HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx11_Technical Information Report 1404 Grady LLC SW Grady Way Office and Shop Building Technical Information Report Prepared for: 1404 Grady LLC 10650 9th Pl, Unit 1822 Bellevue, WA 98004 Contact: Dan Mendes Phone: (206) 920-9104 Prepared by: Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. 4815 Center Street Tacoma, Washington 98409 Contact: Don Davis, P.E. Phone: (253) 474-9449 July 2023 S&H Job Number 19,871 1404 Grady LLC SW Grady Way Office and Shop Building Technical Information Report Prepared for: 1404 Grady LLC 10650 9th Pl, Unit 1822 Bellevue, WA 98004 Contact: Dan Mendes Phone: (206) 920-9104 Prepared by: Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. 4815 Center Street Tacoma, Washington 98409 Contact: Don Davis, P.E. Phone: (253) 474-9449 IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS July 2023 S&H Job Number 19,871 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................. 3 1.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Existing Conditions ........................................................................................................................................ 4 1.3 Proposed Conditions ..................................................................................................................................... 4 2.0 Conditions and Requirements Summary .............................................................................. 6 2.1 Discussion of Core and Special Requirements ......................................................................................... 6 2.1.1 Core Requirement #1: Discharge at the Natural Location ................................................................ 6 2.1.2 Core Requirement #2: Off-site Analysis .............................................................................................. 6 2.1.3 Core Requirement #3: Flow Control ..................................................................................................... 6 2.1.4 Core Requirement #4: Conveyance System ....................................................................................... 6 2.1.5 Core Requirement #5: Erosion and Sediment Control ...................................................................... 6 2.1.6 Core Requirement #6: Maintenance and Operations ........................................................................ 6 2.1.7 Core Requirement #7: Financial Guarantees and Liability ............................................................... 7 2.1.8 Core Requirement #8: Water Quality ................................................................................................... 7 2.1.9 Core Requirement #9: On-site BMPs ................................................................................................... 7 2.1.10 Special Requirement #1: Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements ........................................ 8 2.1.11 Special Requirement #2: Flood Hazard Area Delineation .............................................................. 8 2.1.12 Special Requirement #3: Flood Protection Facilities ....................................................................... 9 2.1.13 Special Requirement #4: Source Control .......................................................................................... 9 2.1.14 Special Requirement #5: Oil Control .................................................................................................. 9 2.1.15 Special Requirement #6: Aquifer Protection Areas ......................................................................... 9 3.0 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS .............................................................................................................. 12 3.1 Define and Map the Study Area ................................................................................................................. 12 3.2 Resource Review ......................................................................................................................................... 14 3.3 Field Inspection ............................................................................................................................................ 14 3.4 Drainage System Description and Problem Descriptions ...................................................................... 14 3.5 Mitigation of Existing or Potential Problems ............................................................................................. 14 4.0 FLOW CONTROL, LID, AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ..... 14 4.1 Existing Site Hydrology ............................................................................................................................... 14 4.2 Developed Site Hydrology .......................................................................................................................... 14 4.3 Performance Standards .............................................................................................................................. 15 4.4 Flow Control System .................................................................................................................................... 15 4.4.1 Flow Control Exemptions Check ......................................................................................................... 15 4.4.2 Flow Control Area .................................................................................................................................. 15 4.4.3 Flow Control Area Requirements and Exceptions ........................................................................... 15 4.4.4 Identify Applicable Flow Control BMPs per Core Requirement #9 ................................................ 