HomeMy WebLinkAboutTED4003435.8A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. KING COUNTY, RENTON, WA. M M x v O" 0 a ° o ' O w A� z e� w a w W Q z I- 0 LLJ D 0 T I 4 O U rr D U LIJ _m m Z O Z W Ir LLI IV VVU11 OULAIUII 10" —� See Chart I Inciria Width SECTION VIEW c Oldcastle Precast' ee UTILITY VAULT" Division P.O. BOX 588, Auburn, Washington 98071-0588 Phone: 253-839-3500 Fax: 253-735-4201 AVOID CUTTING UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES. rrs COSTLY. Call before you D;g 1-800-424-5555 UNDERGROUND SERVICE (USA) NOTE: EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE THE EXACT VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UNDER GROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. NO REPRESENTATION IS MADE THAT ALL EXISTING UTILITIES ARE SHOWN HEREON. THE ENGINEER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITIES NOT SHOWN OR UTILITIES NOT SHOWN IN THEIR PROPER LOCATION. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG: 1-800-424-5555 D D I INSIDE HEIGHT 3'-0" 4'-0" 5'-0" 6'-0" 7'-0" 8'-0" 10'-0" 187 262 337 411 486 561 12'-0" 218 309 400 491 582 673 1: 13'-0" 237 335 433 532 631 729 14'-0" 256 361 467 573 679 785 W 15'-0" 16'-0" 275 293 387 414 501 534 614 655 728 776 842 898 0 17'-0" 312 440 568 696 825 954 Cl) 18'-0" 19'-0" 331 349 466 492 601 635 737 778 873 922 1,010 1,066 20'-0" 368 518 669 820 971 1,122 DETENTION TANK SIZING CHART Gallons Per Linear Foot NOTES: Utilit�s, Vault Company Detention Vaults Meet Requirements For King County Detention Vail ( King County Surface Water Design Manual, Section 4.4.6 ) Each Detention Vault Is Custom Designed And Produced To Meet Project And Jobsite Requirements Detention Vaults FILE NAME: 010UWTDTNVLTF.DWG ISSUE DATE: SEPTEMBER, 2001 www.oldcastieprecast.com Detention Vaults 3-Sided Box System Standard Layout Copyright © 2001 Oldcastle Precast, Inc. UTILITY VAULT DETAIL OR APPROVED EQUAL NTS CITY OF RENTON STORM WATER DRAINAGE NOTES I. BE -FORE, ANY CONSTRUCTION OR DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY OCCURS, A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING MUST BE HELD AATM THE CITY OF RENTON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION, PLAN REVIEW PROJECT MANAGER. 2, All construction shall be in accordance x6th the latest edition of the"Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction" prepared by W_S.D.O_T., and the Arnerican Public Works Association (APWA), as amended by the City of Renton. 3. Tlac storm drainage system shall be constructed according to the approved plazas which arc on fik with the City of Renton. Any deviation from the approved plans will require written approval from the City of Renton Development Services Division. 4. A copy of these approved plans must be on the job site whenever construction is in progress. 5. Datum shall be U_S.G.S. unless otlerwise approved by Cigr of Denton. Reference benchmark and elevation are noted on the plans_ 6. All sedimentation/erosion facilities trust be in operation prior to cic:aning and bLulding construction, and they must be. satisfactorily maintained until construction is completed and the potential for on -site erosion has passed. 7. All. rewritioulik-tcution facilities must be installe and in operation prior to or in conjunction Kith all construction activity unless otherwise approval by the Development Services Division. 8. Grass sc ed may be applied by bydroseeding" 'llic grass see nnia-tu.re, other than City of Renton approved standard mixes, shall be submi-acl by a Landscape Architect and �qiprovai by the Development Se-rvices Division.. 9. All pipe and appurtenances shall be laid on a properly prepared foundation in accordance with Section 7-02,3(1) of the current State of Washington Standard Spvcificabou for Road and Bridge Construction_ This shall include nuct:ssary levelhig of the trench bottorn or the tole of the foundation material as well as puce vent and compaction of required bedding material to uniform grade Aso that the entire length of the pipe will be supported an a w6rormly dense unyielding base. All pipe bedding shall be APWA Class "C", with the exception of PVC pipe. All trench back -fill shall be compacted to minimum 95% for pavement and structural till and 90% otherwise per ASTM D-1557-70- Pea gravel bedding shall be b" over and under P.V.0 , gibe_ 10_ Cialvanized steel pipe and alununizd steel pipe for all drainage facilities shall have asl)ha.lt treatment #1 or be-ttcr inside and outside- l 1. Structures shall not be permitted within 10 frxt of the sprinu line of any stann drainage pipe, or 15 fwt froin the top of any channel bank. 12 _ All catch basin grates shall be depressed 0.1 G feet below pavement level. 13" Open cut roar/ crossings lhrr}ugh exisrirrg public Iralit-0f-mav_ _Will not be allowed unless spccilically approved b_y Cil"y of Renton. 14 Rack for erosion protection of ro-ads i c'ditclres, where required, shall be of sound gtiarry rock place;/ to a dcptb of l font and must meet flee following spec ficitions: 4"-8"140' -70% passing; 2"4" rock�30% 40".'O passing; and -2" rock/ 10%-20% passir:g. 15_ All building dm%ru-spouts and kwating drains shall be connectcA to the storm drainage. system/, unless approval by the Development Services Division. An accurately dimensioned Certified as -built drawing of this drainage system will he sobrn'Ucd to the City of Rc�lltnn upnrl completion 10. Issuance of the Building or Construction Permit by the City of Renton does not relieve the owucr of the continuing legal obligatiom and/or liability wnn=c d tivith storm SUL face, water disposition_ Further, the City of RU- 9on does not accept airy obligation for the proper functioning and maintenance of the s3rstcm provide during construction_ 17. 4'he Cw1ractor shall bc rr,sponsible for providing adequate saacgaard, safe, devices, protective equipment, daggers, and any other needed actions to protect the lift, health, and safety of the public, and to protect property in connection with the perf'omiance of work coverer{ by the contract Any work within the travcle ro- it -of --way that may interrupt uorurai traffic flow shall require an approval traffic control platy by the Transportation Division_ All sections of the W.S.D,03, Standard Specifications 1-07-23, Traffic Control, shall apply- 18. Special drainage measures will be required if the project location is withiu the aquifer protection area.. ,4 f, CITY ENTON Approved by-/ Date: -L Approved by D Date: Approved by: Date: pprove by: Date: 5 hYLARS 02/11/08 SURTRIAD ASSOCIATES SQkE. SHOWN vERTICAL NAVD /sae L: NA HORIZONTAL: 1983/1991 DATA M 4 WQ FACILITY REVISION 01/30/08 DESIGNED: JAW 3 CITY OF RENTON COMMENTS 01/23/08 2 CITY OF RENTON COMMENTS 11/27/07 DRAWN. HR ONE INCH 1 CITY OF RENTON COMMENTS CHECKED: JAW AT FULL SCALE IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY NO. REVISION TBY DATE APPR APPROVED: DRIVEWAY I;BY OTHERS) CEMENT CONCRETE PEDESTRIAN CURB (TYP.) CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK D RI VE'WA.'Y (BY OTHERS) CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK NIOTFS= OPTIONAL CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER (SEE NOTE .3) RAMP WITH 12H: l V SLOPE (TYP") DEPRESSED CURB & GUTTER (SEE (VOTE 3) TYPE 1 — ISOMETRIC VIEW SEE SHEET 3_ Y CEM, CONC. CURB & GUTTER (SEE NOTE 3) DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE SIDL SLOT C (TYf .j DEPRESSED CURB & GUTTER (SEE NOTE 3) TYPE 2 - ISOMETRIC VIEW SEE SHEET 4 1. When the driveway width exceeds 15 feet, construct a full depth expansion joint (see Standard Plan F-3) with 3/5" joint filler along the driveway centerline. 2. Construct expansion joints porallel with the centerline as required at 15' maximum spacing when driveway widths exceed JU•. See Std. Flan F-3 for sidewalk details. , Ciirh and dotter shnwn, see the Contrnct" Plnns fnr the curb design specified. See Std. Plan F-1 for curb details. 4. Avoid placing drainage structures, junction boxes or u(htr obstructions in front of driveway entrances. 5. When driveway approaches are constructed in ❑ commercial lone, the concrete driveway entrance shall be thickened from E inches to 10 inchca. This includes canerctc approach Typca 1 4, sidewalks constructed behind the driveway apron, and the curb and gutter associated with each driveway approach. CEMENT CONCRETE DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE TYPES 1, 2, 3, & 4 ShuuL 1 OF 6 ADOPTED GIrf OF RENTON t J1 STANDARD PLANS LST DATE: C4j D4 DWG. NAME: F004 SP PAGE: F NOTE: CONSTRUCTION OF DRIVEWAY APPROACH IS REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH ADA STANDARDS. CROSS SLOPE CAN NOT EXCEED 2%. COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY - TYPE 1 NTS CITY OF RENTON STANDARD DETAIL F004 CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. r RENTON BIBLE CHURCH 973 UNION AVE STORM DRAINAGE NOTES AND DETAILS p, • T4 I o �96 w� �' 'GISTEg� �sSJONAL EXPIRES 8-10— 02/11/08 PAGE: DRAWING NO: C-9 SHIE,. :F. 9 14