HomeMy WebLinkAboutEX_09_RS_GeotechnicalReport_amendment_230303_V1Cobalt Geosciences, LLC P.O. Box 82243 Kenmore, Washington 98028 www.cobaltgeo.com (206) 331-1097 March 3, 2023 Satwant Singh pmvrsingh@gmail.com RE: Permit Renewal Proposed Townhomes 1600 Grant Avenue South Renton, Washington In accordance with your authorization, Cobalt Geosciences, LLC has prepared this letter to discuss permit renewal. We note that much of the planned construction is nearly completed. It is our opinion that the construction can continue per plan. Based on our observations at the site and observations during periodic site visits during grading, we recommend routing runoff from impervious surfaces to the detention system. Infiltration systems are not feasible at this site due to several factors. These include the presence of glacial till soils which are nearly impermeable and act as an aquitard; location and elevations of new buildings (possible intrusion behind walls and into buildings); presence of shallow perched groundwater in many areas (zero to minimal clearance above groundwater); presence of newer structural fills over the native soils (not suitable to infiltrate into fills), and slope magnitudes generally in excess of 15 percent in most locations. We anticipate that final landscaping and any additional planned grading/construction will occur per the approved plans during the upcoming dry grading season. Sincerely, Cobalt Geosciences, LLC Phil Haberman, PE, LG, LEG 3/3/2023 Principal PH/sc DocuSign Envelope ID: E5C77ED5-CC36-4002-B927-1548FF65ACF2