15 4.5 Water Quality ................................................................................................................................................ 15 5.0 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ............................................................ 17 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT ii 6.0 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES ...................................................................................... 18 7.0 OTHER PERMITS .................................................................................................................... 19 8.0 CSWPPP ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ....................................................................................... 20 9.0 BOND QUANTITIES and R/D FACILITY SUMMARIES ........................................................ 21 9.1 Bond Quantities ............................................................................................................................................ 21 9.2 Facility Summaries ....................................................................................................................................... 21 10.0 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL .................................................................. 22 10.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................................... 22 10.2 Permanent Facilities Description ............................................................................................................. 22 10.3 Discussion of Maintenance....................................................................................................................... 22 10.4 Maintenance Frequency ........................................................................................................................... 22 10.5 Annual Cost Estimate ................................................................................................................................ 23 TABLE OF APPENDICES A.1 TIR Worksheet A.2 Bond Quantity Worksheet A.3 Existing and Proposed Surface Coverage Exhibits A.4 Stormwater Engineering Calculations A.5 Geotechnical Engineering Report SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 3 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.1 Scope This Technical Information Report (TIR) addresses site improvements associated with the proposed new building located at 1404 SW Grady Way, Renton, WA (Parcel No. 2423049061). Please see Figure 1 for the Site Location Map. This project is proposed to serve as an office and shop building, and with associated site improvements including a parking lot, ramp for pedestrians and vehicles for access to adjacent roadways, fencing, gates, and landscaping. This Technical Information Report has been prepared in accordance with the 2022 City of Renton Stormwater Design Manual (SWDM). A copy of the TIR Worksheet, which provides basic information about the scope of this project, is included with this report in Appendix A.1. Figure 1 – Site Location Map SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 4 1.2 Existing Conditions The subject site is located on King County parcel #2423049061, zoned as Medium Industrial (IM), with an area of 0.62 acres of developed land. The site, as depicted on the topographical survey, is relatively flat. The surface of the site is mainly gravel and there are no on-site stormwater drainage systems. The existing site consists of a one-story building and parking for vehicle storage. The boundary on all sides of the property is surrounded by chain link fence with exception to the northern side of the site. To our knowledge, the north section of the property is not fenced off to provide access to utilities in the adjacent parcel to the north. Upon a visual examination of existing site conditions, stormwater runoff is infiltrated through the gravel surfacing and potential stormwater water runoff will sheet towards the northeast corner of the property and infiltrate through the soils on and off-site. Based upon a review of available information on the City of Renton’s GIS, the northeast corner of the parcel is within a Special Flood Hazard Areas Zone (100-year flood). The City of Renton’s Public Works Maps combined with King County GIS together indicate the site is not located within or near any other critical areas. 1.3 Proposed Conditions The purpose of site improvements for this project is to create access for vehicles and pedestrians to the proposed office building and convey stormwater to a proposed on-site stormwater system. The proposed stormwater conveyance system will discharge to the City’s conveyance system after it is treated on-site. The project proposes grading, paving, utility, and drainage (water quality treatment devices and conveyance piping) improvements for on-site and off-site areas. See Table 1 for a description of existing and proposed surface conditions. The project exceeds 5,000 SF new plus replaced pollution generating impervious surfaces and thus stormwater runoff generated will be subject to enhanced water quality treatment before conveyed to the conveyance system located within the City’s right-of-way. Stormwater runoff from the proposed building roof area will be discharged directly into the on-site conveyance system prior to discharge into the City’s right-of-way. Please see Appendix A.3 for Existing and Proposed Surface Coverage Exhibits. SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 5 Table 1. Existing and Developed Condition Description Description On-site Off-site Total Total Project Area (ft2)27,175 647 27,822 Existing impervious surface (ft2)27,175 647 27,822 Existing landscaping/lawn area (ft2)0 0 0 Total Project Area (ft2)27,175 647 27,822 Amount of new hard surface (ft2)0 0 0 Amount of new pollution