HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/10/2023 - Agenda Packet AGENDA EQUITY COMMISSION 5:30 PM -Tuesday, October 10, 2023 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way Please note this regular meeting of the Renton Equity Commission is being offered as a hybrid meeting and can be attended in person in the Council Chambers, Renton City Hall, 7th Floor, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, 98057 or remotely through Zoom. Commission members are attending this meeting in person. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86081195653?pwd=Y0dHSWs2bTV0MnYrcnZSY0sxZXl0QT09 Passcode: 590901 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser) or (2) call into the Zoom meeting by dialing 253-215-8782 and enter Webinar ID: 860 8119 5653, Passcode 590901 or (3) call 425-430- 7394 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. Public comment is permitted in person, via access using the above Zoom link, or may also be submitted in writing to Lmoschetti@rentonwa.gov before 4 p.m. the day of the meeting. Those providing audience comments will be limited to three (3) minutes each speaker unless an exception is granted by the Commission. Attendees will be muted and not audible to the Commission except during times they are designated to speak. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. STAFF COMMENTS 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT Those wishing to address the Equity Commission will be called upon. Each speaker is allowed three (3) minutes. 5. CONSENT AGENDA a) Approval of the July 11, 2023 Renton Equity Commission Regular Meeting minutes. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Page 1 of 19 7. NEW BUSINESS a) 2024-2029 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Transportation Planning Manager Ellen Talbo and Program Development Coordinator II Heather Gregersen 8. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS 9. COMMITTEE CHAIR COMMENTS 10. ADJOURNMENT Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request. For more information please email: Lmoschetti@rentonwa.gov MEMBERS Nicole Hill, Chair Manami Imaoka Cassandra Baddeley Lisa Davis, Vice Chair Ashok Padhi Celina Kershner Vacant Gabriel Jones Vacant Page 2 of 19 July 11, 2023 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MINUTES EQUITY COMMISSION 5:30 PM -Tuesday, July 11, 2023 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Nicole Hill Manami Imaoka Celina Kershner Ashok Padhi Commissioners Attending Virtually: Lisa Davis Commissioners Absent: Cassandra Baddeley MOVED BY PADHI, SECONDED BY KERSHNER TO EXCUSE THE ABSENCE OF COMMISSIONER BADDELEY. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PRESENT Maryjane Van Cleave, Equity, Housing, and Human Services Administrator Linda Moschetti-Newing, Administrative Assistant STAFF COMMENTS Administrative Assistant Moschetti-Newing noted she has reached out to four applicants to interview for the vacant positions. One applicant responded that she was no longer interested because she was appointed to another city committee. AUDIENCE COMMENT Those wishing to address the Equity Commission will be called upon. Each speaker is allowed three (3) minutes. Page 1 of 2 AGENDA ITEM #5. a) Page 3 of 19 July 11, 2023 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES CONSENT AGENDA Approval of the May 9, 2023 Renton Equity Commission Regular Meeting minutes. Approval of the June 13, 2023 Renton Equity Commission Regular Meeting minutes. MOVED BY PADHI, SECONDED BY KERSHNER TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Inclusive Emergency Communication Plan Emergency Management Director Deborah Needham and Emergency Management Coordinator Michelle Theurer. Emergency Management Director Deborah Needham and Emergency Management Coordinator Michelle Theurer gave a presentation on the city's draft Emergency Communication Plan and highlighted the overlap with the King County Plan. Director Needham also gave a timeline of when the draft plan will be presented to Council for review. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS COMMITTEE CHAIR COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m. Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request. For more information please email: Lmoschetti@rentonwa.gov MEMBERS Nicole Hill, Chair Manami Imaoka Cassandra Baddeley Lisa Davis, Vice Chair Ashok Padhi Celina Kershner Vacant Youth Member - Vacant Vacant Page 2 of 2 AGENDA ITEM #5. a) Page 4 of 19 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AGENDA ITEM #7. a)Page 5 of 19 TRANSPORTATION IN RENTON AT A GLANCE •32 fulltime staff •25 street maintenance staff •318 centerline miles of roadways •343 miles of sidewalk •Access to ST Sounder service, Metro BRT and bus transit Public Works Department Airport Transportation Systems Roadway Design Traffic Operations & Safety Signal Maintenance Transportation Planning & Programming Streets Maintenance Utility Systems Solid Waste & Sustainability The Transportation Systems Division creates and maintains an interconnected, multimodal network so that people and goods move safely and efficiently.AGENDA ITEM #7. a)Page 6 of 19 THE TRANSPORTATION PLANNING & PROGRAMMING PROCESS – OUTREACH AND INPUT •There are various opportunities for input and engagement during the development of a plan or project •Types of engagement varies according to the scale and type of the project •Recent examples: Comprehensive Walkway Plan -https://rb.gy/oieuv Pavement Preservation Plan -https://rb.gy/trhzu •Public can provide 24/7 feedback at: Renton Responds -City of Renton (rentonwa.gov)or City of Renton -Watch Area -SeeClickFix -Web and Mobile Government 311 AGENDA ITEM #7. a)Page 7 of 19 Regional Initiatives Important to Renton Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) assesses the amount of opportunity that exists in neighborhoods today at a regional level Opportunity Mapping | Puget Sound Regional Council (psrc.org) PSRC collects data and develops measures of five key elements of neighborhood opportunity and positive life outcomes: Education Economic Health Housing and Neighborhood Quality Mobility and Transportation Health and Environment Opportunity Index (arcgis.com) We use the Opportunity Mapping tool in our planning work and grant funding pursuits AGENDA ITEM #7. a)Page 8 of 19 THE TRANSPORTATION PLANNING & PROGRAMMING PROCESS – PRIORITIZING PROJECT DELIVERY Prepare a six year transportation improvement plan (TIP) in alignment with the City’s bi-annual adopted budget and capital investment program (CIP)AGENDA ITEM #7. a)Page 9 of 19 State law requires the preparation and annual updating of a six-year comprehensive transportation program. The six-year plan reflects the involvement of City Citizens and Elected Officials, implements the City of Renton Mission Statement, and is used to coordinate Transportation Systems projects and programs with other jurisdictions and agencies. 2024 –2029 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AGENDA ITEM #7. a)Page 10 of 19 The annual update of the TIP helps maintain that Transportation Capital Programming and future Planning stays aligned with the City’s current goals and aspirations. What’s Happening Now? What Obstacles to Overcome? What’s the Next Target? What Should Be Happening?+=- TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMPROGRAM INPUT Maintenance and Operations Walkway and Safety Bridge and Guardrail Project Development/Planning COMMUNITY PLANS City Center Community Plan Benson Hill Community Plan Sunset Area Community Investment Strategy Downtown Civic Core Vision and Action Plan Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Capital Investment Program (CIP) Funded Priorities How much can be funded? What/Where are the needs? COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Land Use Vision How do we best plan?AGENDA ITEM #7. a)Page 11 of 19 The Transportation Systems Division creates and maintains an interconnected, multimodal network so that people and goods move safely and efficiently. Each program or project is assigned a category type, much like the Capital Investment Program (CIP): Roadway Corridor, 25% Maintenance and Preservation, 19% Operations and Safety, 26% Non-Motorized, 26% Other Programs / Planning, 4%AGENDA ITEM #7. a)Page 12 of 19 Prioritization Process The Transportation Systems Division creates and maintains an interconnected, multimodal network so that people and goods move safely and efficiently. •Addresses identified hazard •Addresses traffic safety concerns •Preventative actions to reduce injuriesSafety •Listed in existing adopted city plans/aligns with existing City policies •Supports economic developmentPlan Implementation •Essential to transportation network operations •Improves/maintains infrastructure or the network •Fills gap in facilities or networkSystem Integrity •Grant commitment/delivery needs •Prevent loss of funds •Reduces risk or liabilityFinancial •Identified as priority by elected officials •Regulator directed/court order •High rank in previous TIPDirectives •Addresses environmental impacts •Addresses development impactsMitigative AGENDA ITEM #7. a)Page 13 of 19 Funding Status Each program/project has a current FUNDING STATUS that identifies if it has funding or if it is a “candidate” project with no determined funding source at this time. The Transportation Systems Division creates and maintains an interconnected, multimodal network so that people and goods move safely and efficiently.AGENDA ITEM #7. a)Page 14 of 19 Capital Investment Program (CIP) Projects and Highlights Rainier Avenue N. Corridor Improvements –Phase 4 South 7th Street Corridor Safe Routes to Transit ProjectsAGENDA ITEM #7. a)Page 15 of 19 The Transportation Systems Division creates and maintains an interconnected, multimodal network so that people and goods move safely and efficiently. Capital Investment Program (CIP) Programs/Projects (under construction) Rainier Avenue Corridor Improvements –Phase 4 (Rainier Ave, S 3rd St to NW 3rd Pl), TIP #23-18 Improves traffic operations, reduces collisions, and provides greater ease of non-motorized and transit- based travel. Project elements include extending southbound Bus Access Transit (BAT) lanes from S 2nd St to S 3rd St, pedestrian improvements with street scaping, transit facility upgrades and the completion of a segment of a regional pedestrian/bicycle path trail known as the Lake Washington Loop Trail. Project is currently in the construction phase with anticipated completion in 2025. Existing Conditions Proposed AGENDA ITEM #7. a)Page 16 of 19 The Transportation Systems Division creates and maintains an interconnected, multimodal network so that people and goods move safely and efficiently. Capital Investment Program (CIP) Programs/Projects, (in Design phase) South 7th Street Corridor Improvements (Oakesdale Ave SW to Burnett Ave S), TIP #23-23 Creates a designated east-west pedestrian/bicycle route through the City’s commercial core and an important link between regional trails. Project is currently in the Design phase with construction to begin in Q3 2024 and completed in 2025. The project is funded by a combination of local, State (Sound Transit) and Federal (FHWA/Surface Transportation Program) grant sources. Current Conditions Missing Sidewalk/Path AGENDA ITEM #7. a)Page 17 of 19 The Transportation Systems Division creates and maintains an interconnected, multimodal network so that people and goods move safely and efficiently. Capital Investment Program (CIP) Programs/Projects, In Process Traffic Safety Program -(Safe Routes to Transit & Traffic Calming), TIP #23-07, 23-07.1, 23-07.2 Addresses traffic safety concerns, increases pedestrian/bicycle safety, and helps encourage responsible driving through engineering. The Safe Routes to Transit project is a sub-project of this program and aims to improve safety, convenience and accessibility for people walking, bicycling and using assistive mobility devices (such as wheelchairs or walkers) to connect to transit services and facilities. King County Metro compensated the City for design ($1,500,000) and the City is completing construction of the projects as funding becomes available. Currently 7 of the 17 locations included in the project are complete with work ongoing for the other locations. The Traffic Calming Program specifically targets speeding in or around residential areas by utilizing traffic calming devices, such as signing, curbing, pavement markings, crosswalks, speed cushions or mini-roundabouts, as appropriate. This is an on-going program. AGENDA ITEM #7. a)Page 18 of 19 Questions? Thank you The Transportation Systems Division creates and maintains an interconnected, multimodal network so that people and goods move safely and efficiently.AGENDA ITEM #7. a)Page 19 of 19