HomeMy WebLinkAbout111323 Motions SheetNOV 13, 2023 - CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING - MOTION SHEET Agenda Placement Agenda Section Title/Item Motion Department Interested Parties 3.a) ADDED PROCLAMATION Recognizing Mary Ellen Stone: A proclamation by Mayor Pavone was read proclaiming, as a community, that we extend our deepest gratitude and heartfelt appreciation to Mary Ellen Stone for her exceptional contributions to the field of survivor support services and her dedicated service to the King County Sexual Assault Resource Center; and further proclaimed that we recognize Mary Ellen Stone's indomitable spirit, compassion, and commitment, which have made a profound difference in the lives of survivors and their families, and we wish her a fulfilling retirement. COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION Mayor’s Office April Alexander 6.a) CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Council Meeting minutes of November 6, 2023. COUNCIL CONCUR ESD Jason Seth Cindy Moya 6.b) CONSENT AGENDA AB - 3451 Public Works Maintenance Services recommends approval to purchase 29 replacement Police Department patrol vehicles, totaling $1,749,561.42, from Bud Clary Chevrolet using Washington State Bid Contract Award 05916. The budget to purchase these vehicles was included in the 2023/2024 biennial budget. COUNCIL CONCUR Public Works – Maintenance Martin Pastucha Mike Stenhouse Jeannie Gabriel 6.c) CONSENT AGENDA AB - 3459 Public Works Transportation Systems Division recommends execution of Change Order No. 8 to CAG-22-163, contractor Pivetta Brother's Construction, Inc., in the amount of $232,454.42 for additional work for the Rainier Ave S Corridor Improvements - Phase 4 project. REFER TO TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Public Works – Transportation Martin Pastucha Jim Seitz Jeannie Gabriel 6.d) CONSENT AGENDA AB - 3465 Public Works Transportation Systems Division recommends adoption of a resolution authorizing a 300-day closure of Renton Ave S between January 8, 2024 and February 28, 2025 for the purpose of extending the Renton Ave S Bridge to increase the capacity of the I-405 freeway. REFER TO TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Public Works – Transportation Martin Pastucha Jim Seitz Jeannie Gabriel 6.e) CONSENT AGENDA AB - 3463 Public Works Utility Systems Division reports bid opening on October 20, 2023 for CAG-23-316, Monroe Ave NE Infiltration Facility, and recommends awarding the contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder KLB Construction, Inc., in the amount of $13,225,647.45. COUNCIL CONCUR Public Works - Utilities Martin Pastucha Jim Seitz Jeannie Gabriel 8.a) Resolution: Resolution No. 4511: A resolution of the City of Renton, Washington adopting the Clean Economy Strategy 2.0. Councilmember Vǎn requested for the record that occurrences of her name, Kim-Khánh Vǎn, cited in the document be corrected so that her name is spelled correctly. COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED CED Vanessa Dolbee Angie Mathias Anna Felicio 8.a) Ordinances for second and final reading: Ordinance No. 6122: An ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, authorizing the dollar amount and percentage increase for property tax to be levied for the year 2024, providing for severability, and establishing an effective date. COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES, 1 NAY. CARRIED Finance Kari Roller Kristin Trivelas Melissa Crawford 8.b) Ordinances for second and final reading: Ordinance No. 6123: An ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, establishing the property tax levy for the year 2024 for general city operational purposes in the amount of $25,783,496, providing for severability, and establishing an effective date. COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCES AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES, 1 NAY. CARRIED Finance Kari Roller Kristin Trivelas Melissa Crawford