HomeMy WebLinkAboutrenton_es_#16-rfi#499-traffic_signal_pole_at_sw_corner_of_10th_street_&_duvall-202308151933Cornerstone General Contractors 11805 North Creek Pkwy S Suite 115 Bothell, Washington 98011 P: +14254817460 Project: 2113 Renton ES #16 Duvall Ave NE Renton, Washington 98059     RFI #499: Traffic Signal Pole at SW Corner of 10th street & Duvall   Status Closed on 08/15/23   To Chris Bicket (TENW)  Ingrida Sanders (Hutteball + Oremus Architecture)  Lisa Thomsen (Hutteball + Oremus Architecture)  From Jeremiah Tovrea (Sare Electric)   Date Initiated Aug 9, 2023 Due Date Aug 9, 2023 Location Project Stage Course of Construction Cost Impact TBD Schedule Impact Yes (Unknown) Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number Reference Linked Drawings   Received From Jeremiah Tovrea (Sare Electric)Sub Job Copies To Gerard Boulanger (Cornerstone General Contractors), Jason Lickert (Sare Electric), Katie Pond (Hutteball + Oremus Architecture), Jeremy Ritchie (Cornerstone General Contractors), John Seith (Cornerstone General Contractors), Ed Thomson (Renton School District)      Activity   Question Question from Jeremiah Tovrea Sare Electric on Wednesday, Aug 9, 2023 at 04:25 PM PDT  Per direction from the City of Renton, the signal pole base at the Southwest corner of 10th and Duvall shall be relocated as indicated in the attached sketch.    Please confirm a pole base 24" above grade and in line with the sidewalk as shown is acceptable for this application and engineering.  A revised drawing is requested for City approval. Please have the City of Renton confirm the signal height of the signal arm will be acceptable as approved on a 24" above grade pole base (putting it 2' higher than currently installed).  Also confirm that no retaining wall will be required with this requested solution. Locates have been called in to confirm proposed location is viable for installation.  RFI#424 only had the base being poured higher not out into the sidewalk.  Is it possible to submit additional costs for the sidewalk demo and repair for this scope alteration?    Attachments Hilltop SW Signal Pole - Markup Reduced.pdf   Official Response Response from Lisa Thomsen Hutteball + Oremus Architecture on Tuesday, Aug 15, 2023 at 07:33 AM PDT  See response from TENW.   Official Response Response from Chris Bicket TENW on Monday, Aug 14, 2023 at 02:27 PM PDT  RFI 499 Traffic Signal Plan field revision attached for City of Renton approval.   Attachments RFI 499 TRAFFIC SIGAL PLAN FIELD REVISION.pdf       Cornerstone General Contractors Page 1 of 2 Printed On: Aug 15, 2023 12:33 PM PDT    Official Response Response from Chris Bicket TENW on Thursday, Aug 10, 2023 at 01:35 PM PDT  Install new mastarm signal pole foundation per attached figure consistent with City of Renton requirements. Confirm foundation location in the field with City of Renton once utility locates are complete.   Face of foundation shall be approximately at back of sidewalk as illustrated in attached figure.  Embedment depth shall be per approved plans and foundation shall extend an additional 24 inches above grade. Foundation shall mimic existing light pole base just south of signal pole in question – per response to RFI 424.  Remove existing curb and sidewalk as necessary to  route new conduit to new foundation.  When new foundation is complete and cured, relocate signal pole to new foundation.  Restore sidewalk, curb, and slope at new foundation location.  After signal pole is moved, chip/remove existing foundation and anchor bolts to 18 inches below grade, or per City of Renton Requirements, and restore slope to match what was existing and immediately surrounding area. If removed, restore sidewalk, curb as necessary.    All Replies Response from Lisa Thomsen Hutteball + Oremus Architecture on Tuesday, Aug 15, 2023 at 07:33 AM PDT  See response from TENW.   Response from Chris Bicket TENW on Monday, Aug 14, 2023 at 02:27 PM PDT  RFI 499 Traffic Signal Plan field revision attached for City of Renton approval.   Attachments RFI 499 TRAFFIC SIGAL PLAN FIELD REVISION.pdf   Response from Chris Bicket TENW on Thursday, Aug 10, 2023 at 01:35 PM PDT  Install new mastarm signal pole foundation per attached figure consistent with City of Renton requirements. Confirm foundation location in the field with City of Renton once utility locates are complete.   Face of foundation shall be approximately at back of sidewalk as illustrated in attached figure.  Embedment depth shall be per approved plans and foundation shall extend an additional 24 inches above grade. Foundation shall mimic existing light pole base just south of signal pole in question – per response to RFI 424.  Remove existing curb and sidewalk as necessary to  route new conduit to new foundation.  When new foundation is complete and cured, relocate signal pole to new foundation.  Restore sidewalk, curb, and slope at new foundation location.  After signal pole is moved, chip/remove existing foundation and anchor bolts to 18 inches below grade, or per City of Renton Requirements, and restore slope to match what was existing and immediately surrounding area. If removed, restore sidewalk, curb as necessary.  RFI #499 - Traffic Signal Pole at SW Corner of 10th street & Duvall Project: 2113 Renton ES #16     Cornerstone General Contractors Page 2 of 2 Printed On: Aug 15, 2023 12:33 PM PDT    IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSTENWTransportation Planning | Design | Traffic Impact & Operations11400 SE 8th Street, Suite 200, Bellevue, WA 98004Office (425) 889-6747Transportation Engineering NorthWestProject Contact: Trevor Takara, P.E.Phone: 425-250-086505/20/2022NE 10th StDuvall Ave NELEFT TURNYIELD ON GREENSTOP ON FLASHINGREDIF NOTHEN PROCEEDSTOP ON REDCROSSWALKLEFT TURNYIELD ON FLASHINGIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSTENWTransportation Planning | Design | Traffic Impact & Operations11400 SE 8th Street, Suite 200, Bellevue, WA 98004Office (425) 889-6747Transportation Engineering NorthWestProject Contact: Trevor Takara, P.E.Phone: 425-250-086505/20/2022IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSTENWTransportation Planning | Design | Traffic Impact & Operations11400 SE 8th Street, Suite 200, Bellevue, WA 98004Office (425) 889-6747Transportation Engineering NorthWestProject Contact: Trevor Takara, P.E.Phone: 425-250-086505/20/2022T-419220R-419296DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERINGmsippo 06/16/2022LUA:21-000167PR:20-000097C:21-0042891479726 MAY 2022Install new mastarm signal pole S3 foundation at approximate Station15+50, 40ft Lt. The contractor shall confirm foundation location in thefield with City of Renton once utility locates are complete. Face offoundation shall be approximately at back of sidewalk unless otherwisedirected by the City of Renton. Embedment depth shall be per approvedplans (Sheet TS-04) and foundation shall extend an additional 24 inchesabove grade. Foundation shall mimic existing light pole base just southof signal pole in question (per response to RFI 424). Remove existingcurb and sidewalk as necessary to route new conduit to new foundation. When new foundation is complete and cured, relocate signal pole tonew foundation. Restore sidewalk, curb, and slope at new foundationlocation. After signal pole is moved, chip/remove existing foundationand anchor bolts to 18 inches below grade, or per City of RentonRequirements, and restore slope to match what was existing andimmediately surrounding area. If removed, restore sidewalk, curb asnecessary. S3RFI# 499TENW8/14/2023 2. Route signal conduit from existing traffic signal handhole to new foundation location 1. Remove ped curb and possibly sidewalk panel to route new conduit to new signal pole foundation location 3. Survey new location for signal pole per approved RFI response. Foundation be exposed above grade per RFI response. Dig, form, and pour new foundation 4. Temp in signal pole for operation on existing mispoured foundation while work on new foundation occurs. When new foundation is complete and cured, move existing signal pole to new foundation. Will need City of Renton inspection based on MOU or other agreement for new foundation 5. After pole is moved to permanent foundation, chip down mispoured foundation 18" per City of Renton standard, and restore slope to existing condition around new exposed foundation.