HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN_Operational Plan_St Anthony's CWCS_231128_v1.pdfOperational Plan for REACH and Emergency Cold Weather Shelter · Description of homeless population to be served Renton Ecumenical Association of Churches (REACH) clients who seek services through REACH are described as the chronically homeless population. The individuals within this population often deal with disabling conditions such as physical, mental, and/or substance abuse. Cold Weather Shelter here forth known as CWS – a City of Renton/Human Services operation: During the months of November through March the City of Renton is on CWS alert to serve those homeless clients that are unsheltered in the event of inclement weather. CWS open 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. A max of 40 individuals will be allowed in the space. · Statement of operators experience at providing homeless services REACH is an organization that provides services to clients who are impacted by homelessness. The organization operates REACH Center of Hope shelter and had previously operated the Meal Coalition. REACH Center of Hope, which began in 2013, provides 13- hour overnight shelter service for families impacted by homelessness. The beginning foundation of REACH Meal Coalition began in 2013 when local leaders formed a group to explore how meals were provided to the homeless population in Renton. REACH provided the Meal Coalition at the 300 Rainier building for many years until October 2023. · Standard operating procedures plan including how it will be used, description of staffing, description of known funders, description of intake procedures, plan for encouraging prospective occupants to provide personal ID info for inclusion in the Homeless Management Information System REACH to provide a severe emergency overnight cold weather shelter for Renton's vulnerable homeless population. The overnight shelter will be at St. Anthony's Church Recreation Hall at 501 S. 4th St. Renton, WA 98057 when available. REACH will provide a minimum of 2 staff members to operate the severe emergency overnight cold weather shelter between November 1, 2023, and May 1, 2024. The shelter will be activated by the City in accordance with the most recent City of Renton Overnight Emergency Shelter Activation Procedures. The current procedures are based on: •Daily high temperature is forecast to be 35° F or below and daily low temperature is forecast to be 30° F or below for one or more days; •Snow accumulation expected to exceed four (4) inches in depth; •Other conditions deemed severe enough to present a substantial threat to the life or health of homeless persons, AND •At least one other shelter in South King County has been activated. REACH receives funding from the City of Renton for the Center of Hope shelter and the Meal Coalition. · Identify a primary point of operator contact to be used by City and neighbors REACH Interim Executive Director, Fenice Fergoso; 206-657-0484 City of Renton, Human Services Manager, Guy Williams, 425-430-6652 · Description of how the operator will inform and educate occupants of the services use regarding the code of conduct Behavior expectations are explained verbally to clients by REACH staff. · Description of consequences to imposed for violating the code of conduct Violations of the code of conduct result in verbal warnings given by REACH staff to the client outlining the offense. If after receiving two verbal warnings a client violates the code of conduct for a third time, s/he is trespassed for 30 days. In all instances REACH employees use de-escalation techniques as much as possible. · A safety and security plan describing measures that the operator will employ to promote the safety of shelter occupants and surrounding residents and businesses including; REACH staff actively monitor the premises during hours of overnight shelter and encourage clients to follow the code of conduct. In case of life threatening emergency situations REACH employees contact 911 for assistance. Safety precautions during COVID: REACH agrees that it will follow precautions recommended for coronavirus (COVID-19) prevention. REACH will comply with social distancing and other guidance from federal, state, and local health authorities for preventing the spread of COVID-19. REACH will ensure City supplied sleeping mats and cots are arranged to ensure a minimum of 6 feet distancing and encourage and promote head-to-toe sleeping when possible. REACH will assign mats and cots to the same person if possible or disinfect between use. Criteria for removal of individual REACH staff actively monitor the premises during the hours of the overnight shelter. Any violation of the code of conduct results in a verbal warning. If the infraction is one involving physical danger or threat to other clients, staff or volunteers, the client is told to leave the premises immediately. If needed we contact the Renton Police Department for help. Plan to address any behavior exhibited by clients of the service that constitutes a threat to an employee or other occupant. REACH staff are trained in de-escalation techniques which are used whenever needed. If the situation cannot be safely defused the offending client(s) is asked to leave the premises. If needed on an emergency basis we contact the Renton Police Department for help. Plan for deployment of security patrols We have a minimum of 2 REACH staff members who actively monitor the site during our hours of shelter operation (REACH does not employ security patrols). Plan for managing individuals excluded from accessing the service REACH maintains a list of individuals who have been trespassed from the site. Plan for addressing reported concerns and documenting resolution and sharing the info with neighbors. Identification of performance metrics that will be used to track compliance with safety and security plan •REACH supervisor informs the REACH program manager of any situations involving safety and/or security issues. •REACH Program manager makes regular site inspections. •REACH staff fills out an incident report at the end of a shift if any serious conflicts arise. •We share any major issues with City of Renton if it impacts city property or agreement.