HomeMy WebLinkAboutTED4001592.1I I ail I I I I' IZI N 11i I,I II III I'kI I EX15 S.D.M.H• I 31 RIM = 410.8/ , I'e I �0 /.E. C/5'm) = 402.7-5 � I ICI 1 /.E. C8"O) = 403.3I 1 y� �N Q 1 EX. F.N��,� i I i =__ _==-----Ex_ce. ------_______ .�, I I �, I i„ , �-� )J 1 I EX. 50•MN. 1 1 I i t N�' 6 CT. f- -D /l8 8 "m OYC'- rJ--� 0O.4%'° C VER/Fy) EX/ST. �SAN. SEWEQ C.O• RIM = 409• 1' 1 E. CB"m) = 406 •Z5 ± (YER1lrYJ EX/5T. SAN. SEWEX R1M = 408.90 /. E. CB"0) = 405.85 5' .STEEL POST 2 "S9 WOVEN Z WIPE Fit rEe FABRIC , OWFCT/ON OF / LOW -`l N Y- 5WALE, BEYOND, TO �\\ I[^ D/RECT RUNOFF TO FED (F/ELD LOCATE 5' L ONG @ 8' C-C W/eE M! TO UPS; F45TEA1 SEE PL" L r' VOTES• ARK: BM"534. Cal/.5ELED SOu4eF /NCONC N.E.C°0� of CA,PP02T 0 G59 UNION F. ON AIE5 T 510E . ELE LI. 4!Z• 4B k and materials shall be in accordance with 1981 APWA Standards and Spec- ons and City of Renton regulations and requirements and subject to approval pection by the City of Renton. ns of existing utilities are approximate. It shall be the responsibility contractor to verify the exact locations so as to avoid damage. tractor shall notify each utility and coordinate his work schedule with the ction of power, telephone, gas and cable T.V. facilities. rm sewer pipe shall be C,M.P. (aluminum) 16 ga. or as noted on plans.C,asketsi uired for all storm sewer pipe. e bedding shall be Type 2/ Standard Plan No. 62. All pipe/trench backfill I e compacted to a minimum of 95% of maximum relative density as measured by ne method ASTM D-1556. b inlets shall conform to APWA Standards Dwg. No. 39. All Type 1 catch ', shall conform to APWA Standards Dwg No. 52. All Type 11 catch basins a. and 54" dia.) shall conform to APWA Standards Dwg. No. 55. asin/inlets frames and grates shall be adjusted to finish grade just prior ing curb and gutter and paving. Frames and grates shall conform to Std. 49--Ductile Iron. concrete curb and gutter shall conform to APWA (1981) Std Plan No. 1. curb and gutter. Extruded cement concrete curb shall conform to Std.Plan ewalkds shall be type B Std. Plan No. 14. uments shall be cement concrete with copper wire or tack. Marker frame and; hall conform to Renton Standards and Specifications for Roadways. Monuments n plans thus - lding downspouts and footing drains shall be connected or directed to the rainage system unless otherwise approved by Department of Public Works. o any construction activity the City of Renton Dept. of Public ust be contacted and a PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE held.. walls shall be constructed or sound durable rocks using 2 to 3 man rocks; of 'material must be approved by the City. izontal and vertical layout and control shall be done by a licensed Land r. t Plans and Records sha11 be furnished by the contractor showing. all ons from the approved plans. 1 be the contractors responsibility to secure all necessary permits prior% ction. VEWAy5 5NALL CONFORM To CITY OP RENTON STANDARDS. r )11 a-' - �, r_ \3 Ej34� � ' - �.>,[ � I �� R. Nfiy °F wAsy�2ll �, 'o k ��-1I z ��� ti� - �, 0 Z�oov 8 "', z C4 O Z Ov �90,rF FOfSTER� ���`� r'r I 3�3. � '�f/ONAI E��' E� 1 J' CF k I i I I 1 I I I .N-i O � O �� D N �o � z �'a N o �,2 �o m o �o �� John R. Newell Inc. P.S. F/LTER FENLE N r. s. a o '* �r I& 4. ,. o QQ I" N �.M o QJQ o� oa o0 0o a o* o� o�- oti- o"� . Nt �� o ,q� � � �� �'a ;� d-� �r� �� 231 Williams Avenue South, Renton, Washington 98055 Phone 255-2190 ....... ...... 4 .... ........ ....................................................................................................................................................................... .. _ __ ....... .........-.............................I..................I... .........:.........:.........:......... ......... ......... ......... ........ .. .... .... .... .... ... ...... . .... .. .... .. ...... ......... ........ ......... : € : ......... ... q. .. ..:.... ..::. .... .... .... .. .. ..... ......... ... .... .... FrZAME . C6VE2, GSDL0 .... : ..........:.........:. ]l I iI 20 l!G. I .... .... ... .... .. ...:.... .... .... J . . . . . I . . ! . . ..... ......... .... .... ......... ......... ......... ....... O,�FSET F,P/IMF_: ; CdVE�:.SQ :O,P/VG . .. .... . :.........:.............................:........ 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