HomeMy WebLinkAboutEX_09_P_Landscape Plans_020323Wetland LimitWetland LimitWetland LimitPonding Water Ponding WaterPonding WaterPonding WaterExisting Critical AreaTRACT - AArea = 31,127.18 s.f.L1L2L3L4L5L6L7L8L9 L10 L11L12L13L14L15L17L18 L19 L20L21L22L23L24L25L26L27L28L 2 9 L 3 0L31 L32C1 C2L2020' BSBL20' BSBL20' BSBL20' BSBL20' BSBL20' BSBL20' BSBL20' BSBL20' BSBL20' BSBL10'NEW SIDEWALK ANDDRIVEWAYS, (TYP.)24'' DEEPROOT BARRIER PANELS, (TYP.)NEW 8' PLANTER STRIP, TYP.24'' DEEP ROOTBARRIER PANELS,(TYP.)NEW SIDEWALK ANDDRIVEWAYS, (TYP.)NEW 8' PLANTERSTRIP, TYP.10' UTILITYCLEARANCE,(TYP.)10' UTILITYCLEARANCE,(TYP.)BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAMEQTY.SYMBOLSIZE & SPACINGTREES - DECIDUOUSSPACING, CONDITION & REMARKS62" CAL., AS SHOWNCONTAINER OR B&BSTAKE & GUY ONE GROWING SEASON;NURSERY GROWN, BRANCHED @ 6' HT.UNCUT LEADER, STRAIGHT TRUNK, FULL& MATCHED CROWNS, GROWN FORSTREET TREE USETILIA TOMENTOSA 'STERLING' / STERLING SILVER LINDENULMUS 'FRONTIER' / FRONTIER ELM72" CAL., AS SHOWNCONTAINER OR B&BSTAKE & GUY ONE GROWING SEASON;NURSERY GROWN, BRANCHED @ 6' HT.UNCUT LEADER, STRAIGHT TRUNK, FULL& MATCHED CROWNS, GROWN FORSTREET TREE USEREQ'D6'' POTS,18" O.C.AJUGA REPTANS 'BRONZE BEAUTY' / BRONZE BEAUTY CARPET BUGLE ANDAS4'' POTS,12" O.C. ORARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI 'VANCOUVER' / VANCOUVER JADE KINNIKINNICKHOLD 6" TO 9" FROM PAVING, RETAININGWALLS & WOOD FENCINGMISC. LANDSCAPE ITEMS24'' DEEPROOT BARRIER PANELS: #UB24-2; FOR STREET TREESAND ADDITIONAL SPECIFIED SITE LOCATIONSGROUNDCOVERROOT BARRIER TO BE INSTALLED PARALLELAND ADJACENT TO SIDEWALKS, PIPES,SWALES ETC., OR CIRCLING TREE ROOTBALLAS SHOWN ON PLAN.24'' DEPTH MINIMUM,10' LENGTH MINIMUMREQ'DAS6'' POTS, 24'' O.C.ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI 'VANCOUVER' / VANCOUVER JADE KINNIKINNICKFRAGARIA CHILOENSIS / SAND STRAWBERRY60%.40%40%.25%MAHONIA REPENS / CREEPING OREGON GRAPE1 GAL. CONT., 24'' O.C.35%.1 GAL. CONT., 24'' O.C.RANDOM GOUPINGS OF 3 TO 15 (ODDNUMBERS ONLY) HOLD 9" FROM PAVING,RETAINING WALLS & WOOD FENCINGCISTUS X HYBRIDUS / WHITE ROCK ROSE3 GAL. CONT.,24'' HT. MIN., 4'-0'' O.C.FULL FOLIAGE, WELL BRANCHED,BUSHY AND FULLPRUNUS LAUROCERASUS 'MT. VERNON' / MT. VERNON LAUREL102 GAL. CONT., 24'' HT.,36'' O.C.CORNUS STOLONIFERA 'ARCTIC FIRE' / ARCTIC FIRE REDTWIG DOGWOOD64172 GAL. CONT., 24'' HT.,3'-0'' O.C.FULL FOLIAGE, WELL BRANCHED,BUSHY AND FULLMYRICA CALIFORNICA / PACIFIC WAX MYRTLE55 GAL. CONT., 4'-0'' O.C.EUONYMUS FORTUNEI 'EMERALD GAIETY' / EMERALD GAIETY EUONYMUS52 GAL. CONT., 30'' O.C.ABELIA X GRANDIFLORA 'PROSTRATA' / PROSTRATE WHITE ABELIA26FULL FOLIAGE, 42" O.C.2 GAL. CONT., 30'' O.C.GAUTERIA SHALLON / SALAL921 GAL. CONT., 36'' O.C.NANDINA DOMESTICA 'FIRE POWER' / FIRE POWER HEAVENLY BAMBOO502 GAL. CONT., 24'' O.C.MAHONIA REPENS / CREEPING OREGON GRAPE1 GAL. CONT., 24'' O.C.REQ'DAS6'' POTS, 24'' O.C.FRAGARIA CHILOENSIS / SAND STRAWBERRYHOLD 6" TO 9" FROM PAVING, RETAININGWALLS & WOOD FENCINGAJUGA REPTANS 'BURGUNDY GLOW' / BURGUNDY GLOW AJUGA4'' POTS,12" O.C. OR35%65%EUONYMUS JAPONICUS 'SILVER PRINCESS' / SILVER PRIN. EUONYMUS692 GAL. CONT., 24'' O.C.25SHRUBSFULL FOLIAGE, WELL BRANCHED,BUSHY AND FULLFULL FOLIAGE, WELL BRANCHED,BUSHY AND FULLFULL FOLIAGE, WELL BRANCHED,BUSHY AND FULLFULL FOLIAGE, WELL BRANCHED,BUSHY AND FULLFULL FOLIAGE, WELL BRANCHED,BUSHY AND FULLFULL FOLIAGE, WELL BRANCHED,BUSHY AND FULLFULL FOLIAGE, WELL BRANCHED,BUSHY AND FULLGENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES:1. STAKE AND GUY ALL TREES FOR ONE GROWING SEASON. SEE TREE DETAILS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.2.PROVIDE WATER WELL FOR ALL TREES, SHRUBS & GROUNDCOVER