HomeMy WebLinkAboutWWP273685 (2)PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ctyof M E MORAN DU M DATE--kAtyt�Li NAME_�_.o_ I, DATE: April 4, 2014�j ! TO: Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works RiministraLVIY FROM: Lys Hornsby, Utility Systems Direct f--&-4- CrGz s STAFF CONTACT: Dave Christensen, Wastewater Utility Supervisor, x7212 SUBJECT: Addendum No. 5 to Consultant Contract CAG-13-007 for Engineering Services with Stantec Consulting Services Inc. for the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension Project — Additional Permit and Construction Services Attached for your signature are two original copies of Addendum No. 5 to CAG-13-007 with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc., in the amount of $27,300, to complete unanticipated permit requirements and to provide construction services including inspection for the South 132"d Street Sewer Extension project. The original contract was for Stantec Consulting Services. Inc. (Stantec) to provide survey services, title search, easement preparation, and assistance with project permitting. Addendum No. 1 was to allow Stantec to perform design work within the original sewer alignment. Addendum No. 2 was for the company name change from Roth Hill, LLC to Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. Addendum No. 3 was for revised design services due to the inability of the City to secure easements in the original pipe alignment. Addendum No. 4 provided a time extension to the "Time of Completion" of the original contract. Stantec has already completed design services and has been assisting with permitting for the project. Addendum No. 5 will provide for additional unanticipated permit work and construction services (material submittal review and inspection). There are sufficient funds for this addendum in the South 132"d Street Sewer Extension project (426.465500) budget of $400,000. Also attached is the contract checklist and requisite forms needed by the City Clerk for the execution of this contract addendum. Attachments H:\File Sys\WWP - WasteWater\WWP-27-3685 S 132nd St Sewer Extension\Design Contract\S 132nd St Addendum 5.doc\JDHad (3 Stantec Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 1 1 130 NE 331d Place, Suite 200 Bellevue, WA 98004 425.869.9448 To: John Hobson Company: City of Renton Address: Planning/Building/Public Works, Renton City Hall - 51h Floor, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 425-430-7279 Date: March 31, 2014 File: N/A Delivery: US Postal Transmittal RECEIVED APR 2 2014 CITY OF RENTON UTILITY SYSTEMS From: Erik Waligorski, PE For Your Information X For Your Approval For Your Review As Requested X For Your Signature Reference: South 132nd Street Sewer Extension, CAG-13-007 Attachment: Copies Doc Date Pages Description 2 3/31/14 4 Signed Addendum No. 5 Attached are two copies of the revised Addendum No. 5 for the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension Project for City approval. Please let me know if you have any comments or questions. Thank you. Stantec Consulting Services Inc Erik Waligorski, PE Principal Tel: 425-289-7320 Fax: 425-869-1 190 Erik.waligorskiCstantec.com c. File One Team. Infinite Solutions. ew v:\2002\active10015100022.000 132nd st sewer\prjmgmtljh_ejw_20140325_lmtl_addendum no 5.docx r: rl� (3 Stantec Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. 1 1 130 NE 33rd Place, Suite 200 Bellevue, WA 98004 425.869.9448 To: John Hobson City of Renton — Utility Systems Division File: 2002003603 Memo From: Erik Waligorski, PE Stantec Consulting — Bellevue Date: March 31, 2014 Reference: South 132^d Street Sewer Extension Project — Additional Permit and Construction Services Scope and Budget The purpose of this memorandum is to provide a scope and budget for additional permitting support and construction related services, including bidding support, submittal review, RFI support, and casing installation review. Scope of Services The proposed work consists of recovering the costs associated with providing additional permitting support for the City of Renton to complete the SEPA checklist including meeting with the new planner for the project, reviewing the soils information required for the checklist, and reviewing the requirements for a Grading Plan and Soils Report. The scope also includes providing as needed construction support during the duration of the construction of the project. The construction support will include up to 4 hours of answering bidder questions during the bid period, up to 6 hours of submittal review related to the casing installation, up to 16 hours of onsite geotechnical review during the installation of the casing bases, up to 8 hours of responding to Contractor RFI submittals and onsite meetings, up to 120 hours of construction inspection (including reports), and up to 16 hours to prepare draft and final Construction Record Drawings (CRD's) The total budget request for the additional work is $27,300. Below is a summary of the budget request: Project Management = $1,000 Permitting Support = $1,400 Bidding Assistance = $900 Submittal Review = $1,000 RFI/Geotechnical Support = $4,000 Construction Inspection = $16,500 Draft/Final CRD's = $2.500 TOTAL REVISED BUDGET = $27,300.00 Design with community In mind ew v:\2002\active\0015\00022.000 132nd st sewer\prjmgmt\jh_20140331_ejw_memo _revised_132nd permit and wstruction scope & budget.docx March 31, 2014 John Hobson Page 2 of 2 Reference: South 132nd Street Sewer Extension Project — Additional Permit and Construction Services Scope and Budget Please feel free to contact me at (425) 289-7320 if you have any questions. Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Erik Waligorski, PE Principal Erik.waligorski@stantec.com c. Dave Christensen PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 56 ^�-��0� M E M O R A N D U M DATE: January 14, 2013 TO: Gregg Zimmerman, PW Administrator FROM: Lys Hornsby, Utility Systems DirectoA STAFF CONTACT: Dave Christensen, Wastewater Utility Supervisor, x7212 SUBJECT: Roth Hill Consultant Contract South 132nd Street Sewer Extension Project Attached are two original consultant contracts for your signature. The consultant contract agreement covers survey services, title search and easement preparation, and assistance with permitting for the design work associated with the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension project. Wastewater Staff will perform the complete design work, including SEPA and permitting. Roth Hill was selected using the approved 2013 Annual Consultant Roster. The total contract amount for this work is $31,300. There is $225,000 allocated in the approved 2013 — 2014 CIP budget for the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension project (426.465500). Also attached is the complete package needed to submit the signed contracts to the City Clerk for contract execution. Attachments h:\file sys\wwp - wastewater\wwp-03-0000 correspondence - wastewater\davec\2013 correspondence\s 132nd gz memo.doc PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ctV0r M E M Q R A N D U M -- 7 DATE: January 14, 2013 NAM TO: Gregg Zimmerman, PW Administrator FROM: Lys Hornsby, Utility Systems Director STAFF CONTACT: Dave Christensen, Wastewater Utility Supervisor, x7212 SUBJECT: Roth Hill Consultant Contract South 132nd Street Sewer Extension Project Attached are two original consultant contracts for your signature. The consultant contract agreement covers survey services, title search and easement preparation, and assistance with permitting for the design work associated with the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension project. Wastewater Staff will perform the complete design work, including SEPA and permitting. Roth Hill was selected using the approved 2013 Annual Consultant Roster. The total contract amount for this work is $31,300. There is $225,000 allocated in the approved 2013 — 2014 CIP budget for the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension project (426.465500). Also attached is the complete package needed to submit the signed contracts to the City Clerk for contract execution. Attachments h:\file sys\wwp - wastewater\wwp-03-0000 correspondence - wastewater\davec\2013 correspondence\s 132nd gz memo.doc PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT D City M E M O R A N D U M DATE: July 1, 2013 TO: Gregg Zimmerman, PW Administrator FROM: Lys Hornsby, Utility Systems Director STAFF CONTACT: Dave Christensen, Wastewater Utility Supervisor, x7212 SUBJECT: Addendum No. 1 to Consultant Contract CAG-13-007 for Engineering Services with Roth Hill, LLC for the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension Project - Design Engineering Services Attached for your signature are two original copies of Addendum No. 1 to CAG-13-007 with Roth Hill, LLC, in the amount of $9,600, for design services for the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension project. The Wastewater Utility had intended to complete the design work for this project in- house, however their current workload will not allow them to complete the design until later this year. They would like to stay on track with having the project out to bid in late -summer with construction being completed in early -fall. In order to meet that timeline, they are proposing to utilize consultant services from Roth Hill Engineering to complete the design portion of the work. Roth Hill has already completed survey services and is scheduled to assist with permitting for the project. Adding the design services to the contract is a relatively small cost due to their familiarity of the project and is partially offset by reduced staff cost for engineering, which is approximately half of the addendum amount. There are sufficient funds for this addendum in the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension project (426.465500) budget of $225,000. Also attached is the contract checklist and requisite forms needed by the City Clerk for the execution of this contract addendum. Attachments H:\File Sys\WWP - Waste Water\WWP-03-0000 Correspondence - Wastewater\DaveC\2013 Correspondence\S 132nd St Addendum l.doc\DMCtp in ROTF'riILL MEMORANDUM TO: City of Renton Dave Christensen - Project Manager FROM: Erik Waligorski, PE. RE: 132"d Street Sewer Extension Project Design Scope and Budget COPIES: File DATE: June 25, 2013 ROTH HILL, LLC 11130 NE 33d Place, Suite 200 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Tel. 425.869.9448 800.835.0292 Fax 425.869.1190 Project No: 0015.00022.000 Page 1 of 1 The purpose of this memorandum is to provide a scope and budget to prepare the design for the 132"d Street Sewer Extension Project. The City also requested that we perform additional survey to the east of the initial request. Upon reviewing our current budget and progress, I am confident that we can complete the additional survey request within the original budget and therefore are not requesting additional budget for the added survey work. Scope of Services The proposed work consists of preparing the final bidding documents for the 132"d Street Sewer Extension Project to be used by the City in bidding and constructing the work. The scope includes preparing the additional scope and budget, base maps to be used for the design, preparing and submitting 90% level design for review, and preparing the final bid documents. The scope does not include any effort by Roth Hill during the bidding or construction phases of the work, including construction record drawings. It is also understood that the City will provide Roth Hill with a recent sewer project to be used as a specification template for this work. The total budget request for the design work is $9,600. Budget Below is a summary of the budget request: Total Hours = 61 Additional Labor = $9,001 Additional Reimbursables = $599 TOTAL DESIGN BUDGET = $9,600.00 Please feel free to contact me at (425) 289-7320 if you have any questions. F10015\00022.000 132nd Si SewerTrjMgrnADC_062513_ejw_memo_132nd Design Scope & Budget.docx CAG-13-007, Adden #2-13 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF AND CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT ��T-,V`- This Acknowledgement of and Consent to Assignment ("Consent") is made and entered into this 1__(— day of -- V- • ; 2013 by and among the City of Renton ("Client"), STANTEC CONSULTING SERVICES INC. ("Stantec"), a New York corporation, and ROTH HILL, LLC ("Roth Hill"). RECITALS A. Client and Roth Hill are currently parties to a Annual Consultant Agreement - South 132nd Street Sewer Extension dated 1/14/2013 (Contract Number CAG-13-007) (the "Agreement") pursuant to which Roth Hill provides various services to Client; B. Effective June 29. 2013, Stantec will acquire various business assets of Roth Hill (the "Acquisition"); including all rights and obligations under the Agreement. C. As a consequence of the Acquisition, Stantec will succeed to all rights, duties and obligations of Roth Hill under the Agreement; D. Under Section XIV of the Agreement, Roth Hill is precluded from assigning its interest in the Agreement without the prior consent of Client; D. The parties desire that Roth Hill assign the Agreement to Stantec (the "Assignment") and that, after the Assignment, Stantec shall continue to deliver the same services to Client as Roth Hill did before the Assignment; and E. The federal taxpayer ID number of Stantec is 11-2167170. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: Consent to the Assignment. Client hereby consents to the Assignment. 2. Continuation of the Agreement. It is agreed that, after the Assignment, the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect under its current terms and conditions, with Stantec being the Consultant thereunder for all purposes. Any changes to the Agreement that the parties may mutually agree to make shall be documented by a separate writing, signed by all parties (if before the Acquisition) or by Client and Stantec (if after the Acquisition). The parties have caused this Consent to be signed as of the date first set forth above STANTEC CONSULTING SERVICES INC. City of Renton By: Title:c 1 % L; / Title: (� --� -c-.•---.:J� ROTH HILL, L By: Title. S , f ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPT. Cityof R" City Clerk Office M E M O R A N D U M DATE: September 17, 2013 TO: Dave Christensen, PW - Utilities FROM: jindy Moya, Records Management Specialist SUBJECT: CAG-13-007, Adden #2-13 — Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. The attached document has been fully executed and is being returned to you. Please transmit the original to the contractor and retain a copy for your file. The City Clerk has retained an original for the file. Thankyou! RECEIVED SEP 18 2013 CITY OF RENTON UTILITY SYSTEMS hArecords specialist\correspondence & memos - cindy\contract - fully executed.doc 00 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT IIIIOOLIO D ��011�f-,`-- M E M O R A N D U M DATE: October 8, 2013 TO: Gregg Zimmerman, PW Administrator FROM: Lys Hornsby, Utility Systems Directo STAFF CONTACT: ON Dave Christensen, Wastewater Utility Supervisor, x7212 SUBJECT: AWddend m— No'. 3 to Consultant Contract CAG-13-007 for Engineering Services with Stantec Consulting Services Inc. for the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension Project — Additional Design Engineering Services Attached for your signature are two original copies of Addendum No. 3 to CAG-13-007 with Stantec, in the amount of $16,000, for additional design services for the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension project. The Wastewater Utility had intended to locate the facility within a portion of an existing private road. As part of Addendum No. 1, Stantec Consulting Services was asked to perform design work within that alignment. Subsequently, we were unable to negotiate easements with the property owners to be allowed to install our new sewer main. The result is that we have determined a different viable route with a cooperative property owner and we are proposing to proceed with design on this alignment. This revised alignment will entail additional needed engineering services including permitting over a stream, additional survey, and permitting for the stream crossing. This addendum covers the cost of those additional design services. Addendum No. 2 was for the company name change from Roth Hill, LLC to Stantec Consulting Services. Stantec has already completed survey services and is scheduled to assist with permitting for the project. Adding the design services to the contract is a relatively small cost due to their familiarity of the project and is offset by the removal of the cost to rebuild the existing private roadway, which was estimated at $32,000. There are sufficient funds for this addendum in the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension project (426.465500) budget of $225,000. Also attached is the contract checklist and requisite forms needed by the City Clerk for the execution of this contract addendum. Attachments H:\File Sys\WWP - WasteWater\WWP-03-0000 Correspondence - Wastewater\DaveC\2013 Correspondence\S 132nd St Addendum 3.doc\DMCtp Memo Stantec To: Dave Christensen From: Erik Waligorski, pk� ROTHHILL City of Renton — Utility Stantec Consulting — Bellevue Systems Division Copies: File Date: October 3, 2013 Reference: 132"d Street Sewer Extension Project — Revised Design Route Scope and Budget The purpose of this memorandum is to provide a scope and budget to revise the design for the 132"d Street Sewer Extension Project from the private road to the field located directly east of the private road. This revised design will require additional survey work to prepare the topographic base maps for the new design route. We will also include some research time to identify the impacts of removing the existing rubber tire slope armoring of the creek bank as well as budget to cover the additional design meetings. Finally, this scope includes performing the stream analysis and preparation of a mitigation plan as required by the City of Renton Municipal Code. Scope of Services The proposed work consists of performing a survey of the new proposed route to be limited to 60 foot width along the east property lines of the houses along the private road off of 132"0 Street which consists of a two man crew for one 10 hour day as well as a day to post process the data and prepare new base maps. In addition, we will attend additional design meetings with regard to the new proposed design route and will determine the potential impacts of removing the existing rubber tire bank stabilization and develop a plan to stabilize the bank naturally. The scope also includes contracting with Grette Associates to perform a stream assessment and mitigation plan as required by the Renton Municipal Code. As identified in the attached scope and budget from Grette Associates, Grette will visit the site and perform an assessment of the Category IV stream. They will prepare a supplemental stream study and mitigation plan in accordance with the code. The document will describe the physical and biological characteristics of the stream and its buffer. The potential impacts to the stream and its buffer will be described, along with alternatives to the proposed project. The mitigation plan will describe the actions to be taken to avoid, minimize, restore and compensate for unavoidable impacts to the stream. The total budget request for the additional work is $1� 6,000. One Team. infinite Solutions. Stantec October 3, 2013 Dave Christensen Page 2 of 2 Reference: 132nd Street Sewer Extension Project - Revised Design Route Scope and Budget Budget Below is a summary of the budget request: Total Hours = - 72 Additional Meetings/Coord. _ $2,164 Additional Survey = $2,938 Slope Stabilization = $3,824 Additional Reimbursables = $786 Stream Studv & Plan (w/markuol = $6.288 TOTAL REVISED BUDGET = $16,000.00 Please feel free to contact me at (425) 289-7320 if you have any questions. _,A%,Grette Associatesi-l-C ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS To: Phil Haberman Stantec 12034 134" Ct NE, # 102 Redmond, WA 98052 Phone: (425) 298-1000 Fax: (425) 298-1019 E-Mail: Phil.habennanAstantec.com SENT VIA: ❑ Mail ❑ Fax DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Date: October 2, 2013 Project #: 659.001 Project Name: Renton Sewer Extension Project Manager: Scott Maharry Client File No.: 659 ❑ Hand Delivered ® Email Task 100 — Stream Assessment and Mitigation Plan Grette Associates will visit the site located at 8223 South 132"d Street in Renton, WA and perform an assessment of a Category IV stream located on the property. Staff will then prepare a supplemental stream study and mitigation plan in accordance with the requirements of the Renton Municipal Code. The document will describe the physical and biological characteristics of the Category IV stream and its buffer. In addition, the potential impacts to the stream and its buffer will be described, along with alternatives to the proposed project. The mitigation plan will describe the actions to be taken to avoid, minimize, restore and compensate for unavoidable impacts to the stream, again in compliance with the Renton Municipal Code. It is assumed that Grette Associates will be provided detailed project drawings (in AutoCAD format) and a detailed project description with which to assess the potential impacts to the stream and prepare figures for the report. This scope of work is for the preparation of a supplemental stream study and mitigation plan. It does not include the delineation of wetlands or the stream ordinary high water mark; surveying of wetlands or other features, preparation of SEPA documents, or other pennitting application materials. If those items are requested, an amendment to this scope of work would be required. An estimated budget for Task 100 is as follows: Staff Rate Units Total Principal Biologist S200.00 I S200.00 Biologist 5 S126.00 8 S1.008.00 Bioloeist 1 S87.00 46 S4.002.00 Mileage (one trip) * 70 $42.00 Administrative S72.00 3 $216.00 TOTAL TASK 100 $5,468.00 *Mileage will be calculated at the current Washington DOT or Federal rate plus applicable markup. ® TIME AND EXPENSE Estimated Contract Amount: $5,468.00 2102 Nord; 30"' Street. Ste. A Tacoma. WA 98403 Ph: 253.573.9300 Fx: 253.573.9321 PaLle 1 of 2 Contract Number: (assigned by City Clerk) Select Type: 0 Contract/Agr. ❑ Permit ❑ Lease ❑X Adden/Change O Staff Name: Dave Christensen Extension: 7010 Contract Type: (assigned by City Clerk) Department/Division: Public Works/Utility Systems EDEN Queue: CS_ Addenda/CO #: 3 to City Clerk's CAG #: 13-007 (if applicable) Expiration Date-3 31 Contract Class: ❑ Receivable ❑X Payable ❑ Grant ❑ Misc. (no $) I Contract Solicitation Method: Contractor Name: Stantec Consulting Services Inc City's own City Consultant Roster on file w/City Clerk Short Description: Addendum 3 for engineering service for S. 132nd Street Sewer Extension project Full or Additional Description: ❑X Legal Review (attach memorandum from City Attorney) 0 Risk Management review for insurance (attach memorandum from Risk Management) ❑X Insurance certificate and/or policy (attach original) ❑ Response to legal or Risk Management concerns (explain, in writing, how concerns have been met) ❑ Performance bond and verification memo from staff (for Public Works type of contracts $35k & over only) ❑ Federal excluded parties list verification (Attach printout of search results from Website: www.epls.gov) X❑ Active business license and Accounts payable W-9 vendor form? (obtain if not already on file with Finance Dept.) ❑X Yes ❑ No Submitted contracts are signed by contractor? If "No" provide explanation here. - Fiscal Impact to City: a Expenditure OR ❑ Revenue Amount Budgeted: (line item; see below ):$ 225,000 Amount of Attached (including tax) $ 16,000 per ear for years = Total Amount of Attached _ 16,000 Prior Council approval via agenda bill process required if: (see policy 250-02) ❑ Contract or addendum is S100k or over (non -Public Works) or S150k or over (Public 'VVorks). L l Contract expenditure amount exceeds budgeted amount; fund transfer needed. ❑ Interlocal Agreement (most Interlocal Agreements require Resolutions) Date of Council Approval: Resolution Number: NOTE: Mayor signs for the City, except that the Department Head may sign contracts: ( if a if a Under $35,000 when for non -Public Works & Small Public Works Roster (SWR); applicable) ( applicable) Under $40,000 when for Public Works single craft - non-SWR; and Under $65,000 when for Public Works multi -craft non SWR EXCEPT: Change Orders to PW contracts in any amount can be signed by Project Mgr IF within budget AND under Administrator's authorization. Key words for City Clerk's electronic card file: P.riJ t FOn71 Revised 8/16/2013 CITY ATTORNEY M E M O R A N D UM DATE: May 19, 2010 TO: Teresa Phelan, Administrative Secretary Public Works Department, Utilities Systems Division FROM: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Staff Contact: Mark Barber, Senior Assistant City Attorney Telephone: (425) 430-6485 SUBJECT: Approval as to legal form of Template Addendum ADD-2010 Please be advised that I have reviewed the above -referenced Template Addendum ADD- 2010, and the same is approved as to legal form, and may be used in the future so long as there are no material changes or modifications to the standard form.. hA02 mark\public works --contracts and agreements\2010-05-19 memo approving addendum template add-2010 with continuing approval.doc 6- 1XI cq vj ------ 1 S, Otlr y - S;1IrStZs VSt12Lct t Bryn JW/r a r y i S 1 g d St M� N 122rrd S u N W I S 122nd St I- - Con IT - -� S1723rd/� -- - S 124th St !- - - - OoA �`�--- ?� S 1251h St ^ 530.7 47, - ---- Q .r `rjls�I' Ghq• � f'l 00 53 / S 126 St 6307 ' * 5307 \ 056 6. 054 1 - P� S 12611, P1 It ,rfl �� d .f' s l27t{r t -�—"- .. -- Or N''l0 LP r1 e Q 1� N S 128th St 1 CIO S I St i Q $.�rd - --- -- - - a.*-34381 ' r Sr e 1 V -4313 4313 l��r • 1 811 126 qua t�■,��� a 43A3 C-1 +0 1"10 Q ,NW 3rd St ozs$ 4313 S 130t/r St 4313 N S 130th St h 18 9 9 18 5024 ti �P114�i 4313 4313 �, . 5318 S 4313 116 114 025 1.2 ^ 4313 122 I i z #A10D)Lt� VJ� �31 3 4313 r 4 L. A S 132nd St � 313 431 1313 S 132nd St 3 054 1-1 S 132n t P� S 132nd St YaVv.-19 4313 h P� 4313 Gi31 4313 �431 j. 130 1�1 } .132 431 002 �G9 ?v 43134313 4313 134 43 4313 43 135 136 1 7 6318 1277 129 13 367 31 0, 5318 S%3`,,1j S Q+ 4313 368 r113j�f p 13.�th Pi ` t 138 531'8ITI S I3SI1, St 354 W N 631 00 - 4313 313---8 S< S 1 014 0034j (/ \ 4313 74313 -5 �8 y 015 W384 013, co 13 y \ 390 3so N ���■■�■■tiw43fi3�■■i■■s■■�■ Qi &18 3 a313 .� 024 �$3 43.q� 016004 4313 8' 025 023 ,y 012 5318 & , 43qjjjjjf� p G 13A022 v / m N,•'431y� C pii'io�i ul 02' 036 s 4� 43134 813 11 13 /4y 5318 M 4313' _._ 4 A 4313 46`�!\` 5718/377 Stantec To: Dave Christensen From: Erik Waligorski, PFf,�.> ROTHHILL City of Renton — Utility Stantec Consultin��g�ellevue Systems Division Copies: File Date: July 16, 2013 Reference: 132nd Street Sewer Extension Project — Revised Design Route Scope and Budget The purpose of this memorandum is to provide a scope and budget to revise the design for the 132nd Street Sewer Extension Project from the private road to the field located directly east of the private road. This revised design will require additional survey work to prepare the topographic base maps for the new design route. We will also include some research time to identify the impacts of removing the existing rubber tire slope armoring of the creek bank as well as budget to cover the additional design meetings. Scope of Services The proposed work consists of performing a survey of the new proposed route to be limited to 60 foot width along the east property lines of the houses along the private road off of 132nd Street which consists of a two man crew for one 10 hour day as well as a day to post process the data and prepare new base maps. In addition, we will attend additional design meetings with regard to the new proposed design route and will conduct up to 4 hours of research on the potential impacts of removing the existing rubber tire bank stabilization. The total budget request for the design work is $6,200. Budget Below is a summary of the budget request: Total Hours = 48 Additional Labor = $5,726 Additional Reimbursables = $474 TOTAL REVISED BUDGET=$6,200.00 Please feel free to contact me at (425) 289-7320 if you have any questions. One Team. Infinite Solutions. e f:=15100022.000 132nd st sewer\prjmgmt\dc_061613_ejw_memo_132nd revised route scope & budget.docx David Christensen From: David Christensen Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 3:23 PM To: 'Waligorski, Erik'; Ard, Stephanie Cc: Michael A Benoit Subject: RE: 132nd Street Sewer Erik/Stephanie, The alignment looks great, I think we have good room to set the pipeline across the stream. As far easements go, I was thinking the permanent easement would be a 15-foot easement, centered over the main. For initial construction, we will want a temporary construction easement for that portion 30-feet east of the permanent easement, and then west to the existing property line. As far as line size goes, 8-inch is going to be fine, I did another calculation of max flow into the line with very conservative numbers and total flow is about 370GPM at peak. We do need to discuss how.we want to protect ourselves from having folks "walk the line". That is something we should sit and brainstorm over as we proceed. I also want to discuss further how we set the line across, the use of the concrete blocks, etc. I want to be sure we are considering the same concerns as we evaluate what is best option. Great start, let's get the easement doc info put together, and then I can get the property owner to sign and then we can proceed into design and permitting. Dave C. From: Waligorski, Erik [mailto:erik.waligorski@stantec.com] Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 9:08 AM To: David Christensen Cc: Ard, Stephanie; Michael A Benoit Subject: FW: 132nd Street Sewer Dave, Here is what we think is a good alignment for the 132nd project based on wanting to keep the manholes on flat ground and our need to cross the channel at somewhat of a perpendicular alignment. We also moved the line a little to the east to avoid removing the 18" diameter tree between the line and the creek to help maintain the slope stability. I also had Stephanie draw in the casing short of the manholes. I actually like the idea of setting the casing on two concrete foundation blocks rather than trying to stub them to the manholes. This will allow the Contractor to set the grade using the blocks and then insert the pipe into the casing. Mike brought up two really good questions while we were on site. First, it was his understanding that we were going with a 12" diameter line and not 8". We had remembered 8" but that can easily be changed. If we stick with 8", 1 would probably reduce the casing to 14" or 16". If we go with 12", 1 would leave it at 18". The second question made us all shake our heads at the lunacy of the idea, but it is unfortunately warranted. Do we need to design some sort of protection for the casing so that idiots cannot try to cross the casing and slip and fall into the creek, thus suing the City? If so, what do you think you would want. Once you have reviewed the alignment and have approved it, please let Stephanie know what size easement you want to show and she can have Mike start working on the easement legal and exhibit. I figure you want 15 feet to the first manhole, but then is 5 feet outside the pipe enough after that or do you need more room? Please let Stephanie know if you have any questions. I am actually not working today except for the fact that I am waiting for my ride to the airport. Going to spend Halloween and my Birthday in Vegas. I will touch base with you next week. Thanks, v rik ;-Waii orski, PE P "in` final, Water 1.IN- Nt......,t. Mace, Suite 2{.i Fax: (42 >; 869-11 _, :='iii.'v"I<: 112 '?YSl< �•;Sidl!E.I: C.:.::)!7"f 0i:..._ ent of to,tihi, r mail is :r, c.tlr ;i« . P! or)e . r t;` < • d ,hou It xrt be co> rc, _, nmt: k d, rf. r. <n, nitl,,d, 0, ;.pt .:i'.` .r .tt(€ <IUUW't7,.d[110n, is Y6.€,ire I'M the :I�te: foci C, pit?a,a rig-rtr 2 co owd notify , 7 Please consider the environment before printing this email. From: Ard, Stephanie Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 8:52 AM To: Waligorski, Erik Subject: 132nd Street Sewer Here's the current plans. 1s.3Q NE :33` =lac.. 200 3 rHevki', 'a'r' 1 5,Sf ),6 Phone: i425 � '.69-9448 (- :1176 NIM 4 Please consider the environment before printing this email. o! or"', p.irt,o.:i' ex. -pt 2 David Christensen From: Waligorski, Erik [erik.waligorski@stantec.com] Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 9:08 AM To: David Christensen Cc: Ard, Stephanie; Michael A Benoit Subject: FW: 132nd Street Sewer Attachments: 15.022-SSPlan.pdf Dave, Here is what we think is a good alignment for the 132nd project based on wanting to keep the manholes on flat ground and our need to cross the channel at somewhat of a perpendicular alignment. We also moved the line a little to the east to avoid removing the 18" diameter tree between the line and the creek to help maintain the slope stability. I also had Stephanie draw in the casing short of the manholes. I actually like the idea of setting the casing on two concrete foundation blocks rather than trying to stub them to the manholes. This will allow the Contractor to set the grade using the blocks and then insert the pipe into the casing. Mike brought up two really good questions while we were on site. First, it was his understanding that we were going with a 12" diameter line and not 8". We had remembered 8" but that can easily be changed. If we stick with 8", 1 would probably reduce the casing to 14" or 16". If we go with 12", 1 would leave it at 18". The second question made us all shake our heads at the lunacy of the idea, but it is unfortunately warranted. Do we need to design some sort of protection for the casing so that idiots cannot try to cross the casing and slip and fall into the creek, thus suing the City? If so, what do you think you would want. Once you have reviewed the alignment and have approved it, please let Stephanie know what size easement you want to show and she can have Mike start working on the easement legal and exhibit. I figure you want 15 feet to the first manhole, but then is 5 feet outside the pipe enough after that or do you need more room? Please let Stephanie know if you have any questions. I am actually not working today except for the fact that I am waiting for my ride to the airport. Going to spend Halloween and my Birthday in Vegas. I will touch base with you next week. Thanks, E6k W ligorski, t J i�ir-l:f:f: PbCne 1425) 289-11320 i ax: i42 ,i 8tii9 i..9 "ik.�.ali�Ot:sl<: ,tat.te:c.c '11 [h. .fin-nt oT this E.==i»il is 01, _J , de th-; rS. , -; cf 5tm tG: and Ji(,)t,!d not b- --op ed; rno fE s7, ril-ann nt;Md, o, :Isecl ;G. di=y 6��t(.n3E- uxc qit vvr aut l„ [i ltio, l' yoJ i ai e ,lw, t e _i=tE'Aed i e'-JpjC _ i; pleo�edelete aE(.J,: ii•i ar d not'Y llS �fCl?"�E'. Eiidte.l$. Please consider the environment before printing this email.