HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdden 3 CAG-08-171 , Adden #3-18 AMENDMENT NUMBER THREE TQ TNE AGREEMENT BETWEEN HORIZON ANQ THE CfTY OF RENTON,WA5HINGTON This amendment is entered into between the City of Renton (City)and Horizon and amends and attaches to and is part af the existing Agreernent entered into previously between the parties on September 22, 2007, (Reference:CAG-08-171 and Addendum 2-14j. The parties agree to the foflowing amendments Item 1. Scope of Services: The contractor wiEl provide all materials and fabor necessary to perform all work described in the Proposal,which is included with this Agreement as Attachment"A". Item 3. Time of Perfarmance: The Time of Rerformance for the Agreement(CAG-08-171),shall be extended to cover Januarv 1,2018 throu�h December 31,2021;(three year contract). Item 5. Contract Sum: The tatal amount of the contract shalt remain the same in this amendment, 11898.35 which includes Washington State Sales Tax at ten percent{WSST @ lOS6). In ali other respects, the Scope of Services, Changes in Scope of Services, Method of Payment, Prevailing Wages, Warranty, independent Contractor, Discrimination Prohibited, Assignment and Subcontract, Record Keeping and Reporting, Hald Narmless, Termination, Renton Business License, Insurance and Exhibits ta Agreements of both parties shall remain the same as agreed to in the Horizon Contract. This Agreement is entered into as of the day and year written below. CONTRACTOR CITY OF RENTON � K`. �-----Signature KELLY BEYME ,Admi istrator ��.,�2 �� 1��� , � ll� ll� Date Date �r-�'� � ��`��-`��r Appraved as ta Legal Form: Printed Name and Title Horizon ������f � Shane A. Moloney � 1135 NE 33'd Place, Bellevue WA 98Q04 City Attorney ��tY State Zip 206.396.1382/scott.mutchler�horizononline cam Telephone/EmaiE ATT " " ACHMEN T A CAG-08-171 Addendum 3-18 � H540-RENTON-HDI n�O}�}'On QUOTE# 3S015401 955 LIND AVE SW �7� � � 1 1 Hs�• PhoneO425 277 2526 23�2 LOCATION H540 orizon. Fax425-277-2929 THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE DATE 12/01/17 PAGE 1 of 1 BILL TO SHIP TO I—H04865 � �MAPLEWOOD GC MAINT � MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HIGHWAY RENTON, WA 98058 RENTON, WA 98058 Fax 425-721-7773 Phone 425-430-6806 Fax 425-721-7773 QUOTE DATE EXPIRE DATE REQUIRED DATE REFERENCE NUMBER PAYMENT TERMS 12/01/17 12/31/17 NET 30 DAYS WRITTEN BY CONTACT SHIP VIA S SCOTT MUTCHLER(H530 DAVE FREIGHT TERMS JOB NUMBER SALES REP COLLECT(IN/OUTBOUND) MAINT/STOCK H540/ FROQI,�G'ffDES�RIPTtC?(�! QUAN"F#tY PRfCE UIW1 EXTENSIQt�t *RBD 1 3,605.56 EA 3,605.56 RAINBIRD GSP 1 YEAR WITH NEW COMPUTER *RBD 1 3,605.56 EA 3,605.56 RAINBIRD GSP YEAR 2 *RBD 1 3,605.56 EA 3,605.56 RAINBIRD GSP YEAR 3 MERCHANDISE TOTAL HANDLING MISC CHARGE TAX FREIGHT QUOTE TOTAL ���816.68 �.00 �.0� ���8�.6� 0.00 ��,P.q+8:3'S ccep e : By: Date: