HomeMy WebLinkAboutBlock Grant Program - 2018 STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Renton and improvements. Repair Clients. Funds will be Notice otPublic Hearing The Pubiic Facilities and targeted to the Housing Repair PUBLIC NOTICE Community Devetopment Improvements Program will re- Clients residing in the Sunset ar- Linda M Mills, bein first dul sworn on oath that she is the Le al B�ock Grant(CDBG)Funds place deteriorated or substan- ea. If there are not enough g Y g Proposed Use of 2018 Funds, dard sidewalks, widen side- households identified for Healthy Advertising Representative of the Modification of 2017 walks, and/or fill in missing Housing services in that area Contingency Plan and sidewalk gaps or sections in se- after appropriate outreach is 2016 Action Pian. lected areas of the combined completed, then Housing Repair NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN Downtown and South Renton clients citywide will be eligible that the Renton Ciry Council has subareas of the Ci Center for Health Housin services. Renton Reporter fixed the 2nd day of October, community and the Sunset ar- Modificat on of the 2017 CDBG 2017 at 7:00 pm as the date and ea, to improve accessibility and Contingency Plan to allocate an time for a public hearing to be safety for pedestrians in areas increase in funds of $26,752 held in the Council Chambers of H,here improvements are made, from unallocated 2016 funds not a weekly newspaper, which newspaper 1S a legal newspaper Of Renton City Hall, Seventh Fioor, as well as bring sidewalks and needed for the Renton Senior Ao- general circulation and is now and has been far more than six months �oss S. Grady way, xemon> � associated infrastructure up to tivity Center ADA/Barrier Re- Prior to the date of ublication hereinafter referred to ublished in WA 9sos�, to provide an oppor- current City standards. moval Project to provide �z,000 P + p tunity for public comment on the Boundaries for the combined for C16454/Senior Activity Cen- the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King allocation of CDBG funds. Pub- Downtown and soucn xenton ter pTo�e�c �ont�ngen�y; �9,os� lic comment is requested on the COUrity, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as proposed 2018 CDBG alloca- subareas are generalty S. Tobin for C16753/Fa�ade Improvement a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of tions, and modifications to the Street and the Cedaz River on the Loan Program, and $15,695 for Washin ton for Kin COUrit . 2017 CDBG Contingency Plan North, I-405 on the East, S. 7th C17152/Microbusiness Enter- g g y and the 2016 Action Plan regard- Street and S. Grady way on the prise Training for the 2018 The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues soucn, and snattu�k Ave program. ing the service area for the S/Rainier Avenue S/ Lake Ave S Modification of the 2016 Action of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement farm) Wh1Ch Was Downtown Commercial Rehabil- on the West. The Sunset area is plan to include the Sunset tow- regularly distributed during the below stated period. The annexed itation and Faqade Improvement generally bounded by NE 21st moderate income area as eligible riOt1Ce, 1: Loan 2018 Funds C16753. Street on the NoRh, Monroe Av- to participate in the Downtown Public Notice The City will receive an estimat- enue NE on the East, NE 7th Commercial Rehabilitation and ed $626,537 in 2018 CDBG Street on the South, and Ed- Faqade Improvement Loan monds Ave NE on the West. Program. funds. After contractual set 2018 Contingency Plan. Should For more information on the asides covering the King County Renton's allocation increase, proposed uses of 2018 funds, WaS ublished on Se temUel' 15 2017. administration and human ser- after funding planning and ad- such as a range of projects and p p , vice program costs, the amount ministration to the maximum opportunity locations that have available is estimated to be allowable amount, any increases been identified, or maps of the $394,718, which the City is pro- �n entitlement or recaptured �'o areas, please contact John posing to allocate as follows: funds will go to the Public Collum, Community Develop- The full amount of the fee char ed far said fare oin ublication is >> Planning and aam�n�Sva- ,,,e„t Pro e�t Ma„a er, c; of � g g g P Improvements Program. Any J g tY the sum of$307.38. c�on: $6a,654 or the maximum decreases in entitlement will Renton at 425-430-6589, or amount allowable to plan and decrease the amount aliocated J c o l I u m(a�r e n t o n w a. o v. administer the CDBG program to the Public Improvements This notice is available in alter- ����,,�.,_ �� at 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, program. nate formats upon request for �i( WA98057;and CDBG Program Income will be �ndividuals with disabilities. All � 2) Public Facilities a�d lm- allocated to the Healthy Housing �nterested parties are invited to inda Mills provements Program: The esti- program. Any Public Improve- attend the public hearing and Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter mated balance of $332,064 is ments Program funds not under present written or oral comments proposed for pub(ic facilities contract by December 31, 2018, �egarding the proposal. Renton SUbSCI'ib a sw rn to me this 15th day of September, 2017. will be recaptured and reallocat- City Hall is compliant with the ed to the Healthy Housing American Disabilities Act, and ,. Program. mterpretive services for the hear- For approximately every �ng impaired will be provided $I5,000 in funding Healthy upon prior notice. Cai (425) Gale Gwin, Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Housing is proposing to replace 430-6510 for additional informa- the roof and add/improve ventila- tion. Covington,Washington tion to minimize moisture/mold Jason A.Seth,CMC issues for one household. City Clerk Healthy Housing clients will be Published in Renton Reporter on selected from current Housing September 15,2017.#1963073. . �,.r ,;,�,rr d) AB-1985 Community& Economic Development Department recommended setting a Public Hearing on October 2, 2017 to receive public comment and to consider the City's proposed allocation of 2018 Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)funds for human services and economic development activities. Refer to Committee of the Whole;Set Public Hearing on 10/2/2017. e) AB-1987 Community& Economic Development Department recommended approval of the department's 2017 Long Range Planning Fall Work Schedule. Refer to Planning Commission and Planning& Development Committee. f) AB-1981 Police Department recommended approval of a cost reimbursement agreement with the King County Sheriff's Office, in the amount of$26,951.91,for the purpose of covering overtime payments to officers verifying the address and residency of registered sex and kidnapping offenders in Renton. Council Concur. h) AB-1982 Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of the Airport Staffing Reorganization plan, and requests authorization to increase its budget by$148,879 per year to accommodate the addition of three new 1.0 FTE positions and their workstations, effective January 1, 2018.The requested budget adjustment will be included in the mid-biennium budget adjustment ordinance. Refer to Finance Committee. MOVED BY PAVONE,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA, MINUS ITEM 7.g.CARRIED. SEPARATE CONSIDERATION-ITEM 7.g. g) AB-1986 Police Department requested approval to hire a lateral police officer at Step D of salary grade pc60, effective September 16� ZO17. DC[CD T!1[IAIAAt/`C/"/I�A�AIITCC MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 7.g.AS COUNCIL CONCUR.CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report approving for payment on September 11, 2017 claims vouchers 5534-5536, 5556-5564, 82517,359399-359408, 359411-359412, 359421- 359434, 359454-359752 and one wire transfer and one payroll run with benefit withholding payments totaling$4,806,083.69 and payroll vouchers including 744 direct deposits and 74 payroll vouchers totaling$1,402,600.30. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. LEG ISLATION Ordinance(sJ for second and final reading: a) Ordinance No.5857:An ordinance was read annexing certain territory to the City of Renton (Tim D Annexation; File No. A-16-002) MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL:ALL AYES.CARRIED. September 11, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES `�' �'`` AGENDA ITEM #7, d) AB- 1985 CITY OF __... .�-- �V���� � • '- • -• 1 SUBJECT/TITLE: 2018 Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) Funds RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Committee of the Whole DEPARTMENT: Community& Economic Development STAFF CONTACT: Cliff Long, Economic Development Director EXT.: 6591 . . . . • The City will receive an estimated $626,537 in CDBG funds to support human services and public improvement activities. � • • � • CDBG funds can provide a source of funding to provide public facilities and improvements in the City's priority revitalization areas (Downtown/South Renton and Sunset) in 2018. The Program's selected projects will improve accessibility and safety for pedestrians in areas where improvements are made, as well as bring sidewalks and associated infrastructure up to current City standards, while also serving as an economic development catalyst within the designated areas. Furthermore, the improvements will benefit the area's residents, including low-and moderate-income persons. Allocation of other CDBG funds to satisfy contractual set-asides per the Joint Agreement will ensure that important human service programs provided by King County to Renton residents will continue. The switching of projects and programs approved by Council for the City's 2016 and 2017 CDBG funding cycles will ensure timely commitment and expenditure of those important funds per HUD regulations. By scheduling a public hearing for October 2, 2017, the Council will provide an opportunity for public comment on the allocation of the City's 2018 CDBG funding for human services and public improvement/facilities, and modification to the 2017 contingency plan which includes unallocated 2016 funds. : A. Issue Paper and maps � ' • � � • Authorize a public hearing date on October 2, 2017, for public comment on the City's proposed allocation and use of 2018 CDBG funds for human services and economic development activities. � `'� `''�` AGENDA 1TEM #7. d) DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY �,T,,oF & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT —. —•...----�Renton Q M E M O R A N D U M DATE: September 1, 2017 T0: Armondo Pavone, Council President Members of Renton City Council VIA: Denis Law, Mayor FROM: Chip Vincent, Community & Economic Development Administrator STAFF CONTACT: Cliff Long, Economic Development Director John W. Collum, Community Development Project Manager SUBJECT: 2018 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds ISSUE: Should the City of Renton hold a public hearing to provide an opportunity for public comment on its use of 2018 CDBG funds for human services and public improvement/facilities, and modification to the 2017 CDBG contingency plan which includes unallocated 2016 CDBG funds? RECOMMENDATION: Authorize a public hearing date on October 2, 2017 for public comment on the City's proposed allocation and use of 2018 CDBG funds for human services and public improvement/facilities, and modification to the 2017 CDBG contingency plan which includes unallocated 2016 CDBG funds. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: 2018 Funding The City of Renton is required to hold a public hearing to provide an opportunity for public comment on its proposed allocation and use of 2018 CDBG funds. Staff recommends that Council set October 2, 2017 as the public hearing date. Upon approval of the date, the City Clerk will publish a public notice announcing the hearing date. Representatives of the Community& Economic Development (CED) and Community Services departments will brief Council's Committee of the Whole on the proposed allocation and use of the 2018 funds on October 2 (prior to the public hearing). Over the past several years, Council has approved using these valuable federal dollars for City- managed human services and economic development activities, along with King County- operated human services activities that are typically funded through this source. In 2018, the "w'` '�'' AGENDA ITEM #7, d) Armondo Pavone,Council President Page 2 of 5 September 1,2017 City is estimated to receive $626,537 in CDBG funds. From that amount, the City must first provide contractual set-asides per the City's joint agreement for CDBG funding with King County ("Joint Agreement"), some of which fund important human service programs that provide valuable assistance to Renton residents. The set-asides and corresponding amounts consist of: ■ County Administration: $62,654 ■ County Capital Administration: $12,531 ■ Housing Stability Program: $31,327 (provides rent and mortgage assistance to prevent individuals or families from eviction) ■ King County Housing Repair Program: $125,307 (provides interest-free loans and emergency grant services to low- and moderate-income homeowners to repair their homes) The net amount available for the City's use after set-asides is estimated to be$394,718. Of the remaining $394,718, the City proposes to allocate$62,654 for Planning and Administration (or the maximum amount allowed), leaving a discretionary balance of$332,064. For this discretionary balance of 2018 CDBG funding, CED has created the Public Facilities and Improvements Program for the Downtown/South Renton and Sunset areas (the "Public Improvements Program"). The Public Improvements Program will improve accessibility and safety for pedestrians in areas where improvements are made, as well as bring sidewalks and associated infrastructure up to current City standards. Public Improvements Program activities will replace deteriorated or substandard sidewalks, widen sidewalks, and/or fill in missing sidewalk gaps or sections in selected areas of the combined Downtown and South Renton subareas of the City Center community and the Sunset area (see attached maps). Each