generating hard surface (PGHS) (ft2)0 0 0 Amount of replaced hard surface (ft2)24,256 647 24,903 Amount of replaced PGHS (ft2)12,618 503 13,121 Amount of new plus replaced hard surface (ft2)24,256 647 24,903 Amount of new plus replaced PGHS (ft2)12,618 503 13,121 Amount of existing hard surfaces converted to vegetation/landscaping (ft2)2,919 0 2,919 Amount of Land Disturbed (ft2)27,175 647 27,822 Native Vegetation to Pasture (acres)0 0 0 Existing vegetation area to remain (ft2)0 0 0 Existing hard surface to remain unaltered (ft2)0 0 0 Value of proposed improvements ($)$1.6M 0 $1.6M Amount to be Graded/Approx. FILL (C.Y.) ±1,200 CY 0 ±1,200 CY Existing Conditions Developed Conditions SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 6 2.0 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY 2.1 Discussion of Core and Special Requirements This is a Medium Industrial (IM) project that adds more than 2,000 square feet of new and replaced impervious surface. Therefore, the project is subject to a full drainage review and must satisfy all core requirements (1-9) and all special requirements (1-6) of the 2022 City of Renton Stormwater Design Manual (SWDM). See “Figure 2 – Drainage Review Flow Chart” at the end of this Section. Below is a description of each core requirement and how the project proposes to satisfy each requirement. 2.1.1 Core Requirement #1: Discharge at the Natural Location Stormwater currently infiltrates on-site and potential stormwater runoff is conveyed to the northeast corner of the parcel, which is within the 100-year flood hazard zone (see Figure 3). An on-site stormwater system is proposed to reroute stormwater to avoid contributing stormwater flows to the flood plain and neighboring properties. 2.1.2 Core Requirement #2: Off-site Analysis The Off-Site Analysis included in Section 3.0 of this TIR will satisfy this Core Requirement. 2.1.3 Core Requirement #3: Flow Control Please see Section 4.0 for a discussion of flow control for the project. The project proposes work within the Peak Rate Flow Control Standards (Existing Site Conditions) Area. The project must match the developed peak discharge rates to the existing site conditions peak discharge rates for the 2-, 10-, and 100-year return periods. Flow volumes are not expected to change after construction of the addition by more than 0.15cfs, therefore flow control is not required. 2.1.4 Core Requirement #4: Conveyance System Please see Section 5.0 of this TIR for the conveyance system analysis and design. This project proposes to use a new on-site collection and conveyance system and associated enhanced water treatment device. In existing conditions, there are no existing conveyance systems and the proposed conveyance system is intended to meet the requirements listed in Volume 1 Section of the City of Renton SWDM. 2.1.5 Core Requirement #5: Erosion and Sediment Control A Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (TESC) and CSWPPP, under a separate cover, will be prepared and included in the construction plan set and satisfy this requirement. 2.1.6 Core Requirement #6: Maintenance and Operations Please see Section 10.0 of this TIR for the Operations and Maintenance Manual, prepared to satisfy this Core Requirement. 1404 Grady LLC will be responsible for maintenance and operation of the proposed on-site stormwater facilities upon completion. The City of Renton will continue to be responsible for operation and maintenance of stormwater systems in the right-of-way. SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 7 2.1.7 Core Requirement #7: Financial Guarantees and Liability We anticipate that 1404 Grady LLC will be required to provide a Construction Bond to the City of Renton prior to issuance of the permit. The contractor/owner will be responsible for all erosion and maintenance liabilities during construction. 2.1.8 Core Requirement #8: Water Quality Please see Section 4.0 for a discussion of water quality for the project. We propose to use a new enhanced treatment device for water quality treatment. 2.1.9 Core Requirement #9: On-site BMPs Target surfaces subject to Core Requirement #9 On-site BMPs include replaced impervious surfaces, already mitigated with an approved on-site BMP. This site qualifies for the Large Lot BMP Requirements per of the City of Renton SWDM, since it is larger than 22,000 square feet. These requirements state that all proposed pervious surfaces must implement the soil amendment BMP and roof downspout connections must be perforated pipe connections. The soil amendment BMP will be implemented for every pervious service affected by construction. We are not recommending the downspout BMP as the soils are not suitable for infiltration. In addition, these requirements require the consideration of the following BMPs: full dispersion, full infiltration, limited infiltration, bioretention, permeable pavement, basic dispersion, reduced impervious surface credit, native growth retention credit, tree retention credit. None of the listed BMPs are feasible for implementation on the project site, however, tree retention credit will be feasible. Full Dispersion – The application of this BMP depends on the sheet flow of runoff through an area of native vegetation. The project site does not contain any native vegetation area (e.g., forested) in the existing or proposed condition. Therefore, full dispersion is infeasible for this project. Full Infiltration – Per Section C.2.2.2 of the Manual, full infiltration requires that “Existing soils must be coarse sands or cobbles or medium sands and cannot be comprised of fill materials where the infiltration device will be located.” However, the top layer of soils is undocumented fill and, in some areas, could be very dense. The soil conditions are described in the Geotechnical Engineering Report prepared by PanGEO Inc. (dated July 12, 2023) for the proposed project. Therefore, full infiltration is infeasible for this project. Limited Infiltration – The infeasibility criteria for limited infiltration are the same as those for full infiltration except that appropriate soils may be fine sands, loamy sands, sandy loams, or loams. Note that Section C.2.3.2 of the Manual states “Silt and clay loams, and cemented till (hardpan) are not suitable for limited infiltration systems.” However, the top layer of soils is undocumented fill and, in some areas, could be very dense. Therefore, limited infiltration is infeasible for this project. Bioretention – Bioretention is infeasible for this project since the on-site soils are not suitable for infiltration. The top layer of soils is undocumented fill and, in some areas, could be very dense. Permeable Pavement – The soil under a permeable pavement section must provide adequate treatment for groundwater protection. The underlying soils should also infiltrate for this surfacing to be durable and SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 8 effective. The requirements for adequate treatment are a minimum organic content of 1.0% and a minimum cation exchange capacity of 8 milliequivalents per 100 grams. The uppermost soil layer on the project site is made up of fill material and does not meet these requirements. Permeable Pavement is infeasible for this project. Basic Dispersion – The implementation of basic dispersion limits the area of impervious surface that can run off to a dispersion structure to 700 square feet per structure. The proposed building addition will be adding over 4,000 square feet, which would require seven separate flow dispersion structures. It is also required for the dispersed stormwater to flow over a vegetated surface, but there are no existing or proposed vegetated surfaces near the proposed addition. Such a flow path cannot be provided on the project site without a drastic reduction in the number of parking stalls and vehicle paths. We see basic dispersion as infeasible to the project. Reduced Impervious Surface Credit – This BMP presents four possible methods of impervious surface reduction: restricted footprint, wheel strip driveways, minimum disturbance foundation, and open grid decking over pervious surface. The restricted footprint method requires less than 4,000 square feet of impervious area, which is not feasible for the proposed use of the site. A wheel strip driveway is not applicable for a parking lot. A minimum disturbance foundation is not feasible for an office and shop building. Open grid decking over a pervious surface is also not applicable to a parking lot. The reduced impervious surface credit is infeasible for this project. Native Growth Retention Credit – The existing condition of the site does not contain any native growth. Therefore, the native growth retention credit is infeasible for this project. Tree Retention Credit – The existing condition of the site contains one on-site tree and one off-site tree that will be affected by the current proposal. See Tree Retention Plan (Onsite and Offsite) for the calculations. 2.1.10 Special Requirement #1: Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements The northeast corner project site is within a 100-year flood hazard zone; therefore, elements of the hazard mitigation plan is incorporated to the proposed improvements. The proposed improvements include rerouting stormwater runoff to the proposed conveyance system and mitigate stormwater runoff to the neighboring properties and flooding problems. A master drainage plan, basin plan, salmon conservation plan, stormwater compliance plan, lake management plan, and shared facility drainage plan is not applicable to this project. 2.1.11 Special Requirement #2: Flood Hazard Area Delineation According to City of Renton GIS Map, Figure 3, the northeast corner of the site is within a 100-year flood hazard zone. and therefore flood-related delineation on the project site is required. The area of the site within the flood hazard zone will be graded lower from the existing grade and a catch basin will be added to a low point. No fill or construction will be within that flood hazard zone and the proposed improvements will redirect stormwater runoff to reduce flooding problems. SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 9 2.1.12 Special Requirement #3: Flood Protection Facilities N/A. This project does not propose to rely on an existing flood protection facility nor does it modify or construct a new flood protection facility. 2.1.13 Special Requirement #4: Source Control 1404 Grady LLC shall implement Operational and Structural Source Control BMPs that includes the maintenance of stormwater drainage and treatment systems as described in the Operations and Maintenance Manual, included in Section 10.0 of this report. 2.1.14 Special Requirement #5: Oil Control This project does not propose to develop a high-use site as defined by City of Renton SWDM; therefore, this Special Requirement is not applicable. 2.1.15 Special Requirement #6: Aquifer Protection Areas This project is not located within an Aquifer Protection Area per King County GIS. SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 10 Figure 2 – Drainage Review Flow Chart SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 11 Figure 3 – City of Renton GIS Map SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 12 3.0 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS Per City of Renton SWDM Section 1.2.2, this project must provide an off-site analysis report that assesses potential off-site drainage and water quality impacts associated with the redevelopment of the project site. The level of analysis required depends on the specific site and downstream conditions. In accordance with Section, a Level 1 Downstream Analysis has been performed. 3.1 Define and Map the Study Area Based on the current topographic survey and our observations of the site, the site is generally flat with a slight slope towards the northeast corner of the property. The site is mainly covered in dirt and gravel and does not have an existing, private conveyance system. According to City of Renton GIS, the northeast corner of the parcel is within a 100-year flood hazard zone. In existing conditions, Stormwater runoff infiltrates with through the soils and any stormwater runoff will towards northeast corner of the parcel. A topographic site map is featured in Figure 5 of this Report. In the proposed conditions, shown in Figure 4, the proposed conveyance system will convey stormwater to the City’s conveyance system which will ultimately discharge to the Black River via Springbrook Creek. Figure 4 - Downstream Flow Path SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 13 Figure 5 – Topographic Survey SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 14 3.2 Resource Review A thorough review of the resources provided by the City of Renton Maps, as outlined on page 2-13 of the SWDM, has been completed for the study area. The site is located within the Duwamish – Green River Watershed, the Black River Basin, and the Springbrook Creek Sub Basin. Based on the City of Renton GIS, the project area has not been defined as a sensitive area in exception to the northeast corner of the parcel which lies within a Special Flood Hazard Areas (100-year flood). To our knowledge, there have not been any reported drainage problems associated with the surrounding of the site. It was also found that the site does not have a migrating river study, a 303d listing, or an adopted stormwater compliance plan available. Please see Section 4.0 for a discussion of water quality for the project. A geotechnical report completed by PanGEO can be found in Appendix A.6. 3.3 Field Inspection During field inspections, the site was covered in a light layer of gravel, exposing some areas with soils. From our knowledge, there is not any known flooding problems that occur on-site. We do not anticipate any future problems with the proposed stormwater conveyance system as it will redirect stormwater runoff and to be treated on-site and convey to the City’s stormwater system. In addition, proposed stormwater improvements would mitigate any occurrences of ponding and flooding on-site. Please see Section A.5 for the modeled areas in the predeveloped and mitigated scenarios. Since it has been determined that there are no anticipated stormwater problems associated with this project, Level 2 and Level 3 downstream analyses are not required. No problems were found related to constrictions, capacity deficiencies, flooding, scouring, overtopping hazards, sedimentation or erosion, aquatic organisms, or their habitation. 3.4 Drainage System Description and Problem Descriptions N/A. There are no on-site drainage systems. 3.5 Mitigation of Existing or Potential Problems The proposed project area does not have any existing or anticipated drainage problems as outlined in Section of the City of Renton SWDM. 4.0 FLOW CONTROL, LID, AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 4.1 Existing Site Hydrology The site currently has a one-story building with an asphalt driveway from the right-of-way and gravel surfacing. The on-site stormwater runoff currently infiltrates onto the soils and any runoff potential will sheet towards the northeast of the parcel. There are no existing private stormwater network and we are not aware of any flooding problems. 4.2 Developed Site Hydrology The proposed site will be comprised of a building, asphalt paved area, concrete walkways, and landscaping. In the developed condition, approximately 9,418 sf of rooftop area and approximately 12,618 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 15 sf of pollution generating hard surface. The project proposes to redirect the downstream flow path to the City’s stormwater system. 4.3 Performance Standards The site is within a Peak Rate Flow Control Standards (Existing Site Conditions) Area, which requires matching the existing site conditions 2-, 10-, and 100- year peak flows. The predeveloped site is comprised of gravel surfacing, rooftop surfacing, and asphalt driveway. The proposed site conditions include pervious surfaces and less impervious surfaces. In areas where conveyance features are required, they have been designed in accordance with Section 1.2.4 of the SWDM. The proposed private conveyance system includes conveyance piping from private catch basin to water quality treatment device. Conveyance piping from the roof drains will connect to proposed conveyance system where it will bypass the water quality treatment. The proposed conveyance system will connect to the City’s stormwater system on the south side of SW Grady Way. 4.4 Flow Control System Flow control is not required for this project. 4.4.1 Flow Control Exemptions Check The project site is exempt from flow control due to an increase of less than 0.15 cfs in the 100-year storm event. See Section 2.1.3 of this report for further discussion. 4.4.2 Flow Control Area The site falls within a Peak Rate Flow Control Standard – Match Existing Area, based on the Flow Control Application Map provided by the City of Renton (Figure 6 of this TIR). 4.4.3 Flow Control Area Requirements and Exceptions Peak Rate Flow Control Standard – Match Existing – Areas must match existing site conditions 2-,10-, and 100-year peak rate runoff for areas draining to constructed (man-made) or highly modified drainage systems so as to not create a downstream flooding problem. Per Section, Exception 1, of the SWDM, the target surfaces subject to the Peak Rate Flow Control Standard Areas facility requirements will generate no more than a 0.15-cfs increase in the existing site conditions 100-year peak flow. Therefore, this project does not propose a flow control facility. 4.4.4 Identify Applicable Flow Control BMPs per Core Requirement #9 Please see Section 2.1.9 of this report for an evaluation of Flow Control BMPs per Core Requirement #9. 4.5 Water Quality As mentioned in Section 4.3, the project proposes to satisfy the enhanced water quality requirement through installation of a Biopod Biofilter. SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 16 Figure 6- City of Renton Flow Control Application Map SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 17 5.0 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Proposed conveyance elements include conveyance piping to connect the new roof surface with the existing stormwater system on-site. Conveyance calculations are provided below per the Uniform Flow Analysis Method provided by the City of Renton SWDM Section The pipe is sized and sloped such that its barrel capacity at normal full flow (computed by Manning’s equation) is equal to or greater than the design flow (25-year peak flow rate). 𝑄= 1.49 𝑛𝐴𝑄2 3⁄𝑄1 2⁄ Where: Q= Flow rate (cfs) n = Manning’s Roughness coefficient A = Area of the pipe (sf) R = Hydraulic Radius (ft) S = Channel Slope (ft/ft) Per Section 4.2.1 of the SWDM, stormwater conveyance pipes must be either 8” or 12” with a minimum slope of 0.5%. A cleansing full flow velocity of 3fps must be maintained. Manning’s roughness factor of is assumed to be 0.013 for PVC piping. To comply with the requirements of the SWDM, 8” pipe must be at a slope of 0.75%. This also yields a full flow volume of 1.118 cfs, which is higher than any flow volume expected from the area that is being modified. In addition, the 12” pipe, with a slope of 1.14%, yields a full flow volume of 4.065 cfs. SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 18 6.0 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES We are not aware of any site characteristics that are particularly sensitive to stormwater runoff. A geotechnical report by PanGEO can be found in Appendix A.6 of this report. SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 19 7.0 OTHER PERMITS We anticipate that a Right-of-Way Use permit, Land Use Master Application, Civil Construction Permit Building Permit, and an Environmental Review Permit (SEPA) will be required. SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 20 8.0 CSWPPP ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan report will be included with the Civil Construction Permit application. SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 21 9.0 BOND QUANTITIES AND R/D FACILITY SUMMARIES 9.1 Bond Quantities See Appendix A.2 for a copy of the City of Renton bond report. 9.2 Facility Summaries This project does not propose to implement any new Retention / Detention (R/D) facilities. SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 22 10.0 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 10.1 Purpose The purpose of this manual is to provide guidelines for maintaining the storm drainage system as a part of the construction for the SW Grady Way Office and Shop Building. The site address is 1404 SW Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Storm utility improvements that have been proposed as a part of the project include: o Oldcastle Infrastructure BioPod Biofilter o Storm Drainage Piping o Catch Basins Each portion of the system has to be maintained in good working condition for the system to function properly. Operations and Maintenance of the private drainage systems will be the responsibility of the Owner, 1404 Grady LLC. Dan Mendes is the contact person at 1404 Grady LLC. His contact information is: Dan Mendes 10650 9th Pl, Unit 1822 Bellevue, WA 98004 Phone: (206) 920-9104 The City of Renton will continue to be responsible for the Operation and Maintenance of public improvements. 10.2 Permanent Facilities Description Conveyance piping will convey stormwater from the new rooftop and paved surfaces to the existing stormwater facilities on-site. The project proposes to redirect stormwater to the City’s s conveyance system and will ultimately discharge to the Black River via Springbrook Creek. 10.3 Discussion of Maintenance Any buildup of sediment, debris, vegetation, or trash that impedes the catch basins will reduce the storm system capacity. As a result, care must be taken to keep all inlets clear of debris. The applicable maintenance checklists and excerpts from the 2022 SWDM have been included with the Operations and Maintenance Manual for review during routine maintenance inspections. 10.4 Maintenance Frequency Following construction of the project, the storm drainage system shall be inspected and maintained according to their respective maintenance checklists included at the end of this manual. SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 23 Facilities will be inspected annually, or after every significant storm event where the precipitation is greater than or equal to one inch in 24 hours When deficiencies are noted, the problems are to be corrected as soon as possible. Any spill of hazardous material (e.g. fuel, lubricant, herbicide, etc.) shall be cleaned up immediately and shall be reported to the Division of Emergency Management (1-800-523-5044). Contaminated material will be disposed of properly. Any questions about the existence of a problem should be directed to a Professional Engineer. 10.5 Annual Cost Estimate Annual maintenance costs for the proposed stormwater conveyance system are expected to increase the costs of maintaining the private stormwater system by $1 for every linear foot of new piping, $1,000 for each biopod biofilter and $500 for every catch basin. Approximately 389 linear feet of proposed pipe, 1 biopod biofilter and 4 catch basins will increase the cost of maintenance by $3,389. SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 24 Cover Sheet for Inspection Forms Name of Inspector: _____________________________________________________________ Date of Inspection: _____________________________________________________________ Number of Sheets Attached: _____________________________________________________________ Inspector’s Signature: _____________________________________________________________ SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 25 Maintenance Log Action Taken Name Date How Procedure Was Performed Problems Encountered Additional Actions Recommended SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 26 A.1 TIR Worksheet SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 27 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 28 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 29 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 30 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 31 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 32 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 33 A.2 Bond Quantity Worksheet To be included in the TIR at time of Civil Construction Permit application. SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 34 A.3 Existing and Proposed Surface Coverage Exhibits SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 35 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 36 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 37 A.4 Stormwater Engineering Calculations Flow Control This project is in a location subject to meeting the Peak Rate Flow Control Standard, as described in Section 4.4. Therefore, we have prepared the following calculations to determine if flow control will be required for this project. No flow control will be required, or proposed, to be installed in this system, as the peak flow produced by the 100-year storm does not increase by more than 0.15 cfs if the existing site conditions are assumed to be gravel. Predeveloped Conditions: Based on the Location Map, shown in Figure 1, the site is occupied by a building and storage of R.V.s, Conex boxes, boats, and vehicles surfaced with gravel. It Is assumed that the existing site condition is flat road covering. See the following excerpt from WWHM indicating the assumptions used in the “Predeveloped” Condition: Mitigated Conditions: The mitigated site coverage is comprised of asphalt pavement parking and the rooftop of the proposed structure along with grass landscaping. See the following excerpt from WWHM indicating the assumptions used in the “Mitigated” Condition: SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 38 Flow Frequency Results: The flow frequency table included on the following page indicates that the peak stormwater runoff from the developed site will decrease due to more pervious surface. by less than 0.15 cfs for the 100-year storm condition. As the flow is expected to change by less than 0.15 cfs, a flow control structure will not be necessary. SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 39 Water Quality Since more than 5,000 square feet of impervious surface is being replaced during this project, water quality treatment is required. Water quality treatment flows calculated by WWHM are shown below. The proposed rooftop was not included in the water quality calculations as it is considered to not be a pollution-generating surface and will bypass the treatment structure. Per Biopod Biofilter sizing requirements listed on Washington State DOE, A hydraulic loading rate of 1.6 gpm per sf of media surface area will be used. Using a peak 15-minute flow rate, approximately 23.25 sf of media is required. Therefore, a 4’ x 6’ BioPod Underground with StormMix Media will be used as an enhance water quality treatment device. SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 40 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 41 A.5 Geotechnical Engineering Report SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 42 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 43 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 44 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 45 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 46 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 47 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 48 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 49 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 50 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 51 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 52 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 53 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 54 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 55 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 56 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 57 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 58 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 59 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 60 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 61 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 62 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 63 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 64 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 65 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 66 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 67 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 68 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 69 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 70 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 71 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 72 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 73 SW GRADY WAY OFFICE AND SHOP BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT 74