HomeMy WebLinkAboutContractTHISAGREEMENT,datedforreferencepurposesonlyasJuly13,2023isbyandbetweentheCityofRenton(the“City”),aWashingtonmunicipalcorporation,andTruAccess(“Consultant”)TheCityandtheConsultantarereferredtocollectivelyinthisAgreementasthe“Parties.”OncefullyexecutedbytheParties,thisAgreementiseffectiveasofthelastdatesignedbybothparties.1.ScopeofWork:ConsultantagreestoprovideconsultingservicesthataredetailedinExhibitA(attachedtothisagreement)asspecifiedinExhibitA,whichisattachedandincorporatedhereinandmayhereinafterbereferredtoasthe“Work.”2.ChangesinScopeofWork:TheCity,withoutinvalidatingthisAgreement,mayorderchangestotheWorkconsistingofadditions,deletionsormodifications.AnysuchchangestotheWorkshallbeorderedbytheCityinwritingandtheCompensationshallbeequitablyadjustedconsistentwiththeratessetforthinExhibitAorasotherwisemutuallyagreedbytheParties.3.TimeofPerformance:ConsultantshallcommenceperformanceoftheAgreementpursuanttotheschedule(s)setforthinExhibitA.AllWorkshallbeperformedbynolaterthanDecember31st,2023.4.Compensation:A.Amount.TotalcompensationtoConsultantforWorkprovidedpursuanttothisAgreementshallnotexceed$27,500.Oounlessotherwiseamended,plusanyapplicablestateandlocalsalestaxes.CompensationshallbepaidbaseduponWorkactuallyperformedaccordingtotherate(s)oramountsspecifiedinExhibitA.Exceptasspecificallyprovidedherein,theConsultantshallbesolelyresponsibleforpaymentofanytaxesimposedasaresultoftheperformanceandpaymentofthisAgreement.B.MethodofPayment.TheConsultantshallsubmitavoucherorinvoiceinaformspecifiedbytheCity,includingarefundabledeposit,includingadescriptionofwhatWorkhasbeenperformed,thenameofthepersonnelperformingsuchWork,andanyhourlylaborchargerateforsuchpersonnel.TheConsultantshallalsosubmitafinalbilluponcompletionofallWork.PaymentshallbemadebytheCityforWorkAGREEMENTFORTHECOMMUNITYORGANIZERSHELPINGOFFICERSRESTORETRUST(COHORT)DIVERSITYWORKSHOPFORTHERENTONPOLICEDEPARTMENTCAG-23-308
N.Counterparts.ThePartiesmayexecutethisAgreementinanynumberofcounterparts,eachofwhichshallconstituteanoriginal,andallofwhichwilltogetherconstitutethisoneAgreementINWITNESSWHEREOF,thePartieshavevoluntarilyenteredintothisAgreementasofthedatelastsignedbythePartiesbelow.CITYOFRENTONCONSULTANTBy:/-TruPettigrew,TruAccessConsultantDateDate/ApprovedastoLegalFormBy:_____________________________AlexTuttleSeniorAssistantCityAttorneyContractTemplateUpdated5/21/20210PAGElOorlOChiefofPolice8/3/2023Approved by Alex Tuttle via 8/5/2023 email
Renton PD
COHORT Diversity Workshop
Agreement Letter & Program Overview
Revised on Wednesday, July 13, 2023 EXHIBIT A
To: Ryan Rutledge, Renton Police Department
From: Tru Pettigrew, Tru Access
Date: Revised July 13, 2023
Subject: COHORT Diversity Workshop
Thank you for your time the other day on our call. Per our conversation, please accept this
Program Scope and Letter of Agreement to deliver five (5) COHORT Sessions for the Ren-
ton PD in September 2023.
As a reminder, COHORT was designed specifically to help Law Enforcement agencies
across the country to restore, build, maintain, and grow levels of trust and legitimacy with
the diverse communities that they serve. This program is facilitated by a culturally diverse
leadership team that consists of a former Law Enforcement Police Chief and a Diversity &
Inclusion advocate and practitioner.
The program’s name, COHORT, is based on the recognition that Law Enforcement Officers
and civilians are all a part of the same community, share the same values, and all want the
same things, thus, we are all a part of the same COHORT in that regard. By definition, Co-
hort is “a group of people banded together based on shared interests, values, or attributes”.
The services that are rendered during this program includes moderating discussions, facili-
tating uncomfortable conversations across differences, issuing and reviewing diversity ex-
ercises, and leading workshops. I have provided key program deliverables below for your
It is also important to note that the two primary facilitators of this training, Tru Pettigrew and
Chief Tony Godwin, are both certified and approved Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) for the
International Association of Chief’s of Police (IACP).
Program Timing and Deliverables:
Timing: Proposed dates for these sessions are as follows…
Day 1 - Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Day 2 - Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Day 3 - Thursday, September 28, 2023
Tru Pettigrew and Chief Tony Godwin to facilitate five (5) COHORT Diversity Workshops.
Workshops will be (4-hour sessions) interactive sessions that are designed to help Law En-
forcement Officers better understand the importance of proactively engaging and connect-
ing with citizens and community members of diverse backgrounds and experiences, and
best practices on how to do so. The purpose of the sessions are to provide the officers with
insights, perspectives, and tools to effectively approach, address, and resolve any issues
that may emerge due to racial, generational, gender, cultural or relational differences of any
Learning Outcomes:
At the conclusion of the session, participants will have:
•Explored and analyzed the existing relationship between their specific Law En-
forcement Agency and the diverse communities that they serve.
•Reflected on the roles that all stakeholders have played in the cause of any issues
and what role they can specifically play in the resolution.
•Understood how to effectively apply the 4-step MEET Model to strengthen their re-
lationship with diverse communities.
•Developed S.M.A.R.T action steps that can immediately be applied to start the reso-
lution and reconciliation process within their respective department and community.
•These sessions will be delivered in-person.
•Tru Pettigrew & Chief Tony Godwin will facilitate each session and lead the group dis-
cussions in a fun, dynamic, and engaging way, that uncovers actionable insights that
the attendees can begin to apply right away.
•Insights & recommendations specific to what was discussed during the sessions will
be immediately shared with the group upon conclusion of the trainings.
•The total fee for the five (5) sessions is $24,000 plus travel
•Total program estimate including travel (airfare & hotel for 2) is $27,500
•Please note that Tru Access requires a 50% deposit upon the signing of agreement to
move forward, totaling an initial deposit of $13,750
•Renton PD will be reimbursed for any compensation issued to Tru Access should Tru
Access not be able to deliver on its commitment for any unforeseen issues