HomeMy WebLinkAboutRFQ - Details Request for Qualifications Pavilion Lease and Operating Agreement City of Renton Public Works/Facilities December 2023 City of Renton Request for Qualifications Lease and Operating Agreement Development for a Year-Round Pavilion Market and Food Hall Redevelopment Submittal Deadline: January 8th, 2024 INTRODUCTION: The City of Renton is currently seeking Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from experienced consultants to collaborate on formulating a comprehensive Lease and Operating Agreement documents essential for revitalizing Renton's iconic Pavilion. This historic 14,770-square-foot edifice, an invaluable municipal asset, is proudly owned by the city and prominently situated in the heart of downtown Renton at 233 Burnett Avenue South. The Lease and Operating Agreement documents we are seeking to create will play a pivotal role in defining the terms, responsibilities, and operational guidelines for the redevelopment and ongoing management of the Pavilion. These Lease and Operating Agreement documents are integral to realizing the City of Renton's vision for the Pavilion, and we are seeking a qualified consultant to work closely with us in crafting these documents to benefit our community and stakeholders. BACKGROUND: The City of Renton (City) desires to create a Master Lease, sublease, and Operating Agreement for the redevelopment of the Pavilion as proposed in the City of Renton's Downtown Core Vision Plan approved in 2018 (link below). Renton Downtown Core Vision and Action Plan The Vision is to create a successful Renton Public Market and Food Hall that is owned by the City and leased as a Public Market to a selected Master Tenant to sublease and operate as a community/regional market hub featuring specialty shops, eateries, local artisans, and regional food vendors, centered in the Pavilion and possibly spilling out to the adjacent public Piazza Plaza in an open-air environment. Other markets, which typically feature as "best places" in their regions, may serve as a possible example for our Vision, including Seattle's Pike Place Market, Milwaukee Public Market, Oxbow Public Market in Napa, Reading Terminal Market in Philadelphia, and smaller local examples like Pybus Public Market in Wenatchee WA and Point Ruston Public Market near Tacoma WA. The key difference is that many of these are owned and operated by special purpose districts, non-profits, or private owners. Renton's will be unique as a municipally owned facility leased to tenants with subleases and subtenants that fulfill the City's Vision and plans for the Pavilion. Exhibit A is the conceptual design of the marketplace. This concept will be used for developing advanced design and construction plans and documentation over the next year. SCOPE OF WORK: The selected Consultant will provide the necessary services to assist in the preparation of a Master Lease, sublease, and operator agreement to be used for the Pavilion Market and Food Hall. 1. Preparation of Master Lease, Sublease, and Operator Agreement: • The selected Consultant will draft and assist with finalized drafts of the Master Lease, Sublease, and Operator Agreement documents for the Pavilion Market and Food Hall. These documents will establish the legal and operational framework for the project. 2. Guidance and Best Practices: • The selected Consultant will provide guidance and best practices based on their experience and industry knowledge for similar agreements. This may include reviewing successful agreements from comparable projects and advising on the incorporation of relevant clauses and terms. 3. Collaboration with City Staff and Operator: • The selected Consultant will work closely with both City staff and the intended operator to ensure that the agreements meet the needs and expectations of both parties. This collaboration is essential to align interests and ensure satisfaction on both sides. 4. Key Components Addressed and Negotiated: • The selected Consultant should have an in-depth understanding of the key components that need to be addressed and negotiated in such agreements. These components may include rent, lease duration, maintenance responsibilities, insurance requirements, dispute resolution mechanisms, and more. Including but not limited to the following (if applicable) The selected Consultant will provide all necessary services to develop a Master Lease, sublease, and Operating Agreement acceptable to the city, that include but are not limited to the following: • Market Rate for Tenant and Sub Tenants • City compensation % of Gross Receipts • City compensation % of Subleases • Other compensation • City Requirements • Use of Premises and permitted uses. (What should the Pavilion look like as a Project when it is fully leased and used.) • Payment of Utilities • Tax Payments, including Leasehold Excise Tax (LET) • Financial Records Complete accounting and record keeping for all • Construction by City and Tenant Construction /Capital Improvements /Remodeling • Terms of Operation • Parking Provisions • Indemnity and Insurance requirements • Prevailing Wages • Assignment and Subleasing • Terms of Default • Special provisions • Miscellaneous • Tenant Obligations • Sublease Obligations • Landlord Obligations • Building and Operating Hours • Customer Service and Operation Plan to address customer and employee parking management issues, deliveries, trash handling, and hours of operation. • Prohibited Uses examples include a) use of the space for raves, b) charging a cover charge or requiring a donation to gain entry to the Restaurant, and c) engaging in any activity that violates the Rules and Regulations. • Maintenance/Repairs During the term of the Lease, the tenant shall be responsible for all improvements, maintenance, repairs, Heating, Ventilation, and air Conditioning systems; Electrical systems and lighting; Plumbing; Fire/Life Safety systems; and all other building systems, equipment, envelope, exterior, grounds, and