HomeMy WebLinkAboutJ_CondUse_Justification_CamelliaCourt_230721_v2ROGER H. NEWELL, AIA ARCHITECT 1102 - 19TH AVE EAST - SEATTLE, WA 98112 - 206-322-1192 - FAX 206-322-5161 July 21, 2023 Andrew Van Gordon City of Renton, CED, Planning Division 1055 S Grady Way, 6th Floor Renton, WA 98057 Re: Camellia Court, Conditional Use Justification per RMC 4-9-030-D Dear Andrew, This letter is in response to the Conditional Use Permit Submittal Requirements for the above referenced project. The following numbers below correspond to the items in 4-9-030-D. 1. Consistency with Plans and Regulations: The proposed multi-family use is allowed in the CD zone per the Zoning Use Table 4-2-060. And stand-alone residential use is allowed in the Center Downtown Zone, outside the Downtown Business District, provided residential amenity and lobby space is provided on the ground floor along street frontage per 4-2-080-A.6.a.i. The site is designated a Commercial Mixed Use area on the Comprehensive Plan Map. The City of Renton’s Comprehensive Plan Policy U-17 Commercial Mixed Use/Center Downtown Zone is described as “…appropriate for the widest mix of uses, is served by transit, and is suitable for intensive urban use within a pedestrian environment.” 2. Appropriate Location: The proposed location does not result in the detrimental overconcentration of a particular use within the City or immediate area of the proposed use. The site’s central location in the CD Zone will not impact future low-density, residential development. The vicinity is currently characterized by a mixture of mid-rise multi- family, single-family, and low-rise commercial buildings. 3. Effect on Adjacent Properties: The proposed building has 10 foot setbacks on the 2nd Floor and an additional 5 foot setbacks (15 foot total) on the 3rd-6th Floors where living room windows are facing the north, east, and south property lines. These setbacks reduce the bulk and scale impacts of the building, especially on the existing single- family residences to the north. 4. Compatibility: The proposal is compatible, in terms of bulk and scale, with the recent building constructed directly to the south. The structure will have the same number of stories and approximately the same height as the Merrill Gardens building on Williams Ave. The Merrill Gardens development to the west is a story lower but significantly wider than the proposal at 101 Williams Ave S. 5. Parking: The Renton Municipal Code requires 1 stall minimum and maximum of parking/unit per 4-4-080-F.10.e, Residential Uses in Center Downtown Zone. The proposal provides parking stalls for units. 6. Traffic: Parking is provided on the Basement and 1st Floor levels of the structure. The parking entries are off the west alley. Vehicles access to the garage entries is either from the west alley via S Tobin or the southern alley via Williams Ave. Using the southern alley to access parking concentrates vehicle activity across the sidewalk to a single location with good visibility and away from pedestrians using the building entrance. 72 72 07-21-2023 Camellia Court at 101 Williams Ave S 7. Noise, Light and Glare: There will be normal noise generated during construction from trucks, saws, compressors and nail guns. The proposal will limit construction noise to normal workday hours (7 AM to 5 PM) and will restrict loud boom-box music. Light and glare produced by the proposal includes: interior light from residential units; exterior lighting for pedestrian safety at the ground floor of the structure; and light from tenant vehicles entering and exiting the garage. Lighting will be mitigated by directing exterior lighting on the building away from adjacent sites and residential units and incorporation of window coverings within the units. 8. Landscaping: The building occupies nearly the entire developable area of the site. The proposal will comply with the Street Tree and Maintenance sections but is exempt from other landscaping requirements per RMC 4-4- 070-C.1. Two significant trees will be removed. The Tree Retention and Credit Worksheet requires the 10” Mountain Ash worth 5 tree credits to be replaced. The tree requirement will be provided by fee in lieu of replacement. The following is a justification addressing RMC 4-9-030.G, Decision Criteria – Density Increases: 1. Comprehensive Plan : The site is designated a Commercial Mixed Use area on the Comprehensive Plan Map. The City of Renton’s Comprehensive Plan Policy U-17 Commercial Mixed Use/Center Downtown Zone is described as “…appropriate for the widest mix of uses, is served by transit, and is suitable for intensive urban use within a pedestrian environment.” The proposed multi-family use is allowed in the CD zone per the Zoning Use Table 4-2-060. And stand-alone residential use is allowed in the Center Downtown Zone, outside the Downtown Business District, provided residential amenity and lobby space is provided on the ground floor along street frontage per 4-2-080-A.6.a.i. 2. Location: The Traffic Analysis by Kimley-Horn in March 2023 found the project would generate 18 new AM peak-hour trips and 8 new PM peak-hour trips. This trip generation falls below the City of Renton threshold of 20 peak-hour trips for requiring a full traffic impact analysis. The street network contains sufficient capacity to accommodate vehicle traffic. Williams Ave has sidewalks on both sides of the street to accommodate pedestrian capacity. And the Renton Transit Center is 1 block south and 1 block to the west at 257 Burnett Ave S. 3. Diverse Unit Mix: The development has a mix of (56) studios, (14) 2 bedrooms, and (2) 3 bedrooms. The equivalent 2 bedroom count is 18 units which is 18 / 72 = 25% of the unit mix. 4. Light and Air: All units abut the building’s exterior walls. And all living rooms and bedrooms have access to a window on an exterior wall. 5. Parking: The parking garage provides 72 parking stalls for 72 units which is the minimum and maximum allowed. If you have any questions regarding this letter or if there is any additional information you require, you are welcome to contact me via phone at (206) 322-1192 or email me at neal@rhnewellaia.com. 2 Sincerely, Neal Thompson, AIA Roger H. Newell, AIA Neal Thompson, AIA