HomeMy WebLinkAboutWWP273812 (3)Talbot Hill Sewer Relocation - SR167 IC/DC Project f Alternatives Analysis Report _ City of Renton October 14, 2014 Y _ '' a�: �i�"' t.'�•��., � ;,e l i.Kty• y���r� _ , f. r � 1 f J Ir ro- ti `" 7tr' t�' 1d' tCf �f'f ` EC � � �ai.•' rr'•'a'� ,.{ � � i ,per+. ,�� � i��"•' .l � � i � 1. f y�� '. I h 't TALBOT HILL SEWER RELOCATION SR 167 IC/DC PROJECT ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS REPORT CITY OF RENTON OCTOBER 14, 2014 �. l 3808" 37847Ab 46 S �o!vnti. 1� /ONAL -Iryat p I � j jzl` ® Stantec Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report Executive Summary City of Renton October 14, 2014 I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The WSDOT SR167 Interchange/Direct Connector Project includes improvements that will widen the existing 1-405 right-of-way, conflicting with the City of Renton's sewer system located on ' South 14th Street. As a result, it will be necessary to relocate the existing sewer to the south approximately one-half block to the proposed new alignment for South 14th Street. Additionally, capacity is limited in the existing crossing of 1-405, so options for improving the crossing were ' evaluated. The following three alternatives were studied, to determine the most feasible option for meeting the project goals of the City and WSDOT: 1. Install two new sewer lift stations, one on each side of Talbot Hill. Relocate the sewer from South 14th Street and redirect the sewer system to flow to the new lift stations. From both lift stations, effluent would be pumped uphill to gravity flow to the existing 1-405 sewer crossing. 2. Relocate the sewer from South 14th Street and redirect the sewer to flow by gravity to Smithers Avenue South. Install a new trenchless sewer crossing within a casing under 1-405 at the extension of Smithers Ave South. ' 3. Relocate the sewer from South 14th Street and redirect the sewer to flow by gravity to Talbot Road. Install a new sewer crossing of 1-405 via conventional open cut construction along Talbot Road S. ' Stantec provided topographic survey and performed a geotechnical "desk study," reviewing the soil boring information provided by WSDOT. Additionally, Stantec worked with Staheli ' Trenchless to perform a feasibility study of trenchless pipe installation methods for the project. A hydraulic analysis was performed to determine the anticipated future peak sewage flow rates tributary to the project area. Preliminary figures were prepared for each of the three alternatives, and planning level construction and life cycles costs were developed. The City, WSDOT, and Stantec developed eight main project criteria to evaluate the alternatives consisting of cost, schedule, level of service, environmental impact, operations and maintenance, constructability/risk, and forward compatibility. Each of the main criteria where assigned an importance factor, and the three alternatives were ranked for each of the eight ' categories. Cost and constructability/risk were determined to be the most critical. A weighted scoring system was developed for evaluating the alternatives. The results of the study determined that Alternative 2 scored the highest and was the most feasible solution, followed by Alternative 3, with Alternative 1 rated as the least desirable. We recommend proceeding with the design of Alternative 2, assuming favorable review by the City and WSDOT. ® Stantec Talbot Hill Altemative Analysis Report Executive Summary 1 1 H 1 1 J Executive Summary City of Renton October 14, 2014 1.0 SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION 1.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) SR167 Interchange/Direct Connector (IC/DC) Project includes relocating the on -ramp from northbound SR167 to 1-405 as well as widening 1-405 in the area and building an HOV bridge connector. As a result, it will be necessary to relocate the existing sewer in South 14th Street to the south approximately one-half block to the proposed new alignment for South 14th Street. Accordingly, the City of Renton (the City) and WSDOT have agreed to work together to complete this project, meeting the goals of both parties. In the existing sewer system, the effluent from approximately 550 lots flows to the South 14th Street sewer main before crossing 1-405 at Shattuck Avenue South. Shattuck Avenue South runs through the middle of Talbot Hill. The existing Shattuck crossing uses a 10-inch diameter concrete pipe that has been rehabilitated using CIPP technology. However, the steep slope of Talbot Hill, the depth of the existing system, proposed modifications to the hillside, and estimated ultimate flow for the area make it difficult to use the existing 1-405 crossing. As a result, in addition to the sewer relocation analysis, three alternative 1-405 crossing alignments are also evaluated in this report. 1.2 ALTERNATIVES Three possible alternatives for the sewer relocation have been identified by the City and WSDOT. The alternatives are listed below, and illustrated in Figure 1: l . Install two new sewer lift stations, one on each side of Talbot Hill. Relocate the sewer from South 14th Street and redirect the sewer system to flow to the new lift stations. From both lift stations, effluent would be pumped uphill to gravity flow to the existing 1-405 sewer crossing. The existing sewer immediately south of 1-405 would need to be modified due to proposed cuts to the hillside. Additionally, gravity sewer immediately north of 1-405 may need to be upsized. 2. Relocate the sewer from South 14th Street and redirect the sewer to flow by gravity to Smithers Avenue South. Install a new trenchless sewer crossing under 1-405 at the extension of Smithers Ave South. The sewer crossing would be encased in an oversized casing throughout the WSDOT right-of-way. 3. Relocate the sewer from South 14th Street and redirect the sewer to flow by gravity to Talbot Road. Install a new sewer crossing of 1-405 via conventional open cut construction along Talbot Road S. 1 ® Stantec Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report Executive Summary CITY OF RENTON TALBOT HILL SEWER RELOCATION DESIGN ALTERNATIVES DATE APRIL 2014 .. Sd >07 750 NOT TO SCALE LEGEND WSDOT PROPOSED MIA\PAVEMENT REVISgN51 ADDRiONS WSOOT TO REMOVE EXISTING IMPERVIOUS ALTERNATIVE t - PROPOSED SEWER FORCE MAIN ■ ALTERNATIVE/ -PROPOSED UFT STATION ALTERNATIVE 2 - PROPOSED SEWER GRAVITY MAIN ALTERNATIVE 3 - PROPOSED SEWER GRAVITY MAIN ALTERNATIVE 2 f 3. PROPOSED SEMIER GRAvm, MNN EXISTING GPAVR`! SEWER MAIN ------ EXISTINGSEWER MAINTO BE ABANDONED Figure 1 -Talbot Hill Sewer Relocation Alternatives (3 Stantec Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report Executive Summary I I Section 1 - Introduction City of Renton October 14, 2014 Selbotction f'�I�� 3�gtantec I Section 1- I 1.3 Section 1 - Introduction City of Renton October 14, 2014 1.3 EVALUATION CRITERIA ' Each alternative is evaluated herein based on eight project goals developed during Workshop 1, conducted on April 30, 2014. These goals were deemed significant to the overall project success. The City and WSDOT weighted the identified criteria from high importance to low importance. Goals identified as high are weighted the heaviest during the Alternative Analysis. Additionally, an explanation of how the alternatives will be evaluated is included for each goal ' category. • Cost (high) - Keeping the project lifecycle cost down is a key to both the City and WSDOT. The cost will be evaluated in 2014 dollars for a 60-year planning period. The cost will include ' potential design, construction, and annual operations and maintenance (O&M) costs for each alternative. The alternative with the lowest cost will receive the highest score in this category. ' • Schedule (medium) - Timely installation of a reliable alternative to the existing sewer main within South 14th Street is a key part of the WSDOT SR167 Interchange/Direct Connector (IC/DC) Project. The sewer must be relocated before WSDOT begins the design -build of the SR 167 IC/DC project; however, the schedule is currently not pressing as construction funds for the design -build project have not been secured. The alternative with the lowest impact on WSDOT's overall schedule will receive the highest score. ' • level of Service (low) - The relocated sewer is expected to allow the City to provide at least the current level of service. Ideally, the City would like the relocated sewer main to be able to serve the ultimate build -out of the sewer basin, potentially including a diversion of flow ' from the Thunder Hills Interceptor. The alternative that allows the City to best serve the predicted ultimate build -out of the sewer basin will receive the highest score. • Environmental Impact (medium) - The City anticipates minimal environmental impacts due to the relocation of the sewer main. Some environmental impact is expected as the project may include a creek crossing, and there is a wetland in the vicinity. Mitigation will be done as part of the overall WSDOT SIR 167 Interchange/Direct Connector (IC/DC) Project. The ' sewer relocation will be covered under WSDOT's SEPA, which, if necessary, may be modified to include any additional impacts of the sewer relocation. The alternative with the lowest anticipated environmental impact will receive the highest score. ' • Easements (medium/low) - The project construction will mostly take place within WSDOT right-of-way and temporary WSDOT right-of-way. Easements may be required for any pipe outside of WSDOT's permanent right-of-way or proposed right-of-way. Alternatives that utilize WSDOT right-of-way and will not require additional easement acquisition will receive the higher scores. • Operations and Maintenance (medium/low) - Operation and maintenance (O&M) ' considerations are important for the operation of the sewer main and include the complexity and costs of future maintenance. Considerations include accessibility of critical project components, future operational complexity, integration with the existing system, and ' monitoring requirements. The alternative that involves the least amount of O&M effort and cost will receive the highest score in this category. ® Stantec 1 4 Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report Section 1 - Introduction u Section 1 -Introduction City of Renton October 14, 2014 • Constructability/Risk (high) - Project construct ability is influenced by a variety of factors including, but not limited to, soil conditions, seasonal weather, existing utilities, and overall project complexity. The severity of these factors affects the amount of risk undertaken by the contractor, the City, and WSDOT. High risk construction may lead to high, unexpected costs. The alternative with the lowest anticipated construction risk will receive the highest score. • Forward Compatibility (medium) - Compatibility with WSDOT's long range master plan is an essential consideration for relocating the existing sewer. WSDOT's SIR 167 Interchange/Direct Connector (IC/DC) Project is one project on a list of projects that WSDOT plans on implementing to improve the 1-405/SR167 corridor. Both the City and WSDOT would like to avoid relocating the sewer again in the foreseeable future. Each alternative considered must work with WSDOT's future build -out, or it will not be feasible. The alternative with the easiest integration into future WSDOT improvements will receive the highest score. 1.4 REPORT ORGANIZATION The Alternatives Analysis Report includes the following sections: Executive Summary Section 1 - Introduction Section 2 - Geotechnical Report Section 3 - Trenchless Methods Feasibility Report Section 4 - Hydraulic Analysis Section 5 - Route Analysis Section 6 - Weighted Alternative Analysis Section 7 - Recommendations Appendix A - Geotechnical Desk Study Appendix B - Trenchless Methods Feasibility Appendix C - Construction Cost Estimates & Life Cycle Costs ® Stantec Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report Section 1 - Introduction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.5 1 L I 1 1 1 Section 2 - Geotechnical Report City of Renton October 14, 2014 2.0 SECTION 2 - GEOTECHNICAL REPORT As part of the investigation for this analysis and report, Stantec prepared a pre -design geotechnical feasibility report. The report, dated August 6, 2014, is included in Appendix A. Stantec's geotechnical investigation was limited to reviewing approximately 35 boring logs and boring log notes/drafts prepared by WSDOT. The information contained in the geotechnical report is summarized in the following sections. 2.1 LOCAL GEOLOGY Stantec's geotechnical report finds that the proposed South 14th Street alignment for each alternative is most likely to meet sandstone at the proposed pipe depths of 8 to 15 feet. The sandstone would be difficult to trench, and rock blasting/breaking may be necessary, making traditional trench construction costly. Above the sandstone are localized areas of fill, peat, cobbles, and silt of variable density. These various layers may warrant additional exploration work once an alternative has been selected. The depth to bedrock is not well defined along portions of the proposed east to west alignments due to the limited locations of the provided borings. Prior to design, additional borings should be completed in these areas to provide more detailed information. Also, the provided logs contain minimal data on groundwater conditions throughout the site area and additional monitoring well placement is recommended in the design phase of the project. A more detailed geotechnical breakdown for each alternative is provided below: • Alternative No. 1 - Shattuck Avenue South: The upper elevation portion of the Shattuck Avenue South area is likely underlain by loose to medium -dense poorly -graded sands and silty sands which appear to be consistent with localized fill and recessional outwash deposits. The materials become denser approximately 10 feet below the ground surface and range in ' composition between sandy silt and silty sand, which is likely highly weathered sandstone. Variably weathered sandstone with local areas of coal and siltstone are present below the glacial soil deposits. The depth to sandstone ranges from approximately 14 to 25 feet below ' existing grades south of 1-405. North of the large retaining wall along 1-405, the sandstone ranges from 4 feet below grade up to 15 feet below grade at the northern shoulder of 1-405. ' From our review, sandstone would likely be encountered between Stations 4+50 to 8+00 at the current/proposed elevations of the sewer alignment. While provided groundwater data is minimal, we anticipate that perched groundwater would be encountered during the wet ' season between 5 and 15 feet below grade. I ® Stantec Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report 2 1 Section 2- Geotechnical Report 1 Section 2 - Geotechnical Report City of Renton October 14, 2014 • Alternative No. 2 - Smithers Avenue South: The upper elevation portion of the Shattuck Avenue South area is likely underlain by loose mixtures of sand, silty -sand, and sandy -silt, consistent with fill and recessional outwash deposits (no boreholes to confirm in this area). In the area north of Station 16+00, buried organic materials indicate the presence of localized fill. The soil materials in this area become medium -dense generally 15 feet below existing grades and bedrock (sandstone) is encountered at approximately 27 to 30 feet below existing grades. From our review, the soil conditions south of 1-405 are consistent to the north of 1-405, with bedrock present below the sewer alignment. Based on our review of the provided boring logs, we anticipate the sewer alignment below I- 405 would encounter medium -dense silty -sand with variable amounts of gravel. There are no steep slopes in this area and groundwater may be encountered in the upper 10 feet. • Alternative No. 3 - Talbot Avenue South: The soil conditions below Talbot Road South generally include medium -dense to dense silty -sand, consistent with recessional outwash deposits. Below and/or near the base of these deposits, local peat was encountered in one boring, while cobbles and gravelly silt was encountered in two others. Bedrock (sandstone) was consistently present at approximately 20 to 30 feet below existing grades and deeper where additional fill was present as part of 1-405 construction. From our review, we anticipate that medium -dense silty -sand with variable amounts of gravel would be encountered at the proposed sewer depths. Sandstone is present approximately 10 to 17 feet below the proposed alignment. From the provided data, groundwater may be encountered between 7 and 17 feet below the existing grades. • Alternatives No. 1-3 - South 14th Street: The overall South 14th Street alternative extends generally west to east across a north and north-west sloping area. The upper deposits are generally loose to medium -dense and consistent with outwash and fill. Areas of cobbles and gravel are present in several borings and sandstone (and local siltstone) was encountered below the glacial materials at variable depths. In general the sandstone was encountered between approximately 8 and 15 feet below existing grades in the western half (near Shattuck Avenue South) and between approximately 18 and 28 feet east of Shattuck Avenue South. In general, thicker sandstone and less sediments are located east of the top of the ridge near Shattuck Avenue South. Based on the provided boring logs, we anticipate that sandstone will likely be encountered at proposed sewer depths from the west end to at least Station 5+00. We expect loose to medium -dense silty -sand with variable amounts of gravel to be encountered at proposed sewer depths from Station 5+50 to the east end of the alignment. Based on the limited data, perched groundwater may be encountered within the upper 5 to 20 feet. ® Stantec Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report 2.2 Section 2 - Geotechnical Report 1 1 1 7 1 n 1 I 1 Section 2 - Geotechnical Report ' City of Renton October 14, 2014 2.2 GROUNDWATER There was limited data provided for the groundwater conditions in the project area. WSDOT installed monitoring wells in selected borings. These monitoring wells showed that groundwater ' ranged from about 4 to 5 feet below grade to about 15 to 20 feet below grade. Based on the information provided, Stantec expects the groundwater to be perched within the recessional outwosh deposits or just above the bedrock. In general, groundwater was present at greater depths in the Talbot Road South area. Bail tests provided by WSDOT indicate significant groundwater recharge in the deeper ' groundwater regime. Stantec hypothesizes that a regional groundwater aquifer is present between the Recessional Outwash and underlying sandstone. Temporary dewatering of groundwater during sewer line placement could have a significant effect on project costs. Additional monitoring well placement at strategic locations along the chosen alternative is recommended. 1 ' ® Stantec Talbot Hill Alternative Anatos Report Section 2-Geotechnical Report 2.3 1 1 Section 3 - Trenchless Methods Feasibilty Report City of Renton October 14, 2014 3.0 SECTION 3 -TRENCH LESS METHODS FEASIBILTY REPORT As part of the investigation for this analysis and report, Staheli Trenchless Consultants prepared a Trenchless Methods Feasibility study. The report, dated October 13, 2014, is included in Appendix B. For the study, Staheli reviewed Stantec's geotechnical report and preliminary drawings. Trenchless methods were considered for the construction of the proposed South 14th Street alignment and the Smithers Avenue South alignment (Alternative No. 2). 3.1 POTENTIALLY FEASIBLE TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGIES Soil and rock conditions, groundwater elevations, installation depth, installation length, product pipe material, and pipe application largely influence the technologies feasibility for a given installation. The study reviewed the feasibility of the following trenchless technologies: 3.1.1 Auger Boring Auger boring involves jacking steel casings forward while simultaneously removing spoils via rotating auger flights. Auger boring works best in dense or stiff soils, and is not suitable in soils with rock formations. Auger boring through groundwater can increase the chance of over -excavation. ' Accuracy with auger boring is largely dependent upon the initial set up of the casing and the response of the casing to native soil conditions, and is generally on the order of one percent of the drive length both vertically and horizontally. 3.1.2 Pipe Ramming ' Pipe ramming consists of ramming a steel casing pipe through the soil using repeated percussive blows from a pneumatic or hydraulic hammer. Spoils enter the open end of the pipe throughout the ramming process, and are removed after the pipe is fully rammed into place with auger flights, compressed air, or water jets. Pipe ramming is suitable for a wide variety of soils, and can go through areas with high groundwater. Like auger boring, the accuracy of this method is highly dependent on the initial pipe alignment and the response of the casing to the native soil ' conditions, and is generally on the order of one percent of the drive length both vertically and horizontally. The noise level generated from the hammer can be a concern with pipe ramming. If necessary, sound barriers can be used to dampen the noise. t3.1.3 Pilot Tube Guidance ' The pilot tube process is a guidance method that consists of pushing a small diameter tube through the soil, steered by a digital theodolite set to design line and grade and an LED illuminated target located within the steering head/lead pilot tube. The image of the target is transmitted to a monitor in the jacking shaft, and indicates the direction of the slant -faced bit on the steering head. Once the pilot bore is complete, the hole can be enlarged via conventional auger boring or pipe ' ® Stantec Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report Section 4- Hydraulic Analysis 3.1 Section 3 - Trenchless Methods Feasibilty Report City of Renton October 14, 2014 ramming. This guidance method usually enables an accuracy of plus or minus 0.25 inches over drive lengths of up to 400 feet. 3.1.4 Steerable Head Guidance A steerable head is a guidance method that increases the accuracy of auger boring. The steerable head is fixed to the lead casing section. The casing with the head attached is jacked forward and spoils are removed via auger flights as with traditional auger boring. Certain guidance systems implement a theodolite, camera, and LED illuminated target system similar to that used in pilot tube guidance. Other systems utilize a water level to monitor grade and a surveyed string -line to monitor alignment. 3.1.5 Small Boring Unit A small boring unit (SBU) is a guidance method that was developed by the Robbins Company to increase the accuracy of auger boring. Similar to steerable head, SBUs can be fixed to the lead end of a steel casing to enable boring in rock with line and grade correction capabilities. However, unlike steerable heads, SBUs are capable of excavating rock with unconfined compressive strengths up to 25,000 psi. Steering corrections are made by activating the stabilizer pads and/or the articulation cylinders within the boring units. 3.1.6 AXIS Guided Boring System The AXIS guided boring system (AXIS) is a shaft -launched, laser -guided boring system capable of installing 10-inch to 14-inch on -grade sewer and water pipes for lengths up to 500 feet in rock. The first step is to jack the specially made drill head and casing from the jacking shaft to the reception shaft. The installation process is similar to a pilot tube auger boring. AXIS can be used in rock and a variety of soil types, but should not be used in a cobble or boulder -rich environment. In loose saturated cohesion -less soils, AXIS presents a risk of over -excavation. 3.1.7 Horizontal Directional Drilling Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) is a surface-to-surface pipeline installation technique typically comprised of three stages. The first stage consists of drilling a guided/steerable pilot bore from an entry location to an exit location along a pre -determined alignment. The second stage is referred to as the reaming stage, where the bore diameter is enlarged by pushing or pulling reamers through the bore. The third stage involves pulling the carrier/pipe product pipe into the bore and completes the installation process. HDD is effective in various soil types, from clay to fine sands and silts, to rock. ® Stantec Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report 3.2 Section 6- Weighted Alternative Analysis 1 Section 3 - Trenchless Methods Feasibilty Report 1 City of Renton October 14, 2014 3.2 TRENCHLESS ALTERNATIVES 3.2.1 South 14th Street Alignment ' The 14th Street alignment traverses very weak rock with closely spaced discontinuities, or fractures. The trenchless section of this alignment would be around 1,000-feet long, reaching depths of approximately 40-feet. ' A pilot tube guidance system is not a feasible alternative because it would most likely not be able to penetrate the sandstone. Without pilot tube guidance, pipe ramming is not a viable alternative 1 because it cannot produce the necessary level of accuracy. Auger boring with a steerable head is not a reasonable alternative because auger boring excavates a maximum of approximately 250-feet, meaning four distinct drives and five shafts would be needed. The cost associated with excavating five deep shafts would be unreasonable. ' SBU will require a significantly oversized casing and uses more advanced equipment, and therefore, is not likely to be competitive with the other feasible trenchless methods. ' AXIS and HDD are the remaining feasible options. AXIS is capable of excavating a borehole through rock at a distance of up to 500 feet, requiring two drives and three shafts. It also allows pipe installation in one pass, instead of two. HDD is feasible only if the alignment slope is two (2) percent or greater due to increased risk of reverse slope occurring along the installation. To achieve a minimum slope of two percent, the HDD option would require a longer installation than the AXIS method. ' The following table displays planning level cost and anticipated construction duration estimates of feasible trenchless alternatives for the South 14th Street alignment. Table 3-1: Feasible South 14th Street Alignment Trenchless Methods Alignment Technology Casing Diameter (in) Installed Footage (ft) Total Cost (3) Unit Cost Wtt) Duration (days) HDD None 1,181 1,150,000 980 41 AXIS None 917 620,000 680 34 Significant ground movement, such as surface heave or settlement, is not expected for the South ' 14th Street alignment because it is almost entirely within rock. Of the two possible alternatives, the AXIS method has the least chance of settlement. HDD may experience minor settling in the vicinity of the entry and exit pits, where the proposed pipe is relatively shallow. ' The number of local contractors capable of efficiently utilizing the technology is an important consideration when choosing a trenchless method. HDD is a common trenchless method in the i(3 Stantec Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report Section 6- Weighted Alternative Ana" 3.3 1 Section 3 - Trenchless Methods Feasibilty Report City of Renton October 14, 2014 area, but risk involved in the South 14th Street installation may make the bids more costly and/or limited. Careful contract language and a pre -bid meeting to effectively communicate project risks and tolerance to contractors may prove critical in generating a competitive bidding climate. AXIS technology is new to the area, and it is unlikely that many contractors will have significant experience with it. However, equipment manufacturers are often willing to visit the construction site to aid the contractor with successful operation of machinery. Experienced tunneling or auger boring contractors will likely prove successful in adapting their methods to complete an AXIS rock bore, especially under the guidance of an equipment manufacturer representative. That being said, the lack of local experience with the AXIS technology may limit the number of qualified bidders, which could artificially inflate the bid price. 3.2.2 Smithers Avenue South Alignment The Smithers Avenue South alignment traverses silty -sand and sandy -silt, and will cross under 1-405. WSDOT requires a casing for all underground utility crossings of 1-405. The trenchless section of this alignment would be approximately 280 feet long, and would reach depths of about 20-feet. WSDOT's casing requirement makes HDD an unsuitable method. SBUs are made for boring through rock, and are not ideal for bores through sandy -silt or silty -sand. Also, SBU would require a larger casing than necessary. While SBU is a feasible option, it is not preferable for this alternative. AXIS is a feasible option for installing casing in the sandy silt soil conditions while maintaining the design line and grade. However, the largest casing AXIS is able to install without incrementally upsizing the borehole is 14-inch outside diameter. A typical 14-inch OD casing could hold a 10-inch diameter pipe, but not a 12-inch pipe or larger. Hydraulic calculations, explained in further detail in the following section, project a 12-inch or 15-inch pipe will be required to carry the ultimate build - out flow rates. A 12-inch diameter fusible PVC pipe may be able to be encased within a 14-inch outside diameter casing. If fusible PVC pipe is not preferred or the carrier pipe needs to be larger than 12-inches, a reamer would have to be used to upsize the borehole to accommodate a larger casing. An auger bore with a steerable head or pilot tube guidance and pipe ramming with pilot tube guidance are feasible options for the Smithers Avenue South. They both provide steering mechanisms capable of achieving the accuracy necessary to keep the casing size to a minimum, and should successfully excavate the bore in the silty-sand/sandy-silt. The following table displays planning level cost and anticipated construction duration estimates of feasible trenchless alternatives for the Smithers Avenue South alignment. ® Stantec Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report 3.4 section 6— Weighted Alternative Analysis I 1 Section 3-Trenchless Methods Feasibilty Report City of Renton October 14, 2014 Table 3-2 Feasible Smithers Avenue South Alignment Trenchless Methods Alignment Technology Casing Diameter (in) Installed Footage (ft) Total Cost ($) Unit Cost Wtt) Duration (days) Auger Boring - Steerable Head 24 280 440,000 1,580 25 Auger Boring - Pilot Tube 24 280 490,000 1,750 27 Pipe Ramming - Pilot Tube 24 280 530,000 1,900 28 AXIS 14 280 550,000 1,970 19 The Smithers Avenue South alignment has some risk of ground movement, such as surface heave or settlement, because it traverses loose to dense silty-sand/sandy-silt soil and a relatively high groundwater table. Staheli's conservative preliminary calculations estimate a maximum surface settlement of 0.31 inches. Staheli expects the settlement beneath 1-405 to be negligible based on the conservatism of the analysis and the roadway subgrade's ability to bridge small settlement values. The number of local contractors capable of efficiently utilizing the technology is an important consideration when choosing a trenchless method. Auger boring & pipe ramming are both common trenchless methods in the area. Pilot tube or steerable head guidance systems are less common in the area, but based on past bidding results from local pilot tube projects, there is sufficient experience to enable a healthy bidding environment. To widen the bidder pool and increase bidding competition, it would be beneficial to allow each of the feasible trenchless methods for the Smithers Avenue Alignment. t 3.3 TRENCHLESS SUMMARY I J I The Talbot Hill Sewer Relocation project has two alignments where trenchless technologies are being evaluated: the South 14th Street alignment and the Smithers Avenue South alignment. The South 14th Street alignment will traverse very weak sandstone for the majority of its length. AXIS is the cheapest feasible trenchless technology for this alignment; it does not require a two -pass system, requires only one intermediate shaft, and has a low risk of exceeding grade tolerances. However, a deep intermediate shaft would be needed due to the length limitations. HDD is another feasible option, given the pipeline slope can exceed 0.02 ft/ft. Since the sewer will operate under gravity flow, contractors are likely to add cost to their bid to account for perceived increased risk associated with an on -grade HDD installation. The Smithers Avenue South alignment will cross under 1-405, requiring a casing. Auger boring with pilot tubes or steerable head guidance and pipe ramming with pilot tube guidance are feasible for this reach. The AXIS method is more limited, but may also be feasible up to a particular size. Staheli Trenchless recommends allowing the use of each of these trenchless technologies for this alignment to maximize the bidder pool and increase the likelihood of a competitive bid environment. ® Stantec Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report Section 6- Weighted Alternative Analysis 3.5 Section 4 - Hydraulic Analysis City of Renton October 14, 2014 4.0 SECTION 4 - HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS A hydraulic analysis was performed to estimate the projected flows into the existing Talbot Hill ' Sewer Interceptor, and to determine the design requirements for the three alternatives. The analysis was performed using Mike Urban hydraulic modeling software, by DHI. The City of Renton's existing sewer hydraulic model was updated to include sewer rim and invert elevations obtained during the topographic survey for this project. To determine projected flow rates, Ultimate population projections were performed. These projections were developed from the PSRC Land Use Baseline projections for the year 2040, which were cut to each Renton sewer ' mini -basin. As directed by the City, an additional 25% was added to the 2040 population estimates as a factor -of -safety. The population projections for the Talbot Hill Sewer tributary mini - basins are listed in Table 4-1. Table 4-1 Population Projections for Talbot Hill Sewer Tributary Mini -Basins I 2012 Ultimate 2012 Ultimate 2012 Ultimate Population Population Population Population Population Population (PSRC) (2040+25%) (PSRC) (2040+25%) (PSRC) (2040+25%) Basin 1 Basin 2 Basin 7 Single Family 180 554 81 207 1,232 1,936 Residential Multi -Family 82 420 1,303 1,607 27 31 Residential Employment 22 29 342 712 67 _T 88 Calibration of the entire City of Renton sewer model based on King County's 2010 flow monitoring data has not been completed. Therefore, the 1/1 parameters for this analysis were based on the previous model calibration. The previous calibration effort included flow monitors at each of the mini -basins, and was more detailed, whereas in 2010, King County only monitored at the larger model basin level. The flow meters used in the previous study and 2010 for the downstream model basin registered a very high, short duration "spike" of peak flow during a storm event, indicating that there may be relatively large quantities of inflow within the model basin. For the Ultimate model analysis, 1/1 parameters have been increased by 28% to simulate increases in 1/1 due to pipe deterioration over the planning period. Results of the analysis show a peak flow rate of approximately 1,770 gpm through the Talbot Hill sewer system. The proposed pipe crossings under 1-405, as proposed in Alternative 2 and Alternative 3, should be designed to convey this peak flow rate. For Alternative 1, the West Talbot Hill Lift Station should be designed to pump a peak flow rate of 550 gpm. The East Talbot Hill Lift Station should be designed to pump a peak flow rate of 1,250 gpm. ® Stantec Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report Section 4-Hydraulic Analysis 4.1 J Section 4 - Hydraulic Analysis City of Renton October 14, 2014 Results of the analysis also show moderate(Q/Qfoi >1) to major (Q/Qrull>1.2) surcharging due to capacity limitations in the existing 18-inch diameter sewer on the north side of 1-405 to the connection with the King County Interceptor located north of the South Grady Way/East Valley Road intersection. These pipes may need to be upsized in the future to convey the increased flow rates. A separate alternatives analysis project is being performed on the Thunder Hills Interceptor. One alternative under consideration for that project involves diverting a portion of the Thunder Hills Interceptor tributary flows into the Talbot Hill sewer basin. Projected Ultimate peak flows for this diversion are 850 gpm, which would increase the overall peak flow for Alternatives 2 and 3 to 2,620 gpm, and the peak flows for Alternative 1 into the East Lift Station to 2,080 gpm. Additionally, the piping sizes across 1-405 would need to be upsized (12-inches to 15-inches) to accommodate the increased flow rates. The diverted flows would discharge though approximately 2,400 feet of 8-inch sewer, which begins on South 18th Street near Eagle Ridge Drive South, flow to the northwest, and end on Smithers Avenue South between South 15th Street and South 14th Street. This 8-inch sewer already shows moderate to major surcharging due to capacity issues in a few locations during ultimate peak flows. The additional flows from the diverted Thunder Hills tributary area would increase the level of surcharging and create surcharging in additional locations along the 8-inch sewer. Upsizing of the upstream 8-inch sewer, if required, would be included in the Thunder Hills Interceptor project and would not be included in this project. ® Stantec Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report 4.2 Section 6— Weighted Alternative Analysis I I Section 5 - Route Analysis City of Renton October 14, 2014 5.0 SECTION 5 - ROUTE ANALYSIS ' This section evaluates the three different sewer alignment alternatives for the project area. These alignment alternatives consist of the lift station alternative that utilizes the existing 1-405 crossing, the Smithers Avenue South crossing alternative, and the Talbot Road South crossing alternative. Each of these potential routes and their respective construction method alternatives ' are discussed in further detail below. Representations of each of the potential alignments can be found in Figure 2 through Figure 9. Planning level construction and life cycle costs were calculated for each alternative. Cost ' projections were based on the preliminary alignments, as shown in Figures 2 through Figure 9 and as explained below. A 9.5% sales tax rate was applied to determine the projected construction cost for each alternative. Allied design costs associated with engineering, public ' outreach, legal, and City administration costs were not included in the cost projections as these will be similar for each alternative. The estimated costs associated with easement acquisition and permit fees have been included as they vary with each alternative. A 15% contingency factor was added to the projected total construction costs to allow for inflation and unknowns on the project. The construction costs are conservative given the high level of unknowns and the planning level basis used to develop them. Detailed information on each construction cost ' projection is located in Appendix C. 5.1 ALTERNATIVE NO. 1 - THE LIFT STATION ALTERNATIVE Alternative No. 1 attempts to utilize the existing 10-inch diameter crossing of 1-405 at Shattuck Avenue South. This alternative would require two lift stations, one positioned on either side of Talbot Hill, to pump to the existing crossing. The configuration for this proposed alignment is shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3. ' The hydraulic analysis discussed in the previous section provided preliminary gravity sewer and force main sizing for the ultimate capacity situation. The lift station west of the hill would be sized for a design flow rate of 550 gpm and a head of approximately 35 feet. The lift station east of the hill would be sized for a design flow rate of 1,250 gpm and a head of approximately 45 ft. According to this sizing information, both lift stations would be relatively large in comparison to the other stations in the City's system. From the western lift station, sewage would be pumped through a 6-inch diameter force main to manhole 010. From manhole 010, the effluent would gravity flow to the existing 1-405 crossing. The eastern lift station would pump effluent through a 10-inch diameter force main to the existing sewer crossing. ' WSDOT's proposed grading will unearth the existing sewer pipe between SSMH 312 and SSMH 071. This section of pipe could potentially be reconstructed to be anchored to the proposed ' ® Stantec Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report Section 5 — Route Analysis 5.1 Section 5 - Route Analysis City of Renton October 14, 2014 steep slope, and existing manholes would need to be lowered significantly. Existing SSMH 071 appears to be within the proposed paving for the 1-405 improvements. The existing 10-inch diameter sewer crossing currently functions as a gravity sewer. It is unlikely that the current pipe can support the necessary pressure to be used as a force main. Although the existing concrete sewer line has been rehabilitated using CIPP technology, it is unknown if the CIPP liner was designed as fully deteriorated. An additional structural lining could potentially help the existing pipe sustain the necessary pressure, but an additional liner would further reduce the inner pipe diameter. The proposed design enables the effluent to flow by gravity through the existing 10-inch CIPP pipe. Hydraulic analysis indicates that this existing crossing should have barely enough capacity for ultimate build -out flows. If sewage from Thunder Hills is redirected to the Talbot crossing, the existing pipe will not have the necessary capacity. The existing sewer main immediately north of 1-405 would also need to be up sized from 10-inch diameter CIPP to 12-inch PVC. The downstream 18-inch diameter interceptor may also need to be upsized at some point in the future. The gravity pipes and force main for this alternative would be constructed using traditional open cut trench methods. The trenches would be between 8 and 23 feet deep. According to the geotechnical report, large portions of the trenches would be cut through sandstone with some of the shallower sections of the alignment going through dense silty -sand and sandy -silt. 5.1.1 Probable Construction and life Cycle Costs The construction cost analysis conducted for Alternative No. 1 assumed easements will be needed for both lift stations. The rest of the alignment wiii be within new 'vVSDOT rigid-of-w0y. The construction costs were largely based on recent bids received on similar public works lift station and sewer main projects in areas within close proximity to the City of Renton. The costs are based on 8-inch diameter PVC gravity sewer main along South 141h Street, replacing and/or upsizing two sections of pipe directly north and south of 1-405, 6-inch PVC force main from the western lift station, and 10-inch PVC force main from the eastern lift station. Each lift station includes the following significant components: pre -cast concrete wet well, submersible Flygt sewage pumps (two for the western lift station and three for the eastern lift station), concrete vault for emergency overflow storage, pre -cast concrete valve and flow meter vault, coatings for the below -grade structures, lift station piping, above -grade building housing control system, standby generator set, new electrical service, new water service, and paved asphalt concrete access driveway. Table 5-1 summarizes the cost analysis performed for the Alternative No. 1 construction. A more detailed cost break down is provided in Appendix C. ® Stantec Talbot Hill Alternative Alternative � 5.2 Section 6- Weighted Analysis 1 1 I Section 5 - Route Analysis ' City of Renton October 14, 2014 L� Table 5-1 Alternative No. 1 Opinion of Probable Construction Cost Alternative No. 1 Construction Costs $2,018,400 Sales Tax @ 9.5 % $191,748 Subtotal $2,210,148 Contingency @ 15% $331,522 Total Construction Cost $2,541,670 Easement Fees $50,000 ...,................. .................... _....... .............................. _...... Allied Costs $1,016,668 Life Cycle Costs $1,324,203 TOTAL COST $4,882,541 Assumptions: 1. The construction costs include mobilization, materials, excavation and backfill, shoring and dewatering, TESC, clearing and grading, electrical and control system work, gravels, and surface restoration. Depths of the wet well and overflow storage vault were based on rough estimates of the necessary operational storage volumes. 2. Significant facilities for odor control and surge protection were assumed to be unnecessary, and are not included in the costs. The life cycle analysis methodology is based on the following: • The Present Worth (Value) Method is utilized. The Present Worth calculation uses the discount rate to establish the present value for the base year (2014). • The life cycle study period is 60 years. • The Real Discount Rate equals 1.9% from Appendix C of OMB Circular A-94, December 2013. Using the Real Discount Rate requires that the costs must be expressed in current dollars (2014). • The project costs are based on, the estimated construction costs plus a 40% project allowance for engineering, permitting, bidding, inspection, staking, etc. • Periodic major replacement and capital costs are estimated for the two lift stations at 30 years and 60 years. These costs were based on the construction cost estimates for coatings, pumps and motors, lift station accessories, and standby generators. • Annual O&M Costs are estimated for labor, materials, and equipment. • Annual power costs for the two lift stations are also estimated, based on predicted ultimate flows and the anticipated head conditions (static lift plus friction losses). • The annual costs are converted to the Present Worth using the Present Worth Factor for 1.9% and 60 years. ' ® Stantec Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report Section 6- Weighted Alternative Analysis 5.3 NE 13-23-4 'iRll9ft CONTINUED ON SHEET 1.2 SCALE 1•=so w%� TALBOT HILL SEWER RELOCATION - wio/�/Zola Stantec 60 0 60 12o Eie/SMA '�" CITY OF SR 168 IC/DC PROJECT :sw -� RENTON ALTERNATIVEI - 11130 NE 33rd Place, Bellevue WA 98004 � FEET) DATUM Planning/Building/Public works Dept. SEWER PLAN AND PROFILE phone: (425) 869-9448—.stantec.com i INCH = 60 FT ,�1Oi4, NO. REVISION BY DATE APPR PROPOSED SOUTH 14TH STREET NE 13-23-4 CONTINUED ON SHEET 1.1 FIGURE 3 SCALE v-. 1'=so' "°p"�"""' E► CITY OF TALBOT HILL SEWER RELOCATION - 16/7/2014 Stantec 60 so 120 �/SMA RENTON SR 167 IC/DC PROJECT _w sw ALTERNATIVE 1 DATUM 9/ 9/ p SEWER PLAN AND PROFILE FEET Plannin Buildin Public Works Dept. - 11130 NE 33rd Place, Bellevue WA 98004� phone: (425) 869-9448 wwwstantec.com 7 INCH = 60 FT N0. REVISION BY DATE APPR SHATTUCK AVENUE SOUTH 1.2 �' Section 5 - Route Analysis City of Renton October 14, 2014 5.2 ALTERNATIVE NO. 2 - WITHERS AVE SOUTH CROSSING ' Alternative No. 2 would create a new 1-405 sewer main crossing at the extension of Smithers Avenue South. This crossing would allow a gravity system without pumping. This alternative's alignment is shown in Figure 4 through Figure 6. The proposed pipe configuration for this alternative along South 14th Street reaches depths of 40- feet. It is not practical to construct that deep of an alignment using traditional open -cut trenching, so trenchless methods would be utilized. In addition, the crossing of 1-405 will require trenchless construction in order minimize disturbance to the highway. Staheli's Trenchless Feasibility Report, summarized in Section 3, analyzes the feasibility of various trenchless methods for each alignment and provides a preliminary cost estimate for each feasible alternative. For the South 14th Street alignment, Staheli named two feasible options: AXIS guided boring system and horizontal directional drilling. These options are shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5, respectively. The Smithers Avenue South alignment had four feasible trenchless ' methods: AXIS guided boring system, auger boring with a steering head, auger boring with pilot tube guidance, or pipe ramming with pilot tube guidance. The AXIS method is more limited as it is it requires additional passes for any casing over 14-inch outside diameter. Staheli recommended allowing the use of each of these trenchless technologies for this alignment to ' maximize the bidder pool and increase the likelihood of a competitive bid environment. Based on the information provided in the hydraulic analysis, the main gravity line would be sized to carry an ultimate build -out flow, and a 12-inch diameter pipe would be required for the 1-405 crossing (15-inch diameter would be required if Thunder Hills is diverted). PVC pipes would be used for all non-trenchless construction and HDPE pipes would be employed in the trenchless sections. Two smaller gravity mains would collect sewage along South 14th Street. One smaller gravity line would drain from Davis Avenue South to South 14th Street, and the other would drain from Shattuck Avenue South to Whitworth Avenue South. Both of these 8-inch diameter mains would be approximately 8-feet deep, be constructed using conventional open -cut construction methods, and connect to the sewer system through drop manholes. 5.2.1 Probable Construction and Life Cycle Costs ' The construction cost analysis conducted for Alternative No. 2 assumed that the alignment would be constructed in the new and existing WSDOT right-of-way. The open -cut construction costs were largely based on recent bids received on similar public work sewer main projects in the proximity of the City of Renton. The trenchless construction costs were based the information provided by Staheli in the Trenchless Feasibility Report. Table 5-2 summarizes the cost analysis performed for the Alternative No. 1 construction. A more detailed cost break down is provided in Appendix C. ® Stantec Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report Section 5-Route Analysis 5.6 Section 5 - Route Analysis City of Renton October 14, 2014 Table 5-2 Alternative No. 2 Opinion of Probable Construction Cost Alternative No. 2 Construction Costs $1,934,600 Sales Tax @ 9.5% $183,787 Subtotal ......... $2,118,387 Contingency @ 15% $317,758 Total Construction Cost $2,436,145 Easement Fees $0 Allied Costs ............. $974,458 Life Cycle Costs $35,618 TOTAL COST $3,446,221 Assumptions: 1. The open -trench construction costs included mobilization, materials, excavation, shoring, TESC, surface restoration, trench patching, and asphalt overlays. Pipe depths were based on the proposed pipe depths. 2. A full width asphalt overlay was not assumed for all sewer replacement in the right-of- way. 3. Horizontal directional drilling costs were based on a national survey conducted by Trenchless Technologies. Actual drilling costs may vary. 5.2.2 Life Cycle Analysis The life cycle analysis methodology is based on the following: • The Present Worth (Value) Method is utilized. The Present Worth calculation uses the discount rate to establish the present value for the base year (2014). • The life cycle study period is 60 years. • The Real Discount Rate equals 1.9% from Appendix C of OMB Circular A-94, December 2013. Using the Real Discount Rate requires that the costs must be expressed in current dollars (2014) . • The project costs are based on the estimated construction costs plus a 40% project allowance for engineering, permitting, bidding, inspection, staking, etc. • Annual O&M Costs are estimated for labor, materials, and equipment. • The annual costs are converted to the Present Worth using the Present Worth Factor for 1.9% and 60 years. ® Stantec Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report Section 6- Weighted Alternative Analysis 5.7 1 1 1 1 1 CONTINUED ON SHEET 2.2 m in i m m m m m m m m m s CONTINUED ON SHEET 2.2 I 1im 10/7/2014 1 CONTINUED ON SHEET 2.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ 5D SCALE 50 Stantec °° 11130 NE 33rd Place, Bellevue WA 98004 ( FEET ) phone: (425) 869-9448 www.stanteccom 1 INCH = 50 FT ' Section 5 - Route Analysis City of Renton October 14, 2014 5.3 ALTERNATIVE NO. 3 - TALBOT ROAD SOUTH CROSSING Alternative No. 3 would create a new 1-405 sewer main crossing at the 1-405 Talbot Road underpass. In many ways this alternative is similar to Alternative 2, but simply moves the crossing ' from Smithers Avenue South to the 1-405 underpass at Talbot Road South, and reduces the amount of trenchless installation needed. This alternative's pipe configuration is shown in Figure 7 through Figure 9. ' As with Alternative No. 2, the proposed pipe configuration reaches depths of approximately 40- feet. It is not practical to construct that deep of an alignment using traditional open -cut trenching. Staheli's Trenchless Feasibility Report recommends two feasible trenchless options: AXIS guided boring system and horizontal directional drilling. These options are shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8, respectively. Additionally, trenchless installation would be utilized to install the ' sewer main under the existing concrete bridge apron for the highway underpass. In the trenchless pipe installation area, a separate gravity main would be needed to connect to the existing sewer mains along proposed South 14th Street. One smaller gravity line would flow from Davis Avenue South to South 14th Street, and the other would flow from Shattuck Avenue South to Whitworth Avenue South. Both of these 8-inch diameter mains would be approximately 8-feet deep, and connect to the sewer system through drop manholes. The configuration for this proposed alignment is shown in Figure 7. Talbot Road South underpasses 1-405, and is a major arterial for the area. Traffic control for an ' open -cut alignment installation would be difficult and costly. Talbot Road South was also recently repaved, so in addition to the traffic control issues, an alignment within the roadway would require replacing relatively new pavement. Finally, a large number of utilities already exist within Talbot Road South, leaving few options for the proposed sewer alignment. To combat these issues, this alternative proposes installing the proposed sewer main along the ' edge of the right of way. This alignment would require a trenchless installation under the existing concrete apron for the 1-405 bridge. Fiber optic lines, underground power lines, gas lines, and communication lines already run under this apron, but utility maps provided by WSDOT show potentially adequate spacing for the sewer main to provide the necessary separation from other utilities. n ' ® Stantec Talbot Hill Altemative Analysis Report Section 7 - Recommendations 5.11 1 Section 5 - Route Analysis City of Renton October 14, 2014 Photos showing Talbot Hill Road Underpass (left photo facing south, right photo facing north) Based on the information provided in the hydraulic analysis, the gravity main would be sized to carry an ultimate build -out flow rate, so a 12-inch diameter pipe would be required for the 1-405 crossing (I5-inchdiameter would be required if Thunder Hills is diverted). PVC pipes would be used for all non-trenchless construction and HDPE pipes would be employed in the trenchless sections. 5.3.1 Probable Construction and Life Cycle Costs The construction cost analysis conducted for Alternative No. 3 assumed that the alignment will be constructed in the existing WSDOT right-of-way. The open cut construction costs were largely based on recent bids received on similar public work sewer main projects in the proximity of the City of Renton. The trenchless construction costs were based the information provided by Stahel! in the Trenchless Feasibility Report. Table 5-3 summarizes the cost analysis performed for the Alternative No. 1 construction. A more detailed cost break down is provided in Appendix X. Table 5-3 Alternative No. 3 Opinion of Probable Construction Cost Alternative No. 3 Construction Costs _ _ ....... ......... $1,713,300 Sales -._.Tax @ 9.5% .................... ....................... .................... ... - .......... $162,764 Subtotal $1,876 064 Contingency @ 15% $281 410 Total Construction Cost $2,157,474 Easement Fees $20,000 ................................. Allied Costs $862,989 Life Cycle Costs $35,618 TOTAL COST $2,5157,857 ® Stantec Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report 5.12 Section 6- Weighted Alternative Analysis I Ci 1 I I ' Section 5 - Route Analysis City of Renton October 14, 2014 u 1 h I I Assumptions: 1. The open -trench construction costs included mobilization, materials, excavation, shoring, TESC, surface restoration, trench patching, and asphalt overlays. Pipe depths were based on the proposed pipe depths. 2. A full width asphalt overlay was not assumed for all sewer replacement in the right-of-way. 3. Horizontal directional drilling costs were based on a national survey conducted by Trenchless Technologies. Actual drilling costs may vary. 5.3.2 Life Cycle Analysis The life cycle analysis methodology is based on the following: • The Present Worth (Value) Method is utilized. The Present Worth calculation uses the discount rate to establish the present value for the base year (2014). • The life cycle study period is 60 years. • The Real Discount Rate equals 1.9% from Appendix C of OMB Circular A-94, December 2013. Using the Real Discount Rate requires that the costs must be expressed in current dollars (2014). • The project costs are based on the estimated construction costs plus a 40% project allowance for engineering, permitting, bidding, inspection, staking, etc. • Annual O&M Costs are estimated for labor, materials, and equipment. • The annual costs are converted to the Present Worth using the Present Worth Factor for 1.9% and 60 years. 1 ® Stantec Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report Section 6- Weighted Alternative Analysis 5.13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 CONTINUED ON SHEET 3.2 FWY I:D a / O 405 15'PVC S \ I RIM=64.42 I 12' PVC _111 4 IlV HNL- _E IE LNiR CHNL- 8 I ` �_ R 'J"O R 7212 PC3z 00S T1 ON D5__qsuH ooa �< /' / � // '/ 5cii/ /µme---__ y ; ill � � � I J • i IE SSMM U I I II` I I IE NiR CH 005 NL= u.42 O IE CNTN CH—'Ti SNH.tt �- (n S04 CNiR CHNL= %.1J % W I I r � II <� "SSNH f�l to mol I I `- EL111BA1o014.9 OO RNt`L BB]BQ J4 HNL= 920 009 I I RNs=> j IB_ sNH690.J9R tI�o �I,$If �III II II I s p l CONTINUED ON SHEET 3.1 — - - ♦i -- G--� RIN= 52A — IE CNrR C11NL= •2.13 I 11 p / SwN RIN= 5•,•2 IE CNTR CHNE= 43.42 I s a / I / I I I / I I I I \ I I P SSMH 002 12' P �TALBOT RD SOUTH I \\ J =swR oat RIN" 9.Bt IE CNiR CHNE— J9 )1 -1- 12' PVC ° SSMH 00112' PVC N/ FIGURE 9 SCALE " 1"=so'""p°"t"' �� } CITY OF TALBOT HILL SEWER RELOCATION Stantec so o so 1zo ELB/SMA o�mrtw RENTON SR 167 RNAT PROJECT sM" DATUM ALTERNATIVE 3A/B - 11130 NE 33rd Place, Bellevue WA 98004 ( FEET) �+*� Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. SEWER PLAN AND PROFILE phone: (425) 869-9448 www.stantec.com 1 INCH = 60 FT ,. NO. REVISION BY DATE APPR TALBOT AVENUE SOUTH 10/7/2014 3.2 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 Section 6 - Weighted Alternative Analysis City of Renton October 14, 2014 6.0 SECTION 6 - WEIGHTED ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS 6.1 EVALUATION CRITERIA In the following section, each alternative is evaluated based on the eight project goals developed during Workshop 1. These goals were deemed significant to the overall project success. Each alternative is evaluated based on how well it meets the goal, and then the alternatives are ranked. The alternative that best meets the requirements of a specific goal is given a "3;" the alternative that does the next best receives a "2;" the lowest ranked alternative receives a "I." In the Workshop 1, City and WSDOT weighted the identified criteria from high importance to low importance. Goals identified as "high" importance will be weighted with a "3," a medium with a "2," and a low with a "1." At the end of the section, tables summarize the rank of each alternative and the weight of each goal. These numbers are then multiplied together and summed to get the weight rank of each alternative. This numerical approach allows an easy comparison of the alternatives. The recommended alternative will be the one with the "highest" score based on the weighted rank numerical approach. 6.1.1 Cost (high) Keeping the project lifecycle cost down is a key to both the City and WSDOT. The costs shown below are compared in 2014 dollars for a 60-year planning period. The alternative with the lowest cost will receive the best score in this category. Table 6.1 Alternative Cost Comparison Alternative Planning Level Construction Cost* 60-year We Cycle Cost Total Planning Level Cost No. 1 - Lift Stations $3,608,338 $1,324,203 $4,882,541 No. 2 - Smithers Crossing $3,410,603 $35,618 $3,446,221 No. 3 - Talbot Crossing $3,040,464 $35,618 $3,076,082 'Includes construction costs, easement fees, and allied costs Alternative 3 has the lowest projected construction cost, and lowest total projected project cost. Alternative 2 is more expensive than Alternative 1, primarily due to the longer length of trenchless installation across 1-405. Alternative 1 is by for the most expensive due to the high initial costs of installing two new lift stations, and the future O&M and replacement costs. ® Stantec Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report Section 7 - Recommendations 6.1 I Section 6 - Weighted Alternative Analysis City of Renton October 14, 2014 6.1.2 Schedule (medium) Timely installation of a reliable alternative to the existing sewer main within South 14th Street is a key part of the WSDOT SR167 Interchange/Direct Connector (IC/DC) Project. The alternative with the lowest impact on WSDOT's overall schedule will receive the best score. All alternatives will have a low impact on WSDOT's overall schedule. There are no foreseen scheduling difficulties. As the project will be constructed in WSDOT right-of-way prior to the construction of the new South 14th Street, the project will not have to deal with traffic control plans or limitations. Also because there are no existing utilities within the proposed South 14th Street, the project will not have to coordinate construction activities with other utilities, other than the proposed gas main being relocated to South 14th Street. Alternative No. 1 would likely take the longest because it requires the construction of two lift stations, making it the least desirable alternative. Alternative No. 2 and No. 3 would both have similar schedules. Therefore, Alternative No. 2 and No. 3 are tied for the most desirable alternative. 6.1.3 Level of Service (low) At a minimum the necessary level of service is defined as the ability to carry the City's current effluent flow for the service area. The ideal alternative would be able to handle the projected ultimate build -out flow for the service area. Because Alternative No. 1 utilizes the existing 1-405 crossing, it is more limited in the total flow it can handle. Per the hydraulic analysis discussed in Section 4, the existing 10-inch CIPP crossing should be able to handle the projected ultimate build -out flow. However, this alternative design does not allow any factor of safety, and as such, is not the ideal alternative for level of service. Alternative No. 2 and Alternative No. 3 can be sized as necessary to meet the projected ultimate build -out flow. For the purpose of the analysis, the level of service provided by both Alternative No. 2 and No. 3 are equal, so both are ranked as the best alternative. Therefore, Alternative No. 1 is ranked as least desirable alternative. 6.1.4 Environmental Impact (medium) Environment mitigation will be done as part of the whole WSDOT SR167 Interchange/Direct Connector (IC/DC) Project. Each alternative is in the vicinity of an unclassified stream and a wetland. These aspects of the sewer relocation will be covered under WSDOT's SEPA. If additional environmental impacts are encountered as part of the sewer relocation, WSDOT's SEPA can be modified to include them. In Alternative No. 1 the proposed alignment and eastern lift station are in proximity of an existing wetland. Work within this area will be covered under WSDOT's SEPA, but additional terms and (3 Stantec Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report 6.2 Section 6- Weighted Alternative Analysis 'J 1 1 1 1 �1 1 1 11 [I J J Section 6 - Weighted Alternative Analysis City of Renton October 14, 2014 limitations could be placed on building a permanent facility in this environmentally sensitive area. The Alternative No. 2 alignment remains almost completely within the proposed South 14th Street right-of-way, so the alignment should not cause any additional environmental impacts. However, if the contractor decides to use pipe ramming to cross 1-405, the noise level generated from the hammer may be a concern. As discussed in the Trenchless Methods Feasibility Report (Appendix B), sound barriers can be used to dampen the noise, if necessary. If pipe ramming is not used, this alternative should not have any additional environmental impacts. Alternative No. 3 is the only alternative that will actually have to cross the unclassified stream. As ' such, it will have a larger environmental impact than the other alternatives, but this crossing will most likely be covered under WSDOT's SEPA. While each alternative has its unique potential impact on the environment, none of the alternatives are expected to require a significant addition to the SEPA. Alternative No. 3 is guaranteed to have an additional impact to the environment because of the stream crossing, and so, it was ranked as the least desirable option. Alternative No. 1 is likely to cause increased environmental concern because of the additional permanent facilities (the lift stations); therefore, it was ranked as the second most desirable option. Alternative No. 2 is the least likely to accrue additional environmental impact or concern, so it was ranked as the best environmental option. ' 6.1.5 Easements (medium/low) Easements are required for any pipe outside of the permanent right-of-way. The alternative that ' requires the least amount of additional easement acquisition will receive the higher scores. The construction of Alternative No. 2 should take place entirely within WSDOT's permanent right- of-way and temporary right-of-way. As no easements are required for this alternative, it best meets the goal, and receives the highest score. Alternative No. 3 will most likely require an easement for the eastern end of the South 14th Street ' alignment. It was ranked the second most desirable alternative for this goal. Alternative No. 1 will require two easements, one for the site of each lift station. The rest of the ' alignment for Alternative No. 1 will be within WSDOT's right-of-way. Because of the need for these two easements, Alternative No. 1 is the least desirable alternative in this goal. 6.1.6 Operations and Maintenance (O&M) (medium/low) Operation and maintenance (O&M) considerations are important for the operation of the sewer ' main and the complexity and costs of future maintenance. Considerations include accessibility of critical project components, future operational complexity, integration with the existing system, and monitoring requirements. ' ® Stantec Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report Section 6- Weighted Alternative Analysis 6.3 1 Section 6 - Weighted Alternative Analysis City of Renton October 14, 2014 The two lift stations required in Alternative No. 1 will require continual maintenance in order to operate as designed. This high maintenance aspect of this alternative is reflected in the high project life cycle costs. Additionally, the existing 10-inch sewer along Shattuck Avenue South would be exposed by the WSDOT project and would need to be deepened in order to be protected. Having an exposed sewer attached to the steep slope surface would not be ideal for operation and maintenance. Alternative No. 1 is ranked as the least desirable option because it will require the most operation and maintenance efforts. Alternatives 2 and 3 are both gravity only systems, and will therefore, require less maintenance throughout their life span. The life cycle analysis shown in Section 5 estimates that it will cost the District significantly less for the next 60 years to run the system. Additionally, the piping should not need to be replaced within the 60-year lifespan. Alternative 2 is ranked as more desirable than Alternative 3 from and operation and maintenance standpoint, because access along Talbot Road could cause more disruption to traffic. 6.1.7 Co nstru cta bility/ Risk (high) Project constructability is influenced by a variety of factors including, but not limited to, soil conditions, seasonal weather, existing utilities, and overall project complexity. High risk construction may lead to high, unexpected costs. The alternative with the lowest anticipated construction risk will receive the highest score. Alternative 1 will have the lowest risk. While two lifts stations add complexity to the design, the construction of Alternative 1 will employ traditional construction methods. Without too much difficulty, the City should be able to hire a contractor with experience constructing lift stations and force mains. Beyond the complexity of the design, there is not too much risk involved in the construction of Alternative 1. The construction of Alternative 2 will involve more risk than Alternative 1, but not as much as Alternative 3. Trenchless construction comes with increased construction risk. While the expected soil conditions are favorable for certain trenchless methods, the necessary level of accuracy adds risk to trenchless installation. This risk will be mitigated with the use of a guidance system. In particular, the proposed use of HDD along the South 14th Street alignment has a risk of reversed slope if the design slope is less than 0.02 ft/ft. The AXIS method for the South 14th Street alignment and auger boring or pipe ramming for the Smithers Ave South alignment have lower risks than the HDD. In general, Alternative No. 2 is riskier than Alternative No 1. Alternative 3 will have the highest construction risk. This alternative has the same trenchless construction risks as Alternative 2 (although shorter under 1-405). In addition, Alternative 3 proposes to cross 1-405 at a heavily used underpass. This alternative increases traffic risk associated with construction, and the high number of utilities already under Talbot increases the risk of an unplanned conflict. While utility maps will be used during the design phase to choose the best possible placement of the sewer main, there is always the chance that the actual utility ® Stantec Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report 6.4 Section 6- Weighted Alternative Analysis 1 Ll H 1 ii I I 1 I Section 6 - Weighted Alternative Analysis City of Renton October 14, 2014 ' locations vary from those shown in maps. Even a slight variation could cause a large problem during construction. Alternative 3 has the highest construction risk. 1 6.1.8 Forward Compatibility (medium) 1 Compatibility with WSDOT's long range master plan is an essential consideration in relocating the existing sewer. WSDOT's SR167 Interchange/Direct Connector (IC/DC) Project is one project of a list of projects that WSDOT plans on implementing to improve the 1-405/SR176 corridor. Both the ' City and WSDOT would like to avoid relocating the sewer again in the foreseeable future. Each alternative considered must work with WSDOT's future build -out, or it will not be feasible. The alternative with the easiest integration into future WSDOT improvements will receive the highest 1 score. Alternatives 1, 2, and 3 are all compatible with the future WSDOT improvements. Once it is ' constructed, the City should not need to touch the relocated sewer for a significant period of time. No alternative is significantly more or less compatible with WSDOT's future plans. 