PER PLANTING DETAILS SEE SHEET L-2.3.ALL LANDSCAPE PLANTING AREAS ARE TO RECEIVE 4'' FINE SHREDDED WOOD MULCH BETWEEN PLANTINGS. SEE PLANTING NOTES & DETAILS ON SHEET L-24.ROOT BARRIER PANELS TO BE LOCATED NEAR PIPES, CONCRETE WALKWAYS / SIDEWALKS, AND OR CURBS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 24 INCHES IN DEPTH AND A MINIMUM LINEAR LENGTHOF 10' AND / OR THE LENGTH OF THE ITEM THE BARRIER IS TO PROTECT.Preliminary Landscape PlanSTATE OFWASHINGTONREGISTEREDLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTKathleen Bradley ReaderCertificate No. 576SheetsofSheet No.Project No.DatePhasePrincipalProject ManagerDesignerScaleREVISIONNo.DateByPRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN 980 Hoquiam Ave. NE; Renton WA 98059 Enclave Preliminary 5 - Lot Short Plat Mr. Vijay Kakubal, Mr. Ramesh Vudathu of VK Ventures LLC1"= 20'-0''MIKKBRMIKL-12Initial Submittal1 FEB 20231:123009010'20'40'SCALE: 1"= 20'-0"LANDSCAPE PLANTING MATERIAL SCHEDULE:1 PLANTING NOTES:1.Verify bedlines and plant layout with landscape architect prior tocommencing work.2.Verify that site conditions are acceptable prior to beginning work. Do notinstall any site elements or plant material until unsatisfactory conditionsare corrected. When conditions detrimental to plant growth/constructedelements are encountered, immediately notify the owner.3.Substitutions or changes in materials and placement shall be made onlyafter written change orders are accepted by the owner.4.Install protective fencing for on site existing trees and vegetation toremain, and plant material located on adjacent property prior tocommencing work. The critical root protection area of all trees to remainhas been established as a 1' radius of protection area for every 1" ofdiameter measured at 4.5' above grade, or the tree drip line, whichever isgreater. Locate tree protection fencing as indicated on plan. Fencing isto be installed with stakes driven into the ground, not mounted on cinderblocks. Signage shall be affixed to the fencing that reads: 'No Entry,Tree Root Protection Area'. See existing tree and vegetation protectiondetail for additional information.5.All areas subject to clearing and grading that have not been covered byimpervious surface, incorporated into a drainage facility or engineered asstructural fill or slope shall, at project completion, demonstrate thefollowing:1) General Soil Requirements: The topsoil layer shall have a minimumdepth of eight inches except where tree roots limit the depth ofincorporation of amendments needed to meet the criteria. Subsoilsbelow the topsoil layer should be scarified at least 4 inches with someincorporation of the upper material to avoid stratified layers, wherefeasible. The topsoil layer shall have an organic matter content of 5%dry weight for turf areas, and 10% dry weight for planting beds (typicallyaround 20-25% compost for turf areas and 35-40% compost for plantingareas). The soil portion must be 75-80% sandy loam for turf areas, and60-65% sandy loam for planting areas. Soil pH should be 5.5-6.5 for turfareas, 5.5-7.0 for planting areas and 4.5-5.5 for areas planted withacid-tolerant or native plantings.2) Requirements for Amending Existing Soil in Place: Turf Areas - Place and rototill 1.75 inches of composted material into7.75 inches of existing soil for a total depth of 9.5 inches, and a settleddepth of 8 inches. Subsoils below this layer should be scarified at least 4inches, for a finished minimum depth of 12 inches of uncompated soil. Planting Beds - Place and rototil 3 inches of composted material into6.5 inches of existing soil for a total depth of 9.5 inches, and a settleddepth of 8 iches. Subsoils below this layer should be scarified at least 4inches, for a finished minimum depth of 12 inches of uncompated soil.Do not scarify within drip lines of existing trees to be retained.GENERAL NOTES:A.Plant material list submittal: within 30 calendar days after receipt of thenotice to proceed, landscape contractor shall submit a complete list ofmaterials proposed to be furnished and installed demonstratingconformance with the requirements specified. Include the name,addresses and telephone numbers of all plant material suppliers andgrowers.1.A.Documentation shall also include suppliers name, contact person,address, telephone number, botanical and common name, plantsize and size of container or ball.1.B.Contractor shall provide a signed statement from the plant supplierswho have furnished the plant materials identifying the plant materialsbeing supplied by botanical and common names, plant size andstating that all of the plants supplied by them are in healthy growingconditions meeting the American Standard for Nursery Stock (ANSIZ60.1).1.C.Submit a project installation schedule, coordinated with the proposedsoil amending and planting schedule to the landscape architect orowner for approval at least 30 calendar days prior to start of workunder this section.B.Substitutions of plant materials will not be permitted unless authorized inwriting by the landscape architect or owner. If proof is submitted that anyplant specified is not obtainable, a proposal will be considered for use ofthe nearest equivalent size and or variety. Such proof shall besubstantiated and submitted in writing to the landscape architect orowner at least 30 days prior to start of work under this section. Theseprovisions shall not relieve contractor of the responsibility of obtainingspecified materials in advance if special growing conditions or otherarrangements must be made in order to supply specified materials.C.Plants shall be subject to inspection and approval by landscape architector owner for conformance to specifications upon delivery to the projectsite. Such approval shall not impair the subsequent right of inspectionand rejection during progress of the work. Contractor shall givelandscape architect 48 hours advance notice when plants will bedelivered to the site for inspection. Inspection of plant materials shalltake place within 24 hours of delivery to the site.D.Coordinate work with other trades as required.E.Locate all underground utilities prior to commencing work to avoiddamage to buried pipes and cables.F.Provide protection for all property, persons, work in progress, structures,utilities, walls, curbs and paved surfaces from potential damage arisingfrom this work. The contractor shall pay for any such damage at noadditional cost to the owner. Unfinished and completed work shall beprotected from erosion or trespassing, and proper safeguards shall beerected to protect the public from injury or danger.11.Plant trees, shrubs and groundcover as shown in the planting details.Roughly scarify sides of the planting pits. Install plant material at finishgrade and feather bark mulch away from base of plant. Water plant pitsthoroughly midway through backfilling and add fertilizer tablets. Balledand burlapped material that cannot be installed immediately shall beheeled in, mulched and watered regularly to keep root balls moist.12.Provide landscape maintenance immediately after planting and continueuntil final acceptance. Work shall include watering, spraying, fertilizing,pruning, resetting of plants, restoring eroded areas, adjustments tostaking and removal of weeds/debris as required for healthy plantgrowth.13.Inspection and acceptance: the owner will make an inspection forsubstantial completion of the work upon request by the contractor.14.Replacement of plantings: remove any plant from site that is either dead,or in unsatisfactory condition as determined by the owner or landscapearchitect. Replace with a new planting of equal size and species as soonas conditions permit within the normal planting season. All replacementplantings are then to be under re-instated guarantee period as specified.Identify those replacements and take whatever measures necessary toprevent similar demise of additional plant material.15.Provide root barrier in a surround or linear pattern for tree plantings whentrunk is located within five (5) linear feet of any paved surface.DeepRoot Universal Barrier #UB24-2 (or approved equal). Install permanufacturer's recommendations.Warranty:The warranty shall include replacing and planting the same size andspecies of plant material, as shown on the landscape plan and that hasbeen designated, by the landscape architect, to be replaced. Except forloss due to excessively severe climatological conditions (20 yearweather charts), installed plant materials are required to be guaranteeduntil the end of one growing season against defects and unsatisfactorygrowth, except for cases of neglect or abuse by the owners or others. Allplants replaced shall be re-instated under these plant guarantyconditions.7.Plants shall be pit planted with a 50/50 prepared mix of native soil and topsoil mix. See planting details for depth and staking requirements.8.Fertilize all installed plants during backfill operations with organicfertilizer as recommended by manufacturer.9.Mulch all planted areas with a minimum 2 inch (2") depth of medium finebark mulch. Finish grade of mulch shall be one inch (1") below top ofadjacent hard surface.10.All plant material to be nursery grown stock and arrive on-site in ahealthy, vigorous, well branched, disease and insect free condition.3) Requirements for Applying Imported Topsoil:Turf Areas and Planting Areas - Scarify or till subgrade in two directions to 6 inches depth. Entire surface should be disturbed by scarification. Do not scarify within drip lines of existing trees to be retained. Place 4 inches of imported topsoil mix on surface and till into 2 inches of soil. Place second lift of 4 inches topsoil mix on surface. 4) Requirements for Reapplying Stockpiled Topsoil: Turf Areas - Reapply stockpiled soil and rototill in 1.75 inches ofcomposted material for a combined minimum depth of 8 inches of soiland compost.Planting Beds - Reapply stockpiled soil and rototil in 3 inches ofcomposted material for a combined minimum depth of 8 inches of soiland compost. 5) Within Stormwater Systems - On-site soil mixing or placement shallnot be performed if soil is saturated or frozen. Total amended soil depthshall be a minimum of 18 inches. Mix all soil amendments uniformlythroughout the rain garden soil section. Amended soil shall be placed inhorizontal layers in no greater than 12 inches lifts. Allow soils tocompact and settle naturally. Areas can be watered after each lift isplaced to speed settling, but should not be wetted to saturation. Until theupstream catchment area is thoroughly stabilized, flow diversion anderosion control measures must be installed to protect the bioretentionarea from sedimentation. 6) Rake beds to smooth, clean and remove all rocks, roots and debris over 1 inch in diameter. Water or roll turf areas to compact soil to 85 percent of maximum. Finish grade shall be at least 3 inches below adjacent hard surfaces for planting areas to allow for application of mulch. Finished grade for turf areas shall be at least 2 inches below adjacent hard surfaces. All planting areas must be mulched with 2 inches of organic material.Min.Depth Fertilizer Tablets as Specified3" Water BasinPlanting Mix as Specified2" Mulch Layer Feathered Away from TrunkFinish Grade12 Ga. Wire, Twist to Tighten2" Dia. Tree Stakes (Typ)1/2" Dia. Black Rubber Hose (Typ)Tree Wrap as Specified to First Branching.2X Min. Dia. Rootball5' Min. 12"Ball 6' Min.NOTES:Break Sides and Bottoms of Planting Pitto Allow for Root PenetrationRemove Burlap and Twine (and Wire Baskets)Off Top 1/3 of RootballRoot barrier 4' to 5' dia. Ring (see note)Compacted Soil Base1. Plant Tree 1 Inch Higher Than Depth Grown In Nursery. Tree Pit Shall Not Be LessThan (2) Times Diameter of Rootball.2. Rootbarrier Shall be 12 In. Deep and 8 L.F. on Each Side of Rootball Adjacent to Curbsand Paved Surfaces.3. There Shall be a Minimum Rootball Diameter of 10 In. Per Trunk Caliper Inch as Measured 6 In. Above Rootball.Tree w/Root Barrier Planting Detail(Not To Scale)SidewalkCurb & Asphalt1"Conifer Tree Planting Detail(NOT TO SCALE)2" LAYER MULCH,FEATHER AWAY FROM TRUNKMOUND SOIL TO FORMBASIN 6" ABOVE GRADEFERTILIZER TABLETS QUANTITY PERMANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDEDAPPLICATION RATESCUT AND REMOVE BURLAP FROMTOP 1/2 OF BALL. REMOVE ALLTREATED OR NON BIO-DEGRADABLEMATERIAL.12" GREATERTHAN ROOTBALL WIDTH50 NATIVE & 50TOPSOIL MIX6"2X MIN. DIA. ROOTBALL5' MIN.12"MIN.BALLDEPTH 6' MIN.BREAK SIDES AND BOTTOMS OF PLANTINGPIT TO ALLOW FOR ROOT PENETRATIONREMOVE BURLAP AND TWINE (AND WIREBASKETS) OFF TOP 1/3 OF ROOTBALLCOMPACTED SOIL BASE1. PLANT TREE 1 INCH HIGHER THAN DEPTH GROWN IN NURSERY.TREE PIT SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN (2) TIMES DIAMETER OF ROOTBALL.2. ROOTBARRIER SHALL BE 12 IN. DEEP AND 8 L.F. ON EACH SIDEOF ROOTBALL ADJACENT TO CURBS AND PAVED SURFACES.3. THERE SHALL BE A MINIMUM ROOTBALL DIAMETER OF 10 IN.PER TRUNK CALIPER INCH AS MEASURED 6 IN. ABOVE ROOTBALL.Tree in Lawn Planting Detail(NOT TO SCALE)1"1/2" DIA. BLACK RUBBER HOSE (TYP)12 GA. WIRE, TWIST TO TIGHTEN2" DIA. TREE STAKES (TYP)TREE WRAP AS SPECIFIED TO FIRST BRANCHING.2" MULCH LAYER FEATHERED AWAY FROM TRUNK3" WATER BASINFINISH GRADEPLANTING MIX AS SPECIFIEDFERTILIZER TABLETS AS SPECIFIEDLawnNOTES:Groundcover Planting DetailShrub Planting Detail3"(NOT TO SCALE)(NOT TO SCALE)FERTILIZER TABLETSQUANTITY PERMANUFACTURER'SRECOMMENDEDAPPLICATION RATES1 GAL. OR 4" POTTEDPLANT MATERIAL2" LAYER MULCHFEATHER AWAYFROM TRUNKMOUND SOIL TO FORMBASIN 3" ABOVE GRADE.50 NATIVE & 50TOPSOIL MIXPROVIDE 3" CLEARANCEBETWEEN ROOT BALL ANDEDGE OF PLANTING PIT.USE KNIFE OR SHARP BLADETO CUT THROUGH BOTTOMHALF OF ROOT BALL.BUTTERFLY ROOTBALL TOBRING THE ROOT SYSTEMCLOSER TO THE SURFACE.E Q U I D I S T A N T SP A C I N G EQUIDISTANTSPACINGEQUIDISTANTSPACING1 . 5 T IMESTHE SPAC ING PAVEMENT / CURB EDGEFERTILIZER TABLETSQUANTITY PERMANUFACTURER'SRECOMMENDEDAPPLICATION RATES2" LAYER MULCHFEATHER AWAYFROM TRUNKMOUND SOILTO FORM 4"HIGH BASIN50 NATIVE &50 TOPSOILMIXPROVIDE 6" CLEARANCEBETWEEN ROOT BALL ANDEDGE OF PLANTING PIT.CUT AND REMOVE BURLAPFROM TOP 1/3 OF BALL ORCOMPLETELY REMOVECONTAINER**REMOVE ALL TREATEDOR NONBIO-DEGRADABLEMATERIALSSLOPE CONDITIONSPLANTING NOTES & REQUIREMENTS:STATE OFWASHINGTONREGISTEREDLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTKathleen Bradley ReaderCertificate No. 576SheetsofSheet No.Project No.DatePhasePrincipalProject ManagerDesignerScaleREVISIONNo.DateByPLANTING NOTES & DETAILS 980 Hoquiam Ave. NE; Renton WA 98059 Enclave Preliminary 5 - Lot Short Plat Mr. Vijay Kakubal, Mr. Ramesh Vudathu of VK Ventures LLCAs IndicatedMIKKBRMIKL-22Initial Submittal1 FEB 20231:123009 PLANTING DETAILS:2