specific project to be funded through CDBG must be an eligible activity under the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development regulations ("HUD regulations"), meet a national objective in accordance with HUD regulations, and comply with the Joint Agreement. In this case, the Public Improvements Program has been designed to target the HUD CDBG national objective of"Low-and Moderate-Income Area Benefit". The area benefit objective requires that at least 51% of the residents residing in a primarily residential area are low-and moderate-income persons. Utilizing census data per HUD regulations, staff has determined that the Downtown/South Renton and Sunset areas meet this requirement. CDBG funds may be used for the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or installation of public improvements or facilities, including sidewalks, streets and parks amongst others. In addition to the direct benefits improved public areas will provide residents of the Public tmprovements Program areas, CED believes that providing these improvements and `'�`' i"�"` AGENDA ITEM #7. d) Armondo Pavone,Council President Page 3 of 5 September 1,2017 facilities will serve as an economic development catalyst to continue existing and encourage additional private development projects within the City's two revitalization areas. A range of projects and opportunity locations have been identified that may benefit from the 2018 funding, such as: o Augment improvements already planned by the City through Downtown's one- way conversion projects at Wells, Williams and Main avenues. Intersection improvements and sidewalk replacement are planned along S. 3�d Street between Burnett and Main; Wells Avenue S between S. 2"d and 5th streets; Williams Avenue S between S. 3�d and 5th streets; and Main Avenue S between S. 2"d and 3�d streets. The Public Improvements Program can assist with improvements that will bring the public realm of the blocks in between the intersections up to current standards that include level and accessible sidewalk surfaces, better pedestrian-level lighting, additional trees and landscaping, and essential street furniture. o Connect the two blocks between the Burnett Linear Park South (and playground) and Piazza Park with an off-street, landscaped linear walking path/park providing safe access between the two public parks (Burnett between S. 3�d and 5tn streets). The east side of the Burnett block between S. 3�d and 4th streets is currently missing a sidewalk. The improvements will expand parkland and open space, while creating a safe, accessible walking route for residents from South Renton to the Downtown Civic Core. o Improve pedestrian amenities and safety by providing sidewalk and associated infrastructure improvements in the Sunset area. The improvements will create safe, accessible walking routes to schools, the public library, parks, and community facilities in support of the Sunset Area Community Planned Action adopted by Council in 2011. The 2018 CDBG funding is not sufficient to fund all of the opportunities listed above. The Public Improvements Program intends to select a project or projects based upon a combination of the following criteria (no particular order): 1. Will the CDBG funding adequately fund the project, either as stand-alone funding or in combination with other funding that has been readily identified and secured? 2. If the project is funded, will it be implemented and completed in sufficient time to meet required HUD regulations? ``�' `�'°' A GENDA I TEM #7, d) Armondo Pavone,Council President Page 4 of 5 September 1,2017 3. Will CDBG provide funding that would allow the project to move forward faster than awaiting other potential funding sources, based upon the viability of those other sources? 2018 Contin�ency Plan As funding numbers are estimates only at this time, HUD requires a contingency plan be adopted. Should the City's 2018 CDBG allocation increase, after funding planning and administration to the maximum allowable amount, the increased amount from the actual allocation or any recaptured funds will go to the Public Improvements Program. Any decreases in the allocation will decrease the amount provided to the Public Improvements Program. In the event the Public Improvements Program has funds that are not under contract by December 31, 2018, and/or the City has program income for 2018, staff recommends those funds be used for the City's Healthy Housing Program. For approximately every$15,000 in funding, Healthy Housing proposes to replace the roof and add/improve ventilation to minimize moisture/mold issues for one household. Healthy Housing clients will be selected from current Housing Repair clients. Funds will first be targeted to the Housing Repair clients residing in the Sunset area. If there are not enough households identified for Healthy Housing services in that area after appropriate outreach is completed, then Housing Repair clients citywide will be eligible for Healthy Housing services. 2016 and 2017 Fundin� For the City's discretionary 2016 CDBG funding, Council approved using approximately $318,000 for the Downtown Commercial Rehabilitation and Fa�ade Improvement Loan Program ("Fa�ade Program"). The Fa�ade Program, originally created in 2014, has thus far provided loans for three downtown properties. Along with a small balance from 2015 and the approved 2016 CDBG funds, CED has been promoting the Fa�ade Program to downtown property and business owners. While several have expressed interest, only one new property owner is presently interested in the program's funding. An application for the property (700 S. 3�d Street) is expected in the next 30 days. CED is also discussing amendments to agreements with two existing loan recipients representing the Cortona and Vigor Life buildings for additional funds to cover cost overruns and certain fa�ade improvements not covered in the original funding. However, the new project and amendments to existing agreements will take several more weeks to finalize and bring forward for approval. CED would also like to amend the Fa�ade Program as well as the King County Action Plan to make the Sunset low-moderate income area (as discussed above) eligible for funding should the approved funds not be committed to downtown properties within HUD-required timeframes. In order to ensure timely expenditure of 2016 funds in accordance with HUD regulations, the following projects approved by Council for CDBG funding in 2017 will be funded by 2016 CDBG funds. � �" AGENDA 1TEM #7. d) Armondo Pavone,Council President Page 5 of 5 September 1,2017 • Microbusiness Enterprise Training $ 25,000 • Healthy Housing Repair Program $ 75,000 • Renton Senior Activity Center ADA $230,109 Using 2016 funds to fund these projects that are ready to move forward now ensures Renton's compliance with HUD regulations and allows the 2017 CDBG funds to be used to fund the Fa�ade Program originally approved for 2016 CDBG funds. 2017 funds are expected to be available starting late October 2017, which will fit the timing necessary for the anticipated Fa�ade Program projects noted above. Essentially, by swapping the fund years, projects ready to move forward have the funding to do so, and the Fa�ade Program will have the funds available when they are ready to move forward later this year. 2017 Contin�encv Plan Chan�es For 2017, the approved contingency plan called for any increases in funding to be directed to the Senior Activity Center project. The project is presently starting construction, and it appears a total amount of the $26,752 is not necessary for the project. Staff proposes to amend the 2017 contingency plan to allocate $2,000 of the funds for the Senior Activity Center project contingency, $9,057 to the Fa�ade Program, and $15,695 for the Microbusiness Enterprise Training 2018 program. CONCLUSION: CDBG funds can provide a source of funding to provide public facilities and improvements in the City's priority revitalization areas (Downtown/South Renton and Sunset) in 2018. The Program's selected projects will improve accessibility and safety for pedestrians in areas where improvements are made, as well as bring sidewalks and associated infrastructure up to current City standards, while also serving as an economic development catalyst within the designated areas. Furthermore,the improvements will benefit the area's residents, including low- and moderate-income persons. Allocation of other CDBG funds to satisfy contractual set-asides per the Joint Agreement will ensure that important human service programs provided by King County to Renton residents will continue. The switching of projects and programs approved by Council for the City's 2016 and 2017 CDBG funding cycles will ensure timely commitment and expenditure of those important funds per HUD regulations. By scheduling a public hearing for October 2, 2017, the Council will provide an opportunity for public comment on the allocation of the City's 2018 CDBG funding for human services and public improvement/facilities, and modification to the 2017 contingency plan which includes unallocated 2016 funds. Downtawn & South Renton Cc bined Subareas Boundary , � , ��.�, - e .: , . �� ; �� :_ z _ � � � � .�, v , w � , _ , � ra - , .,.,.�. , ,, 2 c p _.« ..�.«�..�,..-': � � _ �3"d S/ ` �; � � �'� � ,_.... fl �,�rw � �Q ' � 2 � _. .. _.. � . " ` �. '.: � .. ,. � � a� r� ? u�m -� Z � .. ,.;� .' -- Z _ � �; �' o� Q _. _ D _ ' .� .- �' - � ^��� � „° � "�,� _ � � 2 Z � "` ."'= "'�;' , - — � � ,� E r,; Q � v � . a � Z �� — " r ' 3_..N?� y _ �.' _ Q x.� c ..., �.. . „� _ .Y . .... � , . 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'� i m ,..li � ... ._ _ . r a ,� _ _.._, �*m` '�` � � s NE 6th PI "�q r . � � City of Renton Notice of Public Hearing Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds Proposed Use of 2018 Funds, Modification of 2017 Contingency Plan and 2016 Action Plan. NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 2"d day of October, 2017 at 7:00 pm as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the Council Chambers of Renton City Hall,Seventh Floor, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057,to provide an opportunity for public comment on the allocation of CDBG funds. Public comment is requested on the proposed 2018 CDBG allocations, and modifications to the 2017 CDBG Contingency Plan and the 2016 Action Plan regarding the service area for the Downtown Commercial Rehabilitation and Fa�ade Improvement Loan Program, C16753. 2018 Funds The City will receive an estimated $626,537 in 2018 CDBG funds.After contractual set asides covering the King County administration and human service program costs, the amount available is estimated to be $394,718, which the City is proposing to allocate as follows: 1) Planning and Administration: $62,654 or the maximum amount allowable to plan and administer the CDBG program at 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton,WA 98057; and 2) Public Facilities and Improvements Program: The estimated balance of$332,064 is proposed for public facilities and improvements. The Public Facilities and Improvements Program will replace deteriorated or substandard sidewalks, widen sidewalks, and/or fill in missing sidewalk gaps or sections in selected areas of the combined Downtown and South Renton subareas of the City Center community and the Sunset area,to improve accessibility and safety for pedestrians in areas where improvements are made, as well as bring sidewalks and associated infrastructure up to current City standards. Boundaries for the combined Downtown and South Renton subareas are generally 5.Tobin Street and the Cedar River on the North, I-405 on the East, S. 7th Street and S. Grady way on the South, and Shattuck Ave S/Rainier Avenue S/Lake Ave 5 on the West. The Sunset area is generally bounded by NE 215t Street on the North, Monroe Avenue NE on the East, NE 7t''Street on the South, and Edmonds Ave NE on the West. 2018 Contingency Plan. Should Renton's allocation increase,after funding planning and administration to the maximum allowable amount, any increases in entitlement or recaptured funds will go to the Public Improvements Program. Any decreases in entitlement will decrease the amount allocated to the Public Improvements Program. � � CDBG Program Income will be allocated to the Healthy Housing Program. Any Public Improvements Program funds not under contract by December 31, 2018, will be recaptured and reallocated to the Healthy Housing Program. For approximately every$15,000 in funding, Healthy Housing is proposing to replace the roof and add/improve ventilation to minimize moisture/mold issues for one household. Healthy Housing clients will be selected from current Housing Repair Clients. Funds will be targeted to the Housing Repair Clients residing in the Sunset area. If there are not enough households identified for Healthy Housing services in that area after appropriate outreach is completed,then Housing Repair clients citywide will be eligible for Healthy Housing services. Modification of the 2017 CDBG Contingency Plan to allocate an increase in funds of$26,752 from unallocated 2016 funds not needed for the Renton Senior Activity Center ADA/Barrier Removal Project to provide $2,000 for C16454/Senior Activity Center project contingency; $9,057 for C16753/Fa�ade Improvement Loan Program, and $15,695 for C17152/Microbusiness Enterprise Training for the 2018 program. Modification of the 2016 Action plan to include the Sunset low-moderate income area as eligible to participate in the Downtown Commercial Rehabilitation and Fa�ade Improvement Loan Program. For more information on the proposed uses of 2018 funds, such as a range of projects and opportunity locations that have been identified, or maps of the two areas, please contact lohn Collum, Community Development Project Manager, City of Renton at 425-430-6589, or jcollurnC�rentt�nwa,ac�u. This notice is available in alternate formats upon request for individuals with disabilities. All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is compliant with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Call (425)430-6510 for additional information. � l "� Jason A. Seth, CMC City Clerk Published in Renton Reporter September 15, 2017 Account No. 50650