6.2 WEIGHTED ANALYSIS BASED ON EVALUATION CRITERIA As described above, each alternative was ranked in order of compatibility with the goals above. The goals were also ranked in importance, from high to low, by WSDOT and the City during Workshop 1. These rankings and weighted goals were integrated to perform the following numerical analysis. ' Table 6-2 shows each goal along with its assigned weight and the numerical representation of this weight. High importance was given a one, medium a two, and low a three. ' Table 6-2 Weighted Importance of Each Goal J Goals Weighting Factor Weighting Factor Cost High 3 Schedule Medium 2 Level of Service Low 1 Environmental Impact Medium 2 Easements Medium/Low 1.5 Operations & Maintenance Medium/Low 1.5 Constructability/Risk High 3 Forward Compatibility Medium 2 Table 6-3 summarizes the ranking of each alternative within a goal. The alternative that best meets a particular goal is ranked highest (3). The next best is ranked second (2). The remaining alternative is ranked lowest (1). In a few cases two or all three alternatives equally meet a goal. ® Stantec Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report Section 6- Weighted Alternative Analysis 6.5 Section 6 - Weighted Alternative Analysis City of Renton October 14, 2014 In that case, the tied alternatives are given the higher of the ranks (i.e. if two alternatives are tied for first, both alternatives received a score of 3 and the remaining alternative receives a score of 1). Table 6-3 Ranked Alternatives for Each Goal Goals Weighting Factor Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Cost 3 1 2 3 Schedule 2 1 3 3 Level of Service 1 1 3 3 Environmental Impact 2 2 3 1 Easements 1.5 1 3 2 Operations & Maintenance 1.5 1 3 2 Constructability/Risk 1 3 3 2 1 Forward Compatibility 1 2 1 3 1 3 3 In Table 6-4 the goal weights are multiplied by the ranking. This method allows more important goals to have more influence over the final score of each alternative. Table 6-4 Weighted Ranked Alternatives for Each Goal Goals Alternative No. 1 Alternative No. 2 Alternative No. 3 Cost 3 6 9 Schedule 2 6 6 Level of Service 1 3 3 Environmental Impact 4 6 2 Easements 1.5 4.5 3 Operations & Maintenance 1.5 4.5 3 Constructability/Risk 9 6 3 Forward Compatibility 6 6 6 TOTAL 28 42 1 35 Alternative No. 2 has the highest score, and is therefore, the most desirable alternative, followed by Alternative No. 3. Alternative No. 1 's score is significantly lower than the other two alternatives. ® Stantec 6.6 Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report Section 6- Weighted Alternative Analysis Section 7 - Recommendations City of Renton October 14, 2014 7.0 SECTION 7 - RECOMMENDATIONS This section provides recommendations for a preferred concept of the three different sewer relocation alternatives. The Talbot Hill Sewer Relocation project relocates the existing sewer main from the existing South 14th Street to the proposed South 14th Street alignment (relocated as part of WSDOT's SR167 IC/DC Project approximately half a block to the south). The change in location will make it difficult to continue to use the existing 1-405 sewer crossing at Shattuck Avenue South. Three different alternative sewer main configurations were devised and analyzed in this report. The previous section used a weighted analysis to review how well each alternative meets the eight project goals: cost, schedule, level of service, environmental impact, easements, operations and maintenance, constructability/risk, and forward compatibility. This weighted analysis allows a simple numerical comparison of how well each alternative meets the project's goals. ' Alternative No. 2 is the most desirable alternative. It consists of creating a new trenchless 1-405 sewer main crossing at Smithers Avenue South. This alternative balances projected life cycle ' cost with construction risk, and best meets the eight project goals. Alternative No. 3 is the second most desirable alternative. It consists of creating a new 1-405 ' sewer main crossing at Talbot Avenue South. This alternative is similar to Alternative No. 2 in many ways, but construction within the busy and utility -filled Talbot Road South increases the construction risk. This alternative is the second best at meeting the eight project goals. Alternative No. 1 is the least desirable alternative. It consists of building two lift stations in order to use the existing 10-inch CIPP 1-405 crossing. Two lifts stations will have the highest construction cost and a large life cycle cost and will require a large amount of operation and maintenance. While this alternative is feasible, it is the least desirable of the three. ® Stantec Talbot Hill Altemative Analysis Report Section 7 - Recommendations 7.1 1 Appendix A m m m m m m m m m m m r m m m m m m m m m m � m m m � m m m m m m m m APPENDIX A -GEOTECHNICAL DESK STUDY TALBOT HILL SEWER ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS SS I B Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Y g Dated August 6, 2014 1 Stantec I Geotechnical Desk Study Talbot Hill Sewer Alternatives Analysis Talbot Road — 1405 Area Renton, Washington August 6, 2014 GEOTECHNICAL DESK STUDY TALBOT HILL SEWER ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................1 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION.......................................................................................................1 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION...............................................................................................................2 4.0 SUBSURFACE DATA.............................................................................................................2 4.1.1 Site Investigation Program....................................................................................2 5.0 SOIL AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS..........................................................................3 5.1.1 Area Geology.....................................................................................................3 5.1.2 Soil Conditions.....................................................................................................3 6.0 DISCUSSION........................................................................................................................5 6.1.1 General................................................................................................................5 7.0 PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATIONS ....................... :.......................................................... 6 7.1.1 Temporary Excavations......................................................................................6 7.1.2 Utilities..................................................................................................................7 7.1.3 Groundwater Influence on Construction.........................................................8 8.0 FURTHER INVESTIGATION....................................................................................................8 9.0 CLOSURE.............................................................................................................................8 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A — Statement of General Conditions Appendix B — Figures Appendix C — Select Boring Logs Design with community In mind I C� GEOTECHNICAL DESK STUDY TALBOT HILL SEWER ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS August 6, 2014 ' 1.0 Introduction In accordance with your authorization, Stantec has completed a geotechnical desk study for the Talbot Hill Sewer Alternatives Analysis located in Renton, Washington (Figure i). ' The purpose of study was to utilize provided subsurface data and to provide preliminary geotechnical recommendations and opinions for locating a new sewer line crossing of I-405 as well as associated sewer lines extending to that crossing. ' The scope of work for the study consisted of a document review followed by cross section and analyses to prepare this report. Preliminary recommendations presented herein pertain to various geotechnical aspects of the alternatives and provide an overview of the anticipated geologic conditions. 2.0 Project Description The proposed development includes construction and/or lining of sewer lines beneath I-405 as part of ' future WSDOT construction for I-4o5. At this time, there are three sewer line alternatives which would extend from near the proposed South 14th Street alignment from existing manhole locations toward the north and below I-405, connecting to existing utility infrastructure. Each of these alternatives involve new sewer line placement west to east along (or near) South 14th Street from SR 167 toward Talbot Road South. We have reviewed the sewer plans with profiles dated July 1, 2014 that show the locations of the three north to south sewer line alternatives as well as the east to west sewer line alternatives for each of these. Alternative 1 extends below Shattuck Avenue for approximately i,loo feet from Sanitary Sewer Manhole (SSMH) o64 to SSMH 035. Alternative 2 extends below Smithers Avenue South for approximately i,ioo feet from SSMH 092 to SSMH oo1. Alternative 3 extends below Talbot Road South for approximately ' 600 feet from SSMH 002 to SSMH 042. Note that there are some SSMH's that have the same number designation. See site plans for the actual manhole locations. The Alternative i (West to East) extends generally along South 14th Street for over 1,500 feet from SSMH oo1 to SSMH o62 and includes construction of two lift stations in order to pump effluent up to the crossing at Shattuck Avenue South. Alternative 2 (East to West) includes the placement of new gravity sewer lines along with a deep bore line extending toward the new crossing at Smithers Avenue South. ' Alternative 3 (East to West) is similar to the Alternative 2 option with the gravity lines extending further to the east and to the crossing at Talbot Road South. It is our understanding that the Alternative 1 crossing at Shattuck Avenue South would involve lining the ' existing pipe. All new lines would be installed using open excavations or trenchless utility placement technologies, depending on the depths, soil and groundwater conditions, cost, and other factors. Design with community in mind 1 GEOTECHNICAL DESK STUDY TALWT HILL SEWER ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS August 6, 2014 3.0 Site Description The site is located generally south of I-405 and between State Route (SR) 167 and Talbot Road South in Renton, Washington (Figure 1). There are three sewer line placement alternatives at this time, and they include a north to south alignment along Shattuck Avenue South (Alternative 1), Smithers Avenue South , (Alternative 2), and Talbot Road South (Alternative 3). The associated east to west alternatives generally extend along or near the proposed location of South 14t" Street from near SR 167 east to Talbot Road South. The site area south of 1-405 is currently developed with single and multi -family residential structures, asphalt paved roadways, and landscaped areas. There are undeveloped areas between I-4o5 and the residential structures locally. The site area north of 1-405 is primarily developed with asphalt paved parking lots/drive areas along with local commercial buildings. The site area generally slopes downward toward the north at low to moderate magnitudes. The area north , Of I-405 is generally level. A concrete retaining wall, up to 25 feet in height, extends along the south side Of I-405 along the west half of the site area and a relatively shallow ditch extends along the north side of I- 405 t 4.0 Subsurface Data 4.1.1 Site Investigation Program We have reviewed approximately 35 boring logs prepared by WSDOT following geotechnical soil drilling and rock coring for future roadway development in the area. The drilling occurred during multiple phases of geotechnical investigation work in the area between December 2013 and March 2014. ' From our review of the provided boring logs and boring log field notes/drafts, the borings were drilled using mud rotary methods through upper Quaternary sediments and rock coring drilling through the underlying Tertiary bedrock. ' Some slope inclinometers and piezometers were installed as part of their work. It is our understanding that various laboratory tests were performed on soil and rock samples as well. At this time, we have not been provided with any laboratory test results, groundwater monitoring results (other than on the logs), ' or slope inclinometer data. Design with community in mind F Ll 4 GEOTECHNICAL DESK STUDY TALBOT HILL SEWER ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS August 6, 2014 5.0 Soil and Groundwater Conditions 5.1.1 Area Geology The site lies within the Puget Lowland. The lowland is part of a regional north -south trending trough that extends from southwestern British Columbia to near Eugene, Oregon. North of Olympia, Washington, this lowland is glacially carved, with a depositional and erosional history including at least four separate glacial advances/retreats. The Puget Lowland is bounded to the west by the Olympic Mountains and to the east by the Cascade Range. The lowland is filled with glacial and nonglacial sediments consisting of interbedded gravel, sand, silt, till, and peat lenses. The Geologic Maw of King County, indicates that the site is located near the contacts between Alluvium, Modified Land, Vashon Recessional Outwash, and Tertiary Bedrock. Alluvium in the Puget Lowland generally consists of varying mixtures of silt, sand, clay, gravel, and organic debris deposited in fluvial environments within the last several thousand years. Alluvium deposited by the Green River is variable in composition and density, and typically consists of soft/loose to stiff/medium dense stratified sand and silt with variable amounts of clay and peat. Alluvium in the Renton area can he over ioo feet in thickness. Modified Land deposits include artificial fill, either undocumented or controlled fill, placed within the last ioo years. These deposits are typically less than 20 feet in thickness in this area, and usually consist of variable density combinations of silt, gravel, and sand. Vashon Recessional Outwash consists of sand and gravel with local areas of silt and clay deposited during the most recent glacial recession. These materials are normally consolidated and are generally medium dense. Groundwater is commonly found perched within the outwash or at the base of the outwash where glacial till, Pre -Fraser deposits or bedrock is typically located. Tertiary Bedrock in this area consists of the Renton Formation. The Renton Formation includes feldspathic fine to medium grained sandstone with beds of coal, carbonaceous siltstone, and claystone. Tertiary Bedrock locally outcrops south of I -go and the Seattle Fault Zone due to uplift associated with seismic activity. 5.1.2 Soil Conditions We have summarized the subsurface soil and bedrock conditions in the general area of each alternative location below. The cross sections (Figures 2 through 7), show the locations of the borings and provide a graphic sketch of the subsurface soil and bedrock conditions. Selected finalized boring logs are attached in Appendix C. 3 Design with community in mind (3 GEOTECHNICAL DESK STUDY TALBOT HILL SEWER ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS August 6, 2014 Alternative 1 — Shattuck Avenue South The upper elevation portion of the Shattuck Avenue South area is likely underlain by loose to medium dense poorly graded sands and silty sands which appear to be consistent with localized fill and recessional outwash deposits. The soil materials become denser below approximately to feet and range in composition between sandy silt and silty sand, which is likely highly weathered sandstone. Variably weathered sandstone with local areas of coal and siltstone are present below the glacial soil deposits. The depth to sandstone ranges from approximately 14 to 25 feet below existing grades south of I-405. North of the large retaining wall along I-405, the sandstone ranges from 4 feet below grade up to 15 feet below grade at the northern shoulder of 1-405. Alternative 2 — Smithers Avenue South The upper elevation portion of the Smithers Avenue South area is likely underlain by very loose to loose mixtures of sand, silty -sand, and sandy silt, consistent with fill and recessional outwash deposits (no boreholes to confirm in this area). In the area north of Station16+oo, buried organic materials indicate the presence of localized fill. The soil materials in this area become medium dense generally below 15 feet below existing grades and bedrock (sandstone) is encountered at approximately 27 to 30 feet below existing grades. From our review, the soil conditions south of I-405 are consistent to the north of I-405, with bedrock present below the sewer alignment. Alternative 3 — Talbot Road South The soil conditions below the Talbot Road South area generally include medium dense to dense silty -sand, consistent with recessional outwash deposits. Below and/or near the base of these deposits, local peat was encountered in one boring, while cobbles and gravelly silt was encountered in two others. Bedrock (sandstone) was consistently present at approximately 20 to 30 feet below existing grades and deeper where additional fill was present as part of I-405 construction. Alternatives I-3 — South 14th Street The overall South 14th Street alternative extends generally east to west across a north and north-west sloping area. The upper deposits are generally loose to medium dense and consistent with outwash and fill. Areas of cobbles and gravel are present in several borings and sandstone (and local siltstone) was encountered below the glacial materials at variable depths. In general the sandstone was encountered between approximately 8 and 15 feet below existing grades in the western half (near Shattuck Avenue S.) and between approximately 18 and 28 feet east of Shattuck Avenue South. In general, thicker and less dense sediments are located east of the top of the ridge near Shattuck Avenue South. Groundwater Some of the WSDOT boring logs included some groundwater information. Monitoring wells were installed in selected borings and groundwater ranged from about 4 to 5 feet below grade up to about 15 to 20 feet below grade, based on the limited information provided. We expect that groundwater present below the site area to be perched within the recessional outwash deposits or just above the bedrock. In general, groundwater was present at greater depth in the Talbot Road South area. 4 Design with community in mind 1 (3 GEOTECH nCAL DESK STUDY TALBOT HILL SEWER ' ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS August 6, 2014 ' Water table elevations often fluctuate over time. The groundwater level will depend on a variety of factors that may include seasonal precipitation, irrigation, land use, climatic conditions and soil permeability. Water levels at the time of the field investigation may be different from those encountered during the construction phase of the project. ' 6.0 Discussion ' 6.1.1 General From our review, it is our opinion that sandstone will likely be encountered locally at proposed sewer line ' depths in areas between SR 167 and Shattuck Avenue South (Alternatives 1 -3 along South 14th Street). We would expect great difficulty to trench these materials and rock blasting/breaking may be necessary, adding to construction costs. ' Bedrock will be encountered for the deep bore sewer line associated with Alternative 2 from between the west end of the alignment and approximately Whitworth Avenue South. The bedrock has a relatively high rock quality designation (RQD) and appears to be suitable for trenchless drilling/coring technologies. Local coal, siltstone, and shale were encountered in many WSDOT borings at variable depths below grade. East of Shattuck Avenue South (Alternatives 2 and 3), we expect loose to medium dense silty -sand with ' gravel to be encountered at proposed sewer depths. These materials will be suitable for trenching; however, the locally loose conditions will require temporary shoring (as would be anticipated at these depths). ' There are local areas of fill, peat, cobbles, and silt of variable density that warrant additional exploration work once an alternative has been selected. The depth to bedrock is not well defined along portions of the east to west alignments. Additional borings should be located in these areas. Also, the provided logs contain minimal data on groundwater conditions throughout the site area and additional monitoring well placement should be performed in the design phase of the project. ' Alternative 1- Shattuck Avenue South From our review, sandstone would likely be encountered between Stations 4+50 to 8+oo at the current/proposed elevations of the sewer alignment. While groundwater data is minimal, we anticipate ' that perched groundwater would be encountered during the wet season between 5 and 15 feet below grades. 5 Design with community in mind (3 GEOTECHNICAL DESK STUDY TALBOT HILL SEWER ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS August b, 2014 Alternative 2-Smithers Avenue South Based on our review of the provided boring logs, we anticipate the sewer alignment below I-405 would encounter medium dense silty -sand with variable amounts of gravel. There are no steep slopes in this area and groundwater may be encountered in the upper io feet. Alternative 3 - Talbot Road South From our review, we anticipate that medium dense silty -sand with variable amounts of gravel would be encountered at proposed sewer depths. Sandstone is present approximately io to 17 feet below the proposed alignment. From the provided data, groundwater may be encountered between 7 and 17 feet below the existing site grades. Alternatives 1 Through 3 - South 14th Street Based on the provided boring logs, we anticipate that sandstone will likely be encountered at proposed sewer depths from the west end to at least Station 5+00. We expect loose to medium dense silty sand with variable amounts of gravel to be encountered at proposed sewer depths from Station 5+50 to the east end of the alignment. Based on the limited data, perched groundwater may be encountered within the upper 5 to 20 feet. 7.0 Preliminary Recommendations 7.1.1 Temporary Excavations Based on our understanding of the project, we anticipate that excavation work could include local cuts of Up to 20 feet below existing grades for utility placement. For excavations that extend more than 4 feet below grade, we recommend that they be sloped no steeper than i.SH:iV (Horizontal:Vertical) in loose to medium dense soils, iH:1V in medium dense to dense native soils, and 3/4H:1V in very dense native soils (if encountered in deeper excavations). If an excavation is subject to heavy -vibration or surcharge loads, we recommend that the excavations be sloped no steeper than 2H: iV in loose to medium dense soils and 1.5H:1V in all other soils, where room permits. All temporary cuts should be in accordance Aith the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) Part N, Excavation, Trenching, and Shoring. The temporary slopes should be visually inspected daily by a qualified person during construction activities and the inspections should be documented in daily reports The contractor is responsible for maintaining the stability of the temporary cut slopes and reducing slope erosion during construction. M. Dos q1 it cc�nri�n:', i GEOTECHNICAL DESK STUDY i TALBOT HILL SEWER ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS August 6, 2014 The temporary cut slopes should be covered with visqueen to help reduce erosion during wet weather, and P �' P the slopes should be closely monitored until the permanent retaining systems or slope configurations are i complete. Materials should not be stored or equipment operated within io feet of the top of any temporary cut slope. Soil conditions may not be completely known from the geotechnical investigation. In the case of temporary cuts, the existing soil conditions may not be completely revealed until the excavation work exposes the soil. Typically, as excavation work progresses the maximum inclination of the temporary slopes will need to be re-evaluated by the geotechnical engineer so that supplemental recommendations can be made. Soil and groundwater conditions can be highly variable. Scheduling for soil work will need to be adjustable, to deal with unanticipated conditions, so that the project can proceed and required deadlines can be met. i If any variations or undesirable conditions are encountered during construction, Stantec should be notified so that supplemental recommendations can be made. If room constraints or groundwater conditions do not permit temporary slopes to be cut to the maximum angles allowed by the WAC, temporary shoring systems may be required. The contractor should be responsible for developing ' temporary shoring systems, if needed. We recommend that Stantec and the project structural engineer review temporary shoring designs prior to installation, to verify the suitability of the proposed systems. ' 7.1.2 Utilities Utility trenches should be excavated according to accepted engineering practices following OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) standards, by a contractor experienced in such work. The contractor is responsible for the safety of open trenches. Traffic and vibration adjacent to trench walls should be reduced; cyclic wetting and drying of excavation side slopes should be avoided. Depending upon the location and depth of some utility trenches, groundwater flow into open excavations ' could be experienced, especially during or shortly following periods of precipitation. In general, silty and sandy soils were encountered at shallow depths in the test pits at the site. These soils have variable cohesion and can have a tendency to cave in excavations. Shoring or sloping back trench i sidewalls may be required within these soils. Shoring boxes will be necessary in these areas and dewatering may be required depending on the season in which the construction takes place. All utility trench backfill should consist of imported structural fill or suitable on -site material. Utility ' trench backfill placed in or adjacent to buildings and exterior slabs should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density based on ASTM Test Method D1557. The upper 5 feet of utility trench backfill placed in pavement areas should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density based on ASTM Test Method D1557• Below 5 feet, utility trench backfill in pavement areas should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density based on ASTM Test :Method D1557• Pipe bedding should be in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations. Design with community in mind 5 GEOTECHNICAL DESK STUDY TALBOT FALL SEWER ALTERNATNES ANALYSIS August b, 2014 The contractor is responsible for removing all water -sensitive soils from the trenches regardless of the backfill location and compaction requirements. The contractor should use appropriate equipment and methods to avoid damage to the utilities and/or structures during fill placement and compaction procedures. 7.1.3 Groundwater influence on Construction From our review of finalized and preliminary boring logs provided by WSDOT, perched groundwater was encountered in several borings within 5 feet of the ground surface and in numerous borings from between 15 and 20 feet below existing site grades. A review of several bail tests indicates significant groundwater recharge in the deeper groundwater regime. We anticipate that perched groundwater has locally developed within the Recessional Outwash. A more regional aquifer appears to be present between the Recessional Outwash and underlying sandstone, possibly extending to seams within the sandstone. Temporary de -watering of groundwater during sewer line placement could have a significant effect on project costs. Additional monitoring well placement at strategic locations along the chosen alternative is warranted and recommended. 8.0 Further Investigation Geotechnical design services should be anticipated during the subsequent design phase to support the structural design and address specific issues arising during this period. We anticipate the need to drill additional geotechnical borings along the alternative(s) that is chosen to further delineate the depth to bedrock, soil density, and soil compositions. Also, several monitoring wells should be placed to determine groundwater depths and fluctuations with time. Data from these borings will help provide the necessary information for project estimating and design as part of subsequent project phases. Well data (from data loggers or manual readings) from installed WSDOT monitoring wells may be adequate depending on their locations and if WSDOT will provide Stantec the data or authorize Stantec to conduct periodic measuments. 9.0 Closure This report was prepared for the exclusive use of the City of Renton and their appointed consultants. Any use of this report or the material contained herein by third parties, or for other than the intended purpose, should first be approved in writing by Stantec. M. I i1 I 1 Design with community In mind GEOTECHNICAL DESK STUDY ' TALBOT HILL SEWER ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS August 6, 2014 The recommendations contained in this report are based on limited data from provided test holes, and preliminary proposed construction. Additional exploration work iS warranted and necessary to provide engineering parameters and recommendations for sewer line placement. Use of this report is subject to the Statement of General Conditions provided in Appendix A. It is the responsibility of the City of Renton who is identified as "the Client" within the Statement of General Conditions, and its agents to review the conditions and to notify Stantec should any of these not be satisfied. i Respectfully submitted, Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. Original signed by: Original signed by: b/ 7 Jz014. ' Phil Haberman, P.G., P.E.G. Gopal A. Singam, P.E. Senior Engineering Geologist Senior Geotechnical Engineer I PH/gs I 0 Design w11h community in mind I (3 Stantec APPENDIX A Statement of General Conditions Design with community In mind (S Stantec Statement of General Conditions USE OF THIS REPORT: 'This report has been prepared for the sole benefit of the Client or its agent and may not be used by any third party without the express written consent of Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. and the Client. Any use which a third party makes of this report is the responsibility of such third party. BASIS OF THE REPORT: The information, opinions, and/or recommendations made in this report are in accordance with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.'s present understanding of the site specific project as described by the Client. The applicability of these is restricted to the site conditions encountered at the time of the investigation or study. If the proposed site specific project differs or is modified from what is described in this report or if the site conditions are altered, this report is no longer valid unless Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. is requested by the Client to review and revise the report to reflect the differing or modified project specifics and/or the altered site conditions. STANDARD OF CARE: Preparation of this report, and all associated work, was carried out in accordance with the normally accepted standard of care in the state of execution for the specific professional service provided to the Client. No other warranty is made. INTERPRETATION OF SITE CONDITIONS: Soil, rock, or other material descriptions, and statements regarding their condition, made in this report are based on site conditions encountered by Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. at the time of the work and at the specific testing and/or sampling locations. Classifications and statements of condition have been made in accordance with normally accepted practices which are judgmental in nature; no specific description should be considered exact, but rather reflective of the anticipated material behavior. Extrapolation of in situ conditions can only be made to some limited extent beyond the sampling or test points. The extent depends on variability of the soil, rock and groundwater conditions as influenced by geological processes, construction activity, and site use. VARYING OR UNEXPECTED CONDITIONS: Should any site or subsurface conditions be encountered that are different from those described in this report or encountered at the test locations, ' Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. must be notified immediately to assess if the varying or unexpected conditions are substantial and if reassessments of the report conclusions or recommendations are required. Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. will not be responsible to any party for damages incurred as a ' result of failing to notify Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. that differing site or sub -surface conditions are present upon becoming aware of such conditions. PLANNING, DESIGN, OR CONSTRUCTION: Development or design plans and specifications ' should be reviewed by Stantec Consulting Services, Inc., sufficiently ahead of initiating the next project stage (property acquisition, tender, construction, etc), to confirm that this report completely addresses the elaborated project specifics and that the contents of this report have been properly interpreted. Specialty quality assurance services (field observations and testing) during construction are a necessary part of the evaluation of sub -subsurface conditions and site preparation works. Site work relating to the recommendations included in this report should only be carried out in the presence of a qualified ' geotechnical engineer; Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. cannot be responsible for site work carried out without being present. Design with community in mind (3 Stantec APPENDIX B I I I P, I 1 I I APPENDIX B Figures: Vicinity Map and Site Plans 9.2 2 Z FA 0 0 0 fJ 0 n Q oso 0 0 0 m !V n V Z 122"14.000' W 122°13.000' W 122°12.000' W WG584 122°11.000' W N TN ; MN 1 � low I NATIONAL s /� GEOGRAPHIC i0 K � 16� !mil 0 - tip--�i pp 08/04/14 1113o NE 33rd Place, Suite 200 Alternatives AnalysisVICINITY MAP Bellevue, wa 98004 Renton, Washington Stantec (425)869-9448 (425) 869-ii90 (Fax) July, 2014 20020036o6 FIGURE i www.stantec.com & 'VDC-49 DC-50 1 I W - 1 Alt 1 DC-12 140- 13 U° A 120— ALTERNATIVE 1- SHATTUCK AVENUE SOUTH 110— Ex SSUN 064 24`0 STA- 0.36.74 �s RIH.t Sa:23t E•.t26.s5 9 EP1120.94 E 0 o� • �s �� tx ssia n. 24•. � DC-48 2069t' ° 'B $�, e DC-50 DC-49 SM •• ca• °°I �� •` ° I DC-11 DC-12 PoIEYx7B.42e • e �< ° ° A 30-- SSTA t.3• EMI. SSkIH 1. 24`4I*fK IY-9S,a•5;a sJ ,E 32. 5 IC 34023 '345 1f.B��PyC 0.018 TTVT 20 SSW C45-24.0 - 1 �-- STA. 5.04.78 .f64.33.46t • .E.22 S6 5 'STA. I14J9.95 ` E-2256 N _ Rly-26.1 E•M36 E • IE.,6.36 5 �7,o: `I ' -C C 4, :0 lb0 8GO 9 00 10 00 11 00 12OC i DC-39 Approximate WSDOT Boring Location —•'— •• Approximate Geologic Contact ?------------------- ?---- Approximate Groundwater Level Existing Ground Surface A Generally Loose to Dense Silty Sand, Poorly Graded Sand, and Sandy Silt B Sandstone & Minor Coal, Shale, and Siltstone Q oa 42 120- d S" oov- zL► - r rre ss,.• o,o 1'0 DC-42 107 Li a• P%C 00A10 FT/FT DC-47 DC-38 �.—.° ADC 49 °• '^ob° 77 ° ° ° ° =Y�'�-sue °° °y• .�••�• it 49, .4..-• - - - . ' .B' 5 R1 2 6�401 .IQ .96t.. .• .GTA. 0+3021 STA• 41-53 mw.a9.7axoS.ee - - 13 . 1�•ce oo s 1c=ao eT sw . . SG fMw 602 2c• ' 'STA D• 34.20 - Maa9.42! tf•0a02 Ne 40— t"7.07-3% s 2 00 3100 Qi DC-39 Approximate WSDOT Boring Location —"—*------•— Approximate Geologic Contact -----? ------------------------ Approximate Groundwater Level 4 00 15[ 00 6 00 DC-57 -; D � DC-52�-' ram � + rs7v �e,i°�0 fir. �4y,� 4yN/ n=' 1 -+—'T� ■ v TT DC-53 1 1 1 1 t ALTERNATIVE 1 - SHATTUCK AVENUE SOUTH DC-48 ALONG S. 14th STREET DC-53 P_ p\ DC-57 Ise °�" • 1 SLL 27.1 >t�u=vz toi � yo •!� ° ` zsJ ,.r e' aY� o o W4 If W, 4i 4�s, 1.aSM/P O07° i4'y ° • ° • ° ° ' ; �`° ° ° , S?i�1i1- -ak: :� ° 1Si 3.77� µ _ 1 E x SSUH 002. 24'0 • - •• •,B ° .%iA. ° ° �/1.y�Z1! 'S'A'1e°•i55 ff�2lS E' ° ° • f8de5�°t7i • o _ems 'r. SIA. 15.76.24 °RiL 52. Mt ' .