONTROL POINT #17) A 4- DEPARTMENT FOR THE PREVENTION OF ON -SITE EROSION AFTER THE COMPLETION CA CONSTRUCTION. MECH MECHANICAL CONCRETE MONUMENT IN A CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF SE 142ND STREET AND 148TH PLACE SE. MFRS MANUFACTURERS 8. IN UNIMPROVED AREAS, MANHOLE TO EXTEND MINIMUM 6 INCHES AND MAXIMUM 12 INCHES ABOVE FINISHED GRADE OR MUST MH MANHOLE, SANITARY VERTICAL DATUM: HAVE MINIMUM 7 DIAMETER CONCRETE RING POURED AT GRADE. IN PAVED AREA, COVER MUST SLOPE IN ALL DIRECTIONS TO MIN MINIMUM NAVD 88 BASED ON CITY OF RENTON BM TMENT212T BEING A FOUND ROUND CONCRETE MONUMENT IN A MATCH PAVING. MISC MMLLANEOUS CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF SE 142ND STREET AND 149TH PLACE SE, (ELEVATION • 363.72 FEET). N NORTH LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ' NE NORTH EAST THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP NO NUMBER 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON: EXCEPT THE WEST 30 FEET THEREOF: AND NOM NOMINAL THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 14. TOWNSHIP NTS NOT TO SCALE 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W JA., IN KING COUNTY WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THOSE PORTIONS OF SAID . SECTIONS 14 AND 15 HERETOFORE CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING OD OUTSIDE DIAMETER NUMBER 9401060SZ? PL PROPERTY LINE PNL PANEL PSI POUND PER SQUARE INCH PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PVMT PAVEMENT C�cafrlln PRELIMINARY - 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL BURIED UTILITIES IN AREA PLEASE GALL BEFORE YOU DOG, IMOA24-W I i I I PARKSIDE COURT GENERAL NOTES: i I'll, - 178282.36 I A. EXISTING SURVEY CONDUCTED MAY 2009 IDENTIFIES 0 I E • 131 A9553 E N • 178348.58 TREES 6INCHES DBH AND LARGER. NOT ALL TREES AND •,31W95.86 CP C8 I SHRUBBERY ARE SHOWN. LIMITS OF WETLANDS AND m I I ! ! CP 06 635D-10.BR/C _ _ STREAMS ARE APPROXIMATE. I I 635D-10.6R/C N . 178111.131 N - 1771901335 E = 1316613559 r _ p- I B. ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL AVOID DIRECT I I E • 1316600.52D ELEV • 390A8 / / I \ I I STORMvr'ATER WETLAND DISTURBANCE. ELEV s 381.31 - - CP 03 / ms i 1 \ i DETENTION C. REPLACE ALL DISTURBED FENCING WITH LIKE KIND 635D-10.3R/C N� N - 171 79.84 ) \ I POND REPLACEMENT. I I / 20 PERMANENT E s 131661122 / CP 07 P E - 1316594.08 V CP ez -BRASS DISC D. EAST RENTON LIFT STATION SHALL REMAIN IN SERVICE EASEMENT (TYP) / 6350.10.7R/C AT ALL TIMES THROUGH COMPLETION OF THE PROTECT. I / N • 177929.79 \ ELEV • 390.63 N s 178210.066 I I 6350.102MON / E • 131Z96.21 \ / E - 1316601979 �t ) ) \ N-178279.481 \ MAPLEWOOD PAS O ELEV • 390.59 t`p I ELEV - 39267M E. LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN IS BASED ON i I I RECORD DRAWINGS AND FIELD LOCATES. ALL EXISTING �c . (, I (OWN: 1 / y �.,81j.�`,. Jtyt �C � / � UTILITIES ARE SHOWN APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR I I / CONSTRUCLIMITSOY, '`* T * "30 7;( 4C ��-(] ___ 1 _- I SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES of P) TPG �.� _ �' _ _ z t, r �j^ �Ll� �r / / _ •�-.- \ AFFECTED BY THIS PROTECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. ------ SHALL WITHIN THE I• I / l9e `"��' �°` i'C ' ITP,1\'�' •3'.�` ' " y�_ -m ✓ F LIMITS«CONSTRUCTION SHOWN ON THE PLANS. ' I CP CB / / _ --M_. v - 1.__---_- G. ALL DISTURBED ARE SS HALL BE RESTORED HE PROJECT.TEXISTING _ - "7//Iy- - - - -` - - - - - - - ALL DISTURBED AT AREAS SHALL BE RESTORED TO 10'CONSTRUCTIOI4 / F� ( H: •L•" ,_J 1 \ ' 6350.t0.13M 380- I EASEMENT (TYP) / / / ' _ i w N • 177 7 : N...•+ l 1 /• - N -177613380 ��( - % - ijo(,' cP Eu 13 662621 `:\ / i pig / / / \ N > �7 ;x ; k, H. CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN DRIVABLE ACCESS TO THE E • 1316607.095 - _ / ,N �( t J �y .•,_ce:;< .. ELEV • 381.17 - / / / CP C12 m 1 ` I �cAI, I > \�• V VALVE VAULT EXISTING EAST RENTON LIFT STATION AND ACCESS TO ALL - �� ��CC E � 131867AA0 1 \ OF ITS FACILITIES FOR CRY PERSONNEL AT ALL 1635611.12AWIW __ i .,.�;el`c;•;.:>:a: < .: Q / TIMES. I `) r N • 177669 S29 Ne17 4 / 1 I 7429. 7 _ w I - % O E 3 6685320 - t T PR TEMPORARY FENCING / - L CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE E 3 6764A1 - �1,� -ELE T BLDG �� I C LEV • I E 380.72 c �ri _ .. �T` T MAINTAIN SITE _ W ' / GATES, AND LOCKS AS REQUIRED O _ .. m O , 6350.10.9RIC --% s- N � 1 1 ^ii?'•?`,i: e):h,':S�v.a' 1 �, O I SECURITY AND SAFETY AT ALL TIMES. / / / / N • 177717.766 ' BRIAR HILLS / / - �( : •��"� / RJ l 1 / 3 6 5.522 - No. 4 / / / Ee71 ELEV . 37822-'" Q 4.:'f:>`;ie•'.,cz ,.. ayY.. CP C71 •BRASS //� L '1' ` N • 17B289.76 / , � 9 i / / N / \ P ev�ir` f DISC W/ PUNCH N 'w / l P \ / "!�,iev'.,`;:". N / q E • 1316727.70 m r1 ,r 6 11 11 0 350- MIC N • t7780291 m w N Ns1774 711 1 3 3 / Iasi?c?; c<x" P 9 t�1 2 .1 1 m1 (TY ) E 3 6 B O _ a Es131 11 7 / o / t 680 0 ELEV - 74 17 i 1 3 1196, / / �► � 1 WART R STE C EEK - � (TYP)_ 1 I- �i _ 4 I 1 - / I I - 1 o / '3 0 / l axe: d%r^ 1 t \ / 461h \ SE 'y R o \\ S E ACCESS - - 8 TR6 •..+•7p 3 / .x»Ca. r :3 - _ q O O O / I C IRO i i •t t 6 N 776 294 J / 6350.20R/C 9 i i �/ !I i • 1 1 E 3 6819.79 i N+97 1 B 62209 f I (TYP) E .,, ,2.623 / - 368 4 1 i 1. I 1 ELEV • 38.9.00 i i 1 R:n l N • cl 1ne I - 1 2696 ,, 635D-3 .72WC 3t fa cone `� I 8 I � m I Iw Est 1 77 3 6844.1 N - 7 955.198 / PAD! A W� I 1 m W V I w E s 11316824221 ,o 5 � m 9 N I I CP C11 ELEV s 383.78 635D-11.11MNANL�- rn ,. 1 N177587910�M P MAPLEWOOD PARK - - - E-1316805.701 \ 635DJ723R/C ELEV - 375.71'�� N - 177787.655 / E - 1316SO4.772 WETLANDS (TYP) .► / ELEV • 389.67 UNINCORPORATED KING COUNTY W / / CITY OF RENTON LIMITS I KING COUNTY WETLAND AND STREAM BUFFER LIMITS I \ / N - 178314AB / E •E 1317 _.._........ . A PLAN .I I F0.E: 8235C00:>100 30 WATER EASEMENT IW.D. Iq MAPLEWOOD PARK BOUNDARY I I Q 6 J PACE ENGINEERS, PC au•c T,M' •omn�� o EAST RENTON - WET l / LIFT STATION WELL FACILITY i L - EMERGENCY STORAGE TELL N - 178321.61 - E - 1316728.10 KEY NOTES: RAIN TER EAST AND WEST OF SURVEY IS MAPLEWOOD / PARK AND 6 HEAVILY FORESTED SIMILAR TO WHAT IS SHOWN ON EXISTING SURVEY. MAPLEWOOD PARK IS AN CP C5 INACTIVE PARK. I 2 N s 178301528 LIMITS OF C CTpONSTRUN TO EDGE OF GRAVEL ROAD O 1 E- 1316729.093 UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. ELEV-39521 LIMITS CONSTRUCTION TO FENCE LINE UNLESS I 3 L S OF , I CONTRACTOR O OTHERWISE INDICATED. 5 STAGING AREA O1 LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION TO CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. CP 94 l 6350.10.4RIC ' N - 178309.163 O CONTRACTOR STAGING AREA LIMBED TO EDGE OF MAPLEWOOD GRAVEL DRIVE AND OTHER LIMBS AS INDICATED. ESTATES EIEi-wtlm I I 6' FENCE (7YP) 1 1 . 1 CITY OF RENTON I� j N - 178329.69 / \ \ E - 131704235 ---rj\ y \1FC UTILITY AND ACCESS \ EASEMENT TO CRY F OF RENTON � I I I , I _ I C3 PRELIMINARY - 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL BURIED UTUMS N ARFA PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1.807.121.55% I _ ' ► I I I I ► � I ► i ► I ► ► ( I / i 20• PERMANENT / EAS EMENT(TYP) ► I ► / / \ ---ODD PARK I I LIMITS OF ► ► I / CONSTRUCTION m1`1J,� 7� J•,C ijt I (i ► ► ► ► l I f lIi W I m I� ► it ► ► 7 �BI ► N = 177429.47 E=13 6676441 / ..—.._. _.._..—.._.._.._..I,C..—.. 37 BRIAR HILLS / ► No.4 �,///�11���` ► � SILT FENCE / 10'6Qgb CfT1IyOpN EASEK7ENT�'ltld--- / 1 / I / / 7 i I� �11111111+�11� ��� N = 11C162,JO E = 1316495.53 N� B / 1 4 STREAM DEWATERING T / C48 RP . y - PARK GENERAL NOTES: COURTRT N = 178349.58 A. EXISTING SURVEY CONDUCTED MAY 2G09 IDENTIFIES E - 1316495.86 TREES 6 INCHES DSH AND LARGER. NOT ALL TREES AND SHRUBBERY ARE SHOWN. LIMITS OF WETLANDS AND STREAMS ARE APPROXIMATE. .-- -4 B. ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL AVOID DIRECT WETLAND DISTURBANCE. STORMWATER \ I DETENTION C. REPLACE ALL DISTURBED FENCING WITH LIKE KIND POND REPLACEMENT. v D. EAST RENTON LIFT STATION SHALL REMAIN IN SERVICE I AT ALL TIMES THROUGH COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. I E LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN IS BASED ON I RECORD DRAWINGS AND FIELD LOCATES. ALL EXISTING \ UTILITIES ARE SHOWN APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES D 1 I I 1 I 11 6 I A MAPLEWOOD PARK O WETLANDS(TYP) / UNINCORPORATED_ T / / KING COUNTY / / CITY OF RENTON J 4 , / LIMITS m 2 / / KING COUNTY WETLAND AND STREAM BUFFER LIMITS o / N = 178314.46 EE=1317- MAPLEWOOD PARK BOUNDARY - -��_- AFFECTED BY THIS PROJECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. - F. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN OPERATIONS WITHIN THE m / - _ - - - = 3g 1 G. LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION SHOWN ON THE PLANS. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE RESTORED TO EXISTING CONDITIONS AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE PROJECT. PROTECT CATCH BASINS H. CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN DRIVABLE ACCESS TO THE EXISTING EAST RENTON LIFT STATION AND ACCESS TO ALL I OF ITS FACASMS FOR CITE' PERSONNEL AT ALL TIMES. I 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TEMPORARY FENCING, o ELECT BLDG O ► GATES, AND LOCKS AS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN SITE SECURITY AND SAFETY AT ALL TIMES. J. SEE DWG C-05 FOR ADDITIONAL STREAM DIVERSION WET EAST RENTON WELL / LIFT STATION FACILITY EMERGENCY / K. REQUIREMENTS. PRIOR TO RELEASING THE STREAM BACK INTO THE PROJECT AREA, ALL IN -STREAM AND BANK PROTECTION STORAGE WELL WORK SHALL BE COMPLETED. N = 11 E = 1316728.16728.1� / L. UPON COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT, ALL MATERIAL USED IN THE TEMPORARY STREAM DE -WATERING SYSTEM SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE AND THE SITE IMPROVED IN / ACCORDANCE WITH SHEET L2. / KEY NOTES: A TEMPORARY STREAM DE -WATERING SYSTEM CONTRACTOR SHALL BE IN PLACE TO DIVERT FLOW AROUND WORK STAGING AREA / AREA PRIOR TO INITIATION OF OTHER WORK IN THE WETLAND BUFFER. 7 SILT FENCE e O TEMPORARY COFFER DAMS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE BYPASS INLET AND OUTLET AT A SUFFICIENT SIZE AND SCALE TO DIVERT THE ENTIRE FLOW MAPLEWOOD THROUGH THE DE -WATERING SYSTEM. ESTATES 6' FENCE (TYP) 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 CITY OF RENTON 1 .^ I I N = 178329.69 / \ \ E = 1317042.35 / UTILITY AND ACCESS EASEMENT TO CITY U��- OF RENTON A � FILE:CAL; 1' 40' FILE 6235COdC 100 30'WTER ECONSTRUCTNTRANCE ION1 EASEMENTA I `` (\� \ e W.D. 90 I � 7i / BURIED UTILITIES IN AREA PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG I=A245555 a ►� o� PACE ENGINEERS. NC 1 e 60 NO. REVISION BY DATE APPR PRELIMINARY - 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL 0a CITY OF EAST RENTON LIFT STATION n JUNE2011 RENTON ELIMINATION PknnIrgfBd InWPuC6cWuk6Dept. TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT C-02 CONTROL PLAN KING COUNTY WETLAND I AND STREAM BUFFER - LIMITS OF ` LIMITS Cps 3, 25 EtT90.7 \i O'CONSTRUCTION 635D-1M.852 7R N-17800.M/C 635D-10.7R C 411 �� �•� 1 EASEMENT (TYP) 6• I I E 13166IZ612 Y-178210.086 CP42-BRA. 1/ ) DE'f-390.6J E-1316601.979 635D-10.21 CONSTRUCTION(TYP.)' BEV-390.59 I N-,78279.' 14' , \ 1 I t � 6'DEC p I E-131662A (p 11 �` Lp f�''1j••(1 8'CT90. (Dvm:ELEV-92E n s , I I 6, `�fy �fu' 635[ 1p.6R/C I4 �o--�_�---o c p� (Bwc 1.J� 8 ` I \( �1J12• / ,,-{�N 74 � N.,7B7�,., 31 I, 'AR O,U'C77E,. I I 1B' 1 T: LL -- (.� �I'y--T-12'CIYO. _ VVV LLE--- i 12 =-=�--- 'RrM --- ;J, f�\� ;� rrA �v -C��` �/. 5 -__--�crvD.`- 4 Tp-i_ _ ot---------- `7 . CASYAf6E72 --- YYER��- - ___ m `20' PE NENT EA$ MENT (TYP) -- - B 22' 14' )�✓ OC 1 T, O l 2 yy (yam,') :.'.,b,;i: Old RY-39S34 II fI{�I ' E 30 CPEP(M�390.79 Q i fl I - �mot,, 11 ( )AI ?2 1 II I i I i 34'CIDM I • I / P I d 1 ( I 1 CD 6 I 1. � _ /' - I •'�' / ( 'I - I :W _ (M / _ 01 p J II ,r N / 4• I � y " (TYP)JI 12 IlIrMAPLE / 1 I 24 20 I� 0 2D / • ,,r - \ 1 2 10' SS - o ,r It A� 9 21'YAPU? 3.::. 16 KING COUNTY WETLAND I I AND STREAM BUFFER LIMITS S fORMWA1 ERGENERAL NOTES: DETENTION MION POND A. EXISTING SURVEY CONDUCTED MAY 20D9 IDENTIFIES TREES 6 INCHES DBH AND LARGER. CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE ALL \ TREES AND SHRUBBERY WITHIN LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION. WHERE TREES AND SHRUBBERY EXTEND OUTSIDE OF LIMITS DISC 12' SS I OF CONSTRUCTION REMOVE AS REQUIRED. N 9 6 EXIST 60'0 MH 5314 079 B. EAST RENTON LIFT STATION FACILTY SHALL BE FENCED AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. RIM EL - 395.92 INV IN - 364.17(W) C. CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN DRIVABLE ACCESS TO THE INV OUT • 370.32(E) EXISTING EAST RENTON LIFT STATION AND ACCESS TO ALL b o - o �-o - OF ITS FACILITIES FOR CITY PERSONNEL AT ALL TIMES. ' KEY NOTES: TEMPORARILY REMOVE ROCKS TO FACILITATE ACCESS. / ® REPLACE AT COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. ' OTEMPORARILY REMOVE FENCE TO FACILITATE INSTALLATION OF SEWER. REPLACE AT COMPLETION OF i 39 /; CONSTRUCTION. V E-39,.35 30_CPEP O REMOVE AND REPLACE WITH NEW SS MH. SEE CIVIL DWGS 7 FOR DETAILS. 5 1"l.' SS O REMOVE B' SS AND INSTALL NEW SS. SEE CML DWGS FOR DETAILS. FILL 12' SS WITH SAND. ABANDON IN PLACE. \I 6 SEE DWG C-05 O MODIFICATIONS. W FOR UH M IF TIONS. REMOVE INSIDE g DROP CONNECTIONS PRIOR TO MH MODIFICATIONS. L VALVE VAULT 7 REMOVE AND REPLACE MONUMENT PER CITY O ELECT BLDG STD PLAN HR-04, SLIM. EMEND CONC RING TO �' GRADE, NO AC. MONUMENT SHALL BE LOCATED AND REESTABLISHED BY A LICENSED `+. MAPLEWOOD SURVEYOR. ESTATES O try 4 B AC PAVEMENT RESTORATION LIMITS. SAW CUT MIN 1'-0' BEYOND EDGE OF TRENCH. DECOMMISSION AND DEMO EXIST LIFT STATION PER SUBSECTION 10.0173B AFTER SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION OF SEWER PIPELINE. 9 O 9 EAST RENTON LIFT STATION FACILITY -r. WET WELL -6 EXIST 6010 MH 5314 080 EMERGENCY STORAGE WELL RIM EL-39491 INV IN - 369.716V) INV IN - 384.56(E) INV OUTh_269.7.1(N)) 'y /' ' (0 DIRT TR1l 1 `• -�= - (A E D ow 24' � ,^� i _4 -J' - - -� m 0 �1 BRIAR HILLS 15' Ss ( / SIY01 Pow374.12 IF 12'CIg%Q 370.52 ' CPn4-BRASS DISC wmwCH E 12•CMP(v-389.62 63SD-11.14Y1C E 30•CMP(N}369.02 N-177437.113 / / / / / K E 30'CLIP(S)-36&92 E-1316801107 +� DE9-374.17 / 0 (DEN: 0.3) LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION (TYP) UNOERtRO� c 00M) EAU( c 2'PEA P �C 4 j Ef' SS 14- PL BE JErdP3(75U}371.73 EXIST MH 5314 O90 RIM EL - 37453 INV IN - 365.03 (N,E,W) INV OUT-365M (S) < �: � c a rrlln dD -- ROIlID LONG EAIX `. ten' ,111"11,110 \ Er1r.-37.71 DEV-SPiT / . R81-��37/5.60 ` / E JD'C-r,N)•37(L35 E 30•UIP(S)-3M20 EXIST MH 5314 086 RIM EL-375.95 IF OUT-367.60(S) A PLAN FILE: 6235COD•c-100 r:. m e•-,e•O / / 1n m MARE CLUSTER I LIMITS OFF CONSTRUCTION (TYP) /380- - IrCEDAR 16 IYF12 10' CONSTRUCTION / I 6-MD-1NN-177869,/W EASEMENT (TYP� �\ / / I E 1BFwIM322 20' PERMANENT EASEMENT (TYP) CPr0 / - 635D-10.9R/C / o 46 S TC BUPom GAS / / / PRELIMINARY - 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL BURIED U1Lrt1ES IN AREA PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1NOA24.558 PARKSIDE 1 A i COURT GENERAL NOTES: C-07 N • 178349 58 A. EXISTING SURVEY CONDUCTED MAY 2009 IDENTIFIES N - t-78282-M — I --'— - E • 1316495.86 TREES EERY ARE DBH AND LARGER. NOT ALL TREES AND I I E • 1316495 53 SHRUBBERY ARE SHOWN. LIMITS OF WETLANDS AND I i i STREAMS ARE APPROXIMATE. -I- I B. ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL AVOID DIRECT I I / I \ I WETLAND DISTURBANCE. MAPLEWOOD PARK / / SEE SHEET C-05 l 1 1 STORMWATER — — — — — — — — — — —I— — 'T DETENTION C. REPLACE ALL DISTURBED FENCING WITH LIKE KIND POND REPLACEMENT. 201 PERMANENT EASEMENT(TYP) / i v I D. EAST RENTON LIFT STATION SHALL REMAIN IN SERVICE j 1 AT ALL TIMES THROUGH COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. / SEE SHEET, ,C-06 _ — / 1 B' SS I I I E. LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN IS BASED ON �( _ _'/j,[\/ `\ O 1 RECORD DRAWINGS AND FIELD LOCATES. ALL EXISTING ILITIES ARE LIMrT I I L CONSTRUCS� v '„�•`' ^J�'�..2.�K-T----- — - _....... _ --_ I TES $ O i I STHALL VERIFY THSHOWN LOOCATIOJ OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES •, _- / I -(r• \ I AFFECTED BY THIS PROJECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING % `(------- -- \ ----- _- -�\r a--v—'lam' __1�_-t +- � _ �.I _- 1 I WORK. • _ _ _ ,� ' ' y - _ - F. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN OPERATIONS WITH THE _ 12' LIMBS OF CONSTRUCTION SHOWN ON THE PUNS. / 10'CONSTRUCTION I I /�380- EASE-MENT (TYP / / / /' \.� W N , -�__ % - / ♦ 1 1 '' - _ G. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE RESTORED TO EXISTING -3 I ,ia�- O - - ',p - CONDITIONS AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE PROJECT. L VALVE `VAULT I H. CONTRACTOR EAST TO AIN LIFT DRIVABLE ACCESS TO THE / TO ALL OF ITS FACILITIES FOR CITY PERSONNEL AT ALL - 1 ELECT - i C • 1774 47 - I 28. TI MES. / I - r. I- a / 1 I- - - - BLDG Ee1316764A1 / / / / / ,_I' - ------ N :d%::,: bT /I - T - I L CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TEMPORARY l � ' ` /'/ N Q I GATES, AND LOCKS AS RETAILED TO MAINTAIN SITE SECURITY AND SAFETY AT ALL TIMER. Q- — SEE SHEET � — _ EAST RENTON \ r,,t.: ;rah{.,?: — � � � � � Y � / - / �+ O \ �`i5i:"�:�•.:<iTSo.� v � LIFT STATION J. INSTALL BURIED PIPE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CRY ' WET FACILITY STANDARD PLAN 105. BACKFILL PIPELINE BETWEEN l WELL TA ' S 3e50 AND STA 8+59 WITH NATIVE MATERIAL. REMOVE _ � 1 O r� L / N • 17 .76 / J1 8289 AN 1 BRIAR H -(' ROCKS D OTHER DEBRIS INCHES AND LARGER. ILLS ti r \ b I p EM RG NCY I w q a \ E • 13t6727.70 / / r�"x:'"".'>: •arx"" / m ^� / "','� i STORAGE WELL COMPACT TO 92% MOD PER ASTM 01557. BACKFILL ALL / / 1 � � t N • 178321b1 OTHER PIPELINE WITH GRAVEL BORROW PER SECTION fI / .� r ^, O �y / 11-03.14(1). COMPACT TO 1T5%MDD PER ASTM D1551. e E • 131 728.10 1 6 I I r 1 I :rr ;LLT WART R 1 y"S E C E EK 9\ I J I T I "3 r o / I \ I is PL Blh / SE \ \ • RAC OR Y NOT K - E ES: - CONTRACTOR \ / CO ` X 13 i/ 3 �`ir�': ;.`a':•�w; 'I I .� PO :.. • 0� / 'L I STAGI NG AREA FOR BYPASS PUMPING PU RPOSES. ODETALPOED I - T i q n � 0 - I � — P / 0 O 1 I O ai i O � 'I / I I f 15' SS I / J i I I 1 1 I q I MAP W LE OOD I I \ T / A 1 / A �1 T TAT I ES ES N • 177426.96 I 9 3 �i ,.r,.. conc B YyYr., m I Est 16844 17 I W 3 / I + PAD i eP 1 1 ,I w I m w I 6' FENCE (TVP) maxo =l, iIF WETLANDS 1 i \ �) MAPLEWOOD PARK :[ \ I UNINCORPORATED 1 CITY OF RENTON / KING COUNTY \ 1 \ P / CITY OF RENTON LIMITS�l I j N•178329.69 .� \ I \ E • 13,42 70% / I\ / KING COUNTY WETLAND AND STREAM BUFFER LIAt1T5 UTILITY AND ACCESS EAEMENT PLAN OF RENTON TO CITY y ._.._.._.._.._.._.._. scALE: ,• • 4d i � o I I - F0.E: 8235COPG700 I � / 30' WATER I 90� / •• y�� EASEMENT IW.D. 90 I , 7 • / MAPLEWOOD PARK BOUNDARY I I I I I Icb PRELIMINARY - 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL PACEENpNEERSNC 1••40•'-• CITY OF EAST RENTON LIFT STATION y1JUNEzo11 "'a`.M AMP Ft IMINATInN BURIED UTILITIES IN AREA PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1A0iA24.56% ( GENERAL NOTES: KING COUNTY WETLAND / AND STREAM BUFFER I i \ A INSTALL BURIED PIPE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY STANDARD PLAN 405. PPELE BETWEEN MNATIVE LIMITS / WITH STA 3+50 AND STA 8+59 WITH MATERIAL, REMOVE ROCKS AND OTHER DEBRIS 4 INCHES AND LARGER. STORMWATER DETENTION COMPACT TO 92%MOD PER ASTM 01557. BACKFILL ALL OTHER PIPELINE WITH GRAVEL BORROW PER SECTION �/3 i5 M. I POND F-390.7 B \ 9.03.14(1). COMPACT TO 95%MOD PER ASTM D1557. B. LIMIT HOPE BEND RADVJS TO A MIN OF TWICE MFR'S \ 10'CONSTRUCTION 635D-10.3R/C N-1786IZIII 114111 S OF CONSTRUCTION(TYP) CP17 635D-107R/C JO'CPE➢ I RECOMMENDED SEND RADIUS. EASEMENT (T'P) 6' �� •_ ' 14' 14 •6' 1 t 14 I li I (i t (p1 I � `STA -/ E-1J16812812 EIEY-39D.63 12'110ER 12' 14 �yn• [T�('. �� %1j` N.17821D.0e6 TEMPORARYCP E-1316601.979 B Ems'-3� CRT OS�SING O C-07 BBC �C�. .- ` I \ 6350-1D2Y 1 MAN E.t3t660& 1 C NELMG F1EV-7926 C-07 KEY NOTES: 1 ABANDONED 17 SS. 'i w\ I I . lg• 1+62t'`. t2' tY �•,j S.I ,` 14 635D-4V'BR/C t CEDAR ,��+�yy�"-17}76611558 ° �- 14 c---c _ ° 12'CTMD. O 10'C1M0. ° - (DMt t.J') I EXIST 80'0 MH 5314 079\ 2 CONTRACTOR TO VERY DEPTH. 3 CORE DRILL AND CONNECT NEW SANITARY SEWER PIPING 12' _ _ _ _ POC 0. _ -E� - _ °� 1. o ° _ oTa�' o _ WITH KOR-NSEAL BOOT WITH SST CONNECTOR, OR EQUAL. ---- -A_ 0T O REMOVE MH CONE TO FACILITATE CONSTRUCTION -� _ AS REOD. REINSTALL TO MATCH EXISTING. (n _ - _ _ r _ �� _ -r -+ -� __ _ -� _ _ 4-' 'G _ ��_- `1�(5\ �) ® �\ � - - _ �v _ -- ,, D - SEAL WATER TIGHT.ACTIVITIES ALL IN -STREAM WORK WILL OCCUR DURING THE DRY DRYAD p j 4+00 �\ '\ \ • / - = j _ 2� 3+50 ��� _�- 3+00 -' 4�; 2 JI 1+50 _" ��'`�� �� 5 .i' 3 L L\� �•- — `` `` _I= � •• B _ 3 �4, �r _ _ _ _ \ = / I - I `� MONTHS AND UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF AHE BIOLOGIST. CONTRACTOR SHALL OEWATER STREAM CHANNEL AND DIVERT STREAM FLOWS AROUND WORK r m I1r ' _ l \ 1 y� 16 / l"(. 14• 1' v (2)16'.Nl'O72 I - (� r �- - 3 , AREA PRIOR TO ANY M-CHANNEL WORK. A COFFERDAM CONSTRUCTED OF SAND BAGS OR SIMILAR MATERIAL ` iT11 `20'PE ,ANENT EASEMENT(TYI f I,� 11 1 PbW I I;�A_ I --_____ - / J IE-391.35 \ / /-' �y --- ,`� 22• 14' ` 1 I �m�' _' '•I .• 30_CPEP SHALL BE INSTALLED UPSTREAM AND DOWN STREAM OF THE WORK AREA. STREAM FLOW SHALL BE PUMPED _ m -37d (� N W 1 1 t; I \ ?A / I 11 1 / I: 30 I /y�� `% ` l .'::::?c':::• '" ''Q:, t Gd RIM-J95.34 _ - K (� I 6' - AROUND THE WORK AREA AND DISCHARGED DOWNSTREAM OF THE COFFERDAM. ANY SEEPAGE INTO -1 �"831� (� \� / \ i \ 10 J I I IO 1 IL�(� ':. ': r :;•:'r;.': W� t II ENCE.' O VALVE VAULT O I !IY) THE WORK AR EA SHALL BE PUMPED AND DISCHARGED INTO THE DEWATERING DISCHARGE LOCATION. REMOVE COFFERDAMS, PUMPS AND PfPING AT COMPLETION OF 22 } 22 74 I WORK. S/'CEDM I �t / . P I A CHANNEL PER CITY STD PLAN 400.1. — ---- l i / / I to b 1 2 1r I INSTALL PHI WAT T HORIZONTALLY 7 5 ALL HYDRO LIC WATERSTOP O �' - - _ _ i W �`✓ - �� / - ' - t �(� ELECT E E BLOG I 3 1• `` AROUND S DE FACE OF EXIST MH M 1r BELOW O M 1 M MV KA, F ELM 2010MN BY ADE HYDR THE K CJ-0725J BY GREENSTREAK OR EQUAL. ADHERE •- - •, ! ! - 01 / / / N / / zo s'Y 20 O I „`V�'` 1 616 J. am; • ... .'.'!;.':.":•'•':'::'.'::'�.;•'::; .'::.':.•:.'::... F WAT R TOP T EXIST MH USING A SINGLE 16'' E S O EX � � MAPLEWOOD COMPONENT WATER -SWELLING SEALANT ULTRA SEAL c s r •1 r N P-201B ADE LFAIQAASTER LV B GREE STREAK TAT KA I ESTATES OR EQUAL AFTER CONIC HAS TAKEN INITIAL SET, SEAL O JOINT WITH SYNTHETIC RUBBERSEALING COMPOUND SIKAFLEX 2c NS OR SL, OR EQUAL PER S188 � :}F,:: ?::. �•�::'::::: •'�: •':::.'.': �. �'�: ✓: � :: •::. WET WELL PLAN RENTON EASTSTATION SCALE: 1--201 EXIST 60'0 MH 5314 OIiO LIFTSTATION STA 0+00M FACILITY FILE: 8235COOL•100 424.23 LF I I I ' 75.77 LF I m3 395 _ c a x - 395 APPROXIMATE EXIST GRADE N x c' W W y W Pvc SOR 390 /` 1r 35 390 STEWART CREEK 2 STA 0.97± EX 30"SD STA 0+511 EX .'s0-SD 8 7 W ? ¢ E 390.1± 7 IE 390.9 385 W < N / N �j 385 Wj NW / I I I I 10'SS@0. IY SS�OD03 to I \ 2 I I 18• SS a OA08 MIN MANHOLE CHANNELING , .•i FILL WITH CONC (TYP 2) 380 0 c o7 380 N b Hj - 375 UJI 15 375 J FILL WITH SAND (TYP) 370 370 S66.0655 18• HOPE SOR 17 365 8 w 365 �81 360 zo11Za��� �m.? 360 STA 5+00 STA 4+50 STA 4+00 STA 3+50 STA 3+00 STA 2450 STA 2+00 STA 1+50 STA 1+00 STA 0+50 STA 0+00 PROFILE QccIl nu® \fir M `"as FSCALE: E: 8OART: 1'-5' 235C00•C 100 DACE ENdNEERS, BC INDICATED Tjw — PRELIMINARY - CITY OF EAST RENTON -� RENTON 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL LIFT STATION JUNE 2D71 ELIMINATION _ BURIED ECALLBEFORES IN AREA PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG y 'b � All. 420AAL O E� ��eMC DATUM PIaDDI1gJBuIwInWPuooc W«1tDePt. PIPING PLAN AND PROFILE — STA 0+00 - STA 5+00 C-055 1J1WA24.6555 NO. REVISION 8Y DATE APPR GENERAL NOTES: / A A. INSTALL BURIED PIPE N .� ACCORDANCE WITH CRY STANDARD PLAN 405. BACKF81 I I KING COUNTY WETLAND AND STREAM BUFFER IIMIiS /\ 1S C`- (C "7 nn ,,`, 1 \ .Lnit�"'.�(8' g•�{- 18' PIPELINE BETWEEN STA 3+50 AND \\ r STA B`59 WITH NATIVE MATERIAL, 11.1T78M.33fi S < I \ / \ ( g- to E-13166aa520 Z REMOVE ROCKS AND OTHER , DEBRIS 4 INCHES AND LARGER. 1= T '�•, ; ' O \ OPT TRAA COMPACT TO 92% MDD PER ASTM I BRIAR HILLS / / _-"------_- D7557.BACKFI L ALL GRAVE HER PIPELINE WITH GRAVEL BORROW / �v� / NO. 4 / fJ � �J ' PER SECTION 9 03.14(1). COMPACT LE S` I 14 ": 1 -2 i{ --_TO 95% MOD PER ASTM D1557. / O 9]IN WIW74.12 E e•CMP(IE}l70.92 E I2'CYP(E}370.52 E I YCIP(W}389.62 E SD-CIP(N)-369.02 •� - �f �nF�� DISC ,{ � 635D-11.1{I&C N-1T7437M3 / / R-37d A-61'2157' / L.3982 qNG CO, _ 6'-1H•O / (� 5+00 (n B. LIMIT HDPE BEND RADIUS TO A MIN / MAPLE CLUSIER / iil OF TWICE MFR'S RECOMMENDED ��. -- / / 50 —� m BEND RADIUS. 3(�'}1 `` N E JO'C1P(5}yie92 / i B I E-t316BOt.107 F1E14l7117 (OWN. G31 LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION P - 0+- / / �Q PAPo(5 1B-� /- UKDERCROM LIMIT OF L�NSTRUCTION (TYP) / _ / Y e• '(T1 12 5 KEY NOTES: aIVOED • , 2 — 2'PEA P c�---__.° - 14881 PL.. $E Cow WALK ROLLEDQAN 4 (TYP) ° = i... m -6 E-37J.3 - R•370 ° O7 _ CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY DEPTH. / Ef3 \/ — .— L•396S 1ST CP012 10' CONSTRUCTION / 64 f 6.1�11.151N/11' / R-177862 529 O CORE DRILL AND CONNECT NEW _ _ 70'CIP EASEMENT(TYP) / SANITARY SEWER PIPING WITH E-t31863W —A WOD — ai CB RM-375.60 E 30-CMPM-370.35 / / 72 _ _ I T WITH �T / ElEw380.72 CONKORNECTOR, OR EQUAL EXIST X MH 1t.Q90 I _ _. W S E �" 3 �( 1"370.20 / / 18' SS INSTALL NEW 48' SANITARY MANHOLE PER CITY STD PLAN D I C-07 \ CPpt I 48'0 REPLACE SEWER LATERALS PER CITY STD PLANS 406.1 AND 407. CBPoY-A3.83 6,75D-11.1tMX/�1' N-177587.910 MH 5314 086 STA / 20' PERMANENT EASEMENT (TYP) E 8'LIP(S1!)-371.73 E-13168M 701 DEY-375.71 B+SBAi p' I \ % \1 Wn0 / 63;4 5D-10 .766 R 7717 766 IE1EV-32 � / � � � : '.'.. ':..': ;.' �..''.':':.'. 78. / ° �'® '�.::.'.':'.'.. / I g i I i _ BUM GAS PIPELINE PLAN SCALE: 1- - 2d FILE: 8235C00-G100 172.31 LF I 108.41 i 250.00 LF 385 385 N n N APPROXIMATE EXISTING GRADE u,ww ww v�ww nww nw= yl 380 380 APPROXIMAI E EXISTING GRADE a 4 rI § 375 W 375 1 co W 0 O I 18' SS 0.013 MIN W IA 370 7 1 0 370 ' I 1 I � 18'SS®0.002 N 365 I I 15- SS 0.0143 W 365 LZ LU F- 360 W W Q 360 15- PVC SDR 35 N N 18' HDPE SDR 17 15•SS@0.00.1 I 1 W W _ _ Z Z 355 w _ 355 +' �n�■ � ii ZOO 7�i� 147838 er Q 350 1 mma???d ew¢£ 350 STA 10+50 STA 10+00 STA 9+50 STA 9+00 STA 8+50 STA 8+00 PROFILE STA 7+50 STA 7+00 STA 6+50 STA 6+00 STA 5+50 STA 5+00 M � r.•qs r' SCALE: -1'-2lY VERT:,••5' FILE:: ez=3sc00ooc-too PRELIMINARY - 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL a %� \r n � $ PACE ENGINEERS. NC AS INDICATED �� "—�TJW -� Y�,JUNE iDi1 CITY OF EAST RENTON LIFT STATION RENTON ELIMINATION BURIED UTILITIES IN AREA PLEASE CAL BEFORE YOU DIG P'+:am 7STP' �S7oN.1. EDL �� DATUM °""6Mc PIenMnWBUIICU1pIPu0Be Wort Dept PIPING PLAN AND PROFILE — STA 5+00 - STA 10+31 IADDA24S556 NO. REVISION By DATE APPR v..�.mnu GENERAL NOTES: A. EXIST MH 5315 135 RIM EL.398.041 1 2 } CL CHNL 12- (N, E) 386.39L I LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION (TYP) 20'PERMANENT O EASEMENT (TYP) 10' CONSTRUCTION O P :•:,:::::::;: o\ � C Nth 111 3c�0— PLAN C-01 SCALE: 1' • 20' FLLE: 8235000-C-1W < �: � c a rru lln (0) I I n � I 1 F R14NTION NTENTION S POND I jEXISJ 0MH 5314 74 79 STA 0,75.77 a —r3 � ,•i i - I o �96 •' ; 'I II .► I 4 �� VALVE VAULT lrss L I \\ ELECT BLDG WET WELL EAST RENTON / II LIFT STATION EXIST 60.0 FACILITY MH 5374 O80 STA 0,00.00 4 MERGENCY STORAGE WELL / `KING COUNTY VIE LAND AND STREAM BUFFER IMITS EXIST 60.0 MH 5314 079 W MANHOLE CHANNELING C-OS SCALE: 3/4• s 1'4Y FILE: 823SC10•C-08 KEY NOTES: Ot TEMPORARY BYPASS PUMPING MANHOLE. MAX NOISE OF TEMPORARY BYPASS SYSTEM SHALL BE 45CEa. COORDINATE ACCESS WITH CITY PERSONNEL. FIELD VERIFY DIAMETER OF MANHOLE. OLOCATION AND DATA FOR EXISTING MANHOLE IS BASED ON CITY OF RENTON GIS DATA AND IS /. APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY. (3 J CHANNEL WITH CONCRETE. CHANNEL HEIGHT - 12 INCHES. 1 BYPASS PUMPING DISCHARGE LOCATION. ROUTE PIPING TO 04VERT OF EMERGENCY STORAGE WELL. TEMPORARILY SUPPORT PIPING AS REOD. OCONSTRUCTION OF TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING IS OPTIONAL AND IS PROVIDED TO FACILITATE EQUIPMENT ACCESS ALONG PIPELINE ALIGNMENT. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL PER GENERAL DETAILS SHOWN ON THE DWGS AND PER BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. SUBMIT TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING TO ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. REMOVE ALL MATERIALS FOR TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING PRIOR TO STREAMBANK RESTORATION. (6 J COMPACT CSBC AND CSTC TO 95% MOD PER ASTM D 1557. 7 COMPACT HMA TO AT LEAST 91% OF ITS MAXIMUM THEORETICAL SPECIFIC GRAVITY (RICE DENSITY), 7 GREATER OF EXIST OR 34NCHES MIN CLASS 3/4• HMA PER WSDOT SECTION 903.8 I 6 34NCHES CSTC PER WSDOT SECTION MU (3) tilt 6 6-INCHES CSBC PER WSDOT SECTION 9039 (3) AC PAVEMENT C-06 SCALE: 3/4' • 1'•0• FILE: C-07Awp EXIST GRADE QUARRY SPALL COARSE AGGREGATE 12• DIA OF PIPE OR AS NEEDED TO SUPPORT LOADS, WHICHEVER IS GREATER I GEOTEXTILE FABRIC I' TEMPORARY 8'0 METAL I PIPE CULVERT (TYP 2) EXIST / / VV RIM EL - 40120 I 1 \ \ CL CHNL IO'(E, W)-387.2D _. TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING 5 SECTION 6 C-05 SCALE: 3/4' s 1'-0' SCALE: i 12' • i,-cr FILE: 8235CID•C48 FIE: 8235C10-C-08 PRELIMINARY - 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL BURIED UTLRES IN AREA PLEASE GALL BEFORE YOU DIG IAD3AAAM GENERAL NOTES: i i i E� i i i i SCALE: NTS FILE: 823SC10L-08 INSTALL TEMPORARY GRAVEL BEFORE GRADING PHASE OF PROJECT, REMOVE PRIOR TO PAVEMENT INSTALLATION SCALE: NTS FILE: 8235C10•C-08 c vi �\ 1• i • b` .r FILTER FABRIC MATERIAL 60- WIDE ROLLS. USE STAPLES OR WIRE RINGS TO ATTACH FABRIC TO WIRE BURY BOTTOM OF FB NATEAIAL N C BY t7 TRE1K.H [;�_ 6• MAX. 11 rBY2'BY14GA. WIRY FABRIC OR EQUN. FILTER FABI MATERIAL 4 2'BY2'BY 14 GA. FABRIC OR EQUN. u ucrtn rnw / z 4�6 reED GRAVEv 4- wooD L POST r BY 4• WOOD POSTS, STANDARD OR PROVIDE.4'-1S ASH BETTER OR EQUAL ALTERNATE O BACKFLL IN TRENCH AND ON BOTH SIDES PkBN SECS OF FILTER FENCE FABRIC ON THE SURFACE ITRANCE DETAIL (TYP) SILT FENCE DETAIL AND NOTES C-02 SCALE: NTS FILE: 823SC10-C48 INSTALL TEMPORARY FILTER FABRIC BETWEEN FRAME AND GRATE OF ALL CATCH BASINS AND INLETS INSIDE OR ADJACENT TO DISTURBED AREAS. P7M IMPACTED AREA 10 • 1� ••.' ••.' ••.' FISTING 1MPgC� !1 �FA KIT14 :.:, •:.:••. BLgN� COIR I;iu--4 FILE: 8235C10•C-OB <LcarrIln OD e• SACKS SHALL BE M10 JUTE BURLAP OR APPROVED ALTERNATE FILLED WITH 48 TO 55 LBS. OF PEA GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR DRAINS. PLAN SCALE: NTS FILE: 823SC10-C W INSTALL APPROXIMATELY 3 FEET ABOVE CHANNEL INVERT. ALIGN LOW POINT IN DAM WITH CENTER OF CHANNEL ADD VISQUEEN THROUGH FILLED BURLAP SACK STACK PLACE SACKS FIRMLY AGAINST GROUND LINE AND ADJACENT SACKS. SECTION A A. FILTER FABRIC FENCES SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN THEY HAVE SERVED THEIR USEFUL PURPOSE, BUT NOT BEFORE THE UPSLOPE AREA HAS BEEN PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. B. FILTER FABRIC FENCES SHALL BE INSPECTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH RAINFALL AND AT LEAST DAILY DURING PROLONGED RAINFALL. ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY. KEY NOTES: O1 THE FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE PURCHASED IN A CONTINUOUS ROLL CUT TO THE LENGTH OF THE BARRIER TO AVOID USE OF JOINTS. WHEN JOINTS ARE NECESSARY, FILTER CLOTH SHALL BE SPLICED TOGETHER ONLY AT A SUPPORT POST, WITH A MINIMUM 64NCH OVERLAP, AND BOTH ENDS SECURELY FASTENED TO THE POST. OTHE FILTER FABRIC FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED TO FOLLOW THE CONTOURS (WHERE FEASIBLE} THE FENCE POSTS SHALL BE SPACED A MAXIMUM OF 6 FEET APART AND DRIVEN SECURELY INTO THE GROUND (MINIMUM OF 30 INCHES). OA TRENCH SMALL BE EXCAVATED, ROUGHLY 81NCHES WIDE AND 12 INCHES DEEP, UPSLOPE AND ADJACENT TO THE WOOD POST TO ALLOW THE FILTER FABRIC TO BE BURIED. OWHEN STANDARD STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC IS USED, A WIRE MESH SUPPORT FENCE SHALL BE FASTENED SECURELY TO THE UPSLOPE SIDE OF THE POSTS USING HEAVY-DUTY WIRE STAPLES AT LEAST 1 INCH LONG, TIE WIRES OR HOG RINGS. THE WERE SHALL EXTEND INTO THE TRENCH A MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES AND SHALL NOT EXTEND MORE THAN 36 INCHES ABOVE THE ORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE. OTHE STANDARD STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE STAPLED OR WIRED THE FENCE, AND 20 INCHES OF THE FABRIC SHALL BE EXTENDED INTO THE TRENCH. THE FABRIC SHALL NOT EXTEND MORE THAN 36 INCHES ABOVE THE ORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE. FILTER FABRIC SHALL NOT BE STAPLED TO EXISTING TREES. OWHEN EXTRA -STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC AND CLOSER POST SPACING ARE USED, THE WIRE MESH SUPPORT FENCE MAY BE ELIMINATED. IN SUCH A CASE, THE FILTER FABRIC IS STAPLED OR WIRED DIRECTLY TO THE POSTS. THE TRENCH SHALL BE BACKFILLED WITH 3141NCH MINIMUM DIAMETER WASHED GRAVEL. OINSTALL UPSTREAM SCREENED DIVERSION PUMP. PUMP SHALL, AT A MINIMUM, BE A 6 INCH GAS POWERED TRASH PUMP, SUFFICIENT TO HANDLE EXPECTED STREAM FLOWS OF OS TO 3 CUBIC FEET PER SECOND INCLUDING FLEXIBLE PIPE SYSTEM. OSELECT DISCHARGE POINT DOWNSTREAM OF IMPACTED AREA TO AVOID EROSION. 10 INSTALL UPSTREAM COFFERDAM WITH LOW POINT ALIGNED WITH CENTER OF ACTIVE CHANNEL 11 INSTALL DOWNSTREAM COFFERDAM BELOW IMPACTED AREA. 12 COMPLETE ALL IN WATER WORK, GRADE SITE AND INSTALL COIR LOGS OR COIR BLANKET WHILE CHANNEL IS DE -WATERED. PRELIMINARY - 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL BURIED LR6RES IN AREA PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG I.W3.4245555 Planting Zone 1: Forested Buffer Enhancement Scientific Name Common Name Type Spacing Plant Number Special instructions Trees Acer macrophyllum Bpleaf mople lost Bit O.C. 32 Alms rubra Red elder 11 gal 1 61t o.c. 16 Pseudolsuga rnenziasii Douglas fir 1 gal 1 611 O.C. 55 Total Trees 103 Shrubs Mahonia nervosa Low Oregon grape 1 gal 4 it o.c. 16 Oanderfa cerasif mis Indian plum 1 gal 4 It o.c. 16 Physocarpus ca0latus Pacific runebark 1 gal 4 it oz. 16 Pblystic/wm munilum Sword fern i gal 4 it o.c. 36 Rubus spectebilis Sal onberry 1 gal 4 it o.c. 18 Symphoricarpos albus Snowberry teal Oft O.C. 18 Total Shrubs 125 Total Area (square feet) j ; i 5,708 TREES (v O.C. TYP.) SHRUBS (4- O.C. COMMON NAME TI - Douglas k T2 • Big leaf maple T3 -Rea alder 3 Si:Red S2 - In®an plum L-02 S3 -Sword fern S4-Snowberry S5 - Low Oregon grape S6 -PaciBt nineberk TYPICAL PLANTING COMPOSITION IN A 900 SQUARE FOOT AREA TO CONSIST OF APPROX. 16 TREES AND 20 SHRUBS. A PLAN SCALE: V-30' FILE: 8235C00-L-01 Planting Zone 2: Shrub & H roseed Buffer Enhancement Scientific Name Common Name Type Spacing Plant Number Special Instructions Shrubs Mahomms rmrvose Low Oregon grape 1 got 4 It o.c. 54 Oemleria cerasilomos kWOn plum 1 gst 4 it O.C. 54 Physocsrpus caprtafus Pacific n neberk 1 gat 4 it o.c. 54 Payshchum munitum S. ord fem 1get Oft o.C. 71 Rubus spectabilis Sakronberry 1 gal 4 It o.c- 71 Symp/ carpus slbus - Snow berry 1931 4 it o.c. 54 Total Shrubs 357 Total Area (square leer) 12,557 40' � I eI. SHRUBS (4- O.C. TYP.) HYDROSEED BETWEEN SHRUB CLUSTERS �� 4:•� I 4 GROUP LIKE SPECIES TOGETHER ELM TYPICAL 900 SQUARE SQUARE PICAL 1600 FOOT AREA TYPICAL PLANTING COMPOSITION IN A 16W SQUARE FOOT AREA FOOT AREA TO CONSIST OF 3 TREES AND 18 SHRUBS. PLOW PLANT TREES AND SHRUBS IN NATURAL GROUPINGS TO G �CREATE WILDLIFE HABITAT ZONES. \ TYPICAL FOREST BUFFER ENHANCEMENT PLANTING DETAIL TYPICAL SHRUB AND HYDROSEED BUFFER ENHANCEMENT PLANTING DETAIL SCALE: nts(DFLE: SCALE: nts FILE: 8235C1O-L-01 6235C1O-L-01 r ESA 5309 Shhhole Ave. NW Seattle, WA 98107 P:( W) 789.9658 F: (206789A084 BURRED UTILITIES INAREA PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1.B ,424.5555 KEY WOODCHIP PATH (2736 SF) O FORESTED BUFFER ENHANCEMENT (6708 SF) 1 SHRUB a HYDROSEED BUFFER ENHANCEMENT (12,557 SF) L-01 STREAM BANK RESTORATION (202 SF) 3 L-01 O t� +++ EROSION CONTROL HYDROSEED (745 SF) O GENERAL NOTES: A MAINTAIN EXISTING PATH NETWORK. COVER WITH 4' WOODCHIP MULCH AT TIME OF PLANTING. B. BACKFILL TOP 24' OF PIPELINE TRENCH WITH NATIVE SOIL, SHEET L-02 DETAIL 2. C. PLANTING SHALL EXTEND TO UMITS OF CONSTRUCTION, AS SHOWN ON THE CIVIL DWGS. KEY NOTES: Oi WOODCHIP MULCH SHALL BE EVENLY SPREAD 3' DEEP THROUGHOUT DESIGNATED AREAS, SEE PLAN SHEET L-01. ONATIVE HYDROSEED NIX WI MULCH INCLUDED SHALL BE APPLIED AT A RATE OF 40 LBS PER ACRE THROUGHOUT DESIGNATED AREAS, SEE PLAN SHEET L-01. OAPPLY BENTONRE LINER TO PROPOSED PIPELINE TRENCH, ON TOP OF PIPELINE BEDDING AND UNDER FISH MIX GRAVEL SEE SHEET L-02, DETAIL 1. Planting Zone 3 Stream Bank Restoration Scientific Mama 1common Name IType ISpacing 1PLant Number Spacial Instructions Shrubs Comus sericee Red -osier dogwood Livestake 2 ft o.c. 1 20 Selix lucide pecitic wibw Livestake 21t o.c. 13 Salix sitchensis Sdke waow luarstalue 121t O.C. I 18 Total Shrubs 51 Total Area (square feet) I 202 j n L-02 eSHRUBS (TYP.) COMMONNAME Si -Red sternmed dogwood S2 -SUM willow S3 - Pacific willow TYPICAL PLANTING COMPOSITION IN A 625 SQUARE FOOT AREA TO CONSIST OF APPROX 27 SHRUBS. DECREASING 1E ELEVATION (TYP.) EL& 3 TYPICAL STREAM BANK RESTORATION PLANTING DETAIL SCALE: nts FILE: 823SCID.L-01 PRELIMINARY - 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL GENERAL NOTES: A. ... I � I � EXISTING STREAM BANK I � I F�pN, EXISTING A A, STREAM � I I I � I EXISTING STREAM BANK \ MAR FISH MIX GRAVEL MATCH EX GRADE 2' THICK BENTONITE LINER MT) NEW PIPELINE NATIVE SOIL SCALE: NTS FILE: 8235000-L-01 EXTEND LINER 4' UP SIDE OF TRENCH PROPOSED PIPE BEDDING (SEE CIVIL DWGS) PLANT LIVE STAKES THROUGH COIR BLANKET ON STEEP SLOPE RIPARIAN AREA PLANT TREES AND O SHRUBS IN UPLAND AREA INSTALL COIL BLANKET ON SLOPE PER CITY STANDARD PLAN FLATTOP 24AAN BOULDER PLACED IN 213.10 MIDDLE OF STREAM IN CENTERLINE OF EXISTING TRAIL d a STREAM BANK PLANTING SECTION U7�4 SCALE: Irr-V-0' FILE: 8235C00-L-01 r ESA 53D9 ShIlshole Ave. NW Seattle, WA 98107 s P: (206) 789.9658 F: (206789-9684 1 BURED UTIUES IN AREA PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1BOO.424-56% 24'NATIVE SOIL MATCH EXISTING GRADE NEW PIPELINE NATIVE SOIL PROPOSED PIPE BEDDING (SEE CIVIL DWGS) SECTION 2 S NATIVEBACK ILL DETAIL P FILE: 8235COO-L-01 PLANT LIVE, DORMANT STAKES BETWEEN OS AND 1 INCH IN DI" IV O.C. SPACING (TYPK':jW O.C. SPACING OYM24 SECTION LIE 5 S V NTS STAKE FILE: 82350001-01 SQUARE CUT MINIMUM OF 2 BUDS EXPOSED MAKE PILOT HOLES IN EXISTING SOIL WITH REBAR. TAMP SOIL AROUND LIVE STAKES. ANGLE CUT AT 45 DEGREES SCARIFY ROOTBALI ROOTSANDI K ZpFp ��rc KEY NOTES: OA TEMPORARY STREAM DE -WATERING SYSTEM SHALL BE IN PLACE TO DIVERT FLOW AROUND WORK AREA PRIOR TO INITIATION OF TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING REMOVAL.