HomeMy WebLinkAboutJ_JustificationModification_ROW_CamelliaCourt_230721_v1ROGER H. NEWELL, AIA ARCHITECT 1102 - 19TH AVE EAST - SEATTLE, WA 98112 - 206-322-1192 - FAX 206-322-5161 July 21, 2023 Andrew Van Gordon City of Renton CED / Planning Division 1055 S Grady Way, 6th Floor Renton, WA 98057 Re: 101 Williams Ave S, Justification of Modification to the required ROW width Project No.: PSUB23-000123 Dear Andrew, This letter provides a written justification to modify the required Right-of-Way width for the above referenced project. City of Renton standards in 4-6-060 require a 91’ ROW, 54’ of pavement, and a 0.5’ curb/8’ planter strip/8’sidewalk on each side. This required ROW width would require 91 / 2 = 45.5 from the centerline and 45.5’ - 30’ (existing ROW) = 15.5’ of dedication. The modified street would contain 12’ sidewalks with 0.5’ curb with street trees in tree grates on both side of the street. 12’ sidewalks with 0.5’ curbs and 20’ of pavement = 32.5’ required from the ROW centerline. 32.5’ - 30’ = 2.5’ of dedication will be required for the modified street improvements. a. The modified street ROW implements the following policies of the Renton Comprehensive Plan (2018), Land Use Element: L-1, Support uses that sustain minimum residential levels of 15 households per gross acre within Renton’s Growth Center (note, the project site is within the Renton Regional Growth Center and the proposed density is 181 units/acre); L-2, Support compact urban development; L-17, Allow residential uses as part of mixed- use developments. The CD Zone is appropriate for the widest mix of uses, is served by transit, and is suitable for intensive urban use within a pedestrian environment; L-23, Promote urban forests through tree planting programs along streets; L-48, Address privacy and quality of life for existing residents by considering scale and context in infill project design; L-57, Locate planter strips between the curb and the sidewalk in order to provide separation between cars and pedestrians. b. From the Pre-application Meeting Notes for PRE22-000078 on 4-7-22, Yong Qi noted in Transportation, p. 5, that “…the COR Transportation Department has determined that the existing curb-curb width is sufficient, and a modified minor arterial street standard containing a right of way width of approximately 65 feet is acceptable. The modified street would contain 12 foot sidewalks with 0.5 foot curb with street trees in tree grates on both side of the street.” c. The modified street ROW will continue improvements made to Merrill Gardens at 119 Williams Ave S. The sidewalk, tree grates, and curb all align between the two properties. For the property at 95 Williams Ave S to the north, the curb and planting strip will line up with the project curb and tree grates. The existing 5 foot sidewalk expands 3 feet to the west as you walk southward. Modifying the ROW requirements will not be injurious to other properties in the vicinity. d. Modifications are considered when there are practical difficulties involved in carrying out the RMC. Meeting the strict ROW standards would have required dedicating 15.5’ for Williams Ave plus 3’ for the alley for a total of 18.5’ or 16% of the site. The COR Transportation Department determined that the existing road width of 40’ and a ROW width of 65’ met the objectives and safety intended by the Code requirements. 07-21-2023 Camellia Court at 101 Williams Ave S e. Providing modified ROW improvements at the site increases the existing sidewalk width, maintains the road width established on Williams Ave from S Grady Way to N 6th Street, and continues the sidewalk and street tree profile established at a recently developed property to the south (Merrill Gardens at 119 Williams). f. By substantially maintaining existing road and pedestrian patterns established in the neighborhood, the modified ROW standard does not adversely impact other properties in the vicinity. If you have any questions regarding this letter or if there is any additional information you require, you are welcome to contact me via phone at (206) 322-1192 or email me at neal@rhnewellaia.com. Sincerely, Neal Thompson, AIA Roger H. Newell, AI Neal Thompson, AIA