structural elements and operating expenses, including any non-exclusive • Janitorial/custodial services, including evening and day porter cleaning services; trash removal; carpet cleaning; window washing; pest control, and related services. • Security services, including administration/enforcement of access control procedures; visitor check-in/screening; response to emergency situations and safety hazards; operation and maintenance of security-related equipment and systems; and any other standard security services normally associated with protecting people and property. Such services are to be provided by uniformed, unarmed contract security guards. • Use of Sidewalks and city owned public spaces • Security Deposit • Hazardous Materials • Assignment/Sublease: The City of Renton will have the right to approve any assignment, sublease, or transfer of the Lease, subject to any participation provisions. • Recommendations on market, performance, and financial analysis. • Other considerations that are important for the city as landlord and/or to further the project’s goals and ensure success. 5. Recommendations for Market, Performance, and Financial Analysis: • The selected Consultant will offer recommendations on market analysis, performance metrics, and financial analysis. This information will be integrated into the Operator Agreement to establish performance measures and ensure the long-term success of the Pavilion Market and Food Hall. 6. Market Analysis: • This may involve conducting or reviewing a market analysis to understand the demand for the types of services and goods to be offered at the Pavilion Market and Food Hall. Recommendations for the tenant mix, pricing strategies, and market positioning may be included. 7. Performance Metrics: • The selected Consultant will suggest and define performance metrics that the operator must meet. These metrics could include revenue targets, visitor counts, tenant satisfaction, and more. 8. Financial Analysis: • Financial analysis may encompass reviewing the financial viability of the project. This could involve revenue projections, cost assessments, and the establishment of financial safeguards for both the City and the operator. 9. Long-Term Success: • The primary objective is to ensure the long-term success of the Market and Food Hall. The selected Consultant will work to create an agreement structure that supports this goal and minimizes potential issues that could arise over the course of the lease. In summary, the selected Consultant will provide services to create a robust operating and leasing structure for the Pavilion Market and Food Hall project. The selected Consultant will draw on its experience and expertise to draft agreements, guide negotiations, and provide insights to support the successful operation of the facility. This approach will help ensure that the City's objectives are met while meeting the needs of the operator. STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS: The city intends to select a consultant based on team and personnel qualifications, familiarity with the City of Renton, past or current projects of similar function and size, and demonstrated ability to complete work within budget and on time. Once the City has reviewed the qualifications, one or more Consultants may be requested to provide additional information and/or participate in an interview process. SOQs are due by January 8th, 2024. The city will evaluate the SOQs and select the most qualified Consultant(s) to proceed with the next step in the selection process. The final selection will be made by City staff, based on the written SOQ and interview as determined necessary by the city. Applicants are to limit their submissions to no more than twenty (20) pages total, including examples and any supplements – but excluding front cover sheet. SUBMITTAL DEADLINE: The City must receive Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) by January 8th, 2024 SOQ’s are to be emailed to the address listed below. Please direct all questions to Jeffrey Minisci, Facilities Director Coordinator via email below. City of Renton Attention Jeffrey Minisci 1055 South Grady Way 5th Floor, Public Works Renton, WA 98057-3232 jminisci@rentonwa.gov SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: 1) Letter of Interest: The cover letter shall briefly summarize the Consultant’s qualifications and past experience relevant to the scope. A principal or officer of the Consultant authorized to execute contracts or other similar documents on the Consultant’s behalf must sign the letter. 2) Evidence of Consultant’s ability to perform the required services. 3) Outline your experience on projects of similar scope and size. 4) Describe your overall approach, including organization and work tasks necessary to accomplish the objectives. 5) Provide a proposed schedule to complete the work. Include all points the city will need to be ready to participate. 6) Define all deliverables the city will receive. 7) Identify qualifications/expertise of the key personnel on your team; and evidence of availability of staff to begin immediately upon awarding of the contract. 8) Provide a list of key personnel, indicating the specific role of each, and clearly identify your Project Manager. 9) Provide a professional resume for each of the named key personnel, indicating the extent of his/her experience on projects related to this type of work. 10) Provide a proposed schedule to complete the proposed work. Define the role and requirements for City staff necessary to meet the proposed schedule. a) Provide reference contact names, phone numbers, and addresses related to the above prior projects. CONSULTANT EVALUATION CRITERIA: Consultant’s SOQ will be evaluated based on the criteria listed in this section. In preparing the SOQ, it is important to clearly demonstrate expertise in the areas described in this document. The SOQ must demonstrate expertise and Consultants must have available adequate, experienced, personnel in all areas described in the appropriate discipline either through in-house staff or with sub-consultants. Consultants are encouraged to identify and clearly label in their SOQ how each criterion is being fully addressed. Evaluation of responses to this RFQ will be based only on the information provided in the SOQ package, and if applicable, during an interview and reference review process. The City reserves the right to request additional information or documentation from the Consultant regarding its SOQ documents, personnel, or other items, to complete the selection process. Evaluation Criteria Weighting Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) a) Project Staff Qualifications on Relevant Projects. b) Consultant Experience on Relevant Projects. c) Project approach. The Consultant determined most qualified based on the SOQ and interview (if required) will be required to enter into a standard City of Renton Professional Services Agreement. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: 1) All SOQs received will become the property of the City and are considered public records and subject to public disclosure under the Public Records Act (RCW 42.56) 2) The City reserves the right to waive as informally any irregularities in SOQs and/or to reject any or all submittals. SELECTION PROCESS: The selection committee will evaluate each SOQ according to the above criteria and may conduct reference checks as part of the process. 1) This solicitation does not obligate the City to award a Contract to any respondent. At its option, the City reserves the right to waive as informality any irregularities in the SOQs and/or to reject any or all submittals. 2) The City reserves the right to request clarification of information submitted and to request additional information from any Consultant. 3) The City reserves the right to stop negotiations and award the contract to the next most qualified Consultant at any time if the successful candidate Consultant does not execute a contract within the time established by the City from the date of the Notice of Intent to Award. 4) The City shall not be responsible for any costs incurred by the Consultant in preparing, submitting, or presenting its response to the RFQ. 5) Approximate Selection Timeline: SOQ Deadline: January 8th, 2024 SOQ Review Complete and Interviews (as required) January 22nd, 2024 Professional Services Agreement Executed: February 2024 SOCIOECONOMIC: 1. Prime Contractor Requirements: If subcontracts are to be let, the prime contractor is required to take all necessary steps identified in 2 C.F.R. § 200.321(b)(1)-(5) to ensure that small and minority businesses, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area Consultants are used when possible. 2. Delivery Schedules: City is to receive all documents per the executed Professional Services Agreement by August 01, 2024. SYSTEM FOR AWARD MANAGEMENT (SAM): 1. To become a prime contractor for this project, the Contractor shall be registered with the System for Award Management (SAM) prior to the award of this contract. The Contractor shall maintain an active and up-to-date SAM registration throughout the duration of this contract. 2. The Contractor is responsible for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of their SAM registration. Any changes to the registration information must be promptly updated in SAM. Failure to maintain an active and accurate SAM registration may result in contract non-compliance and may impact the Contractor's eligibility for award, continuation, or payment under this contract. CERTIFICATION REGARDING FEDERAL DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION STATUS: 1. “Consultant affirms that neither it nor its principals nor its subcontractors and their principals: (1) are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from the award of contracts by any federal department or agency; (2) have within a 3-year period preceding any partially or wholly federally funded contract been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local) contract or subcontract; been in violation of federal or state antitrust statutes, or been convicted of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (federal, state, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in (2) above; and, (3) have within a 3-year period preceding an award of any partially or wholly federally funded contract, had one or more contracts terminated for cause or default by any federal or state agency. Consultant further promises that if it or its principals in the future are debarred or suspended from eligibility of award by the federal government that it shall within 3 days notify the City of such change in status.” ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION: 1) Minority-owned and Women-owned Business Enterprises: The City strongly encourages minority owned and women owned businesses, socially and economically disadvantaged business enterprises, and small businesses to respond to this RFQ, to participate as partners, or to participate in other business activity in response to this RFQ. 2) Basic Eligibility: Any successful Consultant must be licensed to do business in the State of Washington, the City of Renton and must have a state Unified Business Identifier (UBI) number. In addition, the successful Consultant must not be debarred, suspended, or otherwise ineligible to contract with the City. 3) Approval of Sub-Consultants: The City retains the right of final approval of any sub-consultant of the selected Consultant who must inform all sub-consultants of this provision. 4) Documents Produced: All project drawings, reports, specifications, and other documents produced under Contract to the City shall become the exclusive property of the City. 5) City Contract: The selected consultant will be required to enter into the attached City Professional Services Template which may be updated. END OF REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS