HomeMy WebLinkAboutTED4001892.13111373 rnnnn 'c I, Min. 0.5 55ee Table 3 Sidewalk i ? Verticol Curb S T Gutter 0* � 2% _ f 2% NOTE., See Shl. R-4 For /_\ Locotlons of 3 L� Cut Slopes. 105 95 Exists 90 -� T 2% Subgrade Slope = 0.02 ft/ft 2" Compt. Depth Class B Aspha!t Concrete 1 1/2" Min. Compt. Depth Crushed Surfacing Top Course 2 I/2 Min. Compt. Depth Crushed Surfacing Base Course Gravel Base Class B May Be Required Depending Soil Conditions TYPICAL STREET SECTION WITH VERTICAL CURB 1% GUTTER Not To Scale STREET _NAME R/W WIDTH PAVEMENT WIDTH (Irt) Flowline To Flowline (Ft.) S, 171st St, 48 ' 28 ' 98th Ave. S. 48 ' 28 IOOth Ave. S. 48 ' 28 ' S, 32nd St, 48 ' 28 ' S, 32nd Crt, 40 ' 22 ' S. 32nd St, (Sta. 400+00 To 401+15t) 40 ' 22 ' ROAD WIDTH TABLE R I� KZe�I �I 22' I Exist. Pvm i 3' - 4' WVaries k Mafch Ex� Varies- Slope -- hktch Exist. Pvm 1 77 TypeW Street Sectkon For PvmY. Sovftn 1.0' Min. 2% SECTIONP -P Exist. �1 3 Max- 4" Cmment Cox. Skiewa* � Vertical wb B Guttsr Exist. Ditch To Be FArd TALBOT ROAD zt TYPICAL PAVEMENT WIDENING DETAIL SCALE ; Horz, I" = 10' Vert. I" = 5' This Portion Sholl Be Included Within The Moilbox P/ugs Bid Item. D= Number Of Mailboxes Plus 2`, Allow l` Per Mailhox 0.5, /1 ' MI^ 5` i o c Sidewalk 3 TT o a : D e 4' Sidewalk a Mail box Cluster 'cD Location ;.. Curb 13 Gutter 8" PVC Flush With Top • Of Sidewalk , ! ` Deep • This Portion Of Ti,e Final Locations Will Be Determined At Sidewo/k Sholl Be Included The Time Of Sidewalk Installation Within The Porl/ond Cement Concrete Sidewoik MAILBOX PLUG DETAIL Bid/rem Not To Scale rczo- <4o-.0 lap t 2% I 1 �-- 4" Cement Conc. 0 See Plans For Location ¢I� 90 l "x 12 S4S Painted White PLAN If .,........ a i White Stripes i l L•' LJ Of Scotch/ite LJ Reflective Material ELEVATION x 3" Galvanized 9 Scre ws f9'916 Drisco Pipe Undisturbed Cane. Cailar Soil .d •' ;r. '.•t. �'. ti 31 3 3' Romac Repair o Clomp, 551 - a 13.10' . b' Fits OD f2.7'-13' o PLAN VIEW Co�er- x 6 " x 6' Pressure Trealed Or Cedar Trench Bot nted White POST PERMANENT TYPE I BARRICADE N t T S I 1 1?" J cea, 51610 x ¢, Spaced E7ually 2'' ELEVATION VIEW U DRISCO PIPE ANCHOR DETAIL C.B. # 35 Not To Scale 0 o toe Exist. Ground 1 IN `- ril,, i . �� y NOTE: WELL ABANDONMENT h "The abandonment/destruction of the water well(s) shall I Remove ��� 5' Below Existing Well Casing Existing Ground 8 follow the regulations as stated in WAC Chapter 173-160, '• o.'.' Cover. Paragraph 290-340. The abandonment/destruction of the water well(s) shall only be performed by licensed water ,'•.. well contractor. The contractor shall fill up a "Start Cement Conc. Cl. C Card" obtained from the address below and return to the address below at least 72 hours prior to the start of the water well(s) abandonment/destruction: I v Water Well Inspector I.'o ors -Fill With Sand Or Grovel Department of Ecology - Northwest Regional Office / 4350 150th Avenue N.E. of Redmond, WA 98052 Telephone: (206) 867-7055 0 Existing Well Casing The contractor shall record the procedures of the water I' well abandonment/destruction and report to the address above after the abandonment." WELL ABANDONMENT DETAIL Not To Scale NOTE : THE STILLING WELL MAY BE ALTERNATELY CONSTRUCTED AS FOLLOWS ; I.) Base may be cast in place with Masonry/Mortar wall construction in accordance with 1981 APWA Specifications NOTES ON STEEL FABRICATION:`-�¢���C' SSG'/CJ9 �/7J0X> 1. Hot Dip Golvinizing Shall Be In Accordance With ASTM A-123, 2. All Bolts Shall Be High Strength In Accordance With ASTM A-325, 3, Structural Steel: Shot Be ASTM A-36. NOTE• Fence To Be Removed Upon Comp/et/or Of Building Construction, LI u N07F: 1 CAP Fence To SaVoul wd **,L P *vw Farce To SAW Fence Part N•G•P.E. TEMPORARY FENCE DETAIL d Not To Scab 1/4' EbGCO G. Cw tLOOV � S~ _� O.OL Flkt SLOPE O.OS "/FT. �f.•;+: •t .,_•r•, .�. ,� tri+i; 'ice • NOTE t TOP OO CUItS db bRIVEW&YS, VERTICAL UTTER Not To scale /nsro'e Dio. As Re?'d. ,3e0. - 3/4 x 1,VZ ., Ake017' i Refx�/- �ei-seC 'e'er Refx�r-, Hof DiP rc%'ii7g. 3 Each, 0.,25 "x 3 �o/ao�7izEc� J�fcc/ To �P� Exist Ground // j�\ 1Vo7<e : sPet Air ThicE ® l/j�i�) h .4,rens 7?'�r C0-7C /GB f /7, Q.sL STILLING WELL Not To Scale CONFORMS TO CONSTRUCTION RECORDS BY: DATE; 9/ GENERAL NOTES: DRAINAGE NOTES 1. All construction shall be in accordance with the King County 1. Proof of liability insurance shall be submitted to the Division Code (KCC). Road Standards (KCRS), and Council's conditions prior to the preconatruction meeting (KCC 9.04.100.D). of preliminary subdivision approval. It shall be the sole responsibility of the developer and the developer's engineer 2. 2. All pipe and appurtenances shall be laid on a properly prepared to correct any error, omission, or variation from the above in accordance with WSDOT 7-02.3(1). This shall requirements found in these plans. All corrections shall be include leveling and compacting the trench bottom, the top of the at no additional cost or liability to King County. foundation material, and any required pipe bedding, to a uniform rude so that the entire g pipe is supported by a uniformly dense 2. The design elements within these plans have been reviewed unyielding base. according to the King County BALD Engineering Review checklist. 3. Steel pipe shall be galvanized and have asphalt treatment f1 or Some elements may have been overlooked or missed by the County better inside and outside (KCRS 7.03). reviewer. Any variance from adopted standards is not allowed unless specifically approved by King County, prior to 4. All drainage structures, such as catch basins and manholes, not construction, located within a traveled roadway or sidewalk, shall have solid locking lids. All drainage structures associated with a permanent 3. Approval of this road, grounding, and drainage plan does not retention/detention facility shall have solid locking lids (KCRS constitute an approval of any other construction (e.g. domestic 7.03). water conveyance, sewer conveyance, gas, electrical, etc.). 5. All catch basin grates shall conform to KCRS drawing numbers 41, 4. Before any construction or development activity, a preconstruction 46, 47, or 48. which includes the staapiag "OUTFACE TO STREAM. meeting must be held between the Division's Development Inspection DUMP NO POLLUTANTS" and "Property of King County" (KCRS 7.07). Unit, the Developer, and the Developer's Construction Representative. 6. All driveway culverts located within King County right-of-way shall be of sufficient length to provide a minimum 3:1 slope from Q5. 2 A copy of these approved plans oust he on the site whenever fob the edge of the driveway to the bottom of the ditch. Culverts shall have beveled end sections to match the side slope (KCRS construction is in progress. 7.030)). 6. Construction noise shall be limited by King County Code (Section 7. Rock for erosion protection of roadway ditches, where required, 12.88): normally this is 7 am to 10 pm weekdays and 9 am to 10 pm must be of sound quarry rock, placed to a depth of 1 foot and must on weekends, meet the following specifications: 4"-8" rock/40X-70% passing; 2"-4" rock/30%-40% passing; and 1"-2" rock/ICZ-20% passing. 7. It shall be the permittee's/contractor's responsibility to obtain Installation shall be in accordance with KCRS drawing number 51. all construction easements necessary before initiating off -site work within the road rights -of -way. 8. Drainage outlets (stub -outs) shall be provided for each individual lot, except for those lots approved for infiltration by King 8. Franchised utilities or other installations that are not shown on City„ Stub -outs shall conform to the following: these approved plans shall not be constructed unless an approved set of plans that meet all requirements of KCRS Chapter 8 are a) Each outlet shall be suitably located at the lowest submitted to the Division's Development Inspection Unit three days elevation on the lot, so as to service all future roof prior to construction. downspouts and footing drains, driveways, yard drains, and any other surface or subsurface drains necessary to render 9. Datum shall be KCAS unless otherwise approved by the Division. the lots suitable for their intended use. Each outlet shall have free -flowing, positive drainage to an approved stormwater conveyance system or to an approved outfall 10. Groundwater system construction shall be within a right-of-way location. or appropriate drainage easement, but not underneath the roadway section. All groundwater systems must be constructed in b) Outlets on each lot shall be located with a 5-foot-high, accordance with Section B1 3.02 of the APWA Standard 2" x 4" stake marked "storm" or "drain". The stub -out shall Specifications, extend above surface level. be visible -and be secured to the stake- 11. All utility trenches shall be backfilled and compacted to 95x density. c) Pipe material shall conform to nnderdrain specifications described in KCRS 7.04 and, if non-metallic, the pipe shall 12. All roadway subgrade shall be backfilled and compacted to 95% contain wire or other acceptable detection feature. density (WSDOT 2-06.3). d) Drainage easements are required for drainage systems 13. Open cutting of existing roadways is not allowed unless designed to convey flows through individual lots. specifically approved by the Division and noted on these approved e) The developer and/or contractor is responsible for Plans. Any open cut shall be restored in accordance with KCRS coordinating the locations of all stub -out conveyance lines 8.03 (B)3. with respect to the utilities (e.g. power, gas, telephone, television). 14. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing adequate safeguards, safety devices, protective equipment, flaggers, and f) All individual stub -outs shall be privately owned and any other needed actions to protect the life, health, and safety maintained by the lot home owner. of the public, and to protect property in connection with the performance of work covered by the contract. Any work within the EROS i ON/SEDIMENTATION CONTROL NOTES traveled right-of-way that may interrupt normal traffic flow shall - - - - require at least one flaggez for each lane of traffic affected. 1. Approval of this erosion sedimentation control (ESC) plan does act All sections of the WSDOT Standard Specifications 1-07.231 - constitute an approval of permanent road or drainage design (e.g. Traffic Control, shall apply. size and location of roads, pipes, restrictors, channels, retention facilities, utilities, etc.). Z. The implementation of these ESC plans and the construction, maintenance, replacement, and upgrading of these ESC facilities is the responsibilit7 of the permittee/contractor until all construction is approved, 3. The boundaries of the clearing limits shove on this plan shall be clearly flagged in the field prior to construction. Daring the r d �l d ' Structures, fill and obstructions (including, but not limited to decks, construct�on per_od, no disturbance cyan the agge clearing limits shall be The flagging shall be maintained by patios, outbuildings, or overhangs beyond 18 inches) are prohibited permitted. the permittee/contractor for the duration of construction. within the building setback line (BSBL) and restricted floodplains (if applicable) , and within the Native Growth Protection Easements) as 4. 1'he ESC facilities shown on this plan must be constructed in shown, conjunction with all clearing and grading activities, and in such a manner as to insure that sediment laden water does not eater the drainage system or violate applicable water standards (KCC Dedication of a Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) conveys to the 9.04.020 AA. KCRS 7.09 D). public a beneficial interest in the land within the easement, This 5. The ='SC facilities shown on this plan are the minima, requirements interest includes the preservation of native vegetation for all purposes for anticipated site conditions. During the construction period, that benefit the public health, safety and welfare, including control of these ESC facilities shall be upgraded (e.g. additional sumps,relocat=on surface water and erosion, maintenance of slope stability. visual and of ditches and silt Fences, etc.) as needed for relocation storm events (KCC t fences Bet aural buffering, and protection of plant and animal habitat. The NGPE imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of the land 6. The ESC facilities shall be inspected daily by the permittee/ subject to the easement, the obligation, enforceable on behalf of the contractor and maintained as necessary to ensure their continued public by King County, to leave undisturbed all trees and other functioning (KCC 9.04.090 BZ). vegetation within the easement. The vegetation within the easement may 7. any area stripped of vegetation, including roadway embankments. not be cut, pruned, covered by fill, removed or damaged without express where no further work is anticipated for a period of 15 days. permission from King County, which permission must be obtained in shall be immediately stabilized with the approved ESC methods (e.g. seeding, mulching, netting, erosion blankets, etc.), (KC:iS writing from the King County Building and Land Development Division or 7.09D) its successor agency. 8. Any area needing ESC =essare, not requiring immediate attention. Before and during the course of any grading, building construction, or shall be addressed within fifteen (IS) days. other development activity on a lot subject to the NGPE, the common 9. The ESC facilities on inactive sites shall be inspected and boundary between the easement and the area of development activity must maintained a min=um of once a month or within the 48 hours be fenced or otherwise marked to the satisfaction of Ring County. following a storm event. 10. At no time shall mare than one foot of sediment be allowed to accn,ulate within a catch basin. A11 catch basins and conveyance STRUCTURE NOTES lines shall be cleaned prior to paving. The cleaning operation : shall mot flush sediment laden water into the downstream system. 1. These plans are approved for standard road and -drainage II. Stabilized construction entrances and wash pads shall be installed improvements only. plans for structures such as bridges. vaults. at the beginning of construction and maintained for the duration and retaining walls require a separate review and approval by the of the project. Additional measures may be required to insure Division prior to construction (KCC 16.04. 16.70. 14.20. KCRS that all caved areas are kept clean for the duration of the 6.04). project (RCA 46.61.655). Z• Pond betas greater thaw 6-ft. is height are Considered to be earth 12. Any permanent retention/decention facility used as a temporary settling basin shall be modified with the necessary erosion damn. plans for dame reprise a separate tinier and approval by control measures and shall provide adegaace storage capacity. If the A• Dept. of Ecology prior to construction. the permanent facilit7 is to function ultimately as an infiltration or dispersion system, the facility shall not be used 3. Rockeries are considered to be a method of bank stabilisation and as a temnorg;y settling basin. No underground detention tank. erosion control. Rockeries shall not be constructed to serve as detention vault. or s7stee which backs under into a pond shall be retaining walls. All rockeries shall be constructed in accordance used as a temporary set -.ling basin. to KCRS drawing numbers 19. 20,.sad 21. 13. Where seeding for temporary erosion control is required, fast sag grasses shall be applied at an appropriate rate (e.g. DRAINAGEEASEMENT NOTE -I* applied at approximately 80 pounds per Ohal� 1 ch for temporary erosion control is required. it Drainage easements with open channels shallP a applied at a ,,;n,- thicimess of two inches. maintained as open, grass -lined swales. In no case shall piping, filling or obstructing of the swale be Q 15. t is the intent of the developer to clear grubb 8 grade the ontire area of eachM. permitted unless written approval is ' granted by the _ phase, with the exception of those areas jl�R'd(' ,o King County Divisions of Surface Water Management and designated as N.G,P.E. See clearing limits N� Building and Land Development Division. on sht. R-2, i�P WASr FINAL CORRECTED PLAN f2)W9 DATE; e _ APPROVED;FNG1\*A I! REVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION; DATE BY ! Rffv,_9ec4Per JB 2 Revised 7 Z JB 3 ReVi3e r l 8 B -/� G i, // Gig 6i7 ✓� B00 �(1 0 o_ W F_ �U-) (0 0 0 co rn �ZGo W 0 N � =)a Z Z 0 rq J J Q w N - o Z a)� Z O a 0 _ Q • 0 - U '- Z Z O UJ - w 0 0 es Z > 0 -I Z UJ - Q UJ a UJ Z 0 Z Z O Y JOB NO. 258-05-881 DESIGNED J.B./S.H. DRAWN K.L. /J,N. CHECKED L•T,P, DATE February, !988 DATE OF PRINT R--13 4 0 F 34 SHE ETS