(SEE SHEET C-02). OREMOVE ALL MATERIALS USED IN TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING. OSTABILIZE SLOPE PER CITY OF RENTON STANDARD PLAN 213.10. OINSTALL LIVE STAKES ON STEEP SLOPES, ADJACENT TO STREAM. OPLANT TREES AND SHRUBS IN UPLAND AREAS. K Ur UUMY b I tU MULE , rt I KtK TO EDGE OF ROOTBALL, EXTEND 6' ) WATERING BASIN CIRCLE FINISH GRADE BACKF0.1 WITH NATIVE SOIL ONLY SCARIFY EDGES OF PLANTING HOLE TO ALLOW FOR ROOT PENETRATION BOTTOM OF ROOTBALL RESTING ON 3X ROOTBALL DIAMETER UNDISTURBED SOIL SEGO GTREE SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL SCALE: NTS FILE: 8235COD•L-01 PRELIMINARY - 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL /tL v I icy✓ 14---- os o eL -,s-3t4.. - o sue, d� u R 4 I�ot �I /2� u-J 000 �� �---ate a__ NW 1/4, NW 1/4, SEC. 14, TWP. 23 N., RGE. 5 E., W.M. g Z.ri " , ^ < \ \ l :1/ F13�—\ / / 2 i ' . j - . ^\\ \\ 1 15 1,+az Lr. zz o , .�g'` /h1F—� \ !/ \ < / I Y vi �:J 10SITRFACF aE4WUr U mr OETAH, 9kar ail. 0 RIM Of2Ai METLCNO MIRaARLiv AREA .SEE TERRA AS509A IES R'ANS / •�, /' Q' / � 87E 46., S'o6.z8 _rl STA. ?,,A RT.- /10 \\�/ \ I 44&F 8' O 2'If, 8' 0FO?a isMAN \ OUT_ I I/ !! !!� � SEE AIN�99FT 1 1 1` 15'-SAN.. SHR E5117 1 !^� i \•\\\'\ i. ..,' /'STA !l+a,{ LT. fl0 � \' / ,,/ / � C5Jl I. RI aTY OF RENTpY \'\ _ \ < 217 1 - - --- -41 �M 1�\ PO'unurr' T a - -- - -- -- ` 94+`.6-n (;N7'TO.`CITY _ { / OF RENrON +STA IOfJ1, LT. 6J \\ // /! L I a 4 ��V w 112 q N , y TRACT I \ 113 PARK W z </ TRACT G ^pc.N SPACE 1 7 Y'TA 0+0$ RT. 9.0 `__-sh 0Ho■g Ilm mol 17 MAN ON, MIN. ` li LE4o9Q ' I xe /., KEY MAP 118 J4LF ll //' - 119 418 I. 002470 JE .I j Z c : \ \ 1-20 \ -.\♦ ! �%.�. '/ l3FB. \� \ 9�;A� a. 414 Tat+nRr.z \. N E a 20' UllUIY ANO ACCESS / 8m, 6' 4.YF 5N \ \ \ ) a$ 22� 5TO[,18/1�RANV \\\ .\�. \''0 ¢A�iO— --4 £4GG7..� % j^�<\ ��o.. \\ \\ '' `�\�. �\ 'I-------<lz- -- `- I1��''11 v € AV AC= EW r 70 . \ ; 2 2 \ 1£� / / \ \ \ `„' ; ^ \\ \ e--- / •` .3. aTY IF RE, W \\ 1221F. v /i- . \ \ 164 \ \ 00047� n z:.p-017J5 �I' P x46' E407QNSTMC49g5 255 5 .- EW770aTY OF�` \ \ i �, ' / 90LJ10 I \�' 166 a � R&76V If-40J0) __ _ - i,23 m j i oQ,4B5 -- -- - SCALE: 1" — 40' 1E 406.0 \STA 2+5J R. �' \ \\ 0"01750 1 \\ �' 167 ; ! .O a1215-,, IJ�F6` --2&-F 6' '261F6� - - ---I- �� - �aJ.\ \�� \ \ i \ ` 4045 / ., o ants 1 I o; < /� \\.`. r \ \ ./ V lE 4055 L' itE 4010 0 0.,070 - - OQlOJS' i ��(168 169 i E4aso uE4oso x, p o.1J9s % 1 70 171 17 BENCH MARK / 40.S0 162 , �� rl It I 1 fi BENCH MARKS PER CITY OF RENTON - SURVEY ON NAVD 1988 DATUM PTp1852 = 3' BRASS SURFACE 1 2J 1.61. DISC. IN THE INT. NE 4TH ST. (S.E. i 128TH ST.) & 148TH AVE S.E. • �'� ,.59 �j/./ //�/ \ ''/ J \\CZ,\ \ °r.�1__ — — _ EL 454.77 OR (138.614 METERS) �� i,14 S9 01 v OQG95$ �`O Q15$5/ / 1 I I III I- PTp2103 - BROKEN BRASS SURFACE 406D60 I I 1 , DISC: IN THE INT. S.E. 128TH ST. & 0R14Qf i 1 59 i .:I 156TH AVE S.E. 4azo R 1 ; f 1 Q8 157 1 i ( ) !J ! EL, 547.94 OR 167.013 METERS -W O'(0 6 0. 009 46 4xf 8, 000I �0925 10.95 7851 1 o01at7 I 000051 -"o' ' 'aIII'III�,`I`I• J``I ' �'�t , "1� I �I�I\C�!\ImoI\ oI\II, \ `,.�(, 3�_/ " `r�(\ ,_ _(��/ \ (�J `\�\( \�s��\ \\\\ \\S\EE.. Uf7 SIA nON PLAN, r 5 --_ --C---J4�.6Qs.zx1r0�E' E4_J�o_ �e--o-- Q SHEET C5J2.TRACT H STORM DRAINAGE — -N-BBltl'I1_.-9 �-o - {TO HOMEOWNERS 0 0109" _S.L_CYD�' 2B45' BEND ASSOC1281E 0.IATION rARv z�' �Ev> ro . B" CLEANOUT 9ONm zz� - +�f/�/ Y••�;✓;T,•;t h=G! cis ¢&MN. - CONC. BLOCKING \ Q� 1 JBB .�1 - - \ C , / . J71F6' , F• 0 0 0 0 \ J94 392 // 1E 7a201 I OQOB15 71LF6 1 - i _ I^ 291f 6' 29LF 6 19LF 6 r J94 _ // 1 I1E 4L120 I 1f 40 OQ214.S5 I 1 0005151. 1p QOdJO f I ORS 130 i if 40L0 .'. j f 401.0 i IIE 4010 . I /f'Am.0 ! I . r 3 I I 1 132 133 .134:1 1 5 �• WS a __-�-_ __j Lo - _ :.... o Z7,O' \5'IA 4467 RT -7.2,. - 31I 1 I o Q o py.. �• — —_ --1-- — — —— i fURAIF SSI/N Fo N - - fURW 12' QRA NTY W z r z - R LLp 60I, CLCAIE AS 9/O8N' _ N 8$•001 -W- -- EVSWO 12' WA IER.vA#V 4 .- /� 1277.42 a 3 60.9 LOCAIf AS 9iOW - - - IOC4,f AS SWIW - -- - _ 0 U U p N 1105 14811 Ava. NE, 1,11200 d O m li - Bellevue, Walhln9ton 98007 425.ee5.7877 Fe,r 425.e85.79e3 5n 5 s ENGINEERING PLANNING 5 U R VEYIN,G i ASBUILT N n w v o yyWP-3)� SCANNED FEB 15 2002 j z /4:; �; .\ _ n SE 7 / 1 _ .�; , 7 94168CS05 ROuL. IL .111- 4 F R 0.51 .4t PROJECT SUMMARY Estimate Class: Project: East Renton Lift Station Elimination PRELIMINARY - 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL PIC: Job #: 8235C10 PM: Location: Renton, WA Date: Zip Code: 98055 By: Reviewed: 3 Brian Matson Lara Kammereck June 14, 2011 Tyler Whitehouse Brian Casey NO DESCRIPTION 111, �TOTAL_ E. y r r a 3z 01 12-inch SS STA 0+00 to 0+76 $32,513 02 18-inch SS STA 0+76 to 8+58 $191,833 03 . 15-inch SS STA 8+58 to 10+31 $43,622 04 48" Dia MH 5314 086 $6,344 05 Lift Station Demolition $10,000 TOTAL DIRECT COST $284,313 Contingency 20.0% $56,863 Subtotal $341,176 General Contractor Overhead, Profit & Risk 10.0% $34,118 Subtotal $375,293 Gross Receipts Tax (Based on King County, WA) 9.5% $35,653 Subtotal $410,946 General Conditions 15.0% $61,642 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $473,000 The cost estimate herein is based on our perception of current conditions at the project location. This estimate reflects our professional opinion of accurate costs at this time and is subject to change as the project design matures. Carollo Engineers have no control over variances in the cost of labor, materials, equipment; nor services provided by others, contractor's means and methods of executing the work or of determining prices, competitive bidding or market conditions, practices or bidding strategies. Carollo Engineers cannot and does not warrant or guarantee that proposals, bids or actual construction costs will not vary from the costs presented as shown. fin: East Renton Construction Cost Estimate As -PROJECT SUMMARY Page 1 of 1 Printed: 6/13/2011-10:49 AM 14 Gi CAr%^sd's Build C'os Matnx : .',I .r4 .°" M j, RECAP MATRIX Project:East Renton Lift Station Elimination PRELIMINARY - 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL Date : June 14, 2011 Job #:8235C70 Location: Renton, WA Estimate Class: 3 By: Tyler Whitehouse SPEC. DIVISION/ DIV. 01 DIV. 02 DIV. 03 DIV. 04 DIV. 05 DIV. 06 DIV. 07 DIV. 08 DIV. 09 DIV. 10 DIV. 11 DIV. 12 DIV. 13 DIV. 14 DIV. 15 DIV. 16 Div 17 ELEMENT ELEMENT ELEMENT GEN SITE CONC MSNRY METALS WOOD & MOIST DOORS & FINISHES SPECIAL- EQUIP 1 FURN SPECIAL CONVEY PLUMBG ELECT/ INST. %of DESCRIPTION REQTS WORK Plastics PROTN WOOS TIES CONST & MECH I & C I & CONT. TOTALS Total 01 12-inch SS STA 0+00 to 0+76 $27,687 $3,401 $1,426 $32,513 11.44% 02 18-inch SS STA 0+76 to 8+58 $28,780 $125,462 $37,591 $191,833 67.47% ------------ ---------------------------------------------- 03 15-inch SS STA 8+58 to 10+31 — — --------'---'-•--.......---•---.—........._--•-------------....----...•-----•-------.-----------------------..._......._....._......._...----•------------•------•--•---------------------------------------•----------------._.._._._......_ — —$35 534 _ ----------------------__---------------•------------••---------------....._.._....._............._.........._..._.._...----...__...----------------------------•--•----------•---------------...._._._._._---- $8.089 ._•._...-------- $43,622 -------------- 15,34 ------------ 04 W-1 Dia MH 5314 066 $4 581_ $1 763 $6,344 --------- — — 2.23 -- — 05 Lift Station Demolition — $10,000 _ —.. _ ---------------.—••—•••---•—•••—......•---..... . ...... $10,000 3.52% Total Direct Cost ---........._------------------------------------ 28L780—__203-- 3,401 0 0 13763 PercentofTotal - ___ 10,12% - - 71.49% -------3,401 -------- ___0 1.20% 0.00% _____0_—___—__0__ 0.00% 0.00% 0,00% - -..________0_____________0______________0___________0__—_________04711060__________05284r313___—_________ 0.00% 0.62% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 16.57% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% COMMENTS I NOTES 1 Note that the above costs DO NOT include ., Ear—coy»„amc 'Ewmne "OSr Wlta Page 1 of 1 Enm.e: a�vzoir�to.�au.� 10 a�ra1:r Project: East Renton Lift Station Elimination PRELIMINARY - 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL Job #: 8235C10 Location: Renton, WA Element: 01 12-inch SS STA 0+00 to 0+76 DETAILED COST ESTIMATE Date : June 14, 2011 By: Tyler Whitehouse Reviewed: Brian Casey SPEC�NO DESCRIPTION EW'k VQt)ANTITYF g r UNITx ...s UNIT COST .. - SUBTOTAL P _ .. a°.'# TOTAL - Division 02 - Site Construction 02000 Plug Existing Pipeline and Abandon 2.00 LS $394.82 $789.64 02000 Misc Connection Allowance 2.00 LS $581.84 $1,163.68 02000 Misc Site Restoration 0+00 to 0+76 1.00 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 02000 Trench Box per Day 10.00 Day $60.78 $607.82 02000 Bypass Pumping SSW 73 1.00 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 02000 Bypass Pumping SSMH 72A 1.00 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 02000 Sand Fill 7.27 CY $20.78 $151.07 02220 Core Drilling, 16" Diameter 1.00 LF $305.47 $305 02240 10Hp Submersible Pump, 3" Elect. 10.00 DAY $144.42 $1,444 02300 10 Cy Dump Truck, 10 Miles/Round Trip 108.37 CY $9.99 $1,083 02300 Imported Pipe Bed & Zone/Confined Structure Backfill, Class B Material 24.63 CY $84.85 $2,090 02300 Native Trench Backfill/Unconfined Struct. Bf, Class B Material 0.00 CY $18.29 $ 02300 Cat 225 Trackhoe, 1Cy Bucket, Class C (Hard Digging), 0- 16' D 108.37 CY $6.18 $670 02300 Imported Trench Backfill/Unconfined Struct. Bf, Class B Material 83.74 CY $41.86 $3,505 02580 Concrete Manhole Invert, Single Channel 1.00 EA $327.62 $328 02580 Concrete Manhole Invert, Triple Channel 1.00 EA $549.16 $549 Total $27,686 Division 03 - Concrete 03000 Concrete Manhole Fill 21.82 CY $155.85 $3,400.65 Total $3,401 Division 15 - Mechanical 15265 12" Sdr-35 Pvc Sewer Pipe, In Trench 76.00 LF $18.77 $1,426 Total $1,426 Grand Total $32,513 fin: East Renton Consly bn Cost Estimate., s 01 12sx0 SS STA 0«00 to 0,76 Page 1 of 1 Eon„ Re, 200e.t� Project: East Renton Lift Station Elimination PRELIMINARY - 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL Job #: 8235C10 Location: Renton, WA Element: 02 18-inch SS STA 0+76 to 8+58 DETAILED COST ESTIMATE Date : June 14, 2011 By: Tyler Whitehouse Reviewed: Brian Casey =-SPEC- a DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST SUBTQTAL TOTAL Division 01 -General Conditions 01000 Monitoring and Maintenance 1.00 LS $28,780.30 $28,780.30 Total $28,780 Division 02 - Site Construction 02000 Misc Site Restoration 0+76 to 8+58 1.00 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 02000 Misc Connection Allowance 2.00 LS $581.84 $1,164 02000 Stream Diversion/Crossing Allowance 1.00 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 02000 Utility Relocation Allowance 1.00 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 02000 Trench Box per Day 25.00 Day $60.78 $1,520 02000 Stream Bed Restoration 1.00 LS $2,940.37 $2,940.37 02000 Buffer Restoration and Tree Replacement 1.00 LS $17,382.47 $17,382.47 02000 TESC Allowance, Entire Project 1.00 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 02220 Core Drilling, 22" Diameter 1.33 LF $763.67 $1,018 02240 10Hp Submersible Pump, 3" Elect. 25.00 DAY $144.42 $3,611 02300 Cut & Remove Tree, 8" Diameter 17.00 EA $415.60 $7,065 02300 Cut & Remove Tree, 24" Diameter 14.00 EA $675.35 $9,455 02300 10 Cy Dump Truck, 10 Miles/Round Trip 326.25 CY $9.99 $3,261 02300 Remove Grass & Shrubs, 4" Depth To 1 Acre 0.54 AC $1,154.03 $623 02300 Imported Pipe Bed & Zone/Confined Structure Backfill, Class B Material 326.25 CY $84.85 $27,683 02300 Native Trench Backfill/Unconfined Struct. Bf, Class B Material 318.13 CY $18.29 $5,819 02300 Cat 225 Trackhoe, 1Cy Bucket, Class C (Hard Digging), 0- 16' D 815.63 CY $6.18 $5,041 02300 Imported Trench Backfill/Unconfined Struct. Bf, Class B Material 171.25 CY $41.86 $7,168 02300 10 Cy Dump Truck, 10 Miles/Round Trip 171.25 CY $9.99 $1,711 Total $125,462 Division 15 - Mechanical 15267 18" Sdr 17 Hdpe Pipe In Open Trench 783.00 LF $48.01 $37,591 Total $37,591 Grand Total $191,833 fin: East Renton Con�m Cost Estwa-e 02 18-Oxh SS STA 0�76 to 8-58 Page 1 of 1 Fonn Rev: 200aJ,- Project: East Renton Lift Station Elimination PRELIMINARY - 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL Job #: 8235C10 Location: Renton, WA Element: 03 15-inch SS STA 8+58 to 10+31 DETAILED COST ESTIMATE Date : June 14, 2011 By : Tyler Whitehouse Reviewed: Brian Casey -NO11WCERIP1I � ON QUANTITYUNIT ]'NINE_ UNIT COSTUBTOTAL INK =SPECWM Division 02 - Site Construction 02000 Misc Site Restoration 8+58 to 10+31 1.00 LS $5,000.00 $5,000+00 02000 Misc Connection Allowance 2.00 LS $581.84 $1,164 02000 Trench Box per Day 20.00 Day $60.78 $1,216 02220 Demo Pvc Pipe From Trench, 4" - 18" Incl. Fittings 173.00 LF $4.34 $751 02220 Asphalt Pavement Cutting 1,432.00 inFT $.78 $1,116 02220 Core Drilling, 20" Diameter 1.00 LF $643.66 $644 02220 Remove 4"-6" Asphalt Pavement 994.75 SF $.67 $670 02240 10Hp Submersible Pump, 3" Elect. 20.00 DAY $144.42 $2,888 02300 10 Cy Dump Truck, 10 Miles/Round Trip 228.26 CY $9.99 $2,281 02300 Imported Pipe Bed & Zone/Confined Structure Backfill, Class B Material 66.08 CY $84.85 $5,607 02300 Imported Trench Backfill/Unconfined Struct. Bf, Class B Material 162.19 CY $41.86 $6,789 02300 Cat 225 Trackhoe, 1Cy Bucket, Class C (Hard Digging), 0- 16' D 228.26 CY $6.18 $1,411 02742 4" Pavement Replacement On 6" Abc Over Trench 994.75 SF $6.03 $5,997 Total $35,534 Division 15 - Mechanical 15265 15" Sdr-35 Pvc Sewer Pipe, In Trench 173.00 LF $46.76 $8,089 Total $8,089 Grand Total $43,622 fin: East Renton Cau *n Cosl Estmate.4"3 15ixh 55 STA 8-58 to 1D-31 Page 1 of 1 Eon„ Rev: 2008Jt„e DETAILED COST ESTIMATE Project: East Renton Lift Station Elimination PRELIMINARY - 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL Job #: 8235C10 Date : June 14, 2011 Location: Renton, WA By: Tyler Whitehouse Element: 04 48" Dia MH 5314 086 Reviewed: Brian Casey . NO `ON �� Iml UNIT UNIT COSTS SUBTOTAL; �SPED�� �T.OTAL Division 02 - Site Construction 48" X 8' Deep Precast Manhole, No Ring & Cover, No 02580 Earthwork 1.00 EA $2,149.42 $2,149 02580 48" Precast Manhole, Xtra Depth Over 8' 1.00 VLF $284.65 $285 02580 48" Manhole Precast Slab Top Or Bottom, 8" Thick 1.00 EA $375.16 $375 02580 24" Dia. X 350 Lb Watertight Manhole Frame & Cover 1.00 EA $639.70 $640 02580 2" Precast Grade Ring, 4-Piece, 20" - 26" Diameter 1.00 EA $566.47 $566 02580 Concrete Manhole Invert, Single Channel 1.00 EA $327.62 $328 02580 Polypropylene MH Steps 9.00 EA $26.49 $238.45 Total $4,581 Division 09 - Finishes 09000 MH Coating, High Solids Urethane 113.10 SF $15.59 $1,762.66 Total $1,763 Grand Total $6,344 fln East Renton Con—u -Cost Estimate 410a 48' Die MH 5314 086 Page 1 of 1 F— Re, 2008J— -Care ...mow �,.d... DETAILED COST ESTIMATE Project: East Renton Lift Station Elimination PRELIMINARY - 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL Job #: 8235C10 Date: June 14, 2011 Location: Renton, WA By : Tyler Whitehouse Element: 05 Lift Station Demolition Reviewed: Brian Casey =SPECNO. bESCRJPTION QUANTITY UNIT 4 UNIttOST�x SUBTOTAL_ TOTAL" , r= Division 02 - Site Construction 02000 Miscellaneous Site and Lift Station Demolition 1.00 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 Total $10,000 Grand Total $10,000 vn: Eav Remo co VW.n cot Esim,aro.,u 5 u St— e..w Page 1 of 1 Fw Rev 20WJ— eava..:Nd1JnA LtMfars LY3M1 W fd PROJECT SUMMARY Project: East Renton Lift Station Elimination PRELIMINARY - 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL Job #: 8235C10 Location: Renton, WA Zip Code: 98055 Estimate Class: 3 PIC: Brian Matson PM: Lara Kammereck Date: June 14, 2011 By: Tyler Whitehouse Reviewed: Brian Casey Pi l ., a 44�i t � DESCRIP NOTION " 3-11 �g '; r -"yR. g y �, g 3TOTAl 01 12-inch SS STA 0+00 to 0+76 $32,513 02 18-inch SS STA 0+76 to 8+58 $191,833 03 15-inch SS STA 8+58 to 10+31 $43,622 04 48" Dia MH 5314 086 $6,344 05 Lift Station Demolition $10,000 TOTAL DIRECT COST $284,313 Contingency 20.0% $56,863 Subtotal $341,176 General Contractor Overhead, Profit & Risk 10.0% $34,118 Subtotal $375,293 Gross Receipts Tax (Based on King County, WA) 9.5% $35,653 Subtotal $410,946 General Conditions 15.0% $61,642 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $473,000 The cost estimate herein is based on our perception of current conditions at the project location. This estimate reflects our professional opinion of accurate costs at this time and is subject to change as the project design matures. Carollo Engineers have no control over variances in the cost of labor, materials, equipment, nor services provided by others, contractor's means and methods of executing the work or of determining prices, competitive bidding or market conditions, practices or bidding strategies. Carollo Engineers cannot and does not warrantor guarantee that proposals, bids or actual construction costs will not vary from the costs presented as shown. fln: East Renton Construction Cost Estimate.xls-PROJECT SUMMARY Page 1 of 1 Printed 6/13/2011-10:49 AM t BLuid Cast Matnxlhi 7 RECAP MATRIX Project:East Renton Lift Station Elimination PRELIMINARY - 60 % DESIGN SUBMITTAL Date : June 14, 2011 Job #:8235C10 Location: Renton, WA Estimate Class: 3 By: Tyler Whitehouse SPEC. DIVISION/ DIV. 01 DIV. 02 DIV. 03 DIV. 04 DIV. 05 1 DIV. 06 1 DIV. 07 DIV. 08 DIV. 09 DIV. 10 DIV. 11 DIV. 12 DIV. 13 DIV. 14 DIV. 15 DIV. 16 Div 17 ELEMENT ELEMENT ELEMENT GEN SITE CONC MSNRY METALS WOOD & MOIST DOORS 8 FINISHES SPECIAL- EQUIP FURN SPECIAL CONVEY PLUMBG ELECT/ INST. %of DESCRIPTION REQTS WORK Plastics PRO TN WDOS TIES CONST & MECH 18 C 8 CONT. TOTALS Total 01 12-inch SS' STA 0+00 to 0+76 $27,687 $3,401 $1,426__________________________ 02 18-inch SS STA 0+76 to 8+58 _..__....------------------------------------- $28,780 ....—'-...--'------"---'•----•----'------'--------------------------------------------------•---------------------------------------------'•-----------...----•--•--------..t—_..._._._—._..._._._._---- $125,462 $37 591 _____$32,513 $191,833 ------------- _-11.44 67.47 ---------•-- 03 15-inch SS STA 8+58 to 10+31 ---'-----------------------------..... -----------' $35 534 -------------------------------------•------...._._......_.__..___..—_.._....._...._..._—. _ $8,089________—___ -----------_._-- -----_$43t622 ---------- 04 48_'_Dia MH 5314 086 05 Lift Station Demolition ____—______ $10.000 $10,000 3.52 Total Direct Cost 28, 180 203,263 3,401 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47,106 0 0 $284,313 Percent of Total 10.12% 71.49% 1.20% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0,00% .....0_1t763 _ 0.00% 0.62% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 16.57% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00, GUMM tNIS/ NUItS 1 _Note that the above costs DO NOT include all of the applicable mark_up_s for the total construction or �oject cost. Refer to the SUMMARY for these values.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________—,________ i E. —co„ 0.c to ri A. 06ru Tan Page 1 of 1—v'aaMt.to:'o_ Project: East Renton Lift Station Elimination PRELIMINARY - 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL Job #: 8235C10 Location: Renton, WA Element: 01 12-inch SS STA 0+00 to 0+76 DETAILED COST ESTIMATE Date : June 14, 2011 By: Tyler Whitehouse Reviewed: Brian Casey SPEC NO ......r_. IF- DESCRITIONRF - P QUANTI?l! UNIT UNIT COST, SUBTOTAL` Fin, -1 1, TOTAL Division 02 - Site Construction 02000 Plug Existing Pipeline and Abandon 2.00 LS $394.82 $789.64 02000 Misc Connection Allowance 2.00 LS $581.84 $1,163.68 02000 Misc Site Restoration 0+00 to 0+76 1.00 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 02000 Trench Box per Day 10.00 Day $60.78 $607.82 02000 Bypass Pumping SSMH 73 1.00 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 02000 Bypass Pumping SSMH 72A 1.00 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 02000 Sand Fill . 7.27 CY $20.78 $151.07 02220 Core Drilling, 16" Diameter 1.00 LF $305.47 $305 02240 10Hp Submersible Pump, 3" Elect. 10.00 DAY $144.42 $1,444 02300 10 Cy Dump Truck, 10 Miles/Round.Trip 108.37 CY $9.99 $1,083 02300 Imported Pipe Bed & Zone/Confined Structure Backfill, Class B Material 24.63 CY $84.85 $2,090 02300 Native Trench Backfill/Unconfined Struct. Bf, Class B Material 0.00 CY $18.29 $ 02300 Cat 225 Trackhoe, 1Cy Bucket, Class C (Hard Digging), 0- 16' D 108.37 CY $6.18 $670 02300 Imported Trench Backfill/Unconfined Struct. Bf, Class B Material 83.74 CY $41.86 $3,505 02580 Concrete Manhole Invert, Single Channel 1.00 EA $327.62 $328 02580 Concrete Manhole Invert, Triple Channel 1.00 EA $549.16 $549 Total $27,686 Division 03 - Concrete 03000 Concrete Manhole Fill 21.82 CY $155.85 $3,400.65 Total $3,401 Division 15 - Mechanical 15265 12" Sdr-35 Pvc Sewer Pipe, In Trench 76.00 LF $18.77 $1,426 Total $1,426 Grand Total $32,513 fin: Ee9 Renton Consbl lion C-1 Em mate.4s 01 12s h SS STA 0�00 to 0,76 Page 1 of 1 Form Rev: 200eJme Project: East Renton Lift Station Elimination PRELIMINARY - 60 % DESIGN SUBMITTAL Job #: 8235C10 Location: Renton, WA Element: 02 18-inch SS STA 0+76 to 8+58 DETAILED COST ESTIMATE Date : June 14, 2011 By: Tyler Whitehouse Reviewed: Brian Casey R iPM r Oo. �DESCRIPTIONS _- Division 01 - General Conditions 01000 Monitoring and Maintenance 1.00 LS $28,780.30 $28,780.30 Total $28,780 Division 02 - Site Construction 02000 Misc Site Restoration 0+76 to 8+58 1.00 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 02000 Misc Connection Allowance 2.00 LS $581.84 $1,164 02000 Stream Diversion/Crossing Allowance 1.00 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 02000 Utility Relocation Allowance 1.00 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 02000 Trench Box per Day 25.00 Day $60.78 $1,520 02000 Stream Bed Restoration 1.00 LS $2,940.37 $2,940.37 02000 Buffer Restoration and Tree Replacement 1.00 LS $17,382.47 $17,382.47 02000 TESC Allowance, Entire Project 1.00 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 02220 Core Drilling, 22" Diameter 1.33 LF $763.67 $1,018 02240 10Hp Submersible Pump, 3" Elect. 25.00 DAY $144.42 $3,611 02300 Cut & Remove Tree, 8" Diameter 17.00 EA $415.60 $7,065 02300 Cut & Remove Tree, 24" Diameter 14.00 EA $675.35 $9,455 02300 10 Cy Dump Truck, 10 Miles/Round Trip 326.25 CY $9.99 $3,261 02300 Remove Grass & Shrubs, 4" Depth To 1 Acre 0.54 AC $1,154.03 $623 02300 Imported Pipe Bed & Zone/Confined Structure Backfill, Class B Material 326.25 CY $84.85 $27,683 02300 Native Trench Backfill/Unconfined Struct. Bf, Class B Material 318.13 CY $18.29 $5,819 02300 Cat 225 Trackhoe, 1 Cy Bucket, Class C (Hard Digging), 0- 16' D 815.63 CY $6.18 $5,041 02300 Imported Trench Backfill/Unconfined Struct. Bf, Class B Material 171.25 CY $41.86 $7,168 02300 10 Cy Dump Truck, 10 Miles/Round Trip 171.25 CY $9.99 $1,711 Total $125,462 Division 15 - Mechanical 15267 18" Sdr 17 Hdpe Pipe In Open Trench 783.00 LF $48.01 $37,591 Total $37,591 Grand Total $191,833 V, East Renton Construction Cost Estimate.bs-02 18i¢h SS STA 0+76 to 6+58 Page 1 of 1 F- Rev: 200anae Ca-' Project: East Renton Lift Station Elimination PRELIMINARY - 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL Job #: 8235C10 Location: Renton, WA Element: 03 15-inch SS STA 8+58 to 10+31 DETAILED COST ESTIMATE Date : June 14, 2011 By: Tyler Whitehouse Reviewed: Brian Casey rg NOyIn kIS i INI CRIPTION f - QUANTITYt7NIT UNlT COST fir'SPEC SUBT07A� x� =�"5TF Division 02 - Site Construction 02000 Misc Site Restoration 8+58 to 10+31 1.00 L5 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 02000 Misc Connection Allowance 2.00 LS $581.84 $1,164 02000 Trench Box per Day 20.00 Day $60.78 $1,216 02220 Demo Pvc Pipe From Trench, 4" - 18" Incl. Fittings 173.00 LF $4.34 $751 02220 Asphalt Pavement Cutting 1,432.00 inFT $.78 $1,116 02220 Core Drilling, 20" Diameter 1.00 LF $643.66 $644 02220 Remove 4"-6" Asphalt Pavement 994.75 SF $.67 $670 02240 10Hp Submersible Pump, 3" Elect. 20.00 DAY $144.42 $2,888 02300 10 Cy Dump Truck, 10 Miles/Round Trip 228.26 CY $9.99 $2,281 02300 Imported Pipe Bed & Zone/Confined Structure Backfill, Class B Material 66.08 CY $84.85 $5,607 02300 Imported Trench Backfill/Unconfined Struct. Bf, Class B Material 162.19 CY $41.86 $6,789 02300 Cat 225 Trackhoe, 1Cy Bucket, Class C (Hard Digging), 0- 16' D 228.26 CY $6.18 $1,411 02742 4" Pavement Replacement On 6" Abc Over Trench 994.75 SF $6.03 $5,997 Total $35,534 Division 15 - Mechanical 15265 15" Sdr-35 Pvc Sewer Pipe, In Trench 173.00 LF $46.76 $8,089 Total $8,089 Grand Total $43,622 fln EeM Rent." C—t" . Co EMi..t" m a3 15r�rn ss STa 8.58 to 10.31 Page 1 of 1 Form Rev: 200eJ— DETAILED COST ESTIMATE Project: East Renton Lift Station Elimination PRELIMINARY - 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL Job #: 8235C10 Date : June 14, 2011 Location: Renton, WA By: Tyler Whitehouse Element: 04 48" Dia MH 5314 086 Reviewed: Brian Casey NOt)E5CRIPTtON M'' QUAN UNIT UNIT COST SUBTOTAL =SPEC t TOTAL Division 02 - Site Construction 48" X 8' Deep Precast Manhole, No Ring & Cover, No 02580 Earthwork 1.00 EA $2,149.42 $2,149 02580 48" Precast Manhole, Xtra Depth Over 8' 1.00 VLF $284.65 $285 02580 48" Manhole Precast Slab Top Or Bottom, 8" Thick 1.00 EA $375.16 $375 02580 24" Dia. X 350 Lb Watertight Manhole Frame & Cover 1.00 EA $639.70 $640 02580 2" Precast Grade Ring, 4-Piece, 20" - 26" Diameter 1.00 EA $566.47 $566 02580 Concrete Manhole Invert, Single Channel 1.00 EA $327.62 $328 02580 Polypropylene MH Steps 9.00 EA $26.49 $238.45 Total $4,581 Division 09 - Finishes 09000 MH Coating, High Solids Urethane 113.10 SF $15.59 $1,762.66 Total $1,763 Grand Total $6,344 tin: East Renton Construction Cost Es—te,e 38' Dia W 5314 086 Page 1 of 1 Form Rev 2ooe,,.,e DETAILED COST ESTIMATE Project: East Renton Lift Station Elimination PRELIMINARY - 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL Job #: 8235C10 Date : June 14, 2011 Location: Renton, WA By : Tyler Whitehouse Element: 05 Lift Station Demolition Reviewed: Brian Casey SPEC NO DESCRIPTIaN ' UNITx UNIT COSTVSUBTOTAI •. TOTAL g4UANTITY Division 02 - Site Construction 02000 Miscellaneous Site and Lift Station Demolition 1.00 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 Total $10,000 Grand Total $10,000 fln: EaL Renton Cotutr Pion Cost Est4 ate.ds-05 LA Station Cemoktun Page 1 of 1 - form Rer 2008J— EAST RENTON LIFT STATION ELIMINATION PROJECT WORKING PROJECT SCHEDULE ask Name T RENTON LIFT STATION ELIMINATION PROJECT K 1 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 7m G - VIIVML Ur-olu 9 UCVCLVr1V1r_N I City Obtain K.C. Right of Use Permit Task 2.1: Supplemental Survey Task 2.2 - Geotechnical Exploration, Review, and Assistance Task 2.3 - Environmental Permitting Services Determine Fish Presence and Develop Stream Crossing Method Memo Submit Fish Presence and Stream Crossing Memo Task 2.3.1 - King County Permit Applications Prepare Draft Permitting Submittal Submit Draft Permitting Submittal City/Carollo Review and Comment Prepare Final Permitting Submittal to K.C. Submit Final Permitting Submittal to K.C. Agency Repponse: For Clearing and Grading Permit Task 2.3.2 - JARPA Prepare Draft JARPA and No Effect Letter Submit Draft JARPA and No Effect Letter City/Carollo Review and Comment Prepare Final JARPA and No Effect Letter Final JARPA and No Effect Letter to WDFW and Corps Agency Response: HPA from WDFW Agency Response: Corps Task 2.3.3 - SEPA Checklist Prepare Draft SEPA Checklist Submit Draft SEPA Checklist City/Carollo Review and Comment Prepare Final SEPA Checklist Final SEPA Checklist to City Task 2.3.4 - Mitigation Plan Prepare Draft Mitigation Plan Submit Draft Mitigation Plan City/Carollo Review and Comment Prepare Final Mitigation Plan for inclusion in K.C. Permit submittal Final Mitigation Plan to City Task 2.3.5 - Meetings and Coordination Pre -Application Meeting w' K.C. DDES for Clearing and Grading Permit K.C. DDES Application Submittal Meeting (Subject to K.C.) City of Renton Permitting Prepare Draft CAO Exemption Letter City/Carollo Review and Comment Prepare Final CAO Exemption Letter Final CAO Exemption Letter to City Targeted Drainage Review/Permit (TDR) Prepare TDR Submittal for K.C. Review Submit TDR to K.C. K.C. Review and Comment Incorporate K.C. Review Comments Task 2.4 - 60 Percent Design Development 60 Percent Design Development Submit 60 Percent Design Submittal Duration Start Finish rter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter I May I Jun_=Jul- Sep Oct _ t 0 days Mon 9/27/10 Mon 9127/1 428 days 397 days 15 days 30 days 40 days 181days 45 days 0 days 65 days 1 wk 0 days 2 wks 2 wks 0 days 2 mons 100 days 4 wks 0 days 2 wks 2 wks 0 days 2 mons 3 mons 30 days 2 wks 0 days 2 wks 2 wks 0 days 50 days 6 wks 0 days 2 wks 2 wks 0 days 121 days 0 days 0 days 25 days 2 wks 1 wk 2 wks 0 days 75 days 5 days 0 days 20 days 5 days 41 days 31 days 0 days Mon 9/27110 Mon 9127/10 Mon 9/27/10 Mon 12/6110 Mon 11/29/10 Tue 1125/11 Tue 3/1/11 Mon 5/2/11 Wed 618/11 Wed 6/8/11 Tue 6/14/11 Wed 6/15/11 Wed 6/29/11 Tue 7/12/11 Wed 7/13/11 Wed 5/18/11 Wed 5/18/11 Tue 6/14/11 Wed 6/15111 Wed 6/29/11 Tue 7/12/11 Wed 7/13/11 Wed 7/13/11 Wed 6/1/11 Wed &1111 Tue 6/14/11 Wed 6/15/11 Wed 6129/11 Tue 7/12/11 Wed 5/4/11 Wed 5/4/11 Tue 6/14/11 Wed 6/15/11 Wed 6/29/11 Tue 7/12/11 Tue 1/25/11 Tue 1125/11 Tue 7/12/11 Wed 6/15/11 Wed 6/15/11 Wed 6129/11 Wed 7/6/11 Tue 7/19/11 Wed 6/29/11 Wed 6/29/11 Tue 7/5/11 Wed 7/6/11 Wed 106111 Tue 5/3/11 Tue 5/3/11 Tue 6/14/11 Wed 5/16/12 Tue 413112� Fri 10/1511 G Fri 1114/11 i Fri 1/21111 Tue /11 512 Mon 5/2/11 Mon 5/2/11 512 Tue 9/6/11 Tue 6/14/11 Tue 6/14/11 6114 Tue 6128/11 Tue 7/12/111 Tue 7/12/11: 7112 Tue 9/6/11 i Tue 10/4/111 Tue 6/14/11 _ Tue 6/14/11H Tue 6/28/11' Tue 7/12/11 Tue 7/12/11 7112 Tue 916/11 Tue 10/4/11 Tue 7112/11 Tue 6/14/11 Tue 6/14/11 Tue 6/28/11 Tue 7/12/11. Tue 7/12111 7/12 Tue 7112111 VI Tue 6/14/11' Tue 6114/111 Tue 6/28/11: Tue 7/12/11 Tue 7/12/11 7112 Tue 7/12111:oi=iiiiiiiiiiii Now Tue 1/25/11' Tue 7/12/11 7/12 Tue 7119111 Tue 6/28/11 Tue 715/11 Tue 7119/11. Tue 7/19/11 ®7/19 Tue 10/11/11: Tue 7/5/111 Ak Tue 7/5/11 ♦715 Tue 8/2/111 Tue 10/11/1V Tue 6/28/11 Tue 6/14/11' Tue 6/14/11; 4 Project: E. Renton LS Elimination Prj I Task Progress Summary External Tasks Deadline Date: Fri 6/10/11 Split Milestone C Project Summary External Milestone Page 1 EAST RENTON LIFT STATION ELIMINATION PROJECT WORKING PROJECT SCHEDULE Task Name Duration Start Finish rter 3rd Quarter l4th Quarter 1 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter _ M_ay I Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan I Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov 60 Percent Submittal City Review and Comment, Await Permitting Review 2 wks Wed 6/15/11 __ Tue 6/28/11, _ Task 2.5 - 90 Percent Design Development (Final Review Submittal) 120 days Wed 1015/11 Tue 3/20/121 90 Percent Design Development and Internal Review 20 days Wed 10/5/11 Tue 11/1/11 Submit 90 Percent Design Submittal 0 days Tue 11/1/11 Tue 11/1/11 V 11/1 90 Percent Submittal City Review and Comment 10 days Wed 11/2/11 Tue 11/15/11, King County Parks Special Use Permit 90 days Wed 11/16/11 Tue 3/20/12 Task 2.6 - Final (Contract Document) Design Development 10 days Wed 3/21/12 Tue 413/12, Contract Document Development 10 days Wed 3/21/12 Tue 4/3/12 Contract Documents Submittal 0 days Tue 4/3/12 Tue 4/3/121 _ 4 TASK 3 - BID ASSISTANCE / BID PERIOD 35 days Wed 4/18/12 Tue 6/5/12I Advertise 10 days Wed 4/18/12 Tue 5/1/12 Open Bids 0 days Tue 5/1/12 Tue 5/1/12 511 Evaluate Bids, Prepare Contract Docs for Successful Bidder 10 days Wed 5/2/12 Tue 5/15/121 Award Contract 0 days Tue 5/15/12 Tue 5/15112 5/15 Successful Bidder Reqs to City (Execution of Contract) 10 days Wed 5/16/12 Tue 5129/12 Signed Contract 5 days Wed 5/30112 Tue 6/5/12 NTP 0 days Tue 6/5/12 Tue 6/5/121 615 Pre -Construction Meeting 0 days Tue 6/5/12 Tue 6/5/12i 6/5 TASK 4 - ASSISTANCE DURING CONSTRUCTION 105 days Wed 616/12 Tue 10130/12: Task 4.1 - City Submittal Review 20 days Wed 6/6/12 Tue 7/3112 Task 4.2 - Request for Information (RFIs) 5 days Wed 6/6/12 Tue 6/12/121 Task 4.3 - Field Inspection 70 days Wed 6127/12 Tue 10/2/4 Mobilization 3 days Wed 6/27/12 Fri 6/29/121 Site Preparation 3 days Mon 7/2112 Wed 7/4/12 Install 15" SS in 148th Place SE (STA 8+58 to STA 10+31) 14 days Thu 715/12 Tue 7/24/121 Remove 173 LF of Existing 8" SS and Existing MH 5314 086 5 days Thu 7/5/12 Wed 7/11/12i _ Install 173 LF of 15" SS and New MH 5314 086 5 days Thu 7/12/12 Wed 7/18/12 Pipeline Testing 1 day Thu 7/19/12 Thu 7119/12 Site Restoration Improvements 3 days Fri 7/20/12 Tue 7/24/12 Install 18" SS through Maplewood Park (STA 0+76 to STA 8+58) 20 days Wed 7125/12 Tue 8/21112 Clearing and Tree Removal (30' wide path, —2,600 SY) 5 days Wed 7/25/12 Tue 7/31/12 Install 18" SS from STA 8+58 to STA 2+00, 658 LF 8 days Wed 8/1/12 Fri 8/10/12; Divert Stream and Install Remaining 124 LF of 18" SS to Existing MH 5314 07E 4 days Mon 8/13/12 Thu 8/16/12' Pipeline Testing 2 days Fri 8/17/12 Mon 8120/12 Install Temporary Stream Crossing as Required 1 day Tue 8121/12 Tue 8/21/121, Install 12" SS near existing lift station (STA 0+00 to 0+76) 10 days Wed 8/22/12 Tue 9/4112 Install 76 LF of 12" SS 2 days Wed 8/22/12 Thu 8/23112; ♦j Pipeline Testing 1 day Fri 8/24/12 Fri 8/24/12' Install Temporary Bypass Pumping Systems and Test 2 days Mon 8127/12 Tue 8/28/12` Fill MH 5314 080 and MH 5314 079 and Existing 12" SS 3 days Wed 8129/12 Fri 8/31/12 Confirm Operation of New Sewer Pipeline, Decom. Bypass Systems 1 day Mon 9/3/12 Mon 913/127 Site Restoration Improvements 1 day Tue 9/4/12 Tue 9/4/12 1 Decommission and Miscellaneous Demolition of Existing Lift Station 5 days Wed 9/5/12 Tue 9/11/12 Substantial Completion 0 days Tue 9/11/12 Tue 9/11/121 9111 Stream Restoration and Wetland Mitigation Planting Improvements 10 days Wed 9/12/12 Tue 9/25/12 Final Inspection and Physical Completion 5 days Wed 9/26112 Tue 10/2/12 Final Acceptance 0 days Tue 10/2/12 Tue 10/2/12 10/2 Task 4.4 - Record Drawings 15 days Wed 10/10112 Tue 10/30112 Record Drawing Development 15 days Wed 10/10/12 Tue 10/30/12' Project Completion 0 days Tue 10/30/12 Tue 10/30/12 10/30 Protect: E. Renton LS Elimination Prj Task Progress Summary External Tasks �--- Deadline b Date: Fri 6/10/11 Split Milestone C Project Summary External Milestone Page 2 June 14, 2011 8235C.10 Renton City Hall — 5th Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Attention: Dave Christensen, Wastewater Utility Supervisor Subject: East Renton Lift Station Elimination Project: 60% East Renton Lift Station Elimination Design Submittal Package Dear Dave: The enclosed documents include the 60 percent design submittal for the East Renton Lift Station Elimination project and Draft versions of the Environmental Permitting Services deliverables. Also enclosed is a legal description for which to obtain an easement for the site access drive. The final geotechnical report prepared by HWA is also included for your files. Please contact us if you have any questions or comments on the 60 percent design submittal package. Sincerely, CAROLLO ENGINEERS, P.C. Lara Kammereck LRK:tIh Enclosures: 2 copies each of the following: 60% Drawings 60% Specifications 60% Construction Cost Estimate 60% Project Schedule Access Easement Final Geotechnical Report 1 copy each of the following: Draft King County Permit Submittals Draft JARPA Draft SEPA Checklist Draft Mitigation Plan Revised June 2011 Wetland, Stream, and Wildlife Study 1218 Third Avenue, Suite 1600, Seattle, Washington 98101 P. 206.684.6532 F.206.903.0419 pw:\\Documents\Client\WA\Renton\8235C101Correspondence\Client\Christensen L40110614.docx carollo.com Denis Law Mayor January 15, 2014 Mr. Charles Romo 322 Pasco Drive NE Renton, WA 98059 iTity of Public Works Department - Gregg Zimmerman, R E., Administrator RE: Keys to Abandoned East Renton Lift Station Dear Mr. Romo: Here are the keys to the locks on the gate and the doors of the abandoned East Renton Lift Station site for the use of the Homeowners Association, as owner of the property. Thank you for your assistance and patience with the project. If you have any questions, please contact me at 425-430-7206 or by email at mbenoit@rentonwa.gov. Sincerely, Michael A. Benoit Wastewater Utility Project Manager Enclosure H:\File Sys\WWP - WasteWater\WWP-03-0000 Correspondence - Wastewater\MikeB\Keys to HOA for East Renton Lift Station.doc\MABtp Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov