HomeMy WebLinkAboutEX_18_J_Variance_Modification_Request_Grant_Place_230705_v1 25 Central Way, Kirkland, WA 98033 // 425.454.7130 // milbrandtarch.com June 6, 2023 City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Variance Requests for Grant Place Townhomes Site Plan Review Since the Project initial approval, site work, building construction, and permit expirations, a number of city codes have changed and meeting some of the updated codes is proving unfeasible. Below are sections of the code we feel we cannot meet and justification for why meeting the code is unfeasible. 1. Minimum 10’ wide sight obscuring landscape buffer required along the north property line where the site abuts an R-8 zoned property. We are requesting a variance to reduce this landscape buffer to 4.35’. a. Upon prior approval, we were allowed to provide a much shallower landscape buffer along this north property line. With this understanding, the site was laid out to include a 4.35’ landscape strip, 20’ private drive, and 3’ building setback from face of drive. As of today, all the foundations have been poured so there is no way to move things to increase the landscape buffer depth. It is impossible with the requirements of the fire access required on site. Without granting of the requested variance, there is no way that the project could continue in its current configuration and any future development on site would require demolition of all structures that have been erected. b. Granting the requested variance will not be detrimental to the welfare of the public nor is it detrimental to surrounding improvements in the vicinity. The purpose of the buffer is to provide a screen from a less intense use to that of a higher intensity. By granting the variance, the underdeveloped property to the north will get a 5’ of landscape screening from an attractive and lively development. Granted, the screening may not be up to what is currently called for in the code, but it would be better than no screening to a partially constructed project. c. Granting the variance requested does not constitute special privileges inconsistent to the limitation on uses of other surrounding properties or other properties in our same zone. Landscape screening is still being provided where the property is adjacent to a less intense zone. The depth of the landscaping is just not possible due to current site constraints and without granting of this variance, no development can happen on this site without complete demolishing everything that has been erected and starting over. d. The request to reduce the landscape buffer distance from 10’ to 4.35’ is the min. reduction possible. With the location of the buildings already set and the width of the fire access not able to change, there is only physically 4.35’ left between the property line and edge of paving. 2. Unit lot drives are permitted to provide access to a max of 9 lots and are required to include a 5’ sidewalk and 8’ landscape strip between the curb and sidewalk. Our original submittal called for a private alley loop road. However, city staff informed un in the pre app that to qualify as an alley, we would be limited to 12’ max for our paving. Therefore they recommended we submit a design more in line with a unit lot drive. We are June 6, 2023 Grant Place Townhomes Page 2 of 3 requesting a variance to requirements of the unit lot drive to allow access for our 36 lots and no landscaping be required between curb and sidewalk and no cub between the roadway and the sidewalk. a. Our modified unit lot drive road profile implements the city’s policies and goals by providing primary residential access with the drive lane profile of an alley way (RMC 4-7-150(5) while still allowing for fire access with a full paved 20’ fire lane. By changing the paving stye from asphalt to scored concrete for the 5’ portion of road way nearest the buildings, the pedestrian sidewalk is given clear delineation from the travel lane and still is easily traversable by fire apparatus vehicles in the event of an emergency. Landscaping between the drive lane and the sidewalk must be omitted to function as a 20’ wide fire lane and site constraints preclude us being able to provide the larger standard unit lot drive road profile of 33’. To the north, we have 27.35’ between face of the building and the property line, and we are required to have a landscape buffer screen as discussed in the previous request. Between the two buildings on the east end of the site we have 26.67’ between buildings. And to the south we have 30.66’ between the face of buildings and the property line with trees that are being preserved as part of the project requirement located in the 7’ landscaping area. b. It is our opinion that our proposed modified unit lot drive will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection, and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based on sound engineering judgment. c. Allowing for this variance will not adversely impact other properties in the vicinity. A roadway providing access to our site is needed for its function and the requested modification does not change that. d. It is the intent of the code to allow for development of townhomes and multifamily dwellings in the RM-F zone of the city, and for development of that nature to be served by safe working fire lanes. And the modification removing the landscape requirement and curbing requirement of the unit lot drive makes that possible here. e. It is our opinion that the points above show the requested variance is justified and necessary for this project to be completed. 3. Parking stall dimensions for standard stalls are 9’x20’. We are requesting a variance to parking stall dimensions to 9’x18’-6” for our parking in private garages. a. Our proposed variance meets the objectives and policies of the code by ensuring that proper parking quantities are provided for use within the size constraints we are given. Garage foundations are all already poured, and most buildings have some level of framing done so modifying the buildings to make the parking spaces bigger is infeasible. A parking stall depth of 18’-6” is large enough to accommodate most vehicles. As an example, midsized cars like Honda civics or Toyota Camry are around 16’ to 16’ long. Vans and SUVs like the Toyota Sienna and ford explore are around 17’ long. This illustrates that our garages are adequately sized to fit the majority of vehicles that owners are likely to have. The variance of parking stall depth by 1’-6” is the smallest reduction that would still allow for our garages to work. b. It is our opinion that our proposed modified standard garage parking stall depth will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection, and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based on sound engineering judgment. June 6, 2023 Grant Place Townhomes Page 3 of 3 c. The variance to the parking stall depth will have no negative effects on neighboring properties. The parking numbers provided are still in excess of what is required by code. d. It is the intent of the code to allow for development of townhomes and multifamily dwellings in the RM-F zone of the city, and for development of that nature to be supplied with parking to serve the uses. The variance requested allows us to provide the needed parking to serve this development with the size constraints we are given. e. It is our opinion that the points above show the requested variance is justified and necessary for this project to be completed. Sincerely, Jesse Hadley Project Architect jlh@milbrandtarch.com 425.454.7130