HomeMy WebLinkAboutApproved Minutes - 10-16-2023October 16, 2023 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES CITY OF RENTON MINUTES - City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM - Monday, October 16, 2023 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Pavone called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order at 7:00 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Valerie O'Halloran, Council President Ed Prince, Council Position No. 5 James Alberson, Jr., Council Position No. 1 Carmen Rivera, Council Position No. 2 Ryan McIrvin, Council Position No. 4 Ruth Pérez, Council Position No. 6 Kim-Khánh Vǎn, Council Position No. 7 Councilmembers Absent: ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PRESENT Armondo Pavone, Mayor Ed VanValey, Chief Administrative Officer Shane Moloney, City Attorney Jason Seth, City Clerk Kristi Rowland, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Maryjane Van Cleave, Equity, Housing, and Human Services Administrator & Interim Parks & Recreation Administrator Vanessa Dolbee, Interim Community & Economic Development Administrator Kari Roller, Finance Department Administrator Ellen Bradley-Mak, Human Resources and Risk Management Administrator Kelly Beymer, Parks & Recreation Department Administrator Chief Jon Schuldt, Police Department Administrator Brianne Bannwarth, Development Engineering Director Deb Needham, Emergency Management Director Hannah Bahnmiller, Housing Programs Manager October 16, 2023 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Commander Dan Figaro, Police Department Attended Remotely: Martin Pastucha, Public Works Administrator Ron Straka, Public Works Utility Systems Director Carrie Nass, Recreation Director Rob Shuey, Development Services Director Angie Mathias, Long Range Planning Manager April Alexander, Executive Assistant Nate Malone, Budget & Accounting Manager Lori Fleming, Human Services Coordinator PUBLIC HEARING Mid-Biennium Budget Adjustment #1: This being the date set, and proper notices having been posted and published in accordance with local and state laws, Mayor Pavone opened the public hearing to consider the Mid-Biennium Budget Adjustment (Hearing #1). Finance Administrator Kari Roller reported that this hearing is one of two scheduled to discuss the 2023/2024 Mid-Biennial Budget adjustment. She explained that after public input and Council comments are heard, there will be legislation advanced for adoption for 2024 Property Tax Levy, 2023/2024 budget adjustments, various fee schedule changes, and changes to Renton Municipal Code, Title 3, Departments and Officers. She then discussed the budget adoption timeline indicating that final adoption of all legislation should occur at the November 13, 2023, Council meeting. Concluding, Ms. Roller reviewed the preliminary 2024 property tax levy, General Fund revenues, General Fund expenditures, other fund adjustments, and Fee Schedule changes. Mayor Pavone called for public comments: • Holly Hill, Renton, questioned how the proposed changes to the Equity, Housing, and Human Services Department and its programs would impact the Equity Commission. She urged Council to expend additional resources to ensure this commission is successful. Following the public comment portion of the hearing, department administrators answered several questions from Council regarding the budget proposal. There being no additional correspondence, public comments, or inquiries from Council, it was MOVED BY O'HALLORAN, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT CAO VanValey reviewed a written administrative report summarizing the City’s recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2023 and beyond. Items noted were: October 16, 2023 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES • The city's annual Truck or Treat Halloween Drive Thru will be on Friday, October 20, at the Renton Community Center with a sensory session from 5:00 to 5:45 p.m. and the main event kicking off at 6:00 p.m. Come in costume and ready for fun. Registration is required to participate at rentonwa.gov/register using the keyword "treat." • Join us on the third Saturday of each month for Free Museum Day at the Renton History Museum, when no entrance fee is required. This month the Free Museum Day is October 21 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Renton History Museum offers changing exhibits, programs, publications, and evets to share Renton's stories, past and present. • Information about preventative street maintenance, traffic impact projects, and road closures happening this week can be found at http://rentonwa.gov/traffic. All projects are weather permitting and unless otherwise noted, streets will always remain open. AUDIENCE COMMENTS • Jack Skeel, Seattle, stated that the Washington State Department of Transportation finally agreed to lease space under I-405 that contains a DIY skatepark. He stated the lease is currently on hold due to construction work but urged Council to have the city enter the lease to provide an additional skatepark to Renton residents. • Diane Dobson, Renton, speaking on behalf of the Renton Chamber of Commerce, reviewed a list of upcoming events hosted by the Chamber. She urged Council to attend some, if not all, of the events. • Josh Shulkind, Renton, introduced himself as the new president of the Renton Downtown Partnership group, and stated that he is looking forward to meeting all of Renton's elected officials. • Bob Baker, Renton, speaking on behalf of the Save the Cedar River organization, remarked that the group is currently in a lawsuit regarding the proposed asphalt plant and recycling center that will be located just a mile or so outside of City limits near the Cedar River. He stated that experts working for the organization have concluded that Renton's aquifer will be affected by the plant within ten years, and asked Council to consider submitting an Amicus Brief to the court on behalf of the Save the Cedar River group. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. Approval of Council Meeting minutes of October 9, 2023. Council Concur. AB - 3427 City Clerk submitted CAG-22-001, Council Chambers Upgrades project, contractor Avidex Industries, LLC, and requested acceptance of the project and release of retainage in the amount of $15,973.84 after 60 days after all state releases are obtained and all claims against the retainage have been legally cleared. Council Concur. AB - 3448 City Clerk submitted the quarterly list of fully executed contracts between 7/1/2023 - 9/30/2023, and a report of agreements expiring between 10/1/2023 – 3/31/2024. None; Information Only. October 16, 2023 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AB - 3421 Executive Services Department recommended adoption of a resolution adopting the City of Renton's Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP). This plan defines the roles and responsibilities for key Emergency Support Functions that must be carried out within the city during a disaster. Refer to Committee of the Whole. AB - 3447 Executive Services Department submitted the 23EMPG Award Obligation Letter, with the Washington Military Department Emergency Management Division, and requests authorization to execute the agreement, subject to approval as to legal form, to accept $58,285 in grant funds for support of emergency management operations. Refer to Finance Committee. AB - 3446 Human Resources / Risk Management Department recommended approval of the life insurance and long-term disability benefit premium rates, with Standard Insurance Company, in the amount of $141,843, effective January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2026. Refer to Finance Committee. AB - 3438 Human Resources / Risk Management Department recommended approval of the Healthcare Management Administrators (HMA) 2024 Administrative Fee Schedule, in the amount of $350,000, which is a 4.60% increase over 2023, and sign the implementing documents when ready. This coverage is for active employees and LEOFF 1 retirees. Refer to Finance Committee. AB - 3439 Human Resources / Risk Management Department recommended approval of the 2024 Kaiser Permanente healthcare premium rates for active employees and LEOFF 1 retirees, in the amount of $221,500, and authorize the execution of the implementing documents when ready. Refer to Finance Committee. AB - 3440 Human Resources / Risk Management Department recommended approval of the 2024 Stop Loss (excess loss) insurance contract with Symetra, in the amount of $940,238, and authorize execution of the implementing document when ready. Refer to Finance Committee. AB - 3449 Public Works Transportation Systems Division recommended execution of an Interagency Agreement with the Washington Traffic Safety Commission for the obligation of grant funding in the amount of $182,700, for the Safer Access to Neighborhood Destinations (SAND) traffic safety project. Refer to Finance Committee. AB - 3444 Public Works Utility Systems Division recommends execution of an agreement with Carollo Engineers, in the amount of $1,663,616, for final design of the Kennydale Lakeline Sewer Improvements project. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY O'HALLORAN, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PUBLISHED. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Community Services Committee: Chair Rivera presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff and Arts Commission's recommendation to approve the contract with Western Neon, in the amount of $37,268.15, for the Williams Streetscape Improvement project's public art component and propose granting staff the authority to sign the agreement with the artist. MOVED BY RIVERA, SECONDED BY VǍN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATON. CARRIED. October 16, 2023 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; visit rentonwa.gov/cityclerk for more information.) MOVED BY VǍN, SECONDED BY RIVERA, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER OF DRAFTING AN AMICUS BRIEF (for the Save the Cedar River organization) TO THE ADMINISTRATION AND BRING IT BACK TO THE COUNCIL IN ABOUT A MONTH’S TIME.* Addressing inquiries from Mayor Pavone and City Attorney Moloney, Councilmember Vǎn revised the motion: MOVED BY VǍN, SECONDED BY RIVERA, COUNCIL REFER TO THE ADMINISTRATION THE MATTER OF RESEARCHING THE POTENTIAL OF DRAFTING AN AMICUS BRIEF (for the Save the Cedar River organization) AND BRING THAT BACK TO THE FULL COUNCIL IN A MONTH’S TIME. *MOTION CARRIED AS REVISED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY MCIRVIN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. TIME: 7:48 PM Jason A. Seth, MMC, City Clerk Jason Seth, Recorder 16 Oct 2023 Council Committee Meeting Calendar October 16, 2023 October 23, 2023 Monday 2:00 PM Public Safety Committee, Chair Văn Location: Council Conference Room/Videoconference 1.RRFA Briefing 2.Emerging Issues in Public Safety 2:45 PM Finance Committee, Chair Pérez Location: Council Conference Room/Videoconference 1.Agreement with Anchor QEA for the May Creek Park Master Plan 2.Renewal of Healthcare Management Administrators (HMA) 2024 3.Approval of Kaiser Permanente Healthcare Premium Rates for 2024 4.Renewal of Symetra Stop Loss Coverage 2024 5.Renewal of Standard Life and Long Term Disability (LTD) Insurance 2024 6.23EMPG City of Renton Award Obligation 7.Interagency Agreement between Washington Traffic Safety Commission and the City of Renton for the Safer Access to Neighborhood Destinations (SANDs) Grant Project 8.Vouchers 9.Emerging Issues in Finance 4:45 PM Planning & Development Committee, Chair Prince Location: Council Conference Room/Videoconference 1.Docket 18, Group D D-231: Code Interpretations 2.2021 Construction and Administrative Code with Local Amendments Adoption (D-232) 3.Clean Economy Strategy (CES) 2.0 4.Emerging Issues in CED 5:45 PM Committee of the Whole, Chair O’Halloran Location: Council Chambers/Videoconference 1.Economic Development Update 7:00 PM Council Meeting Location: Council Chambers/Videoconference