`• ��C. t�4d4J 5 ° °I��40.45 °(, a °I[-42.IJ S 41.24 W • `� ° °,°,° °°° ° ,*-40.92 W 8+i00 9 OU + .., - t- r, i UL 13 1• 00 •�4 � ° ° 4 $° °Q ° 16 00 16+bo Existing Ground Surface A Generally Loose to Dense Silty Sand, Poorly Graded Sand, and Sandy Silt B Sandstone & Minor Coal, Shale, and Siltstore 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 COh'I1vVE0 CN SWEET 2.1 DC-59 1 ` WITHERS AVE SOUTH EX 3r - r SS Ar ss W._ a; i DC-60 s- 1 u31s - � WorE DC-61 ti m: 1-405 FWY DC-77 1('T'1 T x ALTERNATIVE 2 - SMITHERS AVENUE SOUTH 100-- t\ \ 1 \ � o g 90— 1791E EX SSMh D92: 24'0 5'A. 0+07.13 _ _ b! fi4-9fi;17! 70-- 1E-69.66 N OE-91.65 M �\ \ u ` So--��P ` DC-61 W F �o _ tz �� , o ° e ° ° _ DC-7 So-- , :Z; a°oar.°g°o.r1�g: - ,_ Ex SSW091 240ol STA. 2+14.% , ° °M° �e° ° °, °pC•69°° °$ ° °BO 30— •�'''ft%. ° °d 0po r�:•eK °°sOQe°° o ° ° STA. 15. C6°, °°°° °,o ,°°, ° . -t• r •°• IE-3545 �°. .�p� 9�..��. T.°� °� �..� ,��• ° ° I a'$3: S VH 007. 2.J4 .�...�.. �..�. • ' • STA �a65 D7' - ,' 1�:" �I K .1 • SSWiI!OOt �74 a • R94-s?get • 'g: g' V& 1424-67 ' IE 4Jb7 S10— . 1161-2�y.9-90t:.. 1F—n :4 EZ.64 E • E-22.64 W i 0+00 1+ 0 2 00 3 v 4 00 5 7 00 8 00 9 1r;4Jp i I S DC-39 Approximate WSDOT Boring Location —"—"—•• Approximate Geologic Contact ----------------------------? Approximate Groundwater Level Existing Ground Surface A Generally Loose to Dense Silty Sand, Poorly Graded Sand, and Sandy Silt B Sandstone & Minor Coal, Shale, and Siltstone A ,� \\ DC41 ' ,� T .Dn DC-38 _ z r'DC-42 DC-4T I y lIJ 0 I f. DC- DCSOA ..�A[5)1�2 b � DC-53 ;a a --I DC-57 DC-60 -S" 004 a.r = ,r MW err - W Ham[ SSW ou- M ON Ex 37 - r a 120- ALTERNATIVE 2 - SMITHERS AVENUE SOUTH DC-41 DC-42 LAONG S. 14th STREET 10 DC47 � 100—O e ° °•°°° ° ° ° ° ° ° e46: a� DC-36 a�5�b; 31 ° e DC48 ° _ _ __ _ ___-- -- -••�_� 70— -�./t• 2-PvC a 005•: •• =5�4•r,1r.E4�,� ° ° •b���o `� js 12 PYC'00° 0/cT E.u.18 s P_ DC-57 •• •� ° 1�•�% SWH'012,'24•• SWD& Ott •24-O yIA. Of34 t0 •STA' 1a4611 .. ,' p B .• •, " sae 8 ° 7e�� °d •E'• ° lT 11• PVC O 0.027 iT/FT ' 50— ROZ�E9.y23 iEt", RE .. p�y�95.E4f IE-6i.2, S. .. : ° •e 80 swri ° iP° ° ° ° ° �+�s= �� ` DC-60 IE-67.47 SW • IE:65,9t a �• ° ° '', .• B °. [•yS8'92�4° ° -'¢ ° �2•t°L4,12°pv�0°B��yc��.t 40— ,• .• .. IE-57.176 5 yoM a ° ° IE .. • `' ,RIY9 4J3 ° ° SSa+ 0— 03. 74 ._ °H I[Sµg? E —— - STA. 15.8008 • • 005 4 4 • `_. R,tl-51 89t IE-15 45 w - ST4 2 9. RI1t 50i•".•°O°O ° ° ° 'F-41635 IC04225 RC �• IE•3520 h ° IE-41415 •�� ° C-4L50. N ° • 0 40 2+00 3 0 4 IC"_ t OC' C+ ::C 7_' C: 9+0 II 10 00 •1 00 12 00 13 00 14 00 1-40 16 00 1 i -C S4 DC-39 Approximate WSDOT Boring Location ----•-- Approximate Geologic Contact ?.......................? Approximate Groundwater Level Existing Ground Surface A Generally Loose to Dense Silty Sand, Poorly Graded Sand, and Sandy Silt B Sandstone & Minor Coal, Shale, and Siltstone 1 1 1 1 [I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 51 DC-39 Approximate WSDOT Boring Location •• Approximate Geologic Contact a•--_-------------------? Approximate Groundwater Level 4y. 30-- 20- 10- '. �C-72 & DC-73 SSW 042 `S DC-69 ALTERNATIVE 3 - TALBOT ROAD S. DC-65 DC-73 DC-63 DC-72 DC-69 DC-71 DC-68 12 eE d e�.JW° i9^ o.•a. ° 8°° B e e o SS4M 002. 24•re °,°' ° °°° , o ° ° ° ° ° ° °/tie ° ° °'"' '• - _- __ ° RN; TA 1. R1YR401 i ° ° 56242• ° ° ° °° EX SSW 042..24'. E�31-JO K . • • dE.3041 ° ° ° • ° ° STA. 14.t70.0 • iE-JC'6 • �, ° ° e RIM-127St A` ° 10 B ° 1E-26 5 7+�00 8 00 9 00 10 00 Existing Ground Surface A Generally Loose to Dense Silty Sand, Poorly Graded Sand, and Sandy Silt B Sandstone & Minor Coal, Shale, and Siltstone 11 00 1; 13�00 4 �0 15 00 16100 17I00 i n 110-- DC-36 ° DC-52 ------ P"'° DC- ,t y � DC-38 (.,) I DC-38 z° -n �I < �I I DC-42 DC-47 Lt00 S DC-39 Approximate WSDOT Boring Location Existing Ground Surface •-------- Approximate Geologic Contact A Generally Loose to Dense Silty Sand, Poorly Graded Sand, and Sandy Silt �_________________________>,_ Approximate Groundwater Level B Sandstone 8. Minor Coal, Shale, and Siltstone `DEC-55 1- 00 DC-57 'L 12100 D� 9 r"a 0" I CxNTINUEO ON SHEET 3.2 SSW ALTERNATIVE 3 - TALBOT ROAD S. ALONG S. 14th STREF 13100 l _ DC-60 r 14100 ;510. 16#00 17�00 18100 5i� E�6 RIM. SB.i1 IE� 33.58 IE-33.30 19 00 19+i ,T 1 1 (3 Stantec fi 1 11 I n r 1 1 I APPENDIX C Select Boring Logs Design with community in mind m Washington State LOG OF TEST BORING "I/ Department of Transportation Start Card SE-49933 / AE-24614 HOLE No. DC-11-14 .lob No. XL-4282-A SR 4051167 Elevation 38.6 ft Sheet 1 of 5 Project 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector Driller Shepherd, Robert Lic# 2710 Component Bridge Inspector Johnson, Vince 42632 Start February 5, 2014 Completion February 5, 2014 Well IDO Equipment CME 850 (9C2-3) Station DC-F 50+26.8 Offset 36.6 feet right Hole Dia 4.5 Historical Past -Rig Efficiency 86.9°% SPT Efficiency (inches) Northing 173767.301 Easting 1299212.83 Collected by Region Survey Method Mud Rotary Lat 47.4679894 Long -122.2128925 Datum NAD 83/91 HARN, NAVD88, SPIN (ft) Drill Fluid Polymer ® SPT Efficiency r Field SPT (N) Blows/6' FT Z z m a o Moisture Content (N) d o N m m Description of Material E O a>i o_ `� ROD and/or n H ~ c w ROD rn in 20 40 60 80 FF x x x I I I I ASPHALT x x x x x x x I I I I I I I I Drilling action indicated soil change. - - 35.0 x x x x x xxx I I I I I I 1 I - K I I I I » t 50/51, I I D-1 SILTSTONE, moist, homogeneous. HCI not tested. w (REF) C-2 Recovered: 0.4 ft Retained: 0.4 ft 5 —, -= ROD - 51LTSTONE, medium gray, fine grained, fresh, very weak 100% G3 rock. Discontinuities are moderately spaced, and in good FF condition. HCI not tested.Switch to HO core barrel. o Recovered: 100% ROD i00% SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, fresh, very weak rock. Discontinuities are widely spaced, and in goad - i FF condition. HCl not tested. Dark gray laminae between 5 ft 0 and 6 ft. Recovered: 100% 30.0 / 5013" I (REF) I D-4 C-5 SANDSTONE, moist. HCI not tested. Recovered: 0.3 ft Retained: 0.3 ft ::: ROD SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, fresh, very 96% weak rock. Discontinuities are widely spaced, and in good FF condition. HCI not tested. With SILTSTONE. 0 Recovered: 96% -25.0 /i, MC uC Siltstone rip -up clasts between depths of 12.3 ft and 15 ft. 15 ROD C-6 SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, fresh, very 96% weak rock. Discontinuities are widely spaced, and in good FF condition. HCI not tested. : 0 Recovered: 96% - Dark gray, silt laminae between depths of 15 ft and 15.5 ft, dipping at about 45 degrees. �n 20.0 .. .. . .. _ Siltstone rip -up cJasts between depths of 18.5 ft and 20 ft. — Adftk M Washington State .,, Department of Transportation Job No. XL-4282-A SR 405/167 Prniect 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 38.6 ft HOLEN, DC-11-14 Sheet 2 of 5 Driller Shepherd, Robert_ p d W a ® SPT Efficiency Field SPT (t) Moisture Content C111 ROD 20 40 60 80 Blows/6- N and/or ROD FF m n o Z o n a E m f' M w N J ~ Description of Material °-' c ° Q _ `c v 2 c ROD C-7 SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, fresh, very 96% weak rock. Discontinuities are widely spaced, and in good FF condition. HCl not tested. 0 Recovered: 96% i Siltstone rip -up clasts between depths of 20 ft and 21.4 ft. 25 ' ROD - C-8 SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, fresh, very — 100% weak rock. Discontinuities are widely spaced, and in good FF condition. HCl not tested. 0 Recovered: 100% .: i Siltstone rip -up clasts between depths of 25 ft and 28 ft. —10 30 ; : ' i / ROD C-9 SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, fresh, very ' / 96% weak rock. Discontinuities are widely spaced, and in good FF condition. HCl not tested. 0 Recovered: 96% Siltstone rip -up clasts between depths of 33.5 ft and 34 ft. 5 . 35 .:.. ....... _.. ROD _ C-10 SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, fresh, very — ::: 98% weak rock. Discontinuities are widely spaced, and in good • FF condition. HCl not tested. 0 Recovered: 98% Between depths of 35 ft and 36 ft, Siltstone rip -up clasts and coal laminae, dipping at 10 degrees. 0 40—— .: ROD C-11 SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained. fresh, very 100% weak rock. Discontinuities are widely spaced, and in good / FF condition. HCI not tested. 0 Recovered: 100% Dark brown laminae between depths of 40.4 ft and 41.4 ft, dipping at 5 to 10 degrees. i --5 MC MGMState Department of Transportation 'I/ ' Job No. XL-4282-A SR 405/167 Prni—t 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector 1 1 1 k 1 1 1 LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 38.6 ft HOLENo. DC-11-14 Sheet 3 of —5 Driller Shepherd, Robert P SPT Efficiency x r = Field SPT (N) w Moisture Content Blows/6' ( ) o d - Z z° v m m E n o m o o V) and/or ROD Q a s E u ~ Description of Material 2 P w ROD FF ) H � 20 40 60 80 ROD _ G12 SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, fresh, ve ry Y t00% weak rock. Discontinuities are widely spaced, and in good � FF condition. HCl not tested. Dark brown laminae, dipping at - 0 5 to 10 degrees. . Recovered: 100% 50 -'- :: ' ROD C-13 SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, fresh, very 100% weak rock. Discontinuities are widely spaced, and in good FF condition. HCI not tested. o Recovered: 100% 55 ROD C-14 SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, fresh, very — 98% weak rock. Discontinuities are widely spaced, and in good FF condition. HCl not tested. Dark brown laminae, level, _ 0 between depths of 55 ft and 58 ft. Recovered: 98% r / 60— ROD - C115 SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, slightly 96 % . weathered to moderately weathered, very weak rock. FF Discontinuities are widely spaced, and in good condition. / 0 HCI not tested. Dark brown laminae. jRecovered: 96% --25 .. �/. • t - r 65 ROD C-16 DD SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, slightly 84% weathered, very weak to moderately weak rock. - r FF Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in good condition. 1 HCI not tested. Recovered: 98% Fractures at 66.2 ft and 67.6 ft , dipping at 75 degrees f and 45 degrees, respectively. 7n T Washington State 'I/ Department of Transportation Job No XL-4282-A SR 4051167 w-ted 1405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 38.6 ft HOLE No. DC-11-14 Sheet 4 . of 5 _ ndnPr Shepherd, Robert ip a 0o m v w o o 9 SPT Efficiency Feld SPT (N) f Moisture Content /1 ROD 20 40 60 80 Blows/6' and/or ROD FF T Z o a o E , = cn 0 17, m Description of Material m ° c� _ m n ROD 76% C-17 SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, fresh, moderately strong to very weak rock. Discontinuities are in HCI FF moderately spaced, and good condition. not tested. Recovered: 100% _ --35 I I i I - 75 _.. /. .I i ROD 100% FF 0 _ C-18 �� SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, fresh, very weak rock. Discontinuities are widely spaced, and in good condition. HCI not tested. Recovered: 100% --40 ' 80 — Ile- r! / ROD C-19 SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, fresh, very — 100% weak rock. Discontinuities are widely spaced, and in good FF condition. HCI not tested. 0 Recovered: 100% -45 ROD C-0 SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, fresh. very in 100% weak rock. Discontinuities are widely spaced, and good FF condition. HCI not tested. / 0 Recovered: 100% -50 90 ROD 100% - C-21 SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, fresh, very weak rock. Discontinuities are widely spaced, and in good / FF condition. HCl not tested. o Recovered: 100% �� , ..� l c Admilk M Washington State r A Department of Transportation Job No. XL-4282-A SR 405/167 Project 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 38.6 ft HOLE No. DC-11-14 Sheet 5 _ of 5_ Driller Shepherd, Robert_ V n r 76 'm w o 2o (a SPT Efficiency Field SPT (N) ����) Moisture Content U ROD 20 40 60 80 Blows/6' (N) and/or ROD FF a n E � d z Z a E F Wc7 y o ~ Description of Material 3 o E I - - ��� ' I ROD C-22 SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, fresh, very _ ... 100 % MC weak rock. Discontinuities are moderately spaced, and in I ��� FF Uc good condition. HCl not tested. 1 e Recovered: 100% --60 i ., .... _ I I I i I I i 1 I I I I End of test hole boring at 100 ft below ground elevation. I I I I This is a summary Log of Test Boring. 1 I I Soil/Rock descriptions are derived from visual field I I 1 I identifications and laboratory test data. I I I 1 I I I I Note: REF = SPT Refusal I I I I I I I 1 I I I I The implied accuracy of the borehole location information displayed on this boring log is typically 105— 1 I I 1 sub -meter in (X,Y) when collected by the HQ Geotech — I I I I Office and sub -centimeter in (X,Y,Z) when collected by I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I the Region Survey Crew. I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 110 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 75 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I 115 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i M Washington State LOG OF TEST BORING "I/ Department of Transportation Start Card SE-49939 / AE-24621 HOLE No. DC-12-14 .lob No. XL-4282-A SR 405/167 Elevation 37.4 ft Sheet 1 _ of 5 Project 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector Driller _ Shepherd Robert Lic# 2710 Component Bridge inspector Johnson, Vince 42532 Start February 11, 2014 Completion February 11, 2014 Well ID# Equipment CME 850 (9C2-3) Station DC-F 52+32.461 offset 33.4 feet left Hole Dia 4.5 ----Efficiency- Historical SPT E past Rig Efficiency 86.9°'0 (inches) Northing 173869.89 Easting 1299404.306 Collected by Region Survey Method Mud Rotary Lat 47.4682800 Lana -122.2121259 Datum NAD 83191 HARN, NAVD88 SPN (ft) Drill Fluid Polymer SPT Efficiency v Field SPT (N) Blows/6" � L g Moisture Content (N) 2 a d m Description of Material c 2 > a r�/-�- ROD and/or a E 0 J to ' 'V c _d w ✓L 1 ROD 20 40 60 80 FF l I I t I I I 1 I I I I ASPHALT. — 35.0 • • • I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I — r • I I I I I I I I • I f I I I 3 D-1 MC MC=30%, PI=6 I I I I I I 3 AL Sandy SILT, loose, grayish brown, moist, stratified. HCI 5— I I I I 1 I 6 not tested. — I I I I 8 Recovered: 1.7 ft Retained: 1.7 ft I I 1 I I I I I (9) I 1 I I • I I I I I I I I 4 D 2 Silty SAND, loose, grayish brown, wet, stratified. HCI not - - 30.0 JI I I I 5 I I tested. I I I I 4 Recovered: 1.1 ft Retained: 1.1 ft I I I 1 (9) I 1 I 1 • I I I I 3 D-3 Silty SAND, loose, grayish brown, wet, homogeneous. I I I I 5 HCI not tested. 10 I I I I 3 Recovered: 1.6 ft Retained: 1.6 ft — I I 1 I 5 I I I I I I 1 I (8) I I I I ♦I I I 1 I I I I 3 D-4 Sandgrayish SILT, medium dense, brown, moist, 25.o I I I 1 7 I stratified. HCl not tested. I I I I 9 Recovered: 1.3 ft Retained: 1.3 ft t 1 I I (16) •I� I 1 I 6 D-5 MC ML, MC=24%, LL=17 I I I 8 GS Sandy SILT, medium dense, grayish brown, wet, t 15 I I I 8 AL stratified. HCI not tested. — I I I 8 Recovered: 1.6 ft Retained: 1.6 ft I I I I I I (16) • I I I I • I I I I I I 5 D-6 Silty SAND, medium dense, grayish brown, moist, 20.0 I I I 1 I 8 I stratified. HCl not tested. 11 I Recovered: 1.4 It Retained: 1.4 ft I I I I (19) I I I 5 D-7 MC SM, MC=24% I I I 11 I GS Silty SAND, medium dense, strong brown, moist, w 20 Awlk Washington State "I/ Department of Transportation Job No. XL-4282-A SR 405/167 Project 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 37.4 ft HOLE No. DC-12-14 Sheet 2 of __ 5 Driller Shepherd, Robert n 0 m w —15 ° .. (D SPT Efficiency Field SPT (N) Moisture Content pp���� 111 ROE) 20 40 60 80 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Blows/6' (N) and/or ROD 11 12 (22) g n d ^ F Z Zo n a rn N D 8 y Description of Material stratified. HCI not tested. Recovered: 1.8 ft Retained: 1.8 ft m j o c� _ c E E 2 SANDSTONE, moist, stratified. HCI not tested. I I I I 50/6" I ( Recovered: 1.0 ft Retained: 1.0 ft I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (REF) — 25 I I I I I I I I I 1 1 >>4 50. (REF) D-9 G10 SANDSTONE, moist, homogeneous. HCI not tested. Recovered: Eft Retained: 0.3 ft - ROD SANDSTONE,, very light gray, coarse grained, fresh, very - 85% weak rock. Discontinuities are widely spaced, and in good — FF condition. HCI not tested. o Recovered: 85% —10 :. MC 30 j ROD G11 SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, fresh, very 100% weak rock. Discontinuities are widely spaced, and in good FF condition. HCl not tested. o Recovered: 100% 35— :: ROD C-12 SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, fresh, very 100% weak rock. Discontinuities are widely spaced, and in good .. FF condition. HCl not tested. 0 Recovered: 100% —0 :.. 40— :: ROD _ G13 SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, fresh, very 100% MC weak rock. Discontinuities are widely spaced, and in good FF UC condition. HCI not tested. All fractures are mechanical. 0 Recovered: 100% AS .. M� Washington State AP Department of Transportation Job No. XL-4282-A SR Project 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING 4051167 Elevation 37.4 ft HOLE No. DC-12-14 Sheet 3 of 5 Driller Shepherd, Robert r SPT Efficiency Field SPT (N) Blows/6" (N) m n d ^ i- Z o m c m r n o ° _ o a Moisture Content and/or 4 ° Z a n r a J Description of Material j E 2 w (ld ROD 7/ 1 20 _ 40 60 80 FF R4D 92% N o _ C-14 SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, fresh, very weak rock. Discontinuities are widely spaced, and in good t//%// FF condition. HCI not tested. — 0 Recovered: 92% l ROD 96% FF C-15 SANDSTONE, medium gray, coarse grained, fresh, moderately strong to strong rock. Discontinuities are moderately spaced, and in good condition. HCl not % / 1 tested. Recovered: 100% --15 ROD C-16 SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, fresh, 92% FF strong to very weak rock. Discontinuities are moderately spaced, and in good condition. HCl not tested. 1 Recovered: 98% — -20 60 ROD C-17 SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, fresh, very 100% weak rock. Discontinuities are widely spaced, and in good FF 0 condition. HCl not tested. With coal seam. Recovered: 100% -25 65 I I ROD C-18 SANDSTONE, medium gray, medium grained, fresh, very I I 48% weak to moderately strong rock. Discontinuities are FF closely spaced, and in fair condition. HCI not tested. 3 Recovered: 100% --30 - ' I I I I I I .. I 1 1 T Washington State .,' Department of Transportation ' Job No. XL-4282-A _ SR 405/167 Project 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector 1 I .1 LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 37.4 ft HOLE No. DC-12-14 Sheet 4 of 5 Driller Shepherd, Robert s r n 0 ° m 2 w w o o 0 SPT Efficiency Field SPT (N) Moisture Content �J� F/N.. R0D 20 40 60 80 Blowsl6' and/or ROD m v" n N z° z a F m H ~ Description of Material 10 a o C7 ° E ROD C-19 SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, fresh, 86 % moderately strong to very weak rock. Discontinuities are FF moderately spaced, and in good condition. HCI not 1 tested- Recovv ered: 100% --35 75 - RQD - G20 SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, fresh, very - 98% weak rock. Discontinuities are widely spaced, and in good FF condition. HClnot tested. 0 Recovered: 98% --40 .. �' %.i 80 -�j� !�� f RQD 96% - C-21 SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, fresh, very weak rock. Discontinuities are widely spaced, and in good - FF condition. HCl not tested. 0 Recovered: 96% 45 /l• - RQD C-22 SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, fresh, very 88% weak to moderately strong rock. Discontinuities are FF closely spaced, and in fair condition. HCI not tested. Recovered: 98% --50 A 90- ....- I I RQD C-23 SANDSTONE, medium gray, coarse grained, fresh, very I I 42°% weak to moderately strong rock. Discontinuities are I I FF closely spaced, and in fair condition. HCI not tested. :: I I 3 Recovered: 96% 55 • I I I I Approx. 70% lost circ. " I I I I Washington State "I/ Department of Transportation Job No XL-4282-A SR 405/167 Project 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 37.4 ft HOLE No. DC-12-14 Sheet 5 of 5 Driller Shepherd. Robert a o m w o a SPT Efficiency Field SPT (N) Moisture Content ffj RQD 20 40 60 80 3lowsl6' (N) and/or RQD FF d n � a o ^ Z z a a E r' � J' Description of Material 0 M j c E 2 —r— I RQD C-24 SANDSTONE, very light gray, coarse grained, fresh, very _ — 74% weak rock. Discontinuities are moderately spaced, and in I fj FF good condition. HCI not tested. t Recovered:92% :I .I I MC _ 1 UC 100 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I — -65 I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I ! The implied accuracy of the borehole location information displayed on this boring log is typically 105— I 1 I I sub -meter in (X,Y) when collected by the HQ Geotech — — I I I I Office and sub -centimeter in (X.Y,Z) when collected by I I I I I I I I the Region Survey Crew. I t I I I I I I I 1 I I End of test hole boring at 100 ft below ground elevation. 70 t I 1 I This is a summary Log of Test Boring. I I I I Soil/Rock descriptions are derived from visual field I I I I identifications and laboratory test data. — I I I I I I I I Note: REF = SPT Refusal 110 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I --75 I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 115— I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I _ — _gp I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I �_ Washington State LOG OF TEST BORING "I/ Department of Transportation Start Card SE-49933 / AE-24614 HOLE No. DC-41-144 Job No. XL-4282 SR 405/167 Elevation 100.9 ft Sheet 1 of project 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector Driller Haller Robert Lic#_ 2779 Component Retaining Wall Inspector Fetterly. Jamie #2507 Start February 24, 2014 Completion February 25, 2014 Well ID# Equipment CME 45 (9C4-8) Station DC-F 47+56.1 Offset 202.0 feet right Hole Dia 4 Historical SPT EN/A Efficiency ency (inches) Northing 173560.072 Easting 1298977.877 Collected by Region Survey _ Method Wet Rotary Duplex Let 47.4674098 Long -122.2138272 Datum NAD 83/91 HARN, NAVD88, SPN (ft) Drill Fluid Polymer SPT Efficiency m Feld SPT (N) B1owsl6' F z o N 0 ° o f Moisture Content (N) a)n -aE S m J Description of Material aai > 2 a` � rli' ROD and/or ~ 2 w ROD t � 20 40 60 80 FF ASPHALT. I I I I I I I I ,Base course material. / — 100.0 I I I I I I I I ♦ I I I I I I 1 3 D-1 Silty SAND, loose, olive yellow, moist, homogeneous. I 1 I 3 I I HCl not tested. I I I 3 Recovered: 1.0 ft Retained: 1.0 ft JT I I (6) I I I ♦ $ I I I 60" sewer line 4' north of boring, and catch basin 4' south _ 1 D-2 MC of boring. I I I I 1 I MC=21 % 5— 1 Silty SAND, very loose, olive yellow, wet, homogeneous. — (2) HCI not.tested. ss.o I I I I Recovered: 1.3 ft Retained: 1.3 ft I��• I I I I w I I I I — • • I I I I 3 D-3 Poorly graded GRAVEL with sand, sub -rounded, loose, • 1 I I 1 2 I I gray, moist, homogeneous. HCI not tested. very clean I I I 1 3 gravels. • I I I 1 (5) Recovered: 0.6 ft Retained: 0.6 ft w ♦ I I I I 3 D-4 Poorly graded GRAVEL with sand, sub -rounded, very •.•1 I• • I I I I j 2 I loose, gray, moist, homogeneous. HCl not tested. very 2 clean gravels. — I I I (4) Recovered: 0.6 ft Retained: 0.6 ft — 90.0 •' • I 1 1 1 I I I 1 100% drilling fluid loss in gravels. ►_ I I I I Drilling became stiffer at 11.5 ft. I ♦ I I I I I I 7 D-5 Silty SAND, dense, olive yellow, wet, homogeneous. HCl I I I 14 I not tested. I I I 34 Recovered: 0.7 ft Retained: 0.7 ft I I 1 (48) I I 1 >> 1 1 5 D-6 MC SM, MC=23% I I I I 28 I GS Silty SAND, very dense, light olive brown, wet, laminated, 15 50/6" with black organics. HCI not tested. - - I I I I (REF) Recovered: 1.5 ft Retained: 1.5 ft Material tums light gray at 15' right below black organic laminae. 65.0 ROD C-7 100% SANDSTONE, light grey, medium grained,: slightly _ FF weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are closely 0 spaced, and in fair condition. HCI not tested. FED stains present. ; ; r Recovered: 100% Washington State .,, Department of Transportation Job No XL-4282 SR 4051167 Prni—t 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 100.9 ft HOLE No. DC-41-14 Sheet 2 of 4 Driller Haller Robert 0 SPT Efndency 0 r Feld SPT (N) Blowsl6' (N) o z o `m g o Moisture Content and/or 2 a m J~ Description of Material O m w o_ {��� '✓% ROD ROD FF E F o c 20 40 _50 80 / ROD 100% C-8 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, slightly weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are closely —80 ; FF spaced, and in fair condition. HCI not tested. FEO stains 0 present. MC Recovered: 100% GS SM, 1MC=11%, LL=NA, PL=NP AL SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, slightly SG weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are closely DS spaced, and in fair condition. 25— ROD 100% C-9 SANDSTONE.. grayish orange, medium grained, slightly weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are closely — 75 FF spaced, and in fair condition. HCI not tested. FEO stains 0 present. Recovered: 100% Small water bearing contact present at 27.51t. 30— �'' "/ `'' ROD 100% - C-10 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, fresh, very weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair 70 FF condition. HCl not tested. Slight FED stains present. .. � 0 Recovered: 100% 35— RQD C-11 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, slightly 100% weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are closely 65 FF spaced, and in fair condition. HCI not tested. 0 Recovered: 100% Water bearing contact @ 36' and one at 38.5'. 40 :: . / ROD C-12 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, fresh, very 100% weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair 60 :: FF condition, HCl not tested. Interbedded with siltstone and 0 coal. Recovered: 100% �� ....... ....... ....... .....1 FEO staining stops @ 40.5'. Washington State MAPDepartmentof Transportation Job No. XL-4282 SR 405/167 a. i—i 1-4051 SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 100.9 ft HOLE No. DC-41-14 Sheet 3 of 4 Driller Haller, Robert r t a o c t3 w o a SPT Efficiency Blowsl6' Field SPT (N) (N) * Moisture Content and/or �,� ROD ROD FF 20 40 60 80 a o Z 0 d 0 n n N F y a y m F Description of Material c c a� E E c C-19 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, fresh, very 100% weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in - 55 FF poor.condition. HCI not tested. 0 Recovered: 100% Bail test performed at 45', start water c@ 8.5% bailed to 20% one min recharge = 15', two mins = 12.5', three mins = 10', four mins = 8.5'. - 50- ROD _ C-14 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, fresh, very r 100% weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair -50 / FF 0 condition. HCI not tested. Recovered: 100% 55 �/ ROD C-15 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, fresh, very /' 100% weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair a5 FF condition. HCl not tested. . 0 Recovered: 100% 61 60 ROD C-16 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, fresh, very 100% weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair -4G C! FF condition. HCI not tested. Interbedded with siltstone. 0 Recovered: 100% / B5 ... ROD - C-17 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, very weak - 100% rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair - 35 FF / condition. HCl not tested. Interbedded with siltstone. 0 Recovered: 100% :: Rock becomes finer grained and harder at 65 ft. u M Washington State .'aD Department of Transportation Job No. XL-4282 SR 405/167 P—i—t 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 100.9 ft HOLE No. DC-41-14 Sheet 4 of 4 nriii, Haller, Robert (D SPT Efficiency m m Field SPT (N) Blows/6' (N) a o Z 0 = 3 m a o r} Moisture Content and/or n n a, m Description of Material j m o 0 ROD RQD FF m rn I. 2 a c w — 30 20 40 60 80 ROD 100% FF I C-18 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, moderately weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair condition. HCl not tested. _ 0 Recovered: 100% One 90 degree fracture @ 73.5' and one healed contact @ 74'. 75 / ROD 100% C-19 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, moderately weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair —25 ; FF 0 condition. HCl not tested. Interbedded with sillstone and coal. Recovered: 100% 80 .. /ROD C-20 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, moderately in fair — 100% weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and __20 FF condition. HCl not tested. 1 Recovered: 100% � f At 82.5 ft., clay-infilled fracture (1mm), dips 30 degrees. At 83.5 ft.. clay-infilled fracture (1mm), dips 20 degrees. 85 ROD C-21 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, moderately r 100% weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair 15 FF condition. HCI not tested. Interbedded with siltstone and 1 coal. i Recovered: 100% At 86 ft., 14nch siltstone interbed, with slickensides, dips 86 ft., 10 degrees. - � At 88 ft., 1-inch siltstone interbed, dips 15 degrees, polished, no slickensides. — I I I I t0 I I I I I I I I The implied accuracy of the borehole location I I information displayed on this boring log is typically I I I I I I sub -meter in (X,Y) when collected by the HQ Geotech I I I I Office and sub -centimeter in (X,Y,Z) when collected by — I I I I I the Region Survey Crew. I I I I I I I End of test hole boring at 90 ft below ground elevation. I I I I This is a summary, Log of Test Boring. I I I I Soil/Rock descriptions are derived from visual field I I 1 I I I I I identifications and laboratory test data. Note: REF = SPT Refusal I I M Washington State LOG OF TEST BORING -,' Department of Transportation Start Card RE-09320 HOLE No. DC-42si-14 Job No. XL-4282 SR 405/167 Elevation 104.2 ft Sheet 1 of 5 Project 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector Driller Haller, Robert Lie# 2779 Component Cut Slope Inspector Fetterl , Jamie #2507 Start February 12. 2014 Completion February 13, 2014 Well ID# BHV-548 Equipment CME 45 (9C4-8) Station DC-F 47+55.83 Offset 238.9 feet right Hole Dia 6 Historical N/A SPT Efficiency (inches) Northing 173523.774 Easting 1298984.612 Collected by Region Survey Method Wet Rotary Duplex Lat 47.4673107 Long -122.2137974 Datum NAD 83/91 HARN, NAVD88, SPN (ft) Drill Fluid Polymer �l SPT Efficiency y r ♦ Field SPT (N) Blows/6" Z a 9 o Moisture Content (N) m ° z a d n Description of Mater(al v 3 E 2 a j m a ���� VN ROD and/or E a F ~ y W ROD (n C7 20 40 60 80 FF ASPHALT. ♦ I I I I I I I I 9 D 1 Base course material. Silty SAND, loose, olive yellow, moist, homogeneous. I I I I 5 I I I 1 2 HCI not tested. I I I 1 4 Recovered: 1.3 ft Retained: 1.3 ft I I I I (7) ♦ �, I I I 3 D-2 MC SM. MC=17%, LL=NA, PL=NP 1 I I 1 3 I I GS Silty SAND, loose, olive brown, moist, homogeneous. I I I I 4 AL HCI not tested. I I I I ♦ (7) Recovered: 0.8 ft Retained: 0.8 ft -100.0 I I I I 2 D-3 Silty SAND, loose, olive brown, wet, homogeneous. HCI 3 I not tested. 2 Recovered: 0.8 ft Retained: 0.8 ft : ♦ I I I I (5) I 1 I 2 D-4 Silty SAND, loose, olive brown, wet, homogeneous. HCI 1 I I 1 3 I not tested. 1 I I 5 Recovered: 0.4 ft Retained: 0.4 ft I I ♦ I (8) 1 I I 6 D-5 Silty SAND, very dense, olive yellow, moist, 32 lhomogeneous. HCI not tested. FEO stainded sandstone. j I I I I 36 Recovered: 1.9 ft Retained: 1.9 ft r I I I I 50/6" I I I I (68) - 95.0 ... J ROD 100% C-6 SANDSTONE, dark yellowish orange, medium grained, slightly weathered. very weak rock. Discontinuities are FF - 10-, • ; / D - C 7 MC closely spaced, and in fair condition. HCI not tested. FED stains present. - ROD SL Recovered: 100% /� too % FF SANDSTONE, dark yellowish orange, medium grained, SANDS TONE, � 0 slightly weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair condition. HCI not tested. FEO stains present. Recovered: 100% / - 90.0 ' ' 15- I ROD - C-8 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, slightly - I 60% weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are closely FF spaced, and in poor condition. HCI not tested. FEO t stains present. Recovered: 100% - :: I • I I Washington State -,' Department of Transportation Job No. XL-4282 SR 4051167 Proiact 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 104.2 ft HOLE No. DC-42si-14 Sheet 2 of 5— Driller Haller, Robert c t n 0 2 � w w o a SPT Efficiency Field SPT (N) Moisture Content f/� Ui ROD 20 40 60 80 l BI (N /6' and/or FF ROD 87% FF 1 W H z ° z a" n o d m M u F C-9 J m ~ Description of Material SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, slightly weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in poor condition. HCl not tested. FEO stains present. Recovered: 87% 3 = 2 °' E E 25 — 8a —75 '0 ROD 90 % FF C-10 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, slightly weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in poor condition. HCl not tested. FEO stains present. Recovered: 90% 30 35 — 70 f ROD 100% FF 0 ROD 100% FF o C-11 C-12 SANDSTONE, dark yellowish orange, medium grained, slightly weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in poor condition. HCl not tested. FEO stains present. Recovered; 100% SANDSTONE, yellowish gray, medium grained, slightly weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair condition. HCl not tested. FEO stains present. Recovered: 100% \ 65 40 .. . / / ROD 100% FF o C-13 MC GS AL SG SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, fresh, very weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair condition. HCI not tested. Recovered: 100% SM• MC=10%, LL=NA, PL=NP SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, fresh, very weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair condition. � Adlikk m Washington State 'I/ Department of Transportation Job No. XL-4282 SR 405/167 I�mlrct 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 104.2 ft HOLE No. DC-42si-14 Sheet 3 of 5 Driller Haller, Robert (ii $ SPT Efficiency 0 r s ♦ Feld SPT (N) BIOW 15" N) a o z o y c m p 0 o a �*♦�� Moisture Content ✓li ROD and/or ROD a)a E E m J Description of Material o 2 d w FF n 0 20 40 60 80 ROD C-14 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, fresh, very _ 53 % weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in FF 2 poor condition. HCl not tested. Interbedded with coal lenses. • I I Recovered: 85% / � I I I I — 55 .I I I t I — 50— I I ROD C-15 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, fresh, very a 78% weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair �1 FF 1 condition. HCl not tested. Interbedded with coal lenses. Recovered: 97% I . I I 55— 50 :::. .: �1 i .I , " "t ROD G16 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, fresh, very — 65% weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in FF poor condition. HCl not tested. .. 2 Recovered:97% : I • J I i 1 I — 45 I 60 I ROD C-17 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, fresh, very t 62% weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in FF poor condition. HCl not tested. 2 Recovered: 93% � f I I I — 40 I % I 65 I ROD C-18 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, fresh, very t I 65% weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in — " I FF poor condition. HCI not tested. . / I 2 Recovered:97% � I I I J i v — 35 :: :. 1 � I 1 n Washington State 'I/ Department of Transportation Job No. XL-4282 SR 405/167 Prniarf 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 104.2 ft HOLE No. QC-42si-14 Sheet 4 of 5 Driller Haller Robert _ c w 6, SPT Efficiency Field eld SPT (N) Moisture Content ROD 20 40 60 80 Blows/6- �N) and/or ROD FF a z F o z a nw E n cn H w m ~ Description of Material m (7 d c ROD 97% _ C-19 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, very weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair FF condition. HCI not tested. Interbedded with siltstone. 0 Recovered: 100% ` Rock gets harder and finer grained at 71'. /J 75 —30 MC uC SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, very weak N SANDSTONE, rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair Ix : ' i f ROD 100% C-20 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, moderately SANDSTONE, — t FF 0 weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair condition. HCI not tested. Recovered: 100% ROD C z1 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, moderately / 100% FF 0 weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair condition. HCl not tested. Interbedded with siltstone and coal. Recovered: 100% 20 :: 85/ ROD 100% C-22 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, moderately weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair — FF condition. HCl not tested. Interbedded with siltstone and ` 0 coal. Recovered: 100% 15 go — ROD G23 SANDSTONE, light gray, Tine grained, fresh, moderately 100% weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair FF condition. HCI not tested. Interbedded with siltstone and .0 coal. Recovered: 100% i T Washington State .,' Department of Transportation Job No XL-4282 SR 405/167 Proiect 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 104.2 ft HOLENO. DC-42si-14 Sheet 5 of 5 Driller Haller Robert r ' d o o > w —5 c- :: © SPT Efficiency Field SPT (N) * Moisture Content 1 ROD 20 40 _ 60 80 �/. / / BIoN /6' !) and/or RQD FF ROD 100% FF 0 r n E M V) z° o z a ) E C-24 y J Description of Material SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, moderately weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair condition. HCl not tested. Interbedded with siltstone and coal. Recovered: 100% At 97.5', rip -up clasts. o cP _ I _ w r �d I t I I Flushed and bailed hole down to 30% water was coming in I I I I quickly, so let sit overnight and will bail again on 2-13-14. I t I I John Liu to camera and acoustic boring, I I I I After sitting all night, water was at 28.7' at 8am 2-13-14. I I I I I I I I A flush mount monument was installed on this boring. 0 I I I I i I I I 1 1 1 1 I I I The implied accuracy of the borehole location information displayed on this boring log is typically 105 i sub -meter in (X,Y) when collected by the HQ Geotech — I I I t Office and sub -centimeter in (X,Y,Z) when collected by I I I I I I t I the Region Survey Crew. I I I I 1 I I I I I I I End of test hole boring at 100 ft below ground elevation. I I I I This is a summary Log of Test Boring. 1 I I I Soil/Rock descriptions are derived from visual field - I I I I identifications and laboratory test data. I I I t Note: REF = SPT Refusal 5 t I t I I I l I 110 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - 10 I I I I I ( I 1 I I i I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 115 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I • -15 I I ! I I I 1 I I I I I I I i I I I I I i m Washington State LOG OF TEST BORING "I/Department of Transportation Start Card RE-09324 HOLE No. DC-48p-14 Job No. XL-4282 SR 405/167 Elevation 83.6 f[ Sheet 1 of 4 project 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector Driller Haller, Robert Licit 2779 Component Cut Slope Inspector Fetterly, Jamie 42507 Start March 4, 2014 Completion March 4, 2014 Well ID# BHB-926 Equipment CME 45 (9C4-8) Station DC-F 50+72.18 Offset 204.5 feet right Hole Dia 5 Historical N/A SPT Efficiency (inches) Northing 173608.9 Easting 1299285.137 Collected by Region Survey Method Wet Rotary_aup lex Let 47.4675588 Lona -122.2125887 Datum NAD 83/91 HARN, NAVD86, SPN (ft) Drill Fluid Polymer Q SPT Efficiency iF Feld SPT (N) 81ows/6' z° o m W 4 0 * Moisture Content IN) n m m Description of Material 2 a o m a ROD and/or n m E I c w ROD FF n 0 20 40 60 80 —i �l ' I I I I ASPHALT. I I I I I I I I - Base course material. ' I I I I I I I I I I I I t l —80.0 I I I I ♦ I I I I 3 D-1 Silty SAND, loose, olive brown, wet, homogeneous. HCI I I I I 3 I I not tested. n I I I I 3 Recovered: 0.8 ft Retained: 0.8 ft 5— I I I I 1 I 1 I (6) _ o I I I I ? I I :: I I I 1 ♦ I I I I 3 D-2 Silty SAND, loose, olive, wet. homogeneous. HCI not I I I I 3 ( I tested. I I I I I I 4 Recovered: 1.1 ft Retained: 1.1 ft I I I I I I (7) —75.0 :: TT ♦ I* I I 1 I I I 1 0.3 MC SM, MC=27% I I 1 1 2 I GS Silty SAND, loose, olive, wet, homogeneous. HCI not i I I I 4 tested. Trace FEO stains present. I I I I (6) Recovered: 1.2 ft Retained: 1.2 ft 10— i I I I I I I I I 1 I I I♦ I I I 11 D-4 Silty SAND, medium dense, olive yellow. moist,' I I I I 12 homogeneous. HCl not tested. o•;• I I I I 12 I Recovered: 1.3 ft Retained: 1.3 ft 5''•' I I I I (24) p, 1b :. 70.0 I ♦I I I I I I 1 � 10 D-5 Silty SAND, dense, olive yellow, moist, homogeneous. o... p: .•. 1 I I 1 18 I I HCI not tested. )Recovered: 1 I I I 18 1.5 ft Retained: 1.5 ft 15 , ( I I I I I I 1 (36) — Bedrock contact. :: I 1 I I a:•; I I I I I I I I >> 28 D-6 Silty SAND (Sandstone), very dense, olive yellow• moist, w CL d '• I I I I 50/6" I I homogeneous. NCI not tested. N. (REF) ROD G7 Recovered: 1.0 ft Retained: 1.0 ft SANDSTONE, dark yellowish orange, medium grained, , 83% slightly, weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are —65.0 FF closely spaced, and in poor condition. HCI not tested. F •;• o Recovered: 83% Njit= a O ANIL MPm Washington State Department of Transportation Job No. XL-4282 SR 4051167 Project 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 83.6 ft HOLE No. DC-48p-14 Sheet 2 of 4 Driller Haller, Robert L i 2 '6 = o t tQ SPT Efficiency Feld SPT (N) * Moisture Content ������ BlOws/6' (N) and/or a o —' Z Zo —v 6 n a J ~ Description of Material m c a w a ✓!a ROD ROD FIFt7 m in Fv a c 20 40 60 80 ROD C-8 SANDSTONE, dark yellowish orange to light gray, 100% medium grained, slightly weathered, very weak rock, FF o Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in poor condition. HCI not tested. : Recovered: 100% :• / Water bearing contacts at 22.5' and 24'. _ —60 Rock turns light gray at 24.5R with no more staining. 25 — — :!— / ROD C-9 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, fresh, very 100% weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair _ FF condition. HCI not tested. o Recovered: 100% _ —55 ' I— 30 j • ROD G10 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, fresh, very 100% weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair FF condition. HCI not tested. ! 0 Recovered: 100% At 30.6ft, 1/8-inch thick clayey-silt-intilled discontinuity, j dipping 50 degree. At 31.7ft, 118-inch thick discontinuity, dipping 30 degree. _ — 50 ROD C-11 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, moderately 80% weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in — FF poor condition. HCl not tested. Interbedded with 0 sandstone and coal. Recovered: 80% I Coal. x ^ IXx, SILTSTONE, light gray, fine rained, slightly weathered, 9 9 Y 9 9 Y —45 x x very weak rock. Discontinuities are moderately spaced, x x x and in fair condition. HCl not tested. 40 J �z ROD C-12 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, moderately 100% weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair r FF condition. HCI not tested. Interbedded with siltstone and o coal. % MC Recovered: 100% 1 UC f-40 � _I Washington State MAP Department of Transportation Job No XL-4282 SR 405/167 Proiect _1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 83.6 ft HOLE No. DC-48p-14 Sheet 3 of 4 Driller Haller, Robert r SPT Efficiency Field SPT (N) BI �N /6" y F z z . M n ���/�/� Moisture Content and/or a T, J ~ Description of Material 2 o c' a f/1/. ROD ROD E ' 2 = w 20 40 60 80 ..... FF ROD 100% FF rn G13 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, moderately weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair condition. HCl not tested. C� 0 Recovered: 100% —35 50 . ROD C-14 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, moderately t00% weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair FF 0 condition. HCl not tested. Recovered: 100% 41 . 1'�r At 53ft, rip -up clasts of siltstone in sandstone. Y ROD C 15 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine.grained, fresh, moderately — 100% weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair FF 0 condition. HCl not tested. Interbedded with siltstone. Recovered: 100% —25 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A flush mount monument was installed on this boring. 20 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 65 I I I I I I I I I I I I The implied accuracy of the. borehole. location information displayed on this boring log is typically — I I I I sub -meter in (X,Y) when collected by the HO Geotech I I I I Office and sub -centimeter in (X,Y,Z) when collected by I I I I I I I I I I the Region Survey Crew. I I I I I I I I I I End of test hole boring at 60.5 ft below ground elevation. I I I I This is a summary Log of Test Boring. 15 1 1 1 I Soil/Rock descriptions are derived from visual field I I I I identifications and laboratory test data. I I I I t I I I Note: REF = SPT Refusal Adilk T Washington State "I/ Department of Transportation Job No XL-4282 SR 405/167 Proiect 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 83.6 ft HOLE No. DC-48p-14 Sheet 4 of 4 Driller Haller,. Robert s m > w o Cji) SPT Efficiency Feld SPT (N) Moisture Content ROD 20 40 60 80 Blows/6' (N) and/or ROD FF a r E rn o Z z° n a m F J~ Description of Material m 0 _ E c I 1 I I Bail/Recharge test: I I I I Hole Diameter: 5 1 I I 1 Depth of boring during bail test: 60.5' I I I I Depth of casing during bail test: 60' I I I 1 Bailed bore hole water level to 22' — I I I 1 Recharge after 1 minutes :20' I I I 1 Recharge after 2 minutes :18' I I 1 I Recharge after 3 minutes :17' Recharge after 4 minutes :16' 1 i I Recharge -after 5 minutes :15.3' I 1 I I I I I I Recharge after 10 minutes :13' 75— I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I —5 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I 80 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 0 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 85 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I 5 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I go— I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AS _10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I i I 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 t t AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111. M Washington State .,' Department of Transportation Job No, XL-4282-A SR 4051167 Project 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 58.2 ft start Card RE-09325 HOLE No. DC-55p-14 Sheet 1 of 2 Driller Haller Robert _ Lic# 2779 Component Retaining Wall Inspector Fetterly, Jamie #2507 Stan February 11, 2014 Completion February 11, 2014 Well ID# BHB-922 Equipment CME 45 (9C4-8) Station NB-405 1200+84.594 Offset 85.6 feet right Hole Dia 5 Historical Past Rig Efficiency 85% SPT Efficiency (inches) Northing 173696.447 Easting 1299550.558 Collected by Region Survey Method Wet RotaryDuplex Let 47.4678118 _ Long-122.2115221 Datum NAD 8319l HARN, NAVD88, SPN (ft) Drill Fluid Polymer its SPT Efficiency ° r Field SPT(N) Blows/6' �T z z 3 a) o P Moisture Content (N) d n Description of Material R m > m ���/i�7 ROD and/or a . E J F N o w rlra ROD FF w rn 20 40 60 80 ASPHALT. I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 0 Y' - I I I I I I o I p I AT1 I i I t 3 D-1 Silty SAND, loose, olive, wet, homogeneous. HCI not I 1 I I 2 I I tested. FED stains present I I I I 4 Recovered: 1.5 ft Retained: 1.5 ft I I I I (6) 1 _ I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I N of 2 D-2 Silty SAND, very loose, olive, wet, homogeneous. HCI r I I I I 2 I I not tested. FEO stains present I I I I I I I 2 Recovered: 1.2 ft Retained: 1.2 ft I I I (4) 50.0 ♦ I I I I I I 1 2 D-3 MC SM, MC=23% I 1 I 1 2 GS Silty SAND, loose, olive brown, wet, homogeneous. HCI I I I I 5 not tested. ; I I I I (7) Recovered: 1.5 ft Retained: 1.5 ft 10 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I Gravels present from 9.5' to 10.5' ;•;� ; I 1 I I 4 D-4 Silty SAND, medium dense, olive, moist, homogeneous. I I I I 7 I HCI not tested. I I I I 8 Recovered: 1.3 ft Retained: 1.3 ft 1 I I t (15) 45.0 I I I I I I I 6 D-5 Silty SAND, medium dense, olive, moist, homogeneous. I I I I 11 I I HCI not tested. I I t I 11 Recovered: 1.2 ft Retained: 1.2 ft 15 I I 1 1 I I I I (22) Drilling became very stiff �•.� t I I t g . Light gray bedrock contact >> 50/2" (REF) D-6 G7 Silty SAND sandstone, very dense, light gray, moist, homogeneous. HCI not tested. � ,•, — '• ;•: ROD Recovered: 0.2 ft Retained: 0.2.ft 93% SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained• fresh, very weak a . — 40.0 FF rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair 0 condition. HCI not tested. •'• Recovered:,93% ;•; f Siltstone bedding between depths of 19.1 ft and 19.5 ft. Siltstone A n •'• '� _ At 19.5' to 20.0'. rip up clasts. :. i i ( Ads Ilk M Washington State -,, Department of Transportation ,lob No. XL-4282-A SR 405/167 Prnied 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 58.2 ft HOLE No. DC-55p-14 Sheet 2— of _2 nrWer Haller, Robert F n o c c w m o C� SPT Efficiency Field SPT (N) Moisture Content ROD 20 40 60 go Blows/6' (N) and/or ROD FF d n a M o z 0 a z N� m ~ Description of Material m (P _ E c ' j� l ROD C-B SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, very weak I 100 % rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair L FF condition. HCl not tested. 0 Recovered: 100% At 21.7 ft, Silt infilled fracture, dipping at 15 degrees. — 35 At 22.5 ft, fracture, dipping at 45 degrees. 44 i MC ;. LIC 25 ROD C-9 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, very weak _ 95% rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair _ FF condition. HCl not tested. 0 Recovered:100% _ • x i At 29 ft transitions to siltstone. , 30-- x_a_x. ! 1 I I t _ Water is flowing into hole to fast too do optical, so flooded — 1 t 1 hole with clean water, and John Liu performed acoustic 1 1 testing. I I I I Water is also flowing into monument area from uphill 1 I I 1 approximately 6" below asphalt, below base course I material. 1 I I I A flush mount monument was installed on this boring. _ —25 I I I I I I I I I I I t The implied accuracy of the borehole location I I 1 I information displayed on this boring log is typically 35 I I I I sub -meter in (X,Y) when collected by the HQ Geotech — I I I I Office and sub -centimeter in (X,Y,Z) when collected by l I I I I I I I the Region Survey Crew. I I I I I t I 1 I I l I End of test hole boring at 30 ft below ground elevation. I I I I This is a summary Log of Test Boring. 20 1 1 t 1 Soil/Rock descriptions are derived from visual field I 1 I I identifications and laboratory lest data. I I I I I I I t Note: REF = SPT Refusal 40 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I 15 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 ( 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I M Washington State LOG OF TEST BORING .,' Department of Transportation Start Card SE-49939 / AE-24621 HOLE No. DC-57a1t-14 Job No._XL-4282-A SR _ 405/167 Elevation 54.1 ft Sheet 1 of 4 Project 1-405/ SR167 Direct Connector Driller Shepherd Robert Lie# 2710 Component Fill Inspector Harvey, Thomas #2599 Start February 25, 2014 Completion February 26, 2014 Well ID4 Equipment CME 850 (9C2-3) Station NB-405 1202+06.342 offset 123.6 feet right Hole Dia 4 Historical past Rig Efficiency 86.9% SPT Efficiency (inches) Northing 173680.641 Easting 1299681.303 Collected by Region Survey Method Mud Rotary Lal 47.4677749 Long -122.2109925 Datum NAD 83191 HARN, NAVD88, SPN (ft) Drill Fluid Various ® SPT Efficiency d Field SPT (N) Blows16' F z° m a Moisture Content (N) c° z _ m Description of Material a E 2 a E ROD and/or a E a F ? o w ROD It(2 20 40 60 80 FF 1 D-1 Silty SAND with organics trace gravel, very loose, brown. I 1 1 2 wet, stratified. HCI not tested. I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 Recovered: 1.5 ft Retained: 1.5 ft I I I I 1 I I I I (3) I I I I 2 D-2 Silty SAND with organics trace gravel, loose, brown, wet, I I I 1 3 ( stratified. HCI not tested. I I I I 2 Recovered: 1.5 ft Retained: 1.5 ft I I I I (51 I I I I 2 D-3 Silly SAND trace gravel, medium dense, brown, moist, 50.0 I I I I 5 homogeneous. HCI not tested. 1 I I I 6 Recovered: 2.0 ft Retained: 2.0 ft 5 I I I I I I I I 6 (11) I I 1 1 I I I I 4 D-4 Silt SAND trace ravel, medium dense, brown, moist, Y 9. I I I I 5 I I homogeneous, laminated. HCI not tested. I I I 1 6 Recovered: 1.5 ft Retained: 1.5 ft 1 I t I 4 D-5 Silty SAND, medium dense, brown, moist. stratified. HCI I I I I 7 ( nottested. I I I I 9 Recovered: 1.5 ft Retained: 1.5 ft I I I I (16) I I I 1 5 D•6 Silty SAND, loose, brown, moist, homogeneous. HCI not - 45.0 I I 1 1 5 tested. I I I I 4 Recovered: 1.5 ft Retained: 1.5 ft 10-• I I I I 8 - I I I I (g) I I I 9 D-7 MC SM, MC=21 % 8 GS Silty SAND trace gravel, medium dense, gray, moist, I I 1 I 9 I homogeneous. HCI not tested. I I I 1 >> (17) Recovered: 1.5 ft Retained: 1.5 ft I I I I 8 D-8 Silty SAND, very dense, grayish brown, moist, stratified, I I I I 7 I laminated. HCl not tested. I I I I 50/6" Recovered: 1.5 ft Retained: 1.5 ft _ I I I I )> (REF) 1 I I 1 5012" D-9 Silty SAND, very dense, light gray, moist, homogeneous. -40.0 I I I 1 (REF) HCI not tested. 2-25-14 12:30pm.Bailled to13.6 I I I 10min.2.02-25-14 12:30 bailed to13.5 10 min. water at I I I 1 9 D 10 2.0 15 I I I I 11 I Recovered: 0.2 ft Retained: 0.2 ft _ I I I I 11 Silty SAND with gravel, sub -angular, medium dense, t I (22) brown, moist, stratified. HCI not tested. I I 1 I I I 1 1 I I Recovered: 1.0 ft Retained: 1.0 ft - 5 D-11 MC SM, MC=17% N I I I 19 I I GS Silty SAND, dense, grayish brown, moist, stratified, I I 1 30 laminated. HCI not tested. N b I I 1 (49) Recovered: 1,5 ft Retained: 1.5 It o I I 1 14 D-12 Silty SAND, medium dense, light gray, moist, a 35.0 I I I 11 I I homogeneous, laminated. HCI not tested. I I 1 10 Recovered: 1.5 ft Retained: 1.5 ft �� I I 17 I I 1 Washington State A Department of Transportation .lob No. XL-4282-A SR 405/167 project 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 54.1 ft HOLE No. DC-57alt-14 Sheet 2 of 4 Driller _Shepherd, Robert SPT Efficiency 0 x Field SPT (N) BI (N I6' i z° z m 0 d L n ° o Moisture Content and/or 2 a o m m Description of Material C) w a ��j, tL!). RDD ROD E J IT o FF W 0 20 40 60 BO XT I I I I 17 ( I D-13 Silty SAND, very dense, light gray, moist, homogeneous. I I I 1 5012" HCl not tested. 2-25-14 1:25pm. Bailed to 17.1 I I I I (REF) 10min.10.1 IT I I I I I I I I I I I Recovered: 0.7 ft Retained: 0.7 ft - -- 30 TXI I I I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I - 25 - I I 1 I I I 1 I )> . 1 50/3" I I 0-14 Silty SAND (Sandstone), very dense, gray. moist, (REF) C-15 homogeneous, laminated. HCI not tested. bedrock at _ I RCD 2511. 1 69% Recovered: 0.3 ft Retained: 0.3 it I FF SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, slightly I 1 weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are / I moderately spaced, and in fair condition. No HCI ` ! I reaction. / I Recovered: 100% 25 I Bailed to 17.1ft, Water at 10.1ft in 10min. 30 - I j ROD C-16 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, fresh, very 100% weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in .. FF o good condition. No HCl reaction. Recovered: 100% Mc LIC —20 ... ' 35 / ROD C•17 SANDSTONE, dark gray, medium grained. slightly — 81 % weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are FF moderately spaced, and in good condition. No HCI _ 1 reaction. Recovered: 100% ' x ) %% x SILTSTONE, dark gray, fine grained, slightly weathered, x x x very weak rock. Discontinuities are moderately spaced, • x r Y. x x a and in good condition. x x x x x MC — 15 % > x x ): % Y. j UC 40 x } x ROD G18 SANDSTONE, dark gray, medium grained, slightly 87% weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are closely FF spaced, and in good condition. No HCI reaction. 0 Recovered: 100% Dark brown laminae, dipping at 5 degrees to 10 degrees. AS •• l I Washington State MAW Department of Transportation Job No, XL-4282-A SR 405/167 Prni—t 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connedtor LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 54.1 ft HOLE No. DC-57alt-14 Sheet 3 of 4 nrilier Shepherd, Robert ? SPT Efficiency Field SPT (N) Blows/6" (N) _ 7 z° o Z m _ c r n 4 0 o Moisture Content and/or ° a s y Description of Material E m > w a [�f�f�� rlL1. ROD ROD FF E E n in ~ 'o c� w 20 40 60 80 ROD 100% G19 SANDSTONE, dark gray medium grained, fresh, very weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in _ FF good condition. No HCI reaction. Dark brown laminae, / 0 dipping at 10 degrees to 20 degrees. Recovered: 100% Siilstone rip -up clasts between depths of 47ft to 50ft. - 5 ROD 91 % C-20 SANDSTONE, dark gray, medium grained, slightly weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are closely A� FF spaced, and in good condition. No HCI reaction. x x t o Recovered:100% / — SILTSTONE, dark gray, fine grained, slightly weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in x x x x x good condition. At Slit to 53.9ft, siltstone laminated with sandstone. 55 - x x x z x x r. x ROD C-21 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, slightly 97% weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are closely _ FF spaced, and in good condition. HCI not tested. 0 Recovered: 100% I Al f �... 60 _ �... ROD _ C-22 SANDSTONE, dark gray, medium grained, fresh, very 1000/ weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in FF good condition. No HCI reaction. 0 Recovered: 100% :.. MC — UC 65 ROD C-23 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, fresh, very 100% weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in — FF good condition. No HCI reaction. o Recovered: 100% At to laminae, dipping 30 68ft 68.7111• siltstone about degrees. 15 1 V7FWashington State Department of Transportation jp ' Job No XL-4282-A SR 405/167 Prniarl 1-405/ SR167 Direct Connector 0 0 Z 0 M m W 0' LU W H Z W LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 54.1 ft HOLE No. DC-57alt-14 Sheet 4 of 4 Driver Shepherd, Robert L ° ® SPT Efficiency Field SPT (N) Moisture owsd BI (N16' Zo Z " m a o Contenl and/or d a n Descrip[ion of Material � P O T o � P). ROD FF H ~ c T- 20 40 60 8.0 _ ROD _ C-24 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, slightly _ ��� 92% weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are closely FF spaced, and in good condition. No HCI reaction. At 70 ft 0 to 73 ft, siltstone rip -up clasts. :. Recovered: 100% — -20 75 — .. ....1 _� I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - — --25 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The implied accuracy of the borehole location - I I I I information displayed on this boring log is typically 80 I 1 1 I sub -meter in (X,Y) when collected by the HQ Geotech — I I I I Office and sub -centimeter in (X,Y,Z) when collected by I 1 I I I I I I the Region Survey Crew. I I I I I I I I End of test hole boring at 75 it below ground elevation. I I I I This is a summary Log of Test Boring. i f f I Soil/Rock descriptions are derived from visual field I I I I identifications and laboratory test data. 1 I 1 I Note: REF = SPT Refusal I i I I 85 I I I I I 1 I I Bail/Recharge test: I I I I Hole Diameter. 4 I I I I Depth of boring during bail test: 75' I I I I Depth of casing during bail test: 65' I 1 I 1 Bailed bore hole water level to 65' I i 1 I I I I I Recharge after 5 minutes :60.2' I i I I Recharge after 10 minutes :50' I I I I Recharge after 15 minutes :34.3' I I I I Recharge after 30 minutes :19' --35 1 1 1 1 I I I I 90 - I I I I I I I I 1 I t I I I I I I I I I •--40 OS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T Washington State LOG OF TEST BORING ' .,' Department of Transportation Start Card RE-09326 HOLE No. DC-59vw-13 Job No XL-4282-A SR 4051167 Elevation 38.0 ft Sheet 1 of 4 Project 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector Driller Haller, Robert Lic# 2779 Component Culvert Inspector Fetterly, Jamie #2507 Start December 3, 2013 Completion December 4, 2013 well ID# BHB-909 Equipment CME 45 (9C4-3) Station NB405 1204+64.83 Offset 56.6 feet right Hole Dia 4 Historical SPT Efficiency Past Rig Efficiency 87.5% (inches) Northing 173808.35 Easting 1299924.491 Collected by Region Survey Method Wet Rotary Let 47.4681369 Long -122.2100187 Datum NAD 83/91 HARN, NAVD88, SPN (ft) Drill Fluid Polymer ® SPT Efficiency x Field SPT (N) Blows/6' 0 Z o 'E5 o- Moisture Content IN) v ° z a n m m Description of Material 3 E 2 ROD andlor a E -� rn w ROD FF N 20 40 60 60 0 D-1 Sandy SILT with organics, very loose, yellowish brown, I I I I 1 moist, homogeneous. HCI not tested. N I I I 1 I I I 1 1 Recovered: 1.4 ft Retained: 1.4It I I I ( 2 (2) �o A N I I I I I I I I ?A CD -35.0 I I I I I I I I o I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 0 D-2 Sandy SILT with organics and sticks, very loose, very < 2 0 dark grayish brown, moist, homogeneous. HCI not 1) ested. I( cr(0�dy I I I I C / a I I I I 2 D-3 ORGANIC Soil with sill and sandy silt, medium stiff, very R c, / -30.0 — I I I I 1 dark brown, wet, stratified. HCI not tested. sample split I I I I 4 into two bags A$ B I # l I (5) Recovered: 1.2 ft Retained: 1.2 ft °1 C39%, PF6 o I}4 Mc < y 2 �ili Sandy SILT with organics, very loose, bluish gray, moist, 10 I I I I I I 1 I 2 homogeneous. HCI not tested. m (4) Recovered: 1.3 ft Retained: 1.3 It 1 I I I I I I I sample is stratified with gray sandy silt and stratified with c I I I I \gray silty sand % CL I 1 I I c I I I I m I 1 I I P-5 No Recovery. m -25.0 1 t I I P (D — I I I I m C. I 1 I I I I I I 1 D-6 Silty SAND, loose, grayish brown, wet, homogeneous. c 3 I HCI not tested. 15 5 Recovered: 1.2 ft Retained: 1.2 ft I I I (6) / I IT ♦ I f I I I 3 D-7 MC SM, MC=27% ^' D I I I I 7 I I GS Silty SAND, medium dense, olive, wet, homogeneous. a -20.0 I I I I 7 HClnot tested. I I I I (14) Recovered: 1.5 ft Retained: 1.5 ft I I I I J m I I I I I I 3 I D-8 I Silty SAND, medium dense, olive, wet, homogeneous. 2 I I 5 HCI not tested. 1 Washington State Department of Transportation 'I/ ' Job No. XL-4282-A _ SR 405/167 Project 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector I I I ri I ii 1 11 LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 38.0 ft HOLE No. I)C-59vw-13 Sheet 2 of 4 Driller Haller, Robert y a o x c 6 v w o a SPT Efficiency Field SPT (N) Moisture Content UU,,�� U ROD 20 40 60 80 Blows/6' (N) and ROD N a d Z o m ° Z n a o t' V N J f Description of Material T m 3 o d 2 I I I I 6 Z ecovere: .5 ft Retained: 1.5 ft 1 d R � I I I I I I (11) 1 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I 2 D-9 Silty SAND, loose, olive, wet, homogeneous. HCl not I I I t 3 I I tested. FEO stains present and color change at tip ) —15 I I I I 3 Recovered: 1.5 ft Retained: 1.5 ft\� I I I I I I I I (6) y^ O tF I I I I I t I I I I 4 D-10 MC SM, MC=20% I I 1 I 4 I I GS Silty SAND, loose, olive, wet, homogeneous. HCl not 25 I t I 9 tested. trace FEO stains at top and trace small gravels at — I I t I O the bottom , s 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I Recovered: 1.1 ft Retained: 1.1 ft I I I I I I 1 T::t I I I I I I bedrock contact per drilling action I I I 1 »♦ I I 1 10 D-11 Silty SAND, very dense, light gray, moist, homogeneous. I I 50/6" I HCI not tested. sandstone — 30 ... r,> (REF) C 12 Recovered: 1.0 ft Retained: 1.0 ft - fi 1 RqD SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, moderately 75% weathered• very weak rock. Discontinuities are very i FF G13 closely spaced, and in good condition. HCl not tested. o Recovered:75% ROD SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained. moderately 97% weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are FF moderately spaced, and in good condition. HCI not 0 tested. _ ' Recovered: 97% 35 — RQD C-14 SANDSTONE, light gray. fine grained, slightly weathered, — :: 100% very weak rock. Discontinuities are moderately spaced, } FF and in good condition. HCI not tested. 0 Recovered: 100% —0 :: At 37ft to 41ft, siltstone rip -up clasts. At 39.5ft, dark brown laminae• dipping at 30 degrees. I 40 ::: ROD G15 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, very weak 100% rock. Discontinuities are moderately spaced, and in good FF condition. HCl not tested. ' o Recovered: 100% AS - Washington State MAPDepartmentof Transportation Job No. XL-4282-A SR _ 405/167 Prni—t 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 38.0 ft Hot.E Ne. DC-59vw-13 Sheet 3 of 4 Driller Haller, Robert ( SPl' Eftidency v r v o Field SPT (N) f Moisture Content Blows/6' (N) and/or a p Z z v ° s D u J Description of Material 3 0 a o .9 a r f ROD ROD FF a c �m E o 20 40 60 80 v t7 ROD G16 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, slightly weathered, =� 100% very weak rock. Discontinuities are moderately spaced, FF and in good condition. HCl not tested. o Recovered: 100% 50 - Y ROD _ C-17 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, slightly weathered, 100% very weak rock. Discontinuities are moderately spaced, FF and in good condition. HCI not tested. 0 Recovered: 100% _ 55 Y ROD C-18 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, very weak 100% rock. Discontinuities are moderately spaced, and in good FF 0 condition. HCI not tested. Recovered: 100% r ti yr 60 ' ... — ROD C-19 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, very weak y 100% rock. Discontinuities are moderately spaced, and in good FF condition. HCI not tested. 0 Recovered: 100% — .. r 65 ROD C-20 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, very weak : 100% rock. Discontinuities are moderately spaced, and in good FF condition. HCI not tested. Siltstone rip -up clasts between --30 0 depths of 66 ft and 69.4 ft. Recovered: 100% 7n - .. - - - - - - ..�� LL-1 T Washington State -'' Department of Transportation Job No. XL-4282-A _ SR 405/167 ar ;ah 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 38.0 ft HOLENo. DC-59vw-13 Sheet —A— of 4 nrillar Haller, Robert r a ° m w ° o a SPT Efficiency Field SPT (N) Moisture Content RQD 20 40 6060 80 Blovasl6" (N) and/or RQD FF ° n F n (n o z Z a , m N w 0 ~ Description of Material 3 ° t� E c X RQD G21 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, very weak 100% rock. Discontinuities are moderately spaced, and in good FF condition. HCI not tested. _ 0 Recovered: 100% — -35 I I I I I I VWP serial #1303547 was installed @ 28' below ground I surface I I I I 1 I ( I There is standing water on surface 8' south of boring I 1 1 1 Height of the standpipe is 1.6 ft above ground elevation. 40 I I t t I I I I I I I I A standpipe monument was installed on this boring. — 80— I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 1 The implied accuracy of the borehole location t I I I information displayed on this boring log is typically I I I I sub -meter in (X,Y) when collected by the HO Geotech I I I I Office and sub -centimeter in (X,Y,Z) when collected by I I I I I I I I I I I the Region Survey Crew. I I I I I I I I End of test hole boring at 76 ft below ground elevation. I I I I This is a summary Log of Test Boring. t I Soil/Rock descriptions -are derived from visual field I I I I identifications and laboratory test data. I I I I Note: REF = SPT Refusal es I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I — -50 I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I -55 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 M Washington State LOG OF TEST BORING 'I/ Department of Transportation Start Card SE-49939 / AE-24621 HOLE No. DC-61-13 Job No. XL-4282-A SR 4051167 Elevation 54.7 ft Sheet 1— of 3 Project 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector Driller _ Henderson, Danny Lic#_ 2742 Component Fill Inspector Johnson, Vince 42532 Start December 11, 2013 Completion December 12, 2013 Well ID# Equipment CME 55 truck (9C1-3) Station NB-405 1206+57.214 Offset 85.9 feet right Hole Dia 4.5 Historical SPT Efficiency past Rig Efficiency 89.4% (inches) Northing 173841.669 Easting 1300121.112 Collected by Region Survey Method Wet Rotary I at 47.4682378 Lono -122.2092263 Datum NAD 83191 HARN, NAVD88, SPN (ft) Drill Fluid Mineral tt� SPT Efficiency e Field SPT (N) Blows/6' IT Zo o 3 m 4 Moisture Content (N) m Z n Description of Material C 2 a w a n�� and/or n E J H 'o u, o W w /�� ROD ROD m 0c 2Q 40 60 80 FF ' I—1 2 D-1 Silly SAND with gravel, sub -angular, medium dense, dark 1 I I I 3 brown, moist, stratified. HCI not tested. Top 0.6 dark I I I 1 20 I I brown, middle 0.2 yellowish brown, bottom 0.5 grayish I I I 1 (23) brown. I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 Recovered: 1.3 ft Retained: 1.3 ft —50.0 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 2 D-2 Silty SAND, loose, pale brown, moist, stratified. HCI not 5 I I I 1 2 tested. Strong brown to pale brown in color. I 1 3 Recovered: 1.3 ft Retained: 1.3 ft I I I I I I I I (5) I I I I I I I I I I I I 2 D-3 SILT, very loose, pale brown, wet, stratified. HCI not I I I I 1 tested. Stratified with sand, 7.9-8.1. I I I 2 Recovered: 1.5 ft Retained: 1.5 ft N I I I I I I I I (3) 45.0 I 1 D-4 MC MC=43%, PI=15 oit w - to— I I I I 1 I AL SILT, very loose, light olive brown, wet, homogeneous. I I I I 2 HCI not tested. Trace sub -rounded gravel. I I I I (3) Recovered: 1.5 ft Retained: 1.5 It I 1 I PS-5 MC ML, MC=31%, LL=NA, PL=NP I I I I GS Sandy SILT, light olive brown. HCI not tested. Sand in I I I I PI AL bottom of Shelby Tube: 1 I I ISG Recovered: 2.0 It Retained: 2.0 ft 1 1 1 I CN ♦ 3 D-6 MC MC=28% I* I I I 4 I Silty SAND, loose, grayish brown, wet, homogeneous. I I I I 4 HCI not tested. I I I I I f I I I (8) Recovered: 1.1 ft Retained: 1.1 ft —40.0 : I I I I 2 D-7 MC SM. MC=27% 15— I I I I 3 I GS Silly SAND; loose, grayish brown, wet, stratified. HCI not I I I I 3 tested. Stratified with 0.05' layer silt up top. I I I 1 I I I 1 (6) Recovered: 1.1 ft Retained: 1.1 ft — I I I I I I I I I I I I 5 D-8 Silty SAND, medium dense, grayish brown, wet, I I I 1 5 I homogeneous. HCI not tested. I I I 1 6 Recovered: 1.1 ft Retained: 1.1 ft I I I I 3 D 9 Silty SAND, loose, grayish brown, wet, homogeneous. ! 1 T Washington State -,' Department of Transportation ' Job No XL-4282-A SR 405/167 project 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector t I I LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 54.7 ft HOLE No. DC-61-13 Sheet 2 of 3 miller Henderson. Dannv ® SPT Efficiency m r Field SPT (N) Blows/6" (N) a F z o m Q) L ° 10 2o Moisture Content and/or ° Z 2 y h Description of Material C E P Oo .2 a ® ROD ROD -9 c FF rn 20 40 60 80 I I I I 5 HCI not tested. I I I I 5 I Recovered: 1.1 ft Retained: 1.1 ft I I I I I I I I (10) I I I I I I I I I I I I 6 D-10 Silty SAND, medium dense, grayish brown, wet, 5 I homogeneous. HCI not tested. - 1 I 1 I Recovered: 1.5 ft Retained: 1.5 ft �_ I I I I (2) - 30 I I I I 6 D-11 Silty SAND, medium dense, grayish brown, wet, 25 I I I I 8 homogeneous. HCI not tested. — I I I I 8 Recovered: 1.3 ft Retained: 1.3 ft I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (16) — oC °c, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Approx. 29.0' driiling action indicated soil change. 30- —25 j o ° °�, "° r J ,>> 50/2" (REF) D-12 C-13 Silty SAND, very dense, light gray, moist, stratified. HCI not tested. (sandstone)Strong brown to light gray. — n /1f//�✓ ROD G14 d: 0.2 ft Retained: 0.2 ft I I I I 100 % NE (boulder), light gray, coarse grained, fresh, I I I I FF y strong rock. Discontinuities are closely I I I I 0 nd in good condition. HCI not tested. Top 0.2' LFEOstaining. I I t I I I I d:100% Sandy SILT with gravel, grayish brown, wet, stratified. I I I I I — I I I I HCI not tested. I I I I I I I I Recovered: 1.5 ft Retained: 1.5 ft 20 I I I I I I I I 35 I I I I SANDSTONE, gray, moist, stratified, laminated. HCI not s I I D 15 50/3" (REF) G16 tested. Recovered: 0.8 ft Retained: 0.8 ft — ROD SANDSTONE, light gray, coarse grained, fresh, ee % moderately weak to very weak rock. Discontinuities are FF closely spaced, and in good condition. HCI not tested. 2 Dark brown laminae , dipping at 10 to 20 degrees. Recovered: 95% Silt- infilled discontinuities at 39.3 ft, 39.7 ft, and 40.1 ft. —15 50/3" I D-17 SANDSTONE, gray, moist, stratified, laminated. HCI not (REF) C-18 tested. Recovered: 0.3 ft Retained: 0.3 ft i 100% FF SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, fresh, very weak rock. Discontinuities are moderately spaced, and in 0 HCI good condition. not tested. Recovered: 96% — 10 • ... , Dark brown laminae throughout entire run, dipping at about 25 degrees. 45 _ MT� Washington State LOG OF TEST BORING om Department of Transportation HOLE No. OC-61-13 Job No. XL-4282-A SR 405/167 Elevation 54.7 ft Sheet 3 of 3 Project 1-405 I SR167 Direct Connector Driller Henderson Dann ® SPT Efficiency a v `m x Blows/6' o c Field SPT (N) (N) H z zo E t 4 0 Moisture Content and/or a m Description of Material O >� FF M a ROD ROD ~ c .2 in (7 20 40 60 80 IZZ ROD C-19 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, fresh, very / 100 % weak to moderately weak rock; Discontinuities are FF moderately spaced, and in good condition. HCl not - 1 tested. SILT TONE layer 46.5' to 46.8'. Recovered: 100% 1/8 inch thick, silt-infilled fracture at 49.3 ft. dipping at 25 - degrees. 118 inch thick, silt-infilled fracture at 49.7 ft, dipping at 15 50— .... ... degrees. -D-20- 1 SANDSTONE, light gray, moist, homogeneous. HCI not I ! I I (REF) (tested. 1 I I 1lRecovered: 0.2 ft Retained: 0.2 ft I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 55 I I I I The implied accuracy of the borehole location I I I I information displayed on this boring log is typically I I I I sub -meter in (X,Y) when collected by the HQ Geotech a I I I I Office and sub -centimeter in (X,Y,Z) when collected by I I I I the Region Survey Crew. o I I I I - w I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I End of test hole boring at 50.7 ft below ground elevation. w I I I I This is a summary Log of Test Boring. < I I I Soil/Rock descriptions are derived from visual field a I I I I identifications and laboratory test data. w I I I I Note: REF = SPT Refusal 5 I I I 1 a I I 1 I W I I I I Z I I I I Bail/Recharge test: w a I 1 I I Hole Diameter: 4.5 I I I I Depth of boring during bail test: 50.7' o I I I I Depth of casing during bail test: 50.5' w I I I I Bailed bore hole water level to 21' i I I I I Recharge after 1 minutes :19.1' o I I I t Recharge after 2 minutes :17.3' I I 1 1 Recharge after 3 minutes :16' I I I I Recharge after 4 minutes :15.7' 0 Recharge after 5 minutes :15.7' `e --10 I I I I Recharge after 10 minutes :15.7' 0 65 o I I I I I I I I - N I I 1 I J I I t I x ! I I 1 °o I I I I z I I I I O I I I I w I I 1 I I I I I w I 11 11 I I 1 1 I 1 1 M_ Washington State LOG OF TEST BORING .,' Department of Transportation Start Card RE-09326 HOLE No- DC-63p-13 XL-4282-A Job No. SR 405/167 43.6 ft Elevation Sheet 1 of _4 Project 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector Driller Haller, Robert Lic# 2779 Component Fill Inspector FetterlY, Jamie 42507 Start December 11, 2013 Completion December 12, 2013 Well ID# BHB-912 Equipment CME 45 (9C4-3) Station NB-405 1208+79.481 Offset 79.6 feet ri ht Hole Dia 9 6 Historical SPT Efficiency Past Rig Efficiency 67.5% (inches) Northing 173934.664 Easting 1300330.347 Collected by Region Survey Method Wet Rotary Lat 47.4685030 Long -122.2083872 Datum NAD 83/91 HARN, NAVD88, SPIN (ft) Drill Fluid Polymer ® SPT Efficiency s v d Field SPT (N) Blows/6' T Z o v t ° _ Moisture Content (N) 2 z a° p v Description of Material C E 2 o a aand/or ® ROD E E J~ ° c w RQD FF rn V O 20 40 60 80 —� 3 D-1 Sandy SILT with organics, medium dense, olive, moist, I I t I I I I I 5 homogeneous. HCI not tested. I I I I 6 Recovered. 2.0 ft Retained: 2.0 ft 1 1 f I 10 1 I I I I I I 1 (11) I I I I 1 I I I I I — 40.0 I I I I I I I I J 1jj I 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a D-2 Silty SAND with organics, medium dense, olive, moist, 1 I I I 5 homogeneous. HCI not tested. I I 6 Recovered: 1.2 ft Retained: 1.2 ft �, I 1 I I I I t I I I I I gravels present from 6.5' to 7.5' A •f t I ♦ I I I I 2 D 3 Silty SAND, loose, gray, wet, homogeneous. HCI not — 35.0 = I I 1 1 3 tested. I I I I 4 Recovered: 1.1 ft Retained: 1.1 It t I I I I (7) 10 I I I I 7 D4 Silly SAND with wood, loose, dark gray, wet, �^ I I 1 I 4 homogeneous. HCl not tested. o I I I I 2 Recovered: 0.7 ft Retained: 0.7 ft A I I I I I I I I (6) I I I I I I I I I gravels present as per drilling I I 1 I I I I 8 D-5 Silty SAND with gravel, sub -rounded, medium dense, — t 30.0 I I I I 9 I I dark gray, wet, homogeneous. HCI not tested. I I 1 1 9 Recovered: 0.6 ft Retained: 0.6 ft ♦ + 1 I I I 1 I I I (18) ( larger gravels present 15 l�l I I I I 10 D•6 MC GP -GM, MC=1% _ I f 6 I I GS Poorly graded GRAVEL with silt and sand, sub -rounded, 7 I 1 3 loose, brown, wet, homogeneous. HCl not tested. I 1 I I t (9) Recovered: 1.0 ft Retained: 1.0 ft ..: " ♦� • • � 1 I t I I I I I I I 1 I !R. •�ta I I I I * 7 D•7 Silty, GRAVEL with sand, medium dense, brown, wet, J d S m •'• 25.0 9 homogeneous. HCl not tested. f ;•; 11 Recovered: 0.6 ft Retained: 0.6 ft 11 T Washington State .', Department of Transportation Job No XL-4262-A SR 405/167 Proiect 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 43.6 ft HOLE No. DC-63p-13 Sheet 2 of 4 Driller Haller, Robert 0 SPT Efficiency Field SPT (N) Blow) a z o m v n � o f/ Moisture Cattent and/or c a J ~ Description of Material c 2 o °'i w a 0. ROD ROD FF E m F N o r9 20 40 60 80 _ T .' _ •—tom—' I I I I 11 D-8 Silly GRAVEL with sand, medium dense, olive, wet, — 10 homogeneous. HCI not tested. • J♦ I 1 I 1 9 Recovered: 0.6 ft Retained: 0.6 ft � ( 19 ) •�• I I I I _ I I I 1 D-9 ORGANIC Soil with sand and peat, very stiff, dark brown, —20 I I I 1 wet, homogeneous. HCI not tested. .'.I—.'. 15 -\Recovered: 0.9 ft Retained: 0.9 ft ! At 24 ft, gravel 1 I I I I I (16) = 25 — A I I I 12 D-10 Silty SAND, medium dense, light gray, moist, I I I I 7 ( homogeneous. HCl not tested. I I I I I 14 Recovered: 1.2 ft Retained: 1.2 ft ::. I I (21) ROD C-11 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, slightly weathered, — _ 88% very weak rock. Discontinuities are moderately spaced, FF and in good condition. HCI not tested.PAC •'• 1 Recovered: 100% UC — !✓ / At 29.6 ft, fracture, dipping at 45 degrees. — 30 — At 30.3 ft to 31.5 ft, Siltstone rip -up clasts. ROD C-12 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, slightly to Ay i/ 90% moderately weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities FF are moderately spaced, and in fair condition. HCl not 1 tested. Interbedded with siltstone. — :: Recovered: 100% 35 ROD C-13 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, slightly weathered, 100% very weak rock. Discontinuities are moderately spaced, FF and in fair condition. HCI not tested. Interbedded with • 1 siltstone. ' Recovered: 100% 1 —5 40— • At 40.5t ft to 41.4 ft, a sill-inilled discontinuitiy, dipping at 75 degrees. ROD so% C-14 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, slightly to moderately weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities FF are moderately spaced, and.in fair condition. HCI not —I 1 tested. Interbedded vdth siltstone. Recovered: 100% 0 At 45.3 ft, 1 /8"-thick silt-infilled fracture, dipping at 75 degrees. - 1 MAMIL Washington State Department of Transportation ' .lob No. XL-4282-A SR 405/167 Project 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector I 1 1 1 1 1 1 LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 43.6 ft HOLE No. DC-63p-13 Sheet 3 of 4 miller Haller. Robert l7 SPT Eflidency r Reld SPT (N) Blo N /6" a Z o ! a o Moisture Content and/or T 0 n n m y a Description of Material E 2 o� w a C/!1 ROD ROD r ~ 20 40 60 80 V-- / FF At 45.7 ft, 1/8"-thick silt-infilled fracture, dipping at 75 7 degrees. i �7, j At 46 ft, 1/8"-thick sill-infilled fracture, dipping at 75 ROD 100% C-15 degrees. SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, slightly weathered, Discontinuities 1 n , L FF 0 very weak rock. are moderately spaced` and in good condition. HCl not tested. Interbedded with siltstone. 5 Recovered: 100% At 49.1 ft. 1/8"-thick silt-infilled fracture, dipping at 75 degrees. 50- f - x / ROD C-16 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, slightly weathered, f 100% FF very weak rock. Discontinuities are moderately spaced, r� and in good condition. HCl not tested. — 0 Recovered: 1006% l t --10� At 53.1 ft to 56.5 ft, siltstone rip -up clasts. Y 55— . x r >: ..... ../ ? � 50/2" D-17 Silty SAND sandstone, very dense, light gray, l' (REF) G18 homogeneous. HCI not tested. x r a ROD Recovered: 0.2 ft Retained: 0.2 ft x x x i SILTSTONE, pale yellowish brown, fine grained, fresh, 15 x % FF F0F UC very weak rock. Discontinuities are moderately spaced, x x x x x x and in good condition. HCI not tested. 1 k >: / Recovered:97% Y k > x x x x 60 x >: At 58.7 ft to 60.6 ft, Sandstone and coal laminae, dipping x x Y./ at 10 to 25 degrees. ROD C-19 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, moderately 100% weak rock. Discontinuities are moderately spaced, and in `r FF good condition. HCl not tested. 0 Recovered: 100% --20 stratified with sand stone 65— At 64.7 ft to 66 ft, siltstone rip -up clasts. — I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A standpipe monument was installed on this boring. The I I I I standpipe monument is 1.7' above ground surface. -25 I I I I I I ! 1 I I 1 I 70 I I I I — MWashington State A IDepartment of Transportation Job No XL-4282-A SR 4051167 proiect 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 43.6 ft HOLE No. DC-63p-13 Sheet 4 _ of 4 _ Driller Haller. Robert v a o r c 'w W o Q. SPT Efficiency Feld SPT (N) C�+JJ�/� Moisture Content ✓/J ROD 20 40 60 80 Blows/6" (N) and/or ROD FF a a E 6 z z° a E F N J ~ Description of Material m o _ 15 1 I I I 1 I I I The implied accuracy of the borehole location I 1 I I information displayed on this boring log is typically I I I I sub -meter in (X.Y) when collected by the HQ Geotech I I I I Office and sub -centimeter in (X,Y,Z) when collected by I I I I I I I I I I I I the Region Survey Crew. — I End of test hole boring at 66.5 ft below ground elevation. - I I i I This is a summary Log of Test Boring. I 1 I I Soil/Rock descriptions are derived from visual field 75 I I I I I I I I identifications and laboratory test data. — I I I I I I 1 I Note: REF = SPT Refusal I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I Bail/Recharge test: 1 I I I Hole Diameter: 6 I I I I Depth of boring during bail test: 66.5' I I I I Depth of casing during bail test: 66' I I I I Bailed bore. hole water level to 25' Recharge after 1 minutes :22' _ I I I I Recharge after 2 minutes :18' 1 I I I Recharge after 3 minutes :16 I I I I Recharge after 4. minutes :12' 80 I I I I Recharge after 5 minutes :11' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Recharge after 10 minutes :10.7' -40 t 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 45 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I - - 90— I I I I I I I I 1 I I I i I I I i I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I i i M Washington State LOG OF TEST BORING 'I/ Department of Transportation Start Card SE-49939 / AE-24621 HOLE No. DC-69-14 Job No. XL-4282 _ SR 405/167 Elevation 47.3 It Sheet 1 of 4 Project 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector Driller Haller. Robert _ Lich 2779 Component Bridge Inspector Fetterly, Jamie #2507 Start February 5, 2014 Completion February 6, 2014 Well ID# Equipment CME 45 (9C4-3) Station NB-405 1211+75.895 Offset 111.7 feet left Hole Dia q Historical SPT Efficiency N/A (inches) Northing 174240.724 Easting 1300501.264 Collected by Region Survey Method Wet Rosary Duplex Lat 47.4693503 Lena -122.2077184 Datum NAD 83r91 HARN, NAVD88, SPN (fq) Drill Fluid Polymer aai 0 > w Q. @ SPT Efficiency Field SPT (N) Moisture Content ROD 20 40 60 80 Blows/6 (N) and/or ROD FF d F a) ° S to Z 0 E t— Description Description of Material y 3 7 t 2 N c —r—t' 1 D-1 Silty SAND, very loose, yellowish brown, moist, I I I I 1 homogeneous. HCI not tested. I I 1 I I I I I I I I 2 3 Recovered: 0.7 ft Retained: 0.7 ft 45.0 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I (3) 5 I 1 I I I t I I 1 I I I ♦1 I I 1 6 D-2 Silty SAND, medium dense, yellowish brown. moist, I I I I 9 I homogeneous. HCI not tested. I I I 8 ( Recovered: 1.2 ft Retained: 1.2 ft I ( I I I I I I (17) — 40.0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 D-3 Silty SAND, loose, yellowish brown, moist, I I I I I 5 homogeneous. HCl not tested. I I I I I 4 I I Recovered: 1.2 ft Retained: 1.2 ft I I I I (9) 10 I I I I _- 4 D-4 MC SM, MC=17% I I I I 4 GS Silty SAND, loose, yellowish brown, moist. I I 1 I 6 I homogeneous. HCI not tested. I I I I i I 1 I (10) Recovered: 1.2 ft Retained: 1.2 ft —35.0 _ I I I I I I I I I I I I 2 0-5 Silty SAND, loose, olive brown, wet, homogeneous. HCI — 2 I I not tested. I 1 I I I I 1 I 3 Recovered: 1.2 ft Retained: 1.2 ft I I I I (5) � 15— � �� I I I I 1 D-6 Silty SAND, very loose, olive gray, wet, homogeneous. 0 � I I I I 2 HCI not tested. Color changes from brown to gray @ ro I I I I 1 I 15.5'. I I I I I I 1 (3) Recovered: 1.5 ft Retained: 1.5 ft a i — 30.0TT i I I I 1 I I I I I I I, I I I I 0 D.7 MC SM, MC=27% I I I I 1 I GS Silty SAND, loose, olive, wet, homogeneous. HCI not I I I I 4 tested. (5) Recovered: 1.4 ft Retained: 1.4 ft AEk Washington State MAP Department of Transportation Job No. XL-4282 SR 405/167 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 47.3 ft HOLE No. DC-69-14 Sheet 2 of 4 DrWer Haller, Robert "(l SPT Efficiency x C o Field SPT (N) Blows/6' (N) a o z o 6 c 4) t 3 0 Moisture Conlenl and/or T n y m Description of Material 2 aai ❑ > T a` fr • f ROD ROD n E r J ~ ' w c FF 20 40 60 B0 1 D-8 Silty SAND, loose, olive, wet, homogeneous. HCI not _ I I I 1 I 3 ( I tested. I I I I 2 Recovered: 1.2 ft Retained: 1.2 ft I I I I I I I (5) 25 _ I I I I I I I • � I �, I I I I I I 2 D-9 MC MC=30%, PI=7 — I 1 I I 4 AL Sandy SILT, loose, olive brown, moist, homogeneous. I 1 I I 5 I HCI not tested. I I I (9) -Recovered: 1.5 ft Retained: 1.5 ft SM, MC=22% 25 I I I I * I 1 I 4 I D-10 MC I 1 I I 4 I GS Silty SAND, loose, yellowish brown, moist, I I 5 homogeneous. HCI not tested. FED stains present. I I I I I I I I t (9) Recovered: 1.5 ft Retained: 1.5 ft — 20 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I Sandstone contact. 30— .. I 1 I 1 I I I I >>� I I I I 50/6" Z� D-11 Silty SAND, very dense, yellowish brown, moist, (REF) homogeneous. HCI not tested. FEO stains present, I I I (sandstone) Recovered: 0.5 ft Retained: 0.5 ft _ ROD C-12 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, very weak 93% rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair 15 {✓'// FF condition. HCI not tested. 0 Recovered: 93% — 35 —� ROD C-13 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, very weak 100% rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair — 10 FF condition. HCI not tested. 0 Recovered:100% r 40 ROD C-14 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, very weak • 100 % rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair —5 .. / FF condition. HCI not tested. ::: / 0 Recovered: 100.% I I 1] I I Washington State "I/ Department of Transportation Job No. %«-4282 SR 4051167 Project 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 47.3 ft HOLE No. DC-69-14 Sheet 3 of 4 DrulPr Haller. Robert t a a c 2 .6 v w o a SPT Efficiency Field SOT (N) f31 (N /6" Moisture Content {{���� and/or 111. ROD ROD FF 20 40 60 60 N z� ° m m Z a n E E t' q Description of Material 3 c v E 2 c ;. MC / ROD C-15 UC SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, very weak — 100 % rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair FF / condition. HCl not tested. . 0 Recovered: 100% 50 — 61 f ROD C-16 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, very weak 5 100% rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair FF condition. HCl not tested. 1 Recovered: 100% f 55 j ROD C-17 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, very weak 10 100% rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair FF condition. HCl not tested. Dark brown coal and siltstone 0 laminae interbedded with sandstone lenses between depths of 52 ft and 55 ft. Recovered: 100% 60 — ROD C-18 SANDSTONE, light gray to dusky brown, fine grained, 15 100% fresh, moderately weak to moderately strong rock. FF Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair condition. 0 HCI not tested. Rock gets stronger @ 65.5'. Recovered: 100% 65 — 61 _ ROD C-19 SANDSTONE• light gray, fine grained, fresh, moderately 20 100% strong to moderately weak rock. Discontinuities are FF closely spaced, and in fair condition. HCI not tested. 0 Recovered: 100% T Washington State .', Department of Transportation Job No. XL-4282 SR 405/167 1-Ar15 /.RR1R7 r)irprt Cnnnactor LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 47.3 ft HOLE No. DC-69-14 Sheet 4 of 4 Mill- Haller, Robert t p 9 > w 0 o_ SPT Efficiency Field SPT (N) {���� Moisture Content ROD 20 40 60 80 Blows/6- (N) and/or ROD FF a o Z z° m a E m N cn " m J~ Description of Material ° c� E 2 c Poo ROD G20 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, moderately Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in /100% ' FF weak rock. good condition. HCI not tested. / o Recovered: 100% ' RQD 100% FF C-21 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, moderately weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair condition. HCI not tested. Interbedded with siltstone and 1 coal. Recovered: 100% 61 Siltstone rip -up clasts between depths of 77.5 ft and 79 ft. f I I I I n to Water was noted as being perched o p of bedrock at 16.5' on the morning of 2-6-14 and depth of boring was I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 30; this coincides with driven samples. BS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 The implied accuracy of the borehole location I I 1 I information displayed on this boring log is typically I I sub -meter in (X,Y) when collected by the HQ Geotech I I I I I I Office and sub -centimeter in (X,Y,Z) when collected by the Region Survey Crew. i I I 1 1 I I I I End of test hole boring at 81.5 ft below ground elevation. I I I I This is a summary Log of Test Boring. I I I I SoiURock descriptions are derived from visual field i I I I I identifications and laboratory test data. _ 90_ j I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I Note: REF = SPT Refusal i I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 t I I I I 1 I I F1 . I I Aski M Washington State LOG OF TEST BORING .'' Department of Transportation Start Card RE-09326 HOLENo. DC-71VW-14 Job No, XL-4282 SR 4051167 Elevation 39.9 ft Sheet __ 1 of 4 Project 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector Driller Nelson, Brad Lic# _2969 Component Bridge Inspector Harvey, Thomas #2599 Start January 27, 2014 Completion January 30, 2014 Well IDO BHB-914 Equipment CME 55 (9C7-1) Station NB-405 1209+71.289 Offset 33.7 feet right Hole Dia 4 Historical SPT Efficiency past Rig Efficiency 87.9% (inches) Northing 174016.587 Easting 1300394.936 Collected by Region Survey Method Mud Rotary Let 47.4687307 Long -122.2081320 Datum NAD 83/91 HARN, NAVD88, SPN (ft) Drill Fluid Various 0 SPT Efficiency Feld SPT (N) Blowsl6" z° o o *Moisture Content vM m Description of Material > o and/or a E12 ❑ w rill ROD ROD FF N rn 2 20 40 60 80 5 0-1 Poorly graded SAND with gravel (and organics), o 1 15 sub -angular, dense, brown, moist, stratified. HCI not )� 20 tested. p 14 Recovered: 2.0 ft Retained: 2.0 ft (35) a Poorly graded SAND, medium dense, brown, moist, I I I 8 D-2 I I 1 9 homogeneous. HCI not tested. I I I 10 Recovered: 2.0 It Retained: 2.0 ft I I I (19) I 8 D-3 MC SP-SM, MC=24% 1 1 I 10 GS Poorly graded SAND with silt, medium dense, brown, wet, \ 5_-35.0 I I I I 13 homogeneous. HCI not tested. I I 1 (23) Recovered: 1.5 ft Retained: 1.5 ft \ I I I I 5 D-4 Poorly graded SAND, medium dense, brown, wet, I I I I 5 ( homogeneous. HCI not tested. j I I I I 7 Recovered: 1.5 ft Retained: 1.6 ft — I I I I (12) I I I 1 7ft. To 14ft. No spt taken because of drill fluid coming out I I I I vac. Holes could not seal I I I I 1 I I I = ❑ I I I I I I I I g m 10 30.0 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 m I I I I A I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 7 D 5 Sandy SILT, sub -rounded, medium dense, brown, moist, I I I I 7 homogeneous, laminated. No HCI reaction. 15_ 25•0 I I I I 10 Recovered: 0.4 ft Retained: 0.4 ft — I I I I ♦ (17) 3 D-6 MC MC=29%, LL=23 1} I I I I I I I 5 I I AL Sandy SILT, loose, gray, wet, homogeneous. HCI not I I I I 2 tested. I I I (7) Recovered: 0.4 ft Retained: 0.4 ft I I I I 4 D-7 MC ML, MC=18% I I I I 7 GS Sandy SILT, medium dense, gray, moist, homogeneous. I I I I 11 HCI not tested. I I I I 12 Recovered: 2.0 ft Retained: 2.0 ft Silty SAND (trace gravels), dense, gray, moist, I I I I 10 D-8 on 20.011. U. I I I I I 21 I homogeneous. HCI not tested. t_ Washington State 'I/ Department of Transportation Job No. XL-4282 SR 405/167 I-dr15 / RRiR7 nirPrt Cnnnertnr LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 39.9 ft HOLENo. DC-71VW-14 Sheet 2 of 4 _.. mill- Nelson. Brad t p c 9 d LL 0 d ( SPT Efficiency Field SPT (N) (�/� Moisture Content ✓/.i. ROD 20 40 60 60 BloWsl6' (N) and/or ROD FF a v Off U1 o z z° a a) M F T J~ Description of Material 3 c o E ? c r T. 24 Recovered: 1.5 ft Retained: 1.5 ft I I I I I I I I (45) T. I I I I I I 1 t I I I I I I I I I ♦ I I I I 10 D-9 Silty SAND (trace gravels), dense, gray, moist. 1 I I 11 I homogeneous. HCl not tested. 25 — 15 I I I I 14 -\Recovered: 1.0 ft Retained: 1.0 ft (25) I I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I >>� 5013" I I D-10 SANDSTONE, light gray, moist, homogeneous. No HCl r--. I / (REF) C-11 reaction. Bedrock at 25ft. 30 —10 I I l ROD Recovered: 0.3 ft Retained: 0.3 ft — 47% SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, moderately e N 1 1 FF weathered, very weak to moderately strong rock. 1 Discontinuities are moderately spaced, and in fair condition. No HCI reaction. I I I Recovered:100% I I 35 I I I ROD C-12 SANDSTONE• light gray, medium grained, moderately I I I 29% weathered, very weak to moderately weak rock. i I I I FF Discontinuities are moderately spaced, and in fair 2 condition. HCl not tested. Recovered:100% • ' I I I 40 — 0 .: I I I ROD C-13 SANDSTONE, light gray medium grained, moderately I 1 1 28% weathered• very weak rock. Discontinuities are / I I I FF moderately spaced, and in fair condition. HCl not tested. I I I 1 Interbedded with siltstone. I I I Recovered: 100% 11 I n Washington State "I/ Department of Transportation Job No XL-4282 SR 405/167 Protect 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 39.9 ft HOLE No. DC-71vw-14 Sheet 3 of 4 Driller Nelson, Brad QS SPT Efficiency m y � Field SPT (N) Moisture Content Blowsl6" (N) a o Z 0 ° m a `c m E a o B o o and/or ROD v n n E y J Description of Material ? .2 ✓% ROD 20 40 60 80 _ C-14 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, slightly too/0 weathered, very weak to moderately weak rock. y FF Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in good condition. :. / 0 NCI not tested. j Recovered: 100% J 50 --10 ROD G15 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, fresh, / 100% moderately weak to very weak rock. Discontinuities are ' FF closely spaced, and in excellent condition. No HCI 0 reaction. / Recovered: 100% 55 ROD C-16 SANDSTONE light gray, medium rained moderate) 9 9 Y. grained, Y 1 68% weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are very _ 1 FF widely spaced, and in fair condition. No HCl reaction. f 1 1 Interbedded with siltstone. : % I Recovered: 100% • I : I / 60 --20 :: ROD 89% C-17 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, moderately weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are closely 11 FF spaced, and in fair condition. HCl not tested. 0 Recovered: 100% x K X MC ' SILTSTONE, light gray, slightly weathered, very weak o x X UC rock. Discontinuities are moderately spaced and in fair 65 25 Y x s 1< % I I / ROD G78 condition. HCl not tested. No HCI reaction. V X +:_n_x I I I 38 N I 1 I 1 I I FF t A / SANDSTONE, light brownish gray, medium grained, :. I I I moderately weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities 1 I I are moderately spaced, and in fair condition. I I I I I 1 m Washington State 'I/ Department of Transportation Job No. XL-4282 SR 405/167 o-.,:­ 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 39.9 ft HOLE No. DC-71yw-14 Sheet 4 of 4 Driller Nelson, Brad 8 SPT Efficiency Field SPT (N) Blows/6" (N) � n o z z° N M E a 0 o Moisture Content and/or T a J Description of Material 2 e > a pp���j� f//! RQD RQD E m r' ~ ° w FF n c7 : 20 40 60 80 ✓i%l r ROD 6-19 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, slightly Discontinuities are closely t • • 87 % weathered, very weak rock. FF spaced, and in good condition. HCl not tested. ' 0 Recovered:100% 75— -35 �.�. ., ROD - G 20 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, slightly — / 100% FF weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in good condition. HCl not tested. 0 Recovered:100% / MC UC -40 80— I I I I I I I I A flush mount monument was Installed on this boring. I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I Vibe wire installed at 80 ft (P/N52611026 S/N85068) — i I I I 1 I I I I I I I I The implied accuracy of the borehole location I I I 1 information displayed on this boring log is typically 85 --45 sub -meter in (X,Y) when collected by the HQ Geotech — i I I I I Office and sub -centimeter in (X,Y,Z) when collected by I I I I I I I I I I I I the Region Survey Crew. I 1 f I I I I I End of test hole boring at 80 ft below ground elevation. I I I I This is a summary Log of Test Boring. > I I I I Soif/Rock descriptions are derived from visual field I I I I identifications and laboratory" test data. I I I I 1 I I I Note: REF = SPT Refusal g0 --50 I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I Bail/Recharge test: _ I 1 I I Hole Diameter: 4 I I I 1 Depth of boring during bail test: 80' I I I I Depth of casing during bail test: 70' I I I I Bailed bore hole water level to 28.3' — I I 1 I Recharge after 5 minutes :18.2' 1 I I Recharge after 10 minutes :13.1' I I I I Recharge after 15 minutes :9.1' o r I i I I I I I I Recharge after 30 minutes :9.1' e U I I I I I I I I 1 I I C T Washington State LOG OF TEST BORING "I/ Department of Transportation Stad Card SE-49939/ AE-24621 HOLE No. DC'72-13 Job No. XL-4282 SR 405/167 Elevation 46.0 ft Sheet 1 of 4 Project 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector Driller Nelson, Brad L1c# 2969 Component Bridge inspector Harvey, Thomas #2599 Start December 17, 2013 Completion December 18, 2013 Well1D# Equipment CME 55 (9C7-1) Station NB-405 1210+87.352 Offset 40.8 feet right Hale Dia 4 Historical past Rig Efficiency 87.9% SPT Efficiency (inches) Northing 174065.23 Easting 1300502.275 Collected by Region Survey Method Mud Rotary. Lat 47.4688693 Long -122.2077016 Datum NAD 83/91 HARN, NAVDBB. SPN (ft) Drill Fluid Various 0 SPT Efficiency v v Field SPT (N) Blows/6' n f Z a c L a ° o f Moisture Content (N) Z a w m m Description of Material E 2 o 10 m a ROD and/or a E t— 3 ° w J ROD FF rn t� 20 40 60 80 I I I I I I I I IT I I I I I I I I 11 D-1 Silty SAND with trace of brick, dense, brown, moist, I I 1 1 17 stratified, laminated. HCI not tested. I I I t 19 Recovered: 2.0 ft Retained: 2.0 It I I 1 1 15 — I I I I (36) O I 1 I 1 5 D-2 Silty SAND, loose, brown, moist. HCI not tested. I I I I 5 Recovered: 2.0 ft Retained: 2.0 ft 5 x' 1 I I I 4 Sandy organic SOIL with wood and trace gravel, dark n I I I I (B) brown, moist. HCI not tested. i I I I I I i I O t 1 I I I I I 3 D-3 MC MC=18% I I I 4 Silty SAND with gravel, sub -rounded, loose, light ^� I I I 4 brownish gray, moist, homogeneous. HCl not tested. m I 1 1 6 Recovered: 2.0 ft Retained: 2.0 ft ^� O I I t I 4 D-4 Silty SAND with minor gravels, medium dense, light I I I I 7 brownish gray, moist, homogeneous. HCI not tested. 10-- TTI 1 5 Recovered: 2.0 ft Retained: 2.0 ft _ — I I I 5 I I I I I (12) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8 D-5 MC SM, MC=20% I I I I 10 GS Silty SAND with minor gravels, sub -angular, medium I I I i 12 dense, brown, moist, stratified, laminated. HCI not I I I I 12 tested. I I 1 I (22) Recovered: 2.0 ft Retained: 2.0 ft O I i 1 1 5 D-6 Silly SAND with minorgravels, medium dense, brown, I I 1 I 5 moist,, homogeneous. laminated. No HCI reaction. 15 9 Recovered: 2.0 It Retained: 2.0 ft — 7 I I I I (14) 30.0 XT I I I I I I I I XT I I I I f l 0 I I I I I I I 15 D-7 MC SM, MC=12% I I I I 14 GS Silty SAND with gravel, sub -rounded, dense, gray, moist, I I I I 12 homogeneous. HCI not tested. I I I 1 9 Recovered: 2.0 ft Retained: 2.0 ft I I I I OI (26) I I I 6 D-8 Silty SAND with gravel, sub -rounded, medium dense. 7 I gray, moist, homogeneous. HCI not tested. Washington State "I/ Department of Transportation Job No. XL-4282 SR 405/167 Proiect 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 46.0It HOLE No. DC-72-13 Sheet 2 of 4 Driller Nelson,. Brad r o ° w c ° (7y SPT Efficiency Feld SPT (N) Moisture Content ���,� (/L,' RQD 20 40 60 80 Blows/6- N and/or RQD a F d z o m Z g ¢ N F N J Description of Material m _ m E 2 c _ I I I 9 Recovered: 2.0 It Retained: 2.0 ft I 10 I I •-25 I I t (16) I I I I Bedrock Sandstone I I I I 50I I D-9 SANDSTONE, light gray, moist, homogeneous, (REF) laminated. HCl not tested. I I I 1 I I I I Recovered: 0.4 ft Retained: 0.4 ft 50/4" I I D-10 SANDSTONE, light gray moist, homogeneous. HCI not (REF) C-11 tested. 25— j i RQD Recovered: 0.4 ft Retained: 0.4 ft — I I ' I I 48% FF SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, slightly weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are closely — 20 I I 1 spaced, and in fair condition. No HCI reaction. — Recovered: 88% .. I I I I � I I I I �j I I I I — — 30 . `' I I >>0 513/2" D-12 No Recovery. HCI not tested. I I I (REF) C-13 SANDSTONE, light gray, coarse grained, moderately —15 RQD weathered, moderately weak rock. Discontinuities are I I I 24/o moderately spaced, and in poor condition. HCl not I I I FF tested. I I 1 2 Recovered: 100% • .. � 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 35 ��� ; ; I I I 5014" I I D-14 SANDSTONE, light gray, moist, homogeneous. HCl not (REF) C-15 tested. "-10 FEE' RQD Recovered: 0.4 It Retained: 0.4 ft _ 1 1 t 22% SANDSTONE, light gray, coarse grained, moderately I I I FF weathered, very weak to moderately strong rock. I I I 1 Discontinuities are moderately spaced, and in poor I I I condition. HCl not tested. I I I I I I Recovered: 60% JI I I I I I I 40— 5014" D-16 SANDSTONE, light gray, moist, homogeneous. HCI not 'Tl I I I (REF) C-17 tested. — 5 / I I I RQD Recovered: 0.4 ft Retained: 0.4 fl I I I 29% SANDSTONE, light gray, coarse grained, highly I I I FF MC weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are widely • • •- I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 UC spaced, and in very poor condition. HCI not tested. Recovered:68% , _ MWashington State Department of Transportation ' Job No. XL-4282 SR 405/167 Proiect 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 46.0 ft HOLE No. DC-72-13 Sheet 3 of 4 mina, Nelson. Brad v L o _ c ° m u1 m o a �3' SPT Efficiency Field SPT (N) Moisture Content C,/). ROD 20 40 60 80 Blows/6' (N) and/or ROD FF N a H m E z6 a d Z a 1 m F in - y w 00 Description of Material 3 a 2 o m c - 50/4" I I D-18 SANDSTONE, light gray, moist, homogeneous, (REF) C-19 laminated. HCI not tested. -�- o .: ROD Recovered: 0.4 ft Retained: 0.4 ft - 98% SANDSTONE, light gray, coarse grained, slightly j° FF weathered, moderately weak to moderately strong rock. 0 Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in good condition. No HCl reaction. Recovered: 100% ROD C-20 SANDSTONE, light gray, coarse grained, moderately I I 42% weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are -5 FF moderately spaced, and in fair condition. HCl not tested. 1 Recovered: 100% _ ; • I I � I I I 1 I I ' I I I I I I 55- /� I I ROD C-21 SANDSTONE, light gray, coarse grained, highly - 1 I I 28% weathered. very weak rock. Discontinuities are _ - •10 FF moderately spaced, and in poor condition. HCI not 1 tested_ J • • I I I t I 1 I I 1 I I I Recovered: 95% 60- .: .. I I I - ROD C-22 SANDSTONE, light gray, coarse grained, highly 49% weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are -15 :: FF moderately spaced, and in poor condition. No HCl 1 reaction. Dark brown laminae between 64ft and 65ft. I I I I I I I I Recovered: 100% - • . I I I I I I 65-• ROD C-23 SANDSTONE, light gray, coarse grained, moderately I 74% weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are closely --20 I FF spaced, and in fair condition. HCl not tested. .. I Recovered: 100% .. .. I I I i I z Washington State 'I/ Department of Transportation Job No. XL-4282 SR 405/167 Prniart 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 46.0 ft HOLE No. DC-72-13 Sheet 4 of 4 Driller Nelson, Brad s CFt,7 SPT Efficiency Fie ld eld SPT (N) Blows/6' (N) v a o z c m g o f Moisture Content and/or w z° n v m J Description of Material P m i a �//+ ROD ROD FF E in E F m io o C7 c 20 40 60 60 / ROD 100% C-24 SANDSTONE, light gray, coarse grained, moderately weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are closely —_25 / FF o spaced, and in fair condition. HCI not tested. Recovered:100% i 75 ROD 89% G25 SANDSTONE, light gray, coarse grained, moderately weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are closely _ -30 • FF 0 spaced, and in fair condition. No HCI reaction. Recovered: 100% 80 — - — I I I I 35 I 1 I 1 I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The implied accuracy of the borehole location I I I I information displayed on this boring log is typically 85 - 1 1 1 1 sub -meter in (X,Y) when collected by the HQ Geotech — I I t I Office and sub -centimeter in (X,Y,Z) when collected by I I I I I I I I the Region Survey Crew. 40 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I End of test hole boring at 80 ft below ground elevation. - I I I This is a summary Log of Test Boring. I I I I Soil/Rock descriptions are derived from visual field I I I I identifications and laboratory test data. I I I I I I I t Note: REF = SPT Refusal t 90-- I I I 1 I I I I Bail/Recharge lest: I I I I Hole Diameter: 4 - -45 I I I I Depth of boring during bail test: 80' I I I I Depth of casing during bail test: 70' I I I I Bailed bore hole water bevel to 39,3' I I I I Recharge after 5 minutes :34' I I I I Recharge after 10 minutes:27.9' I I I I Recharge after 15 minutes :26' nc I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I Recharge after 30 minutes :24.9' I 1 1 M Washington State LOG OF TEST BORING 'I/ Department of Transportation Start Card _ SE-50357 / AE-25260 HOLE No. DC-77-14 Job No. XL-4282 SR 405/167 Elevation 45.8 ft Sheet 1 of 3 Project 1-4051 SR167 Direct Connector Driller Haller, Robert Licit 2779 Component Inspector Fetterly, Jamie #2507 Start January 30, 2014 Completion January 30, 2014 Well ID# Equipment CME 45 (9C4-3) Station NB-405 1206+84.47 Offset 155.0 feet left Hole Dia 4 Historical SPT Efficiency N/A (inches) Northing 174077.008 Easling 1300062.879 Collected by Region Survey Method _ Wet Rotary Duplex Lat 47.4688801 Long -122.2094787 Datum NAD 83/91 HARN, NAVD88, SPN (») Drill Fluid Polymer v t o > w w o a SPT Efficiency Field SPT (N) t Moisture Content tl. ROD 20 40 60 80 Blows/6- (N) and/or ROD FF r d E z z 0 T d E F _ 0 o J �- Description of Material 6 E P c T --* I i I I r— 3 D-1 Poorly graded GRAVEL with sand, angular, loose, olive • I I I I 4 gray, moist, homogeneous. HCI not tested. — as.o � • � I 6 Recovered: 1.1 ft Retained: 1.1 ft t I I 6 (10) SM, MC=22% I I 5 D-2 MC I I 1 5 GS Silty SAND, loose, brown, moist, homogeneous. HCI not I I I I 4 tested. 1 I I I 5 Recovered: 1.1 ft Retained: 1.1 ft — I I I 1 I I I (g) 5 I I I 1 I I I f I I 4 D-3 Silty SAND, loose, olive, wet, homogeneous. HCI not I I I 5 tested. — 40.0 I I 1 4 ( Recovered: 1.0 ft Retained: 1.0 ft I I I I I I I 1 I I I I (9) — 7:::::: I I I I 1 I I li I I I I I I I 2 D-4 MC MC=24%, RES=9000 ohm cm, H=7.1 p I I I I 2 RES Silly SAND, very loose, olive brown, wet, homogeneous. I I 1 pH HCI not tested. I I (3) Recovered: 1.2 ft Retained: 1.2 ft 10 I I — I I I 1 D-5 MC MC=38%, PI=5 I I I t 1 AL Sandy SILT with trace gravels, very loose, olive brown, — 35.0 2 I wet, homogeneous. HCI not tested. I I I I I I I I (3) Recovered: 1.5 ft Retained: 1.5 ft I I I I I I I Gravels present at 12.5ft. # I 1 I I I 4 D-6 MC MC=20%, RES=8000 ohm cm, pH=7.2 I 1 1 5 RES Silly SAND with gravel, sub -rounded, loose, light olive 5 pH brown, wet, homogeneous. HCI not tested. I I I I (10) Recovered: 1.5 it Retained: 1.5 ft 15 I I I I I I 4 D-7 MC SM. MC=20% I I I I 6 I I GS Silty SAND, sub -rounded, medium dense, olive brown, 30.0 = I I I I 8 moist, homogeneous. HCI not tested. I I I I I I I I I I I I (14) Recovered: 1.5 ft Retained: 1.5 ft - 1 I I I I I I I 41 1 1 1 7 D-8 Silty SAND with gravel, sub -rounded, medium dense, I I I I 10 olive brown, wet, homogeneous. HCI not tested. I I I I 8 Recovered: 1.0 ft Retained: 1.0 ft I 1 I (18) AL 1 " Washington State 'I/ Department of Transportation Job No XL-4282 SR 405/167 o...io,•r 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 45.8 ft HOLE No. DC-77-14 Sheet 2 of 3 miller Haller, Robert o K 'v w —25 o a ~ 1� • SPT Efficiency Field SPT (N) ���/�-� Moisture Content t//i ROD 2�0 40 60 60 --rj—� I I t I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I » I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I Blowsl6" a o (N) z o and/or n n a ROD m FF I 5 D-s 8 11 ( ( (19) 50/6" �zj D-10 (REF) I_ G11 y J Description of Material Silty SAND with trace gravels, medium dense, olive brown, wet, homogeneous. HCl not tested. Recovered: 1.1 ft Retained: 1.1 ft Color change to gray. and stiffer drilling action at 22ft. Silty SAND, very dense, gray, moist, homogeneous. HCI not tested. -\Recovered: 0.5 ft Retained: 0.5 ft 0 o — c N 2 Silty GRAVEL with sand, sub -rounded, gray, wet. • I I I I homogeneous. HCl not tested. _ 25— !. • I I I I Recovered: 1.0 ft Retained: 1.0 ft 20 w t I I I I .•LI I I I i l I i >>+ r T 50/6" D-12 (REF) G13 Silty SAND'(Sandstone), very dense, gray, moist, homogeneous. HCI not tested. ROD Recovered: 0.5 ft Retained: 0.5 4 " 100% SANDSTONE• light gray, fine grained, fresh, very weak FF rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in poor 0 condition. HCl not tested. Recovered: 100% 30— IV 61 ROD C SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, very weak 100% rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced• and in fair FF condition, HCl not tested. Interbedded with sNlstone. 1 Recovered: 100% One organic -filled discontinuity at a dip of 66 degrees between 32.3 and 32.9'; Siltstone-filled discontinuities at dips of 37 degrees and 60 degrees at 34.5' and 35.5' respectively. 35 10 ROD C-15 SANDSTONE, light gray, fine grained, fresh, very weak 100% rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair FF condition. HCI not tested. Recovered: 100% MC MC=9% t 40 • LIC ROD C-16 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, fresh, very 100% weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair :: FF condition. HCI not tested. 0 Recovered: 100% ::: AOL M Washington State .,' Department of Transportation Job No. XL-4282 SR 405/167 Proiect 1-405 / SR167 Direct Connector LOG OF TEST BORING Elevation 45.8 ft HOLE No. DC-77-14 Sheet 3 of 3 Driller Haller Robert a o 0 W = o a SPT Efficiency Field SPT (N) f Moisture Content ROD 20 40 80 81 (N /6' and/or ROD FF H m n Z o ° a uM t a w J F Description of Material f0 a ? 2 c E 2 —0 _60 ROD C-17 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, fresh, very 100% weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in FF poor condition. HCl not tested. ' o Recovered: 100% 50 Ixy / — .. ROD C-18 SANDSTONE, light gray, medium grained, fresh, very 100% weak rock. Discontinuities are closely spaced, and in fair . / FF condition. HCl not tested. — 55— . % 0 Recovered: 100% --10 I I I I There is a gabion wall filled with medium size rip rap I I I I adjacent to boring, and ditches drain to this spot; however 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I no catch basin can be seen. 60_- I I I I I I I I I I 1 I -15 I 1 1 I I I I I The implied accuracy of the borehole location I I I I information displayed on this boring log is typically I I I I sub -meter in (X,Y) when collected by the HQ Geotech f I I i Office and sub -centimeter in (X,Y,Z) when collected by I I I I I 1 I I the Region Survey Crew. I I I I I I I I End of test hole boring at 56.5 ft below ground elevation. I I I I This is a summary Log of Test Boring. I I I I Soil/Rock descriptions are derived from visual field 65 " I I I I identifications and laboratory test data. I I I I Note: REF = SPT Refusal 20 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I — Appendix B APPENDIX B - TRENCHLESS METHODS FEASIBILITY TALBOT HILL SEWER RELOCATION PROJECT By Staheli Trenchless Consultants. ' Dated October 13, 2014 S TA H E L I 1725 220th Street St, Suite C-200 trenchless Bothell, WA 98021 Phone: 425-205-4930 consultants Fox: 425-205-4931 www.stahelitrenchless.com October 13, 2014 Erik Waligorski, Principal Engineer Stantec 11130 NE 33`d Place, Suite 200 Bellevue, WA 98004 Re: City of Renton, Talbot Hill Sewer Relocation Project —Trenchless Methods Feasibility Dear Mr. Waligorski, Staheli Trenchless Consultants (STC) has been tasked with evaluating the feasibility of using trenchless technology during the pre -design phase of the City of Renton, Talbot Hill Sewer Relocation Project (Project) to install sanitary sewer trending east -west along South 14Ih Street and running north -south from Smithers Avenue South to the north side of 1-405. A 12-inch high density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe is to be installed along the 14th Street Alignment. Preliminary drawings indicate a 10-inch polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe will be installed along the Smithers Avenue Alignment. Consequently, trenchless methods evaluated within this trenchless feasibility memorandum have been tailored based on a 10-inch PVC pipe installation. Upon draft submittal of this memorandum, it has come to our attention that the Smithers Avenue Alignment will require a larger pipe for hydraulic reasons. The pipe will be a minimum of 12-inches and most likely less than 15- inches. To minimize project design costs, complete re -working of this pre -design technical memorandum has not been done, but rather topics discussed within the memorandum have been edited to reflect how the pipe size change will affect the feasibility, cost, and other constructability aspects of the trenchless technologies. Figures illustrating the trenchless alignment alternatives have not been updated to reflect the larger pipe diameter. The figures will be adjusted during the design phase to represent the final pipe diameter once it has been determined. By adopting this approach, the design team will be able to evaluate the feasibility of each trenchless technology without incurring unnecessary costs and can use these cost savings to better allocate effort during the design phase. The trenchless feasibility analysis and results are documented within this technical memorandum. Specific issues examined in the trenchless feasibility analysis for the two distinct trenchless alignments include: constructability, schedule impacts, ground disturbance, installation forces, contracting and bidding environment, and project cost. The sensitivity of the pipe diameter for the Smithers Avenue Alignment with regards to these issues is also discussed. 1. Pre -design Background Review A pre -design background review was carried out to gain insight to the project characteristics that will influence the feasibility of available trenchless technologies for the 14" Street and Smithers Avenue Alignments. To date, STC has reviewed plan and profile drawings dated July 1, 2014 and the Geotechnical Desk Study: Talbot Hill Sewer Alternatives Analysis, both produced by Stantec. These documents form the premise for the trenchless feasibility study. Stantec provided review of our draft trenchless feasibility technical memorandum and brought to our attention that the pipe diameter for the Smithers Avenue Alignment will increase to between a 12-inch and 15- inch pipe. This technical memorandum has been updated to shed light on how this pipe size increase will affect trenchless method feasibility. As the Project moves into the design phase, should actual project conditions or parameters change or differ from those described in the aforementioned documents the feasibility of the City of Renton Staheli Trenchless Consultants Page 1 of 19 Trenchless Feasibility STAHELI October 13, 2014 trenchless consultants trenchless technologies should be re-evaluated based on the new information. During the design phase, constructability parameters and feasibility will be fine-tuned once the final pipe diameter has been selected. The 141h Street Alignment spans approximately 1,500 lineal feet (LF) from the northeast corner of South 15th Street and Lake Avenue South to Smithers Avenue South. This alignment traverses beneath existing houses, which will be removed as part of the 1-405 on -ramp relocation, and reaches a maximum depth below ground surface (bgs) of 45 feet beneath Davis Avenue South. The western 1,000 LF of the alignment is below the groundwater table and is anticipated to traverse very weak sandstone with closely spaced discontinuities. The eastern 500 LF is shallower and likely within loose to dense silty sand/sandy silt soil overlying the sandstone. It is anticipated that the alignment will be above the groundwater table east of Whitworth Avenue South. The Smithers Avenue South Alignment crosses beneath 1-405, requiring a minimum 240 LF trenchless installation at an approximate depth of 10 to 15 feet bgs. The installation is anticipated to be entirely within the loose to dense sandy silt/silty sand soil layer above the sandstone elevation. The groundwater head above the alignment is expected to range from zero feet bgs at sanitary sewer manhole (SSMH) 002 at STA 6+46, to seven feet bgs near STA 9+20. 2. Potentially Feasible Trenchless Technologies Potentially feasible trenchless technologies were selected based on information gathered during the pre -design background review. Soil and rock conditions, groundwater elevation, installation depth, installation length, product pipe material and size, and pipe application largely influence a technology's feasibility for a given installation. Regardless of feasibility, a technology may be preferable due to any combination of factors, including: construction risk, schedule, ground disturbance, installation forces, contracting risk, and cost. The following sections describe trenchless technologies that may be applicable and factors that influence their feasibility for the project. 2.1 Auger Boring Auger boring involves jacking a steel casing forward while simultaneously removing spoils via rotating auger flights (Figure 1). Rotation of the flights removes soil at the face while carrying the spoils back to the jacking pit where they can be removed using a clam shell or excavator. Auger boring does not provide continuous positive face support; therefore, groundwater can be problematic as it can cause soil to flow through or around the augers, causing over -excavation of material. As a result, auger boring is typically limited to stable soils located above the water table, stable clay soils that will not flow when unsupported, and in soils that can be dewatered along the entire alignment. In certain soil and groundwater conditions a sand auger, water auger, or combination of the two can be used to effectively mitigate flowing soils to prevent over excavation. Alternatively, the augers may be recessed from the face to provide a soil plug that will increase stability of the face and decrease over -excavation potential. Dense or stiff soil is ideal for auger boring as it retains stability at depth, reducing the risk of surface subsidence. Rock formations are not generally suitable for traditional auger boring installations and would require a specialized cutter head to generate adequate power and provide tooling to effectively excavate the rock face. City of Renton, WA Staheh Trenchless Consultants Page 2 of 19 ' 11 Trenchless Feasibility STAHELI October 13, 2014 trenchless consultants Figure 1: Auger bore steerable head (left), Auger and jacking unit after advancing a section of casing (right) Auger boring provides only minor grade control with primitive steering techniques, resulting in accuracy largely dependent upon the initial set up of the casing and the response of the casing to native soil conditions. Depending on the precision of the initial setup, the accuracy of this method is generally on the order of one percent of drive length both vertically and horizontally. If tight grade tolerances are necessary, or a product pipe material other than steel is selected, then a two -pass system consisting of a smaller diameter carrier pipe within the larger diameter casing may be employed. Spacers would then be used adjust the grade of the carrier pipe within the casing. Alternatively, employing a steerable head or pilot tube guidance system would increase the accuracy of the auger boring method. ' 2.2 Pipe Ramming Pipe ramming (Figure 2) consists of ramming a steel pipe through the soil using repeated percussive blows ' commonly from a pneumatic hammer powered by an air compressor, or less commonly from a hydraulic hammer. Spoils enter the open end of the pipe throughout the ramming process, forming a soil plug which provides face support by counterbalancing soil overburden and groundwater pressures. After the pipe is fully rammed in place, spoils can be removed using auger flights, compressed air, or water jetting; however, compressed air and water jetting are typically only used for small diameter installations. Because the steel pipe is fitted with a cutting shoe and not a steering head, line and grade are dictated by the ' initial setup of the pipe and its response to native soil conditions. Depending on the precision of the initial pipe alignment, the accuracy of this method is generally on the order of one percent of the drive length both vertically and horizontally. Deviations from line and grade may result from impacting objects or crossing geologic contacts 1 which preferentially "pull or push" the pipe in one direction by offering less resistance during hammering. Akin to auger boring, pipe ramming is commonly a two -pass system, allowing for the carrier pipe's grade to be adjusted with casing spacers. Pilot tubes can also be used with pipe ramming to provide increased accuracy. City of Renton, WA Staheli Trenchless Consultants Page 3 of 19 Trenchless Feasibility October 13, 2014 i Figure 2: 120-inch hydraulic pipe ram setup (left), 60-inch pipe ram with cutting shoe (right) STAHELI trenchless consultants Pipe ramming is suitable for a wide variety of soils, provided there is sufficient material to form an adequate soil plug before installation beneath sensitive structures or below the groundwater table. Alternatively, sand bags or control density fill (CDF) may be used to form an effective plug within the first pipe section prior to the start of the ram. Pipe ramming is not suitable for installations through rock formations. A common concern with pipe ramming is community impacts due to noise generated from the hammer. Table 1 lists various sources of sound and their corresponding decibel levels for a comparison to the sound level generated by a commonly used pneumatic hammer. Although pipe ramming generates significant noise, high decibel levels are for short durations, as casings are rammed relatively quickly, followed by several hours of welding. Sound barriers can be used to dampen the noise should it be thought necessary. Table 1 — Sound pressure level. Data provided by TT Technologies, American Augers, and Industrial Noise Control Source of Sound Rifle Fired at 1 meter Sound Pressure Level 140 dB Threshold of Pain 130 dB Hearing Damage (due to short-term exposure) — 120 dB Taurus Pneumatic Hammer at 4 meters 115 dB Hearing Damage (due to long-term exposure) — 85 dB Taurus Pneumatic Hammer at 50 meters 93 dB Major road at 10 meters 80 — 90 dB Passenger Car at 10 meters 60 — 80 dB 42-600 Auger Boring Machine 105 dB Diesel Train at 45 mph at 30 meters 83 dB 1 1 1 1 City of Renton, WA Staheli Trenchless Consultants Page 4 of 19 ' Trenchless Feasibility ST_AHELI ' October 13, 2014 trenchless consultants ' 2.3 Pilot Tube Guidance Over the last twenty years, pilot tube guidance methods have been developed to increase the accuracy of trenchless installations. The pilot tube process consists of pushing a small diameter tube through the soil, steered ' using a digital theodolite set to the design line and grade and an LED illuminated target located within the steering head/lead pilot tube (Figure 3). The image of the target is transmitted to a monitor in the jacking shaft and indicates the direction of the slant -faced bit on the steering head, as well as any deviation from the design ' alignment. Once the pilot bore is complete, the hole can be enlarged via conventional auger boring or pipe ramming. Use of pilot tubes commonly enables horizontal and vertical accuracy of plus or minus 0.25 inches over drive lengths of up to 400 feet (Akkerman, 2014. Pilot tube installation relies on radial displacement of the soil as the pilot tubes are jacked forward. As such, pilot tube installations through soils with standard penetration test (SPT) blow counts greater than 50 and in rock can be problematic and are not recommended. camas Ll a&tll ' rhaodAta � LED Illuminated target Figure 3: Pilot tube guidance systems (Akkerman 2014) 11 2.4 Steerable Head Guidance Steerable heads (Figure 4) may be used in conjunction with the auger boring methodology to increase installation accuracy. The steerable head is first fixed to the lead casing section before the installation has commenced. The casing, with head attached, is then jacked forward and spoils are removed via auger flights just as with traditional auger boring. The installation progresses until the steerable head has entered the reception shaft and can be removed from the lead casing. Figure 4: Akkerman Eliminator (Akkerman 2014) (left), ICON Tunnel Systems FSBU (ICON 2014) (right) City of Renton, WA Staheli Trenchless Consultants Page 5 of 19 1 Trenchless Feasibility STAHELI October 13, 2014 trenchless consultants There are numerous types of steerable heads available on the market today. Selection of the proper head is determined based on the anticipated ground conditions. Some steerable heads are equipped with conical bullet bits and/or drag picks capable of excavating low strength rock, while others do not have a protruding cutter head and are dependent upon penetrating the soil with the leading edge of the head. Guidance is achieved either by extending hydraulically operated wedges outwards against the borehole wall to steer the head in the opposite direction, or by articulating joints composed of hydraulic jacks that steer advancement in the desired direction. Certain guidance systems implement a theodolite, camera, and LED illuminated target system similar to that used in pilot tube guidance. Others, utilize a water level to monitor grade and a surveyed string -line to monitor alignment. 2.5 Small Boring Unit The Robbins Company has developed small boring units (SBUs) that can be fixed to the lead end of steel casing, similar to a steerable head, to enable boring in rock with line and grade correction capabilities. Contrary to most steerable heads, the SBUs are capable of excavating rock with unconfined compressive strengths up to 25,000 psi. Depending on the ground conditions, the cutterhead can be configured with any combination of disc cutters and tungsten carbide insert cutters similar to those found on microtunneling heads. The cutterhead is rotated either by auger flights that simultaneously transport soil from the face to the jacking shaft, as is the case with the SBU- A, or by a hydraulic or electric motor housed within the SBU, as is the case with the SBU-M (Figure 5), SBU-RHSS, and SBU-RHDS. The SBU-A does not require personnel entry and is powered by the auger boring rig but lacks steering capability. The SBU-M, SBU-RHSS, and SBU-RHDS are operated from within the SBU shield. Personnel entry within the shield enables the use of laser guidance to monitor line and grade. Steering corrections are made by activating the stabilizer pads and/or the articulation cylinders within the boring unit. articulating front shield operator station cutterhead stabilizer pad invert auger assembly articulation cylinders Figure 5: Side View Schematic of a Robbins SBU-M (Robbins 2014) 2.5 AXIS Guided Boring System The AXIS guided boring system (AXIS) is a shaft -launched, laser -guided boring system capable of installing 10-inch to 14-inch diameter on -grade sewer and water pipes for lengths up to 500 feet in rock. Similar to pilot tube auger boring, an AXIS installation is completed in more than one step. The first step is to jack the specially made drill head and temporary casing from the jacking shaft to the reception shaft. The drill head can be fitted with a rock bit (Figure 6, left) similar to HDD rock hole openers or with a cutterhead fitted with drag picks or bullet bits. A City of Renton, WA Staheli Trenchless Consultants Page 6 of 19 1 1 1 1 Trenchless Feasibility STAHELI October 13, 2014 trenchless consultants ' laser is positioned in the jacking shaft at the design line and grade and transmits down the optical path at the 12 o'clock position in the temporary casing (Figure 6, right). Contained within the drill head is a camera, which sends imagery of the laser's position against the target in the drill head (Figure 6, middle) to a monitor in the jacking shaft. The operator is then able to adjust an articulating joint in the drill head to keep the laser centered within the target crosshairs. As the drill head is advanced, the cutter bit cuts through the soil and spoils are vacuumed from within the temporary casing to a vacuum tank on the ground surface. The first step is complete once AXIS I temporary casing segments have been installed from the jacking shaft to the reception shaft and the drill head has been removed. 1 Figure 6: Rock Bit and Drill Head (left), Drill Head Target (middle), Casing (right) Product pipe is installed during step two of AXIS. Thejoints between each casing are specially designed in a manner which allows for them to be pulled back through the bore. By doing so, a plethora of pipe materials are able to be installed with AXIS. Polyvinyl chloride, ductile iron, and HDPE may be pulled through the bore from the reception shaft by attaching the pipe to the casing with a pullhead. A reamer may be used to upsize the borehole beyond the size excavated by the drill head if a larger product pipe diameter is desired. Alternatively, rigid product pipes, known as jacking pipes, such as steel, or vitrified clay, can be installed from the jacking shaft to the reception shaft in a cartridge loading fashion similar to the temporary casing installation phase. ' Due to the ability to fix various cutting bits to the drill head, AXIS may be used in rock and a variety of soil types; however, AXIS would not be applicable in a cobble or boulder rich environment. Using AXIS within loose saturated cohesionless soils is challenging and presents risk of over -excavation. Advancement and vacuum excavation rates ' may be adjusted to minimize settlement potential in unstable soils, although, application of positive face pressure required in unstable and high groundwater conditions is not possible due to the vacuum excavation process. ' 2.6 Horizontal Directional Drilling Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) is a surface to surface pipeline installation technique typically comprised of three phases (Figure 7). The first phase consists of drilling a guided/steerable pilot bore from an entry location to ' an exit location along a pre -determined alignment. Tracking of the drilling equipment is commonly achieved using a down -hole sonde that transmits roll, pitch, depth, and other parameters to a receiver that displays the data to the drill locator, who relays this information to the drill rig operator. The second phase is referred to as the ' reaming phase where the bore diameter is enlarged by pushing or pulling reamers through the bore. Multiple passes with reamers of increasing diameters are typically required to ream the bore to its final diameter. The third phase involves pulling the carrier/product pipe into the bore and completes the installation process. City of Renton, WA ' Staheli Trenchless Consultants Page 7 of 19 Trenchless Feasibility ST_AHELI October 13, 2014 trenchless ' consultants Figure 7: The three phases of an HDD installation. While the reaming pass shown is a back -ream, a forward - ream is also possible and may be desirable given project constraints. Drilling fluids comprised of a mixture of water, bentonite and/or polymers are continuously pumped to the drilling tool during all phases of the installation process. These fluids are used to stabilize the bore, assist the drilling/reaming processes, cool the cutting tools, and lubricate the pipe string. The generated soil cuttings mix with the injected drilling fluids to create slurry that is removed from the bore by a fluid -induced pressure gradient. Ideally, the borehole remains full of drilling fluid at all times to maintain stability. The ideal soil conditions for HDD are clay -rich soils, followed by dense formations of cohesionless fine sands and silts that stay suspended in the drilling fluid, allowing for effective transportation of the soil cuttings. Soils should ideally be medium dense to dense to promote borehole stability and steering response. Drilling through rock formations is possible, given that the contractor uses appropriate rock drilling equipment and techniques. Generally, rock allows for a stable borehole to be excavated which adequately contains the pressurized drilling fluid, allowing for efficient cleaning of the spoils from the borehole. Drilling through fractured or highly weathered rock can present challenges, as it is more difficult to contain pressurized drilling fluid within the borehole. Additionally, there is a greater likelihood of excavating the borehole in a manner which produces larger cuttings. Larger cuttings require a higher drilling fluid velocity to remain in suspension while flowing through the borehole via the circulating drilling fluid. Drilling fluid additives may be used to aid in sealing rock fractures along the borehole and to contain the pressurized drilling fluid. When drilling in fractured or weathered rock, production rates may be decreased and/or the drilling fluid flow rate may be increased to reduce the likelihood of cuttings 1 1 1 1 City of Renton, WA Staheli Trenchless Consultants Page 8 of 19 ' I Trenchless Feasibility October 13, 2014 STAHELI trenehless consultants I settling out of suspension within the borehole. 3. Trenchless Alternatives ' The pipelines to be installed along the 141h Street and Smithers Avenue alignments are to operate under gravity flow. As such, they should be installed with an installation method capable of achieving tight line and grade tolerances, and preferably, a steerable method allowing for correction of line and grade during the installation ' should it be necessary. Auger boring and pipe ramming without the aid of pilot tube or steerable head guidance would require a significantly oversized casing to ensure deviations in casing line or grade could be negated through adjustment of the carrier pipe within the casing. Pilot tube and steerable head guidance enable the casing to be installed to the required project tolerances and do not require a significantly oversized casing (steerable heads are not suitable for pipe ramming installations). The SBU-M, SBU-RHSS, and SBU-RHDS also provide a means for an accurate casing installation; however, the smallest of these machines is the 48-inch SBU-M, which would require a casing diameter much larger than the carrier pipe. The AXIS system meets the accuracy requirements for this alignment and would not require a two -pass system to house the carrier/product pipe. The 14th Street Alignment traverses veryweak rock with closely spaced discontinuities, or fractures. ability weak , ..,.,.,.,, The aU���.y to successfully penetrate and displace the ground formation is paramount in being able to use pilot tube guidance. It is highly unlikely that pilot tubes would be able to penetrate the rock, and therefore pilot tube guidance is not considered feasible for the 14" Street Alignment. Steerable heads equipped with a cutterhead designed for non - displaceable ground, as pictured in Figure 4, should be able to excavate the weak rock. However, the augers used to rotate the cutter head are hollow stemmed to facilitate use of the guidance system and are not capable of transferring the torque necessary to excavate the bore at lengths much longer than 250 feet. As such, the 141h Street Alignment would have to be divided into four distinct drives with two jacking shafts and three reception shafts if this installation method where chosen. Although auger boring with a steerable head would be technically feasible, the cost associated with excavating five relatively deep shafts would be unreasonable. AXIS is capable of ' excavating a borehole through rock at distances up to 500 feet, requiring two drives and three shafts to complete the installation. The ability of AXIS to directly install the product pipe without a two -pass system will negate some of the costs associated with excavating three shafts. A feasible AXIS alignment is shown on Sheet 2 of 5 (Appendix SBUs are capable of excavating weak rock and their use is feasible for the 14th Street Alignment. To minimize cost, drive length should be maximized and the smallest diameter machine should be utilized. The SBU-A is the smallest, but it is not laser guided and would likely not be able to complete a 920 LF drive due to torque restrictions. The SBU-M is the next smallest model, however it is generally limited to drive lengths of 500 feet or less. As such an ' intermediate shaft would have to be excavated and two SBU-M drives would be required (Sheet 3 of 5, Appendix A). The SBU-RHSS and SSBU-RHDS would not require an intermediate shaft and could perform the installation in one drive, although, the smallest diameter casing able to be installed with this technology is 54 inches. Due to the material cost associated with such an oversized casing and the increased cost of the more advanced equipment, ' use of the SBU-RHSS and RHDS technology for this alignment would not be competitive with other feasible trenchless methods. ' The accuracy of an HDD depends on two main factors: the depth of the installation related to the capability of the locating system to accurately track the pilot bore at depth, and the ability of the ground material to provide sufficient resistance for the pilot bit to obtain adequate steering response. As a rule of thumb, HDD tracking ' systems are capable of detecting the actual location of the pilot bit to within two percent of the depth bgs. Consequently, HDD is most commonly used for pressure pipe and conduit applications, which are not reliant upon gravity for successful system operation. If the design grade of the alignment is greater than two percent, however, City of Renton, WA ' Staheli Trenchless Consultants Page 9 of 19 1 Trenchless Feasibility STA_HELI October 13, 2014 trenchless consultants the locating accuracy of HDD combined with its steering capabilities can be sufficient to prevent reverse grade within the installed pipeline. The current alignment for 14th Street would not be feasible for an HDD installation due to the relatively flat, one percent grade. On the other hand, if the alignment were to be adjusted to allow for a steeper grade of at least two percent, HDD would be a viable trenchless alternative for the 14th street crossing. As the project moves forward into design, it is critical that the project team evaluate whether a steeper slope (0.02 ft/ft) will satisfy the hydraulic requirements of the system. Horizontal directional drilling is not a feasible trenchless alternative with a slope less than two percent due to the increased risk of a reverse grade occurring along the installation. Sheet 1 of 5 (Appendix A) depicts an alternative alignment for the 141h Street Alignment that would be more suitable for HDD. This alternative extends to sanitary sewer manhole (SSMH) 004 and allows for a slope of two percent. An important aspect of HDD that must not be overlooked during design is obtaining sufficient work space to string out the product pipe on the ground surface in preparation for pullback. Preliminarily, it may be possible to set up the HDD drill rig between Whitworth Avenue South and Morris Avenue South and to lay the product pipe along the southeast curb of the existing 1-405 on -ramp. During design, the height of the overhead high voltage power lines above the proposed drill rig location should be determined to ensure appropriate clearances can be maintained. It is anticipated that a drill rig sized for this project would require 15 feet of vertical space, with a safe clear distance between the rig and power lines determined by the transmission voltage. The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) requires a casing for all underground crossings of 1-405. For this matter alone, HDD would not be a preferable trenchless technology for the sewer installation along the Smithers Avenue Alignment. Small boring units are tailor-made for rock and are not ideal for bores through sandy silt or silty sand soil. If an SBU were to be used, the casing would be larger than required to house the carrier pipe and costs would be unnecessarily high. Although using an SBU may be feasible, it is not a preferable alternative for the Smithers Avenue Alignment. AXIS is a feasible option for installing casing within the sandy silt and silty sand soil at the design line and grade. Without incrementally upsizing the borehole, the largest casing able to be installed with AXIS is 14 inches in outside diameter. The inside diameter of a 14-inch diameter steel casing should be large enough to host a 10-inch PVC carrier pipe, but would likely be too small to host a pipe 12-inches or larger. Depending on WSDOT casing thickness requirements, a fusible PVC (fPVC) pipe may be able to achieve the 12-inch flow requirement while minimizing the external fPVC diameter to allow for it to be installed within the 14-inch casing. If fPVC is not preferred or the carrier pipe needs to have a flow diameter larger than 12-inches, a reamer would have to be used to upsize the borehole to accommodate a larger casing. To minimize construction risk and associated costs, it is suggested to shorten the drive length for the Smithers Avenue Alignment to 280 LF, spanning from the proposed SSMH 002 location to the north side of 1-405. Shortening the alignment would help ensure torque and jacking force capabilities of the machinery are not exceeded. Auger boring with a steerable head or pilot tube guidance and pipe ramming with pilot tube guidance (Sheet 4 of 5 of Appendix A) are feasible trenchless technologies that are more in tune with project requirements for the Smithers Avenue Alignment. They both provide steering mechanisms capable of achieving the accuracy necessary to keep the casing size to a minimum, and would successfully excavate the bore in the silty sand/sandy silt soil. The 280 LF drive length recommended for the AXIS alternative is also recommended for guided auger boring and guided pipe ramming to reduce construction risk and costs. Based on preliminary analysis, six trenchless alternatives are considered feasible for the two alignments. Auger boring with an SBU-M, AXIS, and HDD are feasible for the 14th Street Alignment. Pilot tube guided pipe ramming, 1 1 1 City of Renton, WA Staheli Trenchless Consultants Page 10 of 19 ' Trenchless Feasibility S_TAHELI October 13, 2014 trenchless consultants t auger boring utilizing either a steerable head or pilot tubes, and AXIS are feasible for the Smithers Avenue Alignment. Evaluation of the cost, construction schedule, ground movement potential, anticipated installation forces, and contracting risk for each trenchless alternative will provide further grounds for selecting the preferred ' trenchless alternative for each alignment. 3.1 Cost and Schedule Implications 11 1 Table 2 displays preliminary cost and anticipated construction duration estimates of feasible trenchless alternatives for each alignment based on the documents reviewed during the pre -design background review. The cost estimate can be classified as a Class 4 estimate with an accuracy range of minus 15 percent to plus 45 percent, representative of a cost estimate intended for feasibility purposes. It should be noted that Alternative 1A spans a greater distance than Alternative 1B and 1C. For an equal comparison of total cost, the cost of installing sanitary sewer from SSMH 005 to SSMH 004 using open trench techniques should be added to the trenchless installation costs of Alternative 1B and 1C. Alternatively, the unit cost provides an equivalent cost comparison between the three alternatives. Additionally, cost estimates for the Smithers Avenue Alignment reflect costs associated with the installation of a 10-inch carrier pipe and will slightly underestimate costs if a larger pipe is to be used. Table 2 — Preliminary Cost and Schedule for Trenchless Alternatives Alignment, Casing Installed Unit Cost Duration Alternative Technology Diameter (in) Footage Total Cost ($) ($eft) (Days) 14th Street, 1A HDD None 1181 1,150,000 980 41 14thSSBUeet, 1B 48 917 2,130,000 2,330 81 14th Street, 1C AXIS None 917 620,000 680 34 Smithers Avenue, 2A Auger Boring 24 280 440,000 1,580 25 Steerable Head Smithers Avenue, 213 Auger Boring 24 280 490,000 1,750 27 Pilot Tube Smithers Avenue, 2C Pipe Ramming 24 280 530,000 1,900 28 Pilot Tube Smithers Avenue, 2D AXIS 14 280 550,000 1,720 19 The least costly trenchless alternative for the 14th Street Alignment is AXIS, which is about half of the cost of the HDD alternative and one third of the cost of the SBU alternative. The SBU alternative has a high cost due to the necessity to excavate a 35-foot long shaft within the rock and install a 48-inch diameter casing to house the 12- inch product pipe. Horizontal directional drilling costs are higher than AXIS due to the incremental upsizing of the borehole during the reaming process and the anticipated risk costs associated with installing an on -grade product pipe. The cost estimate for HDD assumed the contractor would upsize the borehole to an industry standard diameter of 1.5 times the product pipe diameter, in three separate reaming passes. If the contractor is confident City of Renton, WA Staheli Trenchless Consultants Page 11 of 19 Trenchless Feasibility TAHELI October 13, 2014 VSonsultants renchless in their ability to upsize to a smaller borehole or to accomplish the reaming with two passes, the cost of HDD would be reduced, but will likely still be higher than AXIS due to the perceived risks of an on -grade HDD. Construction costs and duration for the analyzed alternatives of the Smithers Alignment were between 1,600 $/ft and 1,900 $/ft and 19 to 28 work days, respectively. Shaft footprints and depths are relatively consistent between each evaluated trenchless method, although the shafts for the AXIS system can be shortened due to the smaller machine footprint. Preliminarily, it was assumed the contractor would install pilot tubes with a guided boring machine and then switch to an auger boring rig to install the casing. A contractor may elect to complete the entire installation with a guided boring machine, which would allow for a jacking shaft of similar size to the AXIS jacking shaft for use in the pilot tube auger boring alternative. One aspect that affects cost and duration, is the increased time required to install pilot tubes for guided auger boring and guided pipe ramming before proceeding with the permanent casing installation. With AXIS, the added time to install temporary casing is negated by the decreased time necessary to excavate a smaller borehole and install a smaller permanent casing. Alternative 2A, which utilizes a steerable head, does not require a phased installation and allows for permanent casing to be installed as the first and only step of the casing installation process. Cost and duration for Alternative 2C exceeds that of Alternative 2B due to the necessity to have guidance equipment, a hammer, and an auger boring rig, as opposed to the guidance equipment and an auger boring rig required of Alternative 213. Increasing the carrier pipe diameter is expected to influence the AXIS alternative to the greatest extent due to the size of the AXIS temporary casings being 14 inches. Since the temporary casings will need to be replaced with permanent casings, the number of phases will not increase, but the last phase, installing the permanent casings, will take longer to complete due to the necessity of using a reamer to upsize the borehole. The reamer would be fixed between the temporary casings and permanent casings and cuttings would be vacuumed through the temporary casings while the permanent casings are pulled into place. It is anticipated that this added excavation will decrease production and add an additional day to complete the permanent casing installation. As such, the cost of installing permanent casing with the AXIS alternative will be close to that of the pilot tube guided pipe ramming alternative. For construction feasibility reasons, the casing size utilized during the cost estimates for Alternatives 2A, 213, and 2C was 24 inches. A 24-inch casing installed by guided trenchless technologies will be of sufficient size to host a carrier pipe of 15 inches and, thus, the cost of upsizing the carrier pipe will be proportional to the increased cost for a larger carrier pipe. 3.2 Ground Movement Expectations The 14th Street Alignment is almost entirely within rock. Consequently, Alternatives 1A, 113, and 1C are not expected to cause surface heave or settlement throughout the majority of the alignment. Alternative 1B and 1C exit the rock and enter loose to dense silty sand/sandy silt soil at the approximate station of 10+00, where the groundwater head is expected to be less than two feet. The presence of groundwater in a loose cohesionless soil increases potential for over -excavation for trenchless methods that do not provide continuous face support. Although loose sands may be encountered, the groundwater head, combined with a depth of cover equivalent to approximately 3.5 casing diameters, for the larger diameter SBU-M casing, would likely not result in over - excavation, nor settlement of the ground surface. Settlement risk for the smaller diameter AXIS installation would be even less. Often, a depth of cover above the casing equivalent to two casing diameters is sufficient to allow for movement of the soil particles immediately surrounding the casing exterior without experiencing settlement at the ground surface. Minor surface settlement in the vicinity of the HDD entry and exit pits, where the proposed installation is relatively shallow, is to be expected for Alternative 1A. The Smithers Alignment traverses loose to dense silty sand/sandy silt soil with a groundwater head ranging from zero feet at the southern end to six feet at the northern end. Settlement calculations were performed for auger 11 I City of Renton, WA Staheli Trenchless Consultants Page 12 of 19 , 1 Trenchless Feasibility STAHELI October 13, 2014 trenchless consultants boring, pipe ramming, and AXIS methodologies at two critical locations assuming a carrier pipe diameter of 10- inches. The first location, STA 8+60 is under the highway along its northern side, where settlement would likely be the most detrimental. The depth of cover in this location is approximately 13 feet with groundwater head anticipated to be 4.5 feet. The second location, STA 9+20, is beneath the planter strip on the northern side of the highway. Settlement is expected to be greatest at the second location due to the combination of the shallowest depth of cover (10 feet) and highest groundwater head along the alignment. Figures 61 and B2 illustrate estimated surface settlement at stations 8+60 and 9+20, respectively. The maximum anticipated surface settlement at STA 8+60 for the auger boring, pipe ramming, and AXIS methodologies is 0.22 inches, 0.18 inches, and 0.20 inches, respectively. At STA 9+20, the maximum surface settlement for auger boring, pipe ramming, and AXIS was estimated to be 0.29 inches, 0.22 inches, and 0.31 inches, respectively. The settlement calculations predict the anticipated settlement at the ground surface using conservative methods and inputs resulting in predictions that are known to be greater than what are routinely observed in practice. Thus, settlement beneath 1-405 is expected to be negligible due to the conservatism of the analysis and the roadway subgrade's ability to bridge small settlement values. The likelihood of settlement is least with pipe ramming, as spoils are removed only after the casing has been rammed to its final position. As such, the source of settlement due to pipe ramming activities is limited to soil relaxing into the overcut provided by the cutting shoe. Auger boring and AXIS combine this mechanism of settlement with the added potential for over -excavation. With auger boring, recessing the auger string within the casing allows for a soil plug to stabilize the face, reducing the potential for over -excavation. Additionally, sand augers, or augers with less spacing between the auger flights, can mitigate potential over -excavation. AXIS does not use augers to excavate the spoil and is not capable of generating a soil plug to provide positive face pressure. The rate of vacuum excavation in relation to installation rate can be monitored and balanced to mitigate potential over excavation. Adjusting the installation and vacuum excavation rates is not as effective as development of a soil plug, and therefore, settlement risk for AXIS is more dependent upon the soil and groundwater conditions encountered. ' Increasing the diameter of the carrier pipe will increase settlement risk if the casing size needs to be increased. For constructability reasons, the casing size used in the settlement calculations for auger boring and pipe ramming alternatives was 24 inches and would not need to be increased to house the larger carrier pipe. Thus, the ' estimated settlement for the auger boring and pipe ramming alternative will not change from those listed in Figures B1 and B2. Instead of pulling in the permanent casings immediately behind the temporary casings during the AXIS installation, a reamer would be used to upsize the borehole immediately in front of the permanent ' casings. Although this does not increase the amount of phases that are needed to complete the installation, it does increase the amount of phases that include excavation, thereby increasing settlement risk. It is estimated that the reaming phase would double the settlement predicted in Figures 131 and B2. As the Project moves into the design phase, the design team should determine the maximum permissible ground surface settlement along ' 1-405 and compare this to the settlement estimates to determine whether the risk of settlement for AXIS would be acceptable. 1 3.3 Preliminary Installation Force Analysis The installation forces for auger boring, pipe ramming, SBUs, AXIS, and HDD are intrinsically different. Horizontal directional drilling induces high tensile forces during pullback of the product pipeline. The tensile stresses, along with capstan and hydrostatic stresses, must not exceed the capacity of the product pipe. Based on our experience with drills of similar size and length, a 12-inch DIPS DR 17 HDPE pipe should be sufficient in withstanding the City of Renton, WA Staheli Trenchless Consultants Page 13 of 19 7 L Trenchless Feasibility �STAHELI October 13, 2014 trenchless consultants installation stresses. Pull force calculations should be performed during design should HDD be selected as the preferred alternative to compare the strength of the pipe in relation to the estimated pipe installation forces. Jacking resistance for rock bores are caused by two phenomena, frictional resistance along the rock -pipe interface and penetration resistance at the cutterhead face. The force necessary to excavate the rock depends on the strength of the rock, and the contact area between the cutting tools on the cutterhead and the rock face. Rock bore frictional stresses are not as high as soil bores due to the stability of a rock borehole resulting in lower normal forces imposed along the casing. As a result of the lower frictional stresses, jacking forces are unlikely to rapidly increase over the length of the bore. The jacking frames available for use in the AXIS and SBU systems are capable of driving a 500 LF rock bore. Care should be taken during design to account for the total estimated jacking forces transmitted to the jacking shaft thrust block. The Smithers Avenue Alignment is 280 LF, well within industry standard with respect to drive length for auger bores, pipe rams, and AXIS through soil. Due to the relatively short drive length, neither jacking force nor torque required to turn the cutterhead and augers will approach the maximum capacity of the equipment. Upsizing the casing from 14-inches to a diameter sufficient to house the larger diameter carrier pipe will increase pull back forces required to pull in the permanent casing during an AXIS installation; however, the increase in pull forces will be within the capabilities of the AXIS machinery and will not be problematic. 3.4 Contracting and Bidding Environment Contracting issues should not be overlooked when selecting the most desired feasible trenchless alternative. A technology may indeed be preferable in terms of construction risk and costs; however, if there are few local contractors with crew or equipment capable of efficiently utilizing the technology, the owner may receive artificially high bids due to lack of competition or difficulty in procuring competitive bids. Horizontal directional drilling is a commonly performed construction technology with numerous experienced contractors within the Puget Sound area. However, the perceived risk of performing an on -grade small diameter HDD will likely result in more costly bids and/or limit the bidder pool. Careful contract language and a pre -bid meeting to effectively communicate project risks and tolerances to contractors may prove critical in generating a competitive bidding climate. There have not been many SBU or AXIS rock bores completed within the Pacific Northwest, and it is unlikely that there will be many contractors in the area who have significant experience with the technologies. Often times, however, equipment manufacturers are willing to visit the construction site to aid the contractor with successful operation of the machinery. Experienced tunneling or auger boring contractors will likely prove successful in adapting their methods to complete an SBU or AXIS rock bore, especially under the guidance of an equipment manufacturer representative. A plethora of contractors are specialized in auger boring and pipe ramming; although, not all of these contractors are experienced using pilot tube or steerable head guidance. However, the number of contractors experienced with these guidance methods are sufficient to enable a healthy bidding environment for the Smithers Avenue Alignment, based on bidding results from past pilot tube projects within the Puget Sound area. To widen the bidder pool and increase bidding competition, it would be beneficial to allow an auger bore guided with pilot tubes or a steerable head and pipe ramming with pilot tube guidance for the Smithers Avenue Alignment. Similar to rock bores, there have not been many soil AXIS installations in the Pacific Northwest; however, tunneling and auger boring contractors should be well prepared to complete a soil AXIS installation with the aid of an equipment manufacturer. AXIS is the only trenchless method that is considered feasible for both the 14th Street City of Renton, WA Staheli Trenchless Consultants Page 14 of 19 Trenchless Feasibility ' October 13, 2014trenchless �STAHELI consultants and the Smithers Avenue Alignment. Allowing its use for both alignments would likely result in cheaper AXIS bids due to economy of scale. ' 4. Closing There are two alignments within the Talbot Hill Sewer Relocation Project where trenchless technologies are being evaluated as alternatives to open cut. The first alignment is for a 12-inch HDPE sanitary sewer along 14th Street ' and will traverse very weak sandstone for the majority of its length. AXIS (Alternative 1C) is the cheapest feasible trenchless technology for this alignment; it does not require a two -pass system, requires only one intermediate shaft, and has a low risk of exceeding grade tolerances. HDD (Alternative 1A) is the second cheapest feasible ' technology, given the pipeline slope can be adjusted to at least 0.02 ft/ft. Since the sewer will operate under gravity flow, contractors are likely to add cost to their bid to account for the perceived increased risk associated with an on -grade HDD installation. SBU rock boring (Alternative 16) is also a feasible trenchless alternative. ' Construction risk is considered low with SBU rock boring, although more expensive due to the oversized two -pass system required, large intermediate jacking shaft within rock, and long construction schedule anticipated. ' The second alignment is for a PVC sanitary sewer to be installed from Smithers Avenue to the north side of 1-405. The final diameter of the sanitary sewer for this alignment has yet to be determined, but will likely be between 12 inches and 15 inches. Auger boring with pilot tubes or steerable head guidance and pipe ramming with pilot tube guidance are feasible for this reach. AXIS has a higher potential for surface settlement than the other ' trenchless alternatives and is considered feasible only if the increased settlement risk is acceptable. To maximize the bidder pool and increase the likelihood of a competitive bid environment, we suggest allowing the use of each of these trenchless technologies for this alignment. 1 Please do not hesitate to call us if you would like to discuss the trenchless options for your project. As this project moves forward into design, we would be pleased to provide further recommendations as to the design parameters ' that should be considered for each trenchless technology and measures that may be taken to reduce construction risks and cost. I Sincerely, 'Aqot� Matthew Olson Project Engineer t Christopher Price Project Engineer Kimberlie Staheli, Ph.D., P.E. Principal Engineer City of Renton, WA Staheli Trenchless Consultants Page 15 of 19 Trenchless Feasibility STAHELI October 13, 2014 trenchless consultants 5. References Akkerman Inc. (2014). Guided Boring Machine (GBM) Technical Manual. http://www.akkerman.com. Clever, K. (2014). Small Boring Unit Capabilities. Telephone Interview. 10 Sep. 2014. ICON Tunnel Systems. (2014). Products: Guided Auger Boring. http://www.iconjds.com/frontboring_intro.dws Milligan, J. (2014). AXIS Guided Boring System Capabilities. Telephone Interview. 11 Sep. 2014. Sivesind, C. (2014). Eliminator Capabilities. Telephone Interview. Sep. 2014. The Robbins Company. (2014). Motorized SBU Spec Sheet. http://www.therobbinscompany.com. City of Renton, WA Staheli Trenchless Consultants Page 16 of 19 Trenchless Feasibility October 13, 2014 S_TAHELI trenchless consultants Appendix A City of Renton, WA Staheli Trenchless Consultants Page 17 of 19 _ _�s-----ss T c GNrn aNL- 7i.12 I PR0pOSEQ / a1 SSW W5 I � ssuN oe2J ill RIM11111 yI cNNL- NL- 4211 yh ~I i swN 31 / R N. 101.5B 0 I IE CNTR CHNL- 93.11 _ P� I � I _ 10 SSWo4 9171E ON I I I I C) .. 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[ am aaE- 92.09� 1st. 9a.t9 NE am 00&- 77.22 11 � I pby 1 I $S. pe2- 1 RIM- W.93 kE am a+l- .2.ti -� V I; uj u Q I c 1 W Fc I C 1 8 a- 62 6 QON7 [ illl 1 -� 7 1 pimp ° l-Jy oT Kerior — aloci I1111 `""W" "rotir°N "° 14th Street Alignment `"- 09/02.14 Small Boring Unit C-rist�aher Pr'ce AFPR 09/02/ 14 - (Profile provided by Stantec) STAHELI kir bcrl'c Stoi-e 512E No D.G NO trenchless D - Sheet 3 of 5 consultants' TA H E G I renehless Vonsultants, l,liy OT Kenion — I aIDOi hall o;�nwK Matthaw Olson Smithers Avenue Alignment Guided Pipe Ram & Guided Auger Bore Alternatives .1_`[K ,y/O>/,a ; ch-;stooher Price APPR, oa/02/14 Krnoo-6e S:ahal ; _= PSCM NO — cw3 „a R, Sheet 4 of 5 = e >-,-L , so wticr, «EE- 4 R-V 1 C� Trenchless Feasibility October 13, 2014 City of Renton, WA Staheli Trenchless Consultants Appendix 6 STAHELI trenchless consultants Page 18 of 19 Trenchless Feasibility STAHELI October 13, 2014 trenchless consultants Figure BI: Estimated Surface Settlement at Station 08+60 along the Smithers Avenue Alignment Horizontal Offset from Centerline (ft) -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 0.00 0.05 0.10 - - 0.15 � --*--Auger Boring 0.20 --�- Pipe Ramming 0.25 - ---AXIS ai 0.30 a� H 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 Figure 82: Estimated Surface Settlement at Station 09+20 along the Smithers Avenue Alignment Horizontal Offset from Centerline (ft) -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 C - 0.20 C E 0.25 4) 0.30 ai 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 City of Renton, WA ' Staheli Trenchless Consultants -m Auger Boring —Pipe Ramming —AXIS Page 19 of 19 Appendix C I I H F CITY OF RENTON Tabot Hill Sewer Relocation Life Cycle Cost Comparison - 60 Year Description Alt. 1- Lift Station Alternative Alt. 2 - Smithers Ave South Crossing Alt. 3 -Talbot Road South Crossing Life Cycle Period - Years1i' 60 60 60 Discount Ratepi 1.9% 1.9% 1.9% Total Project Costs - Present Worth"' $3,558,338 $3,410,603 $3,020,464 Periodic Major Maintenance and Capital Costsl9l Rehabilitate Lift Stations (at 30 and 60 years) $404,000 N/A N/A Replace Generators (at 30 and 60 years) $168,000 N/A N/A Total Periodic Major Maintenance and Capital Costs $572,000 $0 $0 Annual O&M Costs Labor Costs Labor (Hours) 240 30 30 Labor Hour Cost $50 $50 $50 Annual Labor Cost $12,000 $500 $500 Materials, Non -Labor, Equipment $2,000 $500 $500 Total Annual O&M Costs $14,000 $1,000 $1,000 Annual Power Costs(') Average Power Cost ($/KWH) $0,0870 $0 $0 Average Total KWH (Western LS) 1S,300 0 0 Average Total KWH (Eastern LS) 47,400 Basic Charge (Annual) for 2 services $240 $0 $0 Total Annual Power Cost (with 1.25 misc. multiplier) $7,119 $0 $0 Present Worth of Project Costs $3,558,338 $3,410,603 $3,020,464 Present Worth of Periodic Major Maintenance and Capital Costs $572,000 $0 $0 Present Worth of Annual O&M Costs $498,652 $35,618 $35,618 Present Worth of Annual Power Costs $253,551 $0 $0 Total Present Worth of All Costslsll'I $4,883,000 $3,446,000 $3,056,000 (1) Life cycle of 60 years is based on the major rehabilitation work indicated at the end of 30 years and 60 years for the 2 lift station in Alternative 1. All the other infrastructure for all 3 alternatives is expected to have a useful life of 60 years or more. It is assumed that replacement assets will repeat the ' costs that have been forecast for the initial asset. (Reference: Principles of Engineering Economy: Grant, Ireson, and Leavenworth). (2) Real Discount Rate = 1.9% as published in Appendix C of OMB Circular A-94; December 2013. Inflation is assumed to impact all future prices similarly and will not affect the life -cycle analysis in terms of constant purchasing power. (Reference: Principles of Engineering Economy: Grant, Ireson, and Leavenworth). (3) Project costs are based on a 40% project allowance added to the construction cost estimates. ' (4) Lift Station rehabilitations (Alternative 1) includes rehab of facility coatings, replacement of submersible pumps and motors, replacement of lift station accessories as needed, and instrument, alarm, telemetry, and control work. Generators are also assumed to be replaced after 30 years but their useful lives may be longer. Costs are construction only. (5) Power cost calculations are based on ultimate flows with an estimated base 1/1 component. Power costs based on existing sanitaryflaws would be less. ' (6) Salvage value has not been estimated in this analysis. Salvage value represents the net value of removing an asset and selling it. The generators, pumps, and motors in Alternative 1 may have salvage value after 60 years. Otherwise, there is very little, if any, salvage value for the three alternatives. (7) Residual value also has not been estimated. Residual value, unlike salvage value, does not represent actual cash revenue but only represents a value assignment for the facilities in place and in use. V:\2002\active\2002003606\analysis\report\appendices\Life Cycle Costs -Talbot Hill_BAS_.x1sx CONSTRUCTION PLANNING COSTS Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 11130 NE 33rd Place, Suite 200 Prepared by: Date BAS 10/2/2014 ' Bellevue, WA 98004 Revised by: BPW/ELB Date: 10/6/2014 OWNER: City of Renton PROJECT: Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report - Alternative No. 1 ' Approx. Bid Item uescnption Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization and Demobilization (Not to Exceed 10% of Contract Total) 1 LS S 149,500.00 $ 149.500.00 2 Construction Surveying and Staking 1 LS $ 10.000.00 S 10.000.00 3 Trench and Excavation Safety Systems 1 LS S 20,000.00 S 20,000.00 4 Temporary Erosion/Sedimentation Controls 1 LS $ 40.000.00 $ 40.000.00 5 8-Inch PVC Gravity Sewer Pipe 1020 LF $ 130.00 $ 132,600.00 6 12-Inch Diam. PVC Gravity Sewer Pipe 510 LF S 150.00 $ 76,500.00 7 48-Inch Diam. Sanitary Sewer Manhole 8 EA $ 4,500.00 S 36.000.00 8 Connect New Sanitary Sewer to Existing Manhole 3 EA $ 6,000,00 $ 18.000.00 9 6-Inch Diam. PVC C900 Sewer Force Main 550 LF S 9000 S 49,500.00 10 10-Inch Diam. PVC C900 Sewer Force Main 590 LF $ 110.00 S 64.900.00 11 6-Inch PVC Side Sewer Pipe 120 LF $ 100.00 $ 12.000.00 12 Imported Backfill Material 4000 TON $ 20.00 S 80,000.00 13 Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable Foundation Material 60 TON $ 20.00 S 1,200.00 14 Reconfigure Existing System at EX. SSMH 312 1 LS S 50.000.00 S 50,000 00 15 Lift Station Site Clearing and Grading 2 LS $ 10.000.00 S 20.000.00 16 Dewatering System 2 LS $ 35,000.00 S 70,000.00 17 Lift Station Shoring and Excavation Safety Systems 2 LS $ 80.000.00 $ 160,000.00 18 Lift Station Excavation and Backfill 2 LS S 40.000.00 S 80,000.00 19 Precast Concrete Wet Well 2 LS S 55,000.00 S 110,000.00 20 Precast Concrete Valve Vault 2 LS S 30.000.00 S 60,000.00 21 Facility Coatings 2 LS S 25.000.00 $ 50,000.00 22 Lift Station Piping 2 LS S 30.000.00 S 60.000.00 23 Submersible Sewage Pumps and Motors 2 LS S 60,000.00 $120,000.00 24 Lift Station Accessories 2 LS S 20,000.00 $ 40,000,00 25 Electrical Work 2 LS S 90.000.00 $ 180.000.00 26 Instrument, Alarm, Telemetry, and Control Work 2 LS S 16.000.00 $ 32,000.00 27 CMU Control Building 2 LS S 55.000.00 S 110,000.00 28 Mechanical Work 2 LS $ 8.000.00 $ 16.000.00 29 Standby Generator Set 2 LS S 50.000.00 $100,000.00 30 Lift Station Site Paving 2 LS $ 4,600.00 S 9.200.00 31 Pavement Restoration 100 SY S 150.00 $ 15.000.00 32 Surface Restoration 2 LS $ 10,000.00 $ 20,000.00 33 Testing and Startup Services 2 LS $ 8,000.00 S 16,000.00 34 Construction Records and Operation & Maintenance Manual 2 LS $ 5.000.00 $ 10.000.00 Subtotal S 2,018.400 Sales Tax @ 9.5% S 191,748 Subtotal $ 2,210,148 Contingency @ 'I S.0 % S 331.522 Total Probable Construction Cost $ 2,541,670 1 PLANNING LEVEL CONSTRUCTION COSTS ' Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Prepared by: BAS 11130 NE 33rd PI, Suite 200 Date: 10/2/2014 Bellevue, WA 98004 Revised by: BPW Date: 10/6/2014 OWNER: City of Renton PROJECT: Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report - Alternative No. 2A Approx. ' Bid Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization 1 LS S 143.300 00 $ 143.300.00 ' 2 Trench Excavation Safety Systems 1 LS S 20.000,00 $ 20,000.00 3 Construction Surveying. Staking, and As-Builts 1 LS $ 8,000.00 $ 8.000.00 4 Temporary Erosion/Sedimentation Controls 1 LS $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 ' S 6 Site Clearing and Grubbing 8-Inch Diam. PVC Gravity Sewer Pipe 1 LS 860 LF S 5,000.00 $ 140.00 S 5,000.00 $ 120,400.00 7 12-Inch Diam. PVC Gravity Sewer Pipe 580 LF $ 150.00 $ 87.000 00 8 15-Inch Diam. PVC Gravity Sewer Pipe 260 LF $ 170.00 S 44.200.00 9 AXIS Trenchless Installation of 12-Inch Diam. Sewer Pipe 920 LF S 68000 $ 625.600,00 ' 10 Auger Boring Steerable Trenchless Installation of 15-Inch Diam.Sewer Pipe 420 LF S 1,580.00 $ 663.600 00 11 48-Inch Diam. Sanitary Sewer Manhole 10 EA $ 4.500.00 $ 45.000.00 12 Connect New Sanitary Sewer to Existing Manhole 1 EA $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 ' 13 Imported Backfill Material 5300 TON $ 20.00 $ 106,000.00 14 Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable Foundation Material 50 TON S 10.00 S 500.00 15 Pavement Restoration 200 SY S 150.00 $ 30,000.00 16 Landscape Restoration 1 LS S 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 ' Subtotal $ 1,934,600 Sales Tax @ 9.5% $ 183,787 Subtotal Sched. A $ 2,118,387 ' Contingency @ 15% $ 317,758 Total Probable Construction Cost $ 2,436,145 11 I V:\2002\active\2002003606\analysis\report\appendices\opcc_alternative2.xlsx PLANNING LEVEL CONSTRUCTION COSTS Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Prepared by: BAS 11130 NE 33rd PI, Suite 200 Date. 10/2/2014 Bellevue, WA 98004 Revised by: BPW Date: 10/6/2014 OWNER: City of Renton PROJECT: Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report - Alternative No. 213 Bid Item Description Approx. Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization 1 LS S 184,000.00 $ 184,000.00 2 Trench Excavation Safety Systems 1 LS S 20.000.00 S 20.000.00 3 Construction Surveying, Staking, and As-Builts 1 LS S 8,000.00 S 8,000.00 4 Temporary Erosion/Sedimentation Controls 1 LS $ 20.000.00 S 20,000.00 5 Site Clearing and Grubbing 1 LS S 5.000.00 S 5.000,00 6 8-Inch Diam. PVC Gravity Sewer Pipe 860 LF $ 140.00 S 120,400.00 7 12-Inch Diam. PVC Gravity Sewer Pipe 580 LF S 150.00 S 87.000.00 8 15-Inch Diam. PVC Gravity Sewer Pipe 260 LF S 170.00 S 44.200.00 9 HDD Trenchless Installation of 12-Inch Diam. Sewer Pipe 1180 LF S 98000 S 1,156,400.00 10 Auger Boring Steerable Trenchless Installation of 12-Inch Diam.Sewer Pipe 420 LF S 1,580.00 S 663.600.00 11 48-Inch Diam. Sanitary Sewer Manhole 9 EA S 4.500,00 S 40.500.00 12 Connect New Sanitary Sewer to Existing Manhole 1 EA S 6,00000 $ 6.000.00 13 Imported Backfill Material 4400 TON S 20.00 S 88,000.00 14 Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable Foundation Material 50 TON $ 10.00 $ 500.00 15 Pavement Restoration 200 SY S 150.00 $ 30,000.00 16 Landscape Restoration 1 LS S 10,000,00 $ 10,000.00 Subtotal S 2,483,600 Sales Tax @ 9.5% S 235,942 Subtotal Sched. A $ 2,719,542 Contingency @ 15% $ 407,931 Total Probable Construction Cost $ 3,127,473 V:\2002\active\2002003606\analysis\report\appendices\opcc_a Iternative2.xlsx PLANNING LEVEL CONSTRUCTION COSTS Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Prepared by: BAS 11130 NE 33rd PI, Suite 200 Date: 10/2/2014 Bellevue, WA 98004 Revised by: BPW Date: 10/6/2014 OWNER: City of Renton PROJECT: Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report - Alternative No. 2A Bid Item Description Approx. Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization 1 LS $ 143,300.00 S 143,300.00 2 Trench Excavation Safety Systems 1 LS $ 20,000.00 S 20,000.00 3 Construction Surveying, Staking, and As-Builts 1 LS $ 8,000.00 S 8.000,00 4 Temporary Erosion/Sedimentation Controls 1 LS S 20.000.00 $ 20,000.00 5 Site Clearing and Grubbing 1 LS S 5.000.00 S 5,00000 6 8-Inch Diam. PVC Gravity Sewer Pipe 860 LF $ 140.00 S 120,400.00 7 12-Inch Diam. PVC Gravity Sewer Pipe 580 LF S 150.00 $ 87.000 00 8 15-Inch Diam. PVC Gravity Sewer Pipe 260 LF S 170.00 S 44.200 00 9 AXIS Trenchless Installation of 12-Inch Diam. Sewer Pipe 920 LF S 680.00 S 625.600.00 10 Auger Boring Steerable Trenchless Installation of 15-Inch Diam.Sewer Pipe 420 LF $ 1.580.00 S 663.600 00 11 48-Inch Diam Sanitary Sewer Manhole 10 EA S 4,500.00 $ 45.000.00 12 Connect New Sanitary Sewer to Existing Manhole 1 EA S 6,000.00 S 6,000.00 13 Imported Backfill Material 5300 TON S 20.00 $ 106,000.00 14 Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable Foundation Material 50 TON S 10.00 $ 500.00 15 Pavement Restoration 200 SY $ 150.00 $ 30.000.00 16 Landscape Restoration 1 LS S 10.000.00 S 10,000.00 Subtotal S 1,934,600 Sales Tax @ 9.5% $ 183,787 Subtotal Sched. A $ 2,118,387 Contingency @ 15% $ 317,758 Total Probable Construction Cost $ 2,436,145 V:\2002\active\2002003606\ana Iysis\report\a ppen d ices\opcc_a Iternative2.xlsx PLANNING LEVEL CONSTRUCTION COSTS Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Prepared by: BAS 11130 NE 33rd PI, Suite 200 Date: 10/2/2014 Bellevue, WA 98004 Revised by: BPW Date: 10/6/2014 OWNER: City of Renton PROJECT: Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report - Alternative No. 3A Bid Item Description Approx. Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization 1 LS S 126,900.00 S 126.900.00 2 Trench Excavation Safety Systems 1 LS $ 20.000,00 S 20.000,00 3 Construction Surveying, Staking, and As-Builts 1 LS $ 8.000.00 S 8,000.00 4 Temporary Erosion/Sedimentation Controls 1 LS S 20.000.00 $ 20,000.00 5 Site Clearing and Grubbing 1 LS S 5,000.00 S 5.000.00 6 8-Inch Diam. PVC Gravity Sewer Pipe 600 LF S 140.00 S 84.000.00 7 12-Inch Diam. PVC Gravity Sewer Pipe 1280 LF $ 150.00 S 192.000.00 8 AXIS Trenchless Installation of 12-Inch Diam. Sewer Pipe 920 LF $ 680.00 S 625,600.00 9 Auger Boring Steerable Trenchless Installation of 12-Inch Diam.Sewer Pipe 260 LF $ 1,580.00 S 410,800.00 10 48-Inch Diam. Sanitary Sewer Manhole 11 EA $ 4.50000 $ 49,500.00 11 Connect New Sanitary Sewer to Existing Manhole 1 EA $ 6,000.00 $ 6.000.00 12 Imported Backfill Material 7000 TON $ 20.00 $ 140.000.00 13 Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable Foundation Material 50 TON $ 10.00 S 500.00 13 Pavement Restoration 100 SY $ 150.00 S 15,000,00 14 Landscape Restoration 1 LS $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000,00 Subtotal S 1,713.300 Sales Tax @ 9.5% S 162,764 Subtotal Sched. A $ 1,876,064 Contingency @ 15% $ 281,410 Total Probable Construction Cost $ 2,157,474 V:\2002\active\2002003606\analysis\report\appendices\opcc_a Iternative3.xlsx PLANNING LEVEL CONSTRUCTION COSTS Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Prepared by BAS 11130 NE 33rd PI, Suite 200 Date: 10/2/2014 Bellevue, WA 98004 Revised by: BPW Date: 10/6/2014 OWNER: City of Renton PROJECT: Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report - Alternative No. 3A Bid Item Description Approx. Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization 1 LS S 126,900 00 S 126,900.00 2 Trench Excavation Safety Systems 1 LS $ 20,000 00 S 20,000.00 3 Construction Surveying, Staking, and As-Builts 1 LS S 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 4 Temporary Erosion/Sedimentation Controls 1 LS S 20.000.00 $ 20.000.00 5 Site Clearing and Grubbing 1 LS $ 5.000.00 S 5,000.00 6 8-Inch Diam. PVC Gravity Sewer Pipe 600 LF S 140,00 $ 84,000.00 7 12-Inch Diam. PVC Gravity Sewer Pipe 1280 LF $ 150.00 $ 192,000.00 8 AXIS Trenchless Installation of 12-Inch Diam. Sewer Pipe 920 LF $ 680.00 $ 625.600.00 9 Auger Boring Steerable Trenchless Installation of 12-Inch Diam.Sewer Pipe 260 LF $ 1,58000 S 410,800.00 10 48-Inch Diam. Sanitary Sewer Manhole 11 EA $ 4,500.00 $ 49,500.00 11 Connect New Sanitary Sewer to Existing Manhole 1 EA $ 6.000.00 S 6,000.00 12 Imported Backfill Material 7000 TON $ 20,00 S 140,000.00 13 Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable Foundation Material 50 TON $ 10,00 S 500.00 13 Pavement Restoration 100 SY $ 150.00 S 15,000.00 14 Landscape Restoration 1 LS $ 10,000.00 S 10,000.00 Subtotal S 1.713,300 Sales Tax @ 9.5% S 162.764 Subtotal Sched. A $ 1,876,064 Contingency @ 15% $ 281,410 Total Probable Construction Cost $ 2,157,474 V:\2002\active\2002003606\analysis\report\appendices\opcc_alternative3.xlsx PLANNING LEVEL CONSTRUCTION COSTS Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Prepared by: BAS 11130 NE 33rd PI, Suite 200 Date: 10/2/2014 Bellevue, WA 98004 Revised by: BPW Date: 10/6/2014 OWNER: City of Renton PROJECT: Talbot Hill Alternative Analysis Report - Alternative No. 3B Bid Item Description Approx. Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization 1 LS $ 167,600.00 S 167,600.00 2 Trench Excavation Safety Systems 1 LS S 20.000.00 S 20,000.00 3 Construction Surveying. Staking, and As-Builts 1 LS S 8.000.00 S 8,000.00 4 Temporary Erosion/Sedimentation Controls 1 LS S 20,000,00 S 20,000.00 5 Site Clearing and Grubbing 1 LS $ 5.000.00 S 5,000.00 6 8-Inch Diam. PVC Gravity Sewer Pipe 600 LF S 140.00 S 84,000.00 7 12-Inch Diam. PVC Gravity Sewer Pipe 1280 LF S 150.00 S 192,000.00 8 HDD Trenchless Installation of 12-Inch Diam. Sewer Pipe 1180 LF S 980.00 S 1,156A00.00 9 Auger Boring Steerable Trenchless Installation of 12-Inch Diam.Sewer Pipe 260 LF S 1,580.00 S 410.800.00 10 48-Inch Diam. Sanitary Sewer Manhole 10 EA S 4,500.00 $ 45.000.00 11 Connect New Sanitary Sewer to Existing Manhole 1 EA $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 12 Imported Backfill Material 6100 TON $ 20.00 S 122,000.00 13 Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable Foundation Material 50 TON S 10.00 $ 500.00 14 Pavement Restoration 100 SY $ 150.00 S 15,000.00 15 Landscape Restoration 1 LS $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 Subtotal S 2,262.300 Sales Tax @ 9.5% S 214.919 Subtotal Sched. A $ 2,477,219 Contingency @ 15% $ 371,583 Total Probable Construction Cost $ 2,848,802 V:\2002\active\2002003606\analysis\report\appendices\opcc_alternative3.xlsx Sta ntec 11130 NE 33rd Place, Suite 200 Bellevue, WA 98004