HomeMy WebLinkAboutTED4001415.1Go v'r. L oT 211 \ 5Fc./7,Twp23N, o /�.5E., 14/�°' 0 N o -_ - Property Line t� ! cOncWai/< d Conc- C'c/rb I 6 " wo I WILL../ W/LLlAN, °0 /; v �O I I 9�p DA UM CIT'f' OF QENTON CiEIVERA L NOTES 25 A// Moteria/ � lNor!«n0nshi o 25 Shcr// be ir7 OCCOra'once with the re - J7u1I`e/77 eats 010the State of Wash /n9 - ton, Departrne/-,t of //i9hways, Sf'Qn- CI'CJ'rd .S,C�eCif'icatior7s for /?oa4' �` Briaye Construct/on, dated Aa—i/ /948 and amended i/7 Oecern ber 1959, On ✓a/ /3, /954 the Corvr/ci/off' the City 07 ' eet7ton 4,0,o/-o ve01 by /-es - o//4/fior7 a5 appll;::ab/e to the c01757`ruc - t/0/-7 v7' the Wi//iQms St 451-A 'I Qna' Approaches 7`f7e 7ore.goi/79 .Stan c/'ard 51.:)ec1*;01ca7'1'o/7 s. Footing e%✓,otions c/re subbJeCt tO c170r/9 e dep endir79 upor/ 7`he 700ui-7 - dc7tior/ mc7teria/ encour/ tef-ed 0r7d rein Orcin9 steel 7'0r- 7'007'711-79s 01742( n /io /7 t e u ti/ t%7 .� // b cUt r/ e u o 7"'1n4/ 70o0ti/7g e%vvtions have beers o1e7`er1771*17eo' i/7 the 7101e/011 . C/gsses 07-' C'oncre to ore show17 e/se vvhe re 017 these a'raw�r? gs A// .57r-ac7urQ/ ,524ee/, CostiCyys, Fornir79s, etc. shall receive a shop ca-y>F a7`' wed /eao11061117t I-5111774//0e 471, 67' `'S7` f'ie/d Coot o� bto%rir7 /00//7 7` 1'0r,'771,1/0e B-/ 4P/70/ n s-eCO1761 die/n' COQt off' 9f-eer7 p47il77' For774I/ne C- 5. See SPoviso6pr). See SpecialProvisions for PQr - J rO. o t//• .yL I, - I, II II I LLJ I I I I l I I E/ev /6. 00 ,L rL ---- -_---- - LTrT-i—rl-17-IT-I TTTTI--T� I I I I I I I I I I LIL I I I I I� I I ��� ABUT. No. I Exi sting Profile 20 West of I I I v a ti v, a N h I N n. ,0 'Eu rl pr i ne Vy°Ik , , Conc-//u" Dr 5tor,,Ie fi �Ez� n \ Y/ Ex. Gone C - " Drlve�oy Con N- 5 , �- rop Dr 1 y ve x/ \ 3 S. T. = 39. 30 ' �,� L . = 77. 90' xv p�tf8/l 3 `�`�\ s - ----- Ex. S� \\ 'F �0 A -\lit, �- 0 X Bearing Back of Abut. Wall' Sto- 3f- 79.29 ; 5ta. 3 f 56. 66 _ Pro file Grade - g� E/ev 249.15 . E/e v. 23. 02 _ - -- — = _ — _ _ - - _—_ E/ev. 23. 0 L�-� J E/ev- 23.65 - /4, 000 c. f's. flood ---� r' '------------'� Elev. /9.00 Proposed I7-r ; rr 71-M- l rT Existir�9 /oro�i/e 20' 20'l�Yest of �` I JAL �I I I I I I I ! I 1 East c, A eur. No. 4 1 I Elev. /2.0 lit/oter 5urfoce 6-29-54 I ' I � r-1-_1------------1� r�---------------�-I I -- I I Profile �------�--------------L E/e v. 4.00 _ E/e v 4.00 '— rr-r„?IJIrIT ZT TA 71 -n—IF rl� T' -rr �I�T—� '--I I ! I I 1! 11-11 , 1, , II III 1I 1r'I' Till T I I I II !I II i1 II 11 II 11 II II II f1 11 T, 1 I ; I I I! 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Yds.----- / 4 Uric%ssif'ied Excavcrf1or� /nc/uc�'in haul___________--- __A_----_340___ __Tons-___i�___S48 I 24 Dr/vnshTirrlbe/�e�ies//Uratr'eated 352�_� 5 Selected kcbadWo Borrow, /n /ace _ _ _ _ _ (I y 6 Select /-row i y /ace _____,_____p__________________ -____ _____________ ! 400___ _ Tons__ _ NONE it 25 DriVin Ste&/ ,piles i/7 p/ace____________________ _____16 _C)n/ __ 7 Structu°e Excavation______________ _____ ________ ___225_ Cu. Yds._j'___228 26 Concrete, C/ass f4, /np/ace!---IC2Cu.Yds ___IG2.12I 8 Cement Concrete Curb Gutter, /n /7/ace_ 430_ Lin. Ft _ ___434. f� 27 Concrete, Cuss F, ire/,99 �_Cu. Ya's. IB9.04! 9 Ore Course �'©rtlar�d Cernenf �'or�crefe S/dewo/k ire p/ace___y f3O._-_____S�.Yds. �l t°Xo.6 i 28 C�arrc,Hefe, C/ass "'H ; in,o/ace__________________________+_____G9T_Cu. Yc;s._.____76�" /O Cement Concrete Drive woy - G Section, in p/ace _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ /5 _ _ _ �_ S�. Yds- _ _�_ _ 119 I 1 29 i 5tee/ �Peir� f'orciny Burs, ire p/ace ___ . _ - � , +_ Pounds40,794 i -'-------------- -4/ GOO Catch Bos//7s, in p/ace__________-__-__-__ ____ - Or// 12 30 5tructurol Carbon Steel in lace _ /9/ 000 Pounds I87 53 g. /2 /v%a17147o%s, irf p/ace-----------------------------------------+---3----i- On/y - '�-- __4 I 3/ Cast Steel, in p/ace-----------------------------------2�400_Pounds�_ 2,I54 /3 Crushed Stone SurfOc/r� To Course ire /ace _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /40_ _ _ _ _ T©r�s _ _ I_ _ _ 137-5 32 eir� f'vrce d Cor�cre fe Br�idye Hai/ir�9 , in /�/awe _ _ _ _ -_ _ _ ' P P -- - - - - - 84 �i Lire. Ft. - -- B7.o8 /4 Bituminous Goofed Corr. Meta/ Cu/. Pipe -Type 2, /O""d/o., ir�,o/ace_ /30- Lin. Ft__ j____30 33 8ridge Drcains, ir/4_Or�li,4���!fff���j /5 Vitrifies! C/ay Sewer pine - 6'd ornefer, in p/ace___ ________� 245____ Lin. Ft.Z_ _ It ' - i P/a /!o nt Mix Type�� -146.5 ;i �1 --------------------- --�on- -- r. /7 6 "diom- A-/echan. Joint bl/c2terrnain A,0pur7'en01:ce5, /n p/ace L urnp_ ! _.541177 V.C,SEWER. PIPE - 10"DIAMr=TsR,, IN PLACE_—______-------____-- �lo*t@_�_LIN.FT._I ___-_72 nc4q/r.ni A/nTFS Design Specofications - A. A. S. H. O. /J.53. L aoc;'incy -- H/5 - 5/2 - 44. w i r, 'r &a c• CO/"ltOUf" Lines Show existing For propose d fir//shed' 6'0177'0411-s See .,S1ht 4 14// 35 'af12917s show•7 ore or7 the Tar? y er�7` L/ne s. 24 X. - o'e17017-;7e s ex/sty r7y. NOTE �i THIS 511 PSY15ED TO REFLECT FINAL QUANTITIES, SHESETS 2 -rwau II r2EVISED TO RrmFLBCT ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION. MARCH 21, 11355 ~ C.C.A. MOP 0/ CITY OF RFNTON WILLIAMS STREET BRIDGE AND APPROACHES GENERAL PLAN DATE:------------..__-- SCALE: As /Voted APPROVED' APPROVED' APPROVED: CITY ENGINEER CHM N. ST. a ALLEY COM. MAYOR OF RENTON� DESI(,NED BY CECII_ C. ARNOLD RAYMOND C. SMITH CONSULTING ENGINEERS SEATTLE, WASHINGTON SHEET OF I I SCANN,I D MAR 2 8 40